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Hell Week Memories - 1

by dale10 (
An abused pledge in therapy continues the story of his
initiation. (MF+/M, nc, rp, bi, tor, huml, drugs, preg)
I am sorry that I have not been keeping up with my
report of my abusive hazing at the hands of Billy Chote
and the members of the TKE Fraternity. I have had a
kind of nervous breakdown and been unable to do much of
anything except cry. What a pathetic state for a good
looking formerly healthy nineteen year old boy to be
in, I know. For those of you who are unfamiliar with my
story as told in "Pledge Humiliation Games" I'll just
recap for you a bit.
I went go college at 18, full of hope and enthusiasm.
Shortly thereafter I pledged a fraternity. The pledge
period turned into a sadistic nightmare. I could not
believe the sick perverted things they did to us, and
many of the pledges dropped out. I held out until
almost the end.
Finally I had a breakdown and had to drop out of
school. I initiated a lawsuit against the frat and was
sent to a therapist that the fraternity provided. He
insisted that I recount for him every sick, disgusting
aspect of my initiation. I realized that I had blocked
much of the horror from my mind. The therapist used
hypnosis on me, and suggested that perhaps some of my
"memories" were false and that I was never indeed
abused at all. This freaked me out even more, as I had
been relentlessly sexually abused.
I had to undergo the therapy to complete the lawsuit,
but as time went on, I seemed to regress under the
hypnosis. I couldn't sleep, couldn't hold a job, and
became a nervous wreck. It turns out that the therapist
was an alumni of the fraternity. Still he insisted he
was trying to help me. More and more of our session
took place under hypnosis, and afterward, I would
suffer "hysterical reactions" to my memories.
My asshole began to feel once again as it had felt when
I was anally raped. My mouth would get sore and raw
with my lips swollen just as it had when I had been
forced to suck cock night and day. The therapist said
these were hysterical reactions to my fantasies.
Then the therapist suggested that I meet the Frat
president who had been responsible for most of my
nightmare, Billy Chote. Billy Chote was a handsome
jock and bully. He seemed to live only to fuck and
abuse others. Girls he met seemed to fall under his
charm only to be fucked and dumped by him.

I broke out in a rash and was sick to my stomach as my

meeting with Billy approached. I had not seen him since
that night that I had run away from the Frat house bare
assed naked and half out of my mind. I was terrified of
him. Fortunately most of my meeting with him was done
with me under hypnosis, so I don't remember much of it.
I do remember that he was as handsome as ever and that
he kind of sneered at me. I remember him sitting there
in his tight jeans, rubbing the lump of his crotch, a
habit he had.
It was after the session with my therapist where I met
up with Billy, that I really fell apart. I really had a
nervous breakdown and almost had to be hospitalized. I
may still need to be, as I can barely function. I awoke
from the session with terrible pains in my ass and
guts. The therapist said that once again these were
hysterical pains, not caused by any real physical
problem. My ass hurt so bad, I felt like I had been
gang fucked.
I could hardly walk. My mouth was also swollen, and my
voice was hoarse. But the worst was yet to come. In the
days that followed the session I began to become
convinced that I was pregnant with Billy Chote's baby.
I know this is insane. I am a guy, for Christ's sake.
What had happened to me? I underwent more and more
hypnosis, and it just got worse.
I could feel the baby inside of me I was pregnant with
Billy's baby! I began to worry about how I could
deliver it. I know how nuts this is. The therapist had
me sent to a rest home. All bills would be paid by the
fraternity. I kept asking the therapist if Billy Chote
had raped me at the meeting, and he told me that was
nonsense and my head was filled with delusions.
It was during this time that I began to remember the
events of Hell Week that I had blocked from my mind.
This is what I need to share with you. I hope my
account will spare other young college freshmen the
horror of what I had to endure.
In the weeks before Hell Week, our lives were
miserable. We went to classes sure, but barely had time
to study. We were kept naked most of the time around
the frat house. We were fed huge amounts of Viagra so
our dicks were hard as rock and dripping all the time.
If a pledge was seen without a hard on, he was
punished. You must know how dangerous it is to have to
maintain an erection for hours and hours on end.
Also Viagra can be dangerous too. Some of the pledges
had blurry vision, headaches, and saw strange colors
from the stuff. Others began to have nervous reactions.
Our pricks ached from the need to cum. They tied bells
on our dicks so they could hear us coming and going. We
had to get signatures of frat members on our erect

cocks with magic markers.

We were taken outside on campus and tied to benches
with our dicks hanging out for everyone to see. Clothes
pins were put on our tits and we had to suck clean the
filthy jock straps of the frat members.
Sometimes we had to clean the jock pouches of the frat
brothers while they wore them and leaked into them and
even pissed into them. They filmed us and showed the
videos at parties attended by both guys and girls. We
were forced to sleep as I have said before in a tiny
closet, naked on top of each other. And we had to shit
and piss together into a washtub.
After a sports event or after the jocks worked out, we
had to lick their stinking armpits clean. We also had
to lick their sweaty balls and ass cracks. Billy Chote
of course was partial to having his asshole sucked.
Bill liked to have me suck his asshole while he fucked
one of his girlfriends. It was so sick, I can hardly
bare to think about it.
After the fuck was over, he would make me clean his
dirty dick with my mouth. When I remember back, it
seems like I had cock in my mouth all the time. Between
classes, after classes, all evening. Sometimes I had to
sleep in Billy's room with his dick in my mouth all
We were called "faggot, cum-dumps, ass-wipes, fuckfaces, dick-holes," and worse. We were made to have sex
with each other for the entertainment of the frat
brothers and their girlfriends.
I know that you are asking the same thing the court
people and the police did, why did we put up with it.
Any normal guy would have just quit. Walked away! I
don't know the answer to that. That is why I am in
therapy. Perhaps those of use who stayed and endured
the horror were weak, at the time we were told we were
proving ourselves strong. Billy kept saying things to
me like, "You are doing great. It won't be long now.
Good job."
He would stroke my ego with these words while he gently
fed me his dick to suck on. I remember crawling from
frat brother to frat brother licking their dicks and
balls while they watched TV. I was a mindless freak,
and they loved it. I won the best pledge award for the
first half of the hazing period.
I remember I was so fucking proud. I was sucking dick
and taking it up the ass and I was actually proud. They
all laughed at me not only behind my back but to my
face as well. Guys can be so fucking cruel to other
guys in the name of harmless fun.
I am sorry, but that is all I can handle now. I'll

write more later when I feel better. I have to try to

eat something, but I can't seem to keep any food down.
To be continued?

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