From: To: Subject: Date: Importance:: Adams, Rowdy Giddens, Gregory

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From: (b) (6)

To: ADAMS, ROWDY ( ; (b) (6) ; GIDDENS, GREGORY; (b)

Subject: Fw: SRT Meeting re: 2nd State of Immigration Address
Date: Tuesday, January 01, 2008 11:45:41 PM
Importance: High

Pls see mtg announcement below.
----- Original Message -----
From: (b) (6)
To: (b) (6)
Sent: Tue Jan 01 14:56:38 2008
Subject: SRT Meeting re: 2nd State of Immigration Address

Type:Single Meeting
Organizer (b) (6)
Start Time:Wednesday, January 02, 2008 11:00 AM
End Time:Wednesday, January 02, 2008 11:45 AM
Time Zone:(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
(b) (6)


In the last SRT, the following plan was tentatively discussed as a workable concept centered around the
theme of “interior/worksite enforcement” … we need to get a good account of where we are and what
is ready to announce. SRT attendance by the following offices is critical … OGC, POLICY, Front Office,


Participants: S1, Attorney General (b) (6) and possibly Secretary(b)

Date: Thursday, January 17 (6)
Location: TBD – OPA Recommends ICE HQ in DC or ICE Office in Chicago if we travel
Goals to Discuss for Next Update: #9, #12, #13, #14, #15

I. Provide Brief Description of Immigration Reform and Transformation Initiatives

A. Border Security
i. Briefly Highlight (Initiative #1) personnel, miles of fence, technology [LEAD: CBP]

B. Interior & Worksite Enforcement

C. Streamlining Existing Guest-Worker Programs

D. Improving Existing Immigration

E. Assimilation

II. Today’s Focus: Interior & Worksite Enforcement

A. DHS Talking Points/Initiatives to Cover

· Raise Civil Fines on Employers by 25 Percent (Initiative #12) [LEAD: DHS/JUSTICE DEPT]

· Expand Criminal Investigations Against Employers (Initiative #13) [LEAD – ICE]

o ICE arrests for criminal violations increased to record levels in FY06/FY07

· Help States Make Greater Use of E-Verify (Initiative #15) [LEAD: DHS – USCIS]

· Require Federal Contractor, Vendors Use E-Verify (Initiative #14) [LEAD: OMB/DHS

o Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to submit NPRM to OIRA – Status?

B. USDOJ Talking Points/Initiatives to Cover

· Close “Voluntary” Departure Loophole (Initiative #9) [LEAD: JUSTICE DEPT.]

· Raise Civil Fines on Employers by 25 Percent (Initiative #12) [LEAD: DHS


· Other Announcements by USDOJ – Could they discuss their efforts to increase


C. LABOR Talking Points/Initiatives to Cover

· H-2A NPRM ready to be published (Initiative #18) [LEAD: LABOR DEPT.]

III. Closing Remarks by Secretary Chertoff

IV. Questions & Answers with Media

SRT Mtg Attendees:

(b) (6)
(b) (6)

S2 Counselor
(b) (6)


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