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Problems on bulk deformation processes-II

Q.1 Wire is drawn through a draw die with entrance angle = 15o. Starting
diameter is 2.5 mm, and final diameter = 2.0 mm. the coefficient of friction at
the work die interface = 0.07. The metal has a strength coefficient K = 205
MPa and a strain hardening exponent n = 0.20. Determine the draw stress
and draw force in this operation and maximum reduction per pass.
Solution: Because of presence of friction in drawing, the work piece experices
inhomogeneous deformation. Therefore, we must take into consideration this
inhomogeneous deformation, which is done by using a parameter called ,

= 0.88 + 0.12


For, D = 2.25 mm and LC = 1.0 mm,

= 0.88 + 0.12
= 1.15

The areas before and after drawing are computed as Ao = 4.91 mm2 and

= 3.14

mm . The resulting true strain = In (4.91/3.14) = 0.446. And the average flow
stress in the operation is computed:

Yf =

205(0.446) 0.20
= 145MPa

Draw stress is given by

d = 145.4(1 +
)(1.15)(0.446) = 94.1MPa
tan 15
to take the inhomogenous deformation into consideration. Finally, the draw force
is this stress multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the exiting wire:
F = 94.1 (3.14) = 295.5 N.
Maximum Reduction per Pass A question that may occur to the reader is: Why
is more than one step required to achieve the desired reduction in wire drawing?
Why not take the entire reduction in a single pass through one die, as in

extrusion? The answer can be explained as follows. From the preceding

equations, it is clear that as the reduction increases, draw stress increases. If the
reduction is large enough, draw stress will exceed the yield strength of the exiting
metal. When that happens, the drawn wire will simply elongate instead of new
material being squeezed through the die opening. For wire drawing to be
successful, maximum draw stress must be less than the yield strength of the
exiting metal.
It is a straightforward matter to determine this maximum draw stress and the
resulting maximum possible reduction that can be made in one pass, under certain
assumptions. Let us assume a perfectly plastic metal (n = 0), no friction, and no
redundant work. In this ideal case, the maximum possible draw stress is equal to
the yield strength of the work material. Expressing this using the equation for
draw stress under conditions of ideal deformation, Eq. (19.31), and setting Yf =Y
(because n = 0),
d = Y f ln( 0 ) = Y ln(
) =Y
1 r
This means that In (A0/Af) = ln (1/(1 r)) = 1. Hence. A0/Af = 1/ (1 r) must
equal the natural logarithm base e. that is, the maximum possible strain is 1.0:
max =1.0


The maximum possible area ratio is

= e = 2.7183


And the maximum possible reduction is

rmax =

e 1
= 0.632


The value given by Eq, (3) is often used as the theoretical maximum reduction
possible in a single draw, even though it ignores the effects of friction and
redundant work, which would reduce the maximum possible value, and strain
hardening, which would increase the maximum possible reduction because the
exiting wire would be stronger than the starting metal. In practice, draw
reductions per pass are quite below the theoretical limit. Reductions of 0.50 for
single-draft bar drawing and 0.30 for multiple-draft wire drawing seem to be the
upper limits in industrial operations.

Q.2 .A round disk of 150 mm diameter is to be blanked from a strip of 3.2

mm half hard cold rolled steel whose shear strength = 310 MPa. Determine
(a) the appropriate punch and die diameters, and (b) blanking force.
Solution: (a) The clearance allowance for half cold rolled steel is given by
c = at, where a = constant= 0.075 and t= thickness. Accordingly,
c = 0.075 (3.2 mm) = 0.24 mm
The blank is to have a diameter = 150 mm, and die size determines blank size.

Die opening diameter = 150.00 mm

Punch diameter = 150 2(0.24) = 149.52 mm
(b) To determine the blanking force, we assume that the entire perimeter of the
part is blanked at one time. The length of the cut edge is
L = Db = 150 = 417.2
And the force is
F = 310(471.2) (3.2) = 467, 469 N (This is about 53 tons)

Q.3. A drawing operation is used to from a cylindrical cup with inside

diameter = 75 mm and height = 50 mm. The starting blank size = 138 mm
and the stock thickness = 24 mm. Based on these data, is the operation

Drawing ratio is given by

DR = 138 / 75 = 1.84

R= (138-75)138 =0.4565
t/Db = 2.4/138 =0.017

According to these measures, the drawing operation is feasible. The drawing ratio
is less than 2.0, the reduction is less than 50%, and the t/Db ratio is greater than
1%. These are general guidelines frequently used to indicate technical feasibility.
The drawing force required to perform a given operation can be estimated
roughly by this formula.
F = Db t (TS )( b 0.7)
Where F = drawing force, N (lb); t = original blank thickness, mm (in); TS =
tensile strength, MPa (lb/in.2); and Db and Dp are the starting blank diameter and
punch diameter, respectively, mm (in). The constant 0.7 is a correction factor to
account for friction. Eq. (1) estimates the maximum force in the operation. The
drawing force varies throughout the downward movement of the punch, usually
reaching its maximum value at about one-third the length of the punch stroke.
The holding force is an important factor in a drawing operation. As a rough
approximation, the holding pressure can be set at a value = 0.015 of the yield
strength of the sheet metal. This value is then multiplied by that portion of the
starting area of the blank that is to be held by the blank holder. In equation form,
Fh = 0.015Y {Db2 ( D p + 2.2t + 2 Rd ) 2 }

Where = holding force in drawing, N (lb); Y = yield strength of the sheet metal,
MPa (lb/in.2); 1= starting stock thickness, mm (in);
= die corner radius, mm
(in); and the other terms have been previously defined. The holding force is
usually about one-third the drawing force.

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