Middle East Threat Briefs 04142010

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A Global Threat Mitigation Firm

14 April 2010 Washington, D.C. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

www.cjiausa.org 703.268.4453
Special points of interest:
BORDER 1 possibility of passing nuclear
Reports indicate that Syria devices to terrorists capable Gaza's Hamas rulers have
 IRAN WARNINGS has positioned A or SS-1B ordered residents to shut
TO THE U.S. 1 of striking inside the United
scud missiles on the border smuggling tunnels along
States? This without direct the border with Egypt in-
 NUCLEAR DEVICE near Lebanon. It is believed specification as to whether definitely, cutting off the
THREATS BY TER- that two Hizbollah brigades these elements would be Ira- economic lifeline for 1.5
RORISTS INSIDE have been instructed in their nian or others. However, Te- million Palestinians.
THE U.S.? 1 use. Earlier reports had hran’s reported position came
described these missiles al- during the Nuclear Security Hamas security forces
 RUSSIA’S PUTIN warned people they would
ready on Lebanon soil. Summit, of which Iran and
PROMISES TO DE- be punished if they defied
STROY THOSE RE- North Korea were excluded. the order. A Hamas secu-
SPONSIBLE FOR Israel has warned Damascus The question is whether Iran rity official confirmed the
SUBWAY BOMBS 1 via Washington that their has acquired nuclear devices closure.
crossover into Lebanon in for that purpose, or has the
violation of UN resolutions makings of primitive nuclear Hamas has long controlled
would spark military action devices or "dirty bombs?" the tunnel industry. It is not
on both sides of the Syrian- clear why the sudden order.
Lebanese border. MOSCOW
id1873.html Israel and Egypt have
04/14/2010 maintained a tough block-
Russian prime minister ade of Gaza since Hamas
http://mexidata.info/ Vladimir Putin has promised seized power nearly three
id1943.html that those responsible for two years ago, and the hun-
dreds of tunnels in the
IRAN explosions at two Moscow
Rafah area are the main
http://mexidata.info/ subway stations recently, entry point for many basic
id2539.html A warning published by killing at least 38 people and items, as well as weapons.
Kayhan, stated "If the US many more injured, "will be
strikes Iran with nuclear destroyed." Two blasts, one The Gaza-Egypt border sits
http://mexidata.info/ weapons, there are elements near the Federal Security at the northeastern tip of
id2309.html which will respond with nu- the Sinai desert.
Services building killed 25
clear blasts into U.S. main ________
people. The second blast
cities.” killed 12 near Gorky Park.
http://mexidata.info/ ————
id1971.html An announcement that “Iran
A SUEZ CANAL potential
would join the world's nu-
clear club within a month,”
threat that al Qaeda may be “IT is believed that
planning attacks on shipping IRAN will have
Jbrewer@cjiausa.org followed; this as 47 world
in these waters. Ships exiting enough uranium for a
leaders gathered in Washing-
Twitter: cjiausa ton for President Barack the Suez Canal from the
nuclear bomb within
Obama's Nuclear Security south, and sea traffic bound
west for the Suez Canal from one year.” 04/14/2010
http://www.scribd.com/ Summit.
the Indian Ocean and Persian
04/13/2010 Gulf (and from Yemeni
shores) could be at risk.

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