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Simple Small Car Dealership database manager, databases:

Car Dealer Manager, car inventory database:

easily enter car inventory data

sort car inventories by any field

import data from text files, excel files, ..

search cars by any field

customized views

print reports

print barcodes, labels, id cards, id labels

and more..

Car inventory database:

Car inventory database, view car cost (purchase price, repair cost,..):

Car inventory database, view car image:

Car inventory database, view car prices (cost price, sale price, listing price, web price, ..):

Car inventory database, view car sale information:

Car Dealer Manager, car prospect/clients database:

easily enter data

import data from text files, excel files, ..

search customers by any field

customized views

print reports

print barcodes, labels, id cards, id labels

and more..

Small Car Dealership, customer database:

Car Dealer Manager, car requests database:

Small Car Dealership, car choices database:

Car Dealer Manager, car cost database:

Small Car Dealership, car cost database:

Car Dealer Manager, car sale database:

Small Car Dealership, car sale database:

Car Dealer Manager, contact log database:

Small Car Dealership, contact database:

2. Easily enter/view Car Dealer data

Easy to use for the beginner, feature-reach and powerful enough to satisfy advanced users.

enter car inventories, customers and prospects data using easy to use data entry forms
(data entry by typing)

import data from text, excel files

speed up data entry procedure with copy/paste record feature

speed up data entry procedure with record templates

enter records on separate computers and transfer data to main computer

.. and more

3. Search Car Dealer data

With our database software, you are able to locate a piece of text in any field with the capability
of moving to the next record filling your search criteria.
Additional search features: incremental search, search online, find duplicates, non-stop search.

4. Print Car Dealer reports

Report wizard lets you create quality, professionally looking documents, car lists, customer
reports, contact activity summaries, and more. You can define the report characteristic (color,
size, margins, graphics,.. ), report layout , report sections (header, footer, ...). You can save
settings to a template for future reuse.

5. Print labels
Print Label Wizard lets you print selected fields on any label. There are already templates for all
American and European Avery label formats. Print Label Wizard supports the most popular
barcode types used in business. Print Label Wizard allows you to define and print the following
labels: address labels, item inventory labels, spine labels, barcode labels, badges, id cards,

6. Enter, modify, view data

Standard Record View pages allow you to easily enter, modify records and generate data
specific commands.
Table viewer: View and process your Car Dealer data in rows and columns using table viewer.
Browser viewer: View your small car dealership data in virtually any way using browser viewer
and html templates.

7. Network/Multi-User, Backup, HTML wizard

Network/Multi-User: You can use our database system on your network, or you can create any
number of accounts for users who share the same computer and would like to have their own
Backup data: There is a set of useful functions that allow you to protect your data.

HTML wizard lets you create a set of linked web pages containing anything from simple contact
listings to complex reports in HTML form.

8. Car Dealer Add-ons

Database Designer: supports modification and customization of database templates included in
our Car Dealer software solution. Designer supports creation of new databases.
Designer/Organizer: supports extension of your database system with templates from our

Database Templates, over 200 templates.

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Go ahead. Try our product in your home or office for 30 days risk-free. If it doesn't meet or
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Download free, fully functional trial version. The trial version will expire 45 days after installation.
Click here to download Car Dealer Organizer Pro, software for Windows

Copyright PrimaSoft PC, Inc. All rights reserved.

Day 1, "Introduction to SQL Server 7.0 and Relational Databases"

Quiz Answers


What is the building block of a relational database?

A1: The table.


What are some of the objects held in a database?

A2: Tables, columns, data types, stored procedures, triggers, rules, keys, constraints, defaults, and indexes.

Who is responsible for backing up SQL Server databases?

A3: Usually the SQL Server administrator.

Exercise Answer

Q1: Try to design a database on your own. You will go through a simulated interview and then try to make some sense out

of the interview by creating variables and organizing them into tables. You can also see one way of doing it.
Remember, in this case there isn't just one right answerjust different ways of doing the same thing.
A1: Following is one way to look at creating objects and organizing them into tables and columns. Remember that Day 9

covers more details on different data types.

Normalizing Your Database Design
Normalizing the database consists of taking related objects and grouping them into tables.
For example, look at the used car dealership database as if it were a spreadsheet. The columns would be vehicle identification number (VIN), Make,
Model, Color, Mileage, Photograph, Air Conditioning, Size of Engine, Transmission, Four-Wheel Drive, Power Locks, Other Features, Cost, List Price,
Asking Price, Date Bought, Date Sold, Deposit, Deposit Date, Customer Name, Customer Address, Customer Phone, Salesperson Name, Salesperson
Address, Salesperson Commission, and Salesperson ID.
You have a total of 25 columns to save for each car. Putting them in a spreadsheet would work for a small shop, but for large shops a spreadsheet would
quickly become too cumbersome. You need a unique identifier to link these tables to each other. Vehicles have a natural unique ID in their VIN number.
You can assign customers and salespeople unique numbers or use existing identifiers (like social security or last name plus address). In this case an
assigned ID for the salespeople and the customer's Social Security number will work as identifiers.
You can see that information about vehicles, salespeople, cost and sales, and customers are related data. These variables can go into several tables, as

VehicleVIN, Make, Model, Color, Mileage, Photograph, Air Conditioning, Size of Engine, Transmission, Four-Wheel Drive, Power Locks, Other

SalespeopleSalesperson Name, Salesperson Address, Salesperson Commission, Salesperson ID

Sales DataVIN, Cost, List Price, Asking Price, Date Bought, Date Sold, Deposit, Deposit Date, Customer ID, Salesperson ID

CustomerCustomer Name, Customer Address, Customer Phone, Customer ID, Comments

Finalizing the Database Design

To finalize the design, choose column names, choose the data type, and choose the length of each column (when appropriate). Also split names into first
and last names because you might want to alphabetize them later.
The detailed design of a database is often referred to as the data dictionary because it defines the variables and tables in the database. Here is a
breakdown of your data dictionary:
Vehicle: This table will contain vehicle information and have the following variables:

VIN (Primary Key) This is the vehicle identification number. This is a character field with a variable length of 30 characters (for nonstandard
cars, and so on).

Make This is the make of the car. Valid responses are something like Ford, Nissan, and so on. This is a character field with a variable length of
30 characters.

Model This is the model of the car. Valid responses are something like Ranger, Altima, and so on. This is a character field with a variable length
of 30 characters.

Color This is the color of the car. This is a character field with a variable length of 20 characters.

Mileage This is the mileage of the car. This is a numeric field with a length of 7 characters (max of 9,999,999it will not track mileage to the
tenth of a mile).

Photo This will be a photograph of the car, taken in 640x480x256 Joint Picture Experts Group (JPEG) format, so it can be published on the
Internet easily. This will be an image field.

AC This is to indicate whether air conditioning is present. Valid responses are Y or N. This will be a character field set to a length of one.

Size_of_Eng This is to indicate how many cylinders the engine has. Valid responses are 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. This will be a tinyint (tiny
integerranges from 0 to 255) field.

Trans This is the type of transmission, with valid responses being "standard" or "automatic." This will be a variable character field with a
maximum length of nine.

FWD This is to indicate whether the vehicle is four-wheel drive. Valid responses are Y or N. This will be a character field set to a length of one.

PL This is to indicate whether the vehicle has power locks. Valid responses are Y or N. This will be a character field set to a length of one.

Comment This field will be used to hold comments about the vehicle and will be a text variable.

tblSalespeople: This table will contain information about the salespeople:

Sales_ID (Primary Key) This is the ID of the salesperson. All salespeople will be assigned an ID to help track sales, and so on. This will be a
smallint (small integerranges from 32,768 to 32,767) field.

Fname This is the salesperson's first name. This will be a variable character field with a maximum of 30 characters.

Lname This is the salesperson's last name. This will be a variable character field with a maximum of 30 characters.

Addr This is the salesperson's address. This will be a variable character field with a maximum of 30 characters.

City This is the salesperson's city. This will be a variable character field with a maximum of 30 characters.

State This is the salesperson's state. This will be a character field with two characters.

Zip This is the salesperson's zip code. This will be a character field with nine characters.

Commission This is the salesperson's base percentage for his commission. This can later be used to calculate commissions based on profits
on cars sold. This will be a tinyint variable.

tblSales: This table will track information about the purchase and sale of the vehicle.

Invoice (Primary Key) This will be the invoice number of the original purchase of the vehicle. This will be a varchar field with a maximum
length of 20.

VIN (Foreign Key) This is the same as the field found in the vehicle table and will be used to create a key to that table.

CustID (Foreign Key) This variable also exists in the customer table. This field will be a key to the customer table.

SalesID (Foreign Key) This variable also exists in the sales table. This will be a key to the sales table.

Cost This is the actual cost of the vehicle. This will be a smallmoney field (it can handle up to $214,000).

List This is the list (blue book) price for the car. This will be a smallmoney field.

Ask This is the asking price. This might change because of a sale, advertisement, or incentive. This will be a smallmoney field.

DateIn This is the date that the vehicle was purchased by the dealer. This will be a smalldatetime field (keeps track of dates down to oneminute intervals).

DateOut This is when the vehicle was sold to a customer. This will be a smalldatetime field.

Deposit This is the amount of a deposit (if any) that the customer has put down on a vehicle. This will be a smallmoney field.

Deposit Date This is when the deposit was made. This will be a smalldatetime field.

tblCustomer: This table will keep track of the customers.

CustID (Primary Key) This will hold the social security number of the customer, which will also double as the ID number for the customer. It will
be a nine-digit character field.

Fname This is the customer's first name. It will be a variable character field with a maximum of 30 characters.

Lname This is the customer's last name. It will be a variable character field with a maximum of 30 characters.

Addr This is the customer's address. It will be a variable character field with a maximum of 30 characters.

City This is the customer's city. It will be a variable character field with a maximum of 30 characters.

State This is the customer's state. It will be a character field with two characters.

Zip This is the customer's zip code. It will be a character field with nine characters.

Phone This is the phone number of the customer. It will be a 10-digit character field.

Comments This will be a text field where comments about the customer can be added.

Figure A.1 shows how your tables and their relationships might look.

Figure A.1 Relationships between tables.

SQL Server ships with two default databases you can use to learn how to program SQL Server 7.0. Readers who have used SQL Server in the past will
recognize the pubs database. The pubs database is an assortment of tables that track books, publishers, authors, stores, and sales. Figure A.2 is a
sample view of the tables in the pubs database and their relationships.

Figure A.2 The pubs database.

Readers familiar with the Northwinds database from Microsoft Access will also have an easy time transitioning into SQL Server 7.0 because a SQL Server
version of the Northwinds Traders company database is included. Northwinds Traders is a fictitious company that buys and sells exotic foods from all over

the world. The various tables and queries used to work with the data are in SQL Server 7.0. Figure A.3 shows a sample layout of the Northwinds database
and its associated tables and fields.
Previous Section
Day 2, "Installing SQL Server 7.0" | Next Section

Main Menu Screen - Example

This is a sample screen for creating the table to be auto-faxed. It shows the buttons that would be used before the faxes are sent.
These buttons will allow you to create the "faxes to be sent" fax table which will be linked to the WinFaxPro version 8 application.

Customer Screen - Example

The customer can be a company or a family and you will know exactly where you stand with this customer, how many cars have
been purchased and when you have contacted the customer last.

Periodic Letters Screen - Example

This is a sample screen that allows you to identify all customers that need to be sent periodic letters. You click on the button and the
letters come up signed with scanned-in signatures thanking the customers or reminding them of a recommended action.

Car Inventory Screen - Example

This is a sample screen that shows what cars are in stock and helps you to search for them by make, model, type, color or price.


Your Cost

We can set up the system so that you can make changes using
standard Access functions or we can lock out the system so that
no changes can be made. You can add buttons or documents
easily using standard Access commands.

This database is available "as-is" for $500 but it can be

customized to suit your exact needs for well under $5000.

We can develop the periodic letter documents in Microsoft

Word97 for you or show you how to do it and how to import
them into your database.

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