The Ant and The Grasshopper

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The Ant And The Grasshopper.

In a field one summers day a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and
singing to its hearts content. An ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear
of corn he was taking to the nest.
Why not come and chat with me, said the grasshopper, instead of toiling and
moiling in that way?
I am helping to lay up food for the winter, said the ant, and recommend you to
do the same.
Why bother about winter? said the grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at
present. The Ant went on its way and continued its toil.
When the winter came the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger while it saw the
ants distributing, every day, corn and grain from the stores they had collected in
the summer.

Generic structure Contoh Narrative Text Fable

1. Orientation: First information of the participants inside the story. From the story
about ant and grasshopper below, we see the orientation as:
In a field one summers day a Grasshopper was hopping about. An Ant passed by
2. Complication: What happens next among the participants of the story. This phase
introduce a problem existing between or among the participants. From the example
of narrative below, we see the complication is:
"Why bother about winter? said the Grasshopper; we have got plenty of food at
present. But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.
3. Resolution: The way a writer ends his story plot. It can be successful ending or
failure one which leads to sad ending story. From the story about ant and
grasshopper, we see the writer give the ending as follow:
When the winter came the Grasshopper found itself dying of hunger

Arti Cerita Semut dan Belalang.

Di suatu lapangan, saat musim panas, seekor belalang melompat girang, berkicau
dan bernyanyi sesuka hatinya. Sementara seekeor semut sedang lewat, sambil
mambawa bongkahan biji jagung membawahnya dengan kerja kerasa ke sarangnya.
"Mengapa kamu tidak disini saja sambil ngobrol denganku," kata Belalang, "dari
pada lalulalang kerja keras begitu??"
"Aku bekerja untuk mengumpulkan makanan buat musim dingin nanti," kata
semut itu, "dan memeberikan contoh padamu supaya kamu juga mengumpulkan
makanan juga seperti aku."
"Kenapa aku harus repot-repot tentang musim dingin" kata Belalang; "Kita sudah
mendapat banyak makanan saat ini." Meski begitu semut tetap melanjutkan dan
terus kerja keras.
Ketika musim dingin datang, belalang itupun mati kelaparan, sementara si semut
mendistribusikan jagung dan gandum setiap hari dari toko mereka yang sudah
dikumpulkan di musim panas yang lalu.


: Ahmad Nur Misbah Khoiruddin


: IX-A

No. Absen : 04

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