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Prayer Matters

Morningside Church of Christ

Summit Evangelical Free Church A Publiction of the Church of Christ— Alta, IA

“Ministry in the Crosswinds of Life”

College Students April 3, 2011
Alta, IA 51002
505 W. Hwy 7
Special Needs:
People in Haiti
Family of JoAnn Carlson
Service Men -
Pete Dunphy - Jay Brenner — Gary Adams — Josh Fitch — David Kevin Lewis
Preston — Jim Cline - George Busby - Paul Brisbois all serving in Minister
Afghanistan - Ryan Hartwig - John Dalbey - Ben Allard — in states
Cancer -
Colleen Kirkholm - (Kirkholm’s daughter-in-law) Traci Sliefert Thursday - April 21 - 7:00 p.m. Community
Clinton Kelly - (friend of Pyle’s) rare form of leukemia Glenda Lewis Maundy Thursday Service @Alta United Methodist Church
Wee Care Preschool
Ray Vring
Mary & Jerry Seiler - (friends of Denny & Mindy Pyle)
Casey Bishop - (cousin of Cassie & John) - in remission Friday - April 22 - 7:00 p.m. Community Good
Trish Sauter - (Sauter’s sister-in-law) breast cancer Dianne Sliefert Friday Service @Summit Evangelical Free Church
Doug Simons - cancer & health problems Secretary
Gary Sauter - (Alice P. son) chemo
Sunday - April 24 - Easter Sunrise Breakfast
Health Issues -
Nancy F. - Alisha Helbing’s mother
Don Sliefert Will be from 7:45-8:45 a.m. Easter morning.
Clif Cockburn - continued recovery Our men will again be doing the cooking— invite your
Kelli, Courtney & Britney - prayer & guidance family and friends and join us.
Darrell Hansen - (Pam’s brother) MS & other health issues 9 a.m. Sunday School
Judy & Harold Ferrin—(friends of Kirkholm’s) Worship Times
Linda Rickers - (Lory K. sister) health issues & depression 10:00 a.m. Worship Service
Kaylee Alt—(Harris B. great-niece) waiting for second heart transplant
9 a.m Sunday School
Dave Nielson - (Tom L. neighbor) - depression 9:40 a.m. Coffee Time
John Huskamp - (Tom L. friend) - chronic pain 10 a.m. Worship
Easter Lilies for in honor or memory of a loved one can
Harris Bishop - congestive heart failure be ordered prepaid ($11.00) starting next Sunday in the
Mark Halverson - (Diane V. friend) prayer & guidance front hall (these will again be decorating our Sanctuary
Job Search - Contact Us on Easter morning)
Barb Nelson - job search - applying for Social Security
Nursing Homes - P.O. Box 85
Loraine Carlton - Alta Wel-Life Alta, IA 51002 30 Pieces of Silver bags are still available from the
Lester Carnine & Danny Hendricks - Methodist Manor; ushers, please bring them back and put in the offering
Office (712) 200-2321
Harris Bishop - B.V. Manor Fax (712) 200-2321
at the Easter Worship Service. The money will be used
Mary Schachtner - Fonda - Mary Goetsch - (Judy B. mom) Sioux for Camp Nebowa’s upcoming camp season
City; Dorothy Johnson - (Dave’s mom) - Ida Grove
Missions We Support -
C.E.M. - Nebraska Christian College - Beyond Imagination - A.R.M.S. Secretary —
2011 Theme
Good News Productions, Int. - Camp Nebowa - Lord’s Cupboard Love the Lord Your God With All Your Mind
“Renewing 2011”
From Kevin….. STOP TRUSTING Welcome to the Baby Shower
Harsh words, mean eyes, and hurtful actions are common in our world. Co-workers treating
us as though we're their slaves. Family thinking about themselves first and maybe us later.
Family You are invited to a
Even in the Church these things can creep in. A bad day or week causes us to mistreat one “Come and Go Baby Shower”
another. And the normal human reaction? QUIT! Stop trying to love someone. Stop expect- We rejoice with the decision of Jared and for Brooke (Sliefert) Nielsen
ing kindness and love back. Stop talking. Stop opening up. Stop trusting in them. A "Fool Ana Johnson, who on Sunday, March on Saturday, April 16 from 1-4 p.m.
me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me" reaction. You tried once or twice or a 20th, Jared was baptized and Anna in Fellowship Hall.
hundred times and now you're done. Actually that's the right reaction but only regarding one rededicated her life. On this special day She is registered at Target & Wal Mart.
person..... YOURSELF! they also had a dedication service for P.S. (It’s a girl!!)
Brothers and sisters, we don't want you to be ignorant about the suffering we experienced in their baby girl, Diem.
the province of Asia. It was so extreme that it was beyond our ability to endure. We even
wondered if we could go on living. In fact, we still feel as if we're under a death sentence.
Please keep this young family in your
prayers as they continue to grow in their
Bridal Shower
But we suffered so that we would stop trusting ourselves and learn to trust God, who brings faith.
the dead back to life. 2 Corinthians 1.8-9 GW You are invited to a
Paul went through terrible times. He even thought he might die. Lots of suffering! It didn't “Come and Go Bridal Shower”
stop. Day in and day out it continued. He was beside himself, wondering if he was con- Sympathy for Jessica Romo bride-elect
demned to die under a death penalty. But God did something amazing and taught Paul to of Robbie Sauter
stop trusting in himself. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to on Saturday, April 23rd
We are taught to be responsible people who work hard. And we should! But we take it a step the family of JoAnn Carlson who from 10—11:30 a.m.
further and believe that "If it's going to BE it's up to ME!" You put your trust in your power, passed away this past Thursday. @Our Savior Lutheran Church in
in your smarts, in your strength. And God says, "STOP!" You need to learn to trust in God Please keep her family in your prayers. Albert City.
only. The one who does amazing things - even raising the dead. "Paul, even if they do kill Jessie and Robbie are both attending
Nebraska Christian College and will be
you, I'll just raise you back to life! TRUST ME!"
Now how are you trusting in yourself and your efforts alone? When you stop doing that, Area Event married on July 16th.
you'll start wrestling with actual faith in God. You have to come to believe that he loves you, She is registered @Sugar Bowl
that he'd help and strengthen you, that he really is seen in the face of Jesus. Jesus lived his SPUDS & SPLITS Wal Mart - Target - Straw Horse
life as an example. Not an example for us to try to copy on our own power, but an example Sunday - April 10, 2011
of God's heart. Jesus did everything God does and wants to do! Stop trusting in yourself and 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
start trusting more in God. Now that doesn't mean we aren't involved or that we're lazy. We
just do our work...
@Alta Community Center
Please Add….
He has rescued us from a terrible death, and he will rescue us in the future. We are confident Baked potato w/toppings
To your directory: Eryn and Bruce
that he will continue to rescue us, since you are also joining to help us when you pray for us. Banana Splits & Drink
Voogd new phone # 200-4116
Then many people will thank God for the favor he will show us because many people prayed Put on by Trinity Lutheran Women
No cell phones!
for us. 2 Corinthians 1.10-11 GW
God helps and we join him in our prayers! They prayed for Paul and God listened and re-
sponded more than he would if they hadn't prayed. He wants lots of people involved so many March Avg. Stats On April Calendar -
Birthday - April 16 Stephanie Lichter
Thank him! So stop trusting in yourself! Start praying and trusting only in God and remem-
ber to thank him when he moves. Attendance Offering Budget Needs
74 $1,893.15 $1,821.00 Camp Nebowa Registration
Bible School - Avg. Att. 29 Offering $17.80 Forms on Information Table

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