Grammar Reported Speech

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El Estilo indirecto o Reported speech es una estructura que se emplea cuando queremos decir o
hacer mencin sobre algo que alguien ha dicho previamente.
Direct speech

Reported speech

"I always drink coffee". She said.

She said that she always drank coffee.

Para hacer mencin sobre lo que alguien ha dicho usamos verbos como explain, promise, say,
tell, suggest... Aunque los ms utilizados son say y tell.
Para introducir lo que ha dicho, usamos that aunque muchas veces se puede omitir esta
Tabla de cambios que sufre el verbo:
Direct speech

Reported speech

present simple

past simple

I am happy

He said he was happy

I sleep

He said he slept

present continuos
I am feeling happy

past continuos

He said he was feeling happy

I am sleeping

He said he was sleeping

past simple

past perfect

I was happy

He said he had been happy

I slept

He said he had slept

present perfect

past perfect

I have been happy

He said he had been happy

I have slept

He said he had slept

present perfect continuos

past perfect continuos

I have been feeling happy

He said he had been feeling happy

I have been sleeping

He said he had been sleeping


simple conditional

I will be happy

He said he would be happy

I will sleep

He said he would sleep

future perfect

simple conditional perfect

I will have been happy

He said he would have been happy

I will have sleep

He said he would have slept

Verbos modales

Direct speech
I can sleep
I may sleep
I will sleep
I must sleep

Reported speech

He said he could sleep
He said he might sleep
He said he would sleep
He said he had to sleep

Cambios que pueden sufrir algunas partculas de lugar y tiempo:


at that moment, then


that night


that day

last night

the night before

this morning

that morning

this week

that week

next week

the following week

next year

the year after



Reported Speech: questions

En las oraciones interrogativas usamos el mismo orden gramatical: el sujeto va despus del
verbo pero no es necesario usar el auxiliar "do" o "did".
Direct speech

Reported speech

"Where do Susan and Ann work?"

He asked me where Susan and Ann


Yes / no questions
Reported speech

Direct speech

'ask' + 'if / whether + clause

"Do you speak English?"

He asked me if I spoke English.

"Are you British or American?"

He asked me whether I was British or American.

"Is it raining?"

She asked if it was raining.

"Have you got a computer?"

He wanted to know whether I had a computer.

"Can you type?"

She asked if I could type.

"Did you come by train?"

He enquired whether I had come by train.

"Have you been to Bristol before?"

She asked if I had been to Bristol before.

IMPERATIVE: Orders and requests

Direct speech

Reported speech

Stay in bed for a few days

The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days

Dont shout

I told Jim not to shout

Steve told me
1.Im living in London
2. My father isnt very well
3. Rachel and Mark are getting married next month
4. My sister has had a baby

5. I dont know what Frank is doing
6. I saw Helen at a party in June and she seemed fine
7. I havent seen Diane recently
8.Im not enjoying my job very much.
9. Dont wait for me if Im late
10. You can come and stay at my place if youre ever in London
11. My car was stolen a few days ago.
12. I want to go on holiday, but I cant afford it
13. Ill tell Chris I saw you
14. Mind your own business
15. Dont worry, Sue
16.Please slow down!
17. Can you open your bag, please?
18. Will you marry me?
19. Do you think you could give me a hand, tom?
20. Where is Susan?

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