DHS, FEMA and Dept. of State: Failure of Hurricane Relief Efforts: K - Phase 1B Workshop Participant Packet

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Louisiana Catastrophic Planning

Phase I-B Workshop

Participant Information Packet
Homewood Suites, New Orleans
July 25–29, 2005


July 20, 2005

Prepared By
IEM, Inc.
8555 United Plaza Boulevard
Suite 100
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

Prepared For
500 C Street SW 800 N. Loop 288 7667 Independence Boulevard
Washington, DC 20472 Denton, TX 76209 Baton Rouge, LA 70806

Prepared Under
Task Order 001
Modification 001
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Louisiana Catastrophic Planning Phase I-B Workshop Participant Information Packet

1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

2.0 Workshop Type and Purpose................................................................................. 2

3.0 Scenario Narrative................................................................................................... 2

4.0 Workshop Mission and Objectives ........................................................................ 2

4.1 Mission............................................................................................................................ 2
4.2 Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 3

5.0 Workshop Schedule................................................................................................ 6

5.1 Temporary Housing Planning Team Agenda ................................................................. 6
5.2 Transportation, Staging, and Distribution Planning Team Agenda................................ 8
5.3 Composite Agenda........................................................................................................ 11

6.0 Workshop Logistics .............................................................................................. 16

6.1 Hotels and Lodging....................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Credentials and Security ............................................................................................... 16
6.3 Food Service Information ............................................................................................. 17
6.4 Guest Guide .................................................................................................................. 18

7.0 Workshop Participants ......................................................................................... 20

8.0 Contact Information .............................................................................................. 23

Appendix A: Louisiana Concept of Operations Staging & Distribution Plan....... A-1

Appendix B: Disaster Recovery Center Goals and Assumptions......................... B-1

Appendix C: Louisiana Temporary Housing Strategy ........................................... C-1

Appendix D: 2004 Parish Population Table ............................................................ D-1

Appendix E: Potential Louisiana Parish Distribution Points..................................E-1

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1.0 Introduction
The first two Louisiana Catastrophic Planning workshops were conducted July
16–24, 2004, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and November 29–December 3, 2004,
in New Orleans, Louisiana. Using a hurricane scenario developed by the National
Weather Service and consequence/damage information developed by IEM, Inc.,
pre-landfall planning was conducted July 16–18, 2004, with 30 to 40 participants
from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Louisiana
Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (LOHSEP). Using the
same scenario, more than 250 players from Federal, State, local, and volunteer
agencies participated in the post-landfall planning in July 2004. Over 100
participants continued the planning effort in November–December 2004. The
players produced real-time action plans and associated functional plans. These
plans captured the operational period priorities, objectives, and limiting factors
associated with operations that will be taken in response to a major hurricane
causing significant flooding to New Orleans and southeast Louisiana parishes.

Four products were developed during the pre-landfall planning: an incident action
plan, two checklists, and a concept of support. Fourteen functional plans were
developed during the post-landfall planning effort. These functional plans will
ultimately serve as annexes to a unified plan, which will bridge local and State
plans with the National Response Plan. Each of these functional plans addresses,
in detail, a specific facet of the response and recovery plan. The functional plans
developed were:
• Access Control and Re-entry
• Billeting of Federal Response Personnel
• Debris
• Hazardous Materials (HazMat)
• Power, Water, and Ice Distribution
• Public Information
• Schools
• Search and Rescue
• Shelters
• Temporary Housing
• Temporary Medical Care
• Transport from Water to Shelter
• Un-watering
• Volunteer and Donations Management

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From the beginning it was understood that these functional plans, developed in a
short amount of time, would be incomplete and unpolished. While detailed
enough to be implemented and to guide response and recovery operations, these
initial functional plans are only the beginning in the development of the complete
final plan. It was also recognized that additional planning areas needed to be
addressed. This additional work could be completed by individuals from the
planning teams working independently or coordinating with other individuals by
telecommunication, but much of it would be greatly facilitated by working
together at a common site. This planning workshop is being conducted due to that

2.0 Workshop Type and Purpose

This workshop will be a scenario-based planning workshop. The purpose of this
workshop is to further develop the hurricane response and recovery plan that was
developed during the first two workshops. Specifically, the annexes to be further
developed are temporary housing, transportation, staging, and distribution.

3.0 Scenario Narrative

On September 25, 2004, the National Hurricane Center announced that Hurricane
Pam, located in the vicinity of the Florida Keys, had strengthened to a Category 2
storm and was expected to strike Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama on Monday
morning, September 27. The storm grew rapidly in organization and strength, and
by 1:00 a.m. on September 28, 2004, made landfall at Grand Isle, Louisiana, as a
strong Category 3 hurricane, with sustained winds of 120 miles per hour. The
storm caused extensive damage to most of southeast Louisiana, destroying over
75% of the structures in the area, leaving hundreds of thousands of households
without power or telecommunications, displacing more than one million people,
and leaving behind over 12.5 million tons of debris.

4.0 Workshop Mission and Objectives

4.1 Mission
The overall mission of this workshop is to:
• Create an integrated plan of action for post-landfall response when a
catastrophic hurricane hits New Orleans and the surrounding area; and
• Test existing plans, supporting systems, and resources, documenting any
gaps, weaknesses, or shortcomings.

The plan must be integrated vertically (i.e., coordinated between local, State, and
Federal level agencies) and horizontally (i.e., between different functions and
agencies at the same level). The plan should include annexes or appendices that
identify key times at which specific actions must be undertaken or decisions
made; contain checklists for key actors and decision makers; and define

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mechanisms for achieving coordination and integration following a catastrophic


Each plan must meet the overall workshop mission outlined above as well as the
overall workshop objectives defined below. Each plan must also be carefully
coordinated with other plans developed during the previous workshops. Missions
for specific planning areas are defined below.

4.1.1 Temporary Housing Mission

The mission for temporary housing is to review the plan of action to provide
temporary housing for massive numbers of people forced from their homes when
a catastrophic hurricane hits New Orleans and the surrounding area.

4.1.2 Transportation, Staging, and Distribution Mission

The mission for transportation, staging, and distribution is to plan to stage,
transport, and distribute critical resources prior to and following a catastrophic
hurricane in southeast Louisiana. These resources include, but are not limited to,
generators, ice, water, response assets, and temporary housing.

4.2 Objectives
The overall objectives of this workshop are to:
• Validate existing local, State, regional, and Federal plans (including
checklists and decision and action times), recommend changes needed,
and consolidate into a single joint master plan;
• Identify existing teams potentially available and where, when, and how
they will be alerted, activated, and deployed;
• Identify other existing resources potentially available and where, when,
and how they will be alerted, activated, and deployed;
• Identify new plans, checklists, and decision and action points that need to
be developed and documented; and
• Identify inconsistencies or conflicts between State, regional, and national
plans and to recommend changes to resolve discrepancies.

For the purpose of this workshop, the above objectives should be achieved with
specific emphasis on temporary housing, transportation, staging, and distribution.
Specific objectives for each of these planning areas are defined below.

4.2.1 Temporary Housing Objectives

The workshop objectives specific to the Temporary Housing planning group are:
• Objective 1: Emergency Group Sites (EGS)
o Identify areas for mobile homes and other temporary housing in
coordination with local officials.

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o Find military bases (nationwide) for temporary housing.

o Provide procedures for identification and inspection of sites.
o Complete method to track sites and share data between FEMA and
o Review the General Services Administration (GSA) inventory list of
o Determine GSA’s ability to procure temporary housing capabilities.
• Objective 2: Vertical and Horizontal Integration of Plan
o Integrate temporary housing plans with plans for sheltering, schools,
logistical support, and other aspects of hurricane response and
o Review all annexes and appendices for completeness.
o Develop procedures to distribute completed plan.
• Objective 3: “Host City” Relocation Concept
o Identify host cities to support major population relocation.
o Determine resources and logistical needs to support this concept.

4.2.2 Transportation, Staging, and Distribution Objectives

The workshop objectives specific to the transportation, staging, and distribution
planning group are:
• Objective 1: Staging
o Identify appropriate locations for initial response resources (IRRs)
staging areas and multi-use staging areas (IRR staging, personnel
staging, and temporary housing staging areas).
• Objective 2: Distribution
o Identify critical resources and develop a prioritization scheme for these
o Develop a plan for timing and distribution of critical resources.
o Develop staging and equipment requirements for distribution points
• Objective 3: Transportation
o Identify modes of transportation, sources of transportation, and
required infrastructure/routes.
o Define the appropriate authorities and coordinating instructions for
o Identify parties responsible for ensuring adequate fuel supplies are
present in the affected area.

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• Objective 4: Initial Response Resources (IRRs)

o Develop a list of IRRs and prioritize critical needs.
o Identify unique resources outside of the IRR list.
o Identify distribution sites for IRRs.
• Objective 5: Site Identification
o Identify and assign responsibility for staging sites, distribution sites,
travel trailer staging sites, base camps, and other critical early response
• Objective 6: Support Infrastructure
o Determine the infrastructure necessary to support response personnel
at each location.
• Objective 7: Resource Conflicts
o Identify existing resource conflicts between agencies and planning
areas and resolve these conflicts.
o Identify site logistics conflicts and resolve these conflicts (to include
the identification of and current availability of shelter staff).

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5.0 Workshop Schedule

The agendas for each planning area are given on the following pages. A
composite agenda for all planning areas is given at the end of this section.

5.1 Temporary Housing Planning Team Agenda

MONDAY, JULY 25, 2005

1530–1800 Workshop Registration

1600-1700 Group Leadership Meeting
1700–1900 Welcome and Orientation

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2005

Report to planning area and review current plans.

Review and clarify objectives.
0900–1200 Objective 1: Emergency Group Sites
1200–1300 Lunch
1300–1330 Texas Shelter Hub Plan Presentation
1330–1645 Objective 1: Emergency Group Sites (continued from 1200)
Review progress and prepare for Wednesday morning briefing to
Steering Committee.
1700 End of workshop day.


Report to planning area.

0800–0900 0845–0900: Temporary Housing Planning Team Leaders Brief
Steering Committee in Sylvan Boardroom (Mezzanine Level)
0900–1200 Objective 1: Emergency Group Sites (continued from Tuesday)
1200–1300 Lunch
1300–1645 Objective 2: Vertical and Horizontal Integration of Plan
Review progress and prepare for Thursday morning briefing to Steering
1700 End of workshop day.

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Report to planning area.

0800–0900 0845–0900: Temporary Housing Planning Team Leaders Brief
Steering Committee in Sylvan Boardroom (Mezzanine Level)
Objective 2: Vertical and Horizontal Integration of Plan (continued
from Wednesday)
1200–1300 Lunch
1300–1645 Objective 3: “Host City” Relocation Concept
Person(s) responsible for delivering final Temporary Housing Planning
Team briefing meets with Steering Committee.
Review progress and prepare for final Friday morning briefing to
Steering Committee, FEMA Headquarters, Region VI, and LOHSEP.
1700 End of workshop day.

FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2005

Report to planning area and identify issues and recommendations for

0800–1000 solutions to those issues.
Prepare for final briefing.
All planning teams meet for final briefings to FEMA Headquarters, FEMA
Region VI, and LOHSEP.
1. Opening Remarks
2. Functional Plan Briefing from Each Planning Team
3. Needs for Plan Completion
4. Future Development
5. Questions and Comments
6. Closing Remarks
1115 End of Phase I-B Workshop.

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5.2 Transportation, Staging, and Distribution Planning Team


MONDAY, JULY 25, 2005

1530–1800 Workshop Registration

1600-1700 Group Leadership Meeting

1700–1900 Welcome and Orientation

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2005

Report to planning area and review current plans.

Review and clarify objectives.
Objective 1: Staging (Staging Subgroup)
0900–1200 Objective 2: Distribution (Distribution Subgroup)
Objective 3: Transportation (Transportation Subgroup)
1200–1300 Lunch
Objective 1: Staging (Staging Subgroup continued from 1200)
Objective 2: Distribution (Distribution Subgroup continued from
1300–1430 1200)
Objective 3: Transportation (Transportation Subgroup continued
from 1200)
1430–1645 Objective 4: Initial Response Resources (Full Planning Group)
Review progress and prepare for Wednesday morning briefing to
Steering Committee.
1700 End of workshop day.

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Report to planning area.

Objective 4: Initial Response Resources (Full Planning Group
continued from Tuesday)
0800–0840: Transportation, Staging, and Distribution Planning
Team Leaders Brief Steering Committee in Sylvan Boardroom
(Mezzanine Level)
0930–1200 Objective 5: Site Identification (Subgroups)
1200–1300 Lunch
1300–1645 Objective 6: Support Infrastructure (Full Planning Group)
Review progress and prepare for Thursday morning briefing to Steering
1700 End of workshop day.


Report to planning area.

Objective 7: Resource Conflicts (Subgroups)
0800–1200 0800–0840: Transportation, Staging, and Distribution Planning
Team Leaders Brief Steering Committee in Sylvan Boardroom
(Mezzanine Level)
1200–1300 Lunch
1300–1645 Objective 7: Resource Conflicts (Full Planning Group)
Person(s) responsible for delivering final Transportation, Staging, and
Distribution planning team briefing meets with Steering Committee.
Review progress and prepare for final Friday morning briefing to
Steering Committee, FEMA Headquarters, Region VI, and LOHSEP.
1700 End of workshop day.

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FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2005

Report to planning area and identify issues and recommendations for

0800–1000 solutions to those issues.
Prepare for final briefing.
All planning teams meet for final briefings to FEMA Headquarters, FEMA
Region VI, and LOHSEP.
1. Opening Remarks
2. Functional Plan Briefing from Each Planning Team
3. Needs for Plan Completion
4. Future Development
5. Questions and Comments
6. Closing Remarks
1115 End of Phase I-B Workshop.

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5.3 Composite Agenda

Time Penn A Penn B Poydras A Poydras B Baronne B
Monday, July 25, 2005










1600 Group Leadership Group Leadership

Meeting Meeting





All Participants Temp Housing Transportation Distribution Staging TSD Full Team Steering Committee

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Time Penn A Penn B Poydras A Poydras B Baronne B
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
0800 Review Current
Review Current Plan and Clarify Objectives Plan and Clarify
0830 Objectives

0930 Committee
TSD Objective 2: TSD Objective 1:
1000 TSD Objective 3: Transportation Distribution Staging TH Objective 1: Plan Review
Emergency Session
1030 (Transportation Subgroup) (Distribution (Staging Group Sites
Subgroup) Subgroup)


TSD Objective 2: TSD Objective 1: Texas Shelter
TSD Objective 3: Transportation Distribution Staging Hub Plan
(continued) (continued) (continued)
(Transportation Subgroup) (Distribution (Staging
1400 Subgroup) Subgroup)
TH Objective 1:
1430 Committee
1500 Group Sites Plan Review
TSD Objective 4: Initial Response Resources (continued) Session
(Full Planning Group)

Prepare Briefing Prepare Briefing Prepare Briefing
1630 Prepare Briefing (1645)
(1645) (1645) (1645)
1700 End of Workshop Day

All Participants Temp Housing Transportation Distribution Staging TSD Full Team Steering Committee

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Time Penn A Penn B Poydras A Poydras B Baronne B
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
0800 TSD Objective 4: Initial Response Resources Team Leader
Day 1 Review
(continued) Briefings

0900 (Full Planning Group)

TH Objective 1:
1000 TSD Objective 5: TSD Objective 5 :
TSD Objective 5: Site Identification Site Identification Site Identification
Group Sites
(Transportation Subgroup) (Distribution (Staging
1100 Subgroup) Subgroup)





1400 TH Objective 2:
TSD Objective 6: Support Infrastructure Vertical and
1430 Horizontal
(Full Planning Group) Integration of
1500 Plan


Prepare Briefing Prepare Briefing Prepare Briefing
1630 Prepare Briefing (1645)
(1645) (1645) (1645)
1700 End of Workshop Day

All Participants Temp Housing Transportation Distribution Staging TSD Full Team Steering Committee

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Time Penn A Penn B Poydras A Poydras B Baronne B
Thursday, July 28, 2005
0800 Team Leader
Day 2 Review
0830 Briefings

0900 TSD Objective 7: TSD Objective 7:

Resource Resource
0930 TSD Objective 7: Resource Conflicts TH Objective 2:
Conflicts Conflicts
Vertical and
1000 (Transportation Subgroup) Horizontal
(Distribution (Staging
Subgroup) Subgroup) Integration of
1100 (continued)





1400 TH Objective 3:
TSD Objective 7: Resource Conflicts (continued)
“Host City”
(Full Planning Group)
1500 Concept


Prepare Briefing Prepare Briefing Prepare Briefing Team Leader
1630 Prepare Briefing (1645)
(1645) (1645) (1645) Prep
1700 End of Workshop Day

All Participants Temp Housing Transportation Distribution Staging TSD Full Team Steering Committee

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Time Penn A Penn B Poydras A Poydras B Baronne B
Friday, July 29, 2005

0830 Preparation of Preparation of Preparation of

Preparation of Final Briefing
Final Briefing Final Briefing Final Briefing


Final Briefing with FEMA
1030 Headquarters, FEMA Region

1115 End of Workshop

All Participants Temp Housing Transportation Distribution Staging TSD Full Team Steering Committee

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6.0 Workshop Logistics

6.1 Hotels and Lodging
The hotel headquarters for the Louisiana Catastrophic Planning Phase I-B
Workshop is the Homewood Suites New Orleans. The contact information for the
hotel is:

Homewood Suites
901 Poydras Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
(504) 581-5599 voice
(504) 581-9133 fax

If you are staying at the Homewood Suites, please remember you must check out
by 11 AM on Friday, July 29. The hotel is fully booked for the weekend of July 29
and all participants must depart on Friday.

6.2 Credentials and Security

All participants must register upon arriving at the workshop on the first day. Once
registered, each participant will be issued an appropriate and distinctive badge to
be displayed during the workshop when present at any workshop location. Badges
will contain the names and affiliations of the participants and will be color-coded
by workshop role. The table below shows the badge color assigned to each
workshop role.

Workshop Role Badge Color

Participant Blue

Facilitator/Recorder Brown

Design Green

Senior Leadership Yellow

Media Orange

Distinguished Visitor Red

Visitor Black

Media, visitors, and distinguished visitors must be accompanied by a member of

the design group or senior leadership group when in any workshop area.

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The figure below shows the layout of the second floor of the Homewood Suites
New Orleans. This will be the primary area for the Louisiana Catastrophic
Planning Phase I-B Workshop. Workshop areas are assigned as follows:

Workshop Group Area

Workshop Registration Pre-Function Area

Workshop Orientation Penn Rooms A & B

Temporary Housing Baronne Room B

TSD Combined Penn Rooms A & B

Transportation Penn Rooms A & B

Staging Poydras Room B

Distribution Poydras Room A

Steering Committee Sylvan Boardroom—Mezzanine Level

Workshop Planning Cell Baronne Room A

6.3 Food Service Information

Each Federal workshop participant is responsible for his/her own lunch. Please,
see the Guest Guide (Section 6.4) for nearby restaurants. Morning and afternoon
breaks will be provided for all workshop participants. Lunch will be provided for
State and local participants on Wednesday, July 27 and Thursday, July 28.

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6.4 Guest Guide

An area map indicating the location of the Homewood Suites New Orleans is
shown below.

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Louisiana Catastrophic Planning Phase I-B Workshop Participant Information Packet

Some of the many restaurants in the area are listed below.

Asian Krewe Café Veranda Restaurant

Horinoya 333 Poydras 444 St. Charles
920 Poydras (504) 525-9444 (504) 525-5566
(504) 561-8914 Great American Grill Kabby’s Sports
Pan Asia Restaurant 1001 South Peters Edition and Grille
500 St. Charles (504) 525-0044 2 Poydras
(504) 592-0200 The Alabi (504) 561-0500
811 Iberville Praline Connection
Italian (504) 522-9187 542 Frenchman
Mama Rosa’s Brewhouse Grill (504) 943-3934
616 North Rampart 201 Carrollton Louisiana Pizza
(504) 523-5546 (504) 484-0525 Kitchen
Café Roma True Brew Café 95 French Market
3340 Bienville 200 Julia Place
(504) 827-2300 (504) 524-8441 (504) 522-9500

St Charles Pierre Masperro’s

Sandwiches Restaurant
P&G 1628 St Charles 440 Chartres
345 Baronne (504) 525-8337 (504) 524-8990
(504) 525-9678
Quizno’s Steak and Seafood Casual Dining
339 Baronne Mother’s Restaurant
Smith and Wollensky
(504) 581-1735 401 Poydras
1009 Poydras
(504) 523-9656
Subway (504) 561-0770
302 Baronne Steve’s Diner
(504) 523-7827 828 Gravier
841 Iberville
(504) 522-8198
(504) 581-1316
Acme Oyster House Fine Dining
Palace Café
724 Iberville
605 Canal Lemon Grass
(504) 522-5973
(504) 523-1661 Restaurant
217 Camp
The Crystal Room Cajun/Creole
(504) 523-1200
833 Poydras
The Sazerac
(504) 581-3111 The Grill Room
300 Gravier
Bon Ton Café 123 Baronne
(504) 523-6000
401 Magazine (504) 529-7111
(504) 524-3386
Neiman’s Restaurant
1315 Gravier
(504) 586-0100

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7.0 Workshop Participants

The following table contains a list of participants for the Louisiana Catastrophic
Planning Phase I-B Workshop. This table is current as of the publication date of
this guide and is subject to change. Team leaders are indicated by an asterisk.

Name Agency Workshop Group

Bruce G. Cuber American Red Cross Distribution-TS&D
Bill T. Salmeron American Red Cross Transportation-TS&D
Bob Wortman American Red Cross Staging-TS&D
Lisa Caramack Bossier/Caddo Parish Office Temporary Housing
Molly Walsh DHS Transportation-TS&D
LCDR Mick Cote DHS–NDMS Transportation-TS&D
JoAnne Moreau East Baton Rouge Parish Staging-TS&D
Joe T. Burchette FEMA Distribution-TS&D
Richard Hazlett FEMA Staging-TS&D
Carol Ann Adamcik FEMA HQ Temporary Housing
Sharon L. Blades FEMA HQ Steering Committee
Ron Cooper FEMA HQ Staging-TS&D
Jules Hurst, II FEMA HQ Transportation-TS&D
Ted Litty FEMA HQ Temporary Housing
William Lokey FEMA HQ Unified Command
Michael Lowder FEMA HQ Unified Command
Dwayne Bigby FEMA MERS Staging-TS&D
Justin DeMello FEMA Region IV Transportation-TS&D
*Don Baggett FEMA Region VI Temporary Housing Lead
*Joe E. Bearden FEMA Region VI TS&D Leadership
Phil E. Bowen FEMA Region VI Staging-TS&D
Marsha C. Brewer FEMA Region VI Transportation-TS&D
Kevin Bridges FEMA Region VI Exercise Design-IT
Jon Bushnell FEMA Region VI Transportation-TS&D
Sandy Coachman FEMA Region VI Unified Command
Wayne Fairley FEMA Region VI Steering Committee
*Juan Gil FEMA Region VI Temporary Housing Lead
Spencer Hicks FEMA Region VI Distribution-TS&D
*Ernest Hudson FEMA Region VI Staging-TS&D Lead
Joanne Hull FEMA Region VI Transportation-TS&D
Joe Landoli FEMA Region VI Workshop Coordinator
Gary Jones FEMA Region VI Unified Command
Mike King FEMA Region VI Distribution-TS&D
Mark J. Misczak FEMA Region VI Transportation-TS&D
Harry Noftsker FEMA Region VI Distribution-TS&D

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Name Agency Workshop Group

Robert E. Peters FEMA Region VI Distribution-TS&D
Richard Pierce FEMA Region VI Distribution-TS&D
Travis Ratcliff FEMA Region VI Transportation-TS&D
Chris Riley FEMA Region VI Workshop Coordinator
Tony Robinson FEMA Region VI Unified Command
Susan Tompkins FEMA Region VI Exercise Design
*Kent Weathers FEMA Region VI TS&D Leadership
Scott Wells FEMA Region VI Unified Command
Kelli L. Whitton FEMA Region VI Staging-TS&D
Melanie Bartis IEM Workshop Coordinator
Brian Boyle IEM Manager
Jamie Camardelle IEM Transportation-TS&D
Rex Coble IEM Manager
Jessica Coleman IEM Transportation-TS&D
Rory Connell IEM Distribution-TS&D
Monique M. Courrege IEM Temporary Housing
Katie Freer IEM Distribution-TS&D
Mike Lofton IEM Staging-TS&D
Tori F. Siears IEM Transportation-TS&D
Jim A. Turner IEM Temporary Housing
MSG Milton Billberry LA Army National Guard Distribution-TS&D
William S. Brannan LA Army National Guard Distribution-TS&D
LTC Tim Chestain LA Army National Guard Distribution-TS&D
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Herbert
LA Army National Guard Distribution-TS&D
*MAJ Dave Dancer LA Army National Guard Distribution-TS&D Lead
LTC Pat Santos LA Army National Guard Distribution-TS&D
LA Dept of Transportation and
Freddie Gardner Transportation-TS&D
LA Dept of Transportation and
*Joe Modicut Transportation-TS&D Lead
Lori Weber LA Economic Development Temporary Housing
*Windell A. Curole Lafourche Parish Temporary Housing Lead
*Jim Ballow LOHSEP Distribution-TS&D Lead
Shelly E. Bossom LOHSEP Temporary Housing
LTC William Doran LOHSEP TS&D Leadership
Gary Keyser LOHSEP Distribution-TS&D
Cindy Montz LOHSEP Steering Committee
Col Jeff Smith LOHSEP Unified Command
Chris Walker LOHSEP Staging-TS&D
*Richard Weiser LOHSEP Temporary Housing Lead
Mike Abbiatti LSU Temporary Housing

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Name Agency Workshop Group

Mississippi Department of
John Smith Transportation-TS&D
Mississippi State Emergency
Karen Hatten Distribution-TS&D
Mississippi State Emergency
Tom McAllister Distribution-TS&D
LTC Mike Teague NORAD/US Northcom Staging-TS&D
Office of Emergency
Kathy Gilmore Distribution-TS&D
Jesse J. St. Amant Plaquemines Parish Transportation-TS&D
CWO Tim Nash US Coast Guard Transportation-TS&D
LCDR Joe Loring US Coast Guard Transportation-TS&D
*Larry Ingargiola St. Bernard Parish Distribution-TS&D Lead
Tab Troxler St. Charles Parish Distribution-TS&D
*Gerald Falgoust St. James Parish TS&D Leadership
Duke Mazurek State of Texas Temporary Housing
LCDR Paul Prokopovich US Navy Transportation-TS&D
Terry Brown US Army Staging-TS&D
LTC Thorsten Littau US Army Transportation-TS&D
Thomas Loeffler US Army Transportation-TS&D
Major Bill Murphy US Army Transportation-TS&D
LT Buzz G. Buskirk US Coast Guard Transportation-TS&D
John R. Hurst US Coast Guard Transportation-TS&D
Cmd Jennifer Lay US Coast Guard Staging-TS&D
Sonya Y. Wiley Rapides Parish Staging-TS&D
Glenn Donnahoe US Dept of Agriculture Distribution-TS&D
US Department of
*Don J. Day Transportation-TS&D Lead
US Department of
Dolph Diemont Staging-TS&D
US Department of
Dan Prevo Distribution-TS&D
US General Services
Dan Crawford Temporary Housing
Mike Lowe USACE Transportation-TS&D
Allen Morse USACE Distribution-TS&D
David W. Sills USACE Distribution-TS&D
Patrick Tucker USACE Transportation-TS&D

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8.0 Contact Information

To get in touch with a participantduringthe workshop,call the HomewoodSuites
New Orleansat (504) 581-5599and the hotel staff willtell a workshopleaderto
contactthe participant.If there is an emergencyin the facility,dial 911, if

For workshop-related inquiries or non-911 emergencies, you may contact one of

the following persons:
!I!!I! !!Ii

!!III !!ii!!! -
Workshop Group Cellular Phone

Melanie Bartis, IEM, Inc. Design

Cindy Montz, LOHSEP Design

Wayne Fairley, FEMA Region VI Steering Committee

Joe Landoli, FEMA Region VI Design

m -
Chris Riley, FEMA Region VI
i!!! -- Design

Cell phone numbers and email addresses have been

withheld as allowed by the Freedom of Information Act,
5 D.S.C. 552(b)(2) and (6).

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Appendix A: Louisiana Concept of Operations

Staging & Distribution Plan

Purpose and Scope

In the event of a natural disaster or act of terrorism, a well-organized and planned
centralized location for the distribution of commodities and supplies to the general public
will be of the greatest need. The purpose of this plan is to provide guidelines for the
successful planning and operation of Regional Staging Areas (RSA) and Distribution
Points (DP) within the various Parishes of Louisiana. .

Once a Federal Emergency has been declared, operations from FEMA’s Staging Area at
Camp Beauregard will be activated. Based on the needs of affected Parishes and with the
coordination of LOHSEP, needed commodities and supplies will begin to flow to each
Parish’s designated RSA. From the RSA, a coordinated effort to distribute these supplies
to the various DP within each of the Parishes for distribution of supplies to the general
public will begin. See figure 1.

Flow of Commodities

Local/ State/ Federal/ Donated Goods (VOAD)

Supply Direct
Supply Shipment

Regional Staging
Areas (RSA) Points
Points (DP)



Figure 1

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1) RSAs and DPs will be managed by Parish officials and upon request, through the
State EOC, can be supplemented with State and Federal assistance.
2) Parish Officials will begin startup and maintain operations at their RSAs and DPs
for a minimum of 48 hours before State (48 hours) and Federal assistance (72
hours) will be available.
3) Commodities, provided by State and Federal agencies will consist of: ice, water,
MREs, and tarps. Vehicles passing through a DC and DPs will receive 3 bags of
ice, 1 case of water (9–12 liters), 6 MREs, and 1 tarp.
4) It is suggested that in order to expedite the distribution of supplies, the public will
drive through DPs, and be served without leaving their vehicles.
5) DPs will be open to the public for 12 hours per day. Re-supplying of centers will
primarily be at night.

Site Selection
• Facility(s) should be away from projected impact areas. For example, St.
Tammany Parish areas of selection should be above the I-12 corridor. The
National Weather service and the LOHSEP project areas below I-12 in St.
Tammany have the potential for widespread flooding in the event of a major
• Regional Staging Areas- should be at a minimum (suggested) of 25,000 Sq. ft
covered storage area. Depending on the level of disaster and population affected.
Also, does the facility provide basic receiving, shipping, and distribution
• Security- a security assessment should be completed to ensure the safety of assets
and the safety of personnel working in the area.
• Equipment- availability of Material Handling Equipment (forklifts) and qualified
operators of such equipment. Generators will be in short supply and will be high
on any Parishes needs list. Purchasing and/or advance vendor agreements for use
of generators will play a major role in the success or failure of your RSA/DP
• Transportation- capabilities for distribution and delivery of supplies to affected
• Staffing- Parish officials must project/assign staffing requirements for manning of
RSAs and DPs. Plans must take into account extended operations based upon the
level of devastation.

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Primary and Alternate Regional Staging Area and Distribution Points checklist.


Site selection crew should include the following capabilities:

• Proximity to the affected area ___________

• Access to major roadways ___________
• Access to Airport ___________
• Availability of covered storage ___________
• Availability of space for 53’ trailer parking ___________
• General Public accessibility ___________
• Availability of power ___________
• Availability of telephone services ___________
• Availability of MHE equipment and staff ___________
• Security (fence, lighting) ___________
• Availability of office space ___________

Notes: _____________________________________________________

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Layout Plans for Distribution Points: The following plan is an example of a Distribution
Point and the resources required for operations. See figure 2.

A loading point is where a stockpile of ice, water, MREs, and tarps are located. Each
loading point has a team of people (1 for water, 1 for ice, and 1 for MREs/tarps) that load
these items into the vehicle as it stops in front of their position (see figure 2).

Based on past experience, a well-planned and operated distribution point with one lane of
traffic and 3 loading points can service 140 cars per hour. Based on a 12-hour work day,
about 1,680 vehicles or 1,680 x 3 = 5000 people can be served.

There are 3 basic models established for the operation of a Distribution Point. All are
based on the expected affected population of an area. Type I is established for the
operation and sustaining of a population of roughly 20,000 persons per day and/or 560
vehicles per hour. Type II is established for the operation and sustaining of a population
of 10,000 people and/or 280 vehicles per hour. Below (figure 3) is an example of a Type
III Distribution Center established for an affected population of 5,000 and/or 140
vehicles per hour.

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Figure 3

General Information:
Ice: 40,000 lbs per truck load.
20 pallets per truck, 2000 lbs/ pallet, 250 – 8 lbs bags/ pallet, 5000 bags per truck.
1 truck load of ice and water will serve 1,660 vehicles or about 5000 people.

Water: 3 liters or 1 gal per person (3.79 liters per gal).

18,000 liters or 4,750 gal per truck.
20 pallets per truck, 900 liters per pallet, 237 gal per pallet, 1900 lbs per pallet.

MREs: 2 MREs per person per day.

21,744 MREs per truck load.
12 MREs per case, 1812 cases per truck.
1 truck load of MREs will serve 3,624 vehicles or about 10,000 people.

Tarps: 4,400 tarps (20' x 25') per truck load.

1 truck load of tarps will serve 4,400 vehicles or about 4,400 homes.

Regional Staging Area/Distribution Point Operations

Commodity transfer from a designated Federal staging area to distribution points is a
joint operation shared by FEMA and the State of Louisiana. Cost sharing, as specified in
the presidential disaster declaration applies to all associated operations. FEMA will
provide transportation from the Federal staging area to the RSAs as designated by the
State (see figure 4). Upon delivery to the RSA, commodity accountability will be
transferred to the State.

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Louisiana Regional
Staging Areas

Camp Beauregard

Staging Area



H. G.
F. Metairie
Lake Charles Lafayette New Orleans
Thibodaux RSA Chalmette

Belle Chase NAS

Figure 4

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Transportation from the RSA to specific DPs will be accomplished with State resources
(see figure 5).

Folsom Elementary
St. Tammany Parish
82144 Hwy 25
Distribution Points

Fair Grounds


Fountainbleau HS La
100 Bulldog Dr.

Castine Center
63350 Pelican Dr.

Bayou LaC Ele

27527 St.Joseph

Salmen HS
4040 Berkley

Figure 5

Any variation to this concept of operations will be elevated from the field management
level to the Staging Area Manager, and then to State/Federal management at the State
Emergency Operations Center/Joint Field Operations.

For the southern Louisiana distribution area (south of the I-10/ I-12 corridor), there will
be up to eight RSAs. FEMA and the State of Louisiana will each provide two staging
area managers per RSA to co-manage commodity accounting and off-loading. The
Federal Staging Area Manager’s responsibilities are acceptance and validation of
shipment contents. The State’s Staging Area Manager primary responsibilities are to
assume all other operations, to include setup, and day-to-day operations of the RSA and
DP facilities.

FEMA will provide one 4,000lb capacity forklift for operations at each RSA. The State
will be responsible for providing maintenance and certified operators for the forklift(s) at
each RSA.

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Typical Required Resources for a Type III DP

Type III Distribution Point

Local Manpower Equipment
LocalType Day
Responsibility Night Type Number
Team Leader 1 0 Forklifts 1
Forklift Operator 1 1 Pallet Jacks 1
Labor 14 2 Power Light Sets 1
Loading PT 9 Toilets 2
Back-up Loading PT 4 Tents 1
Pallet Jacks Labor 1 Dumpsters 1
Totals 16 3 Traffic Cones 10
Law Enforcement 2 1 Two-way radios 0
Community Rel . 1 0
Grand Total
Grand Total 19 4

Determining the Number of RSAs and DPs:

The number of RSA/DPs can be determined mathematically by using the U.S. Army
Corp of Engineer’s Excel model (figure 6). This spreadsheet calculates the number of
DPs required when the total number of people without commercial power is entered. The
model uses a 40% factor to calculate the estimated number of people that will visit a DP.
This figure is an estimated average percentage based on past experience.

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This is an active Excel File, simply double click on the face of the sheet, enter the # of people without
power and push the enter key, the data will update with each entry.

PRE-EVENT Commodities Model

Enter # of people without power (Equals

number of customers x 3) 500,000

# of people requiring commodities 200,000

# of Type III Dist. Points Req'd 40

Type III Dist. Point

Manpower Day Night Equipment
Local Req. Forklifts 40
Forklift Oper 40 40 Pallet Jacks 40
Laborers 600 80 Traff Cones 400
Total 640 120 Light Sets 40
Law Enf 80 40 Toilets 80
Comun Rel 40 0 Tents 40
Grand Total 760 160 Dumpsters 40
Loads Each
45 200,000
Number of truck loads required Water ICE MREs
per day for 24 days Days Loads K Gal Loads K Pounds Loads Each
1 40 190.0 40 1600 20 434,880
2 37 173.7 37 1463 18 391,392
3 33 157.4 33 1326 17 360,329
72 Hour Planning Total > 110 110 55
4 30 141.1 30 1189 15 323,054
5 26 124.9 26 1051 13 285,778
6 23 108.6 23 914 11.4 248,503
7 19 92.3 19 777 9.7 211,227
60% Power back on-line > 8 16 76.0 16 640 8.0 173,952
9 15 68.9 15 580 7.3 157,644
10 13 61.8 13 520 6.5 141,336
11 11.5 54.6 11.5 460 - -
12 10.0 47.5 10.0 400 - -
13 8.5 40.4 8.5 340 - -
14 7.0 33.3 7.0 280 - -
15 5.5 26.1 5.5 220 - -
90% Power back on-line > 16 4.0 19.0 4.0 160 - -
17 3.5 16.6 3.5 140 - -
18 3.0 14.3 3.0 120 - -
19 2.5 11.9 2.5 100 - -
20 2.0 9.5 2.0 80 - -
21 1.5 7.1 1.5 60 - -
22 1.0 4.8 1.0 40 - -
23 0.5 2.4 0.5 20 - -
24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 - -
Total Loads 312.0 1482.0 312.0 12480 125 2,728,095

Figure 6

Another method for determining the number and location of DPs is through Geographical
Information Systems (GIS). GIS can produce a dot density map that provides a visual dot
for a selected density of population. To determine the location of DPs, a dot density map
should be produced based on a density of one dot for every 12,500 people (40% of
12,500 = 5,000 people served by a Type III DP).

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The pre-planning of DPs and their locations is critical to the public. Pre-planning allows
these DP location(s) to be known to the public prior to an event and potentially before
communications are impacted. This also allows for route clearing priorities and route
mapping to be performed during the pre-planning process in lieu of the post/ response

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Appendix B: Disaster Recovery Center Goals and


Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) goals and planning assumptions:

• Establish a presence on D+2 at set locations in the 10 most affected parishes.
• Exact parish locations will be identified by State and Parish Emergency
Managers, maybe with distribution points.
• All ten locations will be initially staffed with 1 CR type per location and 1 or
more IA type in locations with heavy concentrations of IA damage.
• Two Mobile DRCs will be set up in hardest hit areas by day 2 full functionality
and staffing by day 3 at these locations.
• For the remaining 8 non-mobile locations we will push to provide phone services
by D+3. Build full DRC capabilities by Day 5, may not be same as initial
• Full DRC locations will be identified by day 3 and fully operational by day 5.
• Request External Affairs presence at DRCs with potential media interest.

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Appendix C: Louisiana Temporary Housing


July 9, 2005


ERT-A Team Leader

Colonel Jeff Smith

Assistant Deputy Director – Emergency Preparedness

FROM: Mark Misczak

Human Services Branch Director

Richard Weiser
PA/IA Officer

SUBJECT: Housing Program Strategy

The purpose of this memorandum is to outline a joint strategy for the housing program
for South-Eastern Louisiana based on potential damages resulting from Hurricane

We propose and have begun work on the following priorities:

• FEMA will contact HUD and USDA to request information on currently available
• FEMA has identified and placed on hold staff for the housing resources unit.
Decision will be made 24-hours before landfall to deploy this team and begin the
process of pre-identifying housing resources.
• Once deployed, Community Relations (CR) and DRC staff will provide leads for
available housing and newspaper classified ads.
• FEMA and the State of Louisiana housing staff have identified criteria to trigger
the use of direct housing assistance. This type of housing is expected not to be
needed in this event. However, if direct assistance is required it will likely be
limited to private sites and commercially available pads.

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Travel Trailers/ Mobile Home on commercial sites

Based on need the Housing Resource unit and CORE PRT will be tasked to identify
existing commercial parks for possible use by FEMA. Commercial sites will be used for
housing eligible renters and owners whose property will not accommodate the mobile

Travel Trailers/ Mobile Homes on Private Sites

FEMA and the State will coordinate with the parish permitting office for the possible
placement of travel trailers on private sites for owners. This will allow us to identify
what placement requirements the contractors will have to meet and obtain necessary

Travel Trailers in FEMA Built Parks

When all other resources are exhausted FEMA and the State will consider this option:

Criteria for Pre-selecting EG (Emergency Group) Sites

• Identify areas nearest to the center of impact, similar to DRCs.
• USACE locates land around the area to support 50-200 travel trailers. Ideally,
they look for 5-25 acres.
• Site should be flat area with utility support access nearby, hardened surface
• Once USACE identifies and conducts site survey, FEMA/State approves
location(s) for EGS.
• CORP and/or GSA signs lease typically for 90 days w/month-to-month option.
• USACE in conjunction with Phillips and Jordan Contractor, FEMA logistics and
IA all support EGS.


In areas where resources are available, there will be no need for direct housing units
unless the existing resources become depleted. Based on the current survey results we
believe the addition of FEMA direct housing (currently considering travel trailers) will
allow adequate housing resources to be available in several affected areas where existing
resources are scarce.

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Appendix D: 2004 Parish Population Table

Name Population Est. 2004

Acadia Parish 59,168
Allen Parish 25,407
Ascension Parish 87,164
Assumption Parish 23,234
Avoyelles Parish 41,981
Beauregard Parish 34,094
Bienville Parish 15,361
Bossier Parish 104,080
Caddo Parish 251,506
Calcasieu Parish 184,961
Caldwell Parish 10,837
Cameron Parish 9,681
Catahoula Parish 10,627
Claiborne Parish 16,471
Concordia Parish 19,724
De Soto Parish 26,231
East Baton Rouge Parish 412,633
East Carroll Parish 8,954
East Feliciana Parish 20,950
Evangeline Parish 35,451
Franklin Parish 20,812
Grant Parish 19,139
Iberia Parish 74,449
Iberville Parish 32,497
Jackson Parish 15,278
Jefferson Parish 453,590
Jefferson Davis Parish 31,235
Lafayette Parish 195,707
Lafourche Parish 92,157
La Salle Parish 14,161
Lincoln Parish 42,382
Livingston Parish 105,653
Madison Parish 12,996
Morehouse Parish 30,551
Natchitoches Parish 38,741
Orleans Parish 462,269
Ouachita Parish 148,355
Plaquemines Parish 28,969
Pointe Coupee Parish 22,537
Rapides Parish 128,013
Red River Parish 9,606
Richland Parish 20,485
Sabine Parish 23,616

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Name Population Est. 2004

St. Bernard Parish 65,554
St. Charles Parish 50,073
St. Helena Parish 10,309
St. James Parish 21,146
St. John the Baptist Parish 45,581
St. Landry Parish 89,635
St. Martin Parish 50,453
St. Mary Parish 52,189
St. Tammany Parish 213,553
Tangipahoa Parish 105,158
Tensas Parish 6,176
Terrebonne Parish 106,523
Union Parish 22,894
Vermilion Parish 54,751
Vernon Parish 49,545
Washington Parish 44,161
Webster Parish 41,254
West Baton Rouge Parish 21,880
West Carroll Parish 11,963
West Feliciana Parish 15,108
Winn Parish 16,151

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Appendix E: Potential Louisiana Parish Distribution Points

Parish 2004 Population Est. REG MOA Type Facility Name Physical Address City Zip Facility Phone
Acadia 59,168 4 X DS Rayne Civic Center 112 Frog Festival Dr. Rayne 70578 337-334-9976
Acadia 4 X DS Rice Festival Building 717 West Mill St. Crowley 70526 337-788-4124

Allen 25,407 5 X DS Allen Parish Community Center 609 Tiger Lane Oberlin 70655 377-639-4396
Allen 5 DS Fire Sub-Station 206 E. Main Elizabeth 70638 318-634-3473
Allen 5 DS Fire Station 115 N. 10th Street Oakdale 71463 318-335-1155
Allen 5 DS Fire Station Oberlin 70655 337-639-4333
Allen 5 DS Fire Sub-Station 313 Ford St. Reeves 70658 337-666-2405

Ascension 87,164 2 X RPOD Lamar Dixon Expo Center 9039 St. Landry Road Gonzales 70737 225-621-1700
Ascension 2 X DS Sorrento Civic Center 9608 Airline Hwy Sorrento 70778 225-675-6559
Ascension 2 X DS Lemann Center 1100 Clay Dr Donaldsonville 70346 225-473-0657

Assumption 23,234 3 X DS Assumption Parish Health Unit 158 Hwy 1008 Napoleonville 70390 985-369-6031
Assumption 3 X DS St Joseph The Worker Parish Hall 3306 Hwy 70 South Pierre Part 70339 985-252-6868
Assumption 3 X DS Pierre Part Middle 3321 Hwy 70 S Pierre Part 70339 985-369-2956
Assumption 3 X DS Assumption High School 4880 Hwy 308 Napoleonville 70390 985-252-6359

Avoyelles 41,981 6 X DS Bunkie Health Unit 220 Southwest Main St. Bunkie 71322 318-346-2586
Avoyelles 6 X DS Avoyelles Parish Health Unit 657 Government St Marksville 71351 318-253-4528

Beauregard 34,094 5 X DS Merryville High School 7061 Hwy 110 West Merryville 70653 337-825-8046
Beauregard 5 X DS Singer High School 153 Hwy 110 East Singer 70660 337-463-5908
Beauregard 5 X DS East Beauregard High School 5364 Hwy 113 Dry Creek 70637 337-328-7511

Bienville 15,361 7 X DS Arcadia High School 967 Daniel Arcadia 71001 318-263-2264
Bienville 7 X DS Bienville High School 325 Main St Bienville 71008 318-385-7591
Bienville 7 X DS Castor High School 140 Front St Castore 71016 318-544-7271
Bienville 7 X DS Ringold High School 4044 Bienville Rd Ringold 71068 318-894-2271

Bossier 104,080 7 X RSS Bossier City Civic Center 620 Benton Rd Bossier City 71111 318-741-8900

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Bossier 7 DS Louisiana Downs 8000 East Texas St Bossier City 71111

2000 Centurytel Center
Bossier 7 DS Centurytel Center Dr Bossier City 71051
Bossier 7 X DS Bossier High School 777 Bearkat Dr Bossier City 71111 318-549-6680
Bossier 7 X DS Benton High School 6136 Hwy 3 Benton 71006 318-549-5240
Bossier 7 X DS Airline High School 2801 Airline Dr Bossier City 71111 318-549-5080
Bossier 7 X DS Haughton High School 210 East McKinley Haughton 71037 318-549-5450
Bossier 7 X DS Parkway High School 4301 Panther Bossier City 71112 318-549-6910
Bossier 7 X DS Plain Dealing High School 300 E. Vance Plain Dealing 71064 318-218-9369

Caddo 251,506 7 DS Caddo Parish Health Unit 1035 Creswell Ave Shreveport 71101
Caddo 7 DS KTBS Event Ctr, Southpark Mall 8924 Jewella Ave Shreveport 71118
Caddo 7 DS Shreveport-Bossier Vo-Tech 2010 N Market Shreveport 71107
5939 Old Mooringsport
Caddo 7 X DS Northwood High School Rd Shreveport 71107 318-929-3513
Caddo 7 X DS Southwood High School 9000 Walker Rd Shreveport 71118 318-686-9512
Caddo 7 X DS Huntington High School 6801 Rasberry Ln Shreveport 71129 318-687-6655
Caddo 7 X DS Captain Shreve High School 6115 East Kings Hwy Shreveport 71105 318-865-7137
Caddo 7 X DS North Caddo High School 201 Airport Dr Vivian 71082 318-375-3258
Caddo 7 X DS Fairpark High School 3222 Greenwood Rd Shreveport 71109 318-635-8181

Calcasieu 184,961 5 X RPOD Lake Charles Civic Center 900 Lakeshore Dr Lake Charles 70601 337-491-1256
Calcasieu 5 X RPOD Burton Coliseum 7001 Gulf Hwy. Lake Charles 70607 337-478-9010
Calcasieu 5 X DS Bell City High 7161 Hwy 14 E Bell City 70630 337-622-3210
Calcasieu 5 X DS *Dequincy High School 207 North Overton DeQuincy 70663 337-786-5251
Calcasieu 5 X DS Iowa High School 401 Miller Iowa 70647 337-582-3561
Calcasieu 5 X DS *A.M. Barbe High School 2200 W. McNeese Lake Charles 70605 337-478-3626
Calcasieu 5 X DS LaGrange High School 3420 Louisiana Ave. Lake Charles 70605 337-477-4571
Calcasieu 5 X DS Lake Charles Boston High School 1509 Enterprise Blvd. Lake Charles 70601 337-436-9594
Calcasieu 5 X DS Washington Marion High School 2802 Pineview Lake Charles 70601 337 433 5892
Calcasieu 5 X DS Sam Houston High School 880 Sam Houston Jones Lake Charles 70611 337-855-3528
Calcasieu 5 X DS Starks High School 137 Hwy 109 S Starks 70661 337-743-5341
Calcasieu 5 X DS Sulphur High School 100 Sycamore St. Sulphur 70633 337-527-6679
Calcasieu 5 X DS *Vinton High School 1603 Grace Vinton 70668 337-589-7223
Calcasieu 5 X DS *Westlake High School 1000 Garden Drive Westlake 70669 337-433-6866

Caldwell 10,837

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Cameron 9,681 5 X DS Cameron Elementary School 510 Marshall St Cameron 70631 337-775-5518
Cameron 5 DS Grand Lake High School 1039 Hwy 384 Grand Lake 337-598-2231
Cameron 5 DS Hackberry High School 1390 School St Hackberry 70645 337-762-3305
Cameron 5 DS Johnson Bayou High School 6304 Gulf Beach Hwy Bayou 337-569-2138

Catahoula 10,627 6 X DS Catahoula Parish Health Unit 406 Third St. Jonesville 71343 318-339-8352

Claiborne 16,471 7 X DS Haynesville High School 9960 Hwy 79 Haynesville 71038 318-624-0905
Claiborne 7 X DS Homer High School 1008 North Main Homer 71040 318-927-2985

Concordia 19,724 6 X DS Concordia Parish Health Unit 905 Mickey Gilley Ave. Ferriday 71334 318-757-8632

DeSoto 26,231 7 X DS Mansfield High School 401 Kings Hwy Mansfield 71052 318-872-0793
DeSoto 7 X DS North DeSoto High School 2571 Hwy 171 Stonewall 71038 318-925-6917

E Baton Rouge 412,633 2 RSS Dept. of Ag. Warehouse Baton Rouge

E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Bethany World Prayer Ctr-N Plank Rd Baker 70714 225-774-1700
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Bethany World Prayer Ctr-South 1101 Honore Ln Baton Rouge 70709 225-293-2100
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Bellemont Great Hall 7370 Airline Hwy Baton Rouge 70806
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Baton Rouge Magnet High School 2825 Government St Baton Rouge 70806 225-383-0520
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Broadmoor High School 10100 Goodwood Blvd Baton Rouge 70815 225-926-1420
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Central High School 10200 E. Brookside Dr Baton Rouge 70818 225-261-3438
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Capitol High School 1000 N. 23rd St Baton Rouge 70806 225-383-0353
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Glen Oaks High School 6650 Cedar Grove Baton Rouge 70812 225-356-4306
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Robert E Lee High School 1105 Lee Dr Baton Rouge 70808 225-383-7744
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Tara High School 9002 Whitehall Baton Rouge 70806 225-927-6100
E Baton Rouge 2 X DS Woodlawn High School 15755 Old Jefferson Hwy Baton Rouge 70817 225-753-1200

E Carroll 8,954

E Feliciana 20,950 2 X DS Jackson School Complex 3501 Hwy. 10 Jackson 70748 225-634-5931

Evangeline 35,451 4 X DS Northside Civic Center 704 N Soileau St. Ville Platte 70586 337-363-7478
Evangeline 4 X DS Mamou Recreational Complex 94 Main St Mamou 70554 337-468-2595

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Franklin 20,812

Grant 19,139 6 X DS Grant Parish Health Unit 513 Eighth St. Colfax 71417 318-627-3133
Grant 6 X DS Grant Parish Civic Center 420 Richardson Dr Colfax 71417

Iberia 74,449 4 DS Westgate High School 2305 Jefferson Island Rd New Iberia 70560
Iberia 4 X DS New Iberia Senior High 1301 E. Adm. Doyle Dr. New Iberia 70560 337-369-6412
Iberia 4 X DS Jeanerette Senior High School 8217 E. Old Spanish Trail Jeanerette 70544 337-276-6038

Iberville 32,497 2 DS Iberville Parish Civic Center 24700 JG Barrett Blvd Plaquemine 70764
Iberville 2 DS East Iberville High School 3285 Hwy 75 St. Gabriel 70776

Jackson 15,278 8 DS Jonesboro Hodge Middle School 440 Old Winnfield Hwy Jonesboro 71251 318-259-6611
Jackson 8 DS Jonesboro Hodge High School 225 Pershing Hwy. Jonesboro 71251 318-259-4138
Jackson 8 DS J P Community Center 182 Industrial Park Rd. Jonesboro 71251 318-259-5675

814 Lake Arthur Ave

Jefferson Davis 31,235 5 X DS Jeff Davis Multi-Purpose Building (Hwy 26) Jennings 70546 337-824-7301
Jefferson Davis 5 DS Elton High School 903 2nd Elton 337-584-2991
Jefferson Davis 5 DS Fenton High School 509 1st Fenton 70640 337-756-2326
Jefferson Davis 5 DS Lake Arthur High School 4374 Tiger Lane Lake Arthur 70549 337-774-5152
Jefferson Davis 5 DS Welsh High School 304 Bourgeois Welsh 70591 337-734-2361

Jefferson 453,590 1 X RPOD Pontchartrain Center 4545 Williams Blvd Kenner 70064 504-465-9985
Jefferson 1 DS Jeff Parish Health Unit in Marrero 1855 Ames Blvd Marrero 70072
Jefferson 1 X DS East Jefferson High School 400 Phlox Street Metairie 70001 504-888-7171
Jefferson 1 X DS King, Grace, High School 4301 Grace King Place Metairie 504-888-7633
Jefferson 1 X DS Riverdale Middle School 3900 Jefferson Highway Jefferson 70021 504-828-2706
Jefferson 1 X DS Riverdale High School 240 Riverdale Drive Jefferson 70121 504-833-7288
Jefferson 1 X DS Cox, Helen, Junior High School 2200 Lapalco Boulevard Harvey 70058 504-367-6388
Jefferson 1 X DS West Jefferson High School 2200 8th Street Harvey 70058 504-368-6055
Jefferson 1 X DS Bonnabel, Alfred, High School 2801 Bruin Kenner 70065 504-443-4564
Jefferson 1 X DS Ford, Henry, Junior High School 435 South Jamie Blvd Avondale 70094 504-436-2474
Jefferson 1 X DS Livaudais Junior High School 925 Lamar Avenue Terrytown 70056 504-393-7544
Jefferson 1 X DS Ehret, John, High School 4300 Patriot Street Marrero 70072 504-340-7651
Jefferson 1 Eastbank P.M. High School 8800 Bruin Drive Metairie 504-443-1452
Jefferson 1 Fairchild, J.B., Junior High School 3900 Jefferson Highway Jefferson 504-835-2636

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Jefferson 1 Westbank P.M. High School 8800 Bruin Drive Metairie 504-443-1452
Jefferson 1 Gretna Junior High 7th 910 Gretna Boulevard Gretna 504-366-9292
Jefferson 1 Martyn, John H., High School 1108 Shrewsbury Road Jefferson 504-833-3711
Jefferson 1 X DS Gretna Junior High School 910 Gretna Boulevard Gretna 504-366-0120
Jefferson 1 X DS Higgins, L.W., High School 7201 Lapalco Boulevard Marrero 70072 504-341-2273

La Salle 14,161 6 X DS La Salle Parish Health Unit 3048 N. First St Jena 71342 318-992-4842
La Salle 6 X DS La Salle High 1460 Blalc St Olla 71465

Lafayette 195,707 4 X RPOD Cajundome Convention Center 444 Cajundome Blvd. Lafayette 70506 337-265-2100
Lafayette 4 X DS Cajundome 444 Cajundome Blvd. Lafayette 70506 337-265-2100
Lafayette 4 X DS Heymann Center 1373 S. College Rd. Lafayette 70503 337-291-5540
Lafayette 4 X DS N.P. Moss Middle School 805 Teurlings Drive Lafayette 70501 337-289-1994
Lafayette 4 X DS Comeaux High School 100 Bluebird Drive Lafayette 70508 337-984-8395
Lafayette 4 X DS Acadiana High School 315 Rue du Be'lier Lafayette 70506 337-984-2646
721 W. Butcher Switch
Lafayette 4 X DS Carencro High School Rd. Lafayette 70507 337-896-6192

Lafourche 92,157 3 X DS Larose Civic Center 307 East 5th Street Larose 70373 985-693-7355
Lafourche 3 X RPOD Thibodaux Civic Center 310 North Canal Blvd. Thibodaux 70301 985-446-7260
Lafourche 3 X DS South Lafourche High School 16911 East Main Street Galliano 70354 985-632-5721
Lafourche 3 X DS Thibodaux High School 1355 Tiger Drive Thibodaux 70301 985-447-4071
Lafourche 3 X DS Central Lafourche High School 4820 Hwy 1 Raceland 70394 985-532-3319
Lafourche 3 X DS Raceland Emergency, Recreation… 241 Recreation Drive Raceland 70394 985-537-1700
Lafourche 3 X DS Lafourche Parish Health Unit 2535 Veterans Blvd. Thibodaux 70301 985-447-0921
Lafourche 3 X DS Cut Off Youth Center 205 West 79th St. Cut Off 70345 985-632-7616
Lafourche 3 X DS Lafourche Parish Health Unit-Galliano 133 West 112th St Cut Off 70345 985-632-5567

Lincoln 42,382

Livingston 105,653 9 X DS N Park Recreation Ct. 32372 Eden Church Rd. Springs 70726 225-665-5405
Livingston 9 X DS Doyle Elementary School 139909 Florida Blvd Livingston 70754 225-686-2416

Madison 12,996

Morehouse 30,551 8 X DS Bastrop Municipal Center 1901 Moeller Drive Bastrop 318-283-3320

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6513 Hwy 1 South

Natchitoches 38,741 7 DS Natchitoches High School Bypass Natchitoches 71457

Orleans 462,269

Ouachita 148,355 8 X RPOD Monroe Civic Center 401 Lea Joyner Expwy Monroe 71201 318-329-2225
Ouachita 8 X RPOD Ouachita Parish High School 681 Hwy 594 Monroe 71203 318-343-2769
Ouachita 8 X DS Ouachita Parish Junior High 5500 Blanks St. Monroe 71202 318-345-5100
Ouachita 8 X DS West Ridge Middle School 6977 Cypress St. West Monroe 71291 318-397-8444
Ouachita 8 X DS Sterlington High School 233 Keystone Road Sterlington 71280 318-665-2725
Ouachita 8 X DS Richwood High School 5901 Hwy 165 South Monroe 71202 318-361-0467

Plaquemines 28,969

Point Coupee 22,537 2 X DS Scott Civic Center 1200 Major Pkwy New Roads 70760 225-638-3870

Rapides 128,013 6 X (Sec) Rapides Parish Coliseum 5600 Coliseum Blvd Alexandria 71303 318-442-9581
Rapides 6 X DS Louisiana State University 8100 Hwy 71 South Alexandria 71302 318-473-6474
Rapides 6 X DS Rapides Parish Health Unit 5604 A. Coliseum Blvd Alexandria 71303 318-487-5282
Rapides 6 X RSS Rapides Parish Exhibition Hall 5600 Coliseum Blvd Alexandria 71303 318-442-9581

Red River 9,606 7 DS Red River High School 915 East Carroll Coushatta 71019

Richland 20,485

Sabine 23,616 7 DS Many High School 100 Tiger Dr Many 71449

Sabine 7 DS Florien High School 500 High School Dr Florien 71429
Sabine 7 DS Zwolle High School 754 Championship Dr Zwolle 71486

St. Bernard 65,554 1 X RPOD St. Bernard Civic Center 8245 W. Judge Perez Chalmette 70043 504-278-1507
St. Bernard 1 X DS Maumis Ctr (Arabi Elem) 721 Friscoville Avenue Arabi 70032 504-276-5750
St. Bernard 1 X DS Beauregard, P.G.T., Middle School 1201 Bayou Road St. Bernard 70085 504-272-0200
1100 East Judge Perez
St. Bernard 1 X DS Chalmette High School Dr. Chalmette 70043 504-301-2600
St. Bernard 1 X DS Chalmette Middle School #75 East Chalmette Circle Chalmette 70043 504-301-0500

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St. Bernard 1 X DS Gauthier, J.F., School 2214 Bobolink Drive St. Bernard 70085 504-272-0700
St. Bernard 1 X DS Jackson, Andrew, High School 201 Eighth Street Chalmette 70043 504-302-1500
1101 East Judge Perez
St. Bernard 1 X DS Lacoste Elementary School Dr. Chalmette 70043 504-301-0800
St. Bernard 1 X DS Rowley, C.F., School #49 Madison Avenue Chalmette 70043 504-301-1000
St. Bernard 1 X DS Roy, Sebastien, School 4301 Bayou Road Reggio 70085 504-272-1300
St. Bernard 1 X DS Trist, N.P., Middle School #1 Pirates Cove Meraux 70075 504-301-1400

St. Charles 50,073 3 X DS St. Charles Community Health Center 843 Miliing Avenue Luling 70070 985-785-2314
St. Charles 3 X DS Hahnville High School 200 Tiger Dr Boutee 70039 985-758-7537
St. Charles 3 X DS Destrehan High School 1 Wildcat Ln Destrehan 70047 985-764-9946
St. Charles 3 X DS St. John the Baptist Church 15405 Hwy. 90 Paradis 70080 985-758-7812
St. Charles 3 X DS Luling VFW 140 Angus Road Luling 70070 985-785-8379
St. Charles 3 X DS St. Charles Bingo Room 13145 Hwy 90 Boutte 70039 985-785-1121

St. Helena 10,309 9 X DS St. Helena Central High School 14340 Hwy 37 Greensburg 70441 225-222-4402

St. James 21,146 3 X DS St. James Parish Health Unit 29170 Health Unit St Vacherie 70090 225-265-2181
St. James 3 X DS Sixth Ward Elementary 3245 Valcour Aime St Vacherie 70090 225-265-3942
St. James 3 X DS Gramercy Elementary 601 East 2nd St. Gramercy 70052 225-869-3001
St. James 3 DS Westbank Reception Center 2455 Hwy 18 Vacherie 70090
St. James 3 DS Eastbank Public Relations Bldg 1876 W Main Lutcher 70071

St. John 45,581 3 X DS St. John Parish Health Unit 473 Central Avenue Reserve 70084 985-536-2128
St. John 3 X DS East St. John High School #1 Wildcat Dr. Reserve 70084 985-536-4226
St. John 3 X DS West St. John High School 480 LA Hwy 3127 Edgard 70049 985-497-3271
St. John 3 X DS Garyville Recreation, Inc. 127 GYO Road Garyville 70051 985-535-2943
Msgr. Eyraud Knights of Columbus
St. John 3 X DS Hall 114 West 7th Street Reserve 70084 985-536-8633

St. Landry 89,635 4 X DS Opelousas High School 1014 Judson Walsh Dr Opelousas 70571 337-942-5634
St. Landry 4 X DS Eunice High School 301 Bobcat Drive Eunice 70535 337-457-3011

St. Martin 50,453 4 X DS St. Martinville Senior High School 762 N. Main St. Martinville 70582 337-394-6261
2397 Cecilia Sr High
St. Martin 4 X DS Cecilia Senior High School School Road Breaux Bridge 70517 337-394-6261

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St. Mary 52,189 3 X DS St Mary Parish Health Unit 1200 David Drive Morgan City 70084 985-380-2441
St. Mary 3 X DS Teche Action Clinic, Franklin Annex 1113 Weber St Franklin 70538 337-829-9021
St. Mary 3 X DS City Park Recreation Center 401 Haifleigh Franklin 70538 337-828-6324
St. Mary 3 X DS Morgan City Senior High School 2400 Tiger Dr Morgan City 70380 985-384-1754
St. Mary 3 X DS Franklin Senior High School 1401 Cynthia St Franklin 70538 337-828-0143
St. Mary 3 X DS Broussard Harris Recreation Center 508 4th St Franklin 70538 337-828-6325
St. Mary 3 X DS Siracusaville Recreation Center 1110 Grace Street Siracusa 70380 985-385-4224
Berwick Recreation Community
St. Mary 3 X DS Center 300 Patti Drive Berwick 70342 985-385-5290
St. Mary 3 X DS Amelia Recreation Community Center 1109 Lake Palourde Road Amelia 70340 985-631-2032
St. Mary 3 X DS Patterson Area Civic Center 116 Cotton Road Patterson 70392 985-395-8313

St. Tammany 213,553 9 X RPOD Castine Center/Pelican Park 63350 Pelican Dr. Mandeville 70448 985-626-7997
St. Tammany 9 X DS Salmen High School 4040 Berkley Slidell 70458 985-643-7366
St. Tammany 9 X DS Fontainbleau High 100 Bulldog Drive Mandeville 70471 985-892-7112
St. Tammany 9 X DS Bayou Lacombe Middle 27527 St. Joseph Lacombe 70445 985-882-5416
St. Tammany 9 X DS Folsom Elementary 82144 Hwy 25 Folsom 70437 985-796-3820

Tangipahoa 105,158 9 X DS Westside Elementary School 2500 Westpark Ave Hammond 70403 985-542-2580
Tangipahoa 9 X DS Westside Middle School 401 West Oak Street Amite 70422 985-748-5545

Tensas 6,176

Terrebonne 106,523 3 RPOD Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center 346 Civic Center Blvd Houma 70360
Terrebonne 3 X DS Terrebonne Parish Health Unit 600 Polk St. Houma 70360 985-857-3601
Terrebonne 3 X DS Montegut Recreation District #6 107 Recreation Drive Montegut 70377 985-594-3174
Terrebonne 3 X DS The American Legion Post 31 602 Legion Avenue Houma 70364 985-872-0885
Terrebonne 3 X DS Southdown Elementary School 1124 St. Charles Street Houma 70364 985-872-9429
Terrebonne 3 X DS South Terrebonne High School 3879 Hwy. 24 Bourg 70343 985-868-7850
Terrebonne 3 X DS Cajun Center 4694 W. Main Street Houma 70360 985-223-1525
Terrebonne 3 X DS H.L. Bourgeois High School 1 Reservation Court Gray 70359 985-872-3277

Union 22,894

Vermillion 54,751 4 X DS Abbeville High School 1305 Wildcat Drive Abbeville 70510 337-893-1874
Vermillion 4 X DS J. H. Williams Middle School 1105 Prairie Ave Abbeville 70510 337-893-3943

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Vernon 49,545 6 X DS Hicks High School 1296 Hicks School Rd Leesville 71446 337-239-9645
Vernon 6 X DS Vernon Parish Health Unit 406 W Fertitta Blvd Leesville 71483 337-238-6410
Vernon 6 X DS Rosepine High School Rosepine 70659 337-463-6079
Vernon 6 X DS Evans High School Evans 70639 337-286-5289
Vernon 6 X DS Hornbeck High School Hornbeck 71439 318-565-4440

W Feliciana 15,108 2 X DS W Feliciana Parish High School 8604 Hwy 61 N. St. Francisville 70775

Washington 44,161 9 X DS Franklinton High School 1 Demon Dr. Franklinton 70438 985-839-6781
Washington 9 X DS Bogalusa High School 100 M J Israel Dr. Bogalusa 70427 985-735-8161

Webster 41,254 7 X DS F.B.C. Family Life Center 310 Pennsylvania Ave Minden 71055
Webster 7 X DS Minden Recreation Center 520 Broadway Minden 71058
Webster 7 X DS Minden High School 203 Richardson St Minden 71055 318-377-2766
Webster 7 X DS Lakeside High School 9090 Hwy 371 Sibley 71073 318-377-2133
Webster 7 X DS Cotton Valley High School 6245 Hwy 160 Cotton Valley 71018 318-832-4716
Webster 7 X DS Springhill High School 507 Church Springhill 71075 318-539-2563

West Baton
Rouge 21,880 2 X DS Port Allen High School 3553 Rosedale Rd Port Allen 70767 225-383-1520
West Baton
Rouge 2 X DS Port Allen Community Center 749 N. Jefferson Port Allen 70767 225-336-2426

West Carroll 11,963 8 X DS Oak Grove High School 501 W. Main St. Oak Grove 71263 318-428-2308

Winn Parish 16,151 6 X DS Winn Parish Health Unit 301 W. Main St Winnfield 71483 318-628-2148

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