CREW: Department of Defense: Department of The Air Force: Regarding Perchlorate: Revised Index of Perchlorate Documents

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Document Identification Date Description of Document
Email answering request to questions concerning EPA Rialto letter.
I FW Corps response on CA 104E Request for Rialto 4/4/2003
Contains attachement of EPA Rialto letter.
Email that discusses and contains the "Interim Guidance on Sampling for
Ammonium Perchlorate Contamination," which was found in
2! FW Defense memo on Perchlorate.msgpresentations. 7/22/2002
Environmental NewsGroup. Email comments on this document which
purports to be leak of draft 000 memo.
FW of proposed letter to Dingell-Solis for comment. Contains attached
3I FW dingell solis letter 6/11/2003
proposed letter.
Email containing OMB's rewrite of the letter and comments on the
4~ FW Dingell Solis OMB rewrite 071703 (1430) 7/18/2003
enclosures. ,

May 21 2003 Action Memo to coordinate responses to Senators Boxer,

5i execsumfeinboxreid.pdf 5/27/2003
Feinstein, and Reid. Contains recommendation regarding rsponse.

May 21 2003 Action Memo to coordinate response to Senator Feinstein's

6j feinsteinlettuce.pdf 5/28/2003 Apr 30 2003 letter on perchlorate. Contains recommendation regarding
Email string with edited Comments and Recommendations for Revisions
to "Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological Review and
Risk Characterization" memo. Contains attchement for Comments.and
7, FW Disposition of Comments and Recommendations for Revi(2) 11/18/2003 Recommendations for Revisions to "Perchlorate Environmental
Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization" memo
and EPA Perchlorate Reponse.

Email stringwith CDR Ungaro Comments and Recommendations for

8I FW Documents for the Perchlorate Assessment Policy Issues (116) 6/26/2003 Revisions to "Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological
Review and Risk Characterization" memo.
Email discussing draft 000 and NAS Presentation and requesting input.
9l FW 000 and NAS Presentation1 doc 10/24/2003 Contains attachment of draft Perchlorate NAS Mattie 03R PowerPoint
Email forwarding electronic copy of the draft California State Senate
10I FW 000 California State Senate Perchlorate Testimony (1032) 1/28/2003 Perchlorate Testimony. Contains attachment of draft California State
Senate Perchlorate Testimony.
Email forwarding electronic copy ofthe draft California State Senate
11I FW 000 California State Senate Perchlorate Testimony (1033) 1/28/2003
Perchlorate Testimony. See entry above.
Email forwarding electronic copy of the draft California State Senate
12~ FW 000 California State Senate Perchlorate Testimony 1/28/2003
Perchlorate Testimony. See entry above.
13I FW 000 Perchlorate Assessment Policy (1189) 11/22/2002 Release
Email providing proposed Army Corps answers to Senator Boxer's
14~ FW DOD Perchlorate Qs from Sen Boxer (1444) 5/2/2003 Questions. Contains attached QlA from Senator Boxer for review and
15i FW DOD PerchlorateQs from Sen Boxer (1639) 5/14/2003 See entry above.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 1
•16) FW DOD Perchlorate Os from Sen Boxer (705)
17, FW DOD Perchlorate Os from Sen Boxer (706)


See entry above.
See entry above.

18I FW DOD Perchlorate Os from Sen Boxer 51212003 See entry above.

Email questioning whether attachment was edited or copied inproperly.

191~ FW DoD Perchlorate Sampling Policy (1749) 10/1/2003
Contains attachment of Interim Policy on Perchlorate Sampling.

Email questioning whether attachment was edited or copied inproperly.

20) FW DoD Perchlorate Sampling Policy 9/30/2003
Contains attachment of Interim Policy on Perchlorate Sampling.

21 FW DoD Perchlorate testing

I 7/18/2003 Release
5/28/2003 to Email string discussing proposed answers and questions posed by Press
22~ FW DOD perclorate policies memo and interview request (1635)
61212003 Enterprise writer.
Email string discussing DoD Response to Senator Boxer on Perchlorate.
23I FW DoD Response to Senator Boxer on Perchlorate (1442) 5/2/2003
Contains attached Draft response to Senator Boxer.
24~ FW DoD revisionOlRAedit111 (598) 5/13/2003 Email string discussing comments on OIRA
Email with comments and revised language concerning a letter to
25) FW DOD's Revised House Solis Letter 8/5/2003 Honorable Hilda L. Solis. Contains two attachements, edited version or
the letter and a clean version of the letter.
Email with DOE comments on DoD Perchlorate letter to Senator Dingell
26) FW DOE comments on DoD Perchlorate Letter to Dingell and Solis 7/3/2003
and Solis.
Email discussing comments on response to Mr. Nasif of the Western
27, FW draft 2 WGA response 6/3/2003 Growers Association. Contains attachement of draft response to Mr.
Nassif of the Western Growers Association.
28I FW Draft Dingell Responses 6/5/2003 Email discussing proposed response to Senator Dingell's questions.
FW of Critique of the u.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Draft
Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk
Characterization (NCEA-1..,0503, January 16, 2002). Contains attachment
29i~ FW draft DoD perchlorate comments 2113/2002
of the document.

Email asking for comments on the interim policy. Contains attachement of

30 FW draft EDOW perchlorate S&T Policy 11/6/2003
draft Perchlorate S&T policy.
31 FW Draft OSD Perchlorate Guidance 7/10/2003 Email with comments on draft Woodley perchlorate guidance.
FW DRAFT PERCHLORATE OUTREACH DOCUMENT RE Weekly FW email discussing perchlorate outreach document with attached red line
32 11/21/2003
DAS Mee and strikeout comments and revisions on draft.
Email string discussion of letter from EPA in response to request for an
extention of the public comment and peer review. Email seeks to gain
33I FW Draft response for Perchlorate (1324) 2127/2002
Army's coordination on the letter. Conatins draft DoD reply to Honorable
Email containing draft DoD response to CA on Perchlorate soliciting
34~ FW Draft response to CA on Perchlorate 6/19/2003
additional actions to review within DoD.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being·released. 2
•35) FW Draft Response to Senators on APG - REVIEW BY COB THURS


Email discussing draft email to Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski. Contains
draft letter to Senators.

Email requesting comments on EPA draft presentations for NAS
36) FW Draft talkers Monday's perchlorate presentation to NAS 10/24/2003 committee. Contains draft EPA presentations to NAS committee on
Health Implications of Perchlorate.
Email with changes to the draft DoD testimony to the Select Committee on
Urban and Economic Development California State Senate. Contains
37, FW Draft Testimony klk 01-10-03 doc (1142) 1/10/2003
draft DoD testimony.

Email with changes to the draft DoD testimony to the Select Committee on
Urban and Economic Development California State Senate. Contains
38I FW Draft Testimony klk 01-10-03 doc (1143) 1/10/2003
draft DoD testimony.

Email request comments on the draft DoD testimony to the Select

39l FW Draft Testimony klk 01-10-03 doc (1144) 1/10/2003 Committee on Urban and Economic Development California State Senate.
Contains draft DoD testimony.

Email forwards guidance provided by the EDQW as follow-on guidance for

40) FW EDQW QA QC draft Perchlorate Policy 9/212003
perchlorate testing. Contains attachment of perchlorate ST guidance.

Email string discussing emerging chemicals issue with analysis of

potential DoD positions and organizational responsibilities. Contains
41I FW Emerging Chemicals - DOD Response and Perchlorate Outre 11/21/2003
attachement of Bna article "EPA says New Standards Might Justify
Reviion of Data on 160 Chemicals in IRIS Database."
Email discussing CEQ comments on enclosures 4 & 5 for the Dingell and
42~ FW Enclosures 4 & 5 for Dingell-Solis Perchlorate Letters 71212003 Solis perchlorate letters. Contains enclosures 4 & 5 for the Dingell and
Solis perchlorate letters.
Email forwarding letters that could possibly be sent to EPA/OMB and
service components in response to the current impasse with EPA over the
43I FW Environmental Cleanup Issues with EPA Draft Risk (3) 10/15/2002
draft Perchlorate Risk Assessment. Contains attachment of Interim
sampling policy and letter to EPA and OMB.

Email discussing EPA and perchlorate regulation; contains comments and Release
44~ FW EPA and perchlorate regulation 7/1812003
proposals for DoD response. EPA FR notice attached. attachment

45) FW EPA answers to questions on Perchlorate (969) 2111/2003 Email of comments sent to OMB's legislative reference division.

Email requesting guidance with regard to RRPI in the responses provided

46) FW EPA comment on Boxer Feinstein Reid letter 5/15/2003 in the Dingellietter vs. responses in the Feistein/Boxer/Reid letter.
Contains draft reponse to Feistein/Boxer/Reid.

Email with comments from EPA regarding response to Dingell and Solis.
47r FW EPA comments on DoD Perchlorate Letter & attachments (1431) 7/3/2003 Contains documents related to the Dingell and Solis response with EPA

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative processprivilege,FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents arenon-resposive or are being released. 3
•48I FW EPA comments on DoD Perchlorate Letter & attachments


Email asking if ILEVR has seen 000 BRAC revisions to perchlorate.
Contains darftsof 000 BRAC spreadsheets with revisions.

Discussion of EPA IRIS database and if 000 is interested in joining a
49I FW EPA IRIS database 10/2/2003
coalition to reform IRIS.
Discussion of a court case on toxicology of pesticides that EPA recently
50I FW EPA Loses Court Case 11/20/2003 Not responsive

Internal email reporting that EPA is interested in the NW Corner residential

5 FW EPA MMR Program NW Corner Involvement 6/20/2003 well perchlorate detection matter. Contains homeland security press
release email and summary of recommendations for CERCLA.

Internal email string includes 000 comments in response to OMB

52~ FW EPA Response to Boxer perchlorate letter 4/28/2003 comments. Also attached are EPA response to Sen Boxer on the
development of a drinking water standard on perchlorate.
Email string discussing OGC edits to the response to Senator Boxer's
53I FW EPA response to Sen Boxer on Perchlorate (1642) 4/25/2003 questions. Contains PDF of letter from Senator Boxer to Mrs. Whittman
and DoD's response to Senator Boxer's questions.
Email string requesting information on contaminants that could be the
54f FW EPA Study Risk Characterization of Contaminants (585) 5/13/2003
subject of toxicological and regulatory review.
FW of email with EPA comments on DoD's response to Senator Boxer on
perchlorate. Contains EPA's comments on DoD's response to Senator
551i FW EPA's Comments on 000 Response to Senator Boxer on Perc 517/2003
Boxer and article from space daily "NASA tests environmentally friendly
rocket fuel.
FW of email inquiring about 000 input for a candidates to serve on the
board of scientific counselors. Contains original email sent out by EPA
561) FW EPA's Office of Research and Development is seeking 5/13/2003
that requests input for a candidate to serve on the Board of Scientific
Email string on of EPA's proposed language that they would like DoD to
57'FW EPA's proposed language for para 5 (513) 5/15 & 16/2003 add to the Feinstein/Boxer/Reid letter. Email also discusses a possible
meeting with EPA to talk about the edits.
Email requesting comments on EPA Sampling Results - Hills Iowa
58I FW EXPEDITED ACTION draft letter to citizens of Iowa per 8/11/2003
Perchlorate Site letter. Contains draft Iowa Hills letter.

Email requesting EPA's reason for putting perchlorate issues in a Federal

59IFW Federal Register2 doc 11/1212003
Register. Contains word file of Federal Register notice on 7 November.

Email discussing issues with reviewing the Feistein/ Boxer/ Reid letter
60I FW Feinstein Boxer Reid Reply 5/1/2003
before it is reviewed by OMB.
FW of letter to SecDef from Senators Boxer/Feinstein/Reid and a
preliminary draft response. Contained is letter to SecDef from Senators
6 FW Feinstein Boxer Reid Letter on Perchlorate (1412) 4/16/2003
Boxer, Feinstein, and Reid on perchlorate, and a preliminary draft
response prepared by Booz-Allen.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 4



Email string questioning whether the testimony in Californiawas taken into

account during the development of the letter to SecDef from Senators
62~ FW Feinstein Boxer Reid Letter on Perchlorate (1644) 4/16 & 21/2003
Boxer/Feinstein/Reid and a preliminary draft response. Contained is letter
to SecDef from Senators Boxer,· Feinstein, and Reid on perchlorate, and a
preliminary draft response prepared by Booz-Allen.

Email that consolidated the comments on the Draft Letter to congress.

63S FW Feinstein Boxer Reid Letter on Perchlorate (32) 4/17/2003
Contains Draft letter to congress and Feinstein/Boxer/Reid Letter.

Email string of FW responses to the Feinstein/Boxer/Reid Letter.

64~ FW Feinstein Boxer Reid Letter on Perchlorate (807) 4/16/2003 Contained is letter to SecDef from Senators Boxer, Feinstein, and Reid on
perchlorate, and a preliminary draft response prepared by Booz-Allen.

65) FW Feinstein 1/10/2003 Email discussing coordination of draft Congo Baca letter.
Email asking if there are any objections to OMB comments. Contains
66; FW Final Comments on DOD on Perchlorate 5/20/2003
attached comments.
Email string forwarding Florida DEP's decision to establish a 4.3 ppb
cleanup target level for perchlorate. Contains Florida DEP's decision.
Contains clause: "Caution: This message may contain information
67r FW Florida DEP Proposal for Perchlorate Clea(5) 2/28/2003
protected by the attorney-client, attorney work product, deliberative
process, or other privilege. Do not disseminate without the approval of the
Office of the DoD General Counsel."
Email string forwarding comment to reinforce the definition of operation
68; FW Food safety perchlorate wester(8) 6/2/2003
range to avoid confusion.

Discussing if new health organization created by the Air Force will deal
with perchlorate health issues. Contains clause: "Caution: This message
69J FW FPMI's FedNews Online 6/4/2003 may contain information protected by the attorney-client, attorney work
product, deliberative process, or other priVilege. Do not disseminate
without the approval of the Office of the DoD General Counsel."

Request for PA guidance in order to help answer questions from Boston

70) FW From Bobby Calvan Boston Globe correspondent (1638) 5/14/2003
Globe reporter.
Email string discussing request put forth by a reporter from the Boston
71I FW From Bobby Calvan Boston Globe correspondent (519) 5/15/2003 Globe of perchlorate issues. Contains draft proposing DoD's answers to
reporters questions.

72~ FW From Shah-Revised PCPs 6/16/2003 FW of revised PCP's for FUDS, BRAC, and DERP. Draft versions. Not responsive

Email string discussion of DoD's comments on response to Congressman

73~ FW FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA on set(4) 2/19/2003
Gibbons question to EPA on setting a perchlorate RfD.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 5




Email containing questions from Congressional· request and answers

addressing questions in the reques in attached documents. Contains draft documents
74~ FW FW Information Request 7/11/2003
history of DoD/EPA Cooperation, and other supporting attachments: draft sent to
spreadsheets and copies of letters sent to members of Congress. Congress

75) FW General Feedback on the NAS Perchlorate Project (BEST-K 8/1212003 FW email stringwith NASA feedback on the NAS perchlorate project.

Discussion and forward of language extracted from HAC report 108-187.

76) FW HAC Perchlorate Language 9/11/2003
Contains attachments of extract language in html format.
Discussion and forward of language extracted from HAC report 108-187.
77r FW HAC report - perchlorate 9/23/2003 Contains attachments of extract language in html format with internal DoD
comments included.

Email string FW of papers for Governor Whtman's trip to HI. Contains

information papers on Makua USARPAC, Koho trust fund, Pacific Rim
78~ FW Hawaii (1255) 9/30/2002
Issues, Schofield, Ton Ten most Expensive cleanup sites, Major DoD/EPA
Issues, Action Memo for Whitman, and Whitman/Rumsfeld Read ahead.

Email FW small edits to DoD's response to Mr. Hickox of CA EPA.

79) FW Hickox response (1687)
8/18/2003 Attached is the WoOdley letter, Draft response to Hickox and DOD-CA
Email FW small edits to DoD's response to Mr. Hickox of CA EPA.
80) FW Hickox response (28) 8/18/2003 Attached is the Woodley letter, Draft response to Hickox and DOD-CA
81I FW Hickox response 8/19/2003 Discussion of comments to DoD letter to Mr. Hickox.
FW of draft answers to Barbara Boxers questions on perchlorate.
82~ FW Hot Issue for Woodley 4/17/2003
Attached is draft response to questions.

FW of information of Massachutts interim drinking water advisory.

83l FW Impending Mass DEP Action on Perchlorate Drink(4) 4/15/2002
Attached is additional email discussing Massachutts perchlorate level.

Email string forwarding report of Massachutts interim drinking water

84~ FW Impending Mass DEP Action on Perchlorate Drinking Wa(2) 4/15/2002 advisory. Attached is additional email discussing Massachutts perchlorate
85) FW Impending Mass DEP Action on Perchlorate Drinking Water 4/15/2002 See entry above.
86) FW Impending Mass DEP Action on Perchlorate Drinking(3) 4/15/2002 See entry above.
Email string on proposed DoD testimony with notice of correct version of
87r FW Inclusion of EPA edits to Markup of DOD perchlor(3) 1/29/2003 the Department of Defense proposed testimony. Attached is the draft
Department of Defense testimony.
Notice that the Army is proposing to develop a paper that determines when
88~ FW Info Paper on Perchlorate Research Effort 9/9/2003 perchlorate was introduced. Attached is a draft information paper that
describes the effort.
Discussion of an information request by a CA reporter and factors for
89) FW Lesson Learned 6/1212003
proposed response.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 6
•90) FVV Letter re DoD Draft Guidance on Perchlorate Sampling



FW of email discssing DoD draft guidance on perchlorate sampling and
EPA's authority to access installations and take perchlorate samples.

Attached draft letter to Kurt Kratz.
FW of letter for Mr. John Paul Woodley to send to Mr. Horinko. Attached is
91I FW Letter to Ms Horinko 10/4/2002
the draft letter to Mr. Horinko.
FW of Feinstein letter to Rumsfeld, draft letter to Feinstein, and DoD
92~ FW Lettuce Response Package--RE Perchlorate Ltr 5/21/2003
coordination documents.
Email with three attached files that shows DoDs consolidated input on
proposed EPA responses to Representatives Dingell and Solis. Attached
93~ FW LRS Action - NDDI4944B - Environmental Protection Agenc 5/29/2003 are drafts with comments of EPA Responses to Congressman Dingell,
Preliminary List of EPA Response to Rep. Dingell, and internal DoD LRS
Action email.
Ernail string:Request to have EPA's cover letter and Q&A's for comments.
94f FW LRS Action - NDDI4944B - OMB Request for DoD Rev(3) 5/23/2003 Attached is EPA draft proposing responses to Congressman Dingell, and
internal DoD LRS Action email.
Request to review OGC review of EPA QFRs. Attached is the proposed
95• FW LRS Action - NDDI5047 -EPA Qs and As on Readiness a(2) 7/23/2003
response to QFRs and EPA Q&A.

Response to request to review OGC review of EPA QFRs. Attached is the

96) FW LRS Action - NDDI5047 - EPA Qs and As on Readiness and 7/24/2003
propoded response to QFRs and EPA Q&A with comments.

FW of draft EPA response to Congressman Gibbons on perchlorate Risk

97r FW LRS Action (974) 2/10/2003
Assessment. Attached is EPA's draft response.
Ernail string discussing letter from Mr. Woodley to CEPA. Attached is letter
981~ FW Ltr from Mr Woodley (1619) 7/10/2003
from John Paul Woodley to Mr. Edwin Lowery of EPA.
Discussion of action items that were a result of letter from Mr. WoOdley to
CEPA. Attached is letter from John Paul Woodley to Mr. Edwin Lowery of
99~ FW Ltr from Mr Woodley 7/10/2003
EPA addressing potential policy issues and actions in regard to

Request to answer inquiry from 'Inside EPA" newsletter on perchlorate

100) FW Media request on Perchlorate and military envi(4) 1/21/2003
with discussion of internal DoD procedrues for responding.

Question as to whether there is a draft PA response to the question "What

101I FW Media request on Perchlorate and military environ(3) 1/21/2003 is the military's policy on testing for perchlorate at current and former
military facilities."
Discussion of who edited MilCon perchlorate appeal; no substantive
102~ FW MilCon Perchlorate Appeal 7/2212003 Not responsive
discussion of issue-only procedure for review

103~ FW Missing Perchlorate policy Draft 7/10/2003 Request to resend email with OSD draft perchlorate policy. Not responsive

Discussion of MMR groundwater Study Program Funding. Attached is

104~ FW MMR Groundwater Study Program Funding 11/21/2003
VEMR Requirements and Funding.
Discussion of perchlorate sampling results that were taken 7-8-02 and
105) FW Monday Conference Call to discuss Perchlorates McAlester AAP 7/19/2002
internal DoD consideration of implications.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 7
•10 :> FW Monday's perchlorate presentation to NAS + presentationFY



FYI if there will be a discussion with EPA procurement decision makers to

review EPA's policy that prevents them from funding NAS jointly.

Request for talking points for Mr. Fatz meeting with MA Governor and
10 r FW Mr Fatz - Massachusetts Mil Reservation Lease Renewal 9/2312003
discussion of issues relating to MMR.

10 3 FW .Mr 8/19/2003 FW of draft response to hickox. Attached is the draft letter to Hickox.

Email string FW of inputs for the perchlorate testimony. Attached is the

10 ~ FW my inputs for perchlorate testimony (1091) 1/15/2003
draft perchlorate testimony.
11 ) FW NAS Questions Observations 4/14/2003 Questions and observations from the NAS Review.
E mail string FW of request for data call of active NPL Installations, and
11 I FW NEED DATA REVIEW BY 10 JUN NPL Sites an(6) 6/3 t011/2003 NPL with Usage providing internal analysis. Data is needed for
Congressional response.

Questions regarding the status of data call of active NPL Installations, and
11 2 FW need help (61) 6/11 to 13/2003 NPL with Usage and seaver response. Attached is the draft response to
Seaver and active NPL Installations, and NPL with Usage spreadsheets.

11 ~ FW Need info please 4/16/2003 Request for copy of email Not responsive

FW of request to review proposed responses to QFRs from the SAC

11 ~ FW NEED OGC COORD-Perchlorate Responses-RE I&E 0(3) 6/23/2003
MILCON. Attached is the draft QFR-SAC MILCON response.

11 5 FW NEED OGC COORD--Perchlorate Responses-RE t&E OFRs (2) 6/23/2003 See entry above.

11 :> FW NEED OGC COORD-Perchlorate Responses--RE I&E OFRs for 6/23/2003 See entry above.

FYI of New Service Steering Committee for Emerging Contaminants.

11 r FW New Service Steering Committee for Emerging Contaminants 12112/2003 Includes proposed agenda for first meeting and proposed goals for the

11 3 FW New thoughts on perchlorate 11/17/2003 Discussion of conflict resolution procedure and its potential use by DoD.

E mail string discussion of OMB requests to have DoD review Q & As on

11 ~ FW NonD Dltem4944-AT&L (preliminary) non-concur (950) 2111/2003 EPA's assessment of pUblic health risks from perchlorate contamination,
including substantive discussion of EPA draft.

12 ) FW OMB Comments on Dingell Solis letter 7/3/2003 FW of OMB's comments on proposed response to Dingell Solis Letter.

Discussion of comments to the Interim Policy on Perchlorate Activities.

12 I FW Perchlorate - 21 Aug 03 ADUSD(E) Letter to Cal EPA - I 9/10/2003
Attached is the draft policy.
E mail string discussion of ideas to consider in pursuing interim
12 2 FW Perchlorate way forward (1464) 6/9 to 13/2003
Forward of the latest draft version of DoD testimony. Attached is he draft
12 ~ FW perchlorate written testimony as supported by OMB doc (1030) 1/28/2003
12 ~ FW Perchlorate-Related Legislation 11/13/2003 Release

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 8


Email string forwarding draft memo on Army installations/locations
addressing issue whether there may be completed pathway for human

12 ) FW Perchlorate - OSD Human Pathway Question (129) 6/25/2003
exposure to perchlorate. Attached draft memo contains preliminary
information for human exposure to perchlorate
12 ) FW Perchlorate - OSD Human Pathway Question (130) 6/25/2003 See entry above.
127 FW Perchlorate - OSD Human Pathway Question (131) 6/25/2003 See entry above.
12 ~ FW Perchlorate - OSD Human Pathway Question (132) 6/25/2003 See entry above.
12 ) FW Perchlorate - OSD Human Pathway Question (133) 6/25/2003 See entry above.
13 ) FW Perchlorate - OSD Human Pathway Question 6/25/2003 See entry above.
Discussion of comments on Senator Boxer's questions to John Paul
13 I FW Perchlorate--Sen Boxer Confirmation Questions for Mr W 4/21/2003
Woodley. Attached is draft response to Senator Boxer.

Email string forwarding 3 attachments. Attached is email that discusses

Senate request for information on Perchlorate, email with tasking on
13 2. FW Perchlorate-Senate Request for Information (329) 610/2003
preparing draft response to questions on perchlorate, and draft perchlorate
talking points for use in preparing responses..

E mail string discussion of changes to Department of Defense Testimony

13 ~ FW PERCHORATE TESTIMONY (1098) 1/15/2003 Select Committee on Urban and Economic Development
California State Senate. Attached is the draft testimony.

FYI of background and current information on PLANCOR 201-C. Internal

1341'1- FW Plancor 201-C J09NV1090 (Lake Mead NV)(1042) 1/23/2003
000 analysis of status of plant and pending litigation.
FYI of background and current information on PLANCOR 201-C. Intemal
13 =; FW Plancor 201-C J09NV1090 (Lake Mead NV)(1043) 1/23/2003
000 analysis of status of plant and pending litigation.
FYI of background and current information on PLANCOR 201-C.lnternal
13 3 FW Plancor 201-C J09NV1090 (Lake Mead NV) 1/23/2003
000 analysis of status of plant and pending litigation.
Discussion of OIRA proposed Q and A document with comments on
13 r FW pis review asap 3/6/2003 specific answers. Attached is the OIRA Q and A document with marking:
"DRAFT, Predecisional--Do Not Disclose.
Forward of proposed response on the Kerr-McGee case with request for
138~ FW Possible response on the Kerr-McGee case (425) 5/29/2003

Email string discussing requests to installations in California and

forwarding promised draft information within 000. Attached are two draft
spreadsheets with information of CA installations that received letters form
139) FW Promised Information (1580) 11/19/2003
Regional board requesting perchlorate info and the second with draft
information of list of sites represented in the spreadsheet that was sent
with maps last week. Attachments are drafts.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents- are non-resposive or are being released. 9



Email string discussing requests to installations in California and

forwarding promised draft information within DoD. Attached are two draft
spreadsheets with information of CA installations that received letters form
140) FW Promised Information 11/19/2003
Regional board requesting perchlorate info and the second with draft
information of list of sites represented in the spreadsheet that was sent
with maps last week. Attachments are drafts. See entry above

Email forwardin two Rialto papers for testimony preparation. Attached is

Rialto Ammunition Storage Point/Inland Empire Site paper with analysis of
141I FW Proposed Outline 29Jan03 Calif Perchlorate Hearing 1/9/2003
issues and recommendation for discussion about the topic and outline for
drafting DoD testimony.

142~ FW Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL (1168) 12123/2002 Discussion of perchlorate toxicological profile developed by ATSDR.

8/15/2003 to E mail string discussion of perchlorate toxicological profile developed by

1433 FW Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL (1169)
12/23/2002 ATSDR.
Discussion of perchlorate toxicological profile developed by ATSDR.
144~ FW Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWELL (1287) 8/15/2002
Attached is draft DoD Testimony.

1455 FW Proposed Response to California Perchlorate and Emergin 8/15/2002 Discussion of draft letter to Hickox. Attached is the draft letter to Hickox.

Email string containing discussion of comments and edits to the Q&A's for
146) FW Q&As for the Jan 22 EPA Guidance on Perchlorate (1647) 2121 to 27/2003
the Jan 22 EPA Guidance on Perchlorate.
Forward of questions from Senator Feinstein and tasking to draft answers
147r FW QFRS on Perchlorate from Sen Feinstein (377) 6/4/2003
to those questions.
Discussion of draft memo by John Woodley concerning testing for
1483 FW questions for Ms Koetz (267) 6/16/2003
E mail string discussion of ideas on responding to Suzanne Yohannan.
149 FW Questions from Defense Environmental Alert re· Army (2) 6/3 to 4/2003
Attached is the draft letter to Hickox.
150 FW RE 030617 Talking Points for 27 June WH M(5) 6/23/2003 E mail string forwarding proposed talking points on Tera review.
Question of where the Memorandum Requesting Review of EPA's
151 FW RE Coordination on Memorandum Requesting Review of EPA 11/24/2003 Not responsive
Disposition of Comments meeting is?
Discussion of EPA Region 6 agenda to push for perchlorate sampling to
152~ FW Regulators may want more sampling at McAAP 11/5/2002
be added to McAlester's RCRA operating permit.
E mail string discussion as to whether sections of a response to Senator
1533 FW reply to senator Feinstein (813) 4/16/2003 Feinstein could be used in another letter. Attached is draft letter to
~ FW REQUEST FOR FURTHER COMMENT ON TESTIMONY E mail string discussion and comments on testimony subsequent to OGC
154 1/21 to 24/2003
SUBS(4) review.
Discussion of 104 (e) request sent out by EPA and internal coordination of
15515 FW Request for Information Letter to Mr Woodley from EPA 2124/2003
matters relating to perchlorate.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 10


Email string discussing responses to California and forwarding examples

156) FW Response to California Request for information on Perch 11/4/2003 of FUDS perchlorate response to CA. Attached is letter from CA to Army
and the other letter is the Army's response to that letter.

Forward of draft response to City of Rialto's letter. Contains original letter

157'FW Response to City of Rialto 11/25/2003
from Rialto and the draft response to Rialto's letter.

Forward of several attachments that have comments already incorporated.

158I FW Responses to Comments 7/15/2003 Attached are drafts: 4 perchlorate sampling, 5 NPL facility sampling,
Dingell/Solis letter, response to comments, and Dingell/Solis response.

Discussion of response letters to the Regional Water Quality Control

159I FW Responses to RWQCB letters on Perchlorate and Other Che 11/19/2003
Forward of DoD response and edits to Senator Dingell's letter. Attached is
160I FW Revised Dingell Letter and Revised Enclosure 1 8/11/2003
draft letter to Mr Dingell
FYI of comments from EPA on DoD's letter to Boxer/Reid/Feinstein.
161 FW Revised DoD L(13)
I 5/13/2003
Attached is draft letter to Senator Boxer/Reid/Feinstein.
Continued discussion of comments and edit on DoD's letter to
162~FW Revised DoD Lette(12) 5/9/2003
Boxer/Reid/Feinstein. Attached is draft letter to Senator Reid.
FW of Continued discussion of comments and edit on DoD's letter to
163I FW Revised DoD Letter on (11) 5/9/2003
Boxer/Reid/Feinstein. Attached is draft letter to Senator Reid.
E mail string forward of draft response to aiRS's comments/changes.
164~ FW Revised DoD Letter on Perc(10) 5/12 to 13/2003
Attached is the draft letter to Senator Reid.
Forward of revised draft perchlorate task order for review and comment.
165) FW revised draft Perchlorate Task Order 11/6/2003
Attached is revised draft perchlorate task order.
E mail string Forward of draft letters to Congress with comments.
Attached is email that contains revised letter to Congress
166) FW Revised Letter to Congress (794) 4/18/2003
(Reid/Boxer/Feinstein) along with original letter from the Senators to
Forward of revised perchlorate response and request for Sandra Cotter's
email. Attached is Response to Request for Correction (RFC) pursuant to
167'FW revised perchlorate response (1460) 1211212003
United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Information
Quality Guidelines (RFC #11702.
Email string request to review language in the revised Senator
168I FW Revised Reid Feinstein Boxer letter (755) 4/21/2003
Reid/Feinstein/ Boxer letter.

169I FW Rialto (1257) 9/30/2002

Email string discussing issues on Rialto with point paper analyzing issues.
FYI that Woodley signed the information request for the FUDS Rialto
170) FW Rialto ASP 104(e) Request 2126/2003 Ammunition Storage Point Facility. Attached is the Information request for Not responsive
the FUDS Rialto Ammunition Storage Point Facility.
Forward comments on the Rialto Testimony. Attached is draft input for
171 FW RIALTO DRAFT 1/9/2003
Rialto Testimony.
172~ FW Risk Assessment Relevant Documents 1216/2002 Forward of draft toxicology information.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 11
•17 I FW RRPI meetings (1622)



FYI of issues that arose during RRPI meetings. Includes summary of
discussions, comments on issues presented and recommendations for

further actions.

FYI of issues that arose during RRPI meetings. Includes summary of

17 ~ FW RRPI meetings 7/2/2003 discussions, comments on issues presented and recommendations for
further actions. Attached is information request.

E mail string FYI of points and comments from the SASC & HASC staff
17 ) FW SASC & HASC Staff Brief (1646) 2/28/2003
E mail string on status of requested list of installations/sites with
17 ) FW SASC HASC request (852) 3/3/2003 perchlorate contamination. Attached is draft spreadsheet of the
contaminated installations.
Forward of revisions to response to Horinko talking points. Attached is the
17 , FW SECDEF TP--Cohen Encroachment-- Ledbetter FUDS (3) 3/25/2002
draft talking points.
Email string discussing response to Congressional inquiry under section
17 I FW Section 331 Paper (287) 6/11/2003 331. Includes draft response and comments; Also includes draft paper on
17 ) FW Section 331 Paper Mr Woodley's comment (283) 6/1212003 See entry above.
18 ) FW Section 331 Paper Mr Woodley's comment (284) 6/1212003 See entry above.
18 I FW Section 331 Paper Mr Woodley's comment 6/1212003 See entry above.
Email string. Forward of document with background information on the
perchlorate hearing in CA. Attached is California Senate Select Committee
18 ~ FW Sen Sel Com on Urban Economic Dev (1160) 1/10/2003
on Urban Economic Development Hearing on Cleanup of Groundwater
Contamination draft testimony.
18 I FW Senate perchlorate language 5/23/2003 Release

Email containing article "Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer Urge Department

184~ FW Senators Urge 000 to Take 'Aggressive' R(6) 4/16/2003 of Defense to Take Aggressive Role in Perchlorate Clean up". Email also
discussion of potential responses and draft letter to the Senators.

18 ) FW Senators Urge 000 to Take 'Aggressive' Role In Pe(3) 4/4/2003 Release

Emails containing article "Senators Feinstein, Reid, Boxer Urge
Department of Defense to Take Aggressive Role in Perchlorate Clean up".
18 ) FW Senators Urge 000 to Take 'Aggressive' Role In Perch(2) 4/4 to 16/2003
Email also discussion of potential responses and draft letter to the
Email requesting help on gathering information on money in FY 04for
18 , FW SERDP facts 7/8/2003 ESTCP and SERDP and the number of projects are addressed in
perchlorate remediation.
Discussion to remove level column in a data set because the validity if the
18 I FW Service List of Perchlorate Occurrence 4/24/2003
data may be questionable.

18 ) FW Shumaker AR FUDS (1366) 11/28 to 29/2001 E mail string discussion of EPA actions at the Camden-Shaker, Ar site.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 12


Email string discussion of MMR perchlorate tasker. Attached is a
information paper for Bourne, Perchlorate and the Boston Globe,

190) FW Tasker MMR Perchlorate (1294) 4/15 to 16/2002 Perchlorate Detected near Drinking Water Source next to the
Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR), and Potential Perchlorate
Issues at DoD Facilities.

191I FW Tasker from E&C PSM 6/13/2003

Requests for any detection of the listed chemicals at Edwards AFB.
Forward of EPA's plans to have NAS provide expert advice to the Agency
192~ FW TCE one-pager for discussion at tomorrow's mtg 61212003 on TCE. Attached is a one pager "EPA seeks to obtain NAS Advice on Not responsive
Trichloroethylene Risk Issues"
1933FW Test tomato crop free of perchlorate 1/9/1900 Release
Forward of current version'of the perchlorate testimony. Attached is the
194~ FW Testimony
testimony with Comments.
Email string forward of Interim Guidance on Perchlorate. Contains copy of
1955 FW the leak to Lenny S continues FW CPEO-MEF Int 6/6/2003 leak of purported DOD Interim Guidance on Perchlorate and comments on
thepurported leak.
196) FW The Progressive electrons 7/16/2003 Forward and discussion of the Progressive media response.
6/24/2003 to E mail string discussion of revised installation spreadsheet that includes
197r FW Updated 02 Inventory Spreadsheet (100)
7/112003 the exposure pathway.

Forward of updated samplingloccurrence list. Attached is the consolidated

198'~ fV'.! Updated Sampling Occurrence List.msg 5/20/2003

Request and proposed answers to two questions from Mr. Woodley's EPW
199') FW URGENT Reply to QFRs for Mr Woodley Confirmation (744) 4/21 to 2212003
confirmation hearing.
Email string highlights the assignments from an I&E Directors to develop
and submit to PI. Attached is AT&L Overarching Accomplishments FY04
200) FW URGENT - ACTION FY04 Budget Rollout Issue Pa(4) 1/15/2003
Budget and FYDP.

201 FW Urgent - Reply to Sen Boxer SLIGHT REVISIONS 4/18/2003 Contains Army's revisions to the reply to Senator Boxer.
202 FW Urgent - Reply to Sen Boxer (789) 4/18/2003 Contains Army's revisions to the reply to Senator Boxer.
203 FW Urgent - Reply to Sen Boxer (790) 4/18/2003 Contains Army's revisions to the reply to Senator Boxer.
204 FW Urgent - Reply to Sen Boxer 4/18/2003 Contains Army's revisions to the reply to Senator Boxer.
Email strinhg including proposed answers to Congressional question and
2055 FW URGENT ACTION . ,- Perchlorate Info to SEN Boxer Today! (104) 6/26/2003 stating that all requested information had been received by Legislative
Discussion of meeting in order to develop a list of candidates to the NAS
206:> FW URGENT--READ ASAP!!! RE TCE Perchlorate Meeting 6/18/2003
panel, and the new TCE NAS proposal.
FYI on an article about by daily environment report and discussion of a
tasker by Representatives Dingell and Solis to prepare a report on
207r FW UXO issue (539) 5/15/2003
perchlorate and operational ranges. Attached is the article written by daily
Discussion of comments and revisions to Dingell and Solis letter. Attached
20813FW WATICH! Koetz revision of D-S letter (1406) 6/6/2003
is the draft letter to Senator Dingell and Solis.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposiveor are being released. 13
•20 l FW WATTCHI Koetz revision of D-S letter (1408)


6/6/2003 Discussion of comments and revisions to Dingell and Solis letter.
Forward of request to provide input on draft response to Senator Dingell.

21 ) FW WATTCH! Koetz revision of D-S letter (358) 6/6/2003
Attached is the letter to Senator Dingell.

- Questions concerning who should ask for Goodyear documents AF/Navy

21 FW Wall Street Journal-Inland Empire Hearing (1124)
I 1/13/2003 or OSD. Email contains an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal
"Defense Firm to Help Inquiry Into Industry Water Pollution".

21 ~ FW Washington Post Interview Request (1623) 6/26/2003 E mail string discussion of a interview with a reporter.
Discussion of proposed reponse to Senator Feinstein/Boxer/Reid letter to
21 I FW WGA response 5/14/2003
Secretary Rumsfeld concerning perchlorate in lettuce.
Request for input for a one pager to prepare SECDEF for a meeting with
21 f FW Whitman Paper 11/3/2003 Gov.Leavitt and Gov. Whitman. Attached is document used a while ago
that may be used as a guide.
21 ) FW Wrong File - Try this one instead 2/11/2003 Forward of draft letter to Representative Gibbons.
Forward of draft FY2004 DoD prechlorate task list. Contains analysis of
21 • FY2004 DoD Congressional Perchlorate Tasks xis 12/23/2003
requirements and priorities.

Attached e-mails with comments from Dan Rogers and Mick Major reo
OMB's request to DoD for review of a Q & A document re.· EPA's process
21 r Gibbons EPA letter.msg 2/11/2003 on the assessment of public health risks from perchlorate contamination.
Contains redline/strikeout version of memofrom EPA in response to
questions from Congressman Gibbons. Pre-decisional draft.

Attached, unsigned letters to Reps Solis and Dingell reo their letters to
Secretary Rumsfeld reo DoD's response to perchlorate in the environment.
21 ~ Help with package to USD(ATL).msg 9/7/2003
E-mail mentions that these attachments need to undergo DUSD(IE) USD
ATL signature process.
Internal discussion on OMB's review of a letter to Sen Boxer. E-mail
contains foil clause: "CAUTION: This message may contain information
21 ~ Holly's Response to Revised Boxer Letter.msg 8/7/2003 protected by the attorney-client, attorney work product, deliberative
process, or other privilege. Do not disseminate without the approval of the
Office of the DoD General Counsel."

E-mail soliciting inout from contractor and the Interagency Workgroup on

22 ) HOT! - ACTION draft EPA perchlorate response.msg 11/13/2003 Perchlorate reo attached Information Quality Guidelines Request on
perchlorate advisory levels and EPA's final draft response.

E-mail reo how to address an action item from the DoD Perchlorate
Working Group 15 July 2003 meeting and teleconference, Le., coordinate
22 I Identifying necessary data elements in anticipation of futu.msg 8/5/2003
with Service POCs to identify the necessary data elements in anticipation
of future perchlorate data call.

E-mail string reo how to revise current draft perchlorate sampling

22 ~ I'm getting frustrated with the proliferation of perchlorat.msg 6/26/2003
spreadsheets and coordinate with Service POCs to identify data gaps.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-"resposive or are being released. 14

22 ~ Inclusion of EPA edits to Markup of DOD perchlorate testimony.msg



Draft, redline/strikeout attachment of DoD's Written Testimony to Select
Committee on Urban and Economic Development, California State

Senate, January 29,2003.
Redline/strikeout version of "Summary of DoDIEPA Cooperation on
Attached letter responding to Congressional interest in Interagency
Perchlorate Steering Committee (IPSC) activities and attached
22 ) IPSC Activities Update.msg 12/31/2003 "I nteragency Perchlorate Steering Committee - Perchlorate Partnering
Initiative." Attachments headers state: "PRE-DECISIONAL DRAFT DO
Revised, attached letter responding to Congressional interest in
Interagency Perchlorate Steering Committee (IPSG) activities. Also
attached is the "Report To The Congress Of The United States
22 ) IPSC Activity Information.msg 1/6/2004
Concerning Department Of Defense Activities In The Interagency
Perchlorate Steering Committee." Attachments headers state: "PRE­
Kurt Kratz requesting information on perchlorate cleanup requirements at
22 r Issues Here at CincinnatLmsg 4/16/2003 Lone Star Ammunition Plant and AF issue with Lowry and TCE vapor
Attached Report No. 0301 JOCGE Preliminary Perchlorate Operational
Risk Assessment,February 2003. Prepared For: Joint Ordnance
22 ~ JOCGE Report.msg 7/9/2003
Commanders Group (JOCG) by:JOCG Environmental Subgroup
Perchlorate Subcommittee.
Attached Report No. 0301 JOCGE Preliminary Perchlorate Operational
Risk Assessment,February 2003. Prepared For: Joint Ordnance
22 JOCGE.msg 9/10/2003
Commanders Group (JOCG) by:JOCG Environmental Subgroup
Perchlorate Subcommittee.

23 ) Kansas Department of Health and Environment Fish Advisory.msg 10/2212003 Release

23 I Kerr-McGee Talking Points (1352).msg 2/27/2002 Release

Attached draft documents: "Potential Budgetary Impacts To DOD,"
Relationship Between Perchlorate And RRPI," RRPI Legislation and
23 ~ Last One.msg 6/13/2003
Perchlorate Remediation," "Perchlorate Executive Briefing Book Table of
Contents," and "What 000 Wants."
E-mail discusing revision and signaturelapproval process for a letter. E-
mails states "CAUTION: This message may contain information protected
23 ~ Latest on Perchlorate Letter.msg 5/16/2003 by the attorney-client, attorney work product, deliberative process, or other
privilege. Do not disseminate without the approval of the Office of the 000
General Counsel."
Unsigned draft letter to Henry L. Longest, Acting Assistant Administrator,
234~ Letter to Mr Longest on Perchlorate.msg 3/6/2002 ORO, EPA addressing the peer review process for the perchlorate risk

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 15


Attached ACTION MEMO (September 30, 2002) reo letter to Office of

Management and Budget (OMB) and US Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) on Perchlorate and Trichloroethylene (TCE).

235) Letter to OMB and EPA on Perchlorate and TCE.msg 101212002

Attached draft unsigned letter to Ms. Dorn (OMB) and Ms. Fisher (EPA)
a$king for an interagency discussion on the draft perchlorate and
trichloroethylene (TCE) risk assessments and the underlying science
policy issues before any further action is taken by EPA on

Attached documents: "EPA Responses to Congressman Dingell April 30,

2003 Letter," DRAFT DELIBERATIVE AS OF MAY 21, 2003 with DoD
236) LRS Action - NDDI4944B - Environmental Protection Agency Q'.msg 5/29/2003 May 29, 2003 comments in redline and "Preliminary List of EPA Response
to Rep. Dingell DOD Differences" 28 May 2003 version with header "PRE­

E-mail requesting oordination and comments on "EPA Responses to

r LRS Action - NDD149448 - OMB Request for DoD Review of EPA
237 5/2212003 Congressman Dingell April 30, 2003 Letter," DRAFT DELIBERATIVE AS
OF MAY 21, 2003 (attached)~
238~ Management of Groundwater Study at MMR.msg 10/15/2002 Release
Redlinelstrikeout version of DoD's Written Testimony to the Select
239~ Markup of DOD perchlorate testimony and alert on 4 00 confe.msg 1/28/2003 Committee on Urban and Economic Development, California State
Senate, January 29,2003.
E-mail discussing the reconciliation of draft perchlorate sampling data with
240) Master survey data.msg 6/13/2003
previous data submitted to Congress.
E-mail requesting coordination on responses to a media inquiry from
241I Media request on Perchlorate and military environmental exe.msg 1/17/2003
"Inside EPA" newsletter reo perchlorate.

Attached I&E draft perchlorate MilCon appeal - DoD Appeal - FY04

Defense Appropriations Bill giving regulatory language of Senate Report
108-82 that would require DoD to: (1) a report on activities undertaken by
242~ MilCon Appropriations Appeal.msg 7/22/2003 DoD through the perchlorate interagency workgroup, by December 31,
2003, and (2) identify sources of perchlorate at BRAC properties and
develop a plan for remediation for each facility where indicated, by March
30, 2004 and outines DoD's position.

Attached redlinelstrikeout and clean version of unsigned letter sto rep

243~ MINOR EDITS TO DINGELL LETIER.msg 6/11/2003 Dingell reo his May 16, 2003, letter to Secretary Rumsfeld regarding the
Department's response to potential contamination from perchlorate.

E-mail requesting coordination on ACTION MEMO (April 17, 2002,10:00

244~ MMR DepSecDef info memo (1290).msg 4/17/2002 AM) and INFORMATION MEMO on the Massachusetts Military
Reservation Perchlorate Contamination (attached files),

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 16

245i MMR DepSecDef info memo (1291).msg



E-mail requesting coordination on ACTION MEMO (April 17, 2002,10:00
AM) and INFORMATION MEMO on the Massachusetts Military

Reservation Perchlorate Contamination (attached files).
E-mail requesting coordination on ACTION· MEMO (April 17, 2002, 10:00
246~ ~y1~y1R DepSecDef info memo.msg 4/17/2002 AM) and INFORMATION MEMO on the Massachusetts Miiitary
Reservation Perchlorate Contamination (attached files).
Attached draft redline/strikeout version of DoD Testimony to Select
Committee on Urban and Economic Development, California State
Senate, January 29, 2003 and attached draft redlinelstrikeout version of
247. more comments.msg 2/11/2003
response to Congressman Gibbons reo 10ctober 15, 2002 letter to
Administrator Whitman regarding the EPA's assessment of public health
risks from perchlorate contamination.

E-mail requesting speaking bullets and comments reo perchlorate policy

2481~ Mr Fatz - Massachusetts Mil Reservation Lease Renewal - Pe.msg 9/2212003 and activities at MMR to address during the announcement of the 25-year
renewal of the MMR lease to the Army for military training activities.

E-mail providing comments on a draft letter to Rep Dingell and attached

249I My final edits on Revised DingellLetter and Enclosure 1.msg 8/11/2003
"Summaryof DoDIEPA Cooperation on Perchlorate."
Jeff Cornell's draft comments (attached) on what should be the themes of
250I my inputs for perchlorate testimony.msg 1/10/2003
a perchlorate testimony.
E-mail discussing the process and path forward for the funding of the NAS
251 NAS Funding Status Update.msg 9/11/2003

252~ NAS Perchlorate and ASTSWMO TCE Presentations.msg 10/21/2003 E-mail from contractor reo upcoming presentationslmeetings status. Not responsive

Attached documents titled "NAS/NRC Perchlorate Panel Selection

253~ NAS Related Information.msg 6/18/2003
11 June 2003" in header) and "Talking points for J-P Woodley 1217/2002
3:48 PM."

Draft "Toxicity and Risk Assessment of Perchlorate from a DoD

Perspective" presentation for the NAS to be presented by David R. Mattie,
254f NAS Science Toxicology Presentation.msg 10/24/2003 PhD, DABT, Senior Research Toxicologist, Air Force Research Laboratory
(AFRUHEST) on Oct 27, 2003. E-mail indicates that this is still a draft
E-mail providing attached draft slide for presentation with proposed
corrections. Slide has title "Status--National Academy of Science" and
255i NAS slide.msg 8/5/2003 footer statement of

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released; 17


Attached copy of review of the proposed EPA drinking water evaluation
level (DWEL) for perchlorate and its supporting risk assessment

conducted by the Center for OccupationallEnvironmental Risk Analysis &
256) NASA University of South Florida Perchlorate Document.msg 10/16/2003
Management, College of Public Health, Univ of South Florida for NASA's
Health and Medical Officer. .

Attached USGS (unpublished) report on naturally occuring perchlorate

257r Naturally Occuring Perchlorate.msg 9/29/2003 titled "Preliminary analyses for perchlorate in selected natural materials
and their derivative products." Pre-decisional draft.

~ Navy and Marine Corps Dingell-Solis spreadsheet updated to E-mail reo Navy and Marine Corps' revisions to Dingell-Solis spreadsheet
258 7/14/2003
today.msg (not attached).

E-mail discussing the Navy brief on the DoD Environmental Data Quality
259~ Navy Brief to Schragardus on the EDQW Perchlorate effort.msg 7/9/2003 Workgroup (EDQW) effort to review emerging testing methods for
perchlorate (attached brief to Schregardus on the 30th of June).

E-mail discussing upcoming perchlorate presentations on the Hill and way

260) Navy Guidance--FW Status of OSD Perchlorate-Interim SamplLmsg 6/25/2003 forward on perchlorate matters; attached DON Interim Perchlorate
Assessment Policy.

261 Navy Perchlorate Sampling.msg 6/10/2003 . E-mail dicussing perchlorate sampling at certain DoD sites via RCRA.

E-mail discussing the Secretary of Defense's reply to DingellSolis on

• NEED DATA REVIEW BY 10 JUN NPL Sites and Perchlorate perchlorate issues and asking Services to respond to the data call request
262 6/5/2003
. Sampling.msg and update the attached spreadsheets of information that is currently
E-mail discussing status of response to perchlorate data call and DoD's
263~ need help.msg 6/9/2003
response to EPA's association of perchlorate to cancer.
E-mail discussing and explaining DoD's upcoming .release of a new
264~ New Perchlorate Sampling Policy from DoD.msg 9/29/2003
perchlorate sampling policy.
DoD proposed written Testimony to Select Committee on Urban and
Economic Development, California State Senate, January 29, 2003.
265) OGC comments coordination on Perchlorate written testimo(2).msg 1/21/2003 Header states "INTERNAL DOD PRE-DECISIONAL DRAFT DO NOT
CITE OR QUOTE" and footer states" PREDECISIONAL DRAFT - [edited
on 21 Jan 03/Cotter]"
E-mail string discussing coordination on draft responses to
266) OMB Coordination - Dingell Solis response (84).msg 6/27/2003 Representatives Dingell and Solis regarding their perchlorate inquiry
(attached letters).

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 18



E-mail discussing OMB's position on the Dingell-Solis package -letter and

enclosures with specific commnets on Encl1 - Summary of DoD/EPA

Cooperation on Perchlorate (attached). E-mail has footer: "CAUTION:

267r OMB Stance on Dingell-Solis Letter.msg 817/2003 This message may contain information protected by the attorney-client,
attorney work product, deliberative process, or other privilege. Do not
disseminate without the approval of the Office of the DoD General
E-mail requesting status of the Perchlorate Interagency Committee report
268I Overdue Cong Report - Perchlorate.msg 1/12/2004 per CR 108-082 - Report on the Activities of the Interagency Perchlorate
Steering Committee.
E-mail discussing documents (not attached) that provide a general
overview of emerging chemicals and their uses, both in
269~ Overview of California Emerging Chemicals.msg 9/25/2003 commercial/industry applications and potential DoD applications and an
ARMIS query on PBDEs, tri- and hexavalent chromium, 1A-dioxane, 1,2,3­
trichloropropane, and NDMA.
E-mail requesting electronic copy of "Perchlorate - Draft DOD Stakeholder
270) Perchlorate - Draft DOD Stakeholder Engagement Plan.msg 11/13/2003 Engagement.Plan" handout from the 13 Nov 03 DAS rneeting to send to
selected Army activates for comment.
271I Perchlorate & Rialto-FW Sec White response to Feinstein.msg 1/13/2003 Release

Draft, unsigned letter to Dr, Gillman, ORD, EPA requesting an interagency

discussion on the draft perchlorate risk assessment ("Perchlorate
Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization," January
2002) and the draft trichloroethylene (TCE) risk assessment
(''Trichloroethylene Health Risk Assessment: Synthesis and
Characterization," August 2001) and underlying science policy issues
before any further action by EPA on perchlorate or TCE OR failing an
272~ Perchlorate & TCE Letter to EPA -- Technical Version.msg 10/2/2002
interagency discussion, letter requests in-depth independent risk and
health review by the NAS to inform any further EPA action on perchlorate
and TCE, as well as a NAS study on the underlying science policy issues
to provide recommendations to inform further EPA and interagency action
to improve the risk and toxicological characterization process.
Header/footer state: "Internal DoD Pre-Decisional Draft - Not Release,
Quote, or Cite September 17, 2002."

E-mail with six attached internal DoD e-mails discussing the EPA-NAS
contract. Emails analyze inconsistencies with the SOW and NAS charge
273~ Perchlorate (1611).msg 8/6/2003 questions that had been prepared, and evaluate proposed funding
mechanisms for the NAS review. Contain internal recommendations for
DoD consideration.
E-mail requesting advice about MDs and a possible spokesperson for DoD
274~ Perchlorate (1645).msg 3/3/2003 Not responsive
from one of the Surgeon Generals.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 19

275) Perchlorate (1665).msg


E-mail discussing ongoing research and information papers on

Not responsive
Draft solicitation titled "Strategic Environmental Research and
Development Program. Statement of Need For FY04. Pollution Prevention
276) perchlorate (1720).msg 10/31/2002
New Start Alternatives for Ammonium Perchlorate In DoD Missile
Propulsion Applications." Pre-decisional draft.
Attached Task Track form requesting extension on OMS coordination on
draft response.
E-mail discussing the Huntsville Times upcoming article on perchlorate
278~ Perchlorate at Redstone Arsenal.msg 1/2212003 contamination in the groundwater underlying the Thiokol plant and DoD's
potential response to any media inquiries.

E-mail discussion and attached spreadsheet of proposed perchlorate

279~ perchlorate budget needs for FY-04.msg 10/16/2003
budget needs for FY04 from Navy Service representative.

E-mail seeking comments on perchlorate sampling spreadsheet (not

280) Perchlorate data (1385).msg 10/21/2003 Not responsive
attached). No substantive information.

E-mail discussing the three template spreadsheets that accompanied the

29 Sept 2003 OSD Interim Policy on Perchlorate Sampling, dataelements,
281I Perchlorate Data (1386).msg 10/14/2003 data collection efforts, and response to the data call. Contains analysis of
the policy underlying the data call and recommends DoD action.
Spreadsheets not attached; no data included.

E-mail discussing efforts to reconcile perchiorate sampling data that had

282 Perchlorate data (219).msg 6/19/2003
been previously submitted to Congress.
283 Perchlorate data (220).msg 6/19/2003 See entry above.

284 perchlorate data call for Congressionalltr.msg 6/19/2003 E-mail discussing Air Force draft perchlorate sampling data (attached).

285) perchlorate data call spreadsheets.msg 6/20/2003 E-mail discussing Air Force draft perchlorate sampling data (attached).

E-mail discussing efforts to reconcile perchlorate sampling data that had

286) Perchloratedata.msg 6/19/2003
been previously submitted to Congress.
r perchlorate EPA QA-2003 interim assessment guidance-27feb03 "Questions and Answers" document with questions only reo perchlorate
287 3/3/2003
doc8.msg sampling.

Forwarded e-mail from OSD Request for Services (formerly the OSD Form
'419') showing approved funding for OSD Studies #: IE-398. Project Title:
288~ Perchlorate Fertilizer Study--FW MIPR Action Completed.msg 7/16/2003 Not responsive
Perchlorate in Natural Minerals and Materials. Document concerns MIPR
(funds transfer)--no substantive information.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 20


E-mail with attached draft of summary document titled "PERCHLORATE ­

101" explaining the history of perchlorate. E-mail states "Caution: This

message may contain information protected from disclosure by the
attorney-client andlor attorney work product privileges or by other
289) Perchlorate History.msg 1/8/2004
applicable laws, regulations or orders. Do not disseminate without the
approval of the Office of the Air Force General Counsel. If you have
received this message in error, please notifiy the sender by reply e-mail
and delete all copies of this message."

E-mail with attached documents: "Revising the Cost Estimate Based on

Real Plume Volumes" (with header - "DRAFT - DO NOT QUOTE OR
DISTRIBUTE (31 October 2002)"); "Summary of Estimated Perchlorate
Costs" (with header - "DRAFT"); "Draft DoD Perchlorate Site
290) Perchlorate Info.msg 10/9/2003 Characterization and Treatment Cost Estimate" (with header ­
2003)"); and "Perchlorate Update August 11, 2003" presentation (with

E-mail discussing responses to Sen Boxer, Feinstein, and Reid and

291I Perchlorate Information to Reid Boxer Feinstein--Survey Dat.msg 5/29/2003 coordination for getting the data to them. Attached are thedraft unsigned
letters to the senators.

Attached draft of an introductory paragraph for review reo perchlorate to be

292~ Perchlorate Introductory paragraph.msg 9/15/2003
added under the Perchlorate DENIX link to the Cleanup Office website.

E-mail discussing the need and process for the IWG and its individual
293~ Perchlorate Issues reqiring attenti6n.msg 6/16/2003 member agencies submitting nominations to the NAS Board that is
reviewing perchlorate.

E mail string on draft, unsigned letter to Henry L. Longest, Acting Assistant

Administrator, ORD, EPA reo extension of the public comment period and
294~ Perchlorate letter (1314).msg 2128/2002
peer review period for the "Perchlorate Environmental Contamination:
Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization"

'. Draft, unsigned letter to Henry L. Longest, Acting Assistant Administrator,

ORD, EPA reo extension of the public comment period and peer review
295) Perchlorate letter.msg 2128/2002
period for the "Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological
Review and Risk Characterization"
E-mail discussing the content/agenda of an upcoming meeting. E-mail
footer states: "Caution: This message may contain information protected
296) Perchlorate meetings.msg 1/8/2004 by the attorney-client, attorney work product, deliberative process, or other
privilege. Do not disseminate without the approval of the Office of the DoD
General Counsel."

All documents listed on this index

are exempt fromrelease under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 21

297, perchlorate memo.msg



E-mail with attached·documents addressing EPA IQG responses to DoD
concerns and an unsigned final memo and table showing how EPA

addressed concerns.
E-mail with attached "perchlorate·package" containing the 2-page
overview, along with the updated matrix and the accompanying set of
298~ Perchlorate package.msg 1/8/2004
issue papers. Attachment footer states "DRAFT Revision 4-0 January 8,
299~ PERCHLORATE PAPER.msg 6/16/2003 E-mail discussing revisions to Hencke paper_
E-mail with four attached perchlorate papers that will be integrated into an
overall strategy document: "Urge Review of the 1990 Regulatory Impact
Analysis (RIA) on the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution
Contingency Plan," "Engagement with EPA in Development of Reference
Doses," "Expansion of Peer Review Requirements withinthe Executive
300) Perchlorate papers.msg 12/4/2003
Branch," and "Applicability of EPA Guidance Documents to DoD
Environmental Restoration Activities." also attached is the table titled
"Proposed Course of Actionin Consideration of Risk Management in
Setting Cleanup Concentrations" with footer - Pre-decisional, Do Not
Quote of Cite."
E mails string and attached unsigned "Guidance on Perchlorate
30 I Perchlorate policy (289).msg 6/11/2003 .
Assessment" and perchlorate talking points.
302~ Perchlorate remediation at Longhorn.msg 7/11/2003 Summary of remediation effort at Longhorn.

Attached for review the draft response to EPA's 21 Feb letter denying DoD
request for an extension to the public comment and peer review for
303~ Perchlorate response (1358).msg 2/26/2002
perchlorate risk assessment. Also included is a previous DoD request,
and Kerr McGee request for a similar extension.

Attached for review the draft response to EPA's 21 Feb letter denying DoD
request for an extension to the public comment and peer review for
304~ Perchlorate response (1359).msg 2126/2002
perchlorate risk assessment. Also included is a previous DoD request,
and Kerr McGee request for a similar extension.

Attached draft, unsigned letter to EPA reo refusal to grant a sixty-day

extension for public Comment for the Perchlorate Environmental
305) Perchlorate response (1360).msg 2/26/2002
Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization, and the
thirty-day extension for peer review.
Attached draft, unsigned letter to EPA reo refusal to grant a sixty-day
extension for public comment for the Perchlorate Environmental
3061) Perchlorate response (1361 ).msg 2126/2002
Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization, and the
thirty-day extension for peer review.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 22


Attached draft, unsigned letter to EPA reo refusal to grant a sixty-day

extension for public comment for the Perchlorate Environmental
307, Perchlorate response (1362).msg 2/26/2002
Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization, and the
thirty-day extension for peer review.

Attached for review the draft response to EPA's 21 Feb letter denying DoD
request for an extension to the public comment and peer review for
308I Perchlorate response.msg 2/26/2002
perchlorate risk assessment. Also included is a previous DoD request,
and Kerr McGee request for a similar extension.

Draft, redlinelstrikeout memo to the Services reo Interim Policy on

309I Perchlorate Sampling 080703 Policy.doc.msg 8/8/2003
Perchlorate Activities.

E-mail discussing funding requirements for FY 04 and 05 for DoD

310) Perchlorate sampling funding question.msg
components to comply with the new perchlorate sampling guidance.

311 Perchlorate Sampling Policy (1507).msg

I 8/20/2003 E-mail dicussing the path forward on the Perchlorate Sampling Policy.

Draft, redlinelstrikeout July 18, 2003 version of the Interim Policy on

312~ Perchlorate Sampling Policy II 7-22-031.msg 7/2212003
Perchlorate Activities being circulated via e-mail for comment.
Email forwarding draft spreadsheet on perchlorate survey. Attachment is
313 Perchlorate Spreadsheet.msg

draft spreadsheet.
314 Perchlorate State of Science Symposium.msg 12110/2003 Release
E-mail providing update on th~ status of the perchlorate strategy
315 Perchlorate Strategy Document Status.msg 10/10/2003

E-mail string discussing the perchlorate survey and data fields; contains
analysis of survey process and discussion of method for answering
Congressional inquiry. One e-mail states: "Caution: This message may
316) Perchlorate Survey.msg 6/23/2003
contain information protected by the attorney-client, attorney work product,
deliberative process, or other privilege. Do not disseminate without the
approval of the Office of the DoD General Counsel."

317, Perchlorate Technical Support.msg 9/8/2003 Attached spreadsheet of California Installations and Properties. Draft.

Atached draft Department of Defense Testimony for the Select Committee

on Urban and Economic Development, California State Senate,January
318I Perchlorate Testimony (1065).msg 1/17/2003 29, 2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE-DECISIONAL DRAFT.
9 January 2003 [edited on 16 Jan 03/Rogers]"

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 23


Atached draft Department of Defense Testimony for the Select Committee

on Urban and Economic Development, California State Senate,January
319) Perchlorate Testimony (1066).msg 1/17/2003 29, 2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE-DECISIONAL DRAFT.
9 January 2003 [edited on 16 Jan 03/Rogers]"

Atached draft Department of Defense Testimony for the Select Committee

on Urban and Economic Development, California State Senate,January
320) Perchlorate Testimony (1095).msg 1/15/2003 29, 2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE-DECISIONAL DRAFT.
9 January 2003"
Atached draft Department of Defense Testimony for the Select Committee
on Urban and Economic Development, California State Senate,January
321I Perchlorate Testimony (1096).msg 1/15/2003 29,2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE-DECISIONAL DRAFT.
9 January 2003"
Atached draft Department of Defense Testimony for the Select Committee
on Urban and Economic Development, California State Senate,January
322~ Perchlorate Testimony (1097).msg 1/15/2003 29,2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE·DECISIONAL DRAFT.
9 January 2003"

Atached draft Department of Defense Testimony for the Select Committee

on Urban and Economic Development, California State Senate,January
323~ Perchlorate Testimony.msg 1/17/2003 29, 2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE-DECISIONAL DRAFT.
9 January 2003 [edited on 16 Jan 03/Rogers]"

Attached spreadsheets of a consolidated overview list of DoD R&D

324~ Perchlorate to thelWG.msg 6/27/2003
investments in the perchlorate area.
Atached redline/strikeout, draft Department of Defense Testimony for the
Select Committee on Urban and Economic Development, California State
Senate,January 29,2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE­
325i Perchlorate written testimony as supported by OMS and EPA doc.msg 1/28/2003
"PREDECISIONAL DRAFT - 9 January 2003 [edited on 16 Jan
Atached redline/strikeout, draft Department of Defense Testimony for the
Select Committee on Urban and Economic Development, California State
Senate,January 29,2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE­
326) Perchlorate written testimony as supported by OMS doc (1659).msg 1/28/2003
"PREDECISIONAL DRAFT - 9 January 2003 [edited on 16 Jan

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 24


Atached redline/strikeout, draft Department of Defense Testimony for the
Select Committee on Urban and Economic Development, California State

Senate,January 29, 2003. Header states: "INTERNAL DOD PRE­
327, Perchlorate written testimony as supported by OMB doc.msg 1/28/2003
"PREDECISIONAL DRAFT --"9 January 2003 [edited on 16 Jan
328I Perchlorate.msg 2/272002 Attached talking points for OIRA on perchlorate process issues.
Attached draft letter and spreadsheet for transmittal to Senator~ per
329I Perchlorate-Active Installation List follow up to Feinstein.msg 5/28/2003 additional information stated in DoD's 22 May 2003 response. E-mail
states that the letter requires GC and LA coordination. Draft.
Attached Executive Summary from EPA's draft Peer Review as published
) Perchlorate-Draft Peer Review Released-Extremely Low on 16 Jan 02 and posted on the EPA NCEA website. E-mail discussing the
330 1/22/2002
Numbers.msg path forward for DoD and the Perchlorate Working Group to address
potential issues.
Attached draft DoD critique of EPA's "Draft Perchlorate Environmental
Contamination: TOXicological Review and Risk Characterization (NCEA-1­
331I Perchlorate--FW draft comments.msg 2112/2002
0503, January 16, 2002)"which was prepared for Perchlorate DOD
Working Group, 12 February 2002.

E-mail summarizing discussions at a meeting with NASA reo perchlorate

332~ Perchlorate--FW NASA Meeting.msg 1/9/2003
issues. Includes comments and assessments of potential future concerns.

Attached redline/strikeout version of the Interim Guidance on Perchlorate

333IPerchlorate-Interim Sampling Guidance Coord ver0209235 doc.msg 5/212003 Sampling and Analysis and the COORDINATION RECORD requesting
Components' concurrence and comments on draft guidance.

Attached redline/strikeout version of the Interim Guidance on Perchlorate

334~ Perchlorate-Interim Sampling Guidance Coord ver051503 doc.msg 5/15/2003 Sampling and Analysis and the COORDINATION RECORD requesting
Components' concurrence and comments on draft guidance.

E-mail comments on OMB's request for a DoD review of "Q & As" on
335; Perchlorate-RE LRS Action.msg 2/10/2003 EPA's process on its assessment of public health risks from perchlorate
Attached DAIM-EDT, 25 June 2003 preliminary answers based on best
3361) Perchlorates - OSD Human Pathway Question .msg 6/25/2003 available information reo complete exposure pathwaYs at Army
Attached draft response to Senator Boxer's questions on perchlorate and e
337, Perchlorate--Sen Boxer Confirmation Questions for Mr Woodley.msg 4/19/2003
mail trail with comments.
Attached talking points addressing rebuttal to Sen Feinstein's proposal as
introduced in 21 May 2003 and e-mail discussing internal coordination
338I Perchlorate-Senate Request for Information.msg 6/10/2003
actions for responding to a Senate Committee request for info on

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 25



Suggestions for addressing oral testimony to a Senate Committee and
revising a paper on perchlorate.

E-mail discussing the Perchlorate IWG member list and perchlorate
3401) Possible document containing IWG member names.msg 6/19/2003 Not responsive

E-mail requesting feedback and comments on a paragraph describing Kerr

341 Possible response on the Kerr-McGee case (433).msg
I 5/28/2003 McGee's role, ownership, and operation of a plant and remediation
activities at the site to address perchlorate contamination.

Attached document with "Response to Questions, From: Ms. Sherry

342~ Progressive responses 18 Jut 03 doc.msg 7/18/2003 Paprocki, The Progressive Deadline: COB, Wednesday, July 16, 2003."
Draft responses to media inquiries.
E-mail requesting answers/info papers on current status of BRAC cleanup,
343l Q&As and Infor Papers--FW BRAC Hearing Prep.msg 3/13/2003 funds spent on BRAC cleanup, future spending, FY04 funding vs. FY03
funding, BRAC UXO cleanup, etc.

E-mail string requesting review of a draft paragraph discussing the Corps

of Engineers' role, on behalf of the Department of Defense, to undertake
an. investigation at a Formerly Used Defense Site, to determine whether
344~ QFR paragraph (767).msg 4/21/2003
contamination materials or other environmental pollutants, including
perchlorate are present on the site, and if the contamination is tied to
former military activities at the site during World War II.

Attached paper on UV destruction of perchlorate and requesting info on

345) Question from Mr DuBois.msg 7/11/2003
the past history of UV use at ESTCP/SERDP test sites.
E-mail discussing queries received from the field reo the 13 Nov 02
346) Questions About 13 Nov 02 Perchlorate Assessment Memo.msg 11/19/2002
Perchlorate Policy.

Attached document with responses to OMB questions and a listing of

papers not used OR cited but not used in the EPA perchlorate risk
347r questions.msg 2127/2002
assessment and 'a summary spreadsheet of human perchlorate research
with publication dates and doses administered.

Discussion of revised perchlorate treatment technology document--not

348IRE (10).msg 9/11/2003
Discussion of proposed responses to QFR from April Testimony to
349IRE (1502).msg 8/11/2003
Senator Boxer
350)RE (1509).msg 8/11/2003 Revisions to draft OSD Treatment Tech Sheet-- Cotter Bullets
Email string discussing 2003 Perchlorate Groundwater Contamination
351I Re (1554).msg 9/11/2003 Study including comments and proposed revisions; attached draft contains
redline and strikeout revisions to draft:
Request for status of response to and deadline for tasking : 2003-0381-IE
(re: 2003-1831-ATL/U10097-03); SUBJECT: HIGH LEVELS OF
352~ RE (1672).msg 7/21/2003 Not responsive
discussion of the proposed response.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted thatthe documents are non-resposive or are being released. 26
•353~ RE (1714).msg


Discussion of proposed responses to QFR from April Testimony to
Senator Boxer

Discussion of revised perchlorate treatment technology document--not
354 RE (8).msg 9/11/2003
355 RE (9).msg 9/11/2003 See entry above.
356 RE Fwd FW Is this a Cleanup Task .msg 5/9/2003 Discussion of involvement of USDA in task
Discussion of Congressional intent and potential ways forward in relation
357 RE: [Fwd: Text from Senate Rpt.1 08-082] 7/212003
to statutory requirement.

358 RE LRS Action - NDDI4985 - EPA Report on Perchlorate -- O.msg 4/25/2003 000 Edits
359 Re: "Perchlorate package" revision 4-1 1/13/2004 Discussion of revisions proposed to matrices (not attached)
Discussion of revised perchlorate treatment technology document--not
360 RE: 9/11/2003

361IRE: 030722 DOD-CALIF WORKGROUP CHARTER 7/30/2003 Comments on Working Group Not responsive

362~ RE: 2 questions 9/5/2003 Perchlorate Policy Memo--URL for DENIX Not responsive

363~ RE 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (108).msg 6/26/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

364~ RE 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (109).msg 6/26/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

365) RE 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (1695).msg

6/10/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

366) RE 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (335).msg 6/10/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

367r RE 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (336).msg 6/10/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

3681~ RE 2003-0313-IE-New Assignment (337).msg 6/10/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

369) RE 2003-0313-IE-New Assignment (352).msg 6/6/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

370) RE 2003-0313-IE-New Assignment (353).msg 6/6/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

371I RE 2003-0313-IE-New Assignment (354).msg 6/6/2003 Task Assignment Not responsive

Email string containing internal discussion of proposed testimony and

372~ RE Agency for Tox(13).msg 1/28 to 30/2003
inclusion of specific controversial information
Internal discussion of the appeal to the Congressional conference
373~ RE Appropriation Appeals - Batch 1 to the Hill .msg 9/5/2003 committee concerning perchlorate issues: analysis of internal 000
procedures and comments on the appeal.
374~ RE ATSDR's Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL.msg 1/28/2003 Discussion on Proposed Recommendations

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release underthe
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 27


Email string discussion of data to be included in attachments to response

375) RE Attachment to the Dingelt Solis Letter (238).msg 6/17/2003 to Congressional inquiry. Comments and proposed revisions discussed;
Proposed attachments to the response not attached to email string.

Email string discussion of data to be included in attachments to response

376) RE Attachment to the Dingell Solis Letter (251 ).msg 6/17/2003 to Congressional inquiry. Comments and proposed revisions discussed;
Proposed attachments to the response not attached to email.string.

Email string discussion of data to be included in attachments to response

377, RE Attachment to the Dingell Solis Letter (252).msg 6/17/2003 to Congressional inquiry. Comments and proposed revisions discussed;
Proposed attachments to the response not attached to email string.

Email string discussion of data to be included in attachments to response

378~ RE Attachment to the Dingell Solis Letter (253).msg 6/17/2003 to Congressional inquiry. Comments and proposed revisions discussed;
Proposed attachments to the response not attached to email string.

Email string discussion of data to be included in attachments to response

3791~ RE Attachment to the Dingell Solis Letter.msg 6/17/2003 to Congressional inquiry. Comments and proposed revisions discussed;
Proposed attachments to the response not attached to email string.

Email string discussing comments from DoD component on draft

380) RE Aug 6 OSD Draft Perchlorate Policy.msg 8/15/2003
perchlorate policy.
Email string discussing proposed responses to questions posed by
381I RE Boston Globe (541 ).msg 5/15/2003
reporter for the Boston Globe.
Email discussing revisions to draft response to Congressional inquiry to
382~ RE Boxer Feinstein Reid reply (694).msg 51212003
EPA; draft with revisions attached.

383~ RE Boxer Feinstein Reid reply.msg 51212003 Discussion of status of comments on response to Congressional inquiry.

~ RE Boxer Feinstein Letter Revised in Response to EPA

384 818/2003 Discussion of status of comments on response to Congressional inquiry.
Email requesting permission to pass DoD's proposal on to CA. Contains
385) RE California Perchlorate Sampling prioritization (1727).msg 10/8/2003 attachment of approach for prioritizing DoD facilities for Perchlorate and
Emergent Chemicals.
386) RE California Prioritization Proposal (1679).msg 10/3/2003 Email string discussing proposed changes to perchlorate proposal.
Email about comments on the draft protocol draft California perchlorate
387r RE California Prioritization Proposal.msg 9/30/2003
sampling proposal.
Email string containing analysis of sources for developing the DoD position
388 Re California Prioritization Question (1545).msg 11/21/2003
on prioritization in California.
389 Re California Prioritization Question.msg 11/21/2003 See entry above.
Internal discussion and analysis of potential funding for DoD oversight
390 RE California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) .msg 8/15/2003
program in California.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 28
•391 RE Comments from EPA and CEQ on DoD Draft Follow-Up (3).msg


8/4/2003 Email discussing EPA and CEQ comments on DoD Draft follow-up letter.

) RE Comments from EPA and CEQ on DoD Draft Follow-Up
392 8/4/2003 Email discussing EPA and CEQ comments on DoD Draft follow-up letter.
· Let(2).msg
I RE Comments from EPA and CEQ on DoD Draft Follow-Up
393 8/4/2003 Email discussing EPA and CEQ comments on DoD Draft follow-up letter.

Email string discussing DoD's incorporation of OMB edits into revised DoD

394 RE comments from Final (11 ).msg 5/14/2003

Letter on Perchlorate.

395 RE comments from Final OMB (10).msg

5/13/2003 See entry above.

Email strong containg internal comments and discussion on proposed­

396 RE Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA on (6).msg 4/9/2003
response to question from Member of Congress
Email string discussing consolidated OMB comments on letters from
397· RE Consolidated OMB Comments on Hill Letters (841 ).msg 3/13/2003
Members of Congress.
,RE COORD REQUEST-Congressional--Response to Rep Dingell Email string including Army response to request for coordination on draft
398, &.msg 5/22/2003
response to Congressional inquiry.
} RE Coordination on Memorandum Requesting Review of
399 11/18/2003 Comments on Draft Coordination Not responsive
I RE Coordination on Memorandum Requesting Review of EPA's
400 11/18/2003 Comments on Draft Coordination Not responsive

Email string discussing efforts to coordinate and review a draft response to

401 RE Coordination on Senator's Feinstein Boxer Reid Letter.msg 5/12/2003

Senators Feinstein, Boxer and Reid.

402~ RE Corps response on CA 104E Request for Rialto (833).msg 4/4/2003 Email containing responses to questions concerning EPA Rialto letter

403~ HE DAS Meeting tuesday on MRC Munitions Response .msg 10/21/2002 Comments on paper Not responsive

Comments from DoD component on emergent chemicals for consideration

404l RE Data Element Phonecon Summary.msg 9/2/2003
in future data call development.

Email string: Internal discussion on procedures for responding to media

405t RE Defense Environmental Alert (1457).msg 6/11 to 24/2003

request concerning percholorate policy development.
· RE DENIX Public Feedback Perchlorate working group minutes Email string discussion of potential response to reporter's request for
406• 4/30/2003
.msg access to area of web site containing non-public information.

407 RE Dingell Solis follow-up letter - OMB cleared version (1692).msg 8/5/2003 Email string discussing proposed response to Congressional inquiry.

408 RE Dingell Solis follow-up letter - OMB cleared version.msg 8/5/2003 See entry above.

409 RE Dingell Solis Ltr.msg

8/5/2003 EPNCEQ/OMB comments-changes
Email string discussion of procedures and deadlines for response to
410 RE: Dingell/Solis Ltr 6/13/2003
Congressional inquiry.

Email string with comments and proposed revisions to response to

411 RE Dingell Solis OMB rewrite 071703.msg

7/18/2003 Congressional inquiry including enclosure 4 and 5 comments and
additional discussion.
412~ RE Dingell Solis response.msg
8/8/2003 Email string with response discussion on processing status

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 29

413~ Re Dingell-Solis Letter--DoD Perchlorate Sampling (1568).msg


Email string discussing procedures for coordinating response to
Congressional inquiry and obtaining a copy of draft response

Email string discussing draft response with draft attached: Perchlorate-
414 RE Dingell-Solis Letter--DoD Perchlorate Sampling (501 ).msg 5/23/2003
Response to Dingell Solis ver0305221.doc
415 RE Dingell-Solis Letter--DoD Perchlorate Sampling (502).msg 5/23/2003 See entry above.
416 RE Dingell-Solis Letter--DoD Perchlorate Sampling (503).msg 5/23/2003 See entry above.
417 RE Dingell-Solis Letter-DoD Perchlorate Sampling.msg 5/23/2003 Email string with discussion of draft esponse and attachments
Email string discussing revisions to responese to Members of Congress
Dingell and Solis with drafts of letters and internal recommendations
~ RE Documents for the Perchlorate Assessment Policy Issues
418 6/24/2003 attached: The Honorable Solis21.doc, The Honorable DingeIl1.doc,
ExecutiveSummarydingellsolis.doc, Executive Summardingsolomb1.doc (2
~ RE Documents for the Perchlorate Assessment Policy Is~ues
4191 6/24/2003 See entry above.

420 RE Documents for the Perchlorate Assessment Policy Issues.msg 6/24/2003 See entry above.

421 RE DoD Perchlorate Sampling Policy.msg 10/1/2003 New Policy Discussion indicating memo posted on DENIX
422 RE DoD revisionOlRAedit111 (596).msg 5/13/2003 Email string discussing. comments on alRA paper
423 RE DoD revisionOlRAedit111 (597).msg 5/13/2003 See entry above.
424 RE DoD revisionOIRAedit111.msg 5/13/2003 See entry above.
Email string with proposed revisions to draft response. to Congressional
425 RE DOD's Revised House Solis Letter.msg 8/5/2003

426 Re DQA 2 pager.msg 12/5/2003 Comment on Data Quality Act 2 Pager Not responsive

427 Re draft 2 WGA response (1567).msg 5/27/2003 Comments on Draft WGA Response: email string
Email string containing comments and proposed revisions on document
428 RE draft comments (44).msg 2/12/2002
circulated by EPA for review: Comment Draft Feb02.doc
429 RE draft comments.msg 2113/2002 See entry above.
Email string with discussion of Army concurrence and views on Draft OSD
430 RE Draft DOD Perchlorate Sampling Policy .msg 7/23/2003
Policy on perchlorate sampling
Discussion of draft testimony prepared for the CA Senate Hearing on
431 RE Draft DOD PERCHORATE Testimony (1114).msg 1/14/2003
Perchlorate/Inland Empire: email string
432 RE Draft DOD-NASA presentations-b.msg 11/26/2003 Discussion over DRAFT DOD-NASA Presentations-b

433 RE Draft NAS charge on Dioxin (47).msg 4/29/2003 Discussion of IWGDraftNAScharge04-28-03.doc--email string Not responsive

434 RE Draft preamble and funding language for NAS (1 ).msg 9/24/2003 Email string discussing support for NAS study and alternatives.

4351 RE Draft Report Tasker GAO Draft Report on Military Mun.msg 12/1/2003 Attached:UXO GAO 360286 Response ver031201.doc Not responsive

436) RE Draft response for Perchlorate (1308).msg 3/1/2002 Email string on review and coordination of EPA Draft Letter Response

Attached: a20227 DRAFT DoD Reply to Longest Letters12 w Navy

437r RE Draft response for Perchlorate (1333).msg 2/27/2002
comments1.doc-email string

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOrA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 30

438~ RE Draftresponse for Perchlorate (1338).msg


Navy Comments- Review and Coordination of EPA Draft Letter Response­
email string

Email string with comments on Draft Talking Points- Perchlorate
439) RE Draft talkers Monday's perchlorate presentation to NAS.msg 10/24/2003
presentation to NAS--included in initial email
Review/comments of dl-aft testimony prepared for the CA Senate Hearing
440) RE Draft Testimony klk 01-10-03 doc (1111).msg 1/14/2003 on Perchloratellnland Empire--email responses in string from several
Email string with comments on draft testimony prepared for the CA Senate
441I RE: Draft Testimony klk 01-10-03.doc 1/13/2003 Hearing on Perchloratellnland Empre. Draft input attached: DuBois
testimony points-revised2.doc.
Email string containing comments on draft testimony; draft version
442~ RE Draft Testimony.msg 1/10/2003
attached: Perclorate 29Jan03 Draft Testimony ver030101.doc,
Email string concerning Dingel-Solis Related Media Request with
443I RE Edmonson Cox News Perchlorate (1738).msg 6/5/2003 discussion of whether or not DoD is able to release information and
including proposed responses to questions
Email string containing comments regarding EDOW draft Perchlorate
444~ RE EDQW QA QC draft Perchlorate Policy.msg 9/3/2003
Policy proposal and proposed revisions
Discussion in email string of previous internal request for information
4451) RE Enclosure 5 DOD_Expenditures xis (60).msg 6/26/2003 about DoD Studies on Perchlorate and whether additional request should
be made. ..

446) RE Enclosure 5 DOD Expenditures xls.msg 6/26/2003 See entry above.

Question on Defense Working Group invite to EPA NARPM 2003
447r RE EPA Remedial Program Managers and Perchlorate.msg 5/1/2003 Not responsive
Email string with discussion of NPR Story on perchlorate sampling; story
448~ RE EPA and perchlorate regulation (1398).msg 7/17/2003 referred to mut not included in emails. Emails include consideration of
possible actions in response.
Email string containing Comments on Draft Response to OMBrequest for
449l REEPA answers to questions on Perchlorate (946).msg 2/1212003
agency views
) RE EPA comments on DoD Perchlorate Letter & attachments
450 7/7 to 111/2003 Email string discussion of EPA Comments on Dingell-Solis Letter
Email string containing comments and pre-decisional Discussion of
451I RE EPA IRIS database.msg 10/3/2002
proposal concerning EPA IRIS Database

Email string with comments on. and discussion of draft response to letter;
452~ RE EXPEDITED ACTION draft letter to citizens of Iowa (2).msg 8/1212003
draft attached <Hills, Iowa draft citizen letter 11 Aug2003.doc>
- Email string of discussion of draft reply to FeinsteinlBoxer with comments
453I RE Feinstein Boxer Reid Reply (1641 ).msg 4/16 to 30/2003
and proposed revisions

Email string with comments and discussion of final comments to draft

454~ RE Final Edits on the Letter (1425).msg 8111/2003 letter responding to request from Congressmen Dingell and Solis; includes
proposed revisions and attach draft incoporating changes.

All documents listed onthis index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 31

455) RE final Navy comments on the draft perchlorate policy (1604).msg


8/28 & 29/2003
Comments on draft perchlorate policy-email string contains comments
and proposed revisions.

Discussion of final edits to draft Final Revised Dingell Letter and
456) RE Final Revised Dingell Letter and Enclosures.msg 8/13/2003
Enclosures responding to Congressional inquiries.
Discussion of proposal by Florida DEP focusing on rationale for Florida's
457r RE Florida DEP Proposal for Perchlorat(7).msg 2/28/2003
position-email string
Email string discussing question and internal proposed response regarding
458~ RE Florida DEP Proposal for Perchlorate Cleanup (4).msg 2/28/2003 recent decision by Florida DEP to establish 4.3 ppb cleanup target level for
Emails string discussion of question about documents in relation to recent
459) RE Florida DEP Proposal for Perchlorate Cleanup Target Level.msg 2128/2003 decision by Florida DEP to establish 4.3 ppb cleanup target level for
Email string containing discussion of letter from Western Growers
460) RE Food safe(14).msg 6/2 to 3/2003 Association and draft response, including comments and proposed
revisions to draft. Drafts attached.
46 I RE Food safety perc(12).msg 6/212003 See entry above.

Email string on Media Inquiry from Boston Globe reporter; discussion of

462~ RE From Bobby Calvan Boston Globe correspondent (1637).msg 5/9 to 14/2003
formation of DoD response with proposed drafts, comments and revisions

~ RE From Shah-URGENT Meaning of Lower End and Lower

463 2/28/2003 Discussion of draft talking points for meeting concerning RfD

464~ Re FW 1_Perchlorate_lntro_v2 doc.msg 10/8/2003 Discussion of inserting 1_Perchlorate_lntro_v2.doc onto website Not responsive

Email request for staff drafting of briefing materials to breif Senator

4651) Re FW AAR for July 7 and 8 of Mr John Paul Woodley's Cal.msg 7/11/2003
Feinstein with draft slides attached: Woodley to Feinstein 14July2003.ppt

Email string of comments on draft respnose to Congressman Gibbons

466) RE FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA(6).msg 2113 to 19/2003
Question to EPA on setting a Perchlorate RfD

Email string forwarding proposed drafts of letter to Senator Boxer for

467r RE FW DoD Response to Senator Boxer on Perchlorate (676).msg 5/212003
review and internal comment; includes comments and proposed revisions.

~ Re FW EPA comments on DoD Perchlorate Letter & Email string with EPA comments on draft DoD Perchlorate Letter & draft
468 7/10/2003
attachments.msg - attachments for response to Congressmen Dingell and Solis
Email string containing analysis of information onweb sites about DoD
469) Re FW perchlorate releases.msg 5/27/2003
sites identifying discrepancies.
Discussion in email string of document circulated for comments
) RE FW Reminder Comments Due Today on EPA perchlorate
470 11/25/2003 concerning EPA Perchlorate Response including comments on document
and discussion of internal staffign procedures.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative.process privilege,· FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 32


Email discussing preparation of response to question from Member of

Congress including disussion what information should be gathered;
contains draft Attachments: 1_000 BRAC revision to perchlorate­
471I Re FW Response to OSD Rapid and Urgent Request.msg 7/11/2003
enclosure5(AF NPLwith Usage Jun03 - WorkingFileLEPA­
FFRRO_Comments_071103.xls, 000 BRAC revision to perchlorate­
enclosure4(02 SurveyMay03 - WorkingFileLEPA-FFRRO_Comments.xls

Email string addressing comments on proposed letter, incuding analysis

472~ Re FW Revised 000 Letter on Perchlorate and Responses to .msg 5/9/2003
of comments made by othe USG agencies.
Emailswith attached draft EPA letters. Attached: pic27422.pcx,
473I Re FW revised perchlorate response.msg 12/12/2003 pic22637.pcx, EPA RFC 11702 perchlorate draft response 12.08.wpd,
EPA RFC 11702 draft response 11.24.wpd

474~ Re FW Section 331 Paper.msg 6/13/2003 Discussion of Section 331 Ready Book Paper; scheduling and taking only. Not responsive

Discussion of distribution of proposed perchlorate sampling policy (with

475) Re FW URGENT Proposed Perchlorate Sampling Policy.msg 7/21/2003
changes) -
Email string with question about potential perchlorate cleanup actions at
4765) RE Has there been any perchlorate cleanup actions at WSMR .msg 711112003
Email string with comments and proposed revisions on draft response to
477'RE Hickox response (USAF) (59).msg 8118/2003
California EPA Hickox letter

478~ RE Hill inquiry.msg 7117/2003 Hill Inquiry- Inholfe--request for materials; no substantive discussion Not responsive

Email string with request for comments on EPA draft letter to

479l RE HOT HOT III FW LRS Action.msg 2/11/2003
Congressman Gibbons and comments and proposed revisions from 000.

E-mail string discussion how to address an action item from the 000
Perchlorate Working Group 15 July 2003 meeting and teleconference, Le.,
480) RE Identifying necessary data elements in anticipation of .msg 8/131/2003
coordinate with Service POCs to identify the necessary data elements in
anticipation of future perchlorate data call.

Email string discussion of IE03-229 1 draft Environmental Protection

481I RE IE03-229 Environmental Protection Agency Q's and A's (63).msg 6/6/2003
Agency Q's and A's circulated for comment with attached drafts.

482~ RE IE03-229 Environmental Protection Agency Q's and A's.msg 6/9/2003 See entry above.

Inclusion of EPA edits to Markup of DOD perchlorate testimony, Attached:

483~ RE Inclusion of EPA edits to Markup of DOD perch(4).msg 1/29/2003
perchlorate written testimony as supported by OMB and EPA11.doc

Email string: Inclusion of EPA edits to Markup of DOD perchlorate

484~ RE Inclusion of EPA edits to Markup of DOD perch(3).msg 1/29/2003 testimony, Attached: draft perchlorate written testimony as supported by
OMB and EPA11.doc

All documents Iisted·on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 33

485) HE Info Paper on Perchlorate Research Effort.msg



Email string soliciting comments on Info Paper on Perchlorate Research

Effort with comments and proposed revisions in response

E mail string containing discussion of proposed reply to Cooney letter with

48 ) RE Inquiry on Perchlorate (1772).msg 7/28/2003
coments and draft leter attached

Email string addressing question about whether or not a tasker is a

487r RE Is this a Cleanup Task .msg 5/8/2003
cleanup task and who should be responsible for preparing materials

Email string addressing assumptions in prfeparing cost estimate for

48 ~ RE Itinerary and Need info for ADUSD(E) - FW .S COB today.msg 5/9/2003
perchlorate cleanup in response to request from aonther agency of USG.

Email string beginning with request for input for response to inquiries
48 ~ RE Mr Fatz - Massachusetts Mil Reservation Lease Re(3).msg 9/23/2003 concerning MMR, and containing. draft and recommended points to include
in response

490) RE Mr Fatz - Massachusetts Mil Reservation Lease Renew(2).msg 9/23/2003 See entry above.

49 I RE Mr Fatz.., Massachusetts Mil Reservation Lease Renewal .msg 9/23/2003 See entry above.

Email string with attached intemal guidance for 000 officials on public
49 ~ RE Mr Woodley Visit to Calif 7-11 July (1741 ).msg 6/30/2003 affairs matters with comments and recommendations for resopnse to
mdeia inquiries. Attached: PAGmsgFeb03.doc
49 ~ RE Mr.msg 8/19/2003 Email string discussing Service Coordination on Samplying Question
Email string with comments and proposed revisions and "final" edits on
494~ RE My final edits on Revised Dingell Letter and Enclosure 1.msg 8/11/2003 draft Revised Dingell Letter and Enclosure 1responding to Congressional
Email string discussing inquiry about draft letter from Mr. DuBois to OMB
49 ) RE NAS PCB Dioxin Review~msg 4/11/2003
and EPA officials on the TCElperchlorate issues
Email string discussing NAS Perchlorate Proposal and IWG mtg on June
496) RE NAS Perchlorate Proposal and IWG mtg on June 3.msg 61212003
3 including comments on proposed documents for the meeting

49 r RE NAS Review Documents Webpage (1587).msg 10/29/2003 Discussion of NAS Review Documents Webpage Not responsive

49 ~ Re NAS Review Documents Webpage.msg 10/28/2003 Discussion of NAS Review Documents Webpage Not responsive

49 l Re NAS Science Toxicology Presentation.msg 10/26/2003 Comments on NAS SciencelToxicology Presentation--no substantive Not responsive

Email string forwarding draft spreadsheet: Attached: a30625 Dingell-Solis

50 ) RE Navy and Marine Corps Dingell-Solis spreadsheet updated.msg 7/14/2003 list from AF ACTIVE_NPL_INSTALLATIONS_060903 w gdc markUps as
of a30714.xls

Information about Department of Energy's Report on Perchlorate--OMB

50 I RE NDDI4995 Perchlorate deadline (623).msg 5/9/2003
Request for 000 Review and staff input for responsive comment

50 ~ RE NDDI4995 Perchlorate deadline (624).msg 5/9/2003 See entry above.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 exceptwhere noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 34
• 53~ RE NDDI4995 Perchlorate deadline.msg
Information about Department of Energy's Report on Perchlorate--OMB
Request for DoD Review

54~ RE Nominations to NAS Board on Perclorate.msg 6/18/2003 See entry above.
Email string discussion of comments and potential concurrence w/ Non
505) RE Non D D Item 4944 Environmental Protection Age(3).msg
2/12/2003 D/D Item 4944, "Environmental Protection Agency Q's and A's on

Email string with comments on proposed responses to letters from

Senators; indluces attached draft with comments and poroposed revisions.
506) RE OMB EPA DoE responses on the Feinstein Bo(5).msg 5/7/2003
Comments/ OMS/EPA/DoE responses on the Feinstein, Boxer, and Reid
letter and OMB/EPA/DoE's comments and changes

507r RE OMB EPA DoE responses on the Feinstein Boxer an(3).msg 5/7/2003 See entry above.

5081~ RE OMS EPA DoE responses on the Feinstein Boxer and R(2).msg 5/7/2003 See entry above.

509 RE OMB EPA DoE responses on the Feinstein Boxer and Reid.msg 5/7/2003 See entry above.

5101 RE OMS EPA DoE responses on the Feinstein Boxer (4).msg 5/7/2003 See entry above.
511 RE OMB EPA DoE responses on the Feinstein (6).msg 5/7/2003 See entry above.
Email string concerning draft testimony development for OSD Perchlorate
512 RE OSD Perchlorate Testimony - 29 Jan 03 in Sacramento CA.msg 1/8/2003
Testimony - 29 Jan 03 in Sacramento, CA

Email forwarding draft documents: Attached: Emerging Chemicals

513~ Re Overview of California Emerging Chemicals.msg 9/25/2003
Background Document 25Sep03.doc, Emerging_contaminants_092203.xls

Email string containing comments on proposed draft policy with attached

514~ RE Perchlorate - 21 Aug 03 ADUSD(E) letter to Cal EPA - I.msg 9/4/2003 draft. Attached: a30904 DRAFT FINAL Perchlorate Sampling090403 w
gdc comments1.doc
Emails string containing cqmments and proposed revisions for testimony
) RE Perchlorate Testimony REQUEST FOR COMMENTS
515 1/16 to 24/2003 to be presented in response to a request from the California State Senate.
Draft testimony attachee
516 RE Perchlorate Testimony (1073).rnsg 1/1612003 See entry above.
'517 RE Perchlorate Testimony (1506).msg 1/17/2003 See entry above.
518 RE Perchlorate Testimony for California (1002).msg 1/29/2003 See entry above.
519 RE Perchlorate Testimony for California (1657).msg 1/29/2003 See entry above.
520 RE Perchlorate Testimony for California.msg 1/29/2003 See entry above.
521 RE Perchlorate Testimony.msg 1/16/2003 See entry above.
Email string with request for info/policy on MCl for discussion in
522~ RE Perchlorate way forward.msg 6/11/2003 interagency meetings and responsive comments and recommendations
from staff and counsel

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 35


Perchlorate--29 Jan 03 California Hearing Comments, Formation of

523~ HE Perchlorate--29 Jan 03 California Hearing (1121 ).msg 1/13/2003 Response--seriesof emails on review and comment on proposed
testimony for hearing in response to a California State Senatorial request

Email string with commentsldiscussion on Perchlorate-Interim Sampling

524~ RE Perchlorate-Interim Sampling Guidance Coord ver0209235 .msg 5/5/2003
Guidance Coord
Email string with question about pending and enacted legislation and
525 RE Perchlorate-Related Legislation (1420).msg 11/13/2003
subsequent comments on implications for DoD
526 RE Perchlorate-Related Legislation.msg 11/17/2003 See entry above.
527 RE Perchlorates - OSD Human Pathway Question (120).msg 6/25/2003 Email string discussing draft paper relating to perchlorate.

528 RE Perchlorate-Senate Request for Information (322).msg 6/10/2003 Perchlorate-Senate Request for Information--series of emails Not responsive

Emails string containing comments and proposed revisions for testimony

529) RE PERCHORATE TESTIMONY (1079).msg 1/16/2003 to be presented in response to a request from the California State Senate.
Draft testimony attachee
530) RE PERCHORATE TESTIMONY (1080).msg 1/16/2003 See entry above.

531I RE Proposed Executive Agent Memo for Perchlorate.msg 12/11/2003 Proposed Executive Agent Memo for Perchlorate Not responsive

E mail string discussion of perchlorate toxicological profile developed by

532~ RE Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL (1277).msg 8/16/2002
E mail string discussing draft Proposed Response to California
533 RE Proposed Response to California Perchlorate an(4).msg 8/15/2003
Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals Letter
534 RE Proposed Response to California Perchlorate and E(3).msg 8/15 to 81/2003 See entry above.
Email string containing discussion of comments and edits to the Q&A's for
535 RE Q&As for the Jan 22 EPA Guidance on Perchlorate (1503).msg 2128/2003
the Jan 22 EPA Guidance on Perchlorate.

Email string with request for draft responses to QFRs from the 2 April
SEPW Hearing, Attached: QFR-SEPW 2Apr03-#31 ver030515.doc, QFR­
SEPW 2Apr03-#65 ver030515.doc, QFR-SEPW 2Apr03-#67
536) RE QFRs - 2 April SEPW Hearing.msg 5/15/2003
ver030515.doc, QFR-SEPW 2Apr03-#68 ver030515.doc, QFR-SEPW
, 2Apr03-#92 ver030515.doc. Draft responses attached and emails include
comments and discussion on proposed responses.

QFRS on Perchlorate from Sen Feinstein with comments and draft

537r RE QFRS on Perchlorate from Sen Feinstein (369).msg 6/5/2003
responses--email string
Email string with draft response to question posed by Deputy Under
538\ RE Question from Mr DuBois.msg

7/16/2003 Secretary of Defense on perchlorate. Attached: Internal review of UV

Treatment of Perchlorate
Discussion of potential response to reporter's question concerning leaked
539~ REquestions for Ms Koetz (1742).msg 6/13/2003
Email string discussion of response to Questions from Congressman
540) RE Questions from CM Dingell and Perchlorate Survey .msg 6/1212003
Dingell and staff on Perchlorate Survey

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release· under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 36

541I RE Questions from Defense Environmental Alert re A(3).msg



Email string discussion of potential response to Questions from Defense

Environmental Alert reo Army perchlorate guidance and strategy

542! RE Questions from Defense Environmental Alert re Army per.msg 6/3/2003 See entry above.

Email string discussion of preparation for SASC Committee meeting with

543I RE RE RE RE RE Re HRPl.msg 6/18/2003 information on topics, potential responses and comments about the topics
for discussion.
Email forwarding redraft of proposed response with draft attached.
544~ RE Redraft of Hickox Response Letter - FINAL.msg 8/21/2003
Attached: Perchlorate - Hickox Response.doc
E mail string discussion as to whether sections of a response to Senator
545) RE reply to senator feinstein (42).msg 4/20/2003 Feinstein could be used in another letter. Attached is draft letter to
546; RE reply to senator feinstein.msg 4/21/2003 See entry above.
E mail string discussion and comments on testimony subsequent to OGC
547r RE REQUEST FO(15).msg 1/21/2003
Email string with comments on response to California Request for
548~ RE Response to California Request for information on Pe(2).msg 11/6/2003 information on Perchlorate Occurrence including samples of FUDS
perchlorate research.
549) RE Response to California Request for information on(3).msg
11/6/2003 See entry above.
550»RE Response to City of Rialto.msg 11/25/2003 Comments on draft response to City of Rialto
Email string with comments and proposed revision to draft response to
551I Re Response to OMB - Dingell Solis.msg 7/14/2003 Congressional inquiry. Draft Attached: 070903
Dingell Solis DODresponse commentsclean DK.doc
Email string containing comments and recommendations concerning
552~ RE Response to OSD Rapid and Urgent Request (1400).msg 7/9/2003
Service implementation of DoD perchlorate survey.

S RE Revised Boxer Feinstein Letter and Enclosures 4 and 5 Email string with comments on proposed responses to letters from
553 8/8/2003
(1538).msg Senators; indluces attached draft with comments and proposed revisions.

Email string discussing draft, unsigned, letters responding to Senator

Reid's letter which expressed concerns that DoD's proposed Readiness
and Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation will limit legal
554~ RE Revised D(14).msg 5/12 to 13/2003
responsibility to address Defense-related perchlorate contamination in
drinking water supplies. Pre-decisonal, draft letter. Attached: DoD
See entry above. R.evised DoD Letter on Perchlorate and Responses to
555 RE Revised D(18).msg 5/1212003
Agency Comment LRM EHF69
556 RE Revised D(23).msg 5/1212003 See entry above. Attached: DoD revisionOIRAedit111.doc

5575 RE Revised D(24).msg 5/12/2003 See entry above. Comment LRM EHF69
Email string with comments on proposed responses to letters from
558 RE Revised DoD Letter on Perchlorate (8).msg 5/14/2003
Senators; Attached: Draft Response to Feinstein Boxer Reid4.doc

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 37


Email string with draft letter and comments,including proposed revisions.

55 ~ RE Revised Letter 10 Congress.msg 4/18/2003 to draft response to letters to Senators. Draft Attached: RPPI impact.ltr to

Email string with comments on proposed responses to letters from

56 ) RE Revised Reid Feinstein Boxer letter (29).msg 4/22/2003
Senators; includes attached draft with comments and proposed revisions.

56 I HE Revised Reid Feinstein Boxer letter (69).msg 4/2212003 See entry above.

Email with attached draft document for review. Attached: DoD Perchlorate

56 ~ Re Revising the perchlorate document.msg 10/17/2003

Strategy revision 1-0.doc
Comments on Information Paper for Rialto Ammunition Storage Point ­
56 ~ RE Rialto Ammunition Storage Point - Inland Empire P(3).msg 9/6/2002
Inland Empire Perchlorate Task Force
~ RERialto ASP 104(e) Request REQUEST FOR Review and Evaluation of DASA(ESOH) LEVEL OF CERCLA 104(E)
564 2126/2003
Email string with discussion of comments on Koetz revision of draft letter
56 ) RE WATTCHI Koetz revision of D-S letter (1405).msg 6/9/2003
to Congressional inquiry from Members Dingell and Solis.

Email string discussing proposed response to letter from WGA (Western

56 ) RE WGA response (234).msg 6/17/2003
Growers Association) including discussion ofthe clean up issue.

56 r REWGA response (235).msg 6/17/2003 See entry above.

56 ~ RE WGA response .msg 6/17/2003 See entry above.

Email string discussing question about status of '03 perchlorate funding­

56 ~ RE What is the status of '03 perchlorate funding .msg 6/30/2003
future budget submissions.
Emails with attached draft on page summary for use in meeting between
57 ) FW Whitman Paper.msg 11/3/2003 the Secretary of Defense and the EPA Administrator. Attached: Whitman.;.
Rumsfeld ReadAhead.pdg
Email string discussing Draft Workgroup Charter for prioritization of sites.
57 I HE Workgroup Charter (21 ).msg 9/11/2003 Draft paper stating purpose and considerations underlying proposal
57 ~ RE Workgroup Charter (22).msg 9/11/2003 See entry above.
57 ~ RE Workgroup Charter.msg 9/2212003 See entry above.

Draft analysis of perchlorate issues attached to email to be used as input

57 ~ Ready Book - Perchlorate (261) 6/16/2003

for briefing book.

Proposed revisions to study attached to email; attachment has revisions to

57 ) Recommended changes for Cong Report Language on Perchlorate 9/1212003

draft indicated by redline and strikeout.

57 ) replacement text 7/11/2003 Forward of replacement text. Attachment was not included. Not responsive

Request for an extension to complete perchlorate assessment policy

57 r Request Extension--2003-0282-IE (2003-1389-ATL U07475-03 5/27/2003 Not responsive
E mail string discussion and comments on testimony subsequent to OGC
~ REQUEST FOR FURTHER COMMENT ON TESTIMONY review. Forward of edits made to DoD draft written testimony. Attached is
57 1/21/2003
SUBSEQUENTTO OGC the Department of Defense draft Testimony for the Select Committee on
Urban and Economic Development

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 38

57 l Response to California Request for information on Perchlora


Email with comments on response to California request for information on

Perchlorate Occurrence requesting status.
Email forwarding rebuttal cpmments to EPA's draft response to questions.
58 ) Response to EPA Response 2128/2002
Attached is the rebuttal.
Email forwarding several internal documents as background information
for the perchlorate situation with OSD and Congress. Attached are 5
58 Response to OSD Rapid and Urgent Request
I 6/25/2003 emails pertaining to the 000 perchlorate contamination survey containing
explanations of the survey and recornmendations for carrying out its
Emails on the status of the package to be sent to Senators Boxer, Reid
and Feinstein. Attached are two internal executive summaries containing
58 ~ Response to Senators Feinstein Boxer and Reid on Perch(2) 4/18/2003
analysis and recommendations, coordination record, and original letter f
from Senators Reid, Boxer and Feinstein.
Email provides preliminary information responding to internal questions
58 l Responses to Questions 7/11/2003 regarding remediation or treatment technology demos for perchlorate and
Congressional inquiry.
Email delivering revised Boxer/Feinstein letter and revisions to
584~ Revised Boxer Feinstein Letter and Enclosures 4 and 5 817/2003 draftenclosures 4 and 5. Attached is clean version of the draft letter, letter
with highlighted revisions, and revised enclosures.

Email attaching revised draft of letter responding to Congressional inquiry

58 ) Revised Dingell Letter and Enclosure 1 8/11/2003
and enclosure to the Dingellietter. Attached is the letter and enclosure.

Email with revised 000 response to EPA, OIRA, and Energy comments.
58 ) Revised 000 Letter on Perchlorate and Responses to Agency C 5/8/2003 Attached is the revised letter along with DoD's response to EPA, OIRA,
and Energy's comments.
Email forwarding draft letter responding to to Senators Boxer, Reid and
58 , Revised Letter to Congress 4/17/2003
Email string with discussion of perchlorate treatment options for CA.
Attached is draft document on Possible Treatment Technologies to
58 Revised perchlorate treatment technology document 9/11/2003
Address Perchlorate Soil and Groundwater Contamination at California
DOD Sites.
Email forwarding draft letter responding to to Senators Boxer, Reid and
58 l Revised Reid Feinstein Boxer letter (778) 4/21/2003
Email forwarding draft memo with analysis of proposed response to letter
59 ) revised Stearn Action Memo 7/29/2003 on percholroate contaminated water in the Colorado River and containing
a recommendation.
Email with internal discussion of potential revisions to the perchlorate
59 Revising the perchlorate document
I 10/16/1003 document and discussion of 5 alternatives for future engagement on
establishing a RfD for perchlorate.
Email to Kurt Kratz on rewrite of Dingell-Solis draft response with
59 ~ Re-Write of Dingell-Solis Response 5/29/2003 SAF/AQR and other agency coordination. Addresses intemal procedures
and deadlines.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 39
Email string presenting questions regarding when DoD will own the Rialto
property. Email also contains update to Admiral Reilly on the meeting with

59 ~ Rialto 10/10/2002
Environment & Public Works Committee staff which contains analysis and
recommendation of writer.

Email string on question regarding the status ofdrafting the DoD response
59 ~ Rialto--FW Feinstein Perchlorate Contamination 12/5/2002
to Feinstein letter. Attached is copy of Sen Feinstein's letter.

Request for comments on the draft·DOE response for Secretary Abraham

in responding to Congressional inquiry. Attached is the draft response
59 ) S 1000 May 9 - LRS Action - NDDI4995 - Department of Ener 5/8/2003
from Secretary Abraham to Honorable Pete V. Domenici as well as the
Honorable Pete V. Domenici's letter.
Request for review of assumptions a cost estimate was based on and
59 ) S COB today - Cost estimate for Perchlorate cleanup 5/9/2003 review of estimated cost for perchlorate cleanup. Attached are two draft
cost estimates.
Request for OSD review of revision to draft of perchlorate sampling policy
proposed by the Office of the Secretafy of the Air Force. Attached is clean
59 r SAF rewrite of perchlorate sampling policy 8/5/2003
and edited version of the SAF proposed revisions to draft perchlorate
sampling policy memo.
Forward of draft input for proposed entry for the SECDEF Ready book.
59 ~ SECDEF Ready Book (259) 6/16/2003
Attached is the draft entry for the book.
Email.forwarding draft summary of DoD environmental Issues that are
59 ~ SECDEF TP -Cohen Encroachment- Ledbetter FUDS Post ROD 3/25/2002 waiting for comments. Non compliance section still needs additional
Email forwarding FYI-Navy and Army draft lists of perchlorate occurrence
60 ) Service List of Perchlorate Occurrence 4/24/2003
at DoD sites in response to OSD request.
Email fowarding incomplete draft of memo on 2001 Perchlorate
60 I Services Letter 7/24/2003
Occurrence Survey per request.

Email fowarding draft of memo addressed to the Surgeon General on

60 ~ SG Letter 7/31/2003 Deobligation of Funds for NAS Perchlorate Review m"emo and draft action
memo containing analysis of issue and recommendation.

Email forwarding draft of revised proposal for letter to Senator Warner in

60 ~ Shortened Letter 1/5/2004 resonse to reporting requirement concerning activities of the Interagency
Perchlorate Steering Committee (IPSC.)
Email string commenting on question whether simulants are a source of
60 ~ simulants are a likely source of perchlorate 6/20/2003
Email providing comments on the JCS situational awareness summary.
60 ) Situational Awareness 6/3/2003
Attached is the summary with comments.
, SOME ADDED CHANGES RECOMMENDED FOR THE PROPOSED Email forwarding revised draft with annotated comments on the proposed
60 ) TESTIMONY 1/10/2003
Rialto written testimony.
Email forwarding draft Background SAC perchlorate document with
60 r Some Input forYou Sandy 6/11/2003
reviswions. Attached is the SAC document.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from retease under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 40


Email forwarding revision of draft letter to Mrs. Stearn in response to her

letter expressing concern about perchlorate contamination in Colorado
608~ Stearn Letter 7/31/2003 River water; also forwarding draft action memo analysing the proposed
response and containing a recommendation. Attached are the drafts of
the action memo and the letter.

Email commenting on question regarding Perchlorate Ion Analysis by

6091} STL Denver Now Offers Perchlorate Ion Analysis by LC MS MS 6/16/2003
LC/MS/MS sampling method.
Email string commenting on response to status of survey information for
Reid, Boxer, Feinstein letter. Attached is DoD Perchlorate Occurrence
610) SURVEY LEGEND 513012003
Survey Legend for incorporation in the proposed attachments to
FYI that Dr. Mattie has been in contact with DoD staff concerning
611 Toxicology Support (1200) 10/31/2002 Not responsive
perchlorate input.
FYI that Dr. Mattie has been in contact with DoD staff concerning
612! Toxicology Support (1201) 10/31/2002 Not responsive
perchlorate input.
FYI that Dr. Mattie has been in contact with DoD staff concerning
613I Toxicology Support 10/31/2002 Not responsive
perchlorate input.
Email forwarding drafts of documents for memo requesting identification
of which DoD installations are on EPA's UMCR list. Attached are the
614~ UCMR Perchlorate Data Call memo 6/2612003 drafts of a UCMR perchlorate tasking memo, action memo including
analysis and recommendation, and sample spreadsheet with no data
FYI Daily Environmental Report for 26 September 2003 " State to Set
615) Untitled (1387) 101212003 Not responsive
Perchlorate Standards for Site Cleanups, Drinking Water."
Email containing draft proposed answers to media inquiries from WSMR
6161 Untitled (1489) 7/11/2003
and Lone Star AAP.
Email forwarding draft spreadsheet with information on May 2001 survey.
617, Untitled 6/24/2003
Attachment is draft document
Email stating request from Deputy Assistant Secretary for point papers on
618I Updated Issues Papers Needed 12115/2003

Email string including request for the latest update of the NAS charge and
6191l URGENT FW NAS Questions Observations 4/16/2003
venue issue and analysis of potential scope of NAS charge.

Email stating request for proposed changes to be incorporated in the draft

perchlorate sampling policy memo. "Attached are draft docum,ents
620I URGENT Proposed Perchlorate Sampling Policy 7/18/2003
including Interim. Guidance on Perchlorate Activities and perchlorate water
data call.
Email" request to review draft responses to queries from a reporter;
621 URGENT Response to Progressive Magazine Inquiry 070803 7/10/2003 attached is draft of questions and answers. Attachment: "Responses to
The Progressive Information Request"

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 41
•. \

Email forwarding revision of draft letter to Mrs. Stearn in response to her

letter expressing concern about perchlorate contamination in Colorado

608~ Stearn Letter 7/31/2003 River water; also forwarding draft action memo analysing the proposed
response and containing a recommendation. Attacheq are the drafts of
the action memo and the letter.

Email commenting on question regarding Perchlorate Ion Analysis by

609l STL Denver Now Offers Perchlorate Ion Analysis by LC MS MS 6/16/2003
LC/MS/MS sampling method.
Email string commenting on response to status of survey information for
Reid, Boxer, Feinstein letter. Attached is DoD Perchlorate Occurrence
610) SURVEY LEGEND 513012003
Survey Legend for incorporation in the proposed attachments to
FYI that Dr. Mattie has been in contact with DoD staff concerning
611I Toxicology Support (1200) 10/31/2002 Not responsive
perchlorate input.
FYI that Dr. Mattie has been in contact with DoD staff concerning
612~ Toxicology Support (1201) 10/31/2002 Not responsive
perchlorate input.
FYI that Dr. Mattie has been in contact with DoD staff concerning
613~ Toxicology Support 10/31/2002 Not responsive
perchlorate input.
Email forwarding drafts of documents for memo requesting identification
of which DoD installations are on EPA's UMCR list. Attached are the
614~ UCMR Perchlorate Data Call memo 6/2612003 drafts of a UCMR perchlorate tasking memo, action memo including
analysis and recommendation, and sample spreadsheet with no data
FYI Daily Environmental Report for 26 September 2003 " State to Set
615) Untitled (1387) 101212003 Not responsive
Perchlorate Standards for Site Cleanups, Drinking Water."
Email containing draft proposed answers to media inquiries from WSMR
6161I Untitled (1489) 7/11/2003
and Lone Star AAP.
Email forwarding draft spreadsheet with information on May 2001 survey.
617r Untitled 6/24/2003
Attachment is draft document
Email stating request from Deputy Assistant Secretary for point papers on
618~ Updated Issues Papers Needed 12/15/2003

Email string including request for the latest update of the NAS charge and
619l URGENT FW NAS Questions Observations 4/1612003
venue issue and analysis of potential scope of NAS charge.

Email stating request for proposed changes to be incorporated in the draft

perchlorate sampling policy memo. Attached are draft docum,ents
620) URGENT Proposed Perchlorate Sampling Policy 7/18/2003
including Interim Guidance on Perchlorate Activities and perchlorate water
data call.
Email request to review draft responses to queries from a reporter;
621I URGENT Response to Progressive Magazine Inquiry 070803 7/10/2003 attached is draft of questions and answers. Attachment: "Responses to
The Progressive Information Request"

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents·are non-resposive or are being released. 41


Email forwarding request for comments on attached draft EPA proposal for

62 ~ URGENT-Perchlorate-Need Comments on EPA Proposal for Revie 10/31/2002 joint EPA-DoD referral of EPA's draft Perchlorate Risk Assessment to
Email forwarding comments on draft perchlorate engagement strategy and
CA outreach plan. Attached are the Army's preliminary comments on the
62 l Weekly DAS Meeting - November 20 2003 - 3E752 11/19/2003
draft perchlorate: 1) Stakeholder engagement strategy and 2) California
Outreach plan.
Email forwarding updated draft briefing slides on perchlorate. Attached:
62 ~ Woodley Presentation With Notes Page 711412003 draft slided for presentation for Senator Feinstein "Department of Defense
Perchlorate Initiatives"
Email forwarding responses to requests for information as an FYI to Mr.
62 ) Woodley Request for More Info on Rialto 71212003 Woodley. Attached is Rialto Ammunition Storage Point (CA) -- FUDS and
Rialto Ammunition Storage Point (ASP) Case Summary.
Email forwarding updated draft briefing slides on perchlorate. Attached:
62 ) Woodley to Feinstein 14July2003 rev ppt 7/11/2003 draft slided for presentation for Senator Feinstein "Department of Defense
Perchlorate Initiatives"
Email forwarding request for review for errors of draft slides 3, 10, and 11
in proposed presentation listed in entry above. Attached is draft
62 , Woodley to Feinstein 14July2003 rev2 ppt 7/14/2003
presentation for Senator Feinstein "Department of Defense Perchlorate
Copy-and-paste version of DRAFT 24 October 2003, EPA Guidelines for
Munitions Response, EPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
62 oe_guidelines_draft_10-24-03.rtf 11/20/2003
Response (OSWER), Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office
Draft, redlinelstrikeout, unsigned response to Sen Boxer reo recent letter
expressing concerns that DoD's proposed Readiness and Range
62 1DOD Draft Response toBoxer 050503_comments.wpd 5/7/2003 Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation will limit its legal responsibility to
address Defense-related perchlorate contamination in drinking water
Email forwarding draft of DDESB's Dr. Jerry Ward White Paper on
63 I [Fwd: FW: Perchlorate White paper] 3/18/2004 "Benefits of Using Perchlorate in Military Munitions." and requests to
forward it to Service POCs. Atachment is draft version.
63 020109 DOD DQ letter to Gilman
I Not provided Proposed Draft Data Quality letter to Dr. Paul Gilman, EPA.

63 ~ 020109 joint EPA-DOD press release Not provided Proposed draft joint press release on perchlorate between DoD and EPA.

Proposed draft talking points in preparation of briefing for CEQ on draft

63 1021218 DOD draft CEQ TP Not provided
perchlorate risk assessment
Proposed draft question and answer document on various perchlorate
63 ~ 02-20-03 QA on 2003 interim assessment guidance ver3 Not provided
63 ) 030114 IQL memo for DOD Not provided Draft DoD strategy to increase cooperation between it and EPA.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or arebeing released. 42
Draft response to questions from Senator Barbara Boxer for

636) 030403 Boxer Ox Not provided John Paul Woodley

637 030425 NDI 4985-EPA Report -Boxer Perchlorate Not provided Draft overview of perchlorate science and health affects.
638 030812 Hills Iowa draft citizen letter DOD edits21 8/11/2003 Draft letter to report sampling results for Hills Iowa perchlorate site.
Draft powerpoint presentation summarizing results of perchlorate the state
639 031205 PS3 Summary Report ver 1 9/29-10/1/2003
of science symposium.

Draft talking points providing overview of California perchlorate

640) 040123 Talking Points on California deadlines Not provided
regulation(s) and possible impact on 000 operations within the state.

641 2003 Perchlorate Groundwater Contamination Study with changes

I Not provided Draft discussion of perchlorate studies to be performed by 000.

642~ 2003 Perchlorate Groundwater Contamination Study Not provided Revised draft discussion of perchlorate studies to be performed by 000.

Preliminary draft cost estimates for site characterization and treatment

643I 9May03 Draft DOD Cost OMB May-03
operations for perchlorate.
Draft document explains possible methods for prioritizing 000 facilities in
644~ Approach for 000 Sites w Perchlorate Not provided
California for perchlorate and emergent chemical
Draft questions and answers for use in perchlorate interview with Ariel
645:> Bait SunQs As 1-7-03 12112/2002
Sabar, Baltimore Sun.
Draft questions and answers for use in perchlorate interview with Ariel
646) Bait SunQs As 18 Dec 02 1211212002
Sabar, Baltimore Sun.
Draft skeleton of briefing for water association on perchlorate and RRPI
647, Beehler's brief to water association March 04 3/4/2004
Draft reply to California Environmental Protection Agency pertaining to
648 California Reply.doc 7/3/2003
perchlorate in California.
649 Perchlorate Engagement 21 Jan 03 1/21/2003 Notes- on proposed Federal interagency dialogue on perchlorate.
Notes on desired outcomes for proposed Federal interagency dialogue on
650 Perchlorate Meeting desired outcomes 1/22/2003
Draft assessment of potential missionloperational, cost impacts from
651I Mission/Operationallmpacts, Costs from Perchlorate Regulation 1215/2002
perchlorate regulation
1017/ 2003 to
652~ Cover letter for sampling policy AF version with KLK changes3 Five revisions of drafts of memorandum discussing 000 sampling policy.

653 DerPerchlorate-lnterim Sampling Guidance Coord ver0515031 5/19/2003 Draft memorandum discussing 000 interim guidance on perchlorate.

654 000 and NAS Presentation 10/27/2003 Draft presentation for Col. Daniel Rogers, USAF to the NAS.
655 000 Dingell 3b Consolidated Response 23Apr044 4/26/2004 Draft spreadsheet chart containing· 000 perchlorate sampling data.
Draft document for a proposed process to establish health-based action
656 000 Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals 3 Option Strat 3 11/12/2003
level for chemicals without final risk factors.
Draft proposed response to Sen. Feinstein letter requesting an update on
657rOoD response to Nov 7 Feinstein letter_OMBcleared 3/17/2004
the status of perchlorate assessment activities by 000.
658~ 000 Talker 8aug011 8/8/2001 Draft discussion of current perchlorate issues.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 43

659') Draft Charge to the National Academy of Sciences on Perchlorate


Questions to the NAS in reference to perchlorate health-based research

Draft proposal forcharge questions for NAS Committee on Perchlorate
660) Draft DOD Charge Questions for EPA21 12/24/2002
Draft memorandum containing modifications to DoD perchlorate sampling
66 I Draft DUSD(IE) memo April 14, 2004 4/14/2004
Draft memorandum containing modifications to DoD perchlorate sampling
662~ Draft DUSD(IE) memo April 16 2004 VER2. 4/16/2004
Draft memorandum containing modifications to DoD perchlorate sampling
663~ Draft DUSD(IE) memo April 16 2004 4/16/2004
Draft talking points for Mr Woodley discussing DoD concerns with current
664~ Draft JPW-EPA talking Points on ques - panel selection 12-07-02 1217/2002
EPA and NAS scientific analyses.
12/27/2002to Three revisions of draft document discussing EPA, DoD, NASA, and Dol
665) Draft Media Response 12_27_02.
12/30/2002 perchlorate partnership.
Two drafts of testimony to the Select Committee on Urban ad Ecnonmic
666) Draft Testimony klk 01-10-03(2) 1/10/2003
Development for California State Senate.
Internal draft guidance and interpretation of OSD perchlorate assessment
667r Enclosure 2 - DON Interim Perchlorate Assessment Policy 1213/2002

668~ Environment Restoration Current Initiatives 3/21/2002 Bullet points on environmental restoration initiatives. Not responsive

Two discussions of DoD concerns with EPA's perchlorate policies and

669) EPA-DoD Issues ver 7-6-01 7/6/2001
procedures showing revisions and corrections.
Draft talking points for discussion with Dr. Winkenwerder on perchlorate
670) epitalkingpoints. 3/12/2004
epidemiological study.
67 I ESTCP Input 313 report Jan 2003 replacement figures 12110/2003 Proposed replacement for three sections of report
672~ ESTCP Input 313 report Jan 2003 12110/2003 Draft assessment of munitions response science and technology.
A draft internal DoD action memo for responding to Senator Feinstein's
673~ Executive Summaryfein221 3/22/2004 concerns regarding perchlorate contamination in water supply. Includes
recommendation to Acting USD.
674 EXSUM for Action on Sen Santorum and Cong Weldon 9/15/2003 Action memo with recommendations on perchlorate technology.
Draft action memo with recommendation seeking PSA involvement in
675 EXSUM for Cover Memo for Perchlorate Sampling Policy 10/2212003
setting perchlorate and emerging chemical policy.
676 Feb04-perchlorate1 3/2/2004 Draft perchlorate discussion points and recommendations.
677 Feb04-perchlorate12 3/22/2004 Draft perchlorate discussion points and recommendations.
678 Feinstein Dec 3 ver 1213/2003 Draft response to Feinstein on DoD remediation efforts in California.

Draft EPA response to Senator Feinstein letter requesting the EPA's

6791) Feinstein reply 2/28/2003
assistance in accelerating perchlorate clean up efforts in California.

680) Final Draft WSJ Letter Perchlorate 12-24-02. 12124/2002 Two unsigned drafts of response to Peter Waldman's perchlorate article.

Draft memorandumon t:.PA contract and funding for perchlorate NAS

68 I Final perchlorate contract rationale 11/3/2003

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 44

68 ! FINAL Wynne - perchlorate ATL update 11 Aug 031
8/11/2003 Draft update on perchlorate issues for ATL

Draft responses to GAO questions concerning perchlorate contamination
68 I GAO Questions & Potential Responses 23 June 2003 rev 1 6/25/2003
and remediation efforts.
Draft EPA response to Congressman Gjbbons, US House of
658 ~ Gibbons 212812003 Representatives letter; he requested EPA's process for assessing public
health risk from perchlorate.
68 ) Hickox response2 12/16/2003 Draft letter to CALEPA Sec Hickox on 000 perchlorate initiatives
68 ) History of CL04 1/8/2004 Draft historical overview of perchlorate issues.
Draft talking points on the potential impacts of overstrigent perchlorate
68 , History of CL0421 2/11/2004
Draft document discussing examples of 000 and EPA cooperation on
68 ~ Horinko-16Nov01 Successes 11/15/2001
perchlorate issues.
Draft document summarizing and analysing ocal community concems over
68 ) Info paper for POTUS trip - perchlorate 9/2012002
perchlorate detections
Draft EPA reply to James Inhofe, Committee on Environment and Public
69 ) Inhofe 2/28/2003 Works. The letter contains information on perchlorate toxicological review
and risk characterization.
69 I Inside EPA 1/22/2003 Draft Q&A document on various perchlorate topics.
Internal 000 concurrence sheet for draft memorandum on the interim
69 ~ Interim Perchlorate Coordination Record July 17 2003 7/18/2003
guidance on perchlorate.

69 ~ IPSC Partnering drft rvsd31 1/21/2004 Draft report to Congress on IPSC progress.
694~ JCS Perchlorate Situational Awareness Jun03 8/8/2003 Draft document addessing perchlorate issues.
Internal 000 assessment of potential operational impacts of perchlorate
69 . JOCGE Perchlorate ORA 2/13/2004
69 ) Joint Study1 11/26/2003 Draft letter to EPA with markups.

Draft point paper highlighting 000 and EPA differences of opinion on

environmental roles and responsibilities and possible recommendations for
69 r Major DoD-EPA Issues 092801 9/28/2001
resolutions; includes small section for recommendations for consistent
EPA use of credible science on perchlorate and other emerging issues.

Draft comment matrix with 000 responses to proposed GAO language on

69 3 Monitoring and Cleanup of Operational Ranges 3/17/2004 inqUiry into sampling, monitoring and cleanup of operational ranges;
includes sections discussing perchlorate.
A draft reply to James Gibbons, U.S. House of Representatives
69 ) NDI4944-Q'sandA's -Perchlorate_11 Feb03 rev1 211212003
concerning perchlorate public health risks.
A draft reply to James Gibbons, U.S. House of Representatives
70 ) NDI4944-Q'sandA's -Perchlorate_12Feb03 final 2/1212003
concerning perchlorate public health risks.
Draft markup of NPL sites where perchlorate remediation action have
70 I Perch_Treatment_Sites(10-22). 3/26/2004
taken place.
Talking points to prepare Secretary of Defense for responding to questions
70 ~ Perchlorate (ATL) talking points for SecDef 1/14/2004
on perchlorate issues.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA .
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents arenon-resposive or are being released. 45

70 ~ Perchlorate (emerging contaminants) Q&As



Draft question and response document for perchlorate/emerging

70 ~ Perchlorate 11-19-01 ESOHPB 11/19/2001 A memo containing talking points for DoD ESHOPB members.
Email with attached document of notes on perchlorate actions requiring
70 ) Perchlorate Actions Requiring Continued EM Involvement 4/19/2004 Not responsive
DoD EM involvement--no substantive information.
A draft version of document on DoD's proactive method for addressing
70 ) Perchlorate Brief Congress 5/1/2004
public health concerns posed by perchlorate.

DoD point paper on Issues surrounding the establishment of health

70 , Perchlorate Data Release Paper ver011 025REV3 10/26/2001
standards for perchlorate without additional toxicological data from DoD.

Draft memo in reference to a letter requesting EPA to release perchlorate

70 ~ Perchlorate EPA Peer Review ver01 0927 9/27/2001
toxicological data.
Draft letter to Linda Fisher, USEPA requesting release of perchlorate
70 } Perchlorate EPA Peer Review ver010927Tab A-Letter 9/28/2001
toxicological review and risk characterization report.

71 ) Perchlorate EPA Peer Review ver010927Tab B-Background Paper 9/28/2001 Draft discussion and evaluation of EPA's peer review process.

71 I Perchlorate Facts 8/4/2003 Draft DoD informational flyer on perchlorate.

A summary of internal DoD telephone conference on perchlorate issues
71 ~ Perchlorate Planning Meeting (21 Nov03) 11/24/2003
including discussion of proposals and recommendations.
Draft paper stating perchlorate questioh and providing recommended
71 ~ Perchlorate QA 1/15/2003
answer for Congressional inquiry.
Draft memo in reference to a letter requesting EPA to release perchlorate
71 ~ Perchlorate Read Ahead - Woodley 10/10/2001
toxicological data.
Draft explanation of columns for DoD perchlorate occurrence survey
71 ) Perchlorate survey legend 5/30/2003
71 ) Perchlorate Technical Fact Sheet 8/4/2003 Draft overview of perchlorate·topics.
Two drafts of DoD written testimony to Select Committee on Urban and
71 , Perchlorate written testimony as supported by OMB and EPA 1/28/2003
Economic Development.
71 ~ Perchlorate 3/3/2003 Draft perchlorate question and answer document.

71 } Perchlorate3 for SecDef Budget 05 1/7/2004 Messages and anticipated questions and key points on perchlorate issues.

Draft language for a proposal to request the NRC Committee on

723 ) Perchlorate-EPA COT Prop 021029 12/24/2002
Toxicology to address key perchlorate science issues.
72 I Perchlorate-Interim Sampling Guidance Coord ver051503 5/15/2003 Draft letter on the perchlorate interim guidance.

72 ~ PerchlorateWhitePaper 3/23/2004 Internal DoD analysis of factors relating to perchlorate use in munitions

72 ~ Policyll 7-18-03 7/18/2003 Draft document on the perchlorate interim guidance.

Draft document on prioritizing perchlorate impacts to drinking water from
72 ~ Prioritization Document 04-30-04 w red lines incl FUDS 5/1/2004
DoD facilities in California.
Questions and proposed answers for interview with Ariel Sabar, Baltimore
72 . Qs As 12 Dec 02 ver3 12/13/2002
Sun on DoD restoration in Maryland.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 46

726) Read Ahead - DuBois Meeting with Stephen Johnson


Info memo in response to EPA's decision to not allow joint funding for NAS
contract on perchlorate.

Info memo to provide suggested talking points for meeting with Marianne
727, Read Ahead -Beehler - Horinko 1/13/2004
Horinko, USEPA.
Email with attached-draft action memo and attached proposed discussion
728~ READ AHEAD FOR SECDEF on Mike Leavitt EPA Admin 03 Mar 042. 3/1/2004 topicsand analysis for meeting of EPA Administrator and Secretary of
Draft analysis of consequences for implementing a regulatory standard for
729 Readybookperchlorat1 e 12116/2003

730 Report to Congress on the IPSC rev 0-0

3/212004 Draft report to Congress from DoD IPSC.
Draft letter to Senator Sarbanes concerning perchlorate in City of
731 Response to Sen Sarbanes_APG1 12/5/2002
Draft letter to Senator Sarbanes concerning perchlorate in City of
732~ Response to Senators_APG-klk version 11/21/2002
Draft statement of work for the assessment of health implications of
733i Revised task order 5Nov2003 11/6/2003
perchlorate ingestion.
DoD point paper on Rialto Ammunition Storage Point/Inland Empire
734~ Rialto Ammunition Storage Point-ip-6sep0212 9/9/2002
perchlorate issues.

Unsignedlundated draft of DoD letter to Mr. Baxter concerning perchlorate

735• Rialto 11121/2003

issues the City of Rialto and Inland Empire.

736l RIALTO-sitrep-Jan21-04 1/2212004 A document on Rialto Ammunition Storage Point classification as a FUDs.

Draft responses to questions from Senate Appropriations Committee on

737, SAC-D -14May03 -SecDef Q51-52-53 7/18/2003

738~ Sampling Policy Talking Points 9/24/2003 Proposed talking points in regards to the perchlorate sampling policy.

Point paper discussing potential implications from the enactment of a

739 SecDefMar122 3/22/2004
regulatory standard for perchlorate.

740 Statement by Senator Feinstein2

5/7/2004 Possible questions and answers for perchlorate issues.
Contains DoD recommended responses to statements by Representative
741 Statements by Waxman - responses 3/18/2004
. Waxman.

742 TAB A - Calc trtmnt costs based on real vol 10_31 11/20/2002 Draft cleanup cost estimates based volumes by treatment technology.

743 TAB B - Cost-to-complete estimatesNov13 11/21/2002 Draft summary of estimated perchlorate costs.

744 Talking Points 10-01-02 ver

9/30/2002 Draft talking points on perchlorate science issues

7456 The Army has been investigating MMR for perchlorate since 2000 9/23/2003 Draft question and answer on perchlorate and MMR.

Preliminary talking points on why a perchlorate amendment is premature

746) This amendment is unnecessary 5/21/2003
and unnecessary.
Draft discussion of potential responses to questions of perchlorate
747, Tolman Questions InpuCOct03 11/6/2003
metabolism in the body.

Ali documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege; FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 47
•748I Way forward with CEQ 1-06-03
Draft strategy of how to achieve meaningful Federal interagency dialogue

on perchlorate.
Draft talking points for discussion between DoD and EPA on areas of
749I Whitman rumsfeld read ahead v 21 aug 9/5/2001
Draft talking points for discussion between DoD and EPA on areas of
750I' Whitman rumsfeld read ahead 10-01-02 ver 9/30/2002

751 Woodley perchlorate response to Sen Boxer OMB passback 05-06-03 5/14/2003 Draft answers for response to Senator Boxer questions.

752 AF Will Support Sampling At McChord! 3/15/2004 Internal discussions of policy issues of request to sample at McCord AFB

753 AMWA Meeting Notes 3/31/2004 Release

Draft DoD talking points in response to Cal release of a public health goal
754 California PHG Phonecon 2/24/2004
(PHG) for perchlorate

755 California Public Health Goal - Media response 3/19/2004 Proposed DoD rresponse to media inquiries involving CA PHG document.

756 Congressional Letter 2/11/2004 Draft Congressional letter to EPA urging action on perchlorate
757 Consequences of a Perchlorate PHG 2/13/2004 Release

Email string with two attachments: draft spreadsheet with consolidated

information on perchlorate sampling at DoD installations, and paper
758I Consolidated Service Perchlorate Sampling Response Data 3/22/2004
containing staff comments identifying data discrepancies and
inconsistencies with recommendations for further action.

759 Draft Concept Document for EO 12866 Analysis of Perchlorate RID 4/7/2004 Draft document describing how EO 12866 applies to the perchlorate RID.

760 Draft letter requesting EO 12866 review of perchlorate RID. 3/22/2004 Draft letter requesting EPA to release RID for perchlorate.
761 Draft slides for TCE and Perchlorate impacts brief for CEQ 2/13/2004 Draft outline for CEQ briefing on TCE and perchlorate.
Staff member request for current DoD perchlorate information to assist in
762 Emerging chemicals and perchlorate 1/12/2004
new position. No substantive information.
DoD staff discussion of EPA proposed response to Congressional
763I EPA's Perchlorate comment on DoD's (DuBois) oversight testi. 2/25/2004
764~ EPA's UCMR database 4/21/2004 EPA UCMR sampling data and DoD draft perchlorate sampling data.
DoD internal email with attached draft document on potential economic
765j Feb04-perchlorate doc 2/26/2004 impacts to 000 agencies if a perchlorate regulatory standard is
766I FINAL Wynne - perchlorate AT&L update 11 Aug 03 PPT 2/12/2004 Pre-decisional DoD Powerpoint presentation on perchlorate.
Email from DUSD(I&E) counsel on potential issues related to unregulated
767'FW (127) 3/2/2004 Not responsive
Email with attachments of a letter from EPA requesting on a Preliminary
Assement/Site Inspection (PAlSI). A map of McChord Air Force Base is
768IFW heads up McChord perchlorate 3/23/2004
attached as well; NOTE: contains commentary by DoD personnel as well
as releasable information.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 48
•769~ FW Perchlorate Data



DoD email string with staff comments and analysis of concerns about
inconsistencies with perchlorate sampling reports in the media. Contains

internal analysis and proposed recommendations.
Email containing draft white paper titled "Benefits of Using Perchlorate in
770) FW Perchlorate White paper (84) 3/23/2004
Military Munitions".
Email discussig possible attendance of DoD personnel at planned DoD
771I FW 1 00 PM Perchlorate Meeting. 1/26/2004 Not responsive
perchlorate meeting

772~ FW 2 26 perchlorate briefing of Cong Baca's staff 2123/2004 DoD email with questions about draft presentation for proposed briefing.

Email forwarding paper with interim report on perchlorate reduction or

773~ FW A Project to Reduce or Eliminate Perchlorate from the M 5/11/2004
elimination in M115A2 and M116A1 simulators.

774~ FW Additional Qs & As for the Murder Board - Please distri 2/25/2004 Draft perchlorate questions and answers for "Murder Board" review.

775,FW Additonal Qs & As for the Murder Board - Please distrib 2/25/2004 Draft perchlorate questions and answers for "Murder Board" review.

776j FW Another Perchlorate Query 3/19/2004 Internal DoD discussions of media inquiry into DoD perchlorate activities

Email string with attached draft files discussing DoD personnel and
organizations that should be contacted regarding request in DAA04 for
777. FW Attached Files Perchlorate Epi Study 4/23/2004
DoD to conduct an epidemiological study on perchlorate epidemiological
Email with attached point papers, other information on perchlorate for new
778 FW Background Materials for OSD's new SES for Perchlorate 4/20/2004
DoD SES with analysis of emerging issues.
779 FW Beehler's brief to water association March 04 doc 3/26/2004 Proposed correction to briefing for water association meeting.

780 FW BRAC Perchlorate Report to Congress - Shannon's comment 4/21/2004 DoD proposed revisions and comments on BRAC report to Congress.

DoD discussions of preparation for meeting on BRAC perchlorate

781 FW BRAC Perchlorate Sampling Report to MILCON 4/21/2004
sampling report.
782 FW California PHG Phonecon (168) 2124/2004 Draft documents on CA perchlorate regulatory efforts.
783 FW California Public Health Goal - Media response 3/24/2004 Recommended DoD response to media questions about CA PHG.

Email forwarding draft Army submission of interim perchlorate sampling

784f FW Cleanup Documents for the ASA(I&E) Designee 3/1/2004
data with revisions from previous version to ASA(I&E) designee.

Email discussion of issues to be considered in responding to Reps Dingell

785) FW Congressional Letter - Response to Dingell & Solis. 5/1212004
and Solis

Email forwarding draft spreadsheet with consolidate responses to DoD

786) FW Consolidated Perchlorate Data - All Services 4/23/2004
request to Services to review UCMR consolidated perchlorate data.

Email forwarding draft spreadsheet with consolidate responses to DoD

787'FW Consolidated Service Perchlorate Sampling Response Data (78) 3/23/2004
request to Services to review UCMR consolidated perchlorate data.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 49
•788 FW Consolidated Services Perchlorate UCMR and Drinking Wat
Email analyzing issue related to UCMR consolidated data and proposed

789 FW Dingell Solis - EPA's Response 3/9/2004 DoD email noting error in draft response to Dingell questions.
790 FW DOD BRAC PERCHLORATE SITES 4/23/2004 Suggested additions for DoD report on perchlroate and BRAG sites
Additional DoD perchlorate sampling data for Services quality assurance
791 FW DoD UCMR Report and Data (Perchlorate). 3/23/2004
and review

792 FW Draft Concept Document for EO 12866 Analysis of Perchlo 417/2004 Pre-decisional document on how EO 12866 applies to the perchlorate RfD.

793 FW Draft slides for TCE and cl04 impacts brief for CEQ 2/18/2004 Draft slide show on perchlorate updates.
794 FW Draft slides for TCE and Perchlorate impacts brief for 2/19/2004 Draft information on TCE and perchlorate.
795 FW Draft slides for TCE and Perchlorate impacts brief for CEQ 2/25/2004 Draft information on TCE and perchlorate.

796 FW DSMOA Workshop 2/19/2004 Draft slide show for DSMOA conference. Not responsive

797 FW EPA DOD Interagency Agreement (Perchlorate NAS) 1/30/2004 Contract information for NAS study.
Proposed EPA responses to Dingell and Solis on GAO report and
798 FW EPA Response to technical Dingell Solis Perchlorate que 4/9/2004
munitions constituents
4/26/2003 to Three revisions of draft DoD response/corrections on Dingell Solis
7991) FW Final Dingell Responses - Munitions
5/3/2004 munitions constituents request
Email string proposing agenda for conference call and proposed correction
800) FW Fri 30 Apr DoD perchlorate Call 4/30/2004
to agenda
Drafts of DoD response/corrections to Dingell Solis munitions constituents
801 FW FW Final Dingell Responses - Munitions (11) 4/26/2004
802 FW FW Perchlorate Letter (234) 216/2004 String of messages discussing draft EPA response to Dingell Solis
Email string discussing draft Army comments on MADEP perchlorate
803 FW FW Perchlorate MA DEP (116) 3/10/2004
3/23/2004 to
804~ FW FW Response to DingeH Solis Questions 3 5 6 7 8 9 Email chain discussing draft EPA response to Dingell questions
DoD counsel comments after internal review of GAO operational range
805) FW GAO code 360349 - Operational Range Cleanup- Statemen 4/212004 Not responsive

806 FW GAO Report Response Package 4/27/2004 Comments on draft response to GAO operational range cleanup Not responsive

807 FW Hearing Backup Book 3/16/2004 Backup of Draft DoD briefing material

808 FW Highlights on California Perchlorate Regulatory Deadlin 2/24/2004 Talking points and background information on CA regulation deadlines.

Email string with draft response to internal DoD request for perchlorate
809) FW Hot Perchlorate Issue -Information for Mr Beehler (184) 2/18/2004
updates on potential action by California
810) FW Last call on EPA Response to technical Dingell Solis Pe 4/14/2004 Email string requesting comment on Rep. Dingell response.
Email with attached draft action memo and attached proposed discussion
811I FW LEAVITT MTG SECDEF READ AHEAD for Mar 3 2126/2004 topicsand analysis for meeting of EPA Administrator and Secretary of
. Email seeking update of perchlorate issues paper in preparation of
812~ FW Lewis & Murtha 3/2212004

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 50

81 l FW Litigation Initiated by Rialto Yesterday -- FYI
Email suggesting seeking counsel advice before meeting with
representatives of Rialto, CA area due to litigation against DoD

Email circulating draft industry coalition letter on CA effort to develop
81 ~ FW MAP Update 1/14/2004
perchlorate standards.
Email string discussing the Army proposed response to MA DEP request
81 ) FW Massachusetts Proposed Perchlorate Rulemaking (114) 3/10/2004
for information.

81 ) FW Media prep kit for Perchlorate 2/26/2004 Document containing draft responses for interview with USA Today.

81 , FW Media requests for DoD's reaction to California's PHG (97) 3/15/2004 Draft responses to media inquiry from Press Enterprise.
81 l FW Media requests for DoD's reaction to California's PHG. 3/15/2004 Proposed media response to Press Enterprise.

Draft presentation on science, policy and the regulatory process from a

81 l Draft Kratz ASTSWMO Aug03 8/20/2003
DoD perspective of perchlorate and other unregulated contaminants.

Perchlorate update powerpoint presentation on perchlorate with analysis of

proposed policy revisions, regulatory changes and anticipated
82 ) FINAL Wynne - perchlorate AT&L update 11 Aug 03 8/11/2003 developments. Slides have legend:
82 I FI NAL Wynne - perchlorate ATL update 11 Aug 031 8/11/2003 Perchlorate update powerpoint presentation. See entry above

82 ~ JOCGEORAApr03 4/23/2003 Internal DoD Operational Risk Assessment Not responsive

11/262001 to
82 Main Slides 21 Jan 03 Perchlorate OSD Briefing2 Three sets of revised draft slides for OSD perchlorate presentation.
Internal Air Force perchlorate update briefing slides with analysis of
82 ~ Maps 1/28/2004
impacts on DoD and various risks.
82 ) Mayberry Brief (29 Apr) 4/29/2003 Draft internal DoD perchlorate update presentation.
82 ) milimplications Not provided Draft perchlorate presentation.
82 , MMR - APG slides 4/3/2003 Draft Army perchlorate presentation.

82 I Overview to Wynne22Marv3 3/2212002 Draft presentation on. DUSD(IE) structure. Not responsive

82 l Perchlorate cover page 8/6/2003 Cover slide of draft perchlorate presentation.

Slides for internal DoD presentation on the EPA's development of RfD
83 ) Rogers_Woodley_CL04Hist 2125/2003
values through IPSC partnering initiative--draft.

Email with attached briefing slides for presentation by DoD Env Data
83 I Schregardus 063003-fina 6/2003 Quality Workgroup on Data Integrity to DASN with analysis of data quality
issues and summary of draft regulations and comments on EPA proposal

83 ~ Woodley to Feinstein 14July2003 rev2 212612004 Draft presentation on perchlorate initiatives.

83 l Wynne 6 Aug 03 ver2 8/5/2003 Draft presentation on perchlorate initiatives.
83 ~ Wynne 6 Aug 03 ver3 8nl2003 Draft presentation on perchlorate initiatives.
83 ) Wynne 6 Aug 03 ver3 818/2003 Draft presentation on perchlorate initiatives.
83 ) Wynne 8 Aug 03 818/2003 Draft perchlorate update presentation.
All documents listed on this index
are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 51

837, DoD Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals 3 Option Strat 1-01
Draft document on possible courses of action in the establishment of
health-based standards for chemicals.

Email string discussing draft perchlorate fact sheets and proposing
838 Fact Sheets Draft-Almost Final for Comments. 8/7/2003
additional information to be included--drafts not attached.
839 Perchlorate briefing 8/9/2003 Suggestions for a perchlorate briefing
Draft list of installations that have sampled for perchlorate and their
840 Apr03Perchiorate List 4/2/2003
Draft list of installations that have sampled for perchlorate and their
841 Consolidated Occurrence ListMayO
I 7/11/2003
Draft list of installations that have sampled for perchlorate and their
842! Consolidated Perchlorate Occurrence List California 4/27/2004

843 Data Combined Services NPDES.xls 2/13/2004 Draft list of installations that have NPDES requirements for perchlorate

844 Enclosure 1 & 2 7/18/2003 Draft spreadsheet template containing no data.

Draft spreadsheet containing consolidated survey information on
845 Enclosure 3 - 02 Survey data as of May03 - Working File 6/25/2003
installations with regard to perchlorate. Draft version
846' Enclosure 3 7/18/2003 Draft spreadsheet template containing no data.
Draft spreadsheet containing proposed budget information and
847 Enclosure 5 DOD_Expenditures 4/28/2003
expenditure projects for environmental programs.
Draft spreadsheet containing information on military installations. Draft
848~ Enclosure4 - NPL sites as of June 23 - Working File 6/25/2003
Comment and recommendation pertaining to FY2004 Defense
849) FY2004 DoD Congressional Perchlorate Tasks 12123/2003
Authorization Act.
Draft spreadsheet containingsurvey information on military installations.
850) PercData_AIISvcs_Aprii 2217_ 4/28/2004
Draft version
Draft spreadsheet containing survey information on military installations.
851I PercData_AIISvcs_May6_ 5nl2004
Draft version
Email with spreadsheet tracking of status of perchlorate initiatives--no
852! Perchlorate POAM_21 Jan04_drft 1/21/2004 Not responsive
substantive information
Draft sampling data - not sure if has been submitted to anyone, data
853~ Perchlorate-enclosure4(02 SurveyMay03 - Working File) 7/1/2003
quality suspect--working file

854~ perchlorate-enciosure5(AF NPL with Usage Jun03 - Working File 7/1/2003 draft sampling date-a--working file

Email with discussions of legal basis and analysis of request for DoD
855) Fw MMR 2/28/2004 cleaning up groundwater perchlorate contamination to background levels-­
includes evaluation of alternatives.
Email discussion of status of perchlorate report~-no substantive
856 FW More on perchlorate 4/23/2004 Not responsive

857 FW Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of Di(2) 4/15/2004 Discussion of draft response to Dingell/Solis question 3.
858 FW Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of Dinge 4/15/2004 Draft response to Dingell/Solis question 3.
8591 FW Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of(3) 4/15/2004 Discussion of draft response to Dingell/Solis question 3.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 52

860) FW My notes for conference call with OMB


Email notes of discussion in meeting with OMB with analysis and

recommendations for DoD.
Email discussion of Massachusetts Military Reservation and public
861I FW NAS Perchlorate Meeting and the IAGWSP 5/10/2004 Not responsive
meeting on perchlorate at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

862~ FW NAS Perchlorate study closed session. 3/19/2004 Email discussing closed session of NAS meeting Not responsive

863~ FW New DoD perchlorate policy 3/26/2004 Discussion of proposed new DoD policy for perchlorate sampling.
Email string with iscussion on the informal response to Mass. DEP
864~ FW Obtaining a Copy of Mass DEP Perchlorate Sampling Regu 3/10/2004 perchlorate sampling.regulation containing evaluation of potential DoD
Discussion on the informal response to Mass. DEP perchlorate sampling
865 FW ODASN (E) Environmental Information Broadcast - Perchlo 1/9/2004
regulation - same informatio as above.
866 FW OMB response on revised DOD perchlorate letter 2/11/2004 OMB comments on draft DoD response letter to Senator Feinstein.
2/27/2004to Email string discussing potential responses to GAO questions on
867 FW Op Range Audit Question (131)
3/9/2004 operational ranges, including sampling for perchlorate.
Discussion of issues with proposed response to GAO operational range
868 FW OSD response to GAO draft final report GAO-04-061 4/30/2004
869 FW Perchlorate (7) 4/28/2004 Email discussing status of draft responses to GAO

870 FW Perchlorate at BRAC bases (133) 2/27/2004 Seeking update on perchlorate at BRAC bases. Not responsive

871I FW Perchlorate at BRAC bases (145) 2/26/2004 Seeking update on perchlorate at BRAC bases. Not responsive

872~ FW Perchlorate at BRAC bases 3/11/2004 Requesting to review data for BRAC MILCON response. Not responsive

873~ FW Perchlorate Brief for Cong Baca's staff - set for tomor 2/25/2004 Recommendation for briefing slide to Congressman Baca.
Email string summarizing EPA Region 4 Restoration Partnership meeting
874~ FW Perchlorate Briefing at EPA Region 4 Restoration Partne 1/27/2004 perchlorate discussions including analysis of EPA position and potential
DoD issues.
Email discussing and evaluating responsibility for potential DoD response
875) FW Perchlorate Complaint to SECDEF 5/7/2004
to criticism in press release by Sen Feinstein
Email string discussing status of DoD perchlorate sampling consolidation
876) FW Perchlorate Data (241) 1/23/2004 efforts, data quality issues and potential responses to anticipated
877r FW Perchlorate Data Call & Verification of Congressional table 4/22/2004 See entry above.
878~ FW Perchlorate data

4/13/2004 See entry above.

Email string discussing appropriate DoD organization to conduct

879} FW Perchlorate Epi Study (110) 3/11to 20 /2004 Congressionally-directed perchlorate study; includes talking points for
internal discussion with ASD Dr. Winkenwerder on perchlorate EPI stUdy

Email with draft point paper providing background information on

880) FW Perchlorate History 1/9/2004

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 53
•881 FW Perchlorate Issue


Email string analyzing and discussing perchlorate issues with evaluation of
sources of confusion.

882 FW Perchlorate letter - (221) 219 to 11/2004 Email string discussing draft response to Representative Dingell.
Email with a draft internal attachment containing summaries and and
883 FW Perchlorate Paper 2/12/2004
analysis of perchlorate topics for DUSD.

Request from Robert DiMichele to Marianne Miclat for consistent language

884~ FW Perchlorate Question Ref California,msg 3/15/2003 Not responsive
on CA's revised perchlorate standards. No substnative infqrmation

DoD Recommended Responses to Statements by Representative

885) FW perchlorate question.msg 3/19/2004 Waxman - e-mail exchange between Sandra Cotter and Terrence
Attached draft meeting summary sent by Edmund Miller to Kurt Kratz ­
886) FW Perchlorate Roundtable summary.msg . 2/26/2004 Joint IDQTF/DoD EDQW Roundtable - State of the Art in Analysis of
Perchlorate in Environmental Samples (Oct 23, 2003).
Email forwarding attachment of draft spreadsheet with Navy and Marine
Corps perchlorate sampling data that was requested by OSD by 30
887r FW Perchlorate Sampling (232).msg 216/2004
January 2004. Draft version. E-mail sent by Paul Yaroschak to Kurt
Email string with discussion and proposed revisions to drafts of
888~ FW Perchlorate Site Summaries to be posted to EPA Feder(2).msg 3/25 to 31/2004
perchlorate site summaries to be posted on EPA's FFRRO site.
E-mail string discussing how links to perchlorate documents on the
8891~ FW Perchlorate Web Postings (50).msg 4/5/2004 DENIX web site and evaluating procedures and alternatives for ensuring
Attached copy of the draft perchlorate white paper on "Benefits of Using
890) FW Perchlorate White paper.msg 3/18/2004
Perchlorate in Military Munitions" provided by Jerry Ward.
E-mail exchange to decide on a date for the CA Perchlorate Working
891I FW Perchlorate Working Group Meeting.msg 117/2004 Not responsive
Group meeting.
E-mail exchange discussing the completeness of Air Force submission of
892~ FW Perchlorate.msg 4/28/2004 draft perchlorate data, evaluating format and content of the submission
and recommending further AF actions.
E-mail exchange to discuss changing the date for a follow-up perchlorate
893~ FW Post NAS Perchlorate Meeting.msg 5/10/2004 Not responsive
workgroup meeting after the NAS meeting in May 2004.
E-mail exchange to review and edit a draft e-mail message from Mr. Grone
894~ FW Proposed E-mail message to Mr Wynne.msg 3/12/2004
to Mr. Wynne for an update on perchlorate issue
E-mail inquiring how to respond to any queries from reporters reo the
895) FW Queries.msg 2/9/2004
perchlorate issue.
E-mail discussing how to respond to public inquiries reo the perchlorat~
8961) FW questions regarding perchlorate.msg 3/21102004
Shannon Cunniff evaluating perchlorate data submitted by the Services for
GAO in comparison to press report, comments on discrepancies with
897r FW Redstone Arsenal and Perchlorate.msg 5/10/2004
Redstone data reported in the Decatur Daily (AL) and proposing further
actions to clarify the information.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 54

89 ~ FW Request for data (173).msg


Discussion on revising perchlorate cleanup cost estimates that were
prepared in 2062 and 2003.

Email message string review ing draft e-mail to Jim Woolford, EPA
) FW Response to Dingell Solis Questions 3 5 6 7 8 9 -Pertaining
89 3/9/2004 FFRRO reo responses to Dingell/Solis Questions 3,5,6,7,8,9 (attached
only to perchlorate, not the other munitions constituents.msg

Email message string reviewing attached responses to Dingell/Solis

90 ) FW Response to Dingell Solis Questions 3 5 6 7 8(3).msg 3/8/2004
Questions 3, 5,·6, 7, 8, 9 with changes/comments from the Services.

Correction to previous e-mail reo attached responses to Dingell/Solis

90 I FW Response to Dingell Solis Questions 3 5 6(5).msg 3/15/2004 Questions 3,5,6,7,8,9 with changes/comments/corrections from the
) FW Response to Feinstein on Perchlorate in Q A or to insert in oral Possible responses to insert in the testimony if brought up in Senator
90 3/29/2004
- testimony.msg Fenstein's statement, or address during Q&As.
~ FWResponse to Question 3 of Dingell Solis letter regarding
90 3/25/2004 Review of revised draft response to Dingell/Solis Question 3 (attached file)
~ FW Response to Question 5 of Dingell Solis letter regarding
90 3/25/2004 Review of revised draft response to Dingell/Solis Question 5 (attached file)

Email attaching Sandy Cotter's revised perchlorate fact sheeVissue paper

90 ) FW Revised Perchlorate Issue Paper.msg 3/9/2004 (attached) forwarded by Patricia Ferrebee to Kurt Kratz. "For Official Use"
appears in header--internal DoD draft not approved for release

Discussion on protocol for responding to a status update request on the

90 ) FWstatus of Army perchlorate effort.msg 3/23/2004
extent of the Army's perchlorate contamination and remediation efforts.

r FW: Talking Points on Immediate California Perchlorate

90 1/23/2004 Release
Discussion of possible talking points to be delivered from DuBois to Gov
90 ~ FW: Talking Pts for Mr. DuBois.msg 1/23/2004
Schwartzenegger through his staff.
} FW: URGENT: FW: Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of Air Force's corrections to draft response to Dingell Solis Questions 7b and
90 4/23/2004
Dingell/Solis letter for review(4).msg 8b (attached files).
) FW: URGENT: FW: Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of
91 4/20/2004 Template for responding to Dingell Solis questions 7 and 8.
Dingell/Solis letter for review(2).msg
I FW: URGENT: FW: Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of Air Force's corrections to Dingell Solis Questions 7b and 8b (attached
91 4/22/2004
Dingell/Solis letter for review.msg files).
Email string discussing proposed responses to questions for Peter Eisler,
911 ~ FW: USA Today interview request and related question....(147).msg 2126/2004
USA Today interview.
Email exhanage among officials of DoD, EPA and USAGE on the status
91 ~ FW: Wendover.msg 4/14 to 15/2004 of sampling at the Wendover AFB, so that an accurate response could be Not responsive
supplied to Dingell-Solis.
~ FW: White Paper - Benefits of Using Perchlorates in Military
91 3/27/2004 Draft white paper being circulated within DoD for review (attached file).

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 55
•915) FW: Woodley to Feinstein 14July2003 rev.ppt.msg



Revisions to July 14, 2003 briefing for Sen. Dianne Feinstein on DoD's
perchlorate initiatives (attached file). Unclear whether this is the final

E-mail adressing perchlorate working group member's role and reporting
916) Heidi Maupin.msg 4/19/2004 Not responsive
DoD fact sheet on CA's perchlorate PHG derivation process and DoD's
917r Highlights on California Perchlorate Regulatory Deadlines1.doc.msg 2124/2004
recommendations. Draft document.
Email for Kurt Kratz inquiring whether a revised version of the attached
918~ Issue Paper Perchlorate Dec 29 2003.doc.msg 4/20/2004
draft issue paper is available to Sandra Cotter.
Email with attached redline, strikeout version of a timeline document
outlining perchlorate history and facts on defense industry use of
perchlorate, DoD's investment, legislative activities, encroachment issues,
cleanup costs, etc.
Email with draft timeline document outlining perchlorate history and facts
920) JCS PERCHLORATE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Jun031.doc.msg 2/26/2004 on defense industry use of perchlorate, DoD's investment, legislative
activities, encroachment issues, cleanup costs, etc.

Kurt Kratz asking Sandra Cotter if there are any further revisions to the
921I Jun 03 -Perchlorate.doc.msg 2112/2004
attached perchlorate fact sheet Predeliberative draft document.

Updated UXO paper for day book (attached). Predeliberative draft

922~ Jun 03 -UXO.doclMMR Paper.msg 2/12/2004 Not responsive
Request from Richard Newsome to the Army (Michael Major) for
923~ Massachusetts Proposed Perchlorate Rulemaking.msg 3/9/2004 comments on the Massachusetts perchlorate rulemaking proposals. No Not responsive
substantive information
Attached document containing perchlorate-related draft questions and
924 Media prep kit for Perchlorate.msg 2126/2004
possible answers and overarching messages.
925 MMR - Perchlorate.msg 2127/2004 Release
926 MMR.msg 2125/2004 Release
Attached charts showing the. number of sites per concentration of
927r Number of sites per TCE and Perchlorate Concentrations.msg 2/19/2004 perchlorate or TCE. Data were pulled directly from RMIS as draft FY03
End-of-Year data. Deliberative draft.

To address EPA's comments, e-mail contains DoD's corrections to

Dubois' statement that will be delivered before the Subcommittee on
928~ OMB Passback - DuBois 10 Mar Hearing Statement.msg 3/8/2004 Military Construction of the House Appropriations Committee on March 10.
Dubois' official statement is attached. EPA comments and DoD edits in e-
mail were circulated for review and comment, therefore, not finalized yet.

Contractor inquiring who may have commissioned ORISE request for

9291~ ORISE Perchlorate Peer Review Info.msg 3/26/2004 Not responsive
proposal for external peer review of perchlorate statistical memoranda.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or arebeing released. 56


Email with attached talking points on perchlorate for Secretary of Defense

930) Perchlorate (ATl) talking points for SecDef.doc.msg 1/14/2004 with recommended response to anticipated question and points for
Email with attached draft fact sheet of questions and responses reo
931I Perchlorate (emerging contaminant) Q&As.msg 4/20/2004
perchlorate with "Draft: Internal Use Only" header.

Linda Wennerberg soliciting help for a TCE briefing with impactslcosts info
932! Perchlorate and TCE impact assessments.msg 2/9/2004 Not responsive
similar to the perchlorate briefing for a CEQ presentation.

Edits to a perchlorate fact sheet from Jeff Cornell to Kurt Kratz. Not final
933I perchlorate BBP.msg 2/26/2004
Kurt Kratz's briefing on DoD's perchlorate initiatives for Representative
934~ Perchlorate Brief for Cong Baca's staff - set for tomorrow morning.msg 2/25/2004 Baca (Feb26, 2004) being circulated for review and comment. Pre-
deliberative draft.
Attached presentation titled "Perchlorate -Impacts of EPA's Proposed
Toxicity Assessment Guidance. Briefing for Council on Environmental
Quality (March 3, 2004)" being circulated for review prior to a meeting to
935) Perchlorate Brief to CEQ.msg 2/26/2004
discuss the slides. Not final version. Footer states
Heidi Maupin requesting appointment with Beehler to update him on
936) Perchlorate communication update.msg 3/17/2004 Not responsive
communicationloutreach activities for perchlorate.
r Perchlorate Data - Sep, 2003 Interim Perchlorate Sampling
937 517/2004 Release
Email from Kurt Kratz to Jim Woolford, EPA with draft perchlorate
~ Perchlorate Data - TRl/Munitions Constituents Emissions - IPR­ sampling data Email includes request that the atttached files not be
938 4/30/2004
BRAC Survey.msg posted on the web until air Force submits complete information. Attached
files are not final versions.

) Per~hlorate data - UCMR 1Drinking Water and NPDES - All Contractor e-mail forwarding revised draft spreadsheet with UCMR 1
939 4/27/2004
servlces.msg Drinking Water and NPDES perchlorate sampling data. Draft document.

Email with attached draft spreadsheets with perchlorate data collected in

) Perchlorate Data Collected in accordance with DoD's Interim
940 4/28/2004 compliance with the DoD Sept 2003 Perchlorate Interim Sampling Policy;
Sampling Policy of Sep 2003.msg
however, Air Force data were not included. Draft version of data.

Email with attached draft spreadsheets with perchlorate data collected in

I Perchlorate Data generated from the Sep 2003 Interim Sampling
941 '4/27/2004 compliance with the DoD Sept 2003 Perchlorate Interim Sampling Policy;
however, Air Force data were not included. Draft version of data.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 57



Email forwarding attached draft spreadsheets with perchlorate data

collected in compliance with the DoD Sept 2003 Perchlorate Interim

Sampling Policy and May 2001 survey; Boxer, Feinstein, and Reid
942~ Perchlorate data review.msg 4/20/2004
surveys; and Dingell Solis survey. Email contains contractor requesting
Services to cross-checktheir data with previously submitted data. Draft
version of data.

Kurt Kratz asking Ed Miller for an update on efforts to consolidate the

943~ perchlorate data.msg 4/13/2004 Not responsive
Services' perchlorate sampling data. No substantive information

Email from Kurt Kratz describing to Richard Newsome the differing DoD
944~ Perchlorate discussion we just had.msg 3/23/2004 and EPA viewpoints on perchlorate contamination at Wendover Air Field.
Discussion of DoD proposed revisions and comments.

Request from Patrick Meehan to Kurt Kratz to prepare a one-page

945i Perchlorate Epi Study.msg 3/11/2004 Not responsive
information paper.
Email summarizing DoD legal and other input on CA's PHG derivation for
946i Perchlorate PHG.msg 2/20/2004
use in internal deliberations; includes recommendations.
Email forwarding draft maarix (attached spreadsheet) for tracking
947, Perchlorate POAM_21Jan04_drft.xls.msg 1/21/2004 perchlorate actions with milestone dates, actions, and responsible parties.
Draft version
Sandra Cotter updating Kurt Kratz on a conversation with Nancy Beck
(OMB) discussing the implications for DoD based on a proposed notice
948~ Perchlorate proposed for listing by ATF as explosive substance.msg 3/11/2004
from DOJ for ATF to list ammonium perchlorate as an explosive. Includes
internal analysis and recommendation.
Kurt Kratz asking Robert McCann about the status of perchlorate sampling
949~ Perchlorate sampling at IRP and other sites.msg 5/4/2004
at IRP and other sites.
) Perchlorate sampling data to Congressl the public - For briefing book Alex Beehler providing answers to possible questions that may be as~ed
950 3/29/2004
for for Mr. DuBois for 3/30 SAC Hearing.msg at March 30 SAC hearing.
Alex Beehler providing proposed answer to one possible question at the
951I Perchlorate sampling data to Congress.msg 3/29/2004
March 30 SAC hearing.
Terrance Blackbume requesting perchlorate IWG to review draft
) Perchlorate Site Summaries to be posted to EPA Federal Facilities
952 3/25/2004 perchlorate site summaries to be posted on the EPA FFRRO website
. Website(2).msg
(attached file)
Army's (Richard Newsome, Malxcolm Garg) comments and proposed edits
~ Perchlorate Site Summaries to be posted to EPA Federal Facilities
953 3/29/2004 to the perchlorate site summaries to be posted on EPA FFRRO website.
Website S: 1500 hours 26 Mar 04.msg
See entry above.
Email with attached copy of Navy Environmental Health Center Scientific
Review of the U.S. EPA's Disposition of Comments and
Recommendations for Revisions to "Perchlorate Environmental
954~ Perchlorate Tox Report.msg 1/6/2004
Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization External
Review Draft (January 16, 2002)" containing internal evaluation of EPA
statement on comments to draft report.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 58


E-mail from Paul Yaroschak explaining the Navy's reviewof EPA's

955) Perchlorate Toxicology Review.msg 1/5/2004 toxicological profile for perchlorate and including cummary of conclusions.
Full report sent to OSD--see entry above
OSD guidance on responding to a FOIA issued to EPA requesting a copy
of all documents that EPA has where perchlorate is mentioned. Email has
a note stating "CAUTION: This message may contain information
956) RE: FOIA ISSUE.msg 1/8/2004 Not Responsive
protected by the attorney-client, attorney work product, deliberative
process, or other privilege. Do not disseminate without the approval of the
Office of the DoD General Counsel."

Email string with Kurt Kratz discussing with Patrick Meehan the current
957r HE: [Fwd: FW: Perchlorate contamination of water].msg 3/23/2004 research on ion exchange/bio-treatment technology; contains analysis and
evaluation of claims about this technology and perchlorate.

Daniel Rogers and Sarder Hassan discussing the transfer of EPA funds
958~ RE: lAG with EPA and funding for perchlorate research.msg 2/24/2004
and EPA signature on the lAG for perchlorate research.

Discussing if Army will have comments ready by Match 10, 2004 for input
to the Perchlorate Advisory Committee regarding the MA DEP proposals
959~ RE: PerchloratelMA DEP.msg 3/2/2004
for establishment of 1 ppb for monitoring and notification of perchlorate in
drinking water systems and the 3.x 10-5 mg/kg/day reference dose.

Email string discussing request from GAO for perchlorate sampling data to
960lRE: 360349--PERCHLORATE DATA REOUESTTO DOD(29).msg 4/21/2004 Not responsive
GAO. No substantive information

Email string with attached files containing draft spreadsheet of recent

perchlorate sampling data in response to GAO request- see e-mail above.

Email string discussing whether there are any DoD issues and concerns
with the revised ATF List of Explosives Notice (ATF 5N) with the addition
962~ RE: ACTION needed: Perchlorate.msg 3/15/2004 of ammonium perchlorate having particle size less than 15 microns and
"Tetrazole explosives" to the 2003 List of Explosive Materials. Contains
internal evaluation and recommended response.

RE: Additonal Os & As for the Murder Board - Please distribute Os to

Providing, reviewing, and editing possible responses to questions from the
963~ appropriate staff for response. Need before 3:00 PM meeting today. 2/25/2004
Murder Board. Responses are not final, still in pre-deliberative draft stage.
Thank you(2).msg
RE: Additonal Os & As for the Murder Board - Please distribute Os to
Providing, reviewing, and editing possible responses to questions from the
964~ appropriate staff for response. Need before 3:00 PM meeting today. 2125/2004
Murder Board. Responses are not final, still in pre-deliberative draft stage.
Thank you.msg

9655 RE: AF UCMRlPerchlorate Data.msg 4/23/2004 Air Force's UCMR data (not attached) - discussing the latest version.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 59
Email chain discussing munitions constituents usage at ranges and fate

and transport issues. Initial e-mail contains the following statement
"Caution: This message may conta.n information protected by the
966) RE: Alaska Range Assessment Activities(118).msg 3/10/2004 Not responsive
attorney-client, attorney work product, deliberative process, or other
privilege. Do not disseminate without the approval of the Office of the DoD
General Counsel."

Discussing how to respond to a reporter with Pesticide & Toxic Chemical

9667r RE: Another Perchlorate Query(89)/msg 3/19/2004 News working on a story about California's decision to set a public health
goal for perchlorate. the rocket fuel chemical, at 6 ppb.

Discussing how to r~spond to a reporter with Pesticide & Toxic Chemical

968~ Re: Another Perchlorate Query.msg 3/19/2004 News working on a story about California's decision to set a public health
goal for perchlorate, the rocket fuel chemical, at 6 ppb.

Establishing who will be the replacement AO for Col Selstrom on an audit

969~ RE: Another Selstrom Bomblet.msg 3/10/2004 (Cleanup of Defense Operational Ranges. (GAO Code 360349) and its Not responsive
current status.
Emial string with Army's comments on the proposed EPA data
970» RE: Army Review Dingell-Solis(22).msg 4/22/2004 submission to Congressman Dingell and Congresswoman Solis. Pre-
deliberative draft.
Discussing whether Alex Beehler should attend and deliver keynote
I RE: Biloxi - USGS Department of Defense Environmental Program
971 4/14/2004 address at the May 3-7,2004 USGS Department of Defense Not responsive
Environmental Program Conference.
Requesting updated brief on perchlorate to include discussion of
) RE: Briefing Update to Mr. Wynne on Perchlorate to include Cal.
972 3/10/2004 California's announcement of its PHG and industry's reaction to the goal,
- decision: Heads Up.msg
as well as any significant media focus.
973~ RE: CalEPA Perchlorate Meeting Summary(195).msg 2112/2004 Release
Email string with Maureen Koetz discussing setting up a face-to-face
meeting with Alex Beehler to discuss CA PHG of 6 ppb. One of the e-
mails has the following statement "Caution: This message may contain
974~ RE: CalEPA Perchlorate Meeting Summary(200).msg 2112/2004 information protected by the attorney-client, attorney work product, Release in part
deliberative process, or other privilege. Do not disseminate without the
approval of the Office of the DoD General Counsel." Deliberative
information redacted.

975iRE: CalEPA Perchlorate Meeting Summary(201).msg 2112/2004 See entry above. Release in part

976) RE: CalEPA Perchlorate Meeting Summary.msg

1 211212004 Release

Discussing the revised talking points and a background paper to be used

977r RE: California PHG Phonecon.msg 2/24/2004 by DoD senior officials in phone conferences with CA officials on possible
decision by California to issue a PHG for perchlorate.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 60
•978l RE: California Public Health Goal - Media response.msg


Discussing DoD's recommended response to media inquiries on CA's

Email string discussing regulatory implications of CA PHG and potential
alternatives available to DoD. One of the e-mails states "Caution: This
message may contain information protected by the attorney-client,
979} RE: California Public Health Goal.msg 2112/2004
attorney work product, deliberative process, or other privilege. Do not
disseminate without the approval of the Office of the DoD General
Email string discussing Army's GFPR potential presentation to provide an
980) RE: Cleanup Committee March 4, 2004.msg 2126/2004 update on the Performance Based Contract and topics that should be
Discussing Congo Dingell and Solis 24 Mar 04 letter to Ms.Horinko which
981IRE: Congo Dingell memo to EPA on HRS and NPL.msg 3/24/2004 criticizes EPA for not listing more DOD facilities on the National Priorities Not responsive
E-mail string between EPA and DoD with possible answers and strategies
982~ Re: Congressional Letter - Response to Dingell & Solis(187).msg 2118/2004 to the Dingell Solis questions for review by DoD. Attached Dingell Solis
983~ RE: Congressional Letter - Response to Dingell & Solis.msg 2/18/2004 Meehan responding to above e-mail--see entry above
Maureen Koetz email discussing application of a PHG as a cleanup
984~ RE: Consequences of a Perchlorate PHG(188).msg 2/17/2004 Release

Cleanup order (attached) issued by a California Regional Water Quality

985) RE: Consequences of a Perchlorate PHG.msg 2/17/2004 Control Board that explicitly uses PHGs - as opposed to MCLs -- as Release
cleanup requirements for PCE, TCE, and some other chemicals.

Email string discussing consolidated NPDES perchlorate sampling data

986) RE: Consolidated NPDES Perchlorate Data for the Services.msg 2/13/2004
from Navy CWA SSC chair and recommendations for further inquiries.

Email string discussing review of information submitted and

r RE: Consolidated Service Perchlorate Sampling Response
987 3/30/2004 inconsistencies and other perchlorate data sampling issues with
recommendations on clarifying and updating the inforfmation.
Email string discussing review of information submitted and
~ RE: Consolidated Service Perchlorate Sampling Response inconsistencies and other perchlorate data sampling issues with
988 3/2212004
Data(85).msg recommendations on clarifying and updating the inforfmation. See entry
Email string discussing review of information submitted and
inconsistencies and other perchlorate data sampling issues with
989} RE: Consolidated Service Perchlorate Sampling Response Data.msg 4/4/2004
recommendations on clarifying and updating the inforfmation. See entry
) RE: Consolidated Services Perchlorate UCMR and Drinking Water, Email string providing comments on draft perchlorate sampling data under
990 4/26/2004
NPDES Data(2).msg review for release to GAO.
I RE: Consolidated Services PerchlorateUCMR and Drinking Water, Email string providing comments on draft perchlorate sampling data under
991 4/26/2004
NPDES Data.msg review for release to GAO. See entry above

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 61
•992:~ RE Coordination with OMB -IPSC Report to Congress.msg



4/5/2004 Discussing the coordination with OMB on the IPSC report to Congress.

Not Responsive

Email string discussingsubmission of the perchlorate sampling data.

993~ RE: DoD UCMR Report and Data (Perchlorate) 3/18/2004
Discussion centers on procedural issues; no substantive information.

Discussing the draft State Activities document from the DoDIState

994~ RE: Draft of State Activities from 1/30104 DoDIState Perchlorate WG 2/20/2004 Perchlorate Work Group. Contains attachments of the draft Protocol,
State Proposal, and State Priority Table.
Email string discussion on documents needed for the hearing book for
preparation of testimony to Congress. Contains two attachments with staff
9955 RE: DUE Tonight - FW: Hearing Book (175) 2123/2004 analysis and comments to address potential issues in the hearing:
Perchlorate Information Paper and The Corps is in the process of revising
their primary FUDS guidance3.
, RE: EPA's Perchlorate comment on DoD's (DuBois) oversight Discussion on the comments by EPA on a perchlorate document being
996 2/25/2004
) testimony on Readiness for HASC prepared by DoD.
Discussion on the proposed response to inquiries by Mr. Dingell on
997r Re: Final Dingell Responses - Munitions 4/26/2004
munitions cleanup at installations.
Discussion on a draft POAM for perchlorate; includes request for
998~ RE: First Stab at POAM for Perchlorate (186) 2118/2004

999~ RE: First Stab at POAM for Perchlorate (220) 2/9to 18/2004 Email string discussion on the progress of the draft POAM for perchlorate.

String of email messages discussing draft response to inquiries by Mr.

1000) RE: FW: Final Dingell Responses - Munitions (12) 4/26-30/2004
Dingell on munitions cleanup at installations.

Discussion regarding a news clipping about prechlorate issues; includes

1001IRe: FW: News Clippings - April 8, 2004 4/8/2004
analysis of EPA views of press report and potential for making a response.

Email string evaluating removal of the perchlorate fact sheets from the
1002~ Re: FW: Perchlorate (213) 2110/2004
DENIX web site.
Discussion on potential response to media inquiry and where the answers
1003~ RE: FW: Perchlorate Letter (230) 2/6/2004
about perchlorate at military installations can be found.
Email string discussion on draft response to a Congressional inquiry
1004~ RE: FW: Perchlorate Letter 2/8/2004
regarding perchlorate.
Discussion on a draft response from EPA on a Congressional inquiry on
10055 RE: FW: Perchlorate letter­ 2/11/2004
perchlorate issues.
Email string discussion commenting on the MADEP perchlorate proposed
10063 RE: FW: Perchlorate/MA DEP (112) 3/10/2004
3/10/2004 to Email string evaluating removal of the perchlorate fact sheets from the
1007r Re: FW: Perchlorate Web Postings (3)
4/5/2004 DENIX web site.
Email string discussion on the response to Congressional inquiries about
1008~ RE: FW: Response to DingelllSolis Questions 3,5,6,7,8,9­ 3/23to 25/2004
perchlorate issues at military installations.
Discussion on the proposed draft response to Ms. Diane Feinstein about
10091~ RE: Fw: Response to Feinstein on perchlorate 1/29/2004
her inquiry on perchlorate issues at military installations.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non~resposive or are being released. 62

RE: GAOHQ-#1077711-v1-360349-­



4/15/2004 Discussion on releasing the operational range report for a hearing.

Not responsive

1011 Re: Hot Perchlorate Issue

I 2/12/2004 Discussion on perchlorate issue from Mr. Alex Beehler. Not responsive

Discussion on California publishing a Final Public Health Goal for

1012~ RE: HOT!!!! -Environmental Issues in NV, OK, CA 1/21/2004 perchlorate including analysis of potential decision, impact on 000 and
liikely time limits.
Discussion on the proposed changes on the IPSC activities. Contains an
1013IRE: IPSC Activities Update 1/5/2004
attachment of the draft IPSC Partnering document.

Discussion on the revised bullets for use and distribution, and taking Col.
1014~ RE: Kling and California 2/4/2004 Not responsive
Rogers to a perchlorate meeting as a client and technical expert.

. RE: Last call on EPA Response to technical Dingell/Solis Perchlorate Email string discussion on proposed response on Congressional inquiries
1015 4/14/2004
) questions regarding perchlorate on NPL listings.
Discssion on the read ahead material for the meeting between M. Leavitt
10161) RE: LEAVITT MTG SECDEF READ AHEAD for Mar 3 2/27/2004 and SECDEF. Contains attach documents: Leavitt Mtg SECDEF Read
Ahead and Range Sustainability 2-12-04.
1017,. RE: Legislative Proposal 1/5/2004 Discussion.of edits to the draft legislative proposal on perchlorate.
Update with revisions to the perchlorate one-pager document. Attached is
1018S RE: Lewis & Murtha (87) 3/22/2004
the one-pager document with revisions.

Update with revisions to the perchlorate one-pager document. Attached is

1019~ RE: Lewis & Murtha 3/22/2004
the one-pager document with revisions. See entry above

Discussion on edits to the perchlorate actions for EM and the special

1020) RE: List of Perchlorate Actions for EM and Special Assistant 4/19/2004 Not responsive
Discussion on proposed responses to the Massachusetts proposed
1021 RE: Massachusetts Proposed Perchlorate Rulemaking 3/10/2004
rulemaking on perchlorate.
Email string discussion on DoD's reaction to the California's PHG from an
1022~ RE: Media requests for DoD's reaction to California's PHG 3/15/2004 inquiry by a reporte; includes draft comments for use in framing a

1023I RE: Meeting at OSD Friday 16 January 1300 EST 1/15/2004 Discussion of a mock up tasking sheet for a perchlorate meeting. Not responsive

Email string discussion on the possible responses to Congressional

1024~ RE: Member Requests Information (2) 5/6/2004
requests for information on Fort Hood and Holsten AAP.

Email string discussion on the possible responses to Congressional

1025) RE: Member Requests Information (3) 5/4/2004
requests for information on Fort Hood and Holsten AAP. See entry above.

Email string discussion on the possible responses to Congressional

1026) RE: Member Requests Information (4) 5/4/2004
requests for information on Fort Hood and Holsten AAP. See entry above.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 63

1027, RE: Member Requests Information



Email string discussion on the possible responses to Congressional

requests for information on Fort Hood and Holsten AAP. See entry above.

Discussion on the processing of aresponse to a Congressional request for

1028I RE: More Dingell/Solis Perchlorate charts for clearance 4/20/2004 Not responsive
perchlorate information.
Email string discussion on a potential response to a question from OSD on
1029l RE: more on mcchord (98) 3/15/2004
the issue of sampling for perchlorate at McChord AFB.
Email string discussion on a potential response to a question fromov e
1030) RE: more on mcchord 3/15/2004 OSD on the issue of sampling for perchlorate at McChord AFB. See entry
Email string discussion of draft EPA response to a Congressional inquiry
I RE: Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of Dingell/Solis
1031 4/15/2004 on munition constituents. Potential for recommending changes
letter for review (2)
Email string discussion of draft EPA response to a Congressional inquiry
) RE: Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of Dingell/So lis
1032 4/16/2004 on munition constituents. Potential for recommending changes
- letter for review
considered. See entry above.
1033I RE: Nevada perchlorate standard 3/912004 Release

1034f Re: New DoD perchlorate policy? (70) 3/25/2004 Response to feedback from Malcolm Garg. Not responsive

1035) RE: New DoD perchlorate policy? 3/26/2004 Response to a question from Richard Newsome. Not responsive

Email string discussion on-the New Jersey perchlorate review analyzing

1036) RE: New Jersey Perchlorate Review 3/10/2004
potential implications of information on briefing slides.

Email discussion on the perchlorate topic that was unveiled at the OIPT
1037, RE: New WIPT Administrative Item 4/14/2004
including analysis and recommendation; change to draft slide attached.

Email string discussion of preliminary response to inquiry about how many

1038IRE: NPDES 2124/2004
installations require NPDES permits for perchlorate sampling.

) RE: Official document regarding AF funding the NAS/COT for Email string discussion of potential response to an inquiry about the
1039 3/1/2004
perchlorate perchlorate inter-agency work group budget.
Email.string response to an inquiry regarding who will deal with the OMB
1040) RE: OMB and EPA comments on DOD Perchlorate Report 4/13/2004
and EPA comments on the draft DoD Perchlorate Report.

1041IRE: OMB Passback - DuBois 10 Mar Hearing Statement 3/8/2004 Discussion of comments to a hearing statement by Mr. Raymond DuBois.

Comments to a draft slide presentation regarding California and PHG Prop

1042! RE: Perchlorate and California (189) 2/13/2004
Comments to a draft slide presentation regarding California and PHG Prop
1043I RE: Perchlorate and California 211312004
65. See entry above.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release· under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 64


Email string discussion on coordination of the release of the perchlorate

10 ~ RE: Perchlorate at BRAC bases (138) 2/27/2004 data. This email and five entries following it analyze and make
recommendations on factors to be considered in making releases of data.

Discussion on coordination of the release of the perchlorate data. See

40 j RE: Perchlorate at BRAC bases (139) 2/27/2004
entry above.

Discussion on coordination of the release of the perchlorate data. See

10 ) RE: Perchlorate at BRAC bases (141) 2127/2004

entry above.

Added portion
104 , RE: Perchlorate at BRAC bases (142) 2127/2004 Response to a question about time cards and annual leave. is not

Discussion on how to respond to reporting requirements regarding

104 ~ RE: Perchlorate at BRAC bases (143) 2/27/2004
perchlorate data. See entry above.

Discussion on how to respond to reporting requirements regarding

104 ) RE: Perchlorate at BRAC bases (144) 2127/2004

perchlorate data. See entry above.

Discussion on how to respond to reporting requirements regarding

105 ) RE: Perchlorate at BRAC bases (146) 2127/2004

perchlorate data. See entry above.

105 RE: Perchlorate Brief for Cong Baca's staff - set for tomorrow morning
I 2125/2004 Discussion on edits to a perchlorate briefing to Congressman Baca's staff.

Discussion on how to respond to reporting requirements regarding

105 ~ RE: Perchlorate at BRAC bases 2/27/2004
perchlorate data.

Response to the perchlorate data call and verification of Congressional

105 ~ RE: Perchlorate Data Call & Verification of Congressional table 4/2212004
table. Staff discussion on process. No data included.

Response to the perchlorate data call and verification of Congressional

1054~ RE: Perchlorate Data Call & Verification of Congressional table 4/22/2004
table. See entry above.

Discussion on the release of the perchlorate data. Staff discussion of

105 5 RE: perchlorate data results 214/2004

response to inquiry from journalist.

Discussion on who has lead authority in Utah for cleanup at non-NPL

105 i) RE: Perchlorate discussion we just had 4/14/2004

FUDS sites.
, RE: Perchlorate/Emerging Chemicals: Message Structuring and
105 2113/2004 Discussion on the executive briefing and perchlorate workshop. Not responsive
Effective Delivery Workshop (4)
~ RE: Perchlorate/Emerging Chemicals: Message Structuring and
105 211212004 Discussion on the executive briefing and perchlorate workshop. Not responsive
. Effective Delivery Workshop (3)

~ RE: Perchlorate/Emerging Chemicals: Message Structuring and

105 2112/2004 Discussion on the executive briefing and perchlorate workshop. Not responsive
Effective Delivery Workshop (2)
) RE: Perchlorate/Emerging Chemicals: Message Structuring and
106 211212004 Discussion on the executive briefing and perchlorate workshop. Not responsive
Effective Delivery Workshop

Discussion on developing a joint NASAIAF position on EPA's response to

106 I RE: Perchlorate Issue 1/16/2004

comments documents.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 65

1062~ RE: Perchlorate Issue (243)
Discussion on developing a joint NASAIAF position on EPA's response to

comments documents.
Discussion on developing a joint NASAIAF position on EPA's response to
1063 RE: Perchlorate Issue (244) 1/15/2004
comments documents.
1064 RE: Perchlorate Letter 216/2004 Discussion on providinga cover memo for the perchlorate letter.
Discussion on coordinating with EPA in response to a Congressional
1065 RE: Perchlorate letter­ 216/2004
Discussion on coordinating with EPA in response to a Congressional
1066) RE: Perchlorate letter - (229) 216/2004
Question on whether the Army is formulating a response to MADEP
1067r RE: PerchloratelMA DEP 3/212004
perchlorate issue.
Discussion on answering the perchlorate management practices
1068~ RE: Perchlorate management practices information request (126) 3/4/2004
information request from California DTSC.
Discussion on who to contact for additional information on the
1069) RE: Perchlorate Meeting in CA? 51712004 DoDICalifornia perchlorate sampling protocol and risk communications . Not responsive
Discussion on the NPDES perchlorate data at several installations. Email
1070) RE: Perchlorate NPDES Consolidated Data 2/20/2004 string with staff analysis and evaluation of some data items with
recommendation for further action.
Email string discussion on the draft press release in response to inquiries
1071I RE: Perchlorate Question Ref California (94) 3/16/2004
about the California perchlorate issue.
Discussion on response to statements about perchlorate from a report by
1072~ RE: perchlorate question 3/18/2004 Congressman Henry Waxman. A draft document is attached to the email.
Statements by Waxman - responses
1073~ RE: Perchlorate R&D 2/13/2004 Discussion of the perchlorate research and development report.

1074~ RE: Perchlorate sampling at IRP and other sites 5/512004 Discussion on the release of the perchlorate sampling IRP and other sites.

Email string discussion on the release of the perchlorate data to Congress.

1075) RE: Perchlorate sampling data to Congress (55) 3/29/2004 Staff review of procedures and considerations in proposing release of
data. No data included.
Discussion on additional data to be included in the perchlorate site
• RE: Perchlorate Site Summaries to be posted to EPA Federal
1076 3/31/2004 summaries. Email string with staff analysis of EPA proposed release of
) Facilities Website (5)
data including recommendations for changes.
r RE: Perchlorate Site Summaries to be posted to EPA Federal Discussion on additional data to be included in the perchlorate site
1077 3/29/2004
FacilitiesWebsite (3) summaries. See entry above.
~ RE: Perchlorate Site Summaries to be posted to EPA Federal Discussion on additional data to be included in the perchlorate site
1078 3/29/2004
Facilities Website (2) summaries. See entry above.
) RE: Perchlorate Site Summaries to be posted to EPA Federal Discussion on additional data to be included in the perchlorate site
1079 3/29/2004
Facilities Website summaries. See entry above.
Discussion on data to be included in the perchlorate site summaries.
) RE: Perchlorate Site Summaries to be posted to EPA Federal
1080 3/26/2004 Includes an attached document: Perch_Treatment_Sites(10-22) See entry
Facilities Website (4)

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 66
Discussion on the perchlorate letter sent to EPA. Includes an attached

1081I RE: Perchlorate Study (102) 3/12/2004 document, the letter to EPA. Email string with staff analysis of EPA
request for information and reponse.

1082~ RE: Perchlorate Study (103) 3/1212004 Discussion on the perchlorate letter sent to EPA. See entry above.

Discussion of the response letter from EPA about the perchlorate letter
1083~ RE: Perchlorate study 3/30/2004
sent by OSD.
Email string discussion posing questions the status of current and
proposed perchlorate treatment technology demonstrations in California.
1084~ RE: Perchlorate Treatment Technology Demonstrations; California 2124/2004
Includes an attached documen in response: draft spreadsheet with
comments and evaluations.
10855 RE: perchlorate update/March 9 (67) 3/26/2004 Release

E mail string discussion on removing perchlorate documents from the

DENIXweb site. Discussion among staff at DoD and other agencies
1086) RE: Perchlorate Web Postings (1) 4/5/2004
about procedures for removing documents from DoD web site and
recommendations for what should and should not be on the site.

1087, Re: PERCHLORATE 3/25/2004 Response to an email about perchlorate. Not responsive

Discussion on approving a letter to begin drafting a regulatory impact

1088~ RE: Please reply (190) 2/13/2004
analysis of the new perchlorate RID. Email string on coordination.

Discussion on approving a letter to begin drafting a regulatory impact

1089~ RE: Please reply 2/13/2004
analysis of the new perchlorate RID. See entry above.
Discussion on the schedule of the post NAS perchlorate meeting. Email
1090) RE: Post NAS Perchlorate Meeting 5/10/2004 string contains recommendations for scheduling and topics to be

Email string discussing briefing and potential future requests for

1091I RE: Request for data 2124/2004
information to be used in presentation to OMB or CEQ and alternatives.

1092~ Re: Request for Perchlorate Brief/Update (157) 2/25/2004 Discussion on holding a perchlorate briefing. Not responsive
Discussion on topics to discuss during a perchlorate briefing to
1093~ RE: Request for Perchlorate Brief/Update (158) 2125/2004 Rerepsentative Baca. Email string discussing scheduling, attendees and
topics for proposed briefing.
Discussion on vetting Congressional contact on perchlorate with OMB.
1094~ RE: Request for Perchlorate Brief/Update (204) 211212004
Email string evaluating potential topics and points for briefing.
Discussion on vetting Congressional contact on perchlorate with OMB.
1095) RE: Request for Perchlorate Brief/Update (205) 2/1212004
See entry above.
Discussion on vetting Congressional contact on perchlorate with OMB.
1096) RE: Request for Perchlorate Brief/Update (206) 2/12/2004
See entryabove.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 67


, RE: Response to Dingell/Solis Questions 3,5,6,7,8,9 - Pertaining



Discussion on comments to the response to a Congressional request on

only to perchlorate, not the other munitions constituents perchlorate.

I RE: Response to Question 5 of Dingell/Solis letter regarding Discussion on ensuring that the data for Wendover is correct as part of the
109 3/26/2004
perchlorate response to a Congressional request on perchlorate.

Comments on the perchlorate briefing document. Email string with review

109 I RE: Revised documents (123) 3/8/2004
of proposed briefing points and recommendations for further action.

Response to comments on the perchlorate briefing document. See entry

110 I RE: Revised documents 3/8/2004
Inquiry into the status of the revised draft task order and NAS charge for
110 RE: Revised draft Task Order and NAS Charge for Perchlorate (2) 1/14/2004
Response to the inquiry into the status of the revised draft task order and
NAS charge for perchlorate. Includes an attachment of the final
110 ~ RE: Revised draft Task Order and NAS Charge for Perchlorate 1/15/2004
document. Attachment is final recommendations for the document before
RE: Senate EPW Committee interest in status of perchlorate-related
110 I reports by 000 due to Congress required by 2003 National Defense 3/8/2004 Discussion on the "Epi piece" of the perclorate related report to Congress.
Appropriation Act
f RE: TAB B - Cost-to-yomplete estimatesNov13.doc;TAB A - Calc Discussion on obtaining an electronic copy of the a briefing to the joint
110 2/11/2004 Not responsive
trtmnt costs based on munitions group. Contains attached document.
Discussion on the status of the talking points for Mr. Dubois for a
110 ) RE: Talking Pts for Mr. DuBois (240) 1/23/2004 discussion with Governor Schwartzenegger. Email string discussing
potential talking points.
Discussion on the status of the talking points for Mr. Dubois for a
110 ) RE: Talking Pts for Mr. DuBois 1/23/2004
discussion with Governor Schwartzenegger. See entry above.
, RE: The Analysis of Perchlorate by Ion Chromatography/Mass Discussion on the cost of a new methodology for perchlorate analysis from
110 3/29/2004
Spectrometry DOE.
Response to an email requesting perchlorate totals from the TRI data
110 RE: TRI numbers for Perchlorate 2/13/2004 Not responsive
delivery system.

110 l RE: URGENT:Request for coordination 4/27/2004 Discussion about comments on the draft perchlorate Congressional report.

Email string evaluating the response to questions and request for an

111 ) RE: USA Today interview request and related question....(134) 2127/2004
interview with the DASs from a USA Today.
Discussion on the response to questions and request for an interview with
111 I RE: USA Today interview request and related question....(135) 2127/2004
the DASs from a USA Today. See entry above.
Discussion on the Wendover AFB perchlorate issue. Email string with
111 ~ RE: Wendover 3/24/2004 staff evaluation of reports concerning perchlorate at Wendover site and
recommended revisions on this point.
I Requirement to Provide a "Timeline" of DoD/California Perchlorate Discussion on preparing a binder for Mr. Grone and Mr. Beehler's meeting
111 4/23/2004
Involvement with Congressman Calvert.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 68

1114~ Response to Representative Waxman's statements
Email to review responses to statements by Congressman Waxman.
Includes draft document responding to his statements.

Email to review responses to statements by Congressman Waxman.

11155Responses to Waxman Statements 3/18/2004 Not responsive
Includes draft document responding to his statements.
Response to questions regarding the RRPI. Includes the document
1116) RRPI message lines 4/1/2004 responding to the questions. Draft containing proposed answers to
questions generated in internal deliberations.
Request to obtain slides related to cost estimates that was prepared by
1117 Slides Request 2118/2004
OSD; discusses potential future policy evaluations.
1118 States with Perchlorate Action Levels, etc. 3/9/2004 Release
The Analysis of Perchlorate by Ion Chromatography/Mass
1119 3/29/2004 Release
Discussion on a meeting sponsored by California Senator Soto on the
1120) The Corps and Califomia 2120/2004 Not responsive
perchlorate issue.

1121I Toxicology Presentation to OSTP and OMB -IWG 3/23/2004 Discussion on scheduling the OMB and OSTP briefing by Dr. Klaassen. Not responsive

Request to provide input on value of using the TRI data system for
1122~ TRI numbers for Perchlorate 2/13/2004 Not Responsive
estimating perchlorate releases.
Discussion on the data from TRI for estimating the perchlorate totals.
1123~ TRI-DDS Report PDFs, etc for perchlorate analysis 2123/2004 Not responsive
Includes four documents showing TRI data.
1124~ U.C. Peer Review reports on perchlorate PHG 1/14/2004 Release
Discussion on the response to the MILCON requirement to report all
BRAC perchlorate sampling data to the Congress. Includes a spreadsheet
11255Untitled 3/29/2004
of the perchlorate data. Draft of proposed response to statutory
Discussion scheduling a meeting to provide an update on the
, Updated: Communication/Outreach Activities for Perchlorate -- Heidi communication outreach activitiesfor perch~orate. Includes an attached
1126 3/19/2004 Not responsive
) Maupin/Meehan/Cotter email. Discussion of scheduling concerns only-no substantive
Email regarding the updated perchlorate issue paper. Includes an
1127r Updated Issue Paper for Perchlorate 2/26/2004
attachment of draft document.
~ URGENT: FW: Munitions constituents response for Question 3 of Email string discussion about responding to a Congressional inquiry about
1128 4/15/2004
Dingell/Solis letter for review perchlorate; draft reponse attached.
Email discussion on the meeting notes from the FUDS Forum on
11291~ UXO/Perchlorate GAO Report 2119/2004 perchlorate activities the Department was undertaking; discussion
considered issue of releasing information.
A brief summary of the actions and meetings that occurred on perchlorate
1130) WAR 2126/2004 Not responsive
Discussion on putting together talking points for Mr. Alex Beehler on the
1131I Water purveyors meeting 2/20/2004
perchlorate issues. Includes attachment documents.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 69
Discussion on the sampling of analytes at Wendover AFB. Email
1132! Wendover AFAF 4/15/2004
containing recommended revisions for response to Congressional inquiry.

Discussion on the issues at Wendover AFB. Email forwarding

1133~ Wendover 4/9/2004
recommended revisions in entry listed above for further staff consideration.

1134. WSJ article, perchlorate today, boon for Pentagon. 3/12/2004 Release
A summary of a discussion with a Wall Street Journal reporter regarding
perchlorate issues. Email containing report ofdiscussion between reporter
1135, WSJ reporter Waldman inquiry on perchlorate 4/212004
and former DoD official with analysis of reporter's interests and
recommendations for further actions.

1136) OCR0014 Undated Draft document discussing background information about perchlorate.

Draft spreadsheet containing information on perchlorate occurrences at

1137r Consolidated Perchlorate Occurrence List California
DoD installations in California. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet containiing consolidated information on DoD perchlorate
11381~ Consolidated Services_UCMR and NPDES_26Apr04_0SD11 26-Apr-04
survey summary sites.
The document is a progress report from the Committee to Assess the
Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion Board on Environmental
1139I Progress report_03.wpd Sep-03 Science and Toxicology Division on Earth and Life Studies Board on Not responsive
Health Sciences Policy
Institute of Medicine National Research Council
Draft spreadsheet template for reporting sampling results for
114011&2.pdf 10/1/2003 c1eanuplrestoration sites under the CWA and SDWA to be included in
response to Congressional inquiry.
Draft spreadsheet containing information on data from the 2001
1141 2001 Occurrence Survey - Raw Data.pdf
I 7/31/2003
Occurrence Survey. Draft version.
Draft spreadsheet containing information on perchlorate sampling results
1142~ 9 Tab A Enclosure 5 NPL facility sampling.pdf 10/10/2003
for NPL facilities. Draft version

Sept 17, 2003 Action Memo prepared by Jeff Cornell.on behalf of

1143I Action%20Memo,%201&E%20approved,%20Dingell,%20Solis.pdf 10/10/2003 Raymond DuBois, DUSD to recommend response to Representatives
Dingell and Solis on defense-related perchlorate contamination.

Copy of Oct 30, 2000 internal email re DoD perchlorate contamination

1144fANG Directive.PDF 6/25/2003 survey and data call containing guidance and recommended action. Email
sent by David van Gasbeck, ANG/CEV
Draft spreadsheet containing information on perchlorate sampling
11451) attachment%201.pdf 10110/2003
conducted since 2001. Draft version.!
Draft spreadsheet containing information on percholorate sampling results
11461) attachment%202.pdf 10/10/2003
for NPL facilities. Draft version.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 70
Chapter 13 - Sample Dissolution. MARLAP draft document for pUblic

1147, chapter13.pdf 5/15/2003 comment, July 2001. Footer states "Do not cite or quote" Pre-decisional
draft document.
Unsigned draft response from DoD to Rep Dingell reo the My 16, 2003
1148I dingell solis response.pdf 6/20/2003 memo from Dingell Solis. Not on letterhead - draft version. Pre-decisional
Draft spreadsheet template for reporting sampling results for
1149I enclosure 1.pdf 10/1/2003 cleanup/restoration sites under the CWA and SDWA to be included in
response to Congressional inquiry.
Draft spreadsheet template for reporting sampling results for
1150I enclosure 2.pdf 10/1/2003 cleanup/restoration sites under the CWA and SDWA to be included in
"response to Congressional inquiry.
Draft spreadsheet containing information on 20 May 2003 perchlorate
1151 enclosure 3.pdf 10/10/2003
sampling data. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet template for reporting sampling results for
1152~ enclosure2.pdf 10/1/2003 cleanup/restoration sites under the CWA and SDWA to be included in
response to Congressional inquiry.
Draft spreadsheet containing information on 20 May 2003 perchlorate
1153I enclosure3.pdf 10/1/2003
sampling data. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet template for reporting sampling results for
1154f enclsoure2.pdf 10/1/2003 cleanup/restoration sites under the CWA and SDWA to be included in
response to Congressional inquiry.
Draft spreadsheet containing information on 20 May 2003 perchlorate
1155) feinboxreidlist.pdf 6/17/2003
sampling data. Draft version.

Draft, marked-up response memo to Senator Boxer reo DoD's proposed

11561) Grone changes.pdf 5/212003
Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation.

Aug 21 2003 letter to Agency Secretary, CalEPA with attached draft

1157, hickox.pdf 8/21/2003 charter for a potential for the interagency workgroup and other issues reo
perchlorate CA.
1158 Inland Empire MOU.pdf 10/9/2003 Draft MOU among participating agencies. Predecisional draft.
1159 North Coast RWQCB1 Resp.pdf 11/4/2003 Release

1160 Tab%20A1.pdf 10/10/2003 Summary of DoD/EPA Cooperation on Perchlorate. pre-decisional draft.

Draft spreadsheet containing information on perchorate sampling of NPL

1161 Tab%20A5.pdf 10/10/2003
facilities. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet containing information on the 20 May 2003 perchlorate
1162! TabA3.pdf 10/10/2003
sampling data. Draft version.
Oct 3, 2000 mass internal e-mail from Kimberley Watts to MACOMS to
1163I USA Directive.pdf 6/25/2003 collect, compile, and send perchlorate data containing guidance and

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 71
Dec 20, 2000 mass e-mail from Dave Jennings to collect, compile, and

1164~ USA RC Directive.pdf 6/25/2003
send perchlorate data containing guidance and recommendations.

Memo to CONUS 000 FACILITIES to collect, compile, and send

1165) USAF Directive.pdf 6/25/2003 perchlorate data for 000 Facilities and Contact Survey containing
guidance and recommendations.
Memo from Geoffrey Cullison to collect, compile, and send perchlorate
1166) USN Directive.pdf 6/25/2003
data containing guidance and recommendations
Spreadsheet with 000 perchlorate surveylsampling results with EPA
1167, BRAC rev to CI04-encI5(AF NPL) Jun03 WF FFRRO Cmt11xls 7/1/2003
comments. Pre-decisional draft.
Unsigned drafts of letters to Senators Boxer, Feinstein, and Reid reo their
letters addressing DoD's proposed Readiness and Range Preservation
1168~ Draft Response to Feinstein Boxer Reid 1.htm 5/2/2003 Initiative (RRPI) legislation that they attest will limit the legal responsibility
to address Defense-related perchlorate contamination in drinking water
Unsigned draft memo reo review of EPA's disposition of comments and
recommendations for revisions to "Perchlorate Environmental
1169) Memmo.htm 11/6/2003
Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization. External
Review Draft (January 16, 2002)"
EPA's draft responses to Congressman Dingell's April 30, 2003 Letter.
1170) NDI4944B-DingeILQAs[1].htm 5/23/2003
Note states: "DRAFT DELIBERATIVE AS OF MAY 21,2003."
1171I 02 Survey data as of May03 - Working File.xls 6/25/2003 Sampling data - working file.
Survey of whether a facility has used equipment, munitions, or weaponry
1172~ AF ACTIVE_NPL-,NSTALLATIONS_060903.xls 6/10/2003 believed to contain perchlorate and sampling results (if available). Draft
Survey of whether a facility has used equipment, munitions, or weaponry
1173~ AF NPL with Usage Jun03.xls 6/16/2003 believed to contain perchlorate and sampling results (if available). Draft
Draft of survey template to request perchlorate information from
1174f Blank PerchlorateSurvey.xls 6/25/2003
installations reo sampling and munitions usage. Contains no data.

Blank spreadsheet with justcolumn headers for survey of whether a facility

1175; BRAC rev to CI04-encl5(AF NPL) Jun03 WF FFRRO Cmt.xls 7/9/2003 has used equipment, munitions,.or weaponry believed to contain
perchlorate and sampling results (if available). Draft version.

Survey of whether a facility has used equipment, munitions, or weaponry

believed to contain perchlorate and sampling results (if available). Draft
1176) BRAC rev to CI04-encl5(AF NPL) Jun03 WF FFRRO Cmt111.xls 7/11/2003
version with comments, exposure pathways, and EPA comments columns
Survey of whether a facility has used equipment, munitions, or weaponry
believed to contain perchlorate and sampling results (if available). Draft
1177r BRAC rev to CI04-encI5(AF NPL) Jun03 WF FFRRO Cmt710031.xls 7/10/2003
version with comments, exposure pathways, and EPA comments columns

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 72

117 ~ BRAC rev to perchlorate-encl4 02 SurveyMay03 FFRRO Cmt 1.xls
7/11/2003 Perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft version.
117 ) BRAC rev to perchlorate-encl4 02 SurveyMay03 FFRRO Cmt 2 .xls 7/11/2003 Perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft version.

118 ) Calfironia sites.xls 9/11/2003 Perchlorate sampling results for CA sites (if available). Draft version.

118 I Calfironia sites1.xls 9/12/2003 Perchlorate sampling results for CA sites (if available). Draft version.

118 ! DSMOA Phase II Budget Estimate.xls 6/26/2003 Project 1 subtask cost breakdown of a State and Component Website. Not responsive

Spreadsheet on installations that may have stored or used perchlorate-

118 ~ Encl 2-May 2002 Survey 20May03.xls 7/24/2003 containing equipment, sampling results (if any), regulatory drivers,
exposure pathways, sampling plans, remediation activities. Draft version.

Spreadsheet template for reporting sampling results for

118 ~ Enclosure 1 & 2.xls 9/10/2003 c1eanuplrestoration sites under the CWA and SDWA. Contains sample Not responsive
entries; no data on actual samples.
Blank survey to obtain perchlorate information from installations reo
118 ) Enclosure 1 Blank PerchlorateSurvey.xls 6/25/2003
sampling and munitions usage. May be draft version.
118 ) Enclosure 3 - 02 Survey data as of May03 - Working File.xls 6/25/2003 Perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft version.

118 r Enclosure 4 Perchorate Sampling Conducted from 2001-Pres 1-0.xls 9/10/2003 Perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft version.

118 ~ Enclosure 4 Perchorate Sampling Conducted from 2001-Pres.xls 8/8/2003 Perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft version.

118 Enclosure 5 - 02 Survey data as of May03 - Working File.xls 6/25/2003 Perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft version.

119 ) Enclosure 5 DOD_Expenditures21.xls 7/9/2003

Draft of DoD's perchlorate investment survey (FY93-98, FYOO-02 and I
planned FY03).
119 I Enclosure 5 NPL facility sampling.xls 9/10/2003 Perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft version.
Draft spreadsheet on installations that may have stored or used
119 ~ Enclosure 5 NPL facility sampling1.xls 81712003 perchlorate-containing equipment, sampling results (if any), exposure
pathways, sampling plans. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet on installations that may have stored or used
119 ~ Enclosure 6 - NPL sites as of June 23 - Working File.xls 6/25/2003 perchlorate-containing equipment, sampling results (if any), exposure
pathways, sampling plans. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet on installations that may have stored or used
119 ~ Enclosure3 - NPL sites as of June 23 - Working File.xls 6/25/2003 perchlorate-containing equipment, sampling results (if any), exposure
pathways, sampling plans. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet on installations that may have stored or used
119 ) Enclosure4 - NPL sites as of June 23 - Working File.xls 6/25/2003 perchlorate-containing equipment, sampling results (if any), exposure
pathways, sampling plans. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet with perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft
119 ) Incomplete 02 SurveyMay031.xls 6/17/2003

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 73
Draft spreadsheet on installations that may have stored or used

1197r May2001 Surveyd.xls 6/27/2003 perchlorate-containing equipment, sampling results (if any), exposure
pathways, sampling plans. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet on installations that have not stored or used perchlorate
1198~ May2001 Surveyexclusions.xls 7/24/2004 containing equipment, sampling results (if any), exposure pathways,
sampling plans. Draft version
Draft spreadsheet with perchlorate sampling results (if available). Draft
1199~ NPL sites as of June 23 - Working File.xls 6/25/2003
"Unresolved Concerns with the Formerly Used Defense Sites Draft
1200) Concerns with FUDS ER rewrite rev 0-11.ppt 9/10/2003 Engineering Manual" presented by by ODUSD(I&E)I Environmental Not responsive
Management, Sept 8, 2003
"Chemical demil" - 000 IG Report. Unclear whether this is a final version
1201I Non-Stockpile Chemical Demil brief to Gron1e.ppt 101712003 Not responsive
or a pre-decisional draft.
Redline, strikeout, draft document on perchlorate issues from
1202~ 030425 NOI 4985-EPA_Report -Boxer Perchlorate.RBB.doc 4/25/2003

Raymond F. DuBois' draft response to Western Growers Association

1203~ 030519 Draft Response to WGA41.doc 6/2/2003 (WGA) reo letter dated 7 May 2003 concerning the controversy over
perchlorate in lettuce and other foods. Pre-decisional draft.

Redline, strikeout, draft charter and revised charter for the 000 ­
1204~ 030722 DOD-CALIF WORKGROUP CHARTER(DON).doc 8/18/2003
California Interagency Technical Workgroup on perchlorate.
Revised Interagency Review draft reo sampling results at Hills Iowa
1205) 030812 Hills Iowa draft citizen letter DOD edits21.doc 8/14/2003
Perchlorate Site (8111/03 Ism version).
Draft document addressing perchlorate message that the contemplated
federal environmental standard for perchlorate could significantly increase
12061) 05 Budget Hearing Format1.doc 1/6/2004 liabilities, while providing little additional protection to human health and
the environment, with key points and possible questions. May be draft, pre
decisional document.
Redline, strikeout, drafts of letter to Rep Dingell responding to letter sent to
1207r 070903 DingeILSolis_DODresponse_comments1121.doc 7/10 to 14/2003 Secretary Rumsfeld regarding the DoD's response to potential
contamination from perchlorate in the environment.
Draft memo (Sept12, 2003, 3:00PM) recommending response to
1208~ 1 PADUSD(IE) to DUSD(IE) Action Memo.doc 9/12/2003 Representatives Dingell and Solis on defense-related perchlorate

Two drafts of document addressing EPA's derivation of RIDs and slope

1209~ 1 The NCP does not require specifically that IRIS RfDs 2-0.doc 11/5/2003 factors and the need for rulemaking discipline in the RID/slope factors Not responsive
development process. May be draft, pre-decisional document.

) 2003 PERCHLORATE GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION Draft regulatory language for a 2003 Perchlorate Groundwater
1210 9/11/2003
STUDY.doc Contamination Study.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 74

1211I 3 Tab A USD(ATL) Reply to Dingell.doc



Draft, unsigned letter to Rep Dingell responding to letter sent to Secretary
Rumsfeld regarding the DoD's response to potential contamination from

perchlorate in the environment.
Two draft, unsigned letters to Rep Solis responding to letter sent to
1212! 3 Tab A-2 USD(ATL) Reply to Solis1.doc 9/24/2003 Secretary Rumsfeld regarding the DoD's response to potential
contamination from perchlorate in the environment.
Draft, redline, strikeout document summarizing DoD/EPA's cooperation on
1213I 8-11-03Enclosure.doc 8/11/2003

Dec 3, 2002 e-mail from Dave Olson, CNO N453 reo Discussion of 13 Nov
1214~ a21203 POLICY DON Interim Perchlorate Assessment Policy.doc 12/3/2002 02 OSD Perchlorate Assessment Policy. Disseminates policy and solicits
comments on implementation and issues that may arise.

l a30904 DRAFT FINAL Perchlorate Sampling090403 w gdc Draft memo reo DoD's Interim Policy on Perchlorate Activities. Header
1215 9/5/2003
comments11.doc states: "Draft - Do not cite or quote 4 Sep 02 ver"
Document addressing perchlorate message that the contemplated federal
environmental standard for perchlorate could significantly increase
liabilities, while providing little additional protection to human health and
1216) ABM Treaty Withdrawal.doc 1/7/2004
the environment, with key points and one possible question and answer.
Comments and analysis of issue for use in discussion of effect of
contemplated standard.
Draft of Action Memo on a Media Inquiry Response reo Encroachment &
1217, Action Memo on RRPI DERP The Progressive 16 Jul 031.doc 7/16/2003 Readiness Proposals. Draft is dated 14 July; file reflects that last revisions
to draft made on 16 July.
Draft of Action Memo reo perchlorate contaminated water in Colorado
1218I ACTION MEMOSTER1 N.doc 7/25/2003 River. Draft is dated 23 July; file reflects that last revisions to draft made
on 25 July.
Draft July 23, 2003 Action Memo reo perchlorate contaminated water in
1219I ACTION MEMOSTERN.doc 7/23/2003
Colorado River.
Draft of Action Memo reo deobligation of funds for the NAS Perchlorate
1220) ACTION surgeon.doc 8/1/2003 Review. Draft is dated 31 July; file reflects that last revisions to draft made
on 1 August.
Draft August 11, 2003 Action Memo reo potential perchlorate
1221I ActionmemoDuBois-Wynn.doc 8/11/2003
contamination at DoD facilities.
Draft August 11, 2003 Action Memo reo potential perchlorate
1222! Actionmemosecdef.doc 8/11/2003
contamination at DoD facilities.
DoD appeal reo the FY04 Defense Appropriation Bill reo the Perchlorate
1223I Appeal -Perchlorat12e.doc 7/17/2003 Groundwater Contamination Study. Draft prepared for submission to
Congress in conference on Bill.

DoD appeal reo the FY04 Defense Appropriation Bill reo the Perchlorate
1224~ Appeal -Perchlorat2e.doc 7/16/2003
Groundwater Contamination Study. Draft--see entry above.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 75
DoD appeal reo the FY04 Defense Appropriation Bill reo the Perchlorate

1225i Appeal -Perchlorate.doc 7/16/2003
Groundwater Contamination Study. Draft--see entry above.

Approach for prioritizing CA DoD facilities for perchlorate and emergent

1226> Approach for DoD Sites w Perchlorate.doc 9/11/2003 chemicals. Footer indicates that this is a draft document. Pre-decisional
Issuance of statements on the appropriate use of and limitations related to
data presented in the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Footer
1227, Appropriate Use of and of Limitations of RfDs rev O-O.doc 12/8/2003
indicates that this is a draft document - Revision 0-0, December 8, 2003.
Pre-decisional draft.
Memo reo Department of Army guidance for addressing potential
1228I Army Perchlorate Guidance Cover.doc 6/25/2003 perchlorate contamination. Header indicates this is draft document:
"DRAFT - NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION." Pre-decisional draft.
Department of Army guidance for addressing potential perchlorate
1229I Army Perchlorate Guidance Enclosure.doc 6/25/2003 contamination. Header indicates this is draft document: "DRAFT - NOT
FOR DISTRIBUTION." Pre-decisional draft.

Draft of talking points or highlights of DoD's independent epidemiological

study of perchlorate that is intended to generate important human
1230I Background SAC1.doc 6/11/2003 exposure data that have not been considered in EPA toxicity assessment
studies and provide greater opportunity for DoD to affect eventual
rulemaking, by supplementing NAS review efforts.

Unsigned letter drafts of letter responding to Senator Boxer's June 18,

7/29/2003 to 2003 follow-up letter concerning potential perchlorate contamination at
1231 boxerletter.doc

8/11/2003 Department of Defense (DoD) facilities. Reflect revisions by strike outs

and redlines.
Prioritization of sampling for perchlorate at DoD facilities in CA. Header
1232~ Cal. Perch. Prioritization Approach1.doc 9/29/2003 indicates this is a draft document with Navy comments. Pre-decisional
Approach for prioritizing CA DoD facilities for perchlorate and emergent
1233I California's Approach for DoD Sites w Perchlorate.doc 101712003 chemicals. Header indicates that this is a draft document. Pre-decisional

Draft unsigned letter (contains missing text) to Chairman of Committee on

Armed Services reo DoD report to Congress concerning the Interagency
Perchlorate Steering Committee (IPSC) requested by Congress in H.R.
1234~ Congressional Letter_rvsd 2drft.doc 1/5/2004
2559 and S. Rpt 108-82 as part of the Department of Defense Military
Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (P.L. 108-87). Header states

. cover letter for sampling policy AFversion with KLK changes.doccover

1235 10/8/2003 Draft Memo explaining DoD's perchlorate sampling policy.
) letter for sampling policy AF version with KLK changes.doc

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process·privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 76

123 ) cover letter for sampling policy1.doc
Bulletedlist of talking points reo DoD's perchlorate use containing analysis

of policy considerations and recommendation. Draft.
Summary of DoD/EPA Cooperation on perchlorate. Draft of letter to
123 , DingeLSolis_DODresponse Enclosure1_comments1 cleancopy.doc 7/14/2003
Representative Dingell.
Redline/strikeout version of summary of DoD/EPA Cooperation on
123 I DingeLSolis_DODresponse Enclosure1_comments1.doc 7/14/2003
perchlorate. Pre-decisional draft. See sntry above.
Draft response (no date) to Rep Dingell's letter to Secretary Rumsfeld
123 l dingel2.doc 8/22/2003
requesting information on perchlorate contamination.

Draft redline/strikeout response (no date) to Rep Solis' letter to Secretary

124 ) dingel21.doc 8/4/2003
Rumsfeld requesting information on perchlorate contamination.

Redline/strikeout version of summary of DoD/EPA Cooperation on

124 I Dingell letter enclosure1-0811 03_version1.doc 8/11/2003
perchlorate. Pre-decisional draft.

7/18/2003 to Drafts with redline/strikeout of response (no date) to Rep Dingell's letter to
124 ~ Dingell Solis OMB second rewrite.doc
8/11/2003 Secretary Rumsfeld requesting information on perchlorate contamination.

Dioxin Re-Assessment Issues for Discussion. Header states: "Pre-

124 I DioxinPCB-Tlk Pts ver00304218.doc 4/30/2003
Decisional Deliberative Draft April 28, 2003"
Joahn Paul Woodley's draft response (highlighted text, no date, unsigned)
124 ~ Doc1.doc 8/14/2003
to Hickox (CALEPA) reo July 21 letter.
Draft response (highlighted text, no date, unsigned, missing text, no
124 ) doc2.doc 8/14/2003
addressor, no addressee) re.a July 21 letter.

Draft redline/strikeout response to Senator Boxer's letter reo DoD's

proposed Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation
124 ) DOD Draft Response to Boxer 050503_comments1.doc 5/7/2003
that she claims will limit legal responsibility to address Defense-related
perchlorate contamination in drinking water supplies.

Draft redline/strikeout plan of engagement for establishing an ammonium

perchlorate health-based standard summarizing the history of perchlorate
1247, DoD Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals Paper rev 4-1.doc 1/13/2003
standard development and the current status. Footer states: "DRAFT
Revision 4-1 January 9,2004"
Three successive drafts of proposed course of action in the establishment
1248~ DoD Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals Three Option Strat 1-0.doc 11/1212003 of health-based action levels for chemicals. Footer states: "DRAFT
Revision 1-0 November10, 2003"

Three successive draft write-ups (highlighted text, inserted comments) on

10/17/2003 to
1249~ DoD Perchlorate Strategy rev 1-0.doc alternative courses for future cction in the establishment of a RfD for
perchlorate. Footer states: "DRAFT Revision 1-0 October 17,2003"

Prioritization of sampling for perchlorate at DoD facilities in California. Pre

1250) DoD Proposa11.doc 1017/2003
decisional draft document.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 77

1251 DoD proposal.doc



Prioritization of sampling for perchlorate at DoD facilities in California.

Header states: "Draft Navy comments." Pre-deciisonal draft document.

Seven successive draft, unsigned, letters responding to Senator Reid's

letter which expressed concerns that DoD's proposed Readiness and
1252~ DoD revision.doc 5/7 to 13/2003 Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation will limit legal responsibility
to address Defense-related perchlorate contamination in drinking water
supplies. Pre-decisonal, draft letter.

Draft, unsigned, redlinelstrikeout letter responding to Senator Reid's letter

which expressed concerns that DoD's proposed Readiness and Range
1253I DoD revisionOIRAedit1211.doc 5/1212003 Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation will limit legal responsibility to
address Defense-related perchlorate contamination in drinking water
supplies. Pre-decisonal, draft letter.

Draft, unsigned, redlinelstrikeout letter responding to Senator Reid's letter

which expressed concerns that DoD's proposed Readiness and Range
1254~ DoD revisionOIRAedit4.doc 5/13/2003 Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation will limit legal responsibility to
address Defense-related perchlorate contamination in drinking water
supplies. Pre-decisonal, draft letter.

Prioritization of sampling for perchlorate at DoD facilities in California.

1255) DoD-California Perchlorate Sampling Prioritization.doc 10/6/2003
Header states: "Draft Navy comments." Pre-decisional draft document.

1256) DoE.doc 5/7/2003 DOE's comments on DoD response to Senator Boxer letter on perchlorate

Draft, unsigned, letter responding to Congressional inquiry (addressed to

Senator XXXXX) which expressed concerns that DoD's proposed
1257, Draft Letter to Congress 8 Apr 03.doc 4/16/2003 Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation will limit
legal responsibility to address Defense-related perchlorate contamination
in drinking water supplies. Pre-decisonal, draft letter.

Draft, unaddressed letter expressing DoD's committment to work with the

State of California in setting priorities for determining the source and
magnitude of perchlorate problems at military and defense facilities,
1258~ Draft OSD to Hickox w DON cmmtsresponse.doc 8/18/2003 communicating and understanding California's requirements related to
perchlorate, assisting in marshalling "assets and resources" for
researching e'ffective treatment technologies. Header states "DRAFT
Pre-decisional - Do Not Cite and Quote."

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 78


Draft, unsigned letter responding to Senator Boxer's letter which

expressed concerns about the relationship between the Department of
1259) Draft Response to Boxer18apr.doc 4/18/2003
Defense's proposed Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI)
and perchlorate. Pre-decisonal, draft letter.

Draft, unsigned, redline/strikeout letter responding to Senator Boxer's letter

which expressed concerns about the relationship between the Department
1260) Draft Response to BoxerOlRAedit.doc 517/2003
of Defense's proposed Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative
(RRPI) and perchlorate. Pre-decisonal, draft letter.

Successive draft, unsigned, redline/strikeout letters responding to Senator

Reid's letter which expressed concerns about the relationship between
4/21/2003 to DoD's proposed Readiness and Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI)
1261I Draft Response to Feinstein Boxer Reid 17Apr03 15.doc
7/25/2003 legislation and subsequent limitations to its legal responsibility to address
Defense-related perchlorate contamination in drinking water supplies. Pre­
decisonal, draft letter.
Draft, unsigned letter (has autopen signature: E.G. Aldridge, Jr.)
responding to Senator Boxer's letter which expressed concerns about the
1262~ Draft Response to Feinstein18apr.doc 4/18/2003 relationship between the Department of Defense's proposed Readiness
and Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI) and perchlorate. Pre-decisonal,
draft letter.
Draft, unsigned letter (has autopen signature: E.G. Aldridge, Jr.)
responding to Senator Reid's letter which expressed concerns about the
1263~ Draft Response to Reid18apr.doc 4/18/2003 relationship between the Department of Defense's proposed Readiness
and Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI) and perchlorate. Pre-decisonal,
draft letter.
Draft, unsigned letter responding to Thomas A Nassif, President, Western
1264~ Draft Response to WGAdoc 7/15/2003 Growers Association reo his letter to the Secretary of Defense concerning
Draft, unsigned letter responding to Thomas A Nassif, President, Western
1265j Draft Response to WGA2.doc 6/17/2003 Growers Association reo his letter to the Secretary of Defense concerning
Draft redline/strikeout summary of DoD/EPA cooperation on perchlorate.
1266) Enclosure 1 comment responses.doc 7/18/2003
Pre-decisional draft.

Dec 3, 2002 e-mail from Dave Olson, GNO N453 reo Discussion of 13 Nov
1267r Enclosure 2 - DON Interim Perchlorate Assessment Policy.doc 12/3/2002 02 OSD Perchlorate Assessment Policy. Disseminates policy and solicits
comments on implementation and issues that may arise.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 79
Draft memo reo Department of Army's Guidance for addressing potential

perchlorate contamination in response to memorandum from Assistant
1268I Enclosure 3 - Army Perchlorate Guidance Cover.doc 6/25/2003 Under Secretary of Defense (Environment), Perchlorate Assessment
Policy, November 13, 2002 (Enclosure 1). Footer states "DRAFT - NOT
Draft (June 2003) Department of Army's Guidance for addressing potential
perchlorate contamination in response to memorandum from Assistant
1269~ Enclosure 4 - Army Perchlorate Guidance Enclosure.doc 6/25/2003 Under Secretary of Defense (EnviroRment), Perchlorate Assessment
Policy, November 13, 2002 (Enclosure 1). Header and footer state
Early Engagement with EPA in Development of Reference Doses. Footer
1270I Engagement of Other Federal Agencies in Dev. of RIDs 0-1.doc 1214/2003
states "DRAFT Revision 0-1 December 4,2003."
Copied & pasted e-mail from to E. Holly
Fitter/OMB/EOP@EOP re: DOD's Revised HouselSolis Letter (e-mail sent
1271I EPA comments.doc 8/8/2003
on 08/05/2003 09:59:36 AM). Contains comments and proposed changes
to draft letter.
Redline/strikeout EPA Comments on DOD's draft follow up letters to
1272~ EPA comments1.doc 8/4/2003
Dingell and Feinstein on perchlorate (August 1, 2003).
Draft, unsigned letter to Ms. Marianne Horinko reo HouseReport for the
Fiscal Year 2004 Defense Appropriations Act that requests the Secretary
of Defense and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a
1273I EPAFUDSPolicy.doc 11/24/2003
joint study of groundwater contamination in and around the Colorado
River, San Bernardino County, the Cochella Valley, Santa Clara River, and
the Imperial Valley.
Draft, redline/strikeout summary of DoDIEPA cooperation on perchlorate.
Pre-decisional draft.
Draft ACTION MEMO in four successive versions seeking coordination for
1275) execdingsol3:doc 8/21/2003 follow up letter to Representatives Dingell and Solis reo potential
perchlorate contamination at DoD facilities.
Draft ACTION MEMO (Sept 9, 2003, 12:30 PM) reo coordination for
1276) execpersamppol.doc 9/9/2003
Perchlorate Sampling Policy.

Draft, unsigned memorandum for Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air

1277, Executive Agent for Perchlorate.doc 12111/2003 Force (Environment, Safety, And Occupational Health) reo clarification of
responsibilities for perchlorate and emerging chemical issues.

Draft, unsigned memorandum for Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air

1278I Executive Agent for Perchlorate1.doc 12/15/2003 Force (Environment, Safety, And Occupational Health) reo update of
responsibilities for perchlorate and emerging chemical issues.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 80
Draft ACTION MEMO (Dec 15, 2003, 4:00 PM) reo coordination to request

EPA Administrator to collaborate ona joint congressional perchlorate
1279I Executive Summarjointstudy.doc 12115/2003
report. Contains analysis of proposed response to EPA request and
Draft ACTION MEMO (Sept 12, 2003, 3:00 PM) reo coordination to
respond to Representatives Dingell and Solis on defense-related
1280I Executive Summarydinglesolis.doc 9/12/2003
perchlorate contamination. Contains analysis of proposed response and
Draft ACTION MEMO (June 2, 2003, 5:00 PM) reo coordination to respond
to the Western Growers Association reo perchlorate contaminated water
1281 Executive Summaryfein.doc 6/3/2003
and impact on the produce industry. Contains analysis of proposed
response and recommendation.
Draft ACTION MEMO (May 13, 2003, 5:00 AM) reo coordination to respond
to Senators Feinstein, Boxer, and Reid on defense-related perchlorate
1282~ Executive Summaryfein1.doc 5/13/2003·
contaminated water supplies. Contains analysis of proposed response
and recommendation.
Draft ACTION MEMO (Jan 9, 2004, 12:00 PM) re, coordination to respond
to Senator Feinstein reo efforts by DoD to address perchlorate
1283I Executive Summaryfein3.doc 1/9/2004
contamination in water supplies. Contains analysis of proposed response·
and recommendation.
Draft ACTION MEMO (July 10, 2003, 4:00 PM) reo coordination to respond
to the Western Growers Association reo perchlorate contaminated water
1284~ Executive Summarywga.doc 7/10/2003
and impact on the produce industry. Contains· analysis of proposed
response and recommendation.
Draft, unsigned response to Sen Feinstein reo her June 18, 2003 follow-up
12851) fein14.doc 8/11/2003 letter concerning potential perchlorate contamination at Department of
Defense (DoD) facilities.
Draft, unsigned response to Senator Feinstein reo her letter of November
12861) Feinstein dec 15 version.doc 12/29/2003 7, 2003, requesting an update on the status of perchlorate assessment
activities undertaken by the Department.
Draft, unsigned response to Senator Feinstein reo her letter of November
1287, Feinstein dec 16 version.doc 1/6/2004 7, 2003, requesting an update on the status of perchlorate assessment
activities undertaken by the Department.
Draft, unsigned letter with no addressee reo interest in perchlorate and
DoD's efforts to address perchlorate contamination that may have resulted
1288I Feinstein Dec 3 ver1.doc 12111/2003
from defense activities, in California and nationwide. Header and footer
state this is a draft letter.
Draft, unsigned letter with no addressee reo interest in perchlorate and
DoD's efforts to address perchlorate contamination that may have resulted
1289I Feinstein Dec 3 ver21.doc
from defense activities, in California and nationwide. Header and footer
state that this is a draft letter.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 81


Draft, unsigned response to Senator Feinstein reo her letter of November

1290I Feinstein Jan 6 version (Willging).doc 1/9/2004 7,2003, requesting an update on the status of perchlorate assessment
activities undertaken by the Department.

Draft responses to Questions 51, 52, and 53 and their associated

1291 Feinstein QFRs.doc 7/17 to 18/2003
auestions addressing Sen Feinstein's inquiries. Pre-decisional draft.

Questions 51, 52, and 53 and their associated responses addressing Sen
1292~ Feinstein QFRs1.doc 7/17/2003
FeiAstein's inquiries. Pre-decisional draft.
Questions 51, 52, and 53 and their associated responses addressing Sen
1293~ Feinstein QFRs21.doc 7/18/2003
Feinstein's inquiries. Pre-decisional draft.
Draft, unsigned response to Senator Feinstein reo her June 18, 2003 follow
1294~ feinsteinletter.doc 7/29/2003 up letter concerning potential perchlorate contamination at Department of
Defense (DoD) facilities.

DoD appeal reo the FY04 Defense Appropriation Bill reo the provision for
(1) a report on activities undertaken by DoD through the perchlorate
interagency workgroup, by December 31,2003, and (2) identify sources of
1295i Format-04-approp-language-cuts2.doc 7/14/2003
perchlorate at BRAC properties and develop a plan for remediation for
each facility where indicated, by March 30, 2004. Draft prepared for
submission to Congress in conference on Bill.

Draft, redline/strikeout version of ATTACHMENT 2 Questions for the

12961) FY03_MY_IPR_ATT2_Questions_0507013.doc 5/7/2003
Department of the Army FY03 Mid-Year In-Progress Review.

1297, General.doc 5/5/2003 Draft document expressing DoD's position on the draft final 403 rule. Not responsive

I 1298I Globe.doc 5/15/2003

Three successive drafts of "Questions and Answers" for a Boston Globe
interview. Contains proposed responses to reporter's questions.

Drafts of response to letter of July 21 (addressee unknown) reo DoD's

committment to work with the State of California in setting priorities for
determining the source and magnitude of perchlorate problems at military
8/15/2003 to and defense facilities, communicating and understanding California's
1299l hickox response.doc
12/16/2003 requirements related to perchlorate. assisting in marshalling "assets and
resources," and for researching and demonstrating effective treatment
technologies. Header states: "DRAFT Pre-decisional - Do Not Cite and
Revised unsigned, draft, redline/strikeout letter (addressee unknown) for
1300) Hills Iowa draft citizen letter 11Aug20031.doc 8/11/2003 Interagency Review (8/11/03 Ism version) reo sampling results - Hills Iowa
Perchlorate Site.
Revised unsigned. draft, redline/strikeout letters (addressee unknown) for
1301 Hills Iowa draft citizen letter 11Aug200311.doc
I 8/12/2003 Interagency Review (8/11/03 Ism version) reo sampling results - Hills Iowa
Perchlorate Site.
1302~ History of DoD EPA Coop.doc 6/17/2003 Draft summary of DoD/EPA Cooperation on perchlorate.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 exceptwhere noted·that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 82


Analysis of DoD's plans and recommendations to address the House

Appropriations' report requirements for defense industry sampling for
1303I House Appropriations Report Requirement for Defense Ind 1.doc 9/16/2003 perchlorate, specifially addressing the regulatory language stating:
"Determination of the military/defense industry sources that have
contributed to perchlorate contamination".

1304f House Appropriations Report Requirement for Defense Ind 11.doc 9/17/2003 See entry above.

Draft, unsigned, redline/strikeout response to Representative Solis reo her

1305• house letter changes agreed to by DoD.doc 8/5/2003 letter to Secretary Rumsfeld requesting perchlorate contamination
Draft, unsigned, redline/strikeout response to Representative Solis reo her
1306j house letter changes agreed to by DoD1.doc 8/5/2003 letter to Secretary Rumsfeld requesting perchlorate contamination
Draft, unsigned, redline/strikeout response to Representative Solis reo her
1307, house letter OMB EPA comments.doc 8/4/2003 letter to Secretary Rumsfeld requesting perchlorate contamination
Draft, unsigned, redline/strikeout response to Representative Solis reo her
1308I house letter OMB EPA comments1.doc 8/4/2003 letter to Secretary Rumsfeld requesting perchlorate contamination
Draft, unsigned, redline/strikeout response to Representative Solis reo her
13091l house letter OMB EPA comments11.doc 8/4/2003 letter to Secretary Rumsfeld requesting perchlorate contamination

Draft, unsigned response to Representative Solis reo her letter to Secretary

1310) house letter OMB EPA commentscleancopy.doc 8/4/2003
Rumsfeld requesting perchlorate contamination information.

Draft, unsigned, redline/strikeout response to Representative Solis reo her

1311 house letter-revised_OMB_change1s.doc
I 8/5/2003 letter to Secretary Rumsfeld requesting perchlorate contamination
Draft COORDINATION RECORD reo Interim Guidance on Perchlorate
1312~Interim Perchlorate Coordination Record July 23 2003.doc 7/25/2003
Draft redline/strikeout version of "Report to the Congress of the United
States Concerning Department of Defense Activities in the Interagency
1313IIPSC Partnering_drf1t.doc 1/5/2004
Perchlorate Steering Committee, Jan 2004." Header states: "PRE­
Draft, unsigned letter to Ms. Horinko reo the House Report for the Fiscal
Year 2004 Defense Appropriations Act, requesting the Secretary of
Defense and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency conduct a joint
1314f Joint Study.doc 11/24/2003
study of groundwater contamination·in and around the Colorado River, San
Bernardino County, the Cochella Valley, Santa Clara River, and the
Imperial Valley.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 83


Draft of Questions and answers addressing perchlorate contamintion

131 ) Kurt.doc 5/14/2003 issues. Contains summary of proposed responses to various Questions
for the Record from the Congress.
Draft, unsigned letter to Ms. Mittal reo DoD's response to the GAO final
report GAO-03-146, dated March 28, 2003, 'ENVIRONMENTAL
131 ) Letter re Final Report response from DoD1.doc 5/28/2003 CONTAMINATION: DoD Has Taken Steps to Improve Cleanup at Former Not responsive
Defense Sites but Clearer Guidance Is Needed to Ensure Consistency,'
(GAO Code 360046).
Draft, unsigned letter to Ms. Mittal reo DoD's response to the GAO final
report GAO-03-146, dated March 28, 2003, 'ENVIRONMENTAL
131 , Letter re Final Report response from DoD112.doc 6/20/2003 CONTAMINATION: DoD Has Taken Steps to Improve Cleanup at Former Not responsive
Defense Sites but Clearer Guidance Is Needed to Ensure Consistency,'
(GAO Code 360046).
Draft (redline text) documnet discussing major DoD/EPA issues, e.g.,
differing views of EPA and DoD roles and responsibilities, interpretation of
131 ~ Major DoD-EPA Issues 092801.doc 12/16/2003 Not responsive
the authorities given each in CERCLA and Executive Orders 12580 and
Short meeting summary reo EPA Responses to NAS on Perchlorate
External Review Draft Document (meeting with OMB) - Oct 24, 2003.
131 ) Meeting Summaryoctober24.doc 10/27/2003
Summarizes discussion of issues and includes recommendations made by
DoD representatives.
Unsigned memo reo the review of EPA's disposition of comments and
recommendations for revisions to "Perchlorate Environmental
132 ) Memmo.doc 11/6/2003
Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk Characterization External
Review Draft (January 16, 2002)"
Unsigned drafts of memorandum to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the
Army (Environment, Safety And Occupational Health) reo Geographic
132 I MEMO for DASA on FUDS Gl1S.doc 723 to /25/2003 Not responsive
Information System (GIS) for the Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS)

Draft of template cover letter addressed to Executive Officer, Regional

Water Quality Control Board in CA,for use in responding to requests for
132 ~ Navy Template.doc 11/7/2003 information about sources and sampling results for perchlorate and other
emergent chemicals. Draft indicates where additional information can be
filled in for responses to individual requests.

Unsigned draft response to Senator Domenici reo his January 3, 2003,

132 ~ NDI4995-DOE_Ltr_on_Perchlorate.doc 5/8/2003 letter requesting information on the possible impact of perchlorate on

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 84
Need for Additional Guidance on Consideration of Risk Management in the

Defense Environmental Restoration Program. Discussion papare

1324~ Need for Additional Guidance on Consideration of Risk Mgmt O-O.doc 1218/2003
containing analysis of issue and recommendations. Footer states this is a
draft document: "DRAFT Revision 0-0 December 8, 2003"

Draft redlinelstrikeout, unsigned drafts of response to Senator Reid reo his

letter which expressed concerns that DoD's proposed Readiness and
1325) OMS-EPA-DoE withDoD responses.doc 5/7/2003 Range Preservation Initiative (RRPI) legislation will limit its legal
responsibility to address defense-related perchlorate contamination in
drinking water supplies.

Summary of possible treatment technologies to address perchlorate soil

and groundwater contamination at California DoD sites in concise format.
1326) OSD Trtment Tech sheet3.doc 9/11/2003 Contains analysis of value of different technologes and evaluation of future
promise. Format of documents indicates it is informal summary prepared
for internal use and may be draft document.

Unsigned drafts of response to Mr. Hickox's letters of June 6 and July 21,
2003 reo DoD's committment to work with the State of California in setting
priorities for determining the source and magnitude of perchlorate
1327r Perchlorate - Hickox Response1.doc 8/21/2003 problems at military and defense facilities,· communicating and
understanding California's requirements related to perchlorate, assisting in
marshalling "assets and resources," and for researching and
demonstrating effective treatment technologies.

Interim Guidance on Perchlorate Activities. Header states "July 15 2003

1328~ Perchlorate Draft July 16 20031.doc 7/17/2003
Interim Guidance on Perchlorate Activities. Header states "July 15 2003
1329~ Perchlorate Draft July 16 20032.doc 7/17/2003
Perchlorate Draft RID - Range of Possible Objectives (with highlighted
1330) Perchlorate Draft RID.doc 8/25/2003
sections specifying Air Force Objectives)

Bulleted list of talking pointsre. DoD's perchlorate use and ongoing efforts
and interagency work on perchlorate contamination. Contains analysis of
1331I Perchlorate is a vital constituent for military munitions a.doc 101712003 DoD policy and evaluation of future proposals with recommendation for
DoD components. Format indicates thisi s an informal document intended
for internal use and may not be a final draft.

Short summary and description of the Perchlorate Assessment Policy in

point paper containing analysis of pros and cons and a recommendation
1332~ Perchlorate Policy.doc 6/26/2003
concerning DoD policy. Format indicates this paper is a pre-decisional

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 85

8/8/2003 .to Unsigned successive drafts of Interim Policy on Perchlorate Activities to
1333~. Perchlorate Sampling 080703 1Policy.doc
101712003 Asst Secretaries of the Army, Air Force, and Navy, and the DLA.

Descriptions of perchlorate treatment technology demonstrations. Point

paper contains analysis of different types of treatment and evauation of
1334~ Perchlorate Treatment Technology Demonstrations.doc 9/11/2003
future potential value. Informal format indicates this paper was prepared
for internal use and mayh not be a final draft.

13351) perchlorate written testimony a$ supported by OMS and EPA1132.doc 5/212003 Release

Drafts of short fact sheet discussing the message that the contemplated
EPA standard for perchlorate could significantly increase DoD liabilities,
1336) perchlorate.doc 117 to 8/2003
while providing little additional protection to human health and the
environment. Informal format indicates that it may not be final version.

Unsigned drafts of memorandum to Assistant Secretaries of the Army,

Navy, Air Force, and Staff Director, Environment and Safety, Defense
1337, Perchlorate-Assess Guidance.doc 6/6 to 26/2003
Logistics Agency Support Services (DSS-E) reo Guidance on Perchlorate
Assessment. Pre-deciisonal draft.
Draft redline/strikeout drafts of summary of prioritization of sampling for
1338I Perchlorate-Cal (093003).doc 1011 & 6/2003 perchlorate at DoD facilities in California. Header states "Draft Navy
Unsigned draft memorandum (no addressee provided) reo Interim
1339I Perchlorate-Interim Sampling Guidancell Coord ver03052032.doc 6/26/2003
Guidance on Perchlorate Activities.
Unsigned memorandum to Assistant Secretaries of the Army, Navy, Air
Force, and Staff Director, Environment and Safety, Defense Logistics
1340I Perchlorate-Interim Sampling Guidancell Coord ver0305210.doc 6/3/2003
Agency Support Services (DSS-E) reo Interim Guidance on Perchlorate
Assessment. Pre-decisional draft.
Document listing Army's comments on the 7 Aug 03 version of the OSD
draft policy for perchlorate (dated August 15, 2003) and the Army's
1341 Perchlorate-OSD Guidance-v7aug03-Armycmts-15aug034.doc 8/25/2003 comments on July 25 Perchlorate Sampling Policy (dated July 28, 2003).
Contains analysis and recommendations on proposed policy. May not be
final draft.

Document listing (with highlighted text) Army's comments on the 7 Aug 03

version of the OSD draft policy for perchlorate (dated August 15, 2003)
1342~ Perchlorate-OSD Guidance-v7aug03-Armycmts-215aug034.doc 8/26/2003 and the Army's comments on July 25 Perchlorate Sampling Policy (dated
July 28,2003). Contains analysis and recommendations on proposed
policy. May not be final draft. See entry above.

Unsigned, redline/strikeout version of response to Representative Dingell

5/23/2003 to
1343~ Perchlorate-Response to Dingell Solis ver0305221.doc reo his May 16, 2003 letter to Secretary Rumsfeld regarding the
Department's perchlorate survey.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents arenon-resposive or are being released. 86
1344~ Plan of Engagement.doc

Plan of Engagement for Establishing an Ammonium Perchlorate Health-

based Standard. Footer states: "DRAFT Revision 4-1 January 9,2004"

Successive draft versions of Interim Guidance on Perchlorate Activities.

1345) Policyll.doc 7/18/to 29/2003
Header states: "July 17, 2003 DRAFT").

Unsigned drafts of memolcover letter to Assistant Secretaries of the Army,

1346) Pollicymem.doc 7/25/2003 Navy, Air Force, and Director, Defense Logistics Agency Support Services
(DSS-E) reo Perchlorate Sampling Policy; Request for Coordination.

Table listing "Proposed Course of Actionin Consideration of Risk

1347, Proposed Course of Action.doc 11/20/2003 Management in Setting Cleanup Concentrations." Footer states: "DRAFT Not responsive
Pre-decisional, Do Not Quote of Cite."
Draft, redline document reo Hearing Date: April 2, 2003, Committee: EPW,
1348l QFR_Kratz_response.doc 8/13/2003 Member: Senator Boxer, Witness: Mr. Benedict S. Cohen with questions
#65, 67, and 68 and responses.
Short fact sheet discussing how the contemplated regulatory standards for
ammonium perchlorate would cost U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars and
jeopardize future production and use of solid rocket propulsion and
1349) readybookperchlorat1 e.doc 12/16/2003
numerous munitions with no additional public health benefits. Header

Draft responses to questions, such as, "How perchlorate is used by 000,

Why perchlorate is now a problem, Where perchlorate can be found, The
Environmental Protection Agency's intended course of action, 000
science concerns with the Environmental Protection Agency's 2002 draft
1350) readybookperchlorate.doc 6/16/2003 risk assessment, 000 concerns with the Environmental Protection
Agency's risk assessment practices across the board:, Potential
substitutes for perchlorate are unlikely to be promising, Legislation,
Conclusion/Recommendation." Header states: "PRE-DECISIONAL

Unsigned draft letter to Senator Reid reo June 18, 2003 follow-up letter
1351I reid14.doc 8/11/2003 concerning potential perchlorate contamination at Department of Defense
(000) facilities.
Unsigned draft letter to Senator Reid reo June 18, 2003 follow-up letter
1352~ reidletter.doc 7/29/2003 concerning potential perchlorate contamination at Department of Defense
(000) facilities.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 87



Unsigned memo to Assistant Secretaries of the Army, Navy, Air Force,

and Director, Defense Logistics Agency Support Services (DSS-E) reo

review of "EPA's Disposition of Comments and Recommendations for
13533 request for review of EPA disposition of comments.doc 11/13/2003
Revisions to Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological
Review and Risk Characterization External Review Draft (January 16,
Unsigned memo to Assistant Secretaries of the Army, Navy, Air Force,
and Director, Defense Logistics Agency Support Services (DSS-E) reo
review of "EPA's Disposition of Comments and Recommendations for
1354~ request for review of EPA disposition of comments1.doc 11/20/2003
Revisions to Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological
Review and Risk Characterization External Review Draft (January 16,

Listing of specific commentslsuggested changes for Chapter 3, 4, and 9 of

the Draft ER 200-3-1 (Version; 4 April 2003) from the Office of the
1355) Review of chapters 3 4 and 9 of the FUDS Manual rev 2-21.doc 4/16/2003 Not responsive
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Environmental Cleanup.
Footer states: "Revision 2-2 April 15, 2003." May not be final draft.

Listing of specific commentslsuggested changes for Chapter 3, 4, and 9 of

the Draft ER 200-3-1 (Version; 4 April 2003) from the Office of the
1356) Review of chapters 3 4 and 9 of the FUDS Manual rev 2-31.doc 4/18/2003 Not responsive
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, Environmental Cleanup.
Footer states: "Revision 2-2 April 15, 2003." May not be final draft.

Unsigned draft response to Senator Reid reo his letter which expressed
concerns that DoD's proposed Readiness and Range Preservation
1357r Revised letterFBR.doc 5/13/2003
Initiative (RRPI) legislation will limit its legal responsibility to address
defense-related perchlorate contamination in drinking water supplies.

ACTION MEMO (July 31,2003 )revised draft reo perchlorate contaminated

1358~ revisedACTION MEMOSTERN.doc 7/31/2003 water in the Colorado River. Contains analysis of proposed response to
inquiry and recommendation.
Unsigned draft of letter to Mrs. Suzette Stearn reo her inquiry to Senator
1359) revisedStearnletter1.doc 7/31/2003
Cantwell on DoD's perchlorate issues.
Unsigned draft response to Mr. Bradley Baxter, Director of Public Works,
City of Rialto reo his September 19, 2003 letter to Mr. John Paul Woodley,
Jr., expressing the Department's committment to a cooperative effort to
1360) Rialto.doc 11/21/2003
address perchlorate issues in the region, as expressed in the statements
of intent signed by Mr. John Paul Woodley, Jr., the City of Rialto, and
Inland Empire.
Unsigned draft letter to Senator Boxer re.her May 7 letter to Secretary
White, requesting assistance regarding perchlorate in groundwater in
1361I RialtoBoxer5-30-013.doc 6/3/2003
Rialto, California, and the relationship to the former Rialto Army Supply

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOrA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 88


Unsigned drafts of response to Mr. Bradley Baxter, Director of Public

Works, City of Rialto reo his September 19, 2003 letter to Mr. John Paul
11/25/2003 & Woodley, Jr., expressing the Department's committment to a cooperative
1362~ RiaitoResponse1 ~doc
12/1/2003 effort to address perchlorate issues in the region, as expressed in the
statements of intent signed by Mr. John Paul Woodley, Jr., the City of
Rialto, and Inland Empire.
Fact sheet successive drafts reo DoD's support of the conduct of an
1363~ Section331.doc 6/11 to 23/2003 independent epidemiological study of perchlorate under Section 331 with a
background and history of perchlorate-related activities.
Draft Meeting Agenda for the DSMOA Steering Committee's September
1364~ September 18-19 mtg agenda11.doc 8/28/2003 Not responsive
18-19,2003 meeting.
Unsigned draft memorandum for Office of the Surgeon General, U.S.
1365) SGmemo.doc 8/1/2003 Army, Directorate of Health Services (Attn: Col. Paul Smith) reo
deobligation of funds for the NAS perchlorate review.

Draft of Tab D: Improper Tracking of Environmental Restoration Program

1366) Site versuS Project.doc 7/22/1003 Not responsive
Activities in the Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Program.

Unsigned draft letter to Representative Solis reo her letter to Secretary

13677 Solils2.doc 8/2212003 Rumsfeld regarding your request for information on perchlorate
3 STATEMENT OF INTENT BETWEEN DOD AND RIALTO, Unsigned "Statement Of Intent Between The Department Of Defense And
1368 7/2212003
COLTON.doc The City Of Rialto And The City Of Colton."

Unsigned redlinelstrikeout draft versions of letter to Mrs. Suzette Stearn

1369~ Stearnlette1 r.doc 7/23 & 25/2003
reo her inquiry to Senator Cantwell on DoD's perchlorate issues.

Interim Guidance on Perchlorate Activities. Header states"July 17 2003

1370) SUBJECT.doc 7/18/2003
Table listing "Proposed Course of Action in Consideration of Risk
1371I Summary for 11-20-03 meeting.doc 11/21/2003 Management in Setting Cleanup Concentrations."Footer states: "DRAFT
Pre-decisional, Do Not Quote of Gite."
Table listing "Proposed Course of Action in Consideration of Risk
1372~ Summary for 11-20-03 meeting1.doc 1214/2003 Management in Setting Cleanup Concentrations." Footer states: "DRAFT
Pre-decisional, Do Not Quote of Cite."
13733 Summary of Discussion Points for Noe Call.doc 1218 & 9/2003 Draft Summary of proposed discussion points for Noe call.

Table listing "Proposed Course of Action in Consideration of Risk

1374~ Summary of Each Topic rev O-O_.doc 1218/2003 Management in Setting Cleanup Concentrations." Footer states: "DRAFT
Pre-decisional, Do Not Quote of Cite Revision 0-0 December 8,2003"

Redlinelstrikeout draft versions of table listing "Proposed Course of Action

in Consideration of Risk Management in Setting Cleanup Concentrations."
1375) Summary of Each Topic rev 0-01_.doc 1218 to 9/2003
Footer states: "DRAFT Pre-decisional, Do Not Quote of Cite Revision 0-0
December 8, 2003"

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 89

1376) Thank you for your continuing interest in perchlorate and DoD.doc

Unsigned draft letter to Senator Feinstein reo her letter of November 7,
2003, requesting an update on the status of perchlorate assessment

activities undertaken by the Department.

Unsigned letter to Sen Reid reo his letter dated 18 June 2003 concerning
1377, Thank you for your follow.doc 7/15/2003 our response to your earlier request for information concerning potential
perchlorate contamination at Department of Defense (DoD) facilities.

Unsigned letter to Sen Reid reo his letter dated June 18, 2003 follow-up
1378I Thank you for your follow1.doc 7/25/2003 letter concerning potential perchlorate contamination at Department of
Defense (DoD) facilities

Short blurb on the Corps of Engineers's role, on behalf of DoD, in the

investigation at a FUDS, to determine whether contamination materials or
other environmental pollutants, including perchlorate present on the site,
1379) The Corps of Engineers.doc 4/21/2003
and if the contamination is tied to former military activities at the site during
World War II. Document consists of a single paragraph intended to be
incorporated in another document; therefore may not be final draft.

Unsigned successive drafts of letter to Representative Solis reo her May

1380) The Honorable John D.doc 6/121 to 272003 16, 2003, letter to Secretary Rumsfeld regarding the Department's
response to potential contamination from perchlorate.
Urge Review of the 1990 Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) on the National
1381I Urge Review of the 1990 NCP Regulatory Impact Analysis rev 0-1.doc 1214/2003 Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, footer states:
"DRAFT Revision 0-1 December 4,2003"
Draft redlinelstrikeout version of Report to Congress - Plan for Munitions
Respons~ Activities at the Former Waikoloa Maneuver Area, Hawaii,
1382~ WaikaloaRTC7-7-031.doc 7/8/2003 Department of the Army, July 2003 Footer states: "Report to Congress ­
Ordnance Identification and Removal at the Former Waikoloa Maneuver
Area, June 4,2003."
Series of weekly reports on developments on perchlorate for senior
5/8/2003 to
1383~ WAR 05-8-03.DOC officials. Contains staff analysis of discussions, proposals and projected
future activities.
Draft of proposed responses to Questions for the Record from Senator
1384~ Woodley A - Boxer 042291.doc 6/19/2003 Barbara Boxer for John Paul Woodley, Nominee for Assistant Secretary
for Civil Works, Department of the Army.
Email discussion on perchlorate data call. DoD perchlorate sampling
1385) [Fwd: FW: [cwassc] RE: CWA Perchlorate Data Call Info] 10/17/2003
memo attached.

Discussion on the request by JOCG to obtain information on the DoD

13861) [Fwd: FW: JOCG Perchlorate ORA] 9/10/2003 percholorate group to determine if the conclusions contained in the ORA
are in concert with the current DoD position on perchlorates.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 90
• r [Fwd:
FW: Perchlorates Testing at MMR in the Area Where Fireworks


Email string forwarding draft discussion paper containing information on

1387 10/10/2003 the perchlorates testing at MMR in the area where fireworks were used
Were Used]
and internal analysis of potential sources of perchlorate.

~ [Fwd: FW: Perchlorates Testing at MMR in the Area Where Fireworks

1388 10/10/2003 See entry above.
Were Used]
Discussion on the introductory paragraph of the perchlorate link on the
1389) [Fwd: Perchlorate Introductory paragraph] 1017/2003 Cleanup Office Web site. Email string solicits comments or proposals for
1390) [Fwd: the chlorate thread] 7115/2003 Release
1391I [Fwd: Upcoming SERDP/ESTCP Symposium] 7/2412003 Release
Sampling Information on the current perchlorate survey and inventory.
1392! [Fwd: Updated 02 Inventory Spreadsheet] 6/30/2003 Contains attachments of the perchlorate information. Attachments are
drafts labelled "working file."
Email with attachments proposing revisions to the draft perchlorate
1393 Perchlorate package revision 4-1 1/912004
1394 URGENT: Perchlorate Studies 4/30/2003 Release
1395 2003-0260-1E--New Assignment
6/17/2003 Release
1396' 2003-Q260-IE-Notification 5/9/2003 Release
1397 2003-0381-1 E--New Assignment 6/30/2003 Release
1398 2003-0381-1 E--Notification 7/9/2003 Release
13991 2003-0398-IE--New Assignment 7/8/2003 Release
1400 2003-0448-1E--Notification 7/24/2003 Release
140 I 2003-0457-IE--New Assignment 7/28/2003 Release
1402 2003-0515-IE-New Assignment 8/19/2003 Release
1403 2003-0727-IE--New Assignment 1/1212004 Release
1404 2003-0727-IE--New Assignment (1516) 12/16/2003 Release
1405 2003-0731-1E--New Assignment 12/17/2003 Release
1406 2003-0733-1E--New Assignment 12/19/2003 Release
Discussion on the revisions to the DoD perchlorate letter. Contains
1407 2nd round Revised DoD Letter on Perchlorate 511312003
attachments of the document.
1408 3 Jul 03 Woodley letter to Hickox 9/1712003 Release
1409 8 Aug Press Enterprise Article 8/8/2003 Release

Email containing revised draft of background information on perchlorate for

1410) Additional Input for Henke Request 6/11/2003
review by recipient. Attachment of the draft background document.

Email containing draft read ahead materials for Administrator's package.

141 I Administrator's Package 9/30/2002
Contains attachments of the documents.
Discussion on response to a request for the Air Force to concur on the
1412! AF comment re: Proposed OSD Perchlorate Policy 7/29/2003 propose OSD perchlorate policy. The Air Force non-concurs with the
policy. Contains an attachment of the policy.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 91

1413I Air Force Perchlorate data response for NPL sites


Email forwarding draft spreadsheets on perchlorate at Air Force
installations. Attached documents are draft spreadsheets

1414~ Another source of perchlorate 5/15/2003 Draft of Information on perchlorate sources. Contains attached document.

Memo containing information on the Army perchlorate guidance.

1415' Army Perchlorate Guidance in PDF 8/11/2003
Contains an attachment of the guidance with recommendations.
1416 Arsenal told to test water for pollutant 9/812003 Release
Email forwarding information on the perchlorate survey conducted by the
1417 As discussed 7/24/2003
Air Force. Contains attached draft report and summaryt.
Emailing containing an attachment of the draft ASTSWMO presentation.
1418I ASTSWMO Presentation 8/15/2003
Contains attached document.
Comments on the draft 000 perchlorate policy from the Army. Contains
1419l Aug 6 OSD Draft Perchlorate Policy 8/15/2003
attached documents.

Follow up information and comments from the perchlorate meeting held on

1420) Belated Draft 15 November 02 Perchlorate Minutes 1/212003 November 15, 2002. Email contains attached documents including draft of
minutes and internal 000 analyses and recommendations.

1421I Belzer Input on Draft CA Charter and Kowalczyk Absence 7/16/2003 Discussion on the inputto draft CA Interagency Working Group charter.

1422~ Boxer, Feinstein, Reid Letters with data enclosure (1629) 6/18/2003 Release

Discussion on the draft response to request from Senators Boxer,

1423I Boxer, Feinstein, Reid reply 51212003
Feinstein, and Reid regarding perchlorate. Contains attached documents.

5/2/2003 TO Discussion on the draft response to request from Senators Boxer,

1424~ Boxer, Feinstein, Reid reply (703)
8/82003 Feinstein, and Reid regarding perchlorate. Contains attached documents.

Discussion on issues that are outstanding for BRAC LUCs, and

1425) BRAC, LUC & Perchlorate Transition 7/15/2003 Perchlorate with regard to Shah Choudhury's transition. Contains attached
Discussion of the Army comments to the proposed OSD California
1426) California Working Group on Perchlorate (1765) 9/24/2003
Working Group document. Attached is the Army's comments.
1427, California Perchlorate Regulations Matrix 10/17/2003 Release
Discussion on the draft of the California and 000 proposed prioritization
1428I California Prioritization Question 11/21/2003 process for perchlorate. Contains attached documents which are internal
Email forwarding draft spreadheet on properties and installations in
1429l California Sheet 9/11/2003 California that have sampled for perchlorate, with 000 input. Attached
document is draft spreadsheet.
1430) Change in Perchlorate NAS Charter on the Web Site 10/9/2003 Release
1431I Chemical Contaminant Found In Water 1117/2003 Release

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 92

1432~ Cleanup Committee handouts



Information on the handouts from the Cleanup Committee meeting.
Contains an attached document with analysis and recommendations for

future research.
Discussion on the comments to a letter for Mr. Connaughton of CEQ.
1433~ Cohen and Meehan Comments on proposed Itr to Connaughton 91912003
Contains an attached document including the comments.
Response to a request for comments on the Congressional perchlorate
language. Contains several attached documents consisting of copies of
1434~ Congressional Perchlorate Language (1543) 12/1/2003
statutory provisions and a Congressional conference report, and one
internal DoD analysis of requirements.

Response to a request for comments on the Congressional perchlorate

1435) Congressional Perchlorate Language 121812003
language. Contains several attached documents. Copy of entry above.

Discussion on the consolidated perchlorate survey based on the

1436) consolidated perchlorate survey 10130/2003 September 29th OSD perchlorate guidance. Contains an attached
document, a draft survey form, and a solicitation of comments.
VI ,""V.""VV V .... , '-"<3
Discussion on comments to the EPA disposition comments on DoD's draft
1437r Disposition of Comments - Perchlorate Risk Assessment External 11/18/2003
II'"\~~" 1"')\
perchlorate risk assessment document.
Coordination on Memorandum Requesting Review of EPA's
Discussion on comments to the EPA disposition comments on DoD's draft
1438~ Disposition of Comments - Perchlorate Risk Assessment External 11/1812003
perchlorate risk assessment document.
Comments on the draft DoD interim guidance on perchlorate activities.
1439~ CORNELL POLICY INPUTS 7121/2003 Contains an attached document proposing revisions and presenting
comments on proposed policy.

Discussion on a cover letter that will accompany the sampling policy.

1440) cover letter for sampling policy.doc 10nl2003
Contains an attached document consisting of the draft letter.

I Dan Rogers's 14 Jan 03 Comments-FW: Department of Defense Discussion of comments by Lt. Col. Rogers on the DoD testimony.
1441 1/14/2003
Testimony (2) Contains an attached document incorporating the comments.
) Dan Rogers's 14 Jan 03 Comments-FW: Department of Defense Discussion of comments by Lt. Col. Rogers on the DoD testimony.
1442 1/14/2003
- Testimony Contains an attached document. See entry above.

1443~ Data Element Phonecon Summary 8/16/2003

Summary of a conference call discussing possible data elements for a
future perchlorate data call. Contains several attached draft documents .
and solicitation of comments on the issues discussed in the call.

Draft of the response to requests from Reps. Dingell and Solis. Contains
attached documents with revisions to draft.
1445 Dingell Letter-Draft 7/25/2003 Discussion of a draft letter responding to Rep. Dingell's request.
Draft of the response to requests from Reps. Dingell and Solis. Contains
1446 dingell solis 9/5/2003
attached documents consisting of comments on draft.
Comments to a draft letter responding to Reps. Dingell and Solis request
1447r dingell solis.letter comments 7/9/2003 for information on perchlorate. Contains an attached document with
responses to comments on draft letter.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release underthe
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 93

144 I Dingell Solis OMB rewrite 071703



Comments on the draft letter responding to Reps. Dingell and Solis
request for information on perchlorate. Contains an attached including the


Discussion on responding to the request by Reps. Dingell and Solis on the

144 I Dingell-Solis Letter--DoD Perchlorate Sampling 5/20/2003
perchlorate survey. Contains an attached document including comments.

Correction to the response to the request by Reps. Dingell and Solis on

145 t Dingell-Solis Response - Enclosure 2b 10/16/2003
the perchlorate survey. Contains an attached document.

Discussion of the response to OSD's comments to NAS on the

Disposition of Comments and Recommendations for Revisions to
Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk
145 "Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological Review and 10/2212003
Characterization document. Contains an attached document which an
Risk Characterization" (2)
EPA publication in the public domain and on the EPAwebsite..

Discussion of the response to OSD's comments to NAS on the

Disposition of Comments and Recommendations for Revisions to
Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological Review and Risk
145 ~ "Perchlorate Environmental Contamination: Toxicological Review and 10/22/2003
Characterization document. Contains an attached document which is
Risk Characterization"
released. See entry above.
Coordination of the response letters to Reps. Dingell and Solis and
145 I DoD Draft Follow-Up Letters to Dingell and Feinstein 7/31/2003 Senator Feinstein regarding perchlorate. Contains attached draft

responses and copies of Congressional letters.

Comments from the Army on the DoD draft Perchlorate Outreach Plan.

1454~ DOD Draft Perchlorate Outreach Plan '12115/2003

Contains an attached document including the comments.
Comments on the DoD Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals Three
) DoD Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals Three Option Strategy rev
145 11/1212003 Option Strategy. Contains an attached document containing the
1-01.doc (2)
) DoD Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals Three Option Strategy rev Comments on the DoD Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals Three
145 11/1212003
1-01.doc Option Strategy. Contains an attached draft document.

Discussion of comments to the draft DoD Perchlorate Sampling Policy.

145 , DoD Perchlorate Sampling Policy 9/29/2003

Contains an attached draft document.

Discussion of the DoD Perchlorate Working Group meeting scheduled for

145 I DoD Perchlorate Working Group 15 July 2003 Meeting 7/13/2003
July 15, 2003. Contains an attached proposed agenda of the meeting.

DoD draft responses to Senator Boxer, Feinstein, and Reid regarding an

1460) DoD Response to Senator Boxer on Perchlorate 5/212003
inquiry about perchlorate. Contains attached draft documents.

146 Dol and Perchlorate?

I 10/31/2003 Release
Email forwarding Departtment of Navy Perchlorate Guidance.. Contains an
1462~ DON Perchlorate Guidance 6/25/2003 attachment of the document with guidance for installations on funding for
survey activities.
Discussion on drafting a letter reassuring Senator Feinstein that the data
1463I Do-out from meeting with Ann Mittermeyer, Peter Levine-Part 1 6/20/2003
submitted in response to her inquiry is complete.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 94


Discussion on using the Data Quality Act to challenge EPA's science and

146 ~ DQA 2 pager 12/5/2003 analysis.on perchlorate. Contains attached documents consisting of draft
DoD paper with attached statute and EPA published guidelines.

Draft summary of the July 15, 2003 Perchlorate Working Group meeting.
146 ) Draft 15 July Meeting Summary 7/17/2003
Contains several attachments related to the meeting.

Discussion of the comments incorporated into the draft California

146 ) Draft California Testimony 1/10/2003
testimony. Contains an attached draft document.

Discussion of the comments incorporated into the California Approach for

r draft Comments on California Approach for Prioritizing DoD facilities
146 9/26/2003 Prioritizing DoD facilities for perchlorate. Contains an attached revised
for perchlorate (2)
draft document.
Discussion of the comments incorporated into the California Approach for
~ draft Comments on California Approach for Prioritizing DoD facilities
146 9/26/2003 Prioritizing DoD facilities for perchlorate. Contains an attached revised
for perchlorate
draft document.
Discussion on incorporating the Army comments on the draft DoD
146 ~ Draft DOD Perchlorate Sampling Policy 7/23/2003 Perchlorate Sampling Policy. Contains an attachment of the draft
Request to obtain a copy of the draft Interim Guidance on Perchlorate with
147 ) Draft Interim Guidance on Perchlorate Activities 7/21/2003
comments on the discussion ovthe document.
Discussion of a draft DoD strategy on perchlorate. Contains an attached
147 I Draft Perchlorate document 10/14/2003
copy of the draft document.

Discussion of the draft DoD Perchlorate and Emerging Chemicals Three

147 ~ Draft perchlorate paper 11/10/2003
Option Strategy. Contains an attachment of the draft strategy.

Discussion on the proposed response to the inquiry by Senator Feinstein.

147 ~ Draft Reply to Feinstein - S: 5 Dec COB 12/3/2003
Contains attached documents including comments and the incoming letter.

Discussion and incorporation of comments on the draft response to the

147 ~ draft reply to feinstein/boxer/reid perchlorate letter 4/17/2003 inquiry by Senators Feinstein, Boxer, and Reid. Contains an attachment of
the draft document.
Discussion of the draft response to the EPA perchlorate letter. Contain
147 ) Draft response for Perchlorate 2/27/2002 attachments of several documents including internal correspondence on
this issue.
Discussion of the draft response to the EPA perchlorate letter. Contain
147 ) Draft response for Perchlorate (1342) 2/27/2002 attachments of several documents including internal correspondence on
this issue.
Discussion of the draft response to the EPA perchlorate letter. Contain
147 r Draft response for Perchlorate (1343) 2/27/2002 attachments of several documents including internal correspondence on
this issue.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 95

147 ~ Draft Testimony


Draft testimony for the California Senate meeting. Contains an attachment
of the document.

Request for comments on the draft testimony for the California Senate
147 } Draft Testimony klk 01-10-03.doc 1/10/2003
meeting. Contains an attachment of the document.
Email containing an attachment of the draft response letter to Reps.
148 ) ds letter 7/10/2003
Dingell and Solis. Contains an attachment of the document.

Email forwarding attachments of a letter listing AF installations that stored

Release PDF
148 I enclosure 2-4 6/13/2003 or used perchlorate and draft spreadsheet with information from survey
results. Letter is released; spreadsheet is draft version.

Request for additional perchlorate studies conducted by DoD. Contains an

148 ~ Enclosure 5 DOD_Expenditures.xls 6/20/2003
attachment of an incomplete list of DoD perchlorate study.

Enclosures 4 and 5 for the draft response letter to Reps. Dingell and Solis.
148 ~ Enclosures 4 & 5 for Dingell-Solis Perchlorate Letters 7/1/2003
Contains attachments of the two draft documents.

Enclosures 4 and 5 for the draft response letter to Reps. Dingell and Solis.
1484~ Enclosures 4 and 5 7/9/2003
Contains attachments of the two documents. See entry above

Discussion of the draft letters DoD is considering sending to EPA/OMB in

) Environmental Cleanup Issues with EPA Draft Risk Assessments ­
148 10/15/2002 response to the impasse with EPA over the draft Perchlorate Risk
example - Perchlorate (3)
Assessment. Contains attachments of the letters.
Discussion on the draft letters DoD is considering sending to EPA/OMBin
) Environmental Cleanup Issues with EPA Draft Risk Assessments ­
148 10/15/2002 response to the impasse with EPA over the draft Perchlorate Risk
example - Perchlorate (2)
Assessment. Contains attachments of the letters.
Discussion of the draft letters DoD is considering sending to EPA/OMB in
r Environmental Cleanup Issues with EPA Draft Risk Assessments ­
148 10/15/2002 response to the impasse with EPA over the draft Perchlorate Risk
example - Perchlorate
Assessment. Contains attachments of the letters.
Discussion of the comments received from EPA on the draft response
148 ~ EPA comment on BoxerlFeinsteinlReid letter 5/1512003
letter to Senators Boxer, Feinstein, and Reid.
Email stating that the statement of work was distributed by EPA to NAS.
148 } EPA Contracts issued Statement of Work today for dioxin 10/29/2003 Contains attachments of several documents relevant to the statement of Not responsive
149 ) EPA Region 6 Perchlorate Occurrence Map 8/8/2003 Release
Discussion about incorporating comments into the EPA response to Sen.
149 I EPA response to Sen. Boxer on Perchlorate 4/25/2003
Boxer. Contains attached documents.
Discussion about incorporating comments into the EPA response to Sen.
149 ~ EPA response to Sen. Boxer on Perchlorate (727) 4/25/2003
Boxer. Contains attached documents.
Discussion about incorporating comments into the EPA response to Sen.
149 I EPA response to Sen. Boxer on Perchlorate (728) 4/25/2003
Boxer. Contains attached documents.
1494~ EPA StudylRisk Characterization of Contaminants 2127/2003 Discussion about creating a list of emerging contaminants.
Discussion of revised language EPA would like to add to the DoD
1495) EPA's proposed language for para 5 5/15/2003
response letter to Senators Boxer, Feinstein, and Reid.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 96

1496) Feinstein, Boxer, Reid Reply



Discussion on the procedure for responding to the inquiry by Senators
Feinstein, Boxer, and Reid.

Email containing the draft response letters to Senators Feinstein, Boxer,
1497, Feinstein/Boxer/Reid 7/29/2003
and Reid. Contains attachments of the documents.
Discussion of the response to letters received from Senators Boxer,
1498~ Feinstein/Boxer/Reid Letter on Perchlorate 4/16/2003 Feinstein, and Reid. Contains an attachment of the letter and the draft
Discussion of the response to letters received from Senators Boxer,
1499~ Feinstein/Boxer/Reid Letter on Perchlorate (816) 4/16/2003 Feinstein, and Reid. Contains an attachment of the letter and the draft
Discussion of the response to letters received from Senators Boxer,
1500) Feinstein/Boxer/Reid Letter on Perchlorate (817) 4/16/2003 Feinstein, and Reid. Contains an attachment of the letter and the draft

1501I Feinstein Letter 4/16/2003 Discussion about the confusion in responding to Senator Feinstein's letter.

1502~ Feinstein Letter (820) 4/16/2003 Discussion about the confusion in responding to Senator Feinstein's letter.

1503~ Feinstein Letter (821) 4/16/2003 Discussion about the confusion in responding to Senator Feinstein's letter.

Consolidation of the comments to the draft DoD response letterto

1504~ Feinstein/Reid/Boxer Response 4/19/2003
Senators Feinstein, Reid, and Boxer. Contains the attached document.

) Fertilizer %??--RE: Perchlorate written testimony as supported by Comments on the perchlorate testimony supported by EPA and OMB.
1505 1/28/2003
OMB and EPA.doc Contains the attached document.
Email containing an attachment of a draft list of installations that have
1506) File Minus Detection Level 6/13/2003
detected perchlorate. The document is attached to the email.
Email containing the final comments regarding NAS. The document
1507r Final Input 6/11/2003 attached to the emai contains intemal analysis and internal
recommendations for DoD positions on issue invoolving NAS.
Email containing the final unsigned letter to the citizens of Hills, Iowa.
1508 final letter to citizens of Hills, IA perchlorate site 8/15/2003
Documents are attached to the email.
1509 final Navy comments on the draft perchlorate policy 8/28/2003 Comments from the Navy on the draft perchlorate policy.
Discussion of Florida DEP's proposal to establish a cleanup level for
1510 Florida DEP Proposal for Perchlorate Cleanup Target Level 2128/2003
perchlorete at 4.3 ppb. The document is attached to the email.
Discussion of the revisions and comments to the Perchlorate I&E QFRs
1511I FOR APPROVAL--Perchlorate I&E QFRs for SAC 18 Mar Testimony 4/17/2003 for SAC testimony and coordination of the document. The document is
attached to the email.
Comments on the FoxlGrone/Koetz PowerPoint presentation. The
1512~ Fox Grone Koetz 092903 v4.ppt 9/30/2003
document is attached to the email.
Request for comments on the FoxlGrone/Koetz PowerPoint presentation.
15133 Fox Grone Koetz 092903 v4.ppt (1599) 9/30/2003
The document is attached with the email.
1514~ From Shah-Draft Testimony 1/15/2003 Comments on the draft testimony.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from releaseunder the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 97

151 5 From Shah--URGENT: "Meaning of Lower End" and Lower Half



Email discussion and clarification on the meaning of "lower end" and
"lower half' for discussion at meeting. Contains statement of question

and points formulating recommended answer.
Discussion about the perchlorate hearing being held by Mr. Soto ofthe
1516) FW 15 Jan 03 Email: Soto Perchlorate Hearing in Sacramento 1/21/2003 Not responsive
California Senate.
Email string containing comments and recommendations for a proposed
1517r FW: (1690) 8/1212003 answer to a question from on a QFR from Senator Boxer in an April 2003
Discussion about internal DoD responsibility for working with USDA to
15181~ FW: [Fwd: FW: Is this a Cleanup Task?] 5/9/2003 engage the produce growers. Contains an attached document, a letter to
the Secretary of Defense, which is released.
Information about the latest spreadsheets of the perchlorate survey. The
151 ~ FW: [Fwd: Updated 02 Inventory Spreadsheet] 71212003 email contains attached documents updating information in spreadsheets;
documents are titled "working file".

) FW: LRS Action - NDDI4985 - EPA Report on Perchlorate -- OMB Edits to the response letters to Senator Boxer. The email has several
152 4/28/2003
Request for DoD Review (5) attached documents including comments and proposed revisions.

I FW: LRS Action - NDDI4985 - EPA Report on Perchlorate - OMB Edits to the response letters to Senator Boxer. The email has several
152 4/28/2003
Request for DoD Review (4) attached documents. See entry above.
) FW: LRS Action - NDDI4985 - EPA Report on Perchlorate -- OMB Edits to the response letters to Senator Boxer. The email has several
152 4/28/2003
- Request for DoD Review (3) attached documents. See entry above.
~ FW:LRS Action - NDDI4985 - EPA Report on Perchlorate -- OMB Email that includes a copy of the EPA Report on Perchlorate. Contains an
152 4/30/2003
Request for DoD Review attached document. See entry above.
~ FW:LRS Action - NDDI4985 - EPA Report on Perchlorate - OMB Edits to the response letters to Senator Boxer. The email has several
1524 4/25/2003
Request for DoD Review (2) , attached documents. See entry above.
. FW: OSD Draft Perchlorate Sampling Guidance - Request for
152 7/29/2003 Comments on the draft Perchlorate Sampling Guidance.
) Coordination
Discussion regarding how OSD's perchlorate guidance would be affected
152 ) FW: Perchlorate - Potential OSD Guidance 7/18/2003 by EPA's decisions. The email contains two attached emails discussing
potential perchlorate guidance.
Discussion about coordinating the sign out of the DoD Perchlorate
152 'FW: Perchlorate Sampling Memo signed - 29 Sep 03 9/29/2003
Sampling Memo.

Email string with discussion about how the Army Corps of Engineers are
152 ~ FW: URGENT: Perchlorate Studies 5/212003
involved in the San Gabriel Valley Cleanup Water Initiative.

Response to an inquiry about how the Army Corps of Engineers are

152 ~ FW: URGENT: Perchlorate Studies (707) 51212003 involved in the San Gabriel Valley Cleanup Water Initiative. Part of email
string--see entry above.
Response to an inquiry about how the Army Corps of Engineers are
153 ) FW: URGENT: Perchlorate StUdies (708) 51212003 involved in the San Gabriel Valley Cleanup Water Initiative. Part of email
string--see entry above.

All documents listed on this 1ndex

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 98

1531 FW.msg


E-mail responding to Mr. Cohen's question reo QFR from April testimony to

1532 FW: 030722 DOD-CALIF WORKGROUP CHARTER 7/25/2003 Discussion about the DoDICalifornia Perchlorate Working Group.
Discussion on perchlorate legislation that $urvived. The email contains a
1533 FW: 04 Perchlorate Legislation 1111212003
list of legislation.
1534 FW: 1/29 CA Senate Hearing on Perchlorate 1/13/2003 Release
1535 FW: 13 Nov 02 Perchlorate Letter 1/2212003 Release

Email string providing information on the September 18, 2003 Perchlorate

1536) FW: 18 Sept 2003 Perchlorate Working Group Meeting 9/11/2003
Work Group meeting and recommendation for matters to be discussed.

Request to provide a copy of the November 2, 2003 Perchlorate Policy

1537 FW: 2 questions 9/512003
1538 FW: 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment 6/4/2003 Release
Discussion about how to proceed with responding to the FOIA request.
1539 FW: 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (62) 6/10/2003 Not responsive
Contains an attached document.
Question on the progress in answering the FOIA request. Contains an
1540) FW: 2003-0313-IE-New Assignment (113) 6/26/2003 Not responsive
attached document.
Question on the progress in answering the FOIA request. Contains an
1541I FW: 2003-0313-IE-New Assignment (114) 6/26/2003 Not responsive
attached document.
Question on the progress in answering the FOIA request. Contains an
1542~ FW: 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (115) 6/26/2003 Not responsive
attached document.
Discussion about the issues in answering the FOIA request. Contains an
1543~ FW: 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (280) 6/12/2003 Not responsive
attached document.
Response to an inquiry about how to respond to a FOIA request. Contains
1544~ FW: 2003-0313-IE-New Assignment (281) 6/11/2003 Not responsive
an attached document.
Discussion about the issues in answering the FOIA request. Contains an
1545) FW: 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (282) 6/12/2003 Not responsive
attached document.
Question regarding an Air Force POC to deal with the FOIA request.
15461) FW: 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (338) 6/10/2003 Not responsive
Contains an attached document.
Question regarding an Air Force POCto deal with the FOIA request.
1547r FW: 2003-0313-IE--New Assignment (339) 6/10/2003 Not responsive
Contains an attached document.
Question regarding an Air Force POC to deal with the FOIA request.
1548~FW: 2003-0313-IE-:-New Assignment (340) 6/10/2003 Not responsive
Contains an attached document.
1549~ FW: 25 Apr 03 CA Perchlorate Legislation Presentation 4/24/2003 Release
Request to provide comments on the revised DoD letter on perchlorate.
1550) FW: 2nd round Revised DoD Letter on Perchlorate 5/14/2003 The email contains copies of the clean revised version and a marked-up
copy of the document.
Request to provide comments on the revised DoD letter on perchlorate.
1551I FW: 2nd round Revised DoD Letter on Perchlorate (559) 5/14/2003 The email contains copies of the clean revised version and a marked-up
copy of the document.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 99


Request to provide comments on the revised DoD letter on perchlorate.

155 ~ FW: 2nd round Revised DoD Letter on Perchlorate (560) 5/14/2003 The email contains copies of the clean revised version and a marked-up
copy of the document.
Email containing information about the revised DoD letter on perchlorate.
155 ~ FW: 2nd round Revised DoD Letter on Perchlorate (566) 5/13/2003 The email contains copies of the clean revised version and a marked-up
copy of the document.
Email containing information about the revised DoD letter on perchlorate.
155 ~ FW: 2nd round Revised DoD Letter on Perchlorate (567) 5/13/2003 The email contains copies of the clean revised version and a marked-up
copy of the document.
Email containing information about the revised DoD letter on perchlorate.
155 j FW: 2nd round Revised DoD Letter on Perchlorate (568) 5/13/2003 The email contains copies of the clean revised version and a marked-up
copy of the document.
, FW: Action: Ready Book Update for Mr. Wynne's Confirmation Discussion about the topics that will be included in the Ready Book update
155 6/11/2003
) Hearing for Mr. Wynne's confirmation hearing.

Information about the administrative claim by Rialto, CA against the Army

155 , FW: Administrative Claim againt US; Rialto FUDS; $200M 12/19/2003 Not responsive
for perchlorate contamination of groundwater and 600 acres of land.

~ FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR Email string with discussion of information that was refuted by ATSDR
155 6/23/2003
(Jan uary 21, 1986) (9) regarding perchlorate studies.
~ FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR Discussion of information that was refuted by ATSDR regarding
155 6/23/2003
(Jan uary 21, 1986) (8) perchlorate studies. See entry above.
) FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR Discussion of information that was refuted by ATSDR regarding
156 6/23/2003
(Jan uary 21, 1986) (7) perchlorate studies. See entry above.
I FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR
156 1/28/2003 Request to find more information on the ATSDR reference.
(Jan uary 21, 1986) (5)
) FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR
156 1/28/2003 Request to find more information on the ATSDR reference.
- (Jan uary 21, 1986)(4)
~ FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR
156 1/28/2003 Forwarded email regarding the information that was refuted by ATSDR.
(Jan uary 21, 1986) (2)
FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR
1564 1/28/2003 Forwarded email regarding the information that was refuted by ATSDR.
(Jan uary 21, 1986)
j FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR
156 1/28/2003 Forwarded email regarding the information that was refuted by ATSDR.
(Jan uary 21, 1986) (3)
, FW: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - ATSDR
156 1/28/2003 Request to find more information on the ATSDR reference.
) (Jan uary 21, 1986) (6)

156 , FW: Analysis 11/6/2003 Discussion about when the "options analysis" is due to OSD. Not responsive

Discussion about scientific experts that would be helpful in interpreting

156 ~ FW: Analysis of EPA's 2003 Response Doc for Today's Meeting 11/24/2003
EPA's 2003 Response document.
156 FW: Another QFR 5/13/2003 Release

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the .
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 100

1570) FW: APGSCC intent to Sue under CERCLA for Maps



Email about APGSCC intent to sue the Army, EPA, and AG under
CERCLA to release maps developed in the Phase II RIFA Report.

Not responsive
Contains an attached document.
I FW: Appeal to House Appropriations Bill Language on Perchlorate Comments on the draft appeal to the House Appropriations Bill Language
1571 7/17/2003
Groundwater Contamination Study on the perchlorate groundwater contamination study.
Discussion of the perchlorate appeals package. The email contains an
1572~ FW: Appeals Package 6/10/2003 attached document of the draft appeals package for submission to the
conference committee of the Congress.
Discussion of sources of information on the Army Corps of Engineers
1573I FW: Army Corps Perchlorate OAPP and SAP 10/9/2003
perchlorate study in Texas.
Email regarding the ATSDR perchlorate toxicology profile being put on
1574 FW: ATSDR perchlorate tox. profile on hold 10/6/2003
hold indefinitely.
1575 FW: ATSDR's Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL 6/23/2003 Discussion about the ATSDR perchlorate toxicological profile.
1576 FW: ATSDR's Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL (164) 6/23/2003 Discussion about the ATSDR perchlorate toxicological profile.
1577 FW: ATSDR's Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL (165) 6/23/2003 Discussion about the ATSDR perchlorate toxicological profile.
Email discussion of a potential response to an inquiry about the status of
1578 FW: ATSDR's Proposed RecommendedPerchlorate DWEL (1027) 1/28/2003
the ATSDR perchlorate toxicological profile.

1579~ FW: ATSDR's Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL (1029) 1/28/2003 See entry above.

1580) FW: ATSDR's Proposed Recommended Perchlorate DWEL (1029) 1/28/2003 See entry above.

Discussion on incorporating additional comments to the August 6,2003

158 I FW: Aug 6 OSD Draft Perchlorate Policy 8/15/2003 version of the draft OSD perchlorate policy. The email contains an
attached document.
1582~ FW: authorization bill 5/23/2003 Release
Email string discussing letters about perchlorate for Rep. Baca and
1583~ FW: Baca & Feinstein - Perchlorate (1085) 1/10 to 16/2003
Senator Feinstein. Contains attachments of the letters.
Email string discussing a possible bi-remediationevaluation of perchlorate
1584~ FW:Bi-remediation evaluation in the Rialto-Colton basin 8/25/2003
in the Rialto-Colton basin.
Discussion about how the cleanup at Camp Bonneville can be conducted
1585 FW: Bonneville - State of WA RCRA Order 11/14/2002
under CERCLA or RCRA parameters.
1586 FW: Boston Globe - perchlorate & RRPI 5/12/2003 Release
Discussion about the response to the inquiry from the Boston Globe.
1587 FW: Boston Globe 5/15/2003
Contains an attached draft document.

Email about the coordination of the draft response to inquiries by Sens.

1588~ FW: Boxer/Feinstein Letter Revised in Response to EPA Comments 8/8/2003
Boxer and Feinstein. The email contains the draft letter to the Senators.

FW of CA EPA letter sent to Mr. Woodley as well as the SWRCB template

15891~ FW CAL EPA Letter to Mr Woodley-Perchlorate 6/10/2003
Email containing overview of the contents of the GA EPA letter sent to Mr.
1590) FW CalEPA Letter to Mr Woodley-Perchlorate 6/9/2003 Woodley. Contains attachments of Regional Board-Emergent chemical

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 101

159 I FW Calif Targets Cold War Rocket Pollution (1681)


• Release
Email containing a discussion of DoD's draft counter-proposal to California
159 ~ Copy of FW California Prioritization Proposal.msg 9/30/2003 Prioritization Proposal. Contains attachments of Draft California
Prioritization Proposal .
Email summarizing a meeting with Mr. Kratz of OSD and other Services.
159 l FW California Working Group on Perchlorate (1767).msg 9/17/2003 Contains attachment of approach for prioritizing DoD facilities for
Perchlorate and Emergent Chemicals.

Follow up to the previous email summarizing a rneeting with Mr. Kratz of

159 ~ FW California Working Group on Perchlorate .msg 9/18/2003 OSD and other Services. Contains attachment of approach for prioritizing
DoD facilities for Perchlorate and Emergent Chemicals.

Email containing DoD's comments and approach in handling California

159 ) FW California EPA Request for Information.msg 6/19/2003
'EPA's Request for Information.
Email requesting permission to pass DoD's proposal on to CA. Contains
159 ) FW California Perchlorate Sampling prioritization (1592) 10nl2003 attachment of approach for prioritizing DoD facilities for Perchlorate and
Emergent Chemicals.
159 r FW California Perchlorate Sampling prioritization 1116/2003 Release
Email about comments on the draft protocol draft California perchlorate
159 ~ FW california Prioritization Proposal (1763) 9/30/2003 sampling proposal. Contains attachment of CA's Prioritization Protocol for
Email containing a discussion of DoD's counter-proposal to California
159 ) FW California Prioritization Proposal (1763) 9/30/2003 Prioritization Proposal. Contains attachment of Draft California
Prioritization Proposal .
Email requesting copy of draft Prioritization of Sampling for Perchlorate at
160 ) FW California Prioritization Question (1723) 11/21/2003 DoD facilities in CA. Contains attachment of draft Prioritization of Sampling
for Perchlorate at DoD facilities in CA.
Email that discusses a letter by Mr. Winston Hickox. Contains attachment
160 I FW California Prioritization Question 11/21/2003
of Mr. Winston Hickox Letter.

160 ~ FW City of Rialto 712212003 Email discussing the signer for the City of Rialto and Colton. Not responsive

160 l FW Comments from EPA and CEQ on DoD Draft Follow-Up Letter 8/112003 Email discussing EPA and CEQ comments on DoD Draft follow-.up letter.

Email discussing DoD's incorporation of OMS edits into revised DoD Letter
on Perchlorate. Contains attachment of revised DoD letter on perchlorate
160 ~ FW comments from Final OMS EPA DOE and OSTP co(4) 5/13/2003
to Senator Harry Reid.

Email discussing DoD's incorporation of OMS edits into revised DoD Letter
on Perchlorate. Contains attachment of revised DoD letter on perchlorate
160 . FW comments from Final OMS EPA DOE and OSTP comme(3) 5/13/2003
to Senator Harry Reid.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege. FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 102


Email string discussing DoD's incorporation of OMB edits into revised DoD
Letter on Perchlorate. Contains attachment of revised DoD letter on

1606) FW comments from Final OMB EPA DOE and OSTP comments on 5/13/2003
perchlorate to Senator Harry Reid.

Email discussing comments from Friends of MMR meeting.

1607r FW Comments from Friends of MMR (1392) 8/28/2003

Email discussing comments from Friends of MMR meeting.

1608~ FW Comments from Friends of MMR 8/28/2003

Email discussing comments on DoD Response to Senator Boxer on

1609.} FW Comments on DoD Response to Senator Boxer on Perchlorate 5/712003
Comprehensive Perchlorate Sampling Program Proposal by Lenny Siegel
1610) FW Comprehensive Perchlorate Sampling Program Proposal Ce 6/10/2003
with CPEO
FW of EPA and DoD comments in response to a letter written to
1611I FW Congressman Gib(12) 2112/2003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and DoD comments in response toa letter written to
16121~ FW Congressman Gib(11) 2112/2003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and DoD comments in response to a letter written to
1613~ FW Congressman Gibbons Ques(10).msg 2/12/2003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and DoD comments in response to aletter written to
1614~ FW Congressman Gibbons Question to (8) 211212003 Congressman Gibbons.Contains attachment of letter to Congressman

Specific question in the response to a letter written to Congressman

1615i FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA on (6) 211212003 Gibbons concening if the Army has conducted perchlorate cleanup under
CERCLA at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant? Contains attachment of letter
to Congressman Gibbons. Draft

Specific question in the response to a letter written to Congressman

1616) FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA on (5) 2/1212003 Gibbons concening if the Army has conducted perchlorate cleanup under
CERCLA at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant? Contains attachment of letter
to Congressman Gibbons. Draft

Specific question in the response to a letter written to Congressman

1617r FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA on settin(4) 211212003
Gibbons concening if the Army has conducted perchlorate cleanup under
CERCLA at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant?

Specific question in the response to a letter written to Congressman

16181~ FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA on setting a (3) 2/1212003
Gibbons concening if the Army has conducted perchlorate cleanup under
CERCLA at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant?

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 103
1619) FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA on setting a Per(2)
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a Jetter written to

Congressman Gibbons.
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1620) FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA on setting a PerchI 4/8/2003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1621I FW Congressman Gibbons Question to EPA(7) 211212003 Congressman Gibbons.Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1622! FW Congressman Gibbons Question(9) . 2/1212003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1623~ FW Congressman(13) 2/1212003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1624~ FW Congressman(14) 2/1212003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1625j FW Congressman(15) 211212003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1626) FW Congressman(16) 2/12/2003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1627r FW Congressman(17) 211212003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1628\ FW Congressman(18) 2/12/2003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1629) FW Congressman(19) 2112/2003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1630l FW Congressman(20) ·2/1212003
Congressman Gibbons.
FW of EPA and 000 comments in response to a letter written to
1631I FW Congressman(21) 211212003 Congressman Gibbons. Contains attachment of letter to Congressman
Email discussing consolidated OMS Comments on Hill Letters. Contains
1632~ FW Consolidated OMS Comments on Hill Letters (845) 3/13/2003
attachment of letters to Feinstein, inhofe, and Gibbons
Email discussing consolidated OMS Comments on Hill Letters. Contains
1633~ FW Consolidated OMS Comments on Hill Letters (846) 3/13/2003
attachment of letters to Feinstein, inhofe, and Gibbons

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposiveor are being released. 104



Email discussing consolidated OMB Comments on Hill Letters. Contains

163 . FW Consolidated OMB Comments on Hill Letters.msg 3/13/2003
attachment of letters to Feinstein, inhofe, and Gibbons
Email with Col. Rogers response to Rep. Dingell & Rep. Solis on
163 > FW COORD REQUEST-Congressional--Response to Rep Din(3) 5/27/2003 Perchlorate Survey

Email with Col. Rogers response to Rep. FW COORD REQUEST­

Congressional--Response to Rep Dingel(2).msgDingell & Rep. Solis on
163 i FW COORD REQUEST-Congressional--Response to Rep Dingel(2) 5/27/2003
Perchlorate Survey

Email with Col. Rogers response to Rep. FW COORD REQUEST­

Congressional--Response to Rep Dingel(2).msgDingell & Rep. Solis on
163 • FW COORD REQUEST-Congressional--Response to Rep Dingell & 5/27/2003
Perchlorate Survey

Email on Coordination Memorandum Requesting Review of EPA's

Disposition of Comments - Perchlorate Risk Assessment External Draft.
163 I FW Coordination on Memorandum Requesting Review of EPA's D' 11/18/2003 Not responsive
Email string contains no substantive comments; focuses on organizing
meeting and whether this coordination issue will be discussed.

Email discussing coordination efforts on Senator's Feinstein, Boxer, Reid

163 I FW Coordination on Senator's Feinstein Boxer Reid Letter 5/12/2003

) FW COORDINATION REQUESTED - DINGELL SOLIS RESPONSE Email coordinating effort to review a response from USD(ATL) to Hon.
164 9/2/2003
(58) Dingell and Hon. Solis. Contains attachment of draft responses.

Email coordinating effort to review a response from USD(ATL) to Hon.

I 9/2/2003
Dingell and Hon. Solis.
Email disussing comments of new perchlorate guidance. Contains
164 ~ FW COORDINATION REQUEST-New Perchlorate Guidance.msg 5/22/2003
attachment Interim Guidance on Perchlorate Activities.
164 I FW Corps response ~n CA 104E Request for Rialto (828) 4/4/2003 Release
Email answering request to questions concerning EPA Rialto letter.
1644~ FW Corps response on CA 104E Request for Rialto (829) 4/4/2003
Contains attachement of EPA Rialto letter.
Email answering request to questions concerning EPA Rialto letter.
1645) FW Corps response on CA 104E Request for Rialto (830) 4/4/2003
Contains attachement of EPA Rialto letter.
Email answering request to questions concerning EPA Rialto letter.
1646) FW Corps response on CA 104E Request for Rialto (831) 4/4/2003
Contains attachement of EPA Rialto letter.
Email answering request to questions concerning EPA Rialto letter.
1647, FW Corps response on CA 104E Request for Rialto (832) 4/4/2003
Contains attachement of EPA Rialto letter.

All documents listed on this index

are exempt from release under the
deliberative process privilege, FOIA
exemption 5 except where noted that the documents are non-resposive or are being released. 105

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