Nepal Marks at Least Nine New Years in 365 Days

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Kathmandu I Vol. XVIII No. 55 I Wednesday, April 14, 2010 (01/01/2067) I Nepal Sambat 1130 I www.ekantipur.

com Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj I 12 Pages I Rs.3.00


President, PM call
for consensus
POST REPORT Madhav Kumar Nepal said that
consensus and cooperation were
President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav has the need of the hour, appealing all
underlined the need for inter-party concerned to do their bit for the
discussions to tackle existing prob- accomplishment of major tasks at
lems and challenges facing the hand.
nation. In his New Year message, Nepali Congress Acting
President Dr. Yadav pointed that President Sushil Koirala under-
reconciliation and national unity lined the need for consensus
were the need of the hour rather among stakeholders for the sake of
than disputes and unhealthy com- peace and the constitution. He
petition. went on to ask all concerned to
“The constitution-making focus on promulgating the consti-
process did not gain momentum in tution on time.
the past years, but we accomplished In his message, CPN-UML
other important tasks during the President Jhala Nath Khanal
same period.” stressed the need for unity
He said delay in the constitu- among democratic forces for the
Llingo stands tall on the eve of New Year 2067 in Bhelukhel, Bhaktapur, on Tuesday. Using ropes, a sea of people erect the wooden pole made of sal tree on the fourth day of the tion-making process has people timely promulgation of the consti-
annual Bisket Jatra, only to dismantle it a day later. The tradition continues thus. POST PHOTO: LAXMI PD NGAKHUSI worried. tution and success of the peace
In his message, Prime Minister process.

MRP deal politicised: India Nepal refuses to give in to pressure

POST REPORT Prime Minister Nepal said he minister supported by 22 political par-
would not “kneel down in front of ties in the Constituent Assembly.
POST REPORT controversial passport deal amid express his displeasure, officials said. Amid mounting pressure to step down, extremists”. “I will never give in to Although I am facing many charges, I
widespread pressure from various Indian embassy officials, the Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal extremism. I am firm on ensuring will not lose patience.”
India on Tuesday expressed its dis- quarters, including the Parliament, Prime Minister’s advisers and the for- said on Tuesday that he would not sur- peace and defending democracy and Nepal also called on the political
pleasure over the fallout of the Machine the Supreme Court (SC) and the eign ministry officials would not share render to what he called “extremists”. defeating extremism.” parties to build a common ground
Readable Passport (MRP) deal with prime minister’s own party, CPN- the details of the meeting between In his New Year message to the The prime minister claimed he was consolidating commitments to the
Nepal, saying that the MRP issue has UML. Indian Ambassador Sood met Prime Minister Nepal and media, Nepal said he was demonstrat- doing his level best to stop possible supremacy of the constitution, rule of
been politicised in Nepal, according to a Ambassador Sood. In a statement ing “maximum flexibility” to forge confrontation and rebuild the politics law, federalism, secularism, pluralism
senior government official. issued on behalf of the Government of consensus among the political parties. of consensus. “I am an elected prime and independence of the judiciary.
India also expressed concern that
“confidential communication from
SC defers hearing India, the Indian embassy said that
India remains committed to strength-
the embassy has been publicised.” The SC on Tuesday instructed the ening ties with Nepal, which have
This was in reference to the letter Ministry of Foreign Affairs to sub- withstood the test of time.
dispatched by Indian Ambassador to mit all related dossiers on MRP to “India agreed to supply the MRPs,
Nepal Rakesh Sood to Foreign the court by April 26. “It means it booklets through its government
Minister Sujata Koirala that was will take more time,” an official undertaking, Security Printing and
leaked to the press. said. A bench comprising Justices Minting Corporation of India (SPM-
“It is a matter of regret that the Ram Prasad Shrestha and Prem CIL), at a concessional price, as a ges-
issue has been politicised in Nepal Sharma asked the foreign ministry ture of goodwill and in keeping with the
and confidential communication from to submit all dossiers related to friendly relations between the two
the Embassy has been publicised,” MRP, Hemanta Rawal, the court’s countries,” the statement reads further.
said an Indian Embassy statement joint spokesperson, said. In spirit of mutual cooperation,
issued here on Tuesday. the Indian government further agreed
“The arrangements agreed with Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal to provide, at its cost, technical assis-
the Government of Nepal would have on Tuesday morning and lodged his tance, which included supply of soft-
allowed it to issue MRPs by early June “serious dissatisfaction over the ware and hardware equipment, instal-
2010. To ensure this, SPMCIL and the issue,” the government official said. lation of these equipment at the
Government of India have already ini- The one-on-one meeting, mostly Central Passport Office in Kathmandu
tiated action,” the statement added. defying the diplomatic protocol and and training of Nepali officials for
The Indian displeasure comes two without the customary presence of personalisation of MRPs, the state-
days after the government shelved the Foreign Ministry officials, was to ment said.

Medicine Nation marks nine new

crunch ails
Achham years in 365 days!
ACHHAM: Health centres KESHAV P. KOIRALA dar is solar and the Islamic calendar,
in rural areas of this district which has only 354 or 355 days a year,
have been facing a shortage Bidding farewell to the year that was, is lunar. The new year days marked by
of medicines. The health folks are welcoming the New Year 2067 the country’s Mongolian communities
centre at Jaigadh, which of Bikram Samwat on Wednesday. But are calculated as per the Chinese calen-
caters to the need of 30 revellers will not have to wait for 12 dar. “Tola Losar of Humli people,
VDCs through its seven months to witness New Year. Thanks to Sonam Losar of Tamang, Gyalpo Losar
sub-health centres, lacks our cultural diversity, there are many of Sherpa are marked according to
drugs for most common calendars in use and people get to cele- lunar calculations,” said culture expert
health problems like brate New Year nine times in 365 days. Dr. Jagman Gurung, “While the
fever, headache and diar- The first days of Bikram Samwat, Gurung community celebrates Tamu
rhoea. Nepal Samwat, Gregorian calendar, Lhochhar as its new year on Poush 15
The rise in the number of Islamic or Hijri cal- according to solar
diarrhoea patients has put endar, and Tola Bikram Samwat 2067 (April 14, 2010) * calculations.”
health centres under further Losar, Sonam Losar, Nepal Samwat 1131 (Nov. 6, 2010)* Though they do
strain. “Owing to the drug Gyalpo Losar, Tamu Hijri Calendar 1432 (Dec. 7, 2010) not have a separate
shortage, patients have no Lhochhar, and Tamu Lhochhar (Dec. 30, 2010 )* calendar, Tharus
option but to return home Magh 1 are observed celebrate their New
Gregorian Calendar (Jan. 1, 2011)*
without treatment,” said as the new years in Year on Magh 1.
Keshav Bhatta of the different communi- Tola Losar (Jan. 5, 2011) Kirat people also
Jaigadh-based health centre. ties. Change of the Sonam Losar (Feb. 4, 2011)* have started cele-
Chief of the Achham year plus cultural Yele Samwat, Maghi (Jan. 15, 2011)* brating their New
District Hospital, Dr. and religious impor- Gyalbo Losar (March 5, 2011)* Year of Yele era on
Purushottam Raj Sedai, tance aside, all these (Source: Department of Information) the same day.
pledged to supply drugs. days have been pro- *: Public holidays Culture expert
(PR) jected as the matter Satya Mohan Joshi
of ethnic identity. The government, believes that Bikram Samwat’s wide
too, has recognised most of the days as use and legacy is instrumental in unit-
public holidays. ing people. “People have started cam-
There are debates over after who paigning for their ethnic identity and
the era is named. But Bikram Samwat pressing for the recognition of their
got its name about 800 years after its calendar. However, Bikram Samwat is
start. “History shows the era was culturally associated with people of all
known as Malawa Gana Samwat or castes and creeds and it can nurture
Krita Samwat till the ninth century,” Nepaliness.”
historian Gyanmani Nepal said. According to historians, Mandeva
Bikram Samwat, Nepal’s official Samwat was official calendar till 879 AD,
calendar, is the fusion of solar and only to be replaced with Nepal Samwat
lunar calendars, while Gregorian calen- Bikram and Bikram Samwat in 1903 AD.

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