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Some may say my stories are shoddy and waste. And also having poor moralistic
views of nature! Yes I agree with them. My stories are amateurish; I am being
dilettanti by now. The real art of writing is combination of imagination and prose
writing; sometimes needed verbosity for decorating the scene either for more
beautifulness or for to reach the depth of emotions of readers. I dont think my
writings will do such an effect on readers yet I will never give up my writing work
because I love writing as like as when I love to read; writing is the only thing
which bring me solace. Even I feel good about myself whenever I am writing. I
dont want to be hailed as a writer. I dont want to become a great literature writer.
I dont want to get popular by writing or by anything I do. I just always wanted to
be a normal man to do well. I would always love to learn so I would learn from my
every mistake I have made or will make. Some may say moral standards in my
stories are contradictory to the nature, culture, tradition and society. To them I
want to say one thing Morality is not what we should do or what we shouldnt do;
it is what we perceived in our heart and not that perceived by mind, its naturally
inherent.' Simple as that because it is beyond argumentative, dialectic, debate,
primitive principles. Owing to the fact that its changeable but truth is constant. I
just wanted to convey the truth to myself and to the readers through my writings.
Still though all the things I am writing might not be true, its only because of lack
of knowledge which I havent perused yet in the matter of subject I am being
wrong, and also we couldnt find the truth for all the things we yet to know or
wished to know, due to the fact that after all we are human beings, so am I. Please
forgive for my mistakes and mistake I will make. And I am not going to say
anything new from this story but as the legends and our forefathers as already said
what. All who followed traditional course of life are peevish about modernization.
They are thinking that people of this century going astray from their inscribed
culture of this civilized nation. Although I am not going to exhibit any moral
decadence of this civilized society but I would say, who all finished reading the
book ARTHASHASTRA by CHANKYA, kindly relate those century with now,
we could distinguish nothing. Back to the main subject, I will continue my writing
as long as I am alive. Thanks to my teachers, my parents, my friends, and my well
wishers for helped me to grow as wise person, made me think rationally, and made
me as good person. Am I good person?

A short story

THIS IS THE KIND OF STORY we would never forget in our life (at least not
easily). Its because of the story line we are going to see here is every individual of
us encountered occasionally or at least once in our unfathomable life. In this
modern world every one of us feels the loneliness once in a while. Once it gloomed
our life by choke our heart from the serenity, it wouldnt spare us from an
incorrigible pain that we havent experienced before which was fortuitously given
by our closed ones. And we have the credence that it was the most unendurable
part of our life, even perhaps we regarded the sickness and the loneliness is the
awful combo of appetizing life. Our human heart is so tender and sensitive; it is
always ready to react for the thing that naturally filled our heart with its pacific.
Though we earn more of it, we would never lose appetite for it because our heart is
insatiable for that thing. Its called love. Like the blue sky wipes away the dark,
love would replace the loneliness. Yet in this story we are not only going to see
about love but also about loneliness that we all really hate and despise. Before we
begin the story I want to say one more thing to the readers that this story is not a
fiction, owing to the fact that it might have happened in anyones life but only
differently. Therefore in this imaginative story that I am going to narrate here I
havent put any names on characters because readers have to set themselves in that
place for live the story. I hope you all will be moved and feel something at the core
of your heart by end of this story. SIMPLE STORY, NO EMBELLISHMENTS,


Each individual has his\her own life story in his\her own way of life.

He was fired from his job in a corporate company six of months ago because of his
poor performance in a current deficit year of our country. He was working for that
company for more than five years. Now he was jobless and home. He had been
living with his mother who was on the verge of forties affected by our common
national disease diabetes. His troublesome father had died years ago when he was
studying higher education. That was very usual among the middle class family to
lose either a father or mother at a teen age or earlier than that. The hardships they
had suffered and strived to sustain in this miserable society without one of their
parent was we could absolutely imagine how hard it had been for them. Back to the
matter, his elder sister had married to a civil servant when their father was alive
and now shes having a daughter and a son both were under age seven. As
everyone knew that its becoming a custom in our country that even they were a
blood relation in nature, once he\she gets married then other became as third
person to him\her as just like that, hence I dont need to mention further anything
about it. His elder brother had married and settled in abroad. Despite they were
bonded sisters or brothers since birth, they became estranged to each other once
they got married and separated to settle as nuclear family. They couldnt visit, talk,
share, or do anything as frequently as before to do to keep their kinship affection
for each other, they just couldnt. I guess readers could understand what I am
trying to imply here.
In recent months he started to felt emptiness of life, began to realize that his life
was going on without any particular purpose or evident notion and asking himself
for reasons to live anymore living for what and for whom. Although he was
matured enough to think rationally yet as a human being has weaknesses he had to
cringe for fear of unknown that he was brooding about the impending tenebrous
which billowing upon his life. He felt himself ashamed of living and thought of
being as sinner without had committed any unforgivable crime or sin. It was not
that he hadnt tried suicide because he had to look after his mother but because he
absolutely despised the thought of it and considered it as an unacceptable and
compromising thing of life. Moreover he knew very well that every person would
give a thought of suicide at least once in their life due to various reasons such as

plight of certain time of life, regretting the course of life, troubles of artificial life
that we have created on our own, loss of love and loveable person, misery state that
we think unendurable; and even sometimes there would be no reasons at all.
However all of us wouldnt commit suicide for our predicaments but live as to face
the problems of life whatever would emerge, adjusting ourselves for it and
prevailed from it and also trying to decode the lifes baffling mystery still if we
have known that life is meaningless. He was a kind of person who wanted to live
as long as it takes and desirable to live his God given one time life.
Then right at the moment of his hapless situation loneliness grabbed him. On
several occasions he had evaded from the grasp of loneliness by deviating himself
by doing uninterested works such as going for theatres, reading books, browsing
the internet, playing games and attending numerous interviews but failed to found
any job. Days gone by, he began to realize that he couldnt able to escape from the
evil of loneliness which was penetrating his mind and heart. The thorn of
loneliness engendered to inflict him. Neither his uninterested works nor his
beloved people saved him from forlornness. Hence he started to felt the immense
pain of loneliness which in so far obscured his life because his beloved people
isolated him when he needed them most. When he had realized that it was
unendurable and unappeasable, he began to cry as no more, no more of this pain.
When he took his book to read, his mind was occupied with despair which he
couldnt able to express that why he was in despair. In cinema theatre, every
spectator did laughed for a joke that came frequently as possible in that movie but
he didnt laughed a bit because his mind was belong elsewhere. And his interviews
were complete blunder that he couldnt tolerate anymore of phrases like need
improvement, need more skills, poor performance or over qualified. He almost
bellowed in his forlorn room of his little house, enough, enough of all this then he
decided that he wanted to talk to someone and also dire need of give and get love
from someone.
Eventually he took his phone, called his only and best friend to say about his
predicament, share something for relaxation of his mind and also in dire need of
put down the heavy weight from his heart which was chiefly caused by loneliness.
Hey, can we meet today and go out somewhere for leisure then if it is possible for
you stay with me tonight. He asked his friend at the lunch hour.

No boy, I cant meet you today, project is going on in my company, days were
gone by as hectic for everyone here, we are working lately nowadays for rush to
finish it. And you knew my wife well she wont allow me to stay out for a night.
I am sorry pal, I cant help you right now but definitely we will meet this weekend.
I have to go now; I will call you back later. His friend explained his situation and
that call you back later would never come unless he called his friend again.
Okay, we will meet Sunday then. He said and despondently hung up his phone.
He fell further into the shadow of loneliness because of his only friend denied his
request. Right then he desperately called his sister home and asked her that he
wanted to talk to her.
Talk then. His sister said.
No, I want to talk to you in person. Shall I come home now or evening? he asked.
Yes, you can come home anytime. We will talk here. Huh whats the time now
its past noon? Oh no, I have to ready for school to fetch my son. And I am sorry
brother I have forgotten that I have a class to attend in the evening. Come
tomorrow, we will talk then. Now I have to hustle for school. Bye, call you back
later. She said almost same as what his friend told.
He was dejected by those two phone calls and had a feeling that he was abandoned
by everyone like all the birds in the world abandoning the tree of life at the same
time. He sprawled over his bed, gazing at the ceiling fan in his untidy room
ruminating about his hapless situation. As he was staring at the ceiling, thinking
nothing yet tears involuntarily melt down from his eyes. His room filled with
immense silence yet he couldnt find any peace in his mind or in his heart either.
He felt that the string of loneliness tightened its grip by choked his breath and
darkened his heart. Suddenly he leaned up from the bed, wiped his tears, said
poignantly to himself thanks to all my beloved persons whom all stranded me in
this situation and ready to leave for outside.
If one would go to one extreme of life, then evidently one would have to fall in to
another extreme of life. Eventually everything would be balanced.

Will someone tell me what the meaning for life is?

All along I have been searching for it.
My broken heart has the limit to bear.
Never know what the causes of pain.

In the Milky Way, somewhere,

Life is flourishing on the blue ball.
Yet I am withering in pain of need.
Never help will come for me?

He was headed straight to the local bar where he was little familiar because of his
frequent visit there in a series of interval. When he had reached there, he asked for
a glass of beer and sat in front of the bartenders service table. The bartender
arrived almost immediately with a jug of beer after he ordered. He took his jug of
beer which was brimmed with foam, sipped it once, made a grimace and put it
down on the coaster at once.
What is it? he asked the bartender.
Its what you ordered. Bartender said.
It tastes like sludge. How many times I told you to bring a quality one for me, if
you drain out of good ones so quickly then preserve one for me before all the good
ones sold out from your stock.
Let me say something to you, whenever you are in bad mood, you started to blame
me for not having a quality beer. Actually it is the quality one that I preserved
specially for you as I was told. Bartender replied politely.
He said nothing in return but made a sullen look towards him, at that time another
customer came by hence the bartender had to move to the other side of the service
table to attend the customer. Though he disliked the taste of the beer, he gulped the

jug of beer half down and put it down again. Then he started to wander his eyes
throughout the bar, while he doing so, he noticed a person who was sitting on the
corner of the dim lit bar and a sly smile appeared on his face which was targeted
towards him. By the time, the bartender came back to him and asked,
You dont drink in the afternoons, what happened to you today?
Who the hell is he in the corner in the black pajamas and why is he smiling at me,
do I know him? He ignored bartenders question and asked his instead.
Huh him! The city needs a man like him con man of this dark city. If he is
beaming at you means he is trying to throw bait on you to catch you on his hook.
Beware of him; hes one of the deceitful people of this city. Bartender said.
What is he?
Wrong man perpetrates wrong doing.
As you said that he is a wrong man then what is he doing here?
Wrong man would be where else than wrong place!
You call it as wrong place, then why did you named this place as paradise?
Hey you forget sometimes that I am just an employee working here as a bartender,
not an owner of this place.
Right, Mr. Bartender. I am leaving, here is your money. Your beer tastes like a
crap. Next time either if it tastes the same or if you dont preserve the good quality,
I am sure, I will chop your head off.
Fine, but next time you come here in good mood then only I wont hear any
complaint from you even the beer really tastes like a crap.
I bet I will chop your head off. Now I am leaving, bye.
Right sir! Both of them exchanged the friendly smile to each other as he was
leaving the bar.

When he had left the bar, it was quarter past three, standing and waiting on the
pavement under the burning afternoon sun to cross the light traffic road, con man
appeared by his side with the same sly smile on his face.
Hello sir, I have been watching you for sometime from that I reckoned you are
in dire need of something that I can provide. And I really feel sorry for you and I
can help you to overcome your plight. I am afraid that you are so upset that could
harm your mental health therefore you have to get away from all your troubles
right away by the service offer by me. The service I can render at your heart which
would put you in solace. All you have to do is accept my offer, pay kindly and get
all the pleasures in the world you could attain. I never disappoint my clients
because my service always accord with their expectations.
Go away from me. He said stoically.
You have no idea what you going to miss sir if you dont consider my offer. Con
man warned him and put a card in his pocket and said, If you want anything from
me, you can call me anytime sir. I am always willing to do service to a gentleman
like you. Con man said and moved away from him.
Con man disappeared from there, thence he went straight to his home. With the
effect of afternoon beer and his tiredness made him sluggish hence he dozed off.
When he woke up, time was quarter to seven in the evening, his room was dark. He
turned on the lights of the room which garishly perturbed his eyes that made him
out of drowsiness. Then he had had a bath and had some refreshments to fill
something in his stomach to satisfy his hunger. After that he sat in front of his PC
to check emails in which if there was any interview calls and also checked his
mobile phone for any phone calls or messages from any one at all as he was always
as an expectant to receive from anyone of his closed ones but there was nothing
that he could receive. Therefore he was once again dejected.
As he was absent mindedly sat before the PC quite for some time, doing nothing,
the wall clock in his room suddenly pealed to signify that time was exact eight
which disturbed the tranquility of the room and also his calmness. Instantly after it
rumbled the one toll he got off from his chair, strode towards the wall and stamped
the wall clock down to the floor by his simple fist and wrecked the clock on his

feet until it failed to make that reverberation. It was the first time in his life he had
frustrated so much which turned into anger that he couldnt able to suppress.
Late evenings were the most terrible of hours of the day which provoke the
feelings of loneliness. This concomitant loneliness caused the sundry of worries in
his mind and augmentation of pain in his tender heart. He had passed over the limit
of his endurance capacity. He began to regret everything, questioned everything
about his situation to the God, bellowed out of his throat and indignant at everyone
he loved.
Why why why me! Why it happened to me? Why God? Why did you do
this to me? What have I done wrong? Why cant I be normal like others? Why am I
always expecting to earn love from everyone? Is that too much to ask? Why do I
have to look like a fool in front of everyone? I have never left anyone in my life
without reasonable reason but everyone I love abandoning me. Do I really have to
be a fool in everyones life? Or am I just overwhelming? Why did they relinquish
me just like that? Am I not deserved to have their love? Is love is selfish thing to
ask? I really dont understand the people! Everyone made me think like I have to
run, run to somewhere I dont know! Thanks to all who deserted me like this? he
Accordingly he was roaming in his room uttering the frustrated words he had so far
latched it in his chest were venting out of his anger, though he hadnt stopped his
cry to terminate his sufferance, he had decided that he wanted to go out somewhere
before he could do something terrible to himself. Hence he reached his shirt, which
was hanged in the hanger, to get his wallet, when he picked out; a small red card
slipped from his pocket and fell on the floor. He got it from the floor and
remembered who gave it to him. Then he sat on his bed with that card in his hand,
started to think for few minutes in silence which his room always stocked for it.
Whats wrong in that? I am not going to do anything that my heart would dislike. I
am just going to do what I wanted for so long and satiate my heart from void.
Whats wrong in that while everyone left me in this state? yes, its life and life is
only to live he soliloquized. Yes, I will do this. At least I am going to try this.


He took his phone, pressed the numbers that he observed from the card, and called,
within few rings, voice he heard was from the person with the same cadence that
afternoon he had met at the outside of the bar.
Hello, who is this new customer? con man asked.
Huh I am I am the one you remember you gave me your card this
afternoon at paradise bar. He fumbled to pick the appropriate words.
Yes of course sir, how could I forget a healthy young man with wealth? Welcome
sir! con man capriciously appreciating him. I knew you would call me sir.
Actually I did saw the sparkle in your eyes. I am very happy to serve a customer
like you. Then tell me sir, what would you like to have sir?
What? he didnt understand.
What sort of style, order, and performance you want from my business sir. I have
got everything that would satisfy our clients without any displeasure. Our pageants
are skilled in this exercise for years, they never disappoint their customers. And
you dont have to be afraid of anything about diseases; my pageants are protected
and hygienic, sir. Now tell me, whats you need sir? con man asked.
Huh he was confused.
Okay sir. Let me say the packs, you pick from it. Types are blonde, lesbian, gay,
and she-male and performances are copulation, sodomy, fellatio, cunnilingus,
anilingus and styles are
Oh oh oh stop it I just need a blonde girl who has to be below age thirty
and whatever her appearance is, I never mind. And I need her for seven nights;
whats the rate for it? he asked him.
O my God. For seven nights, you really are a wealthy customer. I think I got the
lottery tonight. Sir, I will send you a pleasant and deft lady. As per my estimation
rate is hundred thousand rounded off for seven nights. con man demanded.
I havent said that I am going to buy her.
For seven nights it is the lowest price I have ever quoted in this city. Okay for the
new customer as you are, I would make a concession for you by cut off the

brokerage pay of twenty five thousand for me but you have to pay for hotel room
and for pageant around about seventy five thousand sir.
No, thats not possible. I dont have that much money and thats huge money for
me to pay for seven nights.
Okay sir, for you I will reduce to sixty thousand, final amount.
No, I dont have that much money. You dont understand, I just got 25,000/only.
Twenty five thousand will do for only one night sir. Is it okay?
No, its conditional. I want for seven nights.
Twenty five thousand for seven full nights? You better piss off. Dont waste my
time. Con man said and hanged up the phone.
He fell on his bed, thought about the conversation he had with that broker and also
thought about the unfair amount of money he had asked for the dirty business.
While he was thinking about and amused himself by the vulgar words he had used,
his mobile phone had ringed for a call from unknown number. He thought for a
moment, who might be that call from before he attended the call but he couldnt
guess anyone. As he said hello, the pleasant female voice had spoken through the
Hello, are you the one called the broker a little while before? female voice asked.
Huh yes I am. By the by who are you madam?
My name is ______! I just overheard the conversation you two had on that call on
his side of talk. You refused to pay him what he asked because you only have
25,000/- right? She talked fluently.
Yes, thats right.
You are not a sadist or masochist?
No. I am not.


Okay. You can pay me only twenty five thousand for seven nights, I will do the
service for you. If you can pay extra five thousand for the hotel room at the end of
seventh night means, only if you were satisfied, its feasible. But you have to pay
me all the money in advance. You will not get disappointed by my service. And the
most important thing is you shouldnt call that broker again and never attend his
call either, moreover never say to anyone that I contacted you until seven nights of
agreement, you can trust me in this.
Okay. He was surprised by her articulation and didnt know whats going on.
Do you know the sin city hotel near the coast road beach resort?
Come there and wait for my call. I will be there at 11.00. And dont forget to
bring the money.
Okay I will.
Trust me I wont dissatisfy you. Anything else you want to say or ask me?
Huh nothing He assured. She hanged up the phone. He was astonished by her
coherent talk and felt confidence in her speech hence he decided to accept her

He had had a dinner and informed his mother that he was going out and he would
be back in the morning. He prepared himself, leave home for hotel. As he was rode
on his motor bike towards coast road, he thought not about his doing as either right
or wrong but thought about the night he was going to dwell in would be eit her
weird or satisfy his soul, that notion made him little tense. When he was cruising
on that traffic free road, he happened to see the strange quote which was written on
the back of the moving car that made his mind perturbed. Its true that money
makes many things yet you cant buy God and love with it.


Exactly at ten minutes to knock eleven Oclock he reached the hotel. As he was
told he waited for her call after he had parked his motor bike in a parking lot. At
exact eleven she called him and asked him to come to the reception hall. Thence he
went to the reception hall. When he entered the hall, it was easy to identify her
because there was no one except her and the male receptionist. His phone had
ringed once again which was evidently from her to signify that she was the one had
given assurance to do a service of satisfaction for seven nights. He nodded towards
her by held his ringing phone to indicate that he was the one accepted her offer. As
she nodded back, she came near to him from the place she had so far been
occupied and asked him the money of five thousand to pay for hotel room. Despite
what she asked he gave her the total money of twenty five thousand for the deal
both had agreed to. Then she paid the money for hotel room and said to the
Look, Mr. Receptionist! We are coming from silicon city to work in a project here
for a week. During day time we would be working at company, only after 10 or 11
we came back to room and morning at 6 we left for work, so you are the one and
your management responsible for our properties while we are not here.
You no need to worry about your belongings madam. We are doing a best service
I hope that. She said as received the key from receptionist and leave for room.
She took her roller suitcase, went to find her room number 21, and he followed her.
As she found the room on the ground floor, she unlocked the latched door by the
key and once both of them got in, she locked it by inside. He hadnt even been
nervous all the time but astonished and admired by her eloquent lies that she said
to the receptionist and not even given any suspicion in her talk.
Dont worry, no one will come here or suspect us, even the police wouldnt come,
if they come, I will manage them. Dont worry. She said as held the rooms spray
from her suitcase.
Why would I, while you are here. He said calmly & trying to get along with her.
What? she asked as sprayed the fragrance scattered around the murky room.


You said to me, remember, - trust me, I wont dissatisfy you!

Right she smiled and try to adjust this room, I know this room is small and
dumpy, but this is the one I got for cheap and especially for safety. She said as
opened the windows to replace the odor air of the murky room by the fresh air.
Thats okay, my own room is little than this.
Okay. Then do you want me to take a bath? she asked as slipped her sandals.
I guess you look fine madam. You no need to take bath unless you want to.
Okay, I dont want it either in this chill beach air. She grabbed a water bottle
from her suitcase, gave it to him.
Thank you. He received and drank a little. Then he saw her suitcase filled with
bed sheets, towels, another water bottle, and cloths of her.
So, are you going somewhere tomorrow? He asked.
What? she asked as zipped the suitcase.
The suitcase He pointed his index finger towards it.
Thats just for pretending like we were coming from out town to stay here for
work and shown them that we are couple. She said.
What? You said we are couple? When you said I didnt notice that, did he
believe? he asked.
I said to him before you came here, and I have a duplicate silicon city corporate
company identify card for proof that I have prepared for this kind of works.
Brilliant. He amazed so, you havent told the broker that you are going to be
with me tonight and for seven nights?
She hesitated a bit and said, No, I havent, and you shouldnt tell him right, thats
the deal.
Yes of course madam. I will never call him again. You can trust me.
Its fine then and you dont need to call me as madam.

Okay. I will try not to.

Okay. I will go and change to chemise, and then we both make a slow start.
What no! he said loudly.
What? You dont need me to change. Are you in kind of hurry or you wanting me
to do something to you first? she asked.
No madam. You misunderstand. I am not going to touch you. He said politely.
What then? Oh my God, are you a sadist or masochist? I asked you over the phone
that and I said to you that I wont do such sort of service. You lied to me. She
nervously asked.
No no I am not sadist or what that whatever you said I just wanted to
talk. I am just here to talk, nothing more.
What talk? Are you a cop? Or are you a secret cop appointed to shackle the
prostitution in this city? she was scared.
No no madam, I am not anything as you think. I am just a common man desire
for love lonely home wrecking person.
How can I trust you? she asked him.
Look at me look at my physic; am I looking like a cop? Look at my rough face,
am I looking like intelligent enough to join civil or defense services? Moreover as
you said to me that, I would say in return to you; trust me, I wont deceive you.
Okay what is it you want from me?
Nothing more than just talks. Only talk.
Just talk? she was surprised.
Yes. He cleared the confusion.
What kind of talk? Dirty sex talk?
No, just a general conversation as some two people would generally have.


You paid for talk, not for sex?

Yes, now you reached the point.
You paid for seven nights for only to have general conversation with me.
Okay. What we talk then?
Any sort of thing which would make me light.
Okay. Lets sit then. Finally she came back to composure.
They sat on the bed opposite to each other. Shes on the pillow side reclined her
back on the head of bed and hes on the other end of the bed. As they had been
sitting silently for several minutes which permeated the room, it made her boredom
and little irritated, right then she lost her patience as she looked at her wrist watch
which told her that time past midnight twelve, she said, come on.
What? he asked.
You said, you wanted to talk but you were sitting silently for minutes.
Yes. Its little strange for me, I just dont know where and how to begin.
Its the same for me. Okay, I will make an initiate then.
What can I ask first hmmm who are you by the way? she asked him.
I am nothing just lost person trying to find myself again.
Why are you here? she asked.
I just wanted to talk; I mean to share my feelings with you or someone that I long
wanted for.
Why why do you want to share your feelings to a stranger someone like me?
Dont you have people whom you love to share?
Yes, I have them but nowadays they are too busy to spare a time with me.
Can I ask you a personal question? she asked him reluctantly.

Of course you can, thats why I hired you. he assured.

Arent you married?
No, I am not married.
Dont you have a girl friend?
I dont want any!
Are you a gay?
No, of course I am not. He smiled. Thats why I hired a girl.
Have you recently broken up with your girl friend?
I never have loved a girl, childhood exception. He amused.
She smiled and said, you are complicated.
Yes, I know that.
Still I cant believe that you hired me for talk. Are you little shy to begin because
of this is your first time, if you are little demure type then, lets turning off the
lights and
No no he interrupted you still havent understood me. I just felt like
abandoned by this world, forlorn by the people whom I love. I couldnt able to
share my simple things with people I love because they have no mind to make time
to heed to my words or my feelings. Even say, they are isolating me, neglecting
me, ignoring me as they were once married and settled to live with their family
family, family, they have became family, I have became estranged to them, friends,
sister, brother, kiths and kins, everyone have deserted me. Ironical smile escaped
from his lips. Recently I have fired from the job that I worked for the company for
more than five years, they just thrown me out of there just like that. Why not they,
even my beloved people have forgotten me and thrown me out of their life, made
me look like a fool in front of everyone, then why not the organization.
After a little silence, he continued, All I want is love want to love and to be
loved. Nowadays people dont value the things of life that they have to; instead
they value the things that would give them nothing. I just want to console my

painful heart which was so far tightened by the grip of hardcore chain of
loneliness. I need someone to share feelings and love mutually; is it too much to
No, its not too much to ask. Its natural need of human beings. If life of ours has
any meaning means its because of love, without it we wont survive, without it we
wouldnt exist. She knew her limit to sayings to him.
A silence between them started to arise. She asked him after a momentary silence,
dont you have best friend in your life?
Most friends of mine were drawn a line between me and them and said that we
shouldnt cross each others limits. He thought that but he didnt dare to say.
Yes I have few good friends and one best friend! We were all separated once we
have got to go on our own path. Life forced us to leave each other to go on our
own way. Life is not like what we like to plan to live, its on lifes plan that how
we need to be lived, what part of life is really ours none actually. Anyway they
got their way; I hope they are doing well. And my best friend got married a year
ago. I think you know how it is to be you know, when your friend got married
suddenly and waved you away from his life in a minute. Thats what happened in
my life. After he married, he has become more like a family man than social. I
think at least you can think how I felt about it and what I am trying to say.
Yes I got it. She asked another one dont you have blood relation?
She got married and I have become a third person. He got married and I have
become a third person to him.
Why cant you have a girl friend or date a girl or marry a girl, so you can get away
from the loneliness, right?
I have a girl friend, you are my girl friend, and you are my date, right?
Dont kidding me. She blushed.
I am not he said I want you to be my girl friend for seven nights thats the
deal I was supposed to make but I couldnt able to tell you when we talk through
the phone because I was so astonished by your eloquence.

Eloquence? she asked him surprisingly. I was nervous then.

Why were you nervous then? he asked her.
When the broker was talking to you over the phone, I overheard the conversation
of you two on his side, from that I reckoned you refused to pay fifty thousand
rather you were ready to give him twenty five thousand then that broker flipped
you off because he hadnt satisfied with your deal hence I decided to took
advantage at that time of when he had putting his mobile on charge, right then
getting your mobile phone number from his mobile while he gone to the toilet. And
I feared that if he found out which I am doing the business on my own huh
thats why I was nervous then.
What will happen if he found out? he asked with care.
I will be trashed by them and packed to another city. Even they would kill me, if
they think that they dont want me anymore.
Thats cruel. He said.
Yes it is. Its completely another world. She said. He said nothing in return for
that. After the moment of silence once again between them, she saw her wrist
watch and said, its three in the morning.
Dont worry, its just only two more hours, it will fly away soon then you can go.
He assured her.
No, you misunderstand. I really feel good about this talk tonight. I never had a
talkative night like this before. Time had flown away like a butterfly. Thats what I
meant to say. I am really glad you hired me. She really meant what she said.
I feel the same as you do. I feel somewhat light and gay. He said formally.
Their dialogue continued for two hours and it diverted into about hotels fee,
environment, protection and various other issues of the hotel room, then it led to
the issues of government and state and also the conflicts between the groups and so
on. When the time was half past five in the early morning, both were ready to leave
the hotel, she for somewhere and he for home.


At exact eleven fifteen, he came to room no.21 and knocked the door twice and
called out her name. He was informed by her that she came earlier to clean the
room hence he came straight to room. When he entered the room after she
unlocked the door for him, he was mesmerized by the pleasant aura which filled
the room and stunned by her appearance because she had worn jeans and tops
changed from sari that she had worn previous night.
You look beautiful in this. He complimented her.
Thanks. She said, how was the day?
Sleepy day he said casually.
Good she appreciated, do you feel better?
Yes, I feel much better.
Do you think am I doing good job that you were concerned to hire me?
You are doing fine. He assured her.
Okay, lets sit. She said, what will we talk today?
Ask me anything.
Hmmm okay, tell me about your family?
What can I say about my family? There was not much to say about my family.
Typical urban middle class family; my troublesome father had worked somewhere
unprofitable; the place he employed was not a place to earn an affordable income
to run a family. He was addicted to liquors and died for it twelve years ago. Thats
end of him. My careworn mother as being a house wife has a record of physical
dysfunction, visiting medics once in every month. She had led a tiresome and
melancholy life one couldnt imagine how hard it had been for her physically and
mentally yet she boldly raised us in this miserable society. Apart from that, she is a
lovable lady. My elder brother got married and settled in abroad, nothing more to
say about him. And my sister was a teacher once; however she still taking classes
in evenings at institutes for graduates for particular subjects. Shes married to a

civil servant, settled, having two beautiful kids. She is lovable as well as sulky;
may be kind of both. She was once dear to me and I was so dear to her. He
thought about a moment reflection of the past and continued, And finally myself,
got fired from the dream career and looking as an idiot before my beloved people,
sitting here and talking to you now.
She hadnt say anything because she knew exactly the persons mentality whoever
was affected by the problems as him, if she had try to appease him by soothing
words that would be regrettable for her later due to the fact that still shes stranger
to him.
You know whats my weakness is, he continued after a little silence as she didnt
say anything, my weakness is I love everyone whoever I met disregarding the fact
that who they are and what they are expecting. And being a sensitive person is my
weakness no being sensitive is sin. I cant prevail myself from being subtle.
She said nothing but had perceived that he was bit more sentimental than others
and rather regrettable when he was said about his family. She had a thought before
she came to the hotel to do a service to him that he wanted a happiness thats why
he came there but she realized then after their dialogues that he just wanted a
company so he hired her. After her realization she decided to change his mood by
asked him about how was his childhood days had been, at first he was little
hesitant and not interested to say anything about his childhood but she politely
imbibed everything little by little from him. Once he was convinced that she really
listening to his every word of it and she got interested to hear more of it, he had
tended to go in depth of his childhood days. As he was telling the stories of him to
her, she got immersed by the spellbound activities of him in his early days,
sometimes they laughed merrily for the pranks of his childhood. It started from,
when he and his childhood friend had fought for a girl at the age of seven, and did
unusual things for her made them amused a lot, then it led to his college days
fancy love for lecturer and then it ended at his saying of his dream career.
You had an interesting and adventurous childhood days. She merrily commented.
That was one part. He said formally, I think its time to go.
Yes. She said as both of them ready to leave.

Tell me about you. He asked her.
What? she look surprised.
I want to know about you. You know, the mutual feelings it has to be shared
mutually then only relationship will be strong and balanced. And remember you
are my date, you have to tell.
What can I say what you need to know about me?
Huh whats your age?
Thats confidential ask me something else.
Okay. I understand. Where are you from?
Somewhere far better place than here. She was getting little melancholy.
When did you come here? And do you like this city and people?
Came here as fate brought me so, and of course I despise this city but I like people
because I used to get along with them. She said.
If you dont mind, let me ask you this, how did you fallen in this miserable trap
I mean you look beautiful and sober person which I perceived about you in a very
short time that we engaged in couple of nights. Something must have happened in
your life unless you wouldnt be in this disgraceful job. He reluctantly asked her.
What? As she arched her eye brows with mixed emotions of anger and sadness;
yet she continued as tears verged in her subtle eyes, Are you trying to sympathize
with me. You dont need to have an empathetic feeling for me. What are you
what have you think of yourself? Are you thinking of yourself as a godly person,
trying to change my (disgusting she thought but didnt dare to utter it) life. How
dare you call my work as disgraceful job, which is the one giving me a livelihood;
if you are a righteous person then why would you want to come to a heinous place
to earn a service (pleasure) from the ignominious lady like me. And dont make
that condescending look on me and also upon the people like us. We people dont
expect any compassion from a customer once we agreed to do a negotiated

customers desirable pack of service of indulgence. You are not a savior Jesus,
trying to cast out sins of me, as he did when Mary Magdalene came to savior.
Dont ever again try to pity my heart and dont try to get anything from me. I
wont tell you anything. She was infuriated by his term disgraceful, spurted out
the words brusquely to him and eventually as she wept as left for rest room, he
inclined down his head in compunction.
As he was staring at the open window which was pouring in the cold breeze with
the gushing noise into that cozy room, and pondered for few moments with regret
about what he had said to her and what would be good to say to placate her, she
came out of the rest room with dribbles of splashed water remained in her pale
It was really pathetic of me, I shouldnt have reacted so mean towards you. I am
really sorry for what I said to you and for my overwhelming anger. She was
apologizing. Meanwhile he moved to take the towel from her suitcase and gave it
to her to dab her dampened face. She received it.
It was I, who need to ask apology. It was my mistake; I havent considered that
would hurt you in some way or other before I asked you. Hereafter I will not ask
you anything which would annoy you. He genuinely asked her forgiveness.
After she had wiped her dribbles from her face, she said regrettably, No, you
asked nothing wrong. I just overreacted. After all I am your employee; you can ask
or do anything you want. Most of all, who am I decide whats right or wrong
I dont know either. He murmured.
What? she hadnt heard him clearly.
Nothing He didnt want uneasiness again.
Okay let us sit first. She said as both of them sat in their previous places. You
want to know about me, right, I will tell you but on one condition.
Okay, only if you never mind to tell me. He said, and what condition?
Never sympathize for me. I never expect sympathy from anyone.
Fine... He said as clasped his fingers as if he was ready to hear the story.

Okay, fair. She began, where shall I begin the story. Hmmm, I have grown and
came from south. I was raised as a princess in my family and coddled by my
lovable parents. I had had almost everything I had desired. Ever since my infancy I
had never felt sadness only because of my parents had been wonderful to satisfy
me anything I wished for. She stopped then for a moment, you know we would
only value the people once they have gone, never value the people while they are
with us.
She continued after she distracted by her despair. When I had reached the age
eighteen with the completion of higher education, I had fallen in love with the
person whom I trusted most in the world. It was the time that I felt as flying in the
sky with the happiness as of heaven. On that period of happiness I didnt know that
was my last moments of joys which I would never able to dwell again in my life.
Then I said about my love to my parents but they denied my choice of love
because they thought my match wasnt any good to them. Henceforth I defied my
parents until the day I had run away from my home and from my family for my
selfishness. We never gave a thought for a moment of consideration that why our
parents doesnt accept our choice of love. Never for a moment think. Rather than
convincing my parents to accept my choice of love, I had left them behind for my
blindness to love. That was the day I did a complete blunder in my life. I should
have listened to my parents. That was the day. That was the day, still daily I am
trying to go back to that day and endeavored to change my idiotic decision which I
had taken that day. The day, I left my home, the day, I left my fathers honor in
abyss, the day, I left my mothers pure love in grief, the day, I left behind a letter in
my home which signified my decision of run away with my companion. She said
as tears melting down from her delicate eyes.
My heart was filled with love and hopes for us when we moved to north. He had a
nice job and a rental house there. In the first few months of our married life were
so happy, had been a festive carousels, group of friends, bundle of gifts and joyous
of life and even more. And then I became pregnant. Joys became doubled. she
paused then for a moment to agonize over her past and began to say, We will
never know what would happen in our life, do we? Anything could happen in our
life in a matter of second. Despite what we are thinking that our life is going well,
progressing or building towards a better future but we would never know is that

really happening? What part of our life is really under our control? What part of
my life is fully under my control? she enraged by her own natural question.
She began after a deep breath, Do we know what will be last day of our life is? If
we have known our last day of life, we would never commit mistakes, sins in our
own or anyones life, we wouldnt hurt people whom we knew and we knew not.
Suddenly, one day, he had lost his job, the only subsistence for our livelihood, for
us to sustain. We were stranded alone without money to run a family. We couldnt
able to steady ourselves with what we had whereby we borrowed some amount of
money from local money lenders. As the months gone by he couldnt able to find a
job, interest for amount we borrowed were mounting as non climbable peak. The
happiness, serenity and the conversation between me and my companion had faded
away but silence was a permanent relative in our home. And the friends, neighbors
were became strangers in overnight when it came down to need of money. The
predicament is the only thing in our life will reveal the true faces of people
(Including our own face). We were humiliated by the money lenders, and by
people who surrounded us as we had humiliated our parents. We had been
entrapped in helpless situation. And also we couldnt return to south to our parents
because of what we caused there was horrendous before we ran away.
Then I started to realize my mistake and my wrong decision which I took on that
day of ignored my parents. It was usual among females to think misfortunes of life
so quickly and I am not exception from that. Usually females always haste in
decision making, never think about the consequences but males always prudent in
decision making, in my case we both were reckless. Yet I hadnt lost hope in my
companion because he was the person I trusted most in the world. But what he did
was shockingly repellent for me. She seemed to be exasperated when she said
about his companion, One day he was gone.
What? Was he gone? Where? Where did he go? He was shocked too.
Yes, he had gone away from me when I was ready to bore him a child. She wept.
What? I cant believe this he just left you while you were ready to bore him a
child? he asked her in disbelief.


He left me nothing but a child and a letter behind as I did left to my parents. The
letter said,
I am really sorry dear. I cant endure this painful miserable life. Now I realized,
money is everything, without it, I am nothing but a corpse. I dont want to live as
poor. I want to live like rich person. The person with higher dreams like me
shouldnt have entered into marriage life, shouldnt have fallen in love with a girl
like you. I am regretting that I married you and gave you a miserable life. I am
sorry, try to forget our life as short episode of drama. I thought I will make you
happy when we were in love but I failed absolutely. I am going to die. I cant face
the humiliation anymore. Either I will live as rich or I would die. I cant ask you
the same; I have no courage to ask you the same so I die alone. I am really sorry I
betrayed you but still I love you. Love you. Forgive me.
Coward bastard! She said, Didnt even know what the meaning is for I love
you. Selfish bastard! I couldnt believe myself that I had loved such a weakling,
such a despicably coward person. She was in height of anger.
After the few moments of silence, he said politely, I am sorry, how could he able
to do such a terrible thing to you and your child. Hadnt he even considered about
his unborn child? What kind of man was he?
She remained silent but seemed calm. Hence he said further, I cant bear it. Hadnt
he known life is looking for the window of opportunity to throw oneself into?
I knew him well, he was a coward, ignorant bastard. she was reflecting the past in
distress. He hadnt replied her but waiting for her to say further.
He was the one forced me to leave my family, he was the one said that he couldnt
convince his mother to accept his choice of love, he was the one planned to
runaway to the north where he had had a job. Due to my blindness to love and his
selfishness, I hastily made the decision to run away with him. She continued as
sighed, the person who couldnt convince (love) his mother, ready to abandon his
mother for his desire, would definitely abandon his wife in near future as well.
When I was eighteen, I didnt know anything of life, I was immature then, it was
the age of making mistakes and making hasty decisions which was led me to the
complete blunder of life. She continued in despair, I failed to realize my parents

true love, and their true concern for me. My father and mother, whom think only
about my wellness but what I did was just ignored them for my selfishness. We
never think about the consequences of what we are going to do or our doing,
which not only affect us but also affect the people who around us, even if we think
about the consequences of our doing before we do, we would just ignore them
without discretion by being negligent.
A moment of silence placed between them to relieve from the pain of regret. Then
he asked her, what happened then?
I didnt know where to go or what to do next! she began after she composed
herself from pain, certainly I was neglected by the entire world. All the hopes and
dreams I had carried there were shattered. Friends became unfamiliar in no time,
some of them whom promised me to find me a job, disappeared with mere words.
No neighbors to support me, no fellow being to help me. Hence I decided to go to
my parents even my guilt hadnt allowed me to. When I decided to go to my
parents home without any choice to go anywhere even my guilt clothed my heart,
fate hadnt allowed me so. Yet I would say it as fate, because I know, fate is
nothing but the consequences of our doing or what we had done.
One day someone cropped up at my door out of nowhere, exposed himself as my
deceased husbands friend, and said that he came there to help me. He assured me
that he would help me to overcome my situation. I had no choice but to follow him
because I was so dejected to give any thought of consideration for trusting anyone
or not in this world anymore. And moreover owing to the fact that I direly need of
help or support from anyone at all cost of life then due to the lack of everything to
sustain, being destitute I was I couldnt able to give any nourishment for my poor
child. Therefore I carried my six months old baby son close to my chest followed
him. That was my second and last mistake I had taken in my life.
The path, I hadnt known where it was going, I followed was led me straight to
hell which I hadnt even dreamt in my life that I would trap in such a world. The
place I had dwelled in was a grotesque which was fraught with immoral, despising
creatures swarming around; pageants had been charade towards the gnarling men,
and obnoxious redolence emanating all over that house. I didnt even thought for a


moment then that I would become one of them. Thats when I have become
involved in prostitution. She said simply.
He didnt know what to ask her yet he asked her, but why?
Did I have a choice? Six months old baby in my hand continuously weeping for
food and on the time of crisis period no one was ready to give me whatever job.
And that man said to me that I should have to accept the reality of the situation, he
sold me there to that brothel gang for non reimbursement of money five hundred
thousand my husband had borrowed from local money lender. That man was the
local money lenders delinquent. If I hadnt had my baby boy I would have died
long ago for being a harlot. But I cant die like my coward husband, whenever I
think about committing suicide, he was the one came to my thought swiftly to
indicate that how dastardly cowardice thing it was. I despise him for what he had
done. Henceforth I have been involving in this disgusting business as you stated. I
was dead when I entered into this business, only my physical is alive now, soul
was dead long ago. She smiled regrettably and continued after a moment,
Negligence of my concern for my parents, negligence of their love brought me to
this state.
Hadnt you wished to see your parents after all this? he asked her.
How could I after I had humiliated them for my selfish ignorant act, how could I
able to face them again with my guilt? How could I rejoin them after I had fallen in
this dirt? She was despondently saying to him, If my mother had known that I
would disgrace my family in future when she gave birth to me, she would have
killed me then. I have gone too far from that kind of wishes, I couldnt return back
from lifes harsh reality to there. I dont want to mortify them again. They would
be ashamed to see me. I cant face them with my eternal guilt.
How did you managed there at beginning?
It was completely another world from than we have known. The pains that we
have been enduring are absolutely unimaginable and the tortures we have been
going through every day and night was unutterably horrible, which would
penetrate through our body to tremble our heart. And the guiltiness we have been
experiencing in every service was hideous. Yet I call it as a hell, still some

humanity, some kindness were prevailing in that harsh environment. I was nineteen
when I arrived there; some of them hated me for fearing about my beauty and
youth as if I would have become a competition to them but some others were
sheltered me, took care of me and my baby son and taught me to overcome the
obstacles which I had to face in that world of work, practiced me in building the
tolerance level of me which was the most important of all in the wor ld of
prostitution. As time gone by, everyone began to love me and my son, not just as
fellow worker but as their own being. As the old quote say, time will heal
everything. Now I am here talking to you and my son fell ill couple of days ago, I
have no money for treatment then thats why I agreed to serve you for seven
You deal with sadists? he reluctantly asked.
Yes, we deal with almost all kind of customers; sadists, masochists, elite groups,
politicians, working class, proletariats, literates, illiterates, married, unmarried,
college students, drunkards and even more.
Married persons too?
Yes! They were the most among all. Due to the sexual frustrations they are
coming I guess, relationship problems, socio-economic issues etc.
Sexual frustrations?
Yes, it was one of the main reasons for relationship troubles occurring in a
I dont understand your point.
Listen its very common problem existing almost in every family. In the first few
years of marriage, relationship between the couples were strong, loving and
engaging but after years of propinquity, responsibility, agitation, economic burden,
social distress, health issues, dissatisfaction of life and even more like of it would
tended to break them. Then the relationship between them would become weak,
hating each other and disengaging. The love, which was the only foundation for
marriage, between them would gradually subside and came to nothing but
frustration. Then if not love between them, there would be no sex at all which

makes them even more hatred. For some men and women, it would build a sexual
frustration in them which was another major cause of breaking relationships.
Now I grasped your point. Its almost half past five. Shall I drop you, if you
No. its fine, I can manage. She assured.

Good evening! How is your son? he asked her after he entered the hotel room.
Yes, he is better now. How is your day? she asked.
Sleepy day as usual!
Then, she hesitantly asked him, why dont we go out to the beach for a change?
Are you sure its cold out there.
Dont worry I have a jacket, you can take mine, I dont need any!
Are you sure?
Yes better than sure.
Fine, lets go. They locked the room and sauntered through the hotel veranda
towards the end of the beach sand dune. Then they sat as she squatted near to him
as he was graciously push back his both hands in the back for support and lifted his
knees little up before him. And both were facing the sea.
Its really cold. He cared.
Yes but I like it. She assured.
Can I ask you something? she asked him subsequently she observed him.
I dont understand that a good person like you hasnt been loved by someone
huh havent you loved someone in your life so far?

Am I good person? What makes you say that? he smiled.

I can say lot about you which made me think of you as a good person that I came
to know in just three nights. Do you want me to expound?
Yes go ahead, I am curious to hear about myself.
Okay, first thing about you is you are so tacit whatever I say and whatever the
situation is, being polite when inclined to conversation. Second thing is you are so
expressive about yourself, trusting me as your fellow being to say everything and
completely disregarded the fact that I am prostitute. Third thing about you is most
important of above all, as it is the fourth night we are together, you never at once
saw me with bad intentions and yes of course, you came to prostitute as I am as
being in service talk date with you. It might seem wrong but you hired me for only
wanted to indulge in pleasure of company which you longed for. Without bad
intentions, never at once saw me wrongly... most women would want a guy like
you then how come you are alone? She questioned him after her appraisal.
Womens secret eyes! he was flabbergasted by her noticing whole thing about
him all the time. May be I am faking myself as a good person like others.
No, you are not faking; I can say that for sure. If you have faked, I would have
found it straight away. Moreover your charming eyes and pleasing smile do say
what kind of person you are!
He grinned once again for her last statement but said nothing in return.
As I said earlier, most women would want a person like you. How you could
possibly evaded from the eyes of lovely girls? Havent you once in your life fallen
in love with someone I mean seriously, not like your childhood fancy loves. She
was getting curious to know more about him.
He smiled and began to say, I have once loved a girl so much!
Oh what happened? she asked him eagerly.
If I have to say the story, you have to promise me that you will not fall in love
with me after hearing my story. He amused.
Youre kidding me. She smiled.

No, I am serious.
Okay fine, I promise that I wont fall in love with you.
Fair, and by the by my childhood love wasnt a fancy love, it was true love. He
made jocularly serious gesture when he said that and both of them amused.
He began after composed himself, Still I vividly remember it was a sunny day
morning, I was hour late that day when I reached my office and I was informed
that I was called to the manager room immediately after I arrived. I went straight
away but I didnt entered the manager room because I hadnt seen anyones
presence inside there through the glass door hence when I decided to return back to
my desk, there she was emerged from the floor behind the desk with cluster of
papers in her hands.
In our life, we never know the moment that will make an impact to a greater
extent when its happening. Even we never realize the life changing moment, only
we observe it later after it gently passed us. The chief impact of the path making
moment of life passed me politely. I considered it as a meaningful moment of life
when I met her first time. He was reminiscing his past.
I just began to love her very moment I saw her and felt something in my soul that
shook my very existence then and I thought that it would never change forever.
He continued, While I was admiring her, she saw me standing out there and asked
me to get in. I thought she was a newly appointed manager. Then I was given
instructions for that days work. Though she was talking to me, I couldnt hear her
soft sounds which were barely coming out of her vocal cord. And I was deeply
drowned in the beauty of her. When she finished saying, I asked her that was she a
new manager. She answered me with polite smile which could heal several
wounded hearts that she was just an employee in administration department. Then I
hadnt had a mind to leave her in office room, I couldnt able to get my eyes away
from seeing her but I had to leave her temporarily then for making the permanent
relationship with her.
She was curiously listening to his every word as he was elaborating with his eyes
fixated in the shining stars in the dark and continuing, therefore in a matter of time
we became close. Actually I made the relationship possible however I didnt say it

first but stoking her heart by my impeccable things for her. Eventually one day she
proposed her love for me and I smiled instantly for her innocence. Subsequently
she asked me that why was I smiling for her proposal. I said to her then,
He turned his eyes from seeing stars to see her when he was going to say that, I
said to her, You nave girl, it took me a flash of light to fall in love with you but it
takes months for you to love me.
What had she said for that? she asked him.
She was surprised and asked me really, then why didnt you propose me first? I
said to her in reply for her question, I was building trust in you about me and if I
have proposed you earlier, if you denied it, I couldnt bear that so. I cant able to
live this life without you.
What did she say?
What could she say for that? She was excited; tears brimmed on her eyes and
suddenly kissed me on my cheek. He was rejoicing about that thought and now he
turned his eyes away from hers towards the shimmering stars.
Beautiful, isnt it? she asked him.
Yes it was then he turned sad suddenly, you know she was really a unique
girl. Every man would desire for such a girl as life partner. Shes combination of
intelligent and innocent, kind and kindling pure, polite and expressive, gentle and
generous, brave and bold; she is beautiful. She hadnt expected anything from me
except my love; she never asked me about the money, materials or properties I was
having and never once inquired me about what would we do after marriage, not
even once we talked about our economical situation despite she wasnt descended
from rich family as money wasnt a concern. Shes also lower middle class like
me. One day I asked her casually, Usually most womens would start to fear
about their economy when they came down to think about their marriage. But I
couldnt see any of that in you, why, dont you fear? Why I am asking you now
mean you never once asked me about it? she said simply to me as she was leaning
on my shoulder, why do we need to fear about it? We are happy now in present, it
will be the same in future. I trust our love. I was really amazed but I continued to
ask her, then dont you have dreams about your life? Everyone does have

dreams of their life she replied. I asked her, then how could you possibly
differentiate dreams from future? Its simple, a dream makes you happy which
will make you work, and future makes you fear which will make you doubt your
work and break your peace. She said. Whats your dream about your life? I
asked her because I really wanted to know her dreams. She slowly breathed in and
without lifted her head from my shoulder, she said, I have no big dreams, I just
want to marry you and bore you two children, first boy and then girl, and live a
happy life as long as possible with you, and die peacefully before you. he stopped
She is nice. What happened then? she asked him after a moment.
When fate permitted me to become close to her, I was started to realize real
difficult to leave her when I had to. Even if it causes the pain for both, it was
natures inevitability.
One day I began to realize for the first time that my body hadnt changed which
was supposed to change. I started to question myself what was happening in me?
No why it wasnt happening in me? Why it hadnt provoked me? Why wasnt I
been aroused while I have been in romance with her? Then I began to doubt
myself. Hence I went to hospital for examination and enunciated my problem.
They checked me thoroughly and given me a report after a week and said to me
that, he sighed and said, I am impotent.
They said my dysfunctional might be temporary or permanent, it would either way
possible but they hadnt given me clear conclusion. They had given me
instructions, medications, and also some therapies to follow every day. I did
everything they said, I paid lot, I went through all sort of medication but nothing
seemed to make functional, some said it might have been a birth defect,
congenital. He stopped and both of them remained silent for a brief time and then
she asked him.
What did you do afterwards? Did you say that to her? Was she taken it easily?
Right at that moment onwards I felt sorry for myself and how unlucky I am. I
started to think that how could I going to say about this defect to her while she was
talking about getting married; how could I say to her that my dysfunctional may be

permanent while she was excited about our life together? I couldnt hide this
weakness of me to marry her that would be like betray her. I didnt want to be
treacherous. As a kind girl she is how could she be happy with me, even if she
would agree to marry me after knowing the truth. What had she expect from me,
just a simple life, very simple life which she had faith in me that I could able to
give her.
I decided then that I couldnt spoil her life for my selfishness of wanting her. She
deserves a better life, and for a girl like her should have to live a happy life. Hence
I began to avoid her, neglect her in every way possible. Neglecting someone for
either reasonable reason or not, which was really hard part of our life. Meanwhile
she couldnt bear the pain of missing me so one day she confronted me with
package of questions which all started with why?.
When she suddenly confronted me with a sad face yet had I prepared for that day
at first I didnt know what to say or where to start because I knew that would be
the last day for us together and I was going to break her delicate heart. Hence I
reclaimed her questions with mine!
What part of you belongs to me? I asked her.
What? What are you asking? she asked me with confusion.
I am asking you that what part of you belongs to me. I said again.
What are you talking about? I dont understand. She began to getting emotional.
What part of your life really belongs to me?
Everything every part of me every part of life belongs to you! she answered
me with trembling lips.
No you are lying how you could say that every part of you belongs to me
while your own part of life have belonged to and depended by your parents,
brother and sister. Actually there was none part of you belongs to me.
Why are you saying like this? What happened to you? she was getting nervous,
my core part is belongs to you dear then why do you have to fear about our

What core part of you belongs to me? I made an anger gesture when I said that.
What happened to you? You are hurting me dear when you are asking that one
my heart is belongs to you which always beats for you what else than my heart
will be precious to you my dearest one? tears already dampened her face.
I am not satisfied with your answer! I couldnt bear the pain of seeing her
weeping still though I continued with stone heart, I thought every molecule of you
belongs to me but you said only your heart belongs to me yet while you have
people to care for, your parents and your younger brother and sister are depending
on you, then how could you able to say that!
She remained silent and sobbing because she couldnt answer my question owing
to the fact that my question was cruel one and ridiculous. I was shackled by her
love right at that moment and almost surrendered to her words of love for me, her
tears tumult my heart and melted me but I controlled myself from everything,
every feelings for her.
You are quibbling my words what do you want from me? What do you expect
me to say? she was burst into cry.
I composed myself and said, huh right there you are lets finish this straight
away for us both. I dont think it working our relationship would give neither of
us peace. Let us separate.
What? she was really shocked to hear that, especially from me.
Yes, you are not good enough for me, you cant make me happy and I am not
suitable for you. So lets separate our path.
How could you say so easily such a terrible thing of our life? Are you joking with
me? she said to me.
No, I am not. I am damn serious than ever. I feigned the exasperation.
I never thought it would happen in our life! she was still saying in our life.
Whats in ours to think to know what will happen in our path of life? Its
inevitability of nature.

No, something must have happened unless you wouldnt talk like this to me. You
never once talked to me like this before. Did I say something badly without my
knowledge which immensely injured your heart to make this painful decision for
us? If it can be reconcilable in any way possible means I would do that to console
you to change your decision and I would do I interrupted her when she was
beseeching me because she was breaking my stone heart which I had prepared for
that day. If I had talked just one more minute then I would have said the truth
about my weakness.
Stop it. Just stop it. Dont you understand what I am saying? I faked the intense
angriness in me hence I raised my voice. Its over between us. Its finished. Forget
me for your sake. Make a good life for yourself. Today is the last day for us
together and also this is the last moment. I resigned my job because of you
working there; it would be discomfort for us both so. Never try to contact me and
never try to find me, I will never be found by you. Take it everything easy. As you
said to me, life is like a sailing boat, it would stumble when the high current hit the
boat but if you sail safely you would see more interesting things and reach the
destination otherwise you would be gone in the middle of journey. I dont need to
say any further to a rational person like you. Take care of yourself. All the best for
your future! Bye. I said those painful words to her. I couldnt hold back the tears
anymore which I was held back so far then and I couldnt able to bear the pain of
seeing her in such a state. Hence I turned, walked out of there and abandoned her
as she was weeping.
That was the last time I have seen her. This is my self inflicting painful story. He
said as trying to catch his breath which was choking his throat as a result of pain.
She said nothing as listened to his story but let him vent his emotion out.
The day, I remember always. The day, I cant forget. I left her cruelly as she was
Hadnt you feared that she would commit suicide for your denial? she asked him.
No because I knew her well. Shes brave and bold girl. She would never do such a
cowardice thing. Because she knew what is life! She is more rational and discerned
person than me and than anyone I have met. When we were together, I came to
know of her more, she was involved herself in various activities such as she helped

poor people whenever the opportunity arises, organizing charity functions for child
orphans, and all the little things she can do to serve others. I think I really knew
well about her more than anyone in this world.
How did you manage to endure the pain of missing her? she asked him.
Yes, it was very painful. It was long regrettable days and nights of life at first few
years of separation. I have always thought about her, what she would do, what she
was doing? Was she still crying for me and thought everything about her but
whatever happens life is same, right; as you said yester night, time will heal
everything. Yes, time has the best medicine for all the pains of life. Hence I
diverted myself to be involved in my dream career, I worked hard and earned some
experience and also did everything which interested me. The day after day, month
after month and year after year pain recedes to low.
Havent you once considered that you have made a wrong decision? Didnt you
regret that you left her for couldnt able to sex with her in your life and couldnt
produce a child? Cant you see its cynical?
He smiled, It was happened ten years by now and still I am being impotent. Now
shes married to a gentle man and being mother of two though shes successful
woman in society as well. Sometimes I read about her works in local magazines.
Shes leading a happy family than I thought. Shes having what she deserved to
have. It may seem cynical to you but not to me because I knew what is happiness.
If I said the truth to her then she would have married me straight away without
slight hesitation but what would happen next? As you said sex is only part of our
life but I didnt leave her only for that part. She expected nothing from me but a
simple life which I couldnt give and never would able to give her in this life.
See, I leave her for what she has to deserve in her life. He was continuing his
explanation to her to conceive, I wanted to give happiness but when I know that I
couldnt able to give that to her, then I decided to separate from her to give a
momentary pain to endure after that she would be happy; the happiness which
would be given by someone who is suitable for her. Look this way, you love a
person so much though you think that that person will not make you happy
throughout your life means you leave each other for your both sake, right? But that
doesnt meant they will not be happy anymore in their life. Life is all about

happiness and sadness like that memories also will give you both joys and sorrows.
Can you able to say whose life is without memories or past? Or whose memories
are without pain? Some might say for argument that he or she will definitely think
in their life that if they had married to previous love they would be happier than
now; it was mere seduction of nature, enticement of human weakness.
You are great. Dont you want to let her know that you left her for her happiness?
No. Its not only for her happiness but also for me. My satisfaction was the big
thing which was helped me to took that decision then. Why would I do such a thing
to ruin her happiness? I would never reveal such a thing to hurt her and put her in
miserable state again. All these years of serenity would vanish in a moment. All I
do is leave her alone with her family and happiness as I did all these years.
Moreover she might have known that I leave her for some reason; shes discernible
person, she could understand.
You are really a great person. She admired him.
Now you are over praising me. Dont say that, I am just a normal man with
weaknesses as others. In this world of people, hunger for love, wanted to be loved,
little embracement, gentle hug, share each others feelings and emotions, I am just
one of them.
She said nothing but shivering in the cold beach air and bracing herself for warmth.
He had seen her and gave her jacket back to her.
I think, better we return back to room, it started drizzling. He said as they return
back to room.

When he came to hotel room as usual at eleven Oclock, she wasnt there. Usually
she came before him but not that night hence he called her via mobile phone. She
answered that she would come late that night because she had to attend her son
who fell ill so. He said in return that it was fine, if she couldnt come but she said
that she would come definitely. After he received that assurance from her, he got
the spare key from reception and went to his room. When he had entered the room,
it was half past eleven and didnt know what to do next so he cleaned the room

once again as she did at second night and ordered the dinner for them. When she
came to the hotel, it was quarter past 2.00. As he waited and waited for her arrival
he slept. As she knocked the door twice from outside, he had awakened from sleep
instantly and opened the door for her. When she entered, aroma of the room,
candlelit on the small table where the food was placed, change in ambience which
was mesmerized her though she didnt expressed in her face.
Dont you like it? he asked her.
What? No, I like it very much. She hadnt come back to composure.
I didnt know what to do so I ordered dinner for both.
Allow me to washroom first. She said.
Hows your boy? Is he okay? he asked her after she came out of the wash room.
Yeah, he is quite fine now. She said assuredly.
I told you not to come but you didnt listen to me.
Thats okay. Deal is a deal. I agreed for seven nights.
He said nothing in return because he knew something had happened. After
sometime he said, lets eat together, I am hungry. Both of them sat on the bed ate
their ordered food which was already become very cold. While they were eating
disregard its taste, he asked her, are you okay?
Yeah, I am fine. she said simply.
Okay hear this joke! he said a very bad joke for a minute or two with some effort
however she hadnt smiled a bit hence he said, please madam try to smile, not for
the joke but for me and my effort. He pleaded her to smile hence she s miled for
his naughty request.
Huh there it is how beautiful women are, when they smile. Nowadays its not
easy to make them smile. He said.


Its because this society would never allow them to smile! Always troubling them
and contort them for their weakness. No one is perfect in this world. All human
beings are weak; all men are equally weak as women. She retorted.
I dont apprehend what are you saying?
Leave it. I just said. She snapped and when they finished eating they moved the
small table to the corner with plates on it. After they washed their hands, they came
back and sat on the bed.
Have you seen any movies recently? she asked him.
What movie you saw lastly?
Hmmm I dont remember.
You dont remember?
Yes, I dont remember!
Because nowadays movies are not what they supposed to be.
What are you supposing?
Movies are modern technology art; it has to teach people rather than destroying
them. Its not just for entertainment.
So, which movie you seen lastly impressed you?
GODS MUST BE CRAZY Trilogy; I almost stopped watching movies after that
Why? she surprised.
It tells the story of we people doing intellectual things, think of ourselves as
intelligent beings but all our doings ends in foolish way. Everything we do is
nothing but foolish yet we think ourselves as brainy! Thats what the title indicates


how crazy gods must be, who created us. I really enjoyed that movie because it
told us the truth about ours. We are nothing but bunch of fools.
Nice she smiled. I will show you some day! he said which strike her mind
but she hadnt asked.
Same thing was happened as fifth night. She couldnt able to come at usual time.
As same as previous night she informed him that she would come definitely. When
she had reached hotel room, time was quarter to three. She entered the room
through the unlocked door, turned on the light; she had seen that he was sleeping
on the bed. She hadnt disturbed him but watched him for a minute or so before she
went to wash room. After she freshened herself she came back and sat on the bed
near to him. Then she had noticed that food was placed on the same small table.
When she was watching him sleep, he slightly smiled in his deep sleep and she was
amused by it. After sometime, he incidentally opened his eyes from troubled sleep
and then light in the room garishly rescued him from sleep.
Hey when did you come? I am sorry, I slept! he raised from bed.
Just a while before; didnt you lock the room before you sleep? she asked.
I didnt plan to sleep. I just waited for your arrival then I suddenly slipped into
Its okay. Lets eat.
Yeah He washed his face and then sat on the bed as she served the once again
cold food, began to eat. While they were eating, he had noticed the bruise on her
left cheek.
What happened? he asked her.
What? she said.
There is a bruise on your cheek!
I had an accident. She lied.
Oh If you dont want to say, its fine but dont lie.

Why do I have to lie to you? she asked him as arching her eye brows.
I dont know. But you are lying that I can say for sure. He said casually.
How come you are so sure that I am lying? she irked.
I dont know. I am just thinking that you are lying.
Okay yes, I am lying. What do you care?
I am just stating. If you dont want anything to say, thats fine.
Dont act so polite! What do you want to know? You want to know what have
happened to me. She had burst out.
I am saying again that if you dont want he had still been implying.
I was sent to the customer by the broker. I couldnt say no to him because he was
one of the wealthy customers we have. Tonight it turned out to be an upset night
for him hence he slapped me thrice to satisfy himself for not had done rightly
what he said. She silently wept as closed her mouth with the towel finished
He embraced her by enclosing his hand over her shoulder and after sometime he
asked her, so, yester night too you went for service?
Yes. She regained her composure and asked him, shall we go to beach sand?
When they went to the same place as previous night they had talked, both of them
got down on the sand dune, he squatted his legs and she enclosed her knees close
to her chest with her hands around it. The cold breeze had been kissing their
cheeks and gently brushing their hairs incessantly. When they had been looking at
the dark towards sea, without any thoughts, she asked him, do you believe in
Yes, I do. He said simply.


She said nothing in return as he thought that she would ask further but none came
out of her so he continued after a moment thought, But I dont understand his
game of nature. I guess no one could understand his game of nature.
Yes, no one could understand his game of nature. She said as pensive sadness
surrounded them both hence mutual silence pervaded between them.
Once I was waiting in bus terminus to go somewhere, He started to say
something to her, One little frowzy girl crossed me with a feeble kitten in her
hand on that mid sunny day. Then she had put that kitten down on that
macadamized terminus road, which was looking alike born only couple of days
before then and which was clearly out of health and also abandoned by that
mother. That young cats appearance would clearly indicate that it was sick and
there was no one to feed, its eyes were drained out of water and its body was
completely enervated due to the lack of pabulum, its thin skin which was hardly
covered its bony body were scorching on that mid day sun, its weak trembling
legs were stepping slowly towards to go nowhere. Anyone could say with its
appearance, it would die anyway. Its inside was already deteriorating because of
scarcity of nutrient. When it was wandering on that terminus road with those
shaking legs, tumble down concomitantly almost at every step, struggling to find
shelter; which I found later. By stepping in to the shelter which was evidently
shadow of huge bus wheel that was ready to move to smash its remnant bones and
skull on to the ground. Right then at the moment, the crippled waif crawled as
came to that little girl who was happened to be her daughter and said to her
daughter with a strained voice, almost pleaded her that, dont do this sin, dont do
this sin, just put it where were you taken from, put it on the shelter. God will not
forgive you, if you do this sin. She pleaded and pleaded her again until she obeyed
her mother. That little girl hadnt known what she was doing or what she was
playing with, then she grabbed it from under the huge wheel and left it on the
shelter of plants.
The crowd had been standing there whole time and watched as I did without doing
anything. He continued as she was listened him, What a shame it was for me, for
them and humanity. When have we changed this far? How did we let this
crudeness grab our being human? We hadnt done anything for that life yearning
kitten. I hadnt done anything to save that kitten while I could able to, while it was

alive. That was top of ignorance, height of inhumanity and complete ignorance of
saving life while we can. Have we got busier than saving life; do we hurried to go
somewhere than saving a precious life? Whats got into us? Why the god still
having us in this world? What he expect from us? Why cant he kill us all while we
are in height of immorality and sitting on the verge of inhumanity complete crisis
of mankind?
She said nothing but silently listening to his every word. He continued with same
guilt and cadence of words which was spurting out of his heart. We are betraying,
deserting, cheating, lying, killing, and envying each other for what? We are
fighting, warring, exploiting, ignoring and left them some of us starving for what?
What makes us not human to do those inhuman things? The lords game of nature
is unfathomable. If he cant change us all, then why cant he take us all out of
Unawareness! she said simply after he finished.
What? he asked.
As a human being we are doing only falsehoods, mistakes, and sins in our short
life. Its because we are weak, surrendered ourselves to cheap desires which led us
all to hell which evidently showing that our world is gradually changing to hell.
Life in earth would be called as hell, if it continues. We have completely forgotten
what we are and who we are! Unawareness of life, thats why we are here. Unless
if we couldnt find the answer to the question what is life? we couldnt become a
strong and kind human being and also couldnt found a right path to do a right
things in our life.
He seemed bewildered by her dialogue so she continued, unawareness of what is
life, unaware of what our way of life has to be! As long as we see disparity in each
other, we cant become human being. As long as we see superiority, inferiority,
predilection and prejudice in people, we cant able to think as we belong to each
other. As the legend, I know of, once said, in His (God) game of nature, we have to
complete the circle of life. The centre point of the circle is Gods place; we
couldnt reach that place while we are in life form because its natures grand
design is structuring us to complete the circle of life. On the circle of life, as the
period of evolution of the world life, we are only half way through and now in

crisis section of circle of life. When we finished this crisis period then we would be
able to dwell in the hall of humanity and morality to complete the circle of life.
After then it all comes to an end as we entered into the hall of extinction to reach
him and conclusion of everything until then we are as what we are not supposed to
The lords game of life! he said with an ironical smile.
Mostly why we are as being as is unawareness of what is life. She said assuredly
once again.
What is life? he asked her.
She smiled and remained silent. After the brief time of quietude she asked him,
how am I being your date and service?
You are doing exceptionally great. He praised her.
Tomorrow is the last night for our agreement of seven nights whats next then
for you? she asked him casually.
I dont know. Now I am thirty two year old useless bachelor. In the trailing of my
dream career, I lost my job, my energy, and my five years of work. Now my
money I have saved all these years from work were draining gradually out of my
pocket. My dreams, ambition were shattered in a day they fired me. I really dont
know what I am going to do. I have no idea what I will be. He said with dejection.
Why are you saying like that? You will find another job and continue your dream
career. She said.
You dont understand, continuing my career is impossible. And you have no idea
what my field of work, which is completely different from others. I am thirty two
years old and fired from a job due to the poor performance who will give me job
hereafter and how could I restart over my dream career from the beginning again
is impossible to think. Moreover my age is literally expired to restart my career and
also my economic situation is bad to think of my career again. He said.
What are you talking? she asked him with a surprise look, I am sorry, I am not
deserved to advice you but being pessimistic you are, I have to say one thing to

you because I never expect this from you. If one is really determined, then he
would achieve anything in this world. Nothing is too late. Nothing is too late to
begin anything. Age is not at all a factor for any ambition, if one is determined.
Yes of course, we self doubt ourselves sporadically which would confuse us with
its disposition and hinder our progress but which are common for everyone to self
doubt us. Yet we have to fight it with our self conscious to overcome that obstacle
to make our path towards ambition. Age is not a limitation for any field of work
such as science, sports, academics, politics etc. While we are working towards
ambition, more troubles would arise to stop our progress in terms of economic
problem, family issues, relationship issues, psychological problem and even more,
if we would succumbed to those things, we will be lost forever in the sea of life
and never will be found again even if we try to.
What you are saying is right but success is the evidence for achievement. How
could I get a success without considering the factors which would regulate the
possibilities of attaining my ambition? If we slightly disregard the factors which
needed for success then it would be a great failure. He said.
There is no such thing as failure in our life. Failure is just as delusion as victory.
Failure can be replaced by success and vice versa. Its only our mere thinking that
both are exists with us in our life but its not immanent. Our work is the only thing
that would be an evidence for our achievement neither success nor failure. Look at
the working people of this society, they are not working for success or failure but
working for their work, working for their subsistence, working to build this
society. Not expecting anything from their work but subsistence. Neither success
nor failure. She concluded.
He said nothing but nodded with a genuine smile.
See, its dawning, breaking the dark over the horizon. Its dawn for you as well.
She said.
Its dawn for us as well. He corrected her.
Its beautiful isnt it? she said.
Yes it is. Shall I drop you?


No, I am fine. I can manage.

On time of usual before eleven Oclock she came before his arrival at the hotel
room. She hadnt gone to attend any wealthy customers that day because she didnt
want to dissatisfy him by coming late due to the reason that it was not only a last
night they were going to be together but also she was loving him hence she wanted
to satiate his heart by turning her full attention to him one last night. She had worn
a blue cotton sari which was apt for her dusky complexion. Meanwhile she was
waiting for his arrival; he had parked his motor bike on the parking lot of the hotel,
combed his hair with his fingers to align it by looking over his bikes side mirror,
and then striding towards the hotel room where she was waiting for him. With
soliloquizing the phrases as Will she say yes, will she say yes for my request? as
he nervously carried the small wrapped box which was glistening in his one hand
knocked the door of their staying room. She opened the door straight away.
Hey come in, how was the day? she welcomed him with her usual smile.
Yes. It was good. He replied with beaming smile and asked her with care, How
are you?
Yeah, I am fine, by the by whats that? she noticed his hand.
Its my little gift for you. he gave it to her and said, but do not open now, open it
when I say so.
Okay. She said simply, come on I ordered dinner tonight.
Oh, fine. he said.
She put that small box of his gift over the pillow and moved the small dinner table
near to the bed. Then they sat on the bed as they usually did as previous nights to
eat. When they began to eat the hot dish cooked with piquancy flavor, both of them
assimilated the tastes of the food which brought them the topic of delicious items
of Indian food which lasted for end of their dinner. Then the topic changed to
places they had travelled which made a way to talk about various things of places

they had visited and not visited. Despite he was talking curiously with her, his
mind was nervously waiting for an appropriate moment for his proposal. Then he
said about his works while he was in the field, how he had worked hard for his
dream career and how they had thrashed him out of that organization in no time.
Consequently she started to say about her troubles she had faced while raising her
son and then she said to him that she had been trying to get a job but couldnt find
any however she hadnt give up her job hunting. Their conversation lasted for three
and half hours which ended with the topic of books they had read.
When the little table clock was stroking quarter past four, they stopped talking,
both of them reclined their spine back on the pillow at either side of the bed. The
silence between them affected the room as it affected them. He was immensely
disturbed by the silence, his thoughts were driving him crazy, and he was getting
anxious that if she could say no to his proposal, in spite of that he was fluttering
inside as rejoicing the moment of anxiety. But she was seemed really composed
and calm, staring at the floor with other thoughts in her mind which evidently
would be her melancholia.
The sound of the seconds indicator hand in a clock clicking as at every step
revolving, gentle cold breeze from beach gushing through the windows, and even
he could hear his heart beating sound. After all those things made him impatient,
he couldnt bear the sounds of silence hence he turned to see her after at least five
minutes of silence between them and then he had obstructed the silence by asking
her, so, thats it? he said.
What? she asked as she was disturbed from her series of thoughts.
What are you thinking? he asked.
Nothing! She said, what did you say?
So, thats it? We talked over almost all the things which happened in our life, I
guess, there is none to share each other anything anymore. He tossed her.
Yes, seven nights is enough to share each others she was going to say
feelings but said only things with dull smile.
So, how am I? Good or bad? he tossed another one.

You are the only great person I have ever met, talked, and shared everything in
my life so far. She said genuinely from her heart. Hows my service by the way,
is it satisfactory?
Yes, satiable. You are a wonderful lady, shouldnt have been in this job. You are a
wise woman too. You are a beautiful woman should deserve a good life.
Everyone deserves a better life here! she thought.
She exhibited a dull smile for his praiseworthy words for her and she said, this is
the last night as we agreed for business. Its been a pleasure talking with you. I am
grateful to time of life that I have met you. I will not forget these seven nights in
my life. Since my marriage, I have never felt this much lightness of heart. Thank
you very much for that. And we never know either we will meet in future or not.
Come with me. He suddenly asked her out of impatience.
Sorry, I didnt hear you! she said.
I am asking you to come with me! he said.
Come with you, where?
To lead a life together, he cleared his throat to let out what he wanted to say,
Yes, I want to spend rest of my life with you, with your love, with your
embracement. He said as gently hold her little hand but she drawn her hand out
from his.
Are you out of your mind? Are you aware of what are you asking? she asked him
with surprise.
Yes I know now you can open the gift. As she was slowly unwrapping the
covers of little gift box, he was silently watching her. Her thoughts were crammed
to see whats in that because her thoughts already knew what was in there. When
she had seen the gift, she had been in a completely expected shock.
Its a wedding ring? she said.
Yes, it is. Will you marry me? he asked her truly.


No no whats going on here? Have you gone daft? I cant accept this gift and
I cant accept your proposal. She was infuriated.
Why? Why not? he asked as almost implored her.
Why? You are asking me? she said as tears brimmed in her eyes, stood up from
the bed, went near to the window, sighed and then said, how could you ask me
such a thing? I am a prostitute came to satisfy you you hired me for what to
accompany you for seven nights.
So what, shouldnt I ask you to marry me even if you are a prostitute?
You couldnt ask a passenger to marry you who was accompanying you in a short
journey. She retorted.
Why not, I would ask if I think that person would make me happy.
Whats got into you? she asked him as she was depressed with him.
You got in to me. He said simply.
She said nothing further but leaned towards the window, staring at outside as tears
streaked her face. Once again silence occupied the room. After he had had a
thought for a moment then asked her, you are not accepting me because I am
What? he stroked straight at her heart. How could you think like that? Its not
that. Being as a prostitute for ten years of my life, how could you am I look like a
sexually driven person to you. I have long been allergic to sex. Actually I despise
Then what, cant you trust me? Do you fear that I would betray you?
Not any of that. I just do not love you. she said desperately.
Do you aware that you are not good in lying? You are lying again. He said.
I am not lying. I dont love you. she snapped.


Then why are you sobbing? Why were you watching me yester night while I was
asleep? Do you not contemplate my presence? Why are you looking crestfallen as
time melting away so rapidly in this seventh night we are together? he shrieked.
Yes, I was lying then. She said out of despondency, I love you. I love you but I
cant unite with you. We cant live together.
Why not we live together? I will be a guardian for your son, I can be a good father
and I will love you as he was elucidating.
Stop it, just stop it. No more a word. She interrupted him, I cant be your spouse
or anyones, and I have gone those stages of life that you want me to be now. I
couldnt return to that stage even if I would try to. She expressed a dejected smile
out of grieve and he remained silent for further explanation from her.
I have become impure as hell, desanctified as abhorrent. I am just being as
profane to this society. She was explaining to him about her with a sad smile
evincing from her delicate lips. I have gone too far from the place of life. I was
dead long ago; my body was just an empty vessel ready to leave any moment to
burial ground. I was already cradled in the dirt of filth. And my soul was procured
for perdition for what I had done. Despite that I am repenting enough for what I
had done, and in spite of my soul was procured for perdition, my soul is scorching
in the guilt of ignorance, culpable of sins and mistakes I have done so far.
Yes, he began to try to change her mind, you have made mistakes in your life as
everyone would do such mistakes in their life but why are you exaggerating your
Not everyone, she was irked by his statement, not everyone would commit such
mistakes as I committed.
Okay, fine, not everyone. He said, not anymore of penitence in your life. You
are not impure as you think; your vessel might be desecrated but not your soul.
Adversity builds character as the legends say, for years of predicament made you
as a wonderful person, taken you to the height of mankind. You can lead a peaceful
life with me from now onwards. Lets forget everything and try to enter into new
life which I have faith that I could able to give you.


You call it as a predicament. A pale smile evaded from her face as she began,
you have no idea what I was going through all these years of my deliberate
doings. Every man I have served, every man I was beaten by, every filthy thing I
have done imprinted in my memory as ineffaceable things of tormenting life. I
couldnt forget those things; I couldnt escape from the nightmares I have suffered.
You said adversity, predicament its not those things I went through; its hell,
absolute hell, fully fledged hell, that is the appropriate word for me. And there was
no way back for one who fell in hell. There is no possibility of life again for me.
He couldnt say anything further for her painful memories of hell (I dont want to
say or call it as life). Hence he remained silent for sometime then he said, so,
you do not love me? And you are not going to unite with me?
No, I love you but not as you think. I am infatuated by you and by your greatness.
I am really fond of you but I couldnt share a life with you because there is no life
for me anymore. I love you but not the way as you think not as any kind of
relationship and not even as friendship. She said truly.
Hmmm. An acrid smile passed his lips, I came to you because I wanted to
escape from loneliness which was either intently or not: given by my loved ones
and my beloved friends. Now you are going to do the same, forlorn me as they did.
The seven nights of oblivious of loneliness, seven nights of happiness are going to
end where it started.
We people all are so perplexed about loneliness. Loneliness, we all are thinking
that loneliness is given by our beloved persons either unintentionally or
deliberately by abandoning us temporarily or permanently but its not true.
Loneliness, we have given it to ourselves, not by people, by thinking that everyone
in this world abandoned us; everyone we loved had left us. It was mere illusion we
have created to hide our weakness, incapability, adjusting to justify ourselves to
truth and trying to show ourselves to our self conscious that we are in immense
pain which would affect the normality of us by eschewing from responsibilities,
duties, works and also the purpose of life. We have restricted ourselves in the short
circle by the name of loneliness. She continued.
We people are narrow minded, never able to see vividly and vastly. If we could
able to see this world life freely, broad mindedly, then there would be no such

thing as loneliness. This world is not only hungry for freedom and piece of bread
but also for love. There will be no loneliness for you until the last person in this
world would pass away from you.
Although we despise loneliness, actually we do need loneliness in our life, as it
was essential for self discernment and self finding.
You are wrong. I love you as deeply as I loved my beloved persons but you are
going to give me what nothing but pain of loneliness as they had given me. He
You are so confused, there is no such thing as too much love. Love is just love;
not deep, most, crazy or more of that you people calling. Love is singular as truth.
We think of it and exaggerating as so deep and unforgettable. You cant be too
close to anyone throughout your life; not even with your (dream) life partner, not
even with your (best) friend. Every one of us feels loneliness once in a while in our
short life, its because not we are alone, its because we are feeling that we are
alone. The origin of all painful life is expectation. We always expecting something
from someone thats why we felt loneliness, pains and whatsoever were happening.
Unawareness of there is no such thing as loneliness. Try to love all equally; we
wouldnt feel loneliness because there is always person to love and to be loved.
How could I love all the persons equally? How could I love the strangers?
I was a complete stranger to you seven nights ago but now you said that you are
fallen in love with me. How did this happen? We are not strangers to each other.
We think ourselves as strangers and forgotten that we belong to each other.
Strangers are only strangers until you met them after that you befriended them.
Okay, fine. But how could I love a person who hates me, who despise me, who
ignore me.
Yes, you can, you love them equally even they hate you. You will receive what
you give. If you give love, you will receive love but you give hate, you will receive
hate. Then how could you expect the opposite from others. And moreover you
dont need to go after them, just give your love whoever comes to you.


Youre sayings are idealistic. I dont want to be an idealistic person, just want to
be a simple person.
This is called weakness and flexibilities of human nature. I am not saying
anything idealistic. I am just saying what is being human. Humanity is being
human; loving each other, pray for each others lives and goodness. She was
sincerely elucidating, Being selfish will give neither happiness nor satisfaction in
life. They could be looks like happy in their life but its not true life they are
Finally he had grasped what she had been saying and nodded for apprehension.
If not you, I will not marry anyone in my life? he said.
Its foolish to say such a thing, always love can be replaced by another love. Its
infinite, thats why it still exists. She said with her usual smile.
Thats why you drawn your hand from me earlier when I try to hold your hand.
Am I not deserved to hold your hand at least for now. He asked her despondently.
Then she came near him as he was sitting in the bed, knelt before him, and
returned the wedding ring back to him as she grabbed his right hand and made his
left hand to enclose it then her left hand to surround it over. Afterwards she held
her head up to see his eyes and said with her usual smile, you will find your life
partner who is suitable for you and who will make you happy. I am really grateful
for the time of life which made us meet.
So I am . . . too grateful that we have met. He said.
But never hire a promiscuous woman again. She said and both of them smiled.
Remember this always; if you are not balancing everything in life; what you love
today, you will hate that tomorrow, what you hate today, you will love that
tomorrow. Its the lifes harsh reality. You either accept or neglect but its the truth
of life. She said as released the hands of each other then she got up from the floor
and unzipped her suitcase which was on the tall table near little clock. She had got
a little package from it and zipped the suitcase close. Subsequently she went near
to him, gave the package to him as he was still sitting on the bed received it
without asking anything and then asked her, what is it?

Its your balance money you gave to me on first night for hotel fee and for my
service, which I paid only for hotel room. She said.
What about your sons treatment? he asked her eagerly.
I have managed it other way. Dont worry he returned back to home, hes fine
now. She said.
You shouldnt have to return it to me. He said.
I know but I have to return it because these seven nights made a change in me too
and I am also satisfied with your company so its mutual. She said.
He said nothing but returned a smile to her. Then she said, and thank you fo r cast
out the seven demons from me as Jesus banished it all from Magdalene.
No, I thank you for casting out the seven demons from me. Both of them smiled.
When she was ready to leave the hotel room after the little embracement for each
other, she carried her roller suitcase, went out of the room, stopped at the doorway
by his voice, and she turned to look him in the eye as he was standing near the bed.
Hey. His voice stopped her and he asked her, you were said that you are loving
me but not the way as I think, not the way as any sort of relationship, not even as
friendship then in which way youre loving me?
She smiled a goddess smile and said softly, fellowship.
He returned the true smile thence she disappeared. Although she was left the hotel,
he couldnt leave the room. He had ruminated for a moment what she said about
everything and what had he assimilated from her. After some time of intense
consideration, he was ready to leave the room after he had dig in the wedding ring
in his pocket and the money she had return back to him. As he was thinking,
slowly walking out of the hotel room towards parking lot.
What she said was absolute truth yet my mind doesnt accept all she said. Is this
called human weakness? For what reason, she said to me, what you love today, you
will hate that tomorrow, what you hate today, you will love that tomorrow. Its life
harsh reality. It was suitable for all the things, non things and also for people; if our
life hasnt balanced. I went astray by eschewing from responsibilities, duties,

works and caring my mother because I was believe in delusional pain. Always love
can be replace by another love. There is no such thing as love failure or loneliness
in this world; both are hallucination of our own. What part of this nature belongs to
us? What part of you belongs to me? None! We all are belonging to this nature.
That is the truth stand alone forever. Life is meaningless only when we are not
working our work. Realizing that tomorrow might be our last day, we wouldnt
hurt anyone. Expectation is the main cause of all the problems we are facing. She
was absolute truth in everything she said. No one will come with me throughout
my life, if I give preferential love to people. Only when Life with love is called as
heaven, as the famous quote say. Patience is the basic thing for all beginnings. He
had started his motor bike, and riding towards home with a last thought to finish
this story, Nothing is constant in this world except the truth of nature.




Not everyone would get a friend like Hephaestion, Karnan, Joshua Speed and more. Not
everyone would get a unique life partner as which they had wished for. Not everyone
would get a life as which they had desired for. Yet we are living, how is it possible t hat
we are sustaining by without those three important things of life? Its because we have to
live for living. It sounds pessimistic but its not. The pursuit of happiness is the most
important part of our living. Yet not everyone would get happiness in all their life
because they run after money which would make unconscious of value of life. Our work
will get us everything. Faith in ours will make us great. The story I told revolves around
two peoples mistakes and their strong beliefs. I wanted to remind the readers again from
that; expectation is the main cause of pain, expecting even love from someone is wrong
which would tend to cause the hate in our heart. Love is givable, not getable. Any form of
relationship will not stand if there is a presence of expectation, I can give you the double
assurance for that. Next thing I wanted to convey to the readers through that story is; in
mistakes, there is no small or big; mistake is mistake which would affect our life and
people who around us if we couldnt care about others or disregard them by our selfish
decision. Lastly unawareness of life; what part of this nature really belongs to us? None!
World life is contradiction though yet simple. So confusing isnt right? Or so simple isnt
it? Life has many definitions as we given for our flexibilities however life has only one
definition which would give the real meaning of life. That is called the awareness of life.
If we would have known that, we would be out of confusion from everything. I couldnt
say what it is, if I say, it would not take effect on you, so find it yourself. I can give you
the hint. Its a matter of spiritual and universal. I came back to the beginning again
without friend, life partner, and life we have desired or dreamt. Still we are living without
those important things. How is it possible? Can anyone say? I will say the small story,
and then you can answer from that, If the world has destroyed but you are the only one
alive. You will have to strive to live your life to complete your purpose of life.
Remember this always; if you are not balancing everything; what you love today, you
will hate that tomorrow, what you hate today, you will love that tomorrow. Its the lifes
harsh reality. You either accept or neglect but its the truth of life.
But what is life? I am just kidding. Thank you for reading this story. If I said anything
which hurt anyones feelings please kindly forgive me. This is my last story friends.
Have a nice day.


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