Information Retrieval On The Basis of Entity Linking

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 11, November - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Information Retrieval On The Basis Of Entity Linking

Ms. Tanvi Milind Panse
Siddhant College of engineering, Pune University, Maharashtra, India
As the digital world is progressing day by day, various entities are developed and communicated on the
Web. The vast number of potential applications from spanning web information with learning bases has
prompted to an increment in the field of entity linking research. Entity linking is the assignment to
connection element notice in content with their comparing elements in an information base. Potential
applications incorporate data extraction, data recovery, question answering, content analysis and
information base populace. On the other hand, this task is difficult and challenging because of name
varieties and substance uncertainty. In this study, we present the primary ways to deal with entity linking,
disadvantages of existing system, advantages of proposed system, application areas and future bearings.
Index terms- Information retrieval, entity linking, knowledge base, named entity disambiguation (NED),
named entity recognition and disambiguation (NERD), named entity normalization (NEN)

The web is growing rapidly, which can be proved by the number of Internet users and the amount of web content
and huge data on the Internet. The measure of Web information has expanded exponentially. The Web has turned
into one of the biggest information archives on the planet as of late. A major goal for any search engine company to
improve the users satisfaction. Bounty of information on the Web is as regular dialect. In any case, common dialect
is very equivocal, particularly as for the incessant events of named substances. A named element may have various
names and a name could signify a few distinctive named substances. Then again, the appearance of information
sharing groups, for example, Wikipedia and the advancement of data extraction systems have encouraged the
robotized development of huge scale machine-lucid information bases. Information bases contain rich data about
the world's substances, their semantic classes, and their common connections.
Connecting Web information with learning bases is beneficial for clarifying the gigantic measure of crude and
frequently uproarious information on the Web and adds to the vision of Semantic Web. A basic stride to accomplish
this objective is to connection named substance notice showing up in Web content with their relating elements in an
information base, which is called substance connecting. Connecting Web information with learning bases is
beneficial for clarifying the gigantic measure of crude and frequently uproarious information on the Web and adds
to the vision of Semantic Web. A basic stride to accomplish this objective is to connection named substance notice
showing up in Web content with their relating elements in a learning base, which is called substance connecting.
Entity Linking can encourage a wide range of errands, for example, learning base populace, inquiry replying, and
data coordination. Entity linking is a popular way to automate the construction of a semantic web. It is also used to
improve the performance of information retrieval systems. Entity linking needs a knowledge base of entities to
which names can be linked. A key challenge in entity linking is to identify the entities mentioned in text, and map
them with the corresponding entities existing in the knowledge base. Consider the sentence Some people think
that apple juice is good source of vitamin A. To analyze this sentence, the system should know that apple juice
refers to a beverage, while vitamin A refers to a nutrient. Entity linking addresses this problem by linking these
phrases within the sentence to entries in a large, fixed entity catalog. As the world advances, new certainties are
produced and digitally communicated on the Web. In this way, enhancing existing learning bases utilizing new
truths turns out to be progressively vital. Be that as it may, embeddings recently extricated learning got from the
data extraction framework into a current information base unavoidably needs a framework to outline element
notice connected with the removed learning to the comparing element in the learning base.

34 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 11, November - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317
The main task of entity linking is to identify the entities within the text, and associate them with the entity they
correspond to. Entity linking elevates us from plain text into meaningful entities that have properties, semantic
types, and relationships with each other. Entity Recognition (ER) is a type of information extraction that seeks to
identify regions of text (mentions) corresponding to entities and to categorize them into a predefinedlist of types.
For instance, connection extraction is the procedure of finding helpful connections between substances specified in
content and the extricated connection obliges the procedure of mapping elements connected with the connection to
the information base before it could be populated into the learning base. Besides, countless noting frameworks
depend on their upheld information bases to give the response to the client's inquiry. To answer the inquiry "What
is the birthdate of the celebrated b-ball player Michael Jordan?", the framework ought to first influence the
substance connecting system to outline questioned "Michael Jordan" to the NBA player, rather than for instance, the
Berkeley educator; and after that it recovers the birthdates of the NBA player named "Michael Jordan" from the
information base specifically. Also, substance connecting assists capable with joining and union operations that can
coordinate data about elements crosswise over distinctive pages, records, and destinations.


In [1], Freebase is a practical, scalable tuple database used to structure general human knowledge. The data in
Freebase is collaboratively created, structured, and maintained. Free- base currently contains more than
125,000,000 tuples, more than 4000 types, and more than 7000 properties. Public read/write access to Freebase is
allowed through an HTTP- based graph-query API using the Metaweb Query Language (MQL) as a data query and
manipulation language. MQL provides an easy-to-use object-oriented interface to the tuple data in Freebase and is
designed to facilitate the creation of collaborative, Web-based data-oriented applications.
In [2], Knowledge is indispensable to understanding. The ongoing information explosion highlights the need to
enable machines to better understand electronic text in human language. Much work has been devoted to creating
universal ontologies or taxonomies for this purpose. However, none of the existing ontologies has the needed depth
and breadth for universal understanding. In this paper, a universal, probabilistic taxonomy is presented that is
more comprehensive than any existing ones. It contains 2.7 million concepts harnessed automatically from a corpus
of 1.68 billion web pages. Unlike traditional taxonomies that treat knowledge as black and white, it uses
probabilities to model inconsistent, ambiguous and uncertain information it contains. The details of how the
taxonomy is constructed, its probabilistic modeling, and its potential applications in text understanding is shown.
In [3], Text documents often contain valuable structured data that is hidden in regular English sentences. This data
is best exploited if available as a relational table that we could use for answering precise queries or for running data
mining tasks. A technique for extracting such tables from document collections is shown that requires only a
handful of training examples from users. These examples are used to generate extraction patterns that in turn result
in new tuples being extracted from the document collection. Snowball introduces novel strategies for generating
patterns and extracting tuples from plain-text documents. At each iteration of the extraction process, Snowball
evaluates the quality of these patterns and tuples without human intervention, and keeps only the most reliable
ones for the next iteration. In this paper, a scalable evaluation methodology and metrics for this task are developed,
and a thorough experimental evaluation of Snowball and comparable techniques over a collection of more than
300,000 newspaper documents are presented in it.
In [4], Methods for information extraction (IE) and knowledge base (KB) construction have been intensively
studied. However, a largely under-explored case is tapping into highly dynamic sources like news streams and
social media, where new entities are continuously emerging. In this paper, we present a method for discovering and
semantically typing newly emerging out-of-KB entities, thus improving the freshness and recall of ontology-based
IE and improving the precision and semantic rigor of open IE. Our method is based on a probabilistic model that
feeds weights into integer linear programs that leverage type signatures of relational phrases and type correlation
or disjointness constraints. This experimental evaluation, based on crowd sourced user studies, shows that this
method performs significantly better than prior work.

35 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 11, November - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317
In [5], Entity linking systems link noun-phrase mentions in text to their corresponding Wikipedia articles. However,
NLP applications would gain from the ability to detect and type all entities mentioned in text, including the long tail
of entities not prominent enough to have their own Wikipedia articles. Once the Wikipedia entities mentioned in a
corpus of textual assertions are linked, this can further enable the detection and fine-grained typing of the
unlinkable entities. This proposed method for detecting unlinkable entities achieves 24% greater accuracy than a
Named Entity Recognition base line, and our method for fine-grained typing is able to propagate over 1,000 types
from linked Wikipedia entities to unlinkable entities. Detection and typing of unlinkable entities can increase yield
for NLP applications such as typed question answering.


The knowledge sharing communities such as Wikipedia and the development of information extraction techniques
have facilitated the automated construction of large scale machine-readable knowledge bases. Entity linking can
facilitate many different tasks such as knowledge base population, question answering, and information integration.
Entity linking helps powerful join and union operations that can integrate information about entities across
different pages, documents, and sites.


The entity linking task is challenging due to name variations and entity ambiguity. An entity linking system has to
disambiguate the entity mention in the textual context and identify the mapping entity for each entity mention.

Proposed method to deal with entity linking: Although the supervised ranking methods seem to perform much
better than the unsupervised approaches with respect to candidate entity ranking. The overall performance of the
entity linking system is also significantly influenced by techniques adopted in the other two modules (i.e., Candidate
Entity Generation and Unlinkable Mention Prediction).A single entity linking system typically performs very
differently for different data sets and domains. Entity linking is a fundamental building block for web search
engines, which enables various downstream improvements such as better document ranking and enhanced search
results pages.


The candidate entity which achieves the highest similarity score is selected as the mapping entity for the entity
mention. Various approaches differ in methods of vectorial representation and vector similarity calculation. This
system achieves 91.4% accuracy over a news article data set. The search query is given to the candidate entity index
and the candidate entity which has the highest relevant score is retrieved as the mapping entity for the entity

VII. Application areas

Potential applications include text analysis, information extraction, knowledge base population and content
1. Text analysis
Recognizing names and linking them to structured data is a fundamental task in text analysis.

2. Information Extraction
Usually, the named entities that are extracted by information extraction systems are ambiguous. But if we map
and link them with a knowledge base, then it is easy to distinguish and disambiguate them.
3. Knowledge Base Population
Populating the existing knowledge bases automatically with new facts and data is a major issue. Entity linking is
a very important process of knowledge base population.

36 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 11, November - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

4. Content Analysis
The analysis of the general text content related to its ideas, categories and topics, has a huge benefit by the use
of entity linking. For example: news recommendation systems that recommend interesting news for users.
Linking of entities in the news articles with a knowledge base makes it very beneficial for content analysis.
Entity linking can also be used in many other application areas such as question answering, data extraction, data
recovery, information base populace and information integration.


Entity linking
Knowledge base
Candidate Entity Ranking

Module description
1. Entity linking
Entity Linking (EL) is the task of identifying a name that appears in text that refers to a known entity in a
reference set of named entities, such as a relational database. Entity linking can encourage various
undertakings, for example, learning base populace, inquiry replying, and data mix. As the world develops, new
actualities are created and digitally communicated on the Web. Along these lines, advancing existing
information bases utilizing new truths turns out to be progressively vital. Nonetheless, embeddings recently
removed learning got from the data extraction framework into a current information base definitely needs a
framework to delineate substance notice connected with the separated information to the relating element in
the information base. For instance, connection extraction is the procedure of finding valuable connections
between substances said in content and the extricated connection obliges the procedure of mapping elements
connected with the connection to the learning base before it could be populated into the information base.
Moreover, a substantial number of inquiry noting frameworks depend on their upheld learning bases to
give the response to the client's inquiry. To answer the inquiry "What is the birthdate of the renowned b-ball
player Michael Jordan?", the framework ought to first influence the element connecting procedure to outline
questioned "Michael Jordan "to the NBA player, rather than for instance, the Berkeley teacher; and after that it
recovers the birthdate of the NBA player named "Michael Jordan" from the learning base straightforwardly.
Moreover, substance connecting assists intense with joining and union operations that can coordinate data
about elements crosswise over distinctive pages, archives, and locales. The element connecting assignment is
trying because of name varieties and element vagueness.

2. Knowledge base
A knowledge base (KB) is a technology used to store complex structured and unstructured information used by
a computer system.A knowledge base acts as a store of information or data that is available to draw on and the
underlying set of facts, assumptions, and rules which a computer system has available to solve a problem. A
knowledge base is a machine-readable resource for the dissemination of information, generally online or with
the capacity to be put online. An integral component of knowledge management systems, a knowledge base is
used to optimize information collection, organization, and retrieval for an enterprise.A well-organized
knowledge base can improve an organizations performance by decreasing the amount of employee time spent
trying to find information about - among myriad possibilities. For example: The Microsoft Knowledge Base is a
repository of support information for Microsoft product users.

37 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 11, November - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317
Given an information base containing an arrangement of substances Eand a content accumulation in which
an arrangement of named element notice M are distinguished ahead of time, the objective of element
connecting is to delineate literary element notice M to its comparing element e E in the learning base. Here,
a named element notice misses a token arrangement in content which conceivably alludes to some named
element and is recognized ahead of time. It is conceivable that some element notice in content does not have its
comparing substance record in the given information base. We characterize this sort of notice as unlinkable
specifies and give NIL as an exceptional name meaning "unlikable". Accordingly, if the coordinating substance e
for element notice m does not exist in the information base an element connecting framework ought to name m
as NIL.
For unlikable notice, a few studies distinguish their fine-grained sorts from the learning base which is out of
extension for element connecting frameworks. Substance connecting is additionally called Named Entity
Disambiguation (NED) in the NLP group. In this paper, we simply concentrate on substance connecting for
English dialect, instead of cross lingual entity connecting regularly; the undertaking of element connecting is
gone before by a named element acknowledgment stage, amid which limits of named elements in content are
recognized. While named substance acknowledgment is not the center of this review, for the specialized points
of interest of methodologies utilized as a part of the named element acknowledgment undertaking, you could
allude to the study paper and some particular strategies moreover; there are numerous freely accessible named
element acknowledgment apparatuses, for example, Stanford NER1, OpenNLP2, and LingPipe3. Finke let al.
presented the methodology utilized as a part of StanfordNER. They utilized Gibbs testing increase a current
Conditional Random Field based framework with long-remove reliance models, upholding mark consistency
and extraction layout consistency.

3. Candidate Entity Ranking

Almost, in many cases, the hopeful's measure substance set ME is greater than one. Scientists influence various
types of confirmation to rank the applicant elements in ME and attempt to discover the substance e E which is
the probably interface for notice m. In this investigation, we will audit the primary procedures that are utilized
as a part of this positioning procedure, including managed positioning systems. To manage the issue of
anticipating unlinkable notice, some work influences this module to check and approve whether the toppositioned substance recognized in the Candidate Entity Ranking module is the objective element required for
notice m. Else, they return NIL for notice m. Ranking of candidate entities from the set is established, which is a
major task in entity linking. The Candidate Entity Ranking module is a key component for the entity linking
system as a whole.


38 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 11, November - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

1) Query expansion
The query entered by user for searching particular information is analyzed. This input query is
expanded in order to perform entity identification and linking.

2) Candidate Entity Generation

Its goal is to filter out all the irrelevant entities in the knowledge base and to obtain a candidate entity
set Emthat contains thepossible entities that are associated with the entity mention m.
3) Candidate Entity Ranking
The size of the candidate entityset Emis mostly greater than one in many cases. The aim is to rank the
candidate entities from the candidate set obtained and to find the entity e Emwhich is the most
suitable link for mention m.
4) Unlinkable Mention Prediction
Its work is to check whether the top-ranked entity which was obtainedin the Candidate Entity
Ranking is the required target entity for mention m.

Let M = m1, m2, , mp denote a set of entity mentions appearing in a document D. For an existing knowledge base
KB which contains a set of entities E = e1, e2,, en, then the objective of entity linking is to determine the candidate
entities in KB for the mentions in M For entity recognition, the entity mentions have to be extracted from the
document D.
Given a knowledge base which contains a set of entities E and a text collection in which a set of named entity
mentions M are recognized beforehand, then the major aim of entity linking is to associate all the textual entity
mention m M to its corresponding entity e E in the knowledge base. A named entity mention m is nothing but a
sequence of tokens in text which refers to some named entity and is recognized in advance. Also, some entity

39 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 11, November - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317
mentions in the text do not have its corresponding entity record in the existing knowledge base. Such type of entity
mentions are known as unlinkable mentions and are denoted by NIL as a special label which means that entity is
unlinkable. Hence, if there is no matching entity e for entity mention m and it does not exist in the knowledge base
(i.e., e = E), then m is marked as NIL.


In this paper, we have exhibited a far reaching review for entity linking. In particular, we have overviewed the
principle methodologies used in the three modules of entity linking frameworks (i.e., Candidate Entity Era,
Candidate Entity Ranking, and Unlinkable Notice Prediction), furthermore we have presented other basic parts of
element connecting, for example, applications, components, and assessment. Despite the fact that there are such a
large number of strategies proposed to manage substance connecting, it is as of now indistinct which methods and
frameworks are the current stateof-the-craftsmanship, as these frameworks all contrast along numerous
measurements and are assessed over distinctive information sets. For future work, this system can be used in the
search engine for best performance for mapping of search queries.


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pp. 8594.


N. Nakashole, T. Tylenda, and G. Weikum, Fine-grained semantic typing of emerging entities, in ACL, 2013,


T. Lin, Mausam, and O. Etzioni, No noun phrase left behind: Detecting and typing unlinkable entities, in
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Ms. Tanvi Milind Panse received her bachelors degree in Engineering (Information Technology)
from Pune University in 2012. She is currently pursuing her Masters degree in engineering
(Information Technology) from Siddhant college, Pune University. Her research interests include
databasesand data mining.

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