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New moon

(There is a new character in it, she’s called Kristina. She’s Edwards’s twin sister and disappeared 3
months before Edward got sick. She got changed by Alec who thought she was his mate. She hates him
for parting her from her family and also hates the entire Volturi coven for doing that to her. She is very
different then Edward, you could call her a little rebellious, well, very rebellious. She has the gift to see
peoples past when she touches them with her hand, when she wants she can show the ones past she’s
reading what she reads. When she touches people she sees images and feel feelings from their past. The
first thing she sees is the worst pain someone ever had, that’s why she where’s half gloves (with no
fingers) so her palm won’t touch people and she won’t read their past. She isn’t’ t overprotective like
Edward but when someone even considers hurting her family he can count on it that he won’t live for
long. The rest about her you will find out in the story, it’s from her P.O.V. mostly.)

1 month later

I stared at the miserable faces of my family when Edward walked out the door. I didn’t need jazz’ gift to
know that they were all feeling the same, cause I did, too. Edward has been a wreck since the day I went
to pick him up in that forest he hid in for about two weeks. Then I got sick of everyone being so damn
concerned about HIM!! I went to him and told him that he had two choices: 1. Go back to Bella and beg
her on his bare knees if she might ever consider of taking him back or 2. At least get his ass back to the
family because we needed to talk. Sadly, he took the second choice. He still thought Bella was better off
without him, the idiot!!! When I walked in with Edward only Esme came to give him a hug and Carlisle
clapped him on the shoulder. Edward barely reacted. The only thing he did was staring with dead eyes at
the rest of the family and whisper “hello” so soft that even I, who was standing right next to him, had
trouble hearing him. A pang of pain shot trough me when I heard his dead voice. Without Bella he was
nothing, and Bella was nothing without him. I knew it. Only Alice knew that I once had visited Bella when
she was asleep after we left. She was screaming and twisting in her sleep, I couldn’t bear watching it
because I knew I couldn’t do anything because I promised Edward. For a lot of things I owed him and
this was the one thing he asked for in return, how could I refuse?! My thoughts shot back to the here
and now. Edward was long gone in the trees probably hiding somewhere out there in a forest. Man, he
was a coward!!! I sighed out loud. I just thought that because I wanted to be mad at him, because he
wasn’t a coward at all. I knew he wasn’t hiding, he was hunting for Victoria. We offered him help but he
refused, he said he wanted to be alone and that he needed to do this on himself. That probably was one
of his worst ideas ever cause honestly, Edward sucked at hunting. When we were little, he never wanted
to play hide and seek because he always lost… I sighed again, thinking about the things we just
discussed. Edward almost latterly begged us to not go back to Forks , and to let him go… he said he
didn’t want us to be even more miserable because of him!!! The jackass really thought leaving was the
best solution for everything!!! Ow no! There I go again! I thought as I felt how again I just wanted to be
mad at Edward. Suddenly I felt jaspers hand on my shoulder. “Trust me,” he said pained “ you’re not the
only one who thinks that.” And he shot a glance at Alice who was looking frustrated out of the window. I
knew he still felt like it was his fault, no matter what we said. I laughed a miserable laugh, a failed
attempt to lighten his mood, “Hey, where is the rough tough commander I know?!” His smile was even
more a fake than mine “I don’t know…” he whispered miserably… I stared out the window again. Ow,
Edward why did you have to leave?!

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