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Announcing the 2016 RhymeZone Poetry Prize

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From The Robin (Mother Goose rhyme):

The north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
From Winter (Mother Goose rhyme):
Cold and raw the north wind doth blow,
Bleak in the morning early;
All the hills are covered with snow,
And winter's now come fairly.
From Love's Labour's Lost: Act V, scene II:
When all aloud the wind doth blow
And coughing drowns the parson's saw
And birds sit brooding in the snow
And Marian's nose looks red and raw,
From Love's Labour's Lost: Act IV, scene III:
Air, quoth he, thy cheeks may blow;
Air, would I might triumph so!
From Pericles, Prince of Tyre: Act I, scene IV:
For now the wind begins to blow;
Thunder above and deeps below
From "Nineteen Hundred And Nineteen" by William Butler Yeats:
That winds of winter blow
Learn that we were crack-pated when we dreamed.
We, who seven yeats ago
Talked of honour and of truth,
From "Narrative And Dramatic The Wanderings Of Oisin" by William Butler Yeats:
Burst from a great door matred by many a blow
From mace and sword and pole-axe, long ago

From "The Song Of The Old Mother" by William Butler Yeats:

I RISE in the dawn, and I kneel and blow
Till the seed of the fire flicker and glow;
From "UPON A DELAYING LADY" by Robert Herrick:
You must blow;
Or I shall quickly grow
From "TO SAPHO" by Robert Herrick:
Where the northern winds do blow
Endless ice, and endless snow;
From "The Truce of the Bear" by Rudyard Kipling:
"Sudden, silent, and savage, searing as flame the blow -Faceless I fell before his feet, fifty summers ago.
From "Mulholland's Contract" by Rudyard Kipling:
"They must quit drinkin' an' swearin', they mustn't knife on a blow,
They must quit gamblin' their wages, and you must preach it so;
From "With Scindia To Delhi" by Rudyard Kipling:
There was no room to clear a sword -- no power to strike a blow,
For foot to foot, ay, breast to breast, the battle held us fast -Save where the naked hill-men ran, and stabbing from below
Brought down the horse and rider and we trampled them and passed.
From "Buried Love" by Sara Teasdale:
I shall stay all day in the sun
Where the wide winds blow, -But oh, I shall cry at night
When none will know.
From "Lucasta At The Bath." by Richard Lovelace:
Blow then, unruly northwind, blow,
'Till in their holds your eyes you stow;
From "Lucasta's World Epode" by Richard Lovelace:
Cold as the breath of winds that blow
To silver shot descending snow,
From "The Old Chimaeras. Old Recipts" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

This way and that, now up, now down,

I hailed full many a blow.
Alas! beneath my weary arm
The thicket seemed to grow.
From "Cocoon, The" by Robert Lee Frost:
From which no winter gale can hope to blow it,-Spinning their own cocoon did they but know it.
From "Aim was Song, The" by Robert Lee Frost:
Man came to tell it what was wrong:
I hadn't found the place to blow;
It blew too hard--the aim was song.
And listen--how it ought to go!
From "He fumbles at your spirit" by Emily Dickinson:
For the ethereal blow,
By fainter hammers, further heard,
Then nearer, then so slow
Your breath has time to straighten,
From "In The Character Of A Ruined Farmer" by Robert Burns:
The surly tempest blow:
And it's O, fickle Fortune, O!
From "A Mother's Lament For the Death of Her Son." by Robert Burns:
Death, oft
Now, fond,
O, do thou
With him I

I've feared thy fatal blow.

I bare my breast;
kindly lay me low
love, at rest!

From "Village Blacksmith, The" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

You can hear his bellows blow;
You can hear him swing his heavy sledge,
With measured beat and slow,
Like a sexton ringing the village bell,
From "Sonnet XXXVII" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:
Thy sovranty, recoiling with a blow,
Have forced my swimming brain to undergo
From "Sonnet V" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning:
It might be well perhaps. But if instead
Thou wait beside me for the wind to blow

The gray dust up, . . . those laurels on thine head,

O my Beloved, will not shield thee so,
From "Old Front Gate, The" by Paul Laurence Dunbar:
So you fin' dat hit's a rule,
An' daih ain' no use to blow,
W'en de gals is growin' up,
Dat de front gate will sag low.
From "Psalm Of The West" by Sidney Lanier:
`Ever the winds into the West do blow;
Never a ship, once turned, might homeward go;
From "Glove, The" by Robert Browning:
``But when the heart suffers a blow,
``Will the pain pass so soon, do you know?''
From "Another Way Of Love" by Robert Browning:
Had yet to blow,
When a man I know
From "A Lovers' Quarrel" by Robert Browning:
Where the sunflowers blow
In a solid glow,
From "Lady Clare" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
IT was the time when lilies blow,
And clouds are highest up in air,
Lord Ronald brought a lily-white doe
To give his cousin, Lady Clare.
From "Giaour, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:
Faithless to him, he gave the blow;
But true to me, I laid him low:
From "Euthanasia" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

band of friends or heirs be there,

weep, or wish, the coming blow:
maiden, with dishevelled hair,
feel, or feign, decorous woe.

From "Bride of Abydos, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

And watch unfolding roses blow.

Would that yon orb, whose matin glow
From "Mazeppa" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:
With every now and then a blow,
And ten to one at least the foe,
From "Siege of Corinth, The" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:
Mustering his last feeble blow
'Gainst the nearest levell'd foe,
From "Last Lines" by Anne Bront:
That secret labour to sustain
With humble patience every blow,
To gather fortitude from pain
And hope and holiness from woe.
From "Three Guides, The" by Anne Bront:
Deserts beyond lie bleak and bare,
And keen winds round us blow;
But if thy hand conducts me there,
The way is right, I know.
From "Lines Inscribed on The Wall of a Dungeon in The Southern P of I" by Anne B
When she beholds the sunny skies,
And feels the wind of heaven blow;
Has she no tear for him that lies
In dungeon gloom, so far below?
From "Now I am a Plant, a Weed..." by Katherine Mansfield:
And spin and blow
To and fro, to and fro,
From "Improvisatore, The" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
Or annual flower, which, past its blow,
No vernal spell shall e'er revive ;
Uncertain, and afraid to know,
Doubts toss'd him to and fro :
From "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, The" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
As who pursued with yell and blow
Still treads the shadow of his foe,

From "Panthea" by Oscar Wilde:

There never does that dreary north-wind blow
Which leaves our English forests bleak and bare,
Nor ever falls the swift white-feathered snow,
Nor doth the red-toothed lightning ever dare
From "Ave Imperatrix" by Oscar Wilde:
Bokhara, where red lilies blow,
And Oxus, by whose yellow sand
The grave white-turbaned merchants go:
And on from thence to Ispahan,
From "Work Without Hope" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
Yet well I ken the banks where Amaranths blow,
Have traced the fount whence streams of nectar flow.
From "To A Primrose" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
And sweeter far the early blow,
Fast following after storms of Woe,
From "The Telegraph Operator" by Robert W. Service:

coin I used to
bars I used to
racket and the
beers I didn't


From ""Fighting Mac"" by Robert W. Service:

And struck, for Empire's sake, a giant blow.
His arm was strong. Ah! well they learnt, the foe
From ""Me thinks this heart..."" by Emily Jane Bront:
And I have sat and watched the trees
And the sad flowers how drear they blow
Those flowers were formed to feel the breeze
Wave their light leaves in summer's glow
From "Night is Darkening Around Me, The" by Emily Jane Bront:

night is darkening round me,

wild winds coldly blow ;
a tyrant spell has bound me,
I cannot, cannot go.

From "Drinking Song, On the Excellence of Burgundy Wine" by Hilaire Belloc:

But the rain he may rain, and the wind he may blow,
If the Devil's above there's good liquor below.
From "Forsaken Merman, The" by Matthew Arnold:
Now the great winds shoreward blow,
Now the salt tides seaward flow;
From "Forsaken Merman, The" by Matthew Arnold:

children, at midnight,
soft the winds blow,
clear falls the moonlight,
spring-tides are low;

From "Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse" by Matthew Arnold:

Too late for us your call ye blow,
Whose bent was taken long ago.
From "A Gravestone" by William Allingham:
Then leave it free to winds that blow,
And patient mosses creeping; slow,
From "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae:
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
From "Poem (Halleck monument dedication)" by Oliver Wendell Holmes:
So, laden with his song, the breezes blow
From where the rustling sedge
Frets our rude ocean's edge
To the smooth sea beyond the peaks of snow.
From "Goblin Market" by Christina Georgina Rossetti:
How warm the wind must blow
Through those fruit bushes."
"No," said Lizzie, "no, no, no;
Their offers should not charm us,
From "Goblin Market" by Christina Georgina Rossetti:
That never blow.
You should not loiter so."
From "'Look at The Clock!' : Patty Morgan The Milkmaid's Story" by Richard Harri

s Barham:
To make one, however robust, puff and blow,
So he stopp'd, and look'd down on the valley below.
From "Mr. Barney Maguire's Account of The Coronation" by Richard Harris Barham:
The big drums bating, and the trumpets blow,
And Sir George Smart! Oh! he play'd a Consarto,
With his four-and-twenty fidlers all on a row!
Then the Lord Archbishop held a goulden dish up,
From "Ghost, The" by Richard Harris Barham:
He sinks beneath the unexpected blow;
Before the whiskers of Grimalkin fell,
When slumb'ring on her post, the mouse may go;-But woman, wakeful woman, 's never weary,
From "A Lay of St. Nicholas" by Richard Harris Barham:
-- But, hark!--' tis a sound from the outermost gate!
A startling sound from a powerful blow.
Who knocks so late?-- it is half after eight
By the clock,-- and the clock's five minutes too slow.
From "Love and Folly" by William Cullen Bryant:
And thus decreed the court above-"Since Love is blind from Folly's blow,
Let Folly be the guide of Love,
Where'er the boy may choose to go."
From "Absalom And Achitophel A Poem" by John Dryden:
They who, when Saul was dead, without a blow,
Made foolish Ishbosheth the crown forego;
From "Gertrude of Wyoming" by Thomas Campbell:
Its requiem the war-horn seem'd to blow:
There, sad spectatress of her country's wo!
From "The Progress Of Poesy: P Pindaric Ode" by Thomas Gray:
The laughing flowers, that round them blow,
Drink life and fragrance as they flow.
From "Ode On A Distant Prospect Of Eton College" by Thomas Gray:
I feel the gales, that from ye blow,
A momentary bliss bestow,

From "Ode On The Death Of A Favourite Cat Drowned In A Tub Of Goldfishes" by Tho
mas Gray:
The azure flow'rs that blow;
Demurest of the tabby kind,
The pensive Selima, reclin'd,
Gazed on the lake below.
From "To Mr. Barbauld, November 14, 1778" by Anna Ltitia Barbauld:
Bid rich poetic roses blow,
Peeping above his heaps of snow;
From "To Memory" by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge:
I know I'd rather meet the blow
Of my most unrelenting foe
From "Wreck of the "Julie Plante": A Legend of Lac St. Pierre, The" by William H
enry Drummond:
De win' she blow, blow, blow,
An' de crew of de wood scow "Julie Plante"
Got scar't an' run below
For de win' she blow lak hurricane,
From "The Song my Paddle Sings" by E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake):
Blow, blow!
I have wooed you so,
From "The Discontent" by Anne Killigrew:
Where storms of Sighs for ever blow,
Whre raped streams of Tears do flow,
From "Old Adam, the Carrion Crow" by Thomas Lovell Beddoes:
It's only two devils, that blow,
Through a murderer's bones, to and fro,
From "Walloping Window Blind, The" by Charles E. Carryl:
The man at the wheel was taught to feel
Contempt for the wildest blow.
And it often appeared when the weather had cleared
That he'd been in his bunk below.
From "Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep" by Mary Elizabeth Frye:

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints on snow.
From "DESOLATIONROW" by Bob Dylan:
You can hear them blow
If you lean your head out far enough
From Desolation Row
Oh, this ol' river keeps on rollin', though,
No matter what gets in the way and which way the wind does blow,
And as long as it does I'll just sit here
And watch the river flow.
Far Away where the soft winds blow,
Far away from it all,
There is a place you go
Where teardrops fall.
From "CAN'TWAIT" by Bob Dylan:
I'm reeling from the blow
I wish I knew what it was that keeps me loving you so
From "RING THEM BELLS" by Bob Dylan:
Ring them bells St. Peter
Where the four winds blow,
Ring them bells with an iron hand
So the people will know.
From "Rag Offen The Bush" from "Li'l Abner":
one million dollars on one bomb just to blow your
homes off the face of the Earth. So show your
From "Shop Around" from "Motown":
Just as sure as the winds gonna blow now
The women come and the women gonna go now
From "Someday" from "The Civil War":
When the hard winds blow
Tellin' Pharaoh let my people go
From "One of Us" from "Mamma Mia":

But the you dealt me the blow

One of us had to go
From "Epilogue" from "Caroline, or Change":
She stands alone where the harsh winds blow:
Salting the earth so nothing grow
From "One Man" from "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers":
I walked into love and I took a blow,
But I'll never break.
I'm holding my ground 'cause deep down I know
It's not a mistake, it's not a mistake, it's not a mistake!
From "Mark of Cain" from "Children Of Eden":
The wild beast howl and the wild winds blow
And the seeds of the tree of knowledge grow
From "Man of la Mancha (I, Don Quixote)" from "Man of La Mancha":
Whithersoever they blow,
Onward to glory I go!
From "Opening: The New World" from "Songs For A New World":
And the wind starts to blow
And you're suddenly a stranger
There's no explaining where you stand
And you didn't know
From "Blues in the Night" from "Swing!":
Wherever the four winds blow
I been in some big towns an' heard me some big talk
But there is one thing I know
From "Fathoms Below" from "Little Mermaid":
From whence wayward westerlies blow!
Where Triton is king
And his merpeople sing
In mysterious fathoms below!
From "To Build a Home" from "The Bridges of Madison County":
That blow by blow
She comes to know

From "W S K I D / Ya Never Know" from "Little Shop of Horrors":

Mothah blow
Explosion! Bang! Kerboom!
Don't it go to show ya never know?
From "(Our) Family Tree" from "Catch Me If You Can":
The leaves begin to blow
Gone with the wind they go
From "The World I Will Know" from "Newsies":
Who can hear a lousy whistle blow?
And the world will know
From "The World I Will Know" from "Newsies":
And the winds will blow
And our ranks will grow and grow and grow and so
From "Man of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote) (Reprise)" from "Man of La Mancha":
Whithersoever they blow
Onward to glory... aah!... I... go...
From "State Road 21/The Real World" from "The Bridges of Madison County":
My fuse is lit and I'm gonna blow,
'Cause Oh, oh, I gotta know
From "Cream" by Prince:
It's your time (Time)
You got the horn so why don't you blow it
You are fine (Fine)
You're filthy cute and baby you know it
From "Just Lose It" by Eminem:
Let the top down and my hair blow
I don't know where I'm goin', all I know
From "Hell Breaks Loose" by Eminem:
I'm murdering the flow, liquid courage up in the blow
As soon as we hit the door, power surges head to toe
From "Drips" by Eminem:
'Cause you love her, you never would've expect that blow

Obie told you to scoop, how could she stoop that low?
From "Moondance" by Van Morrison:
And all the leaves on the trees are falling
To the sound of the breezes that blow
And I'm tryin' to please to the calling
Of your heart-strings that play soft and low
From "Seeds" by Bruce Springsteen:
So if you're gonna leave your town where the north wind blow
To go on down where that sweet soda river flow
From "Georgina" by Chumbawamba:
She knows that any minute now it's going to blow
With all the pain and the silence that she feeds on
With all the hurt that her bruises can't show
From "Staying Power" by Queen:
Blow baby blow
Let's get down and go go
From "Boat Drinks" by Jimmy Buffett:
Where there ain't any blow
'Cause my fin sinks so low
From "Carry Me Home" by AC/DC:
My arms and legs are aching and my head's about to blow
And your back's been breakin' and i'd hate to spoil the show
From "Shoot To Thrill" by AC/DC:
Just like a bomb that's ready to blow
'Cause I'm illegal, I got everything
That all you women might need to know
From "What Goes Around Comes Around" by Michael Jackson:
We're destined to screw ourselves one blow
We've ruined what's pure down from nature below?
From "Psychophobia" by Black Sabbath:
Listen to the wind, hear the gospel blow
Tell me that you don't hear what I'm hearing
And I will let you go

From "Psychphobia" by Black Sabbath:

Listen To The Wind, Hear The Gospel Blow.
Tell Me That You Don't Hear What I'm Hearing And I Will Let You Go.
From "Something" by Duran Duran:
please please tell me now can you see what makes me blow
please please tell me now is tehre something I should know
From "One Of Us 3:54" by ABBA:
And so I dealt you the blow
One of us had to go
From "Me You, We Two" by Blur:
And the wind will blow
But my love won't go
From "Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)" by Billy Joel:
To watch the Island bridges blow.
They turned our power down,
And drove us undergroundBut we went right on with the show...
From "Convo" by DMX:
The guns'll blow.
Lookin' for that one that owe,
From "Hell To Pay" by Bonnie Raitt:
It's about to blow
You got nowhere to run
Why don't you sit back and watch the show?
From "Say Hello" by Vince Gill:
Hold me close when those chilly winds would blow
Say hello to the lips that used to kiss me
And whisper in my ear I love you so
From "Intro [Battle Of The Sexes Album]" by Ludacris:
If they outta order let a tec just blow
Over the border, I be in Mexico

From "Final Curtain" by Yngwie Malmsteen:

As long as the wind will blow
I'll be searching high and low
From "The Horses" by Kenny Loggins:
Where the cool winds blow
Or in the sun laughing having fun
With all the people that we know
From "This Is the Time" by Michael Bolton:
And this is the time when the cold winds blow
When the snow falls from Heaven on the dreamers below
From "The One Thing" by Michael Bolton:
The way the winds of fortune blow
So hard to find that heart of gold
I remember someone told me
When you find it don't let go
From "Cry a River" by Amy Grant:
When tender winds blow
Sit on the shores of love
And just let it go
From "Dead On!" by Accept:
A fighter in a boxing ring - takes the final blow
Opponent's on the canvas - lost by t. k. o.
From "Heaven Is Here (duet With Giorgio Moroder)" by Bonnie Tyler:
Tell me we'll live together
In a place where cool breezes blow
I know nothing's forever
Yet there is still so much we should know
From "Imperiled Eyes" by Annihilator:
Have dealt a mortal blow
Mother Earth begins to rot
Humanity on death row
From "Invite It" by Annihilator:
A time bomb just waiting to blow
You cannot escape and there's nowhere to hide
You're fleeing with no place to go

From "Addiction" by Kanye West:

We get the closest when you high or you drunk or you blow
So I pour the potion so we could both get high as we can go
From "Top Back" by T.I.:
I got the heart and the guts on this purp I blow
Move ten bricks daily tryin' to twerk five mo
From "A Life in the Day of Benjamin Andr (Incomplete)" by OutKast:
But no it wasn't blow
Cook it in the basement then move it at a show
From "Fire Below" by Gamma Ray:
And then your world is gonna blow
Down in the fire below
From "Armageddon" by Gamma Ray:
And when your world is gonna blow
Through your heart and take your soul
In the twilight of the sun
I believe there's no tomorrow
From "Here It Is Again" by Beautiful South:
And it was blow by blow
Did they know
From "Let It Go (Lil' Mama)" by Nelly:
She blowin' 'cause she seen that car, she 'bout to blow
She blowin' 'cause you turned that corner, there they go
From "Let It Go (Lil' Mama)" by Nelly:
She wanna know how much she can blow
She wanna know what my girlfriend know
From "Tears" by Teenage Fanclub:
You're no sucker so don't blow it
You're succeeding but you don't know it
From "Five O'clock Whistle" by Glenn Miller:

The five o'clock whistle didn't blow

The whistle is broke and whadda'ya know?
From "Release Date" by Xzibit:
Sellin' everything from weed to blow
When it's time for you to go you're the last to know
From "Break Yourself" by Xzibit:
To the back stage in there she blow
There she blew
Then send her back to you (hello)
From "The Reach" by Dan Fogelberg:
Soon the northers will bluster and blow
And the woods will be whitened with snowfall
And the Reach will lie frozen
For the lost and unchosen to row
From "Fire Bomb" by Rihanna:
'Cause this thing is ready to blow
Oh, oh, oh
From "Things Goin' On" by Lynyrd Skynyrd:
Have you ever felt that cold wind blow?
Well, if you don't know what I mean
Won't you stand up and scream
'Cause there's things goin' on that you don't know
From "Lets Go Get Stoned" by Sublime:
Much more than a blow
So I'm waiting for the tide to get low
From "Someday Soon" by Wilco:
Sun's gonna shine, wind's gonna blow
On that hill where we used to go
From "Kangaroo" by David Gray:
Pay no mind to it, oh let it blow
Break you up inside if you don't let it go
From "Can't Stop Loving You" by Phil Collins:
And when I hear that whistle blow

I'll walk away and you won't know

From "Who Stole The Soul?" by Public Enemy:
Let everybody know before I blow
'Cause I wanna know
From "Love Attack" by Bad Company:
You hit me with a body blow
You hit me fast, then you hit me slow
From "Back Down" by 50 Cent:
I've been patently waitin' to blow
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 50 cent show
From "(the System Of) Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether" by Alan Parsons Project:
Fly wherever the winds blow
Laugh at life like a sideshow
From "Peep Show" by 50 CENT:
I got a few stacks me and you can blow
We get into the hotel after the show
From "Take It In" by Sloan:
Put your mouth on my back and lightly blow
Where does the warmness go
From "Chedda Brings" by Ginuwine:
Sayin' well Jose you 'bout to blow
Doin' songs wit Ginuwine, Sole, and Little Mo
From "Into The Night" by Alkaline Trio:
We have been warned which way the storm is gonna blow
But where the riptide takes us to we'll never know
From "You Win, I Lose" by Supertramp:
Like two ships in the night in foggy weather
Just a waitin' for fresh winds to blow
And maybe we're losin' one another
But I could be wrong, I don't know
From "The Battle Of Evermore" by Led Zeppelin:

I hear the horses' thunder

Down in the valley blow,
I'm waiting for the angels of Avalon,
Waiting for the eastern glow.
From "Never Knocked Me Down" by Jack Ingram:
Just take it blow by blow
Nobody else is the wiser
They just came for the show
From "Hustler's Withdrawal" by Pitbull:
You become immune to the system of havin' dough, by dealin' blow
It's a fast life and even if you survive, your mind will die slow
From "Come See Me" by Pitbull:
I don't
I don't
I don't
Not me,

mess with the smack

mess with the blow
mess with the crack
no mo'

From "Steppin' It Up" by A Tribe Called Quest:

Hah-hah, yo, when it's time to flow I surprise and blow
Five hundred thousand units off a dime a trow
From "Trial Of The Century" by AZ:
Duckin' low, wit the four four, tryin' to bust and blow
Empty out before the po po come bust the show
From "Doing Me" by AZ:
I'm here now, just tryin' to cop and blow
Couple of cars and lot's of doe
From "Let's Toast" by AZ:
Long cons, diamond rings and the kings that blow
To all the killas and the hustlas, some seem, some low
From "My Wishes" by Andre Nickatina:
Wish I didn't need a blunt in my mouth to blow
But I'm so far gone that's how it go
From "Even God Don't Know" by Everlast:

Got heaven up above, got hell down blow

Pistol in my lap, got the pedal to the floor
Where I'll wind up, even god don't know
From "Third World Think Tank" by FIVE IRON FRENZY:
When's it gonna blow?"
I just winked at her and said,
"Darlin' I don't know."
Time-bomb tickin' in the room,
From "Wannabemceez" by KRS-One:
You want a fresh style let me show you slow your blow
I'm not your foe battling me? No, no, no, no, no, no, no
From "U & Me" by Trina:
Miami bitches you know how we blow
At any event you know how we go
From "Collapse" by Rise Against:
Glass windows break and it's all about to blow
Lights go out as we pass the torch again
In hope that is stays lit, oh
From "The Wind" by Kingdom Come:
And still the wind is gonna blow
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow
From "Hooker" by Pink:
And if I blow it then I blow it
'Cause I'm a poet and I know it
From "Nightclub" by Birdman:
A hundred on that pounds of blow
A hundred on that marble flow
From "4 My Town (Play Ball)" by Birdman:
Black diamond show, watch the flame blow
And how you stay grounded, cash no go
From "Watch This" by Swollen Members:
Plus, what good is the dough if you can't blow it?
What good is the goal if you stay below it?

From "You Didn't Know That Though" by Blackalicious:

Till the sight that make me pyscho then I throw that blow
Lotta killin' lotta dyin' and I know that's wrong
So backbone on rap song no wack song
Alimony's trippin' sittin' all in the back row
From "Famous" by Vertical Horizon:
Oh, I know the wind is gonna blow
And in the winter there's sure to be snow
From "Raven Claws" by Moonspell:
The night of her first blow
She aways wanted to know
From "Blazing Arrow" by Blackalicious:
Infernal I'll explode returnin' out the globe about to blow
Now get up out here yo, see head on out the zones that I patrol
Rock and roll might tear you out the soul like blunts and alcohol
I knock your whole toboggan for a loop and now the doubt will flow
From "Cash Money Roll" by B.G.:
I flying from Tennessee to Texas trying to blow up
I need 10 G's a show for me to show up
From "Walkin' Down The Road" by Ozark Mountain Daredevils:
'Cause I'm goin' where them cold, cold winds don't blow
Where the streams and rivers, Lord, they all run slow
From "Any Road" by George Harrison:
Traveling where the four winds blow
With the sun on my face, in the ice and the snow
From "Plenty Money" by Plies:
Scared to keep money on me 'cause I will blow it
My strip club name is, Mr. Will Throw It
From "Part I: Rise 'n Shine" by Extreme:
a south wind blow
Forecasting, you will know,

From "Becky" by Plies:

Wet that mouth fo' you blow
Must get Becky fo' I go.
From "The Voice" by Celtic Woman:
The dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blow
Ne'er do I sleep throughout all the cold winter long
I am the force that in springtime will grow
From "Eaten From Inside" by Cannibal Corpse:
Waiting for the final blow
Brain violently corroding
The end won't come fast only slow
From "Uh-Huh" by Redman:
I'm sick from a childhood head, blow
When systems was pumpin' before I let, go
From "Starlight Ride" by Camel:
When the chilly winds will blow
(it will comfort me)
But as long as we let all our feelings show
It will never die
From "Weed Hand" by Baby Bash:
'Cuz bong back up and blow
I'm too damn high don't pass me no mo'
From "Havana" by Linda Eder:
Smell the money when the trade winds blow
Play the slot machines, enjoy the show
From "The Sweetest Punch" by Burt Bacharach:
Then with seconds to go you delivered blow
Here i go
From "White Wheeled Limosine" by Bruce Hornsby:
Well they met at the club where the brasses blow
Where the wine did flow oh he moved so slow
From "Cloud 9" by B.o.B:

I'm a bout to let it blow

Ain't on that mid-grade no
From "Cloud 9" by B.o.B:
Best believe shes down to blow
Where ever your tryin' to go
From "Sugarcoat" by Breaking Benjamin:
You're ready to blow
You're ready to go
From "Floating" by Maino:
Look, I had
But he died
Got killed,
No funerals

a homie that used to tell me I would blow

before he got to see me bloom
never thought I'd see him go
I don't even wanna go

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