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SINR Analysis for Full-Rate Linear Dispersion

Code Using Linear MMSE

Mabruk Gheryani, Zhiyuan Wu, Yousef R. Shayan
Department of Electrical Engineering, Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec Canada
{m gherya, zy wu, yshayan}


Abstract— We have studied the statistics of signal-to- Ant-1

interference-noise for a MIMO transceiver using full-rate lin- M1
ear dispersion code and linear minimum-mean-square-error Nt

(MMSE) receiver over a Rayleigh fading channel. The associated Symbols


probability density function of the signal-to-interference-noise

is derived, which will benefit the future study, such as error-
rate probability. Simulation results are provided to verify the ML

theoretical analysis. Nt

I. I NTRODUCTION Fig. 1. System Block Diagram.

The use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver

can lead to significant spectral efficiency on a scattering-rich results are provided in section IV to verify the theoretical
wireless channel [1][2]. This has spurred a remarkable thrust analysis. Finally, in section V, conclusions are drawn.
into the so-called Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
technologies. One of the most promising technologies is space-
time (ST) coding, e.g., [3]-[6]. In this study, a block fading channel model is assumed
Among the existing space-time codes, the linear disper- where the channel keeps constant in one modulation block
sion code (LDC) [4]-[6] is often preferable for full rate. but may change from block to block. That is, the channel
This is because it subsumes many existing block codes as is not necessarily constant within a coding frame which often
its special cases, allows suboptimal linear receivers with consists of a large number of modulation blocks. Furthermore,
greatly reduced complexity, and provides flexible rate-versus- the channel is assumed to be a Rayleigh flat fading channel
performance tradeoff [4][6]. The LDC breaks the data stream with Nt transmit and Nr receive antennas. Let’s denote the
into sub-streams that are dispersed over space and time and complex gain from transmit antenna n to receiver antenna
then combined linearly at the transmitter [4]. As a subopti- m by hmn and collect them to form an Nr × Nt channel
mal receiver for the LDC, linear minimum-mean-square-error matrix H = [hmn ], known perfectly to the receiver but
detector is more attractive due to its simplicity and good unknown to the transmitter. The entries in H are assumed
performance [7][8]. to be independently identically distributed (i.i.d.) symmetrical
However, the performance analysis in this case is still complex Gaussian random variables with zero mean and unit
deficient. Most of related works were addressed only for the variance.
V-BLAST [9][10] scheme, a special case of the full-rate LDC. The considered MIMO system is depicted in Fig. 1. In this
For example, the case of two transmit antennas was analyzed system, the information bits are first mapped into symbols.
in [11] and the distribution of the angle between two complex After that, the symbol stream is parsed into blocks of length
Gaussian vectors was presented. The layer-wise signal to L. The symbol vector associated with one modulation block is
interference plus noise ratio (SINR) distribution for V-BLAST denoted by x = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xL ]T . We assume the symbols xi
with successive interference cancellation at the receiver was are Gaussian with zero mean and unit variance and indepen-
provided in [12]. dent to each other. Each block of symbols will be mapped to
The main goal of this paper is to study the statistics of SINR a dispersion matrix of size Nt × T and then transmitted over
for full-rate LDCs [4]-[6] using linear minimum-mean-square- the Nt transmit antennas over T channel uses. An Nt × T
error(MMSE) receiver over a Rayleigh fading channel. In this codeword matrix is constructed as [4].
paper, the associated probability density function of the SINR L
is derived, which will benefit future studies, such as error- X= Mi xi + Ni x∗i (1)
rate probability. This paper will be organized as follows. Our i=1 i=1

system model is presented in section II. The statistics of SINR where Mi , Ni are the dispersion matrices associated with
with the MMSE receiver is derived in section III. Simulation the i-th symbol. For simplicity, the following model will be
considered in this study, i.e., where RI = H e IHe H + σ 2 I. Note that the scaling factor
I z
X −1 in the coefficient vector of the MMSE
hHi ( i i I)
h h H +R hi
X= Mi xi (2) estimator wi is added to ensure an unbiased estimation as
i=1 indicated by (7). The variance of the noise term ẑi can be
where Mi is defined by its L Nt × T dispersion matrices found from (7) and (8) as
Mi = [mi1 , mi2 , . . . , miT ]. The so-obtained results can be
extended to the model in (1). Received signals associated with σ̂i2 = wiH RI wi (9)
one modulation block can be written as Substituting the coefficient vector for the MMSE estimator in
r r L
P P X (8) into (9), the variance can be written as
Y= HX + Z = H Mi xi + Z (3)
Nt Nt i=1 1
σ̂i2 = −1 (10)
where Y is a complex matrix of size N r × T whose (m, n)- hH
i R I hi
th entry is the received signal at receive antenna m and time Then, the SINR of MMSE associated with xi is 1/σ̂i2 .
instant n, Z is the additive white Gaussian noise matrix with µ ¶
i.i.d. symmetrical complex Gaussian elements of zero mean 1 P −1
γi = = hHi RI hi (11)
and variance σz2 , and P is the average energy per channel use ˆ2
σi Nt
at each receive antenna. Let vec() be the operator that forms a
column vector by stacking the columns of a matrix and define In our system model, all the symbols has the same SINR, i.e.,
y = vec(Y), z = vec(Z), and mi = vec(Mi ), then (3) can γ1 = γ2 = .........γL = γ
be rewritten as By using singular value decomposition (SVD), (11) can be
r r written as µ ¶
P P e P
y= HGx + z = Hx + z (4) γ= hH −1 H
Nt Nt i UΛ U hi (12)
where H = IT ⊗ H with ⊗ as the Kronecker product
where UH is an Nt2 − 1 × Nt2 − 1 unitary matrix and the
operator and G = [m1 , m2 , . . . , mL ] will be referred to as the
matrix Λ is (Nt2 − 1) × (Nt2 − 1) with nonnegative numbers
modulation matrix. Since the average energy of the signal per
on the diagonal and zeros off the diagonal. Let’s define
channel use at a receive antenna is assume to be P , we have
tr(GGH ) = Nt T . For full-rate LDC, we have GH G = I [4] h̃ = UH hi
[5] [6]. Denoting hi = Hmi as the i-th column vector of H, e
the above equation can also be written as which is the transformed propagation vector with components
r h̃l , l = 1, ...........Nr Nt .
P X Equation (12) can be written as
y= hi xi + z (5)
Nt i=1 µ ¶ NX
r Nt
P |h̃l |2
Nt λl
In our study, Nr ≥ Nt is assumed. For simplicity, we choose
T equal to Nt and L equal to Nt T . with
Equation (4) can also be written as λ̃l = 1
r r λl = σz2 (γ̄λl + 1) l = 1, ......., r ≤ L − 1
P P X σz2 l = r + 1, ........., Nr Nt
y= hi xi + hj xj + z (6)
Nt Nt
j6=i e IHe H which is less
where γ̄ = NPt σ2 and r is the rank of H I
In the sequel,the i-th column of H e , denoted as hi , will be 2
than Nt − 1.

referred to as the signature signal of symbol xi . The vector h̃ has the same statistics as the original vector
Without loss of generality, we consider the estimation of hi [1]. For analytical purpose, we can replace |h̃l |2 by |hil |2 .
one symbol, say xi . Collect the rest symbols into a column Now, we can write (13) as
vector xI and denote H e I = [h1 , .., hi−1 , hi+1 , ..., hL ] as the
X t Nr
matrix obtained by removing the i-th column from H. e |hil |2
γ= γ̄ + γ̄khil |2 (15)
A linear MMSE detector is applied and the corresponding (γ̄λl + 1)
i=1 r+1
output is given by
The probability density function (PDF) of γ can be found
x̂i = wiH y = xi + ẑi . (7)
using the moment generating function (MGF) as follows [13].
where ẑi is the noise term of zero mean. The corresponding First, we find the conditional (on the eigenvalues) MGF of γ
wi can be found as as
¡ ¢−1 r µ ¶
hi hHi + RI hi N N −r
Y γs
wi = ¡ ¢−1 (8) Mγ/λ (s) = [Mγ (γ̄s)] r t Mγ (16)
hH hi hH (γ̄λl + 1)
i i + RI hi l=1
the fλi (λi ) denotes the PDF of the ith nonzero eigenvalue of Let’s define
e IH
the H e H . If we let fλ (λ) denote the PDF of any unordered 0
I k! Γ(k + n )
λi for i = 1, ....., r,, then (16) can be written as K1(k) =
· µ ¶¸r (k + Nr Nt − r)! 22k k!
N N −r γs
¯ (2i)!(2k − 2i)!
Mγ/λ (s) = [Mγ (γ̄s)] r t Mγ (17) K2(i) =
(γ̄λ + 1) i![(k − i)!]2 Γ(k + n0 )
µ ¶
Further, (−2)d 2k + 2Nr Nt − 2r
K3(d) =
1 1 d! 2k − d
Mγ/λ (s) = Nr Nt −r
׳ ´r (18) 0
(1 − γ̄s) 1− γs
¯ where n = Nr Nt − r + 1. Then we can write (21) as
r−1 k 2k Z ∞
we can find the probability density function (PDF) of γ Kγ X X X
PΓ (γ) = K1(k) K2(i) K3(d)
conditionally on λ by using inverse laplace transform for (18) r 0
i=0 k=0 d=0
as [15]
(1 + γ̄λ) λNr Nt −r+d
(γ̄)−Nr Nt γ
Pγ/λ (γ) = (γ)Nr Nt −1 exp(− ) ×
Γ(Nr Nt ) γ̄ 1 F1 (Nr Nt − r, Nr Nt , λγ) exp(−γλ)dλ (24)
(1 + γ̄λ)1 F1 (Nr Nt − r, Nr Nt , λγ) exp(−λγ) (19) r
The term (1 + γ̄λ) can be written as
where 1 F1 (., ., .) is Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric func- r µ ¶
X r
tion [14] and defined as r
(1 + γ̄λ) = γ̄ r γ̄ v−r λv

X (a)n xn v=0
1 F1 (a, b, x) = Then equation (24) will be as
(c)n n!
Kγ γ̄ r
where (∗)n = Γ(∗+n)
Γ(∗) .
PΓ (γ) =
Let’s define

X r
X k
X 2k
(γ̄)−Nr Nt γ γ n K(n) K(v)K1(k) K2(i) K3(d)×
Kγ = (γ)Nr Nt −1 exp(− )
Γ(Nr Nt ) γ̄ n v=0 i=0 d=0

Then equation (19) can be written as r−1 Z

X ∞

X λNr Nt −r+d+v+n exp(−γλ) dλ (25)
(Nr Nt − r)n 0
Pγ/λ (γ) = Kγ × k=0
n with
n (Nr Nt − r)n
γ n r K(n) =
λ (1 + γ̄λ) exp(−λγ) (20) (r)n n!
Now, we can find the probability density function (PDF) of γ and µ ¶
as follows. K(v) = γ̄ v−r
Z ∞
PΓ (γ) = Pγ/λ (γ)fλ (λ) dλ (21) The general form of the integration of (25) can be found in
0 [14] Z ∞
fλ (λ) was given in [1] and can be written as xΘ exp(−µx)dx = Θ!µ−Θ−1
r 0
fλ (λ) = Φi (λ)2 λNr Nt −r exp(−λ) (22) where
r i=1
Θ = Nr Nt − r + d + v + n
where Then (25) can be written as
µ ¶ 12
k! ∞
Kγ γ̄ r X
Φk+1 (λ) = LN
r Nt −r
(λ) PΓ (γ) =
(k + Nr Nt − r)! r n
k = 0, ...r − 1
X r−1
X k
where LN k
r Nt −r
(λ) is the associated Laguere Polynomial of γ n K(n) K(v) K1(k) K2(i)×
order k [14]. Equation (22) can be written as v=0 k=0 i=0

r−1 2k
1X k! X
fλ (λ) = [LNr Nt −r (λ)]2 (23) K3(d)γ −Nr Nt +r−d−v−n−1 (Nr Nt −r+d+v+n)! (26)
r (k + Nr Nt − r)! k
k=0 d=0
−2 −2
x 10 104
x 10
15 7
Monte Carlo Simulation
Monte Carlo Simulation
Theoretical PDF
Theoretical PDF


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 2. Comparison between the theoretical PDF of SINR and Monte Carlo
Simulation when Nt=Nr=2 at P/σz2 =20dB Fig. 3. Comparison between the theoretical PDF of SINR and Monte Carlo
Simulation when Nt=Nr=4 at P/σz2 =20dB

r r r−1
X k
X 2k
Kγ γ̄ γ In this section, we verify our derivation by simulation. In
PΓ (γ) = K1(k) K2(i) K3(d)×
rγ Nr Nt +1 i=0
the simulation, Nt = Nr = T = 2 and Nt = Nr = T = 4
k=0 d=0
were assumed. In Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the theoretical results
r ∞ of the SINR in (28) and Monte Carlo simulation results were
γ −d K(v)γ −v K(n)(Nr Nt − r + d + v + n)! (27) compared for 2×2 and 4×4 channels, respectively at P/σz2 =
v=0 n 20dB. Simulation results match to the analytical result very
Let’s define
K(v, d) = (Nr Nt − r + d + v)!× In this paper, over a Rayleigh fading channel, the probability
density function of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio of
Γ(Nr Nt − r + d + v + 1)Γ(d + v − r + 1) ` a MIMO transceiver using full-rate linear dispersion code
K(v) and linear minimum-mean-square-error receiver is derived.
Γ(d + v + 1)Γ(Nr Nt + d + v + 1)
Monte Carlo results are presented to verify our derivation.
and The analytical results will shed light on the future study of
µ ¶
` = r linear dispersion codes.
Then (27) can be written as
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