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I1. Succinct, engaging introduction to the

topic; sound grasp of the essay topic is
I2. Clear outline of scope and purpose of the
D1. Discussion is dealt with in depth ie.
analysis, interpretation, critique &/or
creative ideas.
D2. Excellent insightful discussion,
particularly regarding.
D3. Ideas & assertions are very well
supported by argument, research &/or

I 3. Appropriate introduction that meets the


I5. Topic is poorly introduced

I4. Satisfactory outline of scope and purpose

of the paper.

I6. Scope & purpose of the paper essay is

not clear.

D4. Topic is adequately addressed.

D7. Topic is inadequately addressed.

D5. Relevant issue have been addressed.

D8. Superficial, descriptive discussion;

critical analysis & synthesis is not evident.
D9. Generalisations are made without
supporting evidence. Support your
assertions with argument, research finding
or reference.

D6. Ideas and assertions clearly stated with

adequate support from argument, research
&/or references.

A1. A thorough analysis and critique of
relevant issues.
A2. Critical analysis and synthesis is

A4. Key themes/issues are identified and

A5. Satisfactory description and discussion
of relevant issues.

A3. Excellent use of the literature to support

your discussion and views.

A6. Discussion is supported by argument

and appropriate references.

U1. Understanding is evident; accurate
definitions and explanations of terms /
concepts used.
U2. Excellent use of relevant theory to
support your discussion.
U3. Implications and relevance for nursing
practice clearly identified.
C1. Conclusion is logically drawn from
preceding discussion and is related to the

A7. Key themes/issues not identified or

A8. Lack of clear argument. It is not
apparent that the main points are
A9. You need to make more specific use of
the reading and content from the topic to
support your discussion.

U4. Definitions and explanations of terms /

concepts are used appropriately.

U7. An understanding of the issue is not


U5. Relevant theory used appropriately to

support your discussion.
U6. Implications and relevance for nursing
practice made.

U8. Insufficient use of theory in your

U9. Implications and relevance for nursing
practice insufficiently addressed.

C3. Conclusion summaries main point of the


C5. Conclusion draws on new material or is

not related to the preceding discussion or

aim of the paper as stated in the

C2. Succinct summary of the main points of
the paper & their relevance and implications
for practice.

the papers aim.

C4. Satisfactory summary of the main points
of the paper & their relevance.

C6. Conclusion is not clear, not stated;

relevance and implications are not

R1. Excellent and appropriate range of
literature consulted.

R4. The literature/evidence used to support

your position is appropriate.

R7. Insufficient relevant sources


R2. You have used a wide-range of relevant

literature to inform this assignment.

R5. Adequate number of relevant sources


R3. Wide reading and careful reflection of

the issues is evident.
W1. Excellent paper. Logical structure;
material is well organised and sequenced;
no superfluous information.
W2. A well and structured paper that
highlights your thinking and addresses the
assessment requirements.

R6. Referencing conforms to Harvard

Referencing Style.

R8. This reference is dated. Unless a seminal

work use material published in last six
R9. Harvard Referencing system not
adhered to. See the guide on FLO.

W3. A well written, logically structured

paper. Interesting to read.
W4. Avoid long sentences as the meaning
you are trying to convey can be lost.
W5. Avoid one sentence paragraphs as they
disrupt the flow of your paper. If a point is
worth raising it should be given more
discussion. State your idea or point, and
then follow with your discussion or

W6. Poor sentence or paragraph structure.

Unclear writing style, difficult to read &
W7. The writing style is conversational /
colloquial. A formal academic writing style is
W8. I advise you to seek writing assistance
from the Student Learning Centre. See:
W9. Some minor problems with sentence
and paragraph construction.

G1. An excellent paper that clearly
G3. A satisfactory paper that meets the
addresses the assessment requirements and assessment requirements and demonstrates
demonstrates you have a good
an understanding of the topic.
understanding of the topic.
G2. Congratulations on producing an
G4. A well written paper which clearly shows
excellent paper which demonstrates a
the development of your thinking.
thorough understanding of the topic.
X1. You have not submitted your paper to
SafeAssignment as required.
X2. You have not included the marking rubric as required.

G5. Paper does not meet the assignment

requirements. You are required to resubmit.
G6. Your paper is too long. It needs to be
more concise and focused specifically on the

X3. You have not included an assignment coversheet as

Prepared by Pat Barkway, School of Nursing and Midwifery

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