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Shan State National Flag

q.ryf Od f c.ibf oDbnOfce

dk ;f qkid jf wB;
Restoration Council of Shan State Flag
1. Light blue basic color of RCSS, peace and
permanent unity.
2. Octagon star- all Shan State nationalities, generosity,
honesty, equality and justice.

1. SISm
W ,] num,]


q ,] sQc,] -

tI:pWc,] eKL:yUci ;] ma}smW p] wi K] cW ,] SI,Aw]Kn

iu ;] suci :] t};ma}Tciu ] SIcw]:Kam],pun
i .] pL,tI,kan]mciU ;] R.C.S.S"
yum,] ym]lcW :] kt];yQn"]
] cW :] PWm.] hBm:] sUwi .] sat]: An]m;I tac];mn]:kqn,] nqn:] nL TL,wr"
tac]twU k] :U saw];KUwi ;] sQt;] luk:] wn]; pqt,] rL,hB."
kU:saw];KUwi ;] nC;] suci :] t}; mI;nm].sCe] s,tnL, PUki ,] sun
i :] Kaw]St
]C L,eS,"
yum,] ym]lcW :] kt];yQne] S Tac],hac]:pUk;] pWcs
] wiU .] sat]:wan]:mUci ;] lUv:]
JtL;PQc,] pQc;] kn]"

q.ryf Od f wyfoh udk ;f qkid jf wB;

Shan State Army Flag
1. Red- bravery and courageous spirit.
2. White- honesty, purity and gentleness.
3. Octagon star all Shan State people.
4. Musket- soldiers
5. Sword- civilians, to protect our homeland, soldiers
and civilians take the responsibility together.

tI:pWc],eKL:yUic];ma}sWm]piw]tp].Suik];suic]:t};1. SIlc
q ]
- ma}Tciu ] Suki ;] mI;tc];ht];han]tL,eS,"
2. SIKaw]
- ma}Tciu ] Suki ;] mI;sCP
] kiU ,] sun
i :] Kaw]SE]C l: Suwi :] yUw;] "
3. law]pt
q ,] sQc,] - ma}Tciu ] kUn;] mUci ;] suci :] t}; sQt;] luk:] wn];pqt,] rL,hB."
4. kWc:]
- ma}Tciu ] Suki ;] El:
5. lqw;]
- ma}Tciu ] kUn;] mUci ;] eS tL,etkqt,] EKEh.kc]: sUwi .] sat]:wan]:mUci ;] nn].
Suki ;] El:kUn;] mUci ;] hBm:] hgm;] puci :] Aick] n]ny
} ,U yw]."

kC a m] ; nm] ;
kUn;] mUci ;] t};n}. pun
i ;] Am],yam]:pQnk] n
U ;] mUki ;] lUci ;] mL;El: pQnk] n
U ;] An]m;I sn].Suc]
mI;lWc:] yQn,] Ec:AUn:] AWn,] nL, yum.] eSkp];Supi ,] kn]' Aw]nL:yum.] SUc,] mqt.] tL,etL,kn]
mL;yU,tL,eS,' kUn;] mUci ;] t};yU,tI:mUci ;] SPL,wkt];yQnE] l: SUcy
] ,U kt];yU,yQnA
] m],KC:] Suk.]
yuc]:lWc]:pUin]:' sC]yaw];sC]yUin].kn]:Suc]" TWm],kCam];Sc],SWn]KWc]put].Tsw]:mL;tL,eS,
mUwi :] Suki ;] man]:p},Kun
i :] mL;KCak]:mUci ;] t}; mL;Aup.] pUci ,] kUn;] mUci ;] t};nn]. kUn;] mUci ;] t};l}:yU,Tac],hac]:
] :U lk]. Am],l}:kUwS
] c]' kL.Ka}hLkine] kL:mI;lWc:] lUms
] ]C
kt];yQn'] kCL,lCp] l
} e]C kL:Am],mI;sUnP
kn]k:U tI: kU:saw];KUwi ;] mL;yU,kU:pan]pan]" epL;wL:Suki ;] man]:Kun
i :] mL;Aup.] pUci ,] mUci ;] t};ekL: kam],ha}.
lUcm] ciU ;] t};ekL:mL;sWm;] El: kUn;] t};mUn
i y
] ,U nC;] lp];Sic,] mUn
i t
] kU ;] cra};lUc'] muc:] mWc;] wn];et
AWk,] nC;] lp];Sic,] mL;ekL:hbci n
] an]; Am],mI;PCm] L;sW:} Entac];pUci ;] f};hLtac];AWk,] pn]' epL;kUn;]
mUci ;] t};nc],kn]Am],PWm.] kn]sciu ] lWc:] Kun
i :] yC,] kt];yQnA
] n]wL:nn]. mUn
i t
] c];muc:] mWc;] nWn;]
Suki ;] man]:Kun
i :] mL;mUci ;] t}; mL;yL.lU.lqwt
] ,I mUw,] Ker,SI,mUci ;] t};' mL;yL.lU.fic:] Ec:
fic:] Tuc;] kUn;] mUci ;] t};' mL;SUn;] eSL,hG:] kUn;] mUci ;] t}; Pit;] kn]' hqmk] n]' Pn];kn]' mL;yL.
lWc:] PWm.] hBm:] mUci ;] t};tqk,] ya}:' mL;yL.lWc:] yQn,] Ec:nL:yum.] AUn:] AWn,] kUn;] mUci ;] t};nn]. yQn;] pQn]
] kU ;] nm].tLyU,kU:wn];' l}:kUw] l}:Eh l}:pa}:nI' l}:Tuk,] hqmt
] a}' PU:yic;] Tuk,]
U a}' Sun,] l}:Sun,] pQnk] n
U ;] An]lmu :] fL.Kw]hcg .] Sqn,] yU,nn]. kUn;] mUci ;] t};hw];
ham];pw],Pac];pqt:] tac];mUt;] nn].El: lum:] fL.ekL:lumi ;] pqt:] kUn;] mUci ;] t};hw];An]m;I hBwk] n
U ;]
10 lan].pa}n.} hbwi ?] n}nn].ekL:pQnt
] :I lIwn
U .] tWc;] kn]y,U "
kUn;] mUci ;] t};yU,nC;] KWk:] lp];Sic,] yU,n}nn]. etpuci :] PC] lUwi e] SKUwi ;] hw];nc],kn]pciu :] kn]
hk].kn]' sW:} kn]' Put
i .] AI;AWk,] KWk:] lUcc] ra};lip;] An]Skiu ;] man]:pQnk] n
U ;] pC.] yam];KWk:] lUcw] .}
yU,nn]. hG]:AWk],pUn].l}:eS hG]:sUiw].sat];t};hw]; Kuin];l}:yU,kt];yQn]Kuin]:yC],mC],Suc]"
kUn;] KUwi ;] t}; ekL:kuci ,] lIh.B tUwk] n]yw]. epL;KUwi ;] hw];Am],hk].kn] Am],yU,tC:] hBm:] hk].KUwi ;] lQwk] n]Kn
iu ;]
n}sciu ] etAm],mUn:] SUwi ;] kt];yQnl
] :} ' Sc].lk];pun:] tL,kUn;] micU ;] t};etl}:kt];yQnK] n
iu ;] nn].
mI;yU, 4 pUci -]
sUwi .] sat]:lQwk] n]kLC ,yU,tI:lCm] ciU ;] lCe] kL:lUw,] mL;sW:} kn] Put
i .] AI;AWk,] KWk:] lQk;]
] n]man]:Kc]w.} hG:] epL;pUn.] AWk,] l}:"
Pqn,] linw] an]:mUci ;] pU,na};hw];pn]w.} mI;mL;np].hBwh] cQ p] <I ' pun:] tL,sUwi .] sat]:t};
hw];yU,Sw];hLkin]pUk];pWc]PwtUw]kw],kCL, hG]:mI;tac];Kuin]:yC],kt];yQn]mUin]
i :] nC;] lum:] fL.' eP;SPL,w yL.mUci ;] hw];Am],mI; An]yL.SPL,wwan]:mUci ;] hw];
pQne] P;lUcS
] kiu ;] man]: mL;sqk,] yL.hG:] saw];KUwi ;] hw];hqmk] n]' Pit;] kn]kv
U ;]
Am],kL; yL.pL;SPL,wTUn
i ,] pL,m}.' tqp;] m}.mUci ;] t};Ka}AkW ,] nWk:] mUci ;] hbci m] L;



pL,m}.hac]:lIhw]; mUci ;] hac]:lIhw];etlU.lqw'] kWp:] n}m;I kUn;] mUci ;] t};hw];Kun

i ;]
kUv;] etkqt,] EKEh.kc]:w}.l}:" epL;kUn;] mUci ;] t};Am],hk].kn] Am],PWm.]
q ,] EKw}.l}:wn];mUwi :] n}. wn];Kaw];tac];nL:mL; luk:] lan]hw];etAm],mI;
Pqn,] linP
] ku ,] SWm:] pUk;] pWc] PwKw]kLC ,El: etpQnk] n
U ;] nL:lQk.] nC;] tUc,] wUc;]
PL,SL,fic:] Tuc;] hw];kCam];lat]:lik:] la};hw];nn]. lUw,] AWnk] n]hk].SLTic;]
Sim;] Sc],SWnP
] kiu ;] pn]lku :] lan]hw];w}. epL;wL:PL,SL,fic:] Tuc;] kCam];lat]:
i t
] p].Suki ;] Am],mI;
hw];ha}n} sUwi .] sat]:mI;yU,ekL: Am],mI;tI:pWc,] Sc]' mUn
KUci :] yip;] nn].kUv;] ' kqt,] EKEh.eP;yan],SU,ekL:Am],l}:"
SL,SnL,tI:puci :] Aicy
] mu ,] ym]hw];n}. epL;SL,SnL,hBwi :] hBci ;] mUci ;] sc],kt];yQn]
SL,SnL,AicK] n
u ] Kunp] ciu :] AicS
] L,SnL, KQc,] puci :] Aick] n] sWc,] sac]:Kun
i :] yC,]
El:mI;SL,SnL,kUv;] Am],mI;Kunm] ciU ;] Aup.] pUci ,] pn]hcq ;] kqt,] EKekL: mUn
i n
] m].
Am],mI;pL Am],Kt];pqt:] l}:mUc:] mqc;] hQt;] hG:] nm].mUt;] SCh] ac]:lIl:} " mI;Kunm] ciU ;]
Am],mI;tI:puci :] Aics
] ciu ] mUn
i P
] s
I w]:mUci ;] ham]; etAm],mI;kUn;] mUci ;] yum,] ym]np].Tiwu ]
l}:" kWp]:n}mI;wan]:mUic];yw].lUw],mI;SL,SnL,hBiw]:hBic];' lUw],mI;Kun]mUic];
An]m;I St].sL,JtL; sc],Kun
i :] yC,] kt];yQny
] w]." pun:] tL,hG:] sUwi .] sat]:
wan]:mUci ;] kt];yQnn
] n]. hw];lUw,] mI;yum;] kUc;] lUc] hQt;] kan]pn]etL,Tuci y
] ciU ;] ma}'
yum;] kUc;] lUcn
] n].ekL:pQne] pL,lSI, (6) eKL: An]hw];tm];wac];w}.nn].yw]."
lUw,] AWnk] n]ymu ,] ym]wn
U .] Sac]:' hQt;] Sac]:' yU,lCt
] :I lCe] kL:hG:] AWnk] n]
hQt;] Sac]:sWm;] SQn:] tac];epL,lSI,eKL:yUci ;] Aan];nn].mn]:kumi ;] suci ] eKL:muc:]
mWc;] lUcl
] cW :] Kun
i :] yC,] lWc:] mak]:mI;lWc:] kt];yQnn
] n].tk];hgt:] Tuci n
] ;]C wan]:

hBwp] w]:lUc]

epL,lSI, eKL:yUic];Aan];
KWc],SI,Aw]Kuin];suic]:t}; (PWc];yam];Suik];)
[1{ eKL:yu m ] , ym] E l:hp] . Kam] , "
1. wan]:mUci ;] suci :] t};hw];n}. epL;wL:hw];Am],mI;AKCac].AL,nL,tQmT
] n
U :] El: pUk;] pWcw] an]:mUci ;]
hc];eKLnn]. tL,sUwi .] sat]:' saw];KUwi ;] An]y,U Sw];nC;] wan]:mUci ;] suci :] t};hw]; etKun
i :] yC,] mC,] Suc]
i ;] PQc,] pQc;] pUn
i :] nC;] lUk:] ' nC;] km],PL,nn].tun
i ;] etAm],mI;tac];eSAm],kL; sUwi .] sat]:'
wan]:mUci ;] suci :] t};hw]; tun
i ;] etsUmh] a}kLC , nC;] Ek:kac]smu ;] yip;] km]AL,nL, An]Am],JtL;nn].
Am],hac]. yum,] ym]nc],n}"
2. kQw,] kp];lUv:] kan]pa};mUci ;] nC;] km],PL,El:Sc] nC;] AL,SZL.El:Sc] nC;] mUci ;] man]:' mUci ;] t};hw];
El:Sc] lqk:] la}:mL;nc],huwi e] kL:yw]. muk.] sum;] KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t};hw]; etSupi ,] hQt;] Sac]:
kan]can]; tL,pUt;] pW,} sUwi .] sat]: wan]:mUci ;] suci :] t}; etL,epL;Tuci t
] :I AQn;] An];nn].yU,yw]."
3. tWn:] tL,Kw]:pL;sW:} Tqm] kan]n;]C muk.] sum;] kCL,nn]. yic;] /sa};Am],lUki :] sUwi .] KUwi ;] Am],lUki :]
PL,SL,Am],lUki :] epL;wL:hp].Kam],hn]ln
I wiU ] eKL:yum,] ym]El: epL,lSI, (6) eKL:suci ]
muk.] sum;] KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t}; ethp].Kam],Aw]Kw]:hQt;] Sac]:kan] nC;] muk.] sum;] yU,yw]."
4. tWn;] tL,pUt;] pW,} Aw]swiU .] sat]: saw];KUwi ;] wan]:mUci ;] suci :] t}; hG:] epL;mI;AL,nL, pUk;] pWcl
] :} nn].
muk.] sum;] KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t};hw]; tun
i ;] yum,] ym]Aw] epL,lSI, (6) eKL:An]tm];wac];
5. muk.] sum;] KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t};n}. hp].Kam],yum],ym]Aw] nm].sCh] mB :] hgm;] pQny
] ,]C El:
Aw]la};hBm:] hgm;] kn]An
W h] wB n
] m];nL: kL:Am],hgt:] Tuci t
] :I yUci ;] Aan];nn].yU,yw]."

[2{ TWt]:mYat]: (4) yUic]:"

tUn:] KUwi ;] tUn:] kan];Kw]n.} mI;Sc].mI;lk]; sc],sac]:Kun
i :] yC,] tUw;] tWn;] l}:" kUn;] n}.ekL:
epL;mI;Sc].lk];TWt:] mYat]:lUc] (4) yUci :] n}.sc],sac]:l}:sam],pUv:] Sun,] l}:lWc:] Kun
i :] yC,]
lWc:] kt];yQnE] l: lWc:] Tac],hac]:yw]." TWt:] mYat]: (4) yUci :] nn].suci "]
1. sUwi .] sat]:"

2. wan]:mUci ;] "
3. PL,SL,"
4. SL,SnL,"

sUwi .] sat]:"
sUwi .] sat]:An]wL:n}. pQnk] n
U ;] mUci ;] kU:saw];KUwi ;] An]kt
iU ,] kuki ;] nm].lin]
] LlQwk] n]eS sL.hBm:] KI' lIhmB :] sam],mL; sQmk] n
W ,] nn].yw]."
sUwi .] sat]:nC;] Pqn,] lins
] ciu :] t};n}. An]pn
Q s
] aw];KUwi ;] t};mI;hBwk] n
U ;] nm]lwiU p] n
iU :]
hBwk] n
U ;] nuci :] pak],n}. mI;hBk;] Sip;] pqt,] ekL. 68% kUn;] KUwi ;] t};n}.yU,sWm;] Tuc.] pQc;] km].nm]"
saw];KUwi ;] plWcC :] hgc.] !tAac];@ nC;] mUci ;] t};n}. hBwk] n
U ;] nuci :] pak],mI;sQt;] ekL. 7%
plWc:] n}.yU,sWm;] Sn]lk}W m]:nm]" An]y,U mI;nm]pn
] n]ln
}W m].Sn], mUci ;] t};pWt;] hgc,]
] ,U tI:Suct
] :I kt]; hQt;] SUnn
] cQ :] kink] m]:nm]"
saw];KUwi ;] pAUw;] nC;] mUci ;] t};n}. hBwk] n
U ;] mI; 7% yU,sWm;] Sn]lk}W m]:nm]nc],kw],"
hQt;] kinS
] n
U t
] cW E] l: h}:nL; AL,lU;' Pk];mI, km]:nm]"
saw];KUwi ;] wL. nC;] mUci ;] t};n}. hBwk] n
U ;] mI; 5% yU,tac];AWk,] KUc;] hQt;] kink] an]h:} nL;km]:nm]"
saw];KUwi ;] Kac] yU,mUci ;] t};pWt;] hgc,] yU,sWm;] Sn]ln
}W ciu :] Ait;] nuci :] AI:eS hQt;] kinh] :}

pac]kmu m] k];mn]:ekL,tc]: KWn,] krqt.] suci :] t}; (sUw:] Kaw];) tI:cw]:suci :] lWt
} ;} lqc;]
Shan State Congress ( temporary) was formed at the conference held in
Loi Tai Leng


saw];KUwi ;] TnU. yU,mUci ;] t};pWt;] tUk;] yU,sWm;] tI:pac],pQc;] km]:nm] hQt;] kinh] :} nL;"
saw];KUwi ;] Aac];SL; (t};nWc)] yU,nC;] nWch] a};yL: (Aac];el;) hQt;] nL; hQt;] SUn]
Pk];kat], emLtin] emLmuwi ;] etL;PL:etL;Pqn,] hQt;]] "
saw];KUwi ;] lL;hB, yU,mUci ;] t};pWt;] AWk,] KUc;] yU,sWm;] Sn]lk}W m]:nm] hQt;] h}:hQt;] SUnk] n
i "]
saw];KUwi ;] AL;KL, (ekL:) yU,tac];mUci ;] t};pWt;] AWk,] KUc;] sWm;] lqnl
] n
i l
] aw];" yU,nUwi ]
Sn]lk}W m]:nm] hQt;] h}:nL;kin"]
saw];KUwi ;] kUw;] kac]. yU,mUci ;] t};pWt;] hgc,] " hQt;] nL; hQt;] SUn] lQc.] St];El: kL.Ka}kn
i "]
saw];KUwi ;] ptWc,] hgc.] kyac]; yU,pWt;] mUci ;] pa}; mUci ;] t};pWt;] san];" hQt;] h}:nL;kin"]
saw];KUiw];lI.eSL; yU,mUic];t};pWt];san];km]:PWc]: yU,mUic];t};pWt];hgc],km]:PWc]:"
Am],yU,pQnm] ku .] yC,] muk.] lUc] yU,sWm;] Sn]l}W hQt;] h}:nL;kin"]
saw];KUwi ;] yac];lm]' yac];lqc'] yac];la}; nC;] mUci ;] t};n}. mI;pWt;] san];' pWt;] kac]"
sWm;] nm].sac]' ek;SI;' mUci ;] SU:sUwi ;] n}.eS hQt;] h}:nL;kin"]
saw];KUwi ;] tWc,] luwi ;] yU,mUwi ;] t};pWt;] san];km]:nm]" hQt;] h}:nL;kin"]
saw];KUwi ;] EK, nC;] mUci ;] t};yU,sWm,] simk] :U tI:" km].nm]ht
Q ;] kan]kL.Ka}El: lQc.] St];kin"]
saw];KUwi ;] klL; (pL;sQme] kL,rKL;) yU,nC;] mUci ;] t};pWt;] hgc,] " luk.] mUci ;] Ain;] tI;yL;
mL;yU,nC;] mUci ;] t}; mUwi :] pac]Aci ;] klQt:] hQt;] kan]lcQ .] St];El: h}:nL;kin"]
saw];KUwi ;] AWn,] An]Am],epL;mI;hBwk] n
U ;] nm] mUn
i n
] c],Aqn,] ' KmU.' TenL.' pEl;
sUwi ;] n}.ekL:mI; km]:nm]ht
Q ;] h}:nL;kin"]
saw];KUiw];kUn];mUic];t}; An]lat]:mL;sUiw];n}. pQn]kUn];mUic]; sUiw].sat]:lQw]kn]
kUit],kuik]; nm].lin]hin]PL hBm]:kn]mL;pan]Suip],pan]yw]. pQn]Sc]mL;ekL: sL.hBm]:KI'

PU:nm];saw];KUwi ;] km]:PWc:] nC;] wn];sUwi .] sat]:suci :] t};

Some ethnic leaders and Ad Crabao on Shan State National Day

lIhmB :] sam],mL;sWm;] kn] Aan],hBwh] cQ p] <I yw]." sc],hgc.] wL:pQns

] wiU .] sat]:



mI;sUwi .] sat]:yw]. epL;Am],mI;Pqn,] linw] an]:mUci ;] tI:puci :] Aicy
] ,U Sw];ekL: pQnt
] :I pUn
i :]
Am],np].Am],ym] sac]:tQk;] yQp,] ym]:pUn.] pqnt
] kQ ;] tQck] n]El: Pqnl
] n
i w] an]:mUci ;] n}nn].ekL:
] c].lk];TWt:] mYat]:lUcA
] n]nciu :] pun:] kUn;] kU:ekL.yw]."
Pqn,] linw] an]:mUci ;] suci :] t};n}. mI;kuki ;] pun
i ;] lum:] fL.mL;pan]Spiu ,] pan]" tun
i ;] mI;KunA
] pu .] pUci ,]
mUci ;] mL;hc];eKL" tun
i ;] mI;Suki ;] kqt,] EKwan]:mUci ;] mL;yU, pan]Spiu ,] pan]yw]." Pqn,] lin]
suci :] t}; An]Aci ;] klQt:] ' EK,El: T};Kw]mL;tqp;] tt];lqnl
] n
i p] n]mwiU :] 1894
nn]. tac];kCac]:yC,] mn];mI;yU, 62,500 KCa,} lk];yU,yw]."
Pqn,] lins
] ciu :] t};n}. mI;nm].lIln
i l
] I tI:Puk,] SWm:] yC,] kCac]:El: pun:] tL,kUn;] mUci ;] t};
hw]; hLhQt;] kinl
] cQ .] tWc.] nn]. Am],mI;tac];yap],Put
i ,] kL:huwi "] pQnA
] n]kmu ,] lUm:]
pQc;] epL;lIy,U yw]." kan]can];Puk,] SWm:] nC;] mUci ;] t}; sQmp] an]p,U mWn,] nn]. sC.] hqc;] kUn;] '
hqc;] St];eShQt;] mL;" etL,Tuci y
] am];lQwe] kL: tuki .] l}:sC.] hqc;] kUn;] hqc;] St];km].pL:nm]"
mak],Kw]:tw]:nm].El: KUw;] KWcA
] kW ,] nC;] mUci ;] t}; An]swiu :] yC,] n}. Kw]:San]' Kw]:kap],'
cL;' TUw,] lin'] TUwn
] w]:' mWk,] wn];wa},' AL,lU;' Pk];mI,' nQc:] ' kL,PI,' tWcl
] n
q ;] yL:'
yL:lut,] pL,kY;I nI;yUwi ;] ' mak]skW ;] ' mak],ekL:' mak],kQc'] yL:fin,] ' mak],mU.' mak],pw].
(mak],Aun)] sUwi ;] n}.yw]."

SUnh] <} nL;El: kan]hLlQc.] tWc.] nC;] mUci ;] suci :] t}; (mac]pt
W ;] tWn:] )
Farmlands, paddy fields and livelihoods in Shan State

PL,SL,An]wL:n}. pQnk] aC m];lat]:' lik:] la};' fic:] Ec:" sUwi .] sat]:t};hw];n}.mI;kuki ;] mUci ;]
i p] n
iU :] yU," nC;] mUci ;] t};n}. kCam];t};pQnk] aC m];kac]" tI:nC;] saw];KUwi ;] PCm] n];nn]. lat]:kCam];sUwi .] KUwi ;]
sw]:kw],eS km]:nm]emLlat]:kCam];t};El: Aw]kaC m];t};hG:] pQnk] aC m];Ek:K} hG:] pWc,] kn]nn].yU,yw]."
i '] lik:] plWc:] '
lik:] An]s.]C yU,nC;] mUci ;] t};n}. lik:] t};' lik:] EK,' lik:] man]:' lik:] t};Kun
lik:] pAUw;] ' lik:] wL.' lik:] lL;hB,' lik:] Aic;] klQt:] sUwi ;] n}.yw]." yWn.] t};Am],mI;lWc:] Tac],hac]:
lWt:] lqw;] El: lik:] t};n}. kuki ;] pun
i ;] sUwi .] KUwi ;] mL;yU,eStL.ekL: lik:] t};hw];n}. Am],sac]:SWn]
i :] pQns
] n].mUn
i t
] ac],mUci ;] l}:" pun
i ;] lik:] t};n}. mI;kuki ;] sUwi .] KiwU ;] pan]Spiu ,] pan]mL;yU,"
fic:] Ec:KWct
] ;} n}. KUw;] nuc:] kUn;] sa}; pQnk] n
U K] Lyaw]; SUwi :] tqk:] puc,] (SUwi :] tqk,] pumu )]
KQn;] KQn;] hBwk] m]:nm]" mI;KUw;] nac];yic;] kUv;] An]l:} hn]pkq ,] pUci :] kn]" saw];KUwi ;] PCm] n]; mI;la};
kL:wqnK] cW P
] m]C n];yU," la};kL:wqnK] cW t
] ;} n}. sat]:Sqc;] ' la};kL:nUk.] ' kL:tUw;] ' la};KWn.] '
la};lqw;] sUwi ;] n}.yw]."

iu ,] hBc;] hQn;] sUwi .] sat]: (lWt
} ;} lqc;] )
Ceremony of opening new semester of Loi
Tai Leng National School.

Shan traditional opera

SL,SnL,An]wL:n}. pQnt
] :I puci :] Aic] yum,] ym]np].Tuwi "] sUwi .] sat]:saw];KUwi ;] mUci ;] t};n}.
km].nm]ymu ,] ym] puci :] AicS
] L,SnL,put.] TJPL;pQns
] w]:" nC;] hBwk] n
U ;] mUci ;] t};nuci :] hBwp] ak],n}.
yum,] ym]pt
u .] TJPL;pQns
] w]: 85%" lUwi n
] n].yum,] ym]ey,SU.El:PI" yum,] ym]hn
i ,] tU,El:
Ait,] Slm]swiU ;] n}.ekL:mI;yU," put.] TJPL;pQns
] w]:n}. kuc,] munm] n];sw]:TWt:] mYat]:nL, kCam];Sc],
SWnm] n];sw]:n}. Am],mI;tI:tqk:] nicU ;] "
- SWnh] :]G kUn;] kU:ekL. mI;pk];pUci "] tuwi ;] km]pk];pUci ] (SI,l)" mI;sCm] n]:sCn
] mi ] (SmL,Ti)El:
mI;nm].kt]. (pvL,)"
- SWn]hG]:kUn];kU:ekL. tuiw];km]sriySam]pUic] (pun]:tL,tUw]kw],lI' sUiw].sat]:lIEl:
St];twL, tc];la}l)I "

pac]kmu S
] c],KL,t}; tI:cw]:suci :] lW:} t};lqc;]
Monks meeting in Loi Tai Leng

tL,nhBwp] w]:lUc] Kam],Sac],pn]lku :] hQn;]

Traditional ordination ceremony
provided by RCSS Chairman

- SWnh] :]G Aw]lcW :] PWm.] SQcp] cQ ;] pak],kn] nC;] kU:KWp,] wUci ;] kUn;] " PCP
] :U lCh] t
Q ;] sWm;] kYac].km]smW ;]
l}:ekL: l}:yU,tUws
] K]C n
iu :] yC,] kt];yQnT
] ac],hac]:Et.Et." JPL;pQns
] w]:n}. mn];sw]:wUn.]
hn]Pa},nL:Pa},lc]Et.Et." puci :] AicJ] PL;pQns
] w]:n}. mUn
i h] w];l}:hBm:] KL; hBm:] hBn
i ;] hBm:] huc;]
hBm]:h};eS vL;mUiw]:PUn]tUk];lqt],m}:ekL: tuin];Am],kUw]Sc] l}:yU,kt];kt];yQn]yQn]

3. epL,lSI, (6) eKL:"

tL,etkqt,] EKpUk;] pWc] TWt:] mYat]:SI,yUci :] kCL,nn]. mI;w}.epL,lSI,hBk;] eKL: nc],pL:
1. lWc:] PWm.] hBm:] sUwi .] sat]:"
2. lWt:] lqw;] kWn;] eKL"
3. tI,mUw,] Ker,SI,"
4. pUk;] pWcP
] wkUn;] mUci ;] "
5. San]Kt];yL:mw];km]"
6. lWc:] kt];yQn"]

eKL:Sac];lac]; lWc:] PWm.] hBm:] sUwi .] sat]:"


lWc:] PWm.] hBm:] sUwi .] sat]:An]wL:n}. An]kn

U ;] saw];KUwi ;] mUci ;] t};hw]; muc:] mWc;] lWc:] mak]:mI;
lWc:] Kun
i :] yC,] lWc:] kt];yQny
] ,U nn]. epL;wL:hw];kU:saw];KUwi ;] nC;] mUci ;] t}; Am],PWm.] kn]sciu ]
lWc:] muc:] mWc;] lUc] Sam]pcUi n
] n]. Am],Pqwn
] ;]C AUk;] hBws
] h]C w];El: Am],Tuci y
] ciU ;] ma}
] :} " epL;hw];KL:KC:] l}: eKL:muc:] mWc;] lUcS
] am]pciU n
] n]. hw];KL:lUw,] Aw]twU h] t
Q ;]




SUp;] wL: sCk] Yam], tac];Sam]pciU e] S lat]:Sc] wUn.] Sc]ekL: hG:] yum,] ym]np].Tuwi ]
TWt:] mYat]: 4 yUci :] ' hG:] hk].hgml
] cW :] PWm.] hBm:] pun:] tL,etKWt,] lUt
i :] kn]] pUk;] pWcl
] :}
i ;] lWc:] Kun
i :] yC,] PwkUn;] mUci ;] t};hw]; nn].yw]."
nC;] lum:] fL.n}. mUci ;] lCe] kL: pUn
i :] hk].TWt:] mYat]: 4 yUci :] KWcP
] m]C n];kU:mUci ;] "yWn.] pUwi :]
PWm.] kn]El: TWt:] mYat]: 4 yUci :] KWcC p] n
iU :] ekL: Kun
i :] yC,] mC,] Sucn
] n].yw]."
sUwi .] sat]:saw];KUwi ;] mUci ;] t};hw];KL:ekL: mI;TWt:] mYat]: 4 yUci :] yU,El: TWt:] mYat]:
i ,] m}: lUm.] sUmy
] ,U nC;] muwi ;] man]:PU:KCak]:mUci ;] " epL;hw];KL:
4 yUci :] KWch] w];n}. Suk.] yuc:] lUt
Am],KWt,] lUt
i :] PWm.] hBm:] kn]sciu ] Am],sac]:pUk;] luk.] Kun
i ;] TWt:] mYat]: 4 yUci :] hw];eS
Am],kL; TWt:] mYat]: 4 yUci :] hw];n}ekL: sac]:etlU.ha}lmU .] sUmA
] m],hac]." kWp:] n}El:
epL,lSI,eKL:TI.nuci :] n}. yUci ;] ma}tL,TWt:] mYat]: 4 yUci :] hw]; Kun
i :] yC,] hBwi :] hBci ;] nn].yw]."
epL;wL:hw];kU:saw];KiwU ;] KWt,] lUt
i :] PWm.] hBm:] kn]sciu ] hw];etEk:lit:] l}: pYSnL,
mUic];t};nc],n}1. hw];etpUk;] pWcl
] :} lWc:] Sun,] l}:tqp;] tt];hc];eKL"
2. hw];KC:] hQt;] Kun
i ;] mUci ;] hBm:] tums
] t
q :] sac], n}ekL:l}:"
3. Sc]wL:pUk;] tc]: lWc:] Aup.] pUci ,] tI,mUw,] Ker,SI, Sun,] l}:Sun,] pQnl
] cW :] Tac],hac]:
pQc;] pUn
i :] nC;] km],PL, n}ekL:l}:"
4. hw];KC:] pUk;] pWcp] n] PwkUn;] mUci ;] hw]; hG:] Kun
i :] yC,] mak]:mI; n}ekL:l}:"
5. hw];KC:] hG:] yL:fin,] nC;] Pqn,] lins
] ciu :] t}; mWt,] ha}Tv
U :] hak]:mn];ekL:l}:"
6. KC:] hG:] suci :] t};kt];yQn] sW:} hG:] lum:] fL.kt];yQnn
] e} kL:hQt;] l}:"
lWc:] PWm.] hBm:] sUwi .] sat]:hw];An]wL:n}. lat]:ca}:hQt;] yap]," kWp:] n}El: lWc:] PWm.] hBm:]
An]wL:n}. lUw,] PWm.] kn]ht
Q ;] lUw,] PWm.] kn]smW ;] nc],kan]Pa},tC:] sUwi ;] n}. 1. PWm.] kn] Ek:lit:] pn]hLkU:lWc:] lWc:] "
2. PWm.] kn] sWm;] pk];pUci m] a}m:I An]lwQ k] n]"
3. PWm.] kn] hLcun
i ;] mL;SC,] TUcl
] wQ k] n]"
4. PWm.] kn] tuki ;] PU:KQnK] aC k]:mUci ;] "
5. PWm.] kn] tut
i .] ma}m:I Aup.] pUci ,] PWc;] cm];suci :] mUci ;] "
6. PWm.] kn] hk].kn] sW:} kn] mUn.] Em;kn] pUk;] pWcC k] n] tL,hG:] kUn;] hQt;] kan]hw];
hG:] epL;Kun
i :] yC,] mI;nm].kt].nn].yw]."

epL,lSI, nUiw]kan]PWm].hBm]:sUiw].sat]:"
1. PWm.] hBm:] kn]San]Kt]; !man]:@ An]pn
] :U KCak]:mUci ;] "
2. PWm.] hBm:] kn]San]Kt]; PU:hk];lc]El: yL.lU.St].sL,wan]:mUci ;] "
3. PWm.] hBm:] kn] Kt];sCS
] n
U ;] tum] saw];KUwi ;] nC;] mUci ;] suci :] t}; hG:] l}:PWm.] SQcp] cQ ;] pak],kn]"


PU:nc]:suci :] pac]kmu K] n
W ,] krqt.] suci :] t};
Shan State Congress meetings Chairpersons

lWc:] PWm.] hBm:]

S.S.A El: S.S.N.A

Unity of SSA and SSNA



Shan leaders at meeting of building unity

RCSS annual meeting

tI:pac]Apu ,] AUw;]

R.C.S.S El: S.N.P.L.O

Leaders of RCSS and SNPLO

Pac]hac]:Suki ;] tp].Suki ;] suci :] t};

Shan State Army troops in a military parade



epL,lSI, pUk];pWc]wan]:mUic];suic]:t};"
1. pUk;] pWch] :]G kUn;] suci :] t}; PWm.] SQcp] cQ ;] pak],kn] hG:] sac]:hBm:] kn] Kt];sCA
] w]Kn
iu ;]
Pqn,] lins
] ciu :] t};"
2. pUk;] pWch] :]G hB.pWc,] lWc:] Pqn,] lins
] ciu :] t}; pQnP
] n
q ,] link] n
U ;] mUci ;] suci :] t};kU:ekL."
3. wa};eSPqn,] lins
] ciu :] t};pUt;] pW,} yw]. etpUk;] pWcp] n
Q m] L; !suci :] mUci ;] tI,mUw,] Ker,SI,@
An]m;I Sun,] l}: Tac],hac]:PQc,] pQc;] kn]"


epL,lSI, saw];KUiw];sL,tikUn];kuik];mUic];"


kU:saw];KUwi ;] mI;lWc:] PQc,] pQc;] kn]"

kU:saw];KUwi ;] mI;lWc:] Sun,] l}:tI,mUw,] Ker,SI,mUn
i k] n]"
kU:saw];KUwi ;] mI;lWc:] KWn:] lUt
i :] PWm.] hBm:] kn]"
kU:saw];KUwi ;] mI;lWc:] Tac],hac]: Tic;] Sim;] ' yuk.] yWc:] ' sC.] tuwi ;] ' fic:] Tuc;] PCm] n];"

epL,lSI, nUiw]PU:KQn]"
1. PU:yip;] km]lkW ;] pUci K] aC k]:mUci ;] "
2. PU:hk];lc]El: yL.St].sL, nUwi s
] wiU .] sat]:wan]:mUci ;] "
3. PU:kit,] KCac]]; SQn:] tac];nL:kan] sUwi .] sat]:wan]:mUci ;] "


epL,lSI, nUiw]AUv];lI"
1. PU:hn]lkI m].sW:} SQn:] tac];nL:kan] tL,sUwi .] sat]:wan]:mUci ;] hG:] pUt;] pW,} lWt:] lqw;]

Military Alliance meeting


2. PU:mk];mn]: PU:KQnA
] n]lwQ k] n]tc]; KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t};"


epL,lSI, !lik]:la};@ suic]:mUic];"

1. !lik:] t};@ pQnl
] ki :] An]etyip;] tuwi ;] nC;] lum;] ' hBc;] hQn;] ' mUci ;] suci :] t};
tc];mUci ;] "
] :} "
2. lik:] kU:saw];KUwi ;] nn]. mI;Sun,] Tic;] Sim;] ' yuk.] yWc:] ' sC].tuwi ;] ' hQn;] SWnl
3. lik:] la}; kCam];lat]: kU:saw];KUwi ;] mUci ;] suci :] t};nn]. mI;Sun,] sC.] tuwi ;] sWm;] lik:] '
kCam];lat]: t};' Aic;] klQt:] tI:lum;] nC;] nL:tI:Kw]y,U Sw];w}. nC;] mUci ;] suci :] t};"

10. epL,lSI, yL:mw];km]"

pYat].SnL,yL:mw];km] l}:yC,] kCac]:mL; nC;] suci :] t};n}. yWn.] wL: >>
1. lWk;] pUci w] L,tman]:KCak]:mUci ;] yL.lU.pqt:] kan]hLlQc.] tWc.] kUn;] mUci ;] suci :] t};"
2. lWk;] pUci w] L,tman]:KCak]:mUci ;] KC:] pQn] !saw];KUwi ;] lUc@] eS KI,nQk;] tQk;] tQcA
] mU A
] n
iu ]
hG:] kUn;] mUci ;] suci :] t};epL;ha}la}"
3. lWk;] pUci w] L,tman]:KCak]:mUci ;] Aw]pn
Q K] ciU :] muwi ;] kan]mciU ;] eS Pqnh] t
Q ;] hG:] yL:mw];km]
Supi ,] EP:tUn
i ;] yun
i ;] yaw];w}." yWn.] sUwi ;] nn].eSEl: !KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t};@
mI;epL,lSI, kQw,] lUv:] yL:mw];km]w.} >
(1) Ek:lit:] kan]mciU ;] hG:] kUn;] mUci ;] El: wan]:mUci ;] kt];yQnl
] t
W :] KQn"]
(2) pn]tac];]s;U kUn;] mUci ;] hG:] hB.lWc:] pYt.] SnL, yL:mw];km]n;]C lum:] fL."
(3) pUk;] pWcP
] wkUn;] mUci ;] nc], k. hG:] l}:mI;kan]hLlQc.] tWc.] lIl"I
K. hG:] mI; !tUn:] An]mL;Puk,] tqn;] tac]yL:@ pn]"



Shan State Army destroyed narcotic drugs

Narcotic drugs seized by SSA


c. hG:] mI;SQn:] tL:Sa}tac]; etL.SUc,] kL.Ka}ll

I "I
s. hG:] mI; !lWk;] kat],kL.Ka}@ tL,kun,] kL.tac];Ka} An]Am],suwi :]
(4) !KWc],SI,Aw]Kuin];suic]:t};@ hBm]:hgm];lum]:fL.eS etPQw]:mUv].
yL:mw];km]kLC ,"

11. epL,lSI, kan]nWk]:mUic];"


AL,nL,suci :] mUci ;] PQc,] pQc;] kn]"

mI;lWc:] Tac],hac]: lWt:] lqw;] (Freedom) "
Sun,] l}:Sun,] pQn] PQc,] pQc;] kn]"
pin,] pa}, puci :] Aic] sW:} Tqmk] n]"
yU,hBm:] kn] kt];yQn] SUwi ;] SL,"

PU:Suwi ,] Kaw],nWk:] mUci ;] tWc:] Tam]hwU p] w]:lUc]

hBwp] w]:lUch] pB .] TUp;] nk].Kaw],nWk:] mUci ;]

Foreign reporters interview Sao Yawd Serk

RCSS Chairman meets with foreign journalists

12. epL,lSI, kUn];tac],mUic]; mL;puic]:Aic]nC];suic]:t};"

1. Sc]swiU .] wL: Am],tum.] tUwi .] SQn:] tac]; TWt:] mYat]: (4) yUci :] El: epL,lSI,
(6) eKL:n}sciu ] sWm;] nc],kac]sP
]C m]C n];mI;nn]. hp].pQnk] n
U ;] Tc]y,U nC;] suci :] t};l}:
(hp].pQnk] n
U ;] nWk:] mUci ;] An]l:} Sun,] pn]y,U Tc]Sw];w}.nC;] suci :] t};)
2. kUn;] nWk:] mUci ;] sUwi ;] sW:} Tqm] kqt,] EKtuki ;] etL;Aw] mUci ;] kWn;] eKLsuci :] t};nn].ekL:
nc],An]kac]s]C PCm] n];mI;nn]. hp].pQnk] n
U ;] mUci ;] suci :] t};sUw:] Kaw]; Am],nn]
kUn;] nWk:] mUci ;] An]l:} Sun,] pn]y,U Sw];nC;] suci :] t};" wa};l}:mUci ;] kWn;] eKLyw]. etmI;
Sun,] !kU:saw];KUwi ;] mI;lWc:] Sun,] l}: tI,mUw,] Ker,SI,mUn
i k] n]@ nc],pUn
i :] "


lum];pWc]kan]lUc]cw]:suic]: KWc],SI,Aw]Kuin];suic]:t};
pUci K] t
W ,] PWt:] KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t}; l}:Enw}.sWm;] nc], nL:lik:] (15) eS
nc],hbwi k] an]can];kU:lWc:] lWc:] epL;etPqn'] st];' Tt];' Em;hQt;] Sac]:l}:sWm;] nc],eKL:yUci ;]
Aan];epL,lSI,KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t};mI;nn]. nC;] lum;] pWck] an]lcU c] w]:suci :] KWc,] SI,Aw]Kn
iu ;] suci :] t};
l}:KWt,] PWt:] w}.hgc:] kan]lcU ] (15) hgc:] kan]tcU .] nuci '] kp];San]' hQt;] Sac]:kan]can];w}.
yU,yw]." hgc:] kan]lcU ] (15) hgc:] kan] nC;] lum;] pWck] an]lcU c] w]:suci :] nn].(1) hgc:] kan]lcU ] sum;] Kuki .] tWn;] "
(2) hgc:] kan]lUc] Aup.] pUci n
] ;]C mUci ;] "
(3) hgc:] kan]lcU ] pun
i P
] aw],"
(4) hgc:] kan]lcU ] kUt,] Tt];"
(5) hgc:] kan]lcU ] Pa},Kaw],"
(6) hgc:] kan]lcU ] tit;] etL,saw];KUwi ;] "
(7) hgc:] kan]lcU ] tit;] etL,AUv;] lI"
(8) hgc:] kan]lcU ] Pa},kqt,] EK"
(9) hgc:] kan]lcU ] Pa},cun
i ;] "
(10) hgc:] kan]lcU ] tit;] etL,nWk:] mUci ;] "
(11) hgc:] kan]lcU ] pa};pic,] vL,"
(12) hgc:] kan]lcU ] pa};yU,lI"
(13) hgc:] kan]Pa},kp];San] NGOs"
(14) hgc:] kan]lcU ] Aup.] pUci ,] pac]Sw];"
(15) hgc:] kan]lcU ] hBc;] hQn;] Suki ;] El: hBc;] Puki ;] SWnk] an]Skiu ;] "
Supreme Office of RCSS

The early history of Shan State is of a highly civilized culture where people lived in
peace and harmony for centuries. There was never the practice of barbarism, for
peace and tolerance was valued in this naturally beautiful environment. The people
tried to follow the Buddhas doctrine. They lived in peace and traveled freely,
enjoying all their human rights.
This all changed when the Burmese regime deployed its troop to occupy Shan
State. Under their rule there are widespread abuses against the indigenous people,
including forced labor, torture and persecution. The military regime wants to destroy
Shan culture and literature, and the democratic system with which it has lived.
There is much suffering; and living in this kind of hell has caused many to lose hope.
Tears of the Shan State people are shed daily, as they live in fear and terror of
being killed without reason. Young girls and women have been raped by the Burmese
troops. Shan State people have not known the Human Rights noted by the UN.
Have the worlds communities forgotten the Shan people?
To escape this dark prison caused by the Burmese regime, all the Shan State
people must cooperate together to rebuild our state and our nation. This will mean
we must have unity and be willing to fight together to reach the goal of a better life
for the people. We all want the same thing, to live in peace and stability so that our
nation can again develop and experience prosperity. If we do not fight for it, we
will fail forever..
There are four points to help us reach our goal:
1. Shan State people inside and in exile must cooperate together in order to
be free from the control of the Burmese regime.
Shan State people must protect and preserve our state for future
generations. Our ancestors have passed down our homeland from
generation to generation so that we could live well. The destruction of our
homeland has not been caused by natural disaster but by the Burmese
regime. They have damaged our homeland and created only destruction
through deforestation and exporting our natural resources abroad. Only
the Shan State people can protect our state. If we do not protect our state
today then there may not be any homeland to protect and preserve for the
next generation, who will not be able to live as do other nations in the

We must preserve our culture and literature so that we can pass them to
future generations. Without our national language, culture and literature,
there will be nothing left of our nation.
Strong religion strengthens our nation. Religion and rulers depend on each other.
With just rulers and progressive religion, we will be prosperous, peaceful, and
rich. For the Shan State to reach our goals, we must think, plan and act within the
boundaries of our Six Policies. Only then there will be peace and prosperity for the
Shan state peoples.
Yawd Serk
Restoration Council of the Shan State


The Policy and Objectives (Wartime) of Restoration Council of

Shan State
1. The Belief
a. If there is no full sovereignty to govern our country, Shan State, there
will be no way for Shan State people to be prosperous as others in the
world. Besides, our nation and state will gradually fade away under
the control of Burmese dictators as well.
b. During the period of restoring Shan State, we, RCSS will regard the
policy for independence until we gain our state back.
c. Those who accept our Four Noble Principles and Six Policies can
join and work with our organization without discrimination against any
races, religions or genders.
d. In order to gain independence and sovereignty, RCSS will hold and
stand on its Six Policies firmly.
e. In order to gain independence and sovereignty, RCSS will operate
with unity and a collective leadership.

2. The Four Noble Principles

Even a creeping vine needs a post for support to flourish. These four noble
principles are also pillars, essential for us on our way to fulfillment. They are:
a. The Nation
b. The State

hBw]pw]:lUc]mWk],lat]:eKL:kCam]; pW};wn];sUiw].sat]:


RCSS Chairman addresses a speech on

Some ethnic delegates at meeting in

Shan State National Day

Loi Tai Leng


c. Social Culture
d. The Religion
a. The Nation
The nation means the people who have been living together for a long period,
bearing the burdens and sharing the profit among themselves. The glory of the
nation depends on the solidarity of its people. Among the 4 noble principles, the
nation is the most important. There are many ethnic groups that are included in our
nation. They are:
1. The Shans form the bulk and are about 68% of the whole population
of the Shan State.
2. The Palaungs or Ta-angs are about 7%of the population. Most of
them are tea planters of the northern Shan State.
3. The Pa-ohs are about 7% and live in the southern Shan State.
4. The Wa-s are about 5% and live in the northern part of the transSalween area.
5. The Kachins live on the hills of the northern Shan State.
6. The Danus or Htanus live on the plains of the southern Shan State.
7. The Angsas or Tai nongs live around the Haiya or Inle lake and are
famous for their handicraft.
8. The Lahus are mountaineers of the trans-Salween areas.
9. The Ahkhas are also mountaineers of the trans-Salween and along the
Laotian borders.
10. The Kokangese live n the northeastern part of the Shan State as
traders and animal keepers.
11. The Padaungs or Kayans, live in Mong Pai township in the southern
Shan State.
12. The Lisus live in small communities in the north and southern Shan
13. The Yangs or Riangs (Yang Lam, Yang Lai, Yang Leng) live in Nam
Sarng, Kaesi, Mong Hsu and other townships in the southern Shan
14. Taung Yos or Taung Luas live in the southern Shan State.
15. The Indians (including Gurkhas) are descendents of Indian
immigrants during the colonial times. They are also farmers and animal

All these ethnic groups have been living together in peace and harmony
for generations, helping each other in need and all have participated in
protecting our homeland. So, all these ethnic groups are included in our
b. The State
The State is a support and essential for a Nation to flourish. A Nation or race
without a state withers like grasses in the dry summer.
1. Our Shan State has existed since ancient times with our own
administration and our men at arms to protect the State. During
the British administration, the total area of the Shan State was
62,500 square miles.
2. The land was so fertile that the people had no difficulties in making
a living. They were self sufficient. Some goods and products of
Shan State are rice, maize, groundnut, soybean, sunflower, potato,
onion, garlic, tea, sesame, cheroot leaf, coffee, tobacco, seasonal
fruits and poppy.
c. Social Culture
Social Culture includes the language we speak, the literature and traditional
culture. In the Shan State Shan is the common language. But every ethnic
group has their own language as well.

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Shan girls perform Kainnary dancing in
Loi Tai Leng

Lahu traditional dancing on Shan State

National Day


In literature there are Shan, Burmese, English, Chinese, Khun, Palaung, Pa-O,
Wa, and Lahu. Because there was no self determination, the Shan literature has
not developed much, though it has existed for centuries. But now Shan literature
is progressing slowly.
All ethnic have their own national dresses and traditional way of life. Social Culture
is the backbone of the nation. Without them the younger generation will forget out
past and slowly our nation will fade away. When our cultures are preserved and
developed, our nation will flourish. But they can be achieved only when there is
peace and tranquility. As it was the back bone of our nation, we must regard as a
Noble Principle.
d. The Religion
The Religion is necessary for the people to trust and rely on. 85% of the Shans
people are Buddhists. Others are Christians, Hinduisms, Islam and spiritualists. All
the ethnic groups have their equal rights to determine their own religion.
From the Buddhas doctrine, we have learned about the moral quality of the nobles
(Sila), mindful concentration (Samatyi) and Wisdom (Pannya). Everybody was
taught to perform the three noble deeds (i.e. for the good of oneself, his kin and for
all the living beings). They are also learned to love and be kind to each other, so
that they could live in harmony within their communities.
Religion taught us, to be dutiful, obedient and gave us moral support and
In the present days, the Burmese invaders are destroying our religious sites and
our historical evidences. In doing so, they are not only destroying the relics but
also spoiling the moral of the people. With the people in poverty our religion will
fade away. When there is no Religion there will be no peace and we cannot promote
better living of our people. So the Religion is also a noble principle.

3. The Six Policies

To protect and promote our Four Noble Principles, we laid out the Six Policies:
1. The solidarity of the nation


To establish the democratic way of life
To promote better living conditions of our people
Anti narcotic drugs
To restore Peace and Tranquility

The Solidarity of the Nation

Everybody wants to be prosperous, develop and wants to live in peace. With
trust and base on our Four Noble Principles, we can achieve these three
In other communities in the world, they have established their 4 noble principles,
because they can establish solidarity within their Nation. In our country, our 4
noble principles are under the violation of the Burmese invaders. If we cannot unify
for the solidarity of our Nation and restore our 4 noble principles, they will gradually
fade away to extinction. So our first policy is to unify our people. With the solidarity
of our Nation:
a. We can establish our own administration.
b. Or, we can establish a true Union.
c. We can establish the democratic way of life for our people.
d. We can promote better living conditions for our people.
e. We can eradicate the narcotic drugs from our land.
f. Finally, we can have peace and tranquility. So at lest a part
of the world can achieve peace.
To achieve unity, although it is a great task, we can still achieve by such as ways:
a. Joint solution of every problem.
b. Accept a common rule or law.
c. Accept a common finance system.
d. Form a united front against the common enemy.
e. Draw up an administrational constitution.
f. Improve the education of the people, so that they can learn how to
love and correct each other.


4. Policy on the Unity of the Nation

a. Cooperate to oppose the common enemy, the Burmese invaders.
b. Cooperate to oppose the traitors and disintegrators of the nation.
c. Cooperate to achieve unity of all ethnic groups in Shan State.

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Loi Tai Leng National School

Providing medical treatment to IDPs in the

5. Policy on Developing of Shan State

a. Educate our people, so that they can achieve unity and try to regain
our country.
b. Establish the knowledge of our people to know that Shan State
belongs to everyone living in Shan State.
c. Once Shan State is restored, full democracy with equal rights will be
6. Policy on Indigenous People

Every ethnic group is equal.

Every ethnic group will enjoy full rights of democracy.
Every ethnic group will have the right for their own solidarity.
Every ethnic group will have the rights to establish, preserve and
upgrade their own culture, literature and traditional way of life.

7. Policy on the Enemy

a. Those who hold the policy of invading are recognized as our enemy.
b. Those who commit treason and aid in the disintegration of our nation
are designated as our enemy.
c. Those who block and destroy our attempt to gain our nation and
state are our enemy.

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ekL.han]n;]C sum;] AUv;] lISkiu ;]

Leaders of Military Alliance

Military Alliance troops

8. Policy on the allies

a. Those who subscribe and endorse our policy and objectives are our
b. Those who share RCSS enemy as theirs are our allies.
9. Policy on Official Language
a. Shan will be recognized as official language and literature of Shan
b. Every ethnic group has the equal rights to learn, use and preserve
their own literature and language
c. Every ethnic group has the equal rights to use their own literature
and language at the offices in their territories as Shan and English.

10. Policy on Narcotic Drugs

The drug problem has been spread and widened in Shan State because of:
1. The Burmese invaded policy has been destroying the
traditional way of livelihood of Shan State people.
2. As Burmese junta uses chauvinistic policy and persecution,
Shan State people were forced to be extinct and to find a way
to survival.
3. The Burmese junta used drugs as political tools to solicit the
international communities and blame the drug trade on Shan
State people.
So that RCSS laid out its policy on the drug:
a. To solve the political conflict and build up peace and tranquility for
our people.
b. To educate the disadvantages of drugs to our people.
c. To promote the living condition of our people such as:
- Creating self sufficient living for our people
- Supporting our people with other crops to substitute for
poppy cultivation.
- Building the roads for our people to transport their crops
- Providing markets for their crops to be sold.
d. RCSS will cooperate with the world to eradicate narcotic drugs.

PQw:] Sim;] Pw]yL:mw];km] mUwi :] 6.6.2007

Scene of Shan State Army burnt down
captured drugs in June 6, 2007


] L:nC;] suci :] t};tI:nuci :]
Poppy cultivation in Shan State

11. Foreign Policy

a. Every state-sovereignty is equal.
b. When communicate with foreign countries, we will always use
justice and freedom.
c. The rights will be equal among the countries in the world.
d. The mutual support and dependent will be regarded between each
e. We will live in peace and harmony with the world communities.
12. Policy on Citizenship
a. If there is no effect on the four noble principles and six policies, in
accordance with their desire, immigrants or foreigners will be allowed
to live in Shan State.
b. The immigrants or foreigners who supported and offered services in
restoring Shan State, in accordance with their desires, they could be
accepted provisional Shan State citizens or as those who are granted
to live in Shan State. They will enjoy equal rights as Shan State citizens.

13. Policy on Treatment of the Citizens by the Army

a. Our troops are ordered to treat all citizens equally regardless of
language spoken or ethnicity, protecting their right to free speech, to
safety in their persons whether male or female.
b. Our troops are ordered to pay citizens for any labor provided, and
to be paid for food or other items the army needs.
c. Citizens are to report violations of these orders to the commanding
officer in the area and such citizens are to be free from harassment
for doing so.
d. All soldiers committing such crimes will serve at least one year in jail
for minor crimes and more years for major crimes.


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W l
] a};AWn
W h] wB ]

ekL.Suki ;] ht];han] nC;] tp].Suki ;] suci :] t};

RCSS Chairman gives a leadership

Shat State Army troops

course to officer training students

] kiu ;] tp].Suki ;] suci :] t};

sa};can]' yic;] han]swiU ;] hap],kan]Pa},pa};yU,lI

Shan State Army military training

Some SSA medics

ekL.Suki ;] han] sUwi ;] hp].wCh] ap],Tam];kan]hL:pItmQ ] PWm.] hBm:] kn] Aw]AcW ,] ep.nUwi ] PU:KQnK] aC k]:mUci ;]

After serving five years term in the Army, Hold victory over the enemy by cooperation
dutiful persons ready to go home



In order to implement the policies and objectives of Restoration Council of Shan

State (RCSS) effectively, the 15 departments are set up in Supreme Office of
1. Special Warfare Command
2. Civil Administration
3. Information Service
4. Inspector General Department
5. Intelligence Service
6. Ethnic Affairs
7. Alliance Department
8. Defense Department
9. Finance Department
10. Department of Foreign Affairs
11. Education Department
12. Health Department
13. NGO Communication
14. Headquarters Administration
15. Education and Military Training

hBwp] w]:lUc]

RCSS put
i ,] Puv,] lum;] pWck] an]lcU ]

cw]:suci :]

RCSS Chairman gives a speech in Supreme Office opening ceremony


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