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Hello all to AVR programming!!

TO set up the programming environment to dump your code to EVK1100 please follow
these steps
1) Visit Atmel AVR32->techlib->t4echlib32-> open the index.html file
In home page:
Install AVR32 Studio for Windows: Install -> click on Install
Install AVR32 GNU Toolchain for Windows:Install -> click on Install
2) Install Flip 3.4.7 from "Atmel AVR32" folder which is a windows executable.
3) Now you have successfully set up the environment
4) Create the JAVA path Variable in system environments by following this proced
GO to My computer, right click on screen, go to advanced tab, click on E
nvironment Variables and click on New in "SYSTEM VARABLES" and add "Name" as PAT
and value as C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin or any other pointer to bin
folder in your java folder. Search in net on how to add java path variable if yo
u dont get it.
[If you have any trouble till now, I have installed everything on this computer
and you can work from this computer itself]
4) Open AVR32 studio from desktop [If it ask for workspace, give the path to whe
re you want your projects to be stored]
5) Create a new project and import an example application project for EVK1100 fr
om the new->project->examples and
select your example from EVK1100 UC3A Framework dropdown
-> In case you want to create your own project then select new->"AVR 32 C proj
ect from Template" and give a name, select Start EVK1100 project in executable
and select target MCU as UC3a0512 and click finish. Write all your code
in the main.c file avaialble in the src folder in the project [look in project w
6) Once the project appears in the project window [left sidebar] right click on
it and build it which will create
the necessary elf file to dump your code on the board.
7) Now we need to create the target for the code to be put, for that click on th
e small button which says "create new target" on the AVR32 targets
window which will be available on the right-bottom corner. The button will be
next to minimize button, The new target will be created and right click
on it and select properties.
8) In general, give any name for your board, and in details enter the following
Programmer: USB DFU
Microcontroller: UC3a0512
Clock Source: Internal RC oscillator
Board: EVK1100
9) Now you are ready to program the board, connect the board to PC using the USB

cable given in the kit, Press the reset button while holding down the joystick,
which will put the board to programming mode right click on your target
and hit program, scroll to the Debug folder of your project in your work
space and select the .elf file that would have been generated!!
[In case you run into any problem here, then it means there might be problem wit
h USB drivers,
please refer to the documents (Guide_to_program_EVK1100_with_AVR32studio) in the
AVR32 documents folder to get to know how to manually install the USB drivers]
10) Voila, that's it. You should have your code running on the board if you have
followed everything correctly.
Finally you have rich set of resources with this folder in terms of documents, s
oftwares, datasheet and more importantly the current readme file!!
But that doesn't stop you from exploring for furhter opportunities with what you
can possibly do with EVk1100 board
Please search in the internet and you'll find interesting ideas and projects to
execute and might be one place from where you can start with
If you encounter any problems please feel free to contact me at adithya.s11@gmai or put in your queries to SP Sir.
Will be glad to answer. Thank you for your time.

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