One ASEAN 2015

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One ASEAN 2015

So before we start discussing about , we would like to tell you a little about ASEANs
background. ASEAN is an acronym for Association of the Southeast Asian Nations. There are
ten countries under ASEAN, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR (or
Laos), Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Some of the
ASEANs aims are to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural growth. It also
helps on the collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest. Mutual
respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of
all nations is one of the principles ASEAN upholds on its members. Its vision in 2020 is for its
members to transform into an ASEAN Community. What is an ASEAN community you might
ask? Well, ASEAN wants to have a political-security community, economic community, and
socio-cultural community. The goal of a political-security community is for countries to live in a
peaceful, democratic, and harmonious environment. An economic community will be aiming to
transform into a single market and production base, a highly competitive region, a region of
equitable economic development, and a region fully integrated into the global economy.
ASEANs vision of a socio-cultural community is for its members to invest heavily on its
peoples education, training, science and technology development, job generation, and social
So, in 2015, what will be given the most focus is the AEC, or the economic community. Several
plans are already underway. Basically, what they want by 2015 are a single market and produce
base, a competitive region, and transform the member states of the ASEAN to be able to compete
with global companies.. By single market and production base, it means that there will be
establishment of a single production base which allows businesses to tap on product and

services complementation in the region. This also means that a network of industries across
ASEAN will be established. One way that this will be achieved is through the removal of tariffs.
Another way is by facilitating the issuance of visas and employment passes for ASEAN
professionals and skilled labour in the region (including students and teachers). This also means
that restrictions on trade in services for all other services sectors will be removed.
In conclusion, in 2015, ASEAN-based companies can access raw materials, production inputs,
services, labor, and capital wherever in ASEAN they choose to set-up their operations.
Companies can save on production costs, focus on their specialization, and/or maximize
economies of scale without necessarily leaving high potential market areas within the region and
that ASEAN businesses will be able to compete internationally

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