CHEMISTRY 104 - Lab Experiment 4: Polymers and Plastics

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CHEMISTRY 104 - Lab Experiment 4

Polymers and Plastics

Plastics are extremely common in many commercial
products. Some examples include electronics, tires, bath
beads, food packaging, contact lenses, medical devices, water
hoses, hot pads, tools, bottles, paint coatings, CD cases, and
sunglass lenses. You will notice that these plastic products
have a wide-range of properties. Some plastics are very tough
and hard while others are stretchy, bendable or moldable.
Figure 4.1 Polyurethane medical devices
Some plastics can be made which are chemically, moisture or
heat-resistant. In other situations, plastics are designed to soak-up water and other liquids such that they
significantly expand their sizes whereas, others maintain their size and shape when exposed to water. For
instance, polyvinyl chloride is a strong, corrosion-resistant plastic commonly used in plumbing
applications, whereas polyethylene is an example of a flexible plastic used in household packaging. In fact,
polyethylene is the mostly widely produced plastic at 80 metric tons per year in the US (see
Plastics are made from a class of chemical compounds called polymers. Polymers are large molecules
composed of repeating chemical units. Monomers are the basis for the repeating unit and they are reacted
together to create different types of polymers. Figure 4.2 shows the basic reaction scheme for producing
polyethylene from ethylene monomers.
Figure 4.2 Reaction Scheme for Producing Polyethylene







Ethylene Monomer

Polyethylene Polymer

Polymers can be produced with a wide range of structures and compositions and different polymers are
categorized by the type and ordering of their repeat units. Homopolymers are produced when repeat
units are all identical. Polymers with two different repeat units are called copolymers and within
copolymers, the ordering of the different units can result in further structure variations (see Table 4.1).
Table 4.1 Repeat Units for Homopolymers and Copolymers

Homopolymer: Repeat units are all identical


Copolymer: Two different repeat units


Polymers and Plastics

2013-2014 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

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Table 4.2 shows the names of common polymers and the monomer units used to construct the polymer.
You will notice that some many of the most common polymers are composed of different monomer units,
whereas, other polymers are composed of just one single type of monomer unit.
Table 4.2 Common Polymers and Example Applications




Example Applications


Paints, diapers, and



Car lenses, intraocular lenses,

bone cement, and picture

chloride (PVC)

Pipes and fittings, roof

sheeting, cosmetic containers,
blood bags and tubing, garden
hoses, and shoe soles

Polyvinyl alcohol

Textiles, lubricant in eye

drops, and coating in liquidtabs


Garden furniture, kettles,

straws, and lunch boxes




Utensils, glasses, packing

peanuts, and computer


Household packaging, milk

jugs, agricultural pipes, and

Polyethylene (PE)





Drink bottles, food trays,

medicine jars, and bean bags


The selection of monomer units and their structural arrangement in the polymer give rise to the desired
properties for that material. For example, the styrene-butadiene rubber is a copolymer produced using
styrene and butadiene monomers. Styrene-butadiene copolymer is commonly used in car tires.
The structure and chemical composition of a particular polymer determines the physical properties of the
resulting material used in different applications. By changing the type of monomer used, or incorporating

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Chemistry 104 Laboratory Manual

2013 2016 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

multiple monomers, the properties of the polymer can be fine-tuned. You will notice from Table 4.2 that
many common polymers are used in different types of applications. For example, polymethacrylates are
used in building materials such as Plexiglass but also for producing contact lenses.
Engineers select polymers for use in different applications based on unique polymer characteristics such
as strength, flexibility, hardness, and corrosion resistance. However, sometimes it is too difficult or too
costly to develop a single polymer with the desired properties. If a polymer cannot be found that has the
required properties, two or more polymers can be physically mixed together to make a new formulation
that have the desired properties. Alternatively, additives such as plasticizers can be blended into polymers
to make them harder or softer. For example, polyvinyl chloride is a very hard polymer (i.e., used for water
pipes) but, by adding a plasticizer compound, the resulting material can be made much softer. Plasticized
polyvinyl chloride is used in medical device tubing. Similarly, for polymers that are too soft, additives
such as silica can be added to increase their mechanical strength. High performance vehicle tires often
have silica added into them to provide the mechanical reinforcement of the tire rubber.
One additional classification of polymers to consider is the distinction between thermosets and
thermoplastics. Polymers that cure into a hardened material and cannot be reheated into another shape
are called thermosets. These types of polymers have non-reversible behavior which means that once they
are hardened, they maintain their shape and cannot be changed into another form (i.e., made flexible
again). Thermoset polymers are often used in semiconductors. Alternatively, polymers that can be
processed into different forms, but can become soft again upon heating are called thermoplastics.
While we have focused up to this point on the applications of polymers, it is important to consider the
sustainability and environmental impact of polymers in the mass production of plastic products. Many
plastics pose a threat to wildlife and plastics that are found in lakes and streams become digested by birds,
fish and other wildlife, threatening their existence. In addition, most of the commonly-used plastics are
not readily degradable in water or soil. Thus, landfills already contain millions of pounds of polymer
materials that will continue to exist for thousands of years. Finally, nearly all commonly-used plastics are
made from polymers which are synthesized from non-renewable petroleum resources.
Increased efforts to recycle and reuse plastic products have improved our ability to save natural resources,
but the amount of plastic consumption and landfill disposal still far exceeds recycling efforts. In the long
run, this is not a sustainable model. To overcome this problem, significant research is underway to
develop novel methods of producing polymer materials using renewable sources. Recent advances have
begun to develop new monomer and polymer materials that, in the long term, will provide more
sustainable plastic materials.
In this lab, you will explore polyacrylate and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) polymers. You will produce and
investigate the properties of different formulations of these polymers.

Polymers and Plastics

2013-2014 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

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50mL beakers
100mL beakers
Stir rod
25mL graduated cylinder
Weigh boats
Permanent marker
Filter paper
Digital balance (scale)

PVA bag/solution
Sodium tetraborate powder (Borax)
Diaper polymer
Snow polymer
Gigantic polymer bead
Thermoplastic beads
Sodium chloride
Test tubes
Test tube rack
Distilled water

Experimental Procedure
PART A Polymer Water Uptake
1. Measure and record the mass of an empty 100mL beaker. Tare the beaker on the balance and
then place a single gigantic polymer bead into the beaker.
2. Observe and record the appearance of the gigantic polymer bead.
3. Measure and record the mass of another empty 100mL beaker. Tare the beaker on the balance
and then measure out enough thermoplastic beads to give you a nearly identical mass as the
gigantic polymer bead measured in the previous step.
4. Observe and record the appearance of the thermoplastic polymer beads.
5. Add roughly 50mL of distilled water to each beaker. Record the time at which you added the
water and then record observations about the polymers in each beaker.
6. Set the beakers aside while you work on parts B-E of the lab.
PART B PVA Polymer Formulation
7. Weigh out 2.0g of sodium tetraborate (Borax) powder into a 100mL beaker.
8. Add 50.0mL of distilled water to the beaker. Mix/stir until all of the sodium tetraborate has
dissolved. This is the sodium tetraborate solution you will be using to prepare your polymer.
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Chemistry 104 Laboratory Manual

2013 2016 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

9. Measure out 40mL of PVA solution into a clean 100mL beaker. Observe the appearance of the
PVA solution and record your observations.
10. Into a separate 50mL beaker, measure out 10mL of sodium tetraborate solution (this is the
solution you prepared in steps 7 and 8). Observe the appearance of the sodium tetraborate
solution and record your observations.
11. While stirring, slowly add the sodium tetraborate solution from the smaller beaker into the
100mL beaker containing the 40mL of PVA. Mix thoroughly with a stir rod. Record your
observations about the mixing process and resulting crosslinked PVA formulation.
12. Label a test tube as PVA. Fill the test tube approximately halfway with your crosslinked PVA
formulation. Note it can be a little tricky to transfer the PVA into the test tube, be patient and use
a spatula to add small increments to the tube until you have filled it halfway. Set this tube aside in
your test tube rack to be used in part E of the lab.
PART C Diaper Polymer Formulation
13. Measure out approximately 0.1g of dry diaper polymer into a tared 100mL beaker.
14. While stirring with the stir rod, add 25mL of distilled water and carefully observe the behavior of
the polymer formulation. Record observations.
15. Add an additional 25mL of distilled water, stir, and carefully observe the behavior of the polymer
formulation. Record observations.
16. Label an empty test tube as diaper. Use a spatula to transfer and fill the test tube approximately
halfway with your diaper polymer formulation. Set this tube aside in your test tube rack to be
used in part E of the lab.
PART D Snow Polymer and Water Uptake
17. Measure out approximately 0.3g of snow polymer into a tared 100mL beaker.
18. Observe and record the appearance of the solid polymer material. Gently tap the beaker on the
countertop to pack down the solid and then estimate the volume of the solid material using the
markings on the beaker. Record this initial volume of the powdered solid on your report form.
19. Rapidly add 25mL of distilled water to the snow polymer in the beaker and carefully observe the
resulting behavior. Stir the mixture slightly. Record observations.
20. Using the graduated markings on the beaker, measure the approximate volume of snow
21. Label an empty test tube as snow. Use a spatula to transfer and fill the test tube approximately
halfway with your snow polymer formulation. Set this tube aside in your test tube rack to be used
in part E of the lab.
PART E Property Changes upon Addition of NaCl
22. Add a few grains of NaCl to the PVA test tube. Carefully observe what happens over
approximately 1 minute. Record your observations.
23. Add a few grains of NaCl to the diaper polymer test tube. Carefully observe what happens over
approximately 1 minute. Record your observations.

Polymers and Plastics

2013-2014 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

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24. Finally, add a few grains of NaCl to the snow polymer test tube. Carefully observe what happens
over approximately 1 minute. Record your observations.
PART A (conclusion) Polymer Water Uptake
25. Go back to the beakers containing the gigantic polymer bead and the thermoplastic beads from
part A. Observe and record the appearance of the polymer in each beaker while still sitting in the
26. Setup a filtering funnel in an empty 100mL beaker. Carefully decant (pour off) the water from the
gigantic polymer bead into the funnel try not to let the polymer go into the funnel (but the
paper in the funnel should catch it if it does). After filtering, you should only have the gigantic
polymer bead in your beaker with only trace amounts of water.
27. Observe and record the appearance of the gigantic polymer bead now that the water has been
removed. Record the time so that you can determine how long the polymers have been soaking in
28. Reweigh and record the mass of the gigantic polymer bead and the beaker.
29. Empty the water out of the beaker beneath the filtering funnel. Using the same setup, carefully
decant (pour off) the water from the thermoplastic beads into the funnel try not to let the
polymer beads go into the funnel (but the paper in the funnel should catch any of them if they
do). After filtering, use a spatula to remove any beads from the funnel and put them back into the
beaker, then you should only have thermoplastic beads in your beaker with only trace amounts of
30. Observe and record the appearance of the thermoplastic beads now that the water has been
31. Reweigh and record the mass of the thermoplastic beads and the beaker.

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Chemistry 104 Laboratory Manual

2013 2016 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

CHEM 104 - Lab Experiment 4: Polymers and Plastics

Pre-lab Assignment (30 pts) - must be turned in at the beginning of lab
1. What are the definitions of a thermoplastic and a thermoset?

2. Given an example of an application where a thermoplastic would be desired over a thermoset and
provide an explanation to support your choice.

3. Polyethylene is the most commonly produced plastic in the US. Its structure is very similar to
PVA and PVC. Look up information about polyethylene and then give at least two reasons why
you think polyethylene is used more often than the other two polymers.

Polymers and Plastics

2013-2014 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

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4. Of the polymers listed in Table 4.2, which would you expect to interact most favorably with
water? Explain your reasoning by describing the structural feature that would make the substance

5. What are two ways that the properties of polymers can be modified?

6. Identify one object you use in everyday life that is made from plastic but does NOT have a
recycling label on it (i.e. no packaging containers, etc.). Look up information about this object
and determine what polymer is used to produce the plastic. Properly cite your reference source(s)
for this information using correct MLA, APA, or ACS formatting.

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Chemistry 104 Laboratory Manual

2013 2016 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

CHEM 104 - Lab Experiment 4: Polymers and Plastics

Lab Report Form, Data, and Participation (20 pts)
Part A: Polymer Water Uptake
Mass Data
Mass of 1st empty 100mL beaker

Mass of single gigantic polymer bead

Mass of 2nd empty 100mL beaker

Mass of thermoplastic polymer beads

Mass of gigantic polymer bead and beaker after soaking

Mass of thermoplastic polymer beads and beaker after soaking

Time when water was added to beads

Time when water was removed from the beads

Gigantic polymer bead

Thermoplastic beads

Before soaking

After soaking
(but still in water)

After removing

Polymers and Plastics

2013-2014 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

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Part B: PVA Polymer Formulation

Observations of PVA solution

Observations of sodium tetraborate solution

Observations of combined PVA formulation (after mixing PVA and sodium tetraborate solutions)

Part C: Diaper Polymer Formulation

Observations of diaper polymer formulation after adding 25mL of water

Observations of diaper polymer formulation after adding additional 25mL of water

Part D: Snow Polymer and Water Uptake

Observations of solid snow polymer

Observations of snow polymer after adding 25mL of water

Volume Data
Volume of powdered solid before adding water


Volume of distilled water added

25 mL

Volume of polymer after adding water to powdered solid


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Chemistry 104 Laboratory Manual

2013 2016 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

Part E: Property Changes upon Addition of NaCl

Observations of PVA test tube after adding NaCl

Observations of diaper test tube after adding NaCl

Observations of snow test tube after adding NaCl

Post-lab Assignment (30 pts)

1. Determine the mass of water that was absorbed by the gigantic polymer bead and then calculate
the % water uptake.
% water uptake = (mass water absorbed/mass original polymer)*100%

2. Determine the mass of water that was absorbed by the thermoplastic polymer beads and then
calculate the % water uptake.
% water uptake = (mass water absorbed/mass original polymer)*100%

3. Determine the change in volume that occurred when water was added to the snow polymer and
then calculate the % volume change.
% volume change = (change in volume/volume of water)*100%

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2013-2014 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

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4. In your prelab, you described two ways that properties of polymers can be modified. Now that
you have finished the lab, suggest a way that you might make a PVA polymer more rubbery and
use data from the lab to support your choice.

5. As you have seen, the same polymer can be used for multiple applications. Using reliable sources,
find a polymer that can be used for two difference applications. Describe the properties of this
polymer that enable the polymer to be used for drastically different applications. Clearly cite your
reference source(s) for this information using an appropriate reference format such as MLA,
APA, or ACS formatting.

6. With the production of so many polymers, their disposal and pollution to the environment is
becoming an increasing problem. Using reliable sources, find two examples of how researchers
are trying to create more bio-friendly plastics. Clearly cite your reference source(s) for this
information using an appropriate reference format such as MLA, APA, or ACS formatting.

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Chemistry 104 Laboratory Manual

2013 2016 Colorado State University Department of Chemistry

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