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EME4016 Heat Transfer


Tri 2/2015-16/FET/MMU


Form a group of two (2) persons.


Solve all the problems as detailed and complete as possible.


Hand-writing or computer print-out solutions are acceptable.


Copied assignment will be graded ZERO.


The submission deadline is on

15 February 2016 (Monday), before 12:00 noon


Please submit the report at Mr. Lims mailbox or office.

Problem 1 [30 marks]

A 12-cm diameter shaft rotates at 3750 rpm in a 15-cm-long bearing with a uniform clearance
of 0.2 mm. At steady operating conditions, both the bearing and the shaft in the vicinity of the
oil gap are at 50 C and the viscosity and thermal conductivity of lubricating oil are 0.05 Ns/m2
and 0.17 W/mK, respectively. By simplifying and solving the continuity, momentum, and
energy equations, determine,
(a) the maximum temperature of oil,
(b) the rates of heat transfer to the bearing and the shaft, and
(c) the mechanical power wasted by the viscous dissipation in the oil
Also, investigate the effect of shaft velocity on the mechanical power wasted by the viscous
dissipation for a range from 0 rpm to 6,000 rpm by plotting a graph of power wasted versus the
shaft rpm, and discuss the results.
3750 rpm
12 m/s

12 cm

15 cm

Fig P1

EME4016 Heat Transfer


Tri 2/2015-16/FET/MMU

Problem 2 [20 marks]

Air flows with a free stream temperature of 25 C and 1 atmospheric pressure over a 0.3-m
long isothermal plate at 55 C at velocity of 3.0 m/s. Plot the following on a combined graph
for the range of x = 0.0 m to x = xcr. State the assumptions for this case.
a) The hydrodynamic boundary layer as a function of x.
b) The thermal boundary layer as a function of x.
What can you deduce from the graph?

Problem 3 [50 marks]

Perform a forced convection heat transfer simulation based on Tubular Forced Convection
experiment (HT2).
a) Choose one of the general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers (eg.
ANSYS FLUENT) and go through some online tutorials to familiarize with the
simulation software.
b) Apply the simulation on HT2 experimental conditions.
c) Compare the simulation results with experimental and theoretical results. Discuss and
comment on any discrepancies and agreements.
d) Include a summary of the simulation settings as an appendix in the report.
e) The results may include the following:
a. Velocity profile/contour/vector along the flow direction
b. Temperature profile/contour along the flow direction
c. Temperature variation along the pipe axis
d. Axial variation of skin friction coefficient
e. Pressure variation along the pipe axis
f) Perform verification and validation check to assess the numerical accuracy of the
results obtained (i.e. to compare results on different meshes).

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