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ACY4006 - SQL Workshop 1:

Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio

1. What is Microsoft SQL Server
It is a relational database server for people to store and retrieve data.
The latest version of Microsoft SQL Server is Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
2. Versions of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
There are at least 6 mainstream versions of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 to provide different
functions to different types of users, they are:




Among these 6 mainstream versions, Express version is free to download but only supports with
10GB storage per each database. This version is normally used for teaching and learning, program
developing and testing.

3. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express

During installation, a software application calls Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio
Express is also be installed. It can be found in Start menu -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server
2008 R2 as below.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express is integrated software and used for
configuring, managing, and administrating all components within Microsoft SQL Server. The tool
includes both script editors and graphical tools which work with objects and features of the server.

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4. Start using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio

Click on Start button, select Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 -> SQL Server
Management Studio. Connection screen prompts as below:

Enter the following information in the connection screen:

[Server type]:
[Server name]:

Database Engine
Computer name Instance name (SQL server name)


SQL Server Authentication



Test123 {case sensitive}

Click on Connect button to log-in to the SQL Server.

5. Object Explorer
Object Explorer lists out most of the actions you can perform in SQL server.

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6. Create a New Database

No demo or blank database is found in a newly installed SQL Server environment. We have to create
one by ourselves.
To create a new database, right click Databases folder in Object Explorer, select New Database.

Enter the following information for the new database:

[Database name]:

AdventureWorks (no space between Adventure and Works)

Click on OK to create a new database.

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The newly created database AdventureWorks is shown under the folder of Databases as below:

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7. Restore a Database
Download the file from eCampus, unzip it in V drive and proceed the
following restore procedures in SQL Server Management Studio:
Step 1: Right click on the database AdventureWorks, select Tasks -> Restore -> Database

Step 2: In the section of Source for restore, select From device: and click on the button

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Step 3: In the screen of Specify Backup, press the Add button and select the unzipped backup
file AdventureWorks.bak in V drive.

Press OK button to proceed next step.

Step 4: Select the check box of the selected backup file as below.

Step 5: Go to Options page, select the option of Overwrite the existing database (WITH
REPLACE) under the section of Restore options.

Click on OK button to proceed data restore procedures.

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Step 6: The program prompts a message as below to notify you the restore procedure is completed

8. Overview of a Database
As learnt in lecture, a database contains a series of data files (such as i) master files: customers,
suppliers, inventories, staff and etc; ii) transaction files: sales, purchases, payroll and etc.). While a
data file contains a series of attributes that describe an entity or a transaction.
In the following image, SQL Server Management Studio uses a tree diagram to present the
relationships between database and data files (tables), data file and attributes (fields or columns) in
Object Explorer.

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On the right hand side of the above image, the program shows the records of the data file

Data structure of a file (table)

To view or modify the data structure of a file (table), we can right click on the data file and
select Design.)

Attribute name, data type, data length and allow null value requirement are shown in a
summary. You can click a particular attribute name and edit its data settings in the Column
Properties tab page.
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It is not preferred to modify the data structure nor the properties of an attribute directly in the
Database Management System (DBMS) without technical advice in advance, as you may
interrupt the operations of accounting software or ERP system.

Browse the contents stored in the data file

You can simply right click on the data file you want and select Select Top 1000 rows.

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SQL Server Management Studio executes some Transact-SQL (T-SQL) commands

automatically for you.

Transact SQL




SQL Views
SQL Views are prepared and saved by programmers with some T-SQL commands and they are
typically for some queries which are frequently asked by managers or users.
In this sample database, there are several views prepared by Microsoft, such as
HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory and Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears. A
database user can simply right click on the view object in Object Explorer and select Select
Top 1000 rows.

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Database Diagrams
As Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database, most of data files in the database should be
linked with at least one data file. A new programmer or database administrator can use this
function to ask the SQL Server Management Studio to prepare a relationship chart, as well as a
database diagram, among all or partial data files in a particular database.
To browse a database diagram, double click on an existing database diagram dbo.diagram_0.

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8.5 Security of a Database

Securing database is one of the two important tasks to be performed by a database
administrator (DBA). The other is backup database.
In SQL Server Management Studio, you can:
control which database user(s) can access a particular database;
assign user role and related user rights within a database; and
encrypt data and database by using a passphrase, keys or a certificate.

9. Backup a Database
To perform a backup for a particular database, right click on the name of a database (such as
AdventureWorks) and select Tasks -> Backup.

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In the screen of Back Up Database, we can select to have a Full backup or a Differential backup.
Full backup ALL items inside the database (such as data, views, database diagram, securities

setting and etc) are copied to the backup file. Longer time in backup and larger file size of
backup file are expected.
Differential backup SQL Server Management Studio creates a checkpoint when we perform a
backup. The studio use the last checkpoint as a cutoff point and copies any new or modified
items inside the database. Faster time in backup, smaller file size of backup file, but longer in
restoring are expected.

Select Full in
Backup type for
initial backup of
a newly created

In the Destination section, click on the Remove button to clear the pre-set file path, and then click
on the Add button to create a new backup path.
Click on the button in the screen of Select Backup Destination as below:

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Create a new folder sqlBackup in V drive and select this folder as the backup destination.

In the field of File name, type the file name with the following pattern:
[Name of Database]-[Date]-[Version].bak

Click on OK button to start the backup procedure.

The Studio prompts a notification message as below when the backup completed successfully.

Normally, we should zip the backup file for easy storage and transfer.
(167 MB in BAK file vs 31 MB in ZIP file)

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