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Competency Mapping; Process

While we manage, normally the term Competency is used to clarify

any underlying characteristic required for performing a given task,
activity or role successfully. Competency may take the following forms:
Knowledge, Attitude and Skill. Those core forms also added by
behaverioul competency like Motives, Values, Self concept etc. Often
casually we comment the position is not his cup of tea or that
person is the best fit to the Role. On subconscious mind we try to
assess ones profile or competency and match with role requirements.
But such casual assessment is not only a stumbling block for creating a
Talent Inventory and use the same for vital management decision like
Transfer, Posting and issues like Succession Planning but also to take
decision regarding basic recruitment and developmental requirement
of individual in a need based and cost effective manner. Due to lack of
any organized system such decision making process obviously remains
in the hand of few person who often start believing themselves as the
ultimate Power Centre and start directing the executive level to act
accordingly - thus force them to compromise professionally. Such style
of management, even if at the best spirit with wisdom, only could
serve purpose on short term basis. Such individual centric assessment
normally do not have the responsibility issue adhered to the decision
and thus does not have much room in the modern management
especially in a large and diverse working periphery like in Distribution
Business as after all they are to run the show as profit-centre at every
individual moment. Also in case of any sudden exit of those Individual
centric decision makers, an atmosphere of vacuum is sensed - what
obviously detrimental for the future advancement of the entity.
One of the organized managerial movements to overcome such
shortcoming is Competency Mapping. Competency mapping is the

process of identification of the competencies required to

perform successfully a given job or role or a set of tasks at a
given point of time. It consists of breaking a given role or job into its
constituent tasks or activities and identifying the competencies






attitudes, skills, etc.) needed to perform the same successfully.

The Process:
The following are some of tips to do competency mapping at low cost:
Pick up a job or a role that is relatively well understood by all
individuals in the organization. Work out for this role and give it as an
illustration. For example Divisional Manager, Asst. Manager (P&A), Jr.
Manager (Store) of a Distribution Division; Station Manager, Jr. Manager
(P&A) of a Group Electric Supply Office; CM/ACM of a Call Centre etc.
are known to all and easy to profile.
To start with, one should be clear as to what is the purpose of
Competency Mapping in the organization. Once that is clear, one can
go ahead with the actual process. The best way to map a position is to
talks to the present position holder- in the sense to have a detailed










responsibilities (better record and list them down activity wise). This
will give an understanding as to what it would take for effective
execution for those responsibilities.
For basic level post like ACM or Head Clerk this could be enough, but if
looking for a detailed and thorough mapping for other position, then
requires inputs also from the role set members of that position ie. the
boss, subordinate, internal customer n suppliers, peers etc. They can
also be asked as per them what are the competencies required for

effective execution of the responsibilities. Such a multifaceted process

brings in better clarity and objectivity in the entire process and the
results are much close two the reality. Based on the inputs taken from
all concerned, its then the responsibility of the HR process owners
(those involved in the interview and discussion process), to identify the
most critical competencies and thereby arrive at the competency
basket of the position. Certain competencies are generic across the
organization ie. Cost consciousness, communication skills, empathy,
customer focus, etc. Those are derived from the vision, mission and
values of the organization. These competencies are required for every
position across the organization.
Also every position would have their specific set of competencies and
required a lengthy process to be carried out at all strategic locations
considering geographical, economical and societal aspects. Definitely it
takes time but the end results are much more factual and objective
Only after we map down ie. Identify the job responsibilities &
competency requirements, should go for assessing where do
individuals stand in terms of the competencies required, that
is the Competency Assessment which is widely misunderstood
terminology with Competency Mapping. Once the competency
(specific & generic) is identified for each position the rating is done on
scale of 1- 5 requirement of each position and after assessing the
person the competency ratio derived at. An illustration is given below
for the role of DM of Distribution wing.
Competency Identification Worksheet
ROLE : Divisional Manager

To achieve overall revenue target of the Division

Plan, develop & control the Divisional strategy for reduction of
ATC loss
Plan, develop & control the Divisional strategy for enhancement
of reliability index and customer satisfaction
To manage a team of X nos. of Station Managers and Y no. S/Dvn.
To ensure efficient and cost effective Materials management
Regular interaction with Customer Group as well as Local, Civil &
Police authority
To establish timely effective communications within the Circle,
Zone and with Corporate level of Distribution wing.
To maintain harmonious industrial relations
Match Person / Position for Divisional Manager



Bsns. Knowledge
Team Centric
Result Centric





Risk Propensity

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