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Dr Z

Joseph Zernik, PhD

PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750;
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email:
Blog: Scribd:

10-04-14 Mr Carrizosa and California Judicial Council Refuses to Respond Regarding Counsel
Engaged by the Council
In March 2010 correspondence with Mr Carrizosa, on behalf of the California Judicial Council regarding
engagement of Kevin McCormick as counsel in cases pertaining to Richard Fine, it was discovered that
Kevin McCormick was retained under false and deliberately misleading, invalid case caption.
When similar information was requested regarding the engagement of Attorney Sarah Overton as counsel
in cases pertaining to Joseph Zernik, the California Judicial Council refused to respond at all.
Similarly, no response at all was received on requests pursuant to California Public Records Act, and
California Rules of Court, Rule 10.500 to access the retainer agreement – to inspect and to copy.
It was alleged that upon further discovery – of the public records that were the retainer agreements in a
number of such cases, the evidence would show that such counsel were routinely retained by the
California Judicial Council under false and deliberately misleading retainers, to obstruct and pervert
justice in the US courts.

Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 22:42:21 -0700

To:, "Mr Jay Harell - Office of the General
From: joseph zernik <>
Subject: Engagement of Attorneys by the California Judicial Council and/or its subordinate offices -
Request for data and access to administrative Court Records. Time is of the essence.
Cc: "Attorney David Greene, The First Amendment Project" <>,
Attorney Tom Kerr <>, "Attorney Terry Francke - CalAware" <>

Philip R. Carrizosa
Office of Communications
Judicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 5th floor
San Francisco CA 94102-3688
Direct 415/865-8044, Fax 415-865-4588

Jay Harell
Public Records Requests
Office of the General Counsel
Judicial Council of California

Time is of the essence! Your preliminary response, whether you intend to provide access, is
requested by the 5:00pm on Tuesday, April 13, 2010.

Dear Mr Harell and Mr Carrizosa:

After the fact, I realized that by statute, Cal Govt Code Sect 6252(f), the California judicial branch is
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exempted from compliance with the California Public Records Act. However, the Amendments To The
California Rules Of Court, Adopted by the Judicial Council on December 15, 2009, effective on January
1, 2010, came to the rescue.

Therefore, in case your lack of response regarding my requests, dated March 30, 2010 and April 5,
2010, copied below, for access to the retainer agreements and data regarding engagement of Attorney
Sarah Overton in a case pertaining to Joseph Zernik, was the outcome of my reference to the California
Public Records Act, please accept this as a repeat request, pursuant to California Rules of Court, Rule
10.500 et seq.

Time is of the essence, and I request at least a response on whether or not you intend to respond by
April 13, 2010, 5:00pm.


Joseph Zernik, PhD
Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine:
Patriotic pics of Beyonce' Knowles, Sharon Stone, and Charlize Theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!

Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2010 17:16:29 -0700

To: "Carrizosa, Philip" <>
From: joseph zernik <>
Subject: Request pursuant to California Public Records Act, Cal Govt Code 6250 et
seq, to access copies of retainers of attorneys executed by the California Judicial
Council and/or its subordinate offices
Cc: "Attorney David Greene, The First Amendment Project"
<>, Attorney Tom Kerr <>,
"Attorney Terry Francke - CalAware" <>

April 5 2010

Philip R. Carrizosa
Office of Communications
Judicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 5th floor
San Francisco CA 94102-3688
Direct 415/865-8044, Fax 415-865-4588

The favor of a response by April 12, 2010 was requested.

RE: Request pursuant to California Public Records Act, Cal Govt Code 6250 et
seq, to access copies of retainers of attorneys executed by the California
Judicial Council and/or its subordinate offices in following matters:
1) Attorney McCormick in case listed in your files as - Fine v. Sheriff of Los
Angeles Court, Case No. CV 09-1914
2) Attorney Sarah L Overton in a case at the US District Court, Central District of
California, filed March 5, 2008, where this writer was named Plaintiff, and Judge
Jacqueline Connor and others were named defendants.

Dear Mr Carrizosa:
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In a phone call on April 2, 2010 with Office of the General Counsel, Administrative
Office of the Courts, I was informed that Mr Jay Harell was in charge of all responses
to requests for records pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Cal Govt Code
6250 et seq. I therefore forwarded on April 2, 2010 a fax request for records to Mr Jay
Harelll. I followed up today with a phone message to Mr Harell. In response, I
received today a return phone call from Mr Harell.

Mr Harell informed me that my request for records was forwarded to the

Communications Office of the Administrative Office of the Courts. He refused to state
whether my request would be granted, or whether Attorney Overton was indeed
retained through the California Judicial Council and/or its subordinate offices.
However, he stated that responses on such requests for records, pursuant to the
California Public Records Act, Cal Govt Code 6250 et seq, were addressed within 10
days, unless an extension of 14 days was requested.

I therefore hope to hear your response on this matter by April 12, 2010.


Joseph Zernik, PhD
Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine:
Patriotic pics of Beyonce' Knowles, Sharon Stone, and Charlize Theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!

Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 12:54:37 -0700

To: "Carrizosa, Philip" <>
From: joseph zernik <>
Subject: RE: California Judicial Council: Appearances of Attorney
Sarah L Overton in a case at the US District Court, Central District of
California, filed March 5, 2008, where this writer was named Plaintiff
Cc: "Attorney David Greene, The First Amendment Project"
<>, Attorney Tom Kerr
<>, "Attorney Terry Francke - CalAware"

March 30, 2010

Philip R. Carrizosa
Office of Communications
Judicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 5th floor
San Francisco CA 94102-3688
Direct 415/865-8044, Fax 415-865-4588

The favor of a response within 2 business days was requested.

RE: California Judicial Council: Appearances of Attorney Sarah

L Overton in a case at the US District Court, Central District of
California, filed March 5, 2008, where this writer was named
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Dear Mr Carrizosa:

Thank you again for your help in providing important information

regarding the role of the California Judicial Council in the case of
Richard Fine. Following your responses in that case, I assume that
the California Judicial Council and/or one of its subordinate offices
were also involved in retaining Attorneys Sarah L Overton and
Kathryn E DiCarlo from the law firm of Cummings McClorey Davis
Acho and Associates, to represent judges of the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles, including, but not limited to
Jacqueline A Connor, named Defendants in the litigation referenced

I would be grateful if you could confirm whether the California

Judicial Council and/or its subordinate offices were indeed the ones
who retained such counsel, and the case name and number on file
in this matter at the offices of the California Judicial Council and/or its
subordinate offices.


Joseph Zernik, PhD
Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine:
Patriotic pics of Beyonce' Knowles, Sharon Stone, and Charlize Theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!

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