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key features

The EMS Panorama system enables building staff to

easily manage a new range of Compass destination
entry features.
Remote touch screen configuration
Screens and directories can be easily customized from
any remote-access location
Customized destination requests
Helps building management accommodate VIP guests
and other visitors
Enhanced reporting
Enables staff to review new Compass performance
metrics and optimize system performance

Remote touch screen configuration

With the EMS Panorama system,
users can remotely reconfigure the
Compass systems touch screen
displays. Users can revise building
directories and reassign hot buttons
for commonly used destinations
such as the lobby, cafeteria and
parking level. This feature is also
useful when a number of passengers
need to be directed to a specific
destination during a conference
or event.

Customized destination requests

Using the EMS Panorama system,
building staff are able to input origin
and destination floors for specific
passengers. The system also allows
the user to input the expected
travel time to the elevator so that
the assigned elevator arrives at the
right moment.

Comprehensive monitoring
Real-time operational displays provide a dynamic view
of operation-critical information

Compass system


The EMS Panorama management system together with Compass

destination entry provides building owners and managers with a new
level of reporting, control and performance.

EMS Panorama

EMS Panorama
Compass system enhancements

1. The EMS Panorama

system offers more than
30 reports, including
specialized Compass
performance reports
2. Users can customize
reports by specifying
time periods

4. Service times are

displayed based on
landing destination
and include the number
of passengers, response
time in seconds,
average response
time and maximum
response time

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5. Average Compass
response times are
reported by floor and
include the overall
average response time
for the reports selected
time period

16 EMS 189 (10.07) Otis Elevator Company 2007. All rights reserved.

3. Compass reports allow

users to view service
times (waiting time plus
in-car time) for travel
to a selected range of
destination floors

Compass system

EMS Panorama

The EMS Panorama system utilizes a comprehensive and easy-to-use

interface that is accessible through any networked computer with the
proper security clearance.

The EMS Panorama system provides a dramatic

improvement in security and performance by enabling
building personnel to remotely observe real-time
status, modify control settings, and view a range of
operational reports.
Intuitive web-based interface
Makes it easy to use
Real-time equipment status
Permits timely, informed decision-making
Comprehensive monitoring
Enables more effective management
Enhanced building security
Improves overall safety
Instant notification of key system events
Enables rapid response

Enhanced reporting
The EMS Panorama system allows
users to generate reports using
metrics specifically focused on
the performance of the Compass
system. It can also generate
a range of other customizable
performance reports. These reports
can be used to assess and optimize
system performance.
Compass system reports include:
Passenger waiting time
In-car time
Service time (passenger waiting
time plus in-car time)
Number of stops per trip

Comprehensive monitoring
The EMS Panorama system displays
the real-time operational status of
Compass system elevators, enabling
building staff to monitor and control
system functions with greater ease
and precision.
Users can monitor the status of up
to 512 elevators including:
Equipment status
Traffic patterns
Floor accessibility
Operating conditions
Security status
Equipment events

Historical performance coverage

Allows cost-effective system evaluation
The EMS Panorama system
can generate customized
landing-summary reports
based on average in-car time

Rapid report generation

Offers quick access to data
Remote Internet access
Provides greater management flexibility


The EMS Panorama system is available for large

modernization and new equipment projects, as an
upgrade to existing Otis elevator management
systems (DOS or Windows NT) or as a retrofit to existing
systems. Minimum system requirements:

The destination request screen

allows users to enter the starting
floor, the destination floor, and
the estimated passenger walking
time to elevator

Main Station

CPU: Pentium 1 GHz


512 Mb RAM

Hard Drive: 40 Gb

O.S.: Windows 2000 SP4 or XP Professional SP2

Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

Auxiliary Station

CPU: Pentium 400 MHz


128 Mb RAM

Users can remotely configure

touch screens throughout
the building, enabling them
to update the directory or
add hot buttons for common
destinations such as a cafeteria,
lobby or conference location

Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher

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