DHS, FEMA and Dept. of State: Failure of Hurricane Relief Efforts: Settlement Docs Part 7

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From: Rhode, Patr!cl~.

Sent: Saturday,. SePtember 03., 2005 7:57 AM

To: Jamieson, Gil; ;michael.heathl@dhs.gov’
Subject: RE: Daily Deputies VTC from 11:00 - 12:00 pm

..... Origina~.M~ssage .....
From: Jamieson,
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 7:18
To: ’michael.heathl@dhs,g0v~
CC: Rhode, Patrick
Subject: Re: Daily Deputies VT~ .from ii:00 ’- 12:00 pm

Patri~/Mike-’-M~ci~le McQueeney’~ome~ bae~~~n.li~~ S.,~.,da~/Monaay--sF£e is my .ACE.".Need to

integrate ~her into-this as a-brid~e between .FEMA 500 C street and Operations Over here --
in this.~epect’ ~he~can take some of pressure off you and Patrick o~ there by running ¯
issues (~ see her situated over ~here) and provide me info to ~eed the beas~ o~er here at

Sent frem’my BllckBerry Wireiess Handheld

..... Original .M~sslge

From:. Jamie~on, Gil <Gil.Jamil~bh@fema..gov>"
To: ’.michael,.heathl@dhs.gov, 4m~c~ael.heat~l@dhs.go~>.
Sent: Sat Sep 03 07:03:15 20~
Subject: Re: D~ily Deputies VTC from II:00 - 12:00 pm
Sent .frommy Black~erry Wireless Handheld

..... Original Message

From: Heath, Michael <Mic~ael.Heathl@dhs.gov>
To: ’Gil.Jam!eson@dhs.gov’ ~Gi!~Jamieson@dhs.gov>
Sent~ Sat Sep 03 00:07:~ 2005 .
Subject: Re: Daily D~puties VT~.:).from I~:00 - 12;00 pm
Assume by talker4~:yOU mean talking points?
sent from my glackBerry’..wirel~ssHandheld

..... Original Message-

From: Jamieson, Gil <Gil.Jamies0n@dhsogqv>
~’~ -’mlchael.heathl@dhs.gov, <Michael.Heathl@dhs.gov>; ,brooks.altshuler@dhs.gov’
CC: R!lode, Patrick <P~trick~R~’@de@dhs.gov>
Sent:’Fri Sep 02.23:01:1.2.200
Subject: Fw: Daily ~eputies VTC from ll:00 12:00 pm
Mike --hate to ask at this.hour BUT scrolldown the message traffic below--need you to
direct the production ef some. talkers for m~ to pull this off--spe~fically need to addr
lackson’s pr±o[ties from the VTC earlier tonight emphasis on evacuation. (shelters and
aospitals) re: .the stuff from;tonight--security--others? I’ know we are going to walk
~.~razy situation tomorrow---but we need to pull this of~ for FEMA and we owe the U/S
pest possible presentation.
..... Original" Message .....
F.rom: Napoli, Tona <Tona.Napoli@dhs.gov>
To: Stanton, Maria <Maria. Stanton@dhs.gov>; Nap01i, Tona’ <T~n~.Napoli@ ~d~..s.gov>; Hill, Ke
<Ken.Hili@DHS.GOV>.. ..
~C: R~ode, Patrick <Patrick..Rhode@dhs.gov.>; Jamieson, Gil <Gil.Jamieson@dhs.gov~
Sent: Fri Sop 02 22:46:02 2005
Subject: .RE.:,~Daily Deputies ~C ~.rQm-~ll:00 ~ 1.2:00 pm

Thank yo~

~rom:. stanton, .Maria [mailto:Maria~tanton@dhs.gov]"

Sent: .Fziday,’.september 02~ 2005 8:03 PM
To: Napoli, T0n~; ~ill, Ken
Cc: Rhode, Patrick; Jamieson.,
Subject: RE: Dail~eputies VTC from II:00 - 12:00 pm

Good evening,

Gil Jamieson Will be present. Patrick Rhode may be at~endihg via VTC.

Maria ~
This communication, along with any attachments’, is covered by federal ’gDd s~ate l.a~
governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally priviieged
information. If the reader of this message is not the int:ended recipient, you are here’bi
notified that any dissemination, distribution, use or.copyihg of this.~essage is strictl’
prohibited. If you have received this in error, please reply immediately to the sender al
delete this message. Think’you.

From: Napoli, T~ [maiito:Tona. Napoli@dhs.gov]

Sent: Friday, September 0~,’ 2005 8:00 PM
To: Hill, Ken; Rhode, Patrick;~ Stephan, Bobi Broderick, Matthew (CNC); Jamies0n, Gil
Cc: Corny~, Danl’~y;-S~a~%0n, Maria; Mayer, Matt; Cannatti, Ashley; Napoli, Tona; Wiley,
~ub.je, q.t: RE: Dail~ Deputies VTC f~om II:00 12:00 pm


From: Hill, Ken [mailto:Ken. Hill@DHS.GOV] ¯

Sent: Friday, September 02, ~2005 7:48 PM. ..
Too: Rhode, Patrick; Stephan, Bob; Broderick, Matthew (CNC); Jamieson, Gil
Cc: corn]~n, Danley; Stanton~ Maria; Mayer, Matt; ~annatti, Ashley; Nap’oli, Tona; Wiley~
Addressees, DEPSEC specifically~asks~ that you attend wi~h him.
(Rhode/Jamieson, only one need attend).

Dahley - pls. alert HSOC for set up of VTC.

Prom: Langer, Elliott M. [m~ilto:

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 7:07 PM , -
To: Pinto,~ Nina; DL-OVP-HS; Panel, ¯Neil s~errick D~; Sa~kisS@~;
shirley.gathers ~ ~; Paul.Curry@~i Rache~Biilingslea@~;
John " .lliam.Marrlott@~leseso ; .
~athy.~ Ste~Sherline@ ~: " ¯
Derek.I ._ em~ M~Atamney, J&mes A <DOJ~;’BurtOn, Dawn
Bill~Mereer2@~- T]ka..ch~ez~ An~~; McCl~e, Laura;. ’
Michaei~Dannenhauer@~’Mark. Bu~ng~; ~oger~Bohner~" Hill,.Ke~.-
Wiley, Miles; .K~.o~, Emily L.; K~kz, Jet’my L.;"Hoo~, ~Brian H.; oDry~, Logan E.~ ~L-NSC-
Persinge John M.;,Miel~e,..Dawn


barbara a.
dwm~;, i Cynthia. a. 0’
Cc: DL-HSC-PPR; Bagnal, Joel;., DL-HSC-Front.
Subject: Daily Deputies VTC from Ii:00 - 12:00. pm

All:. Beginning tomorrow, Saturday, September 3, there will be a daily Deputies. m~eting on
Hurricane Katrina from II : 00 am - 12 : 00 pm conducted vi~a VTC. the fol!owing, agencies ’and
dep~rtments, are asked to partic!pate. We ask that the~ lOll’owing departments and agencies
group together as a single VTC site: OSD w~th JCS and DoJ .with FBI~ We ask that you
coordinate with the FEMA Operations Center (~ as they are responsible for the
technica~ support Of. t’h~ vide link. All’ other offSlte agencie~ and departments tha.t d6
’n0~ have VTC capabilities may ~artic!pate via conference call’~see instructions below).
All EOP offices may send. ¯ a representative, to EEOB. 180.~ 91e~J, co~firm~ attendance. ASAP
either bY phone or emailo
Th a.hk you

-Elliott Langer -"

Date/Time: September 03, 2005 a~ II:00 AM America/New_York

Meeting ID:

Phone N~mber :
PSTN 1867
* Before placiAg the. teleconfe~fice hold,.please press #5 to disable.
Music-Oh-Hold. Not disabling Musidi6nLHold wili disrupt ’th~ te&econferepce.
Pressing the mute key on your phone will ~ot disable ,Music-On-Hold..

* The teleconference will b~e available 15 minutes before the scheduled

start time:..,~ ,.. .. -o~


I. ,Go to: ~.
http:i/~ostas~w~cm,mil/a/4bdf3bd40ffbSO89823075foegee38fO :
2. Sign in as a.G~st or with your Cihco MeetingPlace User ID, and click on Attend
Meeting. "
.. -. Accept’ any security warnig~s you receive and wait~for t~ Meeting. Room to initial~g~.
3, Click on CONNECT and enter your phone and click OK. The system will now call you,


Visit http://costas.whca.mal/mpweb/Scrmpts/browsertestupper.asp to test your web browser

for compatibility with the web conference..

For more information about Cisc0 Meetingplace ~ncluding Meeting Tips a~d FAQ’s, pl’ease
visit the Reference Center at http://costas;whca.mil/mpweb/scripts/WebHelp/~elpBase.aspx


From Rhode, Patrick
Sent: Saturday,, september 03, 2005 9:19 AM
To: Heath, Michael
S.bject: FW: Daily Deputies VTC from 11:00 - 12:00 pm

Pls cill Gilan~ fix - thanks

.... ~original M~ssage .....

F~om: Jamieson, Gil : , :
Sent:. Saturday, September 03, 2005. 9:16 A~
To: Rhode, patrick; ’mich~el.heathl@dh~.gov’
Subject.: Re: Daily Deputies VTC from II~00 .z 12:0D pm

Patrick -’-need ~o~ help getting-into meetings with SEC-Dep/SEC--~it.happe~ed reg~la,ty

first day only once. sense---~not sure I like how4.are.mes’sage is. being Shaped by 0thers~

Sent from my B.l~ck~rry Wireless Handheld

~___0rigin~l. Message,_:___ . .
Fgom: ,Rhode, Patrick.<Patric~Rh0de@fema.gov>
T~: Jamiesbn, G~l.<Gil~Jamieson@femi.gov>; ,michael.heathl@dhs.gog’ <michael.heathl
Sent: Sat Sep 03 0~56:5e 2005
Subject:’RE: Dai’Iy Deph~ies VTC from II=00 - 12:00 pm
..... Original Message-n---
From: Jamieson, Gil
Sent:Saturday, September 03, ~00.5 7:18. A3~
To’: ’michael.heathl@dhs.gov’
Ce: Rhode~ Patrick
subject:. Re: Daii.y Deputies VTOfrom II:00 - 12:00 pm

Patrick/Mike--Michille McQueen#y comes ba~k on line Sunday/Monday--sh~ is my ACE. Need to

integrate ~er into this as a bridge between.FEMA 500 C,street .and operations over here
in this repeGt she can take some of pressure off you a~d Patrick over there by runnin~
issues (I see her situated over ~here) and provide me info to’-~eed the beast over here a%

Sent. from my Bl~-q~Berry Wireless Handhe~d

-.--->.Original Mes.s~ge ..... : ..L

From: Jamieson, Gil <Gil.Jamieson@fema.gov>
To: ’michael=heathl@dhs.gov’ <michael.heithl@dhs.gov>
Sent’:~Sat Sep 03"0~:03:15 2005
S .ubject: Re: Daily Deputies VTC from II:00 - 12:00 pm
{ent from my Sla6~Berry Wireless Handheld

..... Origina} Me’ssage .....

{~om: Heath, Michael <Michael.Heathl@dhs.gov>
£o’:’ ’Gil.Jamieson@dhs.gov’ <Gil.Jamieson@dhs.gov>
~ent: Sat Sep 03 00:07:44 h005.,:
~ubject: Re~ Daily Deputies VT¢ from ii:00 - 12:00 pm
Assume by talkers you mean ta.iking points?

Sent from my Blac]~Berry WireleSs Handheld

..... orisinal Message~ .....

F~om: J~mieson,. Gil <Gil.Jamieson@dhs.gov> ’
To’: ’michael.heathl@dhs.gov’ <Michael.Heathl@dhs.gov>; ’bro6ks~altshuler@dhs.gov’
<Brooks.Alt~uler@dhs.gov> ., ......
CC: Rhode, Patrick <Patrick.Rhode@dhs0gov> .
Sent: Fri Sep 02 23:01:12 2005
subject: Fw~ D&ily Deputies vTc f~om II:00~- 12:00 pm

Mike --hate to ask at this hour BUT scroll d6wn the message traffic below--need.you tO
direct the production of some talkers for me to.pull this. offT-s~ecfically need to address
Jacksoh’s. priorties from.the VTC earlier tonight emphasis On evacuation (shelters and
hospitals) re: th~ s~uff ~rom toni~ht--secdrity--otherS? I know we are going to walk ’into
~ crazy situa6ien tomorrow-~-bit we need to pi~l this of.f fo~ FEMA and we owe the’U/S the
best.possible presentation.

Sent from my Bl@c]{Z~erry Wireless Handheld

.....Original Message ....... ’

From: Napoli, Tona <Tona..N&po~i@~h.s.gov>.
To: StantOn, Maria <Maria. Stanton@dhs.gov~; Napoli, Tona <Tona.Napoii@dhs.gov>; Hill, K~n
CC: Rhode, Patrick <Patri~k.Rllode@dhs..gOv>; Jamieson, Gil <Sil. Jamieson@dhs.gov>
Sent: Fri Sep 02 22:46:02 2005
Subject: RE: Daily DepUties VTC. from II:00 -12~00 pm
Thank yoh

~om: Stanton, Ma,~ia [mailto.:M/ria. Stanton@dhs

Sent: Friday, .September O2~ 2005 8:03 PM
To: Napoli, Tona; Hill, Ken
Cc: Rhpde, Patrick; Jamieson,.Gil
Subject: RE: Daily Deputies VTC from II:00 - 12:00 pm

Good evening,

Gil ~amieson will bepresen~. Patrick Rhode may be attending via VTC.

Phis communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and slate law
governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged
information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are here~y
sotified that any dissemin&tion, distribution~ use or copying Qf this message is S~ricbiy
~rohib!ted. If you hav~ receiged this in error, jlease reply immediately to the sender an
delete this message. Th.ank yoU.’


From: Napoli, Tona [~ailto:Tona.NapQli@d~s.gov]
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 8300 PM i
To: Hill, Ken; Rhode, Patrick; Stephan, Bob; Brodeti~k, Matthew (CNC); Jamieson, Gil
Cc: Corn~yn, Danley; Stanton,. Maria; Mayer., Matt; Cannatti, ~Ishley; Napoli,
~ Tona; W~.ley,
Miles ~
Subject: RE: Daily Deputies VTC from II:00 12:00 pm


From: Hill, Ken [mailto:Ken.Hill@DHS.GOV]

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 .7~:48 PM.
To: Rhode, PatriCk; Stephan, Bob; Broderick,~ Matthew ~CNC); Jamies6~, Gil
Cc: Cornyn, Danley; S~anton,. Maria; Mayer, Matt; Cannatti, ~shley;’Napoli, Tona; Wiley,~ ..
Miles¯ -.
Subject’ F.W: Dailzi~eputies VTC from II:0~

Addresse~s,-DEPS~C speci~ical!y asks that y~u attend with him."

(Rhode/Jami~son, 0nly ’One need attend)..

¯ Janley - pls. alert HSOC for set up of VTC.

Fro~ L~nger, Elliott M. [mai%ho:

Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 7:07 PM
To: Pinto, Nina; DL-OVP-HS; Pat~l, ~Neii

De~ek~Hardwic McAtamney, James <DOJ>; Burton, Dawn <DOJ>

Bil~.M~rder2~ Ilka.Cha~~ Ann.Agnew~; McClu~~a; .
Michael,Dann~ ~ Mark. .ng~ Roger. Bohnert~; Hill~ Ken;
Wiley~ Miles; Kropp, E~ z, Jeremy L;’; Hook, Brian H.’; D~den, Logan E.; DL~NSC-
APNSA; DL~S~-Executive Secretar~ DL-NS~-West Wing Desk; ge M.; Mi~ike, Daw
M.; slesliei~; mathe donalfn0

cicio@~ ’
~ohnos} brian.butler~ ; m01senl~;
; Sykes, Elizabeth A.~ Kl~ak, Kate A.; Burkhart,
Shannon B.’;’f’schwl ~ !; Jeremy.st~~
barbara a. Ced~ fay iudicello@ Paul C~rry
I; C~thia a. O’connor@ sharon.barnes~
; Ba~nal, Joel.; DL-HSC-Front-- --
Szzbject: Daily Deputies VTC from II;00 12:00 pm

All: Beginning tomorrow, Saturday, September 3, there will be ~ daily Deputies meeting
Hurricane Katrina from Ii:00 am - 12:00 pm conducted via VTC. th~ foilowing ~gencies and
departments areasked to par~iqiPa~e. We ask:that the .following departments and agencie
group together’ as a Single VT.C.site:’OSD with JCS~anH DoJ with FBI." We a~’k that you
qoordinate with the FEMA OperatiOns center (~) as they are. responsible for t~
technical support of the vide link. All other 6ffsite:agencies and departments that do
not have ..~Tc capabilities may participate via conference cali ( see instructions below)
All EOP Offices may send a re~es~~~~ ~ 18.0.. ~lease confirm attendance.ASAP
either by phone or email.
Thank you

~Elliott Langer

Date/Time September 03, 200’5 at II:00 AM America/New, York

Meeting ID:

~Phone Number: -. o.

* Before placing the teleconference hold, please press #5 tb disable

Muslc-on-Hold~ Not disabling Music-On-Hold will disrupt the teleconference.
Pressing the mute key on your phone will not disable Music~On-’Hold.

* The teleconference will be available 15 minutes :before the Scheduled

~ar~ timer


I. ~o to:
http ://costas. whca. mil/a’/4bdf3bd~40~ffb808982 ~ 0’75 f 6~9ee38f0
2~ si.gn in as a Guest or with your Cis.co MeetingPl’ace User ID, and click ~n At.tend
Meet ing.
- Accept any security warnings you~ receive and wait for ~Meeting Room to initialize.
3~. Click On CO~T and enter your phone and ’click ~K. The system will now cail


Visit http://costas.whca.mil/mpweb/Scripts/browsertestupper.asp ~o t~st your web brow~er

for compatibility with the web conference.

For more information.about Cisco MeetingPlace intluding Meeting Tips and FAQ’s, please
visit the .Reference center at http://costas.whca’..mil/mpweb/scripts/Web~elp/HelpBase.aspx


From: Rhode, Patrick
Sent: saturday, September 03, 2005 9:59 AM
To: Jamieson, Gil;.’rnichae!.hea~hl @dhs.gov’
Cc: Stanton, Maria
Subject: RE: Daily Deputies Vq-C from 1 I:Q0 - 12:00 pm

Pls let us kn6w - thanks - I won’t pian on Jumping on - thx

.... -original Message .....

From:.Jamieson~ Gil~
Sent: Saturday~. September 03, 2005 9:38 AM
To: Rhode, Patrick; ’mich~el.h..eat~1@dhs.gov’....,
,Subject: Re~ ’Daily Deputies v~c.~rom~l:O0 12:00 pm
Hearing now that the .11:001: is Cabne~ Off~.e,iais nD~,, S~re i.~ the D~P is separate or one
and the same.
sent from my BlackBerry Wireless, ?Handheid’ " "

..... Original Me~sage~----

From: Jamleson, Gil 4Gil’.Jamieson@fema.gov5 "
~o:-Rhode, Patrick <Patrick.P~hode@fema.govS; ,mlchael.heatS~@dhs.gov’ <michael.hea£hl
Sent: Sat Sep 03 09:16:2~ 2005 .,. .
Subject: R~: Daily DepUties VTqii.i.lfr~m ii:00 12:00 pm
Patrick --need your help getting into meetings With. SEC-Dep/SEc---it happened reguial~y
first day only once sense .... not sureI ~ke how are message i’s being shaped by others.
Sent. from my Blac~Berry Wireless. Handheld

..... original’ Message--~.--

From: Rhode, Patrick <Patrick.Rhode@fema.go4>.
To: Jamieso~, Gil <GiloJami@son@fema.gOV>; ,michael.heathl@dhs.go~’ <michael.heathl.
.sent: sat sep 03 07:56~50 2005
Subject: RE: Dally Deputies VTc from ~I:00

..... Original M~-~age ..... "
From: Jamieson, Gil
Senh: Saturday, September 03, 2005 7:18 AM
To : ’micha’~l. heaEh~dh~.
Cc : Rhode, Pat’rick
S_.~.~.,,j.ec~t: Re: Dai~y~Deputies V~C from II:.00 12:00 pm

Patrick/Mike--Michelle McQueeney comes back on line Sunday/Monday--s~e is ~y ACE. Need t¢

integrate her into this as a bridge between FEMA 500 C st’feet and op~ration~ over here --
in this.repect she can takesom~:’ of pressure offyou and Patrick over there by runnin~ ¯
issues (I see he~ situated over there) and provide me info to"feed, the beast over here at
the NAC.

Sent from my BlackBerry. WireleSs’ Handheld

..... Original. Messa~e .....

From:. Jamieson, Gil <Gil.Jamieson@fema.qov>
¯ o: ’michael..heathl@dhs.9ov’,~i~ch~e~E~~c~Z~ov>
Sent: Sat Sep 03 07:03:15 2005
Subject: Re: Daily D~puties VTC from ii:00 - 12:00 pm

Sent from my BlackBerry Wi~I~SS Handheld

-.--~-0ti~in~l~Message .... ~ .... .. ..

¯ F~om: Heat~,.Michael <Micha~l.Heathl@dhs.gov>
To: ’Gil.Jami~son@dhs,gov’ <Gi!.Jamieson@dhs.gov>
Sent: salt Sep 03 00:.07:44 2005
subject: Re: Daily Deputies VTC from 11:00 - 12:00 pm
Assume ~y talkers you mean talking points?
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

From: Jamieson, Gi-i <Gil.$amieson@clhs.gov>

To: ’michael.he~t~@dhs.gov, <Michael.Heathi@dhs.gov>; .’brooks.altshuler@dhS.gov’
<BrookS~Kltshuler@dhs.gov> ¯ ¯
CC: Rhode, Patrick <Patrick~Rhode@dhs.gov>
Sent: Fri~ Sep 02 23~01~12 R005
Subjeet: ~w: .oaily DieputieS .VTC from ii:00- 12:00 pm
Mike ~hate to ask’at this~hour BUT scroll down the message traffic below--need ~o~ to ’ ’
dire.ct the production of’.some talkers for me’to pul$ this off--specfically need.to addres
Jackson,s. prio~ties from the VTC~ear!ie~ tonight emphasis on .evacuation (sheSters ~nd
hospit~als) re: th~ Stuff fro~, ~night~-se~u~ity--others? I know we are going to Walk fnto
a crazy situation tomorrow---but we~need £6 pull this off ~or FEMA and we owe the U/S the
bes~ pQssible presentation, ,.~
Sent.frOm my’BlackBerry Wireless. Handheld.

.... h0riginal Message- -. -- -

From: Napoli, Tona <Tona.Napoli@dhs,gov> .
TO: Stanton, Maria <Maria. Stanton@dhs.gov>; Napoli, Tona <Tona.Napoli@’dhs~g0v~; Hi!l, Ken
< Ken. Hi i 1@DES. GOV> ’.
CC: R/qode, Patrick <Patrick. Rhode@dhs .gov> ; . Jamieson, Gil <Gil.. Jamieson@dhs.gov>
Sent: Fri Sep 02 22:46:02 2005~
Subject: RE: Daily’Deputies vT.c:..fr.om II:00 - 12:00 pm ~L~"
Thank you

From: Stanton, Maria [mailto:Mafia. StantOn@dhs.gov]

Sent~ Friday, Septen%ber 02, 2005 8:03 PM

Cc:. Rhode, Pa.trick; Jamieson,.,9~l,

Sribje#t:. RE~ Daily Deputies ,V~.,~from II:00 -.12:00 pm

Good evening/

Gil" ~amieson will be present. Patrick Rhode may De ,attending via v~2C.


This communication, along with any’attachments~..is covered ~ federal and st ate law
governins electronic communications and may contain Confidential and legall}~ pri_~ileged
information. If the reader of .this message is not the intended r~cipie~, yo~! a~-e hereby
notified that any dissemination, distribution, use or copying Of this messa~ i~ .strictly"
p~ohibited. If you havereceived this in error, please reply immediately to the ’sende’r and
delete this message. Thank you. .

From: N’apoli, TQna [mailto:Tona~.Napoli@dhs.gov]

Sent~ Friday, Septem~.er 02, 2005 8:00 PM
To: Hill, Ken;’. Rhode, Patrick; Stephan~ Bob; ~’roderick, Matthew (CNC); Jami~son,
Cc: Cornyn, Dan~eyo; Stanton, Maria; M.a~er, Matt; cannatti,. Ashley; Na~poli, ~ona; .Wiley,
Miles¯ ~,. ~. ~ ......... ..
subject: RE.¯ Dail~De~uties VTC from ii’:00 - 12:00 pm
Noted ..

From:Hill, Ken [mailto:Ken.Hili@DHS.GOV]

sent: Friday, September 0~, 20¯05 ~7:48 PM
To: Rhode, Patrick; .S~ephan, Bob; Br0derick, Matthew (CNC); Jamieson, Gil
Cc: Cornyn, Danley; Stanton, Maria; Mayer, Mat~; Cannatti, Ashley; Napoli, TOna; Wile~,
Miles "
s~bject: FW: Dail~ Deputies VTC from ii:00 - i~:00 pm

Addresse~s, DEPSEC specifically asks that you attend with him.

(Rhode/Jamieson, only one need attend).

Danley - pls..alert HSOC fo~ set up of VTC.

From: Langer, E_l~.~O.tt M, [mailt0":

Sent: Friday, S~ember 02, 2005 7:07 PM ’
To: Pinto, Nina.~ DL-OVP-HS;.fatel, Nell
’ - Paul. Curry@~;S - Morqah, Derrick D.; SarkiBS@~
John. E ~ ’ [il-iam Marriott~~m~ies~@~;
Derek McAtamney,~A <DOJ>; . Burton,. Dawn <DOJ
~’ii." /uln.Agnew@~; McClure, Laura;
Michael.Dannenhauer@ ";’ Mar~.Buschln’g@~; Roger. Bohnert~; Hill, Ken
Wiley, Miles; K~.opp, Emill ~ Katz, Jeremy L.; Hook,-Brian H.; Dryden, Logan.E.; DL-NSC
APNSA; DL-NSC-Executive Secreta~[y; DL-NSC-West Wing Desk; PerSinger, John M -/ Mielke,Da
’ : ~ chard, bo I son@ " - " ~ ’
Avis. Banks ~Wyrick@ - ’ . "

jo.h.n, sYl~est~ ;. brian, butler ~ ; molsenl@~;" .

¯ Sykes, Eli£ abeth. Klunk,
A. ; Kate A.; Burkha~t
- ~ B.; fs~’eiliy@~; e
Shannon Je.r.emy:
barb&ra a. cederborg@~ ~v_.iudicel Paul.Curry@

CC: DL~HSC-PPR; Bagnal, Jo~Ii D~H~’C-Front
Subject: Daily Deputies V~C fr~Ii:00 ’- 12:00 Pm

A!l: Beginning tomorroW, S~turday, Septimber 3, there will be a da~ly..Deputies me~ting on

Hurricane Katrina from 11:00 am i 12:00 pm conducted via VTC. the f~llowing a~en~ies and
d4partments are asked to participat’e~ We ask that the followfng department~ and agencies
group £ogether as..a single V!~C site:-.OSD with.JCS and DgJ with FB~. We ask that you
coordinate with the FEMA operations center .~ as~they a~e ~espDnsible f0r the
tecl%nical Support~ of the vide link. All other offsite agencies and departments that’~do.
not haveVTC capabilities may participate via conference~all ( see instruCtions-be!ow) .
All EOP offices may send a representative to EEOB 180. Please cOnfirm attendance’ASAP~
either by phone o~ emai’l. ~""
Thank y6u ~’ "

-Elliott Langer

Date/Time S~ptember 03, 2005 at II:00 AM America/New_York

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Pressing the mute key on your. p~0n4 will ~ot disable MUSic-On,Hold.
* The teleconference will be available 15 minutes before the scheduled
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From: Heath, Michael
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005.9~17 PM
To: ,Lokey, William; ’Reed Galen (~);; I’owder, ’Mi(~i~i guikema, Edward
Cc~- Rhode, Patrick; Altshuler, Brooks
Subject: FW: FEMA not responding

Please respond ASAP!

Hagin wants Lo make sure tha’t we..contact these guys tonight.
Please make s~r~ that we reach out tq these folks and that we are pr~acti~eo I. know that
we normally wait for requests but this is getting, back tb the White ~ouse..
Original Message-. .....
From: ’Hagin, Joseph.W [mailto:
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 9:06~PM
To: Heath, Michael
Subject: Fw: FEMA not responding
Mike-- ~’m going to’keep’~assing these to you when I think’you all need to be .awa~e of.
what,s being sent to.the White House
FEMA not responding
[3~14 P.M.’ - St. Bernard’Parish officials, say that FEMA has not ca’fled them yei..:five d’ays
after.the storm.

Sent from my BlaskBerry Wireless Ha~dheld

Fro~: Karl Rove

To: Hagin, Joseph W
Sent: Fri Sep 02 20:18.:52 2005
Subject: FW: FEMA no~ responding

...... OrJ
TO: Karl Rove
@ent: Fri Sep 02 i9:22:06 2005
Subject: FEMA not responding
3:14 P.M. ~ St. Bernard Parish officials say that FEMA has not called them yet...flve days
after the storm.

From: Brown, Michael D [MichaeI.D.Brown@dhs.gov]
Sent: Friday, Se’ptember..02,1201?5 5:29 AM
T.o: Altshu~er, Brooks’,~!ip’atitck,rhode@dhs.gov’
Subject: Re:

also have a couple of people who want to come in and help. Eithe~ h~re or in DE. ~
was Sen Allards guy and is a state rep in CO. Can we use him? Maybe help S~humann?

On earlier email ~ forgot to mention I Want to ~eep~here’but inOLA.

..... originaiMessag~
From: Brown~ Michael D <Mi~hael.D.Brown@fema.gov>
To: Altshule~, Broeks <Brooks.Altsh~ler@fema.gov>; ’patriek,rhode@dhs,gov’
Sent: Fri Sep 02 05:24:’17 2005
Unless I.’m being recalled Jackson is coming down with Chertoff - l~t’s dep!oy the
list as .agreed upon.with as CoS and~aS DPFO~

Keep ~ her~ .as additional PA staff with ~ aS press secretary.


DHS 0006441
From; Rhode, Patrick
Sent: Friday, Sbptember 02, 2005 7:18 AM
,To: Michael. D. Brown @dhs.gov; ’Brooks.AItshuler@dhs. gov’; ’Patrick. R~ode@dhs. gov’
Subject: Re:


..... Original Message .....

FrOm: Brown, Michael D <Mithael.D.Brown@dhs.gov>
To: Altshuler, Brooks <B~ooks.Altshuler@~lhs.gov>; ’patrick.rhode@dhs.gov’
Sent: Fri Sep 02 05:28:42 2005
Subject: Re: ""~
I a~so have’a couple of people’who want to come in and help; Either here or in DC..~
~was Sen Allards guy and is a state rep ipCO. Can we use him? Maybe help Schumarm?
On earlier email I forsot’to mention I want to’keep ~here but in OLA.

f--z-Original Mes’sage .... h

From: Brown, Michael D <Michael,D.Br0wn@fema.go~>
TO: Altshuler, Brooks <Brooks.Altshuler@fema.9ov>; ’patrick;rhode@dhs.gov’
Sent: Fri Sep 02.05:24:17 2005
Subject: .
Unless I’m being recalled - Jackson is ’ down with Chertoff - let’s deploy the
list as agreed upon with as CoS and as DPEO.

Keep ~here as additional PA staffwith ~a~ press secretary.

CREW FOIA 1906 DHS 0006451

Page 1 of 2

¯ om: Hill, Ken [Ken.HilI@DHS.GOV]

.~nt: Friday~ September 02, 2005 5:29 PM
Cannatti, Ashley; Mayer, Matt; Stephan, Bob; Rhode, Patrick; Baker, Stewart
Wood, John (COS); Boudreaux, Cfiad; Perry, Phil; Wiley, Miles; Weber, Scott
Jbject: FW: Hurricane Katrina Recovery Strategy

;’s the f~llo, w Up taskirig from today’s meeting.

n: Langet, Elliotl: MI [mailto - -

t: Friday, September 02, 2005 5:13 PM . . ’
DL-OVP-H~ Christian j.; Patel Nell S.; Morgan, Derrick D.; SarkisS~’
lannKW~ WiisonR@j Shirley,Gathers~ Pa~~ _Billingslea,
~et~ C~,-OSi~ Jon.Sim~-@~ ~illia~.R~irf~tt@~’ cableseso
y.Mainardi_~; Sherline, Stephanie, C[V, OSD; Derek.Hardwick@~
,sylvesterL-~ erik.~; McAtamney, James A <DOJ>; B~ <DOJ>;
:ez, Ilka (HHS/0S); Ann.Agnew~ McClure~Laura~ Michael.Dannenhauer@~~; Hill, Ken;
’,tian, Cindy; Kropp, Emily L,; Bennett., Jessica C.; Dick, Denise Y.; DL-’NSC-West Wing DL-NSC-
utive Se~:retary; DL-.NSC-APNSA; Persinger, John M.; Eddy; lauremp@,,,~;
ei~ ElaineL@~ " donalfn0@~;
~nr Richard W.
molsenl~; johnob@~;
Cushman, Cameron;.

)n (VACO); Hill,’Ke.n; Blank, Gary D.; Dale, Shana L.;

eel:: Hurricane Katrina Recovery Strategy

~cussed in the HSC/DPC Deputies meeting this morning, please proyide a one page assessment
~r organization’s Hurricane Katrina. strategy. fo~..,.r,~covery,~,,t., ~ ~. . and. reconstitution.
ninimum, your input should include: .-

nna mission. ,
’rioritize bbjectives
:lentify specific actions and a timeline for accomplishing objectives
Jentify decisions that need to be made now to ensure greater success in achieving long-term objectives
Jentify issues that require interagency policy coordination
Jentify issues that require executing emergency authorities or presidential decisio~
entify key responsible official or officials at the organization
gani~ation’s long term (next 12 months) stfat,~’y..’.~to accomplish its Katrina mission, ’
=rioritize objectives . .., ,. ¯ ’
lentify specific actibns and a timeline for accomplishing objectives
lentify issues that require interagency policy coordination
lentify issues that could require presidential decision

submit these reports to the HSC Executive secretariat, Joel Bagnal (~, at
~by no later than 5 p.m. tomor~o’W, ~eptember 03, 2005. .

The information in these documents will be used for internal purposes only.

cREw FOIA 1911

F~rom: Rhode, Patrick
Sent: Saturday,’ September 03~ 2005 10:29 AM
To: Schumann, James; Burris, Ken
Cc,: Altshuler, Brooks
’Subject:. . RE: Report from Lott ~taft

Don’t send this to Brown’5"~e.wil~i~ak~ care of

i-T--Origin&l Mi~sage~--~- ..,
From: Schumann, James
Sent: saturdaY, September 03, 2005 10:22 AM
To: Brown, Michael D
Cc: Rhode, Pat~ic~;.Aitshuler, Brooks; Bdssert, Thomas..
Sub’jeht: FW: Report from Lott staff.

..... Original ~@ssage ..... ’’~.~

Fromi B~dger,- W~lliam D. [mailto:.~I]
sent: saturd~y,’.Septe~ber 03, 2005~’I0:2~
To: Schumann, James
Subject: Report from Lbtt staff

Sent: ~ri s@p.o,2 19~54:48 2005 ~.

Subject: Help
I’m in a S~aff meetin~ right nq~ with LtGen Blum, head of National. Guard, and MG Cross, MS’
Guard. This is the bottom ~ine~.i. FEMA assistance trucks’areout Of ga’s; MREs have ~ot b~en
delivered.. FEMA has’not provided, tanke[ tr~’cks., and.just eliminated the authorit~ of the
State and Guard to comandeer tanker tr~cks. Guard has been waiting for MREs .for 3 days.
Somebody needs ~o call Vice President or Carl Rove and get direction to FEMA toprovide
fuel trucks NOW ~ there is fuel availabl~, b~t n~ way to move it; Somebody ~eeds to order
th~ Seabees to make their h~a~y, lift equipment and fueltrucks available NOW to the MS
Guard. FEMA is pointing fi~g.ers at the State and ~isa. versa. I ca~ot. ~elleve how..
ineffective FEMA appears t0b’e,’

CREW FO/A 1914

From: Rhode, Patrick
Sent: ¯ Sunday, September 04, 2005 5:47 PM
To: Altshuler, Brooks
Subject: FW: St Bernard P.arish

Importance: High :

Please respond directly to Matt from Louisiana -
¯ Original Message .........
From: Mayer, Matt [mail’~o:Matt.Maye~@dhs.go~]
Sent: Sunday~ S~ptember 04, 2005 2:28 PM
To: Rhode, Patric~ . -’ .....
Subject: FW: S~-Bernard Pgri.sh
Importance: ~ig~

Can you pleas.e keep m4 up to ~peed on what you find Out ~bo~t this one.
..... Origin~l Message ...... "
From: Nfelsen~ Kirst.~eh M. [maiito: ....
Sent: Sunday, September’04, 20Q5 12:31 PM .~
To: Henhessey, Keith; mj~ckson ~.~ . ,
Cc: Karl Rove; Hubbard, Allan B.; Mayer., Matt
~ubject: RE: St Bernard Parish ’.~ ’

DHS is working on this and I will coordinate through Ma’t% Mayer,¯ Secretary Jackson’s
Counselor .......
we will k~ep you posted and Should have an ~pda~e for you so6n.
.... Orisinal Message-:---
From: Hennessey, Keith
Sent: Sunday; ~@ptember 04, 2005 12:08 PM
To: m.j.acksbn@dhs:g’ov; Nielsen, Kirstjen M.
Cc: ’Karl Rove’;’ Hubbard, Allan B.
Subject: RE: ~ Bernard Parish

Michael/Kirstjen -- We[re Seeing this situatign across the board:

State, local, National Guard, and FEMA are all in va~i0us locations
taking equipment from energy infrastucthre firms (espe~ially
refineries). Do y’all have any authqrity to override this¯ andmandate
..... th~[’ nobody c~ take from refineries, or at least.that nobody cad take
from r~fineries without clearing it with some central authoritj?

Everybody’s looking greedily .at the refineries’ construction equi#ment

and taking it, and we need the refineries in particular to be able to
know that if they bring equipment in they ca~ keep it.’ we n4ed these
refineries, to g@t back online.
This, plu’s security for energy infrastructure, are the two highest
broad-policy ecoiomic priorities ~!g~E~’FOIA 1917

~’ Thanks.
FPom: RhOde, Patrick
Sent: S~nday, September 04, ’2005 4:57 PM
To: , Altshuler, Brooks
Subject: FW: St Bernard Parish

importance: High

Talk to m& Goose need a. few sentence update to go to JaCkSon ¯ thanks

..... Origina~ Message .....

From: Rhode, Patrick
Sent: Sunday~ September 04, 2005+3+:.09 PM
To: Altshul~, Brooks
Cc’: Buikema,’Edwa~
s~bject: FW: St Bernard Parish,
~mportance:. High ..... +’,,

Brooks, ¯ ’ -
Need an answe~ tO St Bernard question asap give’n those involved - thanks
Without forwarding - can you find. out what the deal is between the President of St Bernard
Parish declaring marshal iaw and. ~a~ing e’q~ipment f~o~ t~e ’local Exxon re’finery~...cranes,

What is the general ~ule on the takin~ of such priva.te equlpm.ent for emergency use? Do~s
FEMA do this? Doesn’t t~at have to.be Ok’d by Ehe company.?


.-Original Message’--~--
From: Mayer, Matt.[mailto:Matt.Mayer@dh’s.goV]
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 2:28 PM"
To: Rhode, Patrick
Subject: FW: St Bernard Parish:
Importance: ~gh

Can you pleas__e keep me Up to speed on wha~ you find out about ~his one.

From~ Nielsen, Kirstjen M. +[m9

Sent: Sunday, ’September 04, 2005 12:31 PM
To: Hennessey, Kei~h; mjackson
--"oC~’.Karl Rove~ Hubbard, Allan B.; Mayer, Matt
Subject: RE: St Bernard Parish

DHS is working on this and I :wil! c~ordinate through Matt’Mayer, Secretary Jackson’s
We will keep you posted and should have an update for you soon.

..... Origimal Message .....
taking equipment from ~nergy ±nfrastucture firms (espec~~l~y. "
refineries). Doy’all have any authority to Override this an~,mandate
’that nobody can take from refineries, or at. least ~that’nobody can take
fro~ refineries without c!earih~:it~with some central authority?

Everybody" s looking greedily at the refineries ’ construction equlpment.

and taking it, and we need the refineries in particular ~o be able. to
know that. ’if .they bring equipment "in they can keep it.’ We need these
refineries’ to get back online.

This, plub security for eAergy infrastructure, are the~ two highest
broad-policy economic prloritiesright now. ,

..... OriginalM~sage .....

F~Om:’ Karl
Sent: Sunday, S~ptember .04., 2005
To: He.nnessey, ~&eith; Hubbard, Allan B..; m~ja~kson@dhs.gQv
Subject: Fw: St. Bernard Parish

¯-r---Original Message .....

From: @rant, Ma M.
To:- Kar~ ~ove
Sent~ Sun Sop 04 11:47:02 2005
Subject: St Bernard Parish
Y~u mentioned .yesterday that you might forward ’an email r~: St. Bernard
"Parish. Not sure if the issue below was the matter yom wanted addressed’.
but Ihave. askedDHS and Governor’s team to investigate. Will get you a
status report. If.not the issue, pls l@t me know what’I can do.

FrOm: ~ - ~_~ we’ re

f~cing a difficult situation at..our Chalmette refihery. .the
Pre~sident of S~ Bernard Parish his de,fared some type’ of ~rtial ~aw
and is using his authority to remove key pieces mf equipment from th
~efinery, including a front e~d loader and crane ess~ntia.~.~ girting
our coker unit back up and the ref£nery running. W~ile .w~..~ant tO be
Supportive o[,,%ocal needs th~s action will signifibantly sta!l the
restart of t_~...,r~fi@e.r~ and impact supply ~to the region. Can you


From: ¯ Rhode, Patrick
Sen’t: ¯ Sunday, September,04i 2005 3:09 PM
To: Altshuler, Brooks . ’
¯ Buikema, Edward ’
Subject: FW: St Bernard Parish

Impo~ande~, High ....


~Need a~ answer to St Bernard q~/est~on asap’ given those involved - thanks

WithoUt for~rdlng - can you find Q~ut what th~ .deal is between th~ President o.f StBernard
Parish declaring ma~hal law and taking"~uipment from the local Ex~xon refinery....c~a~es,
etc.? ~
What is thegen~@ai, rule on.the taking .~ such "priVate equi.~ent ~fo~ emergency us~? Does
FEMA do this? ~oesn~t tha.t have to be ok,d by the company?


..... Original Message .....

From: Mayer, Matt [ma~Ito:Matt.Mayer@dhs,~ov] "
Sent: Sund~y, September 04, 2005 2:28 PM
To: Rhode, Patrick
Sllbject: PW: St.Berna~d Parish
Importance: High
Ca~ you please keep me up to Sp~ed on what you find out about this one.

..... Original Message .....

From: Ni.elsen, Kirstj~n N. [mailto: - -- -
Sent.: Sund~y,~..Sept~mbe~ 04, 20’05’~12:31 PM
To: He~nessey, Kei.th; mjackson t~.:,.’
Cc: Ka~l Rove; H~bbar~,. Allan B.; Mayer, Matt ~ -..~
S~bject: RE:-_~t Bernard Parish

Keith, ¯
DHS is.working on this and I will coordinate through Matt May~r, Secretary Jackson’s
We will keep you posted and should have an update for you soon.

~il F~rom: Hennessey, Keith

~: Sent: Sunday, September 04, 200~’12:08 .pM
To: m.jackson@dhs.gov; Nielsen, Kirstjen M.
~!.i..¯ Cc: ’K.arl ~ove’; Hubbard, Allan B.
. Subject=’RE: St Bernard Parish


Michae~/Kirshjen -- We’re seeing ,this situation across the board:
~= ]~a3.. National Guard~i ~nd FEMAa’re al! in various locations
~rom: Hennessey, Keith
lent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 12:08 PM
?o: m.jackson@dhs.gov~ Nielsen, Kirstjen M.
~c: ’Karl Rove’; Hubbard, Allan B.
~ubject: RE: St B~tnard Parish

4ichaei/Kirstjen -- We’re.seeing th.~:~.situation across .the board~:

~tate, local, National Guard, and FEMA are allin various locations
;a’ki~g equi.pment from energy~.infrastncture firms (especi~lly
~efineries). Do y’all have any authority to override this and mandate
~hat nobody can take from refineries, ~or at least that nobody can take
~rom refineries with~ht clearing it with some central authority?

~-verybody’s looking greedily at ther~in@ries’ construction equipment

~nd taking it, and We need the refineries in particular to be able to
<now that’ if they bring equipment in they Can keep i£. We need .these
~efineries to. get ba~k online. ..
Ehisi plus Securit-y for energy.infrastructure, are the two highest ~
broad-policy economic priorities right now~ .... " ,.


..... Original Message ..... ’i:

FrOm: Karl Rove [mailtO: _ _ -
Sent: Sunday,’ September 04,. 2005 11:50 AM
To: Hennes~ey, Keith; HzLbbard, Allan B~; m.jackson@dhs.gov
Subject: Fw: St Bernard Parish

~Original Message ....

.From: Grant,. aret M >
To: Karl Rove
Sent: Sun Sep 04 !1:47:02
Subjec6: ’St Bernard Parish
YOU mentioned yesterday that you might forwgrd an emai~ re:’=~Be~nard
Parish. Not Sure if the issue below was the matter you wante~ addressed
but I have aske~HS and Governor’s team t~ investigate. Wil! get you a
status report. ~f not the issue, pls let me know what I can do.

From: ~< - we’re

facing a difficult situation at our Chalmett4 refinery. Apparently the
Prersident of St Bernard Parish has declared som~ type of martial law
~o_i~_,.using his,~uthority to remove key pieces, of equipment from the
refinery, incl.uding a~ front end loade} .and crane.essential ~o ~gettin~
our coker unit back up and the refiners! running., While we want to be
supportive of local needs th±s action will significantly stall the
.restart of the refinery and impact supply to the region. Can you

-’---original Message .......

’tom: Karl Rove [m~ilto;~
ent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 Ii:50 AM
’o: Hennessey, Keith; Hubbard, Allan ~..;. m.jacksQn@dhs.gov
~ubject: Fw~,~St Bernard Parish < ~.

¯ -y--Original MesSage ......

~rom:..G~ant, aret M.
~: Karl Rove
~ent:.S.Un Sept0~ ~1:~7:02 2005
~ubject: st Bernard Pa~ish
~ou mentioned ylste=~rday that you ~iSht~forward an emai~ ~e: s~.. Bernard
?arish. .Not sure if th% issue below’Was the matteryo~ Wanted’:~ddressed
)ut I h~v~ asked DHS and Governor’s. team to~.investigate. Wil~ getyou’a
~tatus report. If’ not the issue, pls let me k~ow what I can do.
> we’re
~acing a difficult .situation at~our’Ch~lmette refinery. Apparently the
?rersident of ’St Bernard Parish has d~i~red ~6me type of martiaI law
~nd is using his.authority to remove .key. pieces of equipment from the
~efin~ry, including a front end loader and Crane essential, to’getting
~ur coker unit back up and the refinery runhing.. While we want to be
~upportive Of local needs this action will.significantly ~tall the
restaDt Of the refinery and impa.ct supply to the region Can you


Page 1 of 2

From: Rhode, Patrick

Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 1:45 PM
To: ,. Garwile, William ....
Subject: . RE: Priority

HOW is the commodity Situation? ! understand that it was improving? thx

¯From.= Carwile, William .

Sent= Sunday, September 0~t, 2005 1:24 PM " ..
TO= .Heath, .Michael; .Buikema, Edward; LoWder~: Michael .. ..
~:= Rhode, Patrick;._Altshuler, Brooks~ Fenton, Robert;-P, usso’, 3gm~s,N; I"atham, ’Robert
Subje~-’t; RE: Priodt~ ’

Nave met with Governor Barbour twice ~oday On this subject..

Had earlier .call at SES level with DoE HQ this morning. Situation improving.

Part of issue on’that route is powe;. It is slowly being restored.

In terms of pgoduct and distribution, please see below:
o Colonial .and Plantation pipelines back to about.90%. (thanks to Ms
public safety officials providing security). This will help.
o Collins tank ~arm.has product. Three of four tank complexes are ,
.providing product to private sector for distribution. We have had One
complex tied up to provide product to emergency vehicles, etc. We are
now relsasing that to private sector as we are bringing in product from.¯
out of state for EM’needs.
o As the .stations’begin to fil!, Governor wi.ll emphasize to Pe0Ple.that
w~ must avoid pani~"buying and hoarding~ we are reinforcing ~message.
o DOE indicates evenWith POTUS releasing part of the Strategic Reserve
for r~fining, there are na~ionNide shortages that will impact MS even
though the above measures are taken.


o~ig in~. l.-.~,e s s age-, - - -

From: Heath,. Michael
-Se~t: Sunday, September 04, 2005.9:29 AM
To: Buikema, Edw.ard; Lowder,. Midhael;..Carwile, Williim
Cc: R/lode, Patrick; Altshule’~, Brooks
Subject: FW: P, r2ority
This is from Joe Haginwho is currently with Rumsfeld. piease advise on what we are
doing. ~..~

..... Original.Message ......

From: Hagin, Joseph W [mail’tO:~]
Sent: Sunday, Septembe’r 04, 2005 9:24 AM
To: Heath, Michael ’
Subject: Priority

DoD says a real priority is ~’..geh gasoline to statiDns along highways. 49 and 59 in
MissisSippi leading from Jackson dow~l to the coast.. Thx
~rom:¯ Rhode, Patrick
Sent: Sunday, S,epterhber 04, 2005 10:31 PM
To: Rule, Natalie
Cc." Craig, Daniel; ’brooks.altshuler@dhs.gov’

Importance: High

Attachments: whiteliousedocperelcsept 10 (10).doc

- -- - TOrigina.l. Message - u .....

From: Conway~ P~ui’ < > -~. ¯ _: . .-
To : Wood, John. F ~John. F~ WOod@dhs . gov> ; Rh-0d~, ’Pat’~ic~i’ <~atrick ..R/~ode@dhs ; gov>
Sent: Sun Sep 04 2~. 08.: 55 2005

c~ept~0 (I0)... ’ ..,
John/Pa rick - please pas. s to you~ media¯ teams asap - these are helpful.

’FrOm: conway, Pa~l

Sent: Sunday, September 04 2005 .~.0:0O PM
To: ’d~tiett@ ~therine Martin@~’ ; ’ Jennie S
Mamo~; ’Kati
~c:’ ’McD~al~an’; ,
Importance: High

Teammates : "-:" ~."~

¯A~tach£d please’find current Fre’~ently Asked Questions and Answers regarding unemployment
insurance benefits and temporary jobs for those impa~ted, by Hurricane Katrina.

~;~r~nt Note: ~T-he Administration’ has’been in action since last wgek providing National°
Emergency Grants to states and guiding evacuees toward .unemployment insurance.


W~t are National Emergency Grants (NEGs)?


From: Rhode, P.atrick
¯ Sent: Sunday, S.eptember 04, 2005 10:55.PM
To: Craig, Daniel; Rule, Natalie ,.¯

..... original Message-~--
From: Craig~ Daniel <Daniel.craig@femaogov>
To: Rhode~, Patrick <Patrick.Rhode@fema.gov>; Rule, N~talie <Natalie.~!e@fema.gov>
¯CC: ’br6oks.altshuler@dhs.gov’ <brooks.alts~uler@dhs.gov>
Seat’: SunlSep 04 22:41.:19 2005
Heard the secr~ta.~of iabor ta!king about a. new program ~he has"sta@ted called disaster
%unemployment assistance

Daniel A. Craig
Director~ ~ec~v~ry Division

..... Original Message ......

From: Rhode, Patrick <Pat.rick.Rhode@fema.gov>
To: R.uie, Natalie <Natalie.Rule@fema.gov> ~
CC: craig, Daniel.<Daniel.Cra~g@fema.gov>; ,bro.oks.al’tshuler@dhs.gov’ ’
<’broo.k.~. altshuler@dhs, g0V>
’Sent: Sun Sep 04 22:30:30 2005’

..... originalMess~ge ......

From: Conway~ Paul < .- _- _ ~ ~
To: WQod, John F <John. F.Wood@dhS. gov>; Rhode, Patrick <Patrick. Rh0de@dhs.go~>
Sent: Sun Sep 04 22:08:55 2005 . :.

John/Patrick =~j~ea’se’pass to .Z0~r~media teams asap - ~hese are helpfu~

From: conway, Paul

Sen~:~Sunday, September 04, 2005 I0:0~ PM
.. ,
~o. ’ ’ " bartlett ,Cath~~in,_
~ ’Catherine Martin@~’ ’Jeanie S ; _.
~amo~; ~Ka~le Levlnson ’
_c: ’~Dona~, Brlan’; ’rkyle@~ "
Importance: High"



Attached please find current Frequently Asked Questions’and Answ~s"~gardi~g unemployment
insurance benefits and temporary jgbs for those impacted by Hurricane Katrina. -

Important Note: Th~ Administration has been in action sin~e iasi weekibrovidin~ N~ti0nal
Emergency Grants to states and ~guiding evacuees toward unemployment insurance.


W~at are National Emergency.’ Grants (NEGs) ?

* NEG fu~’ds"provide temporary.jobs ~d supporti~e~erv~ces, such as child car~ and

transportation, t~ eligible dislocated workers who-ca~’provide humanitarian assistance to
disas’ter victims .a~d help in the~clean-up ~nd r#covery efforts in the wake of Hurricane
Katrina. o -.

~overnors cin request funding from the U.S. Department of Labor~

$I16oi million in.National Emergency Grants have already been g~ven out:

* $4 million for Alabama awarded on August 31., 2"005

* $50 million for Mississippi awarded On September 2, 2005 and
* $62.1’miliion~for Louisiana @warded on Sept. 3, 2005
* Collectively, the grants i~-~ ~he past four days will supporh .up to 25,000 temporary
jobs to help~with.cleanup and~r~t~ati0n. ~

Paul T. Conwa~
~hief of ~Staff
~.S. Department of Labor



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