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Statoil require compliance with the following minimum criteria in order that a vessel may be considered for the
carriage of cargo owned by Statoil or to call at a Statoil owned or operated terminal. The acceptability of a vessel
will be assessed on each occasion she is proposed for either carriage of cargo or is planned to call at a Statoil
owned terminal. Information obtained from other sources in addition to that described below may be used when
assessing a vessel.
These requirements apply to
Crude oil, product and chemical tankers (excluding OBO carriers)
Dry bulk carriers
Gas carriers including LNG vessels
Additional requirements may apply for specific trades or operations for example Offshore Loading vessels
operating on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
As a minimum the vessel proposed shall comply with the following

All international rules and regulations and conventions applicable for a vessel of her size and type
Be fully classed by a Classification Society which is a member of the International Association of
Classification Societies
All charter party terms and conditions as applicable for the voyage or timecharter period in question
Shall have onboard all documents and certificates as required by any applicable laws in order for her to
perform the voyage in question
Shall be of Double Hull construction
Shall not be more than 20 years of age.
Oil Tankers and Chemical Tankers of more than 20,000 dwt and over 15 years of age shall have a CAP
(Condition Assessment) certificate for hull with a minimum rating of Good or equivalent. The CAP
certificate shall be considered valid for 3 years from the commencement date of the original survey. CAP
certificates are currently accepted from the following classification societies DNV, Lloyds, ABS, BV, GL,
Shall have a valid operational SIRE inspection report available within the SIRE system of not more than 6
months old.
Shall have had an operational SIRE inspection carried out by Statoil within the last 24 months.
Shall have a satisfactory updated questionnaire lodged in the SIS (Ship Information System) at the time of
the acceptance request (a questionnaire will be considered valid for a maximum period of 30 days from
date of submission).
Shall have submitted to Statoil ( at the time of acceptance request a copy of present
class status including any conditions of class or memoranda.
The terms of employment of the Vessels officers and crew shall be acceptable to the International
Transport Workers Federation (ITF).
Shall be Owned or Demise Chartered by a member of the International Tanker Owners Pollution
Federation Limited (ITOPF)
Shall have membership in a Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Association that is in good financial standing
and a member of the International Group of P&I Clubs, in both Protection and Indemnity Classes.
Shall have insurance cover against pollution risks on the normal terms (and up to the full limit of cover)
available from P&I Clubs in the International Group.

Status: Final

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Shall have senior officers onboard with the following minimum experience
o Master and Chief Officer shall have a combined minimum of 3 years onboard service in rank.
o Chief Engineer and Second Engineer shall have a combined minimum of 3 years onboard service
in rank.
o All deck officers shall have completed a Bridge Resource Management or Bridge Team
Management course.

Notes :

Statoil have additional requirements applicable for vessels under timecharter and contract of
affreightment charters.
Statoil shall be advised immediately and without undue delay if there is any change in the
Ownership, management, flag or Class of the vessel and any incident or near miss which could
have led to a serious incident including but not limited to; fatality or serious injury, grounding
(including laying on soft mud), collision (even touching another vessel or object), fire, oil pollution
(of any magnitude), serious leakage, gas leakage, threat to the security of the vessel (including
sabotage, terror attack or piracy and/or any attempt thereof) or any other matter that may affect or
jeopardize the full and efficient use of the vessel. Details shall in addition to any requirements
contained in voyage orders or instructions to Master be reported to Statoil Maritime Competence
and Vetting (
Statoil comply with the requirements as outlined in the OCIMF 30 day rule in respect of inspection
frequency unless an inspection is required to comply with Statoil internal procedures.
Any change of Owner or Management of the vessel requires that a valid operational SIRE report
undertaken after the change is available at the time of acceptance request; otherwise a Statoil
inspection is required prior use.
All inspection requests should be lodged via the SIS portal.

Nothing in this document or the related policies of Statoil relieves the Owner, Manager and Master
from their responsibility for the safety and seaworthiness of the vessel, or for safe operation of the
vessel whilst under contract to Statoil.

Status: Final

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