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From: (b) (6)


Subject: FW: Need to confirm participants for Friday Roundtables
Date: Thursday, December 06, 2007 5:52:01 PM

Good evening Greg and Rowdy.

The attached file includes the schedules and agendas for the three sets of meetings (that I’ve been
involved with) for tomorrow.

(b) (6)
Secure Border Initiative
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(b) (6)
For more information about the Secure Border Initiative, visit or contact us at SBI

From: (b) (6)

Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 4:57 PM
To: (b) (6) ; 'PAGAN, DAVID G.'
Cc: FLOSSMAN, LOREN W; (b) (6)

Subject: RE: Need to confirm participants for Friday Roundtables

Hi (b) (6) and (b) (6)

Attached is a file with the different meetings.

I’ve highlighted the primary SBI and USACE participants for these meetings.

For the noon meeting, (b) will also have (b) (6) with him.
For the 2:00 meeting, (b) will also have (b) (6) with him.
I’ve copied the USACE participants on this e-mail.

Sorry this is so late.

(b) (6)
Secure Border Initiative
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(b) (6)
For more information about the Secure Border Initiative, visit or contact us at

From: (b) (6)

Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 3:11 PM
To: (b) (6)
Subject: FW: Need to confirm participants for Friday Roundtables
Importance: High

Quick question. Did you happen to have contact information for the Army Corps of Engineers
participants tomorrow?

(b) (6)
Thanks again for your help.

(b) (6) mson

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(b) (6)

Sent: bThursday, December 06, 2007 12:27 PM
To: (b) (6)
Subject: FW: Need to confirm participants for Friday Roundtables
Importance: High

Did you happen to have any information on who from the Army Corps of Engineers would be
participating in these 2 calls tomorrow? The call information is below. Let me know if I you have this


(b) (6)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(b) (6)

From: (b) (6)

Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 12:25 PM
b FW: Need to confirm participants for Friday Roundtables
Importance: High

Good afternoon,

I need to line up the final list of participants for the 2 conference calls we will be doing
tomorrow at Noon and 2:00 tomorrow.

I need to identify participants from SBI, OBP, Finance and US Army Corps of Engineers. I
realize that there may be a conflict with a similar event for Mr. Giddens, Chief Aguilar, and
(b) (6) but wanted check their availability for the Noon call; if they are not free, please
let me know if the deputies (Chief Self from OBP, (b) (6) from SBI). For the 2:00
call, we will have to start with deputies; we also only need one SBI rep.

If possible, I need this by late afternoon no later than 3:30.

Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions.

(b) (6) son
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(b) (6)

Friday, 12/13, Noon --

State/Local conference call -- Real Estate, Engineering and Environmental Update
Objective: Discuss current status on border fence projects and preview next steps including
Environmental Impact Statement, Real Estate issues, status of agreements with other federal


Who: David Pagan (moderator)

Office of the Commissioner, State and Local Liaison

[Greg Giddens]

Secure Border Initiative, [Executive Director]

[David Aguilar]

[Chief], Office of Border Patrol

(b) (6)

Assistant Secretary, Intergovernmental Programs

SBI Tactical Infrastructure

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

CBP Office of Finance/Environmental Review

What: CBP roundtable with southwest border state and local officials
Where: Ronald Reagan Building
When: Noon, Friday, Dec. 7

CBP Introduction of participants and Ground Rules

[Greg Giddens] provide strategic/programmatic background/update on fencing and SBI
[Chief Aguilar] provides tactical/operational background on fencing
[USACE] provides technical background on condemnation process
Questions and Answers
Pen and Pad concludes
DHS IGP will provide an advisory to CA, AZ, NM and TX HSAs on Thursday, Dec.
6, inviting them to dial in on a conference call line.
CBP will invite additional state (governors’ DC offices) and local partners (see above)
to attend briefing or participate in conference call.

Friday, 12/13,2:00 --
Business Community conference call -- Real Estate, Engineering and Environmental
Objective: Discuss current status on border fence projects and preview next steps including
Environmental Impact Statement, Real Estate issues, status of agreements with other federal


Who: (b) (6) Assistant Secretary, Private Sector


DHS Private Sector Office

Representative (SME to be provided by David Pagan)

Secure Border Initiative

Representative (SME to be provided by David Pagan)

Office of Border Patrol

Representative (SME to be provided by David Pagan)
SBI Tactical Infrastructure
Representative (SME to be provided by David Pagan)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Representative (SME to be provided by David Pagan)
CBP Office of Finance/Environmental Review

What: Conference call with southwest border private sector stakeholders

Where: DHS HQ, NAC, Building 1, 3rd Floor PSO Conference Room
When: Friday, December 7, 2007 – 2:00PM EST


(b) (6) introduces of participants and establishes ground rules

SBI representative provide strategic/programmatic background/update on fencing and
Border Patrol representative provides tactical/operational background on fencing
USACE provides technical background on condemnation process
Questions and Answers
Adjourn conference call

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