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Combat Style Proficiencies.

Combat Style Proficiencies expand your options in melee. It is meant to be a

direct addition to the Players handbook, replacing entirely the rules in Skills and
Powers, and the fighters handbook. Where this doesnt change the players
handbook the players handbook rules can assumed to be in use.
No Combat Style Proficiencies. .
-a single weapon can be used, alone or with a shield.
-a Shield use is exactly as described in the PHB
-If a 2nd weapon is employed, it must be smaller than the primary weapon, unless
both it and the primary weapon are both small relative to the character (yes, a
storm giant can use 2 bastard swords as daggers) A character doing so receives
a 2 to their primary weapon, and a 4 to the 2 nd weapon.(modified by the
characters reaction adjustment) In addition the 2 nd weapon can only ever be
used once a round. Finally, the character looses all specialization bonuses, and
does not receive strength bonuses with their secondary weapon.
-If the character chooses to have their hand free, they can use it to grab, punch,
slap, and otherwise interact with the environment, if they do so they receive the
same 2/-4, and loss of specialization bonus as they would using a second
weapon, any action that requires the characters concentration replaces all other
action (including attacks with the characters primary hand) for the round.
-If both hands are free the character can punch once with each hand (2 attacks)
for 1+1/2 their strength bonus in damage. If the character would normally receive
more than one attack a round, they get that number with their primary hand and a
single attack with their off hand.
-Weapons Size L relative to the character receive a +3 to the characters initiative
rolls, and require both hands to use.
-Mounted characters can charge with a lance without negative doing normal
damage. If they attempt to use a Melee weapon they receive only one attack a
round at a 2, they must be stopped or moving at no more than a trot to do so.
-Bows fire once a round. They receive a +2 to initiative roles, and receive a 2 in
close range, with a corresponding increase in any other range negatives.
(Note: the rules regarding weapon non-proficiency other than bows in the PHB
remain in effect)
-When Mounted characters can attack only once a round at a 2. And only when
the horse is at a walk or stopped.
Melee Weapon Proficiency (All Classes, Only Warriors may specialize)
Proficiency(1): Allows the weapon to be used at the characters normal rate of
attack without penalty.
Specialization(2): Provides a +1 to attack, and +2 damage, it also improves the
rate of attack 1 step. (Generally speaking each step is one half of an action per
round, so an 8th level fighters 3 attacks every 2 rounds, becomes 2 attacks a
round, etc) This is only available to the Warrior classes, fighters at first, and
other warriors at third level

Mastery(3): The attack and damage bonuses increase to +3 this is available to

single class Fighters at 6th level, and other warriors at 9th level
Grand Mastery(4): The Character gains an additional attack each round. This is
available to single class fighters at 9th level, and all other fighters at 15th.
High Mastery(5): Fighters advance to +5 to hit and damage they also do triple
damage on natural a 20. In addition they gain another full attack each round This
is only available to Single classed fighters, who must be 15 th level.
Melee weapon users who seek continue to devote Proficiency slots to their
weapon beyond High mastery gain one step of attack rate progression for each
slot they devote.
Bows (Warriors, Rouges, and Priests)
Proficiency (Requires 2 slots): Bows fire twice a round, gaining attacks at the
normal rate for level advancement. In addition as a bow specialist from the PHB,
if they have their arrow ready and target drawn at the start of the round. (after the
first round of combat this cannot be used unless the character uses their last
shot of the round before to prepare). All archers deny dexterity bonuses to the
ACs of targets not yet aware of their presence. Bow Proficiency requires 2 slots.
If it is not taken at the time of the characters creation, when the character only
has 1 slot they fire at the standard rate of attack for their level, and cannot keep
the bow held on target to take advantage of the auto first attack.
Bow proficiency cannot be taken by wizards. If taken by a thief they will gain a
third attack at 13th level and every 6th level thereafter. (19th, 25th) if taken by a
priest they will only gain additional attacks if they would otherwise be granted
additional melee attacks by their gods.
Specialization: The archers rate of fire increases a step. They gain a +2 to attack
rolls against targets within 30 characters created as archers can do so at 3 rd
level, any other must wait 3 levels from the level they became proficient. All
ranges are increased by 50%
Mastery: The archer gains a +2 to hit and damage, as well as another step to
their Rof. In addition shots can now be sacrificed to provide bonuses to the
eventual attack. Each shot sacrificed provides an additional +2 to hit and
damage. IE: a 15th Grand Master of Archery normally receives 4 shots, at +2, he
can chose instead to take 3 attacks with one of those attacks receiving a +4 to hit
and damage. This is only available to warrior classes. Single classed fighters can
do so at 6th level, any other warriors must wait till 12th.
Grand Mastery: An entire additional attack is gained. This is only available to
single classed fighters of 9th level or higher who were created archers. All ranges
are effectively doubled.
High Mastery: An additional entire attack is gained. As with Melee weapons
attacks that hit by more than 10 do double damage, and 20s do triple. This is
only available to single class Archers, who were created archers and are at least
12th level.
A bow user can continue to devote slots to archery. They gain one step of
advancement to their rate of attack for every slot they devote beyond high

Weapon of Choice (All non-warriors)

This is a one time only, one slot proficiency that grants the player a +1 to hit and
damage with a single type of weapon.
Shield style (Warriors and Priests)
Proficient: The Character learns to properly strap the shield to his back. In this
position the AC bonus applies to attacks from the characters rear, and both of
the characters hands are free. Some shields of no larger than Size M are
designed specifically to enable this, these can be switched from hand to back or
vice versa at the start of any given round, all other shields require a full round to
either strap to the back or take in hand. When a shield is found as random
treasure, any given shield has a 25% chance of this. Shields made thus are
typically about 50% more expensive than other shields. When in use the shields
AC bonus to all attacks from the front or sides that the Shield User is aware of.
Alternately the shield can be used to knock an opponent off their feet. This
requires a successful attack roll at a 2, and a successful strength check.
Characters with a dex of 16 or greater, or a strength higher than the shield users
can attempt to resist with a successful ability check with a negative which is the
amount that the shield user succeeded in their strength roll by. (Igor tries to
knock Steve off his feet. Steve has a Dex of 17, Igor, who has a strength of 18
makes his check rolling a 14, Steve then must make a Dex check at a 4, and
fails with a roll of 15. His next action must either be possible from a prone
position, or be getting to his feet. This can only be done once a round, and the
shields AC bonus does not apply after it is used in any round until the next round
Specialization: A shield in hand now defends the shield user from all attacks they
are aware of. The Shield user is now able to do a shield charge. Anyone in the
path of the shield charge is immediately treated as shield punched. Anyone
attempting to stop the shield charge receive a save vs spell, with both the
characters rolling Strength checks, and the character making their strength check
with the higher roll wins and is knocked off their feet. If that is the shield user the
charge can continue. This is done at 2x the standard movement rate. And takes
all actions for the round.If the Shield user chooses to punch, they do so at the
rate of attack for a fighter of their level. They can resume their defense if they
take their last attack with their shield hand in a round to do so. Finally they can
determine the plus of any magical shield by handling it for a turn or so or by
using it in combat.
Free Hand Use (Warriors and Rouges)
Proficiency: the negatives to attack rolls for using the free hand to act are
reduced by 2. Their Primary weapon receives the benefits of specialization in
rounds where a free hand action is taken
Specialization: the free hand can now do things that require concentration while
the fighting continues with the other hand. (Pick a lock, pick a pocket, tie or untie
a knot, pour a drink etc I have visions of Errol Flynn.)

Two Weapon Style (Warriors only)

Proficiency: This allows a character to more effectively use 2 weapons. The
Primary hand regains specialization bonuses, and the negatives to attack are
reduced by 2. Rangers continue to get this as a bonus. (the 2 nd weapons will
still not receive strength bonuses)
Specialization: The secondary can now attack at the characters standard rate,
however the off hand will still not receive the benefits of specialization or
Ambidexterity (All Classes)
Proficiency: Either hand may now be treated as the Primary hand. If used with
the 2 weapon style than the primary hand can be switched between the two
hands at will, the weapons can both be of relative size M, and the off hand
receives strength bonuses.
If used by a non-fighter character attempting to use 2 weapons without 2 weapon
style proficiency, both weapons now receive a 2 (as opposed to 2/-4) and
equal sized weapons can be used. (for instance this would allow a Cleric to use
two maces both at a 2 adjusted by their reaction adjustment from dex) A wizard
with ambidexterity can use a triggerable, or consumable, magic items (such as a
wands, staves, spell rings etc or they can drink a potion in addition to using
any of the above) in either hand, gaining 2 such actions in any given round, but
they cannot cast spells in rounds where they do so. In addition it requires the
destruction of both an ambidextrous priest or wizards hands to stop them from
casting spells. This costs one slot and must be taken at the characters creation,
if not taken then at the characters creation it can never be taken.
Specialization: The 2nd weapon of someone using two-weapon style now enjoys
the benefits of specialization.
NOTE: When the character has an odd number of attacks (such as 3/2,5/2 or
7/2) they receive the total number of attacks each round with the hand getting the
odd numbered attack alternating each round. (IE a 15 th level specialist in both
styles, who is specialized in the weapon he is using and who would normally
would be entitled to 5/2 attacks gets 5 attacks a round with the hand taking three
attacks alternating each round) In addition the 2 weapon users who is
specialized in both 2 weapon style and ambidexterity add any increases in attack
rate from levels of specialization beyond mastery to their total attacks in a round
as opposed to their attacks with each hand. This reflects the differences between
using a single weapon, and using 2 weapons in tandem. (so they gain 1 attack a
round total from both grand and high mastery, or one step of attack rate from any
proficiency slots devoted to their primary weapon beyond that)

Defensive Fighting Style (Warriors, Rouges, and Priests)

This can be taken for one or two slots. It can only be used when fighting with a
single Melee Weapon and no shield. Each slot improves the characters AC vs
attacks they are aware of by 1.
This style is not compatible with 2 weapon, Aggressive, or shield style.
Aggressive Fighting Style ( Warriors and Rouges)
Proficiency: a character proficient in Aggressive fighting style can opt to increase
their rate of attack by one full attack per round. In exchange the character either
loses any bonuses to their AC due to dexterity, OR their AC goes up by 2,
whichever is higher.
Two Handed Melee Weapon style. (Warriors, Rouges, and Priests)
Proficiency: the plus to initiative is eliminated, If necessary (An arm is injured
etc) the character can now wield their 2 handed weapon with one hand at a 1
to hit and a reduction by 2 of any damage bonuses due to strength. This is
available to all warriors priests and rouges.
Mounted Combat Style (All classes)
Proficiency: The character now does double damage on a charge and may attack
at their normal rate with one hand (assumed to be their primary) there is no
longer a negative to Melee attacks, Wizards and Priests proficient in Mounted
combat can cast spells while mounted.
Specialization: Lance charges now do triple damage. The rider can now Melee
attack, or cast spells, while the horse is running.
Mounted Archery (warriors)
Proficient: The Archer can fire at their full rate of fire while stopped or at a trot.
They can only take 1 shot a round at a run or gallop, which is at a -2.
Specialized: The Archer can fire while their horses are running at their normal
rate without negative.
NOTE: the Mounted combat styles do not replace or duplicate the effects of the
riding proficiency.
Brawling (Warriors, Rogues and Priests)
Proficiency: The Character gains their full strength bonus to their punching
damage, in addition they get the option of going for a knockout punch. This
attack Is at a -4, if it hits the target must save vs. PPDM or be knocked
unconscious. This can be used either for fighting bare fisted, or with their free
hand. The Primary hand tops out at 2 attacks
Specialization: Punches now do 1d4+strength bonus as normal. In addition if
fighting unarmed the off hand now also acts at the characters normal rate of

Neither form of brawling will kill an opponent accidentally. In order to kills

someone with your [characters] bare hands the player making the attacks must
specify that they are killing their opponent when the victim reaches 0hp.
Regardless of the level of specialization a character using the Brawling
proficiency will not get more than 4 punches in any given round.
Elvin sword dancing
This style, available only to elves, can only be used with a single sword. It
increases the rate of attach of the elf using it by one step. It cannot be combined
with shields, or two weapon style, it can however be used with either one or two
handed swords and is compatible with either weapon of choice, or any degree of
specialization, as well as aggressive and defensive styles.

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