FB Conversation With Matt Pouliot Full October 8 2013 Thru May 15 2014

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Conversation started October 8, 2013

10/8, 8:22pm

i have to be in superior court at 9:30a tomorrow morning for 2 cases i have pending which are being heard, one of
which is my eviction appeal against the landlord whose buildings were just shut down on 1 and 3 Jefferson STreet
and my building which is being shut down next wednesday on the 16th on 3 Washington Street Place... the
building being shut down will nullify my eviction and will set me up to bring other actions against my landlord for
breach of the warranty, retaliatory eviction and other charges...
i should be home by mid afternoon and will call you when i get back from court ...
i have a lot of ideas that need to be discussed with serious consideration in light of the epidemic of negligent
landlords we are experiencing lately ... i look forward to speaking with you tomorrow afternoon

10/8, 8:40pm

Matthew Pouliot
I look forward to hearing from you!

October 9, 2013

10/9, 10:59pm

just to let you know, in the name of true transparency and authenticity, as well as other reasons, i record all my
conversations, especially with govt people and landlords, etc for education, notetaking and research purposes ...
i am going on the radio tonight and will be airing our conversation from earlier so i can try to garner some support
for our ideas and collective mission ...

A Candid Conversation with Rep. Matt Pouliot and GinA

GinA from the MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE and Rep. Matthew Pouliot, R-Augusta speaking about the virtual
epidemic of unsafe and deteriorated buildings within the city limits of Augusta Maine and how many apartments (units) have
been lost in the past 10 months due to a landlord's inability or refusa...

October 10, 2013

10/10, 4:28am

Matthew Pouliot
You didn't tell me this before we spoke, you said you had to call back because you only had 25 min left on your
phone and did not say anything about our conversation being recorded. I don't feel that is honest Gina, and I
would appreciate you keeping our conversation private. Thank you and I look forward to working with you in the

October 10, 2013

10/10, 7:34am

Matthew Pouliot
I should add that I appreciate the work you are doing, just would like to know your.intentions up front. I hope you
can understand, I'd like to be able to work.forward with you on a basis of strong trust. Thank you.

10/10, 7:53am

it is true that i only have 25min left on my phone... i have a free Obama-phone which only gives me 60min/mth
which is why i have my computer set up to make outgoing calls ... i feel bad that i did not tell you before we had
our conversation because i had every intention to tell you beforehand but we got caught up in the dialog so
quickly that it escaped my thoughts and didnt come back until i hung up ... i do apologize for that and am sorry i
didnt give you a heads up ...

10/10, 7:54am


i make an exerted effort to tell people what i'm doing, and plan to do, before i do it but yesterday caught me off
guard and i didnt follow through the way i wanted to and i deeply apologize because that was not how i wanted to
start our relationship ...

10/10, 10:26am

Matthew Pouliot
I don't mind you keeping the conversation but will you please agree to remove it from the website? I would
appreciate that. I'd also like a copy of the recording sent to me when you have a moment. Again, I have no
problem with being a part of the solution with you, just please be upfront with me about your intentions as I will be
with you. Thank you, Gina.

10/10, 11:14am

i will send you a copy of the raw audio and will remove the call from the website because i did not warn you i was
recording ... i will do it this time because i want to work with you and because i didnt give you fair warning of being
recorded; however, my mission for truth, transparency and authenticity includes recording myself and other
people so those candid conversations can be used in the resolution process, for publicizing each individual's story
to garner the help they need and for research purposes ...
it is these types of candid, honest conversations which will spark the resolutions we are all trying to create ... if
people were open, honest, and transparent about their feelings, motivations and objectives, we would be much
farther along in the collaborative resolution process than we are currently ... but the problem i am observing is that
people want to hide and provide only the information which is beneficial to their position ...
you and i had a fantastic conversation which i strongly believe would help community if they were allowed to hear
it for themselves ... they need to hear that tenants and landlords can come together and form a working
relationship despite coming from completely opposite ends of the spectrum as you and I are demonstrating ...
they need to hear for themselves, from unscripted unrehearsed talks, what our problem-resolution strategies
include and how they can help ... i think we need to embrace the true essence of transparency if we want to
garner the respect and support we seek ...
i personally would not trust someone who refuses to be recorded because my first question would be, "what are
they hiding that they dont want to be recorded?" I apply this baseline to myself as well as everyone else
regardless of their relationship to me ... and which also includes my family and friends ...
again, Matt, I extend my deepest and most sincerest apologies for failing to tell you at the beginning of the call
that I was recording because hiding it was not my intention and I actually injured myself and my reputation with
you by failing to give you prior warning ... and i feel really bad about that ...
when i speak with tenants i tell them i am recording for note-taking purposes, research and so we can publicize
their story upon their request and permission ... so far i have not been asked by any tenant to stop recording or to
keep the call private ... and they have all given me permission to air those calls on the radio ...
i have integrity and respect for your wanting to maintain your privacy, but as a government official who is
genuinely working toward community's betterment, I believe our conversation last night would greatly benefit
community if they are allowed to listen to it and use our conversation as a springboard for the desired
collaboration we all want ...

i hope we can talk about this further so you know that I did not intend to disrespect you in any way and I feel really
bad that I dinged my reputation and integrity by failing to give you that warning and option to opt out ...
please forgive me ... and again, thank you for being a cheerleader for community values and professional integrity
~ GinA

10/10, 11:21am

i just deleted our conversation off that page as you requested...
with all due respect, and I send you a great deal of my respect, i would not do this for just anyone ... as a matter
of fact, if i did not want to work with you in a truly collaborative relationship i would not even consider taking it
down because it was a great conversation with no damaging or prejudicial information being shared ... and would
be hugely beneficial for others to hear ...
but i pride myself on having integrity and doing the right thing when nobody is watching which is why i am
honoring your request ... i do hope you will think about the transparency issue more and reconsider the benefit to
recording our conversations for public review ...
thank you again for your time, Matt, and I do look forward to working with you.

10/10, 12:09pm

Matthew Pouliot
Thank you Gina - I respect you and your mission and I look forward to working with you. Honestly, I read your
email at 4:30 this morning and haven't had a chance to listen to our conversation. If you provide me an
opportunity to listen to it (which will take a while day or two probably smile emoticon ) then I may reconsider for
the purpose of educating the public, which is important to me. Thank you for taking it down for the time being and
I look forward to working with you in a collaborative nature moving forward.

10/10, 12:34pm

thank you Matt ... i just uploaded to my server the audio file of my radio show from last night which was 2hrs
15min long and incorporated the entire conversation between you and myself. the other person on the show with
me is my 2nd board director, Richard Ritenour, from Georgia ...
here is the link to download that file which is about 33Mb

10/10, 1:38pm

it's important for you to know i do not indiscriminately publish every recorded conversation just because i can ... i
always use integrity when i choose which audios to publish ... and it's always for the purpose of educating,
creating community camaraderie or giving the people on the audio their desired air time ...
my core belief is when someone is transparent and truthful, there is no possibility for anyone to speculate about
that person's true motives because everything is provided freely and honestly ... i have no reason to hide and
know the act of hiding is at the core of our problems not only with community interactions but with the core of
humanity's relationship with each other ...
before i incorporated the MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE i spoke frankly with my board directors and we all
agreed that corruption exists only in hiding and our mission is to expose and eradicate the corruption through
absolute truth, transparency and authenticity which requires audio recordings so we can eliminate the "he
said/she said" obstacles and so we can prove that these incidents are in fact happening and we have the proof ...
and because i am skilled in the courtroom but am not an attorney, the judges and attorneys are reporting me for
practicing law without a license which requires me to cover my butt at every turn ... we are dealing with some
nasty people who need to be flushed to the surface but that can only happen with facts, evidence and
unrebuttable proof which has to come in the form of recordings ...
you will learn in short time that judges, lawyers, landlords and tenants are very aware of the name GinA Turcotte
and the MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE because i am sharp, articulate, truthful, factual and they all know i
record all my conversations ... and i am finding those people who are opposed to being recorded are those with
something to hide... everyone who knows me and who like me know they have nothing to fear because they have
nothing to hide nor do they have any negative ulterior motives ... if people are honest and authentic, i will work
with them ...
i just wanted to let you know that i have respect and use discretion and have no malevolent intent ...

10/10, 1:40pm

and also when the day arrives that i am charged with the crime of "practicing law without a license" i will be able
to prove that none of the information i have given to anyone rises to the level of practicing law without a license ...
and the bad guys will have no way support their claim ...

October 13, 2013

10/13, 9:37am

hey Matt ... we REALLY NEED to do something about these landlords ... RAY CORPORATION turned off the hot
water to my building on friday afternoon and didnt tell anyone ... i just discovered it a few minutes ago when i tried
to wash some dishes and had no hot water ... can we talk sometime soon ?

10/13, 9:38am

the owner, Rob Ray, was here friday doing something in the basement so i know he was the person who shut off
the hot water ... he also turned off the internet and cable to the building on tuesday despite it being included in the
lease terms ... so people who are still in the building have no way to look for another place thanks to the internet
being shut off

10/13, 9:39am

thankfully i bought my own internet service when i moved in which is why i am still online

10/13, 10:42am

i got into the basement (without 'breaking in') and turned the hot water heater back on ... i called the police and
they said it is a "civil matter" ... we need to pass some laws which will criminalize these landlords' behaviors, such
as turning off hot water while people are still living in the building ... and allowing people to live on the 3rd floor
without a fire escape or 2nd egress ... it's blatantly reckless ...

10/13, 1:13pm

Matthew Pouliot
Hi Gina, I'm busy with.family today but happy to discuss further tomorrow. This is a terrible situation!

October 13, 2013

10/13, 6:25pm

thank you Matt ... i will be calling Pine Tree Legal tomorrow and asking if they can get a preliminary injunction or
some other court order to force the landlord to pay for alternate housing for me... i may have to haunt the
courthouse tomorrow if i'm lucky so i'm not sure what time i will be calling you... i'm also in contact with Maeghan
Maloney about filing criminal charges against my landlord and will be making contact with her again tomorrow

with the latest information... once i get settled into my new place i will be moving full force ahead on drafting new
legislation and amending existing legislation to reflect the problems that i, and others, have been experiencing this
year with these types of landlords ... i feel bad for landlords like yourself and other good landlords because the
RAY CORPORATIONs and JIM PEPIN's give you good guys a bad name ...
i'll keep you updated tomorrow as events unfold. my landlord told the tenants in the 3rd floor that he wants
everyone out before wednesday morning so he doesnt have to deal with us... as far as I know right now i will be
here wednesday morning unless something wonderful happens for me before then

October 16, 2013

10/16, 6:46pm

hey Matt !! the Universe smiled on me today and i am still at 3 Washington St. Place and do NOT need to move
immediately... code enforcement is NOT shutting the building down ONLY because everyone is out of the building
except for me.. i am the only tenant in this building now ... you and i have a lot to talk about when you have time

10/16, 6:47pm

code enf. has sent a formal letter to the STate Fire Marshall's office asking for an investigation into Ray Corp.'s
properties statewide because of the rooming house issue

November 3, 2013

11/3, 9:31am

Hey Matt... i've not heard from you since we last spoke on Oct. 19th ... I'm moving forward with my plans as we
discussed and would like to work with you if you are genuinely interested in working with the MAINE TENANTS
JUSTICE LEAGUE on these landlord/tenant issues ...
We have SERIOUS corruption occurring between landlords, attorneys and the court system which must be
exposed and eradicated ... I have moved out of Washington Street Place and the building has been shut down
and boarded up but that does not fix the core problem ~ LANDLORD'S APATHY, GROSS NEGLECT AND
the only way this is going to be resolved is to expose it in the public view which I plan to do with (or without) the
help of my legislators ...
I hope you are still wanting to work with our agency for the betterment of our state ...

November 4, 2013

11/4, 8:44pm

Matthew Pouliot
Hi Gina,
Thank you for writing. I agree - we have a lot to work on and I would be interested in helping you.
Please let me know how I may be of assistance.
Matt Pouliot

11/4, 8:57pm

fantastic to hear !! and, by the way, congrats on your new home !! it's beeeeaauutiful!!
i just met a man in the Augusta area today who indicated he would be interested in donating/discounting his
services for the purpose of helping to rehabilitate the dilapidated apartment buildings in the area if we are able to
convince the town/city council members to agree to issue condemnation orders against these properties ...
once i have about a dozen professional trades people who are willing to donate/discount their services, I will be
making an official inquiry with the council to see if we can start the process to put a pilot program together ...
so far I have 3 skilled tradesmen who are interested in participating in this program ...
if you have any idea how i can get a mainstream media/news person to take a genuine interest in the MAINE
TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE and this pilot program, I would be forever grateful !!
i've made contact with Scott Dolan of the Portland Press Herald, Gina Hamilton of the New Times Record/Sun
Journal, Andy Malloy of the Kennebec Journal and have sent out press releases but nobody has taken a serious
interest in giving the MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE the publicity we need to get the participation we need
to be successful ...
any ideas you have, or people you can connect me with, would be a huge help !
thanks Matt!

11/4, 8:59pm

Matthew Pouliot
You should try Mike Shepherd with MTM/KJ - he is good

11/4, 9:00pm


ok ! I will try to make contact with him tomorrow.

November 8, 2013

11/8, 10:36pm

Hi Matt. Diane Russell will be making plans to meet with me here in Augusta the next time she comes up and has
time to discuss MTJL's projects and law amendments... i think it might be productive to have both you and diane
meet with me at the same time so we can cover the information only once. how much advance notice would you
need to come speak with my and diane? i dont know how much advance notice she will have, or give me, so i
cannot tell you what kind of notice i could give you

November 18, 2013

11/18, 9:29am

good morning Matt ! i had a brilliant idea this weekend about how we can deter landlords from providing "reckless
housing" to tenants ... i think we need to create a new law under 17-A MRSA entitled "reckless housing" which will
be a criminal offense equal to an OUI for any/all landlords who refuse to repair their apartment buildings and
those buildings get shut down for life safety code violations ... currently, landlords have NO FEAR of the law
because nobody enforces any criminal or serious penalties for landlord's negligence and their attorneys'
fraudulent eviction actions i would like to brainstorm this idea with you, as well as the other ideas that keep
popping into my brain, and start working on the package of laws/amendments we have been discussing

November 22, 2013

11/22, 10:47pm

i testified in front of the augusta city council last night about the housing inspection ordinance they just passed ...

GinA at Augusta Maine City Council Meeting Nov 22 2013



11/22, 10:49pm

i also spoke with Val Marsh at UMA about having one of their students help with MTJL's website and a database
for college credits.things should start happening as soon as his financial aid is approved which they are expecting
any day

November 23, 2013

11/23, 8:16am

Matthew Pouliot
Thank you for keeping me posted on the updated status of your efforts, and thank you for taking on this very
difficult issue.

November 24, 2013

11/24, 5:57pm

i just sent a letter to the editor of the KJ via email ... i'll be curious to see if and how long it takes for them to
publish it ... this is what it says:
MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE Supports All Tenants, Landlords and Small Businesses
MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE (MTJL) thanks Augusta city council for passing rental housing inspection
ordinances which ensure housing safety for low income tenants living in older buildings.
MTJL also thanks the landlords for not opposing the most recent ordinance; if we work as a collaborative
community we can fix these buildings for their intended purpose -- to give low income tenants a safe, decent
place to live.
Incorporated July 26, 2013, MTJL is a nonprofit statewide tenants' union whose mission is to educate tenants and
landlords about their rights and responsibilities and to initiate fair and balanced amendments to rules and laws
governing housing standards and tenant-landlord relationships.
MTJL responds to each inquiry with customized research, education, support and advocacy. We do not offer legal
MTJL echoes concerns voiced by CAHA Board Director Charlie Anderson, as published in KJ article, Augusta
apartment ordinance up for final vote, "I really don't know what rules landlords would have to abide by. It's
confusing... How can an average person figure this out?"

We, at MTJL, are also concerned about rule inconsistencies from town to town and how those inconsistencies
cause personal and professional conflicts, confusion and unacceptable safety hazards.
As I said during the November 21st council meeting, MTJL has devised a win-win-win-win solution which we are
actively brainstorming and hoping to develop and implement with help from tenants, landlords, small businesses,
and city agents.
MTJL anticipates developing strong relationships with all tenants, landlords, real estate agents, local businesses,
city/state agencies and any organization who wants to help improve housing conditions.
If you are willing to provide your time, experiences, skills, expertise, professional services and/or products, at a
discount or non-tax-deductible donation, for the purpose of creating safe dwelling units for low income tenants,
please contact us at 207-358-8887 or volunteer@mainetenants.org.
now i'm writing a commentary which will explain some of the details of the solution more specifically and how
people can help... and how everyone will benefit in the end ...
did you see MTJL got its first bit of publicity in Friday's newspaper ??!!

Augusta council approves apartment inspection ordinance | The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME
In the last year, the city has shut down 11 apartment buildings, and a floor of a twelfth, for what city staff deemed serious
safety code violations.

November 24, 2013

December 26, 2013

11/24, 10:14pm

Matthew Pouliot
I did see that Gina - good work!

12/26, 9:30pm


hey Matt! now that the holiday craziness has passed, we can get back to work making changes ! Diane Russell
just put me in touch with Rob Korobkin who is working on a land trust project. My thought is to create a statewide
tenants land/building trust for the purpose of acquiring, rehab'ing and putting old dilapidated or condemned
builidngs back into service specifically and only for low income tenants ... my thought is to get you involved since
you have landlord and real estate experience... is this something you would be interested in working on in addition
and in conjuction with the statewide rental housing inspection project? Rob is coming to augusta in a couple
weeks he said and i would love for us to meet and talk and see if we can do something like this

12/26, 9:34pm

if we create a legitimate legal trust which is overseen by a group of experienced and honorable real estate agents
or property managers, then we can discuss changing the local condemnation laws by giving the city authority to
seize those properties and deeding those old buildings to the trust for the purpose of rehab'ing them with the help
of the rehab professionals and the rehab project i was discussing with you also ... if we could put an outline
together and send that outline to local product/service suppliers to get their feedback about donating their
time/products, then we could really get something going pretty soon ...

12/26, 9:35pm

A group of people in Waterville just created a land trust for this exact purpose ... here is their facebook page:

12/26, 9:41pm

although i want to create a statewide trust, it would be most practical to create the pilot project in Augusta since it
is where the state house and legislators are located, as well as some of the worse housing in the state ... and also
where I live and still need to find my own place ... tongue emoticon i'm living in someone's unheated basement
room to get me through the winter ... i have a space heater to help but my staying here is not a permanent
situation ... anywho, i look forward to hearing your thoughts

2/3, 7:17pm


February 3, 2014

hi Matt! Diane Russell is coming to town this week and will be meeting with me to discuss MTJL stuff. i was
wondering if you might be able to join us? i've not heard what day she will be in town but will certainly pass that
info along as soon as i hear from her. MTJL has a lot of exciting projects in the brainstorming phase that i think
both you and Diane will be excited to hear about

2/3, 7:32pm

Matthew Pouliot
Let me know when and I will check my schedule to see if I can squeeze a meeting in smile emoticon

2/3, 7:40pm

awesome! i will certainly do that and I will also send you an outline of the legislative amendments we are
brainstorming tonight.

2/3, 7:44pm

Matthew Pouliot

February 4, 2014

2/4, 2:24am

attached is a copy of 14 MRSA Ch. 709 with my rough revisions in red. i'm working on Ch. 710 now but need to
catch a few hours of sleep so I will work on that in the morning and will send it to you asap.


open download

February 4, 2014

2/4, 9:45am

here is 14 MRSA Ch. 710 with my changes in red. These do not represent the totality of laws i want to
change/create but it's a good starting point. I've still not heard from Diane on a meeting time/day yet but will pass
that info along as soon as I know.


open download

February 5, 2014

2/5, 4:13am

i would also like you and Diane to co-sponsor a joint house resolution reaffirming the implied covenant and
warranty of habitability in light of all the buildings that have already been and are going to soon be shut down
because of dangerous conditions and lack of code compliance ... this would also be a great way to introduce the
MTJL and the ReHABITAT Project and rental housing inspection project we are brainstorming... I have also made
contact with Judy GoPaul of the Maine CDC regarding mold and the code enf. and public health officers'
responsibility to eradicate and eliminate the moisture from the bldg... she and MTJL will be working very closely
on the mold issue and other closely related issues including CEO and LHO compliance with higher standards of
care for mold remediation...
One of the things that Judy would like to see is a website where tenants can leave their objective feedback about
the buildings they are living in so we can get a better idea of the actual conditions of these buildings and what
needs to be done with them...
I am also working with CEO Rob Overton of Augusta on creating an inspection checklist for tenants to use during
their first viewing of the apartment and to use to identify subsequent problems they may have while they live in the
apt... the checklist would cite the elements of a life safety inspection and the standards for each element and the
corresponding law/ordinance and the proper govt' authority to contact to report violations ... this is something i
want tenants to have access to BEFORE they sign any lease ... i also think it would be a good idea to include it in
the AG's model tenant/landlord lease for both the tenant and landlord to sign off on so they BOTH acknowledge
the problems in the building before the tenant signs the lease ...
I have A LOT of ideas that i need to bring to reality ... brainstorming with you and Diane will help huge!! I look
forward to working with you both on these and other complimentary projects...

2/5, 8:02am

Matthew Pouliot

February 5, 2014

Once you get a meeting date/time let me know

2/5, 8:03am

like emoticon you bet !!

February 9, 2014

2/9, 11:46am

Hi Matt! I've not heard from Diane yet but I am thinking she is coming to Augusta this week for the medical
marijuana bills that are scheduled for public hearing ... i'm hoping she will have time to meet with us because I
have a lot that I want to talk with y'all about ...
I have created a brochure for landlords describing their duties and responsibilities under the implied warranty of
habitability law with information that will help them create better relationships with their tenants ... i would like to
get your official professional opinion about this brochure and any/all feedback that would make it better or more
accurate ... once it's finalized i will be printing off as many copies as necessary to distribute to landlords around
the state...
I've attached the pdf file to this message... I look forward to your feedback.

MTJL Landlord's Handbook.pdf

2/9, 1:13pm

this is a rough draft still subject to changes.

2/9, 2:16pm

Matthew Pouliot
Hey Gina, are you.interested in meeting up with us to.discuss proposed legislation?

2/9, 3:46pm

YES! when? i live directly behind the superior courthouse in augusta but still have no wheels so traveling will be
tough... i have space we can meet here if you like

2/9, 3:47pm

Matthew Pouliot
Well we can't do any legislation this session. Did you want to wait until next fall before next session?

2/9, 3:48pm

yes, my proposals are earmarked for 2015 session as we discussed previously... next week, or maybe the week
after, MTJL's board director from Georgia is moving up to Maine to be my roommate and to help me work on
MTJL stuff...

2/9, 3:49pm

Matthew Pouliot

2/9, 3:49pm

smile emoticon
have you had a chance to look at the landlord brochure i just sent to you?
there are still a few minor changes before final publication, unless you see some glaring errors that need to be

2/9, 3:52pm

Matthew Pouliot
I did, my only comment would be that it is very wordy
Less is more on a brochure

2/9, 3:53pm

i'm also going to send it to Judy GoPaul at the CDC and Rob Overton at Augusta Code Enrforcement for their
yes, it is very wordy but the purpose is to educate landlords about their basic responsibilities ...
if you were a new landlord, would you find the brochure helpful or cumbersome?

2/9, 3:53pm

it was intended to be packed full of legal information

2/9, 3:54pm

Matthew Pouliot

2/9, 3:54pm

more graphics and less words?
use graphics to send the message ?
i'm not good at advertising because it requires the advertiser to manipulate the emotions of the reader without the
reader knowing it, which i dont like to do ... so advertising is one of my weakest skills

Red Barn Cares Foundation is having their first official fundraising dinner tomorrow night at 4p - 7:30p ... are you
going to be there? it's at the American Legion on Eastern Ave

2/9, 4:24pm

Matthew Pouliot
I didn't know about it. Unfortunately I have already scheduled another meeting, I'm sure it.will be great!!

February 10, 2014

2/10, 10:49am

did you have a date/time when you want to meet?? i live at 32 Court Street so it might be appropriate, in light of
the front page newspaper article in the KJ today, to meet at my home ... my landlord has owned this bldg for 17
yrs and has put A LOT of money into it over the past year to bring it up to code compliance and has lost a lot of
money during the construction phase this last year ... if he sells easily they will have to offer $$$$$$$ to
compensate him for the lost revenue he has/will have

February 10, 2014

2/10, 9:17pm

so this is what i came up with a less wordy brochure ... i removed a lot of the supplemental info about mold
removal and LHO/CEO duties ... your feedback is welcome ! like emoticon

MTJL Landlord's Handbook.pdf

2/11, 12:41am

Matthew Pouliot
Much better

February 11, 2014

2/11, 12:45am

like emoticon ready for publication you think??
is there any info i should include/remove?

February 17, 2014

2/17, 5:46am

good morning Matt! did you see Diane's message about coming to town this week on Wed and Thu?
did you see today's KJ yet?? I will be calling Amanda Bartlett today to schedule a meeting with her to discuss the
land trust and rehab projects

2/17, 7:11am

i guess i wont be making any govt phone calls today... damn holidays interfering with my work
do you know anyone who is looking for a nonprofit project to work on? MTJL needs a lot of help, including
business mgmt and fundraising and staffing coordinators

2/17, 7:19am

Matthew Pouliot
I did see the article, great piece. I don't know anyone looking at the moment.

February 18, 2014

2/18, 3:38pm

Diane said she would like to meet tomorrow around noon if the legislature is open. are you going to be available
tomorrow to meet with Diane Russell, myself and my board director Tim Cason?

obviously if the snow cancels our plans, we'll have to reschedule

2/18, 3:41pm

i plan to be at the meeting on March 4th at the Augusta City Center to discuss the Augusta Housing Authority's
desire to rehab, develop and own apt. bldgs... i have also sent an email to the augusta city council, the mayor and
city manager requesting advance notification of the courthouse project so i can testify about the city demolishing 4
residential buildings to make the block into a parking lot ... i plan to be very public in the coming months

2/18, 3:47pm

Matthew Pouliot
Unfortunately I am already booked for tomorrow - but please let me know how it goes

2/18, 3:52pm

she also mentioned thursday if you are free that day... honestly, i need to meet with you both for much more than
1 hour if we are going to have any chance of getting these bills submitted by september
i can meet either/both of you at your convenience as long as you dont mind coming to my apt. behind the
kennebec county jail where i live now at 32 Court Street because i dont have transportation of my own and tim is
not always available to give me a ride

2/18, 5:22pm

Diane has cancelled for tomorrow because of the snow and we have rescheduled for Thursday at noon in the
cafeteria in the state office building. can you join us then?

2/18, 5:25pm

Matthew Pouliot

I think so, depends on when we get out of session, I'm supposed to have a caucus meeting that day at 12:00 but
could probably stop by for a few minutes

2/18, 5:29pm

sounds good. we should make good use of our time and give me instructions on what i need to do between now
and Sept. to get this package of bills finalized...
i've been talking with my landlord who has some great suggestions which i will be speaking with you and Diane
my new landlord ! like emoticon

February 20, 2014

2/20, 4:31am

I believe we are meeting today at noon at the state house cafeteria?

February 20, 2014

2/20, 8:09am

Diane confirmed our meeting today at noon at the state house cafeteria... will you be joining us?

2/20, 9:47am

i'm going to be leaving here around 11:30 and will be in the hall of flags until the house adjourns for lunch which
Diane says may run past noon because of a long debate she is expecting to happen so she said she will meet us
as soon as she is able

2/20, 4:05pm

February 20, 2014

it was great meeting and speaking with you today and I appreciate that I/we need to find more cosponsors.
what time is your meeting with Amanda tomorrow so I know what time not to call her?

February 21, 2014

2/21, 11:01am

i was just going to call Amanda but wanted to wait until after your meeting with her. have you had the meeting
yet? how did it go?

2/21, 11:18am

Matthew Pouliot
Meeting at noon time

February 21, 2014

2/21, 4:56pm

how did your meeting go today? i've still not received any response whatsoever from Amanda .... i'm not at all
impressed with her at this moment .... i hope your meeting was a productive one

2/22, 12:45am

Matthew Pouliot
She said she emailed you some times to meet

2/22, 1:00am


February 22, 2014

thank you for the response but i've not received any response from her, either voice or email. i will make a point to
call her first thing monday morning.
i hope your meeting was productive. Are you able to give me any information about the content of your meeting or
any future plans you are making together?

February 22, 2014

2/22, 6:50am

Matthew Pouliot
We're friends so were just catching up and I told her we had spoke and that you were trying to reach her.

February 25, 2014

2/25, 8:38am

i just spoke with Amanda. we have a meeting scheduled for 3/5 at 10am and i will be attending the AHA public
meeting on the 4th also. are you going to attend the AHA meeting on the 4th ?

2/25, 8:51am

Matthew Pouliot
Yes, I have it on my calendar and hope to make it

March 6, 2014

3/6, 8:22am

so, call me crazy but I just gave a homeless man a place to sleep for the past 2 days but I'm concerned that my
place will be the only place he looks to sleep since I am central and always here/awake... he's in his 50's-60's and
seems to be clean and respectful but I cant have him stay with me until spring ... do you know of anywhere (or
anyone) that could help him? he's already left this morning and has probably gone to the warming center
downtown ... any help or suggestions would be welcome

3/6, 8:23am

he was at the community forum the other night and told me about his story and I just couldnt let him sleep in his
truck with the temps dropping so low and him not having $$ to buy gas to stay warm all night...

3/6, 8:24am

Matthew Pouliot
Bread of Life
And the.United.Way
Warming Shelter

3/6, 8:25am

he's at the warming center now ... i'll call Dean LaChance today! thank you!

March 7, 2014

3/7, 10:03pm

we have a serious homeless problem that we need to find a resolution for... i have the homeless veteran at my
place again tonight because all the shelters are full and i cannot find another male veteran to let him sleep on
their couch
i have contacted Rep. Lori Fowle who called Sheriff Liberty at home, to no avail, as well as leaving a msg for
Corey Wilson which has not been returned yet
i have called Dean LaChance at Bread of Life as well... there are no options and i dont know what to do

3/7, 10:24pm

Matthew Pouliot
How come bread of life can't help?

3/7, 10:26pm

no beds available in any shelter anywhere

3/7, 10:32pm

Matthew Pouliot
unsure emoticon

3/7, 10:33pm

exactly. i even called Rep. John Schneck in Bangor and talked with him about MTJL and other homeless issues
... everyone seems to be out of options because our state does not have habitable structures frown emoticon
do you know how to get in touch with Corey Wilson? i called the # on his legislature page but he's not returned my
call yet.

3/7, 10:38pm

also, this is interesting information to ponder, this veteran went to the general assistance program to ask for help
and Renae Moore told him that he was required to seek 40 jobs before they would even consider helping him....
how does anyone seek 40 jobs right now? and then 10 jobs/week thereafter just to get a safe place to live??

3/7, 10:39pm

how is that ok? and how is it that we, as a "government" have digressed to such deplorable behaviors ??

4/25, 9:42pm

April 25, 2014

Here is our first fundraising campaign video which i just created for, MAINE TENANTS JUSTICE LEAGUE. If it
would not cause a conflict of interest, would you consider sharing it so we can get crucial immediate funding? i'm
drowning in debt because every penny i have goes into MTJL and i am now facing utility shutoff ... thank you

Help my friend so she can help us all.


May 15, 2014

5/15, 9:25pm

i noticed you were absent from the city council meeting tonight and your name placard was removed ?? what is
the reason for that? i was hoping to see you there

5/15, 9:26pm

Matthew Pouliot
I'm not on the city council

5/15, 9:26pm

hmmmm.. why did i think you were?
i have so much in my brain lately tongue emoticon
i'm sorry

5/15, 9:26pm

Matthew Pouliot
My wife is on planning board
No problem smile emoticon

5/15, 9:27pm

we need to talk about the courthouse project and the perham/court street plan
i jsut went head to head with mayor stokes
i live at 32 court street
i'm not moving
my landlord is not selling
we will be the last tenants standing

5/15, 9:28pm

Matthew Pouliot
I'm afraid there is not many options for parking

5/15, 9:28pm

what about the ymca lot?
no mention of that whatsoever
its DOUBLE the size of this lot!!!
and its already cleared !!!
.96 acres !!
these 4 properties are ONLY .4 ACRES!!
and we will lose 20 UNITS!

the bldg next door is a 5 bedroom house!

this bldg is a 6 unit bldg
19-21 perham st is at least 3 or 4 units
and danny ayotte's is a single family that needs a lot of work
so where do i go ??
the city has no plan for me or the other 5 tenants in this bldg
we need to talk
the owner and i have sent our official objections to the city
and MTJL sent their official objection also
last week
the owner and i are working closely and collaboratively. he also joined MTJL as a board director representing
landlords and real estate agents and homeowners
did you know the city has been planning to take these 4 bldgs since 2009 and NEVER SAID A WORD until 2012
or 2011 at the earliest to the residnets on the street
i've surveyed people on this street
the city has made a total of 4 contacts with the next door neighbor starting 3yrs ago
but they've been planning this since 2009 according to the KJ
why did they wait until NOW ????
whats going on????
and why did Mayor Stokes just get nominated to be a superior court judge in the very courthouse they are going
to destroy my bldg to make a parking lot for ????
did he sell my block for the judgeship???
i sure think so !
i'm HOT
i'm going PUBLIC
my landlord is hot
he is stubborn and will not back down
we have already spoken at length
he and i will be standing here when the other 3 homes are demolished
it WILL go to court

5/15, 9:35pm

Matthew Pouliot
I am certain the.building.project has.nothing to do with the judgeship

5/15, 9:35pm

i wouldnt be so sure, but i appreciate your caution

5/15, 9:36pm

Matthew Pouliot
I just think it's too far into the project to change it. I dont.think Lon Walters wants to sell the YMCA lot.for.parking

5/15, 9:37pm

its not a matter of want anymore... the city IS going to take this block by eminent domain if we dont do
something... why cant they take the YMCA lot by eminent domain instead? it will be cheaper!

5/15, 9:37pm

Matthew Pouliot
It's a terrible situation but takings occur every day

5/15, 9:37pm

no people to relocate, no bldg to destory, no cleanup to perform... its all ready to buildg
its NOT OK

I will file as a tenant
or a 3rd party intervenor
i will fight the state and the city to the end
and i'm good at what i do
they are taking my home away form me
without a backup plan!! as MY CITY COUNCILORS/??

5/15, 9:38pm

Matthew Pouliot
I'm sorry you have to go through this, but I feel like you purposely seek out these situations

5/15, 9:38pm

i did not know this was an issue when i moved in here
i had no clue
do not blame me for landlng in this situation
that is OFFENSIVE !!!!
i did NOT choose this !!

5/15, 9:39pm

Matthew Pouliot
You could move, no? There are a ton of vacant units in Augusta

5/15, 9:39pm


i want to stay with this landlrod
given my prior experiences
as you just clarified
my landlrod and i are friends
he is now a board director of MTJL... this is not just about displacement of a tenant
this is a government issue that needs a public resolution

5/15, 9:41pm

Matthew Pouliot
Takings are terrible but happen for the public good.
Again, sorry you have to deal with this

5/15, 9:42pm

if you are a city representative for augusta, i am officially requesting that you schedule an appt to come here to
talk with me and this bldg owner... this is NOT OK... this is not going to happen without a court battle... i
guarantee it
i'm already researching eminent domain precedent
i'm good at what i do
this will cost the city $$$$$$$$$$$$
i promise you that
they are NOT acting in the public's best interest
i just testiifed to that fact on the record tonight
on the live broadcast
i am not going to be silent any longer
i will be very very public
if yu care about us as your constituents, then you will make a point to listen to greg roy about what has happened
to his bldg
this is NOT ABOUT ME
this is about THE PEOPLE
the angels put me in this bldg... i did not choose this fight and would prefer to deal with my other issues instead.
but i dont have much of a choice now

and i am asking you as my city rep. to take time to speak with my landlord and the person who will be
detrimentally affected by this unnecessary taking
its abusive and a breach of the city's fiduciary duty
i respect you, Matt, and am coming to you with that respect intact ...
but, if you dont listen to greg and what the city has done to him to take this property, i will wonder what your
agenda is ...
do not make this about me... it has nothing to do with me... this is about Greg and how the city has been secretly
planning to take his property since 2009 at least without a word to him !!
and they know this is a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS they are taking away from him !!
and they only offered him $85,000 !!
such an insult
like i said, I'M HOT
but i'm in control of myself and have my focus well refined
i will be taking this public in every venue i have available to me
as soon as it stops live streaming i will be cutting a copy and uploading it to youtube so the public can see what i
just did
for them
so, with that said, please call Greg Roy, the owner of 32 Court Street, or come by to see him anytime during the
day... if there is a burgandy pickup truck or burgandy car in front of the building, he is here working
his phone humber is 207-215-8548
he knows im making contact with you and approves
i'm signing off FB now and going to do some work for a Scarborough tenant ... please think about what i've said
and give me a thoughtful response in due time... thank you for your time and consideration.

5/15, 10:34pm

Matthew Pouliot
Ok, I'll talk to Greg
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