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File problems.

This file briefly describes the test problems distributed with
MODFLOW-2005. For each test problem, the name of the name file is
the name of the test problem followed by a period and the extension
"nam". All files for a given test problem share the test-problem name
as a common filename base.
1. Test problem twri:
The example problem in Harbaugh (2005) without parameters
Grid dimensions: 3 Layers, 15 Rows, 15 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: BCF
Stress packages: WEL, DRN, RCH
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
2. Test problem twrip:
The example problem in Harbaugh (2005) with parameters
Grid dimensions: 3 Layers, 15 Rows, 15 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: LPF
Stress packages: WEL, DRN, RCH
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package:
3. Test problem BCF2SS:
Problem 1 in McDonald and others (1992) converted to MODFLOW-2005
Grid dimensions: 2 Layers, 10 Rows, 15 Columns
Stress periods: 2 steady
Flow package: BCF
Stress packages: WEL, RCH, RIV
Solver: PCG
4. Test problem STR:
The example problem in OFR 88-729 (1989) converted to MODFLOW-2005
Grid dimensions: 1 Layers, 6 Rows, 6 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: BCF
Stress packages: STR
Solver: SIP
5. Test problem FHB:
The example problem in Leake and Lilly (1997) converted to MODFLOW-2005

Grid dimensions: 1 Layers, 3 Rows, 10 Columns

Stress periods: 3 transient
Flow package: BCF
Stress packages: FHB
Solver: SIP
6. Test problem mnw1:
Problem documented in Halford and Hanson (2002), modified to work with
Grid dimensions: 2 Layers, 21 Rows, 14 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady, 4 transient
Flow package: BCF
Stress packages: MNW, DRN, RCH, CHD
Solver: PCG
Types of parameters defined / package: none
7. Test case tc2hufv4:
Test case described in Anderman and Hill (2000) without parameter
Grid dimensions: 3 Layers, 18 Rows, 18 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: HUF
Stress packages: WEL, DRN, EVT, GHB, RCH
Solver: PCG
Types of parameters defined / package:
8. Test problem twrihfb:
Example problem in Harbaugh (2005) without parameters and modified to
test the HFB Package. Hydraulic conductivity of two cells is raised in
the BCF input, and horizontal barriers are added to cause the
conductance to be nearly the same as before.
Grid dimensions: 3 Layers, 15 Rows, 15 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: BCF and HFB
Stress packages: WEL, DRN, RCH
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
9. Test case ibs2k:
This test case is the storage-depletion test problem described in
Leake and Prudic (1991) converted to MODFLOW-2005
Grid dimensions: 2 Layers, 10 Rows, 12 Columns
Stress periods: 3 transient
Flow package: BCF6
Stress packages: IBS

Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
10. Test case RESTEST:
This test case is the example problem in Fenske and others (1996)
converted to MODFLOW-2005
Grid dimensions: 1 Layers, 12 Rows, 12 Columns
Stress periods: 3 transient
Flow package: BCF6
Stress packages: GHB, RES
Solver: SIP
11. Test case etsdrt:
This test case is described in Banta (2000), but only the Ground-Water
Flow Process is included. The Observation, Sensitivity, and
Parameter Estimation Processes were removed.
Grid dimensions: 1 Layer, 11 Rows, 11 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: LPF1
Stress packages: DRT, ETS, RCH
Solver: PCG
Types of parameters defined / package:
12. Test case tr2k_s3:
This test case is documented in Hoffman and others (2003).
Grid dimensions: 3 Layers, 10 Rows, 10 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady, 30 transient
Flow package: BCF6
Stress packages: SUB, WEL
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
13. Test case l1a2k:
This test case is the transient version of Test Simulation 1 in
Merritt and Konikow (2000) converted to MODFLOW-2005
Grid dimensions: 5 Layers, 17 Rows, 17 Columns
Stress periods: 1 transient
Flow package: BCF6
Stress packages: EVT, RCH, LAK, FHB
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
14a. Test case l1b2k:
This test case is the steady-state version of Test Simulation 1 in
Merritt and Konikow (2000) converted to MODFLOW-2005

Grid dimensions: 5 Layers, 17 Rows, 17 Columns

Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: BCF6
Stress packages: EVT, RCH, LAK, FHB
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
14b. Test case l1b2k_bath:
This test case is the steady-state version of Test Simulation 1 in
Merritt and Konikow (2000) converted to MODFLOW-2005. This is a
modified version of l1b2k to include reading lake bathymetry
information from an external text file.
Grid dimensions: 5 Layers, 17 Rows, 17 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: BCF6
Stress packages: EVT, RCH, LAK, FHB
Lake bathymetry file: lak1b_bath.txt
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
15. Test case test1ss:
This test case is documented as the steady-state simulation
of test simulation 1 in Appendix 2 of Prudic and others (2004).
Grid dimensions: 1 Layer, 15 Rows, 10 Columns
Stress periods: 1 steady
Flow package: LPF
Stress packages: SFR, GHB, EVT, RCH
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
16. Test case test1tr:
This test case is documented as the transient simulation
of test simulation 1 in Appendix 2 of Prudic and others (2004).
Grid dimensions: 1 Layer, 15 Rows, 10 Columns
Stress periods: 2 transient
Flow package: LPF
Stress packages: SFR, GHB, EVT, RCH, WEL
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
17a. Test case testsfr2:
This test case is documented as the hypothetical test simulation
in Niswonger and Prudic (2005).
Grid dimensions: 1 Layer, 7 Rows, 100 Columns
Stress periods: 50 transient
Flow package: LPF
Stress packages: SFR, GHB
Solver: PCG
Types of parameters defined / package: none
17b. Test case testsfr2_tab:

This test case is documented as the hypothetical test simulation

in Niswonger and Prudic (2005). This is a modified version of
the SFR2 test case to include specified inflows through
tabular input files and use of key-word options. This problem
was also modified to use the SFR2 ICALC=1 option to test
smoothing of the specified width.
Grid dimensions: 1 Layer, 7 Rows, 100 Columns
Stress periods: 50 transient
Flow package: LPF
Stress packages: SFR, GHB
Solver: PCG
Types of parameters defined / package: none
18. Test case UZFtest2:
This is Test Simulation 2 documented in Niswonger, Prudic, and
Regan (2006).
Grid dimensions: 1 Layer, 15 Rows, 10 Columns
Stress periods: 12 transient
Flow package: LPF
Stress packages: UZF, SFR, WEL, GHB
Solver: SIP
Types of parameters defined / package: none
19. Test case swtex4:
This is the example documented in Leake and Galloway (2007)
Grid dimensions 4 Layers, 20 Rows, 15 Columns
Stress Periods: 1 steady and 2 transient
Flow Package: LPF
Stress Packages: WEL, SWT
Solver: SIP
20. Test case MNW2-Fig28
This is the example documented in Konikow and others (2009)
Grid dimensions: 41 layers, 30 rows, 272 columns
Stress Periods: 1 steady and 2 transient
Flow Package: LPF
Stress packages: RCH, MNW2, WEL
Solver: PCG
Types of parameters defined / package: none
21. Test case swi2ex4sww:
This is Example 4 documented in Bakker and others (2013)
Grid dimensions: 2 layers, 61 rows, 61 columns
Stress Periods: 3 steady state
Flow Package: BCF
Stress packages: GHB, WEL, SWI2
Solver: PCG
Types of parameters defined / package: none

Anderman, E.R., and Hill, M.C., 2000, MODFLOW-2000, the U.S. Geological
Survey modular ground-water model -- Documentation of the
Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow (HUF) Package: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 00-342, 89 p.
Bakker, M., Schaars, F., Hughes, J.D., Langevin, C.D., Dausman, A.M., 2013,
Documentation of the seawater intrusion (SWI2) package for MODFLOW:
U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. A46, 47 p.
Banta, E.R., 2000, MODFLOW-2000, the U.S. Geological Survey modular
ground-water model -- Documentation of packages for simulating
evapotranspiration with a segmented function (ETS1) and drains with return
flow (DRT1): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-466, 127 p.
Fenske, J.P., Leake, S.A., and Prudic, D.E., 1996, Documentation of a
computer program (RES1) to simulate leakage from reservoirs using the
modular finite- difference ground-water flow model (MODFLOW): U.S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-364, 51 p.
Halford, K.J. and Hanson, R.T., 2002, User guide for the Drawdown-Limited,
Multi-Node Well (MNW) Package for the U.S. Geological Survey's modular
three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model, version
MODFLOW-96 and MODFLOW-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-293,
33 p.
Harbaugh, A.W., 2005, MODFLOW-2005, the U.S. Geological Survey modular
ground-water model--the ground-water flow process: U.S. Geological Survey
Techniques and Methods 6 A-16, 9 ch.
Hoffmann, J., Leake, S.A., Galloway, D.L., and Wilson, A.M., 2003,
MODFLOW-2000 Ground-Water Model--User Guide to the Subsidence and
Aquifer-System Compaction (SUB) Package: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 03-233, 44 p.
Konikow, L.F., Hornberger, G.Z., Halford, K.J. and Hanson, R.T., 2009,
Revised multi-node well (MNW2) package for MODFLOW ground-water flow
model: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A30, 67 p.
Leake, S.A. and Galloway, D.L., 2007, MODFLOW ground-water model -- User
guide to the Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction Package (SUB-WT) for
water-table aquifers: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A23,
42 p.
Leake, S.A., and Lilly, M.R., 1997, Documentation of a computer program
(FHB1) for assignment of transient specified-flow and specified-head
boundaries in applications of the modular finite- difference groundwater flow model (MODFLOW): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
97-571, 50 p.
Leake, S.A. and Prudic, D.E., 1991, Documentation of a computer program
to simulate aquifer-system compaction using the modular
finite-difference ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey
Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 6, Chapter A2, 68 p.
McDonald, M.G., Harbaugh, A.W., Orr, B.R., and Ackerman, D.J., 1992, A
method of converting no-flow cells to variable-head cells for the U.S.
Geological Survey modular finite-difference ground-water flow model:
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-536, 99 p.

Merritt, L.M. and Konikow, L.F., 2000, Documentation of a computer

program to simulate lake-aquifer interaction using the MODFLOW
ground-water flow model and the MOC3D solute-transport model: U.S.
Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4167, 146 p.
Niswonger, R.G. and Prudic, D.E., 2005, Documentation of the StreamflowRouting (SFR2) Package to include unsaturated flow beneath streams-A modification to SFR1: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods,
Book 6, Chap. A13, 47 p.
Niswonger, R.G., Prudic, D.E., and Regan, R.S., 2006, Documentation of
the Unsaturated-Zone Flow (UZF1) Package for modeling unsaturated flow
between the land surface and the water table with MODFLOW-2005: U.S.
Geological Techniques and Methods Book 6, Chapter A19, 62 p.
Prudic, D.E., 1989, Documentation of a computer program to simulate
stream-aquifer relations using a modular, finite-difference,
ground-water flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
88-729, 113 p.
Prudic, D.E., Konikow, L.F., and Banta, E.R., 2004, A new streamflow-routing
(SFR1) package to simulate stream-aquifer interaction with MODFLOW-2000:
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1042, 95 p.

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