Chip8 300 Documentation

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CP300 Chip8 version 1.

Chip8 Emulator for the Casio ClassPad 300
Copyright Brian Maguire 2004
Portions Copyright Marcel de Kogel
License Agreement License Agreement
Copyright (c) 2004 Brian Maguire. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
A link to must accompany the description of any downloadable software or
source code. The link must be visible on the same web page as the download link.
Redistributions of source code or binaries must retain the above copyright notice and this list of conditions.
Any modified works must include the complete source or information on how to obtain the source code, the
above copyright notice, and this list of conditions.

Chip8 is a game interpreter from the late 70s and early 80s. Because it was designed as a portable,
assembly-like language for small screens, it became popular with calculator enthusiasts.
CHIP-8 was ported to the first calculator in the early 1990s when it was ported to the HP48. The CHIP-8
instruction set was also improved to support the larger display of the HP48. The new SuperChip (SCHIP)
instruction set supported a screen size of 128*64, where the original CHIP-8 only supported 64*32.
This is the first version of a Chip8 emulator for the Casio ClassPad 300. The documentation is pretty
limited. I will be improving on this when I get time. Please check back on for
This emulator is based on the Vision8 CHIP-8 emulator written by Marcel de Kogel. For more information
on Vision8 please see the Vision8 home page

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Quick Info
The game plays on the top window. The bottom window shows the key mappings and speed control. You
select a game using the Game Folder toolbar button.

Key Mappings
The Chip8 platform only had a HEX keypad, which is numbers 0-9 and letters A-F. This meant not all
games used the same keys for things like UP or DOWN.
The original CHIP-8 programs used a 16 key hex keyboard, which looked like this:

The keyboard is emulated on the ClassPad 300 using the following keys:



In addition, a few hard keys have been mapped to the following emulator functions:

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Back Space

Pause game

Clear (Break)

Restart game

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Save Game State in Quick List

Restore game State from Quick List

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Save and Restore Game State

You can now save and restore a games state. You can do this the hard way using the Game menu, or you
can do it the easy way using the Quick Save popup.

Game Menu
The Game menu uses the File Manager to open or save a game state just like you would save an eActivity.
You can decide where to save it, and what to name it. This is the safest way to save a game, but slower and
a bit clumsier because you need to use the pen.

Quick Save Popup

You can use the ) and , keys to pop up the Quick Save popup. This menu lets you save and restore up
to 8 game states quickly, without the need of a pen.


Save Game State in Quick List

Restore game State from Quick List

The Quick State popup uses special OK, CANCEL buttons. You can activate either button using the 1 or 2
hard key.

Game State Directory

The Quick Save states and the last state used are all saved in a new Chip8 directory named Chip8Sys. You
can copy, save, or delete any of these states.

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Toolbar Button

Open a game
Start a paused game
Pause game
Restart game
Toggle soft keypad on and off

Game Documentation
Below is a very brief description of each game. Some descriptions are in a separate text file that was
created by the games author.

A Space Invaders clone. Move with 9 and *. Shoot with 0.


Avoid being sprayed, run under boulders, don't get squashed by shoes. Just a
typical day for an ant.


This game is a PACMAN clone. Your goal is to eat all the balls in the maze.
There are some enemies, so be careful. Use 2 4 6 and 8 to move.


This game is a BOMBER clone. You are in a plane, and you must destroy the
towers of a town. Your plane is flying left to right, and goes down. Use 5 to
drop a bomb. The game ends when you crash yourself on a tower...


This game is an "arkanoid" precursor. Your goal is the destruction of all the
bricks. The game ends when all the bricks are destroyed


This game is an "arkanoid" precursor. You have 5 lives, and your goal is the
destruction of all the brixs. Use 4 and 6 to move your paddle. The game ends
when all the brixs are destroyed.


A car game. Move with 1 and 2.








The well known game. Destroy the invaders with your ship. Shoot with 5,
move with 4 and 6. Press 5 to begin a game.






A Pipe-mania clone. Move using 1 2 9 6. Place a pipe using 4 and 7.

Pong - 1 Player

Here is the well known pong game. There are two versions available. This is
a one player version

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Pong - 2 Player

Here is the well known pong game. There are two versions available. This is
a two player version


A car game. Move with 1 and 2.


Drive the rocket without hitting the walls

Space Fight 2091

A Space Invaders clone. Shoot the aliens before they land




Pong style game except that you have 5 balls which are not to be lost...


Two Player pong style game using four paddles instead of two


This game is a SNAFU, or TRON variant. You are a snake, and you are very
hungry. So, you eat the "0" which appears on the screen. Each time you eat
your size and score increase. You can choose to play with or without a border
by pressing + and - before playing. Use 1 2 9 6 to move respectively LEFT
RIGHT UP DOWN. When finished, press [EXP] to see the score.


You are in a tank which has 25 bombs. Your goal is to hit 25 times a mobile
target. The game ends when all your bombs are shot. If your tank hits the
target, you lose 5 bombs. Use 2 4 6 and 8 to move. This game uses the
original CHIP8 keyboard, so directions 2 and 8 are swapped.


Guess what this game is... I'm sure you don't need the rules. If you do, please
ask your friends. Use 4 to rotate, 5 and 6 to move, 1 to drop a piece.




A precursor of INVADERS. You have 15 missiles to shoot on the two

invaders. The big one moves on the left and gives you 5 points. The small one
moves on the right at variant speeds. You can shoot them in three directions:
left, up and right. Use 4 to shoot on the left, 5 to shoot up, 6 to shoot on the
right. The game ends after having shot the 15 missiles.


Like BRIX, but the brix are put vertically, and the pad also moves vertically.
Start by pressing 1, and move using 4 and 7.


A TRON clone. Player 1 Keys: [1,0,7,8], Player 2 Keys [*,-, EXP, EXE]


Yet another PONG variation.

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Future Enhancements
I plan in expanding on the documentation, which is pretty limited right now. I also hope to add the
following emulator features

Downloading user created games

On line help

Custom (user defined) key mapping

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