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Marketing Research Title:

Moderating effects of online shopping experience on customer

satisfaction and repurchase intentions
Student names:

Mariam Riaz
Sheeza Nisar

Roll no.:

BB12001 (morning)
BB12105 (evening)




Sir Ghulam Abbas Haidar
Dr. Naveed Iqbal CH
Business Administration Department
Punjab University, Gujranwala Campus.

1. Problem Statement:
Although many researchers work on the online shopping and intention to repurchase the
products. As the trend of online shopping in Pakistan is increasing but the literary work regarding
this topic is incomplete in Pakistan. So concerning this problem my share in this research is to
identify the customers satisfaction in response to online shopping that whether the effect of
experience moderate the customers satisfaction and repurchase intention or not. And this theory
is tested on just experienced online customers. I encouraged this theory to test on nonexperienced customers as well to identify new instruments from which non-experienced
customers can be attracted.

2. Research Questions and Objectives:

2.1. Research questions:

To what degree customers online behavior affect by moderating the role of experience?
How the model is distinguished between the customer of high experience and low

2.2. Research objectives:

Categorize the major factors of online shopping behavior.

Consider the buyers fulfilment and purpose to regain that product which is effected by the
supposition of effort and performance, capability to accomplish the responsibility and trust.
Identify the effect of experience on all the above factors.

3. Literature Survey:
3.1. Effort expectancy:
Effort expectancy denotation is that the use of technology (online shopping) exerts less effort as
compared to shopping in the market. The effort of the customers to use the search engines for
online shopping affect the intention to repurchase. Effort expectancy has more effect on low
experienced customers rather than high experienced customers to repurchase. More conditions
(security, website environment etc.) that support the use of online shopping then people will be
expected to accept the online shopping more.(Im, Hong, & Kang, 2011)

3.2 Performance expectancy:

Performance expectancy means an individuals expectation to complete his/her purchases
without help easily. Performance expectancy states to which extent the customer trusts that eshopping mends their operation experience like effort expectancy. These all affects the
repurchase intention.(Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003). Performance expectancy leads
to future intentions(Bhattacherjee, 2001). And the experience moderates the outcome of
performance expectancy positively.

3.3 Self-efficacy:
Ones belief on his/her skills to accomplish a project. Self-efficacy judge the individuals
intention that whether he wants to perform a task or not and experience enhances the effect of
self-efficacy to do the online dealings and in return has positive influence on purchasers

satisfaction. And in additional there is casual relationship between self-efficacy and online
adaptation.(Dash & Saji, 2008). Self-efficacy has directly effect on intention to use.(Bandura,

3.4 Trust:
Trust is the customers acceptance that electronic shopping is performing lawfully and
properly(Pavlou & Fygenson, 2006). This confidence is vital for both online customers
regardless the customers who are well conscious of the products and who have less involvement.
Belief act as a constant feature but it boosts the effect of satisfaction and repurchases. Trust is
important in overall online shopping process and results in the enhancement of perceived value,
whole satisfaction and trustworthiness intentions(Chiou, 2004).

3.5 Satisfaction:
All the above factors lead to high satisfaction which upsurges the intents to repurchase and
ultimately boost up the organizations revenue and has definitely affect the repurchases
positively in future.(Lee & Lin, 2005) and the experienced customers appreciate online shopping
more than non-experienced customers.(Yang, 2012)

3.6 Experience:
Experience means the ones own exchange with an event. Related to the e-shopping there are
many questions arises in ones mind about how a firm can make the experience superior
regarding the buyer? How can they recall their customers? For all these queries they have to
conduct an inquiry about what consumers requisite so that when the customer use they can be
motivated for the imminent intentions.

3.7 Intention to repurchase:

Repurchase intention means intent to buy a specific article again. Repurchase intention is
essential for online shopping. The basic over-all consumption route is generally recognized in
relations of e-business(Blackwell & Stephan, 2001). The firm should follow that plans which
lead to the future intentions. If the customers mollify with the terms and conditions of a firm then
they will reappear to company for purchases.

4. Methodology:
Quantitative research procedure will be used to conduct the study. The population of my research
will be all those people who do e-shopping at least once in last 6 months for low experience,
more than 5 for high experience customers and customers who have no experience. Five likert
scale will be used to measure the respondents response. Data will be collected from specific
number of respondents. And the random sampling method will be used.

4.1 Estimated results and Analysis procedures:

It is anticipated that satisfaction has substantial link with purchase intentions in future by the
moderating part of experience. SPSS will be applied for the analysis of statistics. For the
exploration of data different tests will be applied by using the above cited softwares.

Factor analysis

Descriptive statistics
Correlation and regression
Structural equation modelling

5. Utilization of research results:

Conclusion of this research is that experience act as a catalyst on performance and effort
expectancy, self-efficacy and trust which has clear effect on the satisfaction and as well as
satisfaction with repurchase intentions which seizures more customers towards online shopping
and motivates them in the direction of e-shopping and there is an opportunity for other
businesses and freshers to do online business by staying at home and earn a remarkable profit.

Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Retrieved from
Bhattacherjee, A. (2001). Understanding information systems continuance: an expectationconfirmation model. MIS Quarterly, 351370.
Chiou, J.-S. (2004). The antecedents of consumers loyalty toward Internet service providers.
Information & Management, 41(6), 685695.
Dash, S., & Saji, K. B. (2008). The role of consumer self-efficacy and website social-presence in
customers adoption of B2C online shopping: an empirical study in the Indian context.
Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 20(2), 3348.
Im, I., Hong, S., & Kang, M. S. (2011). An international comparison of technology adoption:
Testing the UTAUT model. Information & Management, 48(1), 18.
Lee, G., & Lin, H. (2005). Customer perceptions of eservice quality in online shopping.
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 33(2), 161176.

Pavlou, P. A., & Fygenson, M. (2006). Understanding and predicting electronic commerce
adoption: An extension of the theory of planned behavior. MIS Quarterly, 115143.
Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., & Davis, F. D. (2003). User acceptance of
information technology: Toward a unified view. MIS Quarterly, 425478.
Yang, K. (2012). Consumer technology traits in determining mobile shopping adoption: An
application of the extended theory of planned behavior. Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services, 19(5), 484491.
Blackwell, R., & Stephan, Kp. (2001). Customers rule. Crown Business, New York.

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