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Home To clear up some misconceptions, Zeolite is

"Liquid" Zeolite vs Powder

Zeolite a solid in nature. It is impossible to liquify it
Health Benefits From Zeolite without destroying its beneficial cage
Zeolite Studies and structure and negative charge. 
About Dr.Peiper

The Story Behind the MLM


The inventor of the MLM liquid was

trying to create an injectable drug and
never claimed that the product was a
Zeolite after exposing it to hydrochloric
acid and liquifying it. He also never
made any claims that this liquid has any
health benefit ingesting it. 

An MLM company approached him to

license his patented process in order to
create a new poduct which was unique.
Since there was no scientific studies or
data on this liquid the MLM company
decided to call it a Zeolite in order to
utilize the scientific studies done on the
micronized Zeolite powder.  

Here is a very well

written paper by one of the
most knowledgeable people
on Zeolite supplements in
the USA:
An official response to the “Liquid”
Zeolite issue from the President of
ZEO Health Ltd.
Written by:
Micah Portney, M.A.
President of ZEO Health Ltd.
October 1, 2007
Dear Friends,
I am writing this letter in response to the “liquid” Zeolite
companies that have popped up in the last couple of years. This
response is not directed toward any specific company.  Its
purpose is to provide you with the information you need to see
through the smoke and mirrors and to address the numerous
manipulations of fact.
It can be very frustrating for people who are exposed to a great
volume of information to decipher what is fact and what is
fiction. That is exactly what professional marketers are
expecting and welcoming.  These marketing firms often
inundate consumers with a mix of real facts and a manipulation
of others to sell their products.
Let me start with the real facts about Zeolite:
Myth #1: There is some magic or proprietary process which
can turn the mineral Zeolite into a liquid, while maintaining
its benefits.
FACT: Zeolite is a solid by nature. It was formed when
molten lava came in contact with seawater millions of years
ago. Its health benefits are a result of its cage-like structure
and its natural occurring negative charge.  That negative
charge allows Zeolite to attract positively charged metals
and toxins like a magnet, trap them in its cage-like
structure and draw them out of the body. Any
manipulation of this solid (such as making it liquid),
destroys the beneficial cage-like structure and negative
charge, rendering what’s left (a pool of elements) useless
and possibly even dangerous.
Lets take a look at the multi-level marketed
(“MLM”) “liquid” Zeolite product for a moment:
Start with the fact that Zeolite is a compound made up of many
different elements that make up the cage-like  structure.
Now look at this simple scenario to better understand:
We use bridges every day to cross rivers and drive over
obstacles. Bridges are made up of, among other things, steel,
rivets, bolts and cables. It takes all of these parts, used together,
to make up this beneficial structure which allows us to
overcome these obstacles. What would happen if you broke the
bridge down to its pieces and parts, threw them all in the river
and tried to drive over it? You would end up driving over a
cliff! Not very beneficial as pieces and parts, is it?
The same is true with any “liquid” Zeolite product. They
expose the beneficial Zeolite structure to Hydrochloric acid
(much stronger than stomach acid) and extreme heat in order to
liquefy it (the only 2 known ways to destroy a Zeolite
structure). The result is a pool of elements (remember the
pieces and parts?) that originally made up the Zeolite structure. 
Just like the bridge scenario, it is no longer beneficial as parts.
I have personally spoken with the inventor of the process used
to create the MLM liquid, who admits that he never claimed
that the liquid was a Zeolite after his process. His purpose was
to invent something that would be beneficial when injected
directly into a tumor.  There were no claims made about
benefits of the liquid when ingested.
The MLM company decided that they needed to call the liquid
a Zeolite to be able to utilize the scientific studies on Zeolite
powder as proof in order to market it. They also took the liberty
of marketing it as an ingestible liquid. All very clever
manipulation of facts in order to make money.
Myth #2: There have been scientific studies done on the
liquid products.
FACT: All of the published scientific studies ever done on
Zeolite showing it beneficial for health (detox, cancer,
diarrhea, immune boosting, cancer, etc.) have been done
using the powdered form of the mineral, including those
studies being referenced by the liquid companies. There
have never been any published studies done on the liquid. 
This is a multimillion dollar organization which uses
network marketing and can spread any information like
wildfire. You have to believe that results of an independent
liquid scientific study would have been everywhere had
their product results been shown to be statistically
Myth #3: There is enough Zeolite in ANY liquid product
(including the Zeolite suspensions) to be beneficial and get
the health results seen in the scientific studies.
FACT: The dosage of Zeolite used in the scientific studies
showing it beneficial for detox, cancer, immune boosting,
etc. used a dose of between 4,000 mg to 15,000 mg per day.
The therapeutic dose of Humic Acid (used as the suspension
in some liquids who claim it helps Zeolite get into the cell) is
33mg per day minimum. There is a reason why these
companies do not put the supplemental facts for their
ingredients on their label, which by the way, is required by
the FDA! You would have to drink at least 20 bottles per
day of the suspensions to even get the minimum beneficial
dose. With liquid products, you obviously are not getting
ANY actual Zeolite! 
Our product Destroxin has 800mg of Zeolite per capsule.
Our ZEOLITE PURE product has 5,000 mg of Zeolite per
Don’t trust me, call the “liquid” Zeolite companies and see for
 Ask how much Humic Acid is in the product. Is it 33mg
per dose or for the whole bottle?
 Is the liquid black? Humic Acid is black. If its not, it is
probably diluted Fulvic Acid or even just plain water.
 Ask how much Zeolite is in their product. Are they
trying to tell you parts per million?  Do they dance
around the subject or can they give you the straight
answer in Milligrams, which is how Zeolite is dosed in
the scientific studies?
 Is the liquid clear? Can you feel anything in your
fingers or is it just plain liquid? Remember, Zeolite is a
solid and is silica based like sand. If it is not gritty,
chances are that there is no Zeolite at all.
Here is another way to verify that there is no Zeolite in the
liquid products: Zeolite has the ability stop diarrhea. If you or
someone you know is having a bout of diarrhea, give them the
liquid. If there was Zeolite in the product, it would stop the
diarrhea within minutes. The liquid companies know this but
they stay away from mentioning this benefit of Zeolite because
it is too easy for people to verify whether it works or not. Not
many people can check if a product is getting into their cell
Myth #4: Liquid Zeolite is able to penetrate the cell walls
quicker since it is liquid. The powder can’t get into the cells.
FACT: All of the scientific studies have used powdered
micronized Zeolite. This form of Zeolite has been shown to
be effective and beneficial; therefore, the powder CAN
penetrate the cells and provide the health benefits that
Zeolite has been shown to do in the studies. Given that
there is evidence that the liquid is no longer even a Zeolite,
since its beneficial structure was destroyed, what is it that
they claim penetrating the cell walls? A puddle of elements
which originally made up the Zeolite? This just doesn’t
make sense, nor is there scientific evidence to support this.
Again, this is fiction, created by a clever marketing
See for yourself, ask these companies for independent
scientific proof or evidence (an independent study) of their
claims! There is none.
Myth #5: The liquid companies said that the powder has
heavy metals in it and that the liquid is clean.
FACT: This is one of my favorite twists that the marketing
teams came up with. I have to appreciate the creativity.
All Zeolites contain heavy metals. Zeolites are, by nature,
negatively charged and exist in the ground near where
heavy metals, which are positively charged, exist naturally. 
The 2 will obviously be attracted to each other, that is
simple science. There are 2 ways that heavy metals can be
in a Zeolite. The first is actually being one of the elements
that make up the walls in the cage-like structure, since the
heavy metals were there while the Zeolite was being
formed. The second is being attracted into the cage after
the Zeolite is formed. The MLM marketing team was
correct in the fact that if you ingest a Zeolite where the
heavy metals were attracted into the cage after it was
formed, the cage can be full and be less effective. This is the
case with almost all of the Zeolite mined in the United
States (which is why we don’t use Zeolite mined in the USA
for our products).When there are heavy metals in the
Zeolite walls from when it was formed, stomach acid is not
strong enough to destroy the structure. We have proven
this fact using independent labs which mimic stomach acid
based on FDA protocols for the study.
Here is the real kicker… Remember I told you that there
are only 2 things that can destroy a Zeolite structure?
Hydrochloric acid and high heat (remember it was lava or
magma when it started). Both of these structure-destroying
processes are used in making the MLM liquid Zeolite. Ask
yourself: What happens when you destroy the structure
and create a pool of elements that originally made up the
structure? Even if the heavy metals were safe in the cage
walls before the process, they are now loose, readily and
bio-available to be absorbed by the body. We have had the
MLM liquid analyzed in an independent lab to confirm that
heavy metals exist loosely in the liquid Zeolite product.
Myth #6: Great, I see that the real and effective Zeolite is
micronized powder. There are plenty of people selling Zeolite
powder. Even my pool store has it. I can just go buy it and
start consuming it.
FACT: Almost all of the Zeolite mines in the world mine
Zeolite for commercial purposes (toxic cleanups, water
filter media, pool filter media, soil additive, etc.). They are
not concerned with the purity of the mineral since it is for
commercial purposes and is not intended for human
consumption. There are roughly between 50-60 different
forms of Zeolite in the world, two of them toxic to humans.
The beneficial form of Zeolite is called Clinoptilolite.
Sometimes one of the toxic forms of Zeolite called Erionite
is found with Clinoptilolite. The equipment to test for
Erionite is very expensive and so is running the tests. Most
commercial mines don’t test for Erionite since the tests are
so expensive and the Zeolite is being used for commercial
purposes anyway. For their uses, it is an unnecessary
expense. Many mines also include additives for commercial
purposes that can be dangerous to ingest.
ZEO Health Ltd. is the first Zeolite supplement
manufacturer in the United States and has been in business
since the 1990’s. We use one of the only Zeolite mines in the
world that manufacture SPECIFICALLY FOR HUMAN
CONSUMPTION and adhere to strict quality controls.
I hope that this information has been helpful in educating you
on the facts about Zeolite. It is a very beneficial mineral given
to us by nature and should be used as nature intended it to be.
Don’t let these fly by night companies or MLM’s fool you with
scare tactics and manipulation of facts so they can make
millions of dollars selling snake oil using the name of a very
beneficial mineral. Don’t fall for buzz words like bio-available
or cellular. Micronized Zeolite is bio-available and reaches the
cells by nature’s design. Trust a Zeolite company who uses the
actual form of Zeolite used in the scientific studies and who has
been manufacturing real beneficial and safe Zeolite
supplements since the 1990’s.
I am sure that all of these “liquid” companies will be angry that
I wrote this letter. However, I knew that it was time that I
offered everyone the true facts about Zeolite and cleared away
the smoke and mirrors and marketing manipulation of facts
surrounding these so called “liquid” Zeolites.
May this letter find you in the best of health.
Best Regards,
Micah Portney, M.A.
ZEO Health Ltd.
29 Sunset View Drive
West Nyack, New York 10994
(845) 353-5185
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