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The Tide Turns

January 686
Egill the Reds blood was up. He and his Varyag kin had been
desperate for vengeance for weeks now. The North Born had betrayed
their agreement, and only blood could settle the debt. The admiral of the
Sea Barons had paid them well for their aid, and if he had not done so
they would already be in the north burning their cities and villages. They
had landed in the night in a secluded bay to the north of Thilasia,
marched for hours through woodland under the cover of darkness, and
they only settled down to get what sleep they could once the walls of
Thilasia could be seen in the moonlight. The Sea Barons had told them
that the enemy witches were blind to the army and that they were being
killed by the superior magics of the Alliance of Light, but Egill knew they
were wrong. He had seen a raven land on the prow of his Eagle Ship as
they had beached, and he knew that Oden was protecting them. They
would spill much blood in his name, and the souls of the North Born
would serve his ancestors in the great feasting halls of Oden.
He tucked his lucky raven claw inside his scale armour and began
to stir his men. The sun had been up for a few hours now, and the
enemy forces were finally preparing to assault the breach. He could not
see the breach clearly from the treeline, but could see the rubble that
created a ramp to its walls. It did not surprise him that the assault was
taking this long to start, for it took much bravery to storm a breach. He
almost respected the enemy for that bravery, almost. The enemy cavalry
seemed to be heading to the north-west at haste, in reaction to other
parts of the great strategy that would be enacted this day, but that was
for others to be concerned with.
The enemy had finished forming up and began their slow march to
death. Egill turned to his men, put his finger to his lips and waved them
to advance. Behind him marched over seven thousand men, most of

whom were Varyag shield-brothers from either his fleet or Eruges, but
some were of the Sea Barons and others from Thilasias navy. He had
advised they march in support of his men so they could learn how the
Varyag fight, but in truth he didnt want them to get in the way. Eruge led
his men on Egills right flank, and though he had not fought for a few
years Egill could tell he was still in his prime. His men were as well
trained as Egills own and were of a greater number. It mattered not,
Varyag were never rivals when there was an enemy to destroy, and the
blood feud with the North Born would take years to complete.
Egill couldnt believe how well the Alliance plan was coming
together. His force was now out in the open, marching at a fast pace to
their target, and still the enemy had not seen them. In minutes they
would be in battle and they were so focused on the breach that they
didnt look to the north. The war horns and bells of the city now began to
make their noise, and above it all the sound of war and death could be
heard. A mass of men were crowding around the breach, all pressing
forward to get away from the archers and engines of the defenders.
Every few moments screams like those a sea banshee would make
could be heard over the din, as hot oils and fire were rained down from
the walls. Still the enemy pushed on, their losses meaningless to their
The Varyags targets were almost close enough to smell when
Egills war cry bellowed out. His jog had turned in to a run, and then a
charge. The North Born reserves were turning in panic as he impacted
with the first of them. He heard the mans body shatter under the impact
of his fully armoured form, but he was past him without thinking, his
battle axe taking out the spine of a man who did not turn fast enough.
On he pressed into the unprepared mass of North Born, hacking with his
axe, smashing with his shield, breaking and biting and screaming Odens
name over and over. The men behind him performed just as well, and
within minutes the fight was over. Not a single man had been spared. He
looked towards the city and saw the west gate open with thousands of
troops spilling out in haste, deploying to flank the North Born assault.
Raising his axe once more and bellowing Odens name he charged to
their aid.

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