Theo 122 Study Guide I

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Author of the Book of Acts - Luke

The prologue of the Book of Acts book dedicated to Theophilus
Relationship between the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts both dedicated to
Theophilus. Jesus is life, and Jesus is alive. Continuation of Luke. To resurrection and
Proof that Jesus was really risen from the dead Luke was a physician, he would be able
to tell whether Jesus was truly alive. Acts 1:4, Jesus was eating. Signs of life.
Ascension of Jesus 40 days after resurrection, 10 days before Pentecost
Pentecost traditional festival, originally feast of the first fruits in anticipation of the
whole crop. People were to bring the first fruits to temple in Jerusalem as offering to
God, think of coconut/olive oil: first press extra virgin. By 2nd century BC, it changed
focus to celebrate the covenant renewal of Israel & inclusion of the nations. This change
happens due to change in the economy/business. Used to be agriculture. People came in
from different places.
Jewish Diaspora (or Dispersion) Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the world. Disciples were
speaking in different languages, perfect moment as diaspora just entered in due to the
Celebration of first fruits initially when Israel was heavily agricultural, theyd bring in
the first fruits during pentacost.
Peters sermon on Pentecost day 3,000 people repented and was baptized. Peter
denied Christ 3x, but now he brought 3,000 people to Christ
Peters reference to the Book of Joel in his sermon Joel has prophesied that people will
speak in wonders. (Acts 2:14-22)
Dynamis Greek word for power. Dynamite -> explosion, exploding power of the Holy
Spread of the Gospel from Jerusalem, to Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the world
The healing of the crippled beggar crippled man in the Beautiful gate, there is ugliness.
Contrasts between the temple leadersip system that didnt do anything for the beggar.
The apostles healed the beggar. This threatens the temple leadership position
The way early Christians lived in Jerusalem
Distribution of food and money in early church Choosing of the seven deacons 7 men to do food and money distribution so that the
apostles could focus on ministry. Takes care of money, poor of the church, and root of
elections of deacon
Philip in Samaria Acts 8:4-8 preached, due to persecution they were scattered
northward. An encounter between Holy spirit and evil spirit. There are confrontations
between them
The conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch eunoch bound to serve Queen, castrated.
Suffer for financial gains. Serve as a reminder to parents to not castrate their children.
Gospel is for all. He became baptized. inclusiveness
Martyrdom of Stephen full of holy spirit, believed that Jesus is God. Pharisees didnt like
it because they didnt see Jesus as God but man. See it as heresy so death by stoning.
Baptism of Cornelius Roman centurion form the Italian regime, feared God and prayed
regularly. He is a Gentile.
Cornelius personal background
Peters vision about the sheet with unclean animals
Saul (later named Paul) and his background born in the city of Tarsus, from Benjamin
super jewish, cosely knitted with his identity, trained as a pharisee, hated Christians.
Studied under Gamaliel, a famous rabbi, big name teacher, signs of privilege and elite

status. Wanted to kill more Christians after Stephen. Asked to go to Damascus where
Christians find refuge so that he can drag them down to Jerusalem to kill and persecute
Conversion of Paul on the way to Damascus, he had a vision in whch Jesus asked why
he persecutes him.
Pauls missionary journeys
Pauls letter structure
Pauls letter to the Romans he knews a lot of people in Rome. He planned to go to
Rome on the way to Spain.
Amanuensis word for secretary, Tertius is Pauls amanuensis
The main message of Romans the good news of the Gospel is deliverance from sin. Sin
is a universal problem. The problem of sin with its guilt and corruption (1:18-25) can only
be remedied by justification and sanctification. Comparison between Adam and Christ
(ch. 3) demonstrates that all people sin in Adam and salvation only comes through Christ
(the second Adam). The end of the Letter to the Romans shows that as justified people
of God, we are called to serve him and to live according to his will. In short, the structure
of Roman is: sin salvation service.
The structure of Pauls letter to the Romans introduction has:
1. Paul as the sender. Writes name first to establish authority
2. Description of self a servant of Christ and an apostle
3. Summary of doctrine shorter form of a longer description hell eventually expand
4. Recipients: all in Roman church
5. Description of recipient loved by God and called to be saints (holy people)
6. Grace and peace
Pauls comparison of the first Adam and second Adam in Romans 1st Adam ate fruit,
causes sin. Everybody is sinful. 2nd Adam (Jesus) remedy, brings justification for sin.
Pauls theology of justification Paul directly talked about sin, and that Gods angry
because of all human wickedness. All has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Christ is the cure/remeedy. His righteousness justifies, and made it right.
The city of Corinth located on a narrow isthmus between Aegean Sea and the Adratic
Sea. Had theaters, temples, shrines and altars to different gods. There were many
sacred prostitutes devoted to the goddess of love: Aphrodite.
Issues in 1 Corinthians immorality, disunity, marriage and divorce, food dedicated to
the Lords Supper the rich would have too much and get drunk, the poor wouldnt
receive anything. Paul told them to eat at home and see the supper as a chance to
commune together not to eat
, speaking in tongues, love and spiritual gifts, resurrection
Divisions that happen in Corinth
Meat sacrificed to idols in Corinth technically okay since impossible to find meats that
hasnt been sacrificed to idols, just dont cause people to stumble.
Speaking in tongues in worship people struggle to understand. Someone needs to be
able to interpret, if nobody can interpret, there is no purpose or benefit from it.
Pauls defense of his Apostolicity in 2 Corinthians he was in Macedonia, he had a lot of
life threatening situations
Judaizing controversy in Galatians
North Galatian and South Galatian theory
Paul opposing Peter in the letter of Galatians

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