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Sap Overview (pag.1 unit 1)

Calling Functions (pag. 34)
Favorites: constrain user-defined favorites functions or links to Internet content

Options for navigating:

- Transaction codes in the command field
- Choose items from menus in the menu bar
- Choose items from the favorites
Entries in the command field
- /n cancel current transaction
- /n#### to call transaction #### directly from another transaction
- /o open an overview session
- /o#### to call transaction #### in a new session directly
- /nend to end the logon session with dialog box
- /nex to end the logon session without a confirmation dialog box
- /i to delete the session you are currently using
- search_sap_menu to search for and display the menu paths for sap transactions

Getting Help (pag43)

F1 Help: display an explanation of fields, menus, functions and messages
F4 Help: display information on possible input values
Personalizing the user Interface (page 50)

Many personalization options: using the customizing of local layout (above) or Extras Setting (in
the menu bar) or setting personal standard values (see below).

The essentials of SAPs product strategy is extend rather than replace

My sap business suite is a family of open business solutions that integrates people, information and
processes to drive efficiency and profitability from business relationships. My sap business suite
features cross-industry solutions, industry solutions, technological infrastructure and service
You can work in up to 6 window (sessions) simultaneously per logon.
The data for all clients in a sap system is stored within a single common database. This data is
nevertheless divided by client so that defend companies can be administered and controlled in
different clients. A client is not a customer within a sap system.
F1 help provides documentation and technical information on a field
F4 key provides a list of possible entries for a selected field
You can call the context sensitive help using the application help pushbutton in the f1 help window.

Basics (pag68 unit 3)

Sap systems are client systems. A client is an independent unit in the system. Each client has its own
data environment and therefore its own master data, transaction data and assigned user master
Role describes a set of logically linked activities in the system. These represent the range of
functions users typically need for their work. Roles must be set up so that the sap system user can
work with user- specific or position-related menus.
Favorites can contain transactions, reports, files and web addresses. It is chased by user. Reduce
navigation time.

Menu Bar
Command line

System messages
Menu bar: depend on which application you are working in
Standard toolbar: same for all R/3 screens
Title bar: display the function that is available
Application toolbar: display icons available in the current application
Status bar: display information on the current system status (example: warning or errors)

Standard Toolbar
Title bar
Application toolbar

Status bar

SAP Library provides you with comprehensive help. You have to be able to locate the information
you are looking for.
Application help refers you to the place in the SAP Library that will give you information about the
transaction in the R/3 system that you have just called.
The personnel number is the unique key for a person in one client
The company code comes from Financial Accounting.
Structure of an enterprise are subdivided into organizational structure (based on an organizational
plan) and administrative structures (based on the enterprise and personnel structures)
Organizational plan uses elements called objects (organizational units, jobs and positions).
Enterprise and personnel structure subdivide organizations and employees according to factors
relevant to time management and payroll




Based on

Based on


Infotype 0001 Organizational Assignment

The enterprise is determined by the elements:
Client is an independent legal and organizational unit of the system
Company code is an independent company with its own accounting unit (balance sheets)
Personnel area is an organizational unit (represents a subdivision of company code)
Personnel subarea area subdivisions of personnel areas
Ford Corporation
Company Code: 1100 Ford USA / 1200 Mustang USA / 2000 Ford Brasil / 3000 Ford Spain
Personnel area: 2100 SBCampo / 2200 Bahia
Pers. Subarea: 0101 Marketing / 0102 Direct Sales / 0103 After Sales / 0201 MVA
Employees in an enterprise are divided into 2 levels:
Employee group is general division of employees (1 active, 2 retiree, 9 external, E expatriate, etc)

Employee subgroup is a fine division of employee groups according to the position of employees
(X0 salaried employee, X1- hourly wage earner, X3- trainee, etc)
Payroll area is an organizational unit used for running payroll (same time and same period)

Organization unit describe the various business unit that exist in your enterprise
Jobs classifications of tasks that are performed by employees (secretary, buyer, manager)
Positions individual employee assignments, occupied by persons (purchasing manager, sales
manager, personnel manager, etc)
Cost Centers can be linked to organizational units or positions (maintain in controlling)
Persons objects that hold positions within the organizational structure.
Methodology Oriented Design
- Objects: organizational management is based that every element of the organization
Constitutes a unique object with individual attributes.
Examples: organizational unit, position
- Relationship: you create relationships between the various objects to form a framework
For your organizational plan
Examples: belongs to, reports to, is subordinate to, manages, describe
- Characteristics: additional characteristics of objects
Examples: description, working time, account assignments, cost items,

Business area, overtime, holiday bonus

All the data of an object (existence, relationship, additional characteristics) are created as

Plan version are used to store different organizational plan scenarios. One of your plan versions
represents your current organizational plan and is indicated as active plan version.
Object manager (vc pode habilitar ou desabilitar no Menubar Settings Hide/Show Object
Manager) has 2 areas:
- Search area: to locate objects such as organizational units, persons, jobs, positions and
- Selection area: use the search results to select an object to be used in the overview and/or
detail area (in the hierarchy framework right side of the screen)
Validity dates determine the existence of an object.
Each infotype uses a start and end date to identify the validity of the infotype data.
Building an Organizational plan:
- Create root organizational unit
- Create subordinate organizational unit
- Create jobs
- Create positions
- Assigns cost centers
- Assigns persons
- Maintain other object attributes
The principal organizational aspects of human resources are controlled at the personnel subarea
level, namely the pay scale and wage type structures and the planning of work schedules.

Personnel Administration (pag.123 unit5)

3 different ways of processing infotype records:
- Single screen maintenance: individual maintenance for a particular subject or situation. You
maintain one infotype at a time for a personnel number.
- Personnel actions: maintain more than one infotype. The system displays all of the relevant
infotypes, one after the other
- Fast entry: maintain an infotype for more than one personnel number simultaneously (on a
single screen).
Concurrent employment: each employee can have multiple personnel assignments (ex. Function:
chemical engineer in USA and nuclear engineer in Germany) and each personnel assignment is
linked to the person. A personnel number is assigned to each personnel assignment (ex. USA
3108001 and Germany 31008002). The person id is the same (ex. 3108001)
Infotypes: or information types, logical groupings of data fields. Infotypes have names and 4-digit

Subtypes: or Infosubtypes, special subvariants of an infotype. Subdivide an infotypes data records.

Subdivide the information to manage easily or assign different control features (such as time
constraints). Its possible to create separate histories for each subtype.
Time Constraints in HR: process where the system checks whether a record already exists for an
infotype or subtype.
- Time constraints 1 : mandatory information that must be uniquely available at all times
(obrigatrio e nico)
- Time constrains 2: optional information, that if available, must be unique
(no obrigatrio e nico quando existir)
- Time constrains 3: optional information, that if available, can exist more than once
(no obrigatrio e podem existir vrios)
Personnel actions: sequence of infotypes to map a personnel process (ex. Hiring, change of position,
country reassignment, change an employee pay) {personnel actions make it possible for an
employee to implement several infotypes in a pre-defined sequence}
In Customizing for Personnel Administration, you can assign the following three status indicators
with different features to each personnel action type:
Customer-specific (Status 1)
Status 1 is customer-specific and is not used in the standard system.
Employment (status 2)
Status 2 relates to the employees employment relationship. Status 2 is used in PA in the
following two central places:
- In Reporting
Status 2 is used to indicate entries into and exits from the company. This affects data
selection within reporting. Employees who have left the company are, for example,
identified by status 2.
- In time-constraint validation
Data records with time constraint 1 may be deleted at the end if the characteristic value of
status 2 is 0, i.e. if the employee has left the company. The following infotypes constitute
Actions (0000)
Organizational Assignment (0001)
Personal Data (0002)
For these infotypes, a data record must exist at all times in the system for each employee
from the point at which he or she is hired.
For more information on time constraint, see the Time Constraint in HR Master Data
section in the Personnel Administration documentation.
Special payment (status 3)
Status 3 controls the employees entitlement to special payment for automatic special payments
within Payroll Accounting
Dynamic actions: performed automatically by the system depending on certain conditions. Ex.
During the hiring process, if we entry with the number of children in the personnel data, after save
the entry of personnel data, the system automatically displays the family member/dependents
infotype (0021)
Fast entry of actions: draws important fields of an action in one screen. In customizing you define
fields from which infotypes are displayed on the screen.

The HR system stores all data for an employee in infotype records. Several records can be added to
an infotype for an employee.
The hr system stores all data for an employee in infotype records. Several records can be added to
an infotype for an employee. Different record can be entered using the validity period, for example,
when changing the address data of the employee.
Fast entry allows several employees to maintain one infotype all at once that means, on a single
The personnel actions make it possible for an employee to implement several infotypes in a predefined sequence. Examples would be the hiring action or organizational reassignment.

Time Management (pag.182 unit 6)

Several options to record working times: on-line by time administrator, central time sheet, CrossApplication Time Sheet (CATS), online menus, time recording systems, customer system with an
interface to R/3 system and employee self-service applications. In the following ways: Time
Managers workplace, maintain individual infotypes or fast entry (enter data for one infotype for
multiple employees simultaneously)
The central element in Time management is the employees work schedule (contains planned
specifications for the employees working time)
By assigning a work schedule rule in the Planned working time infotype (0007), you ensure that the
system can determine the employee's personal planned working time. You can change the planned
working time determined by the system to suit your requirements. For example, you can use an
existing full-time work schedule rule as the basis for defining a special provision for a part-time
employee. The planned working time defined for the full-time employee is reduced to the
percentage the part-time employee must work.
If you want an employee's time data to be processed by Time Evaluation, you must specify the
relevant processing type in the Time Management status field.
You can also determine the view for calculating weekly overtime. Any hours worked over the
planned working time can then be evaluated as overtime.
The table below defines in more detail the options in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007):
Work schedule rule
In this field, you specify the work schedule rule you want the system to use
to calculate the employee's personal planned working time.
Management If you want your employee's time data to be evaluated by Time Evaluation,
you must set the Time Management status
Working week
In this field, you specify which working week (for example, 7 or 14 days,
start of working week is a Sunday, and so on) is valid for the employee.
Part-time employee
Select this option if you want to reduce the planned working time of an
existing full-time work schedule rule to the percentage specified in the
Also select this option if you have created a special work schedule rule for

part-time employees. You can then use the part-time status of these
employees as a criterion in statistical queries.
If you want an employee's planned working time to be different to that
determined by the work schedule rule (especially when reducing planned
working time for part-time employees), enter the percentage, in relation to a
full-time employee, of planned working time that the employee must work.
Daily/Weekly/Monthly/ The system calculates the specifications in these fields based on the work
Annual working hours
schedule rule you enter. If you change the value in one of the fields, the
system automatically recalculates the values in the remaining fields.
Weekly workdays
If required, you can overwrite the number of workdays per week calculated
by the system. This information is mostly provided for planning purposes
and can be included in evaluations. It has no effect on how the planned
working time is structured.
Dynamic daily work This option is available when you select the Part-time employee option and
choose Enter. If you choose this option, the system reduces the planned
working time determined by the work schedule rule to the percentage you
enter in the Employment percent field. When calculating an employee's new
working time, the system uses the specifications from the daily work
schedule for the work schedule rule. The system takes the start of work time
from the daily work schedule as its starting point and, taking into account the
break schedule, adds the new number of planned hours.
and This option is available when you select the Part-time employee option and
working choose Enter. The specifications you make in these fields are optional. Any
hours per day
values you enter can be used in Time Evaluation but have no influence on an
If you enter values in these fields, you must also select the Dyn. Daily work
schedule option.
Public holiday calendar is assigned to a personnel subarea
Planned work time

Work Schedule


Work Schedule

Holiday Calendar

Work Schedule
Day working



We have 2 different methods to record employee time data:

- Method 1: negative time management: where we record only deviations from the work
- Method 2: positive time management: where we record all time events. Two way to record
actual times: Automatic recording or manual recording (infotype 2002 Attendance)
Negative time management uses the following infotypes:
- Organizational assignment 0001
- Personal data 0002
- Planned working time 0007
- Absence quotas 2006
Time Managers Workplace or TMW is a user-friendly user interface for recording time data.
TMW has day, week, month and year calendars.
TMW ids are defined for each type of time data. For example, id such as OT can be defined as
overtime compensation (attendance type) in the time evaluation. The attendance infotype (2002)
and subtype for this attendance type are assigned to the time data ID in customizing.
Collision in the SAP System is the overlapping of data records when we record time data (pag199)
Absence quota is an employees time-limited entitlement to an absence.
Attendance quota is an employees time-limited entitlement to an attendance.
Time management requires the following master data infotypes:
- 0001 organizational assignment
- 0002 personal data
- 0007 planned working time
- 0050 time recording information
- 2006 absence quotas
Time evaluation compares the actual time (in the time recorded in terminals, the time events P10
and P20 (marcao de entrada e saida)) with the planned specifications (from the planned working
time infotype 0007)
The following are the standard values for the Time Management status:
Indicator 0 or BLANK: The employee's actual times are not recorded, and his/her time data is not
accounted using the time evaluation program.
Indicator 1: The employee's actual times are recorded and he/she participates in time evaluation.
The employee's actual times are recorded at a time recording terminal.
The employee's actual times are recorded in the Attendances infotype (2002).
Indicator 2: Employees' actual times are recorded and they take part in plant data collection. Their
Employees' actual times are recorded using PDC systems.
Employees' actual times are recorded in the Attendances infotype (2002).

Indicator 8: This indicator is intended for external employees. The employee's actual times are not
recorded, attendances are recorded in the Attendances infotype (2002), and time data is accounted in
time evaluation.
Indicator 9: You can use indicator 9 for employees for whom only exceptions to the work schedule
are recorded. In this case, the employees' actual times are not recorded, but they do participate in
time evaluation.
Shift planning is a component of R/3 Time Management. You can distribute the human resources of
your enterprise appropriately and efficiently. Helps to assigns shift times, shift location, personnel
selection, and number of required employees.
CATS Cross Application Time Sheet is another form of employee Self Service. You can use to
record the actual working times of individual employees. Advantages:
- Standard screens for entering working times
- Ease to use for all users
- Default values and data entry templates
- Integrated approval process
- Support for corrections
- Sap enhancements for increased flexibility in the definition of authorization checks,
plausibility checks and default values
Interfaces of CATS:
- CATS classic original user interface
- CATS regular similar to classic
- CATS notebook similar to regular and classic. Used in notebooks
- CATS instant is an iView and runs in an enterprise portal
- CATS phone is a WAP application and runs on WAP enabled cell phones.
CATS business process:
- Create account assignment
- Record times
- Release times for approval
- Approve times (by workflow or report)
- Transfer of time data to the target component (invoices, controlling payroll)
The TMW is an interface for the time administrators for maintaining time data and processing
evaluation messages. This interface is specifically designed to meet the needs of time administrators
in decentralized departments.
Using the target plan, you can bring requirements (from the companys perspective) and shifts
(from the employees perspective) into line)

Reporting and Analysis Tools (pag.238 Unit 7)

Information System in HR:
- Ad-Hoc-Query -: allow creating reports (integrated into SAP query). Can be used for data
sorted in recruitment, master data, time management, and personnel planning and
development. Ad hoc query is based on infosets and user groups.
- HIS Human Resource Information System: request and start all hr reports within structural

Managers Desktop (MDT): tool specifically for managers where they can evaluate and
change data. In the Managers desktop we have theme categories (and each categories have
function list): Employee, organization, costs and budget, recruitment, special areas,
workflow inbox. The managers desktop screen is divided into 2 areas, the right side
displays the area of responsibility and the left side displays the possible functions in a
function tree.
Business Warehouse: independent system in which analyses can be performed

In addition to tools, SAP provides a large number of standard reports for all sap applications. The
reports are started from the main information system in the sap easy access menu or from an
information system of a component or subcomponent (information system)
Also, we have selection criteria:
- Further selections: select the fields
- Search help: select employees
- Sort: up to seven criteria to sort
Output and display options: sap list viewer, abap list, table, word processing, spreadsheet, graphics,
local file, infozoom, and crystal reports. Additional functions in output lists: abc analysis, print and
Options to analyze data in addition to reporting in the R/3 system: SAP Business Warehouse BW
and SAP Strategic Enterprise Management SEM
HR extractor, infocubes, and queries are available for the following areas
- Personnel administration
- Recruitment
- Training and event management
- Personnel development
- Compensation management
- Benefits
- Organizational management
- Payroll
- Time management
Personnel Development (pag.268 unit 8)
Personnel Development
- Recruitment
- Development and Training
- Compensation Management
- Personnel Cost Planning
- Travel Management
Recruitment (pag.271 unit 9)
Recruitment component can be used to complete the entire recruitment process: vacancy
advertisement applicant profile matchup selection hired as employee
The organization can integrate the recruitment process with many other functions:
- Organizational Management: create vacant positions / requirements profiles of jobs/profiles

Personnel development: create requirements of the position or qualification profiles for

applicants / profile matchup / applicant search.
Personnel administration: transfer applicant data record to personnel administration
Managers desktop: evaluate and maintain applicant data

Two-level concept of data recording:

- Basic data: record applicant data required for issue letter and statistical purpose (name,
address, organizational assignment)
- Additional data: enter additional data for applicants who are of continued interest to the
company (assign to one or more vacancies, record applicants qualification, education,
previous employment)
Applicants are organized as:
- Internal / external applicants
- Applicant group
- Applicant range
- Applicants who submit unsolicited applications
Managers desktop: can be used by managers to make decisions on applicants:
- Shot profile
- Displaying application documents
- Applicant activities
- Applicant master data
- Qualifications profile
- Profile matchup
When you hire an applicant, you can transfer the applicant data to personnel administration. (From
applicant database to the employee database)
You can hire an employee independently of recruitment. You do so in personnel administration
using a personnel action.
The Internet application component employment opportunities assists companies in recruiting
applicants by allowing users to:
- Display their companys job vacancies
- Apply for positions in their company

E-recruiting (pag.306 unit 9)

Is a complete solution for recruitment and all functions are internet-compatible. The main focus of
this solutions is the
- Talent warehouse: where the objective is establishing long-term relationships with
- Recruiter: provide tools for administrative tasks in recruitment and supports the entire
recruiting process
E-recruiting processes:
- Planning perform personnel planning / post jobs
- Attraction generate interest in the enterprise

Sourcing search for applicants

Qualifying applicant selection
Closing select final applicants and negotiate contracts
Retaining develop long-term links between candidates and enterprise using the talent pool

A companys workforce requirements can be depicted (describe) using vacancies. Vacant positions
can also trigger recruitment processes.
E recruiting is a complete solution for recruitment and all of the functions are internet-compatible

Development and Training (pag.313 unit 10)

Personnel development function help maximize the value of employees for your enterprise. You can
plan and implement specific personnel and training measures to promote the professional
development of your employees. PD sets out to ensure that an organization has all qualification and
skills needed.
To use Personnel Development effectively we should implement Organizational Management.
Points of integration in Personnel development:
- Organizational management - access objects within the organizational structure
- Training and event management generate training proposals (booking onto business
events and create probooking for event types)
- Personnel administration use hr master data for personnel development planning
- Recruitment manage applicant qualifications in PD only
- Compensation management make available the results of personnel appraisals
(assessment) in the compensation component
- Shift planning (when active) include qualitative aspects when planning personnel
placements (nomination)
- Logistics store work center requirements
We assign qualifications to employees and requirements to positions. Qualifications and
requirements are stored centrally in a qualification catalog. Requirements can be listed of skills,
abilities, experience required to be suitable (appropriate) for a position, job, task or work center and
qualifications can be listed as list of skills, abilities and experience that make an employee suitable
for a position.
Qualification catalog contains all the qualification that is of interest to a company.
- Qualification group use to structure the qualifications (ex. Language skills, programming
lang). Groups can contain qualifications and/or qualification groups.
- Qualification relate to persons, jobs and positions. (Ex. Business english, spanish, c++)
Proficiency scales relate qualification. Scales can be Yes/No or Points of Scale 1-5.
Qualification can have a depreciation meter (validity period. Ex: licenses)
Profiles are used to store specific information about objects. Each profile has a header with standard
information about the object and a number of subprofiles. (Ex. Header: personnel information with
name, date of birth and position / subprofile of qualifications with skills and knowledge). We use
the qualification catalog to create a qualifications subprofile.

The requirements subprofile is used to specify the knowledge and skills. Required for a job,
position, etc. We also use the qualifications catalog to create the requirements subprofile.
Other subprofiles: appraiser subprofile (avaliador), appraise subprofile (avaliado), individual
development subprofile, development plant history subprofile. (carreira sucesso)
Profile matchup function compares the qualifications (person, applicant) x requirements (job,
position). We can perform profile matchups for an unlimited number of objects of different
objects types. We can have:
- Qualification fulfills the requirement exactly
- The qualification does not fulfill the requirement (proficiency of qualification is lower than
required or does not exist at all)
- Over qualification (the proficiency of the qualification is higher than is required)
If PD is integrated with training and Event management, using the generate training proposals
function the system proposes training courses (business events) that can provide any missing
If a person attends a business event (course), this may mean that the person will have an additional
qualification with certain proficiency.
Integration with other application components for training and Event management:
- Sales and Distribution SD billing of attendance fees
- Materials management - use of materials from the material master as resources for business
events (cursos)
- Personnel development check for and transfer of qualifications
- Organizational management organizational units as attendees and organizers of business
events (cursos)
- Personnel administration use of persons from hr master data as attendees and instructors.
- R/3 appointment calendar: automatic gerentario of entries in R/3 appointment calendar for
attendance booking and instructor activity
- SAP Knowledge Warehouse: Display of information material from the knowledge
warehouse (training materials, documentations, videos, etc)
- Cost Accounting: internal activity allocation of attendance fees and instructor costs.
Training and event management comprises four main processes
- Business event preparation: create event environment, business event groups and event
- Business event catalog: create individual event dates with or without resources. Plan dates
based on demand
- Day-to-day activities: make booking, prebook, replace booking, rebook and cancel for
attendees. Perform correspondence
- Recurring activities: activities that are required periodically.
Training and event management has 7 dynamic menus:
- Master data menu (basic data: time schedules, building addresses, cost items, event
locations, organizers, resources and resources types)
- Attendance menu (execute all of the functions relating to booking activities: book, prebook,
replace, rebook, cancel, correspondence task. Correspondence output for attendees. We can
determine priority: normal booking, essential booking, waiting list booking))
- Business event menu (execute all of the functions related to creating and editing business
events: create, firmly book, cancel, follow up, appraisals, etc)
- Information menu

Planning menu
Resource menu
Tool menu

There are attendee types (you can create attendees in current setting under create attendee):
- Person: employee of your company (P)
- User: person in the user master (US)
- External person: employee from another company (H)
- Applicant: external person that has applied for a job (AP)
- Contact person: employee of a partner (PT)
- Organizational unit: ex. Department in your company (O)
- Customer (KU)
- Company (U)
- Interested party (KI)
Employees can access the appraisal template directly from the employee self-service my booking.
Training and event management has two employee self-service features that complement one
- Training center: where employees can view the current event catalog and book themselves
for events
- My booking: where employees can view their own booking data and, if necessary, rebook
or cancel their booking.
The sap system supports three approval workflows for the employee self service training center and
My Bookings:
- Approve employees attendance booking
- Approve employees attendance cancellation
- Approve employees attendance rebooking
You can start the dynamic information menu under information system from where you can also
access reports for attendances, business events and resources.
Blended learning:
- Personalized learning adaptable to individual needs and learning strategies
- Integration with ERP Systems
- Compliance with internationally recognized WBT standards
- Authoring tools for creating content and structure
- Creation of reusable content
- Flexible on the fly administration of learning offering
- Inclusion of all delivery methods
- Tracking of learning progress
- Placement and final tests
The learning cycle in the sap system
- Expert finder: qualifications & expert profiles (mysap hr)
- Performance management (mysap hr)
- Classroom training and e-learning (sap learning solution/sap tutor)
- Tests (sap learning solution)
- Certification (sap learning solution)
- Skills update (mysap hr)

SAP solution for learning management system is the SAP learning solution that is an integrated
end-to-end solution:
- Enterprise portal 5.0: learning portal
- My sap human resource: personnel development and training and event management
- My sap customer relationship management (billing engine planned)
- Content management system
- Test environment (test author is the tool used for creating all of the tests)
- Authoring environment (learning objects, learning object nets and instructional elements)
Requires the following databases (in addition):
- Organizational structures
- Employee master data
- Business event catalog
- Qualifications of employees
- Requirements of jobs/positions
You can integrate SAP Expert Finder, an expert search tool, to the learning portal of the sap learning
- Skills & expert profiles (mysap hr)
- Performance management (mysap hr)
- Classroom training and e-learning (sap learning solution / sap tutor)
- Tests and assessments (sap learning solution)
- Certification (sap learning solution)
- Skill update (mysap hr)
Core functions of sap expert finder:
- Integration with mysap hr (qualifications of employees, hr data)
- Quick, easy search and contact (email, telephone)
- Intuitive web based user interface (enterprise portal 5.0, web link)
- Only authorized access to employee data (experts can lock and unlock their profiles)
- Expert communities (enterprise-wide communication)
SAP Tutor is a solution for the simple creation of customer-specific material for: / user training and
user support, / documentation, / product rollout, demonstration and presentation / and test scenarios.
Other points: interactive leaning units, easy creation without programming, individual learning
pace, seamless integration in your training and documentation concept
Tools of sap tutor:
- Tutor recorder record interactions in all 32-bit application
- Tutor editor edit and review tutorials
- Tutor player play and run tutorials
- Reporter statistics / overviews of tutorial sessions
Planning in Personnel Development (pag.407 unit 10)
Career and succession planning has 2 goals: Encourage the professional development of employees
in a company and second to ensure that there is always sufficient headcount.
Career planning involves identifying possible career goals for employees, and planning their
professional development. Careers are non-person specific paths within an organizational structure.
Carriers can be used as planning criterion in career and succession planning. Careers can contain
jobs and positions. Use career planning functionality to look for suitable activities for an employee,
applicant, and so on. Use the persons profile as a basis for conducting this search

Succession planning involves looking for suitable candidates (employees, applicants, and so on) to
fill open posts (positions and so on) By simulating a succession scenario; you can analyze and
appraise the effects of an employee transfer.
Planning criteria for career and succession planning:
- Qualifications
- Potentials
- Preferences
- Designations
- Dislikes
- Career
- Additional career
Development plans plan a central role in the personnel planning process and are used to map
personnel development measures:
- Trainee programs and so on
- Training courses, seminars, workshops and so on
- On the job training, job rotation, and so on.
We have:
- General development plans
o Group together training and further education measures
o Not specific to certain persons, can be used as template
o Contain a sequence of development plan items: duration in years, months, days /
sequence of the items, / whether it is an optional or required item
- Individual development plans
o Used to plan personnel development for a specific employee
o Contains entire development history of the employee
You can create and manage general development plans in the development plan catalog. You can
then use these general development plans as copy templates for creating individual development
Objective Setting and Appraisals (pag.426 unit 10)
Appraisal systems component is used in Personnel development and training and event
management. Enable to create an appraisal system, as well as plan, hold and evaluate appraisals.
- 360o. Feedback
- Personnel appraisals
- Training appraisals
- Surveys
- Certificates of employment
- Job evaluations
Appraisal elements are managed in the appraisals catalog. The catalog contains:
- Appraisal model (ex. individual performance appraisal, 360o. feedback, etc)
- Criteria group (ex. performance and social skills for individual performance, etc)
- Criteria (ex. organizational skills, quality of work, quantity of work, etc for performance)
- Qualifications (ex. self assertion, team spirit, communication skills etc for social skills)
Scales for appraisals:

Quality scales
o Fixed rating (proficiencies)
o User defined names and descriptions for proficiencies Examples: language scale
with ratings: basic, knowledge, average and fluent / yes / no scale with the
Quantity scales
o Scale defined by minimum / maximum, interval range, and unit
o Used for covering large value ranges. Examples: scale with the unit score, a range
from 0 to 1000 and interval range of 0.001

The appraisal process is divided into stages:

1. Preparation define planning data (period and objects involved)
2. Execution rate the appraisal elements
3. Close save the appraisal with an historical record
4. Approval process standard workflow to start an approval process
5. Follow-up carry out follow-up actions (ex: compensation or update the profile)
Personnel development appraisal system functionality is now used in the training and event
management component
Managers desktop meets the day-to-day requirements of managers and supervisors, and helps them
perform their administrative, organizational, and planning activities efficiently. The employee
section of the managers desktop contains the most important functions of the appraisal systems and
qualifications and requirements components:
- Evaluate appraisals analyze and evaluate employee appraisals
- Create appraisal prepare and hold employee appraisals
- Employee profile and requirements profile edit subprofiles for employees and for job
related objects
- Profile matchup compare employee profile and job-related profile (determine
qualification deficits)
- Qualifications overview (for organizational unit)
- Succession overview (for organizational unit)
Employee self-service lets employees view their own appraisals
Management by objectives should be:
- Specific- objectives to be achieved must be formulated as clearly and precisely
- Measurable can be determined quantitatively and measured
- Accountable employee is responsible for achieving the objective
- Realistic can be realistically achieved
- Time specific clearly defined timeframe
Strategic objectives come form SAP SEM. Assign scorecard to organizational unit.
Integration between sap SEM and mysap HR allows users to transfer the values SAP SEM
Performance matrix to the individual appraisals in my sapHR.
Qualifications and requirements originate from the qualifications catalog. They are of the same
object type. If qualifications are stored for persons/applicants, they are referred to as qualifications.
If they are store for jobs/positions, they are referred to as requirements

The dynamic menus in training and event management allow you to branch (fork-ramificar) directly
from the objects in the business event hierarchy to the individual functions. You will have noticed
that the functions selection of the right mouse button changes or the functions in the menu change
depending on the particular dynamic menu
Blended learning refers to all round learning. Sap offers the sap tutor and sap learning solution for
example. The sap learning solution is integrated with erp backend systems
Careers and development plans NOT are synonyms. Development plans can contain organizational
units or course type for example, in addition to jobs and positions. Development plans can be stored
for specific employees as individual development plans
The new objective setting and appraisals components supports all phases of a continuous
performance feedback process. It supports planning (that is the formulation of objectives), the
employee review (feedback) and the appraisal.
Compensation management (pag.459 unit 11)
Compensation management component controls and manages remuneration policy at en enterprise.
Area of compensation management:
- Job pricing: store results of external job evaluation systems and salary surveys in order to
generate salary structures to which we can assign jobs and positions. We can set up the pay
grade structure. Reference to job or position. Planned compensation has 3 types: salary
(store data from the pay grade structure {pay grade, pay grade level, pay grade type and pay
grade area} we have the minimum, maximum and internal reference salary for the job or
position), pay scale (store data from the pay scale structure {pay scale group level, type and
area for jobs or position} the system suggests the minimum and maximum salary/wage),
and, direct when we do not have pay grade or pay scale structure. You enter the minimum
and maximum amount to be paid for the position or job.
- Budgeting: plan and control expenses for compensation adjustments. It is a hierarchical
structure. Process: Create budget units create budget structure __. Assign budgets to org.
units; assign financial resources to each budget unit check budget structure release
the budget structure.
- Compensation administration: distribute salary increases, shares, and so on to employees in
accordance with remuneration policy. Manages using: adjustment reason L1, adjustment
type L2, compensation area L3, compensation component L3, category L4, guidelines L3,
eligibility rules L3 and budget type L2
- Long-term incentive: supports five different types: incentive stock options, nonqualified
stock options, performance shares, performance units and restricted stock.
Compensation management uses information from various components:
- Organizational management: witch department, witch employees, witch positions
- Personnel development: appraisal results
- Personnel Administration: employee payments data, can update infotype 0008 /0015
- Treasury: review the current market value of stocks (long-term incentives)
- Payroll: write changes to employees salary data and stock options
- Personnel Cost Planning: generate budgets

Compensation components are created and assigned to compensation categories. Compensation

categories determine witch infotype records are created when you activate an adjustment or grant an
award. Sap delivers the following categories:
- Fixed: create a record in the compensation adjustment infotype (0380) and the basic pay
infotype (0008) is updated. Example basic payments are fixed compensation components.
- Variable: create a record in the compensation adjustment infotype (0380) and the basic pay
infotype (0008) or additional payment infotype (0015) is updated / created. Example: bonus
- Long-term incentives: create a record of the compensation adjustment infotype (0380) and a
record of the awards infotype (0382). Example: stock options.
Various ways of awarding employees with compensation adjustments:
- Individual maintenance
- Mass maintenance (using excel table for example)
- Managers desktop
- Manager self-service (portal)
Methods of selection employees for compensation administration:
- User view: select employees from the organization unit for which you are line manager
- Organizational unit: select one or more organizational units directly by entering the
organizational units name or key
- Ad hoc query: this method enables you to select employees or organizational units using
other criteria (example: using the payroll area or employee subgroup)
SAP offers new web-based planning tools, Manager Self Service, specifically tailored to the
requirements of managers with personnel and budget responsibilities. This interface enables
managers to perform compensation planning for the relevant employees. The hr department does
not perform planning centrally. Instead, the managers responsible perform planning decentrally.

Personnel cost planning (pag.496 unit 12)

Personnel cost planning and simulation is based on a broad data basis and is integrated with other
applications. You create personnel cost plans from different sources: basic payments, payroll results,
simulated reclassifications, recurring payments and deductions, on-time payments. You can also use
the planned remuneration data for positions/jobs for planning. Managers have option to make
additional adjustments to the plan. Created cost plans can be extracted for analyses in the sap
business information warehouse. After release a plan, the data can be used in mysap HR to create
salary budgets for compensation management and/or create training budgets for training and event
management and/or transfer the data to accounting.
Planning process:
- Planning preparation: design rules and define requirements
- Data collection: employees / organizational units, jobs, positions
- Cost planning run: automated. Executing and administrating cost planning runs.
- Detail planning: for managers and specialists
- Consistency check and release: provide data for transfer to CO and provide data for transfer
to compensation management or training and event management.
Cost item is an object in which an amount or number is stored and that you want to include in
personnel cost planning. The sap system differentiates between the following cost items:

Direct cost items: provided by data collection and assigned to a value

Dependent cost items: depended relatively or absolutely on the corresponding base cost
- Additional cost item: independent cost item (bonus)
Dependent and additional cost item are non-valuated system assign values during a planning
run according customizing settings.
All reports are based on the technology of sap list viewer.
- Plan data reporting and analyzing cost plans
- Plan changes lists all changes made to data during detail planning
- Original documents lists all plan data (in CO format) that you can post
- Display log: display saved errors logs
- Delete data basis: deletes cost planning infotypes
- Administer data from payroll: display and delete payroll results provided during payroll
posting for personnel cost planning
- Display plan data: technical analysis of cost plan data
- Display original documents: technical analysis of CO-relevant personnel cost plan data.
Major Advantages of the new personnel cost-planning component:
- Extensive data basis
- Target/actual comparisons
- User-friendly web application
- Integration with controlling, compensation management, and training and event
The main emphasis of the new personnel cost-planning component is to improve the data basis for
planning. That is, provide suitable tools for generating and deriving payment information. Also
placed on supporting decentralize planning by providing simple planning interfaces for line
Data collection methods available for employees:
- Infotype 0008 basic pay
- Infotype 0010 capital formation
- Infotype 0014 recurring payments/deductions
- Infotype 0015 additional payments
- Infotype 0267 additional payments off-cycle
- Difference between actual and planned compensation
- Compensation guideline
- Data from payroll
- Simulated pay scale reclassification
- Data from training and event management

Travel Management (pag.533 unit 13)

Sap travel management contains the complete range of procedures from entering a travel request
and approving it, to posting the actual travel expenses and carrying out possible revisions and
retroactive accounting.

3 different organizational forms for entering trip data:

- Central entry (via travel department)
- Partly decentralized entry (via department offices)
- Decentralized entry (traveler using self-service)
You can control the relevant authorizations using authorization object P_TRAVL for travel expense
reports and F_TRAVL for travel planning
Infotypes involved in travel management:
- 0001 organizational assignment
- 0002 personal data
- 0017 travel privileges
- 0006 addresses
necessary if want to generate vendor master record FI or
Utilize a form of data medium exchange
- 0009 bank details
necessary if want to generate vendor master record FI or
Utilize a form of data medium exchange
- 0027 cost distribution
only it is necessary to distribute the value to different
Cost centers
- 0000 Actions and 0003 settlement
automatically created when an employee is hired
- 0470 travel profile
optional / assign employees to a travel policies
- 0471 flight preference
- 0472 hotel preference
- 0473 car rental preference
- 0474 rail preference
- 0475 customer program
The general concept of travel planning is based on two things:
- Reproduction of enterprise-specific travel policy in the customizing of travel planning
- Specification of employee-specific data in the infotypes of hr module
Employee travel expense assignment guidelines are determined via a decision tree made up of the
following infotypes:
- Cost distribution (0027 subtype 02)
- Travel privileges 90017)
- Organizational assignment (0001)
The PCL1 file constrains the data from travel expenses (travel expense forms, paying travel
expenses, posting travel expenses)
- Sap r/3 reporting: Reports & SAP Queries
- sap r/3: managers desktop
- Business warehouse (BW): queries for the role of travel manager

Configuration of master data overview (pag.571 unit 15)

The table to switch on / off the extensions is called TBE11. (In customizing: activation switch for
sap r/3 enterprise extension set)
User profile and favorites: by setting up a user profile and favorites, you can save yourself work. By
setting up favorites, you can access frequently used transactions quickly. A user profile has the
following effect:
- Predefinition of fields in customizing and in the application (example: country assignment)
- Program control (example: user group)
You can assign a role selecting the button

in the sap initial screen.

Hiring an employee (pag.583 unit 16)

Examples of components: Master Data, Time Management, Payroll and Organizational
You use a personnel action to transfer the employees data into sap system. This function
automatically takes you through all the screens you need to hire an employee. Once you have
entered all the relevant data for that particular infotype and saved your entries, the system
automatically takes you to the next infotype record. When you complete the action, the system takes
you back to the initial personnel action screen.
Hire an employee. You should create the following entry screens:
- 0000 actions
- 0001 organizational assignment
- 0002 personal data
- 0006 addresses
- 0007 planned working time
- 0008 basic pay
- 0009 bank details
Company Code: The company code is an organizational unit within financial accounting.
Personnel Area: A personnel area is an organizational entity representing an area within an
enterprise defined by specific aspects of personnel administration, time management and payroll.
Personnel areas are subdivided into personnel subareas.
Personnel Subarea: A personnel subarea is an organizational entity that represents part of a
personnel area characterized by personnel administration, time management, and payroll criteria.
Employee Group: The employee group is an organizational entity that is governed by specific
personnel regulations. An employee group is divided into several employee subgroups. Example:
Employee Subgroup: An employee subgroup is an organizational entity within an employee group
which is governed by specific personnel regulations: example: salaried employees
Payroll Area: Contains the payroll area. (Organizational unit that groups together employees for
whom payroll is run at the same time and in the same way. Example: Payroll area Salaried

Employees (monthly payroll run on 25th of each month), Payroll area Retired Employee (monthly
payroll run on 20th of each month), Payroll area Weekly-Wage Earners (weekly payroll run on each

Pay scale type: The collective agreement type defines the sector of industry for which the collective
agreement is valid. Examples: Metal industry, Chemical industry, Mining industry, etc.
Pay Scale Area: A collective agreement area defines the area in which the collective agreement is
valid. Examples: State, Province, Region etc.
Pay Scale Group: A pay scale group is a criterion used for grading job evaluation. A pay scale group
is divided up into several pay scale levels.
Pay Scale Level: The pay scale level is a criterion for job evaluation within the pay scale group
Subtype: Subtypes are subdivisions of infotypes. The various subtypes of an infotype can be
assigned different time constraints, and a separate data history can be maintained for each.
Managing and editing projects (pag.599 unit 17)
Project steps needed to map the new enterprise structure in the sap system:
- Define organizational structure
- Adjust to meet company-specific specifications
- Enhance and adjust to additional functionality
Sap provided you with a tool, the implementation guide, to help you with the implementation and
customizing. Customizing is a method that supports the following situations: implementing the sap
r/3 system, enhancing the sap r/3 system, with a release upgrade.
IMG (implementation Guide) enables you to set up the system. Use to implement all the sap
application components. Its divide in areas:
- Documentation: find the information needed to help how to customize the system settings
- Customizing transactions: system settings
- Project management: enter the status, tasks, degree of processing and resources.
- Project documentation: project documentation for each customizing step.
Sap gives each customizing step specific attributes:
- Mandatory activities: sap cannot deliver complete default settings (example: enterprise
structure) and we need to store the customer-specific requirements for activities
- Optional activities: sap delivers default settings for these activities. You can use these
settings if they meet your requirements.
- Non-required activities: sap delivers complete default settings for these activities and only
in exceptional cases; you need to adapt these settings.
In addition:
- Critical activities: must proceed with great care when carrying out critical activities as any
errors made here can have far reaching consequences.
- Non-critical activities: must also proceed with care when you carry out these activities, but
the consequences of any errors are less far-reaching.

Enterprise structure (pag.625 unit 18)

Companys structure consists of the enterprise structure and the personnel structure.
Elements that define the sap enterprise structure for personnel administration:
- Client (is an independent legal and organizational unit of the system)
- Company code (is an independent company with its own accounting unit)
- Personnel area (is a specific entity for personnel administration. It represents a subdivision
of the company code)
- Personnel subarea (are subdivisions of personnel areas)
Client 000 contains the original sap system and you cannot change it.
Client 001 is also delivered to customers. Both systems are identical when they are delivered.
Example: (client 000 original, client 001 productive, client 003 test, client 004 training)
No data exchange between clients (only in exceptional cases)
An employee who changes from one client to another must be assigned a new personnel number
Personnel area:
- Is a selection criterion for evaluations?
- Is an entity for authorization checks
- Must uniquely assign personnel areas to company codes
- Generate default values for data entry (example for the payroll area)
Personnel subarea:
- You must define one pay scale area, one pay scale type and one holiday calendar for each
personnel subarea
- Indicators (grouping for time management, default values for basic pay infotype, assign tax
number and tax office number, assigns legal person, assigns holiday calendar, grouping for
permitted primary wage types)
Employee group is used to classify employees in general terms. It defines the position of the
employee within the companys workforce. (Example: external, active, and retiree)
Employee subgroup is subdivisions of employee group. Active employees can be split up into
categories according to their status, for example trainees, hourly wage earners, and salaried
You can use the employee subgroup to set the following indicators:
- Groupings for work schedule
- Assign employee characteristics for statistical evaluations
- Grouping for collective agreement provision
- Grouping for permitted primary wage types
- Grouping for personnel calculation rule
- Additional indicators:
o Employee subgroup grouping for time quotas allows you to specify which
attendance and absence quota types are valid for which employee subgroup
o Employee subgroup grouping for appraisals allows you to define appraisal criteria
for each employee subgroup

Employee subgroup allows you to define default values for data entry (payroll area
or basic pay)

Organizational plan depicts the organizational structure. A company uses an organizational plan to
represent the relationships between individual departments and work groups.
- Position belongs to an organizational unit
- Job describes a position
Organizational unit describe the different departments in the enterprise. Organizational units could
be departments, teams, groups and so on. (Executive board, human resource, payroll, benefits,
accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, audit)
Job is the general classification for a set of tasks in an enterprise (examples: salesmen, consultant,
Positions represent a specific job entity and are occupied by people.
Integration between organizational management and personnel administration. (If you integrate a
position between PA and OM, you can enter a position in the actions infotype 0000)
- (PA) Employee occupies position
- Position is assigned to enterprise structure (OM)
- Position is described by Job (OM)
- Position belongs to organization unit (OM)
- Position is assigned to personnel structure (OM)
When you run a hiring action by entering the position, the system propagates the data stored in
organizational management into the fields in the actions infotype.
- Personnel area
- Employee group
- Employee subgroup

Additional organizational assignment (pag.675 unit 20)

Payroll control record
- Must create a control record for each payroll area
- The control record controls the individual payroll stages
- The control record:
o Determines the exact date of the current payroll period
o Defines the payroll past for retroactive payroll
o Locks master data and time data during the payroll run to prevent changes from
being made.
o Defines the earliest retroactive accounting period for the payroll area
A payroll period determines the period in which a payroll result is generated (example: monthly,
weekly, etc) You specify for payroll areas the start date and end date of the periods.
Payday rule / number of days: determine how the payday of the period is calculated:
- 1: the number of days is added to the start date of the period to calculate the payday
- 2: the number of days is deducted from the end date of the period
- 3: the number of days is added to the end date of the period

4: applies to monthly payroll periods only. The number of days is used as the exact date.

Organizational key is a 14-character field in the organizational assignment infotype 0001 that you
can structure according to your own requirement. You can set it up using specific control and rule
tables. (Example personnel sub are 1000 and cost center 1300 organizational key = 10001300)
In the organizational assignment infotype 0001 you can enter three different administrators: one for
personnel administrator, one for time and one for payroll.
Employee attributes: after defined employee groups and subgroups in the enterprise structure, you
must assign a status to them.
- Activity status (1-active, 2-retiree, 4-early retiree, 9-other)
- Employment status (1-industrial worker, 2-salaried employee, 3-clerk, 9-other)
- Training status (1-trainne/apprentice, 2-trained, 9-other)
Defining default values Features (pag.701 unit 21)
The system uses features to determine default values. The system suggests these values when you
maintain infotypes that affect employee master data.
You can use features for different purposes:
- Features that define default values (ABKRS Default value for payroll area in
organizational assignment)
- Features that control system process (Pnnnn- controls the sequence in which the system
display country specific screens when you maintain or display master data infotypes)
- Features that automatically generate mail messages (M0001 generate mail messages when
you change certain master data fields)
The central transaction for calling feature maintenance is PE03.
Feature that defaults the payroll area in infotype 0001 is ABKRS
Feature that defaults the number range for the personnel number assignment is NUMKR
Feature that defaults the administrator groups is PINCH
Personal Data (pag.717 unit 22)
Infotype 0002 personal data
Infotype 0006 address
Infotype 0009 bank details
Links between planned working time and basic pay (pag.727 unit 23)
The system takes the employment percentage and average number of working hours from infotype
0007 planned working time and suggests them as default values for the capacity utilization level
field and the working hour per period in infotype 008 basic pay.
Infotype 007 working time: employment percentage field infotype 008 capacity util. Level field
Infotype 007 working time: monthly working hours field infotype 008 working hrs per period

Employee subgroup grouping for personnel calculation rule: the distinction is made between
employees that are paid on an hourly basis and employees whose pay is based on the number of
hours they work per period (example: salaried). To realize this difference in the system, you can set
up employee subgroup groupings for personnel calculation rules and as a result, the system treats
employees differently in payroll. The meaning of groupings is fixed and cannot be deleted
(example: hourly wage earners: 1, salaried employees: 3)
Values for capacity utilization level and working hrs/period (infotype 0008) come from employment
percentage and monthly working hours from the planned working time infotype.
Remuneration structure (pag.741 unit 24)
At your company, employees pay is regulated by a number of collective agreement provisions. The
differences are based on type pay scale type (metal, retail, in-house, etc) and area pay scale area
(south, north, Alabama, etc).
The collective agreement provisions determine how much you pay the employees.
You use the pay scale groups and pay scale levels to depict the different payments in the systems.
The employee subgroup grouping for the collective agreement provision allows you to assign
different employees to different pay scale groups. (example salaried employees and trainees
employee subgroup grouping 3)
Sap system contains the following grouping as standard:
- indicator 1 : industrial worker/hourly wage earner
- indicator 2 : industrial worker/hourly wage earner (monthly wage)
- indicator 3 : salaried worker
- indicator 4 : non-pay scale employee
pay scale type: are two character keys that defines the labor union.
Pay scale area : represents the geographical region where a pay scale or collective agreement
Wage type strucutre (pag.759 unit 25)
Wage type are the key elements in the wage type structure. You use wage types to assign payments
and deductions as weel as to control the payroll program. You use wage characteristics to
distinguish the individual wage types.
There are two main categories:
- primary or dialog wage types
- secondary or technical wage types (recognized by slash / as the first character)
Sap uses the wage type group concept to group wage types that have similar characteristics with
regard to payroll
Sap wage types starts with letters. Customer wage types must always start with a number.

Permissibility for infotypes: The user can setup the system so that only certain wage types are
permissible for infotypes.
Frequency for wage types in infotypes: You can determine the input frequency for wage types in
infotypes: once or more than once per payroll period.
Wage type permissibility for each personnel subarea and employee subgroup: You can use
personnel subarea grouping for primary wage types to define wage type permissibility for a specific
enterprise strucutre or employee subgroup grouping for primary wage types to define wage type
permissibility ofr a personnel structure.
Employee subgroup grouping 0 9
Personnel subarea grouping 0 9
- blank: not permissible
- 1: permissible
- 2: permissible with warning
when we process the wage type catalog in the img: create a copy, the system display all tables that
are affected:
- T511 wage types
- T512T wage types texts
- T512W wage tyep valuation
- T512Z permissibility of wage types per infotype
- T52D7 assigment ofwage types to wage type groups
- T52DZ assign customizing model wage type
- T52EZ time dependency of payroll wage type posting
- T539J base wage type valuation
You can define the following wage type characteristics:
- validity period
- operation indicator
- minimum and maximum wage type amount
- wheter or not the wage type amount should be included in the basic pay total
- default units of time/measurement, minimum and maximum number
- input combinations for number and amount
- indirect valuation and its characteristics.
o Direct valuation: the administrator manually enters the wage type amount in the
infotype indirect valuation is not one of the attributes of these wage types
o Indirect valuation: the system automatically enters the wage type amount in the
infotype indirect valuation is one of the atrributes of these wage types.
o The system can perform indirect valuatin for infotype 0008 basic pay, 0014
recurring payments/deduction and 0015 additional payment
- wage type as a bonus or a basic hourly pay wage type (if we intend to implement the hr
personnel time management
Module variant controls the type of table access
Module for wage type characteristics (indirect valuation)
- TARIF: module uses pay sclae data data that is takes from the pay scale groups and levels
- PRZNT / SUMME: system calculates certain wage types as a percentage of other wage
types. Example( summe. The amount for wage type 4 should consist of 30% of wage type
1, 30% of wage type 2 and 0% of wage type 3). PRZNT: the amount ofr wage type should
now consist of 20% of wate type 1, 30% of wage type 2 and 0% of wage type 3. in addition

the system shlould also multiply this amount by a percentage you enter in the basic pay
infotype, in this example 10%)
ARBPL: valuation using postions. Uses the object type and the position number entered in
infotype 0001 to calculate the wage type amount.

The module TARIF has four variants:

- A valuation is based on the pay scale group and level
- B valuetion is based on pay scale group/level and specific wage type
- C valuation does not depend on pay scale level
- D valuation does not depend on pay scale group or level
Indirect valuation: additional attributes:
- reduction method:
o blank or 1 : no reduction
o 2: reduction using the capacity utilization level (%) stored in infotype 0008
o 3: reduction in accordance with the relationship between the individual standard
weekly working time and the standard weekly working time
o 4: reduction based on the relationship between the individual hours per week taken
from infotype 0007 and the individual standard weekly working time
o 5: reduction in accordance with the relationship between the individual weekly
working time minus the standard weekly working time and the standard weekly
working time
o 6: reduction based on the relationship between the hours per week taken from
infotype 00076 minus the standard weekly working time and the individual
standard working time
- rounding type
o A= amount is rounded down
o B= amount is rounded up/down
o C= amout is rounded up
- Rounding divisor: values 0 999999 . for example, 100 means that the amount should be
rounded up a whole dollar
- Can be overwritten: determines whether you can overwrite the wage type amount in the
The difference between the TARIF module and PRZNT module
- For all wage types valuated with the tarif module, the system reads the amount from the pay
scale table depending on the pay scale group and level. For all wage types valuated with the
PRZNT module, the system calculates the amount from the amounts of the base wage
types. The calculated amount is multiplied by a percentage, which is entered in dialog while
maintaining the basic pay infotype.
The module variants
- specifies the module for indirect valuation and controls how the read access should be
assigned for a table
if you want the system to suggest a default wage type for basic pay, this wage type must be included
in a wage type model. The system suggests a wage type model based on an employees
organizational assignment. Example: company code, personnel area, employee group, employee

You can use the default wage types (feature LGMST) for basic pay table to define default wage type
for the basic pay infotype (0008). An entry is accesed by processing a decision tree:
feature LGMST
Molga which country grouping
PERSG - which employee subgroup
PERSK which employee subgroup

Reports for chagnes to remuneration (pag.811 unit 26)

Batch input processing: mass data changes that are triggered by reports are normally made using a
batch input session and not imeediately. The changes are not made to the master data until the batch
input session has been processed.
Pay scale reclassification allows you to update the information on the pay scale groups and levels in
the basic pay infotype for each employee. You can use the following reports to perform pay scale
reclassification: RPITUM00 AND RPIPSR00
Infotypes (pag.827 unit 27)
Infotype is a set of data grouped together into areas with similar content.
Level of user control for infotypes:
- controlling view: what user sees on the screen and menus, and what information is readily
and easily available for the user to view.
- Controlling access what the user can acces
- Track changes involves tracking what changes are made
Screen view: the users see infotypes as input templates with which they can maintain the infotype
records. A screen (or DYNamic PROgram) consists of a screen and the accompanying process
logic. The main elements are:
- attributes (example screen number, following screen)
- layout (the arrangement of texts, fields, and other elements)
- field attributes (definition of the properties of individual fields)
- flow logic (calls the relevant ABAP modules)
- 0000 to 0999 for personnel master data and certain applicant data
- 1000 to 1999 for human resources planning data (PD)
- 2000 to 2999 for time management data
- 4000 to 4999 for applicant-only data
- 9000 to 9999 are reserved for customers
time constraint field:
- 1 : an infotype record must be available at all times. This record may have no time gaps.
You may not delete the record last stored on the database because all records of this
infotype would otherwise be deleted.
- 2 : only one record may be available at one time, but time gaps are permitted.

3 : any number of records may be valid at one time, and time gaps are permitted.
A : only one record may ever exist for this infotype. It is valid from fajuary 1, 1800 to
december 31,9999. splitting is not permitted. Infotypes with the time constraint A may not
be deleted.
B : only one record may ever exist for this infotype. It is valid from january 1,1800 to
december 31,9999. splitting is not permitted. Infotypes with the time constraint B may be
T : The time constraint varies depending on the subtype (see table 591A).

The screen header consists of the first three lines displayed on single and list screens. A screen
header is already assigned to each infotype. Each screen header is assigned a header modifies
(defines the structure of the header) with depends on the transaction class (A = Personnel
administration, B = Recruitment)
Infotype menu: you can select the required infotype for a certain personnel number from an
infotype list and process it. You can change the menu sequence as follow:
- defining user group-sepecif menus
- changing the menu structure
- inserting new menu options
Personnel Actions (pag.869 unit 28)
Actions facilitate the editing of complex personnel processes. The system displays all relevant
infotypes in a sequence that has already been defined, so that you can maintain the necessary data.
Setps to set up a new personnel action:
- define infotypes and their sequence (infogroup)
- define characteristics of personnel action
- store action reasons
- include new personnel action in hr master data menu
the status indicator in the actions infotype are automatically mainteined by the system. The status
indicators have (stat2):
- value 0 the employee has left the companyand should no longer be included in the payroll
run. An individual retroactive run is permitted in the system
- value 1 the employee belongs to the company but is granted leave for military srvice,
maternity , etc. payroll is run for inactive employees, but their pay can be reduced
according to special factoring rules.
- Value 2 the employee is retired.
- Value 3 the employee belongs to the company and is active
The additional actions (0302) infotype allows you to log all personnel actions that you execute for
an employee on the same day. The log records all the action types and the corresponding action
reasons run for the employee according to a key date.
Dynamic Action (pag.897 unit 29)
When certain evets occur, dynamic actions trigger actions in the system. Such as:
- maintain another infotype record

send an e-mail via sapoffice

- 02 change
- 04 create
- 08 delete
- 06 change and create

P check conditions
I infotype maintenance
W default values for new record
V reference to an activity
F cll routine
E send mail

Management of global employees (pag.913 unit 30)

Person Id: valid in the enterprise and for the duration of the employees employment. (infotype
Person Id 10501
USA Personnel number 10501
assignment 10501
Germ. Personnel number 10502
assignment 10502
Brasil Personnel number 10522
assignment 10522
The new solution management of global employees is divided into five individual phases:
- planning a global assignment (offer is created)
- preparation for relocation (reservations, course, residency permits, etc)
- transfer (infotypes 0008, 0014 and 0015 are transferred from the IT compensation package)
- global assignment (foreign assignment duration)
- repatriation
authorizations in HR overview (pag.929 unit 31)
There are two ways to set up authorizations to mySAP Human Resources:
- general authorizations: authorizations that are particularly important for personnel
administration and that control access to hr data (using hr authorization objects. An
authorization object defines the fields (max 10) that occur in an authorization)
fields value authorization and fields objects authorization. Authorization
authorization profile users
- structural authorizations: check by organizational assignment if a user is authorized to
perform an activity
- note: you can set up both authorization types simultaneously.
user master record
user menu

authorization profile
user master record: a user can only log on to the system if there is a user master record with a
corresponding password stored for him or her. In the master record, a user menu and the
corresponding authorization profiles are assigned to the user using one or several roles.
Role is a collection of activities that enable a user to participate in one or more business scenarios in
the organization.
User menu: provide access to the transactions, reports or web-based applications contained in the
roles. Should only contain the functions that are performed by the user in daily work.
Authorization profile: is generated for the activities contained in the role. This defines the
boundaries within which the user may perform actions in the sap system.
Prerequisites for using structural authorizations is map the enterprises structure in Organizational
The generated profile is only entered in the user master record when a user comparison has taken
Setting up general authorization checks (pag.947 unit 32)
There are a number of authorization objects you can use to define authorization for mysap hr. you
can view these authorization objects using transaction SU03 (HR object class).
The HR: master data authorization object is used during the authorization check on Hr infotypes.
The checks take place when HR infotypes are edited or read. The system queries the contents of the
fields during the authorization check.
Item: Object P_ORIGIN
- infotype number (infty)
- subtype number (subty)
- authorization level (authc)
- personnel area (persa)
- employee group (persg)
- employee subgroup (persk) *
- organizational key (vdsk1)
authorization levels:
- R read for read access
- M matchcode for read acces using input help (f4)
- W write for write access
- E and D erase and delete for write access using the asymmetrical double verificaton
- S symetrical for write access using the symmetrical double verification principle
- * - always includes all other authorization levels simultaneously
The Hr: master data extended check auhtorization object is used during the authorization check on
hr infotypes.
Item: object P_ORGXX

- payroll administrator (sacha)

- master data administrator (sachp)
- time administrator (sachz)
- administrator group (sbmod)
these fields are filled in the organizational assingment infotype 0001
you can use the authorization main switch (transaction OOAC) to determine whether this check is
to be carried out in addtion to or intead of the HR: Master data check
The HR: master data personnel number check authorization object is used if you want to assign
users different authorizations for accessing their own perssonel number.
Item: object P_PERNR
- authorization level (authc)
- interpretation of assigned authorization (psign)
- infotype (infty)
- subtype (subty)
the PSIGN can be:
- I user can see his / her own personnel number
- E user cannot see his / her own personnel number
The check is only performed for the personnel number that is assigned to the user in infotype 0105
subtype 0001
The auhorization object HR:applicats is used during the authorization check on HR applicant
Item: object P_APPL
- infotype (infty)
- subtype (subty)
- authorization level (authc)
- persa (personnel area)
- applicant group (apgrp)
- applicant range (aptyp)
- organizational key (vdsk1)
- personnel officer responsible (resrf)
the organizational planner in your company requires authorization to edit personnel planning data.
You use this object to check the authorization for specific fields in the personnel planning
components (organizational management, personnel development, training and event management,
Item: object PLOG
- plan version (plvar) specifies which plan versions the user is authorized to access. Ex.01
- object type (otype) specifies which object the user is authorized to access. Ex. O,S,P, US
- infotype (infty) specifies which infotypes the user is authorized to acess. Ex. 1000, 1001
- subtype (subty) specifies which subtypes of the given infotypes the user is authorized to
access. Ex. * (todos)
- planning status (istat) specifies the planning status in which the user is authorized to access
- function code (ppfcode) specifies the editing mode for which the user has authorization
(display, change, etc)

the authorization object HR: Transaction code enables to check whether a use is authorized to start
the different HR transactions. No manual changes hould be made to the authorizations for the object
HR: Transaction codes. We have:
- hr transactions with a natural (their own) authorization object. For example, PA30 maintain
HR master data
- hr transactions without a natural (their own) authorization object. For example PE03
initial screen for features.
Example: object P_TCODE
- transaction code (TCD). Example: PE03, PU00, PU03, PA20
the authorization object HR: Clusters. The employees in charge of the payroll archiving process
require access authorization for the payroll results stored in clusters.
Item: object P_PCLx (x= 1,2,3,4)
- area identifiers for cluster (relid)
- authorization level (authc) : R read / U write / S simulation, test run authorization for
payroll/time evaluation
- Example: Relid: CU, RX / authc: R
- Cluster RX payroll results / CU cluster directory in which the directory of the payroll
results is stored.
The authrorization object HR: Master data customer specific object. If you have requirements
that cannot be met using the P_ORGIN and P_ORGXX authorization objects you can include an
authorization object in the authorization checks yourself.
Item: Object Z_CUSTOMER
- infotype (infty)
- subtype (subty)
- authorization level (authc)
- authorization profile (profl)
- personnel subarea (btrtl ) {additional field}
- business area (gsber) {additional field}
- other points
o create customer specific authorizations object using SU21
o assign authorization object to transaction SU24
o set the NNNNN authorization main switch to 1
Double verification principle: divides the tasks of data entry and data control among two
employees. We have assymmetrical double verification principle and symmetrical double
verification principle.
Asymmetrical double verification principle.
In this procedure, two user are always required to be able to create or change an infotypes data.
The users do not have the same authorizatons, which is why the process is called asymmetrical.
User A is granted authorizations with the authorizations level E (enqueue), R (read) and M
(matchcode) for the P_ORGIN (or P_ORGXX) authroization object instead of complete write
authorizations. (level W or *). These authorizations allow the user to crate, change or delete loced
records only. User B is granted authorizations with level D (dequeue), R and M for authorization
object P_ORGIN (or P_ORGXX) instead of complete authorizations. These authorizations allow
the user B to unlock locked record or lock unlocked record only. New data is entered by user A and
unlocked by user B., existing data can be changed in two ways: user B locks the data, user A

changes the data, and user B unlocks the data agains, Alternatively, user A creates a locked copy
from the unlocked data and changes this copy. User B then unlocks the data. To delete unlocked
data, user b locks the data which is then deleted by user A. in this process, user A is always
responsible for entering and changing the data and user B for approving the changes.
Symetrical double verification principle:
In this procedure, two users are always required to ble able to crate or change an infotypes data.
The users have the same authorizations for this. The process functions as follows: both user are
granted authorizations with the authorizations level S (symetrical ) R, and M for the P_ORGIN or
(P_ORGXX) authorization object instead of full write authorizations (level W or *). These
authorizations allow each user to create locked data records, change locked data records and relock
unlocked data records. In addition, each user can unlock data as long as he or she is not the last
person to have changed the locked data. Neither user can delete data. New datya is created by user
A (or user B) and locked by user B (or user A). to change existing data, user A (or user B) locks and
changes the data and user B(or user A) unlocks the data.
The check for the personnel planning object cannot be deactivated in the authorization main switch
with the ORGPD. The switch ORGPD lets you control whether the structural authorization checks
are to be performed in personnel administration.
Indirect Role Assignment (pag.997 unit 33)
Indirecty role assignment means that you do not assign the role to one or multiple users directly in
transaction SU01, SU10 or PFCG. Instead, you link the role using HR-ORG to an organization unit,
job, position and so on. This has the following advantages:
- if you assign roles to individual users directly, you have to adjust this assignment each time
an employeess responsibilities change
- however, if you base the assignment on positions, you do not have to adjust the agent
assignment of roles.
To be able to asign components to your organizational plan, you must call role maintenance (PFCG)
by choosing Goto Setting overall view.
There are two way to run the comparison (roles x profiles):
- report PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY running nightly as a background job
- transaction PFUD , user master data reconciliation.
The advantages of relating a role with a position is that the users inherited the authorization
acording to their position in the organizational plan.

Personnel planning data model (pag.1014 unit 34)

Structural authorization profiles use the dta model of the personnel planning components
Organizational management, personnel development (qualification catalog) and trainning and event
management (business event hierarchies) to build hierarchies using objects and relationships. The
manage the authorizations for this model effectively, the central elements of this data mode are used
: objects, relationships and evaluation paths.
Objects element with atributes
Relationships link between objects

The cost center is an external object type.

Organizational unit
Organizational unit
Organizational unit
Person / user
Organizational unit

reports to
is line manager of
belongs to
belongs to
is described by
is described by
is described by
cost center assignment
cost center assingment

organizational unit
organizational unit
organization unit
work center
person (person is assigned as the holder of posit)
position (person is assigned as the holder of posit.)

The evaluation path describes a chain of relationships that exists between objects in a hierarchical
structure. The evaluation path O-S-P for example, describes the relationship chain organization unit
position person
Overall authorization profile: combination of structural authorization check in an overall
authorization profile.
The two-part authorization concept: the structural profile determines which objects in the
organizational structure the user may access. The general profile determines which data (infotype,
subtype) and which access mode (read, write, ) the user has for these objects.
General authorization for users in an organizational plan: report RHPROFL0
The PD Profiles and Standard profiles infotypes allow you to link authorizations profiles with the
following objects: organizational units, jobs, positions and tasks. These profiles are used for all
employees linked with theses objects when you run the RHPROFL0 report.
The prerequisite to assign structural authroizations to users using this report is enter the structural
authorization profiles in PD profiles infotype 1017 for the organization unit, job, position or task
Indexes for structural authorization profiles: improve performance for complex structural
authorization profiles.
If you have created structural authorizations with a large number of objects, it is advisable for
performance tuning reasons to generate indices for users assigned to these structural authorizations.
You can do this using RHBAUS00 report.
The advantage of function module RH_GET_MANAGER_ASSIGNMENT offers in structural
authorization is that the function module determines the id of the organizational unit headed by the
manager. Thus you can use one structural authorization for multiple managers.
The point you have to considerer if you want to grant access to HR master data in overall profiles is
that you need a PLOG authorization for object type P (person)

Benefits Administration Overview (only USA and Canada) (pag.1068 unit 36)
There are six international plan categories defined in the system:
- Health
- Insurance
- Savings (poupana, proteo).
- Stock purchase
- Credit
- Miscellaneous
Under the plan category miscellaneous you can set up and administer benefit plans that not fit
neatly into one of the other plan categories (fitness or company car). Retirement plans are a special
form of savings plan. The flexible spending account category is only relevant for the use.
The following infotypes are essential for benefits enrollment: General benefits data IT0171 assigns
a person to a benefit area, a 1 st program grouping and a 2nd program grouping. Action IT0000
needed to create the active status of a person when hired and is also needed for termination
organization assignment IT0001 gives the persons organizational position needed to determine
benefit area and 1st and 2nd program groupings. Personal data IT0002 needed to determine age,
marital status, etc. used to determine eligibility for benefit plans and options.
Infotypes that are basis for enrollment: IT0171 general benefits info, IT0378 adjustment reasons
and IT0376 benefits medical data.
Infotypes that are created by enrollment: health plans 0167, insurance plans 0168, savings plans
0169, stock purchase plans 0379, credit plans 0236 and miscellaneous plans 0377.
Basic pay, recurring payment/deductions and additional payments infotypes can be used for certain
benefit plans as calculating cost, credit and benefit deductions as well as coverage amounts for
insurance plans.

THR12 Parte 1
Introduction to Payroll (pag.1 unit 1)
Role concept
- Role menu
o Accessible transactions, reports, web links
o Structure of the menu / access paths
- Authorizations
o Selective access to business functions and data
- Users
Composite roles in payroll
- Payroll manager (SAP_WP_PAYROLL-MANAGER)
o Display hr master data and personnel file
o Display remuneration statement, payroll account and payroll journal
- Payroll process administrator (SAP_WP_PAYROLL-PROC-ADM)
o Perform time evaluation and run payroll
o Create remuneration statement
o Post payroll results to accounting
- Payroll administrator (SAP_WP_PAYROLL-ADM)
o Maintain hr master data and time management data
o Simulate payroll
o Check remuneration statement and payroll account for individual employees
Payroll is used to calculate remuneration for work performed by individual employees. More
specifically, umbrella term for a variety of work processes, such as the creation of payroll results
and remuneration statements, bank transfers, and payments by check. The phrase also covers a
number of subsequent activities such as the posting of results to accounting and other evaluation,
for example, for taxes.
Remuneration is calculated in two main steps:
- Calculation of remuneration elements
- Statutory and voluntary deductions
Remuneration elements:
- Basic pay
- Gratuities
- Illness
- Night work bonuses
- Overtime
- Leave
- Bonuses
Statutory and voluntary deductions
- Loans
- Tax
- Pension insurance
- Unemployment insurance

Because of automatic retroactive accounting recognition, the R/3 system does not allow you to
change the payroll results manually.
Delimiting the date enables the system to perform retroactive accounting.
Entering Payroll Data (pag.19 unit 2)
Prerequisites for payroll:
- Master and time data

- Administration
- Subsequent activities

work schedules
Dialog and time wage types
Infotypes 0000, 0001, 0002, 0006, 0007, 0008, 0009, 2006 and
Country specific infotypes (such as tax)
The payroll processes other infotypes 0014, 0015, 2001, and
payroll areas and periods
Payroll control record
bank details and information on house banks
Cost centers
Remuneration statements

Deviation from the work schedule usually constitute the largest share of tasks that are periodically
performed in a human resources department:
- Absences 2001 used to enter an employees absence
- Attendances 2002 used to enter an employees attendances
- Substitutions 2003 used to enter substitutions, such as when an employee works a
different shift
- Availability 2004 used to enter times at which an employee is available for duty in
addition to his or her regular shift
- Overtime 2005 used to enter start times and end times for additional working hours. The
system automatically generates wage types in accordance with rules that can be specified in
- Employee remuneration information 2010 used to enter overtime manually, for example
- Monthly calendar 2051 used to enter attendances and absences in a monthly overview
- Weekly calendar 2052 used to enter attendances and absences in a weekly overview
Organizing a Live Payroll Run (pag.35 unit 3)
You must make some basic settings in customizing to be able to run payroll in the sap system:
- A period parameter and a date modifier are assigned to each payroll area. The period
parameter determines whether payroll is run monthly, bi-monthly, weekly or for several
- Payroll periods must be generated for each combination of period parameters and date
modifiers assigned to a payroll area. The start date and end date for each period is defined
and the payday is calculated using a rule entered as a parameter.
- Control record for every payroll area. This control record controls the individual stages of

The sap hr system uses payroll areas to group together employees for whom payroll is run at the
same time, and also to set the dates for the payroll period. Employees from different employee
subgroups can belong to the same payroll area.
The payroll area is used as a selection criterion for many payroll processes. For example, for the
payroll run, the remuneration statement, and evaluation reports for the payroll run.
The ABKRS feature delivers a default value for the payroll area field in the organizational
assignment infotype (0001).
Payroll period determines the period for which a payroll result is created. The length of payroll
periods can differ; for example, a payroll period can be a month, a week, or fourteen days.
The exact start date and end date of the periods must be defined for the payroll areas.
The personnel control record performs the following functions in payroll:
- Defines the payroll past for retroactive accounting recognitions
- Locks master data and time data so no changes can be made during the payroll process.
- Defines the earliest possible retroactive accounting date for each payroll area
Each employee has an individual payroll status. The necessary data is stored in the payroll status
infotype 0003. This infotype is created automatically as part of the hiring action and is
automatically maintained for each payroll period.
Payroll runs are performed using the payroll area to which the employees are assigned who is
remunerated at the same time.
A payroll control record must be created for every payroll area. This control record controls the
individual stages of payroll.
The payroll control record and the payroll status infotype are relevant for retroactive accounting.
Payroll Process (pag.53 unit 4)
During the payroll run, master data and time data changes that affect the payroll past and payroll
present are not permitted. The payroll control record controls this.
The relationship between the menu and payroll control record is as follow:
Functions in menu
Status of payroll control record
- Release payroll
- release for payroll
- Start payroll
- the payroll program is started and the status of the
Payroll control record is released for payroll
- Check result
- check payroll results
- Corrections
- release for correction
- Exit payroll
- exit payroll
The payroll results are displayed in a tree structure. This makes it easier for you analyze and get an
overview of the payroll results. The log includes a table of contents, which is presented as a tree
- Basic data
- Messages
- Procedure for successful personnel numbers
- Procedure for rejected personnel numbers

Match code W provides a list of all personnel numbers in the selected payroll data that have been
rejected by the payroll run because of incorrect data.
Check result ensure that changes cannot be made to payroll data. Also locks the payroll accounting
area concerned to prevent you from including it in a payroll run.
Corrections allow releasing the infotype records assigned to the selected payroll area for
After you have corrected the data, you must release the payroll. This causes the personnel records to
be locked again. The last payroll period is not increased.
Start payroll to run payroll again for all the personnel numbers included in match code W.
Exit Payroll function enables you to re-release infotypes so that they can be maintained for the past
and present, and the payroll area is locked for the start of the payroll run. You cannot exit payroll
until the payroll has run successfully for all of the personnel numbers assigned to the selected
payroll area.
Payroll Reports (pag.73 unit 5)
Report RPCLSTRX enables you to display the payroll results.
The sap system enables you to created remuneration statements for your employees. A remuneration
statement contains a clear list of payments and deductions effected during a payroll run for an
Also enables you to create personal or general notifications for your employees that are printed on
the remunerations statement as additional information. You enter any additional information in the
notifications infotype (0128).
The sap system enables you to create payroll accounts for your employees. A payroll account
contains tables of payroll data for one or more employees for one or more periods. A payroll
account is usually created at the end of the year. However, it is also possible to create a payroll
account for each payroll period.
The sap system also enables you to crate a payroll journal for your employees. A payroll journal
contains the payroll data for several employees for one period. A payroll journal is usually created
at the end of a period.
A wage statement enables you to cumulate and sort wage types from payroll results according to
various organizational criteria. The RT and CRT results tables can be used in the wage type
statement for the relevant payroll results.
Wage type distribution allows displaying the progression of individual or several wage types over
several periods. You can also cumulate and sort wage types according to various organizational
Wage type reporter is a flexible tool for wage type evaluations
HR reporting tools, such as the Ad Hoc Query and Sap Query, enable you to perform simple
evaluations for selected payroll results. By configuring an infotype in customizing, you can access
payroll results for employees. A part form payroll infotypes that are valid internationally (for
example, payroll results infotype 0402) there are other infotypes that are country specific.

Ad Hoc Query is a simple and powerful aid for evaluating data from human resources management.
Posting Payroll Results to Accounting (pag.87 unit 6)
Posting payroll results to accounting is one of the subsequent activities performed after a successful
payroll run. It usually takes place once each payroll period. When the results are posted to
accounting, all posting information is selected from the payroll results, summarized, formatted, and
posted to the integrated accounting component.
The financial accounting department is interested in the flow of payments, the payments are posted
according to the type or identity of payee, and due date of the payment.
The cost accounting department is interested in the classification of costs according to type (cost
center = G/L account) and the assignment to cost centers or other account assignment objects.
Posting information is stored in master data using a series of different infotypes.
Payroll result contains different wage type that is relevant to accounting:
- Wage types such as standard salary, bonuses, and overtime represent expenses for the
company, which are posted to a corresponding expense account.
- Wage types such as bank transfer, transfer of capital formation saving payment,
employment tax, employees contribution to social insurance, and so on, are the employers
payable to the employees, the tax office, and so on, and are posted as credits to a
corresponding payables account.
- Wage types are posted to two accounts: once debited as an expense, and once credited as a
Posting process:
- Create documents
- Check documents (delete documents or post additional employees as required)
- Release documents (double-click a line to view background information, if required)
- Post documents
- Check completeness
- The posting run is created, checked, edited and release
- Documents are created for CO and FI
- Accounting can display the documents to check and effect payments and bank transfers
Bank Transfers and Check Processing (pag.113 unit 7)
The preliminary program for Data Medium Exchange generates a temporary dataset that is used as
input for the Data Medium Exchange program. This report creates a file that complies with the
banking regulations for DME by disk, and contains all payment information.
The program used to generate checks (report RFFOUS_C) is not available for every country in the
menu (it is available, for example, for the USA and Canada). You find it in the SAP menu for
Payroll for your country under the area Bank Transfer.
Bank transfers are affected using the DME program (data Medium Exchange program), which
creates files according to bank regulations.

Furthermore you can generate checks for your employee, which debit the company account.
Process Model (pag.129 unit 8)
There are several possibilities of running payroll in a background operation:
- Payroll calendar to create and schedule payroll jobs
- Report RPCSC000 to run payroll in parallel for employees
- Define jobs
- Process model
You can use the payroll calendar to create payroll jobs and follow the way they are executed. The
payroll jobs are grouped into tasks according to payroll areas.
If you want to run payroll for a large number of personnel numbers in a payroll period, you can split
it into several background jobs using report RPCSC000.
Process model advantages:
- You can easily monitor the execution of the programs
- You can check every personnel number during the whole process procedure
- You can repeat individual process steps
- You can reduce the process run time by running programs in parallel
- You can specify that under certain circumstances a notification is sent
The process model is used to control the payroll process and the subsequent evaluation programs.
The process model is composed of programs that run in a specific sequence and of breakpoints that
interrupt and monitor the process sequence.
A process step corresponds to the processing of a program in the process model. The process steps
- The program category whose specification was determined in the process model
- The assigned program with a variant
Wait Point make the processing of the next point dependent on an external event, or if a process
step should only start if another process step is being run in different branch.
Every process step has the following attributes:
- Program category specifies a step from a business point of view (for example, payroll
- Program name program that should be executed in this step
- Selection variant the selection variant and criteria used to execute a step
- Communication specify who can be contacted when, and how
The following types of breakpoints are available for the process model:
- Unconditional breakpoints when this breakpoint is reached the process is always
- Conditional breakpoint the process is only interrupted when it reaches a certain
percentage of incorrect personnel numbers
- Variable breakpoints a self-defined function module is used to decide whether the process
should be interrupted or not.

Problem-Solving Aids (pag.149 unit 9)

A pile of time recording sheets arrives in the personnel department later than usual. The payroll has
already been run for the payroll period, but has not yet been set to exit Payroll. Steps:
- Release the payroll run for corrections
- Enter the time data in the system
- Release payroll again
- Run payroll using matchcode W
- Check the results
You have completed the payroll run for the current period. When you make changes to paymentrelated data in the payroll past, you receive a notification that you are changing data in the payroll
past and that this will trigger retroactive accounting. This means that payroll must be run for this
period again with the current values. This is known as retroactive accounting.
All of the periods for which you have completed and exited payroll constitute the payroll past.
In payroll, factoring refers to the proportional calculation of periodical remuneration.
Supports for typical problem areas:
- Correcting payroll before exiting payroll
- Automatic retroactive accounting recognition
- Changing the payroll area within a period
- Certain infotypes must not be delimited by the leaving action
- Generate period work schedules before the payroll run
- Create control record with the correct date
- Perform factoring
Results Table RT.
Appendix 1 (pag.165)
Off-cycle payroll
- Bonus payments
- Correction runs
- Regular payroll
- Advance payments
- Absence payment
You can use the off-cycle payroll function to run payroll for employees not included in the regular
payroll run. The payroll control record is not taken into consideration in off-cycle payroll.

Introduction to SAP Time Management (pag 1 unit 1)

Information on the work performed by employees and their availability to work are essential
elements of a human resources management system.
Time management provides you with a flexible means of setting up, recording, and evaluating
working times.
Information about working times is transferred to payroll to calculate employeesgross pay.
There are various options for recording working times: manually entering time data online, using
time recording terminals, or employees using self-service applications.
Time accounts (leave, flextime, and so on) can be managed manually or automatically.
Working times can be allocated as activities in controlling, and the resultant costs can be assigned to
the appropriate source.
Time management information is used within logistics to determine employee availability for
capacity planning purposes
Enterprise work requirements can be determined and employee shifts scheduled.
Time tickets can be generated automatically from Plant Data Collection (PDC) postings.
SAP components for time management. There are various components in time management, which
you can use individually or together.
- Shift planning: schedule the human resources in your enterprise. Can assign shift times,
locations, type of personnel, and number of required employees to optimally staff your
- Cross-application time sheet: enter their own actual times. Time data can be recorded and
transferred to controlling. Human resources and logistics for further processing. Time data
can be recorded as attendances, absences and employee remuneration information for
human resources.
- Time data recording and administration
- Time evaluation
- Incentive wages: implement performance-related compensation.
The central element in time management is the employees work schedule. It contains the planned
specifications (including breaks) according to which employees are to work.
In addition, time data such as illnesses, leave, and business trips are recorded for employees.
Depending on the type of time management in your enterprise, you record only deviations from the
employee work schedules or only the complete actual times.
Time data such as changes in planned specifications, attendances (time worked, business trips, or
additional training), absences (leave, illness, and so on), is recorded for employees.
Your can use this time data to:
Determine the applicable overtime bonuses for overtime worked.
Compensate for working on Sundays at a different rate than that used for working on normal days.
Maintain time accounts you may not want to remunerate overtime, but instead have it accrued in a
time account (time off from overtime, for example) that is available to the employee. When the
employee takes the corresponding time off (=absence), then this amount is deducted from the time
off in lieu of overtime account.
Compile statistics. Evaluations of overtime levels or illness-related absences in individual
departments can be created.
There are two different methods for transferring employee time data to the SAP R/3 system.
1. Recording only deviations from the work schedule. Only time data that represents an
exception to the employees work schedule is recorded. You can include the most current

data, such as employee illnesses, schedule and record substitutions, and enter annual leave
for employees.
2. Recording actual times. This method records all actual times, that is, all transactions such
as actual working times, absences, and so on.
Employees time data is valuated in time evaluation. Time evaluation determines planned working
times and overtime, manages time accounts (flextime balances, overtime, productive hours, and so
on), creates wage types (for overtime or bonus wage types, for example), updates time quotas, and
checks working time provisions (such as core time violations). The time wage types created during
time evaluation are valuated in payroll.
A time evaluation driver called RPTIME00 carries out time evaluation. The steps to be carried out
by RPTIME00 are specified in a personnel calculation schema.
The following infotypes are required for the integration of time management master data records:
- Organizational assignment 0001
- Personal data 0002
- Planned working time 0007
- Time recording information 0050
- Absence quotas 2006
Overview of Time Recording (pag 15 unit 2)
The Enterprise Portal (EP) is a portal for employees or managers from which they have access to
their role-specific user menus and ivies defined for them.
Roles correspond to certain tasks and functions that employees carry out in an enterprise. From a
technological point of view, roles are simply a collection of specific menus and functions required
to perform these tasks. A role also contains the necessary access authorizations.
Composite roles contain several single roles. For example, the composite role HR Controller
consists of the single role Employee Time and Labor Controller, in addition to other single roles.
Overview of roles in Time Management:
- Time and Labor Analyst: monitors employee time and labor data in relation to strategic
company goals. The single role Time and Labor Analyst (SAP_HR_PT_TIME-LABORANALYST) is assigned to the composite role HR Analyst (SAP_WP_HR-ANALYST).
- Time management specialist: is responsible for the seamless operation of the time
management system. The single role Time management specialist (SAP_HR_PT_TIMEMGMT-SPECIALIST) is contained in the composite role HR System specialist
- Shift Planner: is carried out by employees in individual departments in an enterprise, for
example, by supervisors and department heads. Shift planners schedule working times,
shifts, or known absences for the employees assigned to them. The composite role Shift
Planner (SAP_WP_SHIFT-PLANNER) contains the single role Shift Planner
- Time Supervisor: responsible for planning and administrating employee time and labor. The
single role Time Supervisor (SAP_HR_PT_TIME-SUPERVISOR) is contained in the
composite role Manager Generic (SAP_WP_MANAGER).
- Time Administrators: responsible for correctly recording and maintaining the time data of
employees assigned to them, in addition to their other job tasks. The composite role Time

Administrator (SAP_WP_TIME-ADMINISTRATOR) contains the single role Time

Time recording options:
- Maintaining time data using infotypes:
o Single screen: records one infotype for one employee
o Fast entry: records one infotype for several employees
o List screen: records several records of one infotype for one employee.
- Time Managers Workplace (TMW)
- Employee self-service
- Time recording terminals
- Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)
The Time Managers Workplace (TMW) was developed for the needs of decentrally-organized time
administrator. The TMW is a user-friendly interface that streamlines recording and maintaining time
data and processing messages.
You can query and maintain time management data directly using the employee portal (employee
self-service) or the manager portal (managers self-service).
The system accesses the HR_PDC interfaces or the Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS) for time
data maintenance in the background.
Communication between time recording systems and HR Time Management takes place via a
standardized interface called Plant Data Collection: Time & Attendance and Employee
Expenditures (HR-PDC).
Time events are uploaded to the SAP R/3 system. Data can be uploaded several times daily. The
data is stored in the CC1TEV table in the SAP R/3 System. The data in the CC1TEV table is read
during a subsequent posting of time events, and then stored as time events in the TEVEN Table.
The Object Manager is available when you maintain time data (in transaction PA61) and display
time data (transaction PA51), which you can use to search for employees for whom you want to
display or process data.
Some advantages of using TMW are:
- All time data can be entered, corrected or supplemented on one screen
- Intuitive navigation options
- Time data is recorded using easily recognizable time data IDs
- Time administrator can toggle between different views (multi-day, multi-person, or oneday-views) to maintain time data.
The calendar view is new in the time data maintenance area of the TMW. It provides a graphical
overview of a persons time data (time entries and time events). Daily, weekly, monthly, and annual
calendars are available, which enables you to gain a quick overview of a specific period.
The Time Managers Workplace (TMW) provides an easy to use user interface for recording time
data. Time data is recorded using intuitive time data Ids. The time data is still stored in the
individual time infotypes.
Ids are defined in customizing to represent each type of time data. For example, a time data ID such
as OT can be defined for an attendance type to be valuated with an overtime compensation type
(such as basic pay for time off) in time evaluation. The time data ID is assigned to the attendances

infotype 2002 and subtype for this attendance type in customizing. In addition, the overtime
compensation type is also specified for the time data ID. (Examples: BT business trips, ILL
illness, LV leave, E early shift)
Enterprise Structure and Groupings (pag 49 unit 3)
The enterprise structure for personnel administration is determined by the following elements:
- Client
- Company code
- Personnel area
- Personnel subarea
The control indicators determined by the personnel subarea for time management are:
- Assignment of a public holiday calendar to a personnel subarea
- Personnel subarea grouping for:
o Work schedule
o Attendance and absence types
o Substitution types and availability types
o Attendance and absence counting
o Time quotas
o Time recording
An employee group divides employees according to their working relationship in the enterprise
(active, pensioner, early retiree, and so on).
An employee subgroup is a more specific division of the employee group based on employee status
(salaried employees and hourly-wage earners are subgroups of the active employee group).
All control features of the personnel structure are defined at the employee subgroup level.
Grouping represents similarities and differences between personnel subareas or between employees
subgroups based on their time management aspects in the system.
The basic principle of the groupings is that all personnel subareas that are handled in the same way
for one time management aspect (for example, they have the same work schedules) are assigned to
a grouping.
Personnel subareas can be regrouped for different time management aspects: (Personnel Subarea
- Work schedules
- Daily work schedules
- Substitutions and availability types
- Attendances/absence types
- Time quotas
- Time recording
The same principle that applies to personnel subarea groupings for certain time management aspects
(such as work schedules, time quotas) also applies to employee subgroup groupings.

Work Schedules (pag 67 unit 4)

Creating works schedules: customizing steps:
Public holidays public holiday calendar
Daily work schedules (break schedules, variants, variant rules) period work schedules day type
Public holiday calendar + period work schedules day type work schedules rule
Work schedule rule (generates) work schedule planned working time infotype 0007
Prerequisites for SAP time management are a valid public holiday calendar with applicable public
holidays and a valid work schedule.
The central element in SAP time management is the employees work schedule. The work schedule
contains planned specifications of an employees working time, including breaks. The work
schedule is based on a valid public holiday calendar.
Different countries, regions, cities, and so on often have different public holidays. In time
management, public holidays are grouped together in public holiday calendars. To set up a work
schedule, you need a valid public holiday calendar including the applicable public holidays.
A public holiday calendar is assigned to a personnel subarea.
Public holidays can have one of the following characteristics:
- Fixed date
- Specific distance to Easter
- Specific date and weekday
- Without a fixed date
Public holidays are grouped into public holiday classes in SAP Human Resources. The public
holiday class is used for the selection of time wage types, daily work schedule variants, day types,
and for absence counting.
- Holiday class
not a holiday
- Holiday class
full-day holiday
- Holiday class
half-day holidays
Specifications for work schedules are stored at three levels:
- At the daily level, daily work schedules including the break schedules are specified.
- At the weekly level, daily work schedules are arranged into a specific pattern in period
work schedule
- At the monthly level, work schedules are created for several calendar months based on a
valid public holiday calendar and a work schedule rule.
Work schedules and daily work schedules can apply to one or more personnel subarea grouping or
employee subgroup grouping.
A personnel subarea grouping for work schedules is a group of personnel subareas to which the
same work schedule rules apply. This grouping allows you to control the permissibility of work
schedules within the personnel subareas.

A personnel subarea grouping for daily work schedules is a group of personnel subareas that base
their daily work schedules on the same work schedules. This grouping is not assigned directly to the
personnel subarea but is assigned to the grouping for work schedules.
Breaks are periods of time during the workday when employees are not required to work.
The break schedule defines the rules governing breaks in a workday. The break schedule is assigned
to a personnel subarea grouping for daily work schedules.
Types of breaks:
- Fixed breaks: breaks taken at a certain time (from 9 to 9:15 for example)
- Variable breaks: breaks that must be taken at any time within a specific interval. Employees
themselves can determine the time when their break begins and ends (for example, an hour
break to be taken between 12 noon and 2 p.m.)
- Dynamic breaks: breaks taken after a certain number of hours are worked (a 15 minute
breaks must be taken after working 4 hours, for example)
Overtime breaks: breaks taken when working overtime. The breaks are indicated by the break type
1 O for overtime.
A daily work schedule contains the specifications for a workday.
These specifications include the start and end of working time, planned working hours, and
scheduled breaks.
You can also add variants to the daily work schedule shortened version, for example. These
versions are called daily work schedule variants. In the daily work schedule definition, you can
specify whether or not these alternative versions of the daily work schedule are to be used.
A period worked schedule is the basis for generating a work schedule.
A period work schedule consists of a sequence of daily work schedules representing a certain work
A period work schedule can cover one week or more weeks, or even a part of a week.
The personnel subarea grouping for daily work schedules is a group of personnel subareas that use
the same daily work schedules; period work schedules and breaks schedules.
Day types are used for determining whether employees have to work on public holidays and
whether they are still paid on these days:
- Blank
off/special day (paid according payroll rules)
The day type is determined by the day of the week (workday, Saturdays, Sundays) and by the public
holiday class for that day of the week.
After the individual elements have been set up for work schedules, you can now define work
schedule rules, including flextime models or rotating shifts.
The work schedule rule contains employees average working times.
You can store various rules relating to work on public holidays in the work schedule rule. This is
determined by the selection rules for day types. Day types specify whether or not employees must
work on public holidays and whether they are paid for the week.
The work schedule is assigned to an employee using the work schedule rule in the planned working
times infotype 0007.

The employees place in the enterprise structure defined in the organizational assignment infotype
0001 determines which work schedules can be assigned to him or her.
Daily work schedule period work schedule (+ public holiday calendars) work schedule
rule work schedule.
An employees working time is stored as a work schedule rule in the planned working time infotype
0007. In this infotype you also find the average working hours valid for the employee. These hours
come from the definition of the work schedule rule.
The Time Management status specifies whether the employees times are processed using time
evaluation or payroll.
Time management status:
- 0 no time evaluation (processed in payroll)
- 1 evaluation of actual times
- 2 PDC time evaluation
- 7 time evaluation without payroll integration
- 8 external services
- 9 evaluation of planned times
An employee with the time management status of blank or 0 cannot be processed using time
evaluation. This employees time data is processed in payroll.
You can use the SCHKZ feature to store default values for the planned working time infotype 0007
You can use the TMSTA feature to store default values for the time management status in the
planned working time infotype 0007.
Part-Time workforce (pag 123 unit 5)
You can set up your own work schedule rules for your part-time employees, or you can use the
work schedule rules that exist for your full-time workforce.
If you want to create a separate work schedule rule for a part-time employee, you proceed exactly as
you did for creating work schedule rules for your full-time employees. A work schedule rule for
your part-time workforce can be used for all employees who are to work according to this rule.
If you want to specify a part-time rule based on a full-time work schedule rule, you must do so for
each employee individually. To do so, you change the average working hours of the full-time work
schedule rule in the planned working time infotype 0007 in one of the fields in the working time
section of the screen.
The fields that you can overwrite are: employment percentage, daily working hours, weekly
working hours, monthly working hours, and annual working hours. You only have to overwrite one
field and the others are automatically adjusted.
Time Data Recording and Administration (pag 135 unit 6)
With SAP Time Management, you can use various systems and methods for recording time and
labor data, such as actual times worked, business trips, leave, or substitutions:
- Online entry by time administrators

Front end time recording systems

SAP Cross-Application Time Sheet
Self-service applications such as Internet applications, workflow forms, or touch-screen
Customer-specific systems with an interface to SAP R/3 system

Absences (such as leave or illness) can be classified as paid or unpaid.

Absences are recorded in the Absences infotype 2001 and are defined further by an absence type
Absence types are dependent upon the personnel subarea grouping for attendances and absences
.you need several groupings only if you use different attendance and/or absence types for different
personnel subareas and you want to restrict their use in different personnel subareas.
Furthermore, you can determine which input checks the system carries out when an absence is
recorded. These include system reactions on days off, as well as the limiting of absences to a certain
number of days or only part of a day.
Because the individual absence types contain different types of information, the system uses a
separate entry screen to record each absence in the absences infotype (2001).
Attendances recorded in the attendance infotype 2002 describe the employees work schedule or
provide additional information. Using this infotype, you can store an employees working hours,
attendance at training courses, and overtime for example. If you do not use time recording systems
in your enterprise, you can use it to record employeess actual times.
You can assign the attendances recorded in this infotype to a cost center that differs from the master
cost center.
Another example of an attendance is a business trip. The employee is not working at the usual
workplace, but he or she is still working for the company during the trip.
Employees in your enterprise are entitled to leave, additional training, and so on. These types of
entitlements can be stored in quotas, from which attendances and absences are deducted.
You set up employees entitlements, such as standard annual leave, educational leave, and nonworking shift entitlement, in the absence quotas infotype 2006
You set up approvals for special attendances (such as overtime approvals) in the attendance quota
infotype 2007. These approvals can be queried in time evaluation.
Attendances and absences can be deducted from quotas, but do no have to be.
If attendances and absences are deducted from quotas, you must specify from which quotas in
which sequence.
You can currently manage your employees leave entitlement using the leave entitlement infotype
0005 or the absence quotas infotype 2006.
The report RPTLEACONV enables you to transfer your employees remaining leave from the leave
entitlement infotype 0005 to absence quotas in the absence quotas infotype 2006
A substitution occurs when an employee has to carry out activities that require a different working
time or payment from that stipulated in his or her work schedule. Substitutions are recorded in the
substitutions infotype 2003. The following types are conceivable:
- Individual working time: enter clock times to indicate the start and end of working time
- New daily work schedule: replaces the employees original planned working time
- New work schedule rule: can assign the work schedule rule of an employee to be
substituted by entering his or her personnel number.
- Different payment: this substitution permits a different payment by substituting a different
position that has different pay.

VTART feature to define a default substitution type.

Availabities are stored in the availability infotype 2004. Various types of availability can be
maintained. They take place in fixed periods.
The standard system uses only grouping 01.
Overtime is hours that an employee works in addition to the planned working time defined in his or
her daily work schedule. Overtime can be recorded using the attendances infotype 2002 or overtime
infotype 2005 if you only want to record deviation to the work schedule.
The Overtime infotype is not available in the Time Managers Workplace. If you use time
evaluation in your enterprise, overtime is automatically calculated from the complete actual times.
You can use the employee remuneration information infotype 2010 to store manually calculated
wage amounts, hazardous duty payments, and other wage types that cannot be planned.
When you enter a new time data record, the system checks whether other records for this employee
have been recorded for the same time period. Collision checks prevent data records that conflict
with one another from co-existing in the system.
When collisions occur, the system reacts by issuing an error message, a warning or by delimiting
the old record.
Collision checks reference the time restraint classes of time recording data. Possible time constraint
reactions to collision when recording an infotype are:
- A the existing record is delimited and the new record created. The system issues a
- E the new record cannot be added. The system issues an error message.
- W a new record is created, the existing record is not change. The system issues a warning
- N new record is created; the existing record is not changed. The system does not issue a
warning message.
Attendance and Absence Counting (pag 159 unit 7)
To calculate the duration of an attendance / absence, the system first references the number of
planned hours from the daily work schedule valid for the specific day. However, you may not
always want to use this method. You may want special rules to apply for counting the duration of an
attendance or absence on certain days, for example, such as public holidays and weekdays, or for
certain attendances and absences or daily and period work schedule.
The duration of an attendance/absence is calculated in five different types of units:
- Calendar days: the system calculates calendar days using actual calendar days for the
attendance/absence. Partial days are calculated as 0 calendar days.
- Attendance/absence hours, attendance/absence days: calculated using the planned hours
specified in the work schedule
- Payroll hours, Payroll days: used for deducting quotas and in payroll (number field of a
wage type).
Assigning counting and quota deduction rules:
- Counting rule: used to determine the payroll days and hours of an attendance or absence.

Rounding rule: when attendances and absences are counted, the system may determine
values to several decimal places. Because all these decimal places are not normally required
for use in quota deduction and in payroll, you can assign a rounding rule to the counting
rule to determine how the values are to be rounded.
Deduction rule for quotas: the counting rule can also be assigned a deduction rule for
Assigning a counting rule to an attendance /absence type: a counting rule must be assigned
to each attendance / absence type to ensure that the payroll days and hours are determined
for the special attendance / absence.

The basis for applying the counting rule is the absence days and hours determined by the system.
They are calculated using the planned hours specified in the work schedule.
In a counting rule, you define the following:
- Conditions: that must be fulfilled for the corresponding counting rule to be used: conditions
for the current day (day of week, public holiday class), conditions for work schedule
(classification of daily work schedules and period work schedules), conditions for planned
hours (>= 0), conditions for attendances/absences (full-day, partial-day).
- Specifications: that determine how the payroll days and hours are calculated. Quota
multipliers and rounding rules are used in the calculation.
You can determine on which days a counting rule for absences / attendances are to be valid.
Use the conditions for the current day (the current day is the day to be counted).
Included in these characteristics are the day of the week (Monday to Sunday), the public holiday
class (blank, 1 9) and the day type (workday, or day off).
Furthermore, you can limit the validity of the counting rule according to the conditions for planned
hours and conditions for the attendance / absence.
As a condition for the planned hours from the daily work schedule, you can specify whether the
planned hours must be equal to or greater than 0.
As a condition for the attendance / absence, you can specify whether the counting rule is valid for
full-day or partial-day attendances/absences.
You can define several rounding rules. A rounding rule is uniquely indicated by its 2-digit number
and can consist of several complementary subrules. The system runs through the subrules until one
is met.
Counting rule is specified for these attendances and absences to determine how many payroll days
or hours are to be calculated. These payroll days or hours are required for deduction from quota
entitlements, for payment, or for other statistical purposes, for example. You must set up the
appropriate counting rules and assign them to the individual attendance and absence types.
In your enterprise, employees work eight hours each day from Monday thought Thursday. On
Friday, they work four hours. You want the absence hours for illness to be determined using
averages. To do so, you specify a daily work schedule variant such as variant A with 7.2 hours, for
Sometimes you may want an attendance or absence to be counted using a special daily work
schedule variant (in addition to the counting rule). The variant must already exist and is referenced
depending on the rules defined.
Before you create the counting rule for daily work schedule variants, you must first check whether
your attendance and absence type is correctly grouped. This grouping is only required for the

attendance or absence types that you want to count using variants. Attendance and absence types to
be handled in the same way must be grouped together in a grouping.
Attendance and Absence Quotas (pag 187 unit 8)
You set up employees absence entitlements, such as standard annual leave, non-working shift
entitlement, and so on, in the absence quotas infotype (2006).
You set up approvals for special attendances (such as overtime approvals) in the attendance quotas
infotype 2007. These approvals can be queried in time evaluation.
An absence quota is an employees time limited entitlement to an absence.
An employee subgroup grouping for time quota types is a breakdown of employee subgroups for
which the same attendance and absence quota types are valid.
A personnel subarea grouping for time quota types is a breakdown of personnel subareas for which
the same attendance and absence quota types are valid.
Absence is entered in the absences infotype 2001, and the absences type is specified. Attendances
are entered in the same way in the attendances infotype 2002, where the attendance type is
Absence quotas are specified with their corresponding quota types in the absence quotas infotype
2006, and attendance quotas in the attendance quotas infotype 2007.
Quotas and the attendances and absences to be deducted from them are stored for a specific key
date. Number range intervals must be defined in the IMG for this purpose.
If quotas are to be deducted by attendances and absences, you have to specify which absence or
attendance type is deducted from which quotas in which sequence.
If the deduction sequence no longer corresponds to the rule as a result of subsequent cancellations,
you can use the RPTBPC10 report to restore it.
Quota deduction rules are assigned to counting rules. Rules governing the deduction of absence
quotas and rules governing the deduction of attendance quotas are assigned to a counting rule.
The deduction rules for attendance quotas and those for absence quotas are each specified in
separate areas.
You have two options in each area for specifying deduction rules. You can specify deduction rules
- Govern the deduction of quotas up to the existing entitlement in the absence quotas (2006)
and Attendance Quotas (2007) infotypes.
- Regulate deduction from quotas over and above the existing quota entitlement.
There are various methods available for granting absence entitlements to employees:
By manually recording absence entitlements in the absence quotas infotype 2006, where absence
entitlement is granted to employees individually based on special criteria.
By setting default values for entitlements.
An addition, two methods are available to automatically accrue time off credits.
Using the RPTQTA00 report, you can generate time-off entitlements for groups of employees that
granted for all the relevant employees in advance.
If time evaluation RPTIME00 is in use, you can also permit time-off entitlements to be determined
proportionately after a calculation period is completed.

You must specify for all quota types whether they are to be accrued automatically using time
evaluation, or manually, or using the report RPTQTA00 (generic absence quotas).
In manual accrual of quotas using default values and for quota accrual by report RPTQTA00, the
quota type selection rule group is determined using the QUOMO feature. You use the QUOMO
feature to define which quota type selection rule group your employees are assigned to, based on
their organizational assignment. In a subsequent step, you specify selection rules for the quota type
selection rule group to control absence quota accrual.
Features are objects within the SAP R/3 System that determine a particular value, called a return
value or result, by querying various personnel or data structure fields. The value is used to
determine default values or to control certain system processes. In this way, features improve
system flexibility. We can access the feature maintenance using PE03.
Features are defined by the following five elements, which must be maintained in the following
sequence when creating a feature:
- Person responsible for a feature
- Documentation for feature
- Country/component assignment of a feature
- Structure of feature
- Decision tree for feature
Base entitlement / period: for each absence quota type, you can store a total entitlement (in days or
hours) based on a specified period (such as a calendar year). The base entitlement is a theoretical
value used as the basis for calculating the accrual entitlement.
Accrual period: this period describes the interval that applies to calculating the absence credit. The
accrual period can be selected independently of the base period (such as payroll period, month, and
so on). The accrual and base periods can also be identical.
Accrual entitlement: the accrual entitlement is the absence entitlement calculated for an accrual
period. The calculation of the accrual entitlement is based on the base entitlement. By comparing
the base period and the accrual period, the system converts the base entitlement to the accrual
period, and, in this way, determines the accrual entitlement. For example, the accrual entitlement
(for a base entitlement of 24 days per year), base on an accrual period of 1 month, is 2 days.
To determine absence entitlement using de4fault values or to accrue absence entitlement using the
RPTQTA00 report, you can determine the validity and deduction periods for the quota types as
- Default values for the validity period are specified for each quota type selection rule group.
This means that the same validity period is proposed for all quotas that are proposed for
each quota type selection rule group.
- The default value for the deduction interval is determined for each quota type. The start and
end times for deduction are defined relative to the validity start and end.
In the define rules for reducing quota entitlement activity, you define the reduction rules to
determine the conditions under which a calculated entitlement is to be reduced.
Reduction rules are used if employees are not to be granted full entitlement to an absence quota
because they:
- Worked part-time
- Were not employed for the entire period
- Had certain absence times that had an inactive day status
- Reduced working times can be identified using special absence quotas

In the define rules for rounding quota entitlement step, you define rounding rules to round the quota
entitlements determined by the system.
You can define several rounding rules. A rounding rule is uniquely indicated by its 2-digit number
and can consist of several complementary subrules. The system runs thought the subrules until one
is met.
In the define generation rules for quota type selection step, you define rules for the accrual of
employees time-off entitlements. This section focuses only on the rules applying to determining
default values or generation using the RPTQTA00 report.
The rules for quota selection are defined according to the above-named personnel subarea and
employ subgroup grouping.
In addition, these rules are defined based on a quota type selection rule group. The quota type
selection rule is set in the QUOMO feature on the basis of the employees organizational
assignment. Selection rules are stored for the quota type selection rule group to determine the
quotas to be accrued, the amounts, how they are rounded, and so on.
You can use the RPTQUOTA_CHECK report to display an overview of your customizing settings.
This gives you a quick overview for the setting you made for particular employees or groupings;
you can also view detailed information.
Report RPTQTA00
- Directly creates records of the absence quotas infotype 2006
- Creates batch input session
- Test run
Schema TQTA
- Special schema for accrual of absence quotas
- Automatic accrual of absence entitlements using time evaluation
- Using time evaluation methods for accrual of absence entitlement
The QUOMO feature specifies which quota type selection rule group employees are to be assigned
to depending on their organizational assignment. Quota type selection rules will be specified for this
quota type selection rule group in a later step to specify how absence quotas are accrued.
The quota overview allows you to display or maintain the quotas that are assigned to an employee
in a particular period. The overview includes the total entitlement, requested and remaining days,
validity interval, and deduction interval of the quota, as well as an indicator showing whether the
entitlement was accrued manually or automatically.
In the quota compensation infotype 0416 you can remunerate employees for remaining absence
entitlements that were not used up by absences. Three different processes for deduction are
- Deduction according to an absence quota deduction rule for several absence quotas
- Deduction of all absence quotas of one type that are deductible as of a key date for
- Deduction of absence quotas recorded manually
The deduction interval (deduction from and to) determines the period in which the quota can be
used. The deduction interval need not be the same as the validity period.

Time Managers Workplace (pag 255 unit 9)

The time managers workplace TMW is a user interface that optimizes the recording and
maintaining of time data for decentralized time administrator.
Supervisors, foremen, administrative assistants or secretaries in their own departments on site
usually fulfill the role of a decentralized time administrator. These groups of employees maintain
time data for a manageable number of other employees, in addition to their usual tasks.
Time managers workplace user interface was therefore designed to be easy to learn and userfriendly. Some advantages of using the TMW are:
- All time data can be entered, corrected or supplemented on one screen
- Intuitive navigation options.
- Time data is recorded using easily recognizable time data Ids
- Time administrator can toggle between different views (such as the multi-day, multi-person,
or one-day views to maintain time data)
- The Time managers workplace can be personalized that is you can customize the TMW to
suit each users tasks, with the applicable functions available.
Depending on the type of information and the scope of functions you require in your enterprise, you
can modify the TMW to reflect the task-specific need of your time administrator.
This is possible using profile. Time administrators call the TMW using a profile that contains
specifications for the scope of functions and the screen layout that will appear.
Time data is entered using intuitive time data Ids. This significantly reduces the administrative
workload of time administrator. For example, you could enter ILL to create an illness record. The
actual time data Ids that can be used for specific or general time data are defined in the customizing
steps for Personnel time management based on the business requirements of your enterprise.
The time data entered using time data Ids is actually stored in the following infotypes: absences
2001, attendances 2002, substitutions 2003, availability 2004, attendance quotas 2007, employee
remuneration info 2010, time events 2011, and time transfers specifications 2012
In the time data area of the TMW, day dominants are used to represent the most important
information that applies to each day. The focus is on the employees availability. Day dominants
always represent information that applies to an entire day. They are available for use in the one-day,
multi-day, and multi-person views.
TMW calendar views: daily, weekly, monthly and annual calendar.
The screen layout and scope of functions in the TMW can be flexibly and individually modified to
suit the specific tasks of your time administrator.
- Calendar
- employee data
- Employee list
- time data table / time events table
- Details
Users always access the TMW using a profile, which defines the following:
- The initial date that appears when the TMW is accessed
- The employee lists available to the time administrator
- The fields, columns, layouts, views, and functions in the individual screen areas of the
- Whether users can switch between various time data ID subsets

Time data Ids can be individually defined for the types of time data in the TMW. If you
want to use different time data IDs in different enterprise areas, then you can create several
definitions sets, which can, in turn, be subdivided into different subsets.
A profile and a combination of definition set/subset must be assigned to each time administrator.
You can use the user parameter PT_TMW_PROFILE to specify for each user the profile used to
access the TMW; the user parameter PT_TMW_TDLANGU determines the combination of
definition set/subset the user can use.
An international company uses the time data ID VAC for vacations, OT for overtime, AV for
availability and so on.
Each time ID must be assigned to one of the following data categories:
- Infotype IT (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012)
- Time pair TIMPAIR (only be used in combination with the data type time pair)
- Work schedule rule PWS (only be used in combination with the data type inactive)
By creating subsets, you can further differentiate how the time data Ids are used within one
definition set.
Time data Ids are created for each definition set. Definition subsets specify the following:
- Which time data Ids can be entered (specific ID has priority or can be changed)
- Which time data Ids are used for display purposes only (display only)
- Which time data Ids are not to be used for this subset (inactive)
SAP delivers three sample profiles in the standard system:
- SAP_XX_TIME_ADMIN (time data maintenance)
- SAP_XX_TIME_AD_GRP (time data maintenance for groups)
- SAP_XX_WORKLIST (message processing)
Cost Assignment and Activity Allocation (pag 331 unit 10)
In time management, you can enter specifications for activity allocation (secondary cost allocation)
as well as for cost assignment (primary cost allocation) along with employee time data. These
options are available for certain time infotypes.
The activity type allows you to valuate the activity with a price (rate) in controlling. The sender cost
center (usually the employees master cost center) is credited and the receiver cost center is debited.
The actual personnel costs are debited from the employees master cost center after the payroll
results are transferred. Are some cases, the costs (primary costs) must be reposted to a cost center
that deviates from the master cost center.
You can link specifications for activity allocation to the following infotypes: absences 2001,
attendances 2002, substitutions 2003, availability 2004, overtime 2005, employee remuneration info
2010 and time events 2011.
Activating cost assignments. This is possible for the following infotypes: absences 2001,
attendances 2002, substitutions 2003, availability 2004, overtime 2005, employee remuneration info
2010 and time events 2011.
You might want to include different fields in the account assignment section of the screen for
salaried employees than for hourly-wage earners. You can control this using the COBLT feature.

You can link the following infotypes to specifications for activity allocation: absences 2001,
attendances 2002 and employee remuneration info 2010.
To use employee remuneration information for activity allocation, times must be recorded as a
number of hours. If you only use employee remuneration info with amounts, then cost assignment is
You can use the RPTPDOC0 report to transfer these activity allocation specifications to controlling
and carry out an activity allocation.
In the standard system, the company code, business area and cost center fields are used for the
sender; the company code, business area, cost center, and order fields for the receiver, plus the
activity type. The controlling area field is displayed but is not ready for input.
In addition, you can set attributes for the object fields, for example, if you want any of the fields to
be mandatory.
You can also set up the dialog box in other ways. You might require different fields in activity
allocation specifications for salaried employees than you do for hourly-wage earners, for example.
You can control this using the COBLT feature.

THR12 Parte 2
Introduction (pag.1 unit 1)
The organizational Management component includes numerous interfaces with which structures can
be processed:
- Organization and staffing create and process your organizational plans
- Expert mode edit properties of all objects in organizational management via infotypes
- Simple maintenance creating and structuring a new organizational plan
- Managers desktop provides managers at your company with an effective reporting and
maintenance tool
- Manager self-service part of the my SAP enterprise Portal
- Matrix create and edit matrix structures
- General structures edit various organizational plans with any structure including object
Organizational Management has integration with:
- Personnel administration
- Manager self-service
- Managers desktop
- Capacity planning
- Shift planning
- Controlling
- Personnel cost planning
- Compensation management
- Workflow
- Training and event management
- Personnel development
- Recruitment
Time management is not directly integrated with organizational management although it can be
connected with organizational management via shift planning
Concepts of organizational management (pag.11 unit 2)
Using organizational management you can:
- Create a complete model of the organizational and reporting structure of your enterprise for
a specific period
- Obtain an overview of the current status of your organizational and reporting structures at
any time using sever methods
- Plan and simulate future scenarios.
Methodology: object-oriented designs:
- Objects: organizational management is based on organizational objects (O)
- Relationship: these objects are related to each other in relationships
- Characteristics: objects can have additional characteristics
There are five basic object types. Each has its own object type key:
- Position
S (specification)

- Person
- Organizational unit
- Job
- Cost center

C (classification)

Organization unit describe the various units of your company. Together, several organizational units
and their hierarchical relationships form an organizational structure.
Position is concrete and can be or is occupied by holders (employees or sap r/3 users)
Positions can be 100% filled, partially filled or vacant.
Several employees may also share one position, each working less than full time. For example, two
employees can hold 60% and 40% of one position
Jobs are general classifications for set of functions. (Example: Job Secretary, positions: secretary
sales, secretary production, secretary marketing)
Jobs are important in the following components:
- Shift planning
- Personnel cost planning
- Career and succession planning
- Compensation management
Cost center can be related to organizational units and positions. The relationship between
organizational units and cost centers is inherited along the hierarchical structure. Cost center are
maintained in financial accounting.
Persons are objects that hold positions within the organizational structure. Persons generally
represent employees in your company and hold positions in organizational management. The
organizational assignment infotype in personnel administration contains the position assignment
and personnel administration, the defining job, organizational unit and cost center assignment.
Tasks describe the responsibilities of organizational units, jobs, positions, persons and work centers.
Object T. can be classified under two aspects:
- As part of workflow for monitoring cross-application processes.
- As personnel management tools, to describe jobs and positions.
Work centers describe the physical location where tasks are carried out. Object A. Example: Plant
A, Philadelphia branch office.
Other object types such as Qualifications (Q) OR Budgets (BU) can be used in organizational
management to further define the organizational plan. Other objects are not applicable in
organizational management, example: Business Event (E).
Object maintenance:
- Essential relationships: determines the relationship type that has to be created when you
create an object in expert mode
- External object type: specify the interface program used for reading and using external
object types
- Structure search: specify the evaluation path used in the structure.
Object relationships reflect the use of organizational objects and thereby give them significance.
- Objects are linked thought relationships

You create relationships between the individual elements in your organizational plan.

Technical identification of relationship: 1 character to identify the direction of relationship and 3

characters to identify the relationship type. The namespace AAA to ZZZ is reserved for customerspecific relationships.
Object relationship: organizational units (O-O)
- B002: an organizational unit is the line manager of another organizational unit
- A002: an organizational unit reports to another organizational unit
Object relationship: organizational units and positions (O-S)
- B003: an organizational unit incorporates a position
- A003: a position belongs to an organization unit
Positions are related to organizational units in the organizational plan. They inherit certain
characteristics of the organizational unit such as cost center assignment or working time.
Object relationship: position and jobs (S-C)
- B007: position is described by a job
- A007: job describes a position
Object relationship: Positions and Persons (S-P)
- B008: position holder person. A person is the holder (detentor) of a position
- A008: a person is assigned as the holder of a position
Other relationship allowed between positions and persons: A/B009 Successor / Substitute
Object relationship: Cost Center
- A011: an organizational unit is assigned to a cost center
- A011: a position is assigned to a cost center
Object relationship: Chief position
- B012: an organizational unit is managed by a position
- A012: a position manages an organizational unit
Object relationship: Positions
- B002: a position is the line manager of another position
- A002: a position reports to another position
Other relationships between positions:
- A/B004 is subordinate to (disciplinary) / is disciplinary supervisor of
- A/B005 is subordinate to / is supervisor of
- A/B210 substitutes with profile / substitutes with profile (workflow)
Relationships are subtype of the relationships infotype 1001
Evaluation path represents a chain of relationships between particular object types. Evaluation path
define how a structure is to be created.
Organizational management enables you to depict your company structure in the past, present and
future. You can use various methods to do this:

Plan version
Validity periods
Plan status

Plan versions allow you to depict alternative plans in the system. However, only one plan version
can be integrated. Pan versions allow you to manage several organizational plans in the system at
the same time. In the parameter group PLOG PLOGI, enter the plan version that is to be the active
plan version in the semantic abbreviation value field. Plan versions exist independently of each
Object characteristics: Infotypes
Object characteristics are maintained in infotypes.
Main characteristics: object (organizational unit, job, position), relationship (belongs to, reports to)
Further characteristics: descriptions, working time, cost planning
The object IT1000 and relationships IT1001 infotypes are the two most important infotypes and are
referred to as the main properties:
- Object infotype includes: id number, short and long text, validity period and plan status.
This infotype is used to define the existence of the object
- Relationship infotype relates the objects with other objects.
When an object is created, an object ID must be assigned.
- Internal number assignment: automatic allocation of object ID by the system
- External number assignment: allocation of object ID by an administrator
The object ID must be assigned for every object. The object is identified by a combination of plan
version, object type and object id.
The subgroup names are set up so that the first two characters specify the plan version and the last
two specify the object type. The standard entry $$$$ in the field subgroup stands for all number
ranges not listed explicitly.
A plan status is assigned to each infotype record:
- Planned status: indicates that an infotype record that is operable is proposed bust no active
- Submitted status: indicates that a person or group of persons has submitted an infotype
record for review and subsequent approval or rejection.
- Approved status: indicates that an infotype record that was previously submitted for review
is accepted or approved.
- Rejected status: indicates that an infotype record that was previously submitted for review
was rejected
- Active status: indicates that an infotype record is currently operable.
Validity date:
Each infotype record uses a start and end date to specify the validity date of infotype data
Object properties: time constraints. Time constraints are used internally by the system to guarantee
the integrity of data.
- Time constraint 1: information must exist for the entire existence of an object. The contents
can be changed.
- Time constraint 2: information is optional bust can exist only once at the same time.
Example. At any one time, a position may only have one vacancy infotype record.
- Time constraint 3: information is optional. Several data records can exist at the same time.

Time constraint depending on target object type: the number of data records that can exist
in one period depends on the target object type. Example: a position is described by one job
only, but by several tasks.

Simple structure:
You can view relationships as table entries. The relationships between organizational objects exist
only as table entries in the database.
Some infotypes are inherited via the relationships in organizational management.
Organizational unit inherit the cost center assignment of their higher-level organization unless an
individual assignment is made.
Positions inherit the tasks and qualifications related to the job that describes them. Positions can
also have direct relationships to tasks and qualifications in addition to the inherited tasks
The main characteristics of an object:
- Object infotype IT1000 with the following data fields:
- Plan version object type
- Object id object name
- Abbreviation plan status
- Validity period
Possible uses for plan versions in the organizational management methodologies:
- Integrated plan version
- Create planning scenarios
Only the integrated plan version can be integrated with other sap modules. In the standard delivery,
this is plan version 01 current plan
User Interface: Organization and Staffing (Pag.63 unit 3)
Organization and staffing user interface is divided into two main areas, each of which is further
- Object manager: comprise a search area and a selection area. The object manager is
available in numerous hr user interfaces. The search area you use to locate objects such as
organizational units, persons, jobs, positions, tasks, and users.
- Work area: composed of an overview area and a detail area. The work area is specifically
for the organization and staffing interface and can also be adapted to suit customer-specific
For organizational changes, the data for the date and preview period is used as the start date for
changes (new objects, new relationships and so on) as standard. By activating the period query for
organizational changes setting in the menu bar, you can crate a date query for the user. This means
that the system uses the default values for the date and preview period but the user can still make a
different setting, if required.
The objects that you can create in the overview area depend on the selected object and the
evaluation path you use in the overview area. If necessary use the display evaluation path icon to
check which assignment can be made in a particular case.

Expert Mode: Infotype maintenance (pag.89 unit 40

The object infotype 1000 is a special infotype. Infotypes usually describe an objects characteristics.
However, the object infotype has the following functions:
- It allow to crate new objects (example: organizational units, jobs and positions)
- Determines the lifecycle of all other infotypes created for the objects.
To crate new objects you must maintains the following data:
- Validity period of the objects
- Status
- Object abbreviation (12 characters)
- Name (40 characters)
The relationships infotypes enables you to define relationships between different objects.
You create relationships records manually when you work in infotype maintenance. However, the
system creates certain relationships automatically for the organization and staffing, simple
maintenance and general structures interfaces.
There are many different relationship types that you can create between object types. Each
individual relationship represents a subtype of the relationships infotype 1001
The description infotype enables you to enter long-text descriptions for objects. The infotype
subtype specifies various types of descriptions. The description infotype 1002 is used to provide a
more detailed description of an object. Descriptions are for purely descriptive purposes.
The department / staff infotype 1003 is used for organizational units and positions only. It fulfills
two functions:
- The staff indicator shows that an organizational unit or a position is not part of the reporting
structure of an enterprise but that it reports directly to an organizational unit.
- The department indicator (only relevant for organizational unit). May be necessary to flag
an organizational unit as a department when integration between organizational
management and personnel administration is active.
If you would like to use the department indicator at your company you must set the switch PPABT
PPABT in table T77S09 to 1.
The planned compensation infotype IT1005 allows you to assign the planned remuneration to jobs,
positions and work centers. Have three different attributes:
- Salary: store information about the planned positioning of this position and job in your
companys salary structure (table T710)
- Pay scale: store information about the planned classification of this position / job to the pay
scale structure (Table T510)
- Direct: used by companies that do not have a salary structure or a pay scale structure to be
able to use the report
The vacancy infotype IT1007 can be created for a position that is occupied or unoccupied. You can
flag an occupied position as vacant if you know that the position holder will be leaving the position
at some point in the future (as a result of a promotion or transfer, for example). Other components
can flag a position as vacant. If you use personnel cost planning, for example, the system can take
vacancies into account when it calculates cost projections.
The obsolete infotype is used to flag positions that are no longer needed, but are still occupied.
Positions flagged as obsolete cannot be set to vacant.

Account assignment features infotype IT1008 can be created for organizational units and positions.
This infotype stores default values relevant to:
- The personnel administration component if integration is active (classification of
- The cost center assignment of organizational units and positions
The employee group/subgroup infotype IT 1013 enables you to assign a position to an employee
group or subgroup. Assigning a position to an employee group or subgroup also allows the system
to determine the work schedule group in organizational management and thereby determine the
relevant working time (IT1011) for the position.
Work Schedule Infotype 1011 enables you to define a work schedule (average number of hours to
be worked) for organizational units, work center or positions. You can create a standard working
time (hours per day, week, month, per year) that is valid company-wide. If you also need to assign
different work schedules for certain sections of the company, you can do so using the work schedule
infotype IT1011.
When defining the work schedule, you can make the following settings:
- Maintain rule values define a rule value for the average work schedule that applies to your
- Maintain work schedule groups specify which employee groups and subgroups are
assigned to which work schedule group.
The Cost Distribution IT 1018 infotype allows organizational units and positions to be assigned to
both a master cost center and additional cost center, orders, or WBS elements. An employee inherits
the cost distribution assigned to his or her positions or organizational unit. Personnel cost Planning
uses the master data Cost distribution infotype IT 1027 for cost planning for basic pay and payroll
results. If this has not been maintained, it uses the cost distribution infotype 1018 in organizational
Similarly to personnel cost planning, payroll also uses the cost distribution infotype 1027 for hr
master data. If this infotype has not been maintained, payroll uses the cost distribution infotype
1018 in organizational management.
The quota planning infotype IT1019 allows you to plan the headcount. Quota planning derives the
number of jobs from the existing positions. This allows positions and headcount to be compared for
the entire enterprise. The new headcount, as a planned number of jobs, is compared with the current
Table T777I displays the valid infotypes per object (and their time constraints)
Fast entry allows you to create instances of the same infotype record quickly.
- Object tools: actions, copy, copy with list, copy structures, delimit, new end date, change
- Infotype tools: delimit, new end date, new start date, translate
Actions: you can create objects using actions. An action is a series of infotypes that are presented
for editing in a specific order or sequence. Example: the standard action, creation a position,
consists of the following infotypes: objects, relationship to organizational unit, relationship to
describing job, description, department / staff.
Each substep of an action involves the processing of an individual infotype. You assign the
following to each substep of an action: a plan version, an object type, an infotype or a subtype and a

Expert mode: Simple Maintenance (pag.121 unit 5)

Users of organizational management use the simple maintenance interface to create the
organizational plan. The simple maintenance interface enables users to maintain large values of data
easily. You use the organization and staffing and expert mode: infotype maintenance. It was
originally designed to meet the needs of the SAP business workflow users.
Three main evaluation paths are used on the simple maintenance user interface. Each evaluation
path includes certain maintenance functions depending on whether you want to maintain
organizational structures, staff assignments or task profiles:
- Organizational plan create and maintain the organizational structure
- Staff assignments edit the staff assignments required for an org. plan. Create positions,
link between positions and organizational units, link between positions and jobs
- Task profile create, maintain and display task profiles for organizational units, jobs,
positions and users.
Simple maintenance uses a tree structure that enables you to create your organizational plan.
- Visually perceive relationship between the different objects
- Use the system to create certain relationship records based on where you place objects
within the structure
- Move and reassign objects within the structure.
The reporting structure refers to relationships between positions. Positions can be subordinate to
other positions. The holder of the chief position is usually the manager of the organizational unit to
which the other positions report.
The account assignment evaluation path enables you to use simple maintenance to maintain cost
center assignments, cost distribution, and account assignment features. The account assignment
features view provides you with an editing interface tailored to the cost-relevant infotypes account
assignment features IT 1008, cost distribution IT 1018, and cost center assignment IT 1001 subtype
In contrast to the organization and staffing user interface, however, no inheritance information is
General Structures and Matrix Organizations (pag.137 unit 6)
The holding company of your enterprise is to be depicted in the organizational plan. Use the object
type Legal Entity (OR) and a new evaluation path.
The general structures user interface allows you to use all the object types and relationships
available in customizing. The simple maintenance and organization and staffing interfaces do not
allow this.
An evaluation path represents a chain of relationships between particular objects types.
You can create alphanumeric evaluation paths with a maximum of 8 characters starting with Z.
Specification of evaluation path: B400 is parent of: OR B400 OR

A matrix organization is a two-dimensional chain of command, in which positions or persons, for

example, report to more than one superior. A feature of the matrix organization is that more than one
manager can overlap on the same hierarchical level: Managers responsible for objects (finance,
manufacturing, human resources, and so on) and managers responsible for performance; in the same
way, you could also have managers responsible for projects or regional managers.
There are three access options for matrix maintenance:
- Matrix type: a predefined matrix type defined in customizing
- Variant: select a matrix that you previously saved as a variant
- User-defined/standard selection: access a selection screen on which you can define the
matrix view you want to work with.
The relationship section of the selection screen shows the relationship created between the objects
of the separate dimensions. In a matrix, you can create relationships between the objects of the two
Each dimension of the matrix can be individually displayed and maintained. The dimensions of a
matrix in organizational management are evaluation objects with their individual start objects.
The tools available for making predefined matrix structures across all clients are variants and matrix
Start object, evaluation path and validity period are information that can be used to display
structures on the general structures interface.
You can find a suitable evaluation path and check its structure using F4 help on the selection screen
of the general structures interface or, after you have accessed the interface, by choosing from the
menu Goto New evaluation path or display evaluation path.
Integration with Personnel Administration (pag.161 unit 7)
Organizational management integration with personnel administration
Persons are objects that hold positions within an organizational structure. Person-related data is
maintained in Personnel Administration.
Data on persons is maintained in personnel administration. However, integration with
organizational management enables you to automate at least some of the maintenance tasks.
Your can also use organizational management to generate default values for personnel
The integration of organizational management and personnel administration is made by position
during the organizational assignment.
If a change is made in organizational management that affects the organizational assignment of a
person, the changes is written to the persons organizational assignment infotype. Similarly, a
change made to a persons organizational assignment (for example, as a result of a personnel action)
in HR master data is written to organizational management.
PLOG ORGA integration switch. Organizational management and personnel administration.
PLOGI feature: which employees are taken into account for integration between organizational
management and personnel administration.

In table T77S0 the integration plan version must first be set in the entry PLOGI PLOGI. If you do
not define an integration plan version, integration is not active.
You can form grouping according to the following criteria:
- Country grouping
- Company code
- Personnel area
- Personnel subarea
- Employee group
- Employee subgroup
If you activate the PLOGI ORGA switch in T77S0 by entering X, you also activate integration
between the personnel administration and personnel planning components.
Integration tools: to guarantee consistent data retention, you must ensure that the two components
are integrated:
- Personnel administration
Organizational assignment infotype
- Organizational management
- RHINTE00: to transfer data to organizational management (from organizational assignment
infotype to relationships and Objects)
- RHINTE30: allows to transfer a persons organizational assignments (positions,
organizational units, and so on) from organizational management to the organizational
assignment infotype of personnel administrations (from relationship to organizational
assignment infotype)
- RHINTE20: checks whether all of the objects relevant for integration exist in both
personnel administration and organizational management. (Tables objects)
- RHINTE10: generates the required table entries in personnel administration for
organizational management objects that are relevant for integration (from objects to tables).
Only objects that are in status 1(active) in the integration plan version are transferred.
Report RHINTE00 reads records of the organizational assignment infotype in personnel
administration. It creates a batch input session that creates the relevant organizational management
objects and relationships; depending on the parameters you set
The following objects are created:
- Work center object type A
- Job object type C
- Organizational unit object type O
- Position object type S
The following relationship can be created:
- S P: person occupies position A/B 008
- A P: person occupies work center A/B 008
- C S: job describes position A/B 007
- O S: organizational unit incorporates position A/B 003
- O K: Master cost center assignment A 011
- S K: master cost center assignment A 011
No relationships between organizational units or between positions are created
Organizational management can support personnel administration by providing default values:
Organizational management
personnel administration

- Assignment to position
- Cost center assignment relationship
- Cost distribution infotype
- Employee group/subgroup infotype
- Planned compensation infotype
- Work schedule infotype
- Account assignment features infotype

- entries in org. assignment infotype in

Plan area
- entry in cost center field in infotype 0001
- relevant for payroll and personnel cost planning
- default values in actions infotype
- delivers pay-scale information for basic pay
- comparison with planned working time
- default values in actions and organizational
Assignment infotype

The four tools need to ensure data in personnel administration and organizational management is
- RHINTE10: transfers organizational management data to tables in personnel administration
- RHINTE20: checks whether all objects relevant for integration exist in both personnel
administration and organizational management
- RHINTE30: transfers a persons organizational assignment from organizational
management to personnel administration
- RHINTE00: reads the organizational assignment infotype in personnel administration and
creates the relevant objects and relationships in organizational management.
The entry PLOGI PLOGI in table T77S0 defines the integration plan variant.
The main integration switch between the personnel planning components and personnel
administration is PLOGI ORGA
The value BTCI must be entered for PLOGI PRELU in Table T77S0 to set the integration via batch
Managers desktop and Manager Self-Service (pag.185 unit 8)
Managers desktop provides support for managers when they perform administrative and planning
- Wide function area, tailored to managerial tasks (for example, functions from different
components, workflow inbox, internet connection and so on)
- Easy, intuitive operation
- Functions tailored to suit individual needs
- Ability to include customer-specific reporting
Managers desktop takes line managers directly to the personnel data of individual employees, or
displays budget overviews that allow managers to compare planned and actual costs. The managers
desktop is integrated with the infoset query and the Human Resources Information system HIS in
Managers desktop, as a my SAP HR component, brings together cross-application functions that
allow the line manager immediate access to relevant HR data. It has integration with:
- Personnel development:
- Recruitment:
- Organizational management:
- Compensation management:
- Cost accounting: budget evaluation to be possible and cost center information available

Financial accounting:
Workflow: workflow ensures that employees in the hr department are seamlessly integrated
Employee self-service: employees can enter leave requests or submit travel expenses
directly in the system. These requests are then forwarded to the relevant managers SAP R/3
inbox in managers desktop where he or she can check and approve the data. Approved
requests or rejections are sent via SAP workflow to the HR department and the employee
Personnel administration: make transfers or change job or positions

The user can deactivate categories and functions that he or she does not require from the initial
screen and from other screens in the application
The managers desktop offers a total of eight theme categories. You can use function code in
customizing to adjust these categories to suit customer requirements. You can also add more
- Employee
- Organization
- Costs and budget
- Recruitment
- Workflow inbox
- Compensation
- Requisition
- Special area
- The manager should have a chief position within an organizational unit
- The communication infotype must be maintained for the manager (subtype: system user
Manager Self Service is a business package for the SAP Portal. It can be used as the single point of
entry for manager because it can include all IT information that a manager needs to complete his or
her daily tasks. This information can be provided to the manager using an iView for pages relating
to the same topic in a workset. Manager Self Service offers managers a selection of pre-configured
worksets that are tailored to suit R/3 systems. The core of the business package comprises
information about employees (my staff) and controlling (my budget) the central human resources
element is the Team Viewer iView. This iView displays all employees in the managers own area of
responsibility. Similarly to managers desktop, it also uses the relationship A/B 012 to determine the
responsibility of a person for an organizational unit. It contrast to managers desktop, the individual
iView that are displayed can originate from completely different systems because it is possible for
each individual iView to display data from any other (including non-SAP) backend system.
Manager self-service MSS supports line managers, project leader and team leader by providing
them with the relevant information when they perform their tasks.
Manager self-service is a cross-application component:
- Under my staff, managers can complete all tasks relating to their personnel responsibility
- Under my budget, managers can complete all tasks that arise from their responsibility for
cost centers and profit centers.
Have integration with:
- Personnel administration
- Recruitment
- Organizational management

Financial accounting
Compensation management
Personnel development
Quota planning
Change requests

A prerequisite for using manager self-service is an organizational plan of your company, including
the organizational structure and the staff assignment that is, the assignment of employees (persons)
or users to positions in the organizational management component.
The manager should have a chief position within an organizational unit. The communication
infotype IT 0105 for manager must be maintained with the system user name subtype 0001 of the
Workset organize a business package into different packages according to the various tasks areas.
Worksets include iView (presentation elements), reports from SAP R/3 and SAP BW, or links to
internal or external information (for example, internet)
Evaluations and Reports (pag.209 unit 9)
Reporting in organizational management:
- Sequential: can list the objects to be evaluated using their Ids. A sequential report is then
run for all specified objects. For example, you may display a list of all existing jobs.
Sequential reporting uses objects ID or names.
- Structural: the system interprets the selected object as a root object. Based on this root
object and the relationships, the system constructs a hierarchical structure. Structural
reporting uses evaluation paths to identify data.
- Sequential and structural: the system treats each selected object as the start object for an
evaluation path
The logical database PCH used for reporting in organizational management contains a standard
selection screen.
General reporting: you can access reports that are not based on one specific object type by choosing
reporting general from the menu.
- Existing objects: provides an overview of all selected objects and presents them in an
ABAP List Viewer
- Structure display / maintenance: displays a section of the organizational plan according to
the initial object and evaluation path entered
- Structure navigation instrument: lists all existing objects according to type and ID
- Structural graphics interface: enables you to depict your structure graphically
- Structure display / maintenance (RHSTRU00): display overview of all existing infotypes
and their statuses for one or more objects within a plan version.
- Evaluate infotypes: used to evaluate infotypes.
The HIS Human Resource Information System uses similar functionality as the structural graphics
interface. Instead of providing a toolbox, it offers a list of reports from different HR contexts.

It is possible to use a standard report to access other logical HR databases using the report
HR reporting overview (pag.1 unit 1 book THR12-2)
My sapHR consist of:
- Employee lifecycle management
- Employee relationship management
- Employee transaction management
mysap Hr integrates these three core areas using workforce planning and workforce analytics.
Typical tasks performed by the human resources analysts:
- creation, execution and formatting of numerous reports, which constitute a significant data
retrieval tool
- formatting and timely retrieval of relevant HR data to help HR managers and the managing
directors of the enterprise to devise plans and make decisions.
- Processing and timely retrieval of HR statistics required by law
A distinction is made between two levels of reporting:
- flat or line item reporting: means reporting on uncompressed raw data from tables. Tools:
ad hoc query (infoset query in HR) / sap query
- analytical: means using compressed data (key figures). Tools: business information
warehouse (BW)
In the business information warehouse, the data is stored and displayed in infocubes. Infocubes
- key figures (such as headcount, leaving rate, etc)
- characteristics (such as gender, personnel area, etc)
query navigation is a special feature of the business information warehouse. Once a query has been
determined, it is not frozen. Instead you can use the navigation functions to create different query
views. You can navigate data, create various ad-hoc data views and drilldown to individual
Reporting tools are divided into two categories:
- the R/3 system (flat reporting): execute existing reports and queries / create new queries and
change existing queries.
- The business information warehouse (analytical reporting)
Tools used to execute existing reports and queries are:
- human resources information system (HIS)
- managers desktop and manager self-service via the portal
- information systems in the SAP easy access menu
Tools to create new queries and change existing queries:
- ad hoc query (=infoset query in HR)
- SAP query
You can also execute reports in the strategic enterprise management system.

HIS makes it easy for you to request reports using objects in a hierarchy in the sap system. The
reports are started directly from structural graphics. As a prerequisite we must have the
organizational structure and business event hierarchy
Managers desktop is tailored to the daily needs of managers by helping them to perform their
administrative, organizational and strategic tasks. Gives also decision support when making human
resource decisions and when performing strategic planning activities by providing them with swift
access to required hr data.
- wide range of functions tailored to the needs of managers (workflow inbox, internet
connection, functions from various components, etc)
- user-friendly and intuitive
- customizing and user-specific settings ensure that managers requirements are satisfied
- customer reports can be integrated
Manager self-service helps managers perform their managerial tasks. The functions are delivered in
business packages.
Info system:
- standard reports are integrated with the sap easy access menu
- reports that are frequently required can be added to your favorites.
You can access the info system of individual hr components by choosing the following:
- human resources <component> info system reports
- human resources payroll <continent> <country> info system
- human resources time management <component> info system
- human resources information system reports
An Ad Hoc Query is a simple and efficient tool for selecting and processing HR data.
Sap Query performs the following functions for reporting in HR:
- infosets are created. (conjunto de dados de vrios infotypes)
- reports are defined
- user groups are created and infosets are assigned to user groups
the business information warehouse is a tool that is used to meet analytical reporting requirements.
The main constituent parts of the business information warehouse are:
- the business information warehouse server (data managed)
- the administrator workbench (manages the various source systems)
- the business explorer (used to display, analyze, and process the reports)
Data can be extracted from R/3 and R/2 systems, non-SAP applications, and external sources such
as databases, online services and the Internet. We have 21 HR infocubes
Human resources Information system HIS (pag.25 unit 2)
HIS makes it easy for you to request reports using objects in a hierarchy in the sap system. The
reports are started directly from structural graphics.
As a prerequisite, the system must contain data in a hierarchical structure: organizational structure
and business event hierarchy.

The initial screen enables you to select:

- views (organizational units and business events. Select the object hierarchy on which you
want to report and determine the functions available for reporting)
- graphical displays (organizational units and business event groups and types. Selection of
object types and structure in which objects are displayed)
- access objects (select access object, determine display depth and determine data selection
- defaults (determine how reporting is started and the reporting period specifies the date on
which reporting starts the default value is todays date)
structural graphics includes a number of options that enables you to adapt graphics to your specific
requirements and start reporting.
Customizing includes two selections in which settings are made for the human resources
information system:
- to make your system settings for structural graphics
- adjust HIS, go to customizing for the human resource information system.
Managers desktop (MDT) and Manager Self-Service (MSS) (pag.53 unit 3)
Managers desktop is tailored to the daily needs of managers, by helping them to perform their
administrative, organizational and strategic tasks. Gives managers decision support, a strategic
planning activities and enables them to report on this data.
- a wide range of functions tailored to the need of managers (functions from various
components, a workflow inbox, internet connection, etc)
- user friendly and intuitive
- customizing and user-specific settings ensure that managers requirements are satisfied
- customer reports can be integrated
Also execute cross-application functions, standard reports, and integration with intranet and
Internet pages, drag & drop functions, allow decentralizing human resource tasks and
The initial screen provides five theme categories:
- employee
- organization
- costs and budget
- workflow inbox
- special areas
The directly subordinate employees tab page displays a tree structure only with organizational
objects (organizational units, positions and holders).
All subordinate employees tab page displays all organizational objects including those for which
you are indirectly responsible
Cost centers tab page displays all organizational objects with assigned master cost center
Project assignments tab page displays all PSP elements to which positions or organizational units in
the managers area of responsibility are assigned
Prerequisites: must first use the organizational management application component to create an
organizational plan for your enterprise and display the organizational structure and staff assignment.

In customizing you can adjust the theme categories and the functions they contain:
Human resources managers desktop enhancement of function codes wizard for defining
function codes.
Manager Self-Service MSS
Supports line managers, project managers, and team leaders in their daily tasks and give them
access to information that is relevant to them.
The team viewer contains a list of all employees that report to the managers. It is the central point of
navigation in manager self-service. Employee data is kept consistent and up-to-date on the different
pages of the iView and as your navigate from page to page.
The MSS iViews use the enterprise portal client framework EPCF, an infrastructure component of
the mySap Enterprise Portal for this purpose.
The enterprise must have an organizational plan.
An employee must be directly or indirectly assigned to the chief position of an organizational unit.
Info system in the SAP Easy Access Menu (pag.79 unit 40
Reports can be executed from the ABAP Workbench
- you have workbench authorization
- you know the technical name of the report
To start the ABAP editor from the menu bar, choose system services Reporting or in the Sap
Easy Access menu, tools --. ABAP workbench Development ABAP Editor.
Info systems in the sap easy access menu:
- sap standard reports are integrated with the sap easy access menu
- in the HR components, the reports for a given application are stored In the pasta info
systems folder
- you can access lists of all hr reports from the menu by choosing: human resources
information system reports
- reports that are frequently required can be added to your favorites
A migration report RTREE_MIGRATION enables you to create area menus on the basis of existing
report trees.
Info system is a special type of area menu. You define them in area menu maintenance by including
reports, sap queries, etc. in an area menu. To access area menu maintenance from the sap easy
access menu, choose: tools abap workbench --. Development other tools area menus
You can insert references to other are menus (including former report trees) in an area menu. In this
way, you can create a menu that consists of several submenus.
Logical Databases and infosets (pag.101 unit 5)
Logical databases are special ABAP programs that provide data for processing by queries or
programs. Logical databases provide a particular view of the database tables in the SAP system.

Perform the tasks:

- data retrieval : personal data for each employee is loaded into the main memory where it is
available for processing.
- Selection screen : on a selection screen you can select employees according to
organizational criteria
- Authorization check : the system checks whether the user starting a report is authorized to
view the data in the report
Infoset are special views of logical databases. An infoset determines which fields of a logical
database can be reported on by queries. Infosets are assigned to user groups. Infosets are structured
according to field groups. Field groups in HR correspond to infotypes. Example: infoset 1 can have
data from infotype 0, infotype 2 and infotype 6.
Customer infotypes (namespace 9000-9999) can be included in infosets

created for HR

Infosets are only available to users if they have been assigned to SAP Query user groups.
The prerequisites for working with ad hoc query and sap query are:
- creation of infosets and user groups
- assignment of infosets to user groups
- users can now create queries
a distinction is made between two query areas, the standard query area and the global query area:
- standard query area : all query objects (queries, infosets, user groups) are created and
managed per client. Query objects are not linked to the workbench organizer, which means
they cannot be entered and transported using customary correction and transport
- Global area : they are available throughout the entire system, that is, in all clients. Linked to
the workbench organizer. They can be entered and transported using customary correction
and transported procedures.
The system includes three logical databases PNPCE (will eventually replace PNP), PCH and PAP
that enable you to create infosets for HR.
HR administration
Time Management
Personnel development
Organizational management
Training and event management
Personal cost planning
Infotypes are units of information in HR. Infotypes group together coherent data fields.
To preserve the history of infotypes, the system saves them in time-specific records. For each
infotype record the system records a validity period. Usually, therefore, there are several data
records for each of an employees infotypes. The records are distinguished by their differing validity

Using a time constraint, you specify how the data records of an infotype react to each other over
- time constraint 1 : for the whole time an employee belongs to the enterprise, there must be
exactly one valid data record of a particular infotype.
- Time constraint 2 : at any particular point in time there can be at most one valid data record
of a particular infotype.
- Time constraint 3 : at any particular point in time there can be unlimited valid data records
of a particular infotype.
For a personnel or applicant number to exist, the infotypes actions (0000), organizational
assignment (0001), personal data (0002), and payroll status (0003) must be in existence.
- general switches: valid for each infoset
- infotype specific switches: apply to each infotype (in this infoset)
through the ad hoc query you can receive logs on the execution of queries. To do so, you must link
an infoset to logging. You can do this in the maintenance transaction SQ01 in the extras menus. If
you create and execute a query using this infoset, the system saves information such as user, entries
on the selection screen and so on. (AQPROT table)
the AQ_QURY_PROT business add-in enables you to create your own logs. For more information,
call the img and choose SAP query logging BADI:Define your own logging.
Ad Hoc Query (pag.143 unit 6)
Ad hoc Query :
- is a tools used to report on data from human resources
- facilitates access to data from all areas of human resources
- is characterized by simple selection of selection and output fields
Is a tool that enables you to report on the following data:
- hr master data, data from time management, and payroll results (logical database PNPCE)
- applicant master data (logical database PAP)
- data from personal planning (logical database PCH)
ad hoc query selects the requested data directly from the database. As a result, its performance is
better than that of standard reports. The standard authorization check is performed when data is
selected and output.
Structure of HR info system
Information system of an hr application component the infoset for application specific reporting
is loaded automatically.
Cross application hr info system selection of infosets depends on user group assignment in sap
The following sap query user groups are used for the individual application components:
- sapquery/H0 for compensation management
- sapquery/H1 for benefits
- sapquery/H2 for personnel administration
- sapquery/H4 for recruitment
- sapquery/H4 for training and event management


everything on one screen: you can output data on the ad hoc query screen
reporting on personnel planning data
object selection can be switched on and off

the ad hoc query screen is divided into three main areas

- field groups and fields of the current infoset are displayed on the left of the screen. This part
of the screen is used to select selection and output fields
- the right side of the screen enables you to determine selection values and execute your
- the lower part of the screen contains a preview of output
the infosets required for ad hoc query are created and managed in sap query. When you create an
infoset, you select the logical database on which it is based, and determine the infotypes which it
includes. They are subsequently displayed in the infoset as field groups.
PNPCE : personnel administration , time management and payroll
PAP : recruitment
PCH : organizational management, personnel development, training and events and personal cost
Types of output:
- sap list viewer
- ABAP list
- Table
- Word processing
- Spreadsheets
- Graphics
- Local file
- Infozoom
- Crystal reports
Types of output list:
- basic list
- statistics
- ranked list
Ad hoc query is also integrated with other hr reporting tools:
- access from HIS
- in Managers desktop
- HR input helps
Restricting the reporting set:
- the current hit list which you obtained by making a specific selection
- a set of persons that you selected by using the organizational structure
- a set of persons that you selected in HIS or Managers desktop
- a set of persons that you determined by using set operation

Set Operations: you can use hit lists from more than one selection to perform set operations:
- create intersection (somente area comum a A e B)
- create unions (toda area de A e B)
- Add sets and subtract sets (A-B e B-A)
The prerequisite is an infoset created on the basis of logical database PNP/PNPCE (hr master data):
- you can report on objects from personnel planning
- the prerequisite is an infoset for selecting on object type (such as a position, job or task)
when you create queries, you can switch between query areas, user groups and infosets. If you are
assigned to a user group, you can save queries. The query is automatically available to all of the
users who belong to the same user group.
The technical name of a query must not exceed 14 characters.
Integration of ad hoc query:
- information systems (Human resources information system, information systems in HR
components and SAP information system)
- access from HIS
- start from managers desktop
- input help for object selection
- processing of selected object set in general reporting
you can select a set of objects as follows:
- selection using selection fields, selection options and values
- restriction of reporting set using any selections or set operations
- set operations
- selection of set of persons in HIS or Managers desktop
- selection of set of persons using organizational structure
you can continue to process data as follows:
- output/export list with the required output fields
- process selected set of objects in general reporting; data is output by the selected standard
- display hit list, delete unnecessary objects as required
SAP Query (pag.195 unit 7)
When creating queries using HR logical databases, you can use the line groups function, which
enables you to group specific lines together within multiline basic lists to form line groups. To
create a new query you must:
- define the query name
- select an infoset
- specify the query title and list format, and then design the list
- select field groups and their fields
- define the layout of the list you want to generate
sequence of screens for field selection: title, format, field group selection, field selection (output
fields), and selection fields

the term additional fields cover all of the fields that do not exist in the database table of the
corresponding infotype, but that are available for reporting purposes. Standard additional fields are
additional fields that are required by the majority of customers. For this reason, they are available in
the standard system when infosets are created.
Payroll and Time Management Infotypes (pag.219 unit 8)
Most Human Resource data is stored in infotypes. You can report on this data using standard
reporting procedures (Ad Hoc Query or SAP Query). Payroll results, however, are stored in cluster
tables (RT, CRT, TCRT). You can only report on them using specific standard reports or reports you
have programmed yourself (that is, using the ABAP Editor / SE38).
The basic principle of payroll infotypes (PIT) involves defining an infotype whose specific fields
correspond to the results of one or more wage types in Payroll.
To enable the results of (technical) wage types to be aggregated, evaluation wage types (EWT) are
defined in an intermediate step. They are used to define the payroll infotypes.
Wage types
/101 (gross/employee)
/262 (Gross/Social Contribution/ER)



Payroll infotypes have three substructures:

- key fields/PAKEY
- administrative fields/PSHD1
- infotype-specific fields/PSnnnn
Steps to crate a PIT
- define EWT (gross / deductions)
- assign wage types (gross : /xxx, /xxx; deductions: /yyy, /yyy)
- set up PIT (1) (gross PIT: gross / PIT G&D: gross deduction)
- set up PIT (2) (generate and activate gross PIT)
- set up assignment to payroll
- reporting
The time management data is stored in the various infotypes and in cluster B2 (time evaluation
Standard reports enable you to report on individual data sources. For example, you can report on
infotype data (report RPTABS20) or cluster data (report RPTBAL00)

RPT ABS 20 : infotype data of absences and attendances

RPT QTA 10 : infotype data of absence quotas
RPT PSH 10 : work schedule data (planned working time and substitutions)
RPT BAL 00 : time evaluation results (table ZES and Table ZL)

You can also use business-oriented BW structures (infosources) in R/3 as simulated infotypes.
Simulated infotypes facilitate reporting on a new business level. The infotype concept is used to
retrieve data in a user-friendly manner from a variety of data sources (infotype data, time evaluation
results, data from the personal work schedule).

Just like other infotypes, simulated infotypes are available in logical databases PNPCE. This means
that they can be used like other infotypes for customer ABAP programs and reporting with SAP
Simulated infotype 2500: personal work schedule times contain data from IT 0001, IT 0007 and IT
Simulated infotype 2501: employee times contains data from IT 0001, IT 0007, IT 0027, cluster
table C1 and interface table ASSOB.
Simulated infotype 2502 : quota transaction contains data from IT 0001, IT 0007, IT 2006, IT 2007
and reporting quota type.
HR in BW and SEM (pag.243 unit 9)
Transaction (enterprise resource planning) SAP R3 information (data warehouse) SAP BW
strategies (analytic applications) SAP SEM
Data warehouse: is a standalone application environment with its own database containing
information taken from different data sources. It is designed for queries and analyses.
Business Information warehouse: combines data-warehouse technology with SAP business knowhow. It is standalone R/3 system with it own release cycle.
Advantages of BW:
- standardized structure and display for all enterprise data
- easy access to enterprise data via single point of entry
- highly sophisticated reporting for analyses
- environment conductive to high performance
- data retrieval from heterogeneous environment
the three main constituent parts of the business information warehouse are the business information
warehouse server, the administrator workbench and business explorer
Infocubes: contain infoobjects (two types of data):
- key figures (quantifiable values, such as the number of employees)
- characteristics (required to determine key figures in accordance with different criteria;
organizational unit and gender are examples of characteristics for the number of employees)
the structure of an HR infocube is comparable with an infoset in AD Hoc Query or SAP Query
The business information warehouse enables you to display hierarchies. They can be used as a basis
for aggregation and drilldown criteria. User can then view data with different levels of detail. They
are delivered :
- organizational structure
- cost centers
- business events / business event groups
- qualifications / qualification groups
- age structure
- capacity utilization level
three levels of data:

focus: comparative key figures multi-dimensional summaries detailed business

data: operational data data relevant to decision-making process benchmarking data

HR queries/key figures:
- approximately 170 predefined queries and 250 key figures
- approximately 90 templates for standard calculations
- 4 HR BW web cockpits
HR infocubes
- 21 HR infocubes
HR business content includes HR extractors, HR infocubes and HR queries (business key figures
and reports) for the following areas:
- personnel administration
- recruitment
- training and event management
- payroll
- time management
- organizational management
- personnel development
- compensation management
- benefits
Balanced scorecard (BSC) key components:
- strategies : strategic goals in cause and effect chain. Each objective belongs to a perspective
and strategy
- initiatives : how an objective can be reached
- measures : represent key performance indicator (KPI) that allow you to check whether the
target has been reached.
Appendix (pag.277)
Is used to report on HR data along hierarchical structures (organizational structure, business event
hierarchy or customer hierarchies). You can select the structure you want to report on, and the
objects you want to display. The structure is displayed in SAP structural graphics. In the standard
system, a separate window lists all of the reports that exist for the root object. They correspond to
the standard reports in human resources. Customizing also enables you to add your own reports.
Infoset Query
Is a general SAP reporting tool that is particularly easy to use and intuitive. By selecting selection
fields and output fields directly, you can access data stored anywhere within the human resources
SAP Query
Is a cross-application reporting tool in the R/3. just like Infoset query, it is used to create reports that
are not included in the standard system. You do not require programming skills to work with SAP
Business information warehouse

Is an independent data warehouse solution that can be used to retrieve data from SAP systems and
the vast majority of external systems. BW provides you with specialized reporting technology and
HR business content, which means it contains business content, reports, and key figures from all
areas of human resources.

Solution Manager (pag.911 unit 39)

Solution manager o sucessor dos pacotes de softwares do ASAP como plataforma para
acompanhamento da vida da soluo SAP no cliente.
- core business processes
- technical installation and operation
- facilitate communication
- continuous improvement
- best in class support
the solution manager is a central customer platform that integrates the tools, methodologies, content
and services. Is a customer platform that enables representation and documentation of the entire
customer-specific solution, including sap and non-sap components. Also provides a single point of
access to system components for designs, configuration and testing activities. it provides support
- technical implementation
o functional implementation
o technical implementation
o implementation of operations
- operation
o services for operations
o solution monitoring
o support desk
sap solution manager is predefined for the following roles:
- project manager
- application consultant
- development consultant
- technical consultant
- system administrator
- support engineer
the business process repository is a package of reusable, predefined business process content
consisting of:
- scenario documentation
- transaction assignments
- img assignments
- configuration guides
- predefined test cases

Evoluo do ASAP para o solution manager: Accelerated ASAP (feramentas, contedo e

metodologia baseado em componentes) Value SAP (ferramentas, contedo e metodologia para
projetos de avaliao, implementao e melhorias. Plataforma de ferramentas) SAP Solution
A metodologia da SAP sugere uma organizao do projeto em : Fases Pacotes Trabalho
Atividades tarefas.
A implementao SAP compreende metodologia e ferramentas:
- Metodologia: ASAP com 5 fases: preparao do projeto, business blueprint, realizao,
preparao final e produo e suporte.
- Ferramentas: Solution manager: implementao e operao.
Toda documentao do projeto centralizada dentro do solution manager.
Roadmap do ASAP:
- Preparao do Projeto (planning and preparation of the sap project)
o Planejamento inicial do projeto
o Procedimentos do projeto
o Treinamento usurios chaves
o Kickoff do projeto
o Planejamento de requerimentos tcnicos
o Quality check
- business blueprint (finalizing the project scope, defining and documenting all business
requirements, both functional and technical)
o gerenciamento do projeto
o gesto de mudanas organizacionais
o desenvolvimento do ambiente de sistemas
o treinamento usurio chaves
o estrutura organizacional do negocio]definio dos processos de negcios
o regras de usurios e autorizaes
o quality check
- realizao (configuring and tsting the system to ensure that it meets the specfied business
requirements, developing training materials)
o gerenciamento do projeto
o gesto de mudanas organizacionais
o treinamento
o configurao e confirmao do baseline
o gerenciamento dos sistemas
o configurao e confirmao final
o desenvolvimento de programas, interfaces etc
o teste final integrado
o quality check
- preparao final (end-user training, and preparation of the live system)
o gerenciamento do projeto
o treinamento de usurios finais
o gerenciamento dos sistemas
o testes de sistemas
o planejamento detalhado do projeto

o plano de corte (cutover)

o quality check
produo e suporte (ongoing support and continuous improvement activities after going
o suporte produtivo
o gesto de KPIs
o final do projeto

existem 3 opes de tipos de roadmaps:

- global template roadmap exibe atividadese tarefas sugeridas pela metodologia com todos
os passos para um projeto com as caracteristicas de um template que estar sendo
implementado posteriormente numa seqncia para varios paises
- implementation roadmap atividades e tarefas sugeridas pela metodologia com todos os
parassos para um projeto de implementao em um cliente, sem as caractersticas de rollout
de templates
- solution management roadmap roadmap exibe atividades e tarefas sugeridas pela
metodologia com todos os passos para acompanhamento e monitoramento das solues sap
e outras implementadas num cliente.
Principais milestones para cada fase ASAP:
- fase 1 completar os requerimentos do negocio num nvel macro
- fase 2 completar o blueprint do negocio (desenho conceitual do negocio)
- fase 3 implementao dos processos de negcios principais
- fase 4 completar a implementao do projeto e inicio produtivo
- fase 5 entrega completa do projeto
Servios identificados pela metodologia:
- fase 2 verificao de faseabilidade
- fase 3 verificao de itegrao tcnica
- fase 4 going live check
- fase 5 early watch check e servios de otimizao da gesto da soluo sap
SOLAR01 business blueprint assign transactions yourself
SOLAR02 configuration assign BC sets, img and objects and test cases
SOLAR03 test organization administration of test organization
STWB_WORK_TESTING test execution
SOLAR_EVAL-REPORTING test monitoring & reporting
SAP Solution mangaer also supports the live operation of a sap solution landscape. The sap solution
manager is the recommended delivery platform for all services and support delivered as part of the
customers maintenance agreement with sap:
- operation section: predictive & proactive services ; continuous improvement services ; best
- solution monitoring: business process monitoring ; system monitoring
- support section: support desk (message handling and sap note assistant) ; sap remote
support (microsoft netmeeting and rfc connection)
- sap service marketplace: operations concept / requirements ; software change management;
interfaces management ; templates / best practices ; sap notes search

solution monitoring involver system monitoring, business process monitoring and service level
agreement to help monitor and manage the entire sap solution. Solution monitoring is a proactive
methodology, business process oriented, software solution landscape oriented, configurable, linked
to expert analysis and administration tools, open and expandable (covers sap r/3 and other sap
components), linked to servce procedures delivered by sap (early watch service family, optimization
services, self service)

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