Analysis of Remote Sensed Data Using Different Image Processing Algorithms Applied To Agriculture Yield Optimization Model: A Case Study of Bareilly Region

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Analysis of Remote Sensed Data using Different Image

Processing Algorithms applied to Agriculture Yield
Optimization Model: A Case Study of Bareilly Region
Hari Kumar Singh*, Dr. Shiv Kumar Tomar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
I.E.T., M.J.P.Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (India)*,
This paper is focused on analysis of Data in the form of Images received from Remote Sensing
techniques, which integrates Spatial and Spectral feature of the considered objects related to the
area of image processing of satellite. The Remote Sensing data in the form of multispectral image
is used for the objects to extract their spectral signature in Bareilly region to perform land cover
classification utilization the different algorithms to analyze the features of a multi spectral image
which is used for analysis of climate upon the surface. Land cover classification is done effectively
using some specific band combinations of remote sensed data. FCC (False Colour Composite) may
be taken of objects under classification to interpret Land cover spatial distribution, like
agriculture land, rural/urban area, roads, water resources. This data after classification may be
used for municipal management & planning. Optimization yield of cultivated area/ land by
calculating the vegetation from remote sensed data is the objective which may be used for long
Index Terms : Remote sensing, Neural Networks, Wavelet Transform, Wavelet, Multi-spectral Images and


The application of remotely sensed data has been found increasing in recent years with more advanced
sensors like LISS, PAN WIFS being deployed on India remote sensing satellites. They collect a reliable
data about the land-based objects with synoptic view of large area at a time, which is not possible from
conventional survey methods. The digital data requires further interpretation by using digital image
processing technique.
In India with increasing population there is a greater need for developing an information base for
effective and faster management of agriculture system. It requires to characterize the agriculture
productivity its monitoring and control while considering the environmental condition and cost
effectiveness with changing technologies Although scientists are engaged in using the remote sensing
data applications in agriculture system, yet the efforts are not adequate [1-3].
Wei Z Hang and Shucheng Yon[11] has outlined the deficiencies in the conventional remote sensing
technique as compared to radar remote sensing in that the conventional technique uses passive sensors
whereas the radar remote sensing technique makes use of active sensors. He has emphasized more
application of multispectral digital data using digital image processing technique.
Meyer in 1999 told that each parcel situated upon Earth surface is a unique one in respect of the object
on it. Land cover & Land use are different techniques whereas their characteristics are related to each
other upon the surface of Earth. They may be used upon land for agriculture, grazing, logging, urban
development, mining etc. Land cover technique is used for forest, cropland, pasture, wetland, urban area,
roads etc. Initially Land cover technique was used vegetation like- grass and/ or forest, nowadays it is
used for several applications like- soil type, human structures, ground & surface water, biodiversity etc.
[Mayer 1999, 1995]
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Land use is affected by changes in land cover as well as land cover is affected by land use. It is not
necessary that the change in anyone would serve as product for the other one. Land cover may be change
as a result of Land use but it is not designated as the wastage of land. Sometimes, land cover changes
takes place due to several changes/ shifting in land use due to social regions affects several processes
affecting biosphere and climate like- radiation & water budget, biodiversity, trace gas emission etc.
[Riebsame, Meyer, and Turner, 1994]
Xiaomei Y, and Rong Qing L.Q.Y in 1999 told that for update the maps related to land cover and for
natural resource management, this change related information is necessary. The source of this
information may be remote sensed data extraction or ground site visits.
The identification in difference of the state of a phenomenon or object by observation them at several
time intervals is known as Change detection [Singh, 1989]. In Change detection we can perform
quantitative analysis for populations spatial distribution; hence it may be effectively used for urban
development, managing & monitoring the natural resources.
Shosheng and Kutiel in 1994 established that the techniques of remote sensing are advantageous for
vegetation cover details in a region, in respect to surveys in fields. Their research results were utilized to
form four maps related to vegetation coverage which further utilized to gather new information of
temporal and spatial distribution related to vegetation in the related area and enabled the vegetation
cover assessment quantitatively in the region.
Arvind C. Pandy and M. S. Nathawat in 2006 perform a study based on mapping of land cover and land
use in Ambala, Panchkula and Yamunanager districts in Haryana, India. Their study recall that different
type of land cover land use developments takes place in those districts due to heterogeneous
physiographic & climate conditions, maximum of the area of these districts is used for the purpose of
agriculture as revealed by digital analysis evaluation performed upon remote sensed data received by
satellite. In hilly areas, considerable reserved forests development took place. The controlling of land
cover land use pattern is done in these areas by the factors like- ground water potential, climate
conditions, other factors etc. [16]
The Satellite Data Image, arranged from NRSA (National Remote Sensing Agency, Space Department,
Government of India) integrates Spatial & Spectral features of objects related to satellite image
processing. In this work, spectral signature are extracted for several objects in Bareilly region with the
use of remote sensing data in multispectral form, for objectives like- the classification of land cover,
change in land use in time frame, analysis of climate impact upon surface through temporal analysis
[6,28]. In our study we achieve following objectives:
(i)Multi spectral image analysis in different bend.
(ii) To determine NDVIs threshold value for the object under classification from survey data done at
(iii) To create False Colour composite image of the objects under classification like- structures,
vegetation, free land, roads and water.
(iv) Calculation of transformed image using DWT.
(v) Calculation of transformed image using DCT.
(vi) Calculation of comparative chart for different algorithms of digital image processing.
(vii) Analyzed different data for yield optimization.
(viii) Mathematical modelling for optimized yield.
In Remote Sensing we extract information related to an object by the analysis of data of object sensed
remotely. There are three parts in it, First is Targets- Phenomena or object related to an area; Second is
Data Acquisition- with the use of some instruments; Third is Data Analysis- performed using some
devices. Remote sensing includes several systems including- sonar sounding in sea; vision system like
human eye; medical science applications as x-ray and ultrasound; atmospheric particles laser probing.
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

The size of target may be of any range starting from biological cell to planets like earth, moon etc. This
process is described as follows [1].

Figure. 1. Remote Sensing (Flows of Energy and Information)

The instruments related to remote sensing may be placed at several platforms for imaging and view
targets. The platform may be ground based, aircraft based or satellite based like todays. There are several
characteristics having unique features with satellites hence they are very useful in the applications of
remote sensing for the surface of the Earth. [2, 24, 27]
It is the new branch of Artificial Intelligence and also known as Neural Networks. In Artificial Neural
Network human brain simulation is done through electronics or software. Human brain has the
properties to analysis the complex patterns containing several elements. These patterns cannot fully
describe about the total pattern but with combination they represent objects which may be recognized.

Figure 2. A Neural Network Model

The concept of Artificial Neural Network is derived from human brain as human brain performs in
different way as of todays computers. This method is inspired from biology and will be widely used in
future for computing as it relives the programmer from making algorithms and long programs.
Artificial Neural Network is computational or mathematical model which is used to simulate functional or
structural aspect of neural network as in biology. ANN includes a group of artificial neurons having
interconnections and it executes the information with the use of connection oriented method for
computation [16].
The CWT (Continuous Wavelet Transform) may be calculated using the following equation. In this
equation x(t) represents analyzed signal, (t) represents the basic function also known as mother
wavelet. Mother wavelet is used to derive all wavelet functions which are used in this transformation,
using translation like- scaling or shifting.
wt ( ,s ) =1/(s)x(t).((t- )/s)dt
36 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Mother wavelet, which is used for generation of all basic functions, is carefully designed such that it is
depended upon functions desired characteristics. Translation parameter is related to wavelet
functions location and shifted with the signal. Hence it is related to the time related information in
wavelet transform [8].
The DCT (Discrete cosine transform) is used to convert a signal into its components of elementary
frequency. Image compression is a major application of it. DCT is computed of function as follows. The
DCT is a close relative of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The one-dimensional DCT is useful in
processing one-dimensional signals such as speech waveforms. For analysis of two-dimensional (2D)
signals such as images, we need a 2D version of the Discrete Cosine Transform.
The DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) is used to separate an image into spectral sub bands having
different values in respect to visual quality of image. DCT may be compared to DFT (Discrete Fourier
Transform) as it is used for transformation from spatial to frequency domain [20].

Fig. 3. Transformation of image from the spatial domain to the frequency domain.
It is possible to monitor vegetation density by means of a measure or index [18][19][20]. This measure,
or vegetation index, makes use of the difference in spectral reflection of green vegetation in the near
infrared (NIR) and the red parts of the spectrum (RED). The reflectance is recorded as digital numbers in
the various bands or channels of satellite sensors.
The term Vegetation is related to plant life in any area and is used for coverage of ground by plants which
are normally available everywhere in the biosphere. Vegetation term refers to the wide area on the
spatial scale covered by plantation. The NDVI is calculated from these individual measurements as
Here NIR stand for near infrared and RED stands for red regions measurements of spectral reflectance.
Spectral reflectance may be defined as the ratio of reflected to incoming radiation respective to spectral
band. The value of NDVI may be between the range starting from -1 to +1. Because of high reflectance in
NIR portion of the EMS, healthy vegetation is represented by NDVI values between 0.1 and 1[24].
Focus of our study is on regions in the vicinity of Ramganga River, which belongs to the Bareilly district
in India. Bareilly is a large and prosperous city of Uttar Pradesh. It has a population of almost 1.2 million
people. Bareilly is a city in Bareilly district in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.
District Bareilly is locked in India at northern region and on 2810N, 7823E position. Bareilly has
Eastern boarders of Shahjahanpur and Pilibhit, Western boarder of Rampur, Northern boarder of Udham
Singh Nagar (UK) and Southern boarder of Badaun. It is situated at the Ramganga rivers bank and this
district passes through seven rivers. It is situated 100km north of the lower Himalayan range.
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Figure 4. Multi Spectral Image from LISS 4 MX sensor of Bareilly Region

To analyze of the multi spectral image, we have employed different Image Processing algorithms like
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT), Discrete Cosine Transforms
(DCT) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) to generate False Color Composite related to
multi spectral image or to emphasize some of the features of the image that may be the particular regions
or pixels of the image.
1. Analysis of The Multi Spectral Image Using ANN
Step 1 :-For Assembling the Training Data we have received the image of the Bareilly Ramganga region as
shown in the figure 4 and by using the Data Cursor tool in the MATLAB we have obtained the R-G-B
components of the pixels which best represent the different features of the image like the River & Water
Bodies, the Concrete Structures, the Roads and the Vegetation. Thus we obtained R-G-B values of almost
100 pixels and these values may be moulded to form a 3X100 matrix.
R: 120 128 131 136 142 151 169 172..
G: 059 049 051 081 052 104 096 074..
B: 056 052 060 076 058 096 087 089..
Matrix of Input Pixels
R: 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 ..
G: 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0..
B: 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.8 0 0.8 0.0 0.0..
Matrix of Target FCC
Step 2:- To Create the Network Object we define the network and specify its features like no. of neurons,
rangee of the values of the input neurons, no. of layers etc. and specify the input and target matrices. In
target matrix, there is a particular color for the particular feature to generate the FCC.
Step 3:-Simulate the Network Response for Whole the Image, The obtained function representing the
relation between the input and the target, we are ready to generate a resulting matrix corresponding to
the final FCC of the given image. But, before we simulate the image with the help of given network of
neurons, we are to convert the 3-dimensional matrix of dimensions 512 X 512 X 3 corresponding to the
multi spectral image into a 3-dimensional matrix of dimensions 3 X 512X512 i.e. 3 X 262144.Now this
converted form of the multi spectral image applied to neural network for the simulation.

Figure 5. FCC Image of the Multi Spectral image

2. Analysis of the Multi Spectral Image Using DWT

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Step 1:- In the very first step we receive the multispectral image and convert it into the grayscale image
as in figure7a to apply the DWT algorithm on the image.

Figure 6. (a) Grayscale Image (b) Averaged Component

Step 2:- After we have got the grayscale image, we apply the averaging and differencing algorithm of the
discrete wavelet transform on the multi spectral image and analyze the averaged component of this
multispectral image, as shown in the figure 6b.
This Averaged component of the image is considered as the original image and the DWT algorithm is
again applied on this averaged component. Among the resulting components the averaged component is
again analyzed. This process of calculating DWT is repeated four to five times and each averaged
component is analyzed for the presence of the pixels representing the corresponding features.
Step 3:- Now as we have obtained the fifth averaged component of the multi spectral image, the inverse
process is to be undergone. In this process of calculating inverse DWT, the four resulting components of
the input image are considered to be the input of the inverse filter.
After we apply the four components averaged, vertical, horizontal and diagonal, we get the earlier
averaged component of the image. And after repeating this inverse filtering process what we get as the
result is the original multi spectral image.
Step 4:- Now, we finalize our study by analyzing all the averaged components and try to check out the
features of the multispectral image. What turned out to be our result of the DWT analysis is that shown in
the figure.
3. Analysis Of The Multi Spectral Image Using (DCT)
Step 1:- In the very first step we receive the multispectral image and convert it into the grayscale image.
Step 2:- After achieving gray scale image, we apply the DCT algorithm on this grayscale image and get the
DCT coefficients of the multi spectral image, shown in the figure8.

Figure7. DCT Coefficients Image and Compressed matrix

Figure 8. Compressed Images

Step 3:- Now, that we have obtained the DCT coefficient matrix, we can go for scaling these coefficients,
and can get a smaller matrix as shown here under.
Step 4:- If we desire to get the original image back from the coefficients, the inverse DCT algorithm will be
employed. Here if the image containing all the coefficients is used then what we get as result is the
uncompressed all the same original grayscale image. But if we use the smaller coefficients matrix then we
get a compressed grayscale image of the original image which is given herein figure.

39 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

The analysis of this compressed image shows that the pixels representing the vegetations in the multi
spectral image are not as clear, but the pixels representing the water bodies and the concrete structure
are quite revealing.
4. Analysis of The Multi Spectral Image Using NDVI
Step 1:- Colour image received by us has the components known as RGB where R stands for near Infrared
band, G stands for Red band and B stands for Green band.
Step 2:-After getting the images of the different bands now our aim is to find out the NDVI values of the
given image NDVI = (NIR RED) / (NIR + RED) By using the MATLAB we got the NDVI values of each
pixel and finally we got image as shown in the figure. The values of NDVI are in the range of -1 to +1.For
making the image we have converted this range to 0 to 200; as NDVI image value = (NDVI value +1)*100;

Figure 9. NDVI image

Figure 10. False Color Composite of Multi Spectral Image

Step 3;-Construction of the false color composite

5. Accuracy and comparisons of results
Here is a table giving an approximate analysis of all these four algorithms and there results:


Pixels of

Pixels of


Table 1. Results of Various Algorithms

Pixels of

Figure 11. Comparison chart

6. Results Calculated From ANN Resultant Image

The area covered by vegetation is = 15487171.24 m2
The area covered by river and water bodies is = 268720.93 m2
The area covered by roads is = 685743.26 m2
The area covered by concrete structures is = 6012563.18 m2
Total area of Bareilly region under our study= 22429278.72 m2
Vegetation = 69.04%
River and water bodies = 1.19%
Roads and streets = 3.05%
Concrete structures = 26.80%
Once we have obtained the vegetation further the vegetation land is to be classified to cultivated land
used for farming and other no farming land. This farming land provides us one of the very useful data for
mathematical model for optimizing yield and for precision modeling.
Here we are trying to predict most favorable combination of input for certain region of hectare of land.
This result as a reference is useful to increase the productivity of land. Though many of the agriculture
model was given by many researchers like- Lowenberg De Doer in 1999 involved in evaluation of the
potential of precision farming for production risk management related to crops of agronomy. EarthScan
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Architectural ModelAt the heart of EarthScan is the Tierra Station, a data warehousing and distribution
software suite developed by Photon Research Associates, Inc. of San Diego, California. Soil moisture
model A model to compute soil moisture was developed using the ESTAR microwave radiometer. Wei Z
Hang and Shuheng Yon system for sensors and Michael Rashet Model etc.

Figure12. System Model to determine agriculture yield

1. Yield Monitoring for precision Farming
Spatial monitoring related to crop yield is deemed initialization for the crop management at a Site level. A
Crop management system having precision value may be developed with the combination of data of crop
yield with images, topographic map and soil map. For determination of yield for individual field or whole
farms, a method known as collect & weight is been used by the farmers for several years. But for last
some years farmers started using yield monitors with electronic systems which are more advanced
methods for yield measurements. These yield monitors not only monitors but also records the yield for
harvested crops. These yield monitoring systems includes the sensors related to- grain moisture, grain
flow, ground speed and display console and a switch with header position. Combination of the data
received by the yield monitor with the each data point location may be used for producing the desired
yield map.
2. Modeling parameters
There are fifteen types of input parameters are used in our agriculture system model, which are Man
Power, Type of Land, Total amount of fertilizer, Pesticides needed, Seed amount, Irrigation needed,
Technology, Temperature, Relative humidity of land, Solar energy, Wind, pH of land, Fencing, Rainfall and
Quality of minerals.
By varying above parameters at different values we achieve the optimized yield and different graphs can
be obtained with respect to yield vs parameters.
3. Graphical Analysis of Yield For Various Input Parameters
A. Man Power
Graph between man power Vs yield is given below. From this graph we can analyze that man power
reached at its peak when we used 90unit of it and after that it decreases and then constant. So if we used
90 unit man powers then we will get maximum yield.
B. Land
Graph between land type Vs yield is given below. Because of three types of land is available:
(1)- Fertilizer land
(2)- Medium fertilizer land
(3)- Less fertilizer land
So as graph shows if here we used fertilizer land then we will get maximum yield
C. Fertilizers
Graph between fertilizer Vs yield is given below. As graph shows if we used 250kg fertilizer per hectare,
then we will get maximum yield. And if we used less or more fertilizer then we cannot get such result
D. Pesticides
Graph between man Pesticides Vs yield is given below. Pesticides are used to reduce the effect of disease
produce by insects. If we used 2liter of it then our yield will we maximum.
E. Seed

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Graph between Seed amount Vs yield is given below. As graph show after 100 kg it is constant, mean that
if we used seed more than 100 kg, then that will us wastages because yield will not increased. We will get
maximum yield if we used 100kg of seed.
F. Irrigation
Irrigation or water supply is needed for the growth of plants as well as is necessary for canopy leaf area
development. Unbalanced value of moisture (high or low) may results in leaf expansion or cell
progressive declination which may result in low level of green leaf duration and leaf area which further
results as declination in yield potential and accumulation of total dry matter. Graph between Irrigation Vs
yield is given below. As graph shows if we 20 unit of irrigation then we will get maximum yield.
G. Technology
It is very important parameter which type of technology you are using. Yield max. if used T=20.
H. Temperature
This is one of the important parameters. Adequate temperature is necessary for the proper growth of
crops. Yield will be maximum if temperature is 20 degree Celsius.
I. Relative Humidity
This term may be defined as the ratio of value of moisture in air to saturation capacity of air at some
specific temperature. The value of Relative Humidity of 40-60% found suitable for most of the crop
J. Solar radiations
Solar radiation is an affecting factor for crops in post harvest, harvest or germination state. Radiations in
visible range have importance for plants photosynthesis reaction. Radiations, which are active for
photosynthesis in the range from 4000 to 7000, are required for crop production.
K. Wind velocity
Wind in moving condition is necessary as it provides heat, moisture and fresh CO2 needed for
photosynthesis reaction. The value of Wind velocity between 4 to 6 km/hrs is required for crops.
L. pH Value
pH value of soil is also responsible for crop growth. Neutral soils having pH value equal to 7.0 are best
suitable for crop growth. But soils having lower value are not suitable for crop growth as they are acidic
and high toxic with Al and Fe.
M. Fencing
Proper fencing is required in order to prevent the crop from animals. If fencing is not proper then crop
production will decrease.
N. Rainfall
Rainfall is necessary for better quality of crop growth and production. Crop yield is maximum if rainfall
is even.
O. Minerals
The quantity of minerals is quite necessary in the soil. Mineral content increases the productivity.

y= -12mn+5375
Graph between Man Power Vs Yield

y= -100L+4802
Graph between Type of Land Vs Yield

42 | 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved

y= -1.55fr+4647
Graph between Fertilizer Vs Yield

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

y= -200p+4682
Graph between Pesticides Vs yield

y= -24tech+4742
Graph between Technology Vs Yield

y= -4s+4682
Graph between Seed amount Vs Yield

y= -16.58temp+4754
Graph between Temp. vs yield

y= -12.60irr+4458
Graph between Irrigation Vs Yield

y= -24rh+5498
Graph between rel. humidity vs yield

y= -1600rad+5143
Graphs between radiation vs yield

y= -200velo+5322
Graph of wind velocity vs yield

y= 25ph+4382
Graph between pH vs yield

y= -50f+4532
Graph between fencing vs yield

y= .977rain+1.022
Graph between rainfall vs yield

y= -50m+4532
Graph between minerals vs yield

Figure 13. Graphical Analysis of Yield For Various Input Parameters

Optimized graph
The final graph that indicate the effect of all the parameters on the yield is shown below.

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

Figure 14. Graph between modeling parameters vs yield

Adding above equations and solving for the optimize equation

The above equation is the approx. optimized equation.

Where a= Man power; b=Land; c=Fertilizers; d=Pesticides; e=Seeds; f=Irrigation; g=Technology;
h=Temperature; i=Relative humidity; j=Solar radiation; k=Wind velocity; l=pH; m=Fencing; n=Rainfall;
Now, substituting the optimized value of all the modeling parameters
We have. Y= 4060.489
This is the maximum yield obtained from graphs.
But the value of maximum yield obtained from optimized value is: Y=4482
Hence the percentage error ={(4060.489-4482)/4482}*100 = + -9.4%
Here Remote sensing data received from NRSA (National Remote Sensing Agency, India) is analyzed for
the assessment of vegetation related to our City. Our basic aim was to find the vegetation area from
multi-spectral image by ANN method and then calculate the maximum yield of that area through
We have found:
Total vegetation pixels = 108956 pixels
Area covered by one pixel = 2200 square meter
So Total vegetation area = 108956*2200 = 239703200 square meter = 23970.32 Hectare
Maximum Yield per Hectare = 4482Kg or 44 Quintal
So Total yield = 23970.32*44 = 1054694.08Quintal = 10546940.8 Ton
As we can see, any nation/region may be modeled related to production of any crop using these methods
which may be helpful for decision makers or researchers for making an understanding of the extent and
status related to field & crop management, soils and climate. Method used for the analysis of the
productivity of Land has a lot of advantage to improve the productivity of Land of certain region by
adopting certain combination of Inputs and suitable Technology for that Land. The Bareilly regions have
sandy soil all around in the region.
In this Research work we demonstrate Remote Sensing ability related to capturing the spatial data
through remote sensing. If we examine the results obtained from the four algorithms applied on the
multispectral image, it is found that there are different pixels obtained by different algorithms. The ANN
method has all the very good results for all the four features presented here in the multispectral image
and almost all the pixels are trained in compare to DCT, DWT and NDVI. With the use of hyper spectral
images & much higher resolution with the use of satellites; all above errors of classification may be
omitted, hence government of India will have to launch the satellites having such capabilities in coming
Above mentioned calculation of crop yield prediction model is for Bareilly Region it may slightly vary for
other region. The calculated yield and actual yield may differ significantly because this model is based
upon normal climate condition.
The crop yield may be forecasted with the use of the model developed in this paper as this paper
represents promising results.
Crop yield prediction may vary due to several other local regions like- human activity, diseases or pets.
This may limit seriously in methods related to forecasting for any denomination. But use of ANN in our
model reduces the chance of affecting forecast due to pets or diseases, which affect the vegetation
directly. These methods of prediction related to the yield of crops are expected for best result of
prediction as they have lower value of residual with the comparison to the data of history.

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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September - 2015. ISSN 2348 4853, Impact Factor 1.317

The data providers from Remote Sensing are visualizing the agriculture industry as largest market. The
sensors used in Remote Sensing receive data from reflected energy from soil or plant surface. The
technology of Remote Sensing uses the physics of very complicated level. Here, operators of farming
become dependent upon precision farming consultants and professional engineers for processing of
remote sensed data (in raw form) into information of use for making decisions related to farming
management. The Remote Sensing technology has abundance for measuring the variability in soil and
plants. We have also the lace of information related to the variability of condition of plants and this
variability is to be managed for improving the production of crops. The restriction in the development of
management decision support systems for precision farming is nothing but the lack of knowledge.
Precision farming includes Remote Sensing as one component only. Indian agriculture industry needed
the development of Precision Farming as profitable and practical management tool.
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