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Medico-legal Aspects of Identification

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of Skeleton

1. Human origin or not?

- oval or round shape skull with less
prominent lower jaw and nasal bone
2. Single individual or not?
- complete layout of bones on a table
3. Height
- approximation of height by measuring long
bones of the body


Tests to determine Sex

1. Social test
2. Genital test
3. Gonadal test
4. Chromosomal test


Problems in Sex

1. Gonadal agenesis
2. True hermaphrodism


Presumptive evidence
of sex

1. General features and contour of

2. Presence or absence of hair in
some parts of body
3. Length of scalp hair
4. Clothes and other wearing
5. Figure
6. Habit or inclination
7. Voice and manner of speech


Highly probable
evidence of sex

1. possession of vagina, uterus and

accessories of female and penis on
2. Presence of developed and large
breasts in female
3. Muscular development and
distribution of fat in the body


Conclusive evidence of

1. presence of ovary in female and

testis in males


Evidences of Sex in
Mutilated or
Decomposed Body

1. General physical and muscular

2. Hairness of the scalp, face, chest,
3. Adam's apple
4. Amount of subcutaneous fat in
specific parts of the body
5. Presence of linea albicantes,
enlarge nipple, cutex in fingernails
and lipstick
6. presence of prostate on male or
uterus and ovary in female

4. Sex
- pelvis, skull, sternum, Femur, Humerus
5. Determination of Race
6. Age
- appearance of ossification centers
-union of bones and epiphysis
7. Determination of duration of interment
- presence or absence of soft tissue still
adherent to the bones
- firmness and weight, brittleness, dryness of
- degree of erosion of the surface of bone
- changes in the clothings, coffin, painting
8. Presence or absence of ante-mortem or
post-mortem injury
9. Superimposed photography
- determining the person to whom the skull

of Sex

1. As an aid of identification
2. To determine whether an individual can
exercise certain obligations vested by law to
one sex only
3. Marriage or union of a man and a woman
4. Rights granted by law are different to
different sexes
5. Certain crimes wherein specific sex can
only be the offender or victin
- rape, seduction, abduction, abuse against
chastity: women are victim
- prostitution: woman
- adultery: married woman
- concubinage: husband


Determination of Age

1. Aid of identification
2. Determination of criminal liablity
3. Determination of right of suffrage (vote)
4. Whether a person can exercise civil rights (21 yo)
5. Capacity to contract marriage
- The legal age for marriage in the Philippines is 18
- 18 and 21: a consent from the father, mother, surviving parent or guardian should be
- 22 and 25: a written parental advice indicating that your parents are aware of your intent to
marry will be required
6. Requisites to certain crimes
Rape: < 12 years old
Infanticide: < 3 days old


Legal Importance of study of blood

1. For disputed parentage (maternity/paternity)

2. Circumstantial or corroborative evidence against or in favor of the perpetrator of a crime
3. Determination of cause of death
4. Determination of the direction of escape of the victim or assailant
5. Determination of approximate time the crime was committed
6. Determination of the place of commission of the crime
7. Determination of the presence of certain diseases


Physical examination of blood


1. solubility test (saline sol: bright red color of)

2. Heat test (blood-> muddy precipitate)
3. Luminescence test


Preciptin test

done to determine whether the blood is of human origin or not

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