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A team of scientists from the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) has

developed a new battery that can be recharged to 70% in just 2 minutes a lifespan of
over 20 years. The work has been published in the journal Advanced Materials.
To develop this new lithium ion, the scientists replaced the graphite used traditionally
to the negative battery terminal or anode by a new material: a gel based on titanium
dioxide, commonly used as a food additive or creams Solar protection. Naturally as the
mineral is spherical, researchers developed a simple method to convert the titanium
dioxide particles in tiny nanotubes; thousand times thinner than the diameter of a
human hair. The resulting nanostructure and infuse speed chemical reactions occurring
within the battery, permitting quick charging.
Its creators are convinced that this development will have a major impact on many
industries, for example for electric vehicles, whose recharge times over 4 hours and its
limited life, have not let this market take off as it should. Thanks to this new generation
of battery electric vehicles can be charged up to 20 times faster. New batteries are
capable of supporting more than 10,000 charging cycles (20 times more than today).
"With our nanotechnology, electric cars could increase their range dramatically with
only five minutes of charging, which is on par time to pump gas for cars today. Equally
important is that now we can drastically reduce the waste generated by the disposed
batteries, and our batteries last ten times longer than the current generation of lithiumion batteries, "explains Chen Xiaodong, study leader

Scientists at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA) and Harvard University

(Massachusetts, USA) have said they know how to predict cancer 13 years before the
first symptoms appear. Researchers say the certainty of his prognosis is 100%.
After studying the size and speed of deterioration of telomeres (ends of chromosomes
that prevent DNA destruction), scientists have been able to diagnose cancer with
absolute 100% certainty, the newspaper 'The Telegraph'.
Results of the studies showed that the telomeres of people prone to cancer and
duplicated wear faster, and look as if they were someone 15 years older.
In the words of the study, the telomeres become shorter than normal four years before
the cancer begins to grow, shifting to an active stage. "The understanding of this
process could become a biomarker that would help predict the disease," says the
professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University, Lifang Hou.

Computer engineers warn that in eight years the Internet could collapse due to
surcharge of optical fibers and growth in demand for faster browsing.
Since increasingly growing demand for optical fibers, as much information in a faster
way forward, and right there arises the risk that Internet may soon collapse, reports
Daily Mail.
While companies can always draw new cables to avoid overloading single optical fiber,
this measure involves large additional costs and contributes to rising prices of Internet

"If we find some radical ideas to solve the problem we risk face the dramatic growth in
the prices of Internet services," says Professor Andrew about Ellis of the University of
Birmingham (UK).
Is expected next May 11 the main computer, physicists and engineers
telecommunications companies meet at the headquarters of the Royal Society of
London (UK) to address this problem, according to the website of the scientific society.
One of the novelties of 2015 is Microsoft's new browser "Microsoft Edge" to replace
Internet Explorer.
The software giant announced that the Windows 10 browser work with the new
operating system brand., Will be faster and useful characteristics that banished
Internet Explorer screens users. This browser is designed under the slogan of union
between static and mobile devices.
The downside to this browser is that only work on devices with Windows 10, so devices
such as Apple or Android is discarded, which would take away a lot of customers.
Among the new utilities that have "Microsoft Edge" are the best discovery capabilities
of its future expansion applications with JavaScript and HTML.
Besides having including Cortana search engine that helps users with web searches,
combining what you know of the person, who knows the Internet and some divination,
as the system tries to determine what the user wants to know .
The promise of Microsoft with this browser is speed, as it was developed under the
concept that today the Internet actually works and is reliable.

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