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Pablo Emilio Blanco Celis



Tlacaelels altar
Good-bye Xochitl, take care. Ill be here tomorrow when the sun begins to shine, I promise. Said
Tlacaelel to Xochitl, his boss at the crops. She is such a good person he thought. In the way back
home from the crops he knew he needed to pass and buy some corn from Tlatelolcos market. It was
such a big market, the walls around it painted in red, people there chatting, and you could barely
hear the other people next to you talk because of the noise, but it was the best market in town. He
entered it, and went straight to Quetzallis stand. Quetzalli was the daughter of the owner of the
land where Tlacaelel worked, he knew her really well because he saw her grow up. You look taller
than the last time he said to her. Maybe youre just shorter responded Quetzalli with a smile. She
was always smiling, and Tlacaelel didnt know why, or how could she be smiling in these times,
difficult times were crops barely grew and in the middle of the war with the Tlaxcaltecs. Maybe she
doesnt worries about anything he thought. He paid for the corn, but as he turned around he saw
the most beautiful thing you can imagine. The girl with the gorgeous smile, and the shinny eyes like
the stars, and the hair falling on her face just like a waterfall, just standing there, in the middle of
the market. I need to talk to her, this time I will talk to her and everything will be perfect, and her
smile, and An arm just moved Tlacaelel away. It was Chichilkualli, but everyone called him Kalli.
He was Tlacaelels worst enemy, they were like nemesis, they were born just to make the others life
horrible, but Kalli always winning.
Watching her again? Kalli asked. Why dont you just leave me in peace? Responded
Tlacaelel. Maybe because it is funny to watch you staring at her, just a poor peasant, full of soil up
to the eyes, with that horrible smile you have and those thin arms, youll never get to her, you
know that, dont you? Maybe it was true; Tlacaelel was just a poor peasant with nothing to give her.
He felt bad about it, but when he least expected it, he was face to face with Teoxihuitl. Hi well I
meant Hello Like friends no? Like I just want to talk to you But well let me stop talking like
this, do you need help in something, obviously something I can help with, because if not I will not
be useful, and you know, I want to help you and Teoxihuitl was about to laugh when Kalli
entered the conversation You know you cant talk, because you are afraid of her, just go walk to
your home and cry little baby, cry, you cant even handle this, poor guy, come on Teoxihuitl, I will
help you get home All the market was laughing at Tlacaelel, he was just staring at how people could
be so mean, but he was in the middle of the market and everyone saw what just happened. He
grabbed his things and went away. He just wanted to get home.
In the middle of his way home, he entered the forest, he was still felling bad and thought this
could help. He stopped at the shore of a river and sat down. He fall asleep, until he woke up 3 hours
later. Then he started hearing strange noises, he thought they were just his imagination until he felt
it. The mouth of a jaguar was in his neck, and the teeth were almost inside his body. The blood flow
was so intense that he started to despair and fell down, just like trees that just have been cut down.
The strange thing here is that he was still alive and hearing and watching. He saw the mouth of the
jaguar, and felt the scratches in his skin, and felt the pain, which was incredible. And all this until
he saw light again, then darkness and the light again. When he stood up he saw there werent
scratches in his neck, he survived the jaguar attack but where was him? Hello Tlacaelel, I was
waiting for you. Maybe you dont know who I am but let me introduce us. Im Mictlantecuhtli, god
of death, but Im not telling that you are dead, Im telling that I have chosen you Tlacaelel didnt
know what to do, maybe this was just a dream or something, he was shocked. Well Ive chosen you
to be the Aztec Warrior, so you are going to be the coolest thing here, not the poor peasant you
were before. Do you agree? Tlacaelel didnt think it through, he said Yes just immediately after the
question. Well, to do it, you will need to stay here in the forest and train yourself for 13 months,
and after that you will be the wanted by all the girls, and all the boys will wish to be like you, now
return to life and help yourself stand up. Good luck, youll need it.

Pablo Emilio Blanco Celis



Tlacaelel stood up, there wasnt blood all over the ground, nor the jaguar was there, just him and no
one else, pure silence. As Mictlantecuhtli told him, he trained for 13 months, no more nor less, in
the middle of the forest. Then, when the months were accomplished he went to town. When he
entered it and everyone stared at him. Everyone thought he had died, or not only that, others said
he was still crying, which made rivers grow at certain times of the year. When he returned, the first
thing he did was to enter the lists of jaguar warriors, in which he demonstrated that he was
prepared for everything and that nothing was impossible. After this, he entered some other war
groups, but without getting to real war. He was about to quit some times when he remembered This
will help me marry Teoxihuitl, this will help me, I need to get stronger, I need to get taller, I need
to be more handsome, but this will help me. All of this happened in a short period of time, because
in the blink of an eye he was fighting in the war against the Tlaxcaltecs.
As part of the jaguar warriors he needed to capture alive and kill Tlaxcaltecs, men
Tlaxcaltecs. He somehow started to kill people at a faster rate, and not only by him, but Aztecs
started to reign. In one of this little wars he found Chichilkualli, and he didnt know but he was the
favorite to be the next emperor, and not only that, he also helped a lot in war to get rid of the
Tlaxcaltecs. He helped that much that the Aztecs had started to advance their frontiers, but this
didnt help Tlacaelel in anything, he just wanted revenge from Kalli, and the most important thing:
marry Teoxihuitl. When he found Kalli, he started to get angry, and the more he saw him, the
angrier he got, because Kalli destroyed almost all his opportunities with Teoxihuitl. The war started
to grow, and people were killed per day like crops were planted. Nobody was safe in a place of the
Aztecs Empire.
Help! Help! HEEEELP!!! Screamed Kalli. 6 Tlaxcaltecs were attacking him at a time, and he
needed help. Please help! Someone! Tlacaelel heard this and he thought it was a poor kid that just
needed some help. When he arrived to the place, he saw Kalli and the other 6 people around him.
He knew he could help, but his pride didnt let him, until he remembered when he needed help, and
he knew how it felt. Resist, I will help you, resist He took out the weapon and started frightening
the Tlaxcaltecs, and made them go away. I didnt need help you are a loser. Why did you come? I
dont need help; I just need myself and nothing else. Go away and dont return Tlacaelel felt really
bad about this because he knew that Kalli wouldnt have survived if he werent there. You know you
need me, because I saved your life, without me now you would just be another dead person,
nothing else This heated even more the conversation, and Kalli walked to Tlacaelel face. If you
thing I need you, thats because you just want to be at my back covering me and watching me
doing the hard and good job, or you just want to be looking the beautiful Teoxihuitl? After that,
Kalli received a punch in his face. Tlacaelel, the poor peasant as he used to call him just punched
him. But this wasnt over; a fight started over them two. Tlacaelel started to punch Kalli on the face,
but then Kalli punched him in the stomach, and like for 8 minutes they were like this, until
Tlacaelel punched Kalli so hard that he fall down and was unconscious. What happened? he asked
when he stood up again Tlacaelel just won a fight against you, you were humiliated and you are
nothing now answered a peasant that was walking searching for food. This was impossible,
Tlacaelel defeating Kalli? It sounded really bad. But things wouldnt stop here, Kalli was decided to
win over Tlacaelel, so he started to walk to Tlaxcaltecs Empire.
What are you doing here? Said a guard that found Kalli in the forest while asleep. I was just
walking. Then the guard spotted the colors of the Aztecs and killed Kalli at the moment, because he
was still like sleep. The story didnt last much so that all the Aztecs got to know that just an
insignificant guard of the Tlaxcaltecs killed Kalli. While this happened, Tlacaelel started to train
again and became the fiercest warrior that existed as Mictlantecuhtli promised. After all things had
happened, he needed to do something about it, and now, as the general of the Aztec army, he
walked all the way from Tenochtitlan to Tlaxcala. The trip was hard because of the hunger and
people were dehydrating very fast, but then they reached a small town just some miles away fr0m

Pablo Emilio Blanco Celis



the great city of Tlaxcala. Then at this point, warriors knew the plan better than the palm of their
hand, but Tlacaelel was still nervous. He knew this was the decisive point in his life. If I win the
war, I will be named the general of the warriors, and will be able to marry Teoxihuitl.
It is completely dark Tlacaelel said. They were entering the city of Tlaxcala, and got
impressed by the great pyramids that they had there. They entered the palace, a big non-painted,
palace, which had a long door to enter the emperors place. At this point the emperors guards
spotted them. A big fight started in the Tlaxcaltecs palace. Tlacaelel didnt lose time, and when he
just saw that the fight started and people were mad at others, he entered the main room of Itzcoatl,
the emperor, Tlacaelel didnt have mercy, he just came in and picked up a rock and started
punching Itzcoatl in his face with it. It was over. Tlacaelel won, no more war, the war was over. But
this wasnt the best part. When he returned to Tenochtitlan with the head of Itzcoatl, all the people
knew that Aztecs won.
I love you so much Said Teoxihuitl to Tlacaelel, her new husband. Just when Tlacaelel
appeared in the city with the head of Itzcoatl, Teuauhtli organized the wedding of his daughter and
this fierce warrior which liberated the Aztecs from the war, permitted more crops to grow, and
Aztecs culture grew again, all because of this little poor peasant that became the most important
person in the Aztec empire for long. Now Tlacaelel and Teoxihuitl were married and had 3 sons and
1 daughter. They were a rich family and Tlacaelel was the next in line for the crown. Everything was
perfect, but Tlacaelel still remembered the help from Mitlancuhtli, so he built a stair shaped grave
which was later called Altar de muertos, in memory of the god of the dead and all of the death
people that had fought in the war. This is how the tradition started, as a way to say thanks to the
god for helping Tlacaelel making Aztecs the best. And the tradition now continues, if you go to
Mexico the 2nd of November you will be able to see them, but now people just use them as a way of
remembering dead people they appreciated.
-2108 words

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