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Berlin 8 (1990), 225---232

The Plio-Pleistocene Mammalian Succession of the DUet Valley,

Dacic Basin, Romania





With one Figure and one Plate


Tetoiu area.
Lower faunal horizon (T-l) .
Middle faunal horizon (T-2)
Upper faunal horizon (T-3) .
I rime~ti area . .
Middle faunal horizon (T-2)
Upper faunal horizon (T-3) .
Lower faunal horizon (T-I) .
Middle faunal horizon (T-2)
Upper faunal horizon (T-3) .
The palaeoclimatic aspects
Lower faunal horizon (T-l).
Middle faunal horizon (T-2)
Upper faunal horizon (T-3) .
Lower faunal horizon (T-I).
Middle fauna! horizon (T-2)
Upper faunal horizon (T-3)
References .


The systematic investigations carried out since 1960 (NECRASOV,

SAMSON and RADuLEsco 1961; SAMSON and RADULESCO 1963,
1965) on the f1uviolacustrine deposits of the Dacic Basin, based
on both fossiliferous accumulations and isolated specimens of
known stratigraphical context, allow the recognition of several
phases in the evolution of the Plio-P1eistocene mammalian faunas
and SAMSON 1983).
Subsequent studies undertaken in the Slatina area. Oltet valley
(approximately 50 km south-east of Tetoiu), based on faunal
superposition (associated mammals and molluscs). provided a
biostratigraphic framework (FERU, RADULESCO and SAMSON 1978,
1979) that has been strengthened by palaeomagnetic determinations (ANDREESCO, RADULESCO, SAMSON, CEPALYGA and TROUBIKH1NE 1981).
Taking the Neogene/Quaternary boundary as lying within the
Olduvai event, the beginning of the mammalian sequence in the
middle Oltet valley was considered coincident with the lower
boundary of the Pleistocene (SAMSON and RADULESCO 1973;
ANDREESCO et al. 1981; FERU et al. 1983).
The Plio-Pleistocene boundary proposed in the Yrica section
(southern Italy) falls above the Olduvai normal subchron at
approximately 1.6 m.y. (TAUXE, OPDYKE, PAS1Nl and ELMl 1983).
According to this age the lower part of the fauna I succession at
Tetoiu, which was correlated with the Olduvai subchron by FERU
et al. (1983), belongs to the Upper Pliocene rather than to the
Pleistocene, as had been assumed previously.

The Plio-Pleistocene mammalian succession in the Oltet valley
(Dacic Basin, Romania) is presented, and an attempt is made to
correlate the local faunal horizons with the most important
mammal localities of Europe.

2. Stratigraphy
Between Tetoiu in the north and Irime~ti in the south,
a distance of about 9 km, a fluvio-lacustrine sequence, which
attains a thickness of over lOO m, yielded several mammalian

In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die plio-pleistoziine Siiugetierfolge im Olte\-Tal (Dakisches Becken, Rumiinien) dargestellt.
und es wird versucht, die lokalen Faunenhorizonte mit den wichtigsten Siiugetierfundstellen Europas zu korrelieren.

faunas from a sequence of sediments.

This sequence includes several cycles of deposition. Each
cycle begins with an erosional level containing gravels or
pebbles, overlain by cross-bedded sands. The material be-

ITpeLlCTaBneHa llOcneLlOBaTenbHOCTb nJllIO-l1.ijeiicTOueHoBblx

4layH MneKOl1l1TafOWIlX B )lO~~IIHe OnTeu UlaKlliicKllii 6acceiiH,
PYMbIHIIJI). )..l,enaeTCJl 11011blTKa KOppe~,JlUIIII MeCTHblX 4laYHllcTfI'1eCKllX ropfl30HTOB c Hall60nee BalKHblMfI MeCTOHaXOlKJleHIIJlMII
M.ijeKOl1I1TalOWIlX B EBpone.

comes progressively finer consisting of sands. horizontally

bedded or uniform in character, followed by silty sands.
A silty clay or clay level marks the close of each cycle.
These depositional cycles seem to be determined not only
by subsidence but also by climatic oscillations (NECRASOV

1. Introduction
The Dacic Basin represents a large sedimentation area surrounded by the southern Carpathians, the Balkans and the Danube.
The mammalian sequence discussed in this paper occurs in the
western part of the Dacic Basin, about 50 km north of Craiova.
It is located in the middle Olte\ valley (a tributary of thc River
Olt) at Tetoiu (= Bugiule~ti) and Irime$ti.

QlIartarpalaontologie Bd. 8

et aL 1961; RADULESCO and SAMSON 1962).

The fossiliferous sites are located on the slopes of several
hills extending from north to south. The most important
hills are Dealul Viilor, Dealul Tete~ului (Tetoiu area) and
Dealul Omoricea (Irime~ti area).
At Tetoiu. the western flank of Dealul Viilor is dissected
by torrential valleys oriented east-west. These valleys separate


C. RAfWLEs('(l et aJ. Mammalian Succcssi0n of the Oltel Valley


Quartiirpaliiontol0gie 8 (1990)

~ ---

k==~ ==

-- "_J



1. Upper horizon (T-31. fossllJ!crous sites:

DV - J)ealul Vilar: c; - Gargonic: DS
Dealul $asci: VO
Vaka Omorke<l:
VI{ -. Valea Ripei: VCs
Valac ('asci or :
Valea T de~ullli: Pr





2. t\1iddle horizon \T-:::l. f,lY.;ilifcrolls sites: FA - rintina Alorti~ci. ~

La Seci ;
VM . Yaka \lijlaciei: F'v1 - Finlina lui
Miti1311 (1
lower k\cl. u
3. Lower horizon IT-I\. fo))illferous sites:
V'alae Rl}~C:lj. p
LI Pidri~:
\'alea Ci-r:wllccanulllJ "wne' implements at D\1 - Dealul \IIJiO,'lU
Below 99 111. hJ.~aj dCPC1-;\(';; f Ilr('dol11ill;m(l~
lacustrinc L1Ci(',", I






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00 (20-200mm)






t =jsilty sand
t- jsilty clay








-- -- -- --



r- - -







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I"}~cross-b<?dd ing
-FossiliFerous ,evel
I .

~'C@ ~~dg~





~ - - - "gradual ~ronSltlon
v<!'r~ical or lateral



'~nor exposed




sharp limit

..-............srraigh~ or undulorinq



Synthetic Iithnstratigraphic column in


area, middle Oltc\ valley

Quartiirpaliiontologie 8 (1990)
a series of lower hills (from north to south): Dealul Tetoiu.
Dealul Ripei. Dealul Mijlociu and Dealul Ruginosu.
At J rime~ti, the hills are intersected by valleys oriented
no rt h-so u th.
In the area under considaation, the mammal-bearing
deposits have been studied in detail and three fauna! divisions
were identilied (SAMSON and RADULESCO 1963, 1965, 1973;
FERU et a1. 1983). A great number of artificial (excavations)
and natural profiles allowed the relationship of the fossilifermIs sites within the stratigraphic sequence of the area to be
established (a synthetic lithostratigraphic column is presented
in Fig. I).
At the base the deposits are represented by clays (with
viviparids and fish remains) and silty clays. seen to 11 metres,
apparently without mammalian fossils.
The overlying beds, approximatdy 20 m thick, comist
predominantly of silty sands and sands. levels with gravel
(and larger pebbles) were also observed. These beds are rich
in mammalian remains (Lower faunal horizon. code T-I).
This fossiliferous zone is overlain by a sequence, 40 m
thick, consisting predominantly of s<lnds with gravel and
pebble lenses and thin clay intercalations. Mammalian remains were discovered at the top of the sequence (Middle
faunal horizon. code T-2).
The above-mentioned sediments. which cont<lin Lower
<lnd Middle faunal horizons. were laid down under fluviolacustrine conditions.
The uppermost beds, 35 m thick. were laid down under
prevailing fluvial and torrential conditions; they commonly
contain CO<lrse sands with gravel and pebble intercalations.
These beds yielded isolated mammalian remains (Upper
faunal honzon, code T -3).
In the area under consideration the beds have an average
dip of 1 to 2 degrees S.E. A location map of the fossil-collecting
localities has already been puhlished (SAMSO:\ 1976. Fig. 3).

2.1. Tetoiu area

2.1.1. Lower faunal horizon (T-l)

The fossiliferous sites indicated below in ascending stratigraphic order are located on the western slope of Dealul
Viilor with the exception of the site at Valea Ro~cai which
is situated in a small valley cut into the northern portion
of Dealul Tete~ului.
Valea Ro~cai - As mentioned above. this site lies in
a small valley which is located in the extreme south of Tetoiu.
A successllln of sands, I m thick, was observed. At the base
the follOWing mammalian remains were collected: Mammulhlls
( Archidiskodon) l/1eridiona!is (NEsn) (with some primitive
dental features) and Trogol1lherilll11 daL'icul11 RADULESCC
(described as Trogonlherilll11 hoisri//elli dacicum. this mediumsized form is here considered <lS <l distinct species).
La Pietri~ - The rich accumulation of mammalian rel11<lins is located some 3 km north of V<lka Ro~cai. A sequence
of sands and fine sands, 2 m thick, yielded the following
mammals: Mammulhus meridio/7alis (NEST/\' Dicerorhillu.1
elrllSCLlS (FALCONER). A//O/UjiPUS al/wnasilli SM1S0N. Euc/adoClTOS sp .. P/iolraglls ardeus (DEPERET). Nl'clerellles mega/7/(/.I[oides (POMEL), Ll'17'y issiodorel7sis (CROIZET et JOBERT),
f/ssidens (PETENyl), Trogol7lhcrilllil daeicum
RADCLESCU, Hypo/agus hrachygnalhlls KO~\lOS (NECRASOV
et al. 1961; BOLOMEY 1965a, 1965b; SA1\1S0:" 1976).


C. RADCLESCO et al. Mammalian Succession of the Oltel ValJe)


Valea Graunceanului -- This site. the richest in faunal

remains, is well known as the type-locality for the primate
Paradolic/iopilhecus gelicus NrcRAsov. SAMSO,,", et RADCLFSCO
(01ECRASOV et al. ILJ61: DEI.SO,\; and ]\;1C'()LAESCl'-PU)P~OR
1975). It is located in a valley c<llled Valea Graunce<lnului
(= Valea Tetoi). 2.4 km north of La Pietri~.
The fossiliferous bed. situated at the base of a silty sand.
1.5 m thick. has yielded the following mammals: Mal1ll11uT!llIs
meridionalis (NEsn), Dicerorhinus sp., A//ohippus aThanasiui
SA!v!SO'\;, Euc/odoceros sp .. JJili/anolheriul11 inexspeclalUln SAMso~ et RADULESCO, P!iolraglls ardeus (DEPERET). Nyclereules
lIlegol1lasloides (POMEL). Ursus elruscus CUVIER. Hyaena
perr;eri CROIZET et JOBERT, HOl1lolheriul11 crenalidclls (FAIJRINI). Megalllereon lIlegalllereol1 (CROIZET et JOBERT), L1'I1x
issiodormsis (CROIZET et JOBERT), H1'.IHix rc/ossa GERVAIS.
Caslor pli"idms MAJOR. Trogonl!leriulll cklCiclll1l RADULESCC.
Parado/ichopil!lccus arl'ernel1sis geliclls NECRASOV, SAMS01\
et RADULESCO. Manis sp. (NECRASOV et al. 1961; BOLOMEY
1965a. 1965b; SAMSON and RADCLESCO 1966; SAMSON 1976;
FERu el at. 1983)
Dealul Mijlociu - On the western slope of the hill
called Dealul Mijlociu. approximately 0.9 km north of La
Pietri~. a bed of pebbles intercalated with sands, 1.5 m thick,
yielded some artefacts made from pebbles (Plate I) (SAMSON
and RADLLESCO 1963). Judging by their state of preservation
the artefacts were transported only a very shon distance
(from the north). The late L. S. B. LEAKEY, who examined the
material (Paris 1969). suggested some similarities with certain
examples from the Oldowan culture,
Stratigraphically, the site of Dealul Mijlociu occupies an
intermediate position between the fossiliferous level at La
Pietri~ and thal at Valea Gniunceanului.
2.1.2. Middle faunal horizon (T-2)

The fossiliferous sites are located within the uppa part of

this horizon (see Fig. 1.2).
Fintina Alortitei - This site is located on the eastern
slope of Dealul Viilor. 1.5 km south-e<lst of V<llea Graunceanului. At the base of a bed consisting of fine. partially
consolidated sands, 0.7 m thick. the following mammalian
remains were discovered: ll1ammll1hu'\ lIleridiOlw!is (NEST!),
A//ohippus slenonis l1lili/anel7sis S."u\!SO~, EIIc!ar!occros sp.,
and Canis UrllSCUS MAJOR (SA~tSON 1976)
La Seci -- This site lies in a small torrentIal valley,
approximately 3 km north-e<lst of Valea Graunceanului.
Mammalian remains including Allli/opc sp., Hyacna hrcl'iro.\lris A Y!v!ARD and Canis elruscus MAJOR were collected from
a sandy deposit.
Va le a M ij Iocie i-This locality is situated on the western
slope of Dealul Viilor. 2 km south of Valea Graunceanului.
A sequence of cross-bedded sands and gravels, 1.5 m thick.
yielded the following fossils: M amnllllhus l1leridiona/is (NEsn),
A//o/l/ji/illS slmoni" lllili/ancnsis SAMSO,\; and Pram/ccs ga/!icus
2.1.3. Cpper faunal horizon (T-3)

Dealul Vlilor - The most significant mammalian remains (some specimens slightly rolled) were collected from
the extensive exposures. 10--15 m thick and consisting of
cross-bedded sands and gravels. which occur on the eastern
slope of Dealul Viilor. approximately 0.5 km north-east


C. RADULESCO et al./Mammalian Succession of the Oltet Valley

of Fintina Alortitei. The following mammals were identified:

}",famllluthus maidionalis ssp. (a molar fragment indicating
an advanced form was found 5 m below the top of the upper
horizon), Soergclia cf. elisabethac SCHAUB and Bison cf.
schoetensacki FREUDENBERG (SAMSO:"' and RADULESCO 19631965; RADULESCO and SAMSON 1965; SAMSO" 1976).
Other mammals were collected in equivalent deposits
(cross-bedded sands and gravels) at the following localities
(from the north to the south):
'"Allohippus" cf. slIesscnnornellsis (WeST) (SAMSOO:
DeaJul Sasei - Trogolltherium boisvillelli (LAl'GEL), represented by
a skull.
Valea Omorlcca- Mammllthus ml"l"idionulis ssp. (advanced form).
Va1ea Ripei
Pracalees cf. CUl7JlIfClrum (LAl:GEL).
Valea Caselor - Eqllus ulutieus RADl:LESCO et SAMSOO: (SAMSn"i
Valea Tete~ului _.- Equlls alutieus RADl:LESCn et SAMSOl' (SAMSON




2.2.1. Middle faunal horizon (T-2)

Fin t ina I u i M it ilan -- The site is located on the western

slope of Dealul Omoncea. The deposits consist of a basal
succession of clays and sands. 8 m thick. which underlies a
sequence. 6 m thick, consisting predominantly of sands with
gravel lenses.
The main fossiliferous bed (lower fauna I level), 1.4-1.5 m
thick, is located I m above the top of the basal succession.
It is represented at the base by alternating coarse sands and
gravel lenses showing cross-bedding, surmounted by fine sands
with small gravel lenses and portions of cemented silty
sediment. This level yielded numerous remains of Mammuthlls
mcridionalis (NESTI) (typical form) - an almost complete
skeleton (with M;), parts of a skeleton including the skull
(with M~), vertebral column and fore limbs, three lower jaws
showing the milk dentition (D 2 -D..) at different stages of
wear, limb bones of young specimens and isolated teeth and
bones. These were associated with EIIc/adoceros sp., A 110caenclaphus sp. (a primitive form), Castor plicidcns.
A second fossiliferous bed (upper faunal level) consisting
of sands and gravels, 0.5 m thick. situated approximately
0.7-1.0 m above the main faunallevel, yielded the following
mammals: Mammuthus mcridionalls (NESTl), Diccrorhinus
clruscus (FALCONER), Allohippus gr. major (Bouul. Allohippus
stenonis mitilancnsis SAMSON (a medium-sized form with
slender limbs), Sus stro::.zii MAJOR, Miti/anotherium incxspectatum SA:-ISO'-l et RADULESCO. Eucladoccros sp .. A 1/0caenclaphus sp., Cervus ncstii MAJOR. 1\1egalovis lari(rons
SCHAUB, Leptobos sp., Ga::.ella sp" Castor plicidens MAJOR.
Trogontherium boisvillelli (LAUGEL) (normal size) (NECRASOV
et al. 1961; RADULESCO and SAMSON 1962; SAMSON and
RADULESCO 1963, 1965, 1973; SA.\1S0N 1976; FERU et a!.
At the top of the sandy sequence. 2 m above the upper
faunal level, frost structures (ice wedges. involution pockets)
were recorded.
2.2.2. Upper faunal horizon (T-3)

The uppermost deposits. consisting of sands and gravels

accumulated under fluviatile and torrential conditions, yielded
isolated mammalian remains.

- '"Allohippus" cf. mani (v. RElCHENAU) (SA:-ISON 1976).

Quartiirpalaontologie 8 (1990)

3. Palaeontology
3.1. Lower faunal horizon (T-1 )
The three fossilifcrous sites (Valea Ro~ci\i, La Pietri~ and
Va1ea Graunceanului) are characterized by the presence of
a medium-sized form of Trogollthcrium (T. daeicum). The
elephant remains may be attributed to Mammllthlls meridiollalis (NE~TI). Mastodons are absent.
The sites of La Pietri~ and Valea Graunceanului have in
common at least seven mammals: Mall1mllthus meridionalis
(NESTI), A//ohippus atlwllllsiui SA\IS0N, Eucladoecros sp., Pliotragus ardcus (DEPERET). Nntereutcs megamastoidcs (POMEL),
Lynx issiodorensis (CROIZET et JOBERT) and Trogontherium
daeicum RADULESCU. The older fauna from La Pietri~ seems
to be characterized by dominant equids. while in the succeeding
fauna from Valea Graunceanului cervid forms are dominant
(BoLOMEY 1965a). It is interesting to note that large bovids
of the Leptobos type are absent at both sites.
The site of Valea Graunceanului yielded a various fauna
including new forms among which the most interesting (or
unexpected) are a primate (Paradoliehopithccusl. a giraffid
(Mitilanotherium) and a pangolin (Hallis) It is worth remembering that many skeletal elements. especially limb
bones, of equids and cervids were found still articulated.

3.2. Middle fauna) horizon (T -2)

The elephant is represented by Mammlll/llIs meridionalis
(NESTI) (typical form); the Eucladoeeros stock h persistent:
the giraffid identified from the lower horizon is still present
at Fintina lui Mitilan and the genus Tro{U'l1therilllll is represented by a form of normal size (T. hoisri//elli).
The different localities belonging to the Middle horizon
yielded several mammalian forms recording their earliest
appearance in the Dacic Basin: A Ilohippus slmonis mitilancnsis
SAMSON, Praealccs gallic/ls (AZZAROUl. Allocamc/aphus (a
primitive form of megacerine type), J'o.fega/oris lati(rons
SCHAUB. Hyaena hrC\'irosTris AYMARD. and Canis etruseus

3.3. Upper fauna) horizon (T-3)

The elephant is represented by an advanced form of
Mammuthus meridionalis (NESTI): the elk (Prucalecs cf. camutorum) is very probably a descendant of P. ga/lieus (HE/:"'TZ
et POPLtN 1981) and Trogontherium hoisrilletti (LACGEL).
already recorded from Middle faunal horizon. is also present.
The mammalian fauna as a whole is characterized by the
appearance of new types of animals not found in the Middle
horizon: "Al/ohippus" cL suesscltbomcnsis (WOST), Equus
alutims RADCLESCO et SAMS()~. Soergelia cf. eli.whethae
SCHAUB and Bisolt cf. schoetensack i FREUDESBERG.

4. The palaeoclimatic aspects

4.1. Lower fauna) horizon (T -I)
The mammalian fauna at La Pietri~. which is dominated
by equids. seems to point to a more continental influence
(drier and cooler conditions). The next fauna, known from

Quartarpalaontologie 8 (1990)
Valea Graunceanului, contains numerous cervids associated
with, among other forms, primates, giraf1ids and Hysrrix
and is indicative of a warmer climate.
The fauna at both sites very probably represents a climatic
sequence which might be equivalent to part of the Tiglian,
the Valea Graunceanului locality corresponding to Tiglian
CS and La Pietri~ to a preceding cooler oscillation.
4.2. Middle faunal horizon (T -2)

The deposition of the Middle faunal horizon seems to correspond to a general cooling of the climate. Many warm
indicators disappear; the giraf1id M irilanotherium is still
present at Fintina lui Mitilan although very poorly documented (SAMSOI\; and RADULESCO 1966). The presence of AllohipPU5
\'r{'l/onis mirilanensis SAMSON, Praealces gallicus (AZZAROLl),
:'vfegalol'is larijrons SCHAUB and Canis erruscus MAJOR very
probably reflects a climatic deterioration. Drier conditions
in the Dacic Basin are also indicated by the presence of
Para cam elll.\ alurensis (STEFANESCU) in the equivalent fauna
at Milcovu-2 (= Milcovu din vale/Olt, layers 26-29). a
locality situated in the Oltet valley (Slatina area) approximately 50 km south-east of Tetoiu (FERU et al. 1979. (983).
Frost structures seen at Fintina lui Mitilan in the sediments
above the upper faunal level indicate a severe climatic deterioration.
The marked lowering of the temperature occurring toward
the top of Middle horizon is followed by a warmer period
recorded by molluscs including Bogatschel'ia sruri (HoRN.).
The latter is associated with micromammals at Izvoru-2 in
the Slatina area (first appearance of Citellus primigenius
KORMOS. },1imomys pirymyoides JANOSSY et VAN DER MEULEN
and KislanKia rex (KORMOS) in the Dacic Basin and absence
of arhizodont forms of AI/oplzaiomys and Lagurodon type)
(FERU et al. 1978, 1983).
4.3. Upper faunal horizon (T-3)

The mammalian assemblage contains forms [Praealces cf.

"trlllItorum (LAUGEL). Soergelia] very probably indicating
cc)oler conditions with increase in continentality (presence of
three equid forms including Equus aluticus).

5. Correlations
5.1. Lower faunal horizon (T-I )

The presence of Trogontherium ducicllm RADULESCU in

[he Lower faunal horizon suggests a correlation with Slatina-3.
[he [~pe-h:ality for the species. Layer 37 (= Slatina-3) of the
[~pe sedion at Slatina is situated within the Olduvai normal
,ubchwn (ANDREESCO et al. 1981). Therefore. the fauna
;'rc,m the Lower horizon at Tetoiu may fall within the
Oldll\ai subchron and probably somewhat prior to this
: ll11e inte f\ ~il.
In [he bi"stratigraphic scheme of the Dacic Basin the Lower
:'auna] horizon (T-I) from Tetoiu is later than Slatina-2 and
rr,'adh eLjui\alent to Slatina-3 (RADULESCU and SAMSON




Ic'\\ er horizon fauna seems to be equivalent to the upper

"I [he Khapro\ faunal complex in the Soviet Union

C. RADULESCO et al.; Mammalian SuccessIOn of the Olte\ Valley


(Ferladany, the ninth terrace of the Dniester. Moldavian SSR)

(NIKlFOROVA 1977).
The Lower faunal horizon may correlate with the upper
part of Zone 17 (Saint-Vallier Zone). The faunas at La
Pietri~ and Valea Graunceanului seem to postdate those from
Saint-Vallier and Chilhac, France. where Anancus arvernensis
(CR01ZET et JOBERT) is still present (BOEUF 1984).
The faunal sequence from the Lower horizon is. very probably, equivalent to part of the Tiglian warm stage (Valea
Graunceanului corresponding perhaps to Tiglian CS) of the
Netherlands (ZAGWIJN 1979).
The presence of a giraf1id (MirilaIlOllzerium) at Valea
Graunceanului (SAMSON and RADULESCO 1966) indicates
correlation with the fauna from Wolaks, Macedonia. Greece,
which includes a related (or identical) giraf1id form (Macedonirherium) (SICKENBERG 1967).
The presence of a pangolin (Manis sp.) at Valea Graunceanului might suggest a correlation with Vil1<\ny-3. Hungary,
which contains Manis Izungarica (KORMOS 1934). Unfortunately. however, the mammal-bearing layers at villany-3 seem
to correspond to a long time interval including more than one
faunal association.

5.2. Middle faunal horizon (T-2)

The fauna of the Middle horizon is characterized by the

presence of Trogonrherium boisvillelli (LAllGEL), a form which
in the Dacic Basin seems to postdate the Olduvai subchron
(ANDREESCO et al. 1981; FERU et al. 1983). As a whole, the
fauna of the Middle horizon may come from within the basal
part of Lower Pleistocene (the Eburonian cold stage of the
Praealccs gallicus, identified at the site of valea Mijlociei,
is also present, accompanied by lovJammuthus meridionalis
(NESTI) at Prundu, a locality situated in south-eastern part of
the Dacic Basin (ApOSTOL 1972).
A primitive form of A Ilocaenelaphus seems to appear for
the first time at Fintina lui Mitilan. In the Dacic Basin,
A llocaenelaphus is also present at Izvoru-l (Slatina area)
(FERU et al. 1983).
Allocaenelaphus arambourgi RADULESCO et SAMSON, the
type-species of this genus, was described from RotbavSilvestru, a fossiliferous site in the intracarpathian Bra~ov
Depression (RADULESCO and SAMSON 1967). In the biostratigraphic scheme of Romania, Rotbav-Silvestru is considered to be later than the Middle faunal horizon in the
Oltet valley (RADULESCO and SAMSON 1985).
AlIocaenelaphus seems to be restricted to south-eastern
and eastern Europe. Antlers very similar to those of A.
arambourgi RADULESCO et SAMSON were discovered in the
eighth terrace of the Dniester at Chobruch, Moldavian SSR
(RADULESCO and SAMSON 1967). Judging from the palaeomagnetic determinations. the eighth terrace of the Dniester
dates from within the Matuyama epoch, prior to the Jaramillo
event (TRUBlKHIN and C'EPALYGA 1982).
Allohippus stenonis mitilanensis SAMSON (associated with
Allohippus gr. major (BOllLE) at Fintina lui Mitilan, upper
faunal level) is a typical form of the Middle faunal horizon
of the Olte\ valley and it seems to point to a correlation with
the Psekups fauna (Domashkinian horizon, Odessa fauna 1
complex) of the Soviet Union, where a similar medium-sized


C. RADULESCO et al.!Mammalian Succession of the Olte\ Valley

equid with slender limbs (together with a large equid form)

occurs (GROMOVA 1949: SAMSON 1976).
The presence of Pramlees gallieus (AZZAROLl) and Afegalo\'is in the Middle faunal horizon suggests a correlation with
Zone 18 ISeneze zone) which includes similar taxa (MEO:--:.
The occurrence of Hyaena breviroslris An1ARD and Canis
elruseus MAJOR in the Middle horizon fauna may olTer another
means of correlation. In Italy, both species are known from
the Olivola and Tasso faunal units (AZZAROLl 1983). As a
whole, the fauna of the Middle horizon. including Praeulces
galliC1ls (AZZAROLl) and Megaloris, is later than Olivola
where Anancus arvemensis is still present. In a broad sense.
the fauna of the Middle horizon in the Olte\ valley might be
related to the Tasso faunal unit.

Quartiirpalaontologie R (1990)
The sites of the Middle fauna I horizon (1'-2) are considered
to date from the beginning of Pleistocene times. As a whole.
the mammalian fauna of the Middle horizon can be correlated
with the Eburonian cold stage (Netherlands), Scneze Zone
(Francc) and Domashkinian horizon/Odcssan faunal complex
(Soviet Union).
The Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary is placed hetween the
Lower faunal horizon (the end of the Pliocene) and the Middle
faunal horizon (the beginning of the Pleistocene).
The Upper faunal horizon (1'-3) is also believed to be
Lower Pleistocene in age. The mammalian assemblage can be
correlated with part of the Tamanian faunal complex of the
Soviet Union. A possihle correlation with the Late WaalianEarly Menapian in the Netherlands is also suggested.


5.3. Upper faunaI horizon (1'-3)

The mammalian forms collected at various levels in this
horizon are probably not strictly contemporary. Some elements are descendants of older forms occurring in the Middle
faunal horizon. The 'elephant Mummlllhus meridionalis ssp.
shows more progressive dental features and the elk (Pram/as
cf. eamuforum) is larger. Trogonlherium boisvilleui (LAUGEL)
is also present.
A faunal turnover is indicated by the appearance of such
new forms as "Allohippus" cf. suessenborl1l:llsis (WeST).
Equus alufieus RADULESCO et SAMSO:--:, Soergelia and Bison.
The equid forms of the Upper horizon point to a relationship
with the Rotbav-Silvestru fauna (Bra~ov Depression) where
"'Allohippus" suessenbomellsis and Eqlllls alulicus RADULESCO
et SAMSON were also identified (SAMSON 1976). However. the
elephant of the Upper faunal horizon in the Oltet valley is
more advanced in comparison with lvfammlilhus meridionalis
(NEsn) from Rotbav-Silvestru (RADULESCO. SA:-'ISON, MIHAILA.
and KovAcs 1965). This fact suggests that the latter site is the
The chronological significance of Soergelia and Bison is
not yet clear, but the presence of these forms might indicate
that the Upper horizon fauna is near the "Cromerian" (s.1.)
faunas of Europe.
In a wide sense, the fauna of the Upper horizon in the Oltet
valley is equivalent to part of the Tamanian faunal complex
of the Soviet Union, corresponding roughly to the eighth
(upper part) and seventh terraces of the Dniester.
In terms of north European stratigraphy, the Upper faunal
horizon seems to correspond to Late Waalian-Early Menapian
times. It might also be equivalent to the lower part of Zone 20
(MEo)'.; et a1. 1980) and "'transition faunas" (BONIFAY 1980)
in western Europe.

6. Conclusions
The fossili ferous localities of the Lower fauna I horizon
(1'-I) date from the end of Pliocene times. The sites of La
Pietri~ and Valea Graunceanului seem to represent a climatic
shift from cooler to warmer conditions. The Valea Graunceanului site might be correlated with the Late Tiglian (CS)
in the Netherlands.
The upper part of Lower faunal horizon in the Tetoiu area
(Dealul Mijlociu) yielded artefacts made from pebbles. For
fIrSt time in Romania stone implements of this type have been
found in a known stratigraphic context.

The Plio-Pleistocene sequence in the Olter valley (Dacic Basin.

Romania), between the localities of Tetoiu (= Bugiule~ti) and
lrime~ti. is represented by three mammal-bearing horizons, as
The Lower faunal horizon (code T-l) corresponds to the end of
the Pliocene (upper part of Saint-Vallier zone, MN 17. upper part
of the Khaprov faunal complex). The richest fossiliferous sites
(Tetoiu area) of La Pietri~ (dominance of equids) and Valea Griiunceanului (Paradolich0l'irheeus. Mililanorherium. HI'srix, Tl'Ogonrlleriulll daeieum. Manis. dominance of cervids) seem to represent
a climatic shift from cooler to warmer (equivalent of the Tiglian
C4'-C5). In the upper part of this horizon (Dealul Mijlociu,
Tetoiu area) implements made of pebbles were found.
The Middle faunal horizon (code T-2) is considered to indicate
the beginning of the Pleistocene (Seneze zone, MNQ 18. Eburonian,
Odessa faunal complex). This horizon, including the sites of Fintina
Alorti\ei (Tetoiu area) and Fintina lui Mitilan (Irimqti area), is
characterized hy the presence, among other forms, of Mammulhus
meridionalis (typical form), AI/ohippus srenonis mirilanensis. PraealCl'S gallieus, A1egalovis, Canis elruscus and Trogonlherium hoisvillelli.
The Upper faunal horizon (code T-3) seems to correspond to the
second part of the Lower Pleistocene (MNQ \9/20, Lale Waalian;
Early Menapian, part of the Taman faunal complex). The fauna is
distinguished by the presence of a progressive Mammurhus meridionalis form, Praealees cl'. carnurorum. Soergelia and Bison.

Die Plio-Pleistozan-Folge im Olter-Tal (Dakisches Becken, Rumiinien). zwischen den Fundgebieten Tetoiu (= Bugiule~ti) und
Irime~ti, besteht aus drei fossile Siiugetiere fiihrenden Horizonten,
die wie folgt zu charakterisieren sind:
Der unterc Faunenhorizont (Code T-I) entspricht geochronologisch dem Ende des Plioziins (oberer Abschnitt der Saint-VallierZone, MN 17, oberer Abschnitt des Khaprov-Faunenkomplexes).
D\t fossilreichsten Fundstellen (Tetoiu-Gebiet) La Pietri~ (mit
Equiden-Dominanz) und Valea Graunceanului (Paradolichopilhceus, Mirilanorherium. Hysrrix, Trogonrherium daeicum, Man is,
mit Cerviden-Dominanz) schcinen einem klimatischen Wechse\ von
kiihleren zu wiirmeren Verhaltnissen zu entsprechen (Aquivalent
des Tiglium C4'--C5). In den oberen Partien dieses Horizonts
(Dealul Mijlociu. Tetoiu-Gebiet) wurden Artefakte gefunden, die
aus Geriillen hergestellt wurden (pebble-tools).
Der mittlere Faunenhorizont (Code T-2) entspricht nach der
hier vertretenen Auffassung dem Beginn des Pleistozans (SenezeZone. MNQ 18. Eburonium. Odessa-Faunenkomplex). Dieser Horizont, dem die Fundstellen Fintina Alortirei (Tetoiu-Ciebiet) und
Fintina lui Mitilan (lrime~ti-Gebiet) zuzurechnen sind. wird durch
die Anwesenheit - unter anderen Formen - von Jfammurhus
meridionalis (Typus-Form), AI/ohippus srenonis mirilancllsis, Praeal('es gal/ieus. Megalovis, Callis elrl/seus und Trogonrherium hoisvillelli charakterisiert.
Der oberc Faunenhorizont (Code T-3) scheint dem zweiten Teil
des unteren Pleistozans zu entsprechen (MN 19/20, spates Waalium!friihes Menapium, Teil des Taman-Faunenkomplexes). Diese

Quaniirpaliiontologie 8 ( 1990)
Fauna ist durch das Vorkammen eines progressiven Mamml/lhl/S
merid;onalis. durch Praea!ces cf. caml/fUrum. Soergelia und Bison

nmlO-nJleiiCTOueHoBbIH pa1pe3 .QO.nIlHbl O.neu UlaKHlicKllii

oacceiiH. PYMbIHlIll) Ha y'laCTKe Me)l(ilY Terml 1= nY.Q)I(Y:leWTIl)
H HplIMelU fH npe.QCTaB.,eH TpeMll KOCTeHoCHblMII ropH30HTaMIL
HHlKHHlt tjJayHIICTlI'leCKHlt ropll30HT (KO;l T-I1 COOTBeTCTByeT
KOHUY nmlOueHa (BepXHlIlI 'laCTb 30HbI CeH-Ba.~be, MN 17, BepxHllll
'laCTb 30Hbl xanpOBcKoro tjJayHHcTII'Iecl<oro I<OMnJleI<Ca). HaHoo.nee
ooraTble MeCTOHaXOJK.QeHlllI HCKOLlaeMblX OCTaTKOB B pailoHe
TeTOlI - na nbeTplIW (.QOMIlHHPYIOT nowa.QH) H Ba.,ea ipayH'IaHyJ,yH (Pamdo/ichopithecl/s, Mitilanotherium, Hystrix, TrogonIheriulJ1 dac;cum. A/anis, JlOMHHHpoBaHHe oJleHeii) - nO-BIIIlIIMO~IY
cBHileTe~1bcTBYIOT 0 CilBllre KJlHMaTH'leCKIIX ycc,OBllii OT oOJlee
npox.nailHblx I< oOJlee Ten.1blM (1I<BHBaJleHT THL11111 C4" -CS). B
BepxHeil 'laCTlI 1Toro ropH30HTa oOHapy)l(eHa raJle'lHall HH.lYCTPllll
(l],ea~1y.1 MII)I(j'O'lHy, pailoH TeTolI).
CpeilHHH tjJayHHcTH'IecKHii ropll30HT (KOil T-21 paccMaTpllBaeTcll
I<al< tjJHI<CIIPYlOlllHil Ha'la,10 nneilcTOLleHa (30Ha CC:3H13, MNQ 18,
16YPOHllil, OileCCl<lIl1 tjJayHHcTH'IeCKlIlt 1<0MIlJleKc). 3TOT ropH30HT.
I< 1<0TOpOMy OTHOClITClI MeCTOHaXO)l(ileHlIlI <1>HHTHHa AJ,opTlnell
(pailoH TeloH) H <1>IIHTHHa .nYII MIITII:IllH (paflOH HpIIMewTII),
xapaKTeplnyeTclI IlPIICYTcTBlleM cpeilH npO'lIlX tjJOpM TaKIlX BHIlOB,
KaK Mamll7uthu5 meridionalis (THnH'IHall tjJopMa l. A llohippus slenonis
mililallensis, Praealces gallicus, Megalovis, Canis elrUScus, TrogonIherium hO;.\\'illelli,
BepxHIIH tjJayHllcTII'Iecl<lIil ropll10HT (KOil T-3) nO-BHiJIIMOMy,
19/20, n03ilHHH Baa"lIil/paHHIIH MeHarlllH, '1aCTb 30Hbl TaMaHcKoro
tjJayHHcTH'IecKoro KOMnJleKca). <1>ayHa OTJlH'laeTCll npllcyTcTBHeM
IlporpecclIBHoil tjJOPMbl Mammlllhus meridionalis. Praealces cf.
carnulurulII, Soergelia 11 Bison.

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et al. Mammalian Succession of the Oltq ValleyPLATE I

Quartiirpaliiontologie 8 (1990)



Two implements made on flint pebbles with alternately flaked edge, Lower horizon (T-I), Dealul Mijlociu. Nat. size

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