Pres Release For Fired Union Steward 160212

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For Immediate Release

8:00pm 02/12/16
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), Local 241, Executive Board Member and Union
Steward Fired by CTA for Enforcing Union Contract
CTA Headquarters, 567 W. Lake St., Chicago, IL

CTA bus and rail workers, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Locals 241 (Bus) and 308 (Rail)
Officials, Chicago Teacher Union members and community supporters held a press conference
today at the CTA headquarters in support of ATU Local 241 elected Executive Board Member,
Union Steward and 10 year veteran Bus Operator Erek Slater in his fight to stop CTA from firing
him for trying to uphold the democratic rights of union members.
The hearing for termination of the Executive Board Member, Erek Slater, was held at ...10 am.
The CTA refused, in blatant violation of labor law, to recognize that Mr. Slater was acting as a
union steward when he initiated an inquiry into a possible violation of the contract on the request
of his coworker. Mr. Slater was vigorously defended by his union steward as well as all of the
vice-presidents of ATU local 241 who strongly opposed the position of the CTA. The 1st Vice
President of ATU local 308 was denied access to the hearing, according to Mr. Slater.
Mr. Slater stated, "CTA management told us that I was fired for "insubordination" because I told
a manager to "cease and desist" from breaking our contract while acting in my capacity and
responsibility as a union steward defending our collective bargaining agreement. This is a
declaration of war against workers' rights to organize and act collectively." The ATU members
were clear at the press conference that they intend to continue to defend their rights for safe
working conditions and safe transit for the people of Chicago. They expressed the dire need to
fight against the CTA's irresponsible and illegal attacks and to continue to build a mass
movement of union and community members throughout Chicago.
At the press conference prior to the hearing, CTA workers spoke about the daily indignities of
their hard working conditions including unfair and unsafe scheduling and inadequate break
times [Often we] have to be out of the bus terminal two minutes after weve arrived. How can
you pee when youve arrived [for] two minutes? You cant; you have to get your passengers off
the bus and then back on again, said Slater at the conference.

Djuan Williamson, a part-time CTA bus driver, spoke about the incredibly stressful working
conditions CTA bus drivers are subject to every day You have Uber, Lyft, bikes, red lights,
speed cameras, you have the highest crime rate in the country. You have murderers,
gangbangers, getting on the bus with you. The police officers, they have guns, we have nothing.
So whos afraid of who? The police are afraid that they might get killed. But yet they started me
at minimum wage. Eight dollars and fifty cents an hour, at minimum wage. A Vietnam era
veteran. I lost my business, I came here to work. Two and a half years ago, as part-timer. Im still
a part timer....
Ed Hershey, a teacher at Lindblom Elementary and member of the Chicago Teachers Union
also spoke of how he met drivers at Mr. Slaters garage who complained of management
intimidation after attending a joint union meeting he attended Im not surprised by this at all.
That they would attack somebody who wants to defend public services, who wants to draw the
connections between our struggles. We teachers are in struggle right now, with Mayor Emanuel,
and apparently they are attacking Erek for pointing that out to his coworkers. Im outraged by
this attack. All teachers unions should be outraged by this attack and we give our full support to
Brother Erek.
Lastly, workers also talked about CTAs practice of sending private investigators, at taxpayer
expense, to bus driver, rail operators and other union members homes to make sure their
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) time off was justified. Workers are not paid for FMLA leave.
Charlie Peacock, ATU Local 308, 1st Vice President spoke out, We are here standing in
solidarity with Erek: An attack on one is an attack on all!

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