CREW: Emails Between Ralph Reed and Jack Abramoff: Emails Between Ralph Reed and Jack Abramoff

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From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)

Sent; Thursday, November 12, 1998 7:02AM

To: Buckham, Edwin A, 'Ed Buckham'
Subject: FW: Hi Ralph

I guess he was reading your mind. Regards.

-Original Message-
From: raIPhreed~ • • • • •lmailto:ralPhreed@'.illiI• •
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 19'3812:19 AM
To: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
SUbject: RE: Hi Ralph

Hey, now thatI'm done with the electoral politics, I need to start humping in ~orporate accounts! I'm counting on you to
help me with some contacts. Have you talked to Grover since the Newt development. I'm afraid he look a hit on the
consulting side with that since so much of it was Newt maintenance but I hope I'm wrong. I'm getting ready to do some
woli<. with some mutual friends that we probably ought to discuss. Let's chat

-Original Message-
From: Abramoff, Jacl\ (DC) [SMTP:jacka@,I.'._• • •
Sent: Monday, November 09, 199810:08 PM
To: 'ralphreed@T; ,
Subject RE: Hi Ralph
Great ncv.'S on your victories! Look forward to chatting soon, Regards,

-Original Message--
From: ratphreed@ll• • • • tmailto:raIPhreed@••IJI• •
' . '••
Sent: Monday, November09,1998 4:39 PM
To: Abramoff. Jacl\ (DC)
Subject: RE: Hi Ralph

We won 7 and lost 5, Among our winners were &mator Coverdell. Senator Richard Shelby. Congressman Jay Dickey,
Congressman ~b Goodlatte, Governor Tom Ridge, and SIeve Windom, who Is now the first Republican Ll Governor in
the histol)' of Alabama, We lost Gex and Hofmeister and Fob James, as you know, Given lhe national tide, those were
probabty not In the cards. but we fought lik.e dogs, I can'l thank you enough for your help this cycle, and I hope we can
woli<. together on more things now that the elections are over. See you at Jack Kent Cooke soon! Give me a buzz and
let'S discuss the world post-Newl,

--Original Message-
From: Abramoff. Jack (OC) [SMTP:jacka@; •
Sent: Thursday. November 05.199812:43 AM
To: Ralph E, Reed, Jr,
Subject: Hi Ralph

How dId things go for you and your candidates? I know that Gex and Hofmeister didn't get In. bUt <rid you othelWlse do
OK? When are you next In DC? If on a Sunday, please be sure to join me for the Redskins' quest for Imperfection,

From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Sent: Monday, March 29.199910:14 PM
To: ra

Ralph, I spo"e with Nell this evening, She wan s mucll more specincs. They are not scared by the number, but want 10
"now precisely wtlal you are planning 10 do for this amount. They are very sophisticaled, by the way. Lei's chat on Ihe
phone so we can put togelher what she wants. They are hot to trot and we can land this, but we are going to have [0 get
more specific. If you want 10 lake a stab at this before I am back on line (mid to late aftemoon). that would be fine.

-Original Message-
From: Ralph E, Reed, Jr. Imaillo:ralphreed<@§I
Sent: Friday, March 25, 19992:57 PM
To: vase~I.Sha
Cc: Abramoff.
Subject: E.
Here it is:

March 26, 1999

Jaar. Abramoff
Preston. Gates
1735 New Yorl< Avenue. N,W.
Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20006


you and Shawn Vasell regarding the situation In

f of Century Strategies, I am pleased \0 present this

From: Abramoff, JaCk (DC)
Sent: Sun - . 04. 1999 11 :09 PM

OK, Ralph. Thanks. I am goino to be off line from 7 AM to Noon. Please page me with a page of no more than 90 words
(by emailing me al , informing me of your completion of the budget and giving me a total budget
figure with category breakdowns. Once I get this, I will caB Nell at Choctaw and get it approved. You can reach me via
pager only tomon:ow (I'll be on the course) I did not see the ~ictory, but he is truly awesome. I hope he can keep
it up for the Masters,

I had a great day today, finally getting my fonn back in flashes. I hit a number of pars and finally hit a bird. The course
is a tough one (the Green Monsten), so this is a good challenge. I have a long way \0 go, but it is clear that only playing
(and lessons) will get me there. Hope I can continue 10 lind the time \0 do it. look forward to our next,match, but only
after f drive my scores way down!

1will e-mail you a budget in the a.m. and then we need to discuss qulcldy.

Hope you had e blessed Passover.

How did you like Duvall a1 the BellSOUth today. Won It on the last four

Linda ingram
From: Ralph E. Reed, Jr. [ralphreed@IiIIillIIiI• • •
Sent: Tuesday, April 06,19996:51 PM
To: loanne@.........1II
Cc: 'lindai@ ,. . 'barry@• • •"
Subject: FW: , £
Please prepare an invoice for $101,000 based on the description below and label it ·Payment for
• I project, initial radio, phone, and mail expenses." Make sure you put down
on the bottom of the invoice a disclaimer that I will provide. I need this to go to
Jack's assistant at Preston Gates in tomorrow a.m. We are already fronting a lot of
money and we need Preston Gates to advance us now so our balance does not get too low and
we are not over-extended.
---Original Message--

From: Ralph E. Reed, Jr. [SMTP:ralphreed@
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 19999:40 PM
To: 'Abramoff, Jack (DC)'
Subject: RE: : I

Jack, here is what we are out already:

Radio $23,500
Postcards $15,500
Phones $62,000

This is what we are fronting to get up phones, radio, and mail. This is a large sum for our firm,
and we need to be reimbl!tsed
, M3AP. I am getting you an invoice very soon by fax and e-mail.
--Original Message-i
Abramoff, J~ck (DC) rSMTP:!ack:@

From: Jl J ,

Sent Tuesday, Apl11 06,19996:18 PM

To: Ralph E•.Reed, Jr.
Subject I 11-..
Ralph, I spoke with our managing partner and he has approved the s~ntractor arrangement.
but does not want the firm to be out big bucks on this, even as a cash flow, for long. So, It would
be really helpful If you could get me Invoices as soon as possible so I qan get Choctaw to get us
checks asap, You told me that you have already incurred some blggl~, so let me know that
those are, and if you can project ahead a week or so, even better, though I need exact figures.
Please copy Susan on this so I can get this Information and call Nell on Thursday night when I am
back on line. TIlanks,


Ralph, I am not sure that I can Ilellhis wire moving faS1 enough today. Give me your wire Info and I'll do what I lAn
Any Cllance that a wire Irom Choctaw directly would be OK?

---Original Message--
From: Ralph E. Reed, Jr. lmail\o:ralphreed~~i• • • • • • t
Se~t Abram,
To FridaY'~Prila~!~.~
Ja DC)
Subject: E: W .
, need It today, Friday, is being wired. We have fronted S100K,
which is II lot f o r ~ _ , ,.h__ ......
--;:;---- .~

--QI1g1ns1 Message---- .
• • • • •I.i'l
. From: Abramoff. Jac\(. (DC) rSMTP:jacka@@t
Sent Friday, April 09.19 . 4 M
To: ralph@"lII!!!~
SUbject RE:

Great. Please get eS as regular1y as you tan, Wtlich , can

pass on to Nell Rogers. Tomot'TOW. we'll process tile invoice for you. I
hOpe .....e'l have you a dlecl next week. If you need me tomorrow, page me.
return to DC Suooay.
-otiginal Messalle-
From: Abramoff, JacK (DC)
Sent: Monday, April 12, 19995:56 PM
To: Ralph E. Reed, Je
Subject: FW. Disbursement on behalf of Choctaw Indians

II's on the way to you and should be there In the morning. Let me if you get it Thant;s.

--··Original Message---
Sent ~priI12, 1999617 PM
To: Abramoff, Jack (DC): (DC)
Subjecl FW: Disbursement on behalf of Choctaw Indians

--Original Message---
From: _ _ (SEA)

Sent: ~2. 1999 6:07 PM

SUbject: : sbursement On behalf of Choctaw Indians

The invoice has been sent this afternoon by Federal Express with morning delivery,

Fe<:lEx Airtlill • • • • • •

-Original Message-
From: I [SEA)
Sent Monday. Apri112. 1999 1:14 PM
To: I (DC) I
Cc: "-<DC): :SEA}; F
SlJbiect~ment on beha of Choctaw Indians

_ Thanks {or the return message confinning I approval of the payment of the Invoice. {I saw the Initials on
-,n; check request. but did not recognize them as I P. _ since-'s out. this check will probably come to
you for signature, We have been requested to pay a $121.000 invoice on behalf of the Choctaw Indians.••.•client number
34982..QOOOi. las approved this unusually large disbursement. The check. must go 'out In Fedex today,
Please lei me know If there are any issues or If we need to phone •

i B
Preston Gates &. Eltis LLP


From: Abramofi, Jack (DC)

~5. 199910:2SAM

Yeaaaa baaabbyy!!!

-Original Message-
From. Ralph E. Ree<J, Je (SMTP:ralphreed@~I
Sent ThursdaY.April22,199911.15AM
To: Abram~
Subject: .~ /

AIri<;Jht. We have fronted the money so we need It by Friday at the latest. All systems are go on our end and nothing is
being held back.

--Original Message-
From: Abramoff. Jack
Sent W·~~~=;t:p~~'Il99
To: 'ra\

I have an invoices and spoke with Nell this e-...ening. I will be getting
these to her tomolTOW aoo will be pushing to get the checl< out the door by
COB. Go go gol We have to win no matter what.


covers voter
contact. televislon aoo radio production, the remainder of \
phones, the
statewide fIy-around. the pastors and adMst rany, the
d\urctI bUlletin
inser1.s, and o1her Items from the tast phase of this
project. We have
already ~id most of this to vendors out of our own pocket
to keep out
credit good and Insure prompt service, so we need that check

You will be receMng an invoice toolght for $250,000 to

$300.000 that
includes Ihe second phase of the project. including phones
(which are
already tumed on), a week-long television buy that begins
Friday (in the
first phase we were only on TV for 2 days), and Ii saturation
radio buy with a new ad by Jim Dobson lhat he witt record
tomorrow. The
television campaign is critical because we have heard that
the other slde
Is looklng \0 go up over the weekend end If we beat them to

the punch on
Friday we lake a 101 of avails off ll)e lable. AlSo, we are
;;~C~=::::~~~~and radio by bumping the gross rating poinls in

planning 10 blitz TV
this weekend. we cannet wait to get on Ihe air or we will

Therefore. I need a check or wire transfer for the media buy

as soon as
possible. and no later than Friday because we are fronting
some of this

We are opening the bomb bays and holding nothing back. If

victory is
possible. we will achieve it

From: I F HDC)
Sent: Monday, May 10, 1999 12:53 PM
To: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Subject: RE: ChoctawlCentury Strategies

Date Invoice '# Amount

4/0119998812 $20,000.00
4/07/9998821 $121,000.00
4/1319998827 $125,000.00
4/20/9998833 $121,931.88
4/21/9998848 $359,500.00
4/27199 $17,759.98
4130/9998849 $235.522.40
5/05/9999515 $1,500.00
5/04/9999516 $40,000.00
5/06/9999520 $261,689,00
TOTAL $1,303,903.26

4/20199 98835 $25,000
4/20/9998834 $25,000

-Original Message--
From: Abramoff. Jack (DC)
Sent: Friday, May 07, 1999 5:47 PM
To: [ (DC)
Subject RE: Choctaw/Century Strategies

Could you let tne know how much we have sent him since the start of this? You can do this next week if you want.

-Original Message-
From: (DC)
Sent Frida
To: q,Mar
07; 19991.2 :06.P.M
iii (DC)
Cc: (DC); Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Subject Choctaw/Century Strategies

I just talked wf• • • • •lat MS Choctaw and she confirmed that the checks will be sent via FedEx today for
Monday delivery,

--Original Message-
From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 19997:33 PM
To: (DC)
SUbject: RE: 5/6 Dally work activlties

Nell is going to send out the check tomorrow. We'll get it in Monday's Federal Express, When you have confirmation
from her for tomorrow (call around noon), please inform hat we have confirmation that the fed ex is on the way
and we need to get the cheel<, out to Ralph. Thanks,

From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 6:09 PM
To: Groveratr@"• •
Subject: RE: Hi Grover

Thanr,s Grove. Let's chat. I won't give him anything before we chat. Regards.

-Original Message-
From: Groverat~mailto:Groveratrj •
Sent: Thursday.~999 4:29 PM .
To: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Subject Re: Hi Grover

got your emaIL
1do want to talk about d
1want to speak with you before anything else is done there.

V\lhat is the status of the Choctaw stuff. 1 have a $751< hole in my budget
from last year. ouch.


From: Abramoff, Jack. (DC)

Sent: Friday, september 24-, 1999 4-:38 PM
To: Abramoff, Jack. (DC)
Subject: call Ralph re Grover doing pass through

From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Sent: Sunday, Oclober03. 1999 8:42 PM
To: Al>ramoff. Jack (DC); 'aa-Abramoff, Jack (Sky)'

Grover and Ralph, we need a chect to Ralph by Wednesday

From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 8:04 AM
To: 'ralph@
SubJect: RE:

OK, let me know on the other one as soon as you Can.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@ .
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 8:37 AM
To: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Subject: RE: -.. . . . . .

Amy, Grover, Lapin, and one other I will get to you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Abramoff, Jack (DC) (mailto:jackaC 3
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 8:34 AM
To: 'ralph~'
Subject: RE: ~

OK, thanks. Please get me the groups we are using, since I want to give this to her all
at once.

-----Oriqinal Message-----
From: Ralph Reed (mailto:ralph@8I ..
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 8:30 AM
To: jacka~
Subject: ~

Here is the pr09r~ we are recommending to our folks inllllll~and they


Mail One self-mailer x 85,000 @ .52

One postcard x 65,000 @ .39

10 days, 750 gross rating points statewide @ $261 per grp. $391,500

2 weeks, statewide 5 frequency

Radio/Televison Production
5 spots

List Rental
85,000 x .06 x 2
4.5,000 x .08 x 2

Grassroots Phone Banks

Live Operator 45,000 @ .62
'raped Message 45,000 @ .42

From: Abrnmof1, Jack (DC)
Sent: Thursday, February 03,200010:35 AM
To: ralph@ I
Subject: RE:a

We'll have $300K for Monday and more shortly thereafter. Because the amount is so big,
she needed a couple of days to set the process.

-----Original Messagc-----
From: Ralph Reed lmailto:ralph~II"II"1I1I
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2000 9:25 k~
To: jackaW
Subject: •

Did you get the address for the~ 15 a check coming?

85,000 mailers to conservative evangelicals dropping today.

Phone banks went on last night. We will be making 5,000 or more calls a day. Expect to
jam switchboards by next week.

I had two people i n ' - yesterday. They are working it hard with the grassroots.

Ralph Reed

From: Abramoff, Jack (DC) Uacka@. .~~• • •

Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2000 11 :59 AM
To: ralph@. . . . . .
Subject: RE: amy Ridenour

Super. Thanks Ralph.

-Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@t• • • • •
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2000 9:27 AM
To: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Subject: RE: amy Ridenour

I believe so. If we can kill it in the House definitely. If it goes to the

Senate, the worst case scenario is what the pro-family groups spent to
defeat video poker and the lottery--~ach about $1.3 million. Again, if it
dies in the House, $1 million max, and maybe less. If it goes to the
Senate, probably $1.3 million max. We will keep doing all we can to raise
money from national anti-gambling groups, Christian CEO's, and national
pro-family groups.

-Original Message--
From: Abramoff, Jack (DC) [mailto:jacka~• • • • • •
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 11 :12 PM
To: 'ralph@, ;: ,
Subject: RE: amy Ridenour

Spoke with Nell. They have a budget issue. They want to know If we can get
through to October on $1 million. Can we? If not, let me know:

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Reed [mallto:ralph~~"~.
Sent: Wednesday, February 02,20005:50 PM
To: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Subject: RE: amy Ridenour \
Yes, it will. .'

-Original Message-
From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
[mallto:jacka@_ _~S"_.11I
Sent: Wednesday, February 02,2000 5:45 PM
To: Ralph E. Reed, Jr.
Subject: amy Ridenour

She does not have a c4, only a c3, so we are

back to ATR only. I have to go out, but let's chat later tonight. Let me
know if it will work just to do this through ATR until we can find another

334 7096

From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 9:50 AM
To: 'ralph@l '
Subject: RE:

Thanks. Keep me posted. ATR will be sending a second $.3001\ today. How much more do we
need: We can't lose this. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph~e~I~~""IIII"
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 10:49 AH

The , pro-garnbling forces went up yesterday a statewide saturation

radio buy, matching our buy through March 3. Spot is high quali ty, says MS casinos t,
to buy up high-price lobbyists to deny people their right to vote on video poker. We are
getting a script.

They are now introducing a different local bill each day, trying to keep us on the

From: Abramoff. Jack (DC)
Sent: Friday. Marcil 00. 2000 6:28 At..A
To: ~• • • (DC) .
Subject: RE: Alabama 17-17·1

Yes. but last time they senl $2751<. so I wanl to make sure thal before we serlcl It to ATR \ speaK with Grover 10 confirm.

-Original Message-
From: 2 .. J • (DC)
Sent Friday, arch 03, 2000 7:28 AM
To: Abramoff. Jack (DC)
Subject: RE: Alabama 1]-17-1

Once ATR gets their meek. should the entire $3001; be sent to the Alabama Christian Coalition again?

--Original Message-
From; Abrnmoff, Jack (DC)
Sent Thursday, March 02, 2DOO 9:48 PM
To: I (DC)
Subject FW; alabama 17-17-1

Please see If you can track dcwn Nen 10 ask if she got this one. If nol offer to fax it to her_ Tell her it's important and
about Alabama.

From: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Sent 1'hun;day, March 02,2DOO 6:52 PM
To: Nell Rogers
Subject FW: alabama 17-17·1

We have to get him more money asap, but he thinks that, after this transfer we should be OK for a while. Can you get
me a check for $300K for Americans for Tax Reform asap?
--Original Message- \
From: Ralph Reed [maillo:ralph@ I <mailto:[mallto:ralph@: •
Sent Thursday, Mardl 02, 2000 10:23 AM
To: jacka@~i~III!I~"'~
Subject FW: alabama 17-17-1

Fliom: Abramoff, Jack (DC)
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 3:52 PM
rf (II; Ralph Reed
SlJbject: RE: New Orleans gambling fight

I'll find out.

-----Original Message----~
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@• • • • • • • •
~<nt. Wednesday, August 09, 2000 9:36 AM
'.I 0 ; I j a cka@tjiill• •~.IIIi.1

Subject: FW: New Orleans gambling fight

Looks like Harris Casino in New Orleans is looking for tax relief and Foster is likely to
favor it. We could stop it. Is this of interest to any of our friends?

> ~----Original Message-----

From: John Pudner
'. 5ent: Tuesday, August OB, 2000 5:12 PM
, Tc:.' , Ralph Reed
0w~ject; New Orleans gambling fight
> Potential client idea for our anti-gambling friends.
Th~ Harris Casino in New Orleans, the only land-based casino allowed
il, the state by law, is fighting for tax relief, and arguing that it
;.. will go out of business if it doesn't get it.
> Governor Foster will call a special Session somet.ime between now and
> the Spring to consider the measure.
> State law allowing Harris also required it pay $100 million per year
> in state taxes. Casino claims it needs the tax cut to $50 million or
> it will go out of business.

::> }'m sure the Beau Rivage will put money into fighting the tax exempt
;.. status, but should we make an effort to set up our own campaign with
> friends?

From: Abrarnoff. Jack (DC)
Sent: Tuesday. November 07, 2000 7:07 AM
To: Abramoff, JaCK (DC)
Subject: FW: austin

Call Ralph reed

-----Origioal Message-----
from: Ralph Reed Irnailto: ralph~@"~• • • • •
sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 8:03 P.M
To: 'Abramoff, Jack ,DCl'
SUbject: RE: austin

thanks. call me later'today in austin and i'll tell you what 1 know. -----Origin,d
rrom: Abramoff, Jack (DC) [mail to: jacka@
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 0,03 AM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: austin

Thanks Ralph. The firm has held back all payments pending receipt of a checK from Choctaw
which was held up because of a paperwork glitch nOlle of US knew about. We should have
received their check already, so I will push to get us the funds now. I'll check on the
other project. Should be no problem getting all these done. Let's try to chat later, but
if we can't, we can chat later in the week.
-----Original Message-----
From: ~lph Reed tmailto:ralphe~~II"IIII.
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 7:58 AM
To: 'j ackae. .
Subject: austin

I arrive in austin this afternoon. call me between 'I. and '1 p.m. central on my cell. i
should have exit polling in that period for you. just a reminder, we're owed about S60-75K
for the. project and are still owed $40-60K on another project going back to the
summer tnrough September. would like to get the cleared out now that the election is
over, thanks. we'll discuss it need be.

From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Thursday, March 15,2001 5:07 PM
To: 'Ralph Reed'
Subject: RE: wire

We'll have it tomorrow. The originating entity had to transfer to a separate account
before they transferred to the entity which is going to transfer to you. This first
transfer took longer than planned today (they could not get the signature yesterday). All
will be fine.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [rnailto:ralph@·~112""
•.' . " " " .
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 5:17 PM
To: Jack Abramoff (E-mail)
Subject: wire

we don't have the wire yet and we're spending $ at a pretty high burn rate.

Page I of I

Subj: FW: LA pastors rally on Sunday

Date: 03/16/2001 1: 11: 19 PM Central Standard Time
From: abramOff]=
To: kvanhoof@

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph~
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 12:46 PM
To: Jack Abramoff (E-mail)
Subject: LA pastors rally on Sunday

We had a conference call today with 10 major African American pastors

throughout the state. They have agreed to hold a rally at the state Capitol
i(l Baton Rouge on Sunday at 4 p.m. against the gambling bills and are busing
if! 300-400 people from their churches from around the state. They will call
on the Senate and House to defeat both bills and will say that they will not
provide support from their community to those politicians of either party
who vote for them. This rally will take place one hour before the state
Senate votes on the riverboat bill.

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Page 1 of2

tSubj. FW: Louisiana

~:)sl:e 03/19/2001 11 :50:58 AM Central Standard Time
'From' abramoffj@ "
~kvanhoof@ ;

'Iew,al Message-----
t-(0rTi Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@ ;; J
(~;(:>i; Monday, March 19, 2001 11 :26 AM
! ". ,ck Abramoff (E-mail)

), We rut together a rally at the capitol yesterday with 20 black pastors,

J,al) and over 200 supporters. The AP reporter and Baton Rouge
.t;:: capitol reporter were there, as well as the big local talk radio

.'j !
> We're still in danger with three Senators: ~1....• • . • 11II• • • •
')n( ,we ended up with 16 votes against tHe casinobilf, losing these
\. ". ( Nould put us under water at 13. To combat this we're ca'lling into
H:/'·istricts of these three senators. We're also looking for a senator
> to introduce an amendment to the bill that would raise taxes on the
,,-jve:uoats without allowing dockside gamblIng. This wouldhave a tough
. "H'(C rassing but would help to strip the bark off the idea that this b'fll
~dl!1P~V a tax hike on riverboats.

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k'11lJ' FW: Louisiana Update

1:[ ;,~;C03/19/2001 5:24:49 PM Central Standard Time
llyn abramoffj
!To' _ kvanhoof@

.. -Original Message-----
From: Vasell, Shawn (Dir-DC-Gov)
':LJ( Monday, March 19, 2001 1:44 PM
, () l\bramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
>l:liJcct FW Louisiana Update
Importance: High

.C'riginal Message-----
! "!' Eric Chris [majlto:eric~.IIJIJI!• • •
~.,op; Monday, March 19,2001 1:38 PM
i " 'vasells@~
L.c. Ralph Re~
'~ubject Louisiana Update

' · t ' f " i s a y s he will vote with us. We've been counting our 20
pu,-slble Senate votes. Many are uncommitted or leaning "no" (our way).
Many have no response. So far, only liberal Dell 1 7 ' T s.<iys he's

voting "yes." We'll send him 100 "patch-throughs" from his North LA Baptist
di~hIC! and see what he says tomorrow. Rep. Tony Perkins is talking to
k(:-,p T(oy Hebert, the author of a new House bill designed to ap~ly the
higher tax rate to riverboats WITHOUT allowing therri-fo go dockside. He's
askinq Hebert to find someone in the Senate to offer an amendment to the
d';)I:k~;\de bill tomorrow. The phone banks filled up every voice mailwe could
h 1<1 over the weekend and they're back on the job today. Phone ba'nk workers
:epnT1. people saying, "Oh, yes, I got the post card on that today." Senator
Max Malone, a Harrah's opponent and probable dockside opponent told me "I
received my call from Jerry FalwelL" .

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Date: 03/20/2001 53437 PM Central Standard Time
From: abramOfffjj,@:,::• •
To kvanhoof@? '

This is very usefuL If you forward, please be very selective and admonish
against further forwarding I have removed Ralph's name from the "From:"
line below

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 6: 14 PM
To Jack Abramoff (E-mail)
Subject LA

More from LA from a very capable operative:

As a direct result of our lobbying effort today, the Louisiana Senate

amended HB2, the dockside gambling bill, to remove the provision allowing
riverboats to convert to barges. If the House concurs with the amendment,
this will effectively eliminate 90% of the "gambling expansion" contained in
the bilL The boats had planned to roughly double their capacity by
converting into land-based casinos on barges that would be much larger than
Additionally, the amendment raised the taxes on riverboats statewide to
215 % --up from the current 18.5% currently applied. In its pre~amended
form, the bill raised taxes to 21.5% only on boats in South Louisiana. This
two-tiered tax rate was part of a master de;;ll worked ou/between the boats,
Harrah's Casino, pro-gambling legislators, 1eacher unions and Governor Mike
Foster The introduction of the higher taxes rate on bo.ats in North
Louisiana now threatens to derail the entire deal and "~xplode the special
session," in the words of several senators today. -
The bill now goes to the House for consideration of the amendments. It is
likely that the amend ments will be rejected, fOrcing the bill to a

Page 2 of 3

cGnference committee tightly controlled by the Governor. Then, both houses

",!Ii have to approve the conference report by a two-thirds margin
'>9',5 that our phone banks~surfacingearly in the
debate as the first s p e a k e r , , , , - - , g a v e an interesting
~peech.'-'a liberal Democrat and close ally of the teacher unions,
was targ~ telephone banks after telling our lobbyist that he was
Jrlclined to vote for the bill because it raised taxes on gamblers,
. . . . .epresents a conservative, predominantly Baptist district on the
/\rknroS'3SbOrder) In relons&, we sent_109 "patch-through" calls
" h,c',st 24 hours. began his speech by saying (in his country
JO,C(-;. You know, I've been doing a lot of thinking overnight."
To paraphrase, he then said the following: I've been thinking that this
1111 is '(~ally no big deal It only raises teacher salaries by $21 per
'lvF:el Why, that's not enough money for a man to take his wife to 'Catfish
King' on Saturday night What we really need is a new tax on oil and gas to
brin·; ::-,ur teacher pay to the national average.
T h,-,2son he had "done much thinking" overnight was the 109 phone calls
tlC)n-· constituents in his district.
": J'C,c liberal Democrat re~enting a conservative North Louisiana
Jlstrict, I _ told legislators that he had heard from a
lot Of his constituents and (looking at Republican the
-,] floor leader in the chamber)"they all seem to be Republicans." Of
ce. _' ·'Ve used a RepUblican voter list to transfer the patch-throughs to
i dfT-~'; ,veIl. A Senator with a long record of support for gambling,
McPril2rson railed against gambling and the gamblers who had·t-aken over·the --'
Capitol. It was a theme echoed by other senators throughout the debate.
"Who s really running this state?" This question was asked over and over
throughout the afternoon, with the gambling industry as the implied answer.
One senator spoke of a black Lincoln parked outside of the Capitol by the
rear entrance with a gambling lobbyist inside. "When I looked inside, I
realized that fella used to be a sgt.-at-arms here," said.
Everything is now up in the air. We'll have to see how skillful the Governor
I::: at putting this deal back together. In the past, he has been effective.
:J'l! keep you updated.

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From abramoffj(O) 2
Date: ]
From: abramoffj~
To: kvanhoof@!iiiiii

Ralph just told me that, as we expected, there will be a conference fight

over this. We need to keep pounding away to make sure we don't get screwed
at the last minute. He is out of money. He has asked to get another $250K
asap, which he believes will get us through the conference. The wire
process, as you recall, was difficult. If you can work this through
cashiers checks, or whatever you finally used to get it moving. it would be
a big help. Please let me know. Thanks.

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t'H)m. Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)

5ienf' Thursday. March 22, 2001 11 :29 AM
~ ,.r Ralph Reed
~ubject: RE: VICTORY

YOU 6LC the greatest!! I

----Original Message-----
,c"" Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph~• • • • • • •
",·u.rsday, March 22, 2001 11:4::> AM
Tn ,,'ock Abramoff (E-mail)
Subject: VICTORY
J)l;!,."j LJ.I-Ice; High

w~ I ~,'~ won. The barges are dead and the N. Louisiana boats have had their taxes
increased. The final vote on the conference committee report was 33-5 in the Senate and
[j e, - j ,; the House. Special session has adjourned sine die.

,'ucject: RE: LA.. HB 1780

If we can keep the LA think to $lOK for now, that would be good. I might just pay for
Ioi. s out of my pocket. I hate to go to them for something this small. since every time I
'.10 it's an ask used up. OK?

··----Original Hessage-----
From: Ralph Reed lmailto:ralph8' ZI
~~nt: Wednesday. April 11, 2001 9:41 AM
To: 'abraClof!j@ V'
Subject: RE: LA, HB 17lrO

1 agree. i think it builds tre~endous good will for the future on the cheap.

-----Orig1nal Hessage-----
f"rom: abramoffj@~ [mailto:abramoffj@• • • • •
Sent: Wednesday, ~ 2001 9:36 AM
To: Ralph Reed
SUbject: RE: LA., HD 1780

Ok, do it and we'll get it approved.

-----Original Hessage-----
~'rom: Ralph Reed lmail to: ralph@@• • • • • • •
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:27 AM
To: 'abramoffj@ R' , -
SUbject: RE: LA, HB 11~0 "

sure. if we can help them they will kill for us' for year$ to come. and it is .not
expensive •. probably $lO-20K for the phones.

-----Oriqinal Hessaqe-----
From: abramoffj@? [mail to: abramoffj e........
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 5:49 PM
'1'0: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: LA, HB 1780 ".

r'll see what we can do. Right now they are focused on Texas, as you can imagine.

-----Original Hessage-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralphe.? •••••
Sent: Tuesday, April 10. 200l 3:07 PH
To: Jack Abramoff (E-mail)
Subject: LA, HB 1780

from a LA operative:

House Bill 1780, by House • • • • • • • • • • •~ authorizes The Fairgrounds, a horse

racetrack in New Orleans, to operate up to 700 slot machines. Other horse racetracks in
the state currently have slot machines. The bill has been referred to the House COmmitt~e
on Administration of Cr~nal Justice •
••I[I.IIII••~.. the Louisiana Legislaturei's' 'anti::'qa-iDbiing leader, has .reque.s.ted that we
get involved by making more patch-thro'Uqt.... ealls; He believes that we nave some time and.
can defeat this measure. scoring another major victory ~qAinst·qamblinQ ~xpAnsion ~y end
«dditional attempts for expaDsion for ~be.remaining three years of 'the 'legislative ~erm.,
'rile defeat of language a,llowinq riverboat.. casinos to conver't to barges' has completely
changed the envirolllllent at t:he capitoL . . ..

From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov) [/o=40• •t'u=WDC/cn=Recipientslcn=abramoffjj on behalf
of Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 9:06 AM
To: 'Ralph Reed'
Subject: RE: LA, HB 1780

Seriously, I'll get you $lOK this week or next from a source which owes me money.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph~IIIIIIII"II'
Sent: Thursday, ~Apllrlill. .li2.'1i200l 9:46 AM
To: 'abramoffj"rz
Subject: RE: LA, HB llBO

Reed for Chairman, Suite 515, 3235 Satellite Boulevard, Duluth, GA 30096. cashiers checks
only, please.

-----Original M7isaYe-----
From: abramoffj (mailto:abramoffj,~1I1I1I1I1I
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:15 PM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: LA, HB 1780

Ha ha ha. Make sure you get me the ,proper committee_n~me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed (mailto:ralph,.. . . .1I1I1I1I1
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10: 45'-AM'
To: 'abramOffj·~• • • • •
Subject: RE: LA, HB 1760

The actual committee is "The Reed' FamilyRetireme~t and ~ducational Foundation." It is a

501(c) (3). The address is 200 Bay Drive, GrandCatman, BCI, R59876 .
.-- . ... . .... ;

-----Original Messaqe-----
From: abramoffjl (mailto:abramoffj.' 1111111111.
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:46 'AM'
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: LA, HB 1780

Sure. Give me the name of the entity.

-----Oriqinal Messaqe-----
From: Ralph Reed (mailto:ra1ph~IIIIII"1I1h
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 10:28 AM
To: • abramoffj~.~!!I~"
Subject: RE: LA, HB 1180

i agree.

Jack, would you be willing to contribute personally to my state chair campaign? This race
is costing me $50-l00K, and i'm asking my friends to

-----Original Message----- abramoffj (mailto:ahramQffj4l1l1l. . . . .
Sent: Wednesday, April 11~ 2001 10:1~ AM
To: Ralph Reed

From: Abramoff. Jack (Dir-DC-Gov) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
'on behalf
of Abramoff. Jack (Dir·DC-Gov)
Sent: hUrsd '112,2001 9:05 AM
Ad mAst -De-Gov)

When yo~ give Scanlon the $150K from Choctaw, tell him that part of the "$30K" is to be a
$lOK check to this comni t tee. WIll ell should then be federal expres sed by you.

Reed for Chairman, Suite 51:', 3235 Satellite Boulevard, Duluth, GA 30096.

'. ~ " . .,:, ..•;." .

Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov) (/o=-ou=WDCJcn=ReciPientstcn=abramOffj] on behalf

of Abramoff, Jack (Dir-OC-Gov)
Sent, Monday. June 04, 20014:41 PM
;, (1: 'Ralph Reed'
~uOject: RE: Louisiana Gambling

"" "'U' iiOt sure our guy:s care about thi:s. let me check_

."'-.' ,. -Original Mes sage-----

" Ralph Reed Imailto: ralph@• • • • • • •
':,." """,nday, June 04, 2001 4:26 PM
;k Abramoff (E-mail)
SUDJect: LDuisiana Gambling

".1'. ~,i.' i " ongoing. We are on it. If liB 1457 should pass the House, we will need a bUdget
':') )u.;.}. We've been subsidizing this ourselves up to now. From our top LA operative:

·if; 4 C,.-' is expected to be considered on the House floor today and Tony
•. 1., WE have a sli'l'ht margin, but enough to kill it.
't, If i t does pass the
House, it will still have to go to the Seante.

r;T':":ij has passed the House and is in a senate Committee (JUdiciary B).
',', .i was on the committee's 5/31 agenda, but was not considered on that
0.1:.:. .Jud B meets again tomorrow morning and con:sideration of the bill would

be in order.

1m "j;;." authorizing slot machine:s at hor:se.. race track~ in Orleana Parish has

;,asl':ed the House and remains in a Senate. Committee with stiff,oppogition

~r<~, ~ome pro-gambling leaders. Tony Perkins had requested'mohey' last month

;,.(.' ldl.l this bill. We transferred IOOre than 2.000 call" to targeted
~.'1,,,,,tOr.sin preparation for the vote.

Hcte are some articles regarding the two House bills you referenced:

HfI 1364

""'15-01 Editorial in "The (Baton Rougel Advocate"


~ti1I another expansion of gambling in Louisiana is proposed in a bill

"p}Hoved by a House committee Wednesday.

rhe bill would allow the state's charitable bingo halls to offer a
lottery-type ~pick 6" game of chance with a progressive-type "mega jackpot"
of. up to $50,000.

It's just one more expansion of gambling ina stat;etl;1a;t already has far;
far too much. ".

I'llf' bill to authorize the gambling expansion, HB1364 by Rep. Jack Smith,

": :;,";"'"""

Abramoff. Jack (Dir.DC·Gov)1I0~JOU::WDc/cn=ReCiPientslcn=abramOffj)on behalf

of Abramoff. Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
sent: Tuesday. June 05. 2001 1:11 PM
la: Ralph E. Reed. Jr.
Subject: FW: Louisiana Gambling

Not sure! understand what thi~ bill is all about. Is thts the slots on the fairgrounds
thing? Please let me know so I can discuss with the tribe. They don't seem to understand
what this bill is about either .

.·----Oriqinal Message----- '.

From: Ralph Reed [rnailto:ralph~JIIIIIIIIIIIIl
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 4 : ~
To: Jack Abramoff (E-mail)
Subject: Louisiana Gambling

LA wars ongoing. We are On it. If HB 1457 should pass the House, we will need a budget
to kill. We've been subsidizing this ourselves up to now. From our top LA operative:

HB 1457 is expected to be considered on the House floor today and Tony thinks we have a
slight margin, but enough to kill it. If it does pass the House, i t will still have to go
to the Seante. RB IJ64 ha~ passed the House and is in a Senate Committee (Judiciary Bl.
The bill was on the cOll'mittee's 5/31 agenda, but was not considered on that
day. Jud B meet::; again tomorrow morning and, cO-nsideration of the. bill would be in order.
HB 532, authorizing slot machines at hor~e ra~e track~ in Orleans Parish has passed the
House and remains in a Senate Comrnitte~ with stiff opposition
from some pro-gambling leaders. Tony Perkins had requested money last month to kill this
bill. We transferred more than 2,000 calls to ~arge~ed'senators in preparation for the

Here are some articles regarding the two House bills you referenced: HB 1364 5-15-01
Editorial in hThe (Baton Rouge) Advocate" BILL WOULD ADD MORE GAMBLING Still another
expansion of gambling in Louisiana is proposed in a bill approved by a House committee
Wednesday. Tbe bill would allow the state's ch,ii:itable .halls to.,offer a lottery-type
"'pick 9" game6fcliance with a progressive-type "mega jackpot" of up to $50,000. It's ju.:>t
one more expansion of gambling in a state that already has far, far too much. The bill to
authorize the gambling expansion, HB1364 by Rep. Jack Smith, D-Patterson, was approved by
the House Committee on Criminal J~stice by a 5-4 vote. It go~s co the House floor.The bill
requires approval of the local governing body before the game could be otfeced by a bingo
hall, but that provides little protection for the citizens of the state. The "pick 8" game
involves players picking eight numbers from among 75 on a
card. The numbers are then scanned into a computer, which stores the numbers and prints
out a ticket with a serial number which is given to the player.
At the appointed time, 18 numbered balls are drawn from a bingo machine. Matching eight
of the 18 balls would win a prize of up to $50, but matching eight of the first 17 drawn
would win the "mega jackpot" of up to $50,000. Even bingo hall operators are split over
the game. One testified most of the profit would go co the company running the game and
take away from the traditional bingo, While another said it would be good for bingo halls
that are losing patrons to other forms of gambling. Whether it is good for the bingo halls
or not, mere gambling is bad for the people of Louisiana. A new "game" might entice new
customers to wager their hard-earned cash and create more problem gamblers. It's time to
call a halt to expansions of gambling, and to hold those lawmakers who vote for expansions
accountable at the polls.

Jl:B 1457
';>--24.-01 Editorial in "The (Baton Rouge) Advocate"

From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov) [/o=-/ou=WDC/cn=ReciPientslcn=abramOffjj on behalf
of Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Monday, October 08,2001 5:16 PM
To: 'Mike Scanlon alt'
Subject: FW:

Call Ralph and get him moving. He'll do it for the $100K. we'z in the money!!! Let me
know (via fax to house . . . . . . . . AND email how the call goes in great detail.

-Original Message-----
f,:»)11 [mailto:abramoffj@~E
• • • • •' .
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 5:51 PM
T0' Ralph Reed
Sd'ject: RE:

I'm going to have scanlon call u to get it moving.

·Jack Abramoff

--Original Message-----
llom;Ralph Reed <ralphfL
To: Linda Ingram <linda . Jack Abramoff (E-mail)

Mon Oct 08 17:45:3P2001
'ubj<.'ct: RE:

-----Original Message-----
from: Linda Ingram
~~nt: Monday, October 08, 2001 5:27 PM~
T,); Ralph Reed
Subject: FW:

.. '---Original Message-----
From: [mailto:laner~IIIIII.".
"e-nt: Monday, October 08, 2001 5:26 PM
i'('; Linda Ingram

---Original Message-----
From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2001 9:57 AM
To: <mailto:ralph@~"IIIIIIIIII.~
Subject: Texas

Ralph, can you do what Mike asks below? The budget ia $100K. can you m~ke it work for
-----Original Message-----
" , _ '_ '..-"11. • •

From: Mike Scanlon •••

S [
<mailto: [mailto:mikeJ
Sent: Friday, October 05, 200~ 12:25 PM
To: abramoff~jQ
•••• F.I,,<maifto • • • • • • • • •

L.k objective of the Texas program is to block the Alabama Coushatta tribe from securing a
." facility by proactively pushing a poli tical or legislative vehicle making approval
Jr Indian gaming in Texas next to impossible. We have dafts of the language, but we are
sLill batting around the final documents. What we need now is for the Gov, Lt Gov and AG
':0 issue the vehicle and publicly support it. Here are our ideas, and if Ralph can slam it
tlome it would be great' I am assuming it wont be a real heavy lift since Perry et al are
anti gaming, but we only have a couple of weeks on this. An executive order from the
Governor that will deny any illegal gaming facilities access to any public utilities such
as water, gas or electricity. A Gubernatorial Proclamation reiterating that any gaming
operations undertaken that are not currently sanctioned will be considered rouge casinos,
and all powers of the office will be brought to bear to stop their physical construction
including mobilization of the national guard. An executive order that calls for
rescinding the licenses of any state licensed contractors who prOVide services to illegal
gaming operations. A proposed constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds vote of
both house of the state legislature to approve any additional gaming rights within the
state of Texas. A bill to rescind official state recognition of the Alabama Coushatta
tribe. A proclamation which calls for immediate termination of all state aid to the tribe
if they construct any gaming facility on their land not approved by the state legislature.

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INVOICE 2.doc (20
Once you get the check from Choctaw an the first amount, please cut a check co
Century Strategies. Here is an invoice for your records, though perhaps we should have
the invoice just say fIServices". If you so desi=e, pl~a5e feel free to edit j.t a~d print.
Thanks ~,... ·,j,.p.:.:~:.=-Stry to find as many of these as possibl",.

--o~nal Message~-~~
Ralph Reed Ima to:ralph~""1I1I1I1I
Tuesday, October 23, 2 01 11:17 AJ~
~o: Jack Abramoff (E-ITai
Sub - ct: • invoice
'\ ..

here i is. a not work in the attachment, but we put NeFF?

From: Abramoff. Jack COir-OC-Gov) [/0 911 ';2 ; Ju=WDC/cn=Recipientslcn=abramoffj) on behalf
of Abramoff, Jack COir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Monday. November 12, 2001 5:25 PM
To: 'Mike Scanlon alt'
Subject: FW: Article

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@ ..
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:55 PM
To: 'abramoffjrq:; ,
Subject: RE: Article

great work. get me details so i can alert 7

and let him know what we are doing to
help him. talked to ed young again today. incre~blY
engaged and excited. he is planning
on hosting a breakfast with the top pastors in houston to get them all mobilized and to
provide cover for we may invite I
to address them.
-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffj@[mailto:abramoffj@' .
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:54 PM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: FW: Article

Remember I mentioned the NIGC today? We are going to get them on the Alabama Coushattas
and I told our guy to get them onto the Tiguas as well. needs to get Indians to
lead the way. Let us help with that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Scanlon lmailto:mike~~. .IIIIII..IIIIII. .
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:11 PM
To: vanhornejC I
Cc: abramoffj €
SUbject: Article

John, here is a good backgrounder on what they are up too.

Nov. 11, 2001, l2:2lAM
Despite pitfalls, reservation plans casino opening
Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle
While the Tigua Indians of far West Texas battle in court to keep their lucrative casino
open, the Alabama-Coushattas of East Texas are learning to deal blackjack, roll roulette
wheels and operate slot machines in what they hope will become the closest gambling hot
spot to Houston, The East Texas casino near Livingston could be in operation as early as
Christmas, said Kevin Battise, chairman of the tribal council. But that opening is far
from certain. It is dependent upon the tribe finding a way around legal opposition to
casino -gambling by the state government. The attorney general's office would certainly
file a lawsuit to block the opening of a casino.
"If we get into trouble over this, I'm the one who's liable," Battise said with a chuckle.
"And I don't think I'd do too well in jail."
What the Alabama-Coushattas are planning in their "entertairurnent complex" is modest,
Battise said. "We can't afford to start out with a Las Vegas-style resort operation. We
have to start out small."
He admitted that many members of the combined tribe have no personal love of gambling or
the crowds that a casino might bring. They need the money a casino could generate.
Two years ago, the tribe voted 201-62 to bring gambling to the reservation.
By that time, their Louisiana cousins had a thriving and growing casino, Grand Coushatta,
north of Kinder, La. While the Texas tribe struggled with soaring unemployment, low wages
and other problems. they watched their related tribe have full employment and prosperity
fueled by gamblers-many of them from Texas-at their casino.


Abramoff, JacK ~I===r~~~
of Abramoff, Jack 7
Wednesday, November 14,2001 10:01 PM
'Ralph Reed'
•••••••••••••. on behalf

Subject: RE: After Cornyn gets whacked In EI Paso, let's chat on the phone

Fine, but I still hope he gets whacked so we can work on both . . . . . .11111111... and
getting helping us.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed • • •111!1 .
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:13 PM
To: 'abrarnoffj@ijll. . . . . . . .
Subject: Re: After Cornyn gets whacked in El Paso, let's chat on the phone

Ok. We are sending 50 pastors to give him moral support.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.netJ

Original Message-----
f'rom: abramoffjll@.,_J_ _••• [mailto:abre.Inoffj ..
Sent: Sunday, November 2~, 2001 8:4~ PM

To: Ralph Reed

Subject: R~; IJ

OK, le t 's get them pub 1 i c as a1>. '.~2~?~·~:~~:~.-:~t~b~~t :~Ii'~'~::::~'::. ::s~._~w~e~ need'
tb to crush this thing. Not only should the • • .. but
, 11' 1 se' j!' t ,.'.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralpht ' t ;
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 8:38 PM
To: 'abr~offj~.. •
Subject: RE:.

. J. .
1 ' m telling to get out front on this and demand that the
It)! 1
-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffjlg

[mailto:abramoffj.g d

Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 8:39 PM

To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE:"

This is horrible. What can we do?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed (mailto:ralph6 t

Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 8:27 PM

To: Jack Abramoff (E-maill .
Subject: ..

this is from t h e " today. keep this in the strictest co'nfidence:

The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential
information. 1t is intended only for the use of the
named above. 1f you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply
email and destroy all copies of the original message.
To reply to our email administrator directly, please send an email to

Abramoff, Jack 001139447

From: Abramoff. JaCk . _• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 011 behalf
of Abramoff, Jack
Sellt: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:31 PM
To: 'Ralph Reed'
Subject: RE: Article

Some stupid lobbyists up here who do Ind,ian issues, We '11 find out who and make sure all
our friends crush them like bugs,

-----Original Hessage-----
From: Ralph Reed ~?~.;r~~~~11111111111117
Sent: HondaYt November 12, 2001 6:26 PM
To: 'abramoffj@1 f
Subj ect: RE: Article

wow. these guys are really playing hard ball. they also did a full page ad in the
austin-american today. do you know who their consultant(s) are?

'-----Origioa1 Message-----
from: abramoffjOllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1ll
Sent: MondaYt November 12, 2001 6:27 PM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: Article

Great. k"ull page ad attacking Cornyn in the Washington Post t;oday (page 5), We are
trying to reduce size and fax to you now,

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
sent: Nonday, November. 1:2, 2001 5;55 PM
To: 'abramoffj @ 7
Subject: RE: Ar.ticle

great Hork. get me details so i can alert cornyn and let him know what 'hT 8 are doing to
help him.
talked to ad young again today. incredibly engaged and excited, he is planning on
hosting a breakfast with the top pastors in houston to get them all mobilized and to
provide cover for corn}~. we, may invite cornyn to address them.

-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffjlJ•••••••••II•••IIIIII• • •
Sent: MondaYt November 12, 2001 5:54 PM
'1'0: Ralph Reed
Subject: l""1I': Article

Remember I mentioned the NIGC today? We are going to get them on the
and I told our guy to get them onto the Tiguas as \<lel1. Cornyn needs to get IndJ,ans to
lead the way. Let us help with that.

-----ociginal Message-----
From: ' Mike Scanlon • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sent: Monday, November 12, ZOOl 5: 11 PH
Cc: il~=====
vanhorne) glM
Subject: Article

Joh.n, here is a good backgroundf:r on wbat they are up too.


Abramoff, Jack:
Abramoff, Jack
m I r
Wednesday. December 05,20019:17 AM
on behalf of

To: 'Ralph Reed'

Subject; RE: TIGUA NEWS-Tiguas gave candidates more than $500,000

Perry has to return that contribution!! I Oh my goodness!! VVhat was he thinking taking that mon<:y? He has to
come up With some spin on this fast and get that money back to them, and then take decisive and public action to
smash them, and the • • • • •

--Original Message-
From: Ralph Reed • • • • • • • • • •
Sent Wednesday, December 05,2001 9:34 AM
To: 'abramof!j@, I 1
Subject: RE: TIGUA NEWS-l1guas gave candidates more than $500,000

we're getting this in the water with the right people.

-Original Message-
From: abramoffj@• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sent Wednesday, December 05, 2001 9:08 AM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: FW: llGUA NEWS-Tiguas gave candidates more than $500,000
TIlese iiguas are giving 4:1 to the D's,

--Original Message-
From: Mike Scanlon • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sent Wednesday, December 05,2001 8:44 AM
To: abramof!j@• • • •
SUbJect: FW: llGUA NEWS-iiguas gave candidates more than $500,000

Maybe this is why Ralph cant get Perry to do anything!

-Original Message-
From: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sent Wednesday, December 05,2001 6:13 AM
To: Mik:e Scanlon
ec:"Pr! rr
Subject llGUA NEWS-Tiguas gave candidates more than $500,000
iiguas gave candidates more than $500,000
Gary Scharrer
Austin Bureau
If federal courts Ultimately decide to shut down the llguas' Spealdng Rock Casino, the tnoe almost certainly will
be forced to turn off the spigot that has moved more than $500,000 to political candidates In the past two election

The l1guas have become midlevel players on the state level, handing out $10,000 checks to several state
senators, more than $20,000 to Texas Gov. Rick Perry and more than $60,000 apiece to gubernatorial candidate

From: Abramoff, Jack. (Dir-DC-Gov) [10-' >u=WDC/cn=Recipientslcn=abramoffj) on behalf
of Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Thursday. January 24. 2002 9:31 AM
To: 'Mike Scanlon alt'
Subject: FW: Inqian Country Update, January 23, 2002

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@tllllllllllliit
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:20 AM
To: labrarnoffj@"~"~I1~
Subject: RE: Indian Country Update, January 23, 2002

1. push as hard as you can because our influence there is based on our ability to
generate grassroots and coalition support. this is really not a big budget given that
we're talking about closing a $60 million a year facility.
2. \ a 2 . • • 24 I ' •
tilt' • ••
-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffj@ [mailto:abrarnoffj@ II
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 6:50 PM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: Indian Country Update, January 23, 2002

I know and am pushing. I wish these people would take orders better! --'--Original
Message.-,.---- • • • • • • •~
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 6:41 PM
To: I abramoffj@ . L
Subject: RE: Indian Cguntry.Update, January 23, 2002

please do ... we're getting asked for cover and support and organization in el paso and
livingston and I can't subsidize it since we ran out of the first budget. understand what
you are facing but want yOUto know it is an ask. -----Original Message-----
From: abramoffj@ III
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 6:41 PM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: Indian Country Update, January 23, 2002

I'm pushing, but until that place is shuttered it is going to be very hard to get any more
money from them. they are very unsophisticated and it is hard to make them understand
that we are almost there. I'll continue to push.
"E--Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph~,,""~~II"
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 6:34 PM
To: 'abrarnoffj@."IIII.~
Subject: RE: Indian Country Update, January 23, 2002

let me get on it immediately and we'll do it for as little as possible. can you get me the
budget for TX? we're dry__ ~here. -----Original Messa~----
From: abramOffj@lI'rnailto:abramoffj@. . . . . . . . . . .
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 6:32 PM
To: Ralph Reed
Slwject: FW: Indian Country Update, January 23, 2002

I;rom; Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 20028:51 PM
To~ Mike Scanlon alt
$';ubJect: ralph and dobson

He got to Dobson who is going to mail Louisiana and get on the radio! He is going to hit Haley by name! he is going to
cw;ourage people to call Norton and the WHo This is going to get fun.


. "


!' t ,,'IYl' Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent; Wednesday, February 06..2002 8:51 PM
]r(l: Ralph Reed
S;,f.Jjcd;: RE: Louisiana Press

Let me know when Dobson hits him. I want to savor it

--'---Original Message-----
f'rom: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@• • • • • • • •
'''''0'.: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12:4.0 PM
'fe·, 'abramoffj@• • • • • •
"",ltj:c'ct: RE: Louisiana Press

Y~5. there's a history there.

Criginal Message-----
From: abramoffj@. {mailto:abramoffj@• • • • •
;, ...nt· Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12: 42 PM
'fc :,,~o.lph Reed
5ub)ect: RE: Louisiana Press

I just found out that it is Haley lobbying Members on this deal! We have to get that out
G"'1.,o',ally as soon as possible. can you get Dobson on the radio on this, hitting Haley?

..- -')riginal Message-----

F',,'AF: Ralph Reed [rnailto: ralph@• • • • • • • •
~~{.nt: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12: 24 PM
To: Jack Abramoff (E-mail)
,SubJect: -Louisiana Press

we're getting this in the water down there:

, .Alexandria Town Talk Editorial (One of top 7 papers in state)

Governor too secretive over casino

Posted on February 6, 2002
> Gov. Mike Foster has given the green light to a fourth Indian gambling
casino in the state, and if his spokesman is in fact speaking for him, it
.> :u,
none of anyone's business where the Jena Choctaws want to put' a casino .

.' The Associated Press reported Tuesday that Foster had signed a compact
> - an agreement between the state and an Indian tribe for a casino
> which in Louisiana only the governor.can.negotiate - with the Jena
~. Choctaws wi thin the last two weeks.

> The tribe, granted federal recognition years ago through the efforts
> of
> then-U.S. Sen. Bennett Johnston, D-La., owns only a small tract.of land in
> Grant Parish.
> However, the tribe has tried, unsuccessfully so far, to put a casino
> at
> Rapides Station in Rapides Parish, in Natchitoches and in two counties in'
> Mississippi - Greene and Tishomingo.
> Patrick Martin, an attor~ey for Fos~er, toldth~ AP tha~·the _compact ..


'Fr:>m; .Abramoff, Ja;:k (l)ir--Cc..(;<:·vJ
Sent: Thufsjay, February ')7, 20C2 e:55 FM
To: Mike Scanfo:l

-----Original Mcsssge-----
From: 1"..ike Scanlon 11••••••
Sent: Thursday, February 07, ZOOZ J:S~ PH
To: abrsmoffj. r
S\l!:lject: RE: Frh LA

; o~<' -qn <.L'1.!s) !If ':{afe~ .~'a!e1~_ot ,i't ·and··9~1 all the payoutS' .colling"
From: abramoifj
Sent: Thursday, ~.bru~ry 07, 2002 22:32 PM
To: l{ike Scanlon
Subject: P.E: IW: LA

ChcctiJW did not yet: pay us fc=--? Shoot!. Should r c e l l _ en this'? we n~ed to get
'some"$ irol1'\ tbose' m:J1:keys ! ! !! As to RaJl'h,' ;;0 ahead and 'Pay hIm 50 :r can get. him eff my"
bel ok, I.:ef'll get the Choctaw ljIcney socr. enough.

-----originel Messllge-----
From: ~..ike Scanlon
Set1t:: Tlnlrsc,ay, :eh.ruery07, 20023:291'U'l
';;'0: aJ:munoffj IF' U I •
Subject: Re: E"i(: .LA

W$ still haven' t been· paid :fa=, ms- 1 CilJl cave: bothow: of lO'ls.:Lana mon~y if you "Ia!"lt- the
ms !!l0P'.ey won't be here till ne'lrt weel: l'fo;;'ebl.y.

-----Orjginal Hessage----- (
pzom: ~b=llli1O£fjIJ "Rie. 'E,' , r , iliU.
To: Mike Scanlon I,
Sent: Wed Feh 06 22:16:43 2002
Subject: m: 1.1\

Can you get him the $50K for HS now?

-----Original M~ssa~e----- ,
From: l'1alph Ri2ed [t:"Hto:pt jill'SMail. '.j
Sent: 11ednesday, FeJ:uua.:::y Co, 2002 l2:3\1 fM
TOI .::red.: PJ;rcmcif fE-mail)
SUbject: !.A

wante:i 70 Just let you I:ll?'" ;-le'VI: not ;::eceived the pi'lyme,;t fc~:;!i'Rif yet.
We~·ve b'lrned through llIore than h~l:f of :hat already inout-s:;u=,=ed vendi:'!',? with pho:::es,
mail j radio, so ~e ap?:eciate it if you could ~xpedite.

The inicrrrJition con--caincd. in

this t.:ansu15sio!i ;nay contain
priv,11eqed ~n,d :;cn:!idential :lr;fC:7nTi::icn, lt.. is i:1te::decl only
ror the use of the p~=son f s) l~Emed ab;)\fe, If yuH axe net :.he
i:rrended recipie:rt you are hereb Jt :loti!;ed tJ'}tit eny ;revj,e~':

h(,h1l; Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Friday, February 08,20021:58 PM
fo: Mike Scanlon office
S~Abj~ct: FW: Governor Foster

--Original Message-
From: Ralph Reed (mailto:ralph@~.~"'I!II.a
Sflnt· Friday, February 08,200210:34 AM
To: 'abramOffj@t!lillIi. .,.
Subject: RE: Governor Foster

good stuff. i talked to the LA CC leader yesterday, who sits on the national board. he is livid and says there will be an
explosion as this gets out.

---Original Message-
From: abramoffj@t? 3
[mailto:abramoff]@• • • •
Sent Thursday, FeIiruary 07,200210:03 PM
1 0: Ralph Reed
Subject: FW: Governor Foster

<<' File: 1X@R01 LDOC »

The inf6rmation contained in Ihis transmission may contain

privileged and confidential information. It is intended only
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To reply to our email administrator directly, please send an

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From: Abrar:noff1;Jack' (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Monday:February,'lh,2002 10:42 AM
To: RiilplllReeff
Subject: RE::'c)X':'"

-that's our Olient. We di&this' rele'ase.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ral~hReed Imailto:ralph@ UI
Sent: Monday; Febl;ua;E;Y .111. 2002,. 9: 56 AM
To: Jack AbiiunoH . (E-mail)
Subject: LA

>FebrJ<iiy'!a,' 2002
>Coushat:tas:' Jerta: Choctaw's' coJiipactwith' s'tate illegal
>By , SI:iA~;)1j1iit~tJ.'Nc
..:..,."",,, .'
> .
>EL'l'ON. -- ,The coushatta Tribe of I,;oulsiana 5~YS the compact Gov. Mike
>Foster signed with the Jena Band of Ch'octaw Indians is illegal.
>The Coushattas also may ask for a federal investigation into Foster's
>dealing with the Jena-based tribe.
>KSince the governor is willing to play the odds:and make deals with
>tribes who do not meet federal and state regulatory requirements, we
>presume he would be more than willing to sign a compact with a tribe
>that does meet these requirements," said William Worfel, Coushatta vice
>The Coushattas maintain that Foster cannot sign a compact with the
>Choctaws because they are not a federally officially recognized tribe
>that had land in trust by 1990 as required by federal law.
>Federal law says the governor can only enter into compacts with
~federally recognized tribes with reservation land before July 25, 1990.

>Worfel said the Choctaws have no land and the land they want to buy in
>Vinton did not meet the July 25, 1990 deadline. He alsocsaid Choctaws
>were not federally recognized until 1994.
>"In our opinion, there is relatively no chance of this compact being
>approved by the Department of Interior," he said. "There is a set of
>rules that all tribes must play by and the Jenas, along with the
>governor, appear not to be playing by them."

>roster has said he had no choice but to sign a deal that could allow a
>new Indian casino in Vinton. He said federal law requires states to
>negotiate in good faith with federally recognized Indian tribes that
>want to open gambling casinos.
>Based on Foster's signing of the Choctaw compact and his willingness to
>negotiate with the Choctaws, Worfel said the Coushattas have "decided
>to roll the dice and try its hand at securing a second compact."
>Worfel said the Coushattas are interested in signing a "third, possibly
>fou.r;th compact" if Foster is willing.


". "'file Coushatta Tribe intends to maintain an open dialogue with the
. " .. '1'( rnor' s office and submit a compact application at the earliest
'f"",!,'ible date," Worfel said.
~lf Foster fails to acknowledge the Coushatta's request, Worfel said the
>tx1be is prepared to ask for a federal investigation of his handling of
>the Choctaw compact and the renewal of the, Coushatta's compact last
~·It's against the law for the governor to do what he's done with the
>Jenas. The governor needs to find new legal counsel so he can get
>bf-~t ter advice," he said. "We want to be treated fairly like everyone

:The Coushatta Tribe owns and operates the reservation-based Grand

>Casino Coushatta near Kinder.

"\',;0; fe-I said the Coushattas have a 35-acre site in East Baton Rouge
'>PiU ",sh
on the Mississippi River and are willing to build a new casino
>1f Foster will sign a second compact with the tribe.

'''W.o can accept the river boats in Lake Charles and the slot machines at
>;"'; ta Downs, but we cannot accept another native tribe moving into
".",hwest Louisiana ... our home," he said. "We have been good
",,·.I'J(jL~:>ors to Southwest Louisiana and this is how we are repaid."
>vi;'~;J'fel said if the Choctaws are allowed to build a Vinton casino, it
>" "'1. "kill" economic development from Lake Charles to Kinder.

'.-"'We employ more than 3,000 people from a nine- parish area and provide
>mor12 than $70 million in business to area business," Worfel said. "We
>are not going to-sit still for another tribe to come into Southwest
>Louisiana that's illegally there."

>Worfel said the Choctaws have the support of people who want to hurt
>the Coushatta Tribe. He declined identify those people .
···~jt' s clear there is a conspiracy against my tribe and that's why we
>may have to have a federal investigation to clear the air," he said.
>"Who are the players involved in this? Some are from Alexandria and
":,ome are from Southwest Louisiana and at one time or another, all of
>them have had dealings with the Coushattas."

>To find out everything that the politicians don't want you to
>know go to:

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Abramoff. Jack_I•
Tuesday, February 12. 2002 8:33 AM
Mike Scanlon office


-----Origioal Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralphllllllllllllil
Sent: Tuesday, F.e.b.r.u.3.r.Y 1.2 , 2002 9:24 AM
To: I abramoffj II i
Subject: RE: Texas
got it. we're talking to our contacts today. nO~<1 that we have the supremes on board,
we're pushing hard for immediate lower court action on the AC. they want_ to do that and
are willing, but in the end it's up to the judge. if they push too hard and insult the
judge, the judge becomes difficult and it backfires. expect to have an update for you
later today. -----Ori9ina1 Message-----
From: abramoffj.~lIlIillI~~~~"~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'"
Sent: Monday, February II, 2002 8:03 PM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: Texas

Ultimately, as you can imagine, the main target is the AC. I wish those moronic Tiguas
were smarter in their political contributions. I d love us t,o get our mitts on that

moolah!! Oh well, stupid folks get wiped out. Now let's get AC.
-----Origina1 Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralphllllllllllllil
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 1:56 PM
To: Jack Abramoff
Subject: Texas

major victory. now it's on to livingston. but note they plan a legislative battle now
that they have lost in the courts:

> Associated Press : Texas Wire

> Tigua casino set to close barring Supreme Court stay
> The Associated Press
> Web Fasted: 02/11/2002 2:08 AM
> After years of legal wrangling, a casino run by the Tigua Indian tribe Was
> set to close Monday, barring a last-nUnute stay by the U.S. Supreme Court.
> Tigua Gov. Albert A1 vidrez said tribal attorneys planned to file an
> emergency request Monday morning to keep their Speaking Rock Casino open
> until the tribe exhausts its opportunity for appeal.
> Last week, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans declined
> to grant a stay that would have kept the casino open.
> Texas Attorney General John Cornyn filed a lawsuit to close the casino in
> 1999, six years after it opened.
> Cornyn' s office has maintained that state law prohibits casino-·style
> gambling and that the Indians are subject to that law because of an
> agreement they signed in 19B7 that restored their trust relationship with
> the federal government.
> The tribe has said it is a sovereign nation and not subject to specific
> state criminal laws. Tribal officials have also said their games of chance
> are structured so they comply with the Texas State Lottery Act and that
> they have the right to do anything allowed to the state.
> In January, a three-judge panel of the court affirmed a lower court ruling
> that the tribe I s casino violates state law and must close. That. mandate

GT(;006967-.I A
From: Abramoff. Jack (Dir-DC·Cov)
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 20028:42 AM
To: Mike Scanlon Office
Subject: FW:.

I know you (we!) hate him, but it does give us good cover'and patter to have him doing
stilff. ,Let's give him a list of things we want, especially on Jena, and 'give him some
chump change to get it done. I hope you agree. can you give me a list on the Jena? On
this one below, what should we do? Offer him a token?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@tI ..
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 8:57 AM
To: Jack Abramoff IE-mail)
Subject: _

update, below from our senior op i n . the house caucus is on board. we can move our
bill out of rules. We believe it can pass with a grassroots effort and some media. If we
take it to the floor and lose, the defeat will be bad. we need a decision this week or it
dies for this session. This is what you asked us to do so all we need is a green light:
I met with the Caucus Chair and his staffer today. Our legislation is ready to go. The
new legislation was drafted (they took our draft points up there right after I left at
11:00) and we should be ready to bring to a Committee vote within a week.
The Caucus staff is also working on my proposed agenda and this legislation will be one of
two agenda items under the broader "theme" of "Social/Moral issues." There is our issue of
banning state contracts to casino vendors and then the other issue is the Ten
Commandments. We are likely to see the Caucus corne forward with their agenda within the
next week with a press conference and releases.
Let me know where we stand on budget with your client. I think that there is an
opportunity to show a lot of progress quickly. especially with this being new legisation:
We can get co-sponsors/signers onto the bill as soon as it is filed/introduced ... then we
can begin our ground war with the CC putting pressure on D's to sign on ("election yearn
pressure should work in many cases) .

Abramoff, Jack. (Dir.DC-Gov)
S(iYij'~ Tuesday. February 19, 2002 7:54 PM
To: Ralph Reed
Subject: RE: high-level soco contacts

Thanks. This is key. Time is running out.

- --Original Message-----
frnm: Ralph Reed (mailto:ralPh@t7~••••••
Sent: Tuesday, February 19. 2002 3:42 PM
To: ·abramoffj@. .~1i77"
Subject: RE: high-level soco contacts

yes. we're negotiating that now. don't have a green light yet, but they are very
interested. we will rain down thousands of calls.

-----Original Message-----
F,-(.'Il!.:abramoffj@ n [mailto:abrarnoffj@• • • • •,
<;,-nL Tuesday, February 19, 2002 3:18 PM
-j,',:, ",alph Reed
~ubject: Re: high-level soco contacts

C"n we get dobson on the air?

..JilcK Abramoff

-- ----Original Message-----
>,rom: Ralph Reed <ralph@~ • •~!IIII ...,
2.'\~; Jack Abramo!f (E-mail) <abramoffj@• • • • •
Sent: Tue Feb 19 l5:16:St 2002
Subject: high-level soco contacts

",,,lIed dobson this a.m. letters are going to norton, copied to others, from the

- Jim Dobson
.. Gary Bauer
-Phyllis Schlafly

calls from falwell and robertson. will get copies and forward.

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From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)

Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 10:20 PM
To: Mike Scanlon
Subject: RE: FW: coushatta

Tell me about this one. I'd love to ream him.

-----Original Message----- Mike Scanlon [mailto:rnikee"~""II"IIII"~
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:30 PM
Subject: RE: FW: coushatta

Please tell ralph, that if I or anyone in my office gets another call from Sandra like the
one we received yesterday, two weeks turn around will start turning in to two years. We
are not their bank, and they should be very thankful of the relationship they have with

-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffj@ [mailto:abramoffj@'~E"IIIIII"
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:22 PM
To: Mike Scanlon
Subject: RE: FW: coushatta

OK, I'll get it all together.

" ,. : ;~ -1
-----Original Message----- ",
From: Mike Scanlon [mailto:rnike@4• • • • • • • • • • •
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 10:35 AM
To: abramoffj@ L
Subject: RE: FW: coushatta

Anything you have send over - the more info ,the better.

-----Original Message-----
I:'rom: abramoffj@ l~abra1tlOffj• • • •
To: Mike Scanlon <mike@ _ •
Sent: Tue Feb 19 09:09:51 2002
Subject: RE: FW: coushatta

Also for the sports suites? Do you need another one of those invoices too:

Should we also get h1ffi the January and February GT invoices, which have languished with '

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Scanlon [mailto:rnike@ ...
Sent: Tuesday, February 19', 2002 8:37 AM:
To: abramoffj 0;7 •

Subject: Re: FW: coushatta

Yeah- just need to fax h1ffi instructions, docs.' I need that revised list of contributions -
can you get that over to me today:

-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffj@?
To: Mike Scanlon <mike@
1 Cabramoffj@ (
2,' I
Sent: Mon Feb 18 23:16:41 2002
Subject': FW: coushatta

From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-De-Gov)
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 1:53 PM
To: 'Mike Scanlon'
Cc: Chris Cathcart
Subject: RE: Ralph Reed

We'll take care of it. Chris, please call me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Scanlon Imailto:mike@IlII• • • • • • • • • •
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 2:46 PM
To: abramoffj<1• • • • • •
Cc: Chris Cathcart
Subject: RE: Ralph Reed

Sounds Good - Chris can you work with Jack on this?

-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffj@ lmailto:abramoffj@. . . . . . . .~
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 8:18 PM
To: Mike Scanlon
Subject: FW: Ralph Reed

He wants a budget for radio in the state. I am inclined to say yes, so we can get this
Dobson ad up. We'll then play it in the WH and Interior. He asked for $150K. I told him
not even half. Maybe we'll do $60K?

-----original Message-----
From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:53 PM
To: Mike Scanlon office
Subject: Ralph Reed

He may have finally scored for us! Dobson goes up on the radio on this next week! He
thinks he can get Dobson to cut a radio spot on this for Louisiana too. I'll have more
detail soon.

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From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Thursday, February 21,20021:53 PM
To: 'Mike Scanlon'
Cc: Chris Cathcart
Subject: RE: Ralph Reed

We'll take care of it. Chris, please call me.

-----Oriqinal Message-----
From: Mike Scanlon (mailto:mike@~~ ••••••••
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 2:46 PM
Tal abramoffj@ •
CCl Chris Cathcart
Subject: RE: Ralph Reed

Sounds Good - Chris can you work with Jack on this?

-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffjP [mailto:abramoffj@II. . . . . . . .
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 8:18 PM
To: Mike Scanlon
Subject: FWl Ralph Reed

He wants a budget for radio in the state. I am inclined to say yes, so we can get this
Dobson ad up. We'll then play it in the WH and Interior. He askeci for .$150K. I told him
not even half. Maybe we'll do $60K?

-----Original Message-----
From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:53 PM
To: Mike Scanlon office
Subject: Ralph Reed

He may have finally scored for us! Dobson goes Up on the radio 'on this next week! He
thinks he can get Dobson to cut a radio spot on this for Louisiana too. I'll have more
detail soon.

The information contained in this transmission may contain

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From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-OC-Gov)
Sent: Fliday, February 22, 2002 11 :45 AM
10: Mike Scanlon
SubJect: RE: William

1 got a call from~1t~sically accusing Ralph and me of having our finger prints on an
anti-Norton effort. I denied it of course, but i t is clear that I have taken a hit here.

-----Original Message-----
from: Mike Scanlon [mailto:mike@ .
Sent: rr~day,
.Y.2 .
2., 2002 11:23 AM
To: abrarnoffj@±1 i
Subject: RE: William
r read you on Norton - We will block it all the way doen the line. Lets chat later.
_··--·-Original Message-----
From: abramoffj~7 [mailto:abramoffj@, .
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 11:11 AM
To: Mike Scanlon
SubJect: RE: William

Get William a meeting with Norton? We don't want to do that! Tell him that we are bombing
her (Ralph is going to use his $ for phones and radio on her from Christians) and we don't
want her to think it's us. let's discuss.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Scanlon [mailto:mike@ .
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:05 AM
To: abramoffj~n~.IIIi• •
Subject: William

Hey - the reason William is coming up is because Foster declares that he is meeting with
Norton on Monday. We better get him in there as well.


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From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Friday, February 22. 2002 3:52 PM
To: Rudy. Tony (Shld-De-Gov)
Subject: RE: Visit next week

Which story? I hope we are not in it, nor Ralph. Are we OK?

-----Original Message-----
From: Rudy, Tony IShld-DC-Gov)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 4:48 PM
To: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-De-Gov)
Subject: RE: Visit next week

Post is on this story

Tony Rudy

-----Original Message-----
From: Abramoff, Jack IDir-DC-Gov) <abramoffj@1IIIIIIIIIt
To: Boulanger, Todd IDir-DC-Gov) <boulangerT@llllllllllltLeger, Stephanie K. IAssoc-DC-
Gov/Adm) <legers@...........i Ring, Kevin IShld-DC-Gov) <ringk@.......... Rudy, Tony
[Shld-DC-Gov) <rudyt@~
Sent: Fri Feb 22 16:30:40 2002
Subject: RE: Visit next week

I just got a call fromt~i~all upset that Ralph Reed and I are bashing Norton! I told
him this was a total lie and that the bashing is from the religious right [Dobson) who
don't like me. or Ralph anyway. Plus, they are not publicly bashing Norton at this point.
because Ralph ~as been keeping a lid on them. I assured him that I was working FOR and
WITH them, but that there is a lot of anger out there because of the . " thing. He
said he talked to I IKevin is this true?) and that the problem there was the way
that Doolittle wrote the bill and that the community supported the tribe. Whatever. He
seemed to be distinguishing how Norton would handle Jena II hope!). in any event, we have
to be mega careful as to how we proceed. At this point, I do not think we should have
anyone other than Stephanie involved with the group which is corning up, and we are not
going to try to get anyone a meeting with Norton or Griles. Thin~s are too hot right now.
Plus, the AG Ieyoub i5 a 0 running for Governor, no? so we have to be careful.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boulanger, Todd (Oir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:30 AM
To: Leger, Stephanie K. (Assoc-DC-GoV/Adm)i Abramoff, Jack I Dir-DC-Gov)
Subject: RE: Visit next week

They shOUld be meeting with Norton, Griles and the rest. Period.

-----Original Message-----
From: Leger, Stephanie K. (Assoc-DC-Gov/Adm)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:29 AM
To: Boulanger, Todd IDir-De-Gov); Abrarnoff, Jack IDir-De-Gov)
Subject: Visit next week

The group from Louisiana that is coming up next week to meet with BlA (Paula Hart --
Skabine is traveling) includes AG Ieyoub, Lt. Gov. Blanco, some Police Jurors from
Calcasieu, and Port of Lake Charles officials. The woman that represents the Port is a
former ~reaux staffer (she worked with and for him for over 25 years). She is including
me in the meeting. Would it be improper for us to see if there's anyway we can help get
them a meeting with someone above Paula since the Gov will be meeting with Norton?

From: Abramoff. Jack (Oir·DC-Gov)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 3:52 PM
To: Rudy, Tony (Shld-OG-Gov)
Subject: RE: Visit next week

Which story? I hope we are not in it, nor Ralph. Are we OK?

-----Original Message-----
From: Rudy, Tony (Shld-DC-Gov)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 4:48 PM
To: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Subject: RE: Visit next week

Post is on this story

Tony Rudy

-----Original Message-----
From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-De-Gov) <abramoffj@""""'"
To: Boulanger, Todd (Dir-DC-Gov) <boulangerT@lllllllllltLeger, Stephanie K. (Assoc-DC-
Gov/Adm) <legers@...........; Ring, Kevin (Shld-DC-Gov) <ringk@IIIIIIIIII~. Rudy, Tony
(Shld-DC-Gov) <rudyt@~
Sent: Fri Feb 22 16:30:40 2002
Subject: RE: Visit next week

I just got a call from Griles all upset that Ralph Reed and I are bashing Norton! I told
h~ this was a total lie and that the bashing is from the religious right (Dobson) who
don't like me or Ralph anyway. Plus, they are not publicly bashing Norton at this point
because Ralph has been keeping a lid on them. I assured him that I was working FOR and
WITH them, but "that there is a lot of anger out there because of the . . . . . . thing. He
said he talked to I (Kevin is this true?) and that the problem there was the way
that Doolittle wrote the bill and that the community supported the tribe. Whatever. He
seemed to be distinguishing how Norton would handle Jena (I hope!). in any event, we have
to be mega careful as to how we proceed. At this point, I do not think we should have
anyone other than Stephanie involved with the group which is corning up, and we are not
going to try to get anyone a meeting with Norton or Griles. Things are too hot right now.
Plus, the AG Ieyoub is a D running for Governor, no? so we have to be careful.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boulanger, Todd (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:30 AM
To: Leger, Stephanie K. (Assoc-DC-Gov/Adm); Abramoff, Jack (Dir-De-Gov)
SUbject: RE: Visit next week

They should be meeting with Norton, Griles and the rest. Period.

-----Original Message-----
From: Leger, Stephanie K. (Assoc-DC-Gov/Adm)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:29 AM
To: Boulanger, Todd (Dir-De-Gov); Abramoff, Jack (Dir-De-Gov)
Subject: Visit next week

The group from Louisiana that is corning up next week to meet with BlA (Paula Hart --
Skabine is traveling) includes AG Ieyoub, Lt. Gov. Blanco, some Police Jurors from
Calcasieu, and Port of Lake Charles officials. The woman that represents the Port is a
former Breaux staffer (she worked with and for him for over 25 years). She is including
~e in the meeting. Would i t be improper for us to see if there's anyway we can help get
them a meeting with someone above PaUla since the Gov will be meeting with Norton?

From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Saturday, February 23,20026:12 PM
Boulanger, Todd (Dir-DC-Gov)
Subject: RE: Visit next week

~ think he could fuck us a lot worse than we could fuck him.

~----Original Message-----
fi"m: Boulanger, Todd (Dir-DC-Gov)
':,/eht; Friday, February 22, 2002 5:34 PM
''o: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Subject: RE: Visit next week

I'uck steph griles

Todd Anthony Boulanger

"'-··--Original Message-----
"foTC.;Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov) <abramoffj@~
,,()~ Boulanger, Todd (Dir-DC-Gov) <boulangerT@~i Leger, Stephanie K. (AS50C-DC-
Gov/Adm) <legers~ Ring, Kevin (Shld-DC-Gov) <ringk@illililili.
Rudy, Tony
\ShJd-DC-Gov) <rudyt@. . . . . . . . . . .
Sent; Fri Feb 22 16:30:40 2002
~~ject: RE: Visit next week

I just got a call from Griles all upset that Ralph ,.Reed and I, are bashing Norton! I told
him this was a totgl lie and that th.e.bashing. is from"the religious right (Dobson) who.
don't like me or Ralph anyway. Plus,,1;.heyate not pubiicl.Y bashing Norton at this point
because Ralph has been keeping a lidQI!.th~1n.. I a,ssuJ::ecL him ~that I was wQrkj,.ng FOR and
WITH them, but that there is a lot of angeL: out there because of the . .. 'T thing. He
said he talked to (K~vin is this tiue?f and that the problem there was the way
that Doolittle wrote the bill and that the community supported the tribe. Whatever. He
Reemed to be distinguishing how Norton would handle Jena (I hope!). in any event, we have
to be mega careful as to how we proceed. At this point, I do not think we should have
anyone other than Stephanie involved with the group which is coming up, and we are not
going to try to get anyone a meeting with Norton or Griles. Things are too hot right now.
Plus, the AG Ieyoub is a D running for Governor, no? so We have to be careful.

-----Original Message-----
V,:om: Boulanger, Todd (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:30 AM
To: Leger, Stephanie K. (Assoc-DC-Gov/Adm); Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Subject: RE: Visit next week

They should be meeting with Norton, Griles and the rest. Period.

·,,----Original Message-----
I'r:om: Leger, Stephanie K. (Assoc-DC-Gov/Adm)
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:29 AM
To: Boulanger, Todd (Dir-De-GoV)i Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Subject: Visit next week

The group from Louisiana that is coming up next week to meet with BIA (Paula Hart --
Skabine is traveling) includes AG Ieyoub, Lt. Gov. Bl~nco, some Police Jurors from
Calcasieu, and Port of Lake Charles officials. The woman that representsth,e -Port is a
former Breaux staffer (she worked with and for him fo~ over 25 years). She is including
me in the meeting. Would .it be improper for us to see if there's anyway we can help get
them a meeting with someone above Paula since the Gov will be meeting with Norton?

Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 20023:27 PM
"jI (j, Ralph E. Reed, Jr.
~"il,~.Jj>~:lr FW: Fw: Re: FW: LA update

At this point just fed ex it to me. they left.

-----original Message----- ..
f, ..T,'. Halph Reed [mail to: ralpJ~~-~~~• • • •
,,-,,1., ','uesday, ~ebrUary
, c abramoff '
2002 8: 12 AM

:J .... bj,_ccL Re: Fw: Re: FW: LA update

:CJl\ung in just a bit.

Sent from my Bl ckBerr Wireless Handheld ( -----Original Message-----

1":;:-0;" abramoffjllil• • • <abrarnoffj
Ralph Reed <J:alp
Tue Feb 26 00:12:37 2002
';lie!, ,ect: Fw: Re: FW: LA update

~an u get this for me? We meet them 10 am tomorrow.

,J,,'K }iliramoff

':>ri.ginal Message---_~-,-• • • • • •
,'1,; Mike Scanlon <mik~
'1'0: a b r a m o f f j " " - <abramoffj
Sent~ Man Feb 2 ~ 2002
SUbject: Re: FW: LA update

Jack- a copy of the ad would be nice for our clinet meeting- can you have them email the
J:adio spot- beam it to you? Also we need copies of the religous letters for that meeting.
i\Jt,,,,' can you have italia confirm that foster and norton acutally met? -----Original
flOW; abramoffj@gtlaw. CO~ <abramo~ •••
~0: Mike Scanlon <mik~
Sent: Mon Feb 25 18:10:27 2002
Subject: FW: LA update

-,.--e'-Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed (mailto:ralph'~~.~ •••
Sent: Monday, FejjpaJES [5.,2002 5:40 PM
To: 'abramoffj
Subject: Fw: LA update

Wow. Phone calls deluged the Secretary's of ice While foster was there!

~ent from my BlackBerry -----Original ~essage-----

f'rom: Glen Wilkins <glc
To: Ralph Reed <ralp ; Eric Criss <eric~IIIIIIIIIIII"
Sent: Mon Feb 25 20:46:45 2002
Subject: LA update

Ralph - Foster met with Norton this morning. A contact in the office has confirmed this.
The switchboards have been absolutely swamped by anti-gaming callers responding to our
phene calls and radio. 10-12 heavy hitters called .the secretary's office dUJ:ing the
actual meeting to express their views.·' The ietter program has been completed' and, only

retrieval is left which should be completed by mid-week. Bauer has sent a letter which we
are working on retrieving. Glen

The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential
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hom; Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
S~nt: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 8:12 AM
Ralph Reed
~ubject: RE:Callto~

S"~at., where are we with Falwell, Robertson, Dobson, etc? we need to see some action in
U~. That's what I sold them for the $lOOK.

---Original Message-----
.~ ': ,. Ralph Reed [mail to: ralph@~!1[11• • • • •
s",',\.' Tuesday, February 26, 2002 9:00 AM
To: 'abramoffj@_IIIIII• •
:',llbj ..., ct: FW: Call to

Good grasstops contact.

Se.nt from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (

-'-Original Message-----
From: Eric Criss <eric@..............,
'ro' Ralph Reed < r a l p h @ ' - ' - ' .
;"".,. " Tue Feb 26 11:17:53 2002
·:·\rt':i(~r:'t·~ FW: Call to

VYl, ••

Send and receive Hotmai1 on your mobile device:

Ff~HTI: Abramoff, Jack. (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 3:27 PM
'f (Ii; Ralph E, Reed, JL,je<Clt: FW: Fw: Re: FW: LA update

At this point just fed ex it to me. they left.

-----Original Message----- ..
l'J:<:J;i'; Ralph Reed [mailto:ralP~l~_I!I
~,~Dt; ~uesday, ~ebrUary 26, 2002 8:12 AM
'ro; abramoff
S~Lj0Gt; Re: Fw: Re: FW: LA update

Corning in just a bit.

Sent from my BI~kBerr.Wireless Handheld ( -----Original Message-----

Fr():~ abramoffj" I <abramoffj
'j',) Ralph Reed <ralp i '

SelF; Tue Feb 26 00:12:37 2002

JUL]ect: Fw: Re: FW: LA update
Can u get this for me? We meet them 10 am tomorrow.
J,,'~k Abramoff

Original Message-----
Mike Scanlon <mik~• • • • • • •
1,";' ,••,l\;;

i1'O: abramoffj~ <abramoffj

Sent: Mon Feb 2 ~ 2002
Subject: Re: FW: LA update

Jack- a copy of the ad would be nice for our clinet meeting- can you have them email the
radio spot- beam it to you? Also we need copies of the re1igous letters for that meeting.
1\1sG can you have italia confiz;m that foster and norton acuta1ly met? -----Origina1
From; <abramoff'
']'0: Mike Scanlon <mik~."".iiI
Sent: Mon Feb 25 18:10:27 2002
Subject: FW: LA update

--·---Original Message-----
From: Ralph Reed (mailto:ralph~B~""""II.
Sent: Monday, FeliruaLi 25 2002 5:40 PM
To: 'abrarnoffj
Subject: Fw: LA update
i ,

Wow. Phone calls deluged the Secretary's ofice while foster was there!

Sent from my BlackBerr~Wir ess Handheld (;i<jinal1.!.essage-----

f' Glen Wilkins <gle
To: Ralph Reed <ralp ; Eric Criss <eric,~• • • • • • •
Sent: Mon Feb 25 20:46:45 2002
Subject: LA update

Ralph - Foster met with Norton this morning. A contact in the office has confirmed this.
The switchboards have been absolutely swamped by anti-gaming callers responding to our
phone calls and radio. 10-12 heavy hitters called .the, secretary's office during the
actual meeting to express their views."', The ietterprogram' has' been CQmpleted'and, :only

hom. Abramoff. Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Tuesday. February 26, 2002 9:47 PM
1n: Mike Scanlon office
Sunj(!ct: FW: $160k FED EX TO YOU TODAY

Didn't those checks get fed ex'd to him yesterday?

--Original Message-
!=mm: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph .
Sent l',lesday. February 26,200210:05 PM.
Subject: RE: $160k FED EX TO YOU TODAY

Did no{ receive. Please expedite. Radio already paid for.

---Original Me~e-
·'Iom' abramoffj. 2• •••
Seflt Monday, February 25:'2002 3:18 PM
To t~alrm Reed
t:"ll)lec'~' $160k FED EX TO YOU TODAY

Both for the Jena campaign.

The information contained in this transmission may contain'

priviieged and confidential information. It is intended only
for the use of the person(s) named above. If. you are not the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review.
dissemination, distribution or duplication of this
communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the
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fino destroy all copies of the original message.

oro reply to our email administrator directly, please send an

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, • • •,


From: Ralph Reed [ralph I
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 3:08 PM
To: Jack Abramoff (E-mail)
Subject: FW: Texas Plan

rexas 2OO2.doc: (34
;;.~; , ;:'"", :t!'
. "

is the TX political plan we discussed earlier. Sanchez has said he opposes closinq

casinos, and a Democrat legislature would act quickly to reopen the Tiqua casino. The
stakes could not be higher.



........ ,:..,.t...



From: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov) [/o=GTLAW/ou=WDC/cn=Recipienlslcn=abramoffl] on behalf
of Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Wednesday, July 24,200211 :27 AM
To: 'Mike Scanlon office'
Subject: FW:TX

forget about Ralph, but you should call Lovelin and Will~am (call them both, and maybe
call Aubrey tool and claim victory on this one, but warn that the AC are not going away.
They have a ton of money from oil and are really working the st~te very hard. That's from
Schwartz. He said that their DC lobbyist is also pushing for them to get a federal fix,
but the moron is doing it publicly, so forget that (of course don't tell
William/Aubrey/Lovelin!). we need r.lore $$$$. Call them and let me know how it goes.

-----Original Message-----
from: Ralph Reed [mailto:ralph@ J
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 9:24 AM
To: Jack Abramoff (E-mail)
Subject: TX

this is total victory and should lead friends in TX to now want to launch the grassroots
effort to insure that those elected officials who stood up for families and against casino
gambling have support this fall. It is critical. The Governor's race is too close to
call and the Senate race is within the margin of error---and the Lt. Governor's race will
literally decide this issue legislatively.
> House of cards July 19, 2002 The Beaumont Enterprise SImNE GRABER
> U.S. District Judge John Hannah Jr. ip Lufkin ordered the
> Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas casino shut, down by midnight JU1~ 25.
> LIVINGSTON - Jodie Kubena sits in silence as bells 1ingle and clang
> around him. He is fixed' on a stool here, working two slot machines at
> the same t~e. He can't hear the quarters fill his tray, but he sees
> them fall. Kubena, an 84-year-old Caldwell man who can ,'t hear or
> speak, has been travelling the 40 miles to the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe
> of Texas' casino since i t opened nearly nine months ago. He is wearing
> Velcro sneakers, a snap-button shirt and a hat his nephew made\that
> says, "World's Greatest Gambler, Marksville, La." He spells his name
> in sign language but doesn't chat much otherwise. He and the slots are
> one. His sister, Eunice Dotson, 78, brings him here twice a week. They
> pUll in at 9:30 a.m. and stay until 4 p.m., 6 p.m. if Kubena's slots
> are hitting. In less than a week, though, they'll have to find another
> diversion. This tribe's cash cow might be heading out to pasture -
> and maybe for good. "I hate to hear that," Dotson said. She then
> looked at her brother. "And he's so upset about it." U.S. District
> Judge John Hannah Jr. in Lufkin ruled last month that the casino is
> illegal under the 1987 Native American Restoration Act. That act bars
> on reservations any type of gambling that isn't legal in the state.
> HannAh ordered the CAsino shut down by'midnight July 25. The tribe
> Thursday filed an appeal in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, said
> Tribal Council Chairman Kevin Battise~ That court, however, already
> shut down another TeKas tribe's casino earlier this year in a nearly
> identical case. As an option, Hannah said the Alabama-Coushatta should
> lobby Congress and the TeKas Legislature to change the laws rather
> than appeal to the 5th Circuit. But lawmakers don't appear eager to
> roll the dice on reservation gambling. A bill that would legalize
> casinos on Indian land died before it could get to the floor for
> debate last legislative session. Local leaders like Rep. Dan Ellis,
> D-Livingston, and Sen. Todd Staples, R-Palestine, have both said
> they're against the casino. The tribe is already making plans for

> severance packages for the 285 employees at the 24-hour-a-day,
> no-booze entertainment center, Battise said. The tribe had big plans
> for the money, too, the chairman said. New homes. A new youth
> recreation center. Better services for tribal members. "But as of this
> date, a lot of that stuff has been put on hold," Battise said. The
> Alabama-Coushatta casino brings in about $1 million a month, Batt~se
> testified in federal court. The money now sits in a bank, he said. It
> will be the tribe's reserve fund if the casino doesn't reopen. Texas'
> three federally recognized reservations have opened casinos, but the
> Alabama-Coushatta's is the last one standing. For now. The Tiguas in
> El Paso closed a mammoth casino in February after a 5th Circuit Court
> of Appeals ruling. The Tiguas became a federally recognized tribe
> undcr thc same Rcstoration Act as the Alabama-Coushatta. Both tribes
> have argued unsuccessfully that the federal government forced them
> into signing the Restoration Act. The tribes also say that
> state-sanctioned bingo and lottery should allow them to have casinos.
> Attorney General John Cornyn, the Republican candidate for U.S.
> Senate, has been a vehement opponent of the ~asinos and has won every
> case against them so far. John Mitchell, a transportation employee
> here and the unofficial head cheerleader for the casino, started
> working here Jan. 28. "One thing I'd like to have mentioned is that
> people complain that welfare is high and unemployment is up," said
> Mitchell, 62. "These people, here, though, as well as myself, they
> just want to work. "I sent a letter to G.W. Bush about this. I don't
> know if I'll get a reply, though. At 10:45 a.m., the casino is filling
> with people. Bob Marley's "Could You Be Loved" is blasting through the
> speakers. "It looks a little empty right now, but it will pick up,"
> said Sharon Miller, a tribe spokeswoman. Three women behind the snack
> bar counter wait for that to happen. Lanita Wyatt, 21, January
> Gregory, 22, and Stacy Haralson, 31, have worked here since the first
> day. They know a casino end might be near, as well as the health
> benefits and life insurance that will go with it. "I just got a car,"
> Haralson said. "I might have to give it up." "I just hope it opens
> again," Gregory said. "Wishful thinking, I guess." Last week, Kubena
> won $1,500 on one slot. He picks one or two slot machines when he gets
> here and plays them all day. Dotson, his sister, tries different
> slots. "I get nervous," she said, her slot machine tray empty. ~If I'm
> not hitting, I've got to move on." Dotson rarely comes out ahead. "Are
> you kidding?" she said. "I'm in the hole every time I come." But
> Kubena hits. Often. The money he wins goes toward repairs on the home
> he and his sister have shared since Dotson's husband died a few years ago. Kubena is
playing two machines Thursday morning. Both machines have $250 wins on them, and both
trays are filled with quarters. Every time he wins, Dotson, who is sitting with her back
to her brother, turns around to see how many coins fall. Kubena keeps sliding quarters in
to the slots. Every now and again, he pauses just long
> enough to give his sister a thumbs-up.
> (c)The Beaumont Enterprise 2002

From: AbramoH, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov) .L• • • • • • • • •~• • • • i.i.2iIg on behalf
of Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 8:08 PM
To:. 'Ralph Reed'
Subject: RE: 7
At this point, the only games left are the 18th of March (Pistons) or the 9th of April
(Kings). Let me know which one works.

-----Original Message-----
from: Ralph Reed Imailto:ralph~~"""""".
Sent: Thursday, March ~3, 2003 8:21 PM
To: Abramoff, Jack (Dir-DC-Gov)
Subject: RE:""IIII..'
Let me know.

Give me some dates on jordan/wizards.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (

-----Original Message-----
From: abramoffj@ I <abramoffjl~"""""
To: Ralph Reed <ralph@ I
Sent: Fri Mar 1( 01:10:12 2003
Subject: RE: C • • •"
I spoke with Nell. They are trying to find money. This really sucks.

From: Ralph Reed lmailto:ralph@~""""".
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 3:21 PM
To: Abramo!f, Jack (Dir-De-Gov)
Subject: RE: .

let me know. you can only imagine how panicked people are down inr4SS
-----Original Message-----
From:[mailto:abramoffj@@. . . . . . . . . .
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 12:(1 PM
To: Ralph Reed 7E
Subject: RE:4L2i1I1I1Mr
I have a call into Nell to get some $ on this. They are really hurting for money right
now, though. The economy is dead there, and the terrorism upgrade literally shut them
down. 1 hope they have some $ somewhere to stop this.

------_...------------.. -----_.~


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