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Frequent questions.

Upload vdeos
39th Elche International Independent Film Festival
How long I can upload my shorts to compete?
Since the publication of these rules until May 16, 2016 at 12:00 (Spanish time)
I've filled in all the data but do not let me upload video
Double check if you have filled in all the data and have accepted our policy of personal data
contained in "Legal Notices" and "Terms of Use".
Who can compete?
Any individual or legal entity of any nationality, with the majority. To do this you have to be
registered on the web. See the section "Terms of Use" on the web.
What requirements must meet the shorts?
Have a duration not exceeding 25 minutes. This does not mean that, if you want to have a
shorter life.
Made after the January 1, 2014
Must come from an original short film shot in High Definition Video (Region Pal, 16: 9)
To upload to the web, it must be converted to the web in most compressed video formats: avi,
mp4, flv and with a size not exceeding 500 MB.
How can you compete?
It is registered on the website and sending a short. See the section "Terms of Use" on the web.
How do I know you received my video successfully?
After filling all data on the card of the film in the "Send video to contest" section and having
accepted the Terms and Conditions Legal, you click on the "Upload video."
If everything is correct receive a notice screen success. Any question or issue, contact the
organizers via the e-mail
For more information, see the section "Terms of Use" on the web.

39th International Independent Film Festival of Elche

I think I was wrong video. How do I can remove?

You can not do directly. Contact the organization through
Just I upload the video but do not see it on the web
The Organization does not upload the video immediately. the necessary checks are made to
see if it meets bases. We give maximum within 24 hours to appear on the web.
I have not registered on the website of the Festival, can I participate?
The official platform to participate is the web of the surface but, additionally, the surface is
associated with several online platforms such as:
Click for Festivals:
The author / producer / distributor can submit their short this edition of the surface through
these associated platforms. The Organization is responsible for "move" short from these
platforms to the surface officer, in open or restricted the jury so, as
desired by the authors.
My video will not play
The website is programmed in HTML5 to ensure viewing from any mobile device and PC / Mac,
so you may have a problem with your browser. There are several solutions:
a) Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1) or Windows 10: We recommend using
version 11 of the browser or, in the case of Windows 10, the browser that comes by
default: Microsoft Edge. Version 8 is backward compatible with the online viewing.
Please upgrade to version 11, but only if you have Windows Vista, Windows 7 or
Windows 8. However, commenting that version 9 of this browser is not fully
compatible with HTML5, so can you continue having problems.
b) Users of Windows XP. Internet Explorer 11 is supported. If you do not want to update
your operating system recommend installing any of these free browsers

39th International Independent Film Festival of Elche

Mozilla Firefox:

Google Chrome:
Apple Safari:, although it is no longer supported by Apple
The system is already used in these browsers and operating normally.
For any questions and / or issue, contact us at:
But I'm using Mac (or Linux)
No problem. The system is tested with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari (for Mac) and
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (for Linux) and runs smoothly.
In Mac please upgrade to at least version 10.7.3 of the operating system, if you use Safari, we
recommend version 5.1.5 and Quicktime 10.1
Do I need a lot of bandwidth to watch short films and / or videos compete up?
With having a bandwidth of 3 megs down / 500k upload, it would be enough.
When you want to view and / or uploading videos, please dedicate bandwidth exclusively to
prevent slowdowns.

There are many fields to fill

The Selection and Qualification is demanding. The more data you have, the better will issue its

Why choose a theme?

Although official participation categories are fiction, animation and documentary, short films
are not all equal.
Mainly in fiction, no two are alike, not all have a similar theme. They are of humor, action,
horror, etc.
This information is relevant and helps both the jury and the public that visit the website.

How does the public that the selection has issues?

39th International Independent Film Festival of Elche

Visitors to the website can order short as "theme packs" so we can have a better user
How many emails can I send?
No limit on the number of films with which they can compete.
Who values my short?
The Selection Board will be assessing all films they have been submitted to the to the May 16,
2016 at 12:00 (Spanish time)
And, of course, everyone who enters the Festival website and vote for
the Audience Online Award.

But I do not want to see it short Internet

This Festival provides two ways to participate:

a) In open mode: the Author / Producer / Distributor decides that the short look at
opened by anyone visiting this Website.
b) b) In restricted mode to the Jury: The Author / Producer / Distributor decides that his
short only will the Jury

But I brought my shorts through the associated platforms, how does the organization I
want to introduce in private mode?

The Organization has provided the associated platforms bases Festival, indicating that short can
be presented in open or in private. On these platforms the author will be contacted to confirm
if they are to be presented in open or in private.

And where can you decide that choice?

Once you are a registered user, the "Send Video" at the bottom of the screen the option of
choosing the mode of participation appears.

You have forgotten me check one of these options, I can participate?

No. This choice is mandatory. The system is not allowed to proceed if one of the two modes is
not chosen. For more information see the "Terms of Use" of this website.

39th International Independent Film Festival of Elche

Why do I have to convert my short film?

To suit viewing via streaming on this website but plays most audio and video formats known.
I am a relative novice, how I can make my short?
There are numerous programs that convert between different formats and many of them are
This Festival maintains high standards in their productions. We recommend the use of
professional software exporting directly to this format. In Mac Final Cut there. Here is a first
approach to this program.
There are also other programs that allow you to convert between different formats with high
quality results.
Mac and Windows would have the Mpeg Streamclip
Windows also have the XMedia Recode
If you're using Linux possibilities also exist

No quality lose my short film to be in compressed format?

No. The format sets offer the perfect balance between quality and online display is suitable for
any user to see quality films.
Check out the rules and the "Terms of Use" of the web.
How do I know if I'm in the Official Selection?
As June 13, 2016 the Selection will provide the Organization the list of selected short films for
competition in the Official Selection and will proceed to contact them via email, we will have
provided their contact details.
Does my video will be screened in the Official Selection?
If the Selection Board as it thinks will be selected as a finalist. We will contact you and we will
explain the steps.
I received many votes. How do I know if I won the Audience Online Award?
The Online Audience Award goes to the accounting of the votes cast since the publication of
these rules until 23:59:59 (Spanish time) on 21 July 2016.

39th International Independent Film Festival of Elche

At the End of the Festival, July 22, 2016, the examining board will announce the winner of this
and other official categories of winners of this year's Festival.
I do not remember if I sent my video
In your registered user profile are recorded and annotated videos that you could send.
Have any problems, contact the organizers via e-mail to
Who fails Awards winners of the 39th?
The examining board will assess the best among the finalists chosen by the Selection Board.
Registered in, with their votes, users will be chosen by the Online Public
The votes cast by the audience to the projections of the Official Selection at the Hort del
Xocolater Park in the city of Elche be the ones to decide the "Hort del Xocolater" Audience
What format videos will be shown during the screening sessions?
In the original formats of HD video provided by the authors / producers / distributors. The
Organization is committed to providing the public with the best possible experience and always
ask for original HD.
How long can the public votes my video?
From the moment you upload the video until a day before the Closing Ceremony, that is, at
23:59:59 (Spanish time) on July 21, 2016.
When the projections of the Official Selection takes place?
The Opening and the End of the Festival Ceremonies and projections of the Official Selection
will be from 15 to 22 July 2016, on the official venues of the Festival projection in the Hort del
Xocolater Park in the city of Elche and the Arenales del Sol Beach.
The End of the Festival Ceremony will be held at the Hort del Xocolater Park the July 22,
What is the agenda of projections?

39th International Independent Film Festival of Elche

It is established when we have selected the films. For more information, see the program of
the web section from June 13, 2016.
How I can introduce the Mobile Film Maker Award?
To introduce Mobile Film Maker Award pathways involving are the same as for any short, with
the particularity that in the Synopsis field, you must specify the smartphone model employee
and post-production software used first. Short duration can not exceed 15 minutes.
Am I can present to the Mobile Filmmaker if I shorter than 15 minutes?
No. The maximum period allowed in this issue is up to 15 minutes.


39th International Independent Film Festival of Elche

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