No. 33, 4.10.10 Courier

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Christian Courier

F irst Christian Church of Minneapolis (Disciples of Christ)

April 10, 2010

Easter celebration at FCC full of joy and music
Inside the Courier:

! A Look at the Brite

Side, p. 2

! #$%e'()$ *+((+)$

update, p. 3

! ,+(-+./e( +$ 0**i-
gration rally, p. 3

On the Web:

1223( 4e5(+6e
The Easter Sunday cele"#$%&'()$%)*++)&(,-./0/)$)1".230#),#'34)'5),6&-/#0()5'#)
Pa(6)' 9)53( :e$6e$
free Easter basket with goodies such as biblical books and puzzles, stickers, and
More art and reflec- craft kits. Deb Murphy handed out 13 baskets in all.
tions from Deb Mur-
phy The hymns and choir anthems pulsed with an extra air of celebration as Becki
Whitaker on the tympani and a brass quartet (Heather Nicole Patton, trumpet; Kris
Bloomquist, trumpet; Chris Fulton, trombone; Orin Larson, trombone) joined in.
FCC Flickr photos

First steps being taken to sponsor refugee family

Our congregation has sponsored four sion of the Minnesota Council of

refugee families over the years, starting Churches, to get ready to help another
with the Nguyen family in 1980, fol- family settle in the Minneapolis area.
lowed by the Tun family in 2000, the Household goods and furniture will
Htoo family in 2003 and the Fu family be needed, so if you have items another
in 2005. family could use, contact Warren
A small group from FCC is now Westphal or Martha Harris to find out
working with Refugee Services, a divi- how and when to donate.
Page 2 April 10, 2010

A Look at the Brite Side

Living with both crucifixion and resurrection

Christ is risen! One of the things As I said in my Easter sermon,

that so surprises me on a regular one of the marks of Christians is
basis is just how much we live %6$%)%60A)/'(7%)50$#)/0$%6>))
crucifixion and resurrection in I1<0$%6)6$8)-'8%)&%8)8%&(EG4)$8)%60)
our lives, and how the two are Scriptures say.) While I still
intertwined. Every pain, strug- have a lot of trepidation about
gle, disappointment can be spiri- dying J K)/'(7%)#0$--A):$(%)%')E')
tually connected to crucifixion; %6#'.E6)%60)%'.E6)8%.55)K7@0)800()
Pastor Bob Brite every discovery, joy, movement so many times to get to death J I
forward has its connection to re- trust in God to provide heavenly
surrection. Sometimes a resur- reality for me. In fact I try to live
rection experience can imme- with a sense of heaven in my
diately be followed by a crucifix- 2&/8%G)60#0)$(/)(':>))L6$%78)%60
ion one, even though we normal- point of the Christian journey: to
ly think of it being the other way live as citizens of heaven while
That’s the point of the Chris- around. :07#0)here on earth.
tian journey: to live as citi-
0ens of heaven while we’re The whole point of the crucifix- Have a blessed Resurrection sea-
here on earth. ion/resurrection connection is to son, even if there are a few cruci-
provide us with opportunity to fixions here and there during the
grow. Souls who run from pain times.
instead of facing it will never
know the strengthening power of K7/)-&H0)%')800)MNO)'()=.(/$AP
crucifixion experiences, nor will Bob
they know the heights of joy that
a resurrection context can pro-
vide, nor will they have the con-
fidence of death being only a
change, rather than an end.

We pray in thanksgiving for all our regular and guest musicians who
In our prayers brought us beautiful, worshipful music for Easter; for Fern Risinger,
now in rehab recovering from back problems, and also for Bob Risinger;
Gracious God, we for !"s$or (ri$e’s former f"$.er-in-law who recently had quadruple by-
lift up these persons ass surgery; for /ris$en 1"2koski’s sis$er-in-law Sharon who is under-
in our prayers, ask- going chemotherapy; for De5 67r8.y’s mo$.er having hip replace-
ing the blessing of ment surgery, and for Deb78)5''%)&(Q.#A)%#0$%20(%R)5'#)%60)5$2&-A)-'8%)&()
your Grace and out- the fire in south Minneapolis, and the family in Woodbury who lost their
pouring of your Love home but escaped injury from a fire; for those dead
upon them. April 10,and missing miners
along with their families from Whitesville, WV; for those fighting addic-
tions and in joy for those finding sobriety through Christ; for all our
homebound, including A udrey H anson and H elen Smith. Amen.
Christian Courier Page 3

Anderson mission update and more can be found at this website:
Ron and Judy An- Registration forms, available online at the
derson, former above website, should be in the church office by
members of FCC, April 18 so that all forms may be sent together.
are still keeping
busy with mission
work. Ron recently Disciples join in Washington, D.C.
shared this update
on their adventures: rally for immigration reform

1S./A)$(/)K)830(%)TU)/$A8)&()=-&/0--G)D'.&8&$($) A diverse group of

on the alternate spring break build. A huge people from all
church/community Missions Center building is walks of life ga-
being built at FCC Slidell, Louisiana, for joint thered on the Na-
use by the church and mission stations. The ex- tional Mall in
terior dimensions of the building are 40ft X Washington, D.C.
80ft. We also worked on several homes that on Sunday, March
needed a great deal of repair in the area. The 21 to march in
second week we were there over 100 young support of compre-
people were there. You can check out pictures hensive immigra-
at the blog site: tion reform. Dis-
Blessings to all, Ron and Judy ciples could be
found among the
K5)A'.)-''H)$%)%60)3&,%.#08)F'()20(%&'(8G)A'.7--)800) crowd, including
his familiar suspenders as he helps raise the trusses representatives of Disciples Home Missions and its
for the Mission Center. Refugee and Immigration Ministries, Global Min-
istries, the Disciples Justice Action Network, and
Disciples Haitian immigrant groups. General Mi-
Dining Out for a good cause nister and President Sharon Watkins gave the in-
Want to go out for dinner with friends and do good vocation for the three-hour March for America.
at the same time? On April 29, restaurants in the Watkins also preached the interdenominational
Twin Cities will participate in Dining Out for Life, worship service for Ecumenical Advocacy Days
an annual event where eateries donate a portion of (EAD) earlier that morning. EAD's annual meeting
their proceeds to help the Aliveness Project, a local coincided with the rally and also focused on immi-
charity that provides nutritious meals to those with gration. To read a review of Watkins' sermon, visit:
First Christian is taking part and would like to tml
get a group to go to a local restaurant. If you are
interested, please sign up in the Lounge after ser- Numerous faith leaders, including Watkins, met
vice on April 11. with White House and Congressional leaders the
next day, Monday, March 22, to call for just, hu-
Camp Registration due April 18 mane immigration reform policies. Click here for
The Christian Conference Center in Newton, more:
Iowa, offers summer camp experiences for all ages,
from Pee Wee camp for kids up to 2nd grade, to
Junior, Chi Rho and CYF Conference camps, to
Couples Canoe camps. Information about all these
Bi-Weekly Calendar Reflections on the Word
from Lectionary Gospel of 4.11
Sundays at First Christian Church
1[Jesus said,] If you forgive the
Before Worship (9:15 am): Worship 10:30 am sins of any, they are forgiven them;
Art of the Covenant Class Fellowship Hour 11:45 am
if you retain the sins of any, they
Bible Study/Hearthstone Class
are re%$&(0/>4 JJohn 21:23
This Week at FCC Next Week at FCC
Monday, A pril 12 Sunday, A pril 18
B''H)+-.")V)W08%36$-78 7 pm Food Panty Sunday
S08.87)#08.##0,tion is this fascinat-
Elders Meeting 12 n ing line: forgive (release) sins and
T uesday, A pril 13
Disciples Ministers Mtg. 12 n. you let go; hold on to them, and
Monday, A pril 19
Property Committee 7 pm B''H)+-.")V)W08%36$-78 7 pm you keep your grip. This word for
Wednesday, A pril 14 1#0%$&(0/4)relates to the Greek
Finance Committee 5:30 pm T uesday, A pril 20
Mpls. Retired Teachers 11 am word for power, !"#$%&, seen in
Lectionary Group 6 pm
Prayer Circle 7 pm Board M eeting 7 pm %60):'#/)1/02'c#$,A>4))Z'-/&(E)
Bell Choir 6:30 pm Wednesday, A pril 21 onto the sins of others gives you
Chancel Choir 7:45 pm Nikkei 9 am power, but also takes power from
T hursday, A pril 15 Lectionary Group 6 pm you. Releasing these sins gives
Handcrafters 9 am Prayer Circle 7 pm freedom to you and to the sinner
+$#%0#)+&#,-0)V)W'-@0#%'(78)))X)32 Bell Choir 6:30 pm over whom you have power.
F riday, A pril 16 Chancel Choir 7:45 pm
-Article deadline for next Courier
T hursday, A pril 22
Saturday, A pril 17 Handcrafters 9 am Forgiving God, give us the freedom
:lders’ Re$re"$ >-3 @ H illest"d’s to release our grip on the judgment
Sat. A pril 24
90(78)Y#'.3 9 am 90(78)Y#'.3 9 am of others, and on ourselves. Judge
Downtown Grief Group 9:30 am Downtown Grief Group 9:30 am us alone with grace and under-
Laura Lynn/Naomi Circle 10 am standing, in the light of the resur-
Shelter meal at St. Stephens 6 pm
rection. Amen. JChris Wogaman

A Thoughtful Church in the F I RST C H R IST I A N C H U R C H

Heart of the City
2201 1st Avenue South
M inistry T eam
A ll M embers of the Congregation Minneapolis, MN 55404
Robert B rite, Interim Minister
Dennis Sanders, Minister of Diversi- A ddress Service Requested
ty and Mission
C hris Wogaman, Office Manager
Bill Stump, Director of Music
Rick Bowman, Building Manager
Serena C arlson, Nursery Attendant
James Barnett, Pianist
M artha H ar ris, Courier Editor
Telephone: 612.870.1868
Prayer Phone: 612.870.0984
Fax: 612.870.1860

Christian Courier is published bi-

monthly. Send items and ideas to
church office or to Martha Harris by F ri
A pr. 17 for next issue.

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