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Books for the Christian to learn about Jehovahs Witnesses:

Reasoning from the Scriptures with Jehovahs Witnesses, by Ron Rhodes. Excellent overview and refutation of
JW doctrine
Questions for Jehovahs Witnesses Who Love the Truth, by Bill and Joan Cetnar. Good overview of Watchtower
problems, and an inspiring testimony.
Approaching Jehovahs Witnesses in Love, by Wilbur Lingle. Time-tested methods of ministering to deceived cult
How to Answer a Jehovahs Witness, by Robert A. Morey. Less complete, but still valuable presentation. Photodocumentation and a study format.
The Watchtower Files, by Arthur Barrett and Duane Magnani. Extensive photo-documentation of false
prophecies, doctrinal flip-flops.
Apocalypse Delayed: the Story of Jehovahs Witnesses, by M. James Penton. Extremely well written and
scholarly history and analysis of the movement.

Books for Jehovahs Witnesses to read:

Former members of the movement wrote the following books, and it will therefore be difficult to get a JW to read
them. Jehovahs Witnesses are forbidden to read information from former members, and any JW who reads such
material risks being excommunicated and shunned, even by close family members. These works are, however,
powerful exposes of important doctrines and practices, and a JW who reads them is very likely to become an ex-JW.
Crisis of Conscience, by Raymond Franz. Possibly the most powerful book ever written about Jehovahs
Witnesses. Franz was a member of the movement for over 50 years, and was a member of its ruling council, the
Governing Body, for 9 years. He exposes the politicking and maneuvering that goes on at the highest levels of the
organization a much different picture than what the average JW imagines. He also tells the story of his own ouster
from the Governing Body, and ultimately from the movement itself.
In Search of Christian Freedom, by Raymond Franz. A follow-up work to Crisis of Conscience, in which Franz
discusses many of the peculiar doctrines and practices of the organization, and demonstrates that they do not have a
scriptural basis as claimed.
The Gentile Times Reconsidered, by Carl Olof Jonsson. Refutes the peculiar chronology of the JWs, which
asserts that the last days began in 1914. A scholarly and technical work, but good for the JW who is a real student
of the organizations version of history and prophecy.
Jehovahs Witnesses and the Hour of Darkness, by Darek Barefoot. Presents evidence of occult influence within
the Watchtower Society, as evidenced by subliminal pictures within its publications. This may seem trivial, but can
affect JWs deeply, as they are taught on the one hand to fear the occult, but on the other hand, to revere highly
Watchtower publications as being from God.

Informative Web Sites:

Dispel the Darkness Ministries

Thomas McGovern
1418 Macopin Road, West Milford, NJ 07480
Phone: 973-697-5029
Fax: 973-697-3356

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