CREW: Department of Health and Human Services: Public Affairs Firms Documents: 01/24/07: HHS/OASPA FOIA Response 1 of 2

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Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Harrington, Kathleen M. (CMS) []
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 1:23 PM
To:;; Bell. Allyson (HHSIOS). Pearson
Christina (HHSIOS); Miskis Constantinos (AoA): Jewett. Eric (HHSIO$ Karr G a v R iCMS!; Badger, Jessica (HHSIOS): Julie L
(CMS); Dziak, Kathleen M. (CMS); Keave. Kevin (HHS!OSI
-; Petree. K~rsten(HHSIOS); Kegler. Elizabeth R (CFLIS!.
Martin. Lindsey H (CMS); Sokol. Lisa Y (CMS): Pratt. Martha (AOA) (CFR): Corry Manln A.
(CMS); Hughes, Matt (HHSIOS): Reill . Michael (HHSIOS) ..


Conrad, Patricia (HHSIOS); Maass, Stacie (HHSIOS); DeFrancis. Suzy (HHSIOS).
Cc:;; cwal1-99; cwa1199@msn.eom
Subject: . .& Re: FINAL Florida Tour Schedule for Secretary Leavitt - NS Version
.- --
. .-
6) 0s; -t-- . .
. - . -. . .. - .- .-
Thanks M.nnTT GREAT LY'QRK P.ND C.OQRDINATION with Secretary's tear;.. -=: . - .- , . .- . . -.--.
- --
.. .
Good luck all and as P-llyson says ier's make it "real good" - Be wa-z r? ise; r:--::.;.

Safe travels all 2nd be caful our tnere.

----- Original Message----- Il

From: Matt Mlynarczyk <>
<Allyson.Bell@HHS.G3V>; ~%kson, Christina (HBS) <Christina.Pezrson@H'?S.G~V>;Gisi~is,
Bell, F-lly-con (IiES) I
Constantinos (AoA) <>; Zewert, Eric (E9S)
<Eric.Jewett@HHS.GOV>; Karr, Gary R. -(Ck!S) <>; turni? Il

<>; Badger, Jessica (FIBS) <Jessica.Badger@!!HS.GOV>; fiohnl~rod@aol.ccrc

<Johnlprod@aol. corn>; - ' b m --.Ju'.Fie ; L. (CMS) <Julie. Goon@cms. hhs . qov>; FIarrington,
--Kathleer.-- - .

--I,'1 "
' :-.,

M. (CMS) <Kathleen. Harringronkms. hhs .go* Dziak, Kathleen M. (CMS!

<>; <>;
Keans, Kevin (FIBSj <Kevin-:Keane@NHS.G O D ; KETKDerwinski (CMS ~ 0 n i i 5 )
<>; Petree, Kirsten (HHS) <Kirsten.Petree@EbS.UOV>; Kegler,
Elizabeth R. (CMS) <>; Martin, Lindsey B. (CbCS!
< l i n d s e y . m a r t i n @ c r n s . h h s ' ; - g o v > ; Sokol, Lisa Y. (CMS) <Lisa.Sokol@cms.hhs.go~~>; Pratt, Martha
(AOA) (CTR) <>; Corry, Martin A. (CMS) <>; - : - -
..,; Vyghes, Matt (HHS) <Matt.Hughes@HES .GOV?; m i c h a e l , , ~ u r p h y @ k e r c h u r ncom
<michael .murphy@ketchun.cox>; Reilly, Michael -(-HHS)<Michael.Reilly@-HHS.TV*;:-Cowad,
. 1
Patricia (HHS) <Fatricia.Conrad@HHS.GOV>; Maass, Stacie (HHS) <Sracie.Maass@HHS.GOV>;
. ..
Defrancis, Suzy C. (HHS) <Suzy. DeFrancis@BHS.GOV>; ~om@nahigianstracegies! com
CC: Jack McNeill <>; Molly Ccaan <mollycogan200i@yah00~com>; I <j@rnakeeff .corn>; cwall->; c&>
Senr: Sat.Jun 18 0 1 : 4 0 : 2 8 2005
. .
~ u b j e c t : ~Florida ~ ~ ~ ~ Tour . ~ S c h e d ~ l efor Secretary Leavitt - NS Versi-on .. .

Hello All, I

T have attached our latest (and final) schedule for rhe Secretary's FloriGs vlsic;
I hope
yol? find ic ~3 be helpful.


Mazthew !4lynarczyk

SerLior Consslcazr

N a h i ~ i a nStrzregies, LLC

Advocatus Group, LLC

499 S. Capiroi Streec, S.W. - Suite 502%

phone: 202-595-1530 -. . .. ---

Mobile: 703-623-2929

Changing Perceptions Through Effective Communications@

Help Is Here Script

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Garry Raim [GarryR@gkv.corn]

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 11:37 AM
To: Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS)
- Subject: RE: Help Is Here Script -
I.. .
Looks good for the :30 second spot: The :60 sec adds a few scenes. but won't be a~ringduring tnls f l ~ g h t .Gary
-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 10:48 AM

6r - , To: ~ a & : k a h . --
-Subject: RE: Help I s Here Script





I revised the video copy. Could you take a look and let me know if it's okay with you.
web team here.



-----Original Message-----
From: Carry Raim [mailto:GarryR@g]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, ZOO5 4:55 PM

To: Petree, ~ i r s t e " ' ( ~ l % / ~ ~ )

Subject: Help I s Here Script

Here you go
<<He@ Each Other TV rev2-FINAL.doc>>
- ----- .. --
Garry V. Raim - a

President, gkv direct

410.234.2474 (phone)
410.234.2448 (fax)
2 : . .

The Cascade Building

1030 Hull Street
Suite 400
Baltimore, MD 21230

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)


To :
Friday, August 12, 2005 9:28 AM
Allen, Barbara I. (CMSICBC); Bennett, Shawn T. (CMS); COHEN. SANDRA ( ~ M s )D~nrcolo.
- Kelly A. (CMS); Gutowski. Walter A. (CMS). Harrington. Kathleen M. (CMS): $elphenstine,
Patty A (CMS); HOLLAND. HEATHER (CMS); Jack, Kathleen M:(CMS), JON!, =S MEAGHAN
(CMS); Knutson, Kirsten M. (CMS); Koepke. Christopher P. (CMSICBC). Marshall. Stephanie
A (CMS); MCGINLEY, PAUL (CMS); McMullan, Michael R. (CMS); ~ c ~ h i l l ~Regina
p s l (CMS):
Reilly, Thomas W (CMS); Rubenstein, Carol M. (CMSICBC); Simon. Beth (CMSICBC). Sokol,
Lisa Y. (CMS); Vale, Ann M. (CMSICBC); Wasserman, Erica (CMSICBC); Petlree. K~rsten
(HHSIOS); DeFrancis, Suzy (HHSIOS) 1
Subject: - FW: Ketchum Call Meetrng Notes 1

From: West, Dana [mailto:Dana.West@ketchurn.corn]

Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 9:24 AM
To: FALCONI, CINDY (CMSICBC); Dinicolo, Kelly A. (CMS); Gutowski, Walter A. (CMS); Harrinlgton, Kathleen M.
(CMS); Koepke, Christopher P. (CMS/CBC); Petree, Krrsten (HHS); Marshall, Stephanie A. (CMS); Garry Ram;
jeffm@gkv.corn; Laura Salerno
Cc: KETKDenvlnsk~(CMS c'o&ct); Marquis, Becky; Murphy, Michael
Subject: Conf Call Notes

Good morning. Attached are the notes from this week's Wednesday conference call. Please 'let me know if you ..

have any questions. .:+--M-. -.. ;.;'

Have a good weekend, dana, x
1 -- --


FROM: Ketchum

RE: Task Order 23: Weekly Copference Call

n - --
. . . . - - .-
- I
The following is a summaiy of the weekly conference call meeting whic.h. to&-$'%n. .
.- -.
. --
Weddesday- August 13; 200Fat 2 p.m. The following people panicipated-in the heelin.: ;-:

Suzy Defrancis. CMS Dana Lauren West. KetchumI
Kirsten Petree, CMS Michael Murphy. Ketchum
Kathleen Harrington, CMS Garry Raim, GKV
Stephanie Marshall, CMS Jeff Millman
Chris Koepke, CMS Laura Salerno, GKV
Walt Gutowski;"C;MS
Cindy Falconi, CMS
Erica Wasserman, CMS
Kim Denviqkj, Kgtckurn

Advertising 1 -

"Help is Here" TV ad in final phase of production. Will begin air;&

ueek o n ;
Print ad concepts were distributed and discussed. The two sets of creative were ..
deSigned to speak to Medicare beneficiaries and caregivers, and integateh recent
-- ---- I
focus gmup research. The ads for beneficiaries described milestones in the-- --- =
individual's life. the most recent milestone being that they had decided onI a new
Medicare plan. The ads designed to speak to caregivers ask that those who how
Medicare beneficiaries help those seniors get what they're entltled to with respect
to the new coverage: another ad. designed more for the adult children of seniors to
remind their parents to check out the new plan. The creative executions were well
-- received and next steps are outlined belom.
The photo concept for the cover of the Parade insert was approve& a photo shoot
is being scheduled.
The celebrity pairings ad concept for the second TV ad has been put aside. gkv is
preparing new creative of the second TV ad that is set to run in the fall. At
meeting for Wednesday at 1 :30p is being scheduled whereby gkv will present
their storyboards to CMS. !
The final touches are being put on the tracking sunley. It's scheduled 113 :
beginning Friday. 12 August. and will consist of telephone intenieus
The final focus group report on the Parade insert is due shortl! . Alan 3, e\
Research provided several briefings on findings. Those results u ill be 'Fac r
into other creative components of the campaign like the print ads. the rrlat~
that the Central Office is preparing for the regions. etc.
CMS expects to measure the following 5 concepts:
1) Awareness of new drug coverage
2) Intent to enroll .,
3) Two knowledge items: a) you have to join and b) its for everyone
- 4) Recall of having seen@s/information in a) television. b) print mec'iaI. a
. k - - _I
mail (specifically from plans) -- -
- -t
5) Two conversati~n~items: a) having had a conversation and b) fiat it i s E
talk with others concerning the coverage.

Next Steps-Advertising
gkv will provide second round of print concepts on 8/12. The ads inclu de two
reworked concepts for caregivers; and on for the beneficiaries. CMS w ill provide
final approval next week.
gkv will sckdule a photo shoot for the Parade insert cover.
gkv will pres&t the initial creative concept for the second TV ad that ni l / run in
the fall. The meeting is scheduled for W.ednesday, 17 August. 1 :30-3:O0P

Ketchurn is working with gkv on timelines print, radio. and second TV Ot.
gkv wiIl'pBvide 'ifiitial thoughts on print and radio ad buys.
- .- .
Next Steps-Research
CMS and VCR putting the finishing touches on the tracking survey.
The surveywill commence on Friday, 12 August.
CMS and VCR will provide reports as appropriate.
- - .*-. .. . .
, . ..
.- ..
- :
Next Steps-Bus Tour
Ketchum will update press materials to reflect next leg of tour. I

Ketchum will continue to provide media support as appropriate

Now that the Getting Started brochures are available for distribution. CMIS will
send materials directly to the hotels for placement on bus once Ketchur" I ~rovides
.. ... the contact info.
.. .

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Dzu Bul [DBul@AdCouncll org]

Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 10 42 AM
To: Petree, K~rsten(HHSIASPA)
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSAIOA), Deborah Le~ter
Subject: Mental Health Nat~onalAnt1 St~gmaCampagln (NASC) TV Rough Cuts


Good mornlng I hope you are well It's been qu~teaWhlle Mark asked me to send you the I ~ t aHealth
TV rough cuts-for your rev~ewlapproval
& -
-- .-

- G r e T d ~ da fantastic job produclngthree excellent TV spots whlch delver aga~nskjhecampalg qecwe-to -'
encourage 18-24 year olds to step up end support fr~endsthey know are experlenclng d ment ealth- problem - -..

Please visit: (username: dzu, password: bui) to view the rough cut: Ince logged In to
the FTP site, you will see a folder labeled "Mental Health Rough Cuts for OASPA" - inside arc Jr QulckTlme

Friends REV Compl

Video Game
a Doorknob A (door stays closed at the end) - CRC preference
Doorknob B (door ope&at the end of the spot)
If you have any questions or difficulties opening the files, please give me a call

Thank you. ..ircrU.C . -... ....--.

.. .. .
Assistant Campaign Manager ( The Advertis~ngCouncil
261 Madison Avenue! 11th Floor I New York; NY 10016
P: 212.984.1935) F: 212.922.1676 1 E:
.. . .-
. .. ... .--
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Weber. Mark (SAMHSAIOA)

Sent: Thursday, October 05. 2006 10:52 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Subject: Re: Mental Health National Anti Stigma Campagin (NASC) TV Rough uts

K i r s t e n - l o n q s r - o r y s i t ~ a t i c ni s ~ ~ r o ~ : i ? -- -..
. : ...
. . .
. ---:
, .. ..,L -;.er a:
- e:.2e: : : .
L O r n e e n e r g e r z y rooF. i a s r
, .
a n d I ' s s z ~ l -zr - = s z : z ~ l :..;:rc .:.: .-
h c l d i n q up t h e wcrKc I a s k e c Dzc t o s e n d f i l e s r o 1.13: 3 : r r z z l h . . 1 5- u----;

assessment. We a r e srill w c r k i n p oc; same i s s u e s - k 3 ~ e - : c r I r:.:~.i L:

your r e a l . So h a v e a t i x a n d :hanks:

----- O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: Dzu Eui
Tc: P e r r e e , -,.
r.;rsren (BHS/LS?A;
C C : Weber, Mark (S.ZLMSSA/OA); Deborah i e i r e r
S e n t : Thu Oct 05 1 0 : 4 1 : 5 2 2006
S u b j e c t : Men=&l H e a l z h N a t i c n a l A n t i S t i g m a Campagin (SASC) TV R o u c t Cx:

d? .<
\ ...
Good m o r n i n g . I hope you a r e w e l l . I t ' s b e e n q u i r e a w h i l e . Mar:k askc
t h e M e n t a l 8ealZki NASC TV r o u g h c u r s f c r y o u r r e v l e w / a p p r o v a l .

G r e y d i d a f a n t a s t i c j o b producing t h r e e e x c 2 l l e 7 . r TV s p o t s which 3el:v:

c a m p a i g n o b j e c t i v e t o e n . z o u r a g e 1 6 - 2 4 y e a r o i a s t c s t e p up a n c sy?;or: ;
a r e e x p e r i e n c i n g a mencal h e a l t k pr3biem.

i 1
I w
Please v i s i t : !- i . -
-- .- ..
r o u g h c u t s . Once - l o g g e d .j.c t o t h e F T ? - s l t e , y o u z - - w : i ~ s e e 2 f o l d e r :.l a b..e :
- , .
- i n s i d e a r e f o u r Q.;i,i;ii;r,e
. ,-.

F r i e n d s REV Compl
l i i d e o Garr.2
Do.srknoS A ( d o o r s c a y s c l o s e d a: =he e x d ! - '--
Lx, Cr"f'rEr,e
Bocrknob S ( d o o r o p e n s a: t h e e n 5 cf z h c s p c z )

I f you h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s o r d i f f i c u l z i e s c p e n i n g t h e f i l e s , p i e a s s rji v l

Thank y o u .

Obesity Prevention: Meeting with Secretan. Leavitt and CEOS

From: Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA) [mailto:Ellen.Field@HHS.GOV]

Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 '10:57 AM
To: Kristin Hajinlian

Cc: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: Obesity Prevention: Meeting with Secretary Leavitt and CEOS

Kristen, - - - .-
" t i r e Gill havr to meet nith the Secretan. and outline our proposed meeting a n d i t s attend,
-' .gettius a
proposed date on the calendar. -Sorry,i-wish there \\-as a-n easier way. . . -
-. .
To prepare for that meeting, I \\ill use the proposed agenda that you sent over last weel;. t recei\.ed an!.:
major changes to it from Sheila and Penny: in concept. it is good for no\\-. I n.ould like to lcnt that ; i g c ~ i d ~
with a listing of proposed attendees (CEOs). and an!. description of the part they will pla! nitiati1.e.
I am sure that I ill also need to brief the Secretary on our progress \\ith the online lidec 1,ast I
remember, !.ou going to send me a write-up, so I call confer with our General Counsel an Irance for that
activity. When might I receive that write-up?

C =

From: Kristin Hajinlian [mailto%~ajinlian@~d~ounci[.or~]

Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:07 PM
To: Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA)
Subject: Obesity Preve-aiqg m e t k g with 'Secretary Leavitt and CEOS

.: .-
Hi Ellen.

I just wanted to follow up and see if you have any potential dates for the meeticg with thc 3ry during the
first week in December. Dreamworks is also checking availability. but we want to make ! can also get the -- -. .
meeting on Peggy Conlon's calendar. . .- .-.
.-. . . . . .~.

.- ..
.- -,.

Please let me know if you have updates.


. . . ,... . .

Kristin Hajinlian I Campaign Manager
The Advertising Council
p 212.984.1956)f 212.922.1676
Follow up

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Kristin Hajinlian /KHajinlian@AdCouncil.orgJ

sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 12:44 PM
To: Fie\d, Ellen (HHSIASPA)
Cc : Petree, Kirsten (HHS1ASPA);- Heidi Arthur; Amanda Samponaro
Subject: RE: Follow up - documents for call at 1pm
Attachments: Secretary CEO Meeting Draft Agenda 9 22.doc: Obesity Prevention Partnersh

- Hi Ellen, K~rsten,

m t e i i t i a l invitees by the end of next week.

. . . ........ .
~ t t a c h e dis a draft agenda for the CEO me@+ng.As I mentioned on Tuesday, we will follow up L
.- -- -.
-. .- .. --- - -- --
- --. . . . ...
Also attached is a recommendation for co-branding opportunities that we d~scussedwith Drear Jorks yesterday

This relates to your question about the items that we currently having funding to produce.

We can talk through each of the questions below and both of these documents at 1pm


From: Field, Ellen (HHS/ASPA) [mailto:Ellen.Field@HHS.GOV]

Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1.:.33PM
To: Kristrn Hajinlian
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/ASPA)

Subject: Follow up
...... ,. . . . .
G o d afternoon Kristin-; .-
. -
As a follow up to our conference call last week, I wanted to get an idea on our timing for the foll ,ving items:

CEO Meeting

When pou will be able to send me Ad Council thoughts/stratep. document for the CEO meetin;
.. ..
Will that include a timetable and target date for the meeting?

Will that include a s u m m a n list of CEOs that we would like to include?

Shrek Campaign

I will need a s u m m a n piece on how. we are evaluating the smallsteps campaign and how we int ~d to evaluate the
success of the Shrek component

Estimate of the cost of the print campaign and any other components that currently do not hav funding
Follow up

Adding a new topic, I want to continue our discussion of the vs. HealthierUS.go\ 3 u r \l'eb srx?
has delivered some advice in support of the HealthierUs option and I thought of a solution thal la!. be m o r e
palatable with you and Anthony.

I don't want to h u r your

~ creative process, but I need to be sure we are on top of all the pieces n these prolect-

Ellen Field

D e p u p Assistant Secretaxy for -

Public Affairs (Policy and Strategy)

C.S. Department of Health and Human Senices

Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPAI 1
From: Kristin Hajinlian [KHajinlian@AdCounciI org]
Sent: Friday. September 22 2006 10 39 AM
To: Petree Klrsten (HHSIASPA)
Cc : Anthony S~gnorelli
Subject: RE change conf call t ~ m etoday

hie 2re OS for Lars. "L

c ~ r .z z l l >ds :
.. ,
. ? -
&-;. Y : : . -:::.

-- ---
Sen:: 'riciay, September 2 2. ,-2 9-9-6- 2 : 5 ; as! ... . -
TO: Kristin calinlian-
Cc: Signorelli
Subjecz: chance cczf call:.-,ime :o&y

. ,
Can we chance o c r c ~ l ltoday fcr elrner 1 or 3 p ~ ?5 l l e ~z z r ' -- iT!2 .<e = c
earlier Lime now.
Creative Video Contest: Rough Proposal

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

- -

From: Kristin Hajinlian []

Sent: Friday, August 11.2006 4:46 PM
To: Field. Ellen (HHSIASPA); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Cc : Anthony Signorelli: Amanda-Samponaro; Jillian Weinstem
Subject: Creative Video Contest: Rough Proposal
Attachments: Creative Video Contest ldeas youtube 8 11.doc

- Hi Ellen, Kirsten, <..

~ t t a c h e dfor you; reviehis the rough contest proposal. AS I mentioned yesterday ~ o u ~ u is

have follow up conversations with Yau-hbe early next week and also with some-potentlal.ven
manage the logistics of the contest, including rules and regulations. prize awards and judg~ng
y i t h ' U s . f o r the contest, but we don't have the details included in the proposal at this point. We
board to partner
;.pla_nning tp
s who will
eria ...
. .
- --

We will touch base on Monday if we receive any additional information from vendors that migl e useful for your
meeting with the Secretary.

Have a great weekend


<<Creative Video Contest ldeas youtube 8 Il.doc>>

Re: Small Step

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Thursday, August 10,2006 6:12 PM
To : Shisler, Jessica (CDCICCHPINCCDPHP)
Cc : Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPAJ-
Subject: RE: Small Steps = Evaluation7
Attachments: Obesity Prevention Campaign One Pager 8-10-O6.doc


Please see the attached document, which may be helpful.
.- -
- --
'iFhamts. .. . . -
Anthony .. .. . ... ... ..

From: Shisler, Jessica (CDC/CCHP/NCCDPHP) []

Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 10:42 AM
To: Anthony S~gnorelli
Cc: Petree, Kirsten ( 0 s )
Subject: RE: Small Steps - 'IkTuation?

Thanks Anthony, that would be great Can you also prov~dea couple sentences on the evaluat~onso I have ~tIn
my arsefial7
Thanks, d
. --.
.++A+. -

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Wednesday, August09, 2006 10:36 AM
To: Shisler, Jessica (CDC/CCHP/NCCDPHP) I

CC: Petree, Kirsten (0s); Pearson, Christina (0s)- ~.

.. --
Subject: RE: Small Steps - Evaluation? .- . .. . .. .-, -. -. -.

We can glve Vlv~caa call dlrectly to prov~dethe necessary ~nformat~onWe've worked w ~ t hher before as part
of our Coal~t~on
for Healthy Ch~ldrenproject


From: Pearson, Christina (HHSIASPA) [mailto:Christina.Pearson@HHS.GOV]

Sent: Wed~esday,August 09, 2006 9:39 AM
To: Shisler, Jessica (CDC/CCHP/NCCDPHP); Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Subject: RE: Small Steps - Evaluation?

Hey Jessica - Thanks for cc'ing me. I'm not involved in the Small Steps program anymore ant I'd ask that you
keep Kirsten Petree in mind for future messages like t h ~ sas she's now our HHS lead Thanks or th~nkingof ust
Re: Small Step Pas? - ol
T .-..

-- - -- -- - - -- .

From: Shisler, Jess~ca(CDC/CCHP/NCCDPHP)

Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 9:35 AM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Pearson, Chrlst~na(H HSIASPA)
Subject: FW: Small Steps - Evaluation?

HI Anthony.
Can you prov~delnformat~onto respond to the below questlon about the evaluat~onof tne Smal
Thank you,

--From: ~ r a a k viuica-[mailto:~~raak@nas.~&]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:51 AM
To: Shisler, ~essica(CDC~'CCHP~NCCDPHP)
Cc: Liverman, Cathy; Cohen, Jessica
Subject: RE: Small Steps - Evaluation?

Dear Jessica,

Would you be able to provide me with any information about whether and ho\+ the Small Steps nd Small Steps
for Kids initiatives are being evaluated?
Thank you.

.............................. .,:,-.

.. . ..-
Vivica Kraak
Senior Program Officer
Institute o f Medicine
The National Academies
. . . S O D Fifth Street, NW..Keck 738.. .
- ... ..-. -
Washington, D C 2000i"
Phone: (202) 334-2928
Fax: (202) 334-23 16

--- - --- -. -- .-.- .. .. ... .. . , .. ... . .. . .. . .... . . . .. .. .. -. .. . .. . .... . .. .. ... ....... -.

FromrKohl, Harold (Bill) (CDC/CCHP/NCCDPHP) [mailto:]

Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 8:16 AM ._..
.. .
To: Kraak, Vivica;
Cc: Liverman, Cathy; Cohen, Jessica; Shisler, Jessica (CDC/CCHP/IVCCDPHP)
Subject: Re:. .Small Step

Hi Vivica:

Not sure about this one. but am referring you to Jessica Shisler (copied on email). She's with Steps pgm ~dcan get you
\there you need to go.

Re: Small Step

Bill Kohl
Physical Activity and Health Branch
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta. Georg~a- USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Kraak, Vivica <>
To: <>: Kohl. Harold (Bill) (CDC;CCHP:%CCDPHP) <h eAC
CC: Liverman. Cathy <>; Cohen. Jessi'ca <>

Qlt - Sent: Tue Aug 08 -I 1 :58:59 2006 Small Step --
. .
- ---

Rick and Bill:

1 am working on another IOM study on Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity that we plan to relea:;e irI DC September
13. It's a flu to the IOM report, Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance. We are finishing UP a feu fact checks

Can you provide a contact at CDC or D H H S O D P H P so we can confimi whether and what n,pe of eval~ uar I on is being
conducted for the Small Step ( ' O \ k i d s indes.cfm
and Small Step Kids! (littp:~~\v\v\r..smallstep.; )..
initiatives that are a component of the DHHS Steps to a HealthierL'S Cooperative Agreement Program?
..'d. - .-. ....-.

Thanks. 4

Vivica . . .*
- -- - . ..

*************** ..

Vivica Kraak
Institute of Medicine
The National Academies
500 Fifth Street. NW. Keck 738
Washington. DC 20001
Phone:.-'('202) 334-2938 . -
Fax: (202) 334-23 16

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

-. -. ...... . ......-...............-

Anthony Signorelli []

.- -
. -.

Sent: Thursday. August 10. 2006 6:08 PM

Cc : Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPAL Heidi Arthur,
Subject: Ad Council Camp-a~gnEvaluat~onMater~als8 Coal~tlonResearch
AHxhrnentr: Yankelovich Presentation 07.13.05 FinaLpdf: Obestiy Prevention Evaluation durnrnary 6-1 G-
O6.doc; Obesity Prevention Campaign One Pager 8-10-O6.doc


1P, -
Attache@,please find the fallowing materials-
. - ..

- Summary of research conducted by. Yankelovich on behalf of the Ad ~ o ~ n c i h - ~ o for

a ~~i 2t ai i~i h~y T h i i d r i n
.- .- .

initiative ..
- U.S. Department of Health 8 Human Services Small Steps campaign evaluation summary
- U.S. DHHS Small Steps cam'paign overview

You can visit for more information about the Coalition or
http:/lwwv,adcou~~l..org1defa.u_lttaspx?~d=54 for the PSA campaign.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any further questions or if you would like any additiobal information
that might be helpful to you 3ndJour team
Best Regards,
:*..-.. ... ..;.;L. . . . . ....
Anthony Sipnorellil V.P.. C a m p a i ~Director I The .\dveriisinp C o u n c i l
261 M a d ~ s o nAve. I N e w York, New York 10016
.. -P: (212) YW-1989 I E: dsijinorelli?adcouncil.or$ . .-
Pas? 1 of I

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Amanda Samponaro []

Sent: Thursday. October 05. 2006 9.45 AM
To : Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA)
Cc: Kristin Hajinlian; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Subject: Obesity PSA talent renewal

I t was a pleasure meeting you yesterda?.. I hope t h k you had a quick and safe trip homr .As !.ou ma!
know the Chfldhoad Obesity PreventionTV PSAs are expiring this month and the -4dc TI'and:radio
- w o r k w i l l be expiring in the ne,xt couplebf months. Kristin and I have r-erie\ved all of. :. \ J : Q - ~and, r he
placement they have received and-based upon their performance have decided to-~enev le follo\vinf
PSAs for another year. The cost to renew the work is within our talent rene\val budset 'lease ler me -
know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

TelevisLon Reneyals
Belly English: 30 :25 : l 5 ;.,'
Bell? Spanish: 30 :25 : 15 .
Chin: 30 :25 :15
Love Handles: 30 :25 : 15
Thunder Thighs: 30 : I S ' '" - "
Spare Tire: 30 :1 5
Birds: 30 :25 :15 . -
Bullseye: 30
Grandpa English30 :25 :15
Grandpa Spanish; 30 : 15
--. --.i:
.... -
Radio Renewals -- .... .
d a
. -.-

Long Distance Dedication: 60

Grocery Store: 3 0 2 5
Swimming Enilish: 30 :25
Walking Spanish :60 :55
Vegetables Spanish :60 :55
. , 1

Amanda N .Samponaro-Assistant Campaign Manager.. -.'

The Adyenising Council
261 Madison Avenue
1 I th Floor
NY.NY 10016
pli: 212.1)K4,1~)c)1
f': 2 12.022. I670
Psge 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Amanda Samponaro [ASamponaro@P.dCounc~Iorg]

Sent: Tuesday. October 03. 2006 3.18 PM
To: Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA); Petree. K~rsten(HHSIASPA!
Cc: Kristin Hajinlian
Subject: Call in number for Friday's call

Ellen and Kirsten.

- Belob is the call in number and pass code for ou;call on Frida! at 2 p.m.



-. - . .. --
- --
- - --

call in number: 866-32 1-0 1 59

passcode: 188 137%

Amanda N.Samponaro-Assistant Campaign Manager

;!. . .. The Advertising Council
-4.: . 261 Madison Avenue
1 1th Floor
NY.NY 100 16
L+*- -&,-. --. ... -. ph: 2 12.(984.I90 I
f 2 l2.(922.I676
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Amanda Samponaro [ASamponaro@AdCounc~lorg]

-- -- -..-........ I .-

Sent: Monday, October 02.2006 5 23 PM

To : Petree, Klrsten (HHSIASPA), F~eld,Ellen (HHSIASPA)
Cc : Kr~stinHaj~nllan -

Subject: RE Creatlve Br~ef -

Oka? let's stick with 2 p.m. on Friday

Amanda h'.~am~onaro:~ssisranrCampaign Manager

2, - --
. .

. . . . . . . .
The Advertising Council
26 I ~ a d i ~ Avenue
1 I th Floor - --. -.
. .
NY.h'Y 100 16
pli: 3 l2.!)84. I ( N i
f: 3 12.412.1676

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJASPA) [mailto:Kirsten.Petree@HHS.GOV]

Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 5:15 PM
To: Field, Ellen ( ~ ~ S / ~ S ~ ~ ) i ' ~ cSamponaro
Cc: Kristin Hajinlian
Subject: RE: Creative Br~ef
-,*..-,.,.. .. ..:.&,.. - .. . . . . . . .
same with me... .
. -2- --I . - -
From: Field, Ellen (HHSJASPA)
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 5:14 PM
To: 'Amanda Samponaro'; Petree, Kirsten (HHSJASPA)
Cc: Kristin Hajinlian
. -.;- .
. Subject: RE: Creative Brief
. .~. - -
.- . . .. ............
. .~.- .... -.
No, I can't do 12:30. I could do 2 o r 4 011 Thursday. But Friday is wide open ...

From: Amanda Samponaro []

Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 5:11 PM
To: Pie_tyee, Kirsten (HHSJASPA); Field, Ellen (HHSJASPA)
Cc: Kristin Hajinlian
Subject: RE: Creative Brief

Ellen and Kirsten,


I was wondering if you all would actual]!. be able tc meet on Thursda! instead? Does ~ h u r s d o )at 12:30
p.m. uork for you all?

Please let me h o ~ ~ .

Amanda N.Samponaro-.4ssisrant Campaign 'clanager

The Advenising Council
36 1 Mad~son.4venue
I I th Floor
NY.NY 100 16
- ~~:!~~~,adc.ouncjl.oyg
pi): 2 ! ~ . Q s -i IQ Q ;
1: 2 !3.G2_7.16'6

-- - .. .


From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJASPA) [mailto:Kirsten.Petree@HHS.GOV]

Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 4:03 PM
To: Field, EII&~(HHS/ASPA);Amanda
Cc: Kristin Hajinlian
. . Samp'bnaro
- - -. . .. ..
- -- ..
Subject: RE:-Creative Brief - .
- * - - ..~ ....
. ,
. -.--
.- -
. - -

From: Field, Ellen (HHSJASPA)

Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 4:03 PM
To: 'Amanda Samponaro'
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/ASP,A); Kristin Hajinlian
Subject: RE: Creative Brief <% "

I'm free at 1 or 2.

From: Amanda Samponaro []

Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 3:15..PM
To: Field, Ellen (HHSJASPA)
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJASPA); Kristin Hajinlian
Subject: Creative Brief

._ ____
._ . Ellen. . . .
-- .
. - .
.. ..~- I -.

1 hope you had a nice weekend. We would like to walk !ou and Kirsten through the crdati\,e brief for . .

the next round of PSAs. along with McCann. and \\,anted see what !our availabilit! is oh Friday
October 6. We are all free from Noon until the end of the d a y Please let me know if ad! time in there
will work for both of you and I will set up a call in number.
... -" -
Thank you,

Amanda N.Samponaro-Assisrant Campaign Manager

The Advenising Council
26 1 Madison Avenue
1 I th Floor
NY.NY 10016
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Amanda Samponaro []

Sent: Fr~day.September 29. 2006 11:03 AM
To : Field. Ellen (HHSIASPA)
Cc : Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA); Anthony-Signoielli: Krist~nHajinltan. Hetdi Ar!h
Weinstein; Davit, Cecilia (NYC-ME); Christie, E r ~ n(NYC-ME)
Subject: First Quarter 2006 Donated Media Analyses and Reports - Obesity and Chilc ~ o Obesity
Attachments: Obesity 1 QO6 .doc; Childhood Obesity 1Q06 .doc: 1Q06 Childhood Obesity
1Q06 Obesity Prevention.xls .

........... -. 'I-.- . - .- . .
- .
- --
Please find attached for your review the donated media analyses and reports for the ad : and !.outh. ..-
Obesip Prevention campaigns for first quarter (January - March) 2006. I'm happ!. to I )on it \\.as
another strong quarter for both of our campaigns and am pleased to share the results \\ I !,ou. Please
feel free to call me should you have any questions regarding the reports or if !.ou \you1 like to discuss
them in further detail.

Kind Regards,

..iC.III.Oh..... Amanda N.Samponaro-Assistant Campaign Manager

The Advertising Council
261 Madison Avenue
-. ... . . .-.-
1 lth Floor
NY.NY 10016
.- w~v\
ph: 2 12.984.It)') I
,+ 1: 3 l3.933.1670
. . .- . . .
- * . . . . .. ..
. .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Amanda Samponaro [ASamponaro@AdCour,]
Sent: Wednesday. August 16. 2006 3:42 PM
To: Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA); Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Cc : Kristin Hajinlian; Anthony Sgnorelli ..

Subject: Obesity Prevention Daypart Dispersion

Attachments: OP 8 COP Daypart Dispersions.xls

- Ellen and Kirsten,


. -
- .
please find attached a break down of the daypart dispersions for ~ h .Adult
Obesity Preyention campaigns.for Braadcast tele\.ision (in English and in Spanish). BL\.
charts you can see that the ~ ~ .are i performing
s extremely \ ~ e l and
e an~i.:,~.o~~al-~tt~!,
-1ooki:ng a~ the attactlri!
o\.er half of all spots are ;-unning outsid~,of'
. .

the o\.ernight daypart. Please. let me kno\v if I can pro\.ide you \\.ith an! other information regarding the PS:\
campaign. Feel free to call m e with any questions.

Kind Regards,

" :-:-.Amanda N.Samponar-o-.%ssistant Campaign hlanager
The .\d\.ertising Co~lncil
% 61 hladison .%\.enue
1 1 th Floor
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: F~eld,Ellen (HHSIASPA)

Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 3 33 PM
To: Petree, Klrsten (HHSIASPA)
Subject: FW. Ad Council Modificat~onfor41902
Attachments: 41902 Mod 4-Slgned pdf

For ?our records ...

From: -Hall, Bill .(HHS/ASPA)

,-!a: .Friday, ~epte-mber 15, 2006 3:05 PFl'
To: Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA) ..
- --
- -.

Subject: FW: Ad Council Modification-for 41902

do you know what this is for? "

From: Friddle, Timothy []

Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 2:58 PM
To: Hall, Bill (HHS/ASPA);
Subject: Modification for 41902
Attached is modification 4 for contract 41902 for incremental funding. Please let me know of questions or ,...


Contract Specialist
GovWorks Federal Acquisition Center
Phone: 703-787-1225
. .-

Modification 04

National Business Center, Gov Works (franchise)

381 Elden Street, MS-2510
Hemdon, Virginia 20170-481 7
coo€ 7 A W l N ~ B v m c ~ c r - - 6 :

Tim Fnddle Contract SpeOai1.9

F: 703-787-1106

8 NAME AN0 AKRESS OF COKTReiCTOR I&. Stre?l-, cwny. Sae an@L'P Cme;
The Advertising Council. Inc
261 Madison Ave DUNS: /q TIN: 9
E. DATED mir r r j
I;. 7
4, - -..
. .
New YO*, NY 10016-2303
Attn: Anthony Signorelli.
Phone: 212-984-1989-

.. -- FAULITY c m
. -.. !
l o + M m F I C 4 T 1 3 4 )7

x. 1435-04-05,C.T-42902-
- --
lC-5 D e F D F I T l d l
6 - -"'
' p v ~ t t ~~

~ ~ 6 ~



iebnrary '31 2005 T . ..

T b e b a v e n-ad M i m kamanlnd a d
Mess rnusl p e recmpl d t h i s amendment prior b the h w r and dam specifed m the
(a) By cornpleling h s 8 and 15, and rduming one (1)
M (c) By separate leller or telegram which Includes a reference to the dcitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE
REcEtvsn AT TYF m ~ DESIGNATED m FDR TWE neeelpr OF w p m mlan TO nnr I~OURN DATA S P ~ ~ ~ P I MY W K ~ S IN~ REJECTION
YOUR OFFER. K by Hfiue c4 th16a m a d d pu desire to
te@- or I M w mb. r e f e r a n lo Um .did*Dn and this.-n*n,
m offer alrsady submitted. u r h change may be made by telegram or bner. provded eech
aUxl is l a d *.x to the opninp hour and ddb s p d l i d .
~ I
6-58-250dR57 OC: ,252J Obligate: $1,000.000.00

(1) A

I; - .:
B THE ABOVE NUMEERED WNIRACTIDRDER rr c h a m ,n psvrnp onto ep,rdonatm dam st-J SEI
IS MGOIFIED TO REFLECT THE A W I 5 l R A T I M CHANGES l ~ w n . . -.. . -.
FORTH IN mu 1 4 . ~ T O ' T H E ~ ~ O R N a 103la)
0 OWER Spea* me ol d r a t r o n .na aumonty) I _-
FAR 52.232-18 Availability of Funds

-1 - -
E IMPORTANT Contractor X IS not, IS required to slpn t h ~ sdocument and return 1 c o p l e s to the I S % I J I ~nRce

14 DESCRIPTION DF AMENDMENIl?@3IFICATbW (apenwdby UCF aakm kac%g¶ n j u O n g s o + c + e m svOFnmalkr w h s e l w r b b I

This modification is issued to add incremental fund~ngto order 41902 for the ~ e p a r t m e nof
t Health and
Human ~ e G i c e s . 1 -
Funding isherebyadded to this o 6 e r as indicated:
Prev~ousNTE Amount
Increase as a result of Modificatron 04
$ 1,000,000.00
i -- - -

New Adjusted TgMlNTE through Modification 11 $2,799,308.00

Electronic Invoicing will b e used to submit all invoices - www oovpav.sov (see page 3 of this
- &

€&4 n pmnced -n a1 m i d
m'. d tba ooarmm r e t c m c r . !n 5A v 1 0 A n n r s - cnan(ud r-,m bncna- arc in h-l l m q a n d Mac:)
$!i4 VAME A'+> TITLE O= SGYFR I TW ~t7.ln'l :St 6lhME &C T -.T Or C t 3 1 m C ~ 1 1 + '5
--FICER I TICIC. Y ~ n n l ,

Sharon E Hallinan 1
1 4,902
It is estimated that the total cost to the Government for full performance of this effort will b e a Cost Plus
Fixed Fee amol~ntof $7,844,515.00 for the Base year and four (4) option yeers. .

Total funds currently available and allotted to this project are $2,799,308.00
The Govemment shall not be obl~gatedto re~rnbursethe Contractor for costs In excess of q e current
allotment, nor will the Contractor be obl~gatedto conunue pertorrnance and Incur costs In excess of the
amount allotted
TO date, the Period of Performance#ir this effort Task #2 is through May 15, 2007.
C t - - - --- --I
Contract History Table: .. -- _r -

Info Performance:
Of / Bare Ceiling i Cumulative
I Np9.p
- - -- --

Task #'
02/14/05- 1

Task #3
Date of ophon
exercise' NTE
12montns .:.! , .
I /Q ;: /' I
Date of option %
Task #4 1 exercisewNTE ." ,

12 months
Date of option
Task #5 exercise'm - --'-..'-.
12 months
NTEGmnd Totals . S7.844.515.00 1 I . _i-

'Optional tasks must be exercised no later than as follows:

- -
Task 2 10101/2006;Task 3 1W0112007;Task 4 1010112008;Task 5
.- -
- - 1010112009
Funding History:-. , .-

1 Modlflcat~on2
I Al
1 Modification 3 1 PA05AOCOUNC1L01
! Modificatron 4 I PAO6ADCOUNClLOl
! Total Funding to 1 I

COTR: Bill Hall, bill.hall@hhs.~ov202-69&6,343

1 4,902
For Conttart Questions: Contact Tlm ~ r i d d k703-787-12251
- Tirnothy.FriddI@rnrns.oor 1,


- - ---
. . . . -
"ELECTRONIC INVOICE SUBMISSION: For GovPay information, invoice submission, and' dnli6 - -.--.
- -.
. The GovPay Help Desk is prepared to an~wer
training, please go to www.govoq..~~v yo"4 quesfions. -. ...

Please contact them at HelpDesk@~ovpav.~ov or call the GovPay Team's phone number at 703-787-

Invoices will be paid upon approval and acceptance by the Government COTR. lndoices must
include, as a minimum, the following informationfor each individual:
1) Name
2) Billing Period Covered for services performed
3) Productive Direct Labor Hours
4) ..:Cabor Category
5) t%3"rly Rate

a Payments u n d ~ ~ ~ ~ , o @ be q ydue dl
i I l 30 calendar days after the date of actual receipt proper--:
invoice in the office designated to receive the original invoice or final acceptance of the goods or
services, whlcnever is later.
. .-

b. The date of the check issued in payment or the date of payment by wire transfer t;hrouph the
Treasury Financial
.- Communications System shall be considered to be the day payment is -.

made. . .. ...
... .- -
- -..- . . c Final invoice..,~Uponacceptance of pmducts ai~dl&aDmpletionof services. .the cc/nbactor =-
shall submit a final invoice, designated as such by clear statement of "FINAL INVOICE" on ..
the face of the invoice document; and certification that all ~ o o d s
and services hav$ been
provided as required by the contract document along with a release of claims against the
government for any further payment under the order

t . -
. -. I . .


Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I

-- -- --.. ..
From: Field. Ellen (HHSIASPA)

Sent: Thursday. September 21. 2006 9:18 AM

To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Subject: RE: Ad CouncilIMental Health Campaign

Let's find a time to talk iji/him. The URL is not mycall. but he will 11al.e to appl!- t o ITSC a1

\\-cb for
.. --

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/ASPA)

Sent: ~ h u r s d a September
~, 21, 2006 9:lDAM
"A -To:.Tield, Ellen (HHSIASPA) .. - . .. - -.

Subject: FW.: Ad Council/Mental-Health Campaign ..

I think we should sit down with Mark Weber to talk to him about his URL ideas for his stigma cam1~ a i g nWhen do
you think you can do it?

Please read below, he's got a lot coming up. Exciting!

From: Weber, Mark (SAPIHSA/OA)

Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 6:17 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten ( H H S T A ~ A ""'
Subject: Ad Council/Mental Health Campaign
-. .. .. .-
.- -- . -
.. - .- . .-

We are planning on shooting the spots next week for the mental health campaign - Mental Illnessi : What a
Difference a Fr~endMakes. I will be on site. - Did you have a chance to bring up web site n8 ith Ellen????
Creative partnerships to get memorable name?
-. . -....
. .Also we.should have rough cuts for the underage-drinking-campaign soon. Ads are just ne t, and twist on


"in 9 years I'll be an alcoholic" theme from last year. .. . .. . .

- . .
I don't know if you know - w e are planning On rdeasing a SG call to action on prevention o,f under.age drinking 60
to 90 days - I1m.thinkingwe may be able to do a tie in.

Mark I
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA)

Sent: Tuesday, August 29.2006 6:27 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Subject: RE: AHRQ Ad Council ?

Just talked w t h S u n and we \rill ask thein to come ta one of our next nleetiilgs to prcscnt the n~~proacncs
discuss a better lead-in to transparent!,.

- . I,
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Sent: ~uesday,-~ugust 29, 2006 4:38 PM,- - -
"40:Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA) - -- . --. -=- --.,. .. - .. - .
Subject: RE:--AHRQAd Council-? - -- .=.:- ~- .. . , -- . . --..

Okay, I told him that you will have a brief window.

From: Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA)

Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:37 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
Subject: RE: AHRQ Ad Council ?
" \5.
Nope. It's on my list to run by Su? today, but we probably \%-on'tget to it until the iceel; of Sept 11 at the earliest.

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHStlA.SPA).+ - . -- .

Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:17 PM

To: Field, Ellen (HHSIASPA) . .w - : ;---

Subject: AHRQ Ad Council ?

-. - - -. - - .
Al Lazar just called me, andasked if you had a chance to discuss the Ad Counc~l'sPatlent Safe y campaign next
steps with Suzy. -,
. . . .
.- .*. ,

. -. -.

. ....
, - .-.


Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony S~gnorelli[]

Sent: Monday, January 30,2006 4:52 PM
To: Petree, K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Subject: RE. Peggy to be in D.C. on Monday (216)

Sounds good I'll glve you a call then.

Thanks much,

-----Original-Message---; --.-
Trom: ~etree,Kirsten (HHSJOS) .[] - -
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 3:41-BM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: Peggy to be in DL.on Monday (216)

Thanks, Anthony-

I basically cut and pasted your memo to Suzy, and I have no ~deaif she's even read it. but it'll be a good jumping
off point. An agenda would be greatly appreciated. Let's talk on Thursday.

-----Original Message-----


From: Anthony Signorelli []

'Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 3:30 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
subject: RE: Peggy to t3~ltYTl:C:m'Monday (216)

Sounds great, thanks! .. .. .. . ., .-


Heidi and I would like to join Peggy and hope that you will be there as well. We'd like to discuss the
Coalition project in greater detail, per the memo we shared last week.
- >
. ,
.... .
. . ,. Let me know if you'd like to discuss a bit further thisweek---Wecan put together an. . agenda to help keep
the meeting to the point.'2ust let me know. . . .. . -.-... - . - .- . -.-.

. . . ..

. .

-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS) [mailto:~irsten.~etree@
hh ~ . ~ o v ]
,.Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 3:14 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli . ..
Subject: RE: Peggy to be in D.C. on Monday (216)

Suzy said that she could meet with Peggy at 3:30 on Feb 6th. Does that work?

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 12:18 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS)
Subject: RE: Peggy to be in D.C. on Monday (216)

Ok, no worries if you can't swing it that day. I'm sure Peggy will be in town again
Just let me know,

-----0r1glnal Message-----
From: Petree, Klrsten (HHSIOS) []
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 12:17 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: Peggy to be In D.C. on Monday (216)

I'll let Suzy know We have the budget rollout that day, so we'll be really busy but li see if she will
have some time
-----Original Message-----
. . - -. -From: Anthony SignoceJi []
1~ -- ---. Sent: Monday, hnuarjl-30, 2006 12:06 PM .
. -.
To: Petree, K ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ { H H s / o s ) .. - . .AT-.

Subject: Peggy to be in D.C. on Monday (216)


I know you have been trying to schedule time with Suzy for a meeting in D.q.,
so I wanted to
let you know that Peggy will be down next Monday (216). If you and Suzy have 30 to 45
minutes, Peggy would love to come by anytime after 3:30pm to chat.

No worries if it can't happen, but I wanted to at least let you know of peggy8savailability. Let
us know,.if you think something might work out.
.. .
-.-. ....; ;
I - - ...
.'.'.-raC. . ..

Anthony Signorellil Campaign Direcror 1 The Advertisino Council
261 M a d ~ s o nAve New York. New York 1001 6
.- ----
1'. (2 1 2 ) 984- 1989; E a s ~ g n o r e l l ~ Q a d c o u nor<
Marvel and Scholastic Launch Ideas

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony S~gnorell~

Sent: Monday, January 30.2006 10 49 AM
To : Petree. K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Cc: Ellyn F~sher,Jenny Osterhout
Subject: Latest Ch~ldhoodObes~tyPrevention Press Act~v~ty
Importance: Hlgh

GYlVlR w ~ lbe
l pitching the press in the following ways'io promote the launch of our Scholast~c gram and tne
. . ontine-Small
. .- Step Challenge: - -
. .-
' b . - .
- . - . . . .-- -- -.
Small Step Challenge Contest Launch .... . .
--. .
- --
-- GYMR will directly reach children ages 6-11 to encourage them to log on zii enter the. -.-

contest by sending a press release announcing contest details to media outlets iat cater to
this target group.
-- GYMR will send the release to childrenlyouth editors at daily papers and magazines, as we 1s nat~onal
television programming. Many newspapers across the country have weekly pageslsect~onst h ~ xget young
children, such as the "Kids' Post" page in The Washington Post.
-- GYMR will develop a list of youth magazines with shorter lead times, like N1 relodeon
Magazine, Boys' Life and Discovery Girls. Publications with 90-day lead times I ay be able to
run something about the-sbntest before the end of the four-month entry period.
. -- GYMR will also target internet media that directly reach children ages 6-1 1
Scholastic Launch
GYMR will draft and- ,...**
--. distribute ..:.-.
a news release for the launch of the Scholastic in-school pro
, -I.
-- GYMR will distribute the release to contacts at education trade publications IS well-as"
education and health editors at daily newspapers, and will follow up with pitch ( Ils to
.. . .-.- . . .-.---
encourage placements. - -
-- GYWIR will post the news release on PR Newswire's targeted list of children's educat~onput
. -.

Please let us know. if you have any questions.

. ..
- -- . .
. .
... .--

... .
. .. . ..


Anthonr Signorclli/ Carnpalgn D ~ r e c t o r1 Thc A c l v r r r ~ \ ~ nC

t jo u n c ~ l
261 M a d ~ s o nAve 1 New York. Ne\%York lOC16

r: ( 2 1 2 ) 9 8 4 - 19891 E a s ~ q n o r e ladcouncll
l~~ org

Petree. Kirsten IHHSIASPA) I
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, January 27. 2006 12:02 PM
To: Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Coalition of Healthy Children


+hank yoc.

uz...if vou c a n wi:k - _

='he L i Z Z i e
3R2 ;
.. .

- ----- O r i g i n a l Message-----
-t rom:
P.e t.r e € , - - K i r s t e p (S;..U.S/OS j [ r n--
-LwidaS:, J&figarj: 27, ?$;95,
To: Anthony S i g n o r e l l i
S u b j e c t : C o a l i $ i ~ nof . F a a c t h y --D.'ildrcr,
z i ~ t c : K i r s r ' € ? :F. ? Z Z E E @ F : ~ Sys-.:;
- -- -.-.
---.- .
- - . ..
... -
.-- - -. -


I u s e d a l o t o f y o u r i n f o r m a t l o r , f c r t h e 'memo' I sen: t o Suzy. T k a n h y z

t h a t . When I h e a r b a c k , I h o p e :o h a v e 2 g a m e - ~ 1 2 1 ~f SSIZS.

(my n e c k i s s t a r t i n g t o h e a l , i f I don't cove!)

Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday. January 27. 2006 11:34 AM
To: Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc : Tracy Della Torre
Subject: FW: "Know Your Status": info request

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Flagged


. . . . . .. - -
b e l o x fro^^ ol:r ~ a r . ; a c z --..---.
. --
:+se--see "a-2
f o r r h e carnpaiqn ( i r ' s e ~ s_o. r. , r :_.
a l i / : e > : ~ ~ r e ? hai.:e~.;er,
n , - - i s :,;""
I . - - . -- .
. .
a: EHS a s c h e new c o n t a c c ? .-

----- O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: K i e r O l s e n D e V r i e s [r~ailto:Kier.Oisen.DeVries@Dzrzxou:5.53U~
Sen:: Wednesday, J a n u a r y 25, 2006 1:40 PM
To: E l l y n F i s h e r ., .I.I <..

Subjec:: "Know Yonr Stat*!: i n f o requesr

Dear E l l y n F i s h e r ,

G r e e t i n g s f r o m The C c u n m m i ~ a . ~ ~ Ionr :i t i a t i - ~ eh::~://www.comilr~i~.con

r e g a r d c c o u r summary o f "Know Ycur S c a r x s " , ~ h i c hi s p o s c e d wL=::iz
c r o c r a m v e a e s c r i p c i o n s a t t h i s URL:
h t t p : / i w w w . c o m i i , i n i t . com/experiences/pds2CTIS / e > : p e r i e n c s s - 3 : 2 9 2 . html. .;-
. .
We a r e o n s i d c - z i n c l n c l u d i n c ir.formar:o?. a8e.s: :n:-c . '. ; r o ~ r a r ; ~ ~Fr. . . ~a- ..--
-I ' '

L,-ar.Lna i s s u e c: The
Drum E e a t , o u r w e e k l y e - m a g a z i n e - h t z p : / / w w w . c o m ~ . ~ n ~ ~ . c o m-/Sdera u r .~5~c .m l C O T ti-12'
- . .
r e a s o n , ; am w r i x i n g t o r e q u e s : i f yoc c o u i z ~ i n c l vr e v i e w :he s,inr?.ary i o c a c e d a:
. .
.-.r z -
h : t p : / / w w w . c o m m i n i t . c o m / e x p e r i e n ~ e s ~ p
. -. . - .
j s 2 0 e i e , s - 9 . a
~ n s : o r me know whezner
z h y .6-ianges o r u p d i c e s a r e . . n e e d e d . Ir. gsr; r z x l s. r ,-..<fvo:. =- - nr: lo?.^^^:..
7 -
-. ?'t - ~ , : ; ~-.-
r e t~it ? ? . t ~ t


. . - ~

p e r s o n f o r t h i s programme, I w o u l d a p a r e z l ~ c eit v e r y ~ , u c c1: yo2 e o ; i i d p o l n r me i n t h e .'

righ: a i r e c s i o n . ..

Plzny t h a n k s f c i y o u r a s s i s t a n c e .

Kind r e g a r d s ,
; ,-
:, .. .

K i e r Olsen DeVries
Senior Editor
The C o r m u n i c a z i o n I n i t i a t i v e
k 6 e v r i e s @ c o m L i - i : . cc::,
:.- -- --
- .,
. .
. COT.
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Thursday, January 26. 2006 5 08 PM
To: Petree, K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout, Sarah Humm -
Subject: Small Step Challenge -Desrgn Complete

Below, please find llnks to the flnal des~gnconcepts that w ~ lbe
l used In the ePr~zeonlipe Dromot~o:, We Dlai tc
go l ~ v eon February 6th
- ..

Let,us knowif you bve-any comments - .. orquestions A beta site is still forthcom~ng, but wantsd to bs s u k
saw this at varlous stages. .. -. -.
-. . -- .-
.. . .., -. - -- .-.. . . ' - --

Landing Page at

Hompepage for Small Step Kids,gov~~~2_ld.ev/s.pide.y/kids/index.cfm

URL to Promotion on Staging Server:

htt~://clients-staqe.~Ue~.~o..d_ac~un_ci!/.srl!~!!step . .. . . -.

Username: :. .>- -- .. . .- i
Please access this URL t o review t h e design and functionality o f your promotion. A t e r entering t h e
above URL, you will need t o e n t e r t h e following:

Password: k8& I

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

-- -.

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Thursday. January 26, 2006 12:43 PM
To : Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: FW: Section Three: Out. .to Launch

Sorne'great coverage for the youth work appeared today

-- . .. .-
rs, ----Ociginal Message----- . . . . .- .
. .
From: Ellyn Fisher .-.--
Sent: ~ h u r s d a ~anuary.26,
~, 2006 9:04 AM
To: All Ad Council
Subject: FW: Section Three: Out to Launch

FYI: Our Childhood Obesity campaign is featured in MediaPost's "Out to Launch" co lunIn this week!

- ---.-- - -- -- - -
From: MediaDailyNews [mailti~;Iaunch@mediapost.c6m]
Sent: Wednesday, January 25:>006 7:09 PM
To: Ellyn Fisher
Subject: Section Three: Out to Launch
.,rrrd.a.*. ....... . ; j

Wednesday, Jan 25, 2006 Subscribe I Back Issues I ReplY to Editor 1 MediaPc

...- ..> -. ....

OUT-TO, .-.- . .i-.- ..
. .. .. . .. .

T h ~ week's
s campaign. websrread
. .

n r ~ dp/-omor~onclllaut7ches

., :.. '2 : -
"Got Milk?" changes its Spanish tagline. Hilton Hotels undergoes an ex1
makeover.. Kia saves the greenbacks. Let's launch!


Hilton Hotels is.undergoing a luxurious renovation. le campaign

spotlights massive amounts of physical en hancemer1ts and luxury
. .
f: brand amenities added t o the hotels, from Crabtree ivelyn's La
' Source bath amenities t o the Serta Suite Dreams mi3 t t r.ess and
. 1
. . . .
. box springs. "Travel Should Take You Places" includf251 1~ r i n t TV,
........- . and online components emphasizing Hilton's philosoP?\I that travel
is m o r e than going from point A t o B. The ads remind j m e of an yc
outdoor campaign for the Air Tahiti Nui. Check i t out: ar\d let m e
*J know if you think I ' m wrong, n/ ads are running nat:Idnally and
---- Mibrma
p r ~ nads
t can be found In The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Y&R created the
The California Milk Processing Board--
the "Got Milk" gang--is launching a
Hispanic campaign on Jan. 30 with a new
tagline. Grupo Gallegos created three 30-
second spots, "Contortionist," "Amazon Hair
Goddess" and "TeethTown." The new tagline,
"Toma Leche" (Drink Milk) will accompany all
CMPB Spanish-language ads throughout
2006. The old tagline was "Familia, p m o r y
Leche" (Family, Love and Milk). I n "Amazon
H a i r GDddess," women u s a h e i r strong hair for work, self-defense and fbr fun. Their
secret is not in their sham<oo, it's the protein in the milk-that they d r i n k l . . : ' ~ ~ a z . i n ~ .
Contortionist" sh0ws.a--circus family that uses their contortibnist.skills in. their.
everyday life: from typing on the computer with their feet, to becoming a human ' -

hula hoop.

The Department of Health and Human

Services (HHS) and the Advepising
Council launched a campaign 40 curb
childhood obesity. "Can Your Food Do That"
aims t o help children and their lparents
make wise food choices and inqrease
physical activity. Three ads, "B/rds,"
"B(rds," :Bulls
Eye," and "Grandpa" highlight the benefits
of healthy eating by showing kibs being
kids. My favorite spot was "Bull,s
"Bullls Eye,"-whicl
showed a boy eating a watermelon and
using his sister as a target wh+ h e s g i t out
the pits. "Grandpa" shows a girl on a picnic
with her grandfather, who has dozed off. The young girl brushes the s t e b from her
grapes on her grandfather's face, causing him to wake up and, thinking he's being
bitten by a bug, smack himself. The campaign directs kids to ~ m a l l s t e ~ / ~ o v .
McCann Erickson New York,.r;reated thet3-V and online aspects;. .carton Donofrio
... . - .-i - -
. -.
Partners created'the Web site.
Citizen's Bank launched 30- and 60-second
spots slated to air in the New England
market. "Numbers" shows people going
about their daily routines. Instead of wearing
their hearts on their sleeves, those featured
wear their bank account balance on their
chests. A man taking out the trash has
$7,485, while a woman o n a shopp'ing spree
has negative $187. The amount fluctuates
when a waitress picks u p a $2 tip, and when
a father meets with his daughter's wedding
planner. The spot closes w ~ t ha volcover s t a t ~ n g :"When most banks look at you, they
only see one thlng. But a t Clt~zen'sBank, we see thlngs differently. To you're dls,
worth a lot more than what ~tsays on your statement." Arnold Worldwide created
the campalgn.
A concerned activist pleading to "Save the I
Greenbacks" was the crux of Kia's year-end sales
event campaign. "Beach" and "Arctic" shyws rescue
operation footage and volunteers shillinglfor the
fictitious charity "Save the Greenbacks." The
volunteers unload dollar bills from a rubber raft onto
the shore and peel the "Greenbacks1'f r o b below the
ice. Throughout each spot, a spokesperson discusses
the plight of these poor little green t h ~ n g s ."The
re en backs are disap
explains. "By taking part in Kia's Save the Greenbac
to stay in their natural habitat." The campaign initially I
Denver, and expanded to an additi6nal forty markets.

-. - -
. davidandgoliath.

- .

.TBS channeled..its i n n u flower power for a buzz --

-. .
.- -
marketing campaign promoting its comedy series
"Daisy Does America." TBS partnered with and capitalized on star Daisy
Donovan's name. For 1 0 days, teams of cyclists on
oversized tricycles distributed individually wrapped
daisies to consumers in New York and Philadelphia.
Inside each package was a two-sided card promoting the series and a daisy discount
available a t I n addition, TBS also delivered daisies i n d o o r hangers
to households@.Philadelphia, Plilwaukee, Detroit and St. Louis with a h gh viewership
of female-skewing shows.

he North of England I n w a r d Investment ~ ~ e n(NEIIA)' c ~a

.K. government-sponsored agency that promotes i i r e c t - .
.... --. .
usiness investment from North America into Northern England,
unched its first integrated campaign to buiM its Grid-dentit~
the United States. The multimillion dollar campaign launched
late last vear using a "reasons why" theme in its print ads. Copy
includes: "1,000 aerospace companies didn't come to North
England just for the air"; "4 out of the 5 top U.S. phlarmaceutical ...

.-. --.Ti- . . . . . . . .. - ... companiesare based in:North England. Read on foriside effects";
-. and "6O0/0 of Japanese computer games' are design6d-in'NorttT
9::.. England. Game o n . " T h e campaign targets C-level ekecutives and . .
is running in The Wall Street Journal, 5usiness weed, The
Economist, Fortune, Forbes and their accompanying Web sites. Souk
Communications created the campaign.

.- - This week's Web site launches focus on sports v ~ d e o sand a

The Pennsylvania Tourism Office is at it again. The state is
.promoting Groundhog Day, with a film about the groundhog
suffering from cabin fever, as in Jack N~cholsonin "The
Shining" cabin fever. The trailer is hysterical--the only thing
missing is "Redrum. Redrum." Installments of the film will be
posted on the site weekly, leading up t o Groundhog Day.
There are four installments viewable to date. The site will also
offer an RSS feed so that viewers can be updated when a new
video is posted. This highly enjoyable entertainment promotes ~ e n n s ~ l d ~tourism
(its Cabin Fever promotion) and the VlsitPA slte. RippleEffectsInteractive created
the campaign. Check out the peep cam, but remember: content may beI
inappropriate for groundhogs under 13. is a video-only sports that allows

viewers to watch professional and user-generated sdorts videos
and offers capabilities t o "tag," search, find, store and replay
videos any time; anywhere. The site was launched to make sports
video programming easily available and features an hteractive
community where devotees can share, view and drscluss, rank and
rate videos. Users can also receive.notification of new b
a service similar t o 43things,Technorati, and Flickr.
- -- z

-- This newsletter is-compiled weekly by MediaPost staff..witer Amy C

;are archived at.the MediaPost website. Your comments, questions and.
are always welcome and appreciated.

Out to Launch for Wednesday, January 25, 2006 http llpubl~cat~cns

medlaposl com/lndex cfm7

I,\- - I .;
. You are receiving;.thi~newsletter at as part of your membership with MediaPost.

i::If this issue was f o W r d e d to you and you would like to begin receiving a copy of your own, please visit our slte -
. : :and become a complimentary member.
' For advertising opportunities see @t-exa[d.
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If you'd rather not receive-tkis-newsletter in the future I -. .

We welcome and appreciate forwarding of our newsletters in their entirety or in part with proper attributilon.
(c) 2006 MediaPost Communications, 1940 Broadway, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001 --
. .-
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Thursday, January 26. 2006 12:40 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: Received Your Message - Thank-You
I received your voice message, thank you. We'll try to choose a slightly different font and move' forward with one
of the designs for the Bally's promotion. Should be able to get you hard copies as well down th& l ~ n e
.. I'
I hope you are feeling better! Back injuries are the absolute worst, take care of yourself We ten catch up agam
next week. - - -
- --

Have a great-weekend, ..


- - .--- - . .-. .

... -
.. ..--- -- -.
. . .... . .. .
.. -. .

261 Madison Ave. I New York. New York 1001 6

P: (2 12) 984-1 9891 E:
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Monday. January 23.2006 4:23 PM
To : Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc : Heidi Arthur
Subject: Coalition for Healthy Children - Ad Council Memo
Attachments: Coalition Memo 1 -23-06.doc

Held1 and I thought the attached document mlght be celpful in communlcat~ngour goals for thf :oalit~onto the
necessary-parbes y ~ t h ~HHS n I understand you are wo~klngon puttlng together a short papel I share with Ellyn
d o M o p e t h ~ sIS useful You may-feel free €0 pull language from here or use I! djrectly
- . .s- - . .-
.. . -. . .. .---

As I mentioned, it would be great to put a meeting on everyone's calendar in the next week or
..... . - -
o,w; .
understand that Medicare issues are of the highest priority for HHS right now, however, there ~y be a benefit to . -
meeting before our Obesity prevention contract is renewed in mid-February.

Please let us know if you have any feedback or additional thoughts. And as always, give us a ill with any


P.S. The Small Step Spanish Web site is now live!

.,,,. .&,*I!
Signorellil Carnpalgn Director 1 The Advenlsiny Council
261 Madison Ave. I New York, New York 1001 6
. . (21 2 ) 984-1 9891 E:
.. . . .-
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony S~gnorelli[]

Sent: Monday, January 23. 2006 4:00 PM
To: Burgess, Wliliam (HHSIOS)
Cc : Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS); Jenny-Dsterhout -
Subject: RE: One Final ePrize Question - A d Council Project

OK, thank you.

- -Anthony

Message----- . ~ ..
-- --

From: Burgess, William C. (0s) []

Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 3 : 2 9 ' ~ ~

To: Anthony Signorelli

Cc: Petree, Kirsten (0s); Jenny Osterhout
Subject: RE: One Final ePrize Question - Ad Council Project

-----0rig1nal Message,-----
From: Anthony ~ i ~ n o t d[]
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 11:25 AM
To: Burgess, William C. ( 0 s )
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (0s); Jenny Osterhout
Subject: One 6 h i e ~ f i z e Q u e s t i o n- Ad Council Project

- --->- , . ..
261 Madlson Ave ; New York, New York 1001 6 1
p: ( 2 12) 984-1 989! E:
' ..--;--Original Message-----
. ., .

From: Cynthia Yang []

Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 l l : 2 0 AM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Sarah Humm
Subject: RE: Conference Call - Line Full?

Hi Anthony,

Cynthia Yang
Project Manager

One ePrize Drive
Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069
direct: 248.543.2423
. main: 248.543.6800

Ct - fax: 2 4 8 . 5 4 3 3 7 7 7
- -email: --
Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelll []
Sent: Monday. January 23. 2006 10:51 AM
To : Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: .Jenny Osterhout
Subject: Bally's Fitness to support Obesity PSAs - Approval Requested

Importance: High -

Attachments: Red Cross PSA.pdf; Belly.jpg: LoveHandles.lpg; LoveHandles2.lpg

Red Cross PSA.pdf

. -
. ..Bel!y.jpg (29..KB) LoveHandles.jpg LoveHandles2,jpg
re, -(324!9 (36-KB) -'" (31 KB)
c-- n
y ; -.. - -..
- , - -- -.-- \-

Bally Tor61 Sitness is 1nzeres.ted in pronotlnq o ~ Cbeslry

r ?re-.;e?rl;c?-zza
the backs of envelopes thaz will be malied ro exiscizc 3ally's r,e=53r~,3
membership renewal corresgondence. A few vears aqb, :he A5 C O ~..--- ~--
- '-.,
* -

in a similar manner (see Red Cross exangie ztrached:.

Bally's goal is to help support our cause, as they try to secure renexal EV\??.Q31TTC.7,
their members (rhey are also promctinq our Elcod Donati02 campaign:. I: 1 .;.-. 3. 5 area:
. . .
way to get our campaign message .to millions of adulrs and provide cs wit? c..- -..-- Vf :
--,q'-ho.- .:
... . - - - - . -.- ---..--
to drive audiences to our Web sire. Ball..'s
Y w l i i mall ar. averacre s r :.2. --. - - -., u..
per month and would support our car?.paign message f c r ar least 3 rnor.t!-:s' ir 3. . TOW, as they
order envelope ir.ventory@r 3 months a x a time. T?>artsapproxicately f - . peasle ar
no cost.

We've attached three designs below for your review and approval. wa K:LI
one of the following designs, however, approval or. all xkree is requesrec Tr:ct way, we
voc--'r;a'+e . . -- .- ,
can choose tne one t!?Zf"-wdYk-~?bes= or; the envelapes. Please e t us knor~ =-+%

feedback or preference.
.. ..
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli [] I

To :
Friday, January 20, 2006 6:11 PM
Burgess, Willlam (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Petree, Kirsten-(HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: ePr~ze& Ad Councll Contest Rules - Call to F~nal~ze

Thank you for the quick response. We are awaiting the availability of ePrize, however, please
1l a m . I will contact you Monday morning to confirm

Thanks aga~n,. - - -
- ~ n t r on
. .
- -- --

-----Original Message-----
From: Burgess, William C. (0s) []
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 4:17 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Petree, Kirsten (0s)
Subject: RE: ePrize & Ad Council Contest Rules - Call to Finalize

.-\ --
Anthony-l am available anytime before 1:00 If you want to pick a time I will make certaln that am available /

.-- - *'*
-.. -- .,'
William Burgess, JD, MPH, Senior Attorney
Office of the General Counsel, Public Health Division
U.S. Department of Health &Human Services .. :
n 3, ..
, . .-
.- --
Room 4A-53,5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857 -
PH: (30 1)443-0822 ..-. -.
FAX: (301) 443-2639 ,
a. ..*- .
- Wburgess@psclgov .- .... - ~.
.-.. .
... .

= -.

This e-mail message 1s Intended for the exclusive use of the reclplent(s) named above It may contarn lnformat~onthat IS protected, privileged, or
I . . ...
confidential. and it should not be disseminated. d~strlbuted.or CO~ledto persons not authorized to recelve such ~nformation If you are not the intended
recipient, any dlssemlnat~on,d~str~bution,or copylng IS strictly prohlDlted
-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 3:45 PM
""' To: Burgess, William C. (0s) . . ...
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Petree, Kirsten (0s)
Subject: ePrize & Ad Council Contest Rules - Call to Finalize
Thank you.
Anthony Signorellil Campalan D ~ r e c r o r1 Tn. d~v~r~~C
s~o un , .~; i
261 Maalson Ave I New Yorr Nev: York !@!2l16
P: (212) 984-19991 E: a s ~ g n o r e l l ~ ~ a a c o erg
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 11:41 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: RE: Univision Network - Childhood Obesity Prevention - "Grandpa" Psa

Thanks for passing along the contact information. The Spanlsh site will be live later today or f
will let Sylvia know. .
Also Jeblny informed me that the "Treat
e - c -
Me? spot IS a SAMHSA ad However it !s not an Ad I
- - --
- -- .-- .
-Anthony - . .

-----Original Message----- '

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS) []
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 11:08 AM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: FW: Univision Network - Childhood Obesity Prevention - "Grandpa" Psa
" \?

I just spoke to Sylvla, and I assured her that we were talking about plans to have the site In SI ~ s (are
h we?) If
you'd llke to call her, and touch base, I thlnk that would be great Thls would be fantastic for u!
c#- -. .,
Also I got a letter from KlRO in Seattle, and they are runnlng our "Treat Me" PSA I'm not surc thls an Ad
Councll campalgn I haven't heard of ~tbefore They sald the announcement ran 11 times In C ..Nw,and Dec..
a value of $1,100

. .- - K~rsten - &. -
-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvia ~ a y o n[mailto:SBayon@UNIVISION.N~
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 10:48 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS)
Subject-Univision Network - Childhood Obesity Prevention - "Grandpa" Psa
Dear Ms. Petree:

Thank you for sending Univision Network the public service announcement on Childhood Obe I Prevention,
"Grandpa." We would like to share the Spanish version of "Grandpa" with our viewers; h o w e ~ In order for us to
air this Psa on our Network, our vlewers w o d d need to be able to log on to the website that a[ Iars in the end
tag of the Psa, and find a link In Spanish with lnformatron.

Please let me know if you are able to add a link in Spanish with information so that I can air th )sa on our

Should you have any questions or if I may cooperate in any way, please contact me vla e-mai at my direct line
and I will gladly assist you

Thank you,

Sylvia Bayon
Senior Producer
Program Continuity
Univision Network'

The information contained in this e-mail and any attached documents
may be privileged. confidential and protected fro'i disclosure. If you
are not the intended recipient you m a y not read. copy. distribute or
---usetfiis information. If you have received this communication in - - ---

error, please n o t i 5 the sender immediately by replying to this

message and then delete it from your system.
FW: NES Review o f the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)


From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 9:53 AM
To : Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc : Jenny Osterhout -
Subject: FW: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHSIOS !
Challenge Quest~ons
Attachments: Small step challenge questions FINAL EDITS 1-19-06.doc

- Kirsten,

We'll keep you updated and w ~ ll~keiy


Kathryn has-provided final approval of the attached document . . .see below. We are'now codin1
d t i e format needed 6y ePrize and should beTon schedule to launch the promotion February 6th.
. --
- -.
:_ -
send you a llnk to a beta test slte prlor to the official laur I next week - ,


-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [mailto:KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:54 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli ..
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA ~ i e t x a
Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHS/OS SmallStep ~allengeQuestions

Just one final picky one, Q25 should be "an" orange way ....then okay by me!
PIS, let me know when tg,j,?,gk for ~t;live."

Kathryn , >a

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony S~gnorell~ []
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:04 PM .--..
To: McMurry, KatHryn Y. (OPHS)
- - .=
Subject: RE: HHS/USDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments dn Revlsed HHS/OS Smallstep -. -
-. ,

You're the best, thanks!

Please see the attached document and my notes below In "red"

Are we approved to go live with these changes?

..>: -

Best Regards, .- .

-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [mailto:KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:49 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: HHS/USDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHS/OS SmallStep lallenge Questions

F W : NES R e v i e w of the NHLBI " W e Can!" Materials

Thanks for the great job of addressing the comments Just a few final pornts:

Q1 --Great to include amounts for the pillowcase shoebox and backpack--but snould :ney oe I
to match the rest? chanoed to cups
I won't ask about the accuracy of the amounts -) maae tnem all up but t+ey are S U G D ~ S Z CI:

Q8 &23- Will kids know what a "fluid" is? orwould "liquid" be better? (your call! mange:! tc I
I think the correct answers for 8823 can be "water" (earlier Issue was 8 cups, and ~ t ' just
s presf
way, not only way). changed to water, thanks . -

On "try this" we wouldn't want to discourage milk as "other beverages" removed "other b e v ~ r a

Q16--should be equals "about" 1 cup of milk (sorry, my mistake). changed, no worries

-. ..

answet is sweet "potato"
. .
(' ...whoops: changed (a Dan Quayle type error;
.- -- -- . .
. - .. .- .
Hope this is clear; call with any-questioris.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:39 PM
To: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS)
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHSIOS SmallStep ( jllenge Questions
Importance: High .." I


No worries ...we can't learn if we don't try. I apblogize if this has been challenging, but I agree 1 can likely
improve upon the process moving forward.
-.*-+..*-. 4. .:.,-.

Please find a revised document attached. We incorporated all of the requested revisions, as M as the team's
suggestive changes. If a question received too much crit~cism,we simply removed ltfrprn the 1 ,uwpt

One point to keep in mind is that our research indicated that kids are, in fact receptive to the id of energy .
balance, so we did not eliminate these questions altogether as one comment suggested. I car 7are that
research ifyou'd, Ike. .-...

..:i _--.. . , .. 3. - . .- ..

w e need to translate this document into a different format for our online partner by tomorrow, ! please l m e --

know if we can move forward ASAP. I can , .

be reached directly at the number below if you WOL like to chat.

Thanks for everything,


Anthan, Sipnorcili! Campaign D~rectorI The A d v ~ r r t s ~ nCounci!

. . .
261 Madison Ave. i New York, New York 1001 6 . ...
p: (2 12) 984-1 9891 E:

-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [mailto:KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.COV]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:15 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHSIOS SmallStep I 3llenge Questions

Great, I'll be around t h ~ safternoon and all day Friday ~fyou have any quest~ons I know ~ t ' sno 3sy to deal w ~ t h
all these comments, and providing gu~danceto children that IS both appealing and accurate is ry challenging
(e g servlng s~zeslamounts and moderate-~ntensltyphys~calactiv~ty) Your material has raise some quest~ons
that we all have yet to resolve and we still have a lot to learn about what IS effective I hope w :an learn from
Fur:NES Review of the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials

your experience with the campaign

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:46 AM
To: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS); Petree, Kirsten (0s)
Cc: Jackson, Yvonne (AoA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN (IHS); Sofka, Denise (HRSA); penningto~ extra. niddk. nih
gov (E-mail); Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FDA); Dietz, William H. (CDC); Carole Davis (E-mail); E /e;, Camille E
(FDA); Myrtle Hogbin (E-mail); Coktte Thibault (E-mail); Saunders, Sandra (OPHS)
Subject: RE: HHS/USDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHS/OS SmallStep 3llenge Questions

Thanks Kathryn! We will make the necessary changes immediately

Best Regards: --
a -A n t h ~ n y --
- - - --
.. , ...*- .
-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [mailto:KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18'; 2006 5:57 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (0s)
Cc: Jackson, Yvonne (AoA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN (IHS); Sofka, Denise (HRSA); 'penningto )extra. niddk.
nih. gov (E-mail)'; Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FDA); Dietz, William H. (CDC); 'Carole Davis (E-m, ; Brewer, Camille
E (FDA); 'Myrtle Hogbin (E-mail)'; 'Colette Thibault (E-mail)'; Saunders, Sandra (OPHS); Anth' Signorelli
Subject: HHS/USDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHS/OS SmallStep Cha ge Questions
w.: -
Dear K~rsten, ..

Attached are Dietary Guidance Review comments from the HHS Committee on Dietary Guid; ? and the USDA
Dietary Guidance Workin.g.&wp.on the revised HHSIOS' SmallStep Challenge Questions fo ildren ages 6-1 1 . . . -T
This interagency review, as mandated by the National Nutrition Monitoring Act of 1990, provic a mechan~smto
ensure that the Federal government "speaks with one voice" on nutrition guidance to the pub1
-. .. . .. a.-

Reviewers identified numerous areas of inconsistency with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for AI icans and
scientific/ technical issues that need to be addressed before publication (Attachment 1). Othe bstantive and
editorial comments are included in Attachment 2 for your cons~deration.Rev~ewersrequest sl al attention to
.- .- -
comments marke3 by asterisk.
- . . .
. .
-.- ...-.-. --
I .

.. .-
. : , .: -
Please let me know if there are any questions regarding t h e comments in ~ t t a c Aent
h 1, whic 'e consi&Ted
mandatory to address before making the materials available to the publ~c.Also. please provid sponses to the
comments to note how they were addressed.


Kathryn Y. McMurry, M.S. . .

. .

Senior Nutrition Advisor

Off~ceof Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite LL100

FW: NES Review of the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials

Rockville, MD 20852

240-453-8260 (phone)

240-453-8281 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dietary Guide Lines (OPHS]
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 4:13 PM
To: 'Carole Davis (E-mail)'; Dietz, William H. (CDC); 'penningtonj@extra. niddk. nih. gov (E-mail) '; Sofka, Denise

- 1
(HRSA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN (IHS); Jackson, Yvonne (AoA); Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FDA)
Cc: Brewer, Camille E (FDA); 'Myrtle Hogbin (E-mail)'; 'Colette Thibault (E-mail)'; Saunders, S, Ira (OPHS);
. ~etree,~irsten(b~> - --
-Sub@ct: By Jan. 12 : Dietary Guidance ~ i n aReview--Revised
Importance: High .- . . . . . --

HHS/OS SrnallSkp Challenge

TO. HHS Nutrition Policy Board Committee on Dietary Guidance
Cha~r,USDA Dietary Guidance Working Group

FROM: Acting Chair, HHS Nutrition Pol~cyBoard Committee on Dietary Gu~dance

Attached for your final review are HHSIOS' Small Step Challenge quest~onswhlch were revis~ to reflect most of
the comments provided by these committees. Also attached for your reference are the origlne1' Dietary Guidance
Review comments. Please review the revised material to assess whether the comments werc 3dressed

by Question number(s)

If there are any remaining issues, please reference the original comment in your response an(
-.. ,,...
" entify the Issue

I d
Please note: a rationale is requested for any issues designated as inconsistent (including DcSf reference
pages) or scientifically inaccurate. You'may also include suggested edits to address a w signilTE? ntc-mcerns.
Comments should be sent to As you know. we assumc? th at non-response
indicates concurrence with .-the material.

.--. . .Thank
:-. .. ..
you for you? attention to this request.
. .
.. A*..
- . : -
. . . . .-

.%&p ?/..:ttc";lu~,
Senior Nutrit~onAdvisor
Off~ceof Disease Prevention and Health-Promotion
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1lOl.Wootton Parkway; Suite LL100
Rockv~lle,MID 20852 ..,.
240-453-8260 (phone)
240-453-8281 (fax)
FW: NES Review of the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials Paye 1 of'

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)


From: Anthony Slgnorelli []

Sent: Thursday, January 19.2006 9:46AM
To: Mcmurry, Kathryn (HHSIOS), Petree, Klrsten (HHSIOS)
Cc : Jackson. Yvonne (AOA); Charles-Azure, Jean (IHS): Sofka. Denise (HRSA):Penr gton Jean
(NIHINIDDK) [El; Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FDA): Dletz. William H. (CDC), Carole I I V I S iE-mall)
Brewer, Camille E (FDA); Myrtle Hogbin (E-mall); Colette Thibault (E-mail). Saund s Sandra
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHSIOS Small: ?p Challenge
Questions +.

rk - --
~ h a n k s - ~ a t h r yWe

Best Regards,
n i will make the neces-smy changes mmedlately


-- .-- -- . -


-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [mailto:KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:57 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten ( 0 s )
Cc: Jackson, Yvonne (AoA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN (IHS); Sofka, Denise (HRSA); 'penningtor 3extra. niddk.
nih. gov (E-mail)'; Schneemgn, Barbara 0 (FDA); Dietz, William H. (CDC); 'Carole Davis (E-mz '; Brewer, Camille
E (FDA); 'Myrtle Hogbin (E-*'; 'Colette Thibault (E-mail)'; Saunders, Sandra (OPHS); Anthc f Signorelli
Subject: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHSIOS SmallStep Chal i g e Questions

Dear Klrsten. ...-CCA,-. ..... -

Attached are Dietary Guidance Review comments from the HHS Committee on Dietary Gulda e and the USDA
Dietary Guidance Working Group on the revised HHSIOS' SmallStep Challenge QuesWns for nildren-ages 6-11:
This interagency review, as mandated by the National hutrition Monitoring Ac: of 1990,provid a mechanism to
ensure that the Federal government "speaks with one voice" on nutrition guidance to the publi
. -

Revlewers ~dentlfiednumerous areas of lnconslstency wlth the 2005 Dletary Gu~dellnesfor An ricans and - -. .
- - - ---- lssues that need to be addressed before publlcatlon (Attachment 1) Other ubstantive and
x ~ e n t ~ f ltechn~cal
ed~torlalcomments are lncludeb In Attachment 2 for your c~nslderatronRevlewers request sp 5alattenmn to -:-
comments marked by aster~sk

Please let me know if there are any questions regarding the comments in Attachment 1 . whict Ire considered
mandatory to address before making the materials available to the publlc Also, please provld~ .esponses to the
comments to note how they were addressed.
.:. > .. -

Kathryn . .

Kathryn Y. McMurry, M.S

Senior Nutrition Advisor

Off~ceof Disease Preventron and Health Promot~on

U.S Department of Health and Human Servlces

FMT:NES Review o f the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials

1101 Wootton Paritway, Sulte LL100

Rockville. MD 20852

240-453-8260 (phone)

240-453-8281 (fax)

-----Original Message-----

From: Dietary Guide Lines (OPHS)
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 4:13 PM *.
To: 'Ca-role D.avis (E-mail)'; Dietr, William H. (CDC); 'pe.nningtonj@extra. niddk. nih. gov (E-mi '; Sofka, Denise
(MRSA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN (IHS); J&son, Yvonne(AoA); Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FDA)
Y c : B f e w e r , Camille E (FDA); 'Myfile- Hogbin (E-mail)'; 'Colette Thibault (E-mily-; Saunders, S2
Petree, Kirsten (0s) .. - --- - - -- -:::. . .-

Subject: By Jan. 12 : Dietary Guidance Final Review--Revised HHS/OS Smallstep Challenge C

Importance: High

TO: HHS Nutrition Policy Board Committee on Dietary Guidance

Chair, USDA Dietary Guidance Working Group

FROM: Acting Chair. HHS Nutrition policy Board Committee on Dietary Guidance

Attached for your flnal revlew.g$~HHSIOS' Small Step Challenge questions which were revlst to reflect most of
the comments prov~dedby these comm~ttees Also attached for your reference are the origlna retary-Guidance
Review comments Please revlew the revised mater~alto assess whether the comments wen ddressed
. ~.. . - :

If there are any remaining issues, please reference the original comment in your response anc entify the issue
by Question number(s).
.. ... :-2-

Please note: a rationale is requested for any issues designated as inconsistent (including D( reference
pages) or sc~entificallyinaccurate. You may also include suggested edits to address any slgnif ~ nconcerns.
Comments should be sent to Dieta_ryGuideLine~ssos_ophs.dhh~sSgov. As you know. we assume a t non-response ...
indicates concurrence with the material.
.- -
.-. - - . < . . . ..
-. - -.. -- .-
..: _
. .. . ..-. .
Thank you for your attention to this request.


~~'1J. ~t'cc,~twvu&,,tt.s.
Senior Nutritron Advisor
Offieebf Dlsease Prevention and Health Promotion
U S Department of Health and Human Services
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite LL100
Rockville, MD 20852
240-453-8260 (phone)
240-453-8281 (fax)
kmcmurry@osophs dhhs gov
FW: NES Review of the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:40 AM
To : Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: RE: Ad Council Status-

Sure', I'm free until 12:30 and then again around 2pm on
Anthony -.-
. . ..
- - ..-
e ZL .-. - .
- - --.
-----Original Message----- .---.
~. .. .

From: Petree, Kirsten ( ~ ~ ~ / 0 ~ ) . [ m a i l t 6 : ~ i r s t e n . ~ e t r e e @ h h ~ . g o v ]

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:11 AM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: RE: Ad Council Status


I can give you a call after

Does that work for you?

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 5:58 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten .(HHS/OS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: ~d Council Status
... - ..
--i-I ..
.. . .- .. :

. .. , .... .
Thanks for joining in on our call this afternoon. Sanjay's feedback will be very helpful a ve continue to . -
build outand modify the Web site.

There are a few items I'd like to follow up on, which I've listed below:

-.:'q)-Final approval of Small Step Challenge questions from Kathryn's team

. .... 1

2) Determination of where weekly NBA prlzes should be mailed from. We can ship the1 'rom our
fulfiliment vendor and simply place a CDC return address on the items, should that mef jovernment
standards. Just let us know, as my offlce is beginning to become overrun by boxes ; )

3) We will need your leqal team's inuut i ?'

lJ.' \ -,
! l
4) Can we schedule a meeting for Peggy Conlon (CEO) to meet with Suzy and your tei to discuss the
Coalition project we discussed with Heidi last week? We have a proposal that we'd like ) share and an
opportunity to include this program as part of our overall contract. It would be great if M could get
something on everyone's calendar before the new contract year beglns in early Februa
Page 2 of:

Please let us know if you have any updates or give me a call tomorrow ~f ~ t ' seasier to s~ oly chat

.4nthon! Sipnorellil Carnpa~gnDlrector T h r A u v e r t 1 5 1 n qCounctl
261 Mad!son Ave. ! New York. New York 1031 6
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Slgnorell~[ascgnorell~@AdCounc~I

Sent: Tuesday, January 10. 2006 12 16 PM
To: Petree, K~rsten(HHSIOS), Koyan~Sarrjay (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout. Barbara Shlmaltrs Held1 Arthur Sarah Humm
Subject: Small Step Kids Usability Test Results
Attachments: Smallstep Kids Usability Test summary 12-22-05.doc; Small Step Usability [ a Table 12-22-

Kirsten & Sanjay,

Attached, please - - Step Kids~Webusability test below.
find the results of the Small
. .
. - .
- ~

As discussed, the results,of the small syrvey are encouraging and.will help usto-imprwe.the I
upcoming year. If everyone agrees with the recommendations provided in Carton's report, we
developing a plan for updates immediately.

We can arrange a call to discuss coilectively if that would help. Or you can always just give u ring or shoot us
a note.


(Inthony Signorelli( Carnpa~gnDlrector I The Advert~singCouncil

2 6 1 Madison Ave. New York. New York 1001 6
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:16 PM
To : Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Koyani, Sanjay (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Barbara Shimaitis; He~diArthur; Sarah Humm
Subject: Small Step Kids Usability
.. Test Results
Attachments: Smallstep K ' I ~ SUsability Test summary 12-22-05.doc; Small Step Usability D
Kirsten & Sanjay,

er, - --
.. .
find- the results of the Small Step Kids Web usability test below.
.- .

As discussed! the results of the sma!! survey are encouraging and will h e 1 ~ u s t 6 ~ h ~ rthe
oue -. ---
. .
upcoming year. If everyone agrees with the recommendations provided in Carton's report, w
developing a plan for updates immediately.

We can arrange a call to discuss collectively if that would help. Or you can always just give us
a note.

-< .

Anthony Signorellil Campaign Director 1 The Advertlslng Council
261 Madison Ave. 1 New York. New York 100 16
.,lr.+chc - .... -..-*P: (2 1 2) 984-1 9891 E: as~gnorelli@!adcounc'
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli [] I

To :
Monday, January 09,2006 2:46 PM
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Importance: High
RE: Ad Council Call Today a t 3pm -
He~diIS at an offsite meet~ngand IS runnlng 15 m~nuteslate Can we call you at 3 15pm7 We ,h9ud oe tnroupn
by 3 30pm I know you are extremely busy and don'twant to take up too much of your t ~ m e

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli .
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:55 AM
To: 'Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS)'
Subject: RE: Ad Council Call Today at 3pm

Perfect, we'll call you at 3pm

Thanks. -.
- ? # ,


-----0r1ginal Message-----
From: Petree, K~rsten(ms/OS)]
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:53 AM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: Ad Council Call Today at 3pm

Yes--I'm available. I'll wait for your call?

--..--> -~ -----Original Message---:: - -.....

From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:16 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS)
subject: Ad Council Call Today at 3pm

Good Morning,
._ Just checklng confirm that you are free today at 3pm to chat w ~ t hHeld1 and I about
Please let me know if you are around or rf we should reschedule . ..


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 11:26 AM
To: 'Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS)'
Subject: RE: 'Small Step Challenge Rules & Call with Heidi

Page Z of' 2

Can you participate in a call with Heidi and I on Monday at 3pm? If so. we w l l call you r

It may be helpful for you to vislt the Coalition Web site beforehand, but we will certa~niyI :e you rnr3~1.s-
everything. Simply copy and paste the following URL Into your browser and search aroi " U.



-----Original Message----- -
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) []
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 3:07 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
1, - -- Subject-RE: Small Step Challenge Rules & Call with Heidi

. . -
- . - -
- ..

- --
- ---

.. ..
- --- .-:-. .- -
. . - --
~ -
I just put a call into Bill, but haven't heard back. I hope to see where he is in the review F lcess soon. and
I'll email you with his response.

I can meet next week-tomorrow is really busy for me. Let me know what works for you z

[Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)]

From: Anthony signorell( []

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 2:28 PM
To: Petree, Kirste~fHHS~/05j
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: Small Step Challenge Rules & Call with Heidi . .-x

Just wanted te check in with you about approval of the ePrize rules. It appeared though Bill .-.

was~eviewingthe rules, but I wasn't sure if you had an idea of when we could ex ct approval .. .
. _ _-_ .
. ., . -
andlor feedback. We need them finalized this week . if we expect to launch theco
.. ..
est at the end of
the-month: -. . .... .. . .

Also, are you free Fr~dayor early next week to have a call with Held1 and I regard 2 our Coalition
for Healthy Ch~ldrenproject? I'm not sure we ever really brought you up to speec In this program
and we have some Ideas about how to use thls Coalltlon as a response to the re( nt IOM Report.
Please let us know when you might be available for 30 minutes or so
. ,. .:> :.- .~
Anthony .._-..

Anthon! Signorelli! Campaign Director ! Thc: A o v v r l ~ c ~ nCgo u n c ~ l

261 Madison Ave Nerv ~ o r k New

, York 1001 6
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Friday. January 06. 2006 3:31 PM
To : Mcmurry, Kathryn (HHSIOS)
Cc : Jenny Osterhout; Petree K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Gu~danceReview of the HHSIOS' Smallstep

Attachments: Small step'challenge questions FINAL EDITS 1-6-06.doc

;mall step challenge
questions... - -.
- Kikhrgn,- --
. . .- .
Wr!): -,OKf o r y o u r q u l c v . r 2 s p o n s e a n - a . d c i s i o n a l e3i:s. fie;r~ ~ . s 5 +z.=;i c?g-:>rs:+
c j a n a e s :o t h e a t c a c h e d d o c c m e x . F l e a s ? s h a r e w i t . " . v o u r corrL!.ittee+anz. . .l e y 15 ::k.: :::?.sr. . .
- --
we n a v e f i n a i a p p r ' o v a l . I .. . .

Lave s g r e a t weekend,
?.nt hony
-----O r i g i n a l Messaqe-----
From: McMurry, K a t h r y n Y. (OPHS) [ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : K M ~ X G ~ ~ ~ @ O S O P H S . D H H S . G O ' , ~ I
S e n r : F r i d a y , J a n u a r y 0 6 , 2G06 2:49 PM
To: Anthony S i g n c r e l l i
Cc: J e n n y O s t e r h o u t ; P e t r e - e , K i r s t e n (OS)
S u b j e c t : RE: HHS/USDA !2ie\ary G u i d s n c e Xeview cf t h e A X / O S t S m a l l S t e p C 2 .- l.c n q e Q u e s r i o n s
- Revisions
Imporranze : Eigk

Thank you f o r y o u r c l o s e ' a t t e n C . i o r , a n d r e s p r ? . s e r o r n e conm,ents. - Y s p e f ~ f ? i F ~ . ; = %m e arerial
w i l l s t i l l resonate with kids.
- I.
T h e r e a r e some p l a c e s w n e r e I t h i n k . a d d i t i o n a l c h a n q e s would b e a good i a e z b e f o r e s e n d i n g
t h e q u e . s r i o n s b a c k t o f h e r e v i e w e r s , a n d a s r e q u e s t e c , I ' v e a r t a c h e d t h e 1 ir, r r a c ~
c h a n g e s . ' I a p o l - o g i z e t h a t some w e r e r n e r e s u l t o f a l a c k o f c l a r i t y a n d c o n f l i c t among ... . .
.-. =., some. comments. .- . .. -
.-. >

; t h i n k we s h o u l d b e a b l e ' t o T u r n i t a r o u n c a ~ i s k l y ;b u t I ' m our- ofi.-th-e . s f & i c e Men. an",.,

n o t s u r e whether I w i l l be a b l e t c a c c e s s e m a i l .
P i s . l e t me know i f you h a v e q u e s t i o n s a b o u t my e d i t s .

- - - - - O r i g i n a l Messaqe-----
-:r c ~ ,. ..::.;r:hony
.. . -
S i q n o r c l l i [ ~ a i i z oa:s i ~ r c r e - - ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ C : ~ ~ . " 1 ~ 1 : 1 . 3 r ~ ~
S e n t : P r i d a j ; , J2ni;ary 06, 2306 12: 12 Zt.'..
_ u .. McNurry, K a r h r y n Y . (OPES:
8 . 0

a. . ...

Cc: J e - n y O s r e r h o u t ; P e t r e e , K i r s t c z ( 0 s :
* . ..,,.-.
S u b j e c t : HHSIUSDR D i e t a r y G u i d a n c e Reviekj z r r n e .+.zs!OS' S x a l l S t e p C h a i l
gevisions -
I n p o r t a c s e : Eigh

. .
I am s e n d i n q you t h i s e m a l i a c t i e r e q u e s r o f K l r s t e c .

We've r e v i s e d r h e S m a l l S t e p C n a l l e n q s q l ~ e s ~ i o ni sc r e f l e c t most cf -he aon-rlenrs p r o v i d e d

by !.roc a n d y o u r t e a m . We t r u i y a p p r e c i a r c yc:r g u i d a n c e , f e e d b a c k a n 6 aI!cencion t c c n i s
projecrr. P l e a s e s e e t h e a r r a c h e c doccmenr f o r m c d i f i e 6 r o p y .
~ . :- = n k y 3 ~ ,


- - - - - O r i g i n a i Messag?-----
From: Mcmurry, K a t h r y z (HHS/OS) <!.;rry1?2SC:?YS. 3hBS. G3'.'>
r 7
P e r r e e , K l r s r e n ( 2 E S / . 3 S , < X i r s x e - . P e r z e e [- y. .
i n s .z s v >

CC: S o f k a , E e n i s e (!MA: < D S o f k a @ r . r s a . g o v > ; , ?e~zi~.c:c:., Zezr. ;I s I\ - /*-----.
- - "- ... .. - -
- .
< p e n n i n q r o n j @ r n a i l r. . i h . CJSV>; J a c k s c z , YI-anne (-2.C;) <.fv?--= ;,..- . ,.a=::sc--!l;.L.;.:-. -.':;. ,; f re;.:_:
C a m i l l e 5 ( F D A ) . < c a ~ . i l i eb.r e w e r g c f--.-s a r i . 5 3 5 . ,?.'jb>; Qier:, !+;Llliac 5 .
[x; .CL;rd4?CCC;G37>; Cf,aries-.;z;jrS;
- . - . --
. .
Gear. : = I ; ] < ~ E ~ ~ . . , C ~ - ~ ~ ~. ._-=- -- L- -- -: -.-.G2-..:-..!
- y , . - -- .- ..
--- .. -. \ . - ' - - - -- - --. . ,
3 a r b a r e . O (FCP-) < b a r b ? r a . s c h n e e ~ n l C c csf a . r a a . q o v > ; ' C a r = . l g Ta?-:s :.
:1 '
< C a r o l e . DaviS(22n2p. u s a z ; goL;:>; - ' ? ? $ ~ r r , l e :',ocjin ; E - y , a.l l. ; ' . . -- .

<Myrtle.Hogbin@cnpp.usda.go~->;' C o l e r t e T h l b a u l r ( E - n . c i l ) '
C C o i e t t e . T h i b a u l ~ k c n p c . uscia.
. q o v > ; S r e w e r , C a n i l l e 2 (??A: < z a z i l l e . c r e w z r ~ - ; : : s.~ r . . f 21. z:::?; '

S a u n d e r s , S a n d r a (HHS/OSj < S S a u n d e r s @ O S O ? i - i S . D E H S . G O V > ; 3j,cbbars, .r:
< v h l L h @ N I H GOV>;
. K e s s e l Md Mph, Woodle (HhS/OS) <W:lesscl@OSO%tj. C;-: .
( N I H ) <ddlOc@I\JIB.GOV>;S m i t h , K a t h l e e n (FDA) <kathleen.smi:h@cfsan.faa.-~cv>, .Azm:;rr;:,
5 .:.:-"
;:.';I 5 , lir:i

K a t h r y n (HHS/OS) <KMcMcrry@OSOPHS.3BHS. GO\'>; J a c k i e S a v e r , ( E - r ~ a i ;l

<j a c k i e . h a v e n k c n p p . u s a a . g o v >
S e n t : F r i Dec 2 3 1 3 : 2 8 : 0 7 2005
S u b j e c t : HHS/USDA D i e t a r, y, .... G u i d a n c e R e v i e w o f t h e HHS/OS1 S n a i l s t e p C h a l l e n ? e Q u e s z i c n s
Dear K i r s z e n ,

A t t a c h e d a r e D i e r a r y G u i d a n c e R e v i e w cornmenrs f r o m t h e HES C o m . l t t e e 27. ? d e r ? r \ . G - i c a n c e

a n d t n e 'JSDA D i e r a r y . . ~ ~ ~ ~ , Q g n c t _ ~ o rGKr oi unpg c n HHS/CS'
SmaliSrep Cnallenge Quesrions f o r c h i l d r e n ages 6-11. T~:s in;erge;cy
reylew, 5s
. .
I, - .-

m a n d a t e d Sy t h e P i a t i o n a l N l ~ t r i t i o nY c n i t o r i y q cf 1932, o. r c. v i - e s . a. . ~ . e = : - ! = ~ z~ cs ~e. r . s x r e
t h z r = h e F e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t "spe.aKs wi:.". c n e v o i c e " sn n c r r l r - : o n .;.;;;L~~zc=.-.. . ,--
R e v i e w e r s i d e n t i f i e d many a r e a s o f i n c o n s i s t e n c y w i t h t n e 20C5 D i e c a r v ~ u i ~ d e l i n ef sc r
Americans and s c i e n t i f i c / Technical i s s u e s t n a t need t o b e a d d r e s s e d befor;e p u b i i c a r i o n
( P - t t a c h m e n t 1 ) . As n o t e d , f u r t h e r d i s c u s s i o n w i l l b e n e e d e d r e g a r d i n g z h e c h a r a c t e r i : a r i o n . ..:..
o f " w h o l e g r a i n s " a n d d a i i y a m o u n t s o f f o o d s recoinmended f o r c h i l c l r e r : a q e s 6 - 1 1 . Other
. --
- - - - - = s u b s t ' a n t i v ea n d e a i t = i a l .corrm.ents a r e -:-nciuied
. - : n - C -- L a c m e ? :
for o
' Z.
~ . d ro ~ s j ~ e r ~ : i o - ...
R e v i e w e r s r e q u e s t special a r t e n z i o x r o c c m n e n r s n a r k e c b\. a s t e r l s e .

P l e a s e i e r me know i f T h e r e a r e a n Y c u e s r i o n s r e q a r c l l g e romms?:s l r Ajraehmen: i ,

. - . .
w h i c h a r e c 0 n s i . d e r e - J mandator!, r,o a d d r e s s c e r c r e ma!::?-; z h s m a c e r i a l s a : a i l l a ~ ~ l oT G z n e
pujlic. S e c a l ~ s eo f t h e n u r n e r o u s i s s u e s r a i s e c r e g a r s, l. n a r n
. .
i s m a r e r i ~ l ,a / f i n a i r e v i e w 3f
. .
r h e r e v i s e d m a t e r i a i s w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y , al2ri; w l r n r e s p c n s e s t o the comm~ln-- Ar~ached

: .
b e l o w i s t h e e n a i l r e s p o n s e f r o m c h e USCA. c o n T i t r e e o u z l i n i n q t h e i r c o n c e r n s .
' .'
N u t r i t i o n c o m m l ~ n i c a t i o nm a z e r i a l s s h g u l d h e o r i t x e n a n d p e e r - r e v i e w e d b v- a u a l l f i e d
n c t r i r i o n c o m r n u n i c a r i o - p r o f e s s i o n a l s wno a r e w e l l - v e r s e d i n t h e p r i n c i p l e \ s o f t h e D l e r a r y
Z u i d e l i n e s , , b e f c r e u n d e r g o i n g t h i s r e v i e w Froces-c.
. -
The c a b l e s a n d a p p e n d i c e s o f t h e D i e p a r . ; G x i a e l i n o s s n o c i 2 a e u s e d a s t h e p r i m. a. r y
c . -
G . - l : a e i ~ n e s ' Ke!:
r e f e r e n c e for-e>:arr,ples o r r o o c so.irces c f Alsr,, t h e Di-ary
. .
commendations a n a e l t h e r t h e Mv?vrai?.id - c.r P . 5 3 e e z i n c. -z l a n s s h o c l d b e u s e 3 a s p r i m a r y
, . . - - .
r s f e r e n e e f o r a n y recopfl,erlaa+:ozs f c r -si:...: .y=ur.=s 2: rgczs -9 :,3?5,27,5.. T3'1.
- . .
o r r n e z r i n c i p l e s o f rhs Dietary G . ~ i d e l i ? e s 1nx,2. c = - s c n e r - f r i e n 5 : ~ : r ~ a r s r : a - s i s a n
l n p o r t a n t , thou?!-: c o n p i e > ; , s t e p f s r e n c = l ~ r a.: i r ~- c n e a l z h i e r s i e z s .
. .
I: 1s e s s e n y i z l
v e i l - q u ~ l i f i e r js t i f f i r e i n v o l v e = jrtps ~ p y s i o p p s - : r- n?s:drr 5 t c ; a p c c

- ,
c L a r l s v and accurasy.

S i n c e r e ? y,
K a z i r v r r . Mc!4urrv, K . 3 .
. . - .
Ser.:cr Nuyr:=ion A -*sy,~~szr
L - L i c e cf C l s 2 ~ s e~ r e - ~ e 2.~5 = +-irk-
A;; ~ ~ - ~Z- --.....
-- - . -- .
.. - -- - -- - - - - - - - -_
A - ..
-== .
\rjc.-z=c: F s r k ~ z y , >>;:ye 7,-
- - ?

. -
~ o ~ k ~ \ c- i l"1, i - , 20552
249-453-6260 ( p h o n e ' ;
240-152-8281 ( f a x )
k n c n u r r y @ o s o ~ hdsh. h s . go-,:
----- O r .l g l. n a -iMessaae-----
-!r o n : ..

T h i ~ a n l r ,C c i e r t e [ m a i i r c : C o l e r r e . T k . i k r a a : l r ~ c-~- " u:;s5aa

z. ~ 3 ~ , 7 ;

Sect: W ~ d n e s d a y , December 1 < , 20C5 9 : 5 6 A !!

T c : Mzr.lurry, Kazhry;;. '1'. (O?HSj
-. .
C c : C ' C o n n e i l , K e l l i c ; S o u n d e r s , S a n d r a (OzES!; c a r c i e F a c i s ; C c l ? : : ~
K l c r f e l d ; Dennis S m i t h ; Editk. T b o n z s ; z i i z a b e z k C r o s b y ; E z l i x- i p=-e-i:; . Tar
l e n n e y ; J o a n n e G u l h r i e ; M o l l y K r e ~ s c h ; blyrcl'e S o q b i r . ; 312szr. ..
; r ~.e ~.
rat we-:. ~ . -
.. . - - -.---- -
.. ..~

. . ..- . .. . - - .-.. .
---. ..
December 14;-2005

Dear Ms. McMurry:

US3A's C i e r a r y G u ~ d a n c eWorking Group h z s co!r.pletez 1

. .
s - - --
r e v i e w 2: sza-LS:
Q u e s t i o n s , a componen; o f t h e HiiS P u b l i c A f f a i r s / A d C o n n e i ; ' s new car,z,z;: . -
, -
young c h i l d r e n t o e a t h e a l t h y a n d ge: a c t i v e . The r e y i i e w e r s ~ d z z t : r i e c r
i n c o n s i s t e n c i e s w i t h t h e D i e r a r y G u i d e l l n e s a n d many ~ e c h n i c a l~ r o b i e ~ .r s
addressed p r i o r r o p u b l i c a ~ i o n .
A l l r e v i e w e r s a g r e e d t h 3 . t h e m a t e r i z l Kas u n a = c e p r a b l e a n d n e e d s t c b e r
once t h e m a t e r i a l i s rev5Sec.
I t a p p e a r s t h a t t h i s document d i d no? u n d e r g o p e e r r e v i e w p r i o r t o s u b n i s iL,.. -,- The A

o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d ~ r e ss u p p o r t i n g o u r r e v i e w c o m m i t t e e s s u g g e s t p e e r r e v i e b a s w e i l a s
Agency c l e a r a n c e p r i . o & ~ . . s u h p i s s i o n f o r f o r m a l r e v i e w t o t h e work groldps Fciicwinc .. . . _ -_
t h e s e p r o c e d u r e s c o u l d h a v e g r e a t l y f a c i l i t a t e d t h e r e v i e w ?recess.

We h a v e a t t e m p t e d t o p r o v - i d e r a t i o n a l e a n d s u g g e s t i o n s f o r c h a n g e i e r m a
o f o n r comments. We h a v e a l s o i n c l u d e d o t h e r s ~ b s t a n t i v ec o ; m , e n r s f o r
c o n s i d e r a r i o n which d o n o t n e e d t o b e a d 5 r e s s e d i n o r d e r :o p u b l i s h t h e n t e r i a l , h o w e v e r ,
d u e t o t h e p o o r c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h i s document i t would b e a a v i s a b i e t c cc e a l l comments -.
into c o n s l d e r z t i o n , e s p e c i a l l y t h c s e t h a t a r e . .. .- .
marked by a n a s r e r l s k .
--*-... ,. ... -- . .
.~. . . .. .. . - . -. -.
P l e a s e l e t me k n o ~i f y o c h a v e a n y f u r t h e r q u e s ~ l c n sa?.d whether : h e r e 1: need-for a '-

n e e r i n g t o h a v e f u r t n e r d ~ s c n s s i o r ! . . if c. m e e z i n q , i r . :t.i. E n t e r e s r o f ti: s , i s needed i t . -

~ o u l db e h e l p f u l :o k n c x i n a d v a n z e t h e s p e c i f i c con;?z?.zs r e q u i r i n g c l z r : cat i o n .


: . .
-.. ... .

C a r o l e Davis _ . . a

C h a i r , D i e r a r y G u i d a n c e Working G r o s p

c c : D ~ e t a r yG u l d a n c e W o r k l ~ i g Group MeaDers
Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 2128 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: Small Step Challenge Rules & Call with Heidi

Just wanted to check in with you about approval of the ePrize rules. It appeared as though Bil 2s reviewing the
rules, but I wasn't sure if you had an idea of when we Could expect approval andlor feedback. 2 need them
finalized this week if we expect to launch the contest at the end of the month. .- ,
. . - - .- - - -
-.- .
1A -. .
'"Also, are you free Friday or early-next week to have a call with Heidi and IfegaFdtng-our Coal11 'fot+Hea7tw
Children project? I'm notsure we everreally brought you up to speed on this program'gnd we ve some Ideas ---
about how to use this Coalition as a response to the recent IOM.Report. Please let us know w iyou m~ght be
available for 30 minutes or so..;.


Anthony Signorclli( Campaign Director I The Advertising Council

,.t .. 261 Madison Ave. I New York. ~ e York
w 1001 6
.la': p: (21 2) 984-1 9891 E: ~ ~ i g n ~ e l l ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ I . o r p
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, January 04.2006 3:08 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc : Jenny Osterhout; Carla Horrilleno
Subject: Obesity Prevention - Los Angeles T~mes

> Further recognltlor for rhe campalgn . . . see belo:\. Pie are sezc:?.; 2
> hard copy to your attentlop- wnlek lncluaes a crea; fr0r.z page srrea-
> of "Cnln".
Talk to you soon,
> Anthony %


l >
- - -
~~ t p d ~ w w o . l a t ~ m e s . c o n / f e a 1 u r e s / n e a l t h / i a - h e - ~ e h a v ~ ~ r 2 ] a n O ~ , ~ , ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ S , .
> story?coll=la-headlines-health -- -- ---
> From the Los Angeles- Tlmes - "
> Get the message?
> A new medla bl~tz--plusthe powers of the feaeral government, odsrness
> and advocates--lust mlght get hmerlcans movlng.
> By Mellssa Healy
> Tlmes Staff Wrlter
> January 2, 2006
> TZIVIA SCHWARTZ-GETZUG.+,leansforward, llstenlng hara to a message fror
> the U.S. government. O n G e screen In front of her, a man 1s walklng
> hls dog when the dog puils away to lnvestlgate a lumpy parcel unaer a
> tree. "Leave lt," hls master tells hlm. "It's just an old double chln.
> Someone probably lost lt playlng here In the park wlth thelr klds."
> -. ...,-
. L & W - -

> "Oh my God, that is hysterical!" says the Sherman Oaks mother of
> three. "Very clever. "
> ..

> Schwartz-Getzug likes the "selling idea" of the gcvernment's new

> campaign to get Americans fit: that taking just a few small sceps to
> improve diet, and boos& exercise can make people nealthier, slimmer,
> even sexier. But will she - and millions of other Americans - buy the
> message?
7.. . .- .. . - . .--
> This time, ?hey might because the sellers have come prepared;' ~lushe-a
> with success from the an:i-tobaccp wars, they now k n o w more about t-he
> American people - and how to influence them. And this time, the
> sellers are joining forces.
> In the last 18 months, the federal government, health advocates ar.d
> private companies have begun to merge tneir efforrs against fat and
> inactwity. The Department of Health a?.a iiumar: Services has turnec to
> a top Madison Avenue advertising firr. and a iea5ing InYernet design
> company to create the Small Sreps campaign. Medio conpanles are
> rethinking their long-standing practlce..~: marketing junk food to
> kids. And health advocacy organizations such as the American Heart
> Assn. are formin4 partnerships wiZn companies willing to spread tneir
> message to a seen-it-all, heard-it-ail Pmerican public.
> "Very few behaviors change because someone saw an ad. You need soclal
> norms in place, environmental supports, the products, the placement,
> all the things that make the right decisions easy," says Carol
> Schechter, director of health communicaticns for the Academy for
> Educational Development, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit
> organization.
> Thus far, campaigns'aimed at selling heaithy behavior have ~ E ~ ~ ; .E =. c z
> Americans, in large paril, ilo wear seat belzs, quiz s~.ckinq~ z r5sfrs::.
> from drinking alcohol and driving.
> Bu: consider the 22.5. of kmericans who srL3ke, the 16% w'ns never wezr
> seat belts and the 17,000 killed each year by 5 r m k crivers, an5 s:2
> underscanas ilhe lirLits of health canpaigns. -~1sre:.
:C -C-?.eri=a:s -- .1. % ~
> Schwartz-Getzug talk about the crusr, of x ~ s r .:her. an6 z n e
> temptations they face daily, ank one perceives 2 sobcW--7-- ----. --- -' A

> Marketing campaigns aimed ac changinc behavior f ~ = elo:; 055s.

. .
> h full-rime community-relations specialist w:zr rho L.S. dewis!.
> Federation ar.d moilner cf three kids ages 5 tc 13, Schwarzz-Go=z-
. .
> can't fathom how she could find time t o get to r5e par!.:, mucr. less
play,with her kids there. Besides, she says, "I'm n s t zcnvinzec. :~t .
> those little steps actually hsve an impact . . . . lakin: :he szairz -
> certainly does something, but it doesn'tzeplace what's reall.
> needed. "
a ..
2 -.

& '
:. . .
>&,he-'+ what ~ e York
- - - - .
.- _
advertising Giant McCann-Ericksor. Korldwicie ca-is
> a "jaded can't-doer" - a parent too busy to ea? right a6d,?.ci
-.- . .
> too discouraged to 'iaunc-h-a'li-festyle overhaul. Nor all Americans -hive.
> grown overweight or suffer the health consequences of inacciviry, bct
> many share's personal assessment. "I'm silili
> relatively healthy," sne says. "aut I'm not in very good shape, and I
> don't feel very good."
> A walk after dinner sounds nice, she says, but by then, it's time to
> get the kids to bed. The 30 minutes of exercise a day recom-nended as
> the minimum for a healthy lifestyle? "I'm always trying to figure out
> where to find that, an$ ~t always comes down to less sleep," she says.
> <:
> --

> Coaxing out good behavior

> i
-.- -. ...,4

> It's clear that the straightforward approach to changing Pmericans'

> behavior will no longer work. Simply gathering the evidence, doncing
> the white coat, warning the public and recomnending a course of,-G-scion.
> won't cut it.
> Today, campaigns to prevent HIV and AIDS, discourage smoking, fight
> obesity and urge cancer screenings use humor, sex and sophisticated
market research. Public health advocates segment their markets and =
tallor their pitches t o t h e sensibiliTies and irig-dia consumption habits
.. .
of particular groups - preschoolers, teens, Latinos, African
Americans, parents of They push fitness and health
using one of the advertising profession's oldest principles: Sell the
sizzle, not the steak.
These new campaigns offer encouragement by inscan: message,
downioadable cellphone games with disease-prevenrion ideas, reality
shows~.':websites with attiilude and infcrmarion, and porry humor for
> kids. ...
> In newsreel style, the Nickelod.eoc channel details :he
> not-so-fine points of flatulence as par: of a new campaign aimed at
> getting kids to link what they eat co how their bodies perforr,. The
> federal government's Small Steps campaign features sexy soccer moms
> and a paunchy man whose healthy choices have transformed him i n ~ oa
> buff dhddy. An anti-smoking message that ran during the Super Bowl in
> 2005 poked mordant fun at the tobacco industry with a parody
> advertisement hawking Shards 0' Glass freeze pops ("Mr. Winky says,
> 'Talk to your kids about not licking. They'll listen.' " )
> John Riley, president of Metrix Inc., a Rochester, N.Y., marketing
> firm, says Americans respond to messages that emphasize social
> accestance and status - not scare raczics or lecr:res.
> "We need to pusk: t h a t gmotionai buzzor; that's asin.; r2 se: = k e ~ . 1: -=.a;.-
> attenzior. with t n ~ i rwhole body and not just : ?:
w :heir ~ . i ~ csa.;s ,"
> Riley, a former New York public health official. "Tha:'s an elemen: c f
> social narketinq that more public health ?eo?le are ?e:zin;
> comfortabie with. Ten years aqc chey tkiox.:hr tha: was 2552; sor.enow;
> they though: that was tawdry."
> The U.S. government is now betting on "sociai marKet:ng,"
- , . .
e s p e z x-~- - \ .

> as it cackles obesity - a threat tc the public's hell:- tfi2: ze:. 1 ~ 2 2

> tc diabetes, hear: disease and other serious ccndirions a?b rka: c2s:s
> tne narior. an estimated $117 billion annually -nLa-e ccszs .
ir. heal-'----
> . <

> The fight to stamp out tobazco smokinq ir: :he United Srates has
> schooled social marketers in the rechniques rhey b i i l l need rs ?ex
> Americans off the couch and away from rna chips.
> In-:three_de;'cades8 social marketiqa-campaigcs, b a c ~ e dby a relentiezs
. - .
W r c k o f - g o v e r n m e n t actior-s .agai'n-st tobacco and pl.icilcsmokir.q, fLa;:s ...-.
> helped whittle the proporxion of Pmericans who smoke b ~ ~ 4 ~ . f -xse . .- T .-Eo .
> term from narketing; these ~ a ~ a i g r .public ~' m e s s a p i ~ .has
~ positloxed
> smoking, in the minds of consumers, as a habit tnat is socially
> constricting and uncoolt.
> "Human beings are very complicated, and there are a lot of inreresrinq
> barriers we set up" to justify behaviors that aren't in our best
> interests, says Peggy Conlon, president and chief executive of the
> U.S. Ad Council. "The key to advertising is 'not to bash them down with
> a battering ram but to coax out the positive behaviors." Often ads do
> that by appealing to s,:pme other deeply felt need - an obligation to
> children, perhaps, or g a e s i r e to be sexy, admired or envied.
> The Truth anti-smoking campaign, aimed at teens considered most likeiy
> to take up smoking, is currently one of the edgiest public health
> efforcs on the A r n e g j , ~ ~ , ~ + n d s c a pIn
e . advertisements on youzh-oriented
> outiets such as MTV and the WB, on its extensive website and froa its
> distinctive orange truck parked outside concerts, skate parks and
> video arcades, Truth strikes .z radically rebellious pose. Ic is-.& -
> campaign of the American L,egacy Found?tion, which is funded by money
> collected from the tobacco industry in s landmark settlement of a sui:
> brought by 46 states.-
> ..

> The Truth rarely mentions the long-term health effects of smoking in--
I-. -."'.>. .it's ads , and you'have ta..hunt for tn,", data . or."?-ts -
website. Such .an . .. . . -
> appeal.would be ineffective for the campaign-'s incended audience o f -
> teens and young adults, whose immortaliry is I-irzually
> impenetrable, say the campaign's architects.
> Instead, Truth - in the sartorial trapginas an5 m u ~ ~ b l epatois c of
> American teens - portrays the -tobacco industry as a carrupz,
> hypocriticai institution tnat could be a worrhy scand-in for tne
>-ent-i.m'; -loathsome -world of adults. In snort, for an audience yearning
> for a way to stick it to their parents, teachers or bosses, Truth,. -
> positions the decision not to smoke as an act of defiance.
> "We're selling rebellion," says Cheryl Healtcc, president of the
> American Legacy Foundation.and a key architec: of the campaign. TO
> many adult eyes,,Truthlsads are qraphic, offensive or just plain
> lncomprehensibie. 3 2 they ~ work bezause :hey engage thelr target
> audience on their own level, says HealEon. "Jusr tnink how hard it 15
> to get a health message across :o someone who's 14 and chinks they're
> going to live forever."
> A 2002 study of the Trutn campaign found that its message has
> penetrated deeply into the culture of American teens and youth, even
> as smoking has declined to its lowest levels since tracking began iz
> 1975. Healton thinks there is szrong evidence :ha: Trurk has
> succeeded.
> Today, she says, :he Truth campaign is ;eaoqzlzeC b y 7 0 % tc 53; :i
> knerican teens, making ir one of rhe mcsr raF.:irar zra~-$s.
. .
> But in many ways expunging the sr,oking hati: thrzu;?. social 7.-r.<sz::.z
> is easier z n a ~changing eacins habiEs, experrs s a y
"Obesity is not tobacco," says D r . Robert E. Eckel, a przfesscr - - --..-
University of Colorado School of Medicine :-Denver an5 cresidsrr :f
&. - .- ,-

. .
> the American Heart kssn. "Nobody needs to smoke, and everysaz? nee55
> to eat and to move,-ar leas; some." Changinc ;he cosplex stex of
> factors that ipfluence how much someone-will choose L O eat an5 rr.cve
> "makes obesity in many ways a more difficult challenge."
> \

> Changes on every

- ~. level
>. . . - .- .. - - .
> Ackange bet,avior, action is alsb needed.
.-. - .
> Motorists riay be swayed by pbhlic service announcements, but bucklir.c
> up is also required by law throughout the nation-, and states xirh lax
> requirements miss out on key federal highway funds. Federal lax
> requires healtn warnings on cigarettes, and state and local
> governments have adopted a wide range of smoking restrictions. Don't
> Drink and Drive campaigns may move tipsy motorists to give up their
> keys. But throughout the nation, drunk driving standards also have
> been tightened, as has their enforcement.
> The Bush administrati0.p is betting that turning the tide on obesity
> can be done not through~governmentmandates, but through voluntary
> industry initiatives and public campaigns of persuasion. "Change a
> -heart, change a nation," is a favorite aphorism of M i ~ eLeavitt,
> Secretary of Health and Human Services.
.'..-- - --
In March 2004, the federal government kicked off its Small Steps
campaign, with pro bono help of McCann-Erickson Worldwlae and the
website-development firm Carton Donofrio Partners Inc. It is aim&
a "family buiiders" - parents age 25 to 49 with children
primarily :
younger than 18 llving at home. About 38% of American households have
at least one, and it's a group that spans race, ethniclty and marltal
Diverse' as this grsup is, however, it'shares- a--single ;rait : , L i k e .. .- . ....-
Schwartz-Getzug, time for people in this croup is zincs: entirely
spoken for by the demands of work, r.=ms and kids. Alzhough hsalthy
eatinganc! exercise is on their to-cio lists, 1: afcen falls to the
bottom and remains undone.

Working under the advertising industry group the Ad Council,

McCann-Erickson has produced more than a dozen advertisements for
telkitTSion, r a d i o , p ~ i n tmedia, billboards and bcses. Media outlets
have donated more than $150 million wcrth of aircime and ad space-&to
run the campaign ads. An estimated 1C5 nillicn A ~ e r i c a n shave seen the
ads, and.l.2 million peopie have logge5,on to the Small Steps website
- a "conversion rate . . . anyone in commercial aaverrising would love,"
says the A d Council's Conlon.

In mid-2005, the Ad Council an3 McCanp-'rickson rolled ouC a new crop

of healthy-eating messages aimed at young kids. Known inside the
industry as the "Fun With Food" ads, one f e a ~ u r e sa pair of young boys
lounging alongside their skateboards eating cheese sandwiches on whole
wheat bread, as pigeons peck at their feet. k niahty belch issues from
one of the boys, scattering the birds. "Can your food do that?" a
deadpan voice-over asks.
- .
> Last month, ac eminent panel of scien:isrs x r ~ 7~5 sd rzcz, rssrzxrt:.:
> . lnzrf.ez::z
and marketins industzies t'o iaunch a "massive s o t i ~ ,

- -
campaign" aimed ar shiftinq the food chcizes 31 ~ n e r i c zXi5s ~ fr:~.
> junk food to heal'l-L Ller =are.
> Nickelodeon was amonq the first csr.9anies z c -?sl::~.reer fcr =?:at
. .
> campaign. Throughout tne summer of 2005, iz zirec
. .
- -
> 'urging kids to rurn off the TV and qo our anc ~ ~ z y"Vo:~r
. 5 ~ - -n e e - :
> yoc," says one ad, showinq a basketb~ilpesrerin; z v i ~ e
- - -
> kid untii he takes it out to play. The "Let's Jxst ?1z.,;" .----,I:--
. -..

> culxinated on Ocr . 1, wheri Nickeiodeor wenr dzrk f c r :5ree F..c..:rs, :

> while more rhan 500 schools and yourk grcc?s cr,Ga:.izee s s e = ~ z ~
> aetivlties. . .
i In October, Nickelodeon announced it had ioined ;be A~~ericar. .
> Assn. and the Killiam 2 . Clinron Foandarion ts crezre tne h ~ - : ~ n c e fzr
> a Healthier Generation. The three will ccg-bine forces r: launch
> comprehensive education and advertising carnp~ignaimed az gezti
. > . to . eaf -right .andexercise more. _-
>"- .- . . - -.

> To the architects of the anti-obesity campaigns now cnderway; y
> children are an espeiially key-target audience. Bonjarded with eno
> effective messages, they may be the generation that turns thesocial
> tide against weight gain and inactivity, says American Heart Assr..'~
> Eckel.
> But if that is to happen, parents such as Schwartz-Getzug must also
> get on board and lead by example, experts say. Some of those parenys
> will be nudged to action by the lure of losing double chins, or love
> handles or spare tires - all unwanted body parts portrayed as 1
> the government's new c$mpaigE. Other parents may be prodded int
> action by their kids, nd. also being targeted with get active
> campaigns.
> --
> But in homes such as Schwartz-Getzug's, even this two-~rongeda p ~ r o a c h
> is $acing the power&.fnrcgs of inertia. Recently the Sherman Oaks
> mom overheard one of the "Let's Just Play" messages on TV and, despite
> a to-do list a mile long, suggested a f a ~ ~ i ioutinq.
> "Yeah, OK, Mom, as soon as this show is over," the kids replied.
> * -
>.. . ,, . .
-- -..,
. - .
: ~
.- .~

. . .. -- -.-
> Changing behavior: what works
> Keep it light, keep it positive.
> Many years ago, the U.S. Ad Council ran public service advertisements
> urging Americans to be screened for colcreczal cancer. The campaign
> snowed caskets being lowered into the ground - and the ads soon took
.> the -s&e -route.
~ ~

-.- -. . . .
> Effective advertisinq campaigns don'r "scarf :he l i f e 02: of ~ e o ? l e , "
> but empower audiences to acr in their bes: inreres:, saps Peggy Conloz ~
> of the Ad Council. Conion says tnaz a new colore,=~al screening ad
>. portrays a -colorectal ?clyp as a sio~jand burr.Sllr,g croxblemaker that,
> when collared early, is no threat at all.
> Sell the sizzle.
> Whether it's steak or health, advertisers say, sex sells, and so do
> social benefits such as status, attractiveness and self-confidence. So ,
> sell those - not the prospect of a longer life.
> In ;he goY.rernnent's Small Steps campaign, ope nzzzzi~ea-. sr.siis .
> doc-ed lines how -he waist 2r.d +h'-nc ~f o-=-r--c-- - .
-.- - . 1 ~ 3 E SZZZDZ T.CX
. a. -. ~ tof zowsr-xElp:rnz

> .
can be whittled down xherL she gers I n tne n .. alrrz
> :he sidelines br caking a waLk afcer dinner. >.I c shotc cr- .ner r-5sr.:.
> is nipped.fron pucgy L O sexy, rext r- c ~ ~ s xrhr . *
s zzr-,~es,
> suggestin5 changes in che woman's s e-~-r - m a g ? . "Fi;?.zs --,- f C r':--. =.:

> the soccer fielc anc play forxard," says the ~ex: =hat rxr.s ?LC~.; z n e
> innermost line, in ads that aFpear in English and 'panrs?..
> Offer peer acceptance to young audi-ences. -~
> Whether a kid is 6 or 16, qomotivator is mors p o w e r f ~ lchar: :he
> acceptance or admiration of kids her age or - even bezter - a hit
> older., advertising pros say. Ir, anri-smoking campaigns, the fa=: --..-
& = --

> kids find smokers less attractive as friends ane dates is a

> particularly potent lever. In a mcre posi4ive way, the Truth ca;r.caiqn,
> says Carol Schechter, appeals powerfully ;o teens' 5e ~ ~ r t
> of a lzrger--yputh movement. -- . --
. . % .
-. ..
. '-. : .-- . .. ~
. ---

> Make ir immediate. . . --... -- ---

--- _ - - _ ,

> Young kids live in the moment, and that's when they need LO believe
> their reward will come if they do what the advertisenenr says.
> Marketers of toy and junk food know and follow this rule well: You eaz
> this product, you will play better basketball as soon as you go out to
> the driveway; you buy this toy, and your life instantly will have all
> the excitement of an action video game.

> For this audience in particular, "any health effect is so far in the
> future, it really has HH~+relevance,says John Riley of the marketins

> firm Metrix. ..

> speak the audience's language.

> . ..- ,
.'*--&* ,

> "Thunder thighs," "love han-di,esWand "spare tires" may not be the way
> the Centers for Disease Control talks about obesity, but those are
> terms in which regular W e r i c a p s think of their extra pounds. So,.;~hen.
> ad ~ o p yfor Small Steps TV ads was wrirzen, it toured che power of
> marginal changes in diet and exercise to heip thirty- and
> fortysomethings lose fhose unwanted.body parts.
> Similariy, man9'of the anti-smoking advertisements that appear on MTV--
be unintelligible t o an adult wha has'no €-eenager living a?
> (and some who do). But -if the message is to ~e authentic a n d '
> believable, it must, like, come from someone who totally sonnds like
> he spent the afternoon playing video games, dude.
> La familia importa.
> With Latino audiences, family relations are paramonnt, and appeals to
> -this.,audienceshouid reflect thar prioriry. Campaigns aimed at getting
> Latino parents to exercise have portrayed walkinq -as a family afLsir,
> and for women, an,extension of their obligation to their family.
> ..
> Let the web do the work.
> For all audiences, but for teens in particular, the World Wide Web is
> the place to learn and connect tc an Issue.

> Bill Oberdorfer, the YcCann-Srickson Worldwide account executive for

> the Fun With Food anti-onesity messages aimed aL kids, says the
> broadcast ads cac afford to be fuzny, c r y p t ~ cand light on educational
> messages because all they need to do is lead kids L O a website.
> "That's where the heavy lifting is cone," says Oberdorfer. For kids in
> particular, many campaign websices extend and convey messages with
> computer games and even opporrunities co chat a ~. :z
ns:a.r :.essa~r r::::.
> other kids.
> The same is true of the Trurh campaign, and ever. :he S n a l l Stezs ar?e5
> at adults: Let the ad Craw q ~ a r r i e sc c =he wezsi:~, anc. -sr
> website convey the real infor5z=:on.
> -
> -
> Fitness in Finland's footsteps
> - -

> Finland's public campaign tc drive dowiY one of the world's :"-iq:?es:
> rates of heart disease is often cited by pcbiiz h e a l t h f f i c i a l s as t
> key example of what a social marketing campaign car: do whec Sacke5 51.
> a wide range of government policies. .\
> At the-en-d--?if
Wnlgrld War 11, roughJy 7 5 5 of-rinnish mer, srnoked tab=--- ---u',

rr, &&---nding the heaith risks of .kdiet-high in animai fat ar.d salz . ar.2 --
> declining physical activity. In the early 1970s, the Fi-fin''-''sf? -
> government~~1aunched~-a'

mClti'p~onged effort tc get 'inns to stop

> smoking, cut back on such national staples as burcer and salted fish,
> and get out and exercise. Companies and communities launched N c r c i z
> walking clubs, the Finnish national TV nerwork ran "Quit and Win!"
> lotteries for those who stopped smoking, and schools got serious abocz
> teaching nutrition to young children. Prodded by the government,
> restaurants began offering salads with meals at nc extra charge, and
> workplaces made time for group.exercise.
> But the Finnish govern%ment threw its weight into the c a m p a i g ~too,
> banning tobacco advert&ment and smoking in workpiaces, as well as
> tightening the nayion's f.ood labeling laws. The result: In three
>.decades, Finland has driven down heazt disease deaths by 605 and
> cancer deaths by 1 5 6 .
> ... ...-

> - Melissa Healy

> .. .;r
Page 1 of 2

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 12:25 PM
To: Burgess, William (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Petree, Kisten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE:.Prizes for the Youth Obesity Small Step Contest
. .. .
Attachments: ePrize Proposal 9-16-05.ppt

The Ad Councll 1s sub-contracting w ~ t hePrlze to supp~rtand ~mplementthe contest onllne eF !e has

tremendous experience In thls arena and has agreed to admlnlster the contest at l~ttleto no co I've attached
some background b_elowto help provrde y g ~ w l t haddlt~onalcontext on the servlces ePrlze w~ll ov~de .-
4 , - -
- -- ---
Best Regards, .. -A --- -

-----Original Message-----
From: Burgess, William C. ( 0 s ) []
Sent: Wednesday, January 04,2006 12:09 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (0s); Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: RE: Prizes for the Youth Obesity Small Step Contest

Thanks Anthony, that is the i n h a t i o n that I needed.

You also mention the partnership with ePrize. I was also trying to figure out how ePrize fits intc he grand scheme
.-. ....-.
of thirlgs. Is the Ad Council contracting
. A - . . .with ePrize to provide support for this prize contest or i :here some
-. .
.. .. . . - -.
type of relationship? What services are being provided by ePrize?

-Bill - ..A-
-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten ( 0 s )
Sent: Wednesday;-3anuary 04, 2006 11:22 AM
To: 'Anthony Signorelli'; Burgess, William C. (0s)
-. -_ .__ ..
. . Cc: Jenny Osterhout .-- _..- -_
. -. . ... ..
.Subject: RE: ~rizes.foFtheYouth Obesity Small Step Contest
.. .
Thank you, Anthony. I believe this will help Bill assess the prize conditions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, January 04,2006 11:21 AM
. +>-: -
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Burgess, William (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout -2%.

Subject: RE: Prizes for the Youth Obesity Small Step Contest

.. Kirsten 8, Bill.
The Ad Council approached the NBA with an opportunity to donate prizes for th :ontest. NBA
Entertainment has been supporting ths Ad Council for years and is committed t~ nany of our
issues. Since we believe the NBA prize packs to be both something kids would e interested in
wlnnlng and would contribute to their increased actlv~ty(basketballs, etc), we aF .oached them
with the opportunity. NBA Entertainment was also willing to provlde the prizes t ~ckly,In the
amount requested, and at no cost to the Ad Councll.

With regard to Marvel's involvement ...upon reviewing their proposal for the in-sc 301 marketing
-. -
program, subsequently awarded to Scholastic, we were lntrrgued by Marvels ~ b a r a c i e r
Appearance program When the opportunity to create an amazing grand-pnze for klds came uc
through our partnership with ePnze, we contacted Marvel about supporting t h ~ s~ f f o r t Tne ab~lity
for Marvel to provlde three character appearances to any school across the couptry deliver a
presentation to chlldren on the toplc of health 8 fitness and use the cnaracter of S~ider-Mantc
promote the campalgn strategy of "better food helps you perform better" (superheroes are all aoou:
performance) lead us to seek them as a partner

I hope thrs helps to clarify how-these partnerships came about However I d be glad to explain
further on a call if desrrable


~. Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSBS) []
Sent: WednesdaKJa-nuary 04,2006 11:09 AM - .. --
- .-. .
. .- .
I .:
..- ; -
.>?. :. - - -.. . ''?
. .
To: Anthony Signorelh; Burgess, William (HHSIOS) .- -
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: Prizes for the Youth Obesity Small Step Contest


Thanks much-
.,-w*.. -.. .; :,-

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: ~ n t h Signorelli
o ~ ~ []
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 10:31 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Carla Horcilleno -

Subject: Small Steps at Newark Airport

Attachments: Actual Small Steps EWR Term A 12-21-05.jpg: Actual Small Steps EWR T e r ~
6 12-21-05 jpg

The Small Steps Stareway ads have been posted jusi;n time for the holiday travel season. the attached files
for examples.of the PSAs, which are posted in Newark international Airport, NJ. These
,.,+- --

. -&oderminals A a<d 6.
- - . - --
.- . ~

.. . . . --., : +:

.- . .- .-- -2.- -
.- . I ..- --...
- --
Also, let us know when you are free today to talk for 15 minutes about ePrize. ...
.. . ..


Anthony Signorellil Campaign Director I The Advertising Council

261 Madison Ave. 1 New York. New York 1001 6
Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli (]

Monday, June 27,2005 3:41 PM
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout -
Subject: RE: Memo for webs~te
Attachments: URL Request Memo 6-27-05.doc;-Obesity Prevention Status 6-27-05.doc


Attached, please find our initial attempt at the URL me'mo. Feel free to give me a call with comments andio:
suggestions far....improving this.
. . .- - -- -...
- -.. ._-
- -- ' --
-'ATso?;"e attached a list of c a m p a i ~ n ~ t e mwe s should discus$. Perhaps w6 ci"-set aside~time~~amoiiow
after our ---
. --
call with Jessrca Shisler a l l 1:30.'PIeaSe let us know. .. ..-

Thanks, . .

-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) []
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005.2:-$7 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: IYemo for website

-- d

Were you able to get the memo for the domain name request together? I'm looking to'&t thi~-done>;~uickl~as
Let me know when.+to expect it.
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 4 5 8 PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: New Adult Print and Web banners

Attachments: Web banner concept-6-22-05.gif

1 I

Web banner
:oncept 6-22-05.gif.. .\
,-... -- --::se- -

be. sending hard copies,,pf the print ads to your a~te?-tion--..-

McCann w~ill- . I = . 7 . . w---;.'
lei-us-know when you receive t-hem. .- . ;-. --- . . --.
1-1.. .=
.- --
.. . .--- ,
- '1
Also, please--letus know about the banners (attached again for; .

----- OriginalMessage-----
From: Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Wednesday, June 2 2 .ZOO5
~ 8:16 PM
To: Carla Horrilleno; Mor%Tes, Dan (HHS/OS)
Cc: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: New Adult Print and Webbanners
--...:.- --

- . .~ . ~ .

Hi Carla --
I keep getting a "There was an error in opening this file. File can- not<,be found."
* , .;-= ,
message when I try to open it up.
----- Original Message-----
From: Carla Horril1eno.-~rna']
Sent: Wednesday,.June 22, 2005 4:28 PM
Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS); Moralez, D a n (HH&.OS)
Ccf A'nthony signorelk< .-

Subject: 'New Adult Print and Web banners

We wanted to share with you the obesity pzint selects for. the new adult wprk as weil as a
new web banner
concept. . The banner is atcached beiox, 52; to access the brint:
: C7.. I
-1. .
From a web browser: go to this link and use che username and passwo~$ provldea.
<ftp: //meny5@www.schawknyc.corn/> ..
username: meny5
password: 353n7f
account : (leave blank)
The fi'le name is "AdCouncil Selects."

Diease note at this point no retouching has beer! done and the logos have not
yet been
added. With retouching, McCann should be able to make the copy more iegi?le as well as
make any fixes or adjustments needed to zhe body parrs. Please review these
selecrs as
well as the web banner concept and let us know if you have any questions o r coments.
Thanks !
-- -
Carla Hozrllieno
Asslstanr Campaigc Manager
The Advertising Council
> 261 Madlson Avenue, lltn Floor
Kew York, NY 10016
p 212-984-1920
f 212-922-1676
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli [] I

Sent: Friday, ~ u n 24,
e 2005 4118 PM
To: Petree, Klrsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: Steps Grantee Debrief - Tuesday @ 1 1.30am
We are all set for Tuesday at 11.30am to debrief with Donna and Jessrca I wlll call you then and connect
everyone from here
Thanks, -

- Anthony - - -
- ---
- -- --
-- -- .. - -- -.
Adthon; Sgnorellil Carnpa~gnD~rectorI The A d v e r t ~ r ~ nCgo u n c ~ l == - 1= s

261 Madison Ave. I New York, New York 10016
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 4:09 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Steps grantee meet~ngISmailSteps Youth Campaign

Great, thank you. I'll set something up.

i will also give you a call an Monday to g3 throuph everyrh~in~ relare5 :ts za:.r?iz:..
. . Z
spoke to Christina earlier and we are excited co be work in^ xi:_ yoc. --. - --..
- - - -- -- -

very busy and product: 7 ve summer.

Best Regards, %

. .
. . -
- - . -
. ..
- - .
. --
= .

----- Original Message----- - . . -

. - -- ,
From: Petree;' Kirsten - (HHSfOS)'
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 1:5l PM
To: Anthony Signorelli; Morales, Dan (HHS/OS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Donna Feiner; Pearson, Christina (HES/CS)
Subject: RE: Steps grantee meeting/Smali Steps Y o u ~ nCampaigc

I am available on Tuesday within-that time frame.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony ~ignorelli'?]
Sent: Friday, June 24, 20051 11:42 AC.1
To.: Morales, Dan (HHS/OSj ; Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OSj
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Donna Feiner; Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS)
Subject: FW: Steps gfs",iee-me,eting/Smali Steps Youth Campaign

Daniel & Kirsten,

I hope all is weil.

Christina suggested t h a L we coordinate a call with you and Jessica Shisler to hold a
debrief after the Steps Grantees Media Training session yesterday.
Are you availablg to have a short conference call .
- -., .-
. : .
on either of the following
. -....
. . .-
----- - . ---
. . .-.
I.I ,
. .-
.. .- .

Tuesday from 11:30 to lpm

Wednesday after 2pm
Please let us know.

Thank you,
Anthonyr;:: -

-----Original Message-----
From: ~ear'son,Christina (HHS/OS) [mailto:Christina. Pearson@hns .
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 6:21 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli; Snisler, Jessica (CDC)
Cc: Carla Korrilleno; Donna Feiner; Ingranam, Tracy (CDC)
Subject: Re: Steps :grantee meeting/Small Steps Youth Campaign :

Actually, pls proceed with Kirsten Petree and Daniel Morales.

Anthony - I'm out Fri bu: will try your cell later
Sent from my BlazkBerry Wlzeiess Handheld

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli <asignoreili~~kd~ounci1.or~>
To: Shisler, Jessica (CDC) <zje6@CDC.GCV>
CC: Carla Borrilleno <CHorzilleno@kdCour:=i1.or~>;D0'~:3 ?e:ner < F e i n r r ~ ~ i z : . : r : i l . : : : \ :.-
Pearson, Christina (HHS/CS) < C h r i s t i n ~ . ~ a r ~ o n @ . i ? . " , s . cI::raharr.,
~ir>; Traz:' - .' Z 3 Z ' : ;s:.:r
Sent: Thn Jun 23 17:52:57 2005
Subject: RE: Steps grantee meeting/Snsll Steps Yoc~fi C a z ~ z i ~ ~ .

Zessica, .. .
Giad to hear all went well coday!
I'd love for our de-brief to include Christina, sz ler's cry L C se: c? E z---
- . ---,-
- - - ==.-
---L,. .
next week. Tuesday'.from 11: 30 TO ipm or Wednesday after Zpm woulz i . i d ~ l2:. :-.: . -
Than its,
----- Originzl-'~ - ..
~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ - l - - ' - - ' -
---- - . -... .
. . .
.. -
From: Shisler, Jessica []
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2-005 3:34 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Carla Horrilleno; Donna Feiner; Pearson, Christina (0s); Ingrahan, Tracy
Subject: Re: Steps grantee meeting/Small Steps Youth Campaign

Thanks Anthony. We just finished up the meeting and . t h e ~ council

d sessionI was a big hit!
Donna did a great job pr;N%ing the relevant informa~ionthat the granEees needed tc. K ~ O K .
In follow-up we discussed de-briefing about today's session on a ipr call conorrow. Please
let me know if this work for all.
Looking forward to next steps,
Jessica :I.--. ..;- --.. . . .. . . . .

Sent from my BlackBerry Wlreless Handheld

- .T

-----Original Message-----
From: AnthonySignorell~<>
To: Shisler, Jess-ica <>
CC: Carla Horrilleno <>;Donna Feiner <>;
--"Pear$on, Christina 10s) <Christina.PearConiaHHS GO^; . . .. _-
, I .. _.__
.. .-.

Sent: Wed-Jun 22 10:20:37 2005

Subject: RE: Steps grantee meeting/Small Steps Youth Campaign

I 've attached the presentation for tomozrow's meeting below. ~ o n n ahas alsready
coordinated everything (multimedia requirements, handouts, presentation file) with the
appropriate person.
. . . .-.,...c.-.- -
. --
.- . _. '
I wish you luck. It is going to be great! ,

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, June 24,2005 11:42 AM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc : Jenny Osterhout; Donna Feiner; Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Subject: FW: Steps grantee meetinglsmall Steps Youth Campaign

Danlei & Kirsteri,
I nope all is well.

Cnrist5na suggested that we coordinate a call with you and Jessica ~ h i s l d r:c ..--- -=

have a short conference call on either of Q e following dares/iimes: -

- - -=--.-.=-- .-- =. - - -
debrief cfter the Steps Grantees Meciia Training sessior. yesrerday. . k c .!-.. a'*

Tu -L.

Tuesday from-f1::3% t.0. lpm

w-esday' after-2pm
- ..
- --

- . . - :.. z.-l-... ~ .... -.-

- -.
--] -I-. ' .
. --- ----. -- -..
Please let u s know. . . .- ---
- ."I . ..
. .

Thank you,

----- Original Message-----

From: Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS)- [mailto:Christina.Pearson@hns.
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 6:21 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli; ,Shisier, Jessica (CDC)
Cc: Carla Horrilleno; Doh- Feiner; Ingraham, Tracy (CDC)
Subject: Re: Steps grantee'.meeting/~mallSteps Youth Campaign

ActuaLly, pls proceed.~&h,.K.l&sten Petree and Daniel Morales.

Anthony - I'm out Fri but will try your cell lacer
.......................... I
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
., ' . j r

-1 -
- -

----- Original Mes-sage----- .-.
From: Anthony Signorelli <>
. : ...-
- 4.-.
--:=To:-Shisler, Jessica-..(CDC)..Szje6@CDC.GW> - - - - .- .-...-
CC: CarlaHorrilleno <CHorrilleno@AdCouncil.or~>;Donna ~ e i n e r " < ~ ~ e ~ ~ n e r @ a ~ c o i i n c i .--
Pearson, Christina (HES/OS) <>; Ingraharn, Tracy (CDC) <bwf7 . -.
. .

Sent: Thu Jun 23 17:52:57 2005 . . ,

Subject: RE: Steps grantee meetinglsmall Sceps Youth Campaign

Glad to-+ear all went well today!

I'd love for our de-brief to inciude Christina, so iet's try to set up a call
for early
-.-*-A ..
nexr week.,.Tuesday from 11:30 co ipm or Wednesday after 2pm would work well on this end.

Thanks, .-
----- Original Message-----
From: Shisler, Jessica []
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:34 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Carla Horrilieno; Donna Feiner; Pearson, Christina (0s); Ingraham, Tracy
Subject: Re: Steps grantee meeting/Small Steps Youth Campaign
Thanks Anthony. We just finished up the meeying an=. zne
AQ C a ~ n z l lsess:
Donna did a great job providinq tne relevanc infczmazicn zhar - h e orar.z.e
In fciiow-up we discussed de-briefing abouc roday's sessior. a- a I p x cal
~ know if this work for all.
i e me
Looking forward to nexc steps,
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheid

----- Orlglnal Message----- -

From: Anchony Slgnorelll <>
To: Shlsler, Jesslca <>
CC: Carla Horrllieno <CRorrllieno@AdCounc:1.0rq>; Donna r5:ner - <Ye:n@rC
Pearson, Chrlstlna (0s) < C n r ~ s t ~ n a . P e a r s o ~ ~ H S . G O V >
Sent: Wed Jun- 22 10:20:37 2005
- -
Sublecc: RE: Steps gpantee meetlnq/Small Steps Youtn Camp2lSn
- -- --
Jessica, --- -
I 've attached the present&lon ibr tomorrow's meetlng below. Donna- nas
coordinated everything (multlmedla requirements, hanaouts, presenraticc
appropriate person.

I wish you luck. It is going to be great!


Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 1.43 PM
To : Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS);
Subject: RE: Domain-Name-Rgquest

Than'ks Christina. We'll get working on this right away

- --
-----Original Message----- --
-- .. - -- - -
- 4

From: Pearson, Christina (HHSIQS) [] - --: --. . --

Sent: Thursday, June 23, ZOO5 i i : 5 0 ~ ~


To: Anthony S~gnorelli

Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); ''
Subject: FW: Domain-Name-Request

Anthony -
Per yesterday's conversat~on,here IS an example of the type of memo we'll need to get the youkth campalgn
names Note that we can purchase com and org too - but we're requlred to promote the gov webs~te The
memo would be from Kev~n .Keane to Charles Havekost
Please send the draft to Klrsten and Dan - they'll spearhead the project from here - as soon a: you can Thanks
so much for offerlng to shepherd thls I'm golng to send a couple other emalls wlth add~t~onalbackground but the
memo below IS the guts of what we need

Thanks, chp
d..e*M .-. rrr
I -

-----Original Message-----
From: Hall, Bill (HHSIOS)
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 3:57 PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Subject: Dornain:lUarne-Request
- P

-- .. ,
-- -
- -

TO: Charles Havekost

FROM: Robert Polson

DATE: - January+ZS-. 2005
y- ?.A

SUBJECT: Domain Name Registration for Information Collections

. . ..

Pursuant to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Information ~esoukcesManagement
(OIRM) policy HHS-IRM-2000-0008. I am submitting this request to receive approval for the registration of a
domain name to be used for access into the Information Collection Review and Approval ~ ~ s t e ' version
m, 3,

Although the lCRAS 3 database will be hosted at HHS, this request is for a waiver to Request for Comments
(RFC) 2146, the Registration Policy for Domain Names representing the HHS and its ~gencie!, which states that
HHS.GOV shall be used for all HHS sites. lCRAS 3 will initially be used by HHS OlRM infoimation collection

staff. HHS Operating Division (OpDiv) staff. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Doc1 s Office staff.
OMB Desk Officers, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) information collect I staff. therefore
this is a request for a First-Level .GOV domain name: htrp:ii~v~;~~.p_apenvorkredugt~on~go~~.

In addition, I request to have the following Second-Level .GOV domain names:

http://www.paperworkreduction.go~/s~~ and -
FW: NES Review o f the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Mcmurcy, Kathryn (HHSIOS)

Sent: Friday, January 20,2006 10:Ol AM
To: 'Anthony Signorelli'
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dieta-ry Guidance Rev~ewComments on Rev~sedHHSIOS smallstep Challenge

Great, thanks.
... .
- Kathryn . - ..
-----Or;g'~ n aIYkssage--;--
--.. --
l -. .-
- .

From: Anthony Signorelli [mailt~:asignorelli@AdCouncil.orgj - .- ~r

. - - --:.
--. .
.-. -.- ..
z #

Sent: Friday, January 20,2006 9:s'AM . .
To: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS)
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHS/OS SmallStep Challenge Questions

Done, thank you!

We plan to begin the contest on February 6th, however, I'll let you know if anything should change
i I

-Anthony .

-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [~~~~~O:KMCMIJ~~~@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV]
Sent: Thursday, Janua,p,,llI .-2006
< - 5:54 PM -. . ... . .. .
To: Anthony ~ i ~ n o r e l l i -
Subject: RE: HHS/USDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHS/OS SmallStep Challenge Questions
.. ..- .. .. - .=
... .. .

Just one final picky one, Q25 should be "an" orange way ....then okay by me!
Pls. let me know when to look for it "live."

thanks, '

.. .. Kathryn . .
- ..., .-
.~ . .- .

.. .-

- ._
-._ .._.
_:__ V - . _ _ _ _ * _ .

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:04 PM
To: McMurry, ~ a t h r y nY. (OPHS)
Subject: RE: HHS/USDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHS/OS SmallStep Challenge Questions
You'p:the best, thanks!
.--.. -

Please see the attached document and my notes below In "red"

Are we approved
- to go l~vewlth these changes? I

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [mailto:KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV]
FW: NES Review of the.NHLBI "We Can!" Materials

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:49 PM

To: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHSJOS SmallStep iallenge Quest~ons


Thanks for the great job of addressrng the comments Just a few final polnts

Q1-Great to ~ncludeamounts for the pillowcase, shoebox, and backpack-but should they be cups. not pounds.
to match the rest7 changed to cups
I won't ask about the accuracy of the amounts -) made them all up but they are suppcsed t ae wrong anyway.

Q8 & 23- Will kids know what a "fluid" is? or would ?quid" be better? (your call) changed to luid
I think the cot~ectanswers for 8&23 can be "water" (earlier issue was 8 cups, and -it'sjust pre: ited as ;a" good
- -
waycnot only way):-changed to water, thanks.
>n "try this" we wouldn't want to-discourage milk i s "other beverages" removed !'other beven
.......... .-- .-:-.-:-.

Q16--should be equals "about" 1 cup of milk (sorry, my mistake). changed, no worries


Q25-correct answer is sweet "potato" (no "e") ...whoops, changed (a Dan Quayle type error)

Hope this is clear; call with any questions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli [r)8i@o:asignorelli@~d~ouncil.orgl
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:39 PM
To: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS)
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA ..... Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHS/OS Smallstep
.+---,. Dietary
.&+ ~allenge
. . _-_.
Importance: High

Kathryn, .. ... ... - - A- a

No worries ...we can't learn if we don't try. I apologize if this has been challenging, but I agree e can likely
improve upon the process moving forward.
Please find a revised document attached. We incorporated all of the requested revisions, as 311 as the team's I . ....
- --. - - . . . suggestive changes.. If a question received too.much criticism,.:we simply removed it from t ~ eocument.
-., .- . -- - . . -.
, --.

One point to keep in mind is that our research indicated that kids are. in fact receptive to the ci a of energy .-
balance, so we did not eliminate these questions altogether as one comment suggested I ca share that
research if you'd like.

We need to translate this document into a different format for our online partner by tomorrow, please let me
know if.we can move forward ASAP. I can be reached directly at the number below if you wo 1 like to chat.
. . .--.

_ - 1 . -
Thanks for everything,

Anthony Sipnorellil Carnpa~gnDirector I The A d v e n ~ s ~ nCouncil
261 Madison Ave. I New York. New York 10016

-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [mailto:KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:15 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
FW: NES Review of the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials

Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised HHSIOS SmallSte Ehallenge Questions

Great, I'll be around this afternoon and all day Friday if you have any questions. I know it's r t easy to deal wlth
all these comments, and providing guidance to children that IS both appealing and accurate very challeng~ng
(e.g. serving sizes1 amounts and moderate-intensity physical activity). Your material has rat d some questions
that we all have yet to resolve and we still have a lot to learn about what is effective I hope 3 can learn from
your experience with the campaign.

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:46 AM
To: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS); Petree, Kirsten (0s)
Cc: Jackson, Yvonne (AoA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN-(.[HS); Sofka, Denise (HRSA); penningtc j@extra. niddk, nih.
gov (E-mail); Schneernan, Barbara 0 (FDA); Dietz, William H. (CDC); Carole Davis (E-rnail); .ewer, Cqmille E
dm ==,
= = [FM); Myrtle Hog'bin (E-mail); Colette Thtbault (E-main; Saunders, Sandra (OPHS)
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revised W Y O S SmallStq :hallenge Questions
- -. == -
. . -
. - .
.. ..
Thanks Kathryn! We will make the necessary changes immediately.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS) [mailto:KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:57 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (0s) \'
Cc: Jackson, Yvonne (AoA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN (IHS); Sofka, Denise (HRSA); 'penningt ij@extra. niddk.
nih. gov (E-mail)'; Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FDA); Dietz, William H. (CDC); 'Carole Davis (E-r il)'; Brewer, Camille
E (FDA); 'Myrtle Hogbin (E-mail)'; 'Colette Thibault (E-mail)'; Saunders, Sandra (OPHS); Ant Iny Signorelli
Subject: HHSIUSDA Bj&%y'~uiaanceReview Comments on Revised HHS/OS Smallstep Ch lenge Questions = .-

Dear Kirsten, ,

ARached are Dietary Guidance Review comments from the HHS Committee on Dietary Guic ice and the USDA
Dietary Guidance Working Group on the revised HHSIOS' Smallstep Challenge Questions f children ages 6-1 1 .-

This interagencg review, as mandated by the National Nutrition Monitoring Act of 1990, prov 3s a mechanism to ...-.-
-- .==
: : . 'ensure that the Federal govejpment "speaks with one v o i c d l m nutrition guidance to the pul V .

- .-.- ... - -.-:-" -- - -.

.- .

Reviewers identified numerous areas of inconsistency with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for 1 iericans and . ..

scientific1 technical issues that need to be addressed before publ~cation(Attachment 1). 0th substantive and
editorial comnients are included in Attachment 2 for your considerat~on.Reviewers request I eclat attention to
comments marked by asterisk.

Please-let me know if there are any questions regarding the comments in Attachment 1, whi I are considered 4.

mandatory to address before making the mater~alsavailable to the public. Also, pleas? prov ? responses to the
comments to note how they were addressed.

Sincerely, ;


Kathryn Y. McMurry, M.S

Senior Nutrition Advisor

F W : NES Review o f the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials Page 4 of 5

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite LL100

Rockville, MD 20852

240453-8260 (phone)
.- -

240453-8281 (fax)

--- -----Original Message--'--

From: Dietary Guide Lines (OPHS)
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006.4:13 PM
- ---
- --

- - .

To: 'Carole Davis (E-mail)'; Dietz, William H. (CDC); 'penningtonj@extra. n~ddk.nih. gov (E-
. .
-- ..
I)'; Sofka, ~ G i s e
- -
- --

(HRSA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN (IHS); Jackson, Yvonne (AoA); Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FD
Cc: Brewer, Camille E (FDA); 'Myrtle Hogbin (E-mail)'; 'Colette Thibault (E-mall)'; Saunders, idra (OPHS); . ..
Petree, Kirsten (0s)
Subject: By Jan. 12 : Dietary Guidance Final Review--Revised HHS/OS Smallstep Challengf estions
Importance: High

TO: HHS Nutrition Policyr130ard Committee on Dietary Guidance

Chair, USDA Dietary &,dance Working Group

FROM: Acting Chair, HHS Nutrition Policy Board Committee on Dietary Guidance

~ i a c h e dfor your final i B f l ~ ~ a ' r f # H S / O SSmall

' Step Challenge questions which were rel j to ree.=t
fi0St oj-
:' '

the comments provided by these committees. Also attached for your reference are the orlgl Dietary Guidance
Review comments. Please review the revised material to assess whether the commejts w add_re_ssed
. .. ,.


If there are anyremainingtssues, please reference the original comment in your response 2 dentify the issue .-

by Question nu.mber(s). -. -- ,. ,

- . .
, .. . ., . . . .. . .-
. .-
Please note: a rationale is rgquested for any issues designated as inconsistent (including Rreferewe .- .

pages) or scientifically inaccurate. You may also include suggested edits to address any sig :ant concerns. ..
Comments should be sent to DietaryGu.~~Li.e_Saosophs~..dhhs,gov. As you know, we assul :hat non-response
indicates concurrence with the material.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

.- . -
Kathryn --.
. ,

xauiryn. 2J. .i11tU4*, ,443.

Senior Nutrition Advisor
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite LLl 00
Rockville. MD 20852
240453-8260 (phone)
240-453-8281 (fax)
FW: NES Review of the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials Page 5 of 5
FMr: NES Review of the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Mcmurry, Kathryn (HHSIOS) 1

Sent: Wednesday, January 18,2006 5 5 7 PM
To : Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) 1
Cc: Jackson. Yvonne (AOA): Charles-Azure. Jean (IHS). Sofka Denlse (HRSA)~Pennrngton
Jean (NIHINIDDK) [El;Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FDA), D~etz,W~llramH (CC>CC)'Carole Davrs
(E-mail)', Brewer, Camille E (FDA), 'Myrtle Hogbrn (E-mail)', 'Colette Th~bault(E-marl)'
Saunders, Sandra (HHSIOS), 'Anthony Srgnorelli'
Subject: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review Comments on Revrsed HHSIOS ~ m a ' lStep
l Challenge
Attachme-nts: DGreview2.SmallStepChallenge.doc
a - ~ -

Dear Kirsten,
- . .. .- -

. .
. -.
- - .


. .
. ...
- - * -

Attached are Dietary Guidance Review comments

Dietary Guidance Working Gfoup on the revised HHSIOS'
This interagency review, as mandated by the National
ensure that the Federal government "speaks with one

Reviewers identified numerous areas of inconsistency with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines
scientific1technical issues that need to be addressed before publication (Attachment 1).
editorial comments are inclyded in Attachment 2 for your consideration. Reviewers request
comments marked by asterisk?.

Please let me know if there are any regarding the comments in Attachment
mandatory to address before making the materials available to the public. Also, please responses the
.. . . . . -
comments to note how-'thEv$Gre'Sddressed. . .

Kathryn .-

Kathryn Y. McMirry, M.S.

- . .. .
. . . . . . -
SeniorNutrition Advisor

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

II b'f ~ ~ o t t parkway,
on Suite LL100 *-, -

Rockville, MD 20852
240-453-8260 (phone)

240-453-828 1 (fax)
FW: NES Review of the NHLBI "We Can!" Materials I Page 2 of 2

From: Dietary Guide Lines (OPHS)

Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 4:13 PM
To: 'Carole Davis (E-mail)'; Dietz, William H. (CDC); 'penningtonj0extra. niddk. nih, gov (E-n]ail)'; Sofka, Denlse
(HRSA); CHARLES-AZURE, JEAN (IHS); Jackson, Yvonne (AoA); Schneeman, Barbara 0 (FDA)
Cc: Brewer, Camille E (FDA); 'Myrtle Hogbin (E-mail)'; 'Colette Thibault (E-mail)'; Saunders, gandra (OPHS);
Petree, Kirsten (0s)
Subject: By Jan. 12 : Dietary Guidance Final Review--Revised HHS/OS Smallstep Challenge Quest~ons
Importance: High .

TO: HHS Nutrition Policy Board Committee on Dietary Guidance

Chair, USDA Dietary Guidance Working Group

FROM: Acting Chair. HHS Nutrition Policy Board Committee on Dietary Guidance

Attached for your final review are HHSIOS' Small Step Challenge questions which were to reflect most of
the comments~prcv~ded by these committees. Also attached for your reference are the Guidance . '

9 c ' R k c e h comments. Please revie'w fhe revised material to assess whether

adequately.-= . . --. . ...
- -
- --

by Question number(s).

Please note: a rationale is requested for any issues designated as inconsistent (including DFA reference
pages) or scientifically inaccurate. You -may also include suggested edits to address any signijcant concerns.
Comments should be sent to DietarvGuideLines@osophs.dhhssqov.As you know, we assume that non-response
indicates concurrence with the material.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Kathryn . . . &C * . . . + ! . - .:;'+

w y 2). JLI*, "its.

Senior Nutrition Advisor -- .. .* -I C .-.---

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite LL100 .r

Rockville; MD 20852 --.

- 7 .

--- . . . 240-453-8260 (phone)

- . -.. .-
. .
_ .---.._-... -
240-453-8281 (fax) - - .%.
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Mcmurry, Kathryn (HHSIOS)
Sent: Friday, January 06,2006 4:08PM
To: 'Anthony Signorelli'
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review of the HHSIOS' Smallstep :h allenge Quest~ons-

Ant non y ,
Thanks f o r t h e q u l c k t d r n a r o u n d . ;'11 s e n d lt r l ~ h : o u r .
Have a good o n e , t o o !

Kathryn .
-----O r l g l n a r
a u ~ w: d n t h o n y S l g n o r e l l l [ma;lto:aS~gnoreii~@kdCounci~.or~]
- .- --
S e n t : F r l d a y , J a n u a r y 0 6 , 2006 3:31 PM
-- - -- .
To: McMurry, K z t h r y n Y . (ODHSJ

Cc: J e n n y O s t e r h o u t ; P e t r e e , K l r s t e n (0s)
S u b l e c t : RE: HHS/USDA D l e t a r y G u l a a n c e Revlew o f t n e HHS/OS' S m a l l S ~ eC ~
- Revlslons

Thank you f o r y o u r q u l c k r e s p o n s e a n d a d d i t i o n a l e d l t s . We h a v e made t r appropriate
changes t o t h e a t t a c h e d document. P l e a s e s h a r e w i c h y o u r committee a n d ?t u s know when
w e have f i n a l a p p r o v a l . ,
Have a g r e a t weekend,

-----' O r i g i n a l Messagk~,:,-..r; ....-

From: McMurry., K a t h r y n Y . (OPHS) [ m a i l t o : KMcMurry@OSO?HS.DHHS. G O V j
S e n t : F r i d a y , J a n u a r y 0 6 , 2 0 0 6 2:49 PM
To: Anthony S i g n o r e l l i -- . .,.-
Cc: J e n n y O s t e r h o u t ; P e r r e e , K i r s t e n ( 0 5 )
S u b j e c ; : R E : HHS/USDA D i e t a r y G c i d a n c e Review o f t h e HES/03' S m a l l S t e p : allenge Questions
- Revisions -
I m p o r t a n c e : High-
.-. .-....
.- .. .
- d ., - .- .-
.- . .. -
- -
Thank you f o r y o u r c l o s e a t t e n t i o n a n d r e s p o n s e t o t h e comments. Hopef~ ly, the material
w i l l s t i l l resonate with kids.
T h e r e a r e some p i a c e s w h e r e I t h i n k a d d i t i o n a l c h a n g e s would b e a good j ea before sending
t h e q u e s t i o n s back t o t h e r e v i e w e r s , and a s r e q u e s t e d , I ' v e a t t a c n e d the i n track
c h a n g e s . I a p o l o g i z e t h a c some were t h e r e s u l r o f a l a c k o f c l a r i t y anc c o n f l i c t among
some 'cbhiinents . . - -- '

I t h i n k we s h o u l d b e a b l e t o t u r n i t a r o c n d q u i c k l y ; b z z I ' m ouit oC-+the- f f l c e Mon. a n d

n o t s u r e whether I w i l l be a b l e t o a c c e s s e m a i l .
P l s . l e t me know i f you h a v e q u e s t i o n s a b o u t my e d i t s .

----- O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: A n t h o n y S i g n o r e l l i []
S e n t : F r i d a y , J a n u z r y 0 6 , 2 0 0 6 1 2 : 1C ??4
To: McMurry, K a t h r y n Y . (OPHS)
Cc: J e n n y O s t e r h o u t ; P e t r e e , K i r s t e n ( 0 s )
S u b j e c t : HHS/USDA D l e t a r y G u i d a n c e Review of t h e HHS/OS' S m a l l s t e p C h a l l nge Q u e s t i o n s -
I m p o r r a n c e : High
i am sending you this email :
a the request cf Kirscen.
We've revised the Small Step Challenoe - c7~esri:zs
by you and your team. LVe ~ r u l ya~qre,ciareya:r
co rerlec:
. .
scsr ;I - :-+.
=..- .l-,
-I - ="
-- i
- z
-- - - - . =- ---
^ -

project. Flease see che a ~ ~ a c n eac~czumenr

5 fcr n o .z. ~- . r ~ ec--...
d 2 w r

Our goal is to have final, approved copy nc later chaz Friday :, -- : - L , . , - - .

Piease let us know if this is possible. We expecr che review :c ke -.-:--A-- - - ..- - - . - --. - . . , - ---. .--.-.
1 -
-- .% , -
our attention to each of the comments. S f there are ireins. char hava .-.::I- r.2: 5.2.5:
addressed and you believe s ~ r o n g l ythat they must be modifiec, please r k s ccrr--..s;.:
beside the question on the document itse".

Thank you,
Anthony h

. ..
. .
- ..

- -
r -- -- .
-... .- -
----- OriginalMessageL---'
.. - . - .
. . ..-

From: Mcmurry, Kathryn (HHS/OS) <KMcMurry@OSOPHS.DHHS.G3V>

To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIQS) <>
CC: Sofka, Denise (HRSA) <>; Pennington, Jean (NIH/NIDDK: [El
<>; Jackson, Yvonne (AOA) <Yvonne.Jackson@AOP..GOV>; Srewer,
Camille E (FDA) <; Dietz, William E.
(CDC) <wcd4@CDC.GOV>; Charles-Azure, Jean (19s) <>; S~hneerr~an, I
Barbara 0 (FDA) <>; 'Carole Davis (E-mailb '
<>; 'Myrtle Hogbin (E-mail)'
<Myrtle.Hogbin@cnpp.usd~,.gov>; 'Colette Thibault (E-mail)'
<~olette.~hibault@cnpp. u d a . gov>; Erewer, Camille E (FDA) ccamilie. brewe~@cfsan.>;
Saunders, Sandra (HHS/OS) cSSaunders@OSOPES.DHHS.GOV>; Hubbard, Van S (NFE) .-
<vhl6h@NiH.GOV>; Kessel Md Mph, Woodie (HHS/OS) <WKessel@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV~;Danford, Daris
(MIH) <ddlOc@NIH.GOV>; Smith, Kathleen (FDA) <>; Mcmurry,
Kathryn (HHS/OS) <KMcJ&&ry.@Q.~PHS.DHHS.GOV>; Jackie Haven (E-mail) .. .
-.-. . . .. .. .. . . L

Sent: Fri Dec 23 13:28:07 2005
Subject: HHS/USDA Dietary Guidance Review of the HHS/OST S m a l l S t e p L h a l ~ . . n ~ . A u e s t i o n - s

< < ~ m a l l ~ t e ~ ~ h a l l e n ~ e . ~ ~ r e v ~ eDear

.- .
w . d oKirsten,

Attached are Diefary Guidance Review comments from the HHS Committee on Dietary Guidance
and the USDA ~ i e t a rGuidance Working Group on HHS/OSV --
1 1 . interageccy -;g~vey, 2s
'"' SmaIlStep Challenge -Quest.i.onsfor chil-Eren a ~ e ~ ' ' ~ 6 ~ - This

mandated.-bythe National Nutrition ~onitoring.-~ct of 1990, provides-a mekhanism to ensure

that the Federal government "speaks with one voice" on nutrition guidance.
Reviewers identified many areas of inconsiste~cywi:h :he 2005 Dietary G~idelines for
Pmericans and scientific/ technicai ~ssluestkiat need tc be addressed bef re publication
(Attachment 1). As noted, further disccssion will be needed regarding het characterization
of "whole grains" and daily amounts of foods recom~.endedfor children ages 6-11. Other
subst.arff'ive and edit-orial comments are include6 in Attachment 2 for your'consideration.
Reviewers request special attentior. to commencs marked by asterisk,-.. - - ,

Please let me know if there are any questions regarding the comments in i-ttachment 1,
which are considered mandatory to address befcre making the materials avbiilable to the
public. Bec-ause of the numerous issues raised regarding this material, I final review of
the revised materials will be necessary, along with responses to the comments. Attached
below is the email response from the USDA committee outiining their concerns.

Nutrition communication materials should be written and peer-reviewed by qualified

nutrition communication professionals who are well-versed in tne principles of the Dietary
Guidelines before undergoing this review process.
The tables and appendices of the Dietary Guidelines should be used as the primary
reference for examples of food soQrces of nutrients. Also, the Dietary Guidelines' Key
Recommendations and either the MyPyrarr~icor DASH eacing plans should be 'used as primary
reference for any recommendations for daily Snoznts cr- roo&s z z.:.::::r~: * -
of the principies of the Dietary Gzicelines intc; ?.?re:
. .
important, though cornpiex, step for encouraging healrkier ciezs. I: 1:
well-quaiified staff are involved at ail steFs of developmen: cc eF.szLrc
clarity and accuracy.

Kathryn Y. McMurry, M.S.
Senlor Nutrltlon havlsor
cr- ~
Offlce of Dlsease Preventlon,and Health Prcmotlon U.S. Deparz~-il~r . .r
1101 Wootton Parkway, Sulte LLlOC
Roc~vllle,MD 20@52
240-453-8260 (phone) T

240-453-8281 (fax)
kmcmurry@osawhs. - -
rQlrr;o:= -
- --
----- Orlglnal Message-----
From: Thlbault, Colette [fiail€] - - --
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:56 ATI
To: McMurry, Kathryn Y. (OPHS)
Cc: O'Connell, Kellle; Saunders, Sandra (OPHS); Carole Davls; Colette Tr
Klurfeld; Dennls Smlth; Edlth Thomas; Elizabeth Crosby; Holly M c P f a ~ ;Ja
Tenney; Joanne Guthrle; Molly Kretsch; Myrtle Hogbln; Susan Welsh
Sub] ect :

December 14, 2005

Dear Ms. McMurry: \%

USDA's Dietary Guidance Working Group has completed its review of Small' ep challenge -
Questions, a component of the HHS Public Affairs/Ad Council's new campai n to encourage
young: children to eas,_,&a&,th$ and get active. The reviewers iaentlfied umerou_s . . . . 2>%

inconsistencies with the Dietary Guidelines and many technical problems ha^ mnst be
addressed prior to publication.
All reviewers agreed that the rrlaterial was unacceptable and n e e d s 5 0 b e .
once the material is revised.

It appears that this d w u m e n t did not undergo peer .review prior to submi sion. The
operating procedpres supporting our review committees suggest peer revie as well as :,,
. -
Agency clearance prior to submission for formal review to the work grouF . Following
--='thes'e procedure-s could have greatly facilitat-ed?'he review process-.-__--
We have attempted to provide rationale and suggestions for change for mc
of our comments. We have also included other subsrantive comments for
consideration which do not need to be addressed in order to publish the .arerial, however,
due to the poor construction of chis document 1r wcaid be advisable to t ke all comments
into consideration, especially Vhose rhac are
marked by an asterisk.
...,- . .

Please let me know if you have any further questions and whether -re i a need for a
meeting to have further discussion. If a meeting, in the interest of ti .e, is needed it
would be helpful to know in advance tne specific comments requiring clar fication.

Sincerely, .

Carole Davis
Chair, Dietary Guidance Working Group


cc: Dietary Guidance Working Group Members

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Sent: Monday, June 27,2005 9:35 AM
To: 'Anthony Signorelli'
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: New Adult Print and Web banners

Hey you --
Thanks for the email . . . I actually thlnk this would be a perfect point fo Rirsten to cake. .
over lead on these new prlnt ads. Please expect your answer on approval to come from her
-- and, if possible, can McCann ship the hard copies to her? Only diffe nce is her room,
which is 647D. If not, no problem and I'll just give it to her when ir mes in.

Best, chp.
- -.
. . . . - . ... .- . - .-
. -.
--G-0r;;iginal Message----- .
From: Anthony Signorelli [mail,to:asignorelli@AdCouncil . orgl --- -. ..
Sent: Friday,. June 24,' 2005'.4:58-PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS);. Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Subject: RE: New Adult Print and Web banners

McCann will be sending hard copies of the print ads to your attention ne week. Please
let us know when you receive them.

Also, please let us knowi&put the banners (attached again for convenien


-----Original Message------ . .-
From: Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 8:16 PM
To: Carla Horrilleno; Morales, Dan (HHS/OS)
Cc: Anthony Signqrelli
Subject: RE: New Adult Print and Web banners - .
.. .- . -
.- -

Hi Carla -- . . .-.
I keep getting a "There was an error in opening this file. File can not )e found."
message when I try to open it up.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carla Horrilleno []
Sent:'.Wednesday,June 22, 2005 4:28 PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS); Morales, Dan (HHS/OS) ;.. -..
Cc: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: New Adult Print and Web banners .

We wanted to share with you the Obesity print selects for the new adult ~ r kas well as a
new web banner concept. The banner is attached below, but to access the lrint :

From a web browser: go to this link and use the username and password pr
username: 1
- bq
account: (leave blank)
The file name is "Adcouncil Selects."
Please note at this point no retouching has been done and the logos hav 20: ye: bee:.
added. With retouching, McCann should be able to make the copy more ie 3le as well as
make any fixes or adjustments needed to the body parts. Plezse review 535 seiez:s 25
well as the web banner concept and let us know if you have zny quescion 31- ccmT.e?rs.

Thanks !

Carla Horrilleno
Assistant Campaign Manager
The Advertising Council -.
> 261 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10016
p 212-984-1920
f 212-922-1676 .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Sent: Thursday, June 23,2005 4:28 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Have you heard from Anthony?

nothing. left phone message so I could talk to him but nothing yet.
. .
-----Original Message-----

From': Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:27 PM
Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
. . . -.-..:Have you-heard from Anthony?- -.
a - - .
. . . . . -
. . . . . . .
I figured we'd hear from him at the same time, but.:.

. . . . . . . . -- --- - -.
I told Bill we'll be getting him something as soon as we have it (and take a look at it, of course!
Page' 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSAIOA) []
Wednesday, January 25,2006 6:46 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: Hi again - Sharing Good News 1
Attachments: ma0325bullying.doc
. .

Did you know we got an Emmy for our anti-bullying N show ... .I thjnk you were around when did the show. Its

been awhile. Advisory is attached. Emmy was delivered to my office yesterday. I've never
before.. . .
.. . .
- a - . .
- - .
. . . -. . . -- -. . .." 1 .-.. ..s- . --

I .--
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

An Agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


March 25,2004 w.vrfw.SAMHSA.go\

Anti-Bullying Television Program Wiu Launch In Washington, D.C. o: March 30

a = --
- - -
Every day in schools and communities nationwide. child-rerrare teased. tom %ted arid '
. ...

physically bullied by their p e t 6 With the goal of making bullying prevent&n ni onai -
. .
.. - ..

priority, the Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mer a1 Health
Services ~dministration'(SAMHSA) is premiering a half-hour prime time special t air at 8 p.m.
March 30,2004 on WJLA-TV in Washington, D.C.

The special program on Channel 7 on bullying will be accompanied by five )ullying

prevention public service announcements. This campaign will then be distributed i :ross the
country through Safe $cQools and Healthy Students grantees of SAMHSA, the Del rtment of
Justice and the Departmkkt of Education. The campaign is part of HHS's anti-bull Ing program.

The program is part of SAMHSA's l j + Make Time To Listen, Take Time 1

Talk ...About B u l l ~ c a m p a i g na, multi-media initiative designed to provide pract a1 guidance ~ - . - :.

to parents and caregivers about how to create time to listen and take time to talk wi 1 their
children. The campaign is based on the premise that parents who talk with-heir ck drea-forat
least 15 minutes or more each day about what is happening in their children's lives Ire better
able to guide their children toward more positive, skill-enhancing activities and fric tdships.
. --
- - ii
For information about and free support materi?l_s for the 1.37 Make Time"Tc Listen, Take
Time To Talk ...About Bu'llying campaign, including the PSAs, call 1-800-78Y-2645 * *-

. .

SAMHSA, is a public health agency within the U.S. Departn~entof Health and Human Services. Tk agenq3is
.,re~ponsiblefor improving the accountability, capacig~and effectiveness ofihe nation's substance a ase prevenlion.
addictions treatment and mental health services delivenv system. -..-... .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1
From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSNOA) []
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 1159 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: Stranger... -

Hi -checking in to see if you got our Recovery Month storyboards?

From: Mcmurry, Kathryn (HHSIOS)
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 1:28 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Sofka, Denise (HRSA); Pennington, Jean (NIHINIDDK) [El; Jackson, ~jvonne(AOA): Brewer.
Camille E (FDA); Dietz, William H. (CDC); Charles-Azure. Jean (IHS); Schneeman. Barbara 0
(FDA); 'Carole Davis (E-mail)'; 'Myrtle Hogbin (E-mail)':
Camille E (FDA); Saunders. Sandra (HHYOS); Hubbard. Van
Woodie (HHSIOS); Danford, Darla (NIH); Smith, Kathleen (FDA):
(HHS1OS)i Jackie Haven (E-mail)
Subject: HHSIUSDA Dietary Guidance Review of the HHSIOS' Smallstep

Attachments: SmallStepChallenge. DGreview.doc


.. . .. .--
Dear Kirsten,..

Attached are Dietary Guidance Review comments from the HHS Committee on diezary G~idance
and the USDA Dietary Guidance Working Group on HHS/OSV
SmallStep Chalienge Questions for children ages 6-11. This interagency revjex, as
I. - .
mandated by the National Nutrition Monitoring Act of 1990, provides a mec,nanlsrr to ensure
that the Federal government "speaks with one voice" on nutrition guidance.
Reviewers identified mati'jrb-'areas of inconsistency with the 2005 Pietary Gu-ldelines for
Americans and scientific/"-technicalissues that need to be addressed befc'ke pu~lication
(Attachment 1). As noted, further discussion will be needed regarding the characterizarion
of "whole grains" and daily amounts of foods recommended for children age's 6-11. Ocher
substantive and editorial
. ...*-
. --.....-
comments are included in Attachment 2 for your conside.ration..~,..,
Reviewers request special attention to comments marked by asterisk.
-. .

Please let me know if there are.;any questions regarding the comments inBt.ta@-ment 1, . . !
which are considered mandatory to address before making the materials available to the
public. Because of the numerous issues raised regarding this marerial, a final review of
the revised materials will be necessary, along with responses to the comments. Attached
below is the email response from the USDA committee outlining their conce:rns.

-,-.Nutr.ition communication materials shou5d be writCSn and peer-reviewed by qualified
- 1
nutritiofi. communication professionals who are-well-versed in the prf'ncipFes o f - t r e Dietary
Guidelines before undergoing this review process.
The tables and appendices of the ~ i e t a - Guidelines
r~ should be used as the; primary
reference for examples of food sources of nutrients. Also, the Dietary G,ulaelines' Key
Recommendations and either the MyPyramid or DASH eating plans s h o ~ l dbe dsed as primary
reference for any recommendations for daily amounzs of foods to consume. The translation ,

cf the principles of the Dietary Guidelines into consumer-friendly materials is an

import,z+t,.though complex, step for encouraging nealrhier diets. It is essential that
well-qualified staff are involved at all steps of development to ensure a balance of
clarity and accuracy.

Sincerely; '


Kathryn Y. McMurry, M.S.

Senior Nutrition Advisor
Office of Disease Prevention and Healcn Promotion U.S. Department of Hea th and Human
llCl Wootton Parkway, Suite LLlOO
Rockville, MD 20852
240-453-8260 (phone)
240-453-8261 (fax)
-----Original Message-----
- - .;:sci~. go7:;
Frorr.: Thibault, Colette [nailto:Coiezre.Thibas1:2zrI~~
Sent: Wednesday, Decerrber 14, 2 3 0 5 3: 5 E >+!.I
To: McNurry, Katnryr. Y . (ODUSSj
Cc: 9 ' Connell, Kellie; Saunders, Sanera (0pzS:; Carole Da~.-.--s; r - ' c--
-..,. -- -- .- - - -
.. - . -

. - -- -
Klurfeld; Dennis Smith; Eeith Thomas; Elizabeth 21oiby; nc-:? ??h".ceas; ,.a& :.:tn5rl-; >s::r
Tenney; Joanne Guthrie; Molly Kretsch; Myrtie Hogbin; S u s a ~VielsF.
December 14, 2005
Dear Ms'. McMurry:
USDA's Dietary Guidance Working Group has mmpleted its review of SmzllSzea C?izlle?;e
Questions, a component of the Ht!S Dubiic Affairs/Ad Council's new caT,?a:gr :c enz:.:rz;? I
ypung children -30eat- healthy and get. ac-,iveL-.The reviewers iC;ei;;:~lec R;~TT.~TC:S.'
a imnsistencies with the Dietary ~uiaelinesandrrtany cecnnical
addressed prior to puvicajion, _-
=. . .= . - .

.- .
- .problerr.~
... ;1 --
qcs; $6
- .
All reviewers agreedthat the material was unacceptable and nee& to be
once the materiai is revised.

It appears that this document did not undergo peer review prior to sujmis icx. 'The
operating procedures supporting our review committees suggest peer review,as well z s
Agency clearance prior to submission for formal review to the work groups. Following
these procedures could have greatly facilitated the review process.
We have attempted to provide rationale and suggestions for change for
of our comments. We haye_also included other substantive comments for
consideration which do no%=need to be addressed in order to publish the material, however,

due to the poor construction of this document it would be advisable to ta e all. com.ents
into consideration, especially those that are
marked by an asterisk.
-I---. -. ...z - . . .. . -. . ..
Please let me k n o ~if you have any further questions and whether rhere is a need for a
meeting to have further discussion. If a meeting, in the interest of time I I
is needed it
would be helpful to know i n advance the specific comments r e a u i r i n g - ~ c l a r i + 1 - c a W n .

~ a r G l eDavls
"'-' .. ,
Chalr, Dletary Guldance Worklng Group
cc: Dietary Guidance Working Group Members
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Mcmurry, Kathryn (HHSIOS)
Sent: Friday, December 23,2005 1.28 PM
To: Petree, K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Cc: Sofka, Den~se(HRSA), Pennrngton, Jean (NIHINIDDK) [El,Jackson Yvonne (AOA), Brewer
Camille E (FDA), D~etz,William H (CDC), Charles-Azure, Jean (IHS) Schneeman Barbara O
(FDA). 'Carole Davls (E-ma~l)'.'Myrtle Hogbln (E-mall)'. 'Colette ~hlballlt(E-mall)'. Brewer
Camllle E (FDA), Saunders. Sandra (HHSIOS). Hubbard, Van S (NIH); Kessel Md Mph
Wood~e(HHSIOS). Danford, Darla (NIH), Sm~th,Kathleen (FDA) Mcmurry Kathryn

(HHSIOS), Jack~eHaven (€-mall)
HHSIUSDA D~etaryGu~danceRev~ewof the HHSIOS' Smallstep Challe nge Quest~ons
Attachments: SmallStepChallenge DGrev~ewdoc

- . ..
...- - - - - .

- I.
rk . .
- -
. . . - -- --
.. --
. . .. . --
-..- : :

a . - .- - -- IT-' - . . .
* - - -
Dear Kirster, ..,

Attached are Dietary Guidance Review comments

and the USDA Dietary Guidance Working Group on HHS/OS1
SmallStep Challenge Questions for children ages 6-11.
mandated by the National Nutrition Monitoring
that the Federal government "speaks with one

Reviewers identified man$+reas of inconsistency with the 2005 Dietary ~ulidelines for
Americans and scientific/ technical issues that need to be addressed befolre publication
(Attachment 1). As noted, further dis-cussion will be needed regarding the,characterizarion
of "whole grains" and daily amounts of foods recommended for children
substantive and editorial comments are included in Attachment 2 for your
Reviewers request spe~~~a2"~tf'dntionto comments marked by asterisk.

Please let me know' if there are ;any questions regarding the commer,t:S ir.
which are considered mandhtory to address before making the materials
public. Because of the numerous issues raised regarding this material, a1 final review of
the revised materials will be necessary, along with responses to the comments. Attached
below 1s the email response from the USDA comrniztee outllnlng thelr concekns.
t b
.;. .- by qu_a_J>fied-
,,Dut.rit.ion..communication materials should be writt+iF and peer-reviewed
nutrition communication professionals who are Gell-versed in the prificipiks of th?. Dietary
Guidelines before undergoing this review process.
The tables and appendices of the ~ i e t a rGuidelines
~ should be used as the primary
reference for examples of food sources of nutrients. Also, the Dietary G iaelines' Key
Recommendations and either the Mypyramid or DASH eating plans should be u ed as primary !
reference for any recommendations for daily amounts of foods to consume. Tne translarion
of the principles of the Dietary Guidelines intc consumer-friendly macerials I
is an
importa,&L.,.though complex, step for encouraqing heaithier diets. It is essential that
well-qualified staff are involved a
ciarity and accuracy.
: all steps of development to e n s u e abalance cf

Kathryn Y. McMurry, M.S.

Senlor Nutrltlon Advlsor
Offlce of Dlsease Prevention and Health Promotion U.S. Department of Heal2h and Human
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite LLlOO
?,ockvllle, MD 20852
24 0-4 53-8260 (phone)
240-453-6281 ( f a x )
-----O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: T h i b a u l t , C o i e t t e [ m a i l t o : C o l e ~ t e . T h i b a ~ ~ 1 t @ ~ n ~ ~ . ; i s d a . g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
S e n t : Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:56 PJ.1
Tc: McMurry, K a t h r y n Y. (OPHS)
Cc: O ' C o n n e l l , K e l l i e ; S a u n d e r s , S a n d r s ( O P 3 S ) ; C a r c l e Z a v i s ; C c l ~ r r
K l u r f e i d ; D e n n i s S m i t n ; E d i t h Thomas; 5iizabe:k C r c s ~ y ; .. - - F::?fzi
Tenney: J o a n n e G u t h r i e ; M o l l y K r e t s c h ; M y r t l e Hogbiz; S u s a z .w. e l s ?

December 1 4 , 2005

Dear Ms; McMurry:

- USDA's D i e t a r y G u i d a n c e Working Group h a s c o m p l e t e d i r s r e v i e w o f ~ n a l l ~ cC h&a ~
Q u e s t i o n s , a component o f t h e H H S P u b l i c A f f a i r s / k " , C o u n c i l l . s n e c~ a n.z a i- z ~ L. P

ir&gns&tencies . w i t h t h e D i e t a r y Guidelines and

addressed p r i o r t o pubiicati.on.
. ... - ~.
~ e c k .i- r , -~ -.

A l l r e v i e w e r s - a g r e e d t h a ' r €'he f i a - f e r i a l was u n a c c e p r a b l e a n d n e e d s r o b e

once t h e m a t e r i a l i s r e v i s e d .
. -

young c h i ' l d r w t o _ e a t _h e a l t h y a n d qe_t a c t i v e ; - T h e r e v i e w e r s i d e n t i ~ i e zn h e r C L - C --

c s rl .c. b l e ~ . . s - .
~ e:cc.:rz-

-;r;_c:- .. -
c - . .

I t a p p e a r s c h a t t h i s document d i d n o t u n d e r g o p e e r r e v i e w ~ r i o rt c
o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e s supporting o u r r e v i e w committees s u g g e s t p e e r
Agency c l e a r a n c e p r l o r t o s u b m i s s i o n f o r f o r m a l r e v i e w t o t h e work
t h e s e procedures c o u l d have g r e a t l y f a c i l i t a t e d t h e review p r o c e s s .
a s well cs

We h a v e a t t e m p t e d t o p r o v i d e r a t i o n a l e a n d s u g g e s t i o n s f o r c h a n g e
o f o u r comments. We hav!e a l s o i n c l u d e d o t h e r s u b s t a n t i v e comments f o r
c o n s i d e r a t i o n which d o n o h h e e d t o b e a d d r e s s e d i n o r d e r t o however,
d u e t o t h e p o o r c o n s t r u c t i o ~o f t h i s document i t would be
int.0 consideration, e s p e c i a l l y t h o s e t h a t a r e
marked b y a n a s t e r i s k .
.:*w--. .-. .a;,-
. . . . . .-
P l e a s e l e t me know i f you h a v e a n y f u r t h e r q u e s t i o n s a n d w h e t h e r t h e r e i s a n e e d f o r a
m e e t i n g t o have f u r t h e r d i s c u s s i o n . I f a meeting, i n t h e i n t e r e s t of rime, i s needed i t
would b e h e l p f u l t o know i? a d v a n c e t h e s p e c i f i c comments r e q u i r i n g . - x l a r l 4 i e a : E n .

:-- Davis ~- -.. - .
. ~- ..-. - .. - -1' -.---.--.-.- .. .-.
.-. .
C h a i r , D i e t a r y G u i d a n c e Working Group

c c : D i e t a r y G u i d a n c e Working G r o u s Yembers
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, December 23,2005 11:19 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout --
Subject: ePrlze Items ..

I know you are travel~ngtonight, but wanted to make sure I was clear on your approval of the
based on the l~nksI sent. Ifso, I will let them know to&y.


6"- appre(ial of the .rules

.. -
- ..

Lm1ng foryard'to getting
. . . . .
sign-off- -from your. legal
- - -- . . . .
-- .
- - 3s
. --. .. ..- today
. . .
. .
-7 . - .. .. .-


P.S. Sorry to be a pest.

Anthony Signorellil Campaign Director I The Advertising Council
261 Madison Ave. 1 New York. New York 1001 6
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Slgnorell~[as~gnorelll@AdCounc~I

Sent: Thursday, December 22,2005 2'16 PM
To: Petree, K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: Contest Rules .-

Attachments: -Small Step rules 12 4 O5.doc

Attached are the ePrize contest rules. .-

'#nthony Signorelli( Campaign D~rectorI The Advertising Council

261 Madison Ave. I New York. New York 10016
P: (2 12) 984-1 9891 E:



. .

. 1. Eligibility: Small Step Challenge (the "Sweepstakes") is open

residents of the fifty (50) United States (including the District of
a t least six (6), and not greater than eleven (11) years old a t the time of tentry. Void
where prohibited. Employees of U.S. Department of Health and -Human Se'rvices, The
C1 - .
. ~ d & i s i n g Council, Inc., eR.kze, LLC, andtheir respective related compan(ies, as well
as the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings, andchildren) anThouseholcP ~

members ofeach such .employee are not eligible. Any entry i n f 0 r ~ 3 f i o nqrov~dedby .. - - .--

children under the age of thirteen (13) will be used solely for the purpyses of the
Sweepstakes and %willbe destroyed immediately after its conclusion in accordance
with the requirements of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
The Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, local laws and
Odds of winning are described in detail in paragraph 7 below.

2. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Ind,ependence

Avenue, S.W., \Blashington, D.C. 20201. Administrator: ePrize, LLC, One ePrize
Drive, Pleasant ~ i M e M
, I 48069.

3. Agreement t o Official Rules: By participating in the Sweepstakes, each entrant

fully and uncn_(atipndy agrees to and accepts these Official Rules and thk decisions. ... .. :. --.
of Sponsor, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Sweepstakes.
. ..
4. Timing: The sweepseakes begins on January 11, 2006 a t 1 2 0 0 a:m:^ G c t e r n
Time ("ET"), and ends on April 30, 2006 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the " ~ r o m o t i { n Period").
Weekly drawings. will be held each Wednesday during the Promotion Period ("Weekly .-.
Drawinqs"). Administrator's computer is the official time keeping devibe for the
__ .. . . .. .
.. .
.- A ., - <.-.
.. '_
..- ..
-:1 -
- - -
--. . --
. -.

5. How to Enter t h e Sweepstakes: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO (ENTER OR . -.


During the Promotion Period go t o www.smallste~.clov and follow the links and
.. ... .. -instructions f o r entry. You will be required only to enter your first nqme, email
address, age and a parent's email address. Your registration accepted and
approved only in compliance with COPPA. Upon submission, you will be1 presented
with one (1) trivia question. After answering the trivia question you au~omatically
will receive one (1) entry into the Sweepstakes (it does not matter if the answer is
correct). To enter into a Weekly Drawing your entry must be received by 11:59 p.m.
ET Tuesday to be entered into the relevant week's Weekly Drawing which b i l l be held
each Wednesday during the Promotion Period.. To enter the last weekly drawing you
must enter by Sunday at 11:59 p.m.- ET. Non-winnirrg entries will not be entered
into subsequent drawings.
during the Promotion
same email address. Any attempt by any participant to obtain more thar the stated
number of entries by using multiple/different email addresses, identities,
registrations and logins, or any other methods will void that participant's lntries and
that participant may be disqualified. I n the event of a dispute as t o any I ?gistration,
the authorized account holder of the email address used to register will be deemed
to be the registrant or player. The "authorized account holder". is the nat ~ r a person
assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or
other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for t i e domain
associated with the submitted address. The potential winner may be .equired to
show proof of being the authorized account holder.

6. Drawings: Administrator is an indgpendent judging organization who! e decisions

as..b -the administration and operation -of the Sweepstakes and the sele~tion of the
.. Fotentiar winners are final -a%d binding -in all matters related to the Sv eepsta kes.
Grand Prize Drawing: Administrator will randomly select 'tm
p ~ .-?-
t e .~-t i a fl q- in d ~ r i i e '
winners from-all eligible-&tries received during the Promotion Period or or around -.
May 3, 2006 for the Grand Prize. Weeklv Drawinas: Administrator wi I randomly
select the potenti'al Weekly Drawing winners from the eligible entries I eceived on
each Wednesday during the Promotion Period (there are sixteen Nednesday
drawings during the Promotion Period). All drawinas: The potential win lers will be
notified by mail, email or phone. The potential winners' parentllegal guar jian will be
required to'sign and return t o Sponsor, within ten (10) days of the dai e notice or
attempted notice is sent, an affidavit of eligibility, and liability/publicit) release in
order to claim hisj$er prize. I f a potential winner cannot be contacted or fails to
sign and return ?he affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release within the
required time period, potential-winner forfeits prize.[confirming with our legal team
that we will be sending a Parental Consent Form to all winners.] Poten, ial winners
must contin%!& c o w l y with all terms and conditions of these Official Rules, and.
winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. I n the event that a potential
winner is disqualified for any reason, Sponsor will award the applicable prize to an
alternate winner b y randbm drawing from among all remaining eligible 1Wies.-=nl y
three (3) alternate drawings will be held after which the prize will remain ~nawarded.
Weekly Prizes will be fulfilled 8-10 weeks after winner confirmation.

- --
-. - ..- - . . .. 7 . ~ i i & s : THREE ( 3 ) GRAND PRIZES: V i s i t b y Spider-Man character s t winner's
s c h o o l . [ ~ o w many, hours? ~ h a iff the- cKkI is home-schooled2.].-- S mnsor. 4 1
determine the exact time, date, and the person playing the Spider-Man I haracter in
its sole discretion. Sponsor-is not responsible if the Spider-Man visit is delayed or
postponed for any reason, in which the visit will be rescheduled. Approxi nate Retail
Value ("ARV"): $2,000. Grand Prize must be redeemed by [insert date: . Winner's
parent or legal guardian must receive all applicable approvals prior to vis t. SIXTEEN
, , 1 WEEKLY PRIZES (One (1) Der each Weeklv Drawina): NBA Gift Pal k or WNBA
Gift Pack. Gift Packs include a laptop bag, WNBA crew socks, IVBA swea :shirt, navy
brushed twill cap, grey t-shirt, NBA ankle socks, pewter k e y ~ h a i n ; -c;l~ater
~ ~ bottle,
and either a WNBA or NBA basketball. ARV of NBA gift pack: $275. AF of WNBA V
gift pack: $230. Sponsor will determine the size of the socks, sweatshirt, cap, and t -
shirt in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to determine the lxact prizes
in the gift pack and which gift pack to award ir: its sole discretion. Priz !S are non-
transferable and no substitution will be made except as provided he -ein at the
Sponsor's sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a priz ! for one of
equal or greater value if the designated prize should become unavaile ~ l e for any
reason. Winners are responsible for all taxes and fees associated with 1 rize receipt
and/or use. Odds of winning a Sweepstakes prize depends on the numbc r of eligible
entries received during the Promotion Period. [confirm whether proper permlsslons In
place to mention NBA and Superman] TOTAL ARV OF ALL PRIZES: $10,040. One
(1) weekly prize and Grand Prize per person.

8. Release: By receipt of any prize, winner agrees to release and hold harmless
Sponsor, Advertising Council, Inc., Administrator, and their respective sc/bsidiaries,
affiliates, suppliers, distributors;advertising/promotion agencies, and prizesuppliers,
and each of their respective parent companies and each such company's officers,
directors, employees and agents (collectively, the "Released Parties") /from and
against any claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, personal injury,
death, or damage to or loss of property, arising out of participation in the
Sweepstakes or receipt or use or misuse of any prize.
- ..

, -- .
, .9.-~ u b l i t i t Except
~c where pFohibited,' p%ticipation in the
winner's consent. . t o.- Sponsor's and its agents' use of
.. ---
. - .
photograph, voice, opinions and/or hometown and state
any media, worldwide, without further payment or consideration. For children under -.

thirteen (13), such;consent will only be to the extent allowed by COPPA.

10. General Conditions: Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspebd and/or
modify the Sweepstakes, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any
other factor beyond Sponsor's reasonable control impairs the integrity lor proper
functioning of the Sweepstakes, as determined. by Sponsor in its sole d~scretion.
Sponsor right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual /it finds to
entry process or the operation of the Sweepstakes or to. be
acting in violation of these Official Rules or any other Promotion or in an
unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to deliberately
I --

-. undermine the-legrtimate operation of the Sweepstakes may be a vib~ation: o f - - .

criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor rederves the
right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law.
/I " - - -
Sponsor's failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shalf>ot c o stifufe a

.-. -- .--.. . ,,
waiver of that provision.
- .

11. Limitations of Liability: The Released Parties are not responsible fori: (1) any
incorred or. inaccurate information,-whether caused by entrants, printing-errors or by
. -. .

any of the-. equip'ment or programming associated with. or .utiIlze~;'in7'~-the-

Sweepstakes; (2) technical failures
. . of any kind, including, but not limited to ..

malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or

software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry drocess or
the Sweepstakes; ( 4 ) technical or human error which may occu! in the
administration of the Sweepstakes or the processing of entries; or ( 5 ) any injury or
. .. . ,
damage topersons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole
or in part, from entrant's participation in the Sweepstakes or;eipt _dr use or
misuse of any prize. I f for any reason an entrant's entry is confirmed to h'ave been
erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise. destroyed or corrupted, entrant's sole remedy
i s another entry in the Sweepstakes, provided that if it is not possible (to award
another entry due to discontinuance of the Sweepstakes, or any part of if, for any
reason, Sponsor, at its discretion, may elect to hold a random drawing f r o p among
all eligible entries received up to the date of discontinuance for any or all of the
prizes offered herein. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awbrded. I n
event that production, technical, seeding, programming or any other reasons cause
more than stated number of prizes as set forth in these Official Rules to belavailable
and/or claimed Sponsor reserves the right to award only the stated
by a random drawing among all legitimate, unawarded, eligible prize

12. Disputes: Except where prohibited, entrant agrees that:

disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or
Sweepstakes or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, w.ithout resort to
any form of class action, and exclusively by the United States District ~ o h r for t the
Eastern District of Michigan (Southern Division) or the appropriate ~ i c h / ~ a State
Court located in 0akla.nd County, Michigan U.S.A.; (2) any and all claims, judgments
and awards shall be limited t o actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, inclubing costs
associated with entering this Sweepstakes, but in no event attorneys' fee?; and (3)
under no circumstances will entrant b e permitted to obtain awards for, a ~ entrant d

9, -
. .
. hereby waives all rights t o claim,

indirect, punitive, incidental and con~equential
.damages-and-any other dammes, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and
any and all rights to :have damages multiplied or o t h e r w l s e i r r c r e.--.
questions concerning ttTe~~tonstruction,
a s e-- d : ~ . ~ ~ l ~and
validity, interpretation and enfoiceibility of
' s i u** ~ --
. ...

these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in
connection with t h e Sweepstakes, shall be governed by, and construed in abcordance
with, the laws of the State of Michigan, U.S.A. without giving effect to any, choice of
law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Michigan or any other
jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other
than the State of Michigan.

13. Entrant's P e ~ s o n a lInformation: Information collected from eetrants IS

subject to the s%nsorts Privacy Policy (htt~://www.hhs.qov/Pr~vacv.html)and
ePrizels Privacy policy (

14. Winner List/O.ffial Rules: For a winner 1st and/or a copy of these Off~ctal
Rules may be obtalned by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope (to "Small
Step Challenge Winner List/Rules Request", c/o ePrize, LLC, P.O. Box 80170, - Royal A-

Oak, M I 48068-8070, U.S.A. Requests for winner lrst must be receivzd befo're August
3, 2006. Vermont residents may omit return postage for rules requests.

@ 20062ePrize, LLC. All rights reserved. ...



PROHIBITED. Promotion ends April 30, 2006. For Officlal Rules and complete deta~ls,
visit www.smallste~.qov.Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv~ces.
- 2. ABBRgVIATED RULES f q--~ P r i n t -
a = - - - - -- --I -= = '
s - - "1- - --
-- - .
PROHIBITED. Promotion ends 4/30/06. For Official Rules, prize descript~ond,and odds
disclosure, v ~ s i
t Sponsor: U.S. Department of Health ;pnd
Human Serv~ces,200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201.

3. Abbreviated .rul_es for online Ads

- Banner


To play and for Official Rules, visit www.smallste~.aov.

4. Abbreviated-Rules for online Ads - Not a Banner .-

.- - .


residents of the 50 United States (D.C.) 6-11 years old. Ends 4130106. Tolplay and
for Official Rules, including odds, and prize descriptions visit www.smallste~.aov.
Void where prohibited.

.. _ I
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli [asignorelli@AdCouncil.orgJ
Sent: Monday, December 19,2005 11:22 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: RE: E-prize Contest Questions for Review

Attachments: Small step challenge questions 11-29-05.doc

;mall step challenge

- .:Please l e t - u s - ~ k n m -1fyou expec-, -t_a r e c e i v e --cements. on t h i s tocia? cr t c
m F n t i 6 n e d t h a t t h e team- h a d a b i t o f a d e i a y , .DUE t h ~ ~ . b i ~ s ~ , o-ex?
week. .- . -.. .. . .- +-- --- -

We would l i k e t o d e l i v e r - - f i n a l c o p y t o e P r i z e b y COB F r i d a y ( 1 2 / 2 3 3 ir. a

our launch timing of January 23rd. If we o b t a i n f e e d b a c k t o d a y c r tomc:
g r o u p , we c o u l d u p d a t e t h e c o p y a n d s e n d a f i n a l v e r s i o n t c K a t h r y n on
f i n a l review.
However t h i s would r e q u i r e a two-day t u r n a r o u n d on h e r e n d . Is t h a t fez

J u s t s o you a r e a w a r e , w e n e e d t o commit t o t h e J a n u a r y 2 3 r d l a u n c h d a r e so that ePrize

can complete t h e t a x and bonding i n f o r m a t i o n f o r t h e p r i z e s . Once we s e e c t t h e d a c e , we
must l a u n c h on t h e d a y 8 e c i f i e d , u n d e r N Y s t a t e l a w . And we d o n ' t want t o push t h e d a t e
much f u r t h e r b e c a u s e we L e n r u n t h e r i s k o f n o t b e i n g a b l e t o award t h e grand p r i z e
before t h e school-year ends.

P l e a s e c a l l with any q u e s t i o n s o r i f you'd l i k e t o d i s c u s s f u r t h e r . I k ow t h e r e i s. - a . .l..o.t

-. ~

t o consider here. -u'--a---' -'-

. .Y d


<<Small s t e p c h a l l e n g e q u e s t i o n s 11-29-05.doc>>
> ----- O r i g i n a l ~ e s s a g e - - - - -
> From: Jenny O s t e r h o u t
. . S t: . Tuesda.y, November .29, 2005-1 1: 34 -PA-.:. ... ,..-
- .-~- -. .-
> To: ' P e t r e e , K i r s c e n (KRS/OS) ' .- .

> Cc: ~ n t h o nS ~ ignorelli

> S u b j e c t : E - p r i z e C o n t e s t Q u e s t i o n s f o r Review
> . ..
> Kirsten,
> I h o p e you h a d a g r e a t h o l i d a y weekend. We c o n t i n u e t o move f o r w a r d
>. with,:~+o.ure - p r i z e c o n t e s t . The f o l l o w i n g q u e s t i o n s w i l l b e p a r t o f t h e
> E-prize/Spiderman c o n t e s t , p l e a s e have your team r e v i e w them a n d - ~ a k e
> a n y c h a n g e s i n " t r a c k c h a n g e s " a n d s e n d b a c k t o u s , by t h e e n d o f t-he'
> week i f p o s s i b l e . L e t me know i f y o a e x p e c t t h i s r i m i n g w i l l b e
> difficutt.

> Thanks,
> Jenny
> << F i l e : S m a l l s t e p c h a l l e n g e questions m e r g e c . d o c >>

> J e a n n e t t e O s t e r h o u t 1 The A d v e r t i s i n g C o u n c i l
> 261 Madison Avenue1 11th Floor I New Y o r ~ ,NY l O C l 6
> p : 212.984.1911 1 F: 212.922.1676
> E: 1 hr~p://www.aczoc~ci~.~r~/
Smallstep Challenge Questions

Question 1:

One serving of carrots would fill up

Correct Answer:
your hand

Wrong Answers: .h

a pillowcase
ashoebox -. -
- .-.
. -.

your backpack . . -
. . . .
- .- ---
' -

- . -. - . -- .-

Did You Know.. .

A healthy kid eats between 6-9 servings of fruits and vegetables e\ :nday

Try This.. .
Challenge yourself to eat 6 fruit and vegetable servings every day!

Question 2: %>

One serving of cooked whole wheat pasta is about the same size as 1 . .-

your fist
.I .T

Wrong Answers:
a football
your head
. ~ 'strawberry
a .- . ..
*. , .
. .~
.- .-.
. ..- . . ....

Did You Know.. .

A healthy kid eats between 4-6 servings of grains every day

Try This. ..
.. ^
Half of your daily servings of grains should be whole grains.

Question 3:

You should eat more ,than meat, protein o r oils.

Correct Answer:
fruits, vegetables, grains and d a i v foods

Wrong Answers:
potato chips
candy bar

Did You Know.. .

Eating a balanced diet means that you eat more of some foods than others.
Try This.. . 1
Learn more about a balanced diet with the new Mv. Pvramid
. for d d s at
. .. . ..
. =
Question 4:

Think about the size of'-

-. ..

-- - -
.- . .

when eating your protein, becau%-ei t is about the

.. ---. -i
. -
*- .

same size as one serving of meat.

Correct Answer:
a deck of cards

Wrong Answers;
a DVD case
your shoip'<'
a golf ball

Did Yw&ow.++
A healthy kid eats between 3-5 servings of meat o r protein a day.
.. ..- --C . ----
Try This.. .
Try eating beans for protein. Red beans, white beans, black beans, there are
so many colors to try! -.
- - .- .-
Question 5: - A ,

. . .. - -.

For a healthy snack when you are hungry, try eating to keep your
energyup until dinner.

Correct Answer:
some pretzels

Wrong Answers:
a candy bar
some french fries
a milkshake

Did You Know.. .

Snacks can be a good way to keep your energy up during the day.
Try This.. .
Be careful not to ruin your dinner with snacks!

Question 6:

Of these foods, one serving of is the best source of protein.

Correct Answer:

- Wrong Answers: ---- -

d~ - = - whole wheat bread

low-fat yogurt -- - -

Did You Know.. .

Protein is an important fuel that helps keep your body energized.

Try This.. .
Try eating beans for protein. Red beans, white beans, black beans, there are
so many colors t o e !

Question 7:
.r--++.,.. -.A. 2.

A great part of a healthy and tasty breakfast that can help keep you going until
lunch time is -.
-- -1
' - ----
Correct Answer:
a scrambled egg

-Wrong Answers:
a donut
a bowl of sugared cereal
a candy bar

Did You Know.. .

.- -
.- .keep your
Eating a healthy and balanced breakfast is a great way to help
- .

energy up during the day.

Try This.. .
Try eating a healthy breakfast for a week and see what a difference it can
make. Then keep it up!

Question 8:
Drinking is the best way to give your body the liquid it needs before, 1
during and after a hard day of playing o r helping around the house. 1
Correct Answer:

Wrong Answers:
cola o r soda .*

hot chocolate

- .
. .-. Did Ypu Know.. .

-. . - . ..
-- .

y o u r body can also gdwater frorn.the foods . . . .-

r ----.
= I

Try This.. .
Drink a t least 8 glasses of water every day!

Question 9:
has the most calories and takes more physical activity to use1up.
Correct ~ & d e r :
A cheeseburger
. . . . . . . --.
A scoop of chocolate ice cream
A cup of orange juice . .-

. ..

7 a baked potato
- =

Did You Know.. . ..-.


2.-+.---;-... -,- ..
A' cheeseburger can be a part of a b-alanced
- .- ..., .-
- diet, but don't have 0pe;ever-y
- ..
. _- _ ...._ _-
---=_. . -.-.--.
. ..

Try This.. .
'Remember to balance the energy o r calories you take in with the energy you
put out.

can be a great way to exercise by yourself.

Correct Answer:
Dancing to your favorite songs

Wrong Answers:
Singing to your favorite songs
Drawing your favorite animal
Reading your favorite book

Did You Know.. .

Exercise is essential to keep your body performing a t its best.
Try This.. .
Dance to yourTavorite song every day!

Question 11:
. .- .-
. . .... , -has the least amount of calo-kksand takes less phvsical
. .-
- - ..
off. . .
, # _.- . . .

-. .> , . --- . . --
. -

Correct Answer:
A cup of orange juice

Wrong Answers:
A plain bagel
A small order of french fries
A grilled .cheese
,*' ;. sandwich
.a7-: :

Did You Know.. .

Your body needs some calories to keep your heart beating and lungsI
breathing. -.-. -*
I ---

Try This.. . . ..- -, - ?.----I

Extra calories turn to fat in your body if you don't use them up w i d activity
o r exercise. Balance
the calories you eat with the energy you put out!

has the least amount of calories:and takes less physical activity :o burn . -

Correct Answer:
A cup of popcorn

Wrong Answers:
A tablespoon of peanut butter
A donut
A hot dog

Did You Know.. .

Your body needs some calories to keep your heart beating and lungs
Try This.. .
Extra calories turn to fat in your body if you don't use them up with activig
or exercise. Balance the calories you eat with the e n e r 3 you put out!
Question 13:
has themost calories and takes more physical activig. to burn off.
Correct Answer: h

Jumping rope for 15 minutes

b, - . ...
. .
. - . ...

Wrong Answers:.
- - .

Playing video- games for 20 minutes
. - .

.. .-

Watching a movie
Walking to-your friend's house next door

Did You Know.. .

Your body needs some calories to keep your heart beating and lungs

Try his. ?$
Extra calories turn to fat in your body if you don't use them up with activity
or exercise. Balance the calories you eat with the energy you put out!
--. ..: .LlrLI..*-. ,j
- . . - - . ..

Question 14:
. .-c ? ==
I ,-

I t is important that kids get a t least minutes of physical activie pe! day.

Correct Answer:
-. - . - - . 7 - - - . . . ,. @ .- .. -. . .-
- -- -. .
1 .(
- --I - - --
-.--- .

Wrong Answers: . .

. ->- -
Did You Know.. . _--.* -

The more you use your muscles, the stronger they get.

Try This.. .
Trade in an hour of watching tv or playing video games for an hour of

Question 15:
One serving of grapes is about the size of a

Correct Answer:
light bulb

Wrong Answers:
a car
a house
an oven
Did You Know.. .
A healthy kid eats b w-e e n 6-9 servings of fruits and vegetables e r y n day '
--- - - - - ---
- -
Try This. .. - . - -- -

Challenge yourself to eat 6 fruit and vegetable servings every day!

Question 16:

One serving of cheese, part of the calcium-rich dairy group, is about the same size as

Correct ~A&er:
a pair of dice

a deck of cards . - - ----- -
a bowling ball

Did You Know.. .

A healthy kid eats between -1-3 servings from the dairy group each hay.
- - .-i- -.
__--. -.

Try This.. .
- -
Milk and yogurt a r e two of the best ways to get the calcium you need for
strong bones, try some today!

Question 17:
- ..-..
Healthy kids need some fat and oil in their diet too. The most nutritious squrces of
oils are

Correct Answer:
vegetable oils, fish and nuts

Wrong Answers:
fried foods

Did You Know

Fats and oils are not a food group, but are part of a healthy diet.

Try This.. .
w a t c h out for bad fats and oils in your food!

.. .
- - - -
... '. Whole grains are the best kinds-of
whole grains. ..
- .-.
grainsto eat.
..- . -- .. --
- .- . - -- . - --

.. -.- - - . .-

Correct Answer:
whole whedt bread and brown rice

Wrong Answers:
white bread
Saltine crackers
white rice.r '<?.

Did You Know..

All of the answers were grains, but the best kind of grains are whold grains.
..%w.-..-- ,- .
-. --.--
Try This.. .
Eat whole grains far at least half of your 4-6 daily sewings osgrains. - ----
Question 19: .- . -.

,. ~ x e r c i i < h ~your
l ~ s muscles get s t r p g e r , it eveahelps make stronger
.- *_
-_._ .. . .... _ _. _ .-- - ---
. _-. -. .- .
too. -1 - ''

.. .

Correct Answer:
your heart

Wrong Answers:
.. .*.. ..
you-r eyes .._.. - .
.. . .

your nose
your teeth
Did You Know.. .
Your heart is a muscle too and it needs exercise! At least 60 minutes a day.
Try This.. .
Exercise your heart every day by swimming, running, jumping rope,
climbing stairs o r playing sports.

Question 20:
I should exercise a t least
- per day.

Correct Answer:
1 hour .
. .
- :. - ..:. Wjong Answers:
15 minutes
all day-
. - .

- ... - - --
. . .
. .

. . . . .- -,-.., . . . .
#- --
. --
- ..I
I .--*
.w . .
/ 0


. -

5 minutes
Did You Know.. .
Kids are meant to be active! At least an hour a day is recommended for
healthy kids!
Try This. .,,
If you cad't$lay outside, try jumping jacks, running in place, o r dancing to
your favorite music in the house..
A healthy number of fruit.and vegetable servings to have e v e q dayis 3 .- -7

Correct Answer:
6 to 10 .-..
. . . . . - -
Wrong Ansmrs:
none . .

1 to 2
3 to 4
Did You Know.. .
Fruits-and vegetables help keep your body and mind a t their.-b.est! .

Try This.. .
Challenge yourself to eat 6 fruit and vegetable servings every day!

Question 22:

Eating lean protein such as fish, chicken, turkey o r lean beef is a great way to build
Correct Answer:

Wrong Answers:
a mountain
a skyscraper
an airplane ... .

Did You Know.. .
The protein found in meat is ve@ important for your muscles.
I .-
. .. ..
. -
. .- .-
~ r y ...
..his . - -

Beans are also agoed r a y to get protein. Red beans, white bePlii,dfhck--
. . . .-. .. ... ._-
1 -- .: .-

beans, there are so many colors to try!

Question 23:

The one thing that no person, animal or tree can live without is

Correct Aqswer:
._. i;

water -2:. ..

Wrong Answers:
.. ~

music..,L-A,*....-. ,.:

a computer
. ...
money .- .. .
- -1 - .--

Did You Know.. .

E v e p paft of your body depends on water to keep it going.
. -- . . - --~.
- ..
-. -
- -1 _-*--.-
---.. . ,,
Try This ... - a -
- .
_ % _ ---

Drink a t least 8 glasses of water every day!

Question 24:
Eating a healthy, balanced diet every day is a great way to help you 1 .
.----- .--A -t
Correct Answer:
all of the above ..

Wrong Answers:
run better
think better
feel better
Did You Know.. .
It makes sense that the food you put into your body effects how ?*ourbod! I

Try This.. .
See how good you can make your body feel by eating right and exercising! 1
-. -
Question 25:

A great white way to get your Vitamin.\

A is to

d, - -


.. .
:.:' C~rrectAnswer:
drink milk
.. . _ .

Wrong Answers:
eat marshmallows
throw a snowball
brush your teeth

Did You Know.. . 1

Vitamin A,.-.helps keep your eyes healthy.

Try This.. .
Milk, carrots, apricots and spinach are all great ways to get your Vitamin A!
Try some todayL.. -... A-
-- 1
Question 26: ..

A great round way to get your Vitamin C is to

.- I -- '

.- . . -. Cbrrect Answer: .-- .

. -..
.. - .
.. ... .
eat an-orange.

Wrong Answers:
eat a doughnut
throw a baseball
run in circles
. .-7
. .

Did You Know.. .

Vitamin C helps your body fight sickness and can help make it harder for
you .to
- get a cold. I
Try This.. .
Oranges, strawberries, tomatoes and broccoli are all great ways to get your
Vitamin C! Try some today!
k m t g r e e o way to get your -iitamia E is to

Correct Answer:
eat lea@ vegetables, like spinach

Wrong Answers:
mow the grasss
catch a frog
swing from a tree .

Did You Know. .. -
-. .. -. -t -. #
- -
. * -- -. ..
- . .. .
&. . .:
.. : - Vitamin E helps keep your skin and lungs healthy. .
. - ' -
*. .. . . -. -. :.::.

Try This ...


Spinach and other leafy green vegetables and whole grains are all great for
Vitamin E! Try some today!
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 12:31 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity - NY T~mes

. .
Thousht it might be heipful to shaye ?he following artl=le anC set 2- sc7.s .- :c 2r::f -
..2 . ,-.
you on recent developments surrounding oar Coali~ionfor Eealthy ~5::lerb:. rrc-ezr. ..,-:- -
I . :
and I would love to sex up -2 time to chat aboxt the lacest 10" repor: znc nox - w s 7.1;:::
work together (beyond the existin5 PSA program) to address some cf r;?s rzer.5 r =- l-s e 5
II . ._

Please let me know when you might be free after the holiday to .hoi5 2 c a - - . 2;s: r.:;;-.:
be in D,C. for another-meeting and could cope by :o chat.
.. .
- .. .. . .-
. .. . -
- -
- - .

. .
.r .; .--
. I. c. -? 3
. ...
. . -
Anthony -. ._ .* <-
. . ..- .

> http: //www.nytimes com~2005/12/16/business/l6food, h~n~?a~xnnl=l&~~~:~?~~~
> x=1134742~96-1@Y6QiEXrbYWYa7~~AZaJQ
> December 16, 2005
> Influencing Young Diets
> < ~?ARNERhfaq=:9960101
&td=sysdate&sort=newest& *MELANIE WARNER&inline=nyt-per> For years, fooh-companies have
responded to criticism about %.- the nutritional quality of their products byt msirctaining-tha~ ..
all food can fit into a balanced diet
.. I.. .
ml?inline=nyt-classifier>. There are no bad foods, they argue, just bad hiets. --'- .
> ThLt is srarting trSYRafqe".+hs major food producers face scrutiny overtheir role in
contributing to increasing childhood obesity
<http: //topics.nyt imes. com/top/pews/health,~diseasesconditionsandhe~tht~i.t~l~esit
. h t ; n l ? i n l i n e = n y t - c l a s s i f i - e r > raies, xhey are ur,dir pressure to make fundamental shifts in

. .- -. .


-- ,

products to children. It added tna: 80 percen? to 57 percent of the food p'roducts now
aimed at children and teenagers are of "poor nutritional quality."
> The food industry is divided over how it should respond. General Mills
> <
derive a large part of their revenue from proiucrs iimed ar cFlilere:., ire (rss:s:r:.;
changing many of their practices. Krafz and PepsiCo, whose producrs -- = - - - --...-
=:-=A -
- - --- - -_ _ -- -._,-
section of consumers, seem more willing tc adapt. The Grocery Mancfaczcrers I/
~_ss=:::r:::., 5
large lobbying group, is resisting rhe developmen: of an inaus~rywin,erzz2:z s,;s:sr. 5 : :
I - -
healthier foods - one of the leading recommendi:icns in :he insrircze's rzzzrr., -7.2
Disney's efforts oniy go so far. P-lthough ic drop?ec ax exclnsive ceai. ~:rr; . I-
>:Z,: -:.;-~'S,. .
some movies may conrinue to use Zie-ins ro MzDo~~al6's
characters fron "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Liar., ~ h e
22: c ~ h s r22s:-fsz;/:?.ai?r.
K i - -c'-- & , ar;2 -.;= "'-&A----" - .--.-- - - -. - . .
- -=- _
appearing in boxes of the chain's Happy Meals.
> So far, just one company, Kraft Foods
M W = h t t p : / / c u s r o ~ L . m a r k e t w a t ~ h . ~ ~ m / c u s t o m / n y t - c o m / h t m -~. -- c o ~ . p a nI1, y
I ~ ..__
.. .=--.:.->,
r c ~ ~ ~:.~s
- -
significantly curtailed the amount of unhealthy food it maricets rz cF.-.ilCrer.:;:-sr
resr of the food and restaurant indusrry has yet to raKe any major sce?s
reporr's major recommendations. While companies have made sone effcrrs zs.'rofcrzcl:s
1. .- . -;
,... .


. .
producrs and introduce healthier offerings iremc-:ix; rrans fazcy aclzs, f 3 r :nszin=e:,

- ..
consumer advocates and nurrition experts sap tnat many of zhese accer.z:s i311 xoer.:-l:.
short. . - ..
> 7or.instance;-Seneral Mills, the-ompany that s p e ~ d sthe mDst money narfiez::.:I . . - 52z:.;azee I -
f to-children, promotes the :addition of whole..grains to.~i~~s.sJines of ;:rep+ ere;
though many of these are. 4 0 .pe~.cgntsugar and aggressively adv%rcise.d-u, . ~ , z i i s r g r . .
> Earlier this year, General Mills tried to provide more nutririon inform&:on by :,-
displaying icons in a product's "Goodness Corner." I!
> But a consumer watchdog criticized the move because there are 26 dl:- rertni icons, rizner
than a clear-cut rating system.
> "I work in this area and I don' t even know what some of those thinqs ard referring co,"
said Margo Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Center for Science in the Public
Interesr, a nutrition advocacy group.
> A spokeswoman for General Mills, Marybeth Thorsgard, declined to commen' on the
Institute of Medicine's report, saying that the company had not had a chance li
I to read
through the 600-page 18

> But in a presentation th'fi;. year, General Mills vigorously defended its dereai.
> "We strongly think that products like cereal can be advertised
children," said Kendall J. Powell, the company's chief operating
of Medicine workshop in January. "Cereal earers, including kids who ea:
cereal's, are getting -%-gsod s.%rt to their day." . .

> Kellogg, the second-largest packaged-food marketer to children, also

want to comment on the Institute of Medicine's recommendations. In a star4menr, a
spokeswoman, Jill Saletta;. said 'the company offered a "wide vaziety2Df pea0crs" and
"remains a committed partner in the fighr against obesity."
> ConAgra Foods <http://www.nytimes.cbm/redire~t/marketwatch/~edirect.c~x~~
MW=http: //custom.marketwatch. com/custom/nyt-com/html-companyprof and Mars
said they were focusing on developing healthier foods rather than marketing or
-. - rat
-. . .
jn,g their products ; McDonald's, Burg?; King, W.epdy' s
. .- ... - - -.---- .. .. .--
-? >


Nestle <

comment on the report.

> Kraft and PepslCo also appear to De alone lr. supporting the laea of an 1,ndustrywlde
rating system for healrhier foods.
> "I thin.k. ,.... .there may be an antitrust issue," said
~ r d c e r yManufacturers Association. "Whenever
rogerher and deciding which products to sell, ir sounds ;o me like we could get
sued for."
> Some legal experts said, though, tha; food companies were more
if they did not think proactively and listen to criticism.
> N. Louise ~Ylingsworth,a parrner in the
past xith food companies, said: "Sanetimes,
risk calling attention to yourself and focusing on the
don't act, their mistakes will become obvious years lat> er. The plaintif$sV bar is
watching very closely, and everyone's got a target on their back right noh." I
> PepsiCo insists that its "Smart Spot" program for identifying nealthier products is more
a shrewd business decision than a form of legal insurance. The company said that sales
from the Smart Spot products grew by 13 percent in the first three y a r t e iI's of the year,
three times as fast as the rest_of its business. "We believe this is a nuge business
opportunity," said Brock Leach, - . the chief innovation officer.
> Although many nutrition and public h e a l ~ nadvocates ha7.1~as;lazsez Kr~f: ,
- . -~ c z : : - :- 1:-
. I

breaiting with the rest cf the food indusczy, cney say -,h.zz = *--.- ,-b -*-- , -
--...- = .-- --- -s . - .-
- ..-1 - - - .. - - -.
the diszance. Some of their children's ~ z o d u c c s ,for inscanre, are k.-- = - -- .-j.. -=-----I=
--- - - - - = - -
broccoli - sugar-free Kool-Aid with ar~ificialsweereners, Kraft naz?r-.Y~i2 ~ z2 r r r s s ::::.I
processed cheese, baaed Cheetos ana peanr? bciter i a p 1 n Cr7~rzTcereai.
> And Pepsi has not stopped maritering irs ncr.-S~.:.7rr Spz: sro3u=rs like re,-_ltr ::.err::
I' -.
1 ::E
Garoraae to children. It said char b y early in 20C6, kalf cf all irs seexs::z .::
aavertising aimed at cniiaren would be for Snarr Spor ?rod~cczs, : a ir~rease I :
rr2.Y. 21
percen: this year.
> But Susan Linn, associate director of Judge Baiter Chilkrez's Z a.r -- e--- - ,-= . . - . . - - - - - - ---..-
in Boston, asked: "What's the point of doing-50 percenzl Ii :?sv ueri r e f - - , ....---..-
abou: children, they would stop completely."
--- I.-,,-
- - - - 7 - - - - -


> Licensing of favorite characters also continues y o be z n ecorzoccly PC?:LE~ -:5

. . -.
effective markering taccic that not eveikraft is certalE 1: wan1s : c z~~J:tz:.. - 2 s
company, which features Dora the Explorer or. its Nabi&cc TedCy
Oddparents on Cheese Nips crackers, said tha: its licensins policy "is ::s:,:sce&.i"
> The question is not even on the table atQepsiCo. Fr. Leach
marketing methods like character licensing !'misplaced energy."
> "Our point-Cf~view,."he said, "+-let's f 0 - c on~ ~ makir.~
~ healr?."._r
-' will eenrually-move the wnale- marketing -mix." . _-. . . ~.. - ~ ~ = N , - ,

> While the members of the Ins-tt_tute of Medicine committee said th~-yerfl,~x:-~:x; . , .
- 2 ZZ.LS:
. - . ,
the make doluntary changes, they have warned that if rhere 1s ncr-.s:;n~-;;:.a?.:. ,
improvement in the types of products marketed to chiidren after r w c years', r n s ) . i;L-- -,---= -c c-

Congress to take action. =

> J. Michael McGinnis, a senior scholar ac the institute and chairma- of cor;.-?.:rxee,
called for the creation of a division in the federal Department of Healyh: and kiumar.
Services to assess the food industry's progress.
> Not surprisingly, food companies say that they, too, think self-regularion can work anC
cite the Children's Advertising Review Unit, a group financed by food, toy and media
companies to monitor children's advertising.
> But Elizabeth Lascoutx, Qirector of the Children's Advertising Review U,nic,sai5 the
group aid not concern i t s e f with junk-food marketing. Its job, she said, was to make sure
that ads aimed at children were fair and accurate,not to see if tney fea~ured=healthful
or-low-calorie products.
>."We don't set standards or get involved in good food, bad food issues," Ms. Lascoctx
. . . . .. .
said. .."We'
re lawyers,,l;itionisrs." .. .

> Mr. McGinnis said he thought that rhe scope of :he Children's Adver~isinq Review Unit
should be expanded to include the nutritional quality of children's iood,l!though tha:
recommendation is not part of the report. .. .,.- .. .

> .-

- --..--> .. .. -, .~ .
.- .. . .-.-
-~. .-

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 12:14 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: PREVIEW: Geronimo Stilton helps kids get healthy through ELA and Math1
The follow~ngemail was delivered to more than 40,000 teachers on Wednesday. We are curreqtly awaltlng open
and click-thru results from Scholastrc We wlll let you#now the results as soon as we have them

- -

. .~on W.-
?hanks againfor-yofiqulck approvals
./_ ._-,--
. -

---. .,."

.-.- -

-----Original Message-----
From: Scholastic Marketing Partners []
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 3:42 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: PREVIEW: Geronimo Stilton helps kids get healthy through ELA and Math!

*-- . Unable to v~ewthls emall? Go to thls l~nk 1
To ensure our ema~lsare delrvered to your ~nbox,please add smp@message scholast~ccom to your Address Book

Dear Educator: I
Geronimo Stilton introduces the Small Steps program to
help your students learn simple ways to get healthy and
build skills in: .-'

Language Art$. ,
Health and Fitness

Visit the Small Step Teacher site where you'll find an

important new skill-building program for grades 2-4. Look for
this program's free poster in your Scholastic News bundle
: :.;:. after 12/16/05:

Brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health & Human

Services and developed with Scholastic, th'e Smal!.SJeps
program contains:

A cool classroom poster all about food and what it.

can do for your health
Reproducible activities to help kids take small healthy
steps every day
Standards-based lessons that build language arts
and math skills
.- ~
Scholastic i Pasr z of 2

Teach this valuable program today, and help your students ~

build a healthy foundation for life!

Sincerely, !
Scholastic Marketing Partners ~
The U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

We hope you enjoyed receiving this message from Schola?itic Marketing Partners. You received thls emall oecaljse you
andlor your school are valued Scholast~ccustomers and you-provided us with your email address.

If you would rather not

- receive
- - .

- .-
. .- .

further emails from Scholastic ~ i i r k e t i nPartners,

-. .-
.- -
.. . -. . .
please fo\l%v this link-.-,-., .
1: .. _-.

- .- . . -
Email Markeling. Scholastic. 557 Broadway. New York. NY 1001-2 1 1-800-SCHOLASTIC 1
I .. -
. .

Read our Privacy Policy Statement I T e n s of Use

-. . .. . . . .. .

- - 4 . .. ..

- 8

.. .

i _. .. - .,
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: Anthony Signorelli [] (I
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 4:27 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Carla Horrilleno; Jenny Osterhout
Obesity. Prevention Status Update
Attachments: PREVIEW: Geronimo Stilton helps kids get healthy through ELA and
PR Contest Memo 12.13.05.doc; PR Stakeholder Email List 12-13-05.doc;
rules 12.4.05.doc; Youth Radio 9-6-05.doc; Untitled Attachment

Kirsten; ..
- -. - - .

JhBnks &in f i r geiting-on the phone with-us today. ~ e k please

- -. feedback, and approval:
corresponding attachment. for. your review,
find a.-list of items
. . . we


.- _ ... --. . . .
. .
.. .- .

1) Scholastic teacher email design (titled "Preview: Geronimo")

2) Can Your Food Do That PRicontest plan
3) List of recipients for PR stakeholder email I
4)ePrize contest rules
5) Child targeted radio scripts

Also. we've attached all of the contracting documents we have on file

notice the signed contract agreement in the form of a pdf file. The other
Page 26 of the signed contrabkt&s a section titled "Option Exercise"
years are authorized. Please let u s know if you need help in any way with this.

Finally, we will be giving weekly prizes consisting of NBA and WNBA gift baskets
inteimittent winners of ttteePnze m t e s t online. You mentioned previously that -.
CDC. Please let us know how to handle this moving forward, as we are my office is not that big ; ) :.-s dl, .? -z =

Thanks again and please call with any quest~ons

-Anthony +

- .
- -
inthon!. ~ i ~ n o w lCampaign

-..- ....
I The Advertising Council
' .- . . --- ...- I' -. . ...----. . .- .
. ..

2 6 1 Madison~Ave.I New York. New York 1 0 0 1 6

I' ..

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Scholastic Marketing Partners []
Sent: Monday, December 12,2005 5:04 PM
To: Klein, Jessica Siegel 1

Subject: PREVIEW: Geronimo Stilton helps kids get healthy through ELA and Math!
Unable to view this email? Go to this link.
To ensure our emails are delivered l o your inbox, please add to your ~ d d r e sBook

- - .-


.Dear Educator:
....... .--
-- - -- -I. , .. ..=-- -: --
~eronirnoStilton introduces the Small Steps program to
help your students build
... skills in:

Language Arts
Health and Fitness

Visit the Small S t w Teacher site where you'll find an

important new skill-W~ldingprogram for grades 2-4. Look for
this program's free poster in your Scholastic News bundle
after 12116105.
E.. .<
Brought to yoij'tSmeU:'s: Department of Health B Human
Services and developed with Scholastic, the Small Steps
program contains: - . . i
..--- - I . ----
d *

A cool classroom poster all about food and what ~t

can do foryour health
Rkproducible activities to help kids take small.--.healthy
~-- .-
. . ....
-- I
. ,,
steps every day, . ......
. ~ .- I -.--.-...
- .
.-. .- ~

Standards-based lessons that build language arts

. .
and math skills

Teach this valuable program today, and help your students

build a healthy foundation!

Sincerely, ..
Scholastic Marketing Partners
The U.S. Department of
Health and Human services

We hope you enjoyed receiving this message from Scholast~cMarket~ngPartners You rece~vedt h ~ semall becaus4 you
andlor your school are valued Scholast~ccustomers and you provided us wlth your emall address j k l e l n @ S ~ h ~ l acorn

If you would rather not recelve further erna~lsfrom Scholastic Market~ngPartners please follow thls l ~ n k
Scholastic Page 2 of 2

Email Marketing. Scholastic. 557 Broadway. New York. NY 10012 1 1-800-SCHOLASTIC /

Read our Pnvacv Policv Statement I Terms of Use

- - -~
.- . . .
. .

.. . --;....
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Monday, December 12,2005 5 0 0 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Carla Horrilleno; Jenny Osterhout
Subject: Obeslty Prevention - Opt~onYear 1 Proposal & Budget
Attachments: HHS Optlon Year 1 Proposal 12-12-05.doc; HHS Opltlon YR 1 Budget

As promised, please find the Ad Counc~lsproposal f0;0~tmn Year 1 of the current Obeslty Pre?enllon contract
The proposgdtudgpt is attached separatgl~andreflectsfhe total fundlng amount authorized wijhln our lnltlal 5-
1 ~ +aF+roposal

> ..

- -- .. I
- ---
-a 4

We can dlscuss further tomorrow during our status call or at another tlme if more appropriate --


Anthony SignorelliJ Campa~gnDlrector I The Advert~s~ng

261 Mad~sonAve. I New York. New York 1001 6
a <.-. P: (2 12) 984- 19891 E:
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 4:02 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: Obesity Prevention Option YR1 Plan

I'll have something for you to look at on Monday, with regard to our proposal for Opt~onYear 1 of the contract
Just needed to get consensus from the team internally

Have a great weekend,
Anthony -
-- -

- .<ntho"$s@orelli Campaign Director 1 The Advertising Council
.- - ."I, T. . .
.. . - .
.-- ~ .
- --
261 Madison Ave. I New York, New York 10016 I
FW: Hunicane Katrina - Radio scripts Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Graziadio, Josie (SAMHSNOA) []

Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 7:58 AM
To: Deborah Leiter; Weber, Mark (SAMHSNOA); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Stem, Alvera (SAMHSN0A);-Dzu Bui .

Subject: RE: Hurricane Katrina - Radio scripts

Attachments: Spanish final radio scripts - Ad cou.niil.doc

DeborahlDzu: .. . .

~ttache&are.mysuggested changes to thegurent ~pankf-.script.Some words used - "harta" i idiat' are

at ---frequently used in the Caribbean.. Words I replaced them with, aremore unjverel, Other chans aruugggsted
based on how.someone would express-these thought in common, daily spoken languagei.. -:- - . . - . . -.--
.- -
Feel free to call me (or the Span!sh team working on this campaign) if you have any questionslc iments. Given
the weather conditions, I'll probably be working @ home all day. Best bet is my cel phone.



<*d - -.-.
- -+

From: Deborah Leiter []

Sent: Thu 12/8/2005 9:37 PM ..a-
To: Weber, Mark (SAPIHSA/OA); Petree,' Kinten (HHS)
Cc: Stern, Alvera (SAMHSA/OA); Dzu Bui; Graziadio, Josie (SAMHSA/OA)
Subject: FW: Hurricane Katrjna - Radio scripts
+ + . --.- .
-- -.-:
. .Atfached
are the English and Spanish radio scripts. The
let us know if you have any-questions or concerns.
English scriptsare
. .. -
the ones that were previousty
. , . .. .... -
proved. Please
. .

Deborah , .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1
Anthony Signorelli []
Thursday, December 08, 2005 4: 13 PM
To: Adams, Linda B. (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) 1
Cc: Baker, David (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Ad Council Pop-Ups.(Small Steps)
.. .

Our Interactive Services group has contacted this particular media partner to ask them to
our PSAs as pop-up banners. There should no longer be an issue from this URL.

Also. just so everyone e aware, we notify all of our media partners that they are not to use our ireatwe as pop-
; r l ~ -ups aoweber, slnce we do not purchase S d ~ arid a leave placement up to our partners, we are unable to control
T o w the work IS used Please contlnue to notlfy us of any further problemssowe can put a stop to mu!hotlzed
use . _. *- - -

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Adams, Linda B. (HHSJOS) []
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:36 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOSk Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Baker, David (HHSJOSj \?
Subject: RE: Ad Council Pop-Up'S (Small Steps)

. -. . +the complainants:
Here's what we know>,A from q
I --

A popup keeps corning up which advertises the Small

Various urls are in use, including:
. welb site.
-- - 1 "

The same Small Step ( # 3 3 - More carrots and less cake) comes up very time (at
least for one person).
. . -- .
If people follow the site Contact Us links, they call HHS! ---.. .

The Department has a policy against this practice. Please let me know how this
specifically is happening.

Linda B. Adams
HHS Web Management Team
Page 2 of 2

FAX: 202-690-8715
Cell: 202-330-9712
Email: linda.adams@hhslgov
Web Requests:

From: Baker, David (HHSIOS)

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:26 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Adams, Linda B. (HHSIOS)
Subject: FW: Ad Council Pop-ups (Small Steps)

Kirsten, do you know if the Ad Council is using popup'ads to promote Small Steps?
- ~.
,- 2 a v i E L R : ~ g k e r -- ..
. .~.- .
. .~
. . . . . ~-. . ..- -. . . . . . . .. . .. -
202-260-1306 Voice . .
202-690-7318 Fax
... . . . . --- - .._- .

-- -- - - - -- - -- -

From: Adams, Linda B. (HHSIOS)

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 11:36 AM
To: Baker, David (HHSIOS)
Subject: Ad Council Pop-Ups.(Small Steps)
.We are getting an increaj'ing number of complaints about pop-ups advt :ising the ..-.
Small Steps web site. Additionally, the contact us information tells them 9 call us so
.,,.-- ...... --. --
we are now getting phone calls! Could you tell me who the contact pers 1 is (again)-
I've forgotten. .. ... .... y

Thanks, .

Linda . - +
-. ....-
.... .. - . . -- . . . -. -.-..
Linda B. Adams ... .- . -. "

T e c h n i d Team Leader
. .
HHS Web Management Team
US Department of Health and Human Services
330 C Street SW
Room 3530 . .

Washington, DC 20201
.. 202-m.-2805 . -
FAX: 202-690-8715 :.- -..
Cell: 202-330-9712
Email: linda.adams@hhs.qo_v ..
Web ~equksts:http://webreque~ts.hh~~qov
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
- i
Sent: Thursday, December 08,2005 3:24 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Radio PSA Costs

I ' l l b e h e r e , s o j u s t t h r o w o u t t h e m a i l a n d a s k me a g z i n v:ren y2.i 5:: ..


----- O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: P e t r e e , K i r s t e n (HHS/OS) [mailto:Kirs.ten.Petree@hhs.govl
S e n t : T h u r s d a y , December 0 8 , 2005 3 : 2 2 PK . .

To: A n t h o n y .Signor-elli : - -

CI S*e&..:RE: ~ a d i oPSA COSTS- . . . . .- --

..--..-- . . . -.-.
. . /.- .- .-Z
.... . . .._ _-
Thank you s o much!

I knew you would b e a b l e t o come up w i t h t h i s a n s w e r . Now I j u s r h a v e t o

t h e n e x t p e r s o n t h a t a s k s . :)

----- O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli,+,[]
S e n t : T h u r s d a y , December W , 2005 3 : 0 8 PM
To: P e t r e e , K i r s t e n ( H H S / O S . ~
S u b j e c t : RE: R a d i o PSA C o s t s

..K-.*.*..- .-. ...'& -. .. .- . . - .. .. -- -7

Due t o t h e f a c t t h a t we o n l y p a y h a r d c o s t s f o r p r o d u c t i o n , a n d d i s t r i b u t i.or1, we a r e a b l e ' .

t o c r e a t e and d i s t r i b u t e r a d i o f o r a p p r o x i m a t e l y / a e p e r ing upon t h e
number o f e x e c u t i o n s a n d l e n c r t h s ' . G ~ n ~ r a l lity i s a b o u t 3 - .. .,di s t I21k> u - ~ . - t h ework t o
t h e media and a n o t h e r /,?

e x i s t i n g Ad C o u n c i l c o n t r a c t .
-' f o r production. T h i s , a f c o u r s c, - I' I' i s w i t h i n a n
A s you know, t h e r e a r e i n d i r e c t a n d i a b o r f t2es t h a t o u r

p a r t n e r s a r e r e q u i r e d t o p a y which c a n i n c r e a s e t h e o v e r a l l c c s t s l i g h t 1 1 But t h i s i s a - -
g o o d i d e a o f whaL I r a c o u l d e x p e c t .
. -.
- - Z e t rrie know i f T can..-be of,.£ u r t h e r a s s i - d t a n c e . o. r ? t k i s project. , - ...-. -. -

----- O r i g i n a l Message-----
-From: P e t r e e , K i r s t e n (HHS/OS) [mailto:Kirsten.Petree@hns.govj
S e n t : T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 0 8 , 20C5 3 : 02 PM
To': Anth'ciny S i g n o r e l l - i
S u b j e c t : FW: R a d i o PSk C o s t s ..
..-A ,A

I w a n t e d t o g i v e t h e VA a n i d e a o f what i t c o s t t o d o t h e o b s i t y PSP.s l a : year (the final

c o s t s , i n c l u d i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n ) f o r Radio. P l e z s e s e e beiow.
Did we d o r a d i o w i t h t h e A d u l t c a m p a i g n ? +..

> -----O r i g l n a l Message-----

> From: D r e y f u s s , I r a (HHS/OS)
> Sent: T h u r s d a y , December 0 8 , 2005 2:57 PM
> To: P e t r e e , K i r s t e n (HHS/OS)
> S u b j e c t : R a d i o PSA C o s t s
> K i r s t e n , HHS i s w o r k i n g w i t h V R on a VA project Co f i g h t c b e s l t y i:r!

. .
> v e t s b y p r o n o z i n g p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y a n 5 p z o p e z n>:=rlr:3~..
>. The VA f o l k s a r e t h i n k i n g a b o u r c r e a z i h a r a C i c HS.z.s, b u t =he:
> i d e a o f t h e c o s t s . Can you t e l l m e a b o u t ? h e c o s t s o f a e v e l c p i n ; ra,
> PSAs t h r o u g h a c o n t r a c t o r o r t h e A d C o u r c i l ? ..
> A n y t h i n g you h a v e , o r c o n t a c t s you n a v e , wouis b e h e l p f u l .
> Lrs
> <<Ira D r e y f u s s ( E - m a i l ) . v c f > >
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony S~gnorelll[]

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 1:00 PM
To: Adams, L~ndaB. (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Baker, David (HHSIOS) -.
Subject: RE Ad Councll Pop-Ups (Small Steps)

I will lnvestlgate thls w~thour med~ateam ~mmedrately We do not allow any of our med~apartners to use the
banner ads as pop-ups and will notlfy them to cease thrs practlce
I'll let everyoneknow when thls has been properly addressed
-- -. - --- -
- --
-- --..
- --- --
Thank you, -<

.. .- - -*


-----Original Message-----
From: Adams, Linda B. (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:36 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Baker, David (HHS/OS)
Subject: RE: Ad Council Pop-Ups (Small Steps)

Here's what we know f&h the complainants:

A popup keeps coming up which advertises the Small web site.
.--.y- ---
Various urls are In use, including:
- - -i

The same Small Step (#33 - More carrots and less cake) comes up +very time (at .-

least for one person).

If people follow the site Contact Us links, they call HHS!
~he'D-epartnient --... hc3w this
has a policy against this practice. Please let me know
specifically is happening.

Linda B. Adams
HHS Web Management Team
FAX: 202-690-8715
Cell: 202-330-9712
Web Requests:

From: Baker, David (HHSIOS)

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:26 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Adams, Linda B. (HHSIOS)
Subject: FW: Ad Council Pop-Ups (Small Steps)
. . -.
Kirsten, do you know if the Ad Council is using popup ads to promote Small Steps?

Dav~dR Baker
202-260-1 306 Volce
202-690-7318 Fax - -
- ----
- .--- -- -

From: Adams, Linda B. (HHSIOS)

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 11:36 AM
To: Baker, David (HHSIOS)
Subject: Ad Council Pop-Ups (Small Steps)

We are getting an increasing number of complaints about pop-ups ad1 rtising the
Small Steps web site.'-'&ditionally,
.. the contact us information tells ther to call us so
we are now getting phone calls! Could you tell me who the contact per In is (again)-
I've forgotten. .,+L.+.+.... .-.-...,.&-

L~ndaB. Adams --
Technical Team Leader
HHS Web Management Team
US Department of Health and Human Serv~ces
330 C Street SW
Room 3530
Washington, DC 20201
FAX. 202-690-8715
Cell 202-330-9712
Emal .itnda.adams@hhs qov
Web Requests http.//webrequests hhs gov
Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Baker, David (HHSIOS)

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:26 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Adams, Linda B. (HHSIOS) -
Subject: FW: Ad Councll Pop-Ups (Small Steps)

Kirsien, do you know if the Ad Council is using popup ads to promote Small Steps?

- Dav~dR Baker
202-260-1306 Vo~ce
-20a90-7318 FaxA-
Dav~dBakerahhs gov
- . .---
- -

- ---
-- -

From: Adams, Linda B. (HHSIOS)

Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 11:36 AM
To: Baker, David (HHSIOS)
Subject: Ad Council Pop-Ups (Small Steps)

We are getting an ineresing number of complaints about pop-ups ad\ rtising the
Small Steps web site. Additionally, the contact us information tells the1 to call us so
we are now getting phone calls! Could you tell me who the contact per I n is (again)-
.'T.r**'L. ;- -- --
~ ' v eforgotten.
.. ..

. __ _ -. . .
Linda B. Adams + .
Technical Team Leader
HHS Web Management Tearrt -
.-- . .
.- --
- ...--.. .
,. . -- --. .

US Department of Health and Human Services

.. .
330 C Street SW
Room 3530 . .
Washington, DC 20201
FAX: 202-690-8715
Cellr-202-330-9712 - -
Email: -.-__.. .

Web Requests:

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Mark Mendez []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 5: 13 PM
To: 'Young, Leah (SAMHSNOA)';; Petree irsten (HHSIOS)
Cc :; 'Dick Phillips'; 'Virginia White'; 'Michelle Hicks'
Subject: Hurricane Mental Health Campaign -streaming video!

Streaming video of th-is afreznoon's press conference is now p l z c e B -

c z -. -
provided earlier and listed in the NENS Release is

Please call me ~ f - y o u nave any


r l r r -
- ---
Mark Mendez
NCADI Producer
-. ..- - --

Offlce - 240-747-4941
Moblle - 301-379-9200
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSNOA) []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 3:48 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: All's well that ends

Thank you for everything! More good-things-tocome!

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Hancneld
. .
. .
----- Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) <>
To: 'Ellyn Fisher' <>; Young, Leah (SPMES3../OA)
<Leah.Youncj@Samhs_a_. hhs. gov>; Babi-n,-Holly . (HHS) <Hclly. Babin@EES . Gg7.'>; 'fazz:,
. -,-..=r.:e--e. .
. . --
& )--LDinielle.Yaggi@HHS .GOV>. - - - - - --. _ .-
._._D- --e a z r ~ :
CC: Heidi Arthur <harthur@AdCouncil. erg>; Paula Veale <PVe&lWadc~?~~>c-~-L. c.r~r,- -..
Leiter < ~ ~ e i t e r @ A d C o u n c i ~ ~ ' o r g > * ~ <>;
Bui ~~bzu Berh CcsEl'lio- - . . -
<>; Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA) <Mark.Weber@s~~.hsa.P~~s.qo-:> - .
Sent: Wed Dec 07 12:07:51:2005
Subject: RE: Hearst Broadcasting


To answer your first question, Danielle will check on Dr. Beato's availdbility. The HHS
studio is under constru,fion,
so it will have to be at their srudios.

\Y -.
Second question: Here's the list of evacuees by state:
I ..

Nearly all States reporting receiving evacuees but here is what we have based on crlsls

ST Total Number of Evacuees Estimated by STATE

AL 20,750
AR 15,000
AZ 2,400 + +

CA 14,673
- -*
"TO ' 5,000 ... - -
DC 1,160
EL 32,328
GA 45,000
IA 1,177
IN 3,100
KY 4,083
LA 1,735,518
MD 3,433
MI 2,707
MN 1,500
MC 9,000
MS 478,792
NE 1,071
NJ 4,400
NV 4,880
OH 1,000
0K 9,692
PA 4,762
RI 240
SC 6,000
TN 2,888
TX 205,O O C
UT 7 83
WA i f521
WI 1,320
WV 350

Kirsten -.

----- OriginalMessage----- - -
From: Ellyn Fisher []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:G3 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HRS/OS); Leah.Young@samhs~.hhs.go0~~;
BaBin, S c l l y
(FHS/OS) \.
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Paula Veale; Deborah Leiter; Dzu Eui; Beth Cos.~lglic;W ~ x r ,!.:ark

... .. *.... --.- - ... . - j;- -- .

In addition to the piece Univision is putting together from New Orleans, . . .

wau-2 a - s c
like to do a second segment live for the morning show tomorrow, which w o u ~ c f e e i0.3: rc
all of their affiliates. They would like to conduct the live interviekc warn Z r . Eeazo V ; E
satellite. They can do the interview from HHS' studio or the station's studio. I f ix's
at HHS, Univision would prefer to do the interview at 7:30 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. If
it's at Univision, they would like to do it at 9:30 a.m. - Dr. Beato would need to zrrive
by 9. Univision has the BBR package, as well as the Spanish-language P S A ~ . The segment
will be approximately 5 minutes.

Also, Cox Broadcasting a%&d if we had an estimate f c r the number of evac atea in North
Carolina. It wasn't included in the local sound bites and they recelved request from a

Thanks, .,..
A-d- . -. -.
- .. . . . . .. .
G . * -c- --I, * . ..

-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 11:i2 AM . .- -
- .
.- -'-TO :. Ellyn-Fisher; Leah. Y ouag@samhsa .hhs-Ygov;.
~abin;:Holly (HHSLOS). _ ..,.-.,..- ..--

Cc: Heidi.Arthur; Paula Veale; Deborah Leiter; Dzu Bui; Beth Costiglio; WLber, Mark
Subject: RE: Hearst
. ..

Do you know of anyone on the ground in that region that could speak in Spanish to
Univiss-6'tomorrow? --

-----Original Message-----
From: Ellyn Fisher []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 li:06 AM
To: Petree, Klrsten (HHS/OS);
Cc: Held1 Arthur; Paula Veale; Deborah. Lelter; Dzu Bul; Betn Costigllo;
Sublect: FW: Hearst Broadcasting
Kirsten and Leah,
Do you know what time Mr. Johnson wiil be available for the hezrsr Lrcs:

Also, we received a request for ar. inrerview from T'nlvisicr,. They ,are :
cogether cornorrow from New Orleans 2nd They w s ~ ~ c er5e knaw :r. - ?ES h a s 2:
whc speaks Spanish and can speak co r h e issuc -- G--.. exper: cr a V L. Z Z..:L.
who would be availabie tomorrow? If noc, they nay 5 s aBle z.2 Inrerr;ieii
saceliice on Sazurday.

Please iet me know, thanks, -.

Ell yn .. .

-----Original Message----- .
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) <>
To: ~ e i d iArtFiur l b a ~ t h u r @ A d C o u. n- -c. i ~ ~ o r ~g o> u; n g ,Leah (S.4MBSA) <LYOUNGCeZ
& Mark -(%HSA) <MWEBER@SAMHSA.GOV> . . ~
.- . . .. .-
Sent: Wed Dec 07 10':30:34 2.005.. -.. --. -.. _. ,

Subject : ears ear st c road casting

Yes. We can either do it in the greenroom (1 assume it's off the shoulic
interview) or righc behind the auditorium. Leah should have Dr.
Johnson's schedule.
-----Original Message-----.
From: Heidi Arthur []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 10:15 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS,:['OS)
Subject : Fw: Hearst ~roa&&sting
.'.--. --. ..:+-.
See below. Is this possible?
.......................... -. .. . .--
Sene from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

-----Original M e ~ ~ a g e - - - - -
From: Ellyn Fisher <> -.

-'.TO':. Heidi Arthur <ha=-thur@kdCocncil.orqy; ~eb;-;ah.-%-eiter <dleit,er@adco_u~

Veale <>; Dzu Bui <>
CC: Beth Costiglio <BCostiglio@AdCounci1.orp> - \

Sent: Wed Dec O? 10:11:03 2005

Subject: FW: H€arsc Broadcasting
Heidi and Deb -- Can you please find our if this will be possible? I'vt 3iso left a
voicemail message for Dzu.
. ... ".,-. ,- - . . -

Thanks ! -.--A .


From: Marina Carter []

Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 10:08 PI"]
To: Ellyn Fisher
Subject: Hearst Broadcasting

Hi Ellyn,
J u s t g o t a c a l l f r o m H e a r s t 3 r o a d c a s t l n g . Tney a l s o h a v e a 3 : 3 0 aezzl::.~, 2-.= ,..:-Lz --..t
t o know i f t n e y c o u l a potentially g e t a n i n r e r x - l e w w l z n t n e n u r r r c a z e s:r-.-r-.-zr z-2: . - - -
b e a: t h e p r e s s c o n f e r e n c e p r l o r t c c n e c o r f e r e n c t .

They a l s o w a n t e d t o know l f t h e r e was a p h y s l c a l 1 o c a r ; o r w n e r e z c e nczl:?? ~c r

; z -z r

u p t h a t t n e y c o u l d p e r h a p s g e t some h r o l l o f 2s w e l l .

L e t me 'know!

Thanks ! .
- -.
.. . .. -
- - --
•p .*
- *

- Marina

Marina C a r t e r

Home F r o n t C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

1 6 2 0 I S t r e e t NW S u i t e 530
W a s h i n g t o n DC 20006

P h o n e : 202-544-8400

F a x : 202-544-6448
-..A. . - ,.'- --

, .* -- --

0 . - - ---- --

.-. .
Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 12:34 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Weber, Mark (SAMHSA)
Cc : Dzu Bui
Subject: FW: Hurricane Mental Health Awareness -Another AP Story

- .-
> ----- Original Message----- ..

> Fron',:' Ellyn Fisher

> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:29 PF
> To: Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Dzu EL;Anthony Signorelli
> Cc: Paula Veale; Susan Jacobsen; Beth Costiglio; Chandika Persad5
> Subjec-t:. - HGkric_ane Mental Heal_tkAwaren6ss--
. .
knothe= AP Story
rpcc k---
-- - . --.

> FYI: Here's another A P S t o r y , which focuses more or. tfie EPC- chmoaiz:
;*.- ---:
> It's already been pi'cked'.up'ljy' over 35 pubiicat~ons,including 15s
> Washington Posr!
> i\

. -Blues-Glance.html&filter=O

,<I .
Mental Health Advice i&.r:~atrina Survivors

By The Associated Press -

323 words
6 December 2005 ..-...,,,..
14: 20
Associated Press Newswires
English - . i . . .-
(c) 2005. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
-- .

t Health and Human Services estimates 500,000 -

The U.S. ~ e ~ a i t m e nof
people -- both storm sc.l;vlvors and the emergency'workers who help_e.d--
them -- may need mental health services.
. .

On Wednesday the department is starting a national campaign to

encourage pe'ople who need help to call confidential, 24-hour help
lines, 1-800-789-2647 for hurricane survivcrs and i-800-273-8255, f o ~
first responders. The second number is the National Suicide Preverltic
hot line.
. ...7..: :- . -

It's common for victims of natural disasters to have symptoms og--.-

post-traumatic stress disorder months later, said Betsy Schwartz,
executive director of the Mental Health.Association of Greater
- .

She said symptoms include anger, irritability, depression or grief

that go beyond "normal" reactions. Nightmares, bad memories of the
trauma or outbursts are other signs, she said. People who think they
or a loved one is experiencing post-trsumatic stress disorder should
contact a counselor or physizian.

As for feelings of depression around the holidays, Schwarrz suggests

those suffering try to recreate some old tradirions or start new one:
that are not based on location or money, such as cooking a familiar
difficulties to call our toll-free numbers. They can speak to a trained professidna~n ho
can assist with information and referrals to local services. Or. they can visit SAMHS.4.s
web site to find local services.

Questions on the hurricanes and mental health:

Q- How many survivors of the hurricanes will wind up with mental health issues?

Most humcane survivors demonstrate remarkable resiliency and will rebuild theirs li\ es
without significant mental health issues. They may not need any help or the) ha! need
only a little extra support to help them cspe (I want to introduce the concept thLt there are

-rt - different levels of help availabu. But, some disaster victims can have symptdms of Post
-- Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, grief and anger, as wellasphysical health.&
behavior problems. such assubstance abuse among adults and conduct-ptobieik among
-- --
children. We know from research that we need to distinguish between the moJt severel>
exposed counties or parishes and other disaster-declared counties or parishes. Un
significantly exposed areas, 25-30 percent of the population might experience Llinically
significant mental health needs and an additional 10-20 percent might show su clinical
but not trivial mental health needs. Based on estimates of how many households were P
impacted there could be up to one half million people in need of mental health services.

Q- Why do you &$kipate such a large need for mental health services?

We need to remember that the people who were displaced by the storm have nbt just lost
their homes; tb.r;y+ltqye 1 s t their schools, their communities, their places of worship. t h r --..
daily routines, their social support, their personal possessions, and so much more. This
was coupled in many cases with losing loved ones and witnessing death. destr&crion. and
criminal violence. The ps~chologicalimpact of these experiences is pc%ntiall$ bo&-
serious and long.--lasting.
I .' ..
Q- W h d have you been doing to help survivors?
-.:- ..-. .. .. . .
.- - A.
_-- - .-
..-.- ..
. .
. .. .

As part of the overall Federal response and in partnership with the States, S .-
working to reduce the potential for psychological distress in the general pub1
ensure continuity of care for people with mental andlor substance use disord
example, we have coordinated the mobilization of over 300 people to work
mental health issues, during one two week deployment in LA and MS voluntedr providers
-- 1I
counseled-1,889 evacuees and made 2.020 referrals. The needs are great and qn going -
to support the State service delivery system we have made a number ofgrant abards in
partnership with FEMA to help meet the mental health and substance abuse service needs
of the survivors and first responders.

SAMHSA expanded our in-place suicide hotline to take all Katrina-related mental health
calls 1-800-273-TALK. On one day (October 19)-six weeks after Katrina hit- we
responded to 214 calls. This is a 62 percent increase over the average daily cail volume
pre-Katrina: The current PSA3shave two toll free lines. The 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 7 3 - ~
~ ~ kis
the phone number for first responders and 1-800-789-2647 is being promote for adults
and parents.

Q- What is going to be the cost of mental health from Hurricane Katrin I

We do not have an overall dollar figure for expenditures for mental health re ~ltingfrom
the hurricanes as many agencies are involved and the impact for some will n be
recognized for years to come. Overall, I think we can estimate $250 million rill be
expended fiom various agencies including Medicaid - through waivers. and
community health centers and other federal programs dealing with mental ht Ith post
\ \

- --- - .

Q- What money is c u r r e n t ~ i b e i nspent

~ and on what?- .- -- - - ..- _
.- - - -- .
. . .

SAMHSA awarded Emergency Response Grants (SERG) funds totaling $60 000 to four - -~ - .

impacted States (LA, TX, MS, and AL) within 14 daysof Hurricane Katrina landfall. . .
These funds that went to the state-identified highest areas of need were alloc ed for
clinical services including methadone in TX.

We also worked with FEMA to award 3 1 grants to States for immediate mer 11 health
services needs through the crisis counseling grant program which SAMHSA lanages for
FEMA. These t'b&d $20.5 million.
- .

SAMHSA is now in the process of reviewing 21 applications fiom impacted tates for
crisis counsebingie17tices for up to nine months - through the Regular Servic s G r a n ~ .. . . ... .. - --
Program which is managed by SAMHSA for FEMA. We anticipate these gi ~ t will s be
awarded by the end of the year. (NOTE: All but 11 eligible!ied)

In addition to these grant funds FEMA provided SAMHSA with over $10 m lion for
assignments in the Gulf Coast, including $5 million to focus on substance at se needs in - --
. - -.
* Louisiaa. SAMHSA is working with the states to ensure that mental heal11 lssessment
- - --_- . . .. .
and crisis counseling are readily avaiiable to residents and evacuees of areas wacted bv. . .-
. .- .

Katrina and Rita, and to establish a longer term plan to assure Post Trauma1 Stress
Disorders (PTSD) are addressed with this population. For those found to bt ;uffering --
longer term serious mental illnesses and/or addictive disorders and children ith serious
emotional disturbances, SAMHSA is working with our partners so they can lntinue to
receive ongoing treatment for their chronic conditions.
- -
Q- What are you seeing as mental health needs in the next few months?

We know that many times needs for mental health services do not emerge u: il people
are permanently settled. Right now many evacuees are still seeking perman ~thousing
and jobs. After these needs are me:. long-term needs will emerge. General1 PTSD and
depression emerge four to six months after the event. That's when you see i iues of
mourning, problems with reunifying separated families and children having Ijustment
problems in schools. We are working with both federal and private sector ps ners to put
plans in place so as needs emerge they can be addressed.
Mental Health Hurricane Relief Campaign

Slate 1

[Insert HHS, SAMSHA & Ad Council logo4

. Heath & Human Services and the Ad Council

Video provided by the U.S. ~ e p tof
Slate 2

New Messawto Hurricane Victims:Jake Care of Your Mental Health

HHS Secretary Leavitt Kicks off-New National Campaign to Offer Help

- ---
--. --
--..----.a- -.
Slate 3

The Holidays Could Be Especially Tough For Hurricane Victims As Their Losses Become dlore Real
Slate 4
HHS Estimates as ~ a n ' ~ ' k 5 0 0 , 0 Survivors
00 in Need of Mental Health Services

Psychological Impact of Disasters ~otenfiallySerious and Long Lasting

. . .',+,....*.*. --- . .,
..' #

Slate 5
. .+- I
- - I

On Wednesday, December 7th, HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt Unve~lsNew Campa~gnto Offer Mental Health
Assistance to Hurricane Victims & First Responders
Slate 6 - I

- -- .,
- .. -- -. -
- -- - ------ - -
- _ ) -

New Public Serv~ceCampaign Focuses on Adults, Children & First Responders

Campaign Encourages Hurricane Victims & First Responders to Call for Help
Slate 7
.-: --

AdultslParents: 1-800-789-2647

First' Responders: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

- .

Slate 8

Hotline Staffed by Trained & Caring Professionals

Confidential, Free & Available 24/7

Slate 9

Common mental illnesses striking disaster survivors:

Post Traumatic Street Disorder (most common)
Grief . - . .

Slate 10 \.
On this feed: - - - - -

-- 1 Mike Leavitt, Secretary, U.S. ~eiartmentof ~ e a l t h& HumanS e ~ k stalksabotti

, he-new - - - a

- . . .-. ....
campaign . .. . . . . . .
.-- .
--- -
2. Charles G. Curie, Administrator, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Servlces Ad ~inistration,
U.S. Department'of Health & Human Services, describes the types of mental illnes es experienced
by survivors and the importance of the new campaign
3. B-roll: New PSAs, footage of hurricane Katrina victims and emergency personnel, ecretary Mike
Leavitt meeting with hurricane survivors, Charles G. Curie at work
4. Charles Curie delivers local sound bites for AL, AR, CA, CO, FL, GA, KY, LA, MO, AS, NJ, NV,

Video provided by the U.S. Dept. of Heath & Human services and the Ad Council

[PHOTO] . --.-
Mike Leaviti
Secretary, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Talks about the new campaign
- .-
< _ _ -. .
. . .. ~.

Video provided by-the U.S:Dept. of Heath &-~umanservices-and the Ad Council- -

01:01:07 We're partnering with the Ad Councll to reach out to what we think may be as ma y as a half a
rrl~llionAmericans who in the aftermath of Katrina and Rita and other natural disasters we t jve had this
year may beg~nto feel the cumulative affects and find themselves needing some help and re want them to
know that help is available.
_. - ._
01:02:21 During the height of the Katrina disaster I had the chance to walk through-shelter! and talk with
people. I saw brave people. I saw people coming from literally all over the country to help c hers. I saw a
sense of community and our nation rallied to help them, but now three or four months later nost of ,the
country'has moved on and yet there's a half a million people whose lives have been alterel forever. And
doctors teli us this is abol~tthe time when it catches up and they need help. Thy need som one to reach
out to and we want to be there when they do.

01:03:31 We want to reach people who need help. Three or four months after disaster ex1 !rts say that's
when it really hits. They've been strovg, people have rallied, but after three or four months particularly
during the holidays and particularly with groups like children or those who've lost their horn
enough, first responders who had to respond in the heart of the crisis, it begins to be to we
they need help, and we want to be there when they need help

Slate 12
.- ..
. . .
Charles G. Curie
Administrator, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S.

- --... .
Human Services
- .
ofmental illnessesexperiencedby survivors and the importance

Video provided bythe U.S::Dept.:of-Heath

- - . .- .. -. . . . . . .
& Human Services and the Ad Council--=---- , -..-. -
. .~.

- .

01 :08:55 We believe that'these new tv and radio ads are going to play a crucial role in
. .
and help survivors, as well as first responders, who have mental health needs. They
our toll free numbers are, so people know where they can call and get the help that they nbed.

01:02:47 or those individuals who live in the most directly impacted areas by
percent of the individuals p a y need a significant clinical intervention, and for those
additional 10 to 20 p e r c h h a y need some form of counseling. The key here is to
these symptoms and problkms and mental health issues don't emerge for months, so in this for the - .

long haul.
*.. ... ..-.

01:05:30 We've been working with the states that were directly- impacted
. by the hurricanes, as well as
1; .-.. - . . . . . . . - - .. -

states that have taken in theiunrivors 2nd those who had to evacuate the states that we& impacted, . - - - and A

we have counselors on the gmundright now that are doing assessments and proding s4rvices What
we're trying to do with these public service ads is to make sure individuals take time out tq assess how
they're doing, to assess-how their family's doing, and then feel free to call our toll free number, talk to a --
.-. ....... trained pr'ofess~onal. - I
- .]~

- -- . .. --
. -. . - .
- -- -- .._ _ . ~
--.---.-- . .-. .- ..

01:G1:05 The good news is most pea-ple have a clear level of resiliency. where they're abb to cope on their
. -
own even in the light of this unprecedented disaster, but there are those individuals who tprough their
experiencesof the hurricane will suffer from depression, will suffer post-traumatic stress qisorders, will
suffer anxiety disorders, children may exhibit conduct disorders, as well as we're concerned about
, .. -.
substance abuse consequences, increased drinking of alcohol, increased substance abuse. So, these are

fh6:conseque~cesthat people may experience as a result of going through a traumatic eJent, such as
. . -.:
Hurricane Katrina and the other hurricanes.


1. New PSAs
2. Footage of hurricane Katrina victims and emergency personnel
3. Secretary Mike Leavitt meeting with hurricane survivors
4. Charles G. Curie at work
Slate 14

Charles Curie delivers local sound bites for AL, AR, CA, CO, FL, GA, KY, LA, MO, MS, I\ NV, OK! SC,

Sample: 01:1.1:38 Roughly, 21fl00 survivors of Hurricane Katrina live in Alabama. Nearl 10% of those
individuals may experience some sort o,f mental'health problem. That's why this ad cam1 gn is so

Slate 15- ..
.' .
- --
. .. . .
. - .-. .- .

f o r more inforkation about t h i ~ t a ~ e l f e eplease

. . -. . . . .- -- A

contact Marina CalleraL-1877-544-84

---... .- -- _

Video provided by the U.S. Dept, of Heath & Human Services and the Ad Council

Mi familia esta contando conmigo, iReconstruiremos? iComo
podremos seguir adelante? Estoy tan cansada, iMerece la penla? No se
si puedo seguir manteniendo la fuerza. iComo voy a encontra: un
trabajo? Ojala alguien pudiera ayudarnos. Las fotos de cuando 10s
niiios eran bebes, 10s trofeos de 10s niiios, la guarderia. Todo be perdi6

When it rains. all my friends go away.

Cuando llueve, todos mis anligos se van.

God doesn't like me anymore.

Dios ya no me quiere. ...
- .. ..
- -

- --
. .-
.. . . .. -
. - -- -
u 2_ - -'. -- Santa won't know me.
- ..
- . . . - - . --
- . --
. . - - -..--=_- _ . -
-- -__ -
_ - . . ..; -- - . .
. ...
Santa no va a saber en' d6nde encontrame. ... - .

You can drown in your bed if you fall asleep.

Si te quedas donnida, te puedes ahogar en tu cama.

TITLE: What's going on in the mind of a child who's lived through a hurricank?
i Q ~ pasa
6 pos lakente de un niiio que ha vivido un hur-acin?
TITLE: Talk to them. Reassure them. We can Help.
Llame a1 1~ 8 0 0 ; ~y sera ? ~ atendido
- ~ ~ por gente entrenada y co~n~prensiva I - .-
ANNCR: The hurricane has passed. but the recoven won't be complete ... un all
the water has receded.

If you're having trouble coping, trained and caring help is waiting.

- ?.5 --
Spanish : \.

LOC: El-huracan ha pasado. Pero e l regreso a la normalidad nc sera

completo hasta gue-se apaciguen todas las aguasi-5i e s t i tenl
problemas para superarlo, aqui encontrara asistencia calificad;
Subsrance Aix6c ard Umwl Wailn Servrees tdmmmlm
w SaJnncs gov
Nuevos anuncios de servicio plblico alientan a las
victimas de lor huracanes a tradquilizar a lor nitios y
solicitar ayuda psicolbqica dlurante las fiestas
Campaiia de concientizacion sobre 10s trastornos de la salud mental causados por 10s .

huracanes I
El Secrefario Leavitt del HSS lanza una nueva camparia para ayudar a 10s nirios, I ~ adultos
S y el
personal de emergencia; la femporada de las tiesfas podria ser especialmente dificil &ra las vicimas de
-- 10s-huracanes a1 darse-cuenfa de que sus perdidas son aun mas tangidles.
. ..
= --Aprixirnada&nte unos 32.000 so6rivivientes del huracln Katrjna-e&in v i v i e n d o h o r a g Elodda
. . . ---_ . - 1 : - . - , ,

El ~ e ~ a r t a m e nde de EE. UU.(C.S. Depaflment of Heairh arrd HH~LJ,:

t o ~ a l u dy sen-icibs-~umanos (HH.5')) :.
S~n,i;.~.i -

el Ad Council lanzaran hoy una nuera campaiia nacional con un importante mensaje para 10s &nos. 10s adultos y el
personal de emergencia que han sido afectados por 10s recientes huracanes: cuiden su salud mental. La campana que
incluye anuncios de televisi6n y r a d o (en ingies y espaiiol) y un numero de telkfono gramitd ara hacer Uamadas
confidenciales sera dada a conocer en Washmgton, D C por el Secretario h u e Leadtt del Departamento de Salud 7
Servicios Humanos. El mes de Diciembrk podria ser especialmente dficil para las victimas de l!bs huracanes a1 darse
cuenta de que sus perddas son aun mas tangibles. Unos 32.000 supervivientes aproximadamente del huracan
Katrina estan viviendo ahora en Florida. 1'

D e acuerdo con las investiga;fiones, 10s trastornos psico16~coscausados por una natural pueden ser
-- graves y duraderos si no son tratados a tiempo. En aquellas areas que han sido afectadas notablemente por -10s
huracanes, el 259'0 a1 30% de la poblacidn puede esperimentar la necesidad cLrucamente impo!rante de sen-icios de
ralud mental y el 10?Ae.rd.;20%~puedetener ouas necesidades subchicas per0 no Haua.500.000.. .
personas pueden necesitar asistencia.

Se puede esperar que algurios de lo: mpervivienter de 10s huracanesmanifiesten sinramas de/ o h . r m m n o de estrks
postraumitico, depresion, profunda pena e ira, asi como problemas fisicos y de comportarmento, tales como
adcciones entre 10s adultos y problemas de conducta entre 10s rlmos. Es posible que agunos de ellos no se
manifiesten par-meses o aiios.
* I
- .- - La
- .~
. nueva campaiia de ':Concientizacion.-sobre: 10s -tr;tstornos de la salud mental causados por 10s
huracanes" alienta a 10s adultos y padres a llamar a1 1-800-789-2647 y a1 personal 'de-em 1
-rgeficia aftamar a1:- .'


1-800-273-TALK (8255), o a visitar el sitio web naa-.samhsa.~o\r.Se brindara informaci n a las personas que
llamen donde tambien seran dlrigidos a 10s senyicios locales.
. .. .
Cristina V. Beato, M.D., FhAFP, Departamento de Salud v Sen~iciosHumanos de 10s
Estados Unidos, habla sobre la nuera campaiia !. describe las enfermedades _. _.
meniales que sufren 10s

B-roll: Nueros anuncios de senricio pcbhco, video de ricumas del huracin Icamna y personal de emergencia,
Secretano de Salud Pubhca y Servicios Humanos hbke Leavltt reuniendose con vicumas del huracan Katnna,
Cnstina Beato en el trabaio
Que: Nuevo Mensaje a las Victimas de 10s huracanes
Horario: Miercoles, 7 de Diciembre del2005
2:30 - 2:45pm EST lntelsat A-6, Transpondedor 16, Frecuencia DIL: 4020 Horizontal
Banda-C Audio 6.216.8
1 ~ontacto: Paola Torres al 877-544-8400 (Llamada Gratuita) 11

por el Departamenfo-de Saiudj Servrnos Humanos de ios Esfados Linrdosj, elAd Counal
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Dzu Bui []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:46 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: FW: Spanish Materials


TV2.doc (26 KB... PANISH.doc (115 Kt

-- - -

. - -
> Sent:
. - ..

> -----~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ i & a l - ~ e s s a q e - -.-.----

Dzu Bui . .

--Monday,December -0.5,.2005 5:23 PM

. -.

. . - - . .-.--. -.
. .

. . .-
- -.-. - - -. . - , . -

- -
. .
> To: Mark Weber (E-mail); Kirsten Petree (E-mail) ..-

> Cc: Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorelli - .

> Subject: Spanish ater rials . .
> Kirsten/Mark,
> Attached are the following Spanish Materials for approval: !
> * Spanish Translations of Scripts
> * Spanish Press Re1:'y-6e
> * Spanish ~oordinates'for Feed.
- .
?. . ..

> My deepest apologize for the following request (and Mark, please remertber that one day I
was .your hero), is it -..*..
-. to get approval of the Spanish scripts ir the next hour?

At least for Drop. ~he.+a~$'$c~ 1 to ha-ve it .iW' - "

has to record Drop tonight in order for us
the Spanish BBR. The others will be recorded tomorrow.
> Please call wlth any questlons.
. _ - -* . - .r --
> Dzu
> > <<SPANISH SCRIPTS TV2 .doc>> > > <<RELEASE SPANISH.doc>> I

> Assistant Campalgn Manager I The Advertlslng Councll -.

- - -- - - - > 261 Madlson Avenue 1 llfh Floor I New York, NY- 1.0016
> P: 212.984.19351 F: 2 1 2 . 9 2 2 . 1 6 7 6 I E: -
-i-= -- - 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
- --

From: Dzu Bui [

Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 8:04 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Weber, Mark (SAMHSA)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter: Anthony Signorelli; Ellyn Fisher; Beth Cc iglio
Subject: FW: Mental Health Rollout Releases, Advisories. Final

Attachments: Hurricane Relief-Mental Health-FINAL.doc

Hurricane ...
elief-Mental Health.
. I(l+sten/Mark, ... ..
. . . . . ... -- ..
- -.

a h a c l W d . i s t h e P r e s s l i e l e a s e - w i t h - t h e r e f e r e n c e - t o s a m n s a . . ~ o xi.9. :he..%
.. - ............. --. - --= .-

Wednesday. Dec.7,2005 (202) 690-6343

--- -. Ad Council Press Office

(2 12) 984- 1964
- --





HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt today launched a national public service advekising (PSA)
campaign designed to encourage people who may be experiencing psycholo_eicaldlstress
following the recent hurricanes to consider seeking mental health services. The PSAs. the result
of a partnership between HHS' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services ~dmknistration
(SAMHSA) and the Ad Council, will be distributed to 12,000 media outlets nationhide.

According to #&HSA, past research on the mental health consequences o(f major floods
and hurricanes suggests that the psychological impacts of the recent hurricanes codld be
extensive. SAMHSA estimates that -- in those areas that have been significantly iApacted by the
hurricanes -- 25 pimxat to 30 percent of the population may experience clinically dignificant -- .
mental health needs and an additional 10 percent to 20 percent may show sub-clinikal, but not
trivial, needs. Up to 500,000 people may be in need of assistance. . .- a- - --
I --
"Since the beginning of this unprecedented disaster we have been concerneld about the
mental well-being ofthose impacted," Secretary Leavitt said. "We've continued td work with -.
the states to provide access to mental health and substance abuse services to help Americans
-- r ,r

through this tough time. - l hope these pu61ic service aniouncements. our toll-free rkirnber 4-
website will provide information and support to those who need help."

People who were displaced by the storms have lost their homes. schools. cdmmunities.
places of worship. daily routines, social support, personal possessions and much mbre. In some
cases. these losses were coupled with losing loved ones and witnessing death. destkction and
criininal violence. According to SAMHSA. the psychological impact of these experiences can be
both serious and long-lasting. Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress iso order-'- incllding
depression, grief and anger -- are to be expected among some who survived the hurricanes. They
may also develop physical health and behavior problems, such as substance abuse hisorders
among idults and conduct problems among children. Some of these problems ma)! not surface for
months or years.
"Most hurricane survivors demonstrate remarkable resiliency and will rebuild theirs li\ es
without significant mental or substance abuse issues." SAMHSA Administrator ~ i a r l e Curie
said. "We also know that there are asmaller but still significant number of people \ ~ h o\vill ha\e
difficulty achieving recovery without professional assistance. Help is a phone call aria!.

The new PSA campaign is designed to help adults, children and first responders n ho
have been impacted by the hurricanes and are in need of mental health services. TA~ campaign
includes television and radio spots. which are-available in English and Spanish. and addresses the
fears,-thwghts, concerns and questjj-ns faced by-the victims. The PSAs aim to readh adult '-

3ictims and first responders directly, as well as parents and caregiwe who can a s d s teeir - - -.
children's emotional well-being- Viewers and listeners are encouraged to taEetimt to check in -
on how they and their families are doing. and call a confidential toll-free number (1,-800-789-
2647 for adults/parents.and 1-800-273-TALK for first responders) to speak to a trained
professional who can assist with information and referrals to local services.

"The hurricanes have had a devastating impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of
Americans. As they struggle to rebuild their lives and focus on their immediate physical needs, it
is important for them to also consider their short and long-term emotional needs," $aid President
& CEO of The ~dveAf& Council Peggy Conlon. "This poignant campaign. creaded pro bono
by Grey Advertising, will encourage victims to get help and hope if they need it. edpeciallS
during the holiday season when all that they have lost may be more difficult to copb with."
.-.+...,.> --. ..'*
.. -
:,-.-..A. ..

To view the ads, please visit ~;

The PSAs are being distributed to
- -. .
.. .. .
. .

television and radio stations na~ionwidevia the Fastchannel Network and .will
.- air ibadsertising
time that will be donated by the'media.


. -
..-. . . ..
. _. .- _
- .. , . .
.- --.. -.--- .. --
.. .-.
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Dzu Bui []
Sent: Monday, December 05,20057:41PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Ellyn Fisher
Subject: RE: Mental Health Rollout Releases. Advisories, Final

Attachments: SAMHSA-ADCOUNCIL120705A.doc

- *
IL120705A.doc (5...
-- - ---

at-fached approved Press Release states that the PSAs- c&-e vrewez-
Thls 1s Incorrect, r ~ g h t ?- Also .the ads wlll nc longer have SAl4HS.T;qa-:
need to remove thls statement from the Press Release. Is ~t O K TO dc :
----- OrlglnalMessage-----
From: Petree, Klrsten (HHS/OS) [!
Sent: Frlday, December 02, 2005 4:25 PM
To: Dzu Bul; Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Young, Leah (SAMHSA); Babln, Holly
Patrlcla (HHS/OS); Fleld, Ellen (HHS/OS); Pearson, Chrlstlna (HHS/OS);
Cc: Held1 Arthur; Antho*-.5lgnorelll; Deborah Lelter
Subject: Mental Health ~o\lout Releases, Advlsorles, Flnal

The documer~tsbelow are cleared.

I would like to see the URL fok the Press Conference webcast on tci -
I - --
~ r e & -Rellese
~ before
lt goes out on Tuesday (we wlll be s e n d ~ n glt out then).

The Media Advisory wili be sent out Monday from here, also with the URLI
- +

- i
discussed the feed advisory with Bill, Hall and-.~g'regood to gc on that one. Just
waiting f o r the coorainates on this end so we--cangive them to. HolT.y--f~T-~EeY~'Reg*onal
- -
Communications Directors.
I'm really hoping we'll have the URL by Monday mornlng.

The only one that's missing is your 'MAT' reiease, which I haven't seen?
I wilL5.a>so need-the Ads in some form to be posted on our Website, mayb by a link set up
through' Ad Council. Let me know when you will have a URL for the -.abs.. .

I believe we're in g o ~ dshape.




Wednesday, Dec.7.2005 (202) 690-6343
Ad Council Press Office
(2 12) 984- 1964 1
- --

HHS Secretary 'Mike Leavitt today launched a national public service advertising (PSA)
campaign designed to encourage people who may be experiencing psychological bistress
following the recent hurricanes to consider seeking mental health services. The PSAs. the result
of a partnership between HHS' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services ~drknistration
(SAMHSA) and the Ad Council, will be distributed to 12,000 media outlets natio$wide.
According to 'SSMHSA, past research on the mental health consequences bf major floods
and hurricanes suggests that the psychological impacts of the recent hurricanes co?ld be - -
extensive. SAMHSA estimates that -- in those areas that have been significantly impacted by the
hurricanes -- 25 percentto 3Qpercent of the population may experience clinically :significant
mental health needs and an additional 10 percent to 20 percent may show sub-clinical, but not
trivial, needs. Up to 500,000 people may be in need of assistance. . .- 1
- I-* ----
"Since the beginning of this unprecedented disaster we have been concerndd about the
mental well-being of those impacted," Secretary Leavitt said. -'We've continued work with -.
the states to*provide access to mental health and substance abuse services to help Americans
- - --,_
., kank
through this tough time: :I hope these puxlic service ar$ouncements, our t o l ~ f r e e and
website will provide information and support to those who need help."

People who were displaced by the storms have lost their homes. schools. cbmmunities,
places of worship, daily routines. social support, personal possessions and much rdore. In some
cases, these losses were coupled with losing loved ones and witnessing death. desdruction and
criminal violence. According to SAMHSA. the psychological impact of these experiences can be
both serious and long-lasting. Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder '-1including
depression, grief and anger -- are to be expected among some who survived the hdrricanes. They
may also develop physical health and behavior problems, such as substance abuse disorders
among adults and conduct problems among children. Some of these problems may not surface for
months or years.

- More -
"Most hurricane survivors demonstrate remarkable resilient! and \rill reblild theirs li\ es
without significant mental or substance abuse issues." SAMHSA Administrator Oharles Curie
said. "We also know that there are a smaller but still significant number of peoplL \rho \rill ha\ r
difficulty achieving recovery without professional assistance. Help is a phone call1 aha!.

The new PSA campaign is designed to help adults. children and first respo,nders \she
have been impacted by the hurricanes and are in need of mental health services. The campaign

-- includes television and radio spots. which ;&available in English and Spanish. aid addresses the
fears. thoughts, concerns and questians faced by the victims. The PSAs aim to reach adult. .
a i c t i m s and first responders directly-, as well as parents and caregivers who can a s k s tkeir .
children's emotional well-being; Viewers and listeners are encouraged to iake
on how they and their families are doing, and call a confidential toll-free
2647 for adultslparents and 1-800-273-TALK for first responders) to
professional who can assist with information and referrals to local services. or visit
WMW. samhsn. pov.

"The hurricanes have had a devastating impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of
Americans. As they struggle to rebuild their lives and focus on their immediate physical needs, it
is important for then;' e l s o consider their short and long-term emotional needs." said President
& CEO of The Advertising Council Peggy Conlon. "This poignant campaign. created pro bono
by Grey Advertising, will encourage victims to get help and hope if they need it. dspeciallr
during the holidayseason sen all that they have lost may be more difficult to cobe with.'. -

To view the ads, please visit w r r ~ ~ l . s a m h s a . ~The

o ~ ~PSAs
. are being distribgtedtp-
television and radio stations nationwide via ?he Fastchannel Network and will air in advertising
time that will be donated by the media.
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1
From: Dzu Bui []
Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 5:23 PM
To: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorelli
Subject: Spanish Materials


. . ..

@I- .-


TV2.doc (26 KB... PANISH.doc (115 KE
- . . -
...... - .
Kirsten/Mark, .- .
.- .
.., - . - -- .

m ' c h e d are the following.-SpanishMarerials f0.r.approval: . ..~ ,.--:-

. .---.- -- -.
............-.. - --.;-
- . - ..
Spanish Translations of Scripts
* Spanish Press Release
* Spanish Coordinates.for Feed.

My deepest apologize for t h e following request (and Mark, please remernjer thac one c a y I
was your hero), is it possible to get approval of the Spanish scripts i; the next nocr?
At least for Drop; The agency has to record Drop tonight in order for 1 to have it in
the Spanish BBR. The others will be recorded tomorrow.

Please call with any questions.

\% -
. . -.
<<SPANISH SCRIPTS TV2. doc>> <<RELEASE SPANISH. doc>> Assistant Campaign Manager I
1 he
Advertising Council
261 Madison Avenue1 ~'YW3'!.a.PlbisrI New York, NY 10016 -. . . . .
P: 212.984.19351 F: 212.922.1676 1 E:
. . . . ? -.

Mi farr~iliaesta contando conmigo, iReconstruiremos? iComo
podremos seguir adelante? Estoy tan cansada, iMerece la pena? IVo se
si puedo seguir manteniendo la fuerza. iComo voy a encontra
trabajo? Oja16 alguien pudiera ayudarnos. Las fotos de cuandq 10s
nihos eran bebes, 10s trofeos de 10s nihos, la guarderia. Todo se perdio

NI~A: ..

When it rains, all my friends go away.

Cuando llueve, todos ~ n i an~igos
s se van.

God doesn't like me anymore.

Dios ya no me quiere. . 1
-'.--- , -.
.. - . ..

Swta won't know where tp. find me.

-- -
. . ~ .-
- -.
. .

--:-. I ~
I . ___
.; - - -
- --
. ...

Sari-ta no va a saber en donde encontranne. '1'' -:. . -

- --

You can drown in your bed if you fall asleep.

Si te quedas dormida, te puedes ahogar en tu cama.

TITLE: What's going on in the mind of a child who's lived through a hurricane?
iQud pasa por'l$.inente de un nifio que ha vivido un huracan?

TITLE: Talk to them. Reassure them. We can Help.

Lla~nea1 1- ' & O B - ~ ~ x ayx sera
x atendido por gente entrenada >r comprensi~a.

AIVNCR: The humcane has passed. but the recovery won't be complete ... u
the water has receded. - -

- .
If you're having trouble coping, trained and caring help is waiting.

Spanish : ..

LOC: Ethuracan ha pasado. Pero el regreso a la normalidad r sera .
completo hasta que se apacigijen todas las aguas.-Si est-a .ter hdu-
. .
:- -- --
. -.
- -.
problemas para supe?arlo, aqui encontrara asistencia calificac Y - - . ..

Sumante Abuse and MenWl HsalVI Servsxn Anmnsmrn
Nuevos anuncios de servicio pliblico alientan a las
victimas de 10s huracanes a tranpuilirar a 10s niiios
solicitar ayuda psicologica durante las fiestas
Campaiia de concientizacion sobre 10s trastornos de la salud mental causados por 10s -

huracanes 1
El Secretario Leaviif del HSS lanza una nueva campaia para ayudar a 10s niios. I ~ adultos
S y el
personal de emergencia; la temporada de las fiestas podria ser especialmente dificil pbra /as vicfrmas de
. . ..
:. - - 10s hyracanes a1 darse- cuenta de q(re sus perdidas son a h m a s tangides
- . -
. .
9- --- -~~roximadam;nte unos 32.000 s&rivivientes d;l huracln ~ a t r i i a e g a .viviendo-kora-pD
n FIorida
. . -. . . - . - -1
:. . . .--
- --
t o Salud y ~ i n r i c i d s~ u m a n o sdb EE. UU.(U.S. Depaflment qrfHealrb and H,r a r : Stnk.t.3-( H W ) y
El ~ e ~ a r t a k e n de - -
el Ad Council lanzaran hoy una nuelra campaiia nacional con un importante mensaje para 10s mnos. 10s adultos y el ..

personal de emergencia que ha* sido afectados por 10s recientes huracanes: cuiden su salud mehtal. I La campaha que
incluve anuncios de television y radlo (en inglks !. espaiiol) y un numero de telefono gratuitopara hacer llamadns
confidenciales sera dada a conocer en Washmgton, D C por el Secretario h u e Leaxltt del Departamento de Salud y
Senicios Humanos. El mes de Diciembre podria ser especialmente dlficil para las rictimas de lbs l~uracanesa1 darse
cuenta de que sus pkrdldas son aGn mas tangibles. Unos 32.000 supervivientes aproximaddmente del huracin
Katrina estan viviendo ahora en Florida.
L ., \
;, .a:,

D e acuerdo con las inves&'rSqnes, lor uastornos psic~16gcoscausados por una catistrofe/ natural pueden ser
graves y duraderos si no son tratados a tiernpo. En aquellas ireas que han sido afectadas n'ptablemente I por ios
huracanes, el 25% al 30% de la poblacidn puede experhentar la necesidad chicarnente impohante de senricios de
ialud mental y el l O O / , : a E . . W / . ~ d etener otras necesidades subclinicas per0 no superfic)ales. H a s n 500.000 : :
personas pueden necesitar asistencia.
postraumitico, depresibn, profunda pena -e ira, asi como problemas fisicos y de c~rn~odtamiento,
Se puede esperar que algunos- de los~snpervivier,tesde 10s huracanes manifiesten siritt5mas de iiri ti5sTmo de esires
tales como
adlcciones entre 10s a d d e r y problemas de conducta entre 10s nihos. Es posible que a l ~ u n o sde ellos no se - ..

- - - -- -- -
manifiesten por
. o anos.
.La nueva campaiia de "Concientizacion gobre 10s ttmornos de la salud mentall causados por 10s
- ., I -.-

huracanes" alienta a 10s aduitos y padres a llamar a1 1-800-789-2647 y a1 personal 'de emergencia a x m a r a1 - -
1-800-273-TALK (8255), o a visitar el sitio web n ~ ~ . s a m h s a . g . oSe
r . br~ndara~nforrnaciona las personas que .-

llamen donde tambien seran dmgdos a 10s senTicloslocales.

o _Contra-Alma-nte Cnstma Tr. Beato, hl.D., FAAFP, Departamento de Salud Sen~iciosHumanos de 10s _.
Estados Unidos, habla sobre la nuera campaira y descnbe las enfermedade).rpentkles que sufren lor
B-roll: Nuevos anuncios de senricio pbblico, video de victimas del huracin Ihtrina y personal de emergencia,
Secretario h i Salud Pbblica p Servicios Humanos Ahke Learitt reuniendose con victimas $el huracin Ihtrina,
Cristina Beato en el trabaio I
Que: Nuevo Mensaje a las Victimas de 10s huracanes
Horario: Miercoles, 7 de Diciembre del2005
2:30 - 2:45pm EST lntelsat A-6, Transpondedor 16, Frecuencia DIL: 4020 Horizontal
Banda-C Audio 6.216.8
1 Contacto: Paola Torres al877-544-8400 (Llamada Gratuita)
Tp'ideo pmporcionado por el Departamenlo de Saludj Semicios Humanos de los Eslados Unidosj el A d Council
Page 1 o f ?

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: McGowan, Michelle (HHSIOS)
Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 4:14 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Statistics, coordinates, call-innumber and URL for Mental Health ~ a t r l n aW

Thanks for the info. When are we supposed to pitch all of this? I was not here Friday and a
lit t
he info IS for
Wednesday. Do we have to wait until then or can we start sooner?


Michelle M c G ~ w a n - -
--USDept of ~ e a l t h a n dHuman Serv~ces- - - --
Reg~onVII I,OSIORD - --- - -
Intergovernmental and Publ~c~ffalr; ~peclallst
Ph# 303-844-7822
Fax 303-844-4545

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Sent: Monday, DecerfiBWlK; 208.5.1:09 PM - .
. .. . . . - -?

To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Abdoo, David (HHSIOS); Williams, Katherine (HHSIOS); Harr,i:, Thomas (HHSIOS);
Gilliard, Deric (HHSIOS); Ph-illips, Jennifer (HHSIOS); Quinonez, Ashlea (HHSIOS); Hughey, AdelelH_HS/OS);
I .-
McGowan, Michelle (HHS/OS); Koentop, Jennifer (HHSIOS); Holladay, Jenny (HHSIOS); Yas1% DankIk (HHSIOS)

Cc: Babin, Holly (HHSIOS); Malena, John (HHS/OS); Conrad, Patricia (HHSIOS); Young, Lei (SAMHSA); Weber,
.- .
Subject: RE:.SBtistics, coordinates, call-in number and URL for Mental Health Katrina Worl
- - -- - - - k~
BTW-I'm the conference cali-in leader, ~fyou need that mformation. Thanks, and happy p ~ t c

-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Sent: Monday, December 05, ZOOS 2:52 PM

-- To: Abdoo, David (HHSIOS); Williams, Katherine (HHSIOS); Harris, Thomas (HHS/O!51); Gilliard, Deric
(HHSIOS); Ph~llips,Jennifer (HHSIOS); Quinonez, Ashlea (HHSIOS); Hughey, Adele ( q kiS/OS); McGowan,
Michelle (HHSIOS); Koentop, Jennifer (HHSIOS); Holladay, Jenny (HHSIOS); Yggi, [laiielle (HHSIOS)

Cc: Babin, Holly (HHSIOS); Malena, John (HHSIOS); Pearson, Christ~na(HHS/OS); FIielc1, Ellen (HHSIOS);

DeFrancis, Suzy (HHSIOS)

subject: Statistics, coordinates, call-in number and URL for Mental Health Katrina V\
Conrad, Patricia (HHSIOS); Young, Leah (SAMHSA); Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Heidi P iur; Dzu Bui;

Afternoon All!

Here is the information to follow up for Holly about the Hurricane Mental He lh Campaign.
Below is the URL for the webcast, a press call-in number for the Press Confel Ice, the
coordinates for the satellite news feed. and a list of where the evacuees are residing n o a .

I owe you: Spanish Language newsfeed coordinates and a URL for the ads themseli es. \i hich I I
should have no later than tomorrow morning. Let me know if you need anythingi else or hai e an!


Here is the URL for thewebcast (it won't be live. but archived and available at 6pm ET). Please -

put the following language on the press release. with the link:

A delayed webcast will be available Wedfiesday evening (6 p.m. ET) at:

- I
. . . - -. .--
_-- . .. -.I . . . . - --
. ...
Here is the call in number.f6i folks that cannot be at the press conference: -- . . .-

USA Toll Free Number: I.,

Passcode: HHS Call Date: Dec. 07,2005 (Wednesday)

Call in Time: 2:OOp.m. ET 1

K-; -.
Here are the satellite newsfeed coordinates, which will be played back two tiyes. Please take the
Feed Advisory and incorporate your state's names and numbers to personalize the advisories. I
will have the Spanish-. language newsfeed version later today:
, - - A

r - - . ,


- - I - .-

. .- I
C-Band Satellite, Audio 6.216.8
1 - 1:15pm EST on Intelsat A-6, Transponder 13, DR. Frequency: 3960 Vertical
4 - 4:15pm EST e n Intelsat A-6, Transponder 16, DR. Frequency: 4020 Horizdntal
Contact for feed: Tom Rottcher at 877-544-8400 (toll-free) -.
- - --
* -
- --
And the ~ i s ~ l a c e m eStats:
- . .
- - c - - -- - -

Nearly all States reporting receiving evacuees but here is what we have
based on crisis counseling applications.

Total Number of Evacuees Estimated by STATE

.. -.
Page 3 o f ?
Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Young, Leah (SAMHSAIOA) []
Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 3.30 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Wednesday's Advisory

Attachments: 05 Katrina Relief-Mental Health psas-12- 07- 05.doc

- ~

05 Katrina
lelief-Mental Healt.. . ,. u-

I sent it out already with thg'exact stuff on the bcttor. 51: nu-
- .n
. d-- KXJ:; :2

put you-in
. . as~eall-leacier. I am sure it will be fine. I added the i n f
.1 - -c -. . ; - n;

' u s s a x l e a s e t o be Stuffed i-ntc' 6 5 press klts. I am enclosing ?.he pr ;s r e i 1 z s e

tRe-inrormation on the bottom. When do ycu anticipate ouz? -
- . < .. .. -
. -- ---. - . - '. .
-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Monday, December 05,' 2005 3:21 PM
To: Young, Leah (SPI.IHSA/OA); 'Dzu Bui'
Subject: FW: Wednesday's Advisory
Importance: High

> Here is the Media Advisory with the call in and -Web cast information
> added. Please send 06't.;~t~ your trades, etc.

Thanks. kdp <<ADVl?,Q?,,Q5.-do,c>> --
:, - . ,..,. - -. -.




Wednesday, Dec.7,2005
Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343
Ad Council Press (
-41- : - -. .-.--

.- - . ..

HHS Secretary-Mike Leavitt today launched a national public service ad.irertising (PSA)
campaign designed to encourage people who may be experiencing psychologica I listress
I ld
following the recent humcanes to consider seeking mental health services. The pi! $As. the result
of a partnership between HHS' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AcIrriinistration
(SAMHSA) and the Ad Council, will be distributed to 12,000 media outlets natit I [wide.

According tdr&%MHs~, past research on the mental health consequence ~fmajor floods
and hurricanes suggests that the psychological impacts of the recent hurricanes c:q1~ l be
d --
extensive. SAMHSA estimates that -- in those areas that have been significantlj i mpacted by the
hurricanes -- 25 pers%ntt.o 39 percent of the population may experience clinicallv/I significant .. ... . - a

mental health needs and an additional 10 percent to 20 percent may show sub-cl ical. but not
trivial, needs. Up to 500,000 people may be in need of assistance. . .-.-

"Since the beginning of this unprecedented disaster we have been concerTl€:d about the
mental well-being of those impacted," Secretary Leavitt said. "We've continuecI t o work with
the states to provide access to mental health and substance abuse services to hell bnericans
- -. -
- - .-._ , .
through this tough time.--1hope these @blic service&nouncements, our toll-fre t% number and. .- .-
website will provide information and support to those who need help." - \.

People who were displaced by the storms have lost their homes. schools. CIommunities,
places of worship, daily routines. social support. personal possessions and much IYlore. In some
cases, these losses were coupled with losing loved ones and witnessing death, dc:st .suction and
criminal violence. According to SAMHSA. the psychological impact of these ex:pi'zriences can be
both serious and long-lasting. Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disord-ef -'-i~ICluding
depression, grief and anger -- are to be expected among some who survived the hu~rricanes.They
may also develop physical health and behavior problems, such as substance abu:se disorders
amongadults and conduct problems among children. Some of these problems n1ay not surface for
months or years.

- More -

"Most hurricane survivors demonstrate remarkable resiliency and \vill reduild theirs ln es
without significant mental or substance abuse issues," SAMHSA Administrator Charles Curie
said. "We also know that there are a smaller but still significant number of peoplk \vho \vill hays
difficulty achieving recovery without professional assistance. Help is a phone call a\\.a!.
The new PSA campaign is designed to help adults. children and first respbnders who
have been impacted by the hurricanes and are in need of mental health services. The campaign
includes television and radio spots, which Gi available in English and Spanish. a d addresses the
- -- -victims and first responders directly, as swell asbyparents
fears, ihoughtq, concerns and q u e g i ~ n faced the victims. The PSAs aim to rdach adult
and ca.regiva_swho can iffsess&eir ...

children's emotional well-being: Viewers and listeners are encouraged to-rake tide to check in
on how they and their families are doing, and call a confidential toll-free number (1-800-789-
2647 for adultsJparents and 1-800-273-TALK for first responders) to speak to a trained
professional who can assist with information and referrals to local services. or vieit
WMIIY.samhsu. goy.

"The hurricanes have had a devastating impact on the lives of hundreds o, thousands of
Americans. As they~truggleto rebuild their lives and focus on their immediate ppysical needs, it
is important for them'&iiiso consider their short and long-term emotional needs. said President
& CEO of The Advertising Council-Peggy Conlon. "This poignant campaign. created pro bono -
by Grey Advertising, will encourage victims to get help and hope if they need it. especially
during the holid&yTs;bsoa-wbenall that they have lost may be more difficult to cope withw_ - --

To view the ads, please visit w ~ ~ ~ v v . s a n t h s aThe

. ~ o ~PSAs
~ . are being dist~b_ute_dio
television and radio stations nationwide via the Fastchannel Network and 411 a& in advertising
time that will be donated by the media.
- - - -- - - ~ e d i a ' m listen II 1-888-810-
a ~ in to the press conference at 2 p.m. Wednesday by di-sling
' . 3948, Passcode HHS. ' A delayed webcast will be available Wednesday euening+t,-.. - -. - -
mms'//overhill health orq/asfl/Katr~naPSAswrnv
Page 1 of 3

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 3:09 PM
To: Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS); Abdoo. David (HHSIOS); Williams. Katherine (HHSIOS): Harns Thomas
(HHSIOS); Gilliard, Deric (HHSIOS); Phillips, Jennifer (HHSIOS); Quinonez,.Ashl~a(HHSIOS);
Hughey, Adele (HHSIOS); McGowan, Michelle (HHSIOS); Koentop, Jennifer (HHSIOS): Holladay,

Jenny (HHSIOS); Yaggi, Danielle (HHSIOS)

Babin, Holly (HHSIOS); Malena, John (HHSIOS); Conrad, Patricia (HHSIOS); Young. Leah I -.

(SAMHSA); Weber, Mark (SAMHSA)

Subject: RE. Statistics, coord~nates,call-in number and URL for Mental Health Katr~na~ d r k
- -- -
. ..
. , ..
- .

theconfw&ce call-in-leader, ifj%~

. .
need thdt information. Thanks, and happy pitcqlng! kdp
- . - . -- ~ -..-.
- -~ ~ . . -.
.-.--- - . -.
From: ~ e t r e e ,~ i r s i e n(HHSIOS)
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 2:52 PM
To: Abdoo, David (HHSIOS); Williams, Katherine (HHSIOS); Harris, Thomas (HHSIOS
(HHSIOS); Phillips, Jennifer (HHSIOS); Quinoner, Ashlea (HHSIOS); Hughey, Adele ( ~ H S ~ O SMcGowan,
Michelle (HHSIOS); Koentop, Jennifer (HHSIOS); Holladay, Jenny (HHSIOS); Yaggi, Dfnielle (HHSIOS)
Cc: Babin, Holly (HHSIOS); Malena, John (HHSIOS); Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS); Fipd, Ellen (HHSIOS);
Conrad, Patricia (HHSIOS); Young, Leah (SAMHSA); Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Heidi Arthur; Dzu Bui;
DeFrancis, Suzy (HHYQS)
Subject: Statistics, cobiainates, call-in number and URL for Mental Health Katrina Work

Afternoon All!
.- a.
. - - A
.. . #
- - - -
Here is the information to follow up for Holly about the Hurricane Mental ~ e d l t l hCampaign.
I-" - - . .- _ I

Below is the URL for the webcast, a press call-in number for the Press Confergnce. the-
coordinates for the satellite news feed, and a list of where the evacuees are residing now.
- - --
- - - -
I owe you: Spanish Language newsfeed coordinates and a URL for the ads themselves. which I
should have fiolatei than tomorrow k ~ r n i n gLet
. me know if you need anythi!+gelse.orhave any - .



Here is the URL for the webcast (it won't be live, but archived and available at 6pm ET). Please
. - -
put the following language on the press release, with the link:
--- . _

A delayed webcast will be available Wednesday evening (6 p.m. ET) at:

Here is the call in number for folks that cannot be at the press conference: 1

USA Toll Free Number: ;1 7

Passcode: HHS Call Date: Dec. 07,2005 (Wednesday)
Call in T h e : 2:OOp.m. ET l

Here are the satellite newsfeed coordinates, which will be played back two t ime:s. Please take th?
Feed Advisory and incorporate your state's names and numbers to personalize :advisories. I
will have the Spanish language newsfeed version later today:


C-Band Satellite, Audio 6.216.8
1 - 1:15pm EST on Intelsat A-6, Transponder 13, D/L Frequency: 3960 Vertic:a1
4 - 4: 15pm EST on Intelsat A-6, Transponder 16. D L Frequency: 4020 Horizont
Contact for feed: Tom Rottcher at 877-544-8400 (toll-free)

And the Displacement Stats:


. .-
-- .- . -
Nearly all States reporting receiving evacuees but here is what w e k a r e - --..-
baseaon crisis counseiing'applications.
'- ,
ST Total urnb be; of ~ v a c u e e sEstimated by STATE



Page 5 of 5
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Baker, David (HHSIOS)
Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 2 5 2 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Springer, Kay (HHSIOS)
Subject: Re: Archived webcast for the Hurricane Mental Health Ad Campaign-Wf ?dnesday Dec. 7

I'm offsite, Kriszen. I'm sending this on Vo Kay Springer or: 3-r :la:..

Kay, please confirm that you-received this..


Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld ,

.... -
----- &iginal'~essage-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) <> .-
To: Baker, David (HHSIOS)+'aadi-CI.
Bakerehhs. g o ~ >
T -'
CC: Goforth, Prudence (HHS/OS) <>
Sent: Mon Dec 05 13:27:51-2005
Subject: Archived webcast for the Hurricane Mental Health i
iv'eanesday Dec. 7

Below is the URL for the webcast that will be available around 6pm frorI fhe 2pm Press
Conference on the Hurricane Mental Health Campaign Rollout. Do you need ything more from
me to have this available on our site at that time?
.'I ?
Also, we'll be getting a link for the Ads themselves from the Ad Counci1. I shpulc have
that later today. I'd like to have that accessible from our site too. h?oh1d that be okay
to do?
- .. . . .. .. . . C :.
And I have all the documents that should be on our site for the roll-OLIt -i press-Release,
.I..--- ..I

. .

Fact Sheet. Who do I give those to top prepare for the slte. They wlll neea to be active
at 2pm on Wednesday, December 7,(when the Press Conference IS happeningI ) - I *. . <. . ... -
Kirsten *

- -_.___.._ - .. . - -
.- ..- -- -
- .
- . .-.
-. -
----- Original Message-----
From: Young, Leah (SAMHSA/OA) []
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 1:14 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (H!-lS/OS)
Cc: Weber, Mark (SPJIHSA/OA)
Subject: line for address of delayed webcast


A delayed webcast will be available Wednesday evening at


I added this-to the bottom. I am goinq to send it out now to our list:5 Urlless you have a
phone dial in number available now. I think I would rather get it out as trade pubs often
need some warning to come to a press canference.

Leah R. Young

Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Watson, Donna (HHSIOS)

Sent: Monday, December 05,20051.27PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: lnvo~cefrom HHS SENIORSTAFF BUFFET
Attachments: Inv-7833-from-HHS-SENIOR-ST.pdf


Your invoice appears below. Full payment is de

; within 5 days.
-4 .
z .

r~ -Thank you for business.- we appreciate it very much. - -- .

a .. -
.- . - .. -. -- --:-. I,?. . .
"I ..

To view your invoice

Open the attached PDF file. You must have Acrobate, Readere, installed to view the attachment.
9' Q,

.,-.e*.-* ..,'a .. . - . . ,.

.- d . __._

- ..
---.- --..- .- .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Young, Leah (SAMHSNOA) []
Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 11:15 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: FW: FW: DRAFT Outline with One Paragraph BIO for Eartha Lee Johr

Importance: High

Attachments: SAMHSA Talk ~ o t e s d o c

J - .-

Notes.doc (27 KB) .:-. ..--

~ ~ e - z the

----- Original Message-----

& - ..

r e remarks of Earths Johnson

--- .

I will asic her t-0,--& the en=,-

From: Eartha Johnson [mail~to:dreljohnson@hotmail.c~

. -- -f: I
the phone numbers we .axe adve~t-i-singcan be beacon of hcpe ta o+i~+!-~-

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 1G:i@ PM

To: Young, Leah (SAMHSA/OA)
Subject: RE: FW: DRAFT Outline with One Paragraph BIO for Eartha Lee J o h ~
Importance: High
Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Holly Babin []

Sent: Sunday, December 04,2005 1.1:35 PM
To: Abdoo, David (HHSIOS); Williams, Katherine (HHSIOS); Quinonez. Ashlea ( iSI0S):
McGowan, Michelle (HHSIOS); Koentop, Jennifer (HHSIOS); Holladay, Jenn HHSIOS):
Malena, John (HHSIOS); Harris. Thomas (HHSIOS); Hughey, Adele (HHSIC : Gilliard. Deric
(HHSIOS); Phillips, Jennifer (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: Mental Health Ads for ~ a t r i n a l ~ i t - a ~ i c t i m s
Attachments: 05 Katrina SAMHSA Mental Health Relief - HF advisory.doc; Hurricane
Mental Health Awareness Fact Sheet.doc; Release-SAMHSA-ADCOUNCIL1 )705A[l].doc
- -.
. -Hello,-all. -. - . --- * - --
- -.a. . --
-- - --
_.-.--.. -.- .
I'm at the conference today until tate-afternoon.

Attached is a media advisory, press release (embargoed until Wednesday, December 7), and 'act sheet
regarding Public Service Ads.

The ads will be rolled out on Wednesday. Kirsten Petree will provide you with a URL and othe ~fo
today. Please
start pitching the ads. They will be shown all over the country, because evacuees are situated every state. (I've
attached a map from FEMA's website that illustrates this.)
Thank you. <a,

- Holly

IC.*,, .. . l ' i
Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Dzu Bui []

Sent: Saturday, December 03,2005 2:05 P M 1
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) 1
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony S~gnorell~
Subject: Hurr~caneMental Health Awareness Satellite Coord~nates 1
Attachments: HFsrnall.JPG
Kirsten, \. 1
Be&w are the coordinates you requested. It is probably too late for you to do anythink n ith them non.
-a -Lbut+anted you to have the fiht thing when you get in on Monday; ftome Front w i l t d- s t s o - k p o t t ~up a ---
feed for Spanish at 2:30pm. but they won't have those coordinates until Monday.

Enjoy the weekend.

-'I -


DATE & TIMES: ' Wednesday, December 7,2005
1 - 1:15pm EST on lntelsat A-6, Transponder 13, DIL
Vertical.,.-,K A -... -- - .-
4 - 4:15pm EST on lntelsat A$, Transponder 16, DIL Friquency: GO
Horizontal --* .--_
C-Band Audio 6.216.8 --.- I
CONTACT: Tom Rottcher at 877-544-8400 (toll-free)
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Dzu Bui []

Sent: Saturday, December 03,2005 2:05PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Weber. Mark (SAMHSA). He~diArthur; Deborah Le~ter;Anthony S~gnorell~ 1
Subject: Hurricane Mental-Health Awareness Satellite Coordinates
.. . -
Attachments: HFsmall..lPG


Below are thecoordinates you requested. It is p i ~ b a b ltoo

i late for you to do anythinl with them non. . .

-%=anted you to have the fiyst thing when you get in on Monday.- H e m Front--wiltdimbeputtin? up a
feed for Spanish at 2:30prn; but tli~ywon't have those coordinates until M ~ n d i j T . . ~ ~ - -
. .
--'-'- . . .
.-... -

., ..
Enjoy the weekend.


DATE & TIMES: " Wednesday, December 7,2005
1 - 1:15pm EST on lntelsat A-6, Transponder 13, DIL Frequency: 3960
Vertical .*.a.
.'.i.r .- -. -. -. - . . .. . . . .

4 -d:lSprn EST on ntelsat 14-6, Tra.sponber 16, D L ireluency: 4020

Horizontal 1
- . C-Band Audio 6.216.8 . --- -1 a ---
CONTACT: Tom Rottcher at 877-544-8400 (toll-free)
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)

Sent: Friday, December 0 2 , 2 0 0 5 4:35 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); 'Dzu Buil; Weber. Mark (SAMHSA): Young. Leah (SAMHSA):
Babin. Holly (HHSIOS); Conrad, Patricia (HHSIOS); Field, Ellen (HHSIOS); Pearson. Christina
(HHSIOS); 'Kate Emanuel' -
Cc: 'Heidi Arthur'; 'Anthony Signorelli';'Deborah Leiter'
Subject: RE: Mental Health Rollout Releases, Advisories, Final
Attachments: ADV120705.doc

m 4 0 r g c ; all-
---- -
Here is the r e v ~ s e dm e d ~ aadvi;ory. b k s e disregard the other one. This should read with Held1 ~ r t h u r ' sname
instead of Peggy's name.

Thanks much-

-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Sent: Friday, December 02,2005 4:25 PM
To: 'DmBui'; Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Young, Leah (SAMHSA); Babin, Holly
(HHSIOS); Conrad,Satricia (HHSIOS); Field, Ellen (HHSIOS); Pearson,
- -- ---- Christina (HHSIOS); 'Kate Emanuel' -.-
CC:Heidi Arthur; Anthony Signorelli; Deborah ~ e i t e r
Subject: Mental Health Rollout Releases, Advisories, Final

The documents below are cleared.

.*' - I
I would like to see the UFU for the Press Conference webcast on the Press Release before it goer.out on Tuesday (we will be
sending it out then).

The Media'~dvisorywill be sent out Monday from here, also with the URL.

1 discussed the feed advisory with Bill Hall and we're good to go on that one. Just waiting for the coordinates on this end so
we can give them to Holly for her Regional Communications Directors.

I'm really hoping we'll have the UFU by Monday morning.

The only one that's missing is your 'MAT' release, which 1 haven't seen.

I will also need the Ads in some form to be posted on our Website, maybe by a link set up through Ad Council. Let me know


.- - - - -- I
Page 7 of 7

when you will have a URL for the ads.

I believe we're in good shape.


HHS Uews
December 5,2005


For Wednesday, December 7,2005


I -

HHS Secretary Mike Leavi~willunveil new public service advertisements (PSAs). December 7. I
designed to encourage adults, parents and caregivers, and first responders to consider seLking mental
health services if they are still showing signs that they have been psychologically impacted by recent
hurricanes. The PSAs are the result of a partnership between HHS. Substance Abuse d d Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Ad Council. They will be distributed to 12.000 media
outlets nationwide.
Viewers and listeners are encouraged to take time to check in on how they and their f y i l i e s are doing. -
and call a confidential toll-free number (1 -800-789-2647 for adultstparents and 1 -800-273-TALK for
first responders) to speak to a trained professional who can assist with information and referrals to local ---.-
services, or visit ww:Sa'h"h<a.~&r.

WHO: HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt

SAMHSA Administrator Charles Curie
Heidi Arthur, Senior Vice President, Group Campaign Director, Ad Council
I .-- ,

- --.-- Eartha Johnson, a survivor ofHurricane Katrina LT -- 1 -r --

Colonkl ~ e n jSneed,
' New Orleans Homeland Security, Office of the M

WHEN: Wednesday, December 7,2005

2 p.m.

W H..--
E W :- Hubert H. Humphrey Building Auditorium
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.

CONTACT:- HHS Press Office

(202) 690-6343
SAMHSA Press Office
(240) 276-2 130
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Babin, Holly (HHSIOS)
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 12:11 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Hearst Broadcasting

Kirsten, What region?

----- Original Message----- .- . . . .
From: ,Petreel Kirsten (HP,S/OS)
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2OC5 11:12 FLY
To: 'Eiiyn Fisher'; Lean.Young@sarnhsa.nhs.gv; aabi,?, Holly (E:iS/3C.)

Cc: Heidi Arthur; Paula Veale; Deborah Leiker; 3zu Bui; 8ech Costiglic;
(SAMHSA) . . -. ~~

. -
&bbje&.:~~: ~ea'fs-fSroadcasting
. . . .
- .
. -
. . . . . . . . * .-
. . . . .
- -.
. ..--- T . -.
. - --.:.: :.
. . . -.

D O you know of anyone on the ground in that region that could speak I 2
Univision tomorrow?
-----Original s.

From: Ell yn Fisher [ r n a i l t ' ~ ~ E F i s h e r @ A d C o u n corg]

Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 11:06 AM
To: P e ~ r e e ,Kirsten (HHS/GS);
Cc: .Heidi Arthur; Paula .-. Veale;.,,*
Deborah Leiter; Dzu Bui; Beth Costiglio;
W e b e ~ ,Mark (SAMHSA) .....,. .,. . . . .; .

Subject: FW: Hearst Broadcasting

. .- - -
Klrsten and Leah,
- --
Do you know what tlme ME. Johnson wlll be available for tne Hearst
- .
. . . -. . - . . . . .-
-- I
--. . -.
- ---Also;we received 5 requesi for an interview-from '~nivision.. They. + r e :

putting a story cogether tomorrow from New orleans and they wanted to
know if HHS has anyone i.n the area who speaks Spanish and can speak to
the issue -- ,an expert or a victim. Is there anyone who would be
available tomorrow? If not, they may be able to in~erviewDr. Beato
satellite on Saturday.

Please-'let me know, thanks,

. . .-. .


----- Original-Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/GSi <>
Tc: Heidi Arthur <>; Young, Leah (SPflHSA)
Sent: Wed Dec 07 10:30:34 2005
Subject: RE: Hearst Broadcasting

Yes. We can either do it in the greenroom (Iassume it's off the

interview) or right behind-the auditorium. Leah should have Dr.
- Marina

Marina C a r t e r

Home F r o n r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

1 6 2 0 I S t r e e t NW S u i t e 5 2 0

W a s h i n g t o n DC 2 0 0 0 6

P h o n e : 202-544-8400

F a x : 202-544-6448
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Ellyn Fisher [ ~ ~ i s h e r @ ~ d ~ o u n c i l . o &
. ]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 11:06AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS);
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Paula Veale; Deborah Leiter; Dzu Bui; Beth Costiglio; We r , Mark (SAMHSA!
Subject: FW: Hearst Broadcasting

Kirsten and Leah,


Do you know what time Mr. Johnson will b e available for the Hearst ir.ter-L

Aiso, we received a request for an interview from Univision. They a r s a:

together tomorrow from New Orleans and theywantea to know if HHS has a n y
who speaks Spanish and can speak to the issue -- an expert or a vicriK.
who would be--avail-abletomorrow? _If.- pot, they may be able to intervie>: L
ik s-llite on Saturday. - ... . . - - --.. -.-. . . . . .. . .-- ~

Please let m e know, thhnks;

- - .- .--- - --


-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) <>
To: Heidi Arthur <>; Young, Leah (SAMHSA) <LYOUNG@SP dSA.GOV>; Weber,
Sent: Wed Dec 07 10: 30:3'h%T005
Subject: RE: Hearst Eroadcasting
Yes. We can either do it in the greenroom (I assume it's off the shoclcie~
interview) or right b,&~~~d...tbs auditorium. Leah should have Dr.
Johnson's schedule.
-----Original Message----.- . .p
From: Helai Arthur []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 10:15 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Subject: Fw: Hea~+stBroadcasting

See below. Is this possible?
. ,.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless -Handheld
........> '.- - . -

----- Original Message----- . . . .

From: Ellyn Fisher <EFisher@AdCouncil.orq>

To: Heidi Arthur <>;~~DeborahLeiter <dleiter@adcounc>; Paula
Veale <>; Dzu Bui <DBui@AdCouncil.orq>
CC: Beth Costiglio <>
Sent: Wed Dec 07 10:11:03 2005
Subject: FW: Hearst Broadcas~ing

Heidi and Deb -- Can you please find out if this wili be possible? I've lso left a
voicemail message for Dzu.

Thanks !
From: Marina Cartez [mailtc:carter@homefront.tvj
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 iO:OE AN
To: Zllyn Fisher
Subject: Hearst Broadcasting

Hi Ellyn,

Just go' a call from Hearst Broadcasting. They also have a 3:30 bea;:inl, i>5 -;-I5 l l. .:.< ~
. - --=
to know if they coulci potentially qet an jnterview with the hcrricane s(.--.-1----
- -
- - ..-- - - u - ,; il.

be at the press conference prior to the conference.

- ..


, - -
- - -
. -
. -

- ..
- -
.. -.

. - - - -3- - .-? - -
They also wanted to know-.ifthere was a physical location wh-ey-etk+e-hoz~~~','e -5s ---..-
G s ' - - J se:
up that they-could perhaps get some broll of as well. - .

Let me know!

Thanks !

- Marina

Marina Carter

Home Front Communicarions

1620 I Srreet NW Suite 520

. Washington DC-2060.6

Phone: 202-544-8400
Fax: 202-54416448
. .

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

F rorn: Hanna, Lisa []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 11:04 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Mental Health Rollout Release

. . -
Thanks Kirsten. This really helps with the .Congr~sswoman'sobjec::ve: -
passing it along. We will keep it to ourselves.

Thanks a miliion,

Lisa Hanna
Oa&e&f U-.S.Rep. Eddie Bernice ~%nson .(TX-30). .
..- :-,.---. ~.
1511 Longworth House Office~Euilding _--. - . ..
Washinqton, D-; C. 20515' '. .- --- ' -'

phone: 1202) 225-8885

fax: (202) 226-1477

-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 10:56 AM
To: Hanna, Lisa ,.:*' . .
Cc: Faha, Joe (SAMHSA) <':
Subject: FW: Mental Health Rollout Release

.')..L..+*h . ?- ..:.I

Here's our release and fact sheet about our Ad Cam~aign

Joe Faha from SAMHSA may be glve you more lnformatlon on the- de;;=qflmr- of people
and how they are helping the folks in the States:
240-276-2009. I've let hlm know that yon will be ca:llng.
Best-- ..
- . --'-Xi-rsfen pe:tree ~ - -.- ... . -- .

. -
-.- . - ..
.-..- .I1 -
Director of Communications .. .

Office of Public Affairs'

US Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue SW Suide 647 D
Washington, DC 2020i . .
- .. . -
: : .i
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 11:03 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout
Subject: Childhood Obesity Media Outreach Email

Attachments: ObesityN11.14.htmt .
mi (11 KB)
. .. . . . --Kitst-en,-
' ~ k asachedemail-
e will be s e n t tc-=-
Psi- Cirectors today, notif yi:? :hen:
. . . ..
av7labYlity of our new Childhood Obesity PSAs. This is -simply a way ;d;l--rarr;tr:-:?a -\ez=
to support the cainpai'gn and ieC-.them know to look for the kits. .- .. - ...- . . . -- ....
.... . . ..
Let us know if you have any questions. - .

> <<ObesityTV11.14.htm:>>
Anthony Signorellii Campaign Director I The Advertising Council
261 Madison Ave. I New yqi?k, New York 10016
P: (212) 984-19891 E:

New Childhood Obesity PSAs Available

To order PSAs, v ~ s r tPSA Central or call 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 3 3 - ~ N~e ~w ~PSAs In both E n g l ~ s han6 S

You recently recelvec nese PSAs In

varrous lengths In oa aglng as seen a:
left. V ~ e wPSAs belo
r Birds (New!)

-. s
E y e (New!)-
.- --=- -.-
F Grandpa (Newt)


." '

The obesity epidemic &$utting America's children at risk. Today we are witnes ng record
gains In diseases and illnesses among overweight and obese children. I n additl i to physical
troubles, obesity carries with it emotional stress that has longstanding effects I children.
. .
-- - . . --.
Created by the ~yF.-'a'e-~a&ent of Health & Human Services and the Ad Coun , this
campaign let's kids know that "eating healthy can help them do the things thet really love to
do, and do them better," Targe.ted to children ages 6 to 9 years old and4heir f
PSAs encourage audiences to look a t food differently by asking, "Can Your Foo Do That?"
The television spots you recently received in the above package direct kids an( :heir parents
to a fun, interactive-Web site that encourages them to see the lighter side of h jlthy eating -,
and gives them new reasons to be healthy.
-_- _.


-- . . .. - . . .-
. -

Please help prevent chiidhood obesity by airing the enclosed PSAs. . hank .ybu
contact me if I can be of assistance to your public service efforts.


Sean Qu~gley
' m n a g e r of Med~aOperations
Ad Council
261 Madison Ave., 11th FI.
New York, NY 10016


file://C:\Docurnents and Settings\kirsten.petree\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi

Commentary Page 2 of 2

I f you have any questions concerning PSA Central email


- .........

3 ...
. . .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Tuesday, June 28,2005 1: 18 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Carla Horrilleno -
Subject: Ad Council Obesity Campaign Update
Attachments: HHS Cost Proposal -final 12.22.04.doc; HHS Budget Proposal - Final 2-14-05.~1~; HHS
Technical Proposal - final 12.22.04.doc; Youth Obesity PR Plan - Rev 5.27.06.doc;
Localization Costs 6-28-05.doc


. .
Kirsten & Daniel, . -
- --
. .

T h a a k s again for gett/ng on the phone withus this.morning. I am looking forward to workinggg~ther ...this$
probably one of the most. successful
. .
.. - and . -.
exciting campaigns at the Ad C o u n c i l f g h t ' r i ~ .
. sh'o-uldffe
.- - a-lofof --..
. ...

.' I
- --
' :, ,

fun ; ) .. .-

- ..
In the event that you cannot rkach me for any reason, you can contact Carla or Jenny. I've listed their contact info
below: I'
Jenny Osterhout
Campaign Management Assistant

Carla Horr~lleno
- Assistant Campaign Manager
-,- -
. .-
Also, as promised I've attached a fewpocuments for your review. They are as follows;

1) 5-Year Contract (Cost Proposal, Budget, and Technical Proposal)

2) Public Relations Plan ior approval
3) Localization Costs - for approval
- -. _ -. .. .. . .. .
. .
. -- -
Carla will be sending the "Whif6 papei1and web banner e o " 6 t s along shortly.:
- ----.-:--.-
--z -..--
-. . .- .

Best Regards,

.4nthony Signorellil Campaign Director 1 The Adverr~singC o u n c ~ l

261 Madison Ave. I New York. New York 1001 6 .. .
..A ..
P: (2 12) 984-1 9891 E: as~gnore!jCa'

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday. December 07,2005 9:48 AM I
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
- I

1' :
Subject: RE: Press Coverage Hurricane Mental Health Awareness - USA Tc 3y & Post-Gazette

It's always the llttle guy who gets cct.. .gooo 1ue.u. zoaay! Z-zerl-z::~.; - -. - - . - - -- --
---..- -- ---



----- Orlglnai Message-----

To: Anthony Slgnorelll - --


?etree@hhs . gov]
m m : ~ e t r e e ,~lr-s-ten(HHS/OS) [ma-YLto: ~lrst-en.
Sent: Wednesday, December c?., 2005 9:46 A14 - - - -- --
--- - -
Subject: RE: Press Coverage - Burrlcane Mental Health Awareness - 63;. T' 0 C

I knew there was mention of obesity, but I haven't seen the segment yet . .
That's too bad. But, I'm sure if we mention it to the produckr, they'll *.alk aboct I
: 15
the future. Probably the piece was too long, and they had to cut sometkl l r19 -
-----Orlginal Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, ~ece&e~~-.07, 2005 9:44 AM
To,: Petree, Kirsten (HHS'/Q>)
Subject: RE: Press Coverage - Hurricane Mental Health Awareness - VSP. 7

*..*.. -.
Also, .unfortunately N B C , , . , N ~ . ~
night. The segment was under two minutes and the portion where Wally 5in\
~ ~ J ~did not include the Obesity PSAs i their-s!ory
raer discussed our
'T -"
- -

campaign was cut out. 0-ur PR Team will follow up with the producer to S- !e . if they will
include it in a future seqment.,.sorry for the false excitement J -1- . I

. .
-. -.-- - -
Ori-ginal Message----.:
--;-A- .* . .
- - < -
Fromi Petree, Kirsten (HHSLOS) [] -- - - -
. . ..
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 9.41 AI4
To: Anthony Signorelli; Weber, Mark (SAMHSA)
Cc: Dzu Bui; Deborah Leiter; Heldi Arthur I

Subject: RE: Press Coverage - Hurricane Mental Healch Awareness - USA 1roc

Yea ! . ..-..' - . -

-----Original Message----- ...
From: Ant,hony Signorelli [
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 5 : 3 7 A!!
To: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Petree, Kirsren (HRS/OS)
Cc: Dzu Bui; -Deborah Leiter; Heidi Arthur
Subject: Press Coverage - Hurricane Mental Health Ab~areness - USA Toda!i ci Post-Gazette

Good luck today to all!

See below for some initial coverage of ocr launch:

> USA Today .


> A Betcer Life
> Mental health aid for hurricane surclvors
> An estimated 50G,000 storm survivcrs and emergency wcrkers co::-c. . nesz
> mental health services, tne Department of Eealth zr.? S u m ? Ser-.-ices
> says. Today, the agency launcnes a public service czrf.p~is? rs
> encourage people suffering psychologically frcrb the nurri~a?e r c setk
> help. Confidential help lines (860-789-2647 for hurricane s~r-:i:;=rs
> and-800-273-8255 for first responders) will help calLers gez
> information and referrals .- to
local services. For online assisrznzc,
> visit . .

. .
. . - ..
. . . - ~.. .- .. - -- -.
- ~

m t r r . Science & Environment" ~ . . .- .
. -
. . .,- - .- -
- . I .-
Campaign launched to help ~ a t r i n avictims, first responders Wednescay, 3o=err.~er;7-;-:,'?'
. . .
- i . c - --:
Hurricane Katrina and otherdisasters continue to- take a psychologicl dell 3:. ,.r:-
-2.-:r . - -.
direct victims and on first responders who helped with the relief effcrzl.
Those who need help because of post-traumatic stress disorder c; such Fdcbisms as
depression, grief and anger, are the focus of a new "Hurricane Reiief Lampaiq?." being
launched today by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and tl'he Substance .*use
and Mental Health Services Administration, in partnership with the Ad cduncil.
SAMHSA estimates half a million of these people may need mental health dervices. They are
encouraged to call confidential, toll-free phone lines, 1-800-789-2647 5or hurricane
victims and 1-800-273-88 6 for first responders, which are manned by mental health
professionals 24 hours a%:;iy.
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 9:44 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Press Coverage - Hurricane Mental Health Awareness - USA T 3y & Post-Gazette

Also, unfortunately NBC Nightly News-did not inciude the 9Besiry F 5 . k .

night. The segment was under two minutes and the portion where kI-=----;-: .
. .
campaigr! was cut out. Our PR.tearn wiil follow w~tr:che prodccer z c 111;

inciude it in a future segment . . . sorry for the false excitemenr ; ;

. ..

- ..
-----Original-.Mess_ag-e.----- --
Kirsten (HHS/OS-) [mi>ito:~irsten.?etree@hhs_.
Sent: Wednesday, December..07,. 2005 9: 41 AM
To: Anthony S-ignorelll; Weber, Mark (SAMHSA) '
cr_o~Lj . .-
- --
-. - .

Cc: Dzu Bui; Deborah Leiter; Heidi Arthur

Subject: RE: Press Coverage - Hurricane Mental Health Awareness - USA :

Yea !
-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, Decemhey,O7, 2005 9:37 AM
To: Weber, Mark ( ~ A M ~ ~ ~ ) k p e t Kirsten
ree, (HHS/OS)
Cc: Dzu Bui; Deborah Leite'r.; Heidi Arthur
Subject: Press Coverage - Hurricane'Mental Health Awareness - USP. Toda;
.,.-,-..a,- -.-. .. -
* ..*. -
Good luck today to all!

See below for some initi-a1 coverage of oLr launch: . .- .-

USA Today

A. Better Life
.. .-
- - .- . .

~ e n t a lhealth aid for hurricane survivoxs

An estimated 500,000 storm survivors and emergency workers could nee1
mental health services, the Department of Health and Human Services
says. Today, the agency launches a public service campaign to
> enzourage people suffering psychologicaiiy from che hurricane to see
> he,+,p-..
-Confidenti-a1 help lines (800-785-2647 for hurricane survlvor
> and :800-273-8255 for first responders) will heip caiiers get
> information and referrals to iocal ser-~ices. For online assist-a-rice,
> visit

Health, Science & Environment

Campaign launched to help Katrina victims, first responders Wednesday, 2cember 07, 2005
Hurricane Katrina and other disasters continue to take a psychological 311 on both their
direct victims and on first responders who helped with the relief.effo
Those who need help because -of
. post-traumatic stress disorder or such
d e p r e s s i o n , g r i e f a n d a n g e r , a r e t h e f o c u s o f a n e x '"?--' - - - = ;='
..-----c..- ..----=;..-
l a u n c h e d t o d a y b y t h e U.S. D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h a n d fi;3in32 S e r v i z e s 3:;
a n d M e n t a l H e a l t h S e r v i c e s A & ~ . i n i s t r a t i o r i , i n p a r z n e r s n i p x l.r r ,. z n. e p-.2.
S.9MIiSA e s t i m a t e s h a l f a m i l l i o n 0 5 T h e s e p e o p l e m a y n e e d m e n r a l ileal:
e n c o u r a g e d t o c a l l c o n z l a e n c i a l , t o l l - f r e e phone l i n e s , 1-90C-729-.26<
v i c t i m s a n d 1-800-273-8255 f o r f i r s c r e s p o n d e r s , which a r e rnanne5 b y :
p r o f e s s i o n a l s 24 h o u r s a d a y .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSAIOA) []
Sent: Wednesday, December 07,2005 9:42 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) , .
Subject: Re: so how many mental health pr?fessionals are there to help peop(k?

We d o n ' t h a v e a number but do h a v e a n s w e r a n d i : will be b z s e e c:. S:,z:s F:S?~Z ESSSZS~.~:.::

i n fema g r a n t a p p l i c a t i o n s . . . More i n w r i t i n g on ITS way.
.......................... .. . .
S e n t f r o m my B l a c k B e r r y W i r e l e - - "--"L-'"

----- O r i g i n a l Message----- ..
. From: Petree,.:- K i r s t e n (HHS/CS)
'a: -:&ber.; ~ a r -k( $AMHSA/OA! <M
Sent: wed Dec 0 7 08:59:34-2005.
S u b j e c t : so- how many m e n t a l he-
. . .-
-.-: - -
. --

.- --
-..-. . .
-. .
-.-I --
- .- I - :
:.=.-- -
- -
- --
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday. December 07,2005 9:37 AM
To: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Dzu Bui; Deborah Leiter; Heidi Arthur
Subject: Press Coverage - Hurricane Mental Health Awareness - USA Toda] Post-Gazette

Good l u c k t o d a y t o a l l !

S e e b e l o w f o r some i n i t i a l c o v e r a g e o f o u r l a u n c h :

> USA Today

> - --
> F: .Bc? ~ i f . e- - -
>-- -

. .. . --
. -.
- -.
> M e n t a l h e a l t h a i d f o r h u r r i c .a n..e s u r v i v o r s ---.-.-. .
> An e s t i m a t e d 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 s t o r m s u r v i v o r s a n d e m e r g e n c y w o r k e r s c o u l d nee1
> m e n t a l h e a l t h s e r v i c e s , . . t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h a n d Human S e r v i c e s
> s a y s . Today, t n e a g e n c y l a u n c h e s a p u b l i c s e ' r v i c e c a m p a i g n t o
> e n c o u r a g e p e o p l e s u f f e r i n g p s y c h o l o g i c a l l y from t h e h u r r i c a n e t o s e e
> h e l p . C o n f i d e n t i a l h e l p l i n e s (800-789-2647 f o r h u r r i c a n e s u r v i v o r
> a n d 800-273-8255 f o r f i r s t r e s p o n d e r s ) w i l l h e l p c a l l e r s g e t
> i n f o r m a t i o n and r e f e r r a l s t o l o c a l s e r v i c e s . For o n l i n e a s s i s t a n c e ,
> v i s i t

h t t p : / / w w w . p o s t - g a z e t t e . ~ o m / ~ ~ / 0 5 3 4 i / 6 1 8 0 s7 t6m.
-...,.. . - ..,
-. .. ,


H e a l t h , S c i e n c e & Environment

Campaign l a u n c h e d t o h e l p ~ a t ; i n a v i c t i m s , f i r s t r e s p o n d e r s Wednesday, z c m b e r 0 7 , 2005

Hurricane Katrina and o t h e r d i s a s t e r s continue t o t a k e a psycnological 3 1 1 on b o t h t h e i r
d i r e c t v i c t i m s a n d o n . - f i r s t r e s p o n d e r s who h e l p e d w i t h t h e r e l i e f e f f o
T h o s e who n e e d h e l p b e c a u s e o f p o s t - t r a u m a t i c s t r e s s d i s o r d e r o r s u c h
d e p r e s s i o n , gri'ef a n d a n g e r , a r e t h e f o c u s o f a new " H u r r i c a n e R e l i e f npaign" b e i n g . -. ..
-. <-- -- . l a u n c h e d t o d a y by- t h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n L o f H e a l t h . q n d Human S e r v i c e s a n d ne S u b s t a n c e Abuse. - .
- '- - a n d M e n t a l H e a l t h ~ e r v i c & , ~ d m i n i s t r a t i b n ,i n p a r t n e r s h i p wit,h t h e - A d *---&..-
SAMHSA e s t i m a t e s h a l f a m i l l i o n o f t h e s e p e o p l e may n e e d m e n t a l h e a l t h ~ r v i c e s .They a r e -
e n c o u r a g e d t o c a l l c o n f i d e n t i a l , t o l l - f r e e phone l i n e s , 1-800-789-2647 3r h u r r i c a n e .-
v i c t i m s a n d 1-800-273-8255 f o r f i r s t r e s p o n d e r s , which a r e manned b y m t a l health
p r c f e s s i o n a l s 2'4 h o u r s a d a y .
Re: Dec 7 Sec Leavia Page I of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Dzu Bui []

Sent: Tuesday, December 06,2005 8.1 1 P
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Briefing Papers for Hurricane Me 11-~ealth

Just,wanted to make sure you had my mobile nu1

-- Dzu

r P I - -
- -
- A

-----Original Message----- - .-

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) [mailto:K

Sent: Tuesday, December 06; 2005 5:33

. .
.-.-- _ - -
. .
. . . .
To: DeFrancis, Suzy (HHS/OS); Dzu Bui; L ez, Martha -(HHS/OS); Keith, Sarah (HHS 5)
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMH5A); Field, Ellen ( 510s); Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorel Heidi Arthur;
. .
Babin, Holly (HHSIOS); Pearson, Christina HS/OS); Conrad, Patricia (HHSIOS)
Subject: Briefing Papers for Hurricane ME 31 Health Campaign

Here is the latest for everyone. -Wewil :e you tomorrow, Heidi!

If you would like t69dd anything, I wi )e available after 7:30pm, or in the m

\ ..
Thank you--
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Aaron Lohr []

Sent: Tuesday, December 06,2005 1.28 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: HHS Press Event Tomorrow
- .
Hello Kirsten,

I left you a voice mail about this as well. I am working with Leah young on the press event atlthe HHS auditorurn

tomorrow at 2pm regarding the unveiling of the newq,SAs. She has requesting that
outside the auditorium to distribute press kits and other materials. I was directed to give this
--- let.&
know- if 1 should re-dire~t.~Xk~ank
you. - I -
-- .
. ..
. . . . . - -. --. .
Aaron Lohr . . . .. . . . -
-- - .

. ...
240-747-47 1-4 - .- .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Heidi Arthur (]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06.2005 12:40 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Grey at Launch

Sorry it's Rob Biaocco (typo be1ow);pops

----- Original Message----- -.
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) [mailto:Kirsten.Petree@hhs.govj
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:39 PM

-- -- - .
To: Heldi P-rthur
Subject: RE: Grey at Launch
- .
- .' - -
. .. Thank
--. ~.
- . --
- -

- .. .
. . . ~. - ---
----- Original Message---:-. .. -
. .
-- . - .
From: Heidi Arthur [mailto:hart?]
Sent: Tuesday, December -06, 2005 12:36 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS./OS)
Cc: Rousseaux, Charles (HHS/OS)
Subject: RE: Grey at Launch

Rick Cusato is Executive Vice President/Account Director and Rob Baioc is Executive Vice
President/Executive Creative Director

The agency is "Grey Wo:&deW . .

-----Original Me~sa'4e:f:;=::.'<.~.
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:15 PM
To: Heidi Arthur . ..
. --. --
Cc: Rousseaux, Charles (HHS/OS)
Subject: FK: Grey at Launch .

Do they have .titles? Please respond to both of us. thanks.

... .
-.<- . .. . . .
.- . - .- .-
- .
- -----

-.- .- .~. ..
, Original Messag-e---'-r . .~- .

From: Rousseaux, Charles (HHS/OS)

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 -12:09 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Subject: RE: Grey at Launch

should thank Rob

Definsgely. I'll add them to the acknowledgements. Just to be sure: MC
Baiocco-and Rick Cusato from Gray Adverrising for their work in puttir the spots .-
together? Do Mr's Baiocco and Custano have titles? -..- -
.... . 1

Charles ' ,

----- Original Message----.-

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:05 PM
To: Rousseaux, Charles (HHS/OS)
Subjecc: FW: Grey at Launch

Will you put the Advertising Agency who did the ads for us in his spef ?
Their names are below. Also, make sure the AD Council is in there, sir Heidi Arthur will
be here as a speaker. Thanks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Heidi Arthur [
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2CC5 11:46 AN
To: Petree, Kirsten (RHS/OSl; Weber, Msrk (SPS.IHSA/OL:
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Debcrah Seiter
Subjecc: RE:Grey ar Launch

Rob Baiocco and Rick Cusato are both-attending from Grey. Xi11 r 5 e S e : !
acknowledge the agency? I plan too as well.
----- Original Message----- - -
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) [rnailto:~ ~ & t e n~etreeehhs.
. gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:42 AM
To: Dzu Bui
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Heidi Arthur; DebDrah Leiter; Antnony Siqriors:
Subject:. - RE: - HHS
Pitched Media
. .. ... -- .. - -
--Tlhhe;j<. . - - -.
. ~

-. -.

----- Origins-1 ~essage-'----- ..: - .- - - --- - .-

From: Dzu Bui []

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:20 AM
TO: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signore:
Subject: HHS Pitched Media

Could we get a list of $plks that HHS has pitched print or broadcast?
Thanks. kc:
. . .'-..A*. - -.-..:. j,.

Assistant Campaign Manager I The Advertising Council

261 Madison Avenue 11th Floor I New York, NY 10016
P: 212.984.19351 F: 212.92'2.167.'6 1 E: http://wwci,adc
Petree. Kirsten IHHSIASPA)
From: Dzu Bui (]
Sent: Tuesday. December 06,200512137PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: A couple PR questions

Thank you.
-----Orlglnal Message----- - .
From: Petree, Klrsten (HHS/OS);
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:37 PK
To: Dzu Bul; Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA)

Cc: Held1 Arthur; Deborah Lelter; Anthony,Slgnorelll; Ellyn F~sner;S=z
(SAMHSA/OA); Babln, Holly (HHS/OS)
Sub] ect : RE :- A c ~ q p l ePR questions--
-- - ---_
Not yet. Still working ori it.'%;iid Dr. Beato's tlme as well.
.-- - .

----- Origlnal Message-----

From: Dzu Bui []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:33 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS); Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorelli; Ellyn Fisher; Ste , Alvera
(SAMHSA/OA); Babin, Holly (HHS/OS)
Subject: RE: A couple PR questions
\< --
?., ::

Kirsten, . .

Thank you.
. .
.,.-.,.-*.*.*-. .
A ..'+ -.
I am messengering over the cape for CNN now. Any word on the Secretary
the NaC Newschannel opportunity?
- . . . . .--
----- Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
- -.-.- - Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:31 PM
- To:. Dzu -Bui; Weber,--Mark .GSAMHSA/OA) - . - . -- -- ..
. .
Cc: Heidi. Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorelli; Ellyn Fisher; Ste
(SAMHSA/OA); Babin, Holly (HHS/OS)
Subject: RE: A couple PR questions

Below,:akethe email-addresses for the Regional Intergovernmental Affair Specialists

formerly public affairs specialists) and their areas: . ..-A

~avid.A.bdoo@hhs.~ov Region I - CT, ME, MA, NB, RI, VT

- ., Region I1 - MJ, NY, PR, V1 - Region I11 - DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV Region IV - AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TI4 Region V - IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI Region VI - AK, LA, NM, OK, TX

1 Region VII - IC, DS, MO, NS Reglor VIII - CC, MT, K 3 , SC, :'TI WY

I Regior. IX - F.1, CR, FZ, . E ~ z T , Pe:izi: Ezr.:a Region X - Alasks, ID, Oh, .;:9 Intergovernmental Affairs (head of "

: ;
----- Original Message-----
From: Dzu Bui [mailto:DBui@AdCouncil.orgj~-
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:22 AM.
To: Pet'ree, Kirsten (HHS/OS); Weber, Mark (SAMYSA/Oh)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorelli; Zllyn -rlsner;
. .
(SAMHSA/OA); Babin, Holly (HHS/OS) x.

Subject:. RE:.. -A..couple PR questions

. - . . - .... - .

-qt, =--. - --
Kirsten, . . . ...

Where are the regional comrn directors located?

-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:41 AM
To: 'Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA)'; Dzu Bul
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Deb~rah~Leiter; Anthony Signorelli; Ellyn Fisher; Ster n, Alvera
(SAMHSA/OA); Babin, H O ~ ~ ~ ~ H H S / O S )
Subject: RE: A couple PR questions

yes, and no, but the"-~ona4,comm directors could be used, and they are up to-speed.
-----Original Message-----
. . --

From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA./OA) irnai1to:~ark.

~eber@samhsa. hhs. gov] --
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:23 AE.
To:; Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Cc: harthur@~d~ouncil;-brg;; asignorelli@AdCouncil; Stern, Alvera
,._ . . (SAMHSA/>OA)
-. . .- . -. . -.-. . . .
- .- -
Subject: Re: A couple PR 'westions . - - - -

Yes (given schedules) and no.

Sent from my BiackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Dzu Bui <> . - 1 - A h

To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS) <Kirsten.Petree@HHS.GOV>; Weber, Mark (SAMHSAdOA)

CC: Heidi Arthur <>; Deborah Leiter <DLeiter@AdCou>; Anthony
Signorelli <>; Ellyn Flsher <EFisher@AdCounci; org>; Stern,
Alvera (SAMHSA/OA) <>
Sent: Tue Dec 06 10:03:24 2005
Subject: R couple PR questions

Below are a couple PR questions. Could you please let me know if you have anyone who
might be available?
. . . - I .
I f s t a t i o n s a r e i n t e r e s t e d , would o u r Zeed p a r z l r l a a r t s SE ~ ~ . - s : - ~ s - e
f o r i n t e r v i e w s i n t h e c i t i e s w h e r e , t n e y l i v e ? C u r i e and 9 e a t c i? z5e 3: =- --,.
- = . -
--- :
. ...
e l s e i s on t h e f e e d y e t ?
t W i l l you b e a b l e t o p r o v i d e l o c a l c o n t a c z s i n a n y cf t h e o r h e r
p r i o r i t y s t a t e s i n c a s e s t a r i o n s want t o t a l k t c a l o c a l " e x p e r r ? "

Thank you.
.Dzu' I
A s s i s t a n t Campaign Manager I The ~ d v - e r t i s i n gC o u n c i l
26: Madison Avenue1 1 1 t h F l c o r I Nex York, N':' O C 1 6
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Henneghan, Martha (HHSIOS)

Sent: Tuesday, December 06,2005 12:13 PM
To: Ralbovsky, Don (NIHIOD); HHSIOS Interviews
Cc: Burklow, John (NIHIOD); Allen, Marin (NIHn3D); Dehoff, Jeffrey (NIHIOD); Flock. 'bonnie (NIHIOD).
Jackson, Calvin (NIHIOD) 1
Subject: RE: interview requests:~atrinaaftermath

Refer the reporter to SAMHSA first because they have a new ad campaign and have been running hotlines. etc.

------Original Message----- -.

.. . .
. . .
- - - . ~ r o r n :~ a l b 6 v s k ~Don
, (NIHLOD) . - .- - -- . . . .. ---. . . .._ ; I
Sent; Tuesday, Decemtjer 06, ,2005 11:25 AM :.= .- -- .r.: - . ....
. . .
To: HHS/OS Interviews . .-

Cc: Burklow, John (IVIHIOD); Allen, Marin (NIHIOD); Dehoff, Jeffrey (NIHIOD); Flock, Bonnie (NIHIOD); .. .-

Jackson, Calvin (NH

I D)
Subject: Interview requests: Katrina aftermath I
Reporter: Chris Bynum
Organization: New Orleans Times Picayune
Subject: Disaster-related trauma, consumer information about depression, suicide
prevention, mentSL&ealth resources
Spokespeople: Dr. Farris Tuma, head of NIHINIMH extramural PTSDltra~~ma research _
Deadline: Today

NlMH says: "T'fiiSS6u"d~ like a good opportunity to provide helpful inforn)ation for a
I -- --

public still dealing with this crisis. We have a number of grantees who can also talk about
what research hasshown-including after the Oklahoma City bombings and hDev that can
help other victims." I
Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPAI
From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSAIOA) []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06,2005 12:10 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: FW: Dr. Beato at Launch

For Spanish only . . . .

----- OriginalMessage----- . -
From: Dzu Bui [mailto:DBui@AdCouncil.orgj~--
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:53 P-ki
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS); Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Debcrah Leiter; Anthony qignorelli
Subject: Dr. Beato at Launch

Home Front would like -to know 'if Dr. Beato will be available at t h € % i a c n

Assistant Campaign Manager I The Advertising Council

261 Madison Avenue1 11th Floor I New York, NY 10016
P: 212.984.19351 F: 212.922.1676 1 E: http://www.adcc cil .org/
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Rousseaux, Charles (HHSIOS)
Sent: Tuesday, December 06,2005 12:09 PM
To: Petree, K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Grey at Launch

Definitely. 1'11 add them to the ack~owledgener.~s.Just to b e sxzs: ?:21

Baiocco and Rick Cusato from Gray Advertising for tncir o o r k ir p~zri?.;
together? Do Mrls Baiocco and Custano have titles?
. .

----- Original Message----- *
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Sent: Tuesday;-..:Dec_er@er0 6 , 2005 1 2 ~ 0 5PM ..--

a ~p~,Rouss'eaux,Charies ( HYSi-0s.). '---

Subject: FW: Grey at .
.. . -.- . - A

Will you put the Advertising Agency who did the ads for us in his speech Cheiz names a r e -'

below. Also, make sure the AD Council is in there, since Heidi Arthur wi be hers as a
speaker. Thanks.
----- Original Message-----
From: Heidi Arthur []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:46 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS~,/OS); Weber, Mark (SAMHSAIOA)
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA);&borah Leiter
Sublect: RE:Grey at Launch ..

-3..uA,.. --.
Rob Baiocco and Rick Cusato are both attending from Grey. Wi1l.the Sec
or Mr. Curie acknowledge the agency? I plan too as well.
----- Origlnal Message----- . .?

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:42 AM
To: Dzu Bui --
Cc: Weber,.Mark LSAMHSA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony
get.. RE: HHS Pitched Media
--:=-Sub, .
.. . - .
. . .- - ..-..-

I will check.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dzu Bui []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 ~ 1 0 : 2 0AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Cc: W e M , M a r k (SAMHSA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony
Signorelli :..
.. . -..
Subject: HHS Pitched Media

Kirsten, ..
Could we get a list of folks that HHS has pitched print or broadcast?


Assistant Campaign Manager I The Advertising Council.

261 Madison Avenue] 11th Floor I New York, NY 10016
P: 212.984.19351 F: 212.922.1676 1 E:
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Heidi Arthur []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06,2005 12:08 PM.
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Weber, Mark (SAMHSNOA)
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Deborah Leiter
Subject: RE: Grey at Launch

----- Original Message----- .. .

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) [mailto:Kirsten.Petree@hhs.Qovj

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 12:06 PM
To: Heidi Arthur; Weber, Mark (SAMHSAIOA) .x
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Deborah Leiter
C, -
Subject: :.RE.:'Grey-at --Launch
.-.. .

I asked the speechwriter

.. . to'
. --.

--,.- have
. .-

-- them acknowledged -it in hi~??eech,~.

.. --
- - .. ..

----- Original Message-----

From: Heidi Arthur []
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:46 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS); Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA)
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Deborah Leiter
Subject: RE:Grey at Launch

Rob Baiocco and Rick CU:~?, are both attending from Grey. Will the Sec 02 Mr. Curie
acknowledge the agency? I plan too as well. .-
Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent :..Tuesday,Decem&u.Q : . W 5 10: 42 AM
To: Dzu Bui
Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); ~ e i d iArthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorel:
Subject: RE: HHS Pitched-Media -.. . ..? .-

I will check.
. . .

----- Original Message-----

From: Dzu Bui [] .
-. --T'S.e~t.f'Tuesday, -December 06, 2005 10:20'aM

. ....
. .. . . ...~

To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)

Cc: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Heidi Arthur.; Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorel:
Subject: HHS Pitched Media

Could we get a list of folks that HHS has pitched print or broadcast?
Thanks.-;<-- ..
:.> .
-. . .


Assistant Campaign Manager 1 The Advertising Council

261 Madison Avenue1 11th Floor I New York, NY 10016
P: 212.984.19351 F: 212.922.1676 E: http://www.adccl
Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Baker, David (HHSIOS)

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 1:03 PM
To: Palmieri, Mia (HHSIOS); ''; 'dlessila@typocreat
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); ~ o f o r t h prudence
Subject: RE: Language for the- URL pre-webcasting

Can you confirm the Wlndows Media Player 9 or higher is the software and version that use vill need to view
the Webcast on the vendor's site? .
. .... .
Davjd-R. Baker . - . -
-202~60-1306 Voice -
-2021690-731 8 Fax
David.~aker@hhs.qov .
. .
. -

. .

. .-
. .-
-- -

. - -. -..
- -.
. .
---.. ~

From: Palmieri, Mia (HHSIOS)

Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 1 2 5 9 PM
Cc: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Goforth, Prudence (HHSIOS); Baker, David (HHSIOS)
Subject: Language for the'

Here is the language for the url for the Flu Summit Monday:

- .- ... .. , . --
.I... -..A. j ~

The Pandemic Flu Sumiiiit'tiosted'ky Department of Health and Human Services Secretary :hael Leavitt will be '

web cast live from this site Monday December 51h, 2005 beginning at 10:OO a.m.
i . -*
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSAIOA) [Mark.WeberQsamhsa.]
Sent: Friday, December 02,2005 12:04 PM
To: Dzu Bui; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Anthony Signorelli, Deborah Leiter
Subject: RE: Media Advisory / Peggy's Attendance

Attachments: '05 Katrina SAMHSA Mental Health Relief - HF advisory.doc I

05 Katrina SAMHSA -.
Mental Healt...
revised release to make consistent with other rri'acerials
me as revised:.. We do not want to-mggest everyone will ha-~ea m e n t ~ l6e
p;PableT.-.. ;most people will.-dojust fine. Some.need excra he*. . . -. ~

. . / .- . *.
--. -. . .
----- Original ~essage----2
From: Dzu Bui []
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA); Petree, Kirsten (HHS)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Anthony Signorelli; Deborah Leiter
Subject: Media Advisory / Peggy's Attendance
Kirsten/Mark, E =-
Peggy unfortunately will n& be able-to attend the launch. Heidi will b there, belo!. is
her information for the Media Advisory.
...'+ . .- . . .. . -
- .-.
Heidi'.~rthur .,-.-4L.- - 4 '

SVP, Group Campaign Director, Ad Council

Also, attached for your r-eview and approval is the draft release fF6m Ho *FFcFnt which
will go out with the BBR.
Assistant Campaign Manager I The Advertising Council
- - --
261 Madison Avenue1 11th Floor I New Yoyk, NY 1001-6
P: 212.984.19351 F: 212.922.1676 1 E: htcp:f/www;adcc
<<SAMHSA Mental Health Relief - DRAFT2.doc>>
Sutstanca Warn an3 Mental I-IeamSemoss &mamma
rmvramnss gov

Hurricane Mental'Health Awareness '1 -. .
HHS Secretary Leavitt ~ i c i cOff
i New Campaign to Help Children, Adults & ~ i dResponders;
Holiday Season Could be Especially Tough for Hurricane Victims as Losses Be~omeMore Real
Roughly 32,000 Survivors of Hurricane Katrina are Now Living in ~lorida

. . T h e 6 . ~ . - ~ e ~ a r t moef nHealth
t and h a n senices (HHS) and The Ad Countil t o dl a ~are l a ~ n c h ga
new nasonal campaign with -an important message for the children;-addaand first.- r e,.I? &- h d ~ st h d hare ...
been irnpa=ted by the kecent huriicines - take care of pour mental health. The'=ampagn, \vh=h includes --:
television and ra&o spots a n d a confidential toll-free number, is being unveiled in \Ykshmgtonl D C by ., :
H H S Secretan bhke ~ea$tt. December could be especially tough for hurricane 1 - i cIh s as their losses
become more real. Roughly 32,000 survivors of Hurricane Kauina are now living id Florida.
Accordmg to research, the psychological impacts of expenenclng a natural &saster c$n be senous and
long-lastmg if left unaddressed. In those areas that have been significantly impacted b) the hurr~canes-
25% to 30 % of the pgpuJation may experience clinically significant mental health needs and an
additional 10% to 20% m2y'show sub-clinical, but not trivial, needs. Up to 500.000 people may be in
need of assistance.

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Siress Disorder, depression, grief and anger. are to be -- .
some who survived the hurricanes, as well as physical health and behavior problems, iuch as substance
abuse disorders among adults andconduct problems among children. Some ofcthese p,rabl-g~smay not
surface for months or years.
Il -..
The new 'Humcane Mental Health Awareness' campaign encourages adults and parents to call 1-800-789-2647.first responders
to call 1-800-273- ...
--. .- -- - -. TALK (8255). or to %it a - ~ . . ~ a m h ~ a Callers will be ass-btewith infC+qatio.n and refeI-rals to l o h l ;ervices.
. :.
. -- ., .- --- ~ . --.
-. .- .
. .

o MkeLeavitt, Secretary, V.S. Department of Health 8: Human Senrices

1I - - '
- -

o Charles G. Curie, A h s t r a t o r , Substance Abuse and Mental Health Sen-ices A ~ s u a t i o n

6-ROLL: footage of hurricane ICatrina victims and emergency personnel, Secretan: h q k Leavitt meeting
-.-- . - 1,
with hurricane sun-ivors, Charles G. Curie at work & *

- -

FEED TIME: Wednesday, December 7,2005 from 1 - 1:15pm 8 4 4:15pm EST -
COORDINATES: lntelsat A-X Transponder XX C-Band
DIL Frequency: XXXXXXXX Audio6.216.8
CONTACT: Tom ~ohcher-at877-544-8400 (toll-free) l
IYzdeopmvided Ly L7.S. Department of Health and Human Semces and he A d Counal

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Dzu Bui []

Sent: Friday, December 02,2005 11:02 AM
To: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Deborah Leiter; Anthony Signorelli; Heidi Arthur
Subject: Spanish slates - ..

Attachments: Katrina Mental Health Slates SPANISH

12.2.05 950am.doc

Attached are fhe; Spanish slates and Dr. Beato's interview. As you will see, Home
-'--€)I: Beato's title. Will it be possib-kto.get approval of these slates by COB-todayY?
- - .-- . .
.- ..
Thank you. . ....

Grey is also getting the spanish scripts to me hopefully this afternoon. I will forward to you ASAP.
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1

From: D i u Bui []

Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 2:44 PM
To: Weber, Mark (SAMHSNOA); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Stern, Alvera (SAMHSNOA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter, Anthony
Subject: Media Advisory

Attachments: Katrina psas Advisory 12-05.doc

- -


ilp, --
- - - ark,
Attached is the Media Advisory.
. ..
- -
. .-
~ .. .

. . .-

We made only one minor change. - - -

-. -. , . .

- .!
~ ..-
.- ; -
. --
. ..

"Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Mike Leavitt will unveil ne J, ~ u b l i cservice -
advertisements(PSAs), December 7 . . . "
Please forward the final approved version.

Thank you.

. :
----- Original Message---;-
-From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA) []
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 6:44 PM
To:, Dzu Bui; Petre$.L,I$lqsten (HHS)
Cc: Stern, Alvera (sAMHsA/o%) ; Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony S .gnorel-1-i
; Young-,
Subject: RE: Print Spokesperspn

The following is thehasic outline for the event on Wednesday. I've aLso attached the
draft media adyisory. It has the names of the survivor and flrst respbnder.
- . .-
---- I
Mr. Curie intro the Sec. 1 min
Sec. Leavitt'remarks and plays Ads 5 min.
Mr. Curie speaks 3 min
1st responder speaks 2 min
Victim speaks 2 min
Peggy.:Conlon speaks 3 min

----- Original Message-----

From: Dzu Bui []
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:57 PM
To: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA); Petree, Kirsten (HHS)
Cc: Stern, Alvera (SAMHSA/OA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony ignorelli; Young,
Subject: RE: Print Spokesperson

Great news. Thank you.

----- Original Message-----
From: Weber, Mark (SAMHSA/OA) []
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:55 PM
To: Dzu Bui; Petree, Kirsten (HHS)
Cc: Stern, Alvera (SAMHSA/OA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony S iorelli; You?.;,
Subject: RE: Print Spokesperson -

Mr. Curie is available mon, tues and we-ds - at your pleasure. Ail wil
coordinated through Leah Young in my office and me.

- ~ r o m ~ ~ Bui
z u -[mailto:~ ~ u i @ ~ d C o u n c org]
il. -- .- . -. .
, Sent: Wednesday, November ~ 3 0 ,2005 2: 52 PM ' - ' --- - -
TO: Petree,- Kirsten '(HHS7;. ~ e ~ e r Mark
Cc: Stern, Alvera (SAMHSA/OA); Heidi Arthur; Deborah Leiter; Anthony S
Subject : Print Spokesperson

Who will be available to be the spokesperson to speak with print pubs : rest of this
week and next Tuesday and Wed?

DZU ,.: .
Assistant Campaign Manager I The Advertising Council
261 Madison Avenue1 11th Floor I New York, NY 10016
P: 212.984.19351 F: 212.922.1676 1 E:
.,r-. -..a.- - ,
Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1

From: Anthony Signorelli [] I
Sent: Wednesday, November 30,2005 4:49 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) I
Subject: RE: Smallstep Kids
Yes, they actually should have been posted by now. -1'11find out when the text versions will go lpde. My apologies
for the delay.
- ----Original Message---;- --

Y r o z : ~&ree,Kirsten (HHSIOS) [mailto:~irsten.~etree@hhs.~ov]

Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:46 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
- - --- -I

Subject: MI: Smallstep Kids -

could you let me know?
-----Original Message-----
From: Baker, David (HHSIOS)
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:23 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Koyani, Sanjay (HHS/OS)\'
Subject: Smallstep Kids

Kirsten, I noticed that the new Kids site has launched on h t t ~ : l / w w w . ~ m a I l ~ t e but
p~~ without
o ~ , the 508-compliant
vekions of the two gann?s-%titt in%e works? - . . .... -- :

David R. Baker
Senior We5 Content ~ c c o u n t~ a n a ~ e r
Office of the Assistant Secretary.for Public Affairs
U. S. Department of Health and ~ u m a n Services
200 Independence Avenue SW, Room 625E
- -- ..
Washington, DE
20201 . .-
- .-
. .. ..-
"202-260-1306-Voice .. .-

202-690-7318 Fax ... .
Petree, Kirsten /HHS/ASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, November 30,2005 3:40 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Small Step for next year

W e ' l l d e f i n i t e l y s t a r + t h e p r o c e s s w i t h a docurnest a n d h a v e a < e x : + z s

t a r g e t s we mighc i n c l u d e . But a n y t h i n g you may l i k e z c a d d w c ~ L cca-::~.
w i l l o f c o u r s e c o n t i n u e t o p r o m o t e a n d s c.. .p p g r t c n e a d u l c and y c c z h . srro.
innovative t a c t i c s .

- -----O r i g i n a l - M e s z a g e - - - - -
S e n t : Wednesday, November
To: Anthony S i g n o r e l l i
. -
3 0 , , 2 . ? ? 5 3 : 1 3 PM

& t r e e , K i r s t e n (HHS/QS)- [mailto:Kirsten.Petree@hhs,gov]--.


--- ...

S u b j e c t : RE: S m a l l S t e p f o r n e x t y e a r

I w i s h we c o u l d t a k e more t i m e t o c o n c e n t r a t e on i t , b u t I r e a l l y d o n ' t nk w e ' l l b e

a b l e t o u n t i l two weeks f r o m t o d a y . I ' m h o p e f u l t h a t y o u ' l l p u t t o g e t n e : lmething t h a t
w i l l s t a r t t h e p r o c e s s , a n d i f we n e e d t o a d j u s t , w e ' l l d o t h a c . The me: e jusr doesn't
h a v e a s much d r i v e f o r L e a v i t t , a s i t d i d u n d e r Thompson. But I d c f e e l i t i v e i f we c a n
f i n d s o m e t h i n g t h a t r e s o n a t e s w i t h him, w e ' l l b e i n g r e a t s h a p e . I w i l l Suzy t o s e e i f
t h e r e i s a n y t h i n g s h e f e , $ l s would b e p a r t o f what h e w a n t s t o a c c o m p i i s i x t year
s u r r o u n d i n g t h i s campaign<:..
.- O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: Anthony S i g n o r e l l i []
S e n t : -.Wednesday, Nove&s4 30.,..+2005 3: 01 PM
To: P e t r e e , K i r s t e n (HHS/OS)
S u b j e c t : RE: S m a l l S t e p f o r n e x t y e a r

Thanks f o r t h e w e l l - w i s h e s . My g i r l f r i e n d i s 0 . k . and o u r T h a n k s g i v i n g ; great. You?


I ' v e b e e n r e a d i n g i n on t h e s i d e l i n e s f o r M e n t a l H e a l t h a n d i t l o o k s a s )ugh t h i n g s a r e ,-..

moving a l o n g w e l l ...
f a s t . ..but well. I ' l l b e o n t h e c a l l w i t h Mark ton- . toreviewthe -.
.-----ere-ative and c a n ' t wait t o , . g e t everyone's feedback;'- Dzu h a s b e e n d o i n @ a*ast_ic j o b .-
d r i v i n g t h i s b a b y , s o you c a n c o n t i n u e t o w o r k - d i r e c t i y t h r o u g h him. B :an r e a c h me i f
necessary, a s I ' l l continue t o play..a p a r t .

W i t h r e g a r d t o t n e p l a n f o r O b e s i t y n e x t y e a r , I ' l l p u t t o g e t h e r a modi 1 document f o r

you b e f o r e t h e e n d o f n e x t week. A r e t h e r e p r i o r i t i e s r h a t t h e S e c r e t a Suzy o r
y o u r s e l f have f o r n e x t y e a r t h a t - - w e s n o u l d be m i n d f u i o f ?

Thanks,..,-. -
Anthony .-.
----- o r i g i n a l Message-----
From: P e t r e e f - - K i r s t e n (HHS/OS) []
S e n t : Wednesday, November 3 0 , 2005 2 : 4 3 PM
T o : Anthony S i g n o r e l l i
S u b j e c t : Small S t e p f o r n e x t y e a r

CDC and N I H ( o u r b e l o v e d f u n d e r s ) a r e a s k i n g what w e ' r e g o i n g t o n e e d n y e a r , and what

o u r p l a n s a r e f o r t h e money. I n e e d t o g e t them s o m e t h i n g b y e n d o f nex .ek. Do you h a v e
documentation o u t l i n i n g our s t r a t e g y f o r next year?


(Hope y o u r g i r l f r i e n d i s o k a y f r o m t h e a c c i a e n r r s h e h a d , 2r.e t h a r ~3.; ?.;

Thanksgiving) .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 3:01 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Small Step for next year

Thanks f o r t h e well-wishes. My g i r l f r i e n d is 0 . k . a n d c u r TF,zn:ks;~-.-i:.: .

.. -.

I ' v e b e e n r e a d i n g i n on t h e s i d e l i n e s f o r M e n ~ a lE e a l r h a n 5 i z I c a k s a s -:;:. : :I>

r?::.?s sre
moving a l o n g w e l l . . . f a s r . . . b u t w e l l . 1'11 ' b e on t h e c a l i w i t h M a r k -L..2..--..-
--' - r r e -,- 71- -.. l i.; L .-.f
c r e a t i v e and c a n ' r w a i t t o g e t e v e r y o n e ' s feedback. "z- h z s bee; ;cla~ fiz:rsz;; 1-2
d r i v i n g t h i s b a b y , s o you c a n c o n t i n u e t o work d i r e c t l y t h r o z - 2 5 h i z . . -..,.- --a.A
- - z?Ez.-. . -

n e c e s s a r y , a s I ' l l c o n t i n u e t o p i a y a part..,.

With r e g i r d . . t 6 t h e p l a n f o r O b e s i t y ~ e a t I ' 11 p u t t o g e t h e r 2 n 3 d i E i a : . 5-1

Y ~ ~ i b e k J- trhee e n d o f n e x t week. ~ ? =e h e r e p r i o r i t i e s t h a j t h e .. ~ e c r e . t a r . d..S-.s. gr,
y o u r s e l f have f o r n e x t y e a r _ t h ? t - w e s h o u l d be mindful o f ? . - =-. -. . 1
. .


-----O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: P e t r e e , K i r s t e n (HHS/OS) [mailto:Kirsten.Petree@hhs.aovj
S e n t : Wednesday, November 3 0 , 2005 2 : 4 3 PM
To: Anthony S i g n o r e l l i
S u b j e c t : Small S t e p f o r p e 5 t y e a r

CDG a n d N I H ( o u r b e l o v e d f u n d e r s ) a r e - a s k i n g what w e ' r e g o i n g t o n e e d

o u r p l a n s a r e f o r t h e money. I n e e d t o g e t them s o m e t h i n g b y e n d o f
d o c u m e n t a t i o n o u t l i n i n g & ~ l r g.f;rategy f o r n e x t y e a r ? -. . .. . . . - ... .


(Hope y o u r g i r l f r i e n d i s - - o k a y f r o m t h e a c c i d e n t s h e h a d , a n d t h a t you h a d a good
Thanksgiving) . a
Jenny Osterhout []
Wednesday, August 17,2005 11:42 AM
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: PR Plan

. .
Works well. Should I czll you in your office?
----- OriginalMessage----- .- .
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:33 AM
To: Jenny Osterhout; Moraies, Dan (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: Re: PR Plan .
Daniel and .I--n d o it at liam tomarrow.
- -- -------------- . . .

Sent from my BlackBerry

. . Wireless

-.. - . - .-. . - . . . . . ..
-5 :.:.- -

-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny Osterhout <>
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) <>; Morales, Dan
(HHS/OS) <>; Anthony Signorelli <asignorelli@AdCounci
Sent: Wed Aug 17 09:05:23 2005
Subject: RE: PR Plan

Not a problem. Any tim9 after llam works well

----- OriginalMessage----- -
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 8:08 AM
To: Jenny Osterhout;..~LesJiDan (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: Re: PR Plan
* ... =.= I1
Jenny- .. .-a
l .
Sorry to change plans this late, but I gor cailed tc work a commission meezlng last
minute.if at ali possible, can we d o this call romorrow?
......................... I
Sent from my BlaskBerry Wireless Handheld
- -
- -- -
-~ -
A _.._..... .......
- a.

----- Original Message-----

From: Jenny Osterhout <>
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) <>
Sent: Tue Aug ,Y6 13:57:58 2005
Subject: RE: PR Plan

212-922-1676 will work. Thanks!

.... :. . .. -

From: Petrge, Kirsten (HHS/OS) [mailto:Kirsten.Petree@hhs.govj

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:55 PM
Tc: Jenny Os?ernout
Subject: RE: PR Plan

what fax # do you want me to send it to?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny Osterhout []
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:51 PM
To: Petree, Kirsren (HHS/OS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS); Anthony ~igncrelli
Subject: RE: PR Plan

Works well, why don't you call us in Anthony's cffice. Co:~l5yo: a l s c

Carton Donofrio proposal? You've already ap~rovedir ,:is ar. e r . a i l nzze
get a signed document to Carton asap.


- .
From: Petree, Kirsten (HES/OS) [mailto:~irsten.Perree?nhs.govl
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:46 PM
To: Jenny Osterhout
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli

Subject :_RE: PR
. .. . .
.. .


How about 10.:30?

- , ... .-


+ . - . -


. -.
-. -- . -.


- -- - -.

.. . .
__._- - _ -

----- Original Message-----

From: Jenny Osterhout []
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:37 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: PR Plan

Tomorrow morning looks gp??, when works besc for you?


-.*,*r*.- .- <.'&
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:21 PM
To: Jenny Osterhout .,. .. .-x
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: PR Plan
. .-

Jenny-- . - - ..
--.--= . . - . . . . .... . . . ~. .- .

>. .. -. - . .-
.- . ...- - .-
I haven't heard from Daniel, so we may have td-put this off until
How does the morning look for you?
----- Original Message-----
From: Jenny Osterhout [mailto:JOsternout@AdCo~:nc~~.orgj
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 li:55 AM
To: P e w e e , Kirsten (HtiS/OS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: PR Plan

I am free this afternoon (from 2:00 onj, we could also set up sometime
tomorrow, let me know when is best for you.


From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) []

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 il:50 AM
To: Jenny Osterhout
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: PR Plan

I sent an email to Anthony yesterday, and had a f e queszicns

~ a b ~ c r:Fie
plan. Is there a time that we can talk?
-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny Osterhout []
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:45. AM
To: Petree, Kirscen (HHS/OS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: PR Plan

. . - . ..
. ~ -- . -..

-' ~ ~ d y i + . u pthe-campaign to make sure thac we are-on track wit&,, all c.he
different aspects and I 've :no$i-qed that HHS has yet to approve the,E2.,-
portion of the campaign, which is about to kick into gear as we near the ..-

fall. Could you look over the following PR plan designed by GYKR,
the program might need a little conditioning it gives a good general
idea of
the directions that we hope to develop for the campaign. We are very
comfortable with these ideas and hope that the PR will enable us to
highlight the campaign. Additionally we are speaking with GYMR
about the possibility oiy': small event to highlight our NAB partnership
we've secured. More on that will come. Please send me feedback on the
- plan
when ,you have a chan~e,. , ...,

My Best, 1

<<REVISED Ad Council Child Obesity Memo -- 5.26.05.doc>>
Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
Carla Horrilleno []
Tuesday, August 16,2005 1:07 PM

To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Koyani, Sanjay (HHSIOS); Baker. David (HHSIOS)
Cc: Anthony Signorelli; Patty Goldman
Subject: RE: Obesity White Paper

Thank you.
- -
----- Original Message----- . . .

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) [

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:33 PM
To: Carla Horrilleno; Koyani, Sanjay (HHS/QSI; Baker, David (iiES/OS;
Cc: Anthony Signorelli; Patty Goldman ..

. ect.:-,RE.

- . -
y -White Paper ,.-


. .
. . . . . - -. .

-- .-.
---. - . 7 1t = .
. :-. , ..
YOU have our permissidn t d bpioib the White Paper to the Ad Council sire, znd I w:i_ ~ s a s a
this along to our web folks to see if it can live on the S i ~ ewhei~e you nave

-----Original Message-----
From: Carla Horrilleno []
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:58 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSLOS)
Cc: Anthony Signorelli; b&ty Goldman
Subject: Obesity White Paper

Hi Kirsten, .,.-.A - - -.+

I -.. . . . . . . . .

- -

We have just posted the Obesity White Paper on the small Step website!
available to the general publicihere: .. .-e .... . . -resources.htm1

We would also like to see if the pdf could be posted on HHS's larger
taking a look at, the Publications & Reports section seems to be !in appropriate-
home for this type'of information. However, i.f y -o-u. think there is a more,(appropriate
" ---secti-on,w e woufd be m o r e than happy toehave it pb5ted 'there. Aiso-,,,do &--Awe - ~ . r m i . s s i ~ n
to upload-it to the Ad Council website in our Research section? Please let us know how to
proceed, and if you have any questi.ons.piease do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
Carla Horrilleno
The Advertislnq Council
> 261 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10016
p 212-984-1920
f 212-922-1676
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Carla Horrilleno []
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:58 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Anthony Signorelli; Patty Goldman
Subject: Obesity White Paper

Hi Kirsten,

We have just posted the Obesity White paper on the Small Step websice:
available to the general public here:

We would also like to see if the pdf couldde posted on HHS's larger we5
taking a look at, the Publications & Reports section seems to be
. information,,However,.--if you think there is 2 mor
~ctioa,- we wou-ld be more than-happy to have itpostea tnere.
.- Also,
~ 63:
to upload it to the Ad Council .-
- .. website secti-cE-? ~ l . ~ & ?
in our~~e-search
proceed, and-if you have any questions please do not hesitare to conticc

Carla Horrilleno
The Advertising Council
> 261 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10016
p 212-984-1920
f 212-922-1676
PR Plan Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Jenny Osterhout []

Sent: Tuesday, August 16,2005 11:55 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: PR Plan - ..
.- .

1 am'free this afrernoon (from 2:00 on). we could also set up sometime tomorro\v. ler me h o \ v \vlien I ,sr for >,ou.
- -
- -
-- -
1 A - - - ---
From: Petree, Kirsten (k!HS/OS) [] ---- - .

Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 l l : 5 0 AM

To: Jenny Osterhout
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: RE: PR Plan

I sent an email to Anthony yesterday, and had a few questions about the PR plan. Is there a 2 that we can

-----Original MessagZ-<-
From: Jenny Osterhout []
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 11:45 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Morales, Dan-(#SJOS.);-Anthony Signorelli
Subject: PR Plan


Tidying up the campaign to make sure that we are on track with all the different aspects and 1'7 oticed that HHS has
yet to approve the PR portion of the campaign. which is about to kick into gear as we near the , Could you look
- . . .. over the following PR plan designed by GYMR, though thepagram might need a little condit ng it gives a good
general idea of the directions that we hope to develop for the campaign. We are very comfort: vittl rheseldeas .:-
. .

and hope that the PR will enable us to really highlight the campaign. Additionally we are spez g with GYMR
currently about the possibility of a small event to highlight our NAB partnership that we've sec d. More on that
will come, Please send me feedback on the plan when you have a chance.

My Best,
.:.,<;-:.- . -

I i*-..

<<REVISED Ad Council Child Obesity Memo -- 5.26.05.doc>>

PR Plan

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1

From: Jenny Osterhout []
Sent: Tuesday, August 1 6 , 2 0 0 5 11 145 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Anthony Signorelli
Subject: PR Plan - ..

Attachments: REVISED Ad Council Child Obesity Memo - 5.26.05.doc

Kirsten, .
. - ~.

- Tidyinoup
the campai*gt'o make sure that w e a k o n track wih-all the different aspects and I've noticedthat HHS has > et to
approve the PR portion of the campaignlwhich is aboutto kick into gear as we near thefall. Could y o T t ~ k - e w ethe'
following PR-plan designed by GYMR,-though the program might need a little conditioning it gives-aqad general idea of
the directions that we hope to develop for the campaign. We are very comfortable with these ideas and hope that the PR-kill
enable us to really hishlight the campaign. Additionally we are speaking with GYMR currently about thUe possibility of a
small event to highlight our NAB partnership that we've secured. More on that will come. Please send &e feedback on the
plan when you have a chance.

My Best.

'- <<REVISED Ad Council Child Obesity ~ e r n o - - 5.26.05.doc>>

DATE: May 26,2005
TO: Paula Veale, Anthony Signorelli. Heidi Arthur. Ellyn Fisher & Carla Horrille 10:' Ad Council

FROM: GYMR (202-745-5 100)

(P. McCabe, B. Watt Knight, J. Cobb & L. Morrill)

;. .
H e a l t b Lifeseles Campaign Year 2 -Public
-- . .-.
Relations Ide'as for Discussion
-- -*.-- - -- --
/ ..

We look forward to working with you on disseminating the messages of the "Can Your Food Do That?" public
-I .-

service advertisements through public relations outreach. We anticipate opportunities to include the campaign's
tagline. creative and messages in our materials, while still providing reporters with the news-ojiented
components needed to write a well-rounded article that motivates young children andlor their parents.
I Our Approach 1

In our experience. effectivd@eaching and motivating children of this age group is particularl)Il challenging.
I . . .they're
While they're old enough to be consumers of media themselves. and ofien influence family dec~s~ons. -
still young enough to be mostly influenced by the choices of the parents. teachers. coaches andlother adults in
,A,--.A+,. -.,
best to messages that are communicated repeatedly through mult~iple -
their lives. They also respond. -.-.
vehicles/venues - an essential reason why the public relations outreach must echo the campaign's messages.
While children are the end recipient for the campaign's Year 2 messages. we'd recommend
approach to reaching them and to reach the audiences who influence them, including:

-.. -

Children &Their Parents

- --;-. '. o Engaie parents and encourage children to eat food_that is not only fun to prep*e.but that will also
- -. ..
. .-
. -.
1I - -----.
- ---.. - . ..-..-.
help them-grow, develop and lead h;althy, active-IGes. .

o T a ~ enational
t media outlets that specifically reach children of this age group with messages about
the benefits of healthy eating (i.e.. more energy for playing basketball with friends! running faster in
gym class. kicking the ball further on the soccer field), the website components. add fun-to-make
.-. . and fun-to-eat kid-friendly recipes.

Advocacy Groups that Influence Children's Lifestyle & Eating Habits

a Align with other national and local programs across the country that are already
information on the childhood obesity epidemic to extend the reach of the Year 3
.messages, the PSAs, and the website itself.

We believe that the public relations initiatives outlined below can help achieve the objectives &f this campaign
by reaching these target audiences through the most cost-efficient and effective use of available resources.
i ~ a t e r i a l Development
s & Media Outreach 1

Calling All Kids - "Can Your Food Do That?"

We believe a well-written pitch letter to food and kid-page editors at newspapers and relei-ant magazines could
call upon kids to submit their thoughts on how healtfiy food helps them (e.g.. swim further. run faster. pla!
harder). This will be closely tied to campaign themes of"Can Your Food Do That?" and match the tont and
,tenor of the camp&gn. Entries would incGde a photo of the child doing !he_acuvity or eatingkvj f ~ o r q , e
healthy food, and the best entries would win a t-shirt (or some other token) and the oppmun&:~o be featured on
a special section of the website in a "Kid of the Month" page.

Other Media Materials - Fact Sheets & PSAs

To accompany the pitch letter, -and to provide reporters with all of the materials
rounded story - we'd develop two fact sheets highlighting key statistics about the
a list of kid-specific "Small Steps." To keep reproduction costs down, but still weave in the
and messages, we'd distribute all of the materials electronically - including PDFs of the
kid-friendly section of the campaign's website.
'. *
Reaching Children Through the Media that Cater to Them
To directly reach children ages 6-9, we recommend strategic outreach to national media that
only. We would develop very-..targeted media lists that include children/youth editors at
papers, as well as nationd televiszn programming. Many newspapers across the
pageslsections that target young children, such as the "Kids' Post" page in The
airings information is available, we can heavily target key markets in which the PSA.spots art2 atready running.
We would also develop a comprehensive list of youth magazines, like Nickelodeori Magazine, Boys ' Life and
Discovery Girls. Through-follow-up on the electronic distribution of materials outlined above! we will
encourage story -*placement, and coordinate interviews as appropriate.
-. - .. -.
Reaching Minorities - - ...,
.- .-
. ..-

--.- .
- . -.- - -- -I
-- .- -
.--- .-.
We will develop and distribute two personalized news releases - one for African American news outlets and - . -.

another for Hispanic media - highlightingthemessages from the campaign. We will also aggqessively follow-
up with pitch calls to reporters from these outlets. We will target specialh population media that influence these
audiences -- all urban areas have widely read African American or Hispanic newspapers (e.g. (Chicngo
Defender, Washington Afro-American;Miami El Nuevo Herald). We also recommend heavy dutreach to
. .:--.- ..American and Hispanic long-lead magazines (e.g., Ebony Jet. Hispana, etc.) with campaign messages

and outreach to ~ i s ~ a nwire

i c services (e.g., NoticiasWire, Hispanic Link News Servir& etcJ,

Reaching Parents & Other Adults Who Influence.Young Children

Based on the success of the Small Steps campaign, we see an excellent opportunity to combine adult-focused
Small Steps.messages with Year 2 kid-focused messages. We know that children are often more willing to eat
healthy foods and be active if they see their parents and other adults around them doing these things first. By
encouraging adults to take "small steps" themselves, they can directly influence their children's1I health.
To continue the momentum of the Small Steps campaign and its messages, while
children with "Can Your Food Do That?" messages, we also recommend targeting
syndicated advice columnists, such as "Focus on the Family," "Family Health News"
lead parenting publications. We saw success with last year's letter to "Dear Abby,'' and
these columnist letters to be sent under the signature of Secretary Leavitt. Ideally, we would
professional registered dietitian from CDC or HHS who is an expert in childhood nutrition to help develop the

Estimated costsfor materials development and media ourreach: S26,jOO

Timing: Pitch conducted as soon as new PSAs are unveiled, driving
their launch.
- Reciye-Developmenr
for fiutiition- and food-focKed communi&itions to be
accompanied by practical ideas families can easily
with appetizing photogriphy --combined with messages .
-- ...
.. --
to play harder, run faster and score more goals - can
an existing partnership between Ad Council and an
by children. However, should this opportunity not
three to five recipes that are in line with the
developer who specializes in fun and
specializes in childhood nutrition or a
are not only healthy options for parents, but also fun for kids and in sync thematically with the PSAs.
.+ ' <+. .
Although full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, the recipes would sound and appear appe
- and would be easy enough for them to prepare on their own! with little assistance needed
sibling. For example, we might include recipes that are bit "tongue in cheek," like the - .. -
- .-.*
Smoothies, Exploding Vb'tFzfrio-P'Pdi-zftoes.Dinosaur Eyeball Fruit Salad, or Green. - ..
We'd work with a food stylist and specialty food photographer to ensure each
color photograph - ultimately increasing placement.

Estimated costsfor recipe -development and photography: $16,000

- -- 1 creating
.. -
Buzz Among Health Advocacy Groups . -
. . ..
- 1' ..
. ..
.. . . .
A- .a. *
. .
. . . .. - +;- I .----<-- -- ---
- .-. , ... .
To generate support from key child health advocacy groups. we recommend leveraging the relqtionships the .-
campaign built with scores of these groups when the Healthy Lifestyles campaign was launched in 2004 -as
well as expanding the reach to include groups reaching young children directly (e.g.. YMCA of the USA, Boy
Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America). To target these groups, we will create and distribhte a
professionally designed e-mail message that reflects the looh and feel of the news PSAs. The email's end goal
will beto encourage health and youth advocacy groups to include the nen website and informdion on the
campaign's focus - eating well can help you do better - In thelr member materials. .--.A

We will c.reate contact lists for these advocacy groups. distribute the email to hundreds of contacts, then follow
up to ensure coverage in their organizations' newsletters, bulletins and web sites. This is an important tactic to
reach these highly influential organizations and their constituents, who effectively spread the word at the
community, grassroots level. When funds are limited. we've found this approach to be the most cost-effective
way of leveraging existing, relevant communications channels to maximize the reach of a cam$aign's messages

Estimated costs: $5,000

Timing: Ourreach conducted as soon as new PSAs are unveiled
1 Reaching Families Through the Airwaves .-
. I
Since unbranded messages about-food and nutrition advice tend to get good media coverage 04 the radio. u.e
would recommend extending campaign messages beyond print media and television PSAs by do~ng I . a national
radib media tour paired with an audio news release. Since we know that. overall. ~ i s ~ a n i c s l ~ a r iand
n o sAfrican
.. 1I
Americans are more likely to use television and radio as a news source. it's important that we ;ake these media
habits into consideration in reaching these populations: Depending on Secretay Leavitt's availabili~.we could

- execute a radio-mdia tour one of three wways;


t . ..

Options f0r.a Two-Horn ~aalio..Medirr


. .- .

. . --.... . .
.- --
Secretary Leavitt - If we can secure a two-hour window with the Secretary, we
12 radio interviews with the Secretary to national radio networks (i.e.. AP Radio,
to discuss the importance of reaching parents and children direcrly with
lead to healthier and more active lives.

Secretary Leavitt and a Child Nutrition Expert - If one hour of the Secretary's time can be kecured. we
would recommend pairing him with a government nutrition expert. We would pitch approximately six
interviews to national radio,nepvorks where the Secretary would talk about the campaign. followed by 10 - 12
radio interviews with a child'hh-ition expert. Following the Secretary's interviews with networks and hard-
hitting news stations, we would pitch the nutrition expert to local radio networks and stations, whose formats
- lend themselves more to a "newsltips your family can use" story with a dietitian.
-.- -- I

Audio ~ e w Release
For networks and stations that are interested in the campaign and its messages, but unable to conduct a several
minute interview, we'd recommend producing and distributing a 60-second audio ne'ws release fiartiriig a quote
from Secretary Leavitt. This quick piece would encourage listeners - children and parents alike -to visit the
campaign's website for more information.

Estimated costGir audio production and radio outreach: Slz,000

- *- . - - . .

fiming.' To be conducted in late summer with ZTbackto sch&l" timing. . . - .=. -.-~ :.*- .. .--

Research on Advertorials and Special Sections 1
Based on Ad Council's desire to forge additional partnerships with kid-oriented print media ouqlets. we will
focus on finding 3 to 5 advertorial or special section opportunities in media that reach children ages 6-9. GYMR
will mnctuct research on outlets that have a relevant audience and message. providing recommendations on
those that seem most in line with the campaign's goals and messages and initiating corifict between the
Advertising Council, HHS and the media representative.

Estimated costs: $5.500

Timing: To begin during the late summer and c a r p into thefall /winter.
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 12:55 PM
To: 'Pardue, Kim B. (CMS)'; Armstrong, Chr~stina(NIH)
Cc: Chesney, Samuel R. (CMS); Petree, Klrsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Ad Council collaborat~on

Hi Kim --
Thank you for your email and interest.:;Kirsten Petree is.leading
. our collaboration with the Ad Coun You can reach her- --
through 2021690-7850 or email (she's cc'd here).

Best, chp.
-----Original Message----
- .. . - -
Pardbe, Kim B; (CMS) [mailto:Km-~ardue@cms.hhs~gov]
X n r . - Friday, August 12,2ODS12:40 PM . .~ ...~ .- . -
To: .. Pearson, Chrimna-(HHSLOS); Anstrong, Chrimna (NIH)
Cc: Chesney, Samuel R. (CMS)
Subject: Ad Council collaboration
Hi Christina, I am one of the video producers at CMS Central office in Baltimore. I was given yoyr name as a contact
regarding the collaboration between HHS and the Ad Council. If this is incorrect please forgive me, and I'm sorry to
bother ... if it's not I would like to speak to you more about that collaboration. We are becoming yore involved in PSA
and national campaign work and I am very interested in learning more about the process. Thanks, and I hope to hear
from you soon.

Kim Pardue A"'

Producer, CMS ~ e l e ~ r o d u c t i o f f ~ e a m
Broadcast and Video Production Group
P: (800) 448 4232 ~ 6 6 6 3 2
F: .(410) 786 0123 :,.--.. .- .... j
Petree. Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:06 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: FW: 49 sec spot "Help Is Here"

Attachments:; Help Each Other TV finalscript.doc

49-for-presentatioielp Each Other TV (10 MB ... finalscript ...
hey -- this is theyemzil I referred to earlier..
. . .
w e e k ~ a g owith the video file and a sczipt but her orlalnaL eaail.says r k
. -.
. f ina: s o -I -thi-nk- it^ musr have chasged.
d, .sc- .a.. . .
. . . . ~ - -- - -. . . .. ---
-----Original Message----~ . - -- .-.?- -.
.- ... .,

From: Dinicolo, Kelly A. (CMS) [ m a i l t o : K e l l y . D i n i c o i ~ @ c m s . h h ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 20C5 12:12 PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HNS/OS)
Subject: FW: 49 sec spot "Help Is Here"

Christine--I sent this to the incorrect email address. Let me know if c have any

>----- Original Message-----

>From: Dinicolo, Kelly A. (CMS)
>Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:37 AM
>To: earson on, Christ-+wetrl.:-CC?DC) ; Petree, Kirsten (HHS); Defrancis, Suz)
>C. (HHS); O'Neill, Jim (HHS); Harrington, Kathleen (HXS)
>Cc: McMullan, Michael R. (CMS!; McPhhillips, Regina (CMS); Rcbenstein,
>Carol M. (CMS); FALCON1;- CINDY' (CMS! - .-fl

>Subject: 49 sec spot "Help Is Here"

> - .

>Attached please-.find the 49 sec television ad "Help Is Here"

-. - c ?--.-. >for use in Secretary Leavitt 's speech--on Saturday.. . . This file along
i w i t h t h i 30 and 60 -sec version.are also posted to-the website,below.---
>Please riote, these are not final yet. We are,recording the final voice
>over and doing final color correction today and tomorrow. Beta tapes
>will be shipped to Kirsten for Friday delivery.
>In the client box, enter help"^
>1 T.5R-: t-ne spot tends to play better if you go directly to the website
>vs. viewing the attached file. I've aiso attached the scrip; fof-3'ocr
>reference. Please note, the copy is correct in the script but the
>scenes are in a slighltly different order on the spot itself. Feel
>free tc call me if you have any questions.
>Thanks--Kelly DiNicolo
client CMS
product Prescription Drug Cov
description Help Each Other
job no.
date 10/5/06
page 1

.. .

ANNCRNO: We look out for eaah other.
Mother and child on a street ..
- corner-waiting for light to - -
change, it's raining and --
they're getting wet.-A stranger

- - --
.- . -- . . . -- .. ...-- -- ..
with an umbrella walks up to
them, sees their predicament
and hold his umbrella over

Cut to a man helpin3 a ANNCRNO: We do it without th,jnking.

stranger jumpstart his car. -

Cut to people passing ANNCRNO: Without reward. I

sandbags to stave off flooding
in a rainstorm. -



- . - . ..
:-. -. ,.. . .-
-ANNC.R/W: It's what .we do,.--- .-..:--.---- -. .- .
Two teammates help an
injured third off the playing
field. ..

Pe'ople chasing papers __,.

around after they've been

blown out of a fallen briefcase
that has opened accidentally.

client CMS 1
product Prescription D ( U ~
description Help Each Other
job no.
date 10/5/06
page 2

ANNCRNO: That's why there's more

Man helpinga put a help from Medicare coming.
heavy bag onto 'the overhead
storage rack on a train. . 1
- - -
ANNCRNO: New prescription
Looking into an open - -- ----
coverage. ..

medicine cabinet that closes

to reveal older c o k l e .
A son helps his father put a ANNCRNO: With it, everyone who is
eligible for Medicare can be covered for
jacket on.
the prescriptions they need to stby

ANNCRNO: But all of us should learn-- .. - --

Cut to a fatheila-Kd son' on a
more about it.
couch, looking at a laptop . - -- --

computer, with ~ e d i c a r e =~
website up on screen.

- ---. - -ANNCRltiO: Because -choicesdust-be =-

Cut to a mother and-daughter
in small kitchen reading the
Medicare broct~ure.
ANNCRNO: And we can help each
Three generations of a family
finished with dinner, sitting at
table with plates not yet
cleared. They are having
multiple conversations.
Prescription Dryg Cov
Help Each Other
job no.
date 10/5/06
page 3

ANNCRNO: Because that's what we do.

A man stops to help a young
mother get a stroller up stairs.
-- -

+OGO: ~ & c a r e ~ ~
Prescription Drug Coverage

1-800-MEDICARE or
www. medicare.qov
Editorial Bookmap

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Jenny Osterhout []

Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 3:07 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Heidi Adhur
Subject: RE: Scholastic Editorial Bookmap For Review - ...


In regards to the bookmap. Our apologies for not sending ;description of the function of the bookrnap is a bit confusing

* -
-- -
to figure out the process of thecreation of the work ... The purpose of the bookmap is to heip guide Sck
C u ~ u ~ iandHHS
l; in-treating the creative wo&Tor the educaiional marketing component of the campa
is for internal purposes only and there ii no need to get caught up on the specificsof €hdanguage.~--'in:
..:-- - .- ..
istic. the Ad
, Specific l a n ~ u a g e
;'pafof the '
process. As for your other concems~we%ltlnot see how the pieces, such as the graphic organ~zerlook. ;ti1 fi~rrher.aly: in . -.-..
the process. these ideas are very general tor now.

Lastly. a letterimessage from the Secretarq. to teachers sounds like a great idea and if you think it is an ( ion \ye \vould be
delighted to include it in the materials. We can speak to Scholastic about making sure this is included : believe it \vou Id be
a great addition.

Hope this helps give a clearer picture of the purpose of this initial stage and the " b ~ o k m a p "as~ we lnov ~ n v a r dlanguage
and specifics will become continuously more important. Please let me know if you have any questions d of course your
thoughts on the bookmap after*tQpmail and a bit more explanation.

.- Thanks,

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS) []

.- -i
Sent: Thursday, August 11,2005 12:37 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Morales, Dan (HHSJOS); Heidi Arthur
Subject: RE: Sch_olasticEditorial Bookmap - For Review
- -- Anthony-- .. Z .-
. -- -

It looks really positwe. I like the Lesson Steps (especially), and the Activity

Two things I thought sounded a little strange: Healthy 'Messaging' I have trouble with ... why nc ust Healthy
Messages? I don't know if I like the way the activity is 'reproducible'--is there another word th: :an be used? And
will that graphic organizer be something that is easily reproduced--will there be an example oi ~w it will look?
. . . . .. . -.
. - r. ..
Is there a way we can fit in a specific small message from the Secretary?

Thanks. .'.
-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 5:46 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSJOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Morales, Dan (HHSJOS); Heidi Arthur
Subject: Scholastic Editorial Bookmap - For Review
Editorial Bookmap

Kirsten, I
Attached, please find Scholastic's editorial bookmaploutline for the educational marketing program. As we
discussed during the kickoff meeting, the bookmap is intended to give a preliminary overview of the
structure for the program, and an overview of the content in outllne format.
Please let us know if you have any feedback, whlch Scholast~cw ~ lbe
l happy to rncorl te In the rough
text stage All comments should be subm~ttedby COB Monday (8115), as outllned In schedule.

Contact: xxx

HHS Encourages Americans to Help Each Other in New Advertisemer

The first in a series of U . S Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) adveni nents
about the new Medicare Prescription Dmg Coverage will begin airing todayion Augu ! 5.2005.

The ad will compliment other efforts aimed at encouraging both people who qualifi f the
coverage and people who know someone that_qualifies, to help each other in making, :cision
about the coverage.

-- - --

1 R The ad builds upon current HHS efforts to educate people with Medig_re.about the cc
before enrollment beginson..November 15, 2005. Critical to the awareness effmwill
discussion about the coverage.

"Medicare Prescription Dmg Coverage should spark a national conversation that inch ,S not
only people with Medicare, but their friends, relatives, pharmacists, pastors and volur :rsm.said
Secretary Mike Leavitt, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "We want ( Tone to
make a commitment to help someone they know on Medicare make the best decision , their

individual situation."

The 30-second televihfi advertisement highlights how American's help each other e y day in
a variety of ways, and encourages a similar approach when making choices concernir
prescription drug coverage. The ad further emphasizes that Medicare Prescription Dr
.. Coverage is avaj!a,bAe-tp_ anxperson on Medicare and that it should help provide peacl f mind __ -
- .--
that people with ~ e d i c a r will
e always be covered for the prescription drugs they neec I stay

.... :.r

The ad encourages people with Medicare to learn more by calling 1-800-Medicare. or siting
www.medicare.~o\, but HHS is also developing resources at the community level. -.

--_ .. "The 800 number and web site are valuable resources,-but we are making sure there-a nany . ..
-- --
other places people with-Medicare can gz
persondized help." Secretary teavitt-said. /em----7.- .- .

educating partners across the country to help provide localized assistance for people I ) must ..
make a decision for themselves or help a loved one."

The first series of television advertisements will run through early September on natic .I network
and cable programs. The television ad will be followed by advertising in print public 3ns, on
.-.". through the Internet, as well as a Spanish-language campaign.
..-A -

[insert boilerplate]
Youth Obesity Prevention Educational Marketing Recommendation

DATE: May 26,2005

TO: Paula Veale, Anthony Signorelli, Heidi Arthur, Ellyn Fisher & Carla Horrillt o Ad Council
.. .

FROM: GYMR (202-745-5 100)

(P. McCabe, B. Watt Knight, J. Cobb & L. Morrill)

- .... ..
.. .
. .
. _ -.HealthyLifestyles Campaign
. - . - -

. . .
- Year 2 -.Public Relations Ideas for Discussion
. .-

.- . - .. .*

. . .- . -
- ..-. . ..


- ._Ii.

. .
. .
- -.
We look forward to working with you on disseminating the messages of the "Can Your Food Do That?" public .. :-
service advertisements throuih public relations outreach. We anticipate oppomnities to incluhe the campai_pn0r
tagline, creative and messages in our materials, while still providing reporters with the news-o ~ented
components needed to write a well-rounded article that motivates young children andlor their parents.

1 Our Approach 1 I

In our experience, e f f e ~ t i v e l ' k a c h i nand
~ motivating children of this age group is particularl- challenging. J
While they're old enough to be consumers of media themselves, and ofien influence family -
- still young enough to be mostly influenced b i the choices of the parents, teachers. coaches and/other adults in
their lives. They also respond best to messages that are communicated repeatedly through m u ~ $ ~ l e -- --
vehicleslvenues - an esTin'fiiilYeaS5n why the public relations outreach must echo the campaign's messages.
While children are the end recipient for the campaign's Year 2 messages, we'd recomalend a
approach to reaching them and to reach the audiences who influence them, including:

Children & heir parents

TI ree-p~onged

o Engage parents and encourage children to eat food that is not only fun to prepare, but that will also . ..
-~-. -. .. , . ,.
help them grow, develop and lead he'althy, &tiv&-ii'$es. .- -. - - .I --
I - ---.. -. - .- .

. ~
. ...
o Target national media outlets that specifically reach children of this ape group messages about
the benefits of healthy eating (i.e.. more energy for playing basketball with running faster in
gym class, kicking the ball-further on the soccer field), the website components, and fun-to-make
. ....+. -
and fun-to-eat kid-friendly recipes.

Advocacy Groups that Influence Children's Lifestyle & Eating Habits

o. Align with other national and local programs across the country that are
information on the childhood obesity epidemic to extend the reach of
messages, the PSAs, and the website itself.

We believe that the public relations initiatives outlined below can help achieve the objectives df this campaign
by reaching these target audiences through the most cost-efficient and effective use of available resources.
ater rials Development & Media Outreach 1
Calling AN Kids - "Can Your Food Do That?"
We believe a well-written pitch letter to food and kid-page editors at newspapers and relevant magazines could

-- call upon kids to submit their thoughts on how healthy food helps them (e.g.. swim further. ruq1I faster. pla?
harder-). This will be closely tied to campaign themes of "Can Your Food Do That?" and match the tone and
t e n 2 ofthe campaign. -Entries would inclde a photo of the child doing the activip or eating-h~s fav_or~te,
healthy food, and the best entries would win a t-shirt (or some other token) a i d i h e oppixunidio b; featured on
a special section of the website in a ' ' ~ i d of the Month" page.

Other Media Materials - ~ a c 'Sheets

t & PSAs
To accompany the pitch letter, - and to provide reporters with all of the materials they need to do a well-
rounded story - we'd develop two fact sheets highlighting key statistics about the benefits of eating healthy and
a list of kid-specific "Small Steps." To keep reproduction costs down, but still weave in the campaign theme
and messages, we'd distribute all of the materials electronically - including PDFs of the PSAS bnd a link to the
kid-friendly section of the campaign's website.
Reaching Children Through t l Media ~ that Cater to Tltem
- To directly reach children ages 6-9, we recommend strategic outreach to national media that reach children
only. We would develop very targeted media lists that include children1)outh editors at national and local
papers, as well as natiorfal%fevisian programming. Many newspapers across the country have 1Iweekly -
pageslsections that target young children, such as the "Kids' Post" page in The washing to^^ Post, and if the earl)
airings information is available, we can heavily target key markets in which the PSA-spots are+readyrunning.
We would also develop a comprehensive list of youth magazines, like Nickelodeon M a g c ~ n e ,
Discovery Girls. Through follow-up on the electronic distribution of materials outlined above
encourage story placementrand coordinate interviews as appropriate.

- - -- Reaching Minorities - -,

We will develop and distribute two personalized news releases - one for African Ame
another for Hispanic media - highlighting the messages from the campaign. We will
up with pitch calls to reporters from these outlets. We will target specialty population
audiences -- all urban areas have widely read African American or Hispanic newspapers (e.g. Fhicago
Defender, Washrngton Afro-American. Miami El Kuevo Herald). We also recommend heavy optreach to
African American and Hispanic long-lead magazines (e.g., Ebon~.,Jet. H~spana,etc.) with campaign messages
and wtieach to Hispanic wire services (e.g.. NoticiasW~re,Hispanic Link News Service, etc.).

Reaching Parents & other ~ d u l Who i Influence Young Children I

Based on'the success of the Small Steps campaign. we see an excellent opportunity to combine adult-focused
Small Steps messages with Year 2 kid-focused messages. We know. that children are often more willing to eat
healthy foods and be active if they see their parents and other adults around them doing these thlinfs first. By
encouraging adults to take "small steps" themselves. they can directly influence their children's health.

To continue the momentum of the Small Steps campaign and its messages, while also reach par&ntsof young
children with "Can Your Food Do That?" messages. we also recommend targeting family- lpare)nting-focused
syndicated advice columnists, such as "Focus on the Family," "Family Health News" and "Kid ips," and long
lead parenting publications. We saw success with last year's letter to "Dear Abby," and would similarly draft
these columnist letters to be sent under the signature of Secretary Leavitt. Ideally, we would work with a
professional registered dietitian from CDC or HHS who is an expert in childhood nutrition to mpl develop the
letters. -
Estimated costs for materials devilopment and media outreach: S26.500
Timing: Pitch conducted as soon as new PSAs are unveiled, driving increased traflc to the I$
their launch.
TBD - Recipe Development
8, - Weknow-that for riiutrifion- and food-fociied communi~ationsto be successful. k e ~message
accompanied by practical ideas and tips families can easily incorporate into their evevday r o
lust be
rieifTun retipes
. ...
- --
with appetizing photography --&rnbiiiGd with messages about how eatlng fruits and ;&tab1 \+,ill a l l ~ <you-
, - .-

to play harder, run faster and score more goals - can make healthy eating attractive to childre IVe understand
an existing partnership between Ad Council and an outside group may provide a resource for :ipes developed
by children. However, should this opportunity not be available, we would recommend develc ng and featuring
three to five recipes that are in line with the campaign's focus on food choices for kids. We'd 3rk with a recipe
developer who specializes in fun and creative recipes for children - perhaps a registered dietii I who
specializes in childhood nutrition or a well-recognized, kid-friendly cookbook author - to cor ct recipes that
are not only healthy options for parents, but also fun for kids and in sync thematically with th 'SAs.
.B ,..
Although full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. the recipes would sound and appear appc ing to children
and would be easy enough for them to prepare on their own, with little assistance needed fron or older ^

sibling. For example, we might include recipes that are bit "tongue in cheek," like the PSAs, I :h as: Sludge
Smoothies, Exploding JWcuno-Potatoes, Dinosaur Eyeball Fruit Salad, or Green, Gooey & C w Sanhviches. -- .
-- --
We'd work with a food stylist and specialty food photographer to ensure each recipe was accc panied by a full-
color photograph - ultimately increasing placement. ..-
Estimated costs for recipe development andphotography: 5 16,000
.- . . .
- --.-_creating
Buzz Among Health Advocacy Groups
-- *. * , - -
" ---..
- .-. -.
..-- .

To generate support from key child health advocacy groups, we recommend leveraging the re ionships the
campaign built with scores of these groups when the Healthy Lifestyles campaign was launch in 2004 - as .

well as expanding the reach to include groups reaching young children directly (e.g.. YMCA the USA, Boy
Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America). To target these groups. we will create and distri te a
professionally designed e-mail message that reflects the look and feel of the news PSAs. The nail's end goal
will beto encourage health and youth advocacy groups to include the new website and inforn ion on the
canii;iiign's focus - eating well can help you do better - in their member materials.

We will create contact lists for these advocacy groups, distribute the email to hundreds of cor :ts: then follow
up to ensure coverage in their organizations' newsletters, bulletins and web sites. This is an i l ortant tactic to
reach these highly influential organizations and their constituents, who effectively spread the 3rd at the
community, grassroots level. When funds are limited, we've found this approach to be the m t cost-effective
way of leveraging existing, relevant communications channels to maximize the reach of a car aign's messages.

Estimated costs: $5.000

Timing: Outreach conducted as soon as new PSAs are unveiled.
1 Reaching Families Through the Airwaves 1
Since unbranded messages about food and nutrition advice tend to get good media coverage on1 the radio. Lie
would recommend extending campaign messages beyond print media and television PSAs b! dolng I a national
radio media tour paired with an audio news release. Since we know that, overall. ~ i s ~ a n i c s / ~ a t i and
n o sAfrican
Americans are more likely to use television and radio as a news source. it's important that we ~ a h ethese media
habits into consideration in reaching these population's. Depending on Secretary Leavitt's we could

execute a radio media- tour one of three ways:
-'- - - -

Optionsfor a Two-Hour Radio Media- Tour

- -
. ... . ~ - .- .-.-.
_- . _
~~ . . . .

- . .
- ... .,
.q,: .I
-.* -- ,.

-- -
. -.
Secretary Lkavitt - lf we cansecure a two-hour window with the Secretary, we would recommend pitchin$ID-
12 radio interviews with the Secretary to national radio networks (i.e., AP Radio, USA Radio Nenvorks, Cml) -. .

to discuss the importance of reaching parents and children directly with messages about how eating healthy can
lead to healthier and more active lives.

Secretary Leavitt and a Child Nutrition Expert - If one hour of the Secretary's time can be lkecured. we
would recommend pairing him with a government nutrition expert. We would pitch
interviews to national radio networks where the Secretary would talk about the campaign.
radio interviews with a child'nprition expert. Following the Secretary's interviews with netw
hitting news stations, we would.pitch the nutrition expert to local radio networks and stations.
- lend themselves more to a "newsltips your family can use" story with a dietitian.

Audio News Release '""- " -

For networks and stations that are interested in the campaign and its messages. but unable to conduct a several I
- --.-"

minute interview, we'd recommend producing and distributing a 60-second audio newsreleast? featuring a quote
from Secretary Leavitt. This quick piece would encourage listeners - children and parents alike - to visit the
campaign's website for more- information. --
Estimated costsfdi- audio production and radio outreach: $1 7,000 . ..
%. --. .--= . . - Timing:-Tobe conducted in la&-summer with a 3 a c k to sch;>f" timing. -
.. .- -..- .. .__-_ . .-.

/ Research on Advertorials and S ~ e c i aSections

l I I
Based on Ad Councilasdesire to forge additional partnerships with kid-oriented print media ouelets. we will
focus on finding 3 to 5 advertorial or special section opportunities in media that reach children ages 6-9. GYMR
will.c~nductresearch on outlets that have a relevant audience and message, providing recommendations on
those that seem most in line with the campaign's goals and messages and ~nitiatingcontact between I the
Advertising Council. HHS and the media representative.

Estimated costs: Sj.500

Timing: To begin during the late summer and carr): into the fall / winter.
Revised Scholastic Schedule Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Jenny Osterhout []

Sent: Wednesday, August 10,2005 11:12 AM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Anthony Signorelli -
Subject: Revised Scholastic Schedule
Attachments: HHSScholasticSched(revised).xls

Kirsten, ..
. ..
.... The following.sdhedute includes revisions to th&educational lirarketing schedule. Most notable the adc
- n of rough test
Y e v i G during the editorial process. .Please review and let me know ifyou have any questions.- .-- - - 8 -.-
- .- /

. . _.- .- I.
-.* .- -

Shelley Whlte Jeantne Caunt
212-343-4808 (fax)
swh~te@scholast~c corn

1 l ~ a v l dLange 1 PROJECT l ~ o n n aNelson 1

I o E N E w L wwAGER 212-343-6328
212-343-4667 (fax)
I SPECIALIST I 212-343-4686
212-343-4808 (fax)
- ---
cnelson@scholast~c corn
Jenny_Ost_erhst . . . -
-- Anthony S~gnorelll -
Carnpa~gnDlrector ~ampal~<~>"a~erne~~$&j~ta"i
The Advemslng Council lrrc -- The Advertis~ngCouncil Inc
26 1 Mad~sonAve 261 Madlson Ave.
CLIENT 11th Floor CLIENT 11th Floor
New York NY 10616-2303 New York. NY 10016-2303
212-984-1989 212.984.1911
212-922-1676 (fax) 212-922-1676 (fax)
org I

1Bpanel Posterneachlng Guide

COMPONENTS PlTG bundled with SN2 (January); SN 3 (January 9); and SN4 (January 9)
Ernail blast (dates to wnfinn)

(NOTE: ( ~ a t eassume
s &qbnls on that date or morning delivery of rnatenal, unless otherwise noted I I
From Scholastic to Ad Council:
Program Style Guide. Pan 1, for review
.,,,-+.*,I. .;,i
1 7129 7129
EDITORIAL From Scholastic t o A d Council: :.,. ::, 819 1 week for approval
ART Bookmap for review , . :.r --I . - -.=-
From Ad Council to Scholastic: Written
comments on Bookmap and Program Style 8115


From ~chola;tic to Ad Council:

Rough PfrG Text for review
( 8/19 1 I I I
14 business days-for approval
. .- . .
- ,. -.
.- . . . - .
.- . .. . --.---- .-
From Ad-Council i6 Scholastic: Written .: ..
comments on Rough PrrG Text - ' -


. - -- IFrom Scholastic to Ad Council:
First Layouts (via PDF)
I it- ( 9113 / I 8 business days for

ART From Ad Council to Scholastic: Written . .-! 7.

2 9122
EDITORIAL comments on First Layouts

From Scholastic to Ad Council:
Layout #2
I . 1 9/27 1 1 5 business days for

From Ad Council to Scholast~c:Written
comments on Layout #2
From Scnolastlc t o Aa Louncll:
ART Confirming final layouts for approval 1015 5 busmess days for approval

Prepared by Scholastic Inc. 101512006 Page 1

1 (From Ad Council to Scholastic: Written slgnl I
ART off due on confirming final PDFs. changes , . 1011I
beyond this point result in additional costs

MANUFACTURING Projected On Press date 10127

ART From Scholastic to Ad Council: PDfs of

EDITORIAL final print program (via disk and/or email)

SN2 lssue Date Jan '06

-- Prepared by Scholastic Inc. 101512006 Page 2

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Carla Horrilleno []

Sent: Wednesday, August 03,2005 3 3 9 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Koyani, Sanjay (HHSIOS) "

Subject: RE: Youth Obesity Prevention

Web Site.*

Hi, .

Please use the dial-in number below for ~ r i d a ymornihg's call:


Carla Horrilleno
Ass:star;; C a m p a : g ! ~,Vanage!.
Tlie Adve/?ismg Counci;

26: Madison Avenue. 1 l!h Floor

New York NY 10016
p 27 2-981-1920
f 212-922-1676

-----Original Message-----
I--u.- - - &

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) []

Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:51 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli-
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Carla Horrilleno; Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Koyani, Sanjay (HHS/(
Subject: RE: Youth-Obesity Prevention Web Site

w e can meet on Friday at loam. Could you set up a call-in line?

- -- IIl ...
- -..---.- - . . . - -
-- . . .- .-,.
i r
- .-.-.- .- - --.=-.s?---- .-. , .-.- , .- .

And we're taking-a look at the waiver now, so we'll have that back to you shortly.
.~. -

. . .,.
: - -----Original Message----- . ...-
. + - -

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 12:33 PM
.. To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Carla Horrilleno; Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Koyani, Sanjay ( I
Subject: RE: Youth Obesity Prevention Web Site

I will be working from home this Friday, but will gladly join everyone for a call at 1Oam. Who will
participate from your end and where should I call?
Also, I've attached the triple-bid waiver below. Please review and sign at your earliest convenience,
assuming you don't have any questions. My fax number is 212.922.1676


-----Original Message-----
From: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) []
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 3 0 5 9:32 AM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout-;- Carla Horrilleno; Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Koyani, Sanjay (
Subject: RE: Youth Obesity Prevention Web Site

Let's get a call together and go through this with everyone.

.+low does-Friday
- -
at 10 am work?
If not, please give me some suggestions for Friday. Thanks
- . . .-

- -- -- --
-----Qriginal Message----- __- _
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3 5 0 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Carla Horrilleno; Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Koyan~,Sa jay (HHSIOS)
Subject: Youth Obesity Prevention Web Site

Kirsten, 1
Attached, please find a strategic outline we've developed for the upcoming routh Obesity
Preventbn.~&Vebsite. As you will see, we've kept the content of the site very focused and did
our best %void
duplicating anything that already exists for this target audience.
In addition to the strategicoutline. I have included a proposal from Carton qonofrio who has
agreed to develop the site at a modest cost. Since it will be a part of www.smallstep,gov,.we . ....
wouT&Ke 6 a G i d the triple-bidding process to take advantage of Carton's pmiliarity and
experience with the existing site (they developed The costs outlined in the
...- --
attached proposal.are all within budget. . ..

Also, please note that we have the opportunity to partner with a few additiohal firms when
I :-%-

developing' the site, namely:

- Mawel (they will provide the "prizeYW the-contest portion 0fth.e-sitej .-. .,:-_-..

E-Prize (they will administer the-contest rules and implementation od the site)
Warner Brothers (they may develop the "game" portion of the site 4"d promote it
across their kid targeted properties)...if this goes through, we would
"game" section from the final project scope.

Please let us know if you have any questions and if you'd like to have a quiik call to discuss.
...... c.?.- -. lrll be sending a triple-bid waiver agreement in a separate email that I ask y ~ to
u please sign,
authorizing us to avoid the bidding process and award the job to CaFton (per our contract
. .
. - Thanks,

Anthony Signorellil Carnpa~gnD~rectorI The Advertising Council

261 Madison Ave. 1 New York. New York 1001 6

PR plan

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Jenny Osterhout []

Sent: Friday, July 29,2005 9:52AM
To: Petree, Ktrsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Anthony S~gnorelli
Subject: PR plan

1 am writing to see if you've looked over the Youth Obesity PR plan and have any comments for us?
Obesitv Prevention Campaign
Localization Plan

The Ad Council will create and distribute localized Obesity Prevention Campa IPS.k
in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health Bi Human Services Steps G: tees.

Participating Steps Graritees will be provided the opportunity to tag *'Love Ha

:25/5 with the name of thr
local group. The followir -t.

appear afte_rthe existing a --

- -
b k - - - --a- -
"(Steps Grantee Organii- - -=-- - --
healthy in your area by 7

Participating Steps Grante

be listed on the Web:

Organization Name
Area Served
Phone and/or email .
Organization Web site (i

The following outlines the

target and medium: . a

Pre-localized youth T I

- ---2- ,,

(which is already cove]
Localized adult TV: $4

.. . cG.m . Localizable live annom

The total to localize PSAs

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Carla Horrilleno []
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 6:50 PM
To: Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Shisler, Jessica (CDC)
Subject: RE: Questions on Youth Obesity Campaign

We're f i n a l i z i n g a p r o p o s a l and w i l l forL;ard i r t c ycc somecine :o~.orrsw

w i l i have d e t a i l s r e g s r d i n g c o s r s , riming, e t c .

. . .
J e n n y i s h a n d l i n g t h e S c h o i a s t i c p o r t i o n o £ . , t h i s c e m p a i g n , s o I'11 z o o r e r e ~.::r.-. ner s:.,
s e e what o u r o p t i o n s a r e r e g a r d i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e m a r e r i a l r o :n? = ,.- - -- -. C--C .

. .

. .. - -
- ..
-..-- . -.

. . . .F..-..*-... .-- . .- -
Carla ----
. _ . . . . - -- . -....-. ..,

-----O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: P e t r e e , K i r s t e n (HHS/OS) [ m a i l t o : K i r s t e n . P e t r e e @ h h s . g o v ]
S e n t : Monday, J u l y 2 5 , 2005 1 2 : O l PM
To: C a r l a H o r r i l l e n o
Cc: S h i s l e r , J e s s i c a (CDC)
S u b j e c t : Q u e s t i o n s on Youth O b e s i t y Campaign

Hello Carla-- ,.j? .,


J e s s i c a h a d some q u e s t i o n s a b o u t t h e TV a d r a g s : What i s t h e c o s t p r o p o s for.-the cv ad

t a g s t o t h e c o m m u n i t i e s ? What d o e s i + i n c l u d e ? And when d o you t h i n k t h i ,ill b e d o n e

A l s o , . . s i n c e S c h ~ l a s t i ~ ~ ~ d~ Li s, tl rJi .b u t e t h e i r m a t e r i a l s , wouid t h e m a t e r l be a v a i l a b l e - . - t o ,
g o t o t h e c o m m u n i t i e s t o o ? I b e l l e v e t h a t we w e r e t a l k i n g a b o u t J a n u a r y the final.

:. .%-

Thanks much--

Kirsten .-
Campaign Description Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Jenny Osterhout []

Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 1.42 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Cc: Anthony Signorelli
Subject: Campaign Description - ..
.. -

Dear Kirsten,

i o n Se.rvice Advertising I
The following description will appear in our b i - m ~ n t h l ~ ~ u b l i c a t"Public letin" in the
., . ..


issue. Please

- .




--- - if you approve.
-.. - . - --..- . .~



Encouraging Kids to Lead Healthy Lifestyles

In response to the nation's growing chilahood obesity epidemic, the Ad Council and the U.S. I: artment of
Health 8 Human Services are launching new PSAs to encourage kids to lead healthier lifestyle The new PSAs
are an extension of the successful adult-targeted "Small Steps" effort (see page XX) and targe iildren ages 6 to
9 years old. Created by McCann Erickson New York, the Nspots inform kids that eatillg heal food can help
them do the things they really love to do and, at the same time, have some silly fun. The ads c ct kids to visit
(web link) where they can learn?moreabout the benefits of healthy eating and find exciting wa: :o lead a more
fun and active lifestyle. The n b N and Internet PSAs will be available soon.
Conference Report
Youth Obesity Prevention
Sponsor Present: Kirsten Petree, David Baker, Sanjay Koyani
Date: 7114/05
-- - . -.

-. .
.. .

- A d ~oun~il:Present:

.-. -
. ..
Sarah Humm,Barbara Shimaitis. ~ a d.lssaev~
.-. .-
. ____ ,

- -.
.- - -
. _.-
: -. .
.-- .
Re: Youth Obesity Prevention Website Breihg

Discussion/&reemen ts
The Ad Council briefed the HHS Web team on its plan for the upcoming Youth Obesity
Prevention Website. HHS provided the following guidance and recommendations: I
HHS no lor&&authorizes the redirection of URL addresses and the Ad Council U was
advised to create a URL address for the Youth site that is a subset of
www.smallstep.~ov.Examples include ~ w . s m a l l s t e ~ . ~ o v / kand
ww.smaUste~.~w/rn~-food -
According to HHS guidelines, the Youth site may contain Flash technology when
there is a comparable text equivalent available on the site. ..- - ----
HHS recommended that the Ad Council review the COPA guidelines and thi new
OMB Web-Site Policy for additional guidance and instruction.

HHS indicated that a new "HHS Branding Desii" was created and coula bq
implemented bii the new Youth site, as well as on the existing i ? . w x .smaflstFi.Zo?i - -.

Next Steps
HHS to send Ad Council an approved youth government Web site audit to h
.- . -
the content and program development for the Youth Web site (wlo 711 8).

HHS to send Ad Council new HHS branding bar design (w/o 711 8):.'--'
HHS to send recent government approved Web sites for reference (sent via email 7/14).
- I
- Ad Council to direct questions about COPA guidelines andlor the new OMB Policy
for Web sites to HHS (as necessary).


261 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016-2303
Fax: (2 12) 922- 1676
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 9:45 PM
To: Petree, K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Subject: ad council

hey - how did your meeting go with Peggy? Isn't Kate nice?-
I got a call from Carolyn at the Ad Council asking me to RSVP for the August 9th event ...that's the epent In room 800 that -
we were talking about this morning. I don't remember getting an invite or I'd send it to you ... you should be the
person going to the meeting, which from her phone message sounded really good. Her
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Bettencourt, Alice (HHSIOS)

Sent: Tuesday, June 07,2005 4:41 PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Baker, David (HHSIOS);' Hall. (HHSIOS)
Subject: RE: Ad Council Kid campaign URL

Christina -

Sorry for the delay in responding. In accordance with OMB and HHS policy, the URL for the ci aign should be
a .GOV. Once-a ,GOV address is approved, the corresponding domain names in .org, .corn. .r etc. can be
. . . registered. However; the .GOV addressectmst be usedin all materials. We concerned that it confuse both
a F i l e e n and their parents if a domairi is used in materials but4 resolves twa smallstep addres ~e'-*coind e nd
that you use the Or you could simply use the smallste~~go\lz %wand prov~de
- -..
a prominent link.

Please let me know ~fyou have any question or if you'd like to discuss.


-----0rig1nal Message-----
From: Peanon, Christjna (HHSIOS)
Sent: Wednesday, lun&bl, 2005 2:20 PM
To: Bettencourt, Alice (HHSIOS); Baker, David (HHSIOS); Hall, Bill (HHSIOS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Petree, Kiisten (HHSIOS)
Subject. FW: Ad Council Kid Campaign URL
Importance: HigR'"- " '

Hi Web Team-ers -- . .--- . - -

A -

Ad Council has a questjbn on U R L...please

~ see below. Are we allowed to 01 ie URLs ( ~ this
case, they want and .org). We wouldn't be creating a new v, ite, per se -- it
would be a portal address that would pass you through to a new section of the SmallStc org website.
Please let me know your thoughts - we don't want to get off on the wrong foot but it wa be great to have
.: -:. .-<> - __ ,, . .>.
.-- .... ~-
a web address that would correspond to the slogan of our_new
.. -
. .-: - ~ -

From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 1:29 PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
, .=Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Subject: Ad Council Kid Campaign URL _-_.
Per'our conversation this morning, please confirm if we will be permitted to purchase a r URL address
for the kid targeted campaign.

As mentioned, we will not be building a new site, but rather directing the LlRL address t ace people on a
sub page within ~ . s m a ! l s t e p , g o v .If it's helpful, you can relate.this to when you type w. in
your Web browser and comes up instead. Or when you ty and comes up in its place. Those seein Iads would
type in and perhaps htJp://~.smaIIstep jpv!yourfood wc come up,
revealing a page within the site that is relevant to kids and consistent with the spots.
Page Z of 2

The use of a uniquely named Web address will allow us to design a page within the sm site that
is inline with the kid advertising and will reinforce the taglineltheme for our campaign, "( Your Food Do

Also, having kids visit a sub page of the Web site rather than the homep: will enable us to
track the success of the kid targeted effort separately from the adult campaign. It also I 've it will help us
with regard to COPA compliance issues. - . .

Thanks, .- ~


Anthony Signorellil Campaign Director I The Advert~singCouncil
261 Madison Ave. I New York, New York 10016

. ~
. -- ..
.... . . . . .. .- ... P:I.~L~)
- -- 984-1 989i-~:.asi~norelli@adcouncil.or~
a -z; -'- - -

. . . .
. . . . -- - -. ~ .- .
............. -. .">. - ..
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Tuesday, June 07,2005 3:20 PM
Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Morales. Dan (HHSIOS); Heidi Arthur; Jenny-Osterhout; Petree, ~ i r s t e n(HHSIOS): l ~ a r l aHorrilleno
Subject: RE: Ad Council TV Production & Print Shoot - Approval Requested

Thanks Christina, I know there is a lot. We'll be certain to get plenty of options.

I will call you in a few minutes about the print est~mate'?

- .- -. . .-I:-. ..
__ . ._ .. A- C
- . .

-----Original Message-----
From: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS) []
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 20052:38 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Heidi Arthur; 'Jenny Osterhout; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Carla Horrilleno
Subject: RE: Ad Council TV Production & Print Shoot - Approval Requested

Hi - I got back at mid-day and have been going through your stuff. Locations are fine. Casting tape was good
too. ..:.* LL

Two things: .-
.-A) Re the shoot - please be sure to get us some variety ... by that I mean it would be good to have some options
on the belching and Bullseye spots. While there. it would be nice to get some understated belcdles too asyell as . ..
shots of the Grandpa lighnWt€irig-MSface Sure you'd get it in a variety of ways but it would make me feel better
to at least know we have "less dramatic" belches or face-slaps if we want to go in that direction ip the editing
process...(the kid looks physically oveyrought when belching and that seemed a bi! toagross-out.-..&--- ... ...

2) Would you call me about the estimate for the photo shoot? No problems but want to

-----Original -Message-----
./. - ..,,- .. . . .. . From: Anthony-Signorelli~mailto:asignorel~AdCouncil~?g]
.- . . ..
Sent: Tuesday, ~ u n e07,-2005 12:06 PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS) .. .

Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Heidi Arthur; Jenny Osterhout; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Carla Horrilleno
Subject:' Ad Council TV Production & Print Shoot - Approval Requested
Importance: High

'. Christina,
. . 1
Please click the link below to view the locations for our lV shoot this week. ~ouble~clickon'
the image to
enlarge each photo.

should have also received the casting tape this morning, per my voice message. We will need
approvat on both casting and location today.

Also, please sign and return the estimates for the adult print shoot (occurring tomorrow) aiap.
Thank you,
FW: Page 2 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Tuesday, June 07,2005 12:06 PM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Cc: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Heidi Arthur; Jenny Osterhout; Petree, Klrsten (HHSI 3s):Carla
Subject: Ad Counc~lTV Prduction & Prrnt Shoot - Approval Requested
Importance: Hlgh

. - below

- for o u r : u shoot this week. Double click on th " image to-enlarge
to view the locations
- ..
...... - -.
.. -.
-1 - T-
.: 2
.. .-I Y --.- . - ..
You should have also re&i"edethe c a s h g tape this morning, per my voice message. w e will need a p p r o v a l . ~ ~
both casting and location today. 1 . .

Also, please sign and return the estimates for the adult print shoot (occurring tomorrow) asap.

Thank you,
Page 1 of 2

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Thursday, June 02,2005 10:22 AM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur; Pewee. Kirsten (HHSIOS), Carla Horrilleno, Pearso
Subject: RE: Ad council update--W Shoot, ~ducationalMkt Meeting, 8 Secretary Event

Thanks for getting this back to us in a timely manner. Ym glad there were no substantial chanc and that the
information is _scjentificallysupported. ...
. . - .. - - - - -- -- --
. . . : . .
~ 6 ~ l ' ~ pthe a scripts
s s on to McC-an"for final copy tweaking -and return tuyoa-one last tlme fi ppflvat.' Ted
and the creative team may simply wantto make revisions to smooth out some of the latiguage j make more_kid

friendly. We will make sure the substance does not change.

Also, we will have McCann share thew vision for the food graphic so we may obtaln the necess approvals.
Please confirm that the following is a proper list of the food groups that need to be depicted:

- Grains
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Milk , %7.

- Meat 8 Beans
Oils (is this necessary to point o h ? )
Source: MyPyramid. gov
.c,w--- -. A-
. .. . . . . --._ _
Any guidance you can provide on how to best illustrate these groups would be helpful. One s~ estion might be ...

to use the pictures depicted at the MyPyramid site for each group.
. .P

Thanks again,

-----Original ~essage-----
- --.- From: Morales, Dan (HMSIOS) ~rnailto:Dan.Morates@hhs.govJ-:=' -- --
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 6:43 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Carla Horrilleno; Pearson, Chris
Subject: RE: Ad Council Update - TV Shoot, Educational Mkt Meet~ng,& Secretary Event

....... .

Attached, please find an updated and approved script. You will notice that the changeswe-re vely small.
Mainly adding some more fruits and small word changes to Bullseye, adding a few words in G dpa,
and switching to low fat cheese in The Birds. Also, in'the healthy food graphic will need to inc a graphic with
all the food groups. We would like to see that graphic so that we can have our experts ok it.
We'll be happy to discuss with you the scrlpt changes and any suggestions and input you ma)

Thanks you,

Page 2 of Z

From: Anthony.Signorelli []

Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:41 PM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur; Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS); Carla Horrilleno
Subject: Ad Council Update - TV Shoot, Educational Mkt Meeting, & Secretary Event

Dan 8 Christina,
Attached, please find the production schedule for-the upcoming TV shoot. As you will n e. we plan to
hold the pre-production meeting on either Wednesday (618) or Thursday (619). The pro( :ion will take
place on Friday and Saturday.(6110 - 611 1) and, will be held somewhere in the tri-state a (location
. .
scouting is currently underway).

We welcome you at the shoot and would encourage your involvement In the pre-produc I meeting. as ~t
1s the last opportunity to Impact the creat~veto-any great degree (wardrobe, shootlng bc js, etc.). Please
Let us know if you plan to attend so that we can include you on any pre-productron mate ;. If you cannot
be here in-person for the pre-pro, w w i l l connect you via conference call
rk --== - - -- - .--z
: 0

. ..
In addition to theupcoming shoot, we have invited the three educational marketiKg-orga ation finalists to .

present their proposals here in NYC next week (Wednesday - 618). You will receive the tten proposais,
which outline each organization's in-school educational marketing program, in the mail t orrow morning.
Please review them and let us know if you have any preliminary thoughts. It is worth a I f discussion
prior to meeting with the firms next week.

Finally, please let us know if we should overnight the campaign bracelets and brochure! your attention
so they can be included at the secretary's event tomorrow in Washington. GYMR and ( team believe it
will be a great, inexpensive forum to highlight our campaign.

Best Regards,
\: .,


+-d:-.s .- ..',&,

~ n t h o n ySignorelti1 Campaign Director I The Advertising Council

261 Madison Ave. I New York. New York 10016 ,.
p: (21 2) 984-1 9891 E:
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS) 1I1

Sent: Wednesday, June 01,2005 6:43 PM
To: 'Anthony Signorelli'
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur; Petree,Xirsten (HHSIOS); Carla Horrille'no; ~darson.Chr~stina
Subject: RE: ~ d ~ c o u n cupdate
il -
TV Shoot. Educational Mkt Meeting, 8 Secretary Event
- N Scripts AC Rev 6 1 05 edits.doc
Attachments: Can Your Food

. . . - -.

. . .. ~

d t t w h e d . please fit% an updated a n d approved script. you will notice that

Mainly adding some more fruit<andsm~llword changes to Bullseye, ----
and switching to low fat cheese in The Birds. Also, in the healthy food graphic will . ..
all the food groups. We would like to see that graphic so that we-can have our experts ok it.
We'll be happy to discuss withyou the script changes and any suggestions and

Thanks you,

-----Original Message+---,
From: Anthony ~i~noreth~~mailto:asi~norelli@~d~ouncil.or~]
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4:41 PM.
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterha&+Heidi.&thur; Petree, Kinten (HHSIOS); Carla Horrilleno
Subject: Ad Council Update - TV Shoot, Educational Mkt Meeting, & Secretary Event
11 . ..
Dan 8 Christina,

. - * - -.---
Attached, please find the production schedule for the upcoming TV shoot. As you will nyt~ce,we plan to
hold the pre-production meeting on either Wednesday (618) or Thursday (619). The prodpction will take
place on Friday andSaturday (6110 - 611 1) and will be held somewhere in the tri-state area (location .-

scouting is currently underway). .- I
A". .-.-. - -9- --R--
.- *- .-. .
We welcome youat the shoot and would encourage-your involvement in the pre-producten meeting, as it
is the last opportunity to impact the creative to any great degree (wardrobe, shooting bo$rds, etc.). Please --
let us know if you plan to attend so that we can include you on any pre-production materials. If you cannot
be here ifl~personfor the pre-pro, we will connect you via conference call.

In addition to the upcoming shoot, we have invited the three educational marketing
. - present their
......:. proposals here in NYC next week (Wednesday - 618). You will receive
which outline each organization's in-school educational marketing program. in th.e-mail
Please review them and let us know if you have any preliminary thoughts. It is worth a
prior to meeting with the firms next week. . ,

Finally;-please let us know if we should overnight the campaign bracelets and brochures to your attention
so they can be included at the Secretary's event tomorrow in Washington. GYMR and oJr team believe it
will be a great, inexpensive forum to highlight our campaign.

Best Regards,

Anthony Signorellil Campalgn Dlrector I The Advertlslng Councll
261 Mad~sonAve. 1 New York, New York 10016
P: (21 2 ) 984-1 9891 E:
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Sent: Wednesday, June 01,2005 12:01 PM
Subject: A.P. story on "We Can"

S t u d y : K i d s Can Be T r a i n e d t o E a t B e t t e r -

The A s s o c i a t e d P r e s s
Wednesday, J u n e 1 , 2005; 1 1 : 1 7 AM

- WASHINGTON - . - S i m p l e k i d - f r i e n d l y - t-r. a i n i n g is good n u t r i t i o n g o r E - c o 11-year-c.2~
- h z l t h i e . r $-or t - h r e e ~
a s t o n i s h i n g t h i r d o f t h e y o u n g s t e r s ' d i e t s , r e s e a r c h e r s r e p o y f e d Wegne-~a.~\;
.. - . . * . . * . . .
y e a r s , a l t h , o u g h s n a c k s , d e s s e r t s a n d p i z z a s c i : : ma&= u-r7 a-
4, '
. ..
. .

-.. .


I t ' s t h e b i g g e s t s t u d y e v e r t o t r a c k t h e i m p a c t o f c h i l d h o o d n u t r i t i o n edE:nrioz, iz: ;:

S a c k s a m a j o r new g o v e r n m e n t c a m p a i g n t h a t a i m s t o k e e p p r e t e e n s from ge5::ns fsr b y - s i n ?
some o f t h e same t a c t i c s - t h r o u g h t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m s . a n d r e a l - w o r l d r i p s B i r e c c e c a: : h e i r

" I t s u g g e s t s t h a t k i d s who l e a r n t o e a t h e a l t h y d u r i n g t h e i r a d o l e s c e n c e w i l l c o n t i n u e t o
e a t h e a l t h y , " s a i d D r . E l i z a b e t h . N a b e 1 , c h i e f o f t h e N a t i o n a l H e a r t , Lun- a n d Blood
I n s t i t u t e , w h i c h s p o n s o r e d t h e r e s e a r c h a n d on Wednesday b e g i n s t h e "We a n ! " program t o
spread the r e s u l t s .

One key: D o n ' t f o r b i d t h e f b o d s t h a t c h i l d r e n f i n d yummy, b u t t e a c h b a l a d c e that there

a r e " g o f o o d s " f o r e v e r y d a y , " s l o w f-oods" f o r a few t i m e s a week, a n d "whoa-foods" t o - e a t
o n l y once i n a w h i l e . 1
,- ..,A
For example, e a t i n g a h e a l t h y b r e a k f a s t i s i m p o r t a n t f o r s t a y i n g
I1 . . . . ..

g r a i n c e r e a l , l i k e o a t m e a l ; i s a go-food c h o i c e . P r e f e r w a f f l e s
" s l o w f o o d s , " p e r h a p s f o r . t h e weekend. C r o i s s a n t s , d o u g h n u t s o r
c e r e a l s a r e whoa f o o d s , maybe f o r a h o l i d a y o r v a c a t i o n t r e a t .

G e t t i n g g r a d e - s c h o o l c h i i d r e n i n t h e h a b i t o f d r i n k i n g l o w f a t m i l k i n s t e a b o f whole m i l k ,
e a t i n g a n a p p l e a d a y , o r c h o o s i n g c a r r o t s t i c k s o r r a i s i n s a s a n a f t e r - s c1 h o o l s n a c k makes
t h e m more l i k e l y ' t o c o n t i n u e t h o s e h a b i t s when t h e y ' r e o l d e n o u g h t o choolke f o o d s on t h e i r
-- - . - a w n , - s a i d - - N o r t h w e s t e p U n i y , e r s i t y d i e t i - t i a n LindSrVan Horn, who, l e d . ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ n ~ . --~ - s s. t . ~ d y , .
. - ' 'ii - -.

d o g s a r e s e r v e d a t t h e b a s e b a l l game, t h a t ' s what t h e y ' l l e a t . when t h e o n l y

c h o i c e a t t h e s c h o o l l u n c h p r o g r a m i s mushy b e a n s .

A l r e a d y , t h e n a t i o n h a s 5 m i l l i o n c h i l d r e n a g e s 6 t o 1 6 who a r e

The new s t u d y t r a c k e d 595 c h i l d r e n , h a l f o f whom h a d r e c e i v e d , w i t h t h e i r parents, special

e d u c a t i o n on how t o make h e a l t h i e r f o o d c h o i c e s . T h r e e y e a r s l a t e r , t h e k . d s who h a d
a t t e n d e d t h e n u t r i t i o n c l a s s e s w e r e e a t i n g more "go" f o o d s t h a n t h e i r p e e -s i n e v e r y f o o d
g r o u p e x c e p t f r u i t , Van ~ o r nr e p o r t s i n t h e J u n e i s s u e o f t h e j o u r n a l Ped . a t r i c s . They
a l s o a t e f e w e r "whoa" f o o d s w i t h c n e e x c e p c i o r : c i z z z . And f o r d e s s e r t s , : h e y w e r e more
l i k e l y t o pick lower-fat opcions l i k e frozen yogurt.

S t i l l , n e i t h e r g r o u p a t e e n o u g h f r u i t s o r v e g e t a b l e s , a n d t h e h i g h amount of d a i l y
s n a c k i n g a n d p i z z a was s t u n n i n g , s a i d Van Horn.

Now t h e $ 2 . 6 m i l l i o n "We C a n ! " c a m p a i g n a i m s t o e x t e n d t h o s e f o o d l e s s o n s - a n d t i p s on

f i t t i n g i n more p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y - t o a l l 8 - t o 1 3 - y e a r - o l d s .
I t ' s a two-pronged p r o q r a m . F i r s t , more t h a n 35 c o m ~ . . u r . i t i s rs c f a r ??-:e ?, I. - 7 . t ; : . - .
:: :I:+:
. .
y o u t h a n d p a r e n t e d u c a t i o n m a ~ e r i a l s , o r t o o f f e r hands-or. a c z ~ v l t ~ e~'23:. s
E: -
=..--=-- -=--: -
t h a t t e a c h n u t r i t i o n a n d a f t e r s c h o o l p r o g r a m s t h a t p r o m i s e h e a l t h : , s n s = x 1I= .
S e c o n d , a government Web s i t e a i m e d a z p a r e n c s - h t c c : / / x e c a i . . n h l b i . ?.ik.. ?;-: 1I - . - -- =- -=
. - - - -
L - - - - ;

education on ways t o f i g h t o b e s i t y , ; n c i u d i n g s u c 5 rips 2 s :

-C h o c s e f o o d portions no l a r g e r c h a n yoi?r f i s t , g r o w i n 2- crcide

E -
R e s t a u r a n t s a l m o s t a l w a y s s e r v e t o o much; p i a r . t o b r i r , ~home 1 - z - - ._ -__ .
-.- c

,..a - '

-Make i: e a s i e r t o g e t h e a l t h y s n a c k s and h a r d e r t o g e t u n i e a l z h y
i n t h e h o u s e , b u t keep a bowL o f f r u i t w i t h i n r e a c h on t n e k i c s h e r . c c u r . r d r . 2 : ~ sE ~
c h e c k o u t l i n e w i t h o u t t h e c a n d y d i s p l a y . ~- '

-L i m i t TV o r v i d e o games t o two h o u r s o r i e s s a d a y . D o n ' t j u s t s i r and x a t c ? - c k i 2 1 1 e n ~ e

your c h i l d r e n t o a jumping-jack c o n t e s t durQng c o m m e r c i a l s .
. .
-Go on a n a f t e r - d i n n e r f a m i l y w a l k.-- ~ rb~i k e r - i d e ; make o u z d o o r p l a y , o r r l s r t s t o -- '- ~ ~ 2~r . s
- - . -.- . , .- -:- --
r4crea&ion - - c e n t e r s , r o u t i n e . - ..- . .
. . . ~ . . .~ .e- 0

Many c h i l d r e n l i v e i n c o m m % n i t i 6 s where t r a f f i c , d i s t a n c e .
g e t t i n g t o a p a r k o r gym i m p o s s i b l e . A l s o Wednesday, t h e N a t i o n a l cf L e i l ~ kis
b r i n g i n g t o g e t h e r r e s e a r c h e r s t o d e b a t e how much a c h i l d ' s :he r i s k .
f o r o b e s i t y , a n d how t o h e l p .

-----O r i g i n a l Message-----
From: S t e v e n s , C r a i g (HHS/OS)
S e n t : Wednesday, J u n e 0 1 , 2 0 0 5 1 1 : 5 9 AM
Subject: +

C h r i s t y F e i g d i d "We .Lb!-.nlo.n-her 1 0 : 1 5 c n n h e a d l i n e news l i v e s h o t t h i s morning,,.. . i t. r a r , . .

a g a i n a t 1 1 : 1 5 on HLN a n d w i l l b e on a g a i n a t 1 2 : 1 5
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, June 01,2005 9:28 AM
To: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS) I
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur; Petree. Kirste" (HHSIOS); Carla Horrilleno ' 1
Subject: RE: Ad Council Update-- N Shoot, Educational Mkt Meeting, & Secretary Event

Sounds great.
Yes, the shoot will take place in the NYC area (could b% N.J. or CT). We will know more
toward the end of this

.. -
week or- beginning
- .
- -
. . ..

. .- -

- .

. *-
- - .

~ ~ -- - -. ~. . I
---. _.-. -
-. --
- --
Anthony --
. .

-----Original Message-----
From: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS) []
Sent: Tuesday, May 31,2005 8:01 PM
To: Anthony Signorelli; Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Carla Horrilleno
Subject: RE: Ad Council Update - lV Shoot, Educational Mkt Meeting, & Secretary Event
Hi Anthony -- <>..
Thanks very much for the information ...we're trying to work calenders to see if one of us can
When you say "tri-state area," do you mean the NYC area? Also, we're finalizing the scripts
and are confidant we'll be able to move forward tomorrow ...
.<-.--- - ...'A .. . ~ .. .... . . -
-----Original Message----- l
From: Anthony Signorelli [mailtd:asignorelli@AdCouncil.orgJ ,. .T
Sent: Tuesday, May 31,2005 4:41 PM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Cc: jenny OsterhouKHeidi Arthur; ~etr'ee,Kirsten (HHSIOS); Carla Horrilleno
Subject: Ad Council Update - lV Shoot, Educational Mkt Meeting, & Secretary Event .-
.---- -. .. ., .. .
. . - _
'..-- .-
- .. .- ..- - .--- .-... ....-.
.. -.
Dan & Christina,
Attached, please find the production schedule for the-upcoming TV shoot. As you will no ice, we plan to
hold the pre-production meeting on either Wednesday (618) or Thursday (619) The prodqction will take
place on F~idayand Saturday (6110 - 611 1) and will be held somewhere in the tri-state area (location
scouting is currently underway).

-. ...."
We welcome you at the shoot and would encourage your involvement in the pre-productibn meeting. as it
IS the last opportunity to impact the creative to any great degree (wardrobe, shoo!]ng boards, etc.). Please
let us know if you plan to attend so that we can include you on any pre-production materials. If you cannot
be here in-person for the pre-pro, we will connect you via conference call.

In addition to the upcoming shoot, we have invited the three educational marketing organrzation finalists to
present their proposals here in NYC next week (Wednesday - 618). You will receive the jritten proposals.
which outline each organization's in-school educational marketing program, in the mail tomorrow morning.
Please review them and let us know if you have any preliminary thoughts. It is worth a br ef discussion
prior to meeting with the firms next week.

Finally, please let us know if we should overn~ghtthe campaign bracelets and brochures t ' your
~ attention
so they can be included at the Secretary's event tomorrow in Washington. GYMR and our team believe it
Page 2 of 2

will be a great, inexpensive forum to highlight our campaign.

Best Regards,

Anthon? S i g n o ~ l l i lCarnpa~gnD~rectorI The Advert~slngCounc~l

261 Mad~sonAve. I New York. New York 10016
P: (2 12) 984- 19891 E:
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Tuesday, May 31,2005 4:41 PM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthw; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Carla Horrillmo
Subject: Ad Council Update - TV Shoot, Educational Mkt Meeting, & Secretary Event
Attachments: Youth Production Schedule 5-31-05.xls

Dan & Christina,

Attached, please find the production schedule for the ;pcoming TV shoot As you will notice, wp plan to hold the
pre-productiohmeefmg on either Wednesda (618) or Thursday (619). The production will take ?lace on Riday
-&md-%turday (6110 - 611 1) and will be.held'somewhere in the.. -tri-state area (location scouting is purrently -.
underway). .. .. . .- . - .. .--
- - -- .-- - . . .
/ . - ---- - -

1- 1-1 .- .. .
. ...
We welcome you at the shoot and would encourage your involvement in the pre-production rneetlng. as it is the
l .

last opportunity to impact the creative to any great degree (wardrobe, shooting boards, etc.).
if you plan to attend so that we can include you on any pre-production materials. If you cannot here in-person
for the pre-pro, we will connect you via conference call.

In addition to the upcoming shoot. we have invited the three educational marketing organization finalists to
present their proposals here in NYC next week (Wednesday '618). You will receive the written proposals, which
outline each organization's in7school educational marketing program, in the mail tomorrow morning. Please
review them and let us know hfbu have any preliminary thoughts. It is worth a brief discussion prior to meeting
with the firms next week.

Finally, please let us know if we should overnight the campaign bracelets and brochures to
can be included at the S ~ t f & a y ' s - w e n ttomorrow in Washington. GYMR and our team
inexpensive forum to highlight our campaign.

Best Regards,

- ---3- . -- -- ..Anthonv
. Signorcllil Campa~gnDtrector j-.Tbe A d v e r t ~ s ~ nCounc~l
26 1 M a d ~ s o nAve 1 New ~ o r k New
. York 1001 6
a --
-=I--=-- --
Page 1 of 1

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony S~gnorelli[]

Sent: Tuesday, May 31,2005 10.26 AM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Jenny Osterhout; Petree;Kirsten (HHSIOS), Pearson. Chr~st~na
Subject: Revised Youth 0-besity Prevention Scripts I
Importance: High
Attachments: Can Your Food - TV Scripts AC Rev 5.27.05.doc

. .
I hope
- . .
long weekend.
- .
I certainly did.
. .
' . ~

. . .
-- - -..
. - .
Attached, please find revised TVsctipts from McCann As with the previous round of scripfs.~~atternpted to -

make the claims broader and more specific to the recommendations provided in the 2005 Dietary ~uidelines.-We
believe the information provided to be accurate, however, we would like your input and approval based on HHS'
expertise around the science. If you agree with the changes, these will be considered final.

It is important that we agree to the foods highlighted in the ads by COB June 1st (melon, mando, fruit. whole
wheat bread, and cheese) and the claims no later than June 3rd (i.e. "foods rich in fiber are gbod for your heart",
We plan to send a revised p$@ction
. .
schedule in the next day or so, with the shoot tentatively planned for June
9th 8 10th.

Thanks again for all your assistance,

Anthony -
- .- >,-
.- . . . . ... . -- _ .
- .

Anthony $ignorellil Campaign Director I The Advertising Council , -.c

261 Madison Ave. 1 New York. New York 10016

P: (21 2) 984- 19891 E:
- ... .
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)

Sent: Thursday, May 26,2005 529 PM
To: HHSIOS Interviews
Subject: FW: decision makers - Beato interview

National Journal would like to do apiece on Dr. Beato for their upcoming 2005 Decision Maker ssue. It will be a
small.profile piece, an example is attached below.

Okay to do? .
. ..
- Daniel
- L -
- -
; ..
- - . - - --

. . - ,,
. ,

- --
. -.

..... . .- .=..-.. .
-- . -
.. --
-.-- ..

-----Original Message-----
From: Bell, Peter []
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 4 5 8 PM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSJOS)
Subject: decision makers - Beato interview
Dan, k?,

-Here's an example from the 2001 Decision Makers' issue. As you can see, the intent is introdul the profiled
person to readers, and if possible give a bit of insight into what they do. These are not full-scalt rofiles, so I don't '
think I'd need to take moWWanl5'minutes of phone time with Ms. Beato. That's about how lo1 I spoke-:with . : :
Jennifer Young a few weeks back.
r :
Thanks Dan.

Peter Bell *-

National Journal Group

202-739-8576 "
1. - -- -- . 202-261-0314 (fax) =

John L. Hensha'w
Assistant Secretary (designate) for Occupational Safety and Health
202-693-2000 - -
If confirmed, Henshaw will direct an agency that writes and enforces
workplace safety regulations. But he'll be stepping into a job that one
analyst calls -!'the basement of hell," because of the difficulty
in striking a balance between the highly competitive interests of business and labor. Or particularly
delicate issue he'll deal with is ergonomics. Henshaw, 5 1. is now the environment, safe , and health
director for Astaris. a St. Louis-based chemical company. He has also managed safety i 1health
programs for Monsanto Co. and Solutia Inc. Indeed, Henshaw receives kudos for his b: ;ground in
safety issues, even from labor groups. "He is very well-respected in the safety and heal community,"
said one union official. Still, labor wonders who will be calling the shots on these work ace issues-
Henshaw or the generally pro-business Bush White House. A graduate of Appalachian state L7ni\ersl?.
Henshaw holds a master's degree from the University of Michigan. He senled 16 years an the .4ir
National Guard as a bio-environmental engineer.

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) 1
From: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Sent: Thursday, May 26,2005 11:38 AM
To: Keane, Kevin (HHSIOS); DeFrancis, Suzy (HHSIOS)
Cc: O'Neill, Jim (HHSIOS); Petree, K~rsten(HHSIOS)
Subject: Small Steps Bracelets and OBESITY IN AMERICA'S YOUTH CONFERENCE

The Ad Council suggested that during th2 Secretary's remarks a: tne
the Small Steps campaign and-have us distribute a few hundred of :he . . .
Bracelets. They have approximately i, 000-bracelerrs avaiiable. The
ship bracelets and print out some handouts abcut the campaign.

Would this be something you would be interastea in doing?

. ..

-----Original Message-----
- .-
- -'.. .- ~

- - .
~ -

- . .-

From: Anthony S i g n o r e ~ ~ i " ~ m a i ~ t ~ : a s i g n o r e l l i @ ~ d ~ o u n c i l . o r g ]

- -. . .
. . ~.
.: . .
- .
-.- . :-
..- _
- ..
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:02 AM
To: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS)
Cc: Carla Horrilleno; Jenny Osterhout; Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS); Perre$, Kirs'ec
Importance: High 1
Daniel, N?!
Is there any opportunity t o have Secretary Levitt mention the Small Step in his
remarks next Wednesday and have your--staffdistribute a few hundred
Bracelets? This event looks like a great way to boost the exposure
amplify our important..wsag.e+ about taking small steps. -. . .. . . .. . . ....

Please let us know your thoughts so we can quickly get you any information or materials
you will need. . si :..=:.=
. ...
:5. -
Anthony . . .

-' =...s
----- Original Piessage----- NIH news ireleases and news .items-'[mailto: N I ~ P R ~ S S ~ ~ L I
. . ~. .&h_aal_f
-. . Of-.NIH
.-. . OLI-B l
(NIH/OD) ;

Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:07 .AM .


U.S. Depdrtment of Health and Human Services


NIH News
National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences (NIEHS)


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Ann Gordon, Hager Sharp
Christine Bruske, NIEHS

Media Advisory
Press Conference for NIEHS "Envlronnerrtal Solutions to O b e s i ~ yL:! .z-~er:=

Wednesday, June 1, 10:15 a.m. (immediately-following opening remarks).
WHERE:. -. - - :-
- -
- -
'kmhiri'gton-'convention Center-, -~oom-203.
A/B -- - -
801 Mount Vernon Place,.NW:,, -
Washington, DC 20001
_ - . .-. -. . . . . . . . ..
-:7- .- '--

The Honorable Mike Leavitt, Secretar,y,Department of Health and Human Se ices; !'i?e
Admiral Richard H. Carrnona, U.S. Surgeon General; Dr. David Schwartz, Ci ctor, NIEES;
Lynn Swann, Chair, President's Ccuncil on Physical Fitness and Sports
National and community leaders will join researchers to sort out how a c Id's environment
increases the risk for @esity and to identify ways the environment can changed to
address this health epid6tc. More than 700 people will gather for a two ay conference,
"Environmental Solutions to Obesity in America's Youth," sponsored by th Nati.ona1
In-stitute of Environmental Health Sciences, one of the National Institut of Health. . -
BACKGROUND: ....... .
. && ........... - -*
- .
The NIEHS is working to determine how the environment affects obesity ra s and--howit c-an
build upon promising programs that create safe, healthy communities that elp kids make
better choices and have active~!Lifestyles. ..-.>- - - . .- -
In the last three decades, obesity has doubled among preschoolers and ad escents and
tripled among kids between the ages -of 6 and 11.


- A-yz-. Government
. . and community leaders will share their ---success
. stories. Speak s from such
organizations as ~ a t i n oHealth Access Xnd cailfori'niaAdolescent. Nuf~i-t-io .--and
.- - ..Fitness will ---
discuss how they developed culturally appropriate environmental solution to 'obe7-ityin .-'
minority communities. . . . . .

~epresentativesfrom Florida, Massachuset~s,and North Carolina transpor tion '

organizations will discuss how they improved children's health by making alking and
bicycling to school safer, easier and more enjoyabie.
~eseii'6cefs from the National Center for Smart Growth, Louisiana State U versity, and
ely find and
Emory University will share their research and insights on how ~o-:elfelffec~
assess the connection .between the environment and obesity.
, ~
Industry will also be part of the discussion. Sesame Street will join a nel discussion
with Pepsico; Sony Computer Entertainment, Stonyfield Farm, child advoca organization
Children Now, youth fitness program Girls on the Run, and child health e erts on the role
industry and media can play in lowering childhood obesity rates.

Youth exercise and dance programs, including the Belvoir Steppers, a sto #-dance and
drumming group from Fort Belvoir, VA, will be featured at the evening re ption. New
videogame-based exercise programs from Sony and Fowergrid Fitness will a o be

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee will be the closing keynote speaker

ii #

This NIH News Release is available online ac:


To subscribe (or unsubscribe) from rhis lisc, go co hzcp://iist.nit.g~~u,

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Sent: Thursday, May 26,2005 11:29 AM
To: Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS)

Just spoke to Jim and asked him if it would fit in. He said ir w z ~. i. z . -- :
Anthony and asked hlm how m u ~ hit would cost. He should be getzing 5 z c ~1
soot as he does and if it is reasonable 2'11 e-mail you, Kevin, Suzy a r s

-----Orlglnal-Message----- --
F-: Petree, Klrsten (tiHS/OS) - --- --
Sent: Tnursday, May 26, 2005 1 1 2 8 AM -- - .
TO: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS)

I think this would be great, and jim could give us more of an idea of wha he's talking
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

-----Origlnal Message----- .,

From: Anthony Signorelli <>

To: Morales, Dan (HHS/OS) <>
CC: Carla H o r r i l l e n o ~ x C E $ o ~ r U e n o @ A d C o u n c i l . o r g > ;
Jenny Osterhout
<>; Pearson, Christina (HHS/OS) <Christina.Pearsc
Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS) <>
Sent: Thu May 26 11:01:51- 2 0 0 5 . .y A- . . ..- -
Daniel, . -. -.--..
- -..-- there any opportunity to have Secretary Levltt-mentlon the Small Step ampaign in his
remarks next Wednesday an&-have your sfzff dlstrlbute a few hundred.Blue_ Q&M.
. -.
Bracelets? Thls event looks llke a great way to boost the exposure of ol campaign
Step and .- '- .

ampllfy our important message about taklng small steps. - -.

Please let us k'now your thoughts so we can quickly get you any informatic or materials
you will need.

Thanks, . , . -

-----Origlnal Message-----
From: NIH news releases and news lterns [mallto:NIHPRESS@LIS?.NIH.GOV]On
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:07 AM

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


NIH News

National Institute of Environmental

Health Sciences (NIEHS)


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Ann Gordon, Hager Sharp
202-842-3600 ..

Christine Bruske, NIEHS


Media Advisory ..
. -~
.. --


- -~
IIN ~ . ~.


_ . - -. .

Press Conference for NIEHS "Environmental Solutions to Obesity in A m e r i ;
Youth" conference.
Wednesday, June 1, 10:15 a.m. (immediately following opening remarks).

Washington Convention Ce.ptqr, Room 203 A/B
801 Mount Vernon Place, h.'.
Washington, DC 20001

The Honorable Mike Leaw&-G, -Secretary, Department of Health and Human
Services; Vice Admiral Richard H. Carmona, U.S. Surgeon General; Dr. Darj
Schwartz, Director, NIEHS; Lynn Swann, Chair, President's Council on
Physical Fitness and Sports ..< ...>-

National and 'community--leaderswill-join researchers to sort out how a
child's environment increases the risk for obesity and to identify ways t
--- C i)
can be changed to address this healthepidemic. More than 7 O (
people wiil gather -for a two-day confei%nce, '~~n"ir'onmental Solutio.ns.,t-6-;
Obesity in America's ~ o u t h , "sponsored by the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences, one-of the National Institutes of Health.
. .
The NIEHS is working to determine how the environment affects obesity rat
and how it can build upon promising programs that create safe, healthy'
communiti-es that help kids make better choices and nave active lifestyle:
In the"Tast three decades, obesity has doubled among preschoolers and
adolescents and tripled among kids berween the ages of 6 and 11. - -

Government and community leaders will share their success stories. Speakc
from such organizations as Latino Health Access and California kdolescen;
Kutrition and Fitness will discuss how they developed culturally appropr:
environmental solutions to obesity in minority corrrnunities.

Representatives from Florida, Massachusetts, and North Carolina

transportation organizations will discuss how they improved children's
health by making walking and bicycling to school safer, easier and more

Researchers from the National Center for Smart Growth, Louisiana State
University, and Emory University will share their researzk anc. :no:z5rs

how to effectively find and assess c?:e conneztion berweer. :he * ...-- .,
0 - - - - - - - - 2 -

and obesity.
. ,
Industry will also be part of the discussion. Sesaae Streez wlii gs::.-~
-. . . -
panei discussion xith Pepsico, Scny Computer En~er=ainme?r, Sronyr~e-E :
child advocacy organiza~ionChildren NOW, yc>:zh EIZRQSS c r. . 3 ~ r a ~ .
Girls c-
Run, and child heaith experts on the role induszry ane necla zai. g l a y i~
lowering childkood obesity rates.
Youth exercise and dance programs, including-the Belvoir Steppers, 2 '
stomp-dance and drumminc group from Fort Beivoir, Vk, will be feaxurez E
the evening reception; New videogame-based.exercise progzaEs fro^. Sony a
Powergrid Fitness will also be demonstrated.

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee will be the closing keynote speaker.


~embers.6f~he-:press -interested i q ~ o n a a c t i n qinterviews with any cf :he
speakers-, please contact Jennifer Bkowne - 919-541-7848 or Ann Gsrc;oi: a r . .
202-842-3600, Details .about'
. . - . - the-peeting,
. includi-ngt h e agenda, ar+__oosz.s
the conference website.
The Washington Convention Center is located between 7th and 9th Screets
N Street and Mt. Vernon Place in downtown DC, right across from the new
Museum. It is served by Ronald Reagan National Airport (DCA), Dulles
International Airport (IAD), and Baltimore/Washington International air^
(BWI). It is accessible by Metro's Yellow and Green lines.

This NIH News Release is available online at:
.'w.-:*... .* d.,-

To subscribe (or unsubscribe) from this list, go to
. -
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:02 AM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Cc: Carla Horrilleno; Jenny Osterhout; Pearson, Chr~st~na
(HHSIOS), Petr Kirsten (HHSIOSj

Importance: High

Is there any opportunity to have Secretzry ievitt men-ion the Smell Sre;
remarks nexr Wednesday and have 'your staff-distribute a few hundrec 51uc
Bracelets? This event iooks like a great way tc boosc the exposEre sf c
C, -
amplify our imsorrant-message abouttaking
--- .
- .-
s-mall steps.
.. .
- --
Please let us know your thgughts--sowe can qulckly get you any- ~ n f.o- - r _ m a ~
you wlll need.
-----Original Message-----
From: NIH news releases and news items [mailto:NIHPRESS@LIST.NIH.GOVjOn lalf Of NIH Oii2
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:07 AM

U.S. Department of HeaLLh-and-Human Services


.- .. . - .3-
NIH News

National Institute of Environmental

Health Sclences 4NIEHS)
-- - _ _ _http,:./
_ /www . niehs . nlh.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Ann Gordon, Hager Sharp
christrT'fie Bruske, NIEHS

Media Advisory

Press Conference for NIEHS "Environmental Solutions to Obesity in kmeric s Youth"

Wednesday, June 1, 10:15 a.m.- - (immediately following opening remarks).
W a s h i n g t o n C o n v e n t i o n C e n r e r , Room 2C3 A / E
8 0 1 Mounc Vernon P l a c e , NW
W a s h i n g t o n , DC 2 0 0 0 1

The H o n o r a b i e Mike L e a v i t t , S e c r e t a r y , Deparrmenr cf g e a l r k . a;c Eyx.": S ; I ..;"

A d m i r a i R i c h a r d H . Carmona, U.S. S u r g e o n G e n e r a l ; P r . 3=.-.-18Sc?,~.;trr:, ?:re - - - - , !..--..-,

Lynn Swann, C h a i r , P r e s i d e n t ' s C o u n c i l on P h y s i c a l f i z n e s s a n c. 2- c z r r s
N a t i o n a l a n d coipmunity l e a d e r s w i l l j o i n r e s e a r c h e r s t o s o r c o u r how a cd:l2'-.
i n c r e a s e s t h e r i s k f o r o b e s i t y a n d t o i d e n t i f y ways t h e e n v i r o n m e n ~ zar. b's ~ ~ 3 2 3 2f?5
a d d r e s s t h i s h e a l t h e p i d e m i c . More t h a n 700 p e o p l e w i l l g a c h e r f c r a cwc-kzl. ---;--=--- -- - -,
. . - - - - . a -

" E n v i r o n m e n t a l S o l u t i o n s t o O b e s i t y i n A m e r i c a ' s YOU:^," s p o n s o r e d by r n a ~Kz::c::~l

- .. . .
I n s t i t u t e o f Environmental H e a l t h Sciences,-. o n e o f t n e N a T i o n a l I r i s r i z u - , e ~o r .?es-r.-..
-. -- . -
. .
T-NIWS i s w ~ , k ~ n g t o d e t e r ; i n e how t h e e.vironmen:
. .... . a f f -e c ~ s; b c S i z y. .. , < , -
z.--z, z . -- 3 :: ZET.
b u i l d upon p r o m i s i n g p r o g r a m s -ti?_at c r e a t e s a f e , n e a l t h y c o m m u i ; , l t i e.s t - .. K l a s =znc
- . .
b e t t e r c h o i c e s a n d hate a c t i v e l i f e s t y l e s ; . .
I n t h e l a s t t h r e e d e c a d e s , o b e s i t y h a s d o u b l e d among p r e s c h o o l e r s a - 5 a;shesze:.:s i-5
t r i p l e d among k i d s b e t w e e n t h e a g e s o f 6 a n d l i .
Government a n d community l e a d e r s w i l l s h a r e t h e i r s u c c e s s s t o r i e s . S p e a k e r s frorc s u c h I
o r g a n i z a t i o n s a s L a t i n o H e a l t h A c c e s s a n d C a l i f o r n i a A d o l e s c e n t N u t r i t i o n a ~ Fitness
5 will
d i s c u s s how t h e y d e v e l o p e d c u l t u r a l l y a p p r o p r i a t e e n v i r o n m e n t a l solutions t o o b e s i c y i n
m i n o r i t y communities.

R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s from ~ l o d a M , a s s a c h u s e t t s , and North C a r o l i n a

o r g a n i z a t i o n s w i l l d i s c u s s .how t h e y i m p r o v e d c h i l d r e n ' s h e a l t h
b i c y c l i n g t o s c h o o l s a f e r , e a s i e r a n d more e n j o y a b l e .

R e s e a Y c h e r s from t h e & a & i c m a L C e n t e r f o r S m a r t Growth, L o u i s i a n a S t a t e U n i v e r s i f - y , - a n d
Emory U n i v e r s i t y w i l l s h a r e t h e i r r e s e a r c h a n d i n s i g h t s on how t o e f f e ~ t i ~ p e lf yi n d a n d
a s s e s s t h e c o n n e c t i o n between t h e environment and o b e s i t y .
- . .- -1 1
-- : ==
I n d u s t r y w i l i a l s o b e p a r t o f t h e d i s c u s s i o n . Sesame S t r e e c w i l l j o i n a p a n e l d i s c u s s i o n
w i t h P e p s i c o , S o c y Computer E n t e r c a i n r n e n t , S t o n y f i e l d Farm, c h i i d a d v o c a c y o r g a n i z a t i o n
C h i l d r e n Now, y o u t h f i t n e s s p r o g r a m G i r l s on t h e Run, a n d c h i l d h e a l t h e x l p e r t s on t h e r o l e
i n d u s t r y and m e d i a c a n p l a y i n l o w e r i n g c h i l d h o o d o b e s i t y r a t e s .
>. - .--
Ybiith e x & - c i s e a n d d a n c e p z o g r a m s , ' i n c l % d i n g t n e L = . ~ . e l v o iSteppers,
a. .sforgp.;ci$n.ceq.nd
d r u m m i n g - g r o u p from F o r t ' B e l v o i r , VA, w i l l b e f e a t u r e d a t t h e e v e n i n g r e d e ~ t i o n . New-
v i d e o g a m e - b a s e d e x e r c i s e p r o g r a m s f r o m Sony and P o w e r a r i d F i t n e s s w i l l a l s o b e
demonst r a t e d .

A r k a n s a s G o v e r n o r Mike Huckabee w i l i b e t h e c l o s i n g k e y n o t e s p e a k e r .

~ e m b e r s ? ' b ft h e p r e s s - ' i n t e r e s t e d i n c o n d u c t i n g i n t e r v i e w s w i t h a n y o f t h e s p e a k e r s , p l e a s e
c o n t a c t J e n n i f e r Browne 9 1 9 - 5 4 i - 7 8 4 8 o r Ann Gordon a: 2 0 2 - 8 4 2 - 3 6 0 0 ~ ; - - . D e t a - i l s a b o u t t h e
m e e t i n g , i n c l u d i n g t h e a g e n d a , a r e p o s t e d on t h e C o n f e r e n c e w e b s i t e .

The Washingto-n C o n v e n t i o n C e n t e r i s l o c a t e d b e t w e e n 7 t h a n d 9 t h S t r e e t s and N S t r e e t a n d
M t . Vernon P l a c e i n downtown DC, r i g h t a c r o s s from t h e new C i t y Museum. i s s e r v e d by
R o n a l d Reagan N a t i o n a l A i r p o r t (DCA), D u l l e s I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r p o r t
Baltimore/Washington I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r p o r t (BWI). I t i s a c c e s s i b l e
Green l i n e s .

T h i s N I H News R e l e a s e i s a v a i l a b l e o n l i n e a t : I
To subscribe [ o r unsubscribe) from this list, g o tc ht:~://;
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, May 25,200511:24AM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Carla Horrilleno; Jenny Osterhout: Pearsont7Christina(HHSIOS); Petree. Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Subject: Local Radio Kentucky - Approval Requested
. .

We have a great opportunity to obtain additional donated
PSAs through the Kentucky Broadcasters AssociatiorPand

rk -
- -
below): With your permission, we will allow the local group to
folloying VO, "contact your local health department for more
community". Localized materials-hale been known to increase a
provides the local community with a vehicle to highlight there own programs. --
... -
- --.-
. .

Please let us know if we are approved to move forward andlor if you have any questions We
the edited spots for our and your records. Ideally, we would like approval by the end of this week.
obtain copies of 411 -.


Fmm: ~ e n n ~ e . ~ r i d e r ~ k ~ . ~ o ' ~ h i ; m a i l t o : ~ e n n ~ e . ~ r i d e r Q k y . ~ o v ]
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 3 5 4 PM
To: Ellyn Fisher
Subject: RE: Physical Activity Media Campaign
--.-"a - - ,#

Ellyn. I have contacted Kentucky Broadcasters Association who we have a educational partnerbhip with. I have
spoken with Gary White, President, who has said radio stations will not be paid for runcing the~e-radjqspots.If ..
we are given permission to run these spots in Kentucky, I would like to localize the+ by adding "co6tSct your local
health department for more information on physical activity programs in your community".
I hope this helps in us being able to use your ads. -.-
Jennye - ., -.-.

Jennye M. Grider
KY Dept. for Public Health
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

.,..'.+.'.' - . --
Anthony Signorellil Carnpa~gnDirector I The Advertising Council
261 Madison Ave. I New York. New York 1001 6

- 1
Page 1 of 2

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Tuesday, May 24,2005 2:55 PM
To : Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Cc: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS); Jenny 0-sterhout; Heidi Arthur; Petree, Kirste
Subject: RE: Youth Obesity Prevention - Script Approval & Director's Reel
Importance: High
Attachments: Can Your Food - TV Scripts Rev 5.24.05.doc; Dietary Guidelines Reference 24-05.d0~;
McCann TV Estimate for Signature 5 2 4 - 0 5 . ~ 1Smuggler
~; t
Bid 5-24-05.~1~; gry Man Bid 5-
- .. 24-05 TV
.XIS; Prod Schedule 5-10-05.pdf
. - . - - -- --

.. - -:.-
- ... -

-an- ' -- . . - - -- . -.-

Attached, please find revised scripts-per your suggestions. I have not yet shared these-revni ;w i t h - ~ c ~ a n n , -
who may choose to copywrite this a bit further. However, I have made the cla~msbroader an lore accurate-w~th
regard to the Dietary Guidelines. If you have any questions regarding support for the inform; 1 provided in the .. --
spots, please see the attached reference sheet which outlines the resources from which infor tion was

Also, if you still have the original reel contaming McCann's director recommendations (sent tc iristlna), please
review the film. I've attached the production bids below and, as you will see, Renny Maslow iuggler
Productions) has come in with the lowest bid and will be McCann's recommendation for the 5 )t. If you do not
still have the reel, we will send another copy.
.- Please call with any questions or concerns.

Thank you, .....-.. --. ...-


,~ g ~ nMessage-----
al ..-
From: Morale~,Dan (HHSIOS) []
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 6:08 PM
To: Anthony Sign-orelli
- Cc: Pearson, Christ~na(HHSIOS); Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur; Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS) -
subject: RE: Youth Obesity Prevention - Scr~ptApproval & ~ i r e t t o r ' sReel -- -

Per our discussion today, there are several items that we would like to suggest regarding the

In general, we must stay as close to the dietary guidelines as possible. Also, there are some vernment rules
aba'irfwhen a food can-be linked to a health claim. It appears that due to these issues you n want to consider
broader messages about foods. . :

Specifically to the scripts, promoting or referring to an individual fruit may not be appropriate. the case
of Watermelon, there is no specific evidence that watermelon would improve eyesight or ma1 zeth, skin and hair
healthy and strong.

In Grapes, we are lead to believe that there are not suffic~entstudies to make the claim that ! les "are packed
with nutrients to keep your heart pumping strong."

Last, in bread in order for a food to be considered a good or excellent source of a nutrient, a ving of that food
needs to contain 10-19°/0 (good source) or 20%+ (excellent source) of the nutrient. This IS nc ,ue for bread,
therefore a more appropriate nutrient in bread would have to be sought. Also, in order to mc closely follow the
dietary guidelines we would suggest using whole-wheat bread or whole-grain bread rather t h ~ ust wheat

I hope these points are useful in creating accurate scripts. Please let me know how I can be ( elp.

Daniel Morales

-----Original Message----- -.

dm - ,
From:Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday; ~ a 20,
y 2005 1:05 PFS
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS);

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)

Cc: Pearson, Christina (HHS/O!5J; Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur
-- - -

Subject: Youth Obesity Prevention Script Approval & Director's Reel

Dan & Kirsten,

Thanks for the voice message yesterday. Please confirm that the attached scripts are ,roved for
production. I have some question about the accuracy of the statement in "Burp" that s; wheat bread is
" l o a d e d w i t h c a l c i u m f o r s t r o n g b o n e s " . In my limited knowledge around ! rces of nutrients,
I don't believe wheat bread is a great source of calcium. Thiamine and Niacin are morc ;curate, so we
can change the benefit to read "It's loaded with vitamins to help you stay energized an( zep your muscles
working their best". q p l e a s e let me know if I'm wrong here. I simply want to be cert; that the scripts
are approved and that noSssues are raised later down the road.

Also, please take some time today to review the director's reel we sent to Kirsten and 11 rs know if you
have any feedback-:We-bel,kve the director, Brendan Gibbons, will be great for this pri ct given-the tone ,. .
.~- --.,
and nature of thespots.
.. .-
Best Regards,

:- -e.--i-. .. -.. . . . ..
.- - .,
261 Mad~sonAve.
.. - 1 The Advenising Council
Anthony Signorelli!-Campaign. Dirert_o_r
I New York. New York 1001 6..
Page I o f ?

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) l1

Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Monday, May 23,2005 6:08 PM
'Anthony Signorelli'
Pearson. Christina (HHSIOS); Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur; Petree. Klrsten (HHS;/OS)
Subject: RE: Youth Obesity Prevention - Script Approval & Director's Reel
. .- .


- Per our discussion today, there are several items thapwe would like to suggest regard~ngthe s
- .-

. w e i a ( - i e i u d s t a i as close-hthe dTiary guideli";s

about when a food can be linkedto -a health
broader messages abouf~foods:--
-- claim. It
as possible. Also. there are someqqyernnen! rules
that due t o i h e ~ e ~ s s u e s ~.y o. .~ ~ m a .j ! .~corisider
. ..-

Specifically to the scripts, prorhoting or referring to an individual fruit may not be appropriate. In, the case
of Watermelon, there is no specific evidence that watermelon would improve eyesight or make teeth, skin and hair
healthy and strong. 1
In Grapes, we are lead to believe that there are not sufficient studies to make the claim that gr
with nutrients to keep your heart pumping strong."

Last, in bread in order for a ;&to b e considered a good or excellent source of a nutrient, a s2bing of that food
needs to contain 10-19% (good source) or 20% (excellent source) of the nutrient. This is not true for-bread, ..

- therefore a more appropriate nutrient in breadwould have to be sought. Also, in order to mor closely follow the
dietary guidelines we would suggest using whole-wheat bread or whole-grain bread rather t h a i just wheat
. -- ..:.- ..-.. . .. . . . . ..


I hope these points are useful-in creatjqg accurate scripts. Please let me know how I.?>an be ~d hp
Daniel Morales

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 1:05 PM
'*o- Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS); Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur
Subject: Youth Obesity Prevention - Script Approval & Director's Reel

Dan & Kirsten, 1

Thanks for the voice message yesterday. Please confirm that the attached scripts are approved for
production. I have some question about the accuracy of the statement in "Burp' that saqs wheat bread is
" l o a d e d w i t h c a l c i u m f o r s t r o n g bones". In my limited knowledge around squrces of nutrients.

I don't believe wheat bread is a great source of calcium. Thiamine and Niacin are more accurate, so we
can change the benefit to read "It's loaded with vitamins to help you stay energized and b e p your muscles
working their best". But please let me know if I'm wrong here. I simply want to be certai that the scripts
are approved and that no issues are raised later down the road.

- .-
I Page 7 of 2

Also. please take some time today to review the direttor's reel we sent to K~rstenand le ;know if you
have any feedback. We believe the director, Brendan Gibbons, will be great for thls prc t given the tone
and nature of the spots.

Best Regards,

- 1
Anthon? Signorellil Campa~gnD~rector( The A d v e r r ~ s ~ nCounc~l
- .. I
261 MadisonAve. I N e y York, New York 1001 6
Page 1 of I

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)

From: Anthony Signorelli []

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 1:05 PM
To: Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS)
Cc: Pearson, Christina (HHSIOS); Jenny Osterhout; Heidi Arthur
Subject: Youth Obesity Prevention - Script Approval 8 Director's Reel
Attachments: Can Your Food - TV Scripts 5.1 1.05.doc

Dan 8 Kirsten,
Thanks for the voice message yesterday. Please con'Grm that the attached scripts are appro" or production. I
have some-qtrestio: about the accuracy ofthe statemeM in "Burp" that says wheat bread is "I ie5 wyrr
' d a k i u m -for strong bones1!-..In my-limited knowledge around sources of-nutrients, I dc ~elieve-wheat
bread is a great source of calcium. Thhmine and Niacin are more accurate, sdwe can=.chang e Genefit to read ---
. ...
"It's loaded with vitamins to help you stay energized and keep your muscles working their bes 3ut please let-
me know if I'm wrong here. I simply want to be certain that the scripts are approved and that ;Sues are raised .. .-
later down the road.

Also, please take some time today to review the director's reel we sent to Kirsten and let us kl if you have any
feedback. We believe the director, Brendan Gibbons, will be great for this project given the tc and nature of the

Best Regards, .+, L

Anthony %-=.

-,.- _4nthot1v Signorcllil Campaign Director I The Advertising Council

261 Madison Ave. I New York. New York 1001 6
P: .(2 12) 984- 19891 E: . - .P
II1 Page I of 2

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)


From: Anthony Signorelli [] I

Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 3:43 PM
To :
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Jeannette Osterhout
Subject: RE: Youth Obesity Prevention Campaign - Update 5/18
. . 'I
Will do, thanks. 1l
-Anthony w

. - ..... . --
- - .
. .
----:-Qriginal Mesafe----- - .. . --
- -
.- ..-- ..
- - -. -I. .. ...- - -
. - +

From: Petree, Kirsten (HHS/OS)-[] - - - .

Sent: Wednesday, ~ a y ' i 8 , 2 0 0 5 3 : 4 0 - ~ ~ .. .-

To: Anthony Signorelli; Morales, Dan (HHS/OS)
Cc: Jeannette Osterhout
Subject: RE: Youth Obesity Prevention Campaign - Update 5/18

Send it to:
Kirsten Petree
Director of Communications
.- Ofice of Public AfJnirs
US Department of Health and Human Services
., ..
20d'lndependence A v e n u e 2 W - - ."-
Suite 647 D
Washington, DC 20201
202-401-61 13
kirsterr.~tr' . .-

That should be the best. kdp ... . ..

-----Original Message-----
rom: Anthony S~gnorelli[]
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 3:24 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSfOS); Morales, Dan (HHSfOS)
Cc: Jeannette Osterhout
Subjed: Youth Obesity Prevention Campaign - Update 5/18

Kirsten 8 Daniel,
We will be sending you a new VHS cassette containing the agency's recommendation
tomorrow afternoon (for arrival on Friday morning). Please let us know where to ship
Christina's absence. You may disregard the previously delivered cassette.

The plan is to obtain your approval of the director by Monday, along with your authorizatibn of a production
estimate, and award the job Tuesday (5/24), at which point we will be better able to put together an
accurate production schedule.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this timeline.
P.S. The television networks have recently approved the scripts, so with HHS feedback a17d approval we
are a go.
.- ..

Anthony Signorellil Campaign Director I The Advertising Counci!

261 Madison Ave. I New York. New York 10016
P: (21 2) 984-1 x 8 9 E: as~gnore!
Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA)
From: Anthony Signorelli []
Sent: Wednesday, May 18,2005 3 2 4 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS)
Cc: Jeannette Osterhout
Subject: Youth Obesity Preventjon Campaign - Update 5118
Kirsten & Daniel,
We will be sending you a new VHS cassette containing the agency's recommendation for a d~rectortomorrow
afternoon (for arrival on Friday morning). Please let uS know where to ship the materials in Chr~st~na'sabsence

- You may disregard the prevjously delivered cassette. -

. .. -- - . 'I
... .. - . . --

..A. .

The plan is to obtain your approval of the director by Monday; along with your-aothorizat~onofa- prooc)octian'
estimate, and award the p b Tuesday (3/24), at which point we will be better able to pu~'io~ethe"tanaccurate.. . ..--
production schedule.. I
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this timeline.


~ n t h o Signorellil
n~ Campaign Director I The Advertising Council
P.S. The television networks6'have recently approved the scripts, so with HHS feedback and ap roval we are a go

261 Madison Ave. I New York, New York 10016

Page 1 of 5

Petree, Kirsten (HHSIASPA) I

Anthony Signorelli []
Tuesday, May 17, 2005 3:39 PM
To: Petree, Kirsten (HHSIOS); Morales, Dan (HHSIOS); Pearson. Christina (HHSIOS) I
Cc: Heidi Arthur; Jeannette OsterhouttCarla Horrilleno
Subject: Small Step Newsletter Volume 3: Summer 2005

Christina, Daniel, and Kirsten,

Below, please find the latest Small Step Online Newsletter (content approved 4/25). It was disyibuted to more
than 83,000 subscribers this afternoon. We will share.'results with you as they become available.
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&.always,:feel f&to give me a. .-call..with any questions. . -- . . .. --,.
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Best Regards,

May is National Physical Fitness and ..- ?I
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Sports Month .- .
celebrate National Phys~calFitness and Sports Month t h ~ sMay and be a .-. --.
--. ---. . . .. ,. part of the tradition set i n 1983. Whether youJake advantagesf the great El .-
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spring weather and head Wutdoors for some fun physical activity, or play .-.. -,a- -----*-.-- -.#-

a n indoor sport with your friends and family, getting exercise is a great
fun way t o stay healthy. Here are some.Small Steps t o get you started: I
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Srnall step #3. Do sit-ups i n front o f the TV.

Srnall Step # 4 . Walk during lunch hour.
Srnall Step #17. Join an exercise group.
Small Step # 6 2 . Explore new physical activities
'. - . -.

See more Srnall Steps at wwwWsmaIIsteplggvl

For more information about N a t i o n a l P h y s i c a l F i t n e s s a n d S p o r t s

M o n t h and for help reaching your physical fitness goals, vlsit Get Active:

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Look Out for New TV Ads!
Healthy lifestyles begin with Small Steps. This month, the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with the
Advertising Council, reminds all o f us that healthy lifestyles begin one
step at a time with the release of new television advertising. The hilarious
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and entertaining PSAs feature another round of lost body parts resulting
from the small steps people are beginning to take each day around the

To watch "Spare Tire" and "Thunder Thighs", visit and

click on the View Campaign link.

Picnic Recipes
Here are some great ideas for a healthy farr\Uy picnic in the park or In your own backyard. tuna
salad or chicken salad on whole wheat bread, and don't forget to pile on the veggies. Fcnist wlth
some fruit cobbler for dessert. Also keep handy some fresh fruit such as grapes, strawberrc nd .-

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. .. tiananas, o r fresh-cut veggiessmh as carrot and celery sticks for breaks between games a lalf-time
snacks. .- . .
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Tuna Salad
Small Step #107: Substitute vegetables for other ingredients in your sandwich.


2 cans (6 oz. each) tuna, water pack

112 C raw celep, chopped
113 C green onio%;.chopped
6 112 Tbsp mayonn'aise, reduced fa>

How to Make: .. . . . . . _-. _L

Rinse and drain tu?a-%r-5'-mi'n%es. Break apart with fork. Add celery, onion, and mayonnalse, anc ~twell.

Makes: 5 servings .. .. ..-

Serving Size: 112 cup
Each serving provides: Calories: 146, Total fat: 7 g, Saturated fat: 1 g, Cholesterol: 25 mg, Soc
mg, Total fiber: 1 g, Protein: 16 g, Carbohydrates: 4 g, Potassium: 201 mg

- -- chicken Salad -- -.- .

0 .

Small Step #72:-Remove-skin from poultry before cookinbto lower fat content. -- - -


3 114 C ch~cken,cooked, cubed, sk~nless

1/4 C celery, chopped

. -- 5 ... 1 Tbsp lemon j u ~ c e

1/2 tsp onlon powder ..
. a

118 tsp salt*

3 Tbsp mayonnalse, low fat
. -
*Reduce sodium by removing the 1/8 tsp of added salt. New sodium content for each sewing is 1;

How to Make:
Bake chicken, cut into cubes, and refrigerate. I n large bowl, combine rest of ingredients, add chill1
and mlx well.

Makes: 5 servings
Serving Size: 314 cup
Each serving provides: Calories: 183, Total fat: 7 g, Saturated fat: 2 g, Cholestero!: 78 mg. Sod~um:
mg, Total fiber: 0 g, Protein: 27 g, Carbohydrates: 1 g, Potassium: 240 mg

1-2-3Peach Cobbler
Small Step #65: Choose fruit for dessert.


112 tsp ground clnnamon

1Tbsp vanilla extract
2 Tbsp cornstarch

1C peach nectar .
1/4 C pineapple julce or peach juice (if desired, use juice reserved from canned peaches)
t. 2:cans- (16 oz.each) peaches,gacked i n juice, drained, (or 1 314 Ib fresh) Sl~ced
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1Tbsp tub margarine - -
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_-- - -_ .
e 1 C dry pancake mix- .- -
213 C all-purpose flour
1/2 C sugar -.;
213 C evaporated skim milk as needed
nonstick cooking spray
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1Tbsp brown sugar

.$! ..
How to Make: <: ;


1. Combine cinnamon, vanilla; cornstarch, peach nectar, and pineapple or peach juice In saucepan over
medium heat. Stir constantly until mixture thickens and bubbles. - . .
. . . - ...
2. Add sliced .pea& W t u r e . . .

3. Reduce heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

4. I n another saucepan, melt margarine and set aside. -- A
..-- .. ..
5. Lightly spray 8-inch-square,glass dish with-cooking sprfy. Pour hot peach mixture.lilfo dish.-
6. I n another bowl, comb~nepancake mix, flour, sugar, a d melted margarine. Stir In milk. Quickly
spoon this over peach mixture.
7. Combine nutmeg and brown sugar. sprinkle on top of batter.
8. Bake at 4D0°F-Tor 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. . .- .
9. Cool,gnd cut into 8 pieces. . -.

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Makes: 8 servings
Serving Size: 1 piece
Each serving provides: Calories: 271, Total fat: 4 g, Saturated fat: less than 1 g, Cholesterol: less than 1
mg, Sodlum: 263 mg, Total fiber: 2 g, Prote~n:4 g , Carbohydrates: 54 g, Potassium: 284 mg

More recipes can be found at: h t t p : / / ~ w ~ . ~ ~ m a l 1 ~ ~ t e ~ . ~ 0 v ~ s t e ~ ~ ~ J s t e p 2 ~ r e c i p e s . . h t m l .

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