Report Milka in Engleza

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Report Milka - Dare to be gentle!

1.Sloganul ad
In the past, ads Milka had the slogan: ,, Milka- finest temptation of the Alps' most recent
advertisement adopted a new slogan, namely: ,, Milka- dares to be gentle. " This is actually the
result of a study on the state of tenderness Europeans conducted at the request of Kraft Foods in
17 countries in Europe. According to the Report on Tenderness Milka (Milka Tenderness
Report), at least 2 of 5 Europeans think they are too stressed to share a moment of tenderness
with friends and family.

1.2.Descrierea ad
The ad first appeared in Romania in August 2011 and has a duration of 40 seconds.
The cow appears in a classroom, then in front of a chessboard situations where it stands still and
has no reaction, but in the following sequence it occurs in the presence of a couple, husband and
wife, pushing it from behind man and causing him to kiss his wife. The following sequences
shown by the cow in the presence of two young, which also mingndu them causes them to hold
hands and finally, it takes part in a competition scandenberg between two men, and the same
gesture makes the two embracing.
The main character of the advertising spot is clearly mascot Milka, purple cow. Besides
this there are a number of people in the roles of spectators, the two couples and opponents, and a
chicken. Colors are represented by the green natural landscape that appears in many sequences
during the advertising, and the purple, the color that is both cow and background color on the
end of the creative brand name appears together with the slogan. Purple is a color that stands out
and attracts categorically attention to the product that you wear.

1.3.Scopul and advertising message

Besides the main purpose to promote Milka chocolate, advertising has been designed in
order to bring out the emotional side of life, for people to ignore the stress and pressures of
everyday to activate the emotions and mprteasc as many moments tenderness with friends
and family.
Advertising message appeals to people's feelings without promote any intrinsic quality of
Milka chocolate, and urge people ,, dare "to be more careful and gentle with loved ones.

1.4.Difuzarea ad
The advertisement was done by Crispin Porter international advertising agency + Bogusky and
was adapted for Romania agency Saatchi Romania. It was broadcast in 17 European countries
including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy,
Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine. In our country, it
arose in 2011 and running and currently the majority of television stations like ProTV, Antena 1,
Antena 3, TVR, Prima TV, Kiss TV, Disney Channel, etc.

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